<* -V*. ■Iv 1 ' ’ l: * pM-. VB; *•:■ B; ■ 1!- -i-i'« iis-ii I -t: ■ - v :- ;:V.! iiif II 1 -.;.v ?&J‘i : : •' llfl;': t: O' fplv'l ’*SV V ft'.-; •t?;. jSku ... •jp>;4'.vS’.svk.sy-ix n:r-.y* l^iSllp? PlfcMSiS^SI ! . | 'nflj- ■'■ ‘‘‘.v.'* V' 1 - T- - *. V..l' **■ -«“.v,.>: .■!;:• s.-ij.;, laldfeisw^s !K a..-.' •',’ rfta-V* ¥'>--v>;,;.‘;4; >' nS-v. '.-w-: ,i^.V‘-..5-itc-o::-' Im&m :?;-r <■ -.*?-}*.•• : v;.,?*.,<*!'. *i\ •;• lllSffili • j*. S; 'v. *Vi.. r- V -• -fIATPBPAr MORITOQ, TAB. 21 S£LI6 create in the number* mad efficlenoy^ofath* mlnietryof the Proteataol Bptaoopal Church F Igltl Baited Elate#, eereral meeting* were . i held daring the paet year in Phiiadelphia, r>. In eonrider the enhject of organising•fit. '"rinityßtnaenU’AidSociety fobbringing ! The Efixcofol Seeoritr, of the •inn intonating aeooont of jthb' ga of a meeting held at St.iLuk*’* l Philad*lpfrj» some timo eineoV BUhop Potter i presiding. *:*jibe _ resolved Ittelf inlooßeeietyfor ’ ' ! ’ tfco KdnsnUon of TbnngUen fortlis Uinio- Jtiy, ondn Conititdtien was adopted, and t> oilioera eleoted to eeite until May next. 11 President—-St. Bar, Alonaa'Potter, D. D, LL. D., Bishop of Pennsylvania; Vise Proa-' ideal—Bt, B*T. W. B. Stevens, D. D., Ae • eietant Bishop of Pennsylvania, and SeCre- T' tary, Iroaanrer and a Board or Are Cleri-: oal and four Iny Trustees. ~ —Bioa’s iTrraJi seys Mf. Leonidas . a Missouri slnvfiinldcr, an extravagance pardonable in a new convert, Hya “the name of Uneeln and universal liberty will forever he ae; closely allied on tbe n*tno of .Christ and Christianity, and , will gohaad in hand to the throne of graee.'!. - —the Trustees of Kenyon (Protestant Bpleeopal) 'College.'electeJ Bor. M. A.; Do Wolf* Howe, D.D., of Philadelphia, Prest; dent of the College. j . ' t—TheedlhxonUatlouof theArohbiehop. of Canterbury, England, took plaee la dan* :l - terboi7 Cathedral. Several bishops and . oyer two hundred of the clergywere in ! at ■ tehdsnpe. The oongregatlon in the dral did not numberless thaafaur thaua ■" I and; ' •*‘ i | -—-The gratifying reauJU arising from the convention of -hiniatuTf antt mem bote of various Evangelical Churches inMlkml Volley and vicinity, hold recently In Hem, ilton, Ohio, indnced the members thereof to adjourn to again hold. Mother similar- qon- Ten tion tomeetin Xenia, 0-, on Tueeday, the 8d of February, 1863. The call la signed by right miniatere of different denominations. ,The following general toptea are proposed for the coniideratlon. of. the. convention during its sessions: 1. Personal Religion. 2. Family Religion. 3. Religion in the Chnreh. i Religion in the Nation. : & Religion in the "World. 6. Tiro sermons to . be delivered before.the convention, on ap - propriata subjects. We learn the See. John Douglas, D. D, pastor of the First . Reformed Preabyterlan Churoh in this city, -and Moderator of thelate General .Aessm ' a hly of thrßeformed Presbyterian Church) baa been invited to attend and participate /' In the exercises,. 4 7 . ——The following prayer of a slave, who eeoaped from Virginia some weeks ago, leaving a wife and two children, ia well authenticated.' He;had been some time em -ployed about a railroa4 J statiotl, and had ,many phrases familiartomanegeraofralU ■ roads. In the folleaa of his. heart, while preying for hie wifound children, he oried out with great energy in his own dialect: . “O, Qod Almighty I Keep the engine of J rebellion going till New Tear’il J3podLordl . Pray don’t let off the steam ;Lord, don't reverse the engine, don't baek. np,-Lord i Don’t pot on the brakeal Rot, pray 1 Good - Lord 1 Pat on more steam; make it go a .. mile a minuted Tea, lord 1. Pray make it -gosixty miles an hour! (‘Ament’ ‘Do, ; good' Lord I.’ .responded the brethren, and sisters.) Lord, dou!t let the express train) • of rebellion smash up till first of January I . : Don’t let ths rebels back downy but harden '7 ‘their hearts hard as Pharoah’s, and keep . .all handsigdng till 'the train reaches the Depot of Emancipation.’’ ——The revival department of the Mcth , ilhfeontaini an neeount of awork in the (Methodist). Chapel, Loads, Eeg laiuijOoiaßießoedoatheadof March, under ! the ritpervision of i tew individuals who . ..wen desirous of proving their frith by their - works, from which it eppeen.the work hee frownuntil one-thousand conversions are nnmber as its fruits. ■ tins show thatthe Amer iesn Snndey School Union has, during the past year, organised 1,076 now schools, in whioh' CS,OOO children aro enreliedl It has c given pecuniary rid to 3,265 other schools, -h in..|rl^clt'were 186,000 ehildxea, Daring ths year, .17,777 new schools have been or • ganisod, 113,230 teachers have been eniistr ed, and 725,387 cMldren have been gather* i adln.," ' a.-V> )” 4 ! ‘* —-r-Ai a pnblio meeting, Sabbath ‘even. f tag before last, In behalf of the Christian Commission, held in the Sixth Preebyierian Ckßri,Philadslphia, it was stated that the •stimated value of the i tores disbured by . the Oommlsriaon in the eempa, hospitals; end faettie- firida, amounted in the aggro gatetssloo,ooo.- • | v ;. introduction of the bill into Urn Pwineylvenia Logisletnre authorising the ’. running sT the Paesenger JUUmad.iOart in ourolUao on the Sebbath,;by: a Mr. Mo- Manui.has aroaasdquKsw feeling of in. 77 dlgustlonthronghoritheStrie-feomtho religious. portion of the community. .The Prubgitrim soya wo aincorely hope that - Mr. McManus and his ooedjutors win find . thapr saint legislature are not eomposed .stanch pliable materiala as to aeqnleaoe in , ids God-injnlting bill.; - The artlcles closes . ■;.