. ! - ; v h * ' ,: >..-■■■: -HV : ::,:--„il„.l : i fefef' ’ : -: . ' ;: ' " : ' ’. ’ "'■' " ! ' :'! •/ try !{!';• : {3> V. 4 ' 1 < l ■!c ‘\- t : u % : & '*■ 7 •' Ik lip 'IfVTV ' •••. . •- Si •.« i h Cl • •< ♦ -.tfl %: *i ; >s;.v v '< •*v • * \i' \V: **V“ & * », t Wv u s*», ’ * .i'i'.l'.’'' 5■ > * ' i ■ .*•}•••■« 1V? V • •'. pBSSI pE-*.*; ' silh\''l ’ t». »i < ’ v iir;2?t* .** ; Nr v W 'i ! f l wvjv i 4 - .A - ,%•*> ; >}2 *■"' 7 •'♦'l - * >■» - >Av iv. tmmm W-V:' £>*«• • : Y';i‘i i .-: : • • ir? INpAWV^ . v' v’ ‘; ./ / /-■ ' -/ I# - "* '-. '*• , ? f ittskrglt resolutions being referred to o Select mitteoof pesos men, os was expected, and ■ Intended they were bonded otot to the .Committee on Federal Eolations, the mem ber! of which hare no idea at brering the wrath of an indignant nation ond oommit ’ ting political'suiolde by inking fSToroble aottonupon them. . / 'I; ' ; . , Nnw Tonic Asiimjlt. —After more than .V > ninety ballots, tko Be* York Heiuo of was organised by the elec tion of ,Kr. Oamcorr, a Union Demoorat, . : tko candidate of Urn Bepublioans, oo Speak- er. Thus ends happily one of tko most ex ' citing ond dongerotm contests in the etnu try. This seouree the ohoioi of n true ' Mend of the Union for United Btotee Sen ator. - ’‘V: ~.r. ■ Is X. Jarrxxsox Bonn the eome penon ‘ “TwSoiinaerly kept bor at r HbUldoyabnrg, . - andmors rsoantly la Carlisle! ' The Betels In DemUr-A Crv of Distress from Richmond—A Han* * r «£ Thousand Ben Immediately, or the Rebels are Lost. ” The following fs the ffiain portion of the remarkable article in |the Hichmosd St aminer, of the 20th insLj to which reference whs made by our Washington correspond ent yesterday: It 1* not altogether an empty boast on the part of the Yankee* that they hold all they hare ever held, and that another year or two of suoh. progress as they hare al ready made will find (item masters of the Southern Coqfederacy.j They who think to be achieredby brilliant but inconsequential victories, would do well to look with the natural eye at; the magni tude of Yankee possessions in Onr country. Maryland, SKentucSy And Missouriare claimed; as constituent parts of the Confed eration; they are as much in the power of Lincoln as ; Maine anti Minnesota. The pledge, once deemed foolish by the South, that Af would u holdj occupy and all ike forte belonging to the United Statu govern* meat, hoe been redeemed Almost to the Utter by Lincoln. Forts Pickens and Morgan we still retain, bat, with these exceptions, all the strongholds bn the seaboard, from Fort ress Monroe to the Bio! Grande, are in the hands of the enemy. < • Vety consoling and' very easy to say that it was impossible ,to prevent all this, and that the occupation, of the outer edge of thußepublio amounts to nothing. Drewry’s Bluff and Vioksburg give the lie Co'thefirst assertion, and the onward movement of Rosecrans towards AUbama, the presence of Grant in north Mississippi, and of Curtis in middle Arkansas, jto say nothing of Banks at New Orleans and Baton Rougej ret at rut the silly dream that a thin strip of sea coast only is in the possession of our fosti The truth is, the Yankees are in great force in the very heart of the Confederacy ; they swarm on all our borders; they threaten every important city belonging to tu, and nearly two hundred thousand of them are within two days’ march of the Confederate capital. This is no fiction.; It ib a faot so. positive that none can deny it. Nor is this all. Tho President (Davis) tells us, in his message, that the troubles with the Indian tribes have been removed, and no further difficulty is anticipated. The intelligence we obtain from private and trustworthy sources does not confirm the President’s sanguine expectations. The trouble with the Cherbkees was, in great part, due to the faot some seven or eight thousand of them, now in arms, had _not received a cent of pay for fourteen months. It is true that paper money has been seat to them, and jew now, it is to be