: * • - : -j’- : .' ' ‘S • . ■'i’';.SisJli: I I * V: \ :’V ' " •!> :;••••>•:• •*. -t.l ;«J4 4?;. j i- ■ i» •.w.)g_^;.5.;5 , ;--!;Sri>;->.:. »"* ?<£&&;&*.-;•!•••’&•• ' •. iilKi. i«t*i *» pil»i ! !'** flffc' &<&&«****« i&pwßi If:.*} Jfffeiilfli •-.-^V.v'-vV'iv&l ■:s■ ;*y. ;;•‘JJ’.rf.'■*••■* f ’• -v« »;•'•'*•''• rnmnit^m >'.?».,♦ «*,*■ •'•:•*v,vvv-« •:! j.*i ;jiv. -u:'- |'r' K thcAA.: ■ ! •TOEBDA‘T MORNOtO, FBB. StntegT ol_ Yrei»om- - diversity L tu foor JUgU** doilioi, ood foot Honoin-wMi onljoboot I holf tb» popul»tl«».' ; :Ts.rf ennui A. MOO. MoOoo* wu nmnUd W Mta FWWP*. •» Dll' o ®* oa U.L ***** *">+ V» *m ' ,• • ■',- " ! T.. 9uiMi» H** OU ° U ' utl.lutwMk,Uktof ta •.•nit*. • IS IT: Everything relating to these novel and .; formidable vessels of war is astonishing? j 1 The first—tto Monitor—proved to tob weak when the deck, or covering shell, j Attached io the hull; the pounding of the j “overhang" upon the water in a gale off.l Gape Hatteras, proved too much for the fastenings; they gave way, and the vessel went down. This seems to have been the only defect, and Is being remedied, or rather prevented, in all the others. The CatskiU and Sangamon are both having additional strength imparted to the sections. Those which reached Hilton Head have, : been well tested, and now the countrym*y 1 feel a good degree of,'confidence that the sea l going Qualities of the Monitors are snbh that [here will be no moje'foundering. The new western lndianola No. 2, armed with launch guns, U to-be gin her operations On -the Cumberland. Wsstbex Associated Pbsbs.— Tho Direc tors ol the Western Associated Press held n meeting in Cincinnati, on Thursday Inst. ‘There Were present Messrs. JCuatt, of the St. tools Republican; Walks*, of the Detroit Free Press; Riddle, o( the Pittsbnrgh Ga- I sette i ; Blobs, of the Indianapolis Sentinel; Osboes, of the Louisville Journal; and Suits, of the Cincinnati Gssette. Included in business transacted wap a resolutieri In favor of a reduction by Congress of the duty on foreign paper and rags. The meeting, after disposing of tho business lor ; which it was called together, adjourned, to meet at the call of the president. Th» Boua Cooar of laviatioino* «• BOW reeeiTing Uitlmony. They examined some'wltnsisel In Loalsrille, and are now in Cincinnati. _ _ • Jlow General Hooker Got into Ike Service. We find tho following interesting story about General Hooker in the Chicago Tr i- “ When the war broke oat, Get Hooker, then in California, oame post-haste to Washington to offer hie eerrioee to the gov ernment. General Scott wae at the bead of the military affaire of theoottntryj and between that old gentleman and General Hooker was a feud dating back to the Mexican war, hence, as everything relating to the army was referred to Scott, Hooker waa suffered to apply in rain lor even a regimental oommand. Disgusted and mad, he made his preparations to return to the ! Paoifio coast, and waa about to start, whan the first battle of Bull Hun was fought. There was nothing in that to encourage j so he went up to the White House, as the last thing before leaving, to call on the President, whom he had never seen. He was introduced by some mistake of -his friend as Captain Hooker, and the follow -1 inu was tha conversation that ensued: I “ Hooker. —‘ Mr. President, I waa intro duced to you as CBpiain Hooker.. lam or whs Lieutenant-Colonel Hooker of the regu lar army. When this-war began, 1 was at home in California, and hastened to make 1 a tender of my eervices to the Government, i but my relation to General Scott or some other impediment stands in the way, and t see no chance of making my military knowledge and experience useful. I am about to return, but before going 1 waa anxious to pay my respeots to you, and to express my wishes for your personal wel fare and for your success in putting down this infernal rebellion. And 1 want, while lam at it, to say one thing more: 1 was at BuU Hun the other day, Mr. President, and it is no vanity or boasting in me to B%y that X am a sight better general than you, sir, had on that field 1' * ‘The President, in repeating thisßpeech, savß that he looked at the speaker to see what manner of a man