-7 7777-7: ; ? { u Onr Passsnger Car companion may sop. MW that their gains, would- be increased • byaoeb'epermieeion to break the Sabbath, - Tmt we greatly ffnsstion it; aed they had 'batter Bt content with sneh profits earnest ths divine epproveh-than to grasp at greater vw, a:defianoe of Clod,' We. earaesuy. eril ■j: npononr legiilatam to resist the bill; we ‘ erii npen the press to reelst it ;wt eriT on , aathbritlesto: retbt.it) and . ' WS eril npon the whole community, who re ■ -’gird thoWaifara of good morris, by every ’ mfiplbymont of to mist it’’ , 4^sbU of.-ihsiworitby banicste ri 80-' .V. >ugff.y*>ijj|2bejrid orinuatneae: andkper ' tinaolty ri .modtyn misaiohrides, havs re. ealved te origiaats e rival Mkrionairy So - pfspagaUos ud dribaie of - Hiadfiriam:'■ ". 74.7 :: 7i7- ! . >7. , ■isah la thd rebel army With Blahop Polk, when at Eairodiborgb, . Ky, writM that divine (ertioe wee held in . the Chorrii at that ,plaef—the entlrri .' ttri CdafMerate offloersl Ths BsT; Dr. v < ri l Jfs*bvUX*i T&m,) ;> a . -wad; prtyiii. B5)W: ?blb. leelt »e official part ln the b , vmpt like e child daring un ;eonSnua*sfc” Afier . ibe eervions, they lift the 're-- - famty, Jow% ku t**n 5 M* ; ,i*&i th» Bw.V, Dmdur, «r tfe Ml»- s :»'thp close of February. letter has been addressed to one of! the French paper* by "a M. Renan, in which ho endeavors to show that the Goa~ pel of the Four Evangelista are a mere bun dle of legends myths/ and contradictory sayings,• with.'*, slight residuum of histori cal .7 ■ • - ■; '. A letter from the Superintendent of the Moravian Mission, in Surinam, dated October 4, IB62,ennQunoes that, on that' day a lair Was pubHshed, : 'accompuued by a proclamation of/the Governor, declaring all tho colony on and after thefinilof Jnly next.- Their present numbed to'about $5,000.;/ LOCAL! INTELLIGENCE. From ,Ywjterd*y , « Evemiig Oiuwtte. Pennsylvania Deaf and Dumb Asylum 1 The'annhal toeCtlng pf the oohtributorf to thoFennsylvanin InititnUonfor the Leaf asd Dihnbf'Vnu held/ oh Wednesday ofior noon# at titelnstitotion building, Philadel phia. > Dr.jFrankllir Baoho,' President, ooou ,pied thaChidr/ and Mr. James j.l Barclay tttoJito/Beeteiary^' ®b» annual report of the Board of Dlreo ton was submitted. It a*t*.forth that the in •titutioni cofittoues iha prosperous condition. The inmates at theoloae of 1881, comprised 111 boys and 95 girls. Slnoe then' Si boys apd 17girit k eve been a dmitted , and 88 boys aod24 giziidixoharged. Onthe Ilstof De cember lost,! there remaiaed 94 boys Und 88 girls. Of tpe whole h'umber 144 are supported Ey the-fitate of Pennsylvania; 9 by Mary land ; 7by New Jersey f 4 by Delaware; 3 by the eity bf Philadelphia ; 14 by the In stitution or by their frie&fti, end one on the Greser Scholarship. Daring the year four deaths occurred, two from small pox, and two frommeasle^t. .. . , The directors say they are not aware of any 'case in this Country., or in Europe, where the •ease of hearing has ever' been ; restored. Nothing has oesuzfed to encourage them to hope that thiy will be able to teaoh articula tion with any advantage te those who have bean bora deaf, or to oonvej to them ideas from the motion of the lips. The time occu pied to suoh attempts would be injudiciously and.in many 1 , cases painfully spent. 'Where some knowledge of a language has! been at tained before: the loss of hearing, it is very de sirable that it should not only be preserved but extended} and in these cases, instruction is given, the pupil being exercised in the use of oral language. ‘ Inquiry Is dude whether the parents of the pupils are related, with a vie w of ascertaining If such fact be a eause of deafness in: their off . spring; but the information in the possession of (he dlreotors does not enable them to ex press a satisfactory opinion on this important subject. ; The report of the Treasurer allowed that the expenses ;of the institution during the year were $32,144. There have been received from the Stateof Pennsylvania $25,000; Mary land, $2,737; New Jersey, $1,440; Delaware, sB74;' City of Philadelphia, $480; paying pupils, $1,838} kgacv of John Wright, $8,887; * sholarehlp founded byJobn P. Croser, $3,000; contributions; etc., $8,630. There is at pres ent in the treasury abolanoe of $3,987. An Sleotioat was then had for officers for the ousting year.; Dr. Baehe, the exoellent Pres ident of the Institution, who has been con nected with It for many years, declined a re el eotien. Th 4 Bon. George Shaxswood was plaoed in his Stead. Vice Preildents—'Henry J. Williams, Wm. M. Meredith; George G. Leiper, of Delaware, John N. Oenyngham, of Luserne. Mortimer Lewis. ; Secretary-p James J. Barelay. . Directore-fMordecai L. Dawson, John Par num, Thomhs F. Wharton, .William Shippen, Rt. Rev. Altaic Potter, D. D., Clement B, Barelay, Rev. Henry A. Boardmau, Geo. W. Woodward, [Wm. .Welsh, Wm. Neal, Wm. Wilkins, of Allegheny, James Pollock, Wo. Bigler, of Clearfield, Edmund C. Evans, of Chester, Geof. Augustus Wood, Abraham R. Perkins, Jeremiah Hooker, Charles Wililg, M. D., John iAshhunt, Henry Helmuth, Bols ter Clymer, of Berks, Ghas. H. Hutchinson, Morton P. Henry, Atherton Blights ” OU and Railroads. The Franklin ffrtsm says: The' oil men of Pittsburgh ore about to establish on “Oil Ex change*’ in jthat place. Thiils an important move. There are now some sixty refineries is the eity, anii we ere reliably informed that Pittsburgh jmpitol Is. invested in a majority of the Oil wells in this violqity. We