'<• \t «. * . ; < |s - k \wir.sy -* I ***-!• 1 .. i‘ y :* .*■ v • .v ; : vr v*y ? ;j4 " \■ •* 4'V .T\ S V'- !' { ‘ S - «si * 1 ■> ■ v- I '-: r : , .t.vJif I ,r,. x *’- v.:i iWjfcvxN Xv •- t* .if."*.-, ■, 3*< t.; £ f$ Vf-vj'^RO^Slilii.^--- 1 - :'<^ £ ‘ r ' V v *il’''' !;1 vf‘:k-:::--.-Z-'-^>!‘'---:-!-:- :^ ;V .*!•*;.■• ; *. H'\ r w.4'-;"'-vi -?;*** v ; . ;^ ; -i. •.: ; : ; V:'* I:-•• i*'- ' V ;T'| - X.,. Pittsburgh (tetty. [paHllfg. JAH. g. WoOtOmndat ObHjiQdW to Ho#. Bobmt Mog«Mw r a-th» XXIIId- Cosfrtuio.qi!. DUtriot, for » bompUtirmU Of tbo tJongret tionol GlobOf oont«Uhif tfeo'ofeoUl roeord of tititafomriM. •_ ~ Northern Secession Programme. The! plot thickens? Thedemooracy, which detfWnlttlawa aW 'lpiifwiplW from tlie cotton field* of .the Sontii, and its inspirn tion trow dilUUnies and dram-chops,—a : craven,cowardly, crawling, contemptible things which will die oat &e soon as slavery •hall either bo abolished or be oat off from thoUniou-r-a thiagfo which the triumph of either party how itraggling for the mu / aery woald be equally fatal,— iabuey me turing a plot, Jhe object of vhieh is to break op the Union among the loyal states and throw asmany of the fragments -as possible - Into political Union with the 1 Booth, and thos.secure—not the Unionea I ,Ji was-—not the Constitution as it is—but a re-annexation of as many of the nonHslave hplding states as possible to the South, to the Confederacy, to bo governed on South- with slavery for the corner stone, the cardinal prineiple. Fjuuusdo Wood, Jobs Vu Buaxs, and the rest of that eUqne in New York, gave the first impulse to this movement, which at length at the time. New Jer sey was fixed upon to begin the movement, by the passage of resolutions inviting the States both North and South, loyal' and » rebel, to send delegates to a National Con vention to meet in Kentucky. Louisville was at first suggested, but Lexington is named in the resolutions before the Legis lature of New Jersey. The objeet of the Convention Is.to agree upon terms of peace, and these terms of course are to be con cessions to slavery to any extent that may. be necessary to attain the object. The St. Louis Xfariecntf seta forth'tte~pregramme as * follows: “ A well-digested plan i» prepared by the Democratic leaden in the w eetern and Eastern States. That plan, though revolu tionary In its'end, la Intended sot to be so In its means, up to aeertain point, if pos sible. As many Legislatures of. the Free States as eaa be prevailed on are to be got to send Commissioners to Louisville, Ken tucky, to meet Commissioners from the Border and as many of the Slave Btates as possible. If the Bepnblioans, espeeially the Heir England Btatee, do not send Com missioners, they are to be left out If they ' do; no matter; a plan of compromise is to be offered which.wiU force them out of the 1 Union, thus putting them into the attitude of rebellion. They , are Sot wanted. The ' Confederacy: is to comprise tire Western States, and Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, &o.: •o ther there shall be an outlet to the sea on the east via New York, and on the south via New Orleans. When this Convention, at Louisville, meets, It is to be virtually a Congress. It will invite the Southern States into its deliberations. Of those that come in, and with those of the North that ban be got to join It, a Confed eracy is to be formed, in which slavery is to be- lsgaliud and guaranteed in every possible way and abolitionism crushed oat. Cutoff tram New England, it is hoped that free speech and free ideas will be’ee effect ually disposed of sa to set at rest forever all agitation of slavery. Indeed, rgitation on a great many subjects is to be effects , ally orushedoat." That 'thus will be an earnest attempt • or the party, as Mtttttuted, it “gsae up.” •'■■■ o: PuSLZO'KdDOAXIOX AMD I/>TAI*TT.