.. A \ . ,~_.. .. .i -- i , -> nothing for sererel kt- -- taoiiliUL'' Howettrlh* Presidentjnsy dil -- - fer with Congress opOnthe subject 4 of ... -i ioioco.or waythUg tin, his oommonld lions ere entitled to fespectfid ■'C : . majority of ths.peo. % ! pet will be inclined to the opinion tint he 4 j 4 .' . ie in the mein eomot ia urging .upoaOoa '* --- 4 greee the duty of keeping the volume of Joperbsueswithin the sasHestpraetioa- I »•*>*• ‘ • -; The issue of the handled milliona just ■*». , npohea of was an imperatlre necessity, 4 ' and thereforexlghl, though we are fee* to . . **X **t nothing bat necessity, end the pressure of the just claims of brareand lufferingmen,wonld hoTO justified the : - measure. That .issue will .hot) however, tt eeriously affectthe prlceseitherof goldor . of merob»n(ll»&. It Ik aiipnt»hiny yint m. 1 *moant of money the legitimate business of . this country, when as settee as, it is now, i ean absorb. We all remember the appre hensions which were felt and expressed at i 3 . 4 ' the time it was ascertained thht the gold . ttlaet of California and Australia iroold • pom* ipt/».tha of fllwnlltfeil t«. t nnal addition of one hundred and! fifty to J J .. " .. ■l'* ■ - .!**♦*; -.v a. >- •• ■ ..r '••••V’;’ ! ' - *K .... ■; v o • - .ii'. '•: * > -S: ; s:r t .. ■'* -v MMIUM i'r* • !»o •;*' • l ' *** *'■ •' •6 s. £. .... ; • 1 ■V ■ • 'V, ¥ '. m+rfii ... v*'» .JiV - . i. VI • in,:. ;’ SV^:«^.kvVv:V.>^. Bisfcii u * '«. w vvj. TT.:,,. j .*.■'*}■’ >.■•' ■ ’’' 1 V .*•».- * ‘ '\r* " .■:• .v' - *■' Sn A»il»o J vier UMrUn j ’** , We bare already announced the fact that the 109th Regiment of Illinois Volunteers bM in, gobdpartdessrted to th* Rebels. The Cincinnati Commercial sayioflt: MorrsT.—The 109th IlUnrisEeglmenl mutinied, k few d»yi ego,st.Hdly Springe. This regiment was raised at Ansa,' a place in that portion of Illinois knownai Egypt, ;where the Otmaentg oastaa almoet unani mous rota, . The JdenteasntColoael.ifmit : orer to the enemy; the otheroffioera.and nun, except the Colonel, who is e loyal man, are under arrest. This regiment, be fore it left Illinois, drove a farmer oat of hi* hones at midnight heeanae he had hired two negroes. • There era said to be one or two oUmr Southern Illinois-i#i}mpnU> who' are not depended upon. , The Lonierille Journal ha* a Utter from Columbus, Ey., of the 11th instant, which' Mfe: .. . i i yE;~~~.S c: ~. t.:':;aN. i Amour flu ottoerataken fat the inrprlie un root of the rebel* at “Knob Cmkl m one P. H. Strickland, SecondLlentenant in Company A, lit TennewePartlianßang- OM. Upon Idiot. fitriekland, Capt. Moor* found forty prolea of mea4tflonging.to the 109th Illinoia.. Major Btriokland,of thi S2d Indiana bring -a relative of Lieut, Strickland, they at once intend intofne had. oonldenOal eoneinatloau 7 Among other thing! the.ldiutenaat informed the that eeaftkaa n th* IQfiih lUiaoU, tb Ofleiul dm, bd>d to tit JCxtfkli 0/ lie Qoldm GreU, and thatthey (therebe) wenafraid we wpuld ftnd.'if . they.wereeo bold and impru- wboat it. He aim laid that Hurt were ..JgflKSffiX&K'S32 fnintft atriwnta than they did the Fed ■ ■jr /prih. Contlmting,he added thatwi hod no iV- V,- M 0 t Ou itrmjth 0/ that toeutf m the Merit, oad-tkot tkreegh it thryvnt agfriui - V oUiapor tuaf omy isotter*. -: r’! T<*de.en .the" fcrie Canal. ' Prom a itaUetloal table before iuij We take thi following eurloui fketi reipeotlng >.■„ ; thilnoreiae of weetern trade eaniid eeit ward,wUb.tbo prioei of freight per .ton 1 ftmnAibany to Buffalo and from Buffalo to “Albany, beginning with the you 1887—. ' ten yean after thecompletlon of the oanal teaeorWeafaPn, )Tr. A. toE, B. to*. .:i WT -«h—-1.. : MAW r 090 00 ■■ MU -t«o» loans > neo e«t - -mi aot,Mt ’ uoo > in ' nasi . too- i'll .lAoane ■ ♦- aoo ’■ «UUj tt« OoTWßOtWbnth* ~ , M*i tt Kr.Buamb«aa>tmulVyhli«- dUnr On thWthof Vink, Mr. Inna’s tarn--wilt axptn, wbn .lw wIU to nsawM ky Kri HttMicu, who ini *lMt*4 aatka : uaitfagr fertirfejl; tea; ’ Tka beapMUtt. tka etkn taaijHr. Xuii will goattaaata baUaatil thakUTaflUnk, IMT. L - i«r<2i-£‘?27:SAv Tfce Horror