hoped, has reached, its destination. But Indians do not like paper money. In Arkansas Gen. Hindman is very far from being a favorite, even among Ms own people, and so destitute are some of the new levies who have volnnteered to come oat 6f Missouri to join oar armies, that whole battalions of them have been seen marching barefoot through snow three inches deep. Add to Ihis the faot that, so far as the pnbllo is permitted to know, New Mexico, and Arisona are, for the time being, lost to os, and that the state of dis affection in Tennessee and Mississippi (growing oat of the appointment of incom petent officers and the fancied neglect of that country by tho Confederate govern ment—not from any . lack of fervor in the cause), which President Davis’s visit was intended to heal, is likely to revive nnder the depressing influence of Bragg’s retreat and his continuance in command—add all this to the foregoing,|and it will be seen that* the Yankees have much to encourage them tn iheprosecutionof the war, and we see not a little to excite serious apprehensions as to the future. Tike remedy for this state of thing Is ob vious. It lies in the; extension and rigid enforcement of. that law to whieh' we owe our salvation. We most bring out the con scripts and diminish! exemptions. If this is done the chapter of: failures In the South? west will come to augend. j Able-bodied men must not be allowed to j stay at home on the of attending | to twenty negroes. Here in Yfrjlnie there ! are, in many places, contiguous plants- \ tions, numbering in the‘Aggregate hundreds ! of slaves, without a solitary white man left; to gnard them. The gentle authority of ladies has been found amply sufficient to control the obedient African population. With the first opening of spring comes the last tremendous shock of this war.! Many of the Yankee troops are nine months' men. More are enlisted" for two years, their time expiring in May next. Up lb that time they will be available, and we may be very sure that all ihe fighting that can possibly be gotten out of them will'be had before they, are allowed to go home. They outnumber us two to one. There is a limit to the enduronee of the brave ffien at Tulla ; home, Grenada and Vicksburg. They must be sustained, strengthened, reinforced. If within the next two months we do hot add seventy-five or a hundred thousand men to our forcu in the Southwest we shall come to grief. If we do add them, we are safe beyond per advsnture, and next summer wIU witness the final triumph of our arms. Uisnoori and Delaware. It lees gretif/isg: rs U isremerkeble tbet these two—4helone the most'oorih .western aad the otbejr the moat northMßt ern of the slaye 8 teles—shoal d both heye . errejed themselTes on the side of the Union end Emancipation. .Indeed, these two pHnciplea ere now identical. Missouri is busily engaged in |he work of Aboliilon, and may now be classed among the Free States; while Delaware, at the last election chose as her Governor, William Caheojt, who discharges his first shot into the citaf del of Slavery aad Treason in one of tbfi noblest inaugural addresses we have seen. On the matter of arbitrary arrests, he is of the opinion that no loyal citHenwill grum ble at mistakes by the Government in euoh a time as this, and that the unpatrlotio and disloyal hays no right to complain on* der any circumstances. With the question oL Slavery and the negroes the Governor grapples boldly. • He shows 'that it is de cidedly for the interest of Delaware to -ehooee the side of Freedom. Her trade ant t oommeree are With tiie North, and her pros perity is indlssolub)|y linked with that of the >free States. He takes high and un equivocal ground for Emancipation, recom mending the passage of a law for the gra dual abolition of Slavery, and brings to the support of this jrlew some very strong argument. In his -biosing paragraph, he remarks: - j-- He who calculates that o notion con be InTolred in o struggle like this, ond tint no practical results! will follow victory or defeat, ku read history to little purpose. It would be ao reasonable to expecV a hur. rioahetopassthrbughtheforeet without learing the ground strewn with dead broaches ond aaplets tranks, as that this tempest of oivil; war should sweep over the land ond lean no memorial of its pro gress. The longer the contest Is protracted, the more radical | will be the change wrought. jj Pusout Lapoix'a Last. —The Presi dent looks haggard and careworn—who wonders st it?