—Mr. BabtMMytti* BniiHnWliatmtotgomo I»*. |(rofiloa.'UXutß«k7 iurpiM U»i i(no> 7 iai»M «u th« tool ot tnuon U th* ffenth. BrJpndoM* (UIMU* la tb«w U»t th* ’ls,. ' «ct»Ulih*d ' Mt. Ux>*» wMoh h»T»’t«iriß«»t iHiUatnlrttd for • ... - ■ >': ■H of Uwflfflbl. P«mj«8» u QurtmttM U aif Mr. ii plM* •( KMrHon■oßWT.tMMwiiflTHfwrt-t. ’ liMtoa l> tkli Itral Munaltp. The Bartantie* of Reber Warfare. The lately reported barbarities practised by the rebels! when they captured oar steamboats on j the Cumberland river, are now Jolly confirmed. The negroes whom they found on those boats they stripped aekcd r Uod .torturing the poor victims of their eanßeless bat fiendish rage jwitb the lash, left them to die under ihe prolonged tortures of hunger and- thirst, exposure, and their festering* wounds. ThU almost incredible narrative, of the barbarism of rebel warfare,'which j seems established beyond all car il or ques-i tion, by the dost unimpeachable testimony of eye-witnesses, calls at ones for some de cisive action; on the part of .the Govern ment. Lctr soch steps be taken, promptly and unfalteringly, as will effectually oheck such outraged for the future. If no means of doing so iwere within our reach, we might realise all the bitterness of those condemned to feel that “to, be weak, is-to be miserablebut with ample means to deter the tebfel slaveholders from a repeti tion, of such outrages, we Shall only be criminals Ifi thß sightof Heaven,- and ob jects oT contempt before the whole civilised world, if wb shall' fail’ or falter, even for a day, ini resorting to such measures as will' effectually blook this horrible and bloody game of out barbarous Besides the scene of savage cruelty en aoted on the! occasion referred tp, in the above remirks, it will be' remembered that We had, yesterday, to report another out rage of thebe guerrilla savages towards colored freemen employed as eooks on the steamboat ‘‘Hastings,” which lately left th?« city, and was captured on the Cum berland Elver. These colored men, being prisoners of war, like the rest of the crew, were deliberately shot by their rebel' cap tors —who thus added a variation: u the previously enacted horrors. But even this —prompt,' downright murder, uka thll— was less revolting than the first; —it was a mitigation of the full measure of slave holding cruhltyit was the “tender mer cies" of Southern barbarism. £ contemporary thus calls on the Gov ernment doits^duty: It is a ddty of the Government, which it oannot neglect without dishonor, to adopt at once a system of retaliation that will put a step to the barbarities of the rebels Upon the colored men in the Government Bervice, whb fall into their hands. The ao ooants of the capture of the steamboats with army supplies on the Cumberland, agree in stating tbit tho negro crews were stripped, tied to trees and cruelly whipped, and left bound to perish in the severe cold. The military authority lays its strong hand on boats, loads them with army stores, and sends them to fail into rebel hands, when ttreir unoffending crews were murdered on account of their color. The duty of the mil itary authority to protectevery person em ployed in its eervioe, need not be argued. The obligation is more imperative whsn the persons are forced into its service. Whatever‘means a respectable Government would use to enforce humane treatment of its soldiers who fell into the enemy’s hands, our military authorities should resort to, promptly: and sternly, to protect these colored men. When it is established that a rebel ■***» suffer in retaliation for every colored mm abased or murdered by rebels, then the Government can honorably take those men into its service. Till then it is suffering' dishonor by subjecting them to then atrocities, and by resting quietly un der tbe»n, While the Government proclaims its army will protect the enemy’s ne groes in ihsir freedom, let it enforce upon iU commanders the duty of protecting those in its service. _ Tli« EidUßßce ©1 the Rebels. Already, so frequently, since the com mencement of the rebellion, hare false and -dtfosivej views of the resources and means 'of retlitueenrithis the reach o? the oon- spirator* of the slaveholding Confederacy, boon set forth by writer* and speakers in the Northern State*, that we hardly care to i»v» np any argument, with favor, which tend* to prove that the rebels are at length reduced! to eneh extremities that they mult