would, in this connection, invite the attention of Pitts burgh Oilmen to the propriety of their a!d- eomplttion of the Jamestown ‘' In a few Lionths we will have commmiiea tion with New. Torlr and the East, by the Atisk&tle Great Western Railroad,, and the only way In .whloh Pittsburgh can thirty compote with New York in' the trade, is;to have Railroad communication with the Gil rc gl'n. The distance to Pittsburgh by the Jamestown! A .'Franklin and 1 Pittsburgh k Erie reads,! vriti .be 126 miles. The’ bost of transportings OU.or other freight that dis tance will hot exceed $2,60 per tom This, oountfng sfx barrels of on to the toh, would make tho cast ;qjf rending a batrel of 01l to Pittsburgh; about 40 eents. - • < Oar merehaflte have hitherto purchased nearly all their merchandise in Pittsburgh, but from tile'facility now being afforded by rnilrcod cpmmnhlohtion with New Y4rk, may we net expeet that unless squaf ieoUity be of forded to { reach . Pittsburgh, the tide of trade may Change into a new obannot. It is a hard read to Pittsburgh, whloh is weil known bytll whohavehad traiel over if.-Dotho Pittsburgh, merchente dseire theohange f “ A word to the wise, V '‘///rj-Burglit Shot AU A f«w nlgbti lino, u .lmoit xaocmfal .C- Unpt m< jn*4. to nb th. .Ura :of Jlr. ClodJw, la Huilnln. 1 Mrl; l iu mink oj' . noli.lnhU lion, .nd got oat of M tTi. vlut ooouloiKl it, Aj h. mi puitsg doWn tb. ftalrrh. »v* bub, with duk lutnn la bud, la tba *ot of PUais, iMblnd th. co an tor, when ho iiunediatol, ha3U^raforia natol, mining thi hnrglu, who. howorer, mode a ntj hut, exit, dropping Ui lantern’ and a email baeket. It wat dleOoirerad that a •hutter had been .bored throngh and opened, and tha &ttaninfc if the ealh of th* window broken off,'apparenU]r wlUaehtieL Ike bnr glan wet. three in nimber, ud it apt..red tha ona Hr. Olodger Ind at had jut got in-- fide and arrired within reaeh ol tha ooreted plunder. Hr. C. thlnke he would have mad. a ear. ehot, had not tha iellow heard "him ooeking hie plettd. Thajewelrj wuaUlnthe ehow-eatee. Hr. 0. not haring prorfdad him- Nil wtlhaialh. VTuoiwr Tnooxa—thaeomawhat whlmiloal oKae oi tha awpmpUebad udihlghlj' gllmd Dr. J. 0. Holland—l* annonnoedtoleotnreih onr dtp on Honda, arenlng. Hie tnhjeot 1, FainMWf Which, wrneed not tall anp pereon who hu >ead. Dr. Holland’* booke, 1* jut the Very ; enbjeot ont of a thouand one ahonM tik* to h«r th. Doetor dlioonre. on. Th. OommlttM of the Yonng M.n'e Haroaa- Ul.'Llhrarj here heu rather laU In uherieg in tha lectnn eeuon in thli dtp, thie. pear: hutharlagbegnn,the7 ar* eertalnlp prom ldngua enooenlon of golden, bbnr* .with tkt gnat and gilM,- daring the ooml*g - -v. • ■; - ■■ u - A*ii/9akiTio».—Thamorrioga of Mr.Bu* TOY Kooata, of Buffalo toauhlp, WaahlitUin eoontyj (Hack) to Htta Mmtj 607, of Waak lagtoa Boroaga, (a takat# womaa,) la raportaff la tkapapara of lha arMlhw toakplooa oa tka MtkofDooaaibor lut.ua tka oorowfiay aao parbraixl t/ Bar. John ’fUlaamit-fai < .1 ' > a ■•.■»■'>4 "trt.f W .J* ?*-»-/: W/ > r ft:'. -<*j; Vmrxu ArroixriD.—Quite a number of petitions having been fit*dated by J. H. Hampton, Fsq- f Solicitor of the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, praying for the ap pointmentof viewers to Settle differences as to the purchase of property south of Liberty street, upon whloh tbe railroad company de sign removing their tracks, under the author ity given by Lbe Act of Assembly of 8d April, 1860, the Court of Common. Pleas, a few days since, appointee Messrs.; Alexander Speer, JSmes M'Auley, Wm. Holmes, Hugh Ham mond and Reuben Miller, Jr., “citiiens of Pittsburgh and disinterested persons,** -as viewers, in twelve oases, to, estimate and de termine the quantity, quality and value of each lot, ana to assess the damages/ to the owneror owners for the taking, entering upon, using and occupanoy by the Railroad Go. /- “Secession" in Whibuig^—A proposition. U now before the Legisleture of West Vir ginia to amend the charter of the city of Wheeling, so as to. exolude the island (or Tth ward) from the limits of the city. A peti tion, signed by nearly all the property hold ers of that ward, was presented to the. House of Delegates on Wednesday. The petitioners olalm that they hare to submit to burdensome taxation on.account of the corporation, while they cannot enjoy the benefit of any of the city'improvemonti, (such as water, gas, Ae,) owing to the fact that they are separated from' the balanoe of the town by the channel of the Ohio. The 1 City Council, oq Thursday night,, passed a resolutiou tequesting the Legislature not to grant tbe prayer bf the petitioners. Tbi CoXTixmoL Mokthlt.— The Febru ary number of the Chart***(of it just out. The contents are sooh as to premise a very readable number. The leading article, “Our National Finanoes,” has been already much spoken of—some passages from It having already been published in the newspapers. Mr. Walker has another article In this num ber on Nullification and Secession—which is also a highly instruetive and able essay. Sev eral contributions, not spedally political, from other well-known writers, will attract a host of readers, who will net pore over the arguments of Mr. Walker. The Continental will be found at Mr. Hunt*!, Masonio Hall, Filth street. Dsomrxn.