he waa who made eucha boast. “ His eye was steady and Clear, his manner not half so confident as his words, and altogether he had the air of a man of sense and.intelligence who thor oughly believed in himself, and who would at least try to make his words good. I was (impressed with him, and rising out of my ! chair walked up to him, ahd putting, my 'hand on his shoulder said, colonel, not Lieutenant Colonel Hooker, stay. I have nse for you, and a regiment for you to command. . . . “He did stay. Tho promised regiment I was put under his orders, and from it he was soon promoted to a brigade, and thence to a Major General's place; in command or "“‘ln every position in which he has been put,’ says Mr. Lincoln, Klen. Hooker has eoualled the expectations whioh his self confidence excited. As a Colonel, as a Brigadier and as a Major General he has done exceedingly well, and should he be i ever eaUed to command this army, 1 have no doubt he would acquit himself as gal lantlv as any man in the country. - , “That’s the way thßt Gen. Hooker got into the service. In Washington, Mr. Lincoln’s partiality for him is no secret. When it was determined to remova Mc- Clellan, the head of the 1 Fits John Porter now. the question of suocessoiship was both important and embarrassing. The President's inoUnations and preferences pointed to “Fighting Joe'f as the man; and he yielded them to the representations pi Gen. Hallcok and others With great reluc tance, and, as is said with Becret forebod ings of what was to follow.’ *he Mbnitdt£ General Ilooker’s Staff. The following ere the officere on Genera 1 1 Hooker’s etaff: — I Mai. Gen. Butterfield, Chief of Staff.. I Brig,-Gen. 8. Williams, Assistant Adju-1 taht-General. ■ I LieuL-Colf James Dickineon, Aseietant I i Adjutant-General. , .1 1 Brig.-Gea. James A. Hardie, Judge Ad. j meets General- • I Brig.-Gen. Henry J. Hunt, Chief of Ar-1 tU ßr?g.-Gen. M. R. Patrick, Protost Ifer ,hCol. Rufus Ingalls, Chief QiWmaster. I Lteut-CoL F. Myers, Deputy Chief Quar- I term &b ter. . I Col. H. P. Clark, Chief Commissary . Burgeon Jonn. Lottermann, Medioal 1A- I ”<3apt- Samuel T. Cushing, Chief Signal I Officer. , ' * ' , I Lieut. D. W. Flaglee, Chief Ordnenne . I Officer.. L | Mejoy W. Ha Lawrence, Aid-de-camp.; i j CapL Alexander Moore, Aid-de-Camp, f j CapL Henry Hob sell, Aid-de-Camp. Judos Ludlovt received a fitting rebuke (tom the Grand Jury of Philadelphia.; It vill be remembered . that "this butternut Judge attempted to use the Grand Jury in aiding him in hie own treasonable sympa thies, by ordering that the Grand Jury ahonld take some immediate actiou in re t ferenoe to the arrest of the notorious.qon nerbesd, Boileau, of ;the Evening Journal. The Grand Jury did act, but not as theibut ternut Judge anticipated. The Jury Staled the facts of the ease, quoted the treasonable . articles from the Journal, expressed thexr] high regard (or the, National and State | Governments, and then left the inference, broad and plain, that the entire jury ap proved of the arreStcf the traitor Boileau. Boinuch for butternut Ludlow’s attempt to arnst the course of juatioe in the case of one of his affinities in treason. —Marritourg ' j ‘ , s■ ■ MAG lE—-On Stud*? excele,; February let, IBCI, (j, itt tbb fliUl year of-hM r Hlefooenl wlll take place on Toxebar UTBIWIi et 1 o'clock, Prom hie taiereeMence, Ho. 3) Hlfbrt. : i KaMILTOH-Oa Header. .Febroary.MrlMV ehecUr ol typhoid lexer, FOBXFU ÜbOhfc, nil of fleoite t . eod Hadeeeeh BeoUtoo, IsitoUih of nil !(«• I Funeral from the teeldene* ot the parent*, Ho. IX9 I Ftan street, on Tcmdat, 84 ln*t, at 8 o’etock p. m. ».•■*- «io^r,e>ar^ij^ iMSSaBSKSSKWSpB® S ® WEEK AND las) lec- . TUBE. ._ r Womanhood and Female Perfection, Prof. O. 8. fo> CONCERT HALL Feb. 4th,»t 7J^«’cto*k» 'wto men OHLT.-tar Stagte viniiiioo 25 cents. WEDjitSBAY AFTEBNOOB.oI 3 o’clock. WTO UDIU OMI.T ”«• FrofaialoDal Examln.tLna at tba ST. CHARLES IQTKL bdt a tea day. I n«ar. irS»JtEMCAKTILE LI BRAKY ABBO fIIATION LKCTDKVB RALPH WALDO'EMERSON WilldellTer . Uctd.a batata tba Yoonj cuitll. Library Aatodatlon, and tb. i nbllc pner Tuesday Evening, Feb. 9, 1863, I AT CONCERT HAI .L. CKKTS-to to to ho b gl'l“B tho “ reliable OB arts, Which or* th. key ood the guide to 0 *occ«.M “iilTtoOM' ore cre*drt.