or Southern teMlttUon*. yUnditoithle head the tijby Tau 4 prints a tigs Mary F. Rapport of Qen. "as to the horrors 6f Southern society. The Tine* ▼ouches for Mr*. Clark,whose position and characterafiWd suffifileot guaranty of Rer .truThfulness.., .We condense the following statement from her letter: \ “I bnce resided in Soutn Carolina j re burned to-my Northern home but two years before the present rebellion. I was gov erness for six years in the ,‘family of the son of ex-Governor Blcfc&rdson. While there| I was told by Col; Richardson’s own .white daughter* all I know-of tbe degra dationoccasionedby -1 desired-to. tell Its moH degrading' features to those whom I haVe io often; beard advocating a conttonsnce:ot negre elayeiry; but I dared not, for ,the facts seqmtd'tod indelicate for ’a feutele to But, Sir, these are rs merkebte times; and should I hold my peace, even the very stone*; would ory out; for; i sZ4wrp:u,o ttrofly vto the planter’s •late! and to toe planter’* daughters.” ' ‘ • Referring to Cedi; Butlers statement, that t Judge ot Orleahs debauched his -daughter, *nd : then married her to a slavey * i; - ' u I; wish to state tostit.ia.-touQUStom of the South Carolinawrißttmracy for fathers ..to. hra criminal intercourse with their own Col Richardson had four beauttfbl datighterei two of whom yielded to hia The third daughter had for four years refused to. listen tp the base propositions of her father. He hunted her from room, to room, on til invdry anguishof spirit she came to my room; and hid heir faco in my lap, and told me ail her awful trial I could not believe the ehild;-but she told me : it waa true— that her father would 'give her. no peace. Heeeerred determined to gratify his hellish last] He wouldcom* ; to her beside when ■be was suffering from sick headache, and attempt' to take Improper liberties with her. person. She begged me to come and sit with!her In herroom .whenever she das confined.to her bed, : because she was afraid .of her own father, who had ruined two of he* . Miters. .She said that one day her cousin came to visit there. She told her cousin fcbw her father had behaved for the four years past toward her, hoping her Oousin Camilla would Strengthen her. But CamiUahad“-been ruined by her own father, years before, when she was young, and dared not be Woman enough to refuse herfktoerAnyjtotog Jt6 might wish. Her advieeto her'cousln -Mary.i was this—*Die befor^youytold.’ u . . j. a Thte 4s the effect of the institution of slavery; Bams may say they cannot see how slavery, Isresponaibl* for these family evils of which General Butler speaks, and of which! affirm. The secret'is jost heret from vtryinfaney the, planters* sons are gratified 7to"'CTerything they desire. I oould tell tome startling facts .of toe boj hoodpf these planters’ sons—foots commu nicatod by Colonel Richardson’s own white daughters but X forbear.; From youth to manhood they jgo on,gratifying every Inst, simply’ because -toe institution of human bondage puts it to their power to do so when' toejYbeoome fathers of black am. white children all : must .be sacrificed to tfcein overgrowntost.. Shall not the pray ersoftoe fhir daughters of South Carolina be heeded ?' Shsll.notthis evil,-slavery, be rooted from our land?” The! Desolation' of Northern ttissis* sippi—tfhe.Gotton Buyers and how theydo^lt. : /Aj6bmspond4ht ; df the; Missouri 2?cmo mrirj writing; from Holly .Springs,‘January sth,' Mved toS .foUowing deseription of the 'desolation in Northern Mississippi; T!h;«reads'itenas silent ? Mid deserted as fields. (.Mils after mite you. ride and meet dor care to meet any one on these aoUtoxy- ro#(de. 1 Oh/our-fifto* of toe ; plantations y ou' pasay ou see no living souL On acme the doors and windows stand open wldsLbntjLberei*" nothing .but. emptiness within ; sad on Others nothing-but too tail ehtotneys, whitened by toe flames, remain. As ypn go furlher and further ever toe hilly rosds, you glance suspidodsly backward and forward from’eiery risein the road. Yonfancy yoa eanght * glimpse of some thing moving there, far