rnecumb. Such prophetic Suticlpations of a speedy end of the war haring only led all who Indulged in (hem into a suoeessiou of disappointments, discouraging, disheart ening and demoralising, we should prefer erentojerr .on the other side, if error must need* be involved in our speculation*, and exa&etate the yarions resource* and mean* of resistance of the Southern leaders—eren to the full inclusion of that desperation which they hare succeeded in exalting among' the people of the elarOholding States. StUlj While we inoUne to this safer side of speculation on the future of the rebellion, ws may take note of the hot that m4ny indications of exhaustion of re bel reionroe* continue to manifest Ihem ' 'selves, ;from time to time, in the rebel news - papers, though the greatest oare Is taken 1 la, that quarter, to suppress everything cal culated to make unpleasant and discourag -1 ing revelations. Not the least significant among these in diaktuns of ooming events, are the market quotations in the Southern oities. The last-reoeived Biohmond papers give the following ss the prioes of some artieles of prims necesaity: bacon, 66@70 cents per pound-'butter, ?125®16Pj cheese, same price i- onto**, »30®40per bbLj flour, $24 ®2sp.wheat,-$3 70 per bushel; oats, $2 67 ; &sjej sB:76.per pound; tea, $l6; salt, 86 @4O cents; brown sugar, 95 cents; white mga% $1 10; soap, 70 o eats, tallow can dles, 96 eents-V Alt that need be said, by way of inter preting the significance of such a scale of prices, is simply this: That no experience of fits past, to far *a we know what History testifies, lead* ns toregardsuch aoondltion of -prtasure on-the people as one that may be endured for any considerable time. And their pas- to maintain that tension of spirit ntedful fbr-the reiterated efforts and unfal tering resistance of an indefinitely pro longed^struggle, can long avail among the suffering masses, thus sternly beset by ad verse clrcumstanoes, and far horn being in a mood to enjoy the glowing words of de lusive promlses with which their leaders can still abundantly supply them as of old, but which have no effect to feed them when they are hungry or clothe them when they are naked. _ AcnsuLdlapatehtatha OMaago IHhm aatrobantaatka atatamant mada a day er twa. an, that iHHiua li baiog rainforead. Wa hafaltwUlba doaa tharoogMy and apaadlly _tha imk baton Mm li gnat and urgaat. - AMStan QuiUL Tirana.—Than an frach Taman of alaok ot loyaity latkU afl- A tad* talli tha Waahlngton aomapendr 'ddi af tha Barlaglald (Matt.) Bmilica* that lha munr—■'*■»**. wlthhar Booth frtontlr thnogh M» oonnlTaoaa. ;■ Sha U I haad my tattara to A4}Btut Oaa 2, Thouar aad from Mm aoataa aU tha. , —■' fa it right for tha Pnaldaat, la - than tlmaa, to ratals la apaaiaom of oamooh lmpartaaaa at Attaint, OaaarM, a maa who la ana toanotsd af dlilayalty t r ■■ '■ MEM I Qu. Roseckanb is .a In a conversation which Mr. Sessions, of Colam- j bai, had with that-officer at Murfreesboro, ■ I since the batUe, Gen. Rosecrahs said: : ! We of the North did not felly understand the enemy we had to deal with j they fight I like demons, disregarding fiAgs of truce I and all laws of civilized warfare, forcing boys into their army, as the msnywoonded rand dead boys showed. Why,, he said, I Bragg sent in a fisg of truoe and his men I captured fifty prisoners immediately behind I it! and being remonstrated with, justified J himself after considering upon it five days. i| His condemnation of the peace Democrats f iras scathing. He says they will lick the ■ boots of these Southern thieves and liars, I who will turn aroond snd kick them; they • mean fight, fight, fight; and we can never • I conquer except by fighting In earnest, ex r peoting to lose many valuable men. Tbuxlow Wkjed tbs Shuts —lt is re- 1 potted upon good authority and credited by New York politicians, that Thurlow Weed 1* a candidate for the United Bute* Senate. The course of the Albany Journal, of latej the trowing intimacy of Wade with Seymour, a* Well aa with Fernando Wood, give color to thi* supposition, for the eholoe gf the. old ; man,** U made at all, most be made by a oom