—jet ho preserves his good nature, and some new story or ton mot from him Is always In eiroolation. The lost was ottered on Saturday, st thepubllo reception when a western paymaster in foil MsJoe’s attiro-waa introdnwd, and said: "Being here Mr. Linooln, I - thought Pd call ana pay my respeots.” "Prom the complain ts of the soldiers,” reiponded the President^ —srritponimu nab Tn,nla tad nuLtlaf istir orollktlj tp w» a (mt ll»od'la'tli»low« OUo. .Copfbbhxap Scour Bocirn*s.-f*lii the Indiana legislator*bn - Thursday oflast week a resolution was offered;;.ln'ib* House, ordering an Investigation into the eeoTet political societies alleged to exist in. Indiana. Every democrat In the • House roted against the resolution. The Indian apolis Journal says that legal and abund ant proof of the operations,- oaths, pass words and purposes of the order has been obtained, and will be. published at the proper time. B 1&. Srxscx, of Liverpool, who, as the intercepted correspondence ..shows, is the financial agent of the rebel government, has for two yean been writing letters to the London fists* In the assumed character of an impartial British-merchant. His honesty and that of the fist** are apparent. LECTURES. LIBRARY ABSO 'iv OIATION LBOTtram. GEORGE VANDBKHOFF WUI dn tvo mtlifit ftoa Titter Bqio'i losu ** Lm M mbhV 1 bef-i» lha Library Association tad Ifc* jroblic (socially, at CONCERT HAJXi, Iwaiii ud Tlundaj liaiiip, Ju. 27 ud 29. Fiosunu. IMui.-Futl TntciAn Vicn. TnaCuxa. " Btaona. Par n. Juntos ud its Yictuc. ' iXcfou.—Sam * suta's Yaanmas; A Duiooua Bmrmaa Old Yum in Son. TB ORB DAT EVE SIXQ. Oo—U*. —Past l Tra Isa 101 Lira. Bxcosta* wits Oosxtta. Ta* Sscaf* Past n. Tax Gsays iso ns Tsaasr. Isis oa aura. Dici**» — H&. PjCEWICK IS A PItMSXXSQ P*». siaiitsxTraßketehof Burpan.ng Honor. fIQT Tickets, 45 OKNTS—to be bod At the Musle and Book Btores, Library boo mi and at the Door. Deon open at fIK o’clock; Lecture to begin at TH> W. H. ktaotn, Joun kuut, W. D. MoQovax, }• Lecture Oounittee. J. B. H usx st, Qao. W. Wctiai. waku. LAFAYETTE HALL, OH Wednesday Evening, Jan. 38. The dlsttsgul had American Humorist, SB. CHiBLSS F. BROWNE, -•ABTCXUS WABD." Hei baas eogaged to deliver hi* uv Husoroa Lector#, called "BUTT HIHOTX9 IH AFRICA," As shore specified. ■W Ticket*, 25 OINTB. opes at T o'clock ; Lecture to eemmeoce at*. Thtre will be no nmivad teats, although tbe front toots ore Intended exclusively tor gentlemen with lodUs. •^Noticx.—Tk« public oro reaptctfollj inform ed that fhv will pooitiTol* bo tho only aiineursnr* h*» of •• ARTIMUB WARD 1 this Meson. J*B3tM MLN ONLY MANHOOD—Its Dccltbi ax* Bhtoaaiiox. Bj Trot. 0.8. BOWIiXB, CONCERT HALL, WEDNESDAY, Jonuorg ISO, *1 7Jf o'Eeek * m. LADIES "only. WEDNESDAY, Jon. 280, at IRy. MATTOX ITT ASD riKALK PERFECTION. TO Single Admission, tft CENTS. •WPrjle_*lsnel Examinations dally, and MON- DAT ASD TUESDAY BYSHIBG* at tko ST. QgAM.IB HOTEL. / j&tM PUBLIC JTOTICES. O?ALLSGHKNX CITT COLLEGE, Omtr of lowxk and fiaaduky Bttaata.