across the fields, and you pause to some pfaoe oat.of view to noohnohrei A squirrel leaps through the dry leaves to the woods on toe other side, and , your revolver la in your hand to an 'instant. \ • -=} In' timer of peace eYery trareller la glad' to pick op company on the road, bnt now the *ouna of horaea' foot, the breaking of a twig, tb* nulling’pf; a leaf, are signs of danger.. Such islhteffect'upon theootmiry of • “guerrilla-’warftoe,” for this desolation and ailenOO la hot attributable to the pres ence of the U. 8. arm;. It ia the people of the Sooth that suffer from guerrillas, hot IheU. B-'anny. Under the delusion that thewhde Kokh is about to tumble into -anafehy for want .of ootton, the guerrillas ‘bard the cotton, and ruin the planter to prerent some Northers men front risking htojmonez. in n precarious speculation; this nod thscaptursof anoocas tonal strag gling aoldisr.ls tbboniy harm thsj do the North."-.'' .ThSpay.of the, guerrilla! ir what they pfuhder,-and so they get- it, they ere ao| reiy particular who is the paymaster. ’ Now the old grudges between' neighbors, die family fends for; which .the’: South has always heefcnotbrions, ere being settled, and every farmer is as apprehensive of hie neighbors saheis .of the United States troops.- • : ji ; ! *. - ■ The people of the' Booth hare already discovered that they got' mote 1 than they bargained for hr initiating the ’ guerrilla' nude .of warfare: lit adopting the, Old Spanish nameoi “guerrillas," they now see that'they also adopted tha lawlessness, an archy and brigandage of Mexlooand old Spain. This U the serpent of secession bitidg Itself with its own -prisoned fangs. . Ifryou go into one of th* few houses which are yet occupied, yon find large, landed proprietors who hare nothing loft to eat but a Utils eons breads and' whose threadbare apparel Indieates that mer ohants and dealer* in clothe* have long since become an satinet class. They all tell you thai ths army Jusiaken their cat-; hones; hogs, audthelroorn; that their nsjftpsejiavo all run away; thstthe guer rilla* hart burned their cotton, - and - that thsy.are ruined. 'Bat if yon talk to the man aUttle whitaraadJet him know that yoniwant to buy ootton,! and are willing to sand teams for lit you finally worm oat.of him; the toot that his cotton Is’wnoealed in eotae.nrighborihgswsmp; and in-some eaeee you might possibly enspect another toot nst-quite soplessant Tixiths* the rtryrmah yon were talking to dld ooes rioiaily allttle guarrmatraalneee hlmeelt ' 'B* oriy peroonij exeept thseavalrymen, Whoventuro(Out among these people, are the leotioa: buyers who haze adventures Jtcl'.trinal mods of bfiylng.is . tavisit th* farmers at their booses, make oontteotafer the cotton, end then send teems for lt Bomo of the boyars take ; “4 When the safety of the neighborhood they ere In Is doubtfiiL (and the pries of ootton..consequently lowerj.buya load for their teams, and go baokto the army at a' “doable qniok.” Every few days acme of these venturesome wighta end their teams ire - “gobbled up.” withthe “dsmnlngproof" in thsir wagons , that they are ootton bnysrs. ! Qu. Bnun cloood arooont ipoooli la n. plj.toa oonaoda ilAltoi, vlth tho follow* uC itno( lUtuMat of kii hatnd of robol* Ua*i "JWJwIMa aothan It qaollod, I for ono amroadr toboriaonr »»aia,wUhaiMp load of •aignala at flyaoatk~ ud Juau towa, aad atari fair a^ala—4fwa hart to for olatakaa oar tom; aad kayttilif Ihort of that «dald t* tn4ion to tho doaotrr, tna* i ooatotlio/world, and traaion to Übartyfor oror." ' . Aumairo* KtjWapt, andar data of Jaa,Utk.otatao tkaratano or*,M« mad-:: lowpoilt tkodoilTQi^BtlyQMiooaod ' Tux Birowmox ix Guicx.