i bination of the Democrat* with a few of his I personal friends, who are nominally Republi cans. The mass ef the party to which sir. Weed onoe belonged, would quite as Uef have the Empire Bute represented by Fernando Wood as by him, believing that an open en -1 amyls less mUoblevons than a false friend. Of eourse, Ur. Weed is too old and too shrewd l a politician to appear lm the canvass, unless Ihe be sure of mooes*. — Waahington Oorrospon- I dnt* of tis Ohioapo Tribtmt. LECTURES. ITS-MKRLANTILE LIBRARY ABBO - LBCTUEIB. c. B. GUTHRIE, H. I)., Of Hew York City. w!U dellw the £**£•*«•«* the ooorw before the Young Men ■ Mercantile Li brary Aeeociation, on TAttridfiy Jon* 1 AT LAFAYETTE HALL. Bnblect—Tan Pan, Putin a*d fwcu or ran Mitt.itfftN Y*ll«y—I» Cukatb, Pnonncn *» •SP'fiekeu, S 3 GKHTS—to be had at the Mule U d Book store*, Library voomt and at the Door. Doora open at *K o’clock; lector* to begin at TJfr W. H. Kiioaib, 1 Joiira'AiJtai, W. D. McQoval, f Lecture Con mltte*. J. B. Hvbakt, j Qatx W. Wkthah.J PUBLIC JTOTICES. MEN TAKE NOTICE.—A ntatlni of 000 l Moo, ud oU oUloio inltrott aA.wlU b. bolSol tho BUABD or TUADS UOulU, oo TUBaDIY, J. n. S7to, at 10 o’do k a. a., far tu* rurpi e o' taking aaifoa to relenn.ee to the pnmut OBieMonabU end exoreiunt ceznandof Goal Miner*. A very g-teral alt ndanee U daalrable, that there 1 MAHT CbAb MtH. irs>FITTBBUKGd AND CONNELLS VILUB BAILBOAD COMPANY.—HBST MOBTGAOB IDhTLKQBKU QOHBTBUCTIQS BuNDo.—Holdere arehareby notUled that ih* tn- Unit ooQpooaoo tha above Bond*, do* fIBBuAH lit, iMf. will be paid after that day, tn praantatioa end delivery at lb* effloe of the Pittsburgh Tree* OjbmoJi Wood street. W. O. BPQBaBT, I |tifr»64td Pectetary and Tweeter, Orma Ilubiut Tutn Bananao Oa, \ I PitUbugh, Deo. 80th, IMS. 1- rrS»THK ANNUAL MEETING of tho Uvy mockhdlder* of the Allegheny VaUsy Ball road Company will be held at the oßce ojthe tam pan y.lnthe City of on TUESDAY, February 3d. 180. at 10 o'clock a. m., t» the par pcae of pinatißg a President aad Board of Manager* ur the eßta:u year. “SI B. 0. 088, tecretary. DEPOSIT CO.— The KeoUon of «v*a Director* of tM. Company, t» wrrt lor on* par, will b* bald at the Bank, on TUESDAY, I*b. SI, ISO, b#tw**a th* boor* of 8 and 6 o’clock p. m. Joan F. BXXOH, Cashier. Jan. 17th, 180 td jT'=f*DIVLDEND.—The Stockholders of ln£r th. rutiberek ind Alto(hair Brito. 00. (Band itreet,) are hereby notified that alUridaad of rOUft PKR UKHT. ku been this day declared, phobia msaKLL, Treasurer. I tfti W3jtB»>l jrmw mm p£HTMMirr«. Nones to shippers.* after .MONDAY, Jen. Hh. IMS Inf rate* fur Tteu,ort* ion will be freight 0 ozk Pittsburgh to Cfckaf a: lei (X—t, I 3d Clan, I 3 d Cum, I Old*, PM 100 a*. per 100 0« | per 100 tbt. \ftr 100tfca. to. ». | *5. j tt. Goal 00* Petioleem. or Oar bon OQ, 'ln fnU oar loads. 40 casts per 100 &>b Coal Oil* Petrelena. or Carbon Oil. Is leas qn*»* title . U cents Mr 100 lbs. uue ,« een pw ; O HS J. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, P. Iu W. A O B. A. W. W. OHABDLIK, I General Freight Ages*, O. A P. R. B. | Pittsburgh* Jen, fist. 1863 jaSUt Nkw books.— TBS BOOK hUITIBi. By J. H Barton. TBS ABUT OT TBSPOTOHAO. By Frlaea do JeineiUe. 11TA8. By Jean Baal Bkhier, S Tola. LS3 HISBttABtiSS. 1 rol; cloth and paper. AMOBQTHB PIHBB. Otath and paper. _ A riBST LStBOB IS SATOBAI* BIBTOBT. By Xn. iltali. _ .« STSS A&D-S4SI By Beery Ward Beeclur. | TSBSTkOS'd POSHB. Cabinet 1 tcU. I BOLUSb 1 TOBKA Bln* and Gold; 1 voL jatt KAY A 00., So. M Wood atraat. SPICED MINCE MEAT, of mpariot aaallly t ynl «p In Are.poond J*r», for teflj nee; aleo for ee'e by tba poaad, wholesale or ratal!, *‘ U "'* mUTOroo^e lS& A.BBMHAW. ii |iß - ionwr llbitT and Hand itntta f\iA> UUVJ&BNMJJNT, JAVA OUT- V/ IU -Jnt received, ialbl df eholbe edd Got truss eni Java Coffee, warranted genain* far aala by i«2l carnar Liberty and Hand etreota. CUtUXUK 41U CUPJflilC—Dark,greea / ui Uiht Bio Oo&o, Jut norind; 0100, (turn e* ™- “sssrra s^. uu ' jtfj oomer Liberty tnd Bud itiuti. O K KENT—Thou two Hoau* On'S* oorurri Tltlti itmtut Obm» laaj. kiiowa u No. 100 »n 4 101 PouMrioa on uo lot of April. Aoniy to Uiztnniun, j.