—Mr. Peter Spyker, son of Joel Spyker, Eiq., of Bose township, Jefferson county, was drowned at McElnstry’s dam, on Little Sandy, on the night of the 14th lust. The creek having risen very high, Mr. T. A. McKinstzy and Mr. Spyker went during tho night to out away the! bracket In order to save'the dam, and while doing so the bracket leg broke, precipitating them both into 1 the water. Hr. Spyker was unable to swim, and was drowned. Mr. MoKinstry suooeeded in reaching the shore, thongh he received some pretty severe Injuries from the 100. Mr. Spy ker had Only been discharged from the army a few weeks. He leeves a wife and several children. His ; remains were recovered on Saturday. r Quick Ranuoxn Builduo. —The Crawford Democrat, of Headville, gives an aceount of a banquet given en the completion of the rail way extending from the Brie road to Akron, Ohio. The President stated that in the short period of seven months the means had been' furnished and the work virtually completed on the road, 205 miles long. That is about a mile a day. Englishgentlemen furnished the chief part of the capital. A banker of Madrid, Don Jose de Salamanca, advanced about a million of dollars at the outset to cany on the work. We ihink that the dispatch In con structing the 1 road is unprecedented. SxriXTT-siOHVH Rsuihivt.— lu % letter to Col. J. B. Finlay, of Kittanning, 001. Sir well gives a full and particular list of the killed, wounded, missing l and prisoners in his regiment. The whole number of casualties were about the same as published several days ego; but we are glad to see that tho number of prisoners is greatly lees than at firet re ported. The number killed was 16; and cue since dead; missing, 29; prisoners, 12. The remainder of tbe list is: made of wounded, many of them slightly. Thx PoLTouaiu.—ljt teems es though Our •itisens would never tire of witnessing this exhibition, as-Masonic Hall is nightly filled to overflowing, and hundreds turned away from, tho doors. For teir tights in snocesrioa have the people besieged tho doors of Masonic Hall, and the cry is, "Still they oomr** The proprietors would do well to remain iu Pitts burgh some time longer, as tho desire to wit-' ness the Polyorama is as yet unabated. Fxxxx Luun*s Lodibi* Maoitixm—The February number of this imposing-looking monthly is now out, and will dc found at J. P. Hunt's, Masonio Hall, Fifth street. This magaslne is under the special patronage of tho ladies, te whose Interests ana consent its pages ore devoted. But besides the subject of dress, there is always-mnoh of general In formation and interest to be found In this monthly. The illustrations are usually very good. Mxstxso or'OoAL meeting of cool men and ethers interested is called tor Tues day morning next, to take further action in reforenee to tbe ooal miners. !A full attend ance Is desired. The exactions of the dig gers, who now realise tWioe es much is other laborers, are unreasonable and exorbitant, and if it were only for the sake of the poor, tho present state of affaire require# prompt and efficient measures te be taken. Rxtuoad DixiCTon.—The following named gentlemen have; been elected Directors of the Atlantic and Great Western Railway Company for the ensuing year: Wm.'Rey-. .nolds, President, G.Oharoh, John Diek, jjj. Shryock, John McFarland, James B; McFar land, T. W. Kennard» ; Wm. Thorp, 0. Has tings, Marvin Kent, A. W. Mnmfora; George A.Rittenbanner, Jalitu Levi to. Txn iLLusvnann ixi> Comic Wnxuta, bto.— Those favorite papers will all be found wn the counter of Pittock's News and Period ical Depot, Fifth etreet, opposite the Post Offiee. JVanfc Z«tK*,-the K. Y. * Iliuetraied Note* (which has just secured tbe service* - of 7. B. Aldrich as Its edlter), and Tk* Oomic Monthly will be found, each in its way, excel lent this week. Dni-TB of OaH. W, W. Will.—This gal lant offioor, who had eommand of Co. 0, 16th United States Infantry, and was mortally wounded at Murfreesboro, died on the Ist lust. He woe a resident of Brookviile,-Jpf ferson county, where he leaves a wife and one child. -4 A Ban Thursday, one ot the horses belonging to the. Adams’ Express becked tbe wagqn to which he was attaghed upon the pavement in front of the Fifth street offiee and into one of the windows,.breaking it into pieces.. The glass was expensive and will cost soomts26o to nplsoe. Laxoxxt^— Nenoy CampboU wm committed to Jail to-day, by Mayor Alexander, charged on oath of James Campbell with the lareenj of a bretfl kettie*worth $4 60. The parties, although bearing the eamc name, are not re lated. ;Bm.di*e Bum.—John Irwin, of this oily, member of Capt. Bowers* company, in tho 101st regiment, 001. Morris, died recently to the general hospital at' Point Lookout. He was fifty-four years of age. “Autxmbb Waxd** Mjil lecture at Lafayette Hail, on Wednesday'evening next, on that Interesting, suggestive ana comprehensive subject “Sixty Minutes in ' ! . jtUB€KMe i«gjrmo us. Ig6g O B T S. . W.J>. ft U X’CAUDII,. ■ . v S7FOUBTH STREET.''' • A- Urge pertten ef oor steck having been bought .prertoua ton mrtm of oai now npteniah- UM cavence of tbe Mites) OARPrrS.QtLOLOTHg.WIHDOWSHADKS.te.r A too? obi* opportunity is-aAred to norohseers et uutente r»Ue, M prioee ptj eertelnlybe hlghtf. | wii,ldA* JBAKMiiILXi A CO., .Boiler «»*•* Iron Worku* MW* WM»I, Boa. jB, 21 Sul tl, Barltif HfltiW I UM»rt uO famlih*a It with tha suit laprmd £*“s2sl* «» BMofcctota o»«2 ■l—critrtkm. of BOltt&i|lp »,, mi nuiitf, and mad# to tha cnontlj. JwWi: JPASI, lad aol* naokotiiat «f JiUa sas/ffi bo,iS^s^^ .••.->•• ••• )■' ■ i-lvi-syi £'s>y J LATE TELEGRAFfIiU NEWS. [FROM 0118 jEVENING EDITION.] War Vtiiels at Delaware Break* water—From Boraaide’i Jjfmy—■ The Capturd of Arkanias Poat— Damagehy Btorm—Military nom ination*, etc. Wi.Hi.BTo., Jan. 22.