— Tho Toath •Aapotl Bwlon begins cut MONDAY, Tab. 2d, aad eadsJone 17 th. Bataa of TuDtaa frost fid to tSD. Tor Totorotoio, fta., apply fo JaJ7;lm , JOS. X. tocEBE, Principal. onux/AuiußT Viun Miium ul, i PUtatmrgb, Jam. toto, 1f63. X ACCORDANOK WITH AN Ixvir -- ACT OP ASSEMBLY m nlstioa to tha lima of holding tha Anoaal Xlaoliam of tba Alta* ghmy YaU»y Railroad Company, lha mu iMTaby notiAad that- an atactloa few Officcca, to •aeva forth# earning jmivriXk be held at the Ofloa of tha -Ooaacasy, 14 the Oity ef rutotnrgh, ea TUESDAY, Pebtnary S4th, 1t63. at 10 o'clock a. sl, inctoad of P«b. Sd, 18fo, aa pravfowlv anaennoad. loMiti 80, ORE, flecretary. NOTICE. Ovncm Pmmnnwa A Bonom Mom Co., i , , Plttabnrgh, Jan. S« good quality; aadn thraa fbat vain of Cannal wool uamoolataly above tha BUamlaons CotL Any peraoba.wjtMcg to parchaaa can obtain iafaimatloo from tbaa«baerihare,on tha mmtoaa. GROBGB OHBIsT, FREDERICK CHRIST. Tarvotom, Jan, tth.ma falgJtwT-Ja»Tdhfd 01 HA Ann ™ GOLD AND SILVER VAUIfyvUV MOESY WANTED.—WiII give iu canto on tha dollar; will take $1 or |WO at a timd. A 160 acre tun for a tie at a bar gala; aim, 4 splendid lota an Fean'iffvanta Avaxnm. $34,003 to loan oa mottgagea, from(l to 10 years. All aegollAUo&a confided to me will ha promptly attended to. J. K. MORaHUB, Banking Hoaaa, 80. H 7 fourth street, jarfrretflu yyANTniu— •IX OOOD BECOfiD-HAED SABOIS, Holding from 600 toiCO.bamli, Apply to BREWER, BURKE ft OD. y its War, oorpT of Henryk 8L Ja27:3t 2hx< tJUKKGWKn LKXIiiUIGW MUtt- JJ YARD.—Wo mo aralo In reealtt of a rupply of thla nnaquallad Me«tard,pat np in qoartsr, half aad whole boxes, and for ante by tha docea tr at retail, at tha Family Ornery Store of JOHN A RBBSHAW, ' JUT ' oornar Llhartv and Band atresia. TSTOBGKBTBEBHIKE BAUOK, inpa V T rior to bo? other u t nllik tor HnU, nih» w*fi Boepe, *«.• b fell eappljr la' platea&d beif pu, toother with b nrM; of other Aog’leh Bad Amor kßh Baam, fer obU by' ■ ' JTOHNA.BBVBHAV, Jw eorof Liberty »ad Head ilieete. , ULIVJS OUi.—A oapplroftho *"•* htaode Itßttaa bb4 BordOßQ •iie l la qurte Md pUfe, noel Ted BBd fer eel* Bt the Vamhr Oroeery JOHH A. BWhfIHAW, 1”? QQfer Mberty Bed Bead etieeto. . —Ju»t tool » *o9* BAUD HAf, COLVIH A MAfIOH, Wo. OgalthCeM ft fat. «M u>Ao jfKAOli BU)W i-Oi'A- X TOWS; £0 boakrta While Biaoi ; SO do, Oaloae; . yi H 4 Beoood SrmU <**7 . ■ . r»tHK YAK QOBDM I -iujusok—4«j bozo* w. KV’-T-T too do Haoban: ; j.onil[mT.n jrxwr ABrnKTis DB LH.AHD'B AHTI-BHEUHATIC BASD Permanency corn RHEUMATISM, In all Dsval oas form. Acuta or Inftaavatory; Chronl-, Luo^a 10, Sciatica P eurodyu# Ac.; Stiffness of tho dots sad Cramps; Goat, Neuralgia, and all Ferrous A fleet leu; Rryidpelad fait Rbeum aad Scrofulous Eruptions of tfebedy; Neu tralises ih* Impurtke of iha Blood- aid Plaids ot tbs whole system, a d offoctraUf counteracting Msrrurtol mod Othor pekenou* laft-sneos. It is a coaveatoatlr anatf 4 BELT, con taining a Msdieatod GompoaOd, to to voro atoond the body, ebcut the east, equally ef tooting all parts, wherever the disease may bo. It can bo worn «! boot Injury to tho moat ddteate porsca, aad no dung* In tbo p>oi«r babito off living is requ'red. ! It «atir*/y re moros tbo disoooa from tho system, «itnoot tho ftßademe wo. in rack cases, of powerful Intern* 1 medicines, which wsokea ant (Le roy the comtUatfoD, and give lempvrarg rellßl kblyfay ttmptfging de>den ng Its vltaii’.y. By tt
  • ala s, im raxx. MV*ADAITJU> TO SOLDIERS. Dr. J. n. FIILTOI*, Wholesa’o and Retail DruEght, Koe. 69 A TO PITTH STRUT, Pittsburgh, fids Agent, where everything In the Drag lino can be had at fair priem J>97 1863. v ™ liiEa 1863, A large aad oomplote —ortment cf new and elegant •y.A.IJBHSTr ± IsTES. ALBO, THE HEW eWfttory Comic VaZcntitteEf MOW READY; Tho largsat and boot awortsoct la tho dtj, pot ap tnßStflOl $l5, gSO aad SlO lota, for dealers, tr la -largo qnantltlH. A liberal dUooont to tho trade, fiend yonr orders to JOHWP.HUNT, Uasovio Dai *-, Fifth Strut. 