-’Vt f bo,rn Llbtrtv Hroet. NOTICE.— Letter* of AdminiitrMion to the state oftHeny Chaltent, late of WOhini township. deceased, harlnc teen granted to the in* dafetatted. aScen ne tadaatad to the odd seta’* are raqaared to oak# immediate payment, andthoea hevlei claims or demands aialnit tbe estate cf ae'd deoedwt will make bn wn the earns wflhont delay, JOBS Wo OBALTAKT, 80. 01 Water street, Flttebargh:; or, BSSSY B. OBAUTANT, WUhtATldVodiip.. h -Ptmhnr«h. Jan. 19.1893. JriL-fttdtat»T n ttAUIN G OF" WASHINGTON srailT.—Tka nnderjlfned, appointed to at* Me* opoa the prvpe.tke benehtud by the greiUgof Waehfbiten street, the damage# done to (he prep* arty of Mn, Huy Boe by the said ImproveaMßt, hare nude-said me* smente, wtloh may be an at i the efflea of J. W. t. Wblta, 109 fifth street. And I ni(!o» U hereby that tbe aadenfgned'WiU I nwt at eiid office oa TUIaDAY, the 87th leatant, |at 9 o’clock a. to hear and determine any eon* tdalnU that may be sad* by any one aggrieved by Mdd atamenlA JOBS □. BA&TOS, • M. TIHDLB. JOBS WIUOB I Jaanarv 19th. 1863:91 ~ ty|AuiaO« 8' xh» ttadMrffXMd v* tor Pittifargb' atd TkinUy.lor ' filTI XASItOH STABOH OOKTAIT, Attd "Im*p eon«UnUj oßlund » TO•ft** l *® BTABOB, TftriOM Itjto MokafM, vhioa vIUUaoU to VMnllttM to lb* tnu Ml mat imitli Mu SGHOMAKER A LANS, TScTOBBE —Tha Ootobar Liat, United U Mrtaa faaha Ttiaa,laae#da» aad t»yabUa« tha Ofloi of fatecul SfiMM tor tha Tw«uy«ttttd SStS?WAT«B»TM*T. n«t door to -ito O Uj raSkm aat laid thalr laua oa tha BCPTKUBKB LIBT anaoUM Bud la fa amt. will toadtad Un»( attesdad loUmadlUrif. DAVID V. WHiinL./, [ |a> . , OoHactot of (ha Md Ptotrtet. fana*a. CSUNDBm&F |jP»fcf» QUtdo Bettor, wrtgp tot fuaflj ®**i .. j tidOOtoaTfinah BaU BettS? ! 10 hbto. traah Itp; 1C da PlcUtf: SObmhalflMad Appka; »to«aHo.lLard; 100 hvabala null India Baaasi r / TO dom latfa tone? Btoobuj BaealTod aad tor aok by B.BIDDLS, 1; jafcaa Wo. W Utorty ataaat. UNITED BTATBB REVENUE *TAMP», at til tad*kta fcr MM iIM Ofla M lmmjMtt Am to tt» the m«ft «t tifintart results. and »»• I 't foil ©onftdsoce in ibetr gscniaieneii' parity *1 d tffic*cy, cbamc W reoonmcDd them te all pet eons J w&oylh tobarsaafe tetfablo atd.ef!lcecivu» reme- ClmathendfcTprienieardoDieftrecse: Ths ~H*r WmT Hoarser, ©i t rof-’be Ho ttwn lodtpeudent M Auluni, a Y-i tbi R*r K. H. Cree- l mej, D. D., Baetar oTBC r F«Ur‘» Chureh, Auburn, N T.; the Fa#. B. 1. Iree, Obepai ©f the Aubnr* i Bute Piitoo; lie Bar. Bpe*«e M. Ble* Newßcd-ord, Mm; Iba Bar. Abea. Bteele,H, *• Ootfere oa; the Baa B.muet Hishoto, satGeneeee Oonls-eofe. H. Y.; ihe-Bea. P. ft. Pratt, IXr»et, Vt.; the Bst. John K. Kobfe, Buffs'©; A. O. Hart, M., Utica, H. Y»: the Hob. Heal Cow, Portland, Me.; the Hob fcchuylrr Oolfex, *< uih Bead, Ini; Iba Hob. George Bnaphraya. H. T.J BsnryL. took, In., editor of “The chio Btata Jeim.al # ,r Oo*ambM. .Mo;.t Hon.lho&a* J/Chas, MoaUcalU, Fla; »be Hon. 1 jmfr Bam diet, Hilda, H. Y.; "®. BrittoU fcq, Utica, a. Y4-A.B. Pood, Ksq, Utica, H. T» Jamea I Plankett, bin .Hmhritte, Team. LIST OP tiPKCTIU BHKKDIKB. I Ho. I—Tor T T*r, Congestion and Inflammation. I bo 2—Tor Taur, Worm Code, We.ting I the Bad. 1 bo. 3—Tor Co ie» Otying, Taathtog and Ha* efol* I Dm of Infanta. Ho. 4—TorUUrThen.ChoiernlaMatnm endßua- Ber Ooapiatato. , I Ho 6— For Colic, Qriptegs, Dysentery or Bloody I Ho. 6— tor Cholera, Cholera Morbaa, ToaiUn*. , I Ho. 7—Ter C-mahs, Oolde, laKtaasa. Bora Tbrori. I Ho 8 -Jor 1 ooto-acha, Ticar no he, Neuralgia. 1 80. 9 Tor Headache, Yertgo, Heat and f alneea lof the Heal. * I 80. 10—Cpqwpsfe jPflle-Tor W.ah and Deranged II Etomsch, Comtlfalkm and Lifer Complaint. ,! Ho.) l- Tor Temale ißegßlar.tlea, Scanty, Painful I orSoppremd Periods. ‘ ' • ’ I Ho. I—Ttr Leuo rrhes, Piofree Menaee, Bearing I down of Tema'en _ •.1 No. 13—For Croup, Hoane Cough, Bed Breathing. 1 No. 14—Sob aMr Kiyalpri.a, Kray I tlona, Pimples on tba Taco. ! meg C.w ofV) oomiUu.la mowoeowd boeke* JW i Oese of SO elsb and I book, plain 7® r®*e of Id no abared bozaa and book—..—— » w Case of 6 nuvbered M»e and boolu——— s w Mn««tißg tHabarpa Piisa, 00 eotti I V InaiMm, Toald 8..11- I Inge, with B*anty Becretloae. Price, 60s. rec box. I For 8c Biekn ee.