—A g.ntl.mui who left Lewes; Delaware, at .8 a. m., reports tba iron-olad steamer Nahaht, at the Break- 1 water;all right. iThe aloop-ouwar Motion gahtia, also there; arrived Thursday sight. - Moadfuartero Jimg e Brig. Generals, and three Hospital Chaplains. All referred to the Military Committee. ' PlreJUs Binghampton, Connecticut. Bixauairrox,! Ooxx., Jan. 21—’The Odd Fellows Hall waif burnt this morning. Includ ing several storey in the building; The loss was partially Insured. S. T» A..eiably--No Speaker Yet. Alsot, JauJ 23.—Several ballots were taken fieri Speaker in the Assembly, this mom- Ing, without resulting in a oholoe. COMMERCIAL RECORD. ASBITRATIYX COtOnTTR OT THK BOARD OF TRADE—TOa Hovxwua sm> Dscxxna. Wit. If. Bsnm, V. P., I Jsxxs I. Bsxnrr, . Jew 8. Duwoktw, I Wjs. McOaexar, David UoCaxdlxu. PITTSBURGH MARK FT* Ovna or nm Kmma Daut Cairtb, ) j Vaidat, Jan. 23,1283. j Oulo ooDtlotue vary flnn bot unebasged. Our be&kera ooatlßuatojpay 42 pram, for Oold, and 30 pnm. fbrSUm. D«aa&4Botee araflrm at3B prexn. There te no change lb Ewtera Exehaaga. ./ Q&AIH—Corn la rteady with sates of 7S sacks Eer from wharf at 70c, 176 ticks do at 77c* Barley U steady with a fttr demand, and we note a sal* of 400 bosh Fall from store at 81,25. Wheat is firm with smaU sales from wagon at for Bed. Oats are firm at fromAO to 6So a&d Rye Is quiet at 76,' v FLOUR—There is a good demand for Plow, both Aar homa eoas&my lion and ahipment, aud the marked is firm but unchanged. Sale of 100 this Uy at $6,76; U 2 do do at 126 do do at l6O do do;st and 600 do do at Bye flour ds eelling at jaod Bwckwheat cart. . . la but a demand' tot groeerlea, notwithstanding -which, prioee are very firm and felly maintained. We notoamaU —at loglteter bogar; 330340 lorOofbe,and for PROTIfIIOKS—Bacon is firm with a fair local d*. maud at te fer Shoulders: 3}£c for Plain Bams and for Sugar Oused.; We now smallsalee of Lard *tlorOouatiy,andlOofor city* Sale rno bbls new Mem Pork at $14,60 per bbl. OlLS—There fa do ’particular change to notice in Crate OU,With, tho exception that it is scarcely so firm. Sales bf 2000 bbls in bulk at 9>4c; 1200 bbb to .be daUroed In Philadelphia at 20 . equal to about 10c here. Thors fa no change in Beflned.. SEEDS' gale of 25ibush llmjthy at $1,75. Glover la firm at $4,00, and Flax, $2,450^60. OHKKSm»'Saleafl6 boxeaoQmiaoa W. R. at 10>d @U, and 78 boxm prime at 12c. Petroleum, Seeds udCofieeln Ifew ! York. • i'** Jen. •!.—Pxrmotoon.—Crode Petrofwun continues In desusd* tor export, end the market ck**d qitlte flnhly yeeterday at 26c for Immediate delivery. The aetos are 4700 bMs 40046 gravity, etsiss2te otLithe spot, end 2SMQ2S lor tncnre deUveryL end 3006 do ; In Fhlledelpfiu, at 22922)4 delivered there. Re fined has been Inactive, ana doeee tamely at about for fair to prime in bond, and 42 ©telor similar quotitiee, free, with some trsnteo- Hone tinea our lasVbeth above and below them fig ures. We notioe ealee and reealee of 4900 bbls in bond, at 87>4ffi46e, 8600 do free, «Qs42 for strew col or and low test, and for Standard quality and lest; 6200 gatirnu lnj tin, In bond; 6!»d|a66, and 360 bbU M Rsw Task Karosena,'’ 60, all pack ages. Petroleum Neptha conttonee In speculative request; with further soles ofIOOO bbls, port-colored, at »4smo, chlrfly 80036, and 60 prime 40, closing et about for prime. Export of Petroleum since Ist of' Jennerv—j , From Eyr.TerkMU.^^.^^. w . i .....gslls. Other Porta... , _ 241^661 Total 846fta ~BssDe.—Glovsf seed continues to attract.the «t -tention of shippen, but, in conseqoehoe of the llgbt sfttrk nf qtisHiv SeMniMs fTrehlpmimt. the ad* ;*“«t lOtfaxa *o*p»Joha KoD*Tt»t 4«oj tu to*- btcccy J A Masuria; li kagi lard, Littla M Trimble; 400 bot* flwfi B>ih Tifttiiiiy; IBu bags bsrUjr, Joifa Oftoxvlcb; 4tf aki clorar tmd, ft bM* nr* flocuJßnnra 4 Kirkpatrick; 6$ Mon* fipsr; MarU* 4 oo; fto !do fto>r*hn**t*ck.Aoo;ftBhl«*>Haj* a St*wart;3o >m rega» UeOoUMfb. BmUb 4eu 4ft . doa bri**>*. Head a Mata^,WhW«pt.H.vufrralciifc' tlaiai derkof tba.Kay W«t Xo.'f, and Ii a raiUratidf thbeitr. Ito inti'txtaito la irariai tfa» ; qopta i* »k «p«i»eed »a-^^v^a^ rT| .^pj xtqubfU iartiUpodtlflo tpflS. J Tb*lO**rT», QenSoa,l«OrtncnkrVb**£ i&fpacktiffe to-d*j,ta*Ttatfatii i, ffc sa '^ QC >_> l mi «m mv' fitMMr OftofcCM* v H*rt**£wifl‘ ’ poaUfolr: )Mf»; for tgtfQJetiUt, Ulij - Xaitlii, Ctat. BiifihSfMtwii ttf 'fOlMkli »,-;■? j ■ k>; P>lw*. to tb* oa» fcabt to „ ,*v v * J BTEJJ9BOATB. fOR CINCINNATI <& LOD- , ITS-,. fine now leave jot toe above end intermediate porta oa TH*S DIY, instant, at 4 o'clock p. m. For freight or passage Li>uK JSVANBVILJjK.CAIKU i iirv 7 JC AMO 6T. LOOTS,—Th* in. nsrigUgS steamer NIsYADA, Capt. D. Z. Briekeii, win leave aa above oil THIS Dll, 23d i2ut. r ': ! at i o'clock pi m. For freight or passage apply od board or to : j»l5 J; B. MVIHQBTOK A CO, Agents.-,, r7ANEb ( VUiLK PACKETS fgfrm AATbs:«ieamer uLI22IX r HABTIH,4|9BhB Capt*_D. T., Brown, win leave hANSSTILZiB krtry' &«ÜBDAT at 4 o'clock p. -iu j Uetnxniaqg, .will-leave i:2AHHBYHI.E every TUESDAY, »* 8 o’clock,a. m. For freighter ■age apply on board brio > !r - « - J, ~- •• ! . note;*- J,B.UVIMGSTQyAOO.,Agcnt«. . TTEGCLAR XV-yAHXSTILIiI I mil I I Mil j' IITUi new and beanliftflpamedgar vteamor E2L4IA ttJ&A* HAST, Papt. Monroe ; Ayers, -leaves Pittsburgh Jbr Zanesville,KVßßY TUESDAY, ab 4 o'clock p. m.— Beturhing, leaves Zaneirllld X VERY FRIDAY, at 4 a. m. For freight or posssgrspply on hoard or to >. J. A 00., Agemts, Pittsburgh. 11. B.PIEBOEB 0Q., ; Agentt/Zancevnio: gat; -• TQftO ARtt^ftK.. >, fE»:W : IOUOe HXKT.~WHKBLTK9 .otndHS9S .DAILY.. KXPKSB&: hiaa-m new and iplendid aide-wheel packet ARMADA; OaaW ’ George W-. * Fehucn,' %MfreO ; Pitta burgh-tor Wheeling every. HOBDAY..WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at lr o'clock a. m., punctually, Lssvea Wheeling for PlUrtmrgh every TUESDAY, THURS* DAY andSAXQHOAI» : TpHE 1 BiNE PASSENGER. - iX steamer MIHKRVA, Owpt. JofcsAflßßK Gordon, leaves Pittsburgh tor WbceUngeferj ‘XVAa- DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at Xl a. a., punctually. rjUmTs*Wheeling far Pittsburgh svacy MOHDAY, WEDNESDAYdndFBIDAY, ut k.zZ .The shove steamers intke close connections at WbeeUag wtth flsduldoiwhoel atsaaera for Marietta, Parkenbaxg and Cincinnati. For Wight or passage apply 'tm bberd or to ' I - - ' • . 7AB.OOIOJHSAOO.iAgents. Ja® 114 Wotor itrset» J : -ron r, 's\ rwHPUANff COUNT HAU£.-Bj vfc- Vr tueo! an order of the Orphans' Ooort of AUe* |he» oothtf,iSrilt tlzpoaio POBUOBALK, In the jtotonda of .the COURT HOUBB,, Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, on WEDNESDAY, 4th cf Feb*' rusty next, at 10 o’eloek'W rn^the-ftLowleg Beal Batata, the property or Georg# Rudolph, late of Al* legheoy City, dooeaeed, to wit: All tboee tour certain coattgooua lots or pieces of vacant ground sitnatsand being on the. corner of Rebecca and Balmont sirMts,ln the FirarWarfol aha Uityjof Alleghany, - and, marked and numbered as lots Hog. 12, u, 14 and 14 in the_pl«a of lot* kid not by tbs snbicriber, by 'virtns of the ordsrof tbs Orphaas'.OosrtiAnd bounded and;,dsnribed as fol* lews, to wit: . t hot Ho. lB bfgtnninif at the cbfnsr of Bebsoed and Balmont streata,.atd tuning thanen along Bsbefeoa •treat£3 feet to the Uoeof lot Ho. IS.lneaid plah;- thencs along the line of said lot Ha.-U slgbijr feat to an aUey tea feet iheofeMCnt tp ibfr ccr* nsrof£epeccaaL(Tß«lm6ntL£reals,at thepUewci beginhtnv. The loteHos. 12,’1i and lS having eadr airoPtof tOkt OLifobecca strok, and sxteciUzic beck, preeerring the earns width,, the distance of .80 ; - - ; . : 'i‘' . Also, those three other certain lots of ground ptto ste in the first Ward; City ofAllegbeny ahsenid, and numbered-in .the 'plaaaforesaid in Bern 2D, 21 end each having a front on Judge a tract bflB last and 8 inebae, and extending back to. the 10 feet atisy above mentioned. - Tsau or &au-~Cn».halfof the porchaee mbaey in cash, on delivery of the deed, end the balance.in twoeqeal annual instaUments, with lnteroat, eecaxed by bond and mortgage. - SABAH W. BUDOLPH, Administratrix. .Vacant to:s to lanes In.the;same locality, on ad* vaatagrooe terms. jaldidtd . S3hRPH4*B a COURT SALEL—By vix \J tue of an order of the Orphan’s Oonrt ot ills gheny county} I will expose to PUBLIC SALS,' In the Botnndn. cf the OOUBT.HOUfiB, JMtUhnrgh,’ Allegheny county, Pn, on WKDAKSDAY, tbei 4th of February next, at 10 o’olock m a., thAfollowing property.of Gatoarina Bodolph, dsc'ds •. A lot ofUhd iitnateth theTfrst Ward of the City of AUeghtny, bpgtnnlng oa Water I«ne,; ax the Dortheaat comer of Benson’s lot; thence eeatwardly along eoutbeaat side of Water lane aboat'372 'foet to the lot now or lately owned by Col. David -Campbell;* thence sodthuardiy along said lot 276 foot to Oboe* maker’s alley, or Blm stmt, on* the plan ef lots laid out of said ertates theaee east wardly along laid tat and the north side of Blm street about 1&5 >aet to the eait'Una of lot H0.*2731n the BaServe.tract; thsnca SQUthwasdlFby ths pot*' . tione will be oflecedat.eald sale. Tbere bcdngalio n. doabletwo^toned briiAAwelllrg erecied on onh of thiloU fronting Bebeccn street. . 0 - :i i ' ' Terms made known at sslei ~ . . 1 ■ ' ■ jaldaltd • JOfIBPHKNOX, Executor,Ai.- rV&PHX&S' COURT "BALE.—I* ike V/ matter of the eetete of Alfa. Bpesr, ilnnsfol By virtue of an order of the Orphanr Oooxt of idl* leghsny County, 1 will expose to PubUo ttel*,atjthe OotTBT HODak* ln*th» CitT of TlUrtmr*tiOT flATOßDAY^tbe7th. Bay ofFebruary, &-Ufc3, aVIQ o'clock a. vi.,' ill Uu certain. tract of iked iltuU lag port of a large.txacc of which Alexander epeer. died, Miiud, end bounded’ ahd' described m foliovrit : - Oomaeaclag i a .pin on lino dtvtdisg tn*hareln«» j alter detained end other >•»«* tuymiw dte’d: thsnoeß.l* WVss,4lerchsetoa plh;thfac*' Mi fafc*. W. U preheat*. a .white. oak;-*beae*H. ttjd o tf. iWperchsetoa.hickorj; IhenoeN. lißtf 3 tree; tbenceß. SSperches to * jtos thence- along .Une ofbnd of John Hlcholson fi, 89° ifo. perches to. a pin: theboe •look Uan'otland of 'J. lTClore B.'OJff’ TV; MU perches to apU; thence aleag other Uaeoi laod B. &i 4 w. 284 perchee to a pU;flbettoe aungi line of M’Ket’e land iHJi°B,6a.w ptfchMto'aiial theses slongiha line dittoing the. neteabstore mantl, In the pin, the piers nf'ttonlniilni fnUnlslii , log 47 seres ead 81 perebse, mors crises; being the* •sms'which the'iala Alex; Uet: Will and Tcstamwfr registered ta jurberi Opt* of Allegheny Ooimty, In WfllßoekvoL —*page[-V devised, (MeraUk,) for the paymbat of dAte and LgSCfoe, -A •. <» -2 -iennsof sale cash. ' ..• s•< -. frßSwl JOalfß BPt«K. IxMßtot. . CJUPKKIOK 1 BUILDING LOTS ¥<)S= 0 undersigned oOßraformle/onic*. so oahU terms. some off too choioest spot* for buid* Ihg purposes that are to bo found around ftttsburkh. 