16 000 OJIBT£ DR VISITES, (VcrAlbnms^ QUERAXB OP THE O. Bj ARMY i STATESKEE, ARTISTS and others; FROMIEEET PORXIGE PORTRAiTB; PROMIBBET WOKEN | POETBAITB OF AOTBlftflEfl AND ACTOBft; COPIES OF EEQBATIHeS, PAISTIBSB, An. Photograph Eaw OABTB DE YIBItXS amvtsg avary day, BEIIIT AND COLLAR HOUSE, LOOODOUE HICKORY SHIRTS; 1,003 DOUE OBEY, RED AND BLUB FLAE« NIL SHIRTS; 1,000 DOSEW AS9ORTBD FANCY TBAYBLISO SHIRTS; IJ3OODO2BE WHITE MUSUK SHIRTS, from $0 26 cpwarda; 1,000 DOZRH DREIM OVERALLS; 10,000 PAIRS OOTTONADI PANTALOONS; Kensfcetvar* of tha KIN HR'S WELSH FLAN EEL feHlßTS,aad a lam assortment of LINEN AND MARSEILLES BOdONS AND OOLLAB4, ABD GENTLEMEN'S FURHIBHXEO GOODS. Foraata by BENNETT, BUGH A CO., , 80. H 7 Chsrch Allay, PhOadalphta, Pa. JelfcSmd ' J AU SELLING ALL KXNDB OP Boots, Shoeii Brogans and Gains, AT TB> OLD man. good, t.ra Tenoed 10 per oast. Bait. OkQ aad m« stock and .'prices, as they ware paidiaaed tefere tha advance, at. BOELUUKI CHEAP iCiSH STORE, 80. 68 MARKET STBKKT, 21 door pom 6th. ftVOoaatry Xarchaata will ;-«ava money by buy lag bare, ae we duplicate Eaatora hllla. -:Ja24 yOWKLL'd EAT POISON, lutul Scitk to' <413, was, MOtOBBS, Ao. A quaint eld farmer ipeiksb* It thna: *• Daiß Dficoa, send ma asolhar box of your Bat Pobea. Tbs: bos yta (art mo kJUad about 7,000 taa'aadltmvoS.OOOjwfetoklU; Itplaaaaamet» aaatjbepotkv critton rai It, aad than realjiß .iham aalvto to their tala. Ycun ravpcctfuUv.~n. h. a For eata by SIMON. JOHNBtOE, Ja>4 OoraarFogrtb aadSmtlbfleld atraato, . mL : ».mnii. —nm» (.cun, tLARB, . COXKISBIOH HKBCEASXB, PKBOtDIOM AHD ITS FBODUOM, 61 BBOiD ITBMXT, Sm Tork. ■•-Mo AMta of tko »«W IOKK PABAr. Ml OABPIB 00. !: . lalOiUm and tor Bile, AUGHT ADBIFT4-0u the Monoa- V/fsbdußim. oFLiTBOAT. Thj.owuorij r*- 4Mi«d tooMM fer*«d,p* or* property,pty ebw|M aad tali it ini. or it vut baoold ocoowtekto low. ißjttlro of JOHH M. M4804H, *t KMBsTßobtn* kb, MIaU tXUlar'a MooUm Bfup, flwUb tttt*. bot g b. -j .• . . Jtfiit bo® CUwue tj—iU Mi Mammoth v JsstnerindaiUferMl*** vj . _ .. f|LAHK TAH GOBMR’B, n ,:■; ;v- <"n m»ewd«tmfc A targe aaMfomaot of PITTOCK’B, orratm th« ran onus. Hunumu, ABißnkari la '. ;• - i J. RCAMHID. JTEir .iDVERTISEJUEJrrS. rjH> tXJUNTKif HEKUHANTS A£B DIALIBB. EATOH, HU€RII!n A CO^ Not 17 and lfl Fifth Btreot, Jobbers and, ntitoa of TRIMHINOa, EMBBOI. DKRIBS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOP BKIRTb, RIBBONS, SHIRTS, OOLLABB, TIBS, UNDER SHIRTS aad DRAWERS. WOOLEN HOODS. NU BIAS, SCARFS, EEPHYR AND SHETLAND WOOL; 6,000 Be. KHITTIHG YARNS,on haad aad fto arrive.; ■ Our stock was purchased before tha last greet ad vance la prices, and wb ofiar gnat Inducements to CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS, MILLI NERS, PEDDLERS, aad aD who buy Ho sell again. E. B.—A choice awortamil of Staple; Dry Goods, At vhelaaale oelv. gAXMOKAL SKIRTS, AT.REDUCED PBIGE& In order to doae out their entire stock on the flnt of February. Make yonr aetaoiiooa baton the choice colon are au gone. ■ATOH, MAOBUH A 00., 9a. IT amh street. LARGE INVOICB OF ALPACOA BUUVS ASS BUST BSAISsLsosriBIHO, AZCLIM, HUMBOULT, and othbrttailrable odors, fustneeived by . MAOBUM ft GLIDE, 78,Marks! street, rpHB HANDSOMEST YETl—Anew GENTLEMEN'S NEGUGEB 6HIRIB, Jtijt reeeivad by MAOBUM ft GLYDB, 78 Marketfst« befc. 4th and ptMwwnit- TO IRON MANUFACTURERS AND OTHERS INTERESTED.—Tha BLAST FUR- N aCS, at Middlesex, Merocr ebuott, Pa~ known aa tha ••MIDDLESEX FUBH&OE," has bean lately Rconatrtictad In the moat thorough manner, ana mueh Improved, under the superiotendenca of expe rk need and vucowaful managan; add, lla present owners, having taken it cbitfly to; secure Indebted ness, offer it tor sale at e very moderate prioe. It U believid that a vary favorable opportunity !* thus presented to any one wkhlcg to engage in tba boilnata of making Mg Metal, especially at, In addi tion to lti advantages of cheap and excellent quality ef Coal, aad transportation -facilities,>tlu bndnew may be commenced immediately open securing the reqoiait! stock af Ore, the Turn&ce being entirely ready for lu fires to be lighted. ' . It has a massive atena Stack; on a rock foundation; the heatth acd lining are new, t&e latter of No. I Bolivar fire brlct for both lnntr and outer walls. The stock aad cad houses are new; the machinery and hat-blait put In order; new and Improved gas improvements, and tha whole mad# ready for iu> oeosfnl operation. A railway brings tbe