™‘r,doy,ood wm. boy deliy ju-t OHB day too lou to ho hoaoßtud hy hi* bOIKNXiriU ADVICE * BJtJT K STJTEJITR*TS' DANK OP PITTSBURGH.^ j FirnauftOß, feb. 2, 1863. Lomu, Bllb and , I’SS 00 Halted State* la»h... Beal Batata and Ground 8ent...~.~ “'g* at Stocks and Ml-ceUantoa *> Du® by other Bu>)u.*.-—ipi'cer to Bonklioteoi Check* A Two y Note*. JW,«B “ Specie - _ . $2,969,3*1 23 liabilities. CcplUl Block-.- .. -7' M . Profits and Earnings..*.. 4- r *'*•%* ' Cnpkld Dlridond. cud StupcMO Act « Due to other Banks..~..—— 47 hM CO cClrcuUUtm 1,663.046 64 Deptti 22 Exchange bank of I’i'rTSß'GH. FrnnctQßi Feb. 2, 1863. ,Ii 3S'.SS» Real Estate— o»w 5 42 Gold and BH*er Coin , asttsssal.wsi?s: ®!»g B:tSSXK?r=== I'ii, I Pennsylvania Bonds. ■■ ■■" "■"***?*'*** A'r’nnG m Checks, and Notes of other Bank.- «.Jg f Dueby other Banks _ 8^06293 .. ...v. 920,000 00 Capital Stock 1.785.780 00 Circulation-# —~ 480i888 33 Contingent Fund and Earn Inga 87 $5,489,941 40 janrm-l ÜBr. MERCHANTS’ AND HANOT AC TBBEBS’ bank. .1.400,621 90 3tf7 ao 27,310 74 Qapital Stock, Circulation.....— Dae Depo*itor*~— — Due other Bank* iMMimd DiKOmU SI S NJ«."Si'chKlu oi'Ml»rßiiiki !“'SS ?* Doe by olher Banks-.....-—..—•**—**~ irt'«vy> on (Vimtnanwealth of Penn a Loan——. * o. S. GoTernmcnt 35 TieHSr. iutemmt Xiolijsct «od Uae to tb. beat <,fm]Fta>owledg.«ndtallri. n DJ!SKYi Cbier. ' 8«om Kid mUcribed lifero mo tblo M ilojr ol .-- "ci W. H. WHITNEY, Hour? Public- . MECHANICS' BANK OF PITTS BOBGD Prm*c*au, Feb. 2, 1863. liabilities. Circulation.-™..--- »»“■>“ £ Doe to other Banka —— I! Dos to -Depositon ~ -- s ® 7 » ls ® 48 assets. Loans, Bills and Discount*. 51 'tlt’S 5 Due by other Banks 7 —♦•••••• 2l2 ’* 63 t 7 Treasury Not*a and Not«and Checks on other Banks. m Specie in Vaults— 71 -° 7a ot , 81.914 713 40 m.. >boTe statement is correct, to the best of my GEO. V-™*™***' /CITIZENS’ BANK. . . 1/ PiTTSBOTon, Teh. 2, 18(3. i &T* “ dl)Uc ° m “ l "—" S U. Tender Hotel-. WJ“ j» ; US. 6 per cent. 80nd5..... *—* JJJ'J**' jJJ U. S. 1 year Ce-tlflcates, (6 per cent. W,OOO 00 , Deposit with C. a Treasurer,4tf ct. SOO.iOD 00 Note* and Checks of ether Banks-.. B2 Dus from Banka and Bankers.—.... 21«, SW 51 Capital Stock-- 25’25 “ * 230,231 26 DoaW Banja and Bankftia..... 5““®“ Th» abote statement Is correct to the best of my LMIRI{ANt A „ ,unt Cwhler. Affirmed before me this 2d day of *•&•» '*s®*., H. S. DA v 18, MotAry Public. jron city bank! PinnpMH, Feb. 2,186 S. | cnui stock --JKS Lous and Discounts ri — ““ JJJ m U. 8 and Pa. Benda k CeitlOcatca... 367,100 TO DepOalted tn O- 8. finb-Tieasury 00 Doibr other Banka.., 165 041 13 Note* and Checkeof other Bank* and United Staten Treasury Notea.— 69 4 090 00 Doe to other Banka. .Jl’f, 1 ! 2 Doe to Depositors - . ... Xho aboTfl tUtemant is correct *cecrdlng to the bMt of bit knovltdn 1111) billtt #ww ° 7 j. MAGOrriS, Cashier. Afflnced onto before me this tUjr. . Aauu *~ w. H* WHITNKX, KoUi7 Public. Allegheny bank. Pirrocnon, Feb. 2, W 63. | Capital Stock •ffgfg Laana and DUcoanta ...——•••* •-«.«! JJ Hue by other baakM —— X j <». g.BecnriiUe .............. I Vi'SJ 2 Note* and Checka of otbor Bank# Treaeory Noteeaud Legal lewder— JJ | Circulation-.,.. —.. *—j #I JSS 2! Duo to other Bankp - **s2 Si I Due to Depoeltora———4~~— *09,734 3fl I The abate atatement U correct according to the knowledge ~d B .°n, M*> KoUrj Pnbllc. PUBLIC JUOTICUS. NOTlCE,—Alleob en.Ru»as Co*p*kt —An Kieatloa lor Piei* ident. Blase, «n and Uffloeia. of the i Company 'lor ! erecting a Bridge oter the A l«|b*ny Hirer, oppoelte PitUbortb, In the Ooonty of Allegheny, aillieheld at tbeTAL BOoSX,atthe eonth end of the Bridge, on MOND AY, the 3d day of Barcb n.xt, at the hour I Or fcMot* P " m * WBL BJBBBPB9, Treaanrer. PimecMß, It. Wat» * Q»iOabo KAibWAT Co.,} ■mrtSKASM s (TS»THB ANNUAL MEETING of the wSr Stock and Bondholder* »f this Coapanj, for the election of Pireeton and tachotberbaeloeM *• nay com# be for* It will be held at **>» OFFICI 0* SAIB OOMFAHV. In the C»T of Pitmborgb. oa the FOURTH WBDHKBDAX Of FEBRUARY, Stock end Bond Tnuufer Book* of the Com* puy, at their oßce fa the City et FUtoburgb. nod at their Tramelir Agency la the City °J ork, will bed Med ©a the loth PAT Or FBBBUABY, and remain closed until the 28th OF FABBUAHi thereafter. W. H. BABMRS.Secretary. 