1 uqtim-litoaMhttbtt tu bmjdted-ysrd* of Iha teminnaof tot Oentre.Avenaa Horso Bali way. and 1 ate Unattfhl location* for private dwellings, the scenery aad’everythteg tenttoalhan axteemete brsblefor any one wanting to locate eutdda os (ha city Unite, and 1 aUbesaaa'ttmsso nfar ate they that ooaunnafoation oahlrtbad with, the dty atTau hours. Xiots from oae*fourth of ah.aae aowardii • Also, some>Wcstern > Lends; situated ln-lowa, jiha aeeote and Wisconsin. ; . -tjr-H Also, several small lots In KlnenriHs, 60x4» fcet. ' The abate property win be eold cih aCtosModsHnx tenu. In4nbe ofJOB2I9KBBOH, Z I ~ '' oOfner Sixth said Wood street#, ~ 0 Or, wnt A/;HXfiBOIT»7 ,anl;6ind , L Clerk , »Ofllco, ' /COUNTRY SEAT FOR BALR~ r *s. BfoWee township, fear milesitom the dty, and mlite fiom insdijln'egtetloo. Cpn* IJarUf hiliVltlfli state oi cultivation; eujrgs portlsnof tbeUndhasa ifomthem exposure, which; mikee It, valuable for the caltdro. of jthft grape. the' fcnUdlsgif comlatof atwoUtery iteate dwelling aod 7 kitchen ; an orchsrd of 80 ftalt treaeef the beet etlse, in n good ndghbotfedod, to oftnd efa fow, fl««re»doaessyto**s. Alii>»yto - t „. -JsO t ; B. HcLAIH AWm io>.lonrth etraei' • VALV4BW ; BTEAIh FLOURING ■V . MILL PHOPIBXT FOB SILX, dtnsted! Ur ‘thethHTlag villsgc ol Oohnnbluin,'Ohlo. The BlU' leof brick, 8X etory, 40x69, with Snefiftnehofite. Sd miller's. honse erected on a Ist of ground efa*. an 1 scte.’ The mIU his ihteo *to»e*, : tnr»* 7rend» b«m,:«nd a[Wtf lM toe»Ud .. ,S**>iMcmr.™ count*, Ohio, on th. Xta. amm Brunch or tMOlndnof * Fltutarnh Biu. ro»l,wd nlao wt tli».Ohh>' v * - rfta *nm -j STBIJtT Jf OB fiiil—A Ct(lUo| jjmJ io^' U FranitrMVMßfc Mv’a«r'lbtl>n,-UiU5 ;'<*•*• yutmi* ■•'■’" - KtatytkYiSr., ■: 'A OivH Barut i O5 «U T JFOJtt &UE. ftfß ''BAJEB—LOT. OF GBODST). ASP hfi.PflE, ritute cn th* i»&: loll,p , : __' 1 , or. H.i.b'tLWAST.. Jil7:f«ei loos £ «ad KiochA£luut«'|o<>.tn*tl«fc. SoE HO. Ir 2 T.IIIERTT oTßkrT.'. ! oOfctt '- iy 1708 KENT—The two adioinuurthree jT Hotted BBIOE DWIIiUHO titufe *S lulmUaut, aqr, »n4««jr)T ppp,. SS^?r!®6^lSSSlSS&fe, '■■tad In. .Okolir'.' Jror_taimfc:;«o.ii»»ntj to WMn&.# u /XOUN.TB Y KESIDBNCES ’EOfi \j ;V Motuut.*rmm »> rut tovniiilp—ont biting uinrchird cf two tb* Murtfat «m.| pUnt Ormptß.; It* . smaU piece.«ka be sucbasedoD rMuraalMf J*F®K TpOtsKENT—Thosfr twoHoastjiroii the J}:cortter.fnitil.tM*t*n4 Cborry Utejr, known « New.: 100 ond 102.- rMw^ononmjrtnt "Apply tot 1 ' ** * *“ '. jtWXVriliMi EVB ißKNTLLttotettrwrtWy BBICK £ DWIiIinJKO.JIOOBe, UtutwCon Hnj rtrtd, wUk mfen rooms. t oUeeiion eirea lst ol i ApnlC ? -’ ~<. y* i-ts;.;. JWV£bUVb‘-*.*ni,.' ■" i>U ... r.:.- ■ J? *»aaATO WaUr street " mOt tET—A nro-itoiy- BriofcD WEli^ ■ JL .XAGr.eoAUbiiDcetcktJroaias.sad attic, fio. SS VyllertrteVnesrODatDSaj.’Heol'tSSO." fj lEqn’re of 1 .■•<; t 0 IttvSTCBBBTr, ! J%jift3t . . ...•■■- . .r. 271 JPenp street 1 {TUB BJBHTr-AiiliWg#,.i well, lighted JC room la'ike Gaxbtzb Buimoto, feariAeteay/ it tbs Bwis oftWOIIIOB c j -.»• selttdtf -, T g.vj ?j‘ii ;; dCrviiT.W ■ >r^ UTU&ift AVUM.: lath U fcrty’ nwur.kssd of fff ood* tnmvibe Ut-et > .MrTH?MAT.TVA " ; dsM* “' : ifoa,t4l*g j atSJLibertj street! IfUiL HALM OK&JJLN'I—Aa UU Ji* '11? finery, I tnoompletsorder. ' Ajipli to-i t-ii .».!?■: ; :V iOKr'ABXHBBS, ; mbaidtf .- Att*y *> Lew t Hcylas Ftmrth stl • / WlOiiA XV WV-tMbb eaohronfittt \Akn& sedcmd "rmri OtirafalNEKY. v= : ! I !j..; I ■JurorjummaßS.o*L- ! •> . BUBHIHG OIL AJJD fcUBBIQATWtf OIL,: _ Een>ooott«sttY 0a haad ibfl ray bat -onollty^f. BDBHIHd-OUi»<*»ittd.fQbnt bdcc slMt* |ood MJBBIOAtOB, pare WBHK BKSZOLS ttd CAB iw r - : S’< I'J j , , iVAUonlsre ks atMo* U Minn. Bnx*r t Saak. *060&4 floor, vIU be promptly Btkaukd to.' avioofcdtr- r-.nrv,... • UU* WUIULH. ~ ; . DUHOAH, DCNLAr,AOO., . iron wroxx spimo uabbok oiw. Office, 30. SVI ftrwt, : FITTBBqB«H,TA*Ft t ucifbe om wobksL: ; ; ; I*4j A? ” ; 1. u . «U*OTAfflpnH» 0F.;,.... ... i«L ■ V OaAL AH D OABBOh^OILfIj •’ ■!' • ••'" •'• i dealer ii ; •* y i! » • ■*•**> ' I*XIS, 'GBIMtIMTB, Mn *a., »j . ?; : . jHov mUrkoUttwt, tetwaift Sn»Bd nd SkM. ‘OjSKjLNKii Oil* tW *Xi>UHX.—lii • Xvu&deni(zied»renefeifrepaxe&-to Mil the bett qhalitj'of Sensed Carbon oil, delirered on boafdof antt 1 ' Pittefcrargb; on'dodr laPhUOdelbhU. or At* warehouse (a* Bed Hook ‘Point,' Hew' xork.-.Wlir also doUmiota from JOT to JJOTO barrels trm aboard r ■hip* or call Bills Lading of dlflhrin* deed loti on limnooL Slaagow, .Fraiiktort-08-ihe-Main, and other Snropeaa parte. 7 .BXgSB AGBAFIV : •teeCT 1 •• -Psttr&te Ofl Work^rittsborfb/Pa. ~ ; ; 7 Co.,Vauj, ' ! Manofrctoenof AOT HXAT. XHGJXOTSS, PiUQK AJBD KHG&KH OB4TBB, HOLLOW WABI,Mo, BUM and 01ms 551- Ids MiU iriH flaring,flea, WaterbndlAr tlsan-Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, .So* gar Kettles, BnUey*, Bangors/ OarWfceel*. Ooopliaga and,Castings goJurjUiy. rlAleor JobUng* and lucbins •Oestynfffcjßuipe loj ordijt^.ftfenfod-EoßaMs MIIL :irtth-Stsagacr,Horn Bower.*-:i •• noU:6iad: =- ;g;BsrgrpNK;?Qtisa)BY l .;.;, ! . i . J).I)eHAVOT*SOH, i‘ 1 £ WMDtsio ■;,' h*Alia® stoves, oookCsq *ahs*3,-j53. OomapailUX* rBOHISj ntllDlM. ta. iftovisfjjißOH wmat raomtv ag;Mnda_tfjQAßTnP«-daiM W i, /and *.Q «fg> n»«lliitnij i snit iwwnilrtiilr pff l ll w !lißßti^Ttfr(lT l iilTHl l *TtW|Wß' thehocsswlll kept as a - first,class. 6'otelfueTtri -: ; ‘ ' '-Jjinayd * ;; uptrfiUTjqqjr^ti,. XTOHMAL Srt'iS< , **K 1 *. I,OWUI MHOOlrt So.» «. OiaU street, Third sfa»r.. s\i ''■* --- i . tt.jMa to whom all of da look fir advice and uutrnction. vi.’tovo.a?