if- .' : fr. • •'"••H' < ••• 1 4}* s| f'v; i y« ■ • •, v'a • ;■ .* ' * T £ i*- - T►. . ' 1 *;«. . .... •' •«* 1 ? X ( tt A. ,V:W. ":. •••• -;„ #f.. $ VV : . #: i : :‘v>;'.‘. ‘i? r . •• :*•■:. : ; ;. ;i^: ; .,.--r'! -.•: |>.i>: ysc; «;s?**•£ * •«* - * J -■••4 it. «fcv .>*!•.s• • t t 5„.,..., _v., .*T.'.' *■ ,->. ,;4: ,s 4«:_ _ ' '''«' ,' 'i. '-v-v *» '•i u "si sVv.lv ; N<*i''v‘v tw ■ :’V . •HKi-v ~,-;i.i : s ? .v 1 J lt':’-jj|v ’• 'f * jMp^*Nr42 «S! <>4^ 3' '.• 5’ V-V’ ,; * • ' VS ? & 14 • S'?iliy? & ;;!;•’ : £ iv ■W' \V.7*kv -;^ l f.;S- i’ ;, - f ' T|^ **''' f I'' 4 !'.’ **>'•-**' • -i ( * 4; ! T 1 N-J i-.' ' .- * J ■ -d- '• “ .Hs-T ,• v. 'f - ;. r v.-\*!-V' ’> {IU ■f * 1 I*' , • %■ - . . : TPHQE i D ESTABLISHED IN 1786 • . vigptiajmißßMOjr, *c. \ QCEL&R OItT^IfQBKg.PQMPAKY, ov P jFXHHBTLTAHU.. Oflo*, 8L OUlr Birnt, M«rtb» Bddn. to «k 4 MQ 04BB0H OILS jQkaxx Facto* urn OomMia Xncsjjnr for MCrtFasluf, mobbok, AOm uA inot tor th* c*J*br*t*d tJnfcmtevn OK* SZsCTwJIM SMoadite* 145* lint ttmta, W m wood and BaUthfluU, Plttoburfft. ia3 übmit. ..too until. W., (Baooeuon to I •BollftJjlnatt,) non Vakvom a» Ooroa* ■n ol QBAItf, USDS, *«_ «<». « water nd si ■a«»i im«Uiifitabarfofti. , ■. ■. pj» 'XjfAIXmWS * UKHABR Funk: ■'lxl/iitiOtiii Imii, rtuimt ihomnitin; ugaim for the nk. of Floor, Groin; Fcok, ZU •oo/ UDrd,' Bottac, lfep. Chort," Boom, ;MW,] irim. Finlt — *■— —< tSS2JSSS^rf£»S2££S, 0r ~° ' iTu k iJ' k oAJiFiiiii*, oi»o^ -W‘ lioo i» Fortum* ..aoBBJs wxstmb’msuvn ohms*, ,rattra*l.£ll>. K)BK, BAOON, FLOOBjFiaH, 'ABHFB, (HUBIAIH. “MFDAHD LAID OILS, DM*D FBClTmoi KSeo pSonHj, Hop. 141 obi lit'Front atrwK ■iSuTJ- A BHEPAKDTCoinimtOF Mm artn »<1 4~kro to *LODB,OBAI» AND 4~ OHAtiK VAN HOKPKKoFBMHiaBANP basasasaesam® DBUD‘AHDOMKN FBOITSmod I’radnoopu r nllr. lilbrtUMholmtfiMlnotooocOTilFnmob. - l AritX.U-. MaVAX. IftHWABOHa AND tl rr—r» Jtnourt, for tho blopf FUTON, t I foiMHn ,i ‘mi’'* - ' -' »- t.*^: QnwmiAKRRA .&AN&J (tootnao* . i ffH wmftm tad wbolwte 4mUk> ia OBOCB u W^^^^OBAXH^WMPCCat, f»AI.-/.K1.1, * HUN, ManpfaS JVrau or T.igp oiLr*&4 iXwmiwrt Hi**- • VMAjmfcr' tTiit iinirtia— anil salt OTG&UDS ASD fttMOUCM, Hba.« »afi TO madFimcOßiiffgaantt.t../. n mTi. AND KLDDItK mooesaor to Jn6. lr\ V»flmAßocTSo. miiWtj •- SotSiA PBOPTratTIiBOo wty turn - - -iiw- irw- I—jm. waitm. WjlTfi BBOTHEBS, FoBWAUUxe AMD rMtmtrm ‘Hcmniaf* art tatee In P&OYXflIOHB AHD PHODBC® QBHXttA LLT,Ho. 9y l LU»ttT.rti»rt» Plttrtnirgh, Pm. mjxl rjr-Mtohact. A. Ia OBUDK AHB&KVIHXD OABBOH OILS, GLASS, IBOH, HAILS, Ac., Ho. 183 Liberty tlxwA nhSTidly ... 1 PATia I'cumn*, ,*JTBANS & COFFIN. meoessoi* to . lViiy^ r^— ,l.: . OKSB. trxaitU tfood »i>d W»W I titeta, Plttiterili, Pwm'«. - , a. k. toiot. Lifl.- VOIGT & CO.. >aoo6BsortoL. G. • Qnfl, PBODCCB AHD 00KM18SI0H MSB fTH fcVTS. 847 Liberty rtreet, PittobgJKh, P>» oat «<—«■ I' t ‘ inwiim MMI. . 