1*38; tfcM ■ • • . Orncaarm Pmwvui lmuoaecs Coutact,} -.; . Oarner Market and Water iWH*. > . ffttotarf&,/e«.884, IMLI nr rrs*THß ANNUAL ELECTION FOB IW BXTBHTUH DIBIUTOBB of Ihle Oom. b 5S5d n WHIHABI, Omci Auubot Vailit Ccu» 1 i T ,rs*n! ACCORDANCE! WITH AN AOT OF ASSEMBLY In nUttoß to ,*b» time of boldlsv the Ansnel Klee'ton of <*• Alle gheny VAllay BeUre*l Oompeay, ihe IBtocJU Wm* «.e hereby ntlM that ft'.PSKvmS eer« tor ibeenaing yew wti' , n of th* in the-Oit» of PttoUn g » TOKBDAT. Febrnerr *4th, 1*63, et 10 o dock o, >.b. «*. iw. ~ ra^-aag* u ny-BUiAUMiUAM ÜBBuSIT UO.-- Iw' Ttas Annul UnctUra ot ““fS 2 this Coupeny. eerre far one J^** I** 1 ** ** lh the TUMDAY*Yeb.SJ, IM3. btiween the h««r. o( 3«d » o'd-ci J- a § r Bnoß , cyM.r. Blralmlaa, Jen. lT«h, 1883 *4 jrS“ALI,&UJiISN¥ LiITJW)i.L-t.Ulv, "S' Oornee of Ltne ck nod J-onJiukl*'^*' 1 * Tho Tenth-Annuel tte-lon t»gh>« ™ Tottioa Feb. Sd. end end' June CTtli. Betee of Toltioo thy DBAKKV PLAhTATIOH BirTUßd. Thoj portlj, etrengthen and bielgu •«- They create a healthy appetite. Th-y ate on. aodldol. to dr«nre of «*t” “ d 1 Theyoaeroeßireffecti of dUalpathn ,nd , ,1" Ib.f atreaglhon tba ijatom and an Han “•“'“‘J' They preteat mleametie ard ltiterniittent , They partly tba breath and oddity of ‘he atomach. They cora Dyepeprle and Conatlpation. „ h They cnra Dla.rbaa, Cholera and Cbolera Motb ra. They cere Ur r Complaint and Sa.rotia neadacbe- Tb«V are tba beat Bitten U the world T!Mr tba weak man atrong, and are “'“’bated groat reatoter. They are made of pore St. Ctolx Sum.tr. celebrated Oalliaja bark, rota and barb., and are Ulan with rha plee.u a tf a beaaraga, wtt-t out re.ard to age or tlLacf d.y. p *' ,1 „ u ‘’ r ' p 'T commanded to delicate partoua irqolnog a gentle stimulant Sold b, a 1 firorer-, r,rhtrg'.n. borela, and Baloono. P. B. DBAB.E i 00.. 101 Brorfway, N.wTorg. fa3.m»a_ JTJSMT Jl» rSXTttACr FROM A LETTER ON . U TBS BATTLE FIELD. Thta battle (Antletam) baa bran tba moat eangui nary of tba war, and tba only oca fought with Tielble dealgn and upon military principle The arrange ment af onrootpa—tba CTerloollng pooltionol the commanding General-the eendlng Into aatien the right and tba left dlrblona—tte cloilog up of the centra, and Onal autcna-axc toe bewildering adi ration, and carrie. tho mind to tba great Heidi of AtufcrllU and Wagram.fongbt by Napoleon. Of all thta bare ! apelan. Tba lead Malory of ruch a con- flict, pure head by tho Ufa and blood of twenty Ihon- id men, muit be fonn 1 in the ho*pilala. War bi It, glorlea-lrat It ha. 1U hn thonaand d.mon. In there Unman tortnrea, that make tlo o>a.b.lta aebt —lhr heart bleed—lb- lipa'palay, and the brain rati. The eight la at fleet poaltivoly unendurable. The lift -blood of tame ia atlU trickling away in ailent ■ bile the diUMvered limbs and m« brain of other, gire rleo to aon-rd. Ood grant I may rot again wltueea But jo mothers who bare aeek a son—or wires bnab&nd—or al tar. a broth, r-or Mn. a falhi know and la conaoled that ..an here the hand ol tercy 1. waUhtnl, and batt r care la bedew, d npon yoarlor.d one. than mlgbt al flrat Ham pcalbl Jt waa in lb. h-apUal, where rotted the gi Honker, that I learned the htotoryiof there my third- rorda ao oitan area and ao 111110 undarelood. “S. T. -ISG»—X." Anything ell.elating lha .offering, nd raring tba Ural ol onr aoldlora, la a national blowing. 1 withered eome aatonhhlng reaulte from $3 t 4fc9,94l H> tbit Article. It U well knawti th. effact of burnt ganpo.d. and ekcltamant It tblra', wklob added to the lota blood In tba wounded, create* tba noeoalty of a rarirlng atlmtlant. In thta particular bcwpltal. the phi alclana ware allowing tb Ir patient, lo drink FUttatlon Blttrre, olharwira culled S T. 1860—X, „, a edthough tba wounded are moat newton. be. tble dirUlan barlog opened the flgbt at 6 in Ihr morning—tba men were moetly compOeed, and Ibrre are rery little feinting. Tba article acta upon the itrmach and rterrre In a meet Inremprebentlbl. leaner, auparlor to bran'y and wllbcol anbaeqnent atnpe r ylng reaction. It originated In the Wi at In dlea, compoeed ol the celebrated Calhaya Berk, Boot., Bertw, ic ,aU prtaerred In St. Crola Bum—the 8. T. —lB6b—X being a recret Ingredient, not yet rereal ed to the pnbtlo It ia prloclpaUy recommend. 1 for want ol appetite, dlaordotod Urer, Intermittent etomechtc dlfflcnltlee, tic. I rndenlend II ru umnU known in the Southern Unite P”” 1 to the or, nod It eppeere »n ngent 61 Jeffineon D.tU recently npplled to llie pro;rl«ton for thej prixlleg. to meke It tor hoepltnl porpoww during the wer, to which they mode the folljwlng re.lj: 1 Jgnt c/, etc. Dann Sin—ln reply to yonr oommnn cell log u " Xiflj ihonnnd doll«n for 4h» redio *o4 I right to nuke the Plantation Blttore for roar hoapU tel pnrpo.ee dnrlng the wer," we beg to eef, yon* price lie liberal one, coneiderlng It wonlil coet ni nothing to comply. end tbel otberwiee eo cen derlti no rerenne from the Sonthern PteUe; bnt.lr, oof dntieeto on- Opremrnen'.endour Ideea ot conale. tenry, would not.nl ow ne to entertain It, nlthoegh It might pleeee on to aaenngetbe autferinga of your mhgnlded folloeeie. We remain, I Tart respectfully > crain, l p. H. DBAKK * 00. There gentlmn.n giro the hl.tory ol eertalnln.l gredientn ol their erll.le lor oxer two hondnd year. I —thowing thnt through .11 changM of th* medial I profeaelcn nnd lie prectltlonire, etrenglh, mmpoinr,, I end cheerlnlnara hem b «n chrlrld loom tb«. eonroen. Dr. Wood., In the Wellington Ho.pl tela, lntormed me thnt one petleht wm fat alnklng end j ernny, nnd bed not elepten hour for Iwoweeka.uatll the Plnntntloa Blttore cemo to hi. knowledge, whjen I one dey'e trlnl gnre him e nlgbfe ' wt, end he w» I now felt recovering. I nm rarprttod onr OoTefn- I ment lue not ~tmll.d'je«erion Dnrie In energy.fid adopted thli Innlonble artld, In .11 our hoepltfa. 1 The Week eoldlere ding to It liken brother. Ae n Uj mrabor, lo.nbir wlfm» » 1* “i oai *• i„«I!ord. wd U(. U«n 1 eTcr triad. Bmow to tbi PUnuUm Bllt.ii. ■ Bit I bio dlpeaud. lomf nratlilulln*** | |feSlm«odia4ia pRIIPOSALS~FOB 20,W0 BA.RKOL3 sJ' « l-lui «1 •>>. 10. H Di^pr wpniftnvi»M »t 12 o'clock to t lor (nrsbhlDg SSSfiSK-'SiSwt with 80,0 O» h«x.[. Of SSSfSSrS'i .h. IWI.OJJ of lod.U .2r.LV OoTornmen* 00, d caHomw*. r * x r fe3:» TTORHBBI HOUSESI -Tbefcg, lukrt. sgtssssksa u ht J tr)oM jun. Bootb«r*o*0“ i *1 HAOAB or »• |P. Mo. or *“> B “ l,h ‘^; , A r r T “’ PUtibnnh, Ft i__i: fl't) iK'l'—Ttue» Hoorn* cbMittlporpow. Apply M*g* oinf i B 0 boOIC. • fe&tf i —— 1 TunrpLA* JJUiidfßrtatebJ JTJEir J o IISEOHANTO iJSD £ATOJV, WACKUin & CO., Kot. 17 and 19 Fifth Street. Jotter. »d ntauU of TEIMMING3, rMBEOI DEBUSI HOSfIST, GLOVES, HOOP RIBBO3S. lElfidt OOLItiB^ SHIBTB and DBAWEB&WOOM® *&££& Jsn BIAS. 80ABF8, llPßlil AHI> BHETLAEI) WOOL; The. KHTPnSO YABBB,o&ha«d and to ixttvo* Our stock was purchased baton tte taat snotad vancoln ortcee, and noftrmf cm ASD OOUKTET KE&OHAIIT&, lOXiU* NKBB* PEDDLKBB, aW «D who buy to mU again* H. h.Aa obotoe of Staple r>ry Goods, At ml*. OOS&UOT OP LIFE. ESQLI-H TBAITS. 11-BCELLAHIKS. BBPBESEHTATIYE MEN. XTOUCei TO OWiNi£KB OF UKiftS i\ HACK 4 *, Ac.—Hotk* fa hereby girta to all owner* of Drsye, Carts, Gsrriages, Boggles, «*• \ whether resident or noa-resiCent in ty OHjr oi I Pittsburgh, to p*y their License* at the Treasurer • Office of the City of Pittsburgh* forth A»1 M« cn*ei not paid on or before MAY Ifttb, 1863, will bs- Disced in tbs bands of tbe Chief of Police, for col* lection, subject to bis fee of to cents for tbe eolleo- j tion tbereot, and all tertona who neglect or; inose to tafce out Licensee will be subject to a penalty * to'l e recovered before the Mayor, double the amount of tbe Lfoenie. Tbe old metal platee of previous years must be returned at tbe time Uomwmm® ' OQt » or pay 85 cents therefor. W. EIOBBAOM, j Qlty Treaiarer. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—By vir-, toe of aa Order oflh# Orphans’ Court of Boetwr Couotj, the subscriber will expoee *£. SALK, on the premise*. on the *fi»B BA.T OF FM BUABY, 1*63, at 11 O'clock a m , about 113 AOttlW 0# LAN!), part of the real eetateef Jam* Bhhrp* decM, eltnate in Darlington township. Bwrrreoon* t*. pm.; adjoining lands of Joseph iharp and oihers. A boat 80 ecris cleared, with two-sUrj stone hoose. log barn, frame stable, Ac., thereon. Theabore premises ere aitnated one.half mile west ; Uacten or Mew tH’Ue# Station, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne A Chicago Bailrosd. , .. rpn i.kT—Tha oomiaodiQUfl threfrßtory X BUILDING on Libeity,eppo.ita ThLd«tr»h containing fourteen room*. Tbe Walng **“ •mc Icny penoni. , The booie it wall adapted for boa e APptyt ° J. Mod, caosaig. IB BOLKIKQ YISW OB BTIBBOBOOPWOOII A.) PA.UATU3, with either Keroene OIL tha On* 4c.du or the Ox-Hydrogen Llrfhtt, bj which plo. tufe* can be thrown on a icreen and mafnlfled to i ellher 6, l\ 16, !tO, *6 or 80 leet in diaeeter, accord ing to the kin of jtbe room. Been* in America awl Europe, ptctnreaiof jUcee, Incident* and battue « the present rtbdllon, in great Tariety, tor the abore I Instrument*, made by .. ~~ i T JAMES U. QUEtH k 00» |' Maautocturing Optician*, i fit* Cheatnnt etr. ei, Philadelphia. Pa. Iwyiilaetraiad Oataieaoee cent free. jamim 1863. A Urgß and complet® waortmwrt of mw and ekcant 1v I IsTES. [ military Comte t'alentines, The UrgMt and beet mmorimtni In tb* city, pnt np la $5, *lO, $l5, $2O. and'liO lota, tor deafen, or In Urge qoutitlw. A liberal dfecoant to the trade. -ear Bend your order* to Xtv Tost, Jan. lClh, 1832. •V by J, W. PITTOCK, i OPPOSITE THE POST Of fWE.- 1 -lAK'i'E IMS VIOITiBS, Tbeilereeet eeeortaient f» If® Wf .t 01 prctelo.it KEHASD WOMEH. QEHIBALS, AOTOES AMD AOTBEBBXB. ENOHAVISOS. Amoug them oen be fcqnd Oerteo of tic lew Mejor WABD. Occu 0. F. JACK SOB en« Col. BAM. BLACK* TlilT BOOK ttXURK,! Ho. 118 Wood Stieet. A freoh MPPU of FHOTOOBAPH ALBUMS Jact icctred end fje wl® c* g»w®Sf rcßcccß prfwi.; .‘UK—SO bbu- reimi aSi* h- oomsi WALDO KMBKeOIi'b WBITIKGS. KAY A 00- 65 Wood ttweti 1863, VALIfiMLNKB. iLSO, TBS HBW MOW BXADT; JOHN P. BUNT, Mjjonio Hall, Fifth Strist. ALUmJLNKCi FOK 1863. N*W, EiOT, BPIOT, BPABKUEQ. XU atjrlaa and pricaa. Th« Urgaat aaortiuot la lb* Wm( ABo, topic, of BTATOABT, PAIBTIBOq ASD PITTOCK’S, OPPOem THB FOB* OFFICE. FAMILY, POCKET AMD PEW BIBLES, And HIfITOBIOAL WOMB; tar A OOBTLT GIFT, worth from SO cente to |UO, OIYES WITH EACH. 1U WOOD BTEIKI»i wen A eon——-"^rs —“—•*’“ A ClAee. TbIDKR 4 CLARK, COHHISBIOH MRRCHAHTB, PETBOLBBOM ASD ITBPBODUCTB, 61 BBOAD STB JUT, Bm York, WBOlo Agent, of the HEW TOBK PABAT FIME CAMPLE 00. l QLOSIKUUUTFAI.LAJNU Win i Boot*, 81ioes and Gama, To mmko room for Spring Good*; JJcao g«oda !*■■ thou *o*t. G*U toon nnd **c»r* » »i**ln « BOBLABO’S, 88 Ktflut atmt, • Mcwd daor from Itflb. X—186 i I DBAIVS PIiASTATIOK iBITTSM. Tbey parity, atren.then Mid Invigorate. They createahealthy appetite.; ; ’ ! They are an aotWete to change of waty and diet They orercome effect! of dUUpaMohand Utetoan. Theyatiemtben the a) item afcd enliven the a nd. They prevent nlaamatte and intermittens i Tlier tariff the breath acd add-tyof tbeatoaach. They core Cjapepeia and Ooastlpettoni . - They care Dtdrtben, Cholera and»ho era Horbna. They core Liter Oomplalat aodjiWYMt* Haadocbe. I Vordale by * tJIMUH JUHRBTOSi • j»3t! Oorner Foartb *nd SaUhfleld, atreeta. mo COUNTRY DKALEK& BOOTS, BBO*S ASD GDHB; P4BKS&'HriiAIB *BLT fiOLIS I BAJiTLSTI’S BbAGKiHC; | At the lowest Ktftern prfoea, at; BOELAAD’S CHEAP CASH STOKE, CLKeCUPut*, OMCKKb' UOUKLfi TI*W 01dAuKB» MJO&0800PXB 808 > • - Ontieiana. ' i - 924 Cheatnw street, fhuad< Jphia. rUlostrated and plead Caulogneeaeatliee. 11:1a v-’ • JostieMiwduid for ««le, ‘ ‘ 60 TOBB B*l*6 HAT, ‘ -■ coiync * m*so*, jjjlYE AND EAB, pV'TT.T.'FOLLY TREATED which th«y *» «&* DR. JO3STES, OF NEW YORK, Who b oowpracticim, with U* °* n ** good ■nee**** ai iha : '.v ST. CHARMS HOT Eli, potsbxtbgi Whr. h. »IU »«*. onUl FBjMUBT «i»» CROSS RTI3 nude per'ect.. . j! in ooe piiant*; OiTABAtH operated folly; TCMOBB remoT*d] from the lytind B*. , DM* OHABSB4 OF TH* BAB eared; OPAOW 188 Of Tfi B \ XTI reoioTed; ABTIPX* CUAL STBS Inserted, to move ud appear natnrmJ, wllhoot p*ln; ißTltl* OIAL *AB DBDMB Introduced, Improre the hearing launediaUlj. All dlfficolt ac 4 delicate dleeet— of both e«ee treated without the cm of unpleuant rear edit*. Dr. JONI 3 