—Of votes riven at Athens, Prince Alfred had 10,0011/ The Duke of Leutchenbarg had only four. Those who are familiar with of Greeoe are surprised at this result. It can bo accounted for npon toe theory that there is a salutary dread both of Russ urn aristocracy and Jesuit intrigue;; and in no other way can toe phenomena be explained! In fact, toe people eay that they will nothave a Roman Catholic for their Prince—so all Germans are at a, discount. • It Is somewhat remarkable that nothing is said about the re-baptism of Prince Al fred as a condition of bis assuming toe erovn. It seems to have been taken for granted that he would continue a Pretest* ant,-though he were to become the King of Greeoe. This fact indicates a great change in the public mind. A few years aigo it would have been regarded as utterly Inad missible. Mast years ago, a member of Qneen's College,’ Oxford, wandered into a forest near his oloister, having , a copy of Aristo tle in Greek to his which he Intently rtod; a wild boar of. great size, and fierce with hunger, attacked him with, open mouth, intending to take thejoholaV at a mouthful The latter thrust his eopy of Aristotle down the throat of toe beast, who thereupon fell dead at onoe, killed by the dose. In commemoration of tote victory a boar’s bead has from immemorial time been served dp in the ball of toe said college every Christinas Day, and the custom was again honored to too observanoe on the specified day tote season. As IxrosTAir Qcaatios.—Senator An thoa, oL Rhode Island, has been requested to inquire If throadetsat West Point, and the pupils In the Naval School at Neuteert have been required to take'toe oath of aueglanoe. If reports respeetisg them are true to* for-, asaUty should not bo neglected.— N*m York Oomritr. LECTURES. LIB&ABY eiATION LXOTORKB. “TIMOTHT TITCOHB,” (Da. J. Q. Bollamu,) Will detlver tbe •ecend'Dectnre before the Toaug Men** MenanUU Übravy Awodetlou, and the pub llo geaerslljt on •Vmda, Evening, Jan. 361 A, CONCERT HAIiL, Subject—“ Fas bios." Bft OKBTS—to be had at the M»!e end Booh tjtoree, Library Boom end at the Poor. Poors open at 6)4 o’ctoek t-Leetare to bcrin at TJ4. W. H. Kuoata, } Joesra iuui, j W. D, HeQowak, > Lecture Ooamittee. J. B. Bcmksr, ( GSO.W. WKTKAS.J. BUBiaC JTOTICEB. and Connells- TILL! BAILBOAD GOMPAHY.—riBST HOBTOAGB, TUttTLI OBKIK OONBTW7CTIOM BuMD3.—Hoi dare in binbf notified that (he in* tinit coupon*on the above Bond*, dm flBBUiltT lat. 1861» will bo paid altar that day, on praaentatfoi and delivery at iba effioa of tba PltUbereb Trar Company, wood stnau W. O. HUOBaBT, lalfceoetd deetataryaed Troamnr. MEN TAKE NOTICE.—A seating of Coal Hob; end all otben intereat* ad, will bo bold at tbo BOABDOF TBADB BOOMS, on TJJJEsDkY, Jtu. 27tb, at 10 o'otoska, ak, tor tba pnrpxe of taking motion in rtf erenoa to tba attaint raroMonable and exorbitant oemantof Goal Miners. A very gtaaral atwndanos ia dtafnblti that Ultra may be ooaoert of action. -t ' ]a3l:td 1 MAIT COAT. MIN. Oiwioa ATJjamnrr ?tu»d UtiultUttdlMonrlsibfiU eonnirisf. Bis isitratents fertximoiaf srethtadoftbs _ dsllests opsratioss in Sarttrr; oMrstss t r ABTiriCl&L PU- -Jr PIL; lanrtSHlßTl* ir PIOtAL STBS with- f ©at pstn, to. .. utßnl; straightens ' Oroti Bjm Is bus ••-—~ sdan:s:nmoT««Ops> - •■; SSSSSisw^Bea igpssssfsfc-as nunHMi' JsSS TYIBBQLUTION.—The Co-Partnership •»*•***•“• of W. Mo- OLI5TOO& * 80S vm diaolntoa Jur BUT, »jr motaal co&Mat. Tha taulnnaof.tba lata 67 5-JSs2?SS5BS?* *' *< lUltfutitrMt. W. MoOLIHTOOK, u ; ' MI ?LITtt MoOLUItOCK. Pitt*borfb»Jaa. Sid, UCS. Tha wdanlgßart vffl matlna* tb* Oarat i&4 Torotahlng Botina* «i hantofora, at lli Marka*- ittMU W, MoOLXNTOOJK. GQ-PARTNBRBHIP NOTICK.—The Dod«nlfß«d hBT« farmed * 00-Prrfnmk'D on. 4«f tha*tjlaofOLlVß& MoOLUTTOOK * 00., ud bating porabaaadUaetitlrtatocfcof Csrpciiacs, Ofl OMht, «a» from tfca Mami Bobiaeoa4 Oovw’Q ooaUn&a tba Otxptt Boalnan a* Ho 29 fifthatraat. AollcHlDg from tha pablio tha patron* g* so long ax* taoded to oar pradaoanert. T OUTXB KoOUHTOOKj, obobqb b. flimoßf ' ; •W.MoOLIROOK.«•.» I» retiring Inna ibaOtrpat Bortaaaa tfea vadar slgoadratainttaaka to Unlr maar trUad* Jbr Uuir gaatnoapattd&tgfea&d baring th» ancraaoathat oar toooanora wail offnddot.thalr batiftaaraa Uu mm boafltlbia prtnirtplki»wa aak far than tha aana S—rnSLiS."!®? 4 -* 7 *-h.