-t-Deatbly fllcknem, Vartlgp, Han | aea. Y mlilng, aod *latnlß aa,a of the Kidneys. I Prte-, &0 cents par box . | For Srmioai JBaibeioM.—lneol«atary Slajbargea 1 and Conmquent Priatrstlon and BablUty. Iba most | eaocemfnl and aßctont remedy known, sal may be 1 I relud up nes a care. Price, $1 per box. JOHH X. FULTOS, iol. to 111. Vton Oonntxj. Not. 67 aid 69 Fdii Swat. 10 000 OiiBTB Da VIBITK8 > atmiu o» m o; s. surr; iniuiin, uran,iinin “< <**■•; raoiaamn toßiiai rosniiUi PBOMIBErt -WOXMI roKTBIITS or ABB AOtOBIJ coras or mbbatmob, rinnmk Photograph Ulbutns. Ira OABXI D 1 TUITIS wiMas mqr 4«Ji —On and , thi follow* dur|«d ob IJIUS CHILDS-NAYLOB b poMMkad I* ftiß to tkb w«k'l NATIONAL PQLICB GAZETTE. •H;xnsrT'& {•l6 lfiMuno Hall, Fim Enm. jOTTNA iINSURAXCK COMPANY, vTj HUWIO*», OOM. . M L Utal7 Maui MllaM ifcssanSrtifiSi «*«« Bask Btooka, la liv fork* BwtWf Bcatoo, Bt Lnrif, J hUKWpbto ks* U B.iiaßtSi gifntkf la Ktm I< ToUT».H«rt» _ tart. SxhtaUr, Jowj. MUirMIM- 00 Btllrort Stocks Hutfcrf * 8. Hw «. Oeoa. »lTrt tart Bo»o« * WorctaUT. IU.MCO Hartpyßoftfli ■' OUte of Oouioetiovt, tampon^.. IJJ.JOO 00 %—l latato, Mlacoabwod-. tT t HO U ‘ n~. i ~■...■■■>■.lWiiJlO»» ~ t.SU IiIAIILtTm I mOMn ''' ' . : _JMM.WOtI ta ittiadlis to VMf likoxwot wiatfc GEIXIKG LOW, a* Na 981£unp8*. Mm BBfPAEO AID OtJIC SHOW; __ __ Min'd, BOYS' AMD IODIB'd OAYABET AMD AMDGHUiDMMH’iOUKB; . BALMORALS AMDBOOtjft PAEKIA'S HAII TILT dOtHl SAETLITTB BLAOIIIO. Oou.nr WduM *UI «*4 « •“>‘S’SfiE to **** ud ixoatßo : iu ttocfci *• Hwm boipt N*. te*tfcoodi»Dc«iapr£»»- •V-fiMOMiWr tUOHKA* OAflff BTO^^tJ J.O. BORLAND, 981ftuiwW^ ■ y i - ; •- 1 , tail : jtoood * QIAJYMI •: BAnAimoAn. M» ÜBBBTT. mtrt tad tor mm at •CA A MoNTH.—WeTrent Agento*! ,»«*■ •■,MIJ«.WT •■■-■■■■■ ■ •■ ■ ■ • I ÜBUiUui% Wju-w W3EKS?"C3SS' (Tor AStasM AlspiraxMrataf PITTOCK’B, orrouxm xhb *o«t omoi RAPE OASE 963,801 00 v MoOOBB 4 CO.’flj : ko. m voop «tmit. e a. muKUL—lwant toJiira Agcati h-smmmw ir jiprßttTiHEMKJrra. rpo COUNTRY MKRCHANTB AND riAUIB. EATON 7 RLAEBVIII 4p CO., Nod. lI nnd lS Fifth Stood, Jobbecv ud nttllm gf TSIKHIBQBi MMM* dibib, bosubTi qlotkl hoop bkbth, bSSSSSW-BHIBTB ! *OOI.ULbS i TIBjVU. Fonrthnndthn Dlnni< mo IKON MANUFACTURERS AND OTHIBB IBTIBESTBD.—Thn BLAST FOB- HnO,,nt'tiddUi«i llrronr connti, Fm, known Jhn -iuDDLIHX FOBHnOl," bnl ha Intrly Rconatrnolol In lb# moot thoroogh mnnnrr, nnd M^UnproTnd.nndnrthninpnrlnuniUncnoynxpn rfenend nnd aanU mnunn; nnd in prmont ownnn. hiring inhan t« chUliy to inenrn Inlebul nen. oßnr II lor MUM n Tory modornto prion. It Üboll«T.dlhntnT«ty UrornbU opportanltyU Ihnt pnnentod ,to nny ono wUMog totngngr In Of tmrinom of mnklnfn« 1M nndnlljt ni. In nddl tkra to Its odnoUfroof rti«j. «»d oxi»innt of Goal, nnd’ trnnapbfttlion mcUIUm, tha boalnaaa miyWeommrnoodlmmodlntniy npon aocnrln* tha noolatta atoekof Ora,thn Pom tea baln( unlialj ratdt for Indian to bn liahlod. : It hn n Bianlrn ntanaßtach, on n toekbondntlon thn ban th and lining nro now, tha Uttar of 80. 1 Bolirnr lira brlcc lor both Inntr nnd ontar wnm. Tha atooh and oral, booaaa nta now; tha machinery nnd het.blaet pat In order; nav nnd lmprorad pan lmproTamaoU, nnd tha whole mala ready for one oMfal operation. A railwsj brinp the bwt quality of Irim.makieg eoal te the Wei of the trnnnel heed at a low prks, •si the Isle dhoortrice of nnmeioaa additional Urge eosl field* in the ftnm-*I*** 1 *** ridnlty, eunre an abundant supply for the future, at rates Uktly to be tawned by active competition. The Farnaee laeo aitoated as to net the Canal, or tha Bbananco Yallej Railroad, (promised to he corn' pitted to Mid dll wet by May at nt,) with naarly equal oonTtateaoa. _ It b believed that there is so point In the Bltu mlnooa ttmliwicn where there b a greater ooww* nation of adraategee for MjiUng Pin abtaL For ttrain npply to S. P. BLt. MnrnatU, lokn irporlor, or to ih# nndrrrlnnad n» Olnralnnd. Ohio. H. B.TCTTLB ASOH. January Ist, lfiO. jail A* PHILADELPHIA _ ■HTRT AHD COLLAB HOUSE, LOCO DOZIH HICKORY OHIBO S LOOODOBKH OBBY, BID AHD BLUB FLAM* HBLBBIBXSt LCOO DOXIH ABBOBTXD FAHOT TBAYBLXBO •BBIATfi; DOZIH WHKTI MUfiLII SHUTS* fioa |» l&npwards; 1,000 DOZ IS DXXIMOyXttALUI; 10,000 PAIU OOTTOHADI FAKTALOOXS Min.. «< Ito »IMI FLAH cti. mJ i l«m uMrtnsstof LUnu Isd MAUULLZB B0&0.9 AKD OOLLABA, AXO QBBTLXMBH'S rUBXIBHIHO OOODB. ; Voraote by BENNETT, EDGE * CO., Be, m cholthAllT.FhniitolphlA, Ik rtfcAad Q W. WILUAMB.4 CO.’B IXPEOTXD BOUBLX IBBXAD . ramUv Bewtmg Jftachimet Bahama, He. tt Veorth stmt, Fitttbwgh. thaeXaohlMa areirettWUeatotwatydoßaw ckwmrUca luothtraicUuli the city, they wfflde all UMiof week, lid are warranted for Utmye«». 