best quality of Iron-making coal to the level of tbs tnmnel head at a low price,' aad tbe late dttcoveries ot nnmerous additional large coal fields In tha immediate rldnlty, enrure an . abundant supply for the future, at rates likely to be lessened by active competition. The Furaace ti to situated aa to use’tha Canal, or tha Chenango Valley Railroad, (promised to be com pleted to Middlesex by May mxt,) with nearly equal convenience. It la believed that there to no point in the Bitu minous Goal region when there a a greater esmbt nation of advantages formakiav Pig Metal. for term* apply to S. P. ELY, Marquette, Labs Superior, or to tbe nndtnlaned at Cleveland. Ohio. H. D. TUTTLE ft SON. January lat, 1363. ■ jal7:lm iLITtaA Ifa&UKANUR LUMFANY. AIU HARTFORD, CONN. ASSErS, January, 1863. tfaritt feint, Oaib; Treasury Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness, on band ftidepoeited on call, and In Agents' band*..,. 4 4l Bank Stocks, In New York, Hartford, Boston. St Louis, Ihiladalphla'and other ptaces.,.,,, 163,801 00 U S. and Stale Stocks. In Kv.» N. f. N. J., Ohio. Mkhigan and Indiana- 667,495 00 City : Bonda,Nsw.York, Brooklyn, Hart ford, B"Chester, Jaraey, kilvukte~ 337,160 00 Railroad Stock*, Hartford ft N. Hav n, Goan. River and Bos:on ft Woremier. 119,495 CO Mortgage Bonds. 170,436 00 State ot Connecticut, temporary Loan.. 100,OcO 00 Real Estate, unlooumbsred 87,963 18 LESS LIABILITIES t Lams,unadJustedftnotdQa4l79,o39 77 January Dlvidtunpaid; 110.000 00 \ —: i 329,039 77 Nat : Bl Daly a torn to, U «rtfirl J an. lr 1843. •VRespeatmlly aoiiclt, ami wilt take ptaasura la attending to yonr lasuxasoe wants. A. A. GABBIER ft BRO., Agent* • 63 Fourth etwet. FANCY FUK^J OHILDREN’S FANCY FUBS; GENT'S TUB GAPS, COLLARS ft OLCYESt EATS AND 04 PS. Every variety and style of the shove goods on hand McCOED * CO/B, Ko. 131 WOOD BTEIET,' AOOUUII, OULU, UK AN IRRITA TED THROAT, If allowed fo pragma, results in Melons f uUoooery aad Branchial amettona, of tmtlasa lscurabl*. BROWN'S BBONOBtAL TROCHES reach directly tbeaffro:ed paits. arid give almost la aloe t ralkf. ln BRoaCBITiS, aqTHMA, aad CATARRH they are betaficfal. i The gutd effects reaalting fiom tuenaa of the Trochee, and their in tended mat, ha*caUMdUi*a to bi ocuntcrfeitid. Re sure to guard aga nst worthiwa imitation*. Obtain balytbe fwiinßrem'* IrttdfoJ 2 recta*, which have ftovtd their efficacy by at»it of many years. PebUe Speakers and hlngareahonld.uaa the XracbM. Ml ilmry ofleeraud Soutore «boovir-t*x the voloe end are expoeed to sudden changes, ahofild-have them. S®ld everirwhen, at £5 cants par box. T ■ .\TUU(Jtt.-fUame to ih# l«rm ol QM XI tin gobtiyei*, inObl© to* whip, tv* nil** from wrartnoj’* Mil’*, pa iMeambar titb. 1(62, TWO OLo|©OWl£--»B. jtULZi XT Ol'lDK.—Lottexa of Adminiatration to t]» Nt«t« of Biu/ Uto of WilUni township, deceased, having been granted to the an. deigned, all pers?n» l»d*OUd tothesiid eiUta an req anted u> make tsunediate payment, tad those harlot claims or demands against tnemtate of said decedentwtilmaks kn~wn the. earns without delay, to ' JOBS W.OUALrANT, Ho, 91 Water street, Pittsburgh: or, HKNBT B. OHALPAHT, Wilkins towaahip.' laSl**daqtwT PltUbargb, Jan. ia, lies. GrtAl>i*tt UK WAUmftttlVtf f&BUT.—Tbe'tmdanlfnad, appofnted to u< M«r open tba prtpattka benefilUd bp the gredinf of Waahijigtao street, tbe damam done to the prop wtjr oflUi Kvy Bo* bp the add Improvement, bar* medaaatd orbitfh nap bo naea at tbocffiooof J.W.r. Whits, 10* HAh street. Bad aotiojl la, btmbj firm that-tbe tudenttnM will mfttafttldofflcoea TUS*l>AY,the37th luUat, at 9 o'clock a. n. t to bear aim determine asp com* plaints that sap boatadt bp aap one arffTtartdbp aald aieeasments. J&BK H. BAfabTOtf, M. TIBDIiV. JOHN WII6OB. Jeawar? 