*obihboh,«*o., 83 Willatmt,«ad aproapt nttfanaetof all a> eoutak axpaetad; - ; A. EOBIffBOH A 00. . yitkbarKfcjMiJa d.iswitf ■ Z 7? > TTALCABLB bTKAM FLOURING/ V MILL PROPBBTT TOE BAldfc rftoatadJo tha thriving Ttllafaof Gotambkna, Ohte. ffhalfll] kof brtst|‘ 'atotyi Itao| with an tagto# kba aadnili-r’tbaaaa aTactadoaa lot ofiroand xoa. Wmiag* bfaaacr*. Tb* aIU baa .tfafaatfcnoi >toa«, tom Vtondrham,aada'lth»laiaini> pißTnMßk'aaaalb found in a flnt clan aluTlKo* in fall ooartUoc, doing a good btuiawa, and U offer ad at baft tbaeoafiaa tfca ovaark going W«aL -- . Applfattlioofl a Af ; H M<,r,A> n ¥7}g.ilfrL «« Frank atrka. • •.■'.~ t . J, d.~ latt ..• /AODFIBH.—3,OOOIb«. .Codfish for kit •v?br-:p“ ! - f iim bilwomjh*co*^- J*tS 1 WfcokaaTaGroaara/SarondMr mt. Vaii family PuiOK JLUV *>AUa«dUU9 n bnad3lßraakb« .v» ,!: 'j.v. J.«.piLWOßtgAnn ; XTKW BOOKS.— / • 1> TH* BOOK BDHTIU. Bj J. B BirMb -tdl ABMI OX 1 THJg/POTOMAO. B* Prkoa TITAIT. BjrJaaa*Bdtßlcfctar,SYak.i LBS rol; oloth and panr. - . AMOBOTfIB TISSB. Cloth and papaV/ - . w .w MATCBAL^ixitOIT. TxTKstS?llBB By gaarr Ward Baaehtr. - TXHBTSOV’STOXMB. Cahloat od.{ v BOLMBft* rOBM*. Btmiaad Ooks l toEV i*» /‘MAT M Ho.fis Wood atraot. T>CBBIANPKBBLE; SFRCTACLK^ *V-rWutklnto| tin afttacki:®f Jaakia op*clMja / *«Mka,wbo«Fln to tka am &5S ~ 7 j•• , ’ BB(I8U» PKBBM BPBCTAOLM i. iaAW)»D,rno«*>rt O|«cto«, . yWO.,y: jrmw JLnT'BRTisKJHEJrrg. TfJH- M. HERRON, M. 0 ? iXAMnmtobueOMoh roßriaHoas. Office, Ho; 144 Passest Anns* dLLtQBTh’T GITT, P£. lyOflet boar* from Ito 9 c*clfr>> p m. jegtat XTOTICE TO SHIPPERS.—On *cd ll star MONDAY, Jan. 88 h. 1861, th'Mto*. lag rates-for Tmsarortation~vill~W frstght fioa Pltttbargh to’Cbksgb': UOib, .! 2d Clou. | 3d OaMt I, iACU*, e. •«r 100 Bm I ftr I(X) At [..pcrlOQA*. [jiifloo.il**- 10, 84. I «• I. ■ Coal Oil, ;P«tiol*am. cr Carton Oil, la" toads. 40 cents pcrlOOßta, * Goal Oil, Petiolanm, or CStbon' Ofl. in .Jaia inatt title!, 45 cents per 100 lbs. " v - -JOHN J. Geeeral ?ni|bti|rat, : Pi ft. , W. 8 O BtS 1 W.W OHAHOLIB* Oenaral Prsijht B R. * Jan. Slat. 1863 MB*!,. ALLEGHEaYCOONTy,>e— aMomeiaZch of fefuujrfea’fa.—ToUDS, th* beirv-at-Uw-of itian MiswrQ. left oT«bm! Pittsburgh, deo'd. At the ln»t*ac*of BobertJ>ai. nil, lu. jbuinh»r*bj di*3 to be.andapprar.fca* 4bte*a,Wlf J. BlOHAEDSOlifßediiterofWHa, Ad., is tod for Allegheny eoonty, os or btfon B t T* ÜBDAT, theStstdeyor Jeoaery hexb g'ster** one*; *t Pfttabttrgh,tben end there to uko : oat Letten of Admlnlitratien-cn the estate ef said James Maxwell, deo’d; or »how came, If aoj you have, why kald Tatters should sot tone to hobert ValieQ or eome othardt person* ■ ' /c dim onfw Bf bttd'ud.M of at Pittt*' bvAt'tUi S3d £t o( Jaasin, A, D IM9. u . .WM. J. BIOS ABMOS; Begister. ' fogfltmgtw* , 1863 186 3; A Urge and complete amortmeat of newaad ekgnt ' ALSO, THS KBIT'- V<.'> jNlilory Contic VaUntUuM* '"~i BOW BIADT ; The largest an! bast amortment la tb*dty,/.pnt op lafSiflO* tUtsao ami $9O lotr,tof dealert, erin large qo*a titles. A Übsral dlacoaat totb#'trade.. yourckders to JOHN P. HUNT, :J ’ j ,••h Ti •: Maboitco Hall, Fitth Stbut. JCAWOY KUKb; “ OHILD BBS'S TAHOT'f tTBSj ’ •BBT'S TUB OAFS, OOLLABS A QLOTBSf BATS ABB OAFS. •very variety aad style of the above goode on hand and for vale at * KoCOSS ft Co.'B, 80. 131 WOOD BTBIBT. TJ IRON MANUFACTURERS AND OtflßßS IHTMBIBTID.—ThsBLAST FOB* S API, at Mlddleeex, MeroerxoaQts known as the “MUDDLESBX JT ÜBS/OB, 1 ? hat bead lately: reconstructed la;the most thorough manner, and moth Improved* under thnapefintendenoe of rrpb rie&oed aad eacoemfel managers; and its present owners, having taken it obkfly to eecare indebted* nme, oOer it for eels at a vary moderate price.. >■; i. It ta believed that a very favorable oppartaalty Is thee prevented to any one wishing to engage in the business of making Pfg Metal, *«p#cl*lly a>,tn addi tion to lto advantage* of oheepnad excellent quality of €oal« aad transportation' imdlitlm, the bat learn bo oetamaaoed immediately npon. securing the McUlt eteck ef Ore, the Fussne being entirely retdy ter iu tree to be lighted, ' It has a massive stone Stack; oh a redk foundation; the health sod.llniag afa new, the.letter of Ho. 1 BoUraTfire brick for both inner aad ooter wailsL The atock and opal homjw are nem| the machinery and bet* blest pnt in order; new aad improved gel Improvement*, and the whole made rtedyfor sue* uOHfel operation.