0 Bi *P u that nay l* T*an oMcanme tnttatopeefcettoa. OonataaUyoa wa& E*"* a ot flevtog aacUae Heedtea, Seertaf. BUA, A. »*■&&. A TOI . riIFT BOOK 8TOKB; Vo. 118 Wood Street A frahnjpliot FHOtOOBAFH ALBUMS; FAMILY,FOOXBT AXO FI W BULLS, ' ■ AnJ BUTOBIOAL VOUB; j! J 1 wItW AaO tx «»1« «> r»“V !**"* F* OOKTLT QlfT, worth from 80 eoata to nnvonn vmuoa. Ji*> Russian pebble spectacles. —VoMtUatoadk* tba attack* at jaafea l Bpactada.nadara, vbo aapli* to tha man* of tyd “*•#•3 .a -ur.shv BUBSIAI PEBBLE SPECTACLES Aianaatrtna daUttba nimitoaodaoaßaala of our citiaaaa. an Uatlaaakad la to axatoiua aU olbaa Bpaclaeliat Iba call and malaa Iba BWUK PJIBBLB anal. VoctoJa bj. J. X>XAHOSD,Ft>ctiflol Opttdn, of tbo BnwUn lottb ßgttMmj Jalt - at fifth attaat. Bfaaatoi fad BuMtli«.' W. 8.801 DUDEB AULABS,. “cCMMISSIOH MBECHABTS, Aadßcokan te FXTBOLCIim AMD IT* PBODDCW, SXBBOID BTMMMT, Urn fork. ’ BBrBoU Ajneta of tha HIW TOBX fAbA*. 1181 OhBPIB 00; - lalfcHaa rtONBTITOTION WATKB; \J IL4IIATIOM BITOESj A * B(*04BBOBATB OF BODA .PUiU; ; LIQUID KOYB FOLUHf: ' TOWBLLf OSLtBBiXAD BAT FOUOB 5> _ LIXDSITBBLOOD '.itttaiiriy '4ars»M'M4 Fourth «tmfa." T OANB 9N FXKST MUKTQAQES aaa ba aafoUalad at tha fIKBBUBSB BOLUB AiTtKSBBABK, So. <1 FOpBTH BTBBBT, Pitt*.- frwgfc, oi frvonbto tarsa* . JtlSilm 0, JL OOtTOE, Ts TBWKLKY AMD BILVBB-PLATBD ~ WAM,rABOTooOD*,A<>> i —]~ ou “• ohakviUn, Vo. MTOOfcTH RBBBT, ttaa UJ olter tWßtr-ABo. iraWr olaoTb BI«C1. ; (tofa . B-«T»AIB. QHARLEB U OALDWXLL, : . (iaccfMr U luw HotM A Ot^) roas rAextM, ..... Dml*> la BAOOH, LABB,*UOA*-00*BBHA1U, IKOKBB UK, to. . -■<*. .■ ■ oob. mmxrmb ran anum% • dstltly- • •~ -•'•• • • liiumimi, Fa • £« *0 far, * •4o Bji 4*| briamadfcralib h - .v WK. E.nBXPAniW* 00, J«u MUbatiitoNt. TD ALMOKALBKIETB, ■ Tery chanp, nt HORNE’S. 77 A 70 MABKIT nTBFI JJOOP SKIRTS, SUdMty .oll*d, iun »nta«' off ‘ l TWI *o* P' l "*' ** HOME'S TMMKEBOiIOEE, )tl 7 77 * 7» MABK«T BTBCTT. gY EXPBKSa Jest received* thla day, Ladies’ Bem-BUtched H’dh’fi- Tor' tß* prrooot, thaao tocdl rrtll •* M price*,by the dssea or ball dozen. W4to« <»» *•” money by pudualßf nw« JOSEPHHOBKE, jt , f TT 4 70 MABKMT BTB»»T. jgQ LB& STEWABT’B PATBHT T'fltitTt, i— ihux iMterm price*, tor m3* by mHB HANDSOMEST YETl—Anew Meortment of aiKTLlKni’fl 3KGLIQIIBHXHTB, Jast received bj n H.rtal il- tet. till «nd DfagQßd. a large invoice ofalpacoa BUIDS AND BKIBT BRAID8 —BOIiFKBIHO, AStUUX, HDMBODDT, Hid other dnlnble colon. |mt received by I J LOSING OUT SALE WINTER GOODS. EATON, MACRUH & CO., ynihtl to mtklti|tWii AHBUAL IMIIUTOBT, inMnaiof elealng oot Ikdranttro stock of. WINTER GOODS Baton tha Ant day of febrnary next. Wholesale at ; wall as BeUfl Boyars will ban all tha ainntagw |Of tba BXDUOTJOH KADI H PBIOBS. “ BATON* HAOBUiI ft CO. jalO Ko.IT TOTHSTBUT. \JUW THAT GOODS ABB AD-1 TAIOHO BAPIDLT ITXBT DAT, w*;Wonld I alviae all thoaa to want of | Dry poods, Of arsry description* to call and examine tha tIBT I LABOI BTOOE. at C. HANSON liOVEA CO.’S. 1 HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Of >n Undo, TKJ cheep. ALSO, SHULUNQ MUSUHft ft UHBHS, Tha nhaapaat afnnV lii thadty. aad At .tolrer prloes Tv— hahangbibyAhii easalA thal—tarn dUsast thagcsant tim* ‘ a HANSON LOVB * 00. Ki, 74 Marks* ctraat. ■ (SwcnnOtwaitt Bp Httx.l laid gALB OF J. M. Burchfield’s I , oboma our WINTER DRESS GOODS, ; CLOAKS, SH AWL S. 8 0 IT T A G 8, I ' ABB .J {skating caps, I A.B. eor. 4th tndlUrket SU. ; mnvumißi QOMHBNOIMG TO-DAY, BARKER & CO.’S, ... 