19th, 1883;6t • : > i Tba tmdaidgned an Aginta, for Plttatrargh ajid vicinity, for*' r ' i WATT! KADI BOH BTABOH OOMPAHY, And keep conitantlp on band a anpplp of tbtlr BTABOH, various atjla packacesywhfch wtll be aotd In quantities to the trade on moat ratio nab la terms. BCHOMAKBE A LANG, 320 ÜBIETY 6TBBTT: OHAHLKB; U CALDWELL, . (accoMaor to Jmdm QoUOm AOp.,) ■:’'P'6bS' P'JLO^SM, Deftbr In BACOH, LABI),SUOAB-00818 BAMS. SMOEBBBUr.Ao. { 008. MABBKT AHD WEST BTBXBTB, . .1 i Pittctotmk. Pa- JX>ANB ON FIRST MORXOAO£B ttaUwcotbUd it the PtTTSBDBQBBOLLAB BA VIHOS BAHK, *0.«7 fOUBTH BTBBXT, Pitt* bttrftb, oafrrbnjfcb' ten&fc JriB;la ' 0. A. nOtTOH, ttfrot. JEWELRY AND SILVER-PLATED WABI, XAHOY GOODS.Ac., |' Oui «I«J| to toiuht A> m ml. ctounni tfc, <*•*“ ItorA Ho. :B. 6TBAIM. J)K. D..OOWLBY, ~ T fIOMWJXATHJBT, v ' l ' i OBtotonn *,to »•.«,» to » And ttoT + m. &JBKa* GOODS. WOOIiEN GOODB, at a great xedao tiaatnmformerpriaa, tovbobnl* andra> all trajin. at No*. 77 and TO M«rk»t ritraL OTAPLE : GOODS, HOOP SKjfitTS, IO SPOOL COTTON, PAT*NT THBIAD/LAC* BBAIDS, TIDT COtTON, TAPIS, PINK, Hl*. D LEB, CO2I US, ktil nil oth«r kind' at gUpl* flood* aitSk~w knraat aarko) price, to xholnala and r«iu. B OEKr s TBIMMTNQ BTOEI, No*. 77 and 77 Market *tT**4. JOBT RECEIVED, A nnr lot of ihoaa extra cheap LAG* TBIKHIB BSTNLADIXBIHXM-BXITCH. ID H'DK’FW OINrS Hlll’D LINXN HTII'IS, (cheap,) WHIT* ICQIHS TIM. tor Ladln.lt HOBHI'B TBIMMISO BIOB*, HOC.T7 and T» Maekat atraaL OLD PRICES. AND SWISS TBINMINGS ijß&r BUBO IDBINOS AND SKIBT TRIMMINGS; DIMITT BANDS: XAOIO BBFFLINO: BJAL VALNSGIXItSXS AND TBBRADL4OX «IL BOHS. BCOINO. OOLLABCTTS, and nil kloda of XH B BOIDBBIZS at old price*, to whoiaaal* and tetairhcym. JOS. BOBNX, A ’ [ J. M. Burchfield’s, i' • ; SUMMER DBESB GOODS, -Ait Old Prices; ENGLISH GRENADINES, ENGLISH BEBAGES, Mozambiques, EUGLISO CHINTZES. 1*24 i QOMMENCING to-day; BARKER & CO.’S, 69 Market Street* TO* GREATEST SALE OF THE BBABON. SILKS, O li b AK S, 8 H A WLB , AND IDR/ESS GOODS Jtt £P ! soonscEs i' . , Delaines. ! AT 3S CHITS, f- ! ■- ** W.&D.HUCUB’, Oor. Fifth ft Market StA, pißfßumoa. d»18 - . . : .$3,889410 89 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL L BUYERS " Cka an bom; by biUo| th*tr parcbaiw at C. HANSON LOVE At CO.’S, i' "r.:'. i 1 IpOMESTIOS, Tbs Urpst ud b«ta»ort*d«tock tn tbs ctty, ud chMpsr than tiu; cn twparduwd la! say Wkols* ■U* or £«UU Hovm «lUmt CAST OB WSST Of THB MOUHTAIBB. S. B.—Off* as uwrly call ud aw foryoorsslTW. 0. EAHSOV LOVE ft CO., i ■ JaO j JNTEREaTING TOCITT ajtd COUN- TBT PIALBBB, UILLIBBBB * FBDDLEB& Dtalßf Ula month (JBBOABT.) ws wOl clow ost oir mitra stock of tha fritovlai Mitiinslili (oodi at j ■ . Reduced price#, Tabaka room far BPBIBS QOOD6. - Daa|ara«tn find oar nantmantaot thua iooda wall «nlt*d to their trade, both U price and rnriety, to* prion ot n*aj artlcln Jtlu le**r tha> they cantindnybeboojhtUtheHewXork *c PhUadri. phlaßaixaW. - ONBICAHTOWW, BOSTON ! BXBBND ANDKNIT , WOOL*BHOSIBBI| - OLOTId, IOAONTLNTS, BUCK: AND WOOD .! OLOYBS AND XOtil j • WOOLXH OBDIBS HINTS AND DIAWIBSI WOOL HOODS, OOXTOBTa, SOABFB, SeT _AUo,cl TBMMINM, FAHCrOOODSJBBT. TONS, THBXADA, BBAIDS AND HOTIOHS, oor •took 1* aotmipaindla «he*pna** hyany loth*city, -JlVS* '*P*clal Mile* to oor Mock ot HOOP BBIBTB, o* xa han CacHHla* Han Mot and moat reliable makwat TIBT LOW RATX* MCRM A GLTDE, : p" IS 'KABXNT STUNT, eaatMd*. (Between Fourth aad tha DianoaA) :|al( QLOSINO OUT SALE • WINTER GOODS. . EATtill, IACBM & CO., Xi«Tk*« to tukln( ttotr AHHBAL IHTUWOBT, »*» deahns of otaring oat ttoirontti, Btockof ... J. WINTER GOODS ' Botin tto But dojoflotonUTßtrt. BTtoUooU u ib*BXDiJon(« juw w nuo*a. . *ATON,*AChini a oo.,; - : MB ,! ...* HttWHTTHBIiw. JgQ LBa. yiE WARI'B ';Jt*All!l^NT 'XMßßAHa'ttlUrn tin 'BMtonpka* fer lolofcjr' MAOBDHBeLTDA THEATRE, j ~ ' ,Wx. Hnrovifbs. .S.XiAUk Le*sze akd Haxasi TmjuEHaEi... HOBSZY, TDuuuud atVfct o' the celebra ted ooatdta, Jtt. VBAHB.GHAHrBA V. j THIS (Toted*?) Jea. 27th, IBBS, WDI he praisM, j ICELAND AS IT WAB ; HV'ZXHZSi TZOS AND ItB CAVBXB. i «*AT f 'with •ODrJ M u^ MM Ur. CHAKfSAU. JUDT Q’TROT—i.