- ■ •. . A railway brthga the beet quality of iron*mekiog •ooel to thklevel of the tyanael head's* slow price, jghLthe latedheoverim of n&mat onetddUloaanaige Aeldi ln the ImslnUato vicinity, snsniw-an ■abundant supply for the future, at rates likely to bo Im waid by active competition. - The Furnace is eo situated astoum tbe Cahal, or theSheoango Talley Bailroad, (promised to be com* plated to Middlesex by May mat,) with nearly taaal convenience* ” . . - It libelfoved that then is no point’ W theßUn- region there Ir agaeter o»hl> Ter terms t«ke Scperior, or to the at deretead; Ohio, \ , ;hTb.tctoi asohT^. fennary Ist, ItO. 1 , jelT.lm HAVTi.OfHT'SOrFIOB. V . I . SiwTtfkt imir9>Utk|]N3,| 'O'BALKD FBOf OSAIAKNDOBaiI) D “PropoeUe tor bid Wlre,**wltt birecejred si -tbaeSos anil WIDSUOITr tbs Stth bstaat, st U o*«ioek| far 10,000 IbC of liVAB WIBB. la.U to bt ssdaef th* beet soft issd, Sad dsllrered st tfc» Sivy T«rd,freeof s 4 sspsoao to tegovsruDtat, jtUU& t*s dayssflsr tfeeexnlrs tlefeof tbesdTsrt’seassWsnd aaMecito tbs mi] isaMOtfes of the Hs*y Ysrd. uch dfcr IM be sodoaputed ;by e erllti B iwutr, lined by «t or! non respmtbl* rtnon*, c*xtiled tobyeoea* officer of tbe rorersmeat, eet tba fertitfastthfbMderiff Juseirr is to# lowest, sill Imaedietely enter tat* 'ontrsct,ifH adeemed uc»«(N7i for the ttitfefel serf.raaat* of tbs trotk« : JUfcdt .i ■ > ;-IvOTHUiabQg,Ussyiwat /3.KAIJINQ OB' WASHINGTON, vadeyilfoed, appointed to as* Hu im tbsprjptotbd beaefiited by tbs Washing** strtevtoe damages done to tKeprap- Kty.iflbs. Meiy Bos b* the nUdlawowatot*. bava made said aismttt, which nsy be sees st the tOceotT. W.T. Wbit4lo6 Tifth iirseC/And AoUot li lMreby ; glT#a 'ibbt tbeudentined will ■set itiiU OSes os TIUIfSiY.IIU STtb i&staat, siSo'cteck a. st *to harad determine say cosa- Jpiaintetoatmtybsmad* by nay eas iggrleftd by ssid iiiimama. *oh«h. bTustoh, "• K.TIBBML . yoHiivuiao^ 1 Jswsr>lfth«lHh6t l /••■•• - ‘ • noNsirroiioN.WATKEi. * V IXJAtittOS BtttlMs/ !■ V- ;" BMUBMin 01 tODintU; ‘ liquid *tovm mtaii . TO*BLI>*ftOBL«SBfcT«I> BAT FOXSOV; LlßMfflrß BLOODjIBABOHMB; ( For«tofcy-; , J»» ■ ; oomt [OB JOHHBTOB;-' —d lWtWlCmto. fi OTOBKB—The Qetobn Liit U&tod Vr'flUUa Xdao Tax«, if aow deal tad w*Nr al' A»(Ao»«( fertuTv«tt4kM Otetefc WJkTXBaTUBTiaazt doer to tSe Cttj Tr—-I j_ : Pwom who, kata aoi:pild "their faxaa «&J)m fIXmMBU that m ftr imi, Till batddadtfitttt>^ad;lot«if»HaUlj.. • ” - H. WHXTIr" ... |U OoUwtor rfU»«MPfctrict,?»»»■»■ ; TjpaMß ok mbhtmurtgacms Um<)*BAkx,Bo.an>tIBTBSTSUT I put*. oa hnnb)» UrM. I : /VrOTipE^—letter* Ad)rilnlrtr»liaa iX IoUaUU ttßtar CUUoi,«M*e PitubirEb.J*».i»,Uc. S~> § UNDRra*- . . . ~ . . _ Jttkaii ftltfeßatttf, fcQtiij fcr teilj M* jOOOßaTftwfcßaQ'Birtltfi I - 7fobM«*(nak WM&' ; | '•'- UO bSSminiVilU 7«aij iMttn<«akr> ■■mptnou, •Mtmi •;. • •■• ••.'■ . T\&O.OOWLKT,' ' ■a-odn.so. in iui|iniß)'m ri Mslwni .•■•'/• W •*;. TT NIT B D BTATBB BBVENOB tj (TAMP*. «»•» taetMoßu far mI» ti kfe OfloaafSiteml'Xmmßizt vxz to lb« OUy jal .. ; .| Dlrtriet. Piii?a. DABLOB SKATK& tt* b«ri Inm*r- ■MBBSWmbb ._ ~~~:_; jnsr MW*En.TMBEMBJ&a. r|W (XHJNTKY HKKOHANTB AMU “ Shiuf EATOIT, MACIUJITI A COL, No*. IT *nd 19 PUBi Btree., JoMtfnud raUlm of TKIHMIHSS, IXBBOI •S^SSBfcKmBSEI^ BHIBTB and D&AWKB& WOOLFS HOODS. HU* BIAB. BOABTB, BBFHTB AHD SHBTLAHD WOOL} <4OO fta. UrmBOYAB*B,on haadaad toanifs.. * ■ Oir stock was puekMMl bsfcrsUie ll piiUd. tsaoslo prtoaa, and'wa ofiar snot ladacetasattto CITY ABD; OOPHTBY MBBOHAHTS, MILLI« PBDDLXBB, tod all vho boy to t»U iplm . -.H. of i , Staple Dry Goods, 4«» M jNTEKEaTING TO CITY ud COON -T»I D*iL«*MIILLIH*Ba A PIDBLIBS 7 ’ - Dvtof ‘tfcli.nonth (JTAStfABt.) w. rm&m sailr* stoe* of ;tb* fcUowtnt ssaaocabW MUduted Prictgy " To msksrooatorSPßlHO OOOM. ; * IMtn win ‘ Bid —ortasats of Uhsa goods viQrIM to both sad nrfctf, ths prioas of BAOj articles being low than they eaa to-day bs'&oaght lathe KirTttt