£:; - JOHB J;WOLOOtT»r -- I - 11 fiswii riTtj i iiii in fii llui iijTriilim BJiiii—bJ alwJilL unbmzvn is* "• •^^wJS.WISCS t: I Utoplaeme in: tiring it as Hg opinion that tbs* toydngjqyrOTTwendjtfrri H .fang ; j: - 1 j ' '"I toxnrof no dneSrtto desired higher testimony fas - , I4nfly-ocnflfcrte.tbo above nrntrnimomattnn : • c:dO d !i. -c tt: -•: 1 7 ->f A'I)KBHIS01l. * ; V H* m FW* High SchooVgnjcfcaT than any other teacher In this dtj. - . ..' „ . _ a-*. timfflHi { py wedglieadTanoo. v anfcftawdi.u tilHiwAiatwatt&Mlgwtf m OB lllrd.fv tlu «d»lT»ijnrt«iM ,-oI; teinUii,, forw.Kraar» . ■jiTtaagy loSguSrSg; UdlU.ttoai»,fcf Um avitm imt JnpttßiW Va fcad>d;l |^iri M Hin 1 ssft2, f ßox^?Sa^ttJ^TrtS^o^™' yi s g*BKIj BA&RBLb« OU.~ rtUMßissT"" ~ , , 7,-v i.r f.i 1 i'K . -- BAdAM . • •. -• ..aiiuifrttnißsL V a* lam huaij uovk Intmna,. diA to»awoitk colt), WAi*B,rja>»*..“d.drtk* '•odert' '."tanibtoflSßts Id, WTM, oLosxTß,dto. ' ...- timraani Bnsd in the ttast dnfs{ ■ radoa iffm*. . ... j BmWpi 'teM oa Un Ihortat «H MitammUd. Y- J -■ - v> . d«g-- •piUJAMMg-tb btdvprima for pile bf~ '; Jl--'- = : ' BWHteBIBdk :: : pKAlUui—» «Mkaa». l ««nU, ft* Xm*to um& orauiv Depot of the Huniwi Batlroad* £& VIM* i •: I •' °ob?-.tw «U CledMrtt;acH Ifcs »*■ : ( Hhaftwetila. ■ Wt s. BLf l-** o P» do BtantnnrflU .•_ , j fc» « fcH) " ■ Wonrir::..;... • j • *do£ W» b.a IfcSOa. m. Agrteaa«nrfniH*l ; &SQ«- fctO • . db. Ht. LMte.^^,,,,,,1 Ho change of can between Kttihnrgh fipltndldfkepisg Oars attached to ail Sight Iralpi, : | riffilWjl aad WtoM* : 'Xfc>A l . LeamPitttbtagfc’MOa- ii. # Mo«wnul.ij4o».®. . do WelLrrma 408 -F ■'••M Btenbe&Y!e 6slB-«*( -fc6o : n: i6do “! .do Wheeling. idi- K lid# » I &10 «* .WO i.V,,; UOV,-** I 035 *» QnrififeflagatWbicUnF with Hot'liiKiri iai .Bsflrriad,anft at Beil aft wttttOWttal-Ohir- Be t£St V - I J V I ♦> ClntiuiLm* ‘ loMOeMUebm-th.—h...... lgoaiei. p.M. 6 ■£> .ftalS; «.. *O5 «• ; , - ' 1 OJ4,M U ■ do Hnrtiflw r ; n , mt ,„„ n i,„ BJ4 U M ~ ■, • 't».y| f* fcJO m | ntttbnrgbtTort WcTns and Chicago BfeQAadsai Hodeon jrnh Sdntorffle andOtael&neti & K i tdf AkroßrOoTabogaTsDsond Kiaienbm.and withoTiTß.*-KB* fbrhiS^SSffl ahd @4cu(Oi endf theHorth7 . WILLIAU &THWABT #l Agnt, 1 At the Hornpe&r'e Otßee ta Freight Stietioiu Pena it. * •■■i no 85: . .;< ■]■••.■■-• :: : : <■>■/■ '-il- : ‘- a r —'- ' r.,v7.-iaai WIN TE B ; -W Biagnm-th« - iniiiHnviiiMHlßßMMMp tAKUOIBXSib BilldWAin iILT TB4ZHB. O.nndnft*Hloßl>AT,;J*a,l»li,l*a. ■ Tke k T&Alli, Jaaraa tba *m momt Btatioflattry morals* (excopt' Sunday) at •tofolaiß at all atattoas, ana mjtktn* alract onseotlau at Harrt*bniwferE»itimoca and Waah* lui Usuand tor.Nav-YoxS tU Philadtilpkia.; . ' *iTbaTHBQUSH gIHBMa TSAIS tmrm4*os at moptfta* oily ai atliirtjal atattonymartng aenaaoSsn at Harmbftrg tor Bateaus* and Waridmatw. aad fcr BatrYork via &U«atcwa rout* is* BtoUoa dally (tnapl Sudan), at *11:85 ». m*j Boffin* only ,*t pnndjnl tTttV T Tm' i r ,^Tiiia^*T> |r ttottilnQii |of Balluonaad 'WaaMastOßf **4at FhfladelpWa tot Hair Teak. , & «am£ 'AOOOkKODyCIOH 'VSAXHK.' dally, (except *CBdej>aiS:46 p. a«i Btojfcdn* at efi vUUons — mi firmTnaflgh. i - •*- . JRniAcoomuodatton Train for Wall!s Button kavat ialtjr (except Boday) at fciO a. B* ; : gacfcnJ'Attwpimorfatfcn Train. tor Waift,Btattoa kcvea dafiy («nept Banda7}a*lli46 «;]u. •“ -•Third toavae dally (except SondayVai&iOp.tn.u' •.< ftorth Acooomodattcn Train ifcr. WalTa Station Inotm dally (except fiandaylat &00 p. xa,‘ ' Tha Ohvek Train bare* wall*! Button btkt Bub* daji atfcOfi a. in.; retaining; 'tatfvee Pittsburgh at ••*:!• 00 To rhfladstpbtn..... 10 60|To 8 » •- Jbmß chattedto all Btattoau on Pdfintn niatßß BttTroad; and to Phil»?,.. 1 j 'v . ft—igtnn. •ißrohattax T-ttctets ,1a cats will u charged an exqen. awosdlec to distance traveled. In addition! to the. sUttda zata*'czD*pi froo».»taUoDS wherathaOonjpugrjnnoAgent. !■«• * TOtlCCft—lii aaW 1 Compearwill bold . Uwanfree • rupouttito' ftri Uooaal baggage. only, aad for aa'axwanf sot exceeding 8100,..., . H. • hsa .-beea-' am ploy ad to coavnjjpauangiEs and to and frqca taaS*. -pci, at a flfcarp&oS toaxoNdSS canttteeeohpaS'. apply td^- £, J. BTjMlA|iy, Abml Aiith* -PtmoiTsnia OeßtxarluUnMd ftswgw ,JUU3n«jonlJi«t7 andgqntirziefs - :'aoli tSollab! savings banal ifoto ■MJr- Founx finucxr. • •'. { % ' . fTTTA-ftT-cwn nqiftXj^J^.VTV ~ Opdhdafij'ftom 9 to S o'clock,'ateo ea Wo&JaodAv «£* ftom Xto 9 o’clock, and from Komterlst to jKap lot from 6to 8 o'clock, / ;•; iO -_.-. .. - Deport to recejhred of alt'umainot tea thaft Om Bolter, and ft divldoiid of the proStedoctendterioo ft ytoftto'Jqm and Oecamber.. Interact haa boon da* eland .■MaiHaimany, In Jana afcd' Detomfcar. tinea tha Bank-wtofrryanimL attha rata atatyfr r iftJtoMV.ji-.T Intoreat.it not drawn crat, b placed to«fca«ed& of Ua difnttot! •■ BdacteoL mAtoofttMteoM to» -frirtetftmn thaEiatdayaat rtlfwtlfir.OOlll 'poi&uUasitwice ft year without troubling the dcpoti-- tor to c£n,or aranto pnaent hUpam boofcAttkia Wfll ddubte in tea ftfaantwclvanaiih mtidp#dtt.tfraftgregata ftiosi rtxs &n*na2* ru .-.w. • * , I Qto ajppilaitfan at ' John it. MeftddnT " .\John Holmae, .. • • *<«». Bacfcofca, vQeOrf* Blacky Jphn B.OuSiU| .'tJdouo. A. .Carrier, • :7 .aMte»jA.tfloltoj», ' f rWpb£±PF&» i, John firmna, 5 • ? Hopewell Heptmrn,' ; William BoHarov'l ' Peter H.Hnpher,bri-.r.i^kfutdiT. j«w iv ut Bavi'tnu’nHMk'UMtk' \jiT- -i~". '■ ■■-"*> ■vl'-Vj ;." ■• ■■ 'i~ .- rjßarr ooigm&in* * /r «i* ™ tvUysttasfia^is-a^Ss ?«SsSBiaߣ2!iid&SS Br/fttiy ll !** ;■ '.', * ? w: !! J • - laao M. Fetmodn tofts iu»£aL7^ ittUiftD.ltwfiL AiH.Tdjockr*ri)« '.HUißm|wla, yiTHia 3, Airfwoa a ■H>.. j; . i, :■ i-, ►. • tMffD.KaOt*.. PetevA^HadSL' g..k.»g^ r^ JofaaOtr,. . . - Henry WUltoStfiehiiMitL Alrtuder Tlnrtu, Ij»« Whittier,; . ChrtrtttnYeecw. a—CHAS* : aTcOWOB, •• .. »•*" •».*.>