59 Market Street. : ; : ' -m ■. r i ; GREATEST B ALE OP THE KKAJSOH. " SILKS, ■ |; 1 8 H A W It B I,y abb j l -' :•]■;_ M&IKSS <3001)3 I jU. Vtat ttum Emttem Cott. F abuuubsbbtock. y + ■ liiwoop wait. UTOOH. Uf 1 p 31.-0 iA. k: s -•;■ Y-lZl* BHAWLB, ~ m Hams it iznw. * • j- UK, t,l. . '“TJ"”" woracw' . , Delaines. AT3ft.CBIVTB t ” .-'f. * At W. & D. HUCUB’, •“ m: fm^ ;r. ; rrcußtjMH. .Ul* | > nii&XBt 01X08 JOHM8TOH, ■~r‘ & mmdvo*d mom '!! ||l ***““*“‘'r a****** l .WM, kaomjp * 00. j ■ .0-"- ■ jyt A outlet, - :~ " artiSm, *O. n na mm mm'# . ! II ' i: 4^- t I r V . y v enlj. I «UI dooe out tha t>dM.n. of Kr. t-Tut', (tMt ooubn* Sniof Nook* fßotocrmph AlOcmr, fepv, lenllj BI.IH, 801 l Bent, Ac* at pri.» . nk mt Acctlon (ale Oelieoon, if jou »»m OHgdnA I J. 21 :l ■ I- At McUB.BLABP.AMt. HOOF SKIRTS, for ljuUes * Mines, nMoOLELLAND'e tn ia APOTtOH. : riHEA.PI CHEAP lOIIEAPI—Stoee, BABB ABCT pH BOUgB.- UAKGAINB INSHOES, atMASONJC JJ hall ACOIIOB BOPgl. Id Fifthrtmt. DOOTS, BHOBfI, BALMORALS AND JJ BAtTABB et Mo jUBCAMD-B. M Tilth rt. CJ HOE AUCTION iHOHSB, MASONIC PHAtL,BAe»BUIh»irwt. . : . . IHIRTS AND-DRAWERS, at theMA | goaiO HALL APOtIOM BOChB. 16 ,lnh »t. XTEW STYLES iOP BOOTS AND JV ggoiS, aTiivtng dally at KoClKliLdXD'fl’' aOoTIQK HOPBB.cS Pitts atmt. • • ; BE H'IJTG MJiCUtjrEB. A WILSON’S : 'sewing machines, HoTOT SIXTH BnUUT, ( I PiTTSIHiaSi PA. That* DHBITAIiUi) VAHItT HAOBOIM bare Joat been awarded tha hlgbaat gwalM tf Jh# _ WOHLIi'B PAIB, kadio-31 tha Hanhtnaa h tha worU ooH[atlng. .. .. Onr 10Q.0CC ban already bean aold, r aH glvtn* nalimial aatbrfactlon. Bakae tW lock stitch iHMaalblato « sjsir&Fit’SS ««.>■< The aleeenM, Ipnd had iiliipllolt, of ttle lU chlne, th.l»entT ud ttnc*th ot rtltch, ead edept ahßlt,;to the thkßMter tUaaeet Miric. leader It the niet SCOOBSBf TO AHD POPDLAB BBWIBO HAOIUBBaor oUrredto thepoUlo. 1 av-WASBANkBiI TUBXM TMAJUTtik ~ thaa*-at.ficv.B7. fUTH mitagr. ~r -1 _■ j ; WX. tTOHSR ft CO., | ’ j-rV—M Aw' ' 4 vr^Jrta. CKHAA—PAS™iK~WiSim vO.UUU. either! ftctira or 10191, with »)*» to KWO tapltal, tola will Mtahllihod whotaab ti fin Mi In UIII diy. Addreu r “BQX M 2, P. 0." -jttiatd - j - fPtifiL [WANTED—To do gonoiml \3Tfeouaawcarafe* k&Uaa from tho dtj; Bood ijsr> . i thm oraoß. TTTANTED—A! GARDNER, to toko 11l mM+ol * J*aU;6ardoa and taaJl Tluyudi aaartfcaottv* Boomb—adaUonaraqalrad. lamb* «t»:lWAItt •; Jfll pKTBOLITE OIL WORKS, p nmiTSOA, p*. .i- : - j_ : mmii ft GRAPE, Proprietor*. Oivaoily tn thoniehd homla'pir wyk. ! rnroam, ttoHoaaaHm. hobo. f . ao»B B. BOIOSB, A^*, % HaaaManrof mrydaaoriptloaol ytj pa dsrj ttj si? 80. tt SMITH'UU) enUUR,' 4:1 piTiatuaea,rj. AMI mamtmmtoePlXlSaUSOa tUMVfdO TUBMD tUMßlTUßMvmiiatij oa wkkk v» Via aril* tk» torn* prtoaa farOASH. tel fitly—b ■:■• -i -Vl • - . : A DLEUiUtNX COUNT*. te.— gm* •it. la tbrOipkaoi' Ocrari, Ho. ttiWmllU tar Sana* IMA' In tfea matter of tha ftnat aooooai ofßobert B«bb, Adalntettftor oi Jktart Saylor, dtßMitdo*'i I""- •“!’ A&d now, to irtt, Jaaaaxy Sd, IB6A in Motion of k Mimr, Jr» k*» Attemay for facaptento, B. HBADrOBB TODD; &q H appointed AnStor to Mdit tfca aoaoaal and axoaottaas. and' aika dlatrl* rttan.-i-• ;i ' . r BTTKBOQXJBT. . Hnnoa^Clart*^i v V-rvv v>. WTa pwcttwißi at ma onca. flo> ih ihvu abate, ftfctefatfiMß XOIU>AT| tha 18tA day U •krwyi AD. uO| m Itfdook > a... .. - m:B»ADrOBD TODD. Aadltar. ' THE RAILWAY : TIMEKEEPER— -i -A MPKCIALIT ADAPTED JOB ABKT ; PALIS—W9MABIID TO 808 ABDJMBP 4 KOW.LBHXIIMB. 09*o»Ui*o»j3mM9*ojt. ! altß*ofthadar,a9o«hfl«Mt*talla*,ricyfrg»>y>' . tofU uriu BoUooljJiy Ul»_C9«»,«gtri9l9t»ll. $“• SSMSSSU^STkiS.£2I .1 ;«2."wiuba aiU.fcrooQata L naan ib aitabob. m «* : euKto^tboat than.; XUo to cwacrf thaw* nIMbW atttrlaa of tha HBMi,aadloit tha thins ft* 'V ninay mpßly» ■ jg«awßaildta«,BamataaotajßlT. ‘ : ...... HJIYX AQKHT'B OIKOT. I QEAtBD MoSeOTffijhßMP {a»J£^^lte3gM» •Slh»WMhtagto* Swj-Jv&tto* «* ***ff22hiS 'psnssssss^ts/g^Si Suh ms»i *» iweo»p«al«4:»f * w«um» rß*r»nty. ilxm* 4 b 7 co * o' mor» M*p<»*li>l«P«*o«»F SuSytVlriWn °a«r cnt»pim;y«nt. nt tETbma. II k» otr r lt ilfhmU, Sfflas«U»«sw*n«« lnU rf.l«guj«f «ni • iI. HXHoiISOH.B«tt Atcmt. g-risKfcju:' yxxxa VAXunuAxm, | \ ! -• ; ror«««i VmtfM.. jr*»tabr V, i WlLo.JoHW*o** o