or Tfctiadef. phis markets. " ' i HKUUHtOWHi BOBTOH BIBBIDASD KBIT . WOOLIHHOSIMBI;' • QLOVW, QIUHTLRB, BUCK AHD WOOL GLOVXd BHD MIT7B; WOOLS* tmDIBBHUISAHDDBAWBBS; WOOL HOODS, OOXFOETJ, B0ABF8; Ae. A!», cf TBIDXIXBI, FAHOY QOODfI, BUT* TOSS, THBBADB, BBUDB AHD HOTIOHi, V*X stock DBofyiTMwa U it i fi— byaaytatheettj. - Wo 1 ask'erpsdal “notice to ov stock of HOOF ■K.XKTB,ae w» hare fadlitiis tor supplying tbsbeet MWK&m * ,: KAbBtHO fiLTDII, 7 1 7B KABUT nun, Mt rite. (B*—l Fooritaad tha DhoowU . »- MUMeHHKYS* mohulo- FBTHIOHBHXDIBS FOB THB-FXOPIiB. FBBBH .SUPPLY JUST BXOBLTXD. MMjpWBAX THF FFpJpijt WF. IJV ThS Qs4tn)nsd,:hi*iog ONd Protasor BUX FHBBIB* HOMEOPATHIC BBHBDIBfI la oat fcuallka with tbs m:*t satisfactory malls, and hat. l"gfnll ooofldoaca to their geaalse&eis, parity aad effosoy, ckstrritily rwoormsiHt tfasm ts atlpaisoaa vbo frlih to bars safe tsUabM aod eficattpoa kema* dltsatbaadtarpriTaisordoaMsttoaso: ' : ShsßsT. Was.; Hoaae&sdttcr of •‘lbsßortbStn ladspe&dsnt.” Aabars,«. T.j tbs Bar. X. H. Cm* siO.' D. 7 Hector of Bt.. Faur's Oharsh, Atbazt, k. I.j tbaßenß. X. Its*. Ohipialt of iba.Aabar* Btats Pilson; tbs Bar, Bps&esr 'll;: Bios, Bsrttr, B«v&dkdy Kan.} It* Jn/llsO' tm, fl, I, Go* breads; ibrlutlaiwl Htcbole, latQmM Ooefeteocs, H.T.; til*B*T.F.tt.Pratt, tbs Bat. Joha B, Boble, BtiffSlo; 4. O. Hart, £eq. t Utica, H. Y,; the HoaJ Heal Dow, Fcriiaatf, Ms.; ths Hoa. behoykr OoUax,Ecnih Bead, lad.; tbs Hon. Gstrge Boatphreys, H. I.; Deary D.'toak, Sm., editor of «*Tbs Ohio atota Jcanai,*'Ootaabps, chfo; its Hoa. k H. Grakaa. Moiiaa, UUao'srttts HotuThoaai J. Oba WMoataslla, Fla {Ahd aod.’ Jossfh Bsotdkt, T.; Wa. Bristol, Beq,' Utles, h. T.; A. B. Food, Esq , Utica, 7.; Jamas Plaakstt, Esj n NsskTlUs, Tsoa. . LUfFOFVFXOiFIU &BKIDIEB. No. I—lor Ft»ir, CoDgoedoa and Infiimtaatloa. No 2—For i Wor« Tntr, Worm Ooife. We.ting the,Bed. ■ j . No. St—lor Colic, Crying, Teething end Wekeful* uiittleh&lit Ho. 4-lor Diarrhea, Cholera laintam and Bom •f Ooap’ainta.: Ho. B—For Od'x, Griptsgi, Djantenr or Bloody > Ho.&—TorCbc4ora,Cholor*Horbw,VoBiltlfi(. 1 Ho. 7—-Ter Cold*, Inflconxa. Bor* ThroiU/1 : H0.9-Torlooia*ocbe|T|oo>oebo» Hotmlfio.. / Ho. 0— for Boodocho, vortigo, Boot and ftiap oftboßool. J 80. 10—Cyapopirfo MZ*-To? W. ok ond Dortoyod Stomach,Coostl^OlioaondLlrorCoßtptatnfc Ho. 11— For tomato imgnlantlao, t canty, Poland or Boptwrd Tortoda. , /: ' He ’ ' - r low' ' * ‘'- L Jo. x.-—Tor. 'rnfiiaa ITanma ftaiTliic Joanof . Xo. Ompi Houm Oboth, Bid BmiUiuc. 1 I Mbmm FOa-Tat tianß,‘£lmplc* on tiw Pat*.- v i ..Mia. >• Caw cf SO rii’a* oaaapUto,in morocco and beek4s 00 Omoof 90 tUtoaod book, plain 4 001 Opccf ,..,1 0Q Oaaaof 9Bn«b«*d wnu» and bonk/, r 00, >ln|l>mabtnd bcxaa, with SO;; &hgls lagunad boxaa, with &0 Largo cam ol 9 os: Tlaia, for phwlriano-....,4.U 00. Atsospsourioa. ' Far JrQmoor Wfflentt, La bored Braat&lng, aitvnded with Cronpand Kxpacto* railoo. Prtoa, oOctnto pa/box. 1 For Far JHtckergm cm ymhum— Dfaehargm from .thi far,UcnsaltOttkaddlwaf HamiorKrr« ciiiili. TaHHto.—FMaltt Sarroeu W«ak> I ot bidMß limiinltadl* 1 calkm ar, Ex banning Ittaahargaa. Filoay 40 bants ; par box. r- /;\ ; . i >•••*•■ I ■ JW Acondolitl i —>■ JW;jM*s. DOMESTICS, The largest and best assorted stock tzk thadty, Mid oheaper thin thejeanbe ptathasedin nay Whole* a,ls or Detail Ham* either.XAJßT OBWK3T OF TEX MOUNTAINS. N. B-Olr. m u «ailj o*U«nd m* fcr jtmaalna. O.HAHSOI. LOVE * CO., - T4HASMT BTBOI. gOOP SKIRTS, - - i BUgttly MtUd.*tOljMnin7 KAGBVII* OLY9S, - I*l4 . ' " : fnliiAattnet. IJIHK HANDBOMEBT TETI—A new *-•- ■■nrtmentof j : "‘i'/ surrLixiirstncauansaißTe, ■ Jntf natnd bj :'{ MACMW * OLTDA : J M 4 T 8 Maiffcst'hfc. bet. 4tb sad Plsmoad. LABOR INVOICE OP ALPAGGA BHAina BtAae-aoLnaiao; AIULUt,HUHBOULT, iinij other desirable ttokus, lot mind tqr ' HACttCM » QLTDI, I*l4 / ' ■ I QLOdINQ OUT SALS GOODSI EATOX, IHACBtHI & CO., rnTloai to mUin( IWt AHITOAI. IKTBHTOBT, ■redectrooe off oloal^b^thifrinttao'etockif WISHER GOODS Mbr» tbo fist dnycfFebrwary met. Hilwli as all fe* advantages «f th.Bjriromoi.'k*s» rnpHon. ; ” BATOH, XAOSVk I CO., J«10 - •••' i (o. 17 fUTH RUB. i- gALEOF ... J. M. Burchfield’s plosihoout ■. ...'