being well tenet In the moit Impmal truthod. «r th. MIDIOAfc AND SDB (JIOAL TBIATHIST Of DIgKASIB. wmOd xk j th* ,Eiicl*i U stf* Mm »trim!, ml *>t *l»lr bonellt wonld lubmlt the following .'l Si he oontd aotienre me. i^‘>,l£?2ndfc^l , • fjPSfJSuff-X' fS* «. deal I now t«r. .nil *' r - ; I l‘ > " »t The afflicted can eee»»t »«• 1> •»? “ | King * Oo*'a Btcia, during burin« togju Bt. i l Plttabur*h, Jan. *7 to. On* of n y ha» been •fSS' wlSepthnili tor tourj*«fc I it£ with all the pntended Ije oetor, J“ bargVMd Ticlnlty, end they made Dr/Jonee has beloed mj ejoien mnch epd mtOTed ,«m MDtnl health to • perfection; aid ■* ntll4 ana KJuit in hi. imllM thot U SomT Tbo offilctod nood lunw bi^wssffiS,; Both of OJ .J« T-" “I 1 • Dr ‘ J°n ferttxjoon. Br.Jonet opeioted upon ltlolt Morcb h» porftctly mtond ”>TJ}£'ioH*l MB,' Market itreet* Harriiburg, Pa. TbU lady Be tba wife of 3heo. *«Btoeflcfr a ptom» | ioent cldien of Barriaborf. I have been bard of bearing—with rfnglnf, crack Ink. and all Hade el noiee In »f head—far fifteen rift® The ekillfol Dr J«e* baa reetored mj hear fftad hud trouble torn, bead- XebeerfoUy recommend him to tbe effllrtidaa a tfS* 1 ” U -to* bygg-^-jf« la TS yean. jubrartaif State Senate. Harrfebarg, March, IBM. i I from llu B«e ForiH«* 14,1800. J S£S£ SSSrtKSrtii* Goalie; ;»• ocuiirt and anrlflt now pncttdnf bu bad *aa adrantajea whlck Pxofcvor JanatbM had. ; [from Bom* Qtcrgt Somoni, U . 0. <&*••*•*••] TfiS s^tsas^SFHSS om.pt Uuniwt natotfWu «I «tb^eo»dd.nc.tbwjoumrt»*rofj«gsro. ; i-— tol . Ymn »ralr, I. o*o. SiisUßyi ""“i l * 3 ; /United Statee Oonsalate. kin ■»« nM 61 deafteea end affections of thf.M ?l fK.Toh«n«A. jtortouicaMd. W.buT.i«nan[Mtlllriulaj« to wtaced by hltf whicbgiTee BO pMß,mdwMwtb» diitinAuUfcei from the nmtorw .orgsa. We b*T» KiSrtSibartliroriMi. H.wlll hiiuinO' * rjTiiflfHoe Gemcftiie, fViffimmi ” :*• **V “» wo *‘ I bin bM. Mind btftmj«n with AjnuaiMjta. I wo. praaoaaetd lncnr»bl. by cmr doctort, after tbij bod bllitend rtij^W* l n f» u * ehld, °* l P S i “kidm», mdbulther.dm.np 111 «rerj». J.A»» b«bml oonalud Or. Joml. MjoobUMum la him uu very hJgh«fet : I found him to beajoang SSKTIf Smardbmrj. ««*““* S ‘«5 §t2aund«hla treatment eixioontha. I «n new | reed flue print. X eia fifty-nine jean old. Dr. jStf heec««dme. Thedocuwnhncoaldnbicure ar^^^ssKSpftnKS^- I “*• I'ottrrflU, BchnjlklU coonlj, Po. I I bar. t«» bard of bowlaifcr •!»“>*“ “IJ™**!; 11plomd mji.llundtr tb.ear.of I vuTii fcn dan aiOi vho cored ids In 40 bvUI. X. 1 (boto&JOUOi Mfip la TX jeea. -Bj eyee were I SSiSSirldtherx «mld not attend to my proles- I iton without the use Of three different gteaeei • Dr. 1 josce has fitted me with one pair which eneblae am I to »»>r andDMT wHRAOBB.' I SS. U pS M iTSSSJurt; *«»%£; : ijm.Mid It via umna. 1 otbuo uU Itoramndad from tbo Unr<—bat ill |IT» nip. tofSSSt I ~ •Tij'uud •* **• to I woo growing wona doUj. Ibiro SS’anO.r Dr. Joaoo’tiortißoat oa. low, and I can baareDln drop. Indeed ell my troublela gooe, end BwrjlWto I K,-. gj. . it* eddHea la 1 XuHH SOQAV, know* 7 HnKTp. O~ Stark County* Ohio, I Pij —Tbe propria ton of the St. dond Hotel, in I rwntftL Ohio, cm Intern ihelnteresUd about Mr. I bognn, and nonJ other. that; I oorta to ibat rlda- I iij j UKt 4VhCB«. ; . XAKXS or HKDIOAIi OXXTLXKiUI, Through who*, oaimlnatlon Dr. JOHAMUU A. JOHIB bu gone, and who 1 bar. Itciilflod table abOitj to tbo itroogrttUngoag. poidbto, bj pining Oulr nomto to bli Dlplomofcwblch itrtn tpwdad to biiooloo,o]p.nto tbotoipwtloaoffbato wW: . I ■ Sdw room - .■ VALBBTIHI HOTT, «. D„ LO. D. AUCAABDM MOTT, ML D. J. W. FBABOIS, it. D„ LL. D. A. OLABK, 1L D. f Fiof.J. W.QBUS.H. D. * Frol B. F. BAKBB, K. D. I Frol IBAAO WOOD, H. D. Frol lAdll M. 8.. I Frol JOHN d. OBAHDtM. D. I FrolW.ll. OHDBOH.II. D. I BDUM* MUD. M. D.-: : an. I»AAO nBBU. D, D. I DATID 8. BODOJBd, M. D, I Frol K.BIiVABSOS, K. D. I ■■ • pgiiittinu: . 4' I J tt. PQXiJl’n 1« P« , 1 i . ' • 1 L .. . rnMf, D 1 the »UI SSda e&ly. ll yew eae bfßleted, don t de» < taS°£mftoto < «. to » F-“{J?S!s*ii 8 ' lUOtahißoMi , JaHilfJOWt nr mi tHEATRE. gE g »££ LkOIAXD UiSAfIILM* WE* enjlgenent cf tb» oekbiilei Mr. TE&NK CHAKFfcA 0, wL& will •?!