— ° ; THtt MTBOH. PABESTBANiJGUARDIAXS. i«]vß b<»bset JttALb. GO T.lt SdH ALK^i Tb» pobtieaxtt rwpaet ally iofunned that iJ K. OOTTdOHALK. th« f tecta and Comtoaer. vtifcmihcfao&crof ftlng, la FUUboxgh, . TOLWAdDILt UASTX*B“B7 TWO GRANDCONCERTB, { 0% SATURDAY, Juu 3U,' ; . Walnut KndoeedfWssh stands, daatek Stands, Lamps, Venitiaa and Irana* parent Blinds; Penders; Bauer* Dining Boom and Chamber CaneUr Oil C olka, ilalr Carnets. Mahog any and Oils Erase Mirrors. 04 Fain tings and En gravings. Marbls Oraaments. BnraaOs, Dining la*- Dies, laiga Cook More.’Wire MaftfDiibes and Alicia cm Otcnilla In gensnl. ailarge quantity of goad Bedding; Mstiracses;Pillows, Aft. * 1 I " Tanna csetu bdr iandsw» v '• ln« !1 1 T. A, MoOLNLLAHD, Anct, OBY G0OD& FANCY ARTICLES. CLOTHS AND OASSIMBB*a.~©h IUXS- UaT, January 27ih. IBSS, at lOo’eiockk. m.!acd 2 DetoiJ, at Davia’ Anotion. No. 64 Fifth avast, a stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Articles, Qoths and' Gotfaarea, i»mpriiiag:,uuU : lignred Frmeh Merinos. Dark Alpatoti. Liana liaiiu Cloth. Fsrnitnrs Chißts, anirtliig ’Linen; [Table Napkinb Table OoTerr. iadiee’ White HandkerchMs, Embroidery. gets, French Hoop hklitß, EeibyrWooi Goods, dims. HcMary, Spool Cotton; -Trauniag Goods, Ladies 1 Furs, Mists’ Beaver fiats. Broadcloths, Beaisr and Pilot CMhs, 'OuclflUßk Satmen.'Flaniui Shins, WblcetthlrfSt Drawers, Wool Jackets, As. Ja26 ! I > J. Q. DaYIS. Auct. JgOOXS AND SHOEB, J ■ JOcuonic Hall iSuelli TTALDaIBLE STuOKS AX AUCTION. V -On TUBBDAT ETBtftHQ,'Janaan S7th.al s-^s^^aatstess^ *> do FlUaourjt A SUotoa.llto B. H.OD4 10 Co VnUa Inadtaaoa Go. .to-.k; ' W* I I- ■ ■ J. O. DAW A And. BOOJUi PHOTuGiiAFii ALBUMS. M, it Auction pri*e*,*t JUetwio H«U Auction tuw l Mftfi&nnit l tn afcwdaja «aly. l will doaa oat tfca I balance of Ms. Prait’e great comtin*' mint of Biofca, Photograph A)b«iiU| ii)Mr r Family. 1 Blvln,- GoUfans, Al, at priva o solo at Auction/ prtco. Coll soon, ifytiu wont tr'gHrm * • I • Ji2l 1 T- An McUltfrubaWP. Aoc*. PLOTH! CAPd AT \J TOABOAT MO&triJBO, J*n. tf/ailOVin, willhaaold,ht DaTiaT;Aa&on,64 aiflhstrcet, wfc thatcua, to d*al«ra,2l oOaen Men*a and Yonthw •BpoVi wCbih Cap* entirety treeh aloe*, &ob Urn margin tom, —a of tbatotaet itjita, j | J.u. payiSaAoci.. jhercuajtt tjllLors. PJENRY O. HALE *OO., (Hnnpiwm to iamea a WntlQ Merchant Tailors, j ■ AianowreoalTlagthalr .V -FALL AND WINTER STOCK, WMchla.«tent,chaki6, t»rt* nul prfcae wm com* SS&» e 1 n,pri^ OAsanuus, • ••'•/• Y*STIHOS,tad - ' *: 7^|Tqvjhk»atihgBv -. Also, tha Urgent and best selected stock of Good* *>r bunnam salte im brought to market, Irfkawisa a very choice aelaaian of GENTS FPRHIBHIKQ GOODS ;■ alwayaoa hind, :>• r j • Anyordere ftatrbsted to oar coin will bm «ttk prompt attention and in H KABBBZ BZBBBT. wln . H. HAXKH. . . > h 103 rogrth ■trocl. Pltt«hp—* i ; oBABLia a aocEt «3ft3m 1..,, WMhtncton. d7o (I/IJLLITAKV. CJUAmo, BOUNTIES iU PCHSIONS; BAOX PAY. end MTT.rrVgy CLAIMS ot ms dmetfpUon, ooQtetedby tbiinbL »isrosr.TiB!3rfflsBr«“-» H. B- Ho <£««• •« the c!Ea%« not mKQtmi* end rilliilbfnitttoii wtven mlk. eeltlT pipNSIONB,BUUNTX * BAUK. i*AlT^ | .v -j jß^d'iii&a^umii,':' 4mn*imh**m&&Kkm4gmL t \ -BmMwma &Mr/kx ■ -j: ■ PmoMotw! SohdianVCndiiiaiotoTacyjiMerfDtfcßtL. flßSlQilSfccilleohled i)gww r ooiAuio r SS?gS merlaee.: BOPHTISSiaf PlHSinwß Jgf •T* or other ■nlnpmßtuM of trime vlulitn or been UUed la th* MnrfaM Sere died after d£ ohezf»t tom dleeamoaatnctedlaeervlc*. > - •VHo dune twUl idaim ooQeoted, aadno Utt^ IQIRL WANTED IMMEDIATELY— %J[ tO DO GinBAL HOCBIWOBK. eTnrt Sou. aUcaftomthaett/. Thahlcbeetwaceesaid. laqatraa*T THia ufllCT, WANTED—A OAKDaSER to teks f f oan of a Fruit Gardea and iuoail Baooaae&daUoiuinqalnid. laqolx* atTB WATiem BTHKKT. ; • - AiaE oMMAr—IU MT «>l4 ..rjTfi Aartat^thax*»a*a4« oC.thajroar advaSaa In sciea, at tba aid ataod, «T wood ana, J • . r i wTf. mamhalu ■MAGSWAMTKt. : iaoli. niCukMibwti ■ * 5 I': -1 !• ' '■/ v.. Mipgmkc’ ;,Kr. CHANTBAU. NETTL**, , Mre. MTBOS. jiUCTiOJr SMEB. ; MX : ■ • , ! Rouse, Ho, 60 FIFTH f 4 ■?;