■.]./;! WINTER DRESS fiOODS, ' CLOAKS, ' ' '' r . •••••• •8 Q N T; A. O B,t ' .... , , . 8 K A TIN b C A PS, A 1 :‘ ;tj -.'A )■ -; : ’, Si K«or. Ith ud-HuketSta.| - QOMMBNdKO Tp-DAT, BARKERic CO.’S, i: -VS! 1- ; ..■t-Jj.v.iSi. - 69 Markelt Street,' r '.7 - H ' obiatßst sale ofthe bsasqv. f i - f C ’7'‘ ..'V, -7 -ft'.V-. t?.;. . l ; ii :,. -s .h.;a7W ; i.yB;7' r - r>K/Eiss (jaobxxs _V J .i|*V• ' MZeustumEatitrnCosi* | woo*. |. ■. 4 s ;^,XiAir . vtpuOK. OF g|ip^N®si{| jvn Moms bt unn. s """ ; l . fOO^ISOSS AT-W-tjr " hucUB*;!|: ,i : .- • Ooc/Hfth ± Mirkrt Btei- : ,! j V-- IJALMOBAL BJEJBTB, ‘At wvaufeuaa, J k _ beMiw'todMrMitMralto atactostW till **o*oll W 1 issgs pt OTftMiTMßflr figui mSST' w ; ni'iiSZSig^. 1| r THKATEB. . . j«Mn4»im«- .Wn. Snook .1 / Tnafimr 11. i w UR 8 6 / •wrint Iw»ai of tbapopobrutna, lb* Ik 1' innon.T _ ■ - I ; r TBiatoiu*?) vnonHoTJu.m uu, /| 1: )-■ -i ins tapioaM, */ I X KOB BOX/ /_ | BlilK HkOaBXOOB Kn. MTBOH. I 7 . ; rAoor DABCH.__rnt. ss lobo. I i Tbfco iOloirad bp UmbMQktfal aowdlMOOf | ; ( !. ' " SAST LYNN. ; / - I 18A8K..1. W:XTIOS. | .. V miMkITSADDBISS KtKKXBOH.. ’ : KKJAL IWWHT—, '■ —.j ; • ■. Toconclcd* with / . ( PAT'S BLUNDEB& - f PkT 800H1T..... .../. it.. MTBOIf. ; : Tf : FOIYOKUA or THE WAR. * f {ancoat kb|. uwmpbb suoataai ' nOUBES OBOWDSD I i | - aius rOßtio DSLießxaD i ■_ I*'5 do. ' B fiffl .1. . f J.G. DATIS, A net, f T -UiH'iXftLAitiUslX WAUUA AX AU.I MOSHIH9, Jinna U*lb,«t 11 o'clock, WUI ba sold, a Smlr* Anotia H Fifth ttroot* m» good lervlceiMo Mirkot Wage rjaaa s j. m. dayis, aoci. T «uud» Aifii pamuy Aifn 11/ OLXfi.—FBI DAY.Jih. 23d, at 10 and S o'dod Wili bi •oldp itdrli’ 61 alfth atnot» atock of Dry 4k>odi and Fancy Artldai, oomprkla Park flaid Alpaocaa, Pgi iUki.aU. ivool Uirfi wim, 4 4 nadnuad Fnnitu Linos, Tobla Pamatk, ZJnan.'Kic kUh ,«,fto. | rjg , l ' i J. Q. PATI& Anot.! •!UTOOTIOB.V^ >rBII>AT * 1 Jasniry2od t at 1 o’olock a. jn. 'gad 8 Vcloeh p. m., will to wdd. i P*tU* Aticttoi, blo. 64 Fiftn itreot, French Blac : SrtnddoUUrhoaOy Boavor and Filot Cloths, Fane TlawtmrM. riil-1 fiatlneU, Ladles' -tlsnaal Shirts, Wh.ts and Colored Shirts, CanU j>T4W«n, Wooten ' Jackets, Guernsey shirts, Ha 'sedbs and >Liaea;Shlrt Bosoms, Patent Thtsad, Oo -andTesi Bntto&SL wool lined Bid Qlotss, do. ’ Ja»i i:\ - - !-1. • j 3. O* PAYIB, Anot. . T>OOKb T PaOTuGRAPH' ALBUMS - - IJ Ao.,Rd Anctlon prises, at Maisoaio B«U AncUt! . Bonss, 66 Fifth stmt,-for a ftw days only. Iwj •cloMont;thsiiaSanosof Mr. Pratt'sgteat consl|t .'mtnt'of Bioks,Pho»ogrmph Albums, Paper, fust rßNtes, 9oldPsns,'.Ae., at prlra's saleat Anctk price. Call soon, if jhro want bargains. - j..31~ j ~ T. A. MoOIdauLAHP, Aact- Vi EW STYLES|OP BOOTS AN] AX »aOIB, »-rt»bur d«llj *t MotLSLfjAffZk ADUTIOK BODfll, ti »l«o itict. j TXOOP S&tBTS, ibr Ladies t Miui r» *t ■cT'T.ILMJb’B MOI A POTION. .PI OHJEAPI CHEAP l-£h( isoaio hAli, soct oh hods. IJABGAINSINSHOEa, at UASON] ■ tu.i.l. Antntxoß House, ,s kinhiKct. t>OOT!iBHOEc JP g*iltgs *< -nc: BALMORALS A ■SL LAND’S. S 5 Jink CSBOEi AUOriONHOOSE, MASON SJeWiJrtt ■ jftMUMjrma. A WILSON’S SEWITCO MACHINES, ,R©.*7 BXUKT, ,'• ’■ b .-.Yhtor'UraTAliLZb PAHIIiX rtart jut bMifiriad th* hiihmttntaium tt i?WwB VAIB, ta L.wwM wprtiag. i . • OwrlW,Wffh«w. iliwj boos oold, on fbl f Bupw ■nnwiifii,m t; ; • (. look oUlck fanoßtUaj nnMLMttk IbfatUl adnata*. of Ctna ill duSaTVj, • Tfa bad ofaaplldty of Ula 1 cklM, Ummi» aad atnaith oloSoh, aad ad 2 lo th» thlekMt or ihuMit Unci noM thajMrt WPOIBSfqfrABP POPULAR Bswn MAuUmiaowftopotto, ‘ H : . itWWAUUimD TBBXM TSAStm. I WOril aadnaaln*; tho. at Ho. ST RF OTUHTJ .. W* .SJIOnSB & co„ jtflarayg ’ ["■.,’":yim»'A»oii j wvr.rz«. f'l IRIiWANTttUIMMKDIATKL’i V3riODOO*M»U.Boca«woß«;, .b=« nifca froa Uudly. ta» klfbart «im mid. Irqdraat « ; j TBiw ufTlg XJSJASTSD—A GARDNER to te ft i oa not* Truit Gardas aad email Tlaaja 2PXNA INBDBiNCE COMPAJJ XEU EUmtrosa, oohb. £-■ Awaiß.jiOMJiiiaes. ■ i ;..••s£: JfarHf Fii <^st*"«r7 *ot«. tad Oattibati. ] . ■.