«•*•* WALILOVKL. _ TB*fr (To»4»y) *V»SISe, Feb 1 3d, 18S* Will be praenied, tha Retire jn*W dram* of BULr, BUN ; or, TBS SACNIN& OF FAJSfAZ COUNT BOViJB.I Me DOM ALL. ttr. MOBDAUBT. Him. JXCKSjN— Uw Hr*. MYBOH. After which, kcaoou in an uproalr, JLVCTIOJV S4££SJ liUIKNIX DBS ATI AUCTION.—THIB 1 1 tuoaJari ArTEBHOON, tth. M. ai■ * o’clock, will ft at Doll*' Auction, ttiVUthIttrcot, » ouwtltr 01 Houaehold aii mnh street. AVJU'IIU^*. ko do : Bxch*ogo Bank ol«s> ;- t do CUtoM Btnk Btttk; a DA^r|& Aact . I* 3l : h— ——f hgOIHW, :|. : ' ' | ; .! • Ali. I; JB cClcllahd’s \Muction. 1«31 - ‘ ,J l>»j bond Mid 3. Q. PAVX3, A-Oct. ; jB£»rjr«r« "Y^llKKiLKil*' WTCWJN' s>; ■ SEWING IHJICHDIBS, •so-jn rirTH sibu r,j -• .I fyatuvaart ?*• ium.l , MAOHINKa US world coßTfetleg.? j ■ >■: i ... J • Owr 10p/):0 but jbeea eoja, *U gjTla* uaiTwlntf wUWKtlwu <_■. . j , Thto 2liihtoa »i« the lock .UtchimpojielW* * unxeveljwiththe efeeatiei «n both! forxalng a® ridge ,or chela. it wiu JnUt, .tltdjtaem, fell. «*tb«r, MnJ, tori, tuck »■* braid. J. . ■!*.. . ! - The elegance, epjeed hnd[; ! rittpUoity ol ,m., *ti k teaatv and etrehkth ol ntoh» i>i SSuV tAnn«t torigl tt Ih.nirtSUOOfcMfßL AHDPOPBLAIISEWIHO HAiiHIBS how offered to to® pol'Uo. jjffJD TUB KB - yjJiW.'#* • rOmli «nd fcxlwaltu tb«m» *t H 0.27; FUTH 811 ' Ml ‘ WX. STOSEB * CO., jg9:mwF j, £ _ J Wmt»b* Am*i» /i W: w >!>^ >A ' Ma j a l Vj IHPBOTKD DQPBLK THB*AD : Setcing , Machines* So.ie Toarth •tH*t, muburih. TfaeeelUchlaei are from fifteen iOtwent/dolUi* than any other ihachine la the elty« 4 all kind! ot woifc and warranted* for three yaaca. Ttoyareeottlaple tisal any child la , «mh id eaa melhfrm toWrtectloa.: Conitantly on , Cjid.aU kind*of S®wln«.Machine Heedlw. Bewinc, j I w-firrsi XTANTKU—A : GAKijNER, fro tak« rV care of a Trait! Garten end amjflrVineyitfd, -ucarthedte. BecomnwhdaUone re^nlnd.lnquire 76 WATICB BTttißßT,' i v VuiltL. WAUSTKOIMiUHUIATKIiX— -1 J TO DO QUMBBII, HOUagWOBK, about four gffiojL n KOCKKIKfI ASU PfiODDCK.— 1 JT 100 hhdiiOttbd and®. O. Bogar;[ ■l6O bliU- chplco Ki-O. - , - _ - goo •do ieaaorted'btandachoice Syrup*; .. 60 tierce*. U>rerliig c jrupe; \i lWbegajdiWoe Bio Oofloe, new crop; 75 cheatt Toung-Byron Tea; . gs do (Biaeki6«a; 160 bbl*. Biflned fiogara; - hhdai B. D. Obinfled finder*; 100 butte ebdoe Tobacco, 6e; gfikegfklx Twiit; do; . 100baia®rop’bhbn. 800dcaenOomBjrcome; . v ~ • ' asottore«i X*rdt|X»ttle rendered; 1,600 bblai new Um P^ih; B£o.ooolba. Bulk Meat'Tda&u and Shouldan; 60,000 lba.Saanfraa.«mohed Herns and Bhouldm; 1,600 bblad KxtmPemily Plo&n;~ In etore and tdr ante to the trade by • ■ A ABBDOKIiBS, .i 44' WholeaaleGirCoerm, feg gta end SHiXdbertyCtreetJ near Wood. in vStoro J: and for *alw— .-ei' ■} : r v 8,000 both, choice J)iied Peaches; l*g,o ibi. prime Parod Feechaa; COO bush. brighr Uried AcpUe; 76 bbla. Bxira faaUy lluur; «0 dq Bxtra Plocr; ; 16 da pare Vinegar; gt bbli. Sweet Otter; . tOkegeLeeflArd; . • g}o bu*h.olCT« Seed; ; 60 do Timothy Seed; | 40 do Biohory fiats; 78‘do'Welnnte*,'-; .j"--. '..'V ■ - 1 «00 dd WhUeßeana; 60 botes W. B, fag y < .. UH, YOIQT A CO., KUOMJU wa.no, AiauvO«JW«V OITT. FTBEKTS;—AII pitaoaa~totarMtod to tba ot«4i*”“BOKHA MODI tSbStSS FAto aLto BJBSBTS, toj» Bwrod; Ward, AU.gb.aj OllJi art banbj natllMtbat Uit. of namo ot piopartj eVnara foaad bj tbi Jlawoi to ba b«a.att«r.|d •toned to each. «t W» a«en at tbe Trearanr • Office, Water atteet, !AlWihi»py> where they will jfeaaln tor induction for 1 fear wieu from date. ~. t : : . “scaOYßEg Jr., Solldwr for Allegheny. • Jenuary »»h. ISSt • ■•.pjefifclwj. NOYfiMßaftriiMTv - « . H Omoi Or l*iwiauicßJCTKrD»» f r*mt+W OoU*tiom DUrkt' ftm'*** '. ' " : ' -AUcghenT, Jut. -'J. Tko HOTKMBBa^r, T«x. to M 4i», m 4 thooomoMonud** rtqueitod- TOBJBB T.tafflareadTUadto »tt«idlolt, : without WHIM. ' tali ; n.n—Vrf th. ad Phtrtct. Pqm'»- _ rnflis u. & HiiVJiNOi uxuiamt abd ohaim*. SWISS uttArriaa ihstbo .MSSTa* jajibs u. QUEIfiCfcCO., i|: .--1 i :----jt -.V'-' ■ **;■ irfOptician*li Mi Qhiiotnat«trcrt« ghUwdotpbto, P%| —'Wli OtJUOJf Ji-1.0 AJUISIKBXJ^ Jtesw?asaß«» ■ •arlCatUUcd *ndLpitc*d "Sr’S aSSSSi I ’‘"■roßDiß or rawia* ooiiWmw. I JiXT:td; ■ :■}. .• ■ .:;• J yj\ : ; :p|- 1 1|; ._-;{ v. -;' :' •'• . ir ? m tit;