7IOHH kHtiUSE & Cb., WHoisaAiJ »t#GMCsu£XX> Oomastoa Xubuna, conset oi and Wotor rtteete, Pittsburgh, Pa. jjJ . *V" ■r’ \ * BIKWAKT, Whol*- Pt'-o-Biggin in Ooutnuol SnioMim, So. * ! IB lt ti ftifttuM u 4 dfI«TT to TLOUB ABD tfntt, WqA, til ml US Lltarty ■!»■«*, Tt*Ub«Tfh. ■ MfcdlT .*£• ' r\BD, R. COCHRAN, Anonrn axdA lTn<«»M«inM ** Taaw- Otto. -ttMC-itilUlHUxli. Ft Aii-bwina— «Btnwted to hfccßnwfU roStr*. prompt I sttaotioiu CoUacttoni I i—a«iß Al T Tt «»A ln adlglplp* QOUBtfaMkfcnd 1 < wmlt tod promptly. , ■■ t .. I '■ (late of XVfMt-tIOQDiJi oac*—B.M. ww Voorth and MiecoM^KUi,: Awottn. tf is Law. Ombt woood *t«fcKv** , iLAWMBIM9«H <-npa.JtottJHMftosdstraoW' " • • '■ Wm ttluiid n rti ootti—i rttVyoartm tad ooQo^ /ittaaSSSi braatta ...rtWlgSTi ■ awn* .. •*»*——i i.KIBB AIU/11 Ato»t ~ Uot.*gi»ltM«M.«tttlna»>.fa- , mjU.W y. mfiOMAB BWINU, ATToaniTS ASD JL DocmuM ay Law. < Omci, So. 160 South ttioot, oomer o< qtKTj MM.HlttW«h. It. MU^wlyT o i 8.0. BCHOYKB, AxtobsSts. at sdiUIIHwWIWkimVIMaiL p oolT LLT . FaMgtetiPßilw. r * mti'toca * wa, whoi* ctWWTI , ipSSSss -■ ■ ru& JBAU _ y. U- KK*HJiil,J*Wig, i» Wuod Itzmt. unm et- Wood' im mg , 'x. I*4* • ■■—■ ' ' •*■ *. j : v MVkunu :. -J m_i HJPOCXtnS, TOmrdlai «ad OoawMoa If «r* ".liSSSjiui BOTTW, uu 3 HOliMKS :te- CO.: Pam Pxci- I, \' f ■ *'• /i£. VsWinDS, Atm Siam Ami ' • • • 4»d EUrtlW In* v, U'i-am mmiOit— WrtVWAfrrrtr—t> . f ■r* ■ 'tinmai, WSSi - Mi BOOK,;SiaBfl« Awamnir . ■? i'-Tp i lir-m Ifmnbmm Qcmiaxi, W rlftli . jrroiwers. CB. M. SMITH, Anosssr asd • fIIHUMI |O. IT TiITTi hfTT-rT * »' TTnw, O LAW BOILWSOB, 80. il Dtamood .But. Mi* Ijoc t. Bt- Mu'! Ohuch. , • mjuagy OHVOGISTB. • r . r -- - - - I noui woonmm- —Ju« i-waua™. •mOODSIDB A WALLACE, . ?\ i • , WHOLSSALS DStXtiUSH, ! : , Ho. M Llßlarr «TBJDtT, OBION JOHNSTON, Bum a Pun abb chbbiCals, MBrUBBBT. BABOI wTßPß»raa FLUID, OILB. »AM< \tn# n y

V-yM hi; MODVi #3* ti 'rUW£HKtW l (*o*ceMotto Jaok- ai ur*vtuurCK **EJrrs. JGAjaDINBB OOSWN. Ahot m •NiMm~Musiiin* tft Bnuici u< z*iaSSSittE*SS?£». w-w l ** “> ■ .•■gwyygi j.ff '•;■ ••• ' (u. irsM,AtM-io**) • »» ««»*«- f 'f ' fOßnok EHD DOIGBBTIO PETFOODS, ■*. M W*odtUiA tem abm TXmnnil allay. PitUbonh. / apl* ails Qmocsaa, Psosooa ass Oownsnos Xu* OBAHS*’ Jobber* is COFFEE, .N. 0» SUGAR and MOLASSES, REFINED SUGARS and SYRUPS, FLOUR. .BACON, TOBAOOO,. TEAS, BICE, CHEESE. SEEDS, Ao., No.SIS and Ml Liberty Bt., Pittsburgh. policy r. a. umi nnM n. n. tmiL OETMKK ABROTHEBS, aaoorasen JLw to 1 Beymsr A Andorra, Whofeesfe deafen is FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS AND BPIOKS, CON ' FECTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, Ao., Not. 128 end. 128 Wood etr*st,eboT* Fifth, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. - - : ; jygfcdly UOMs' e. MBTMAB. HEAD & METZGAR, Grocers and CoKSUBtos Ksac&AMTB, and deafen In all kin da of jjtn SiylvuMV Haw* rAcruBBB, No. 242 Liberty street, opposite head of Wood street, Pittsborgh, Pa. sp&ly O. B, J48M... Geo. B. JQNES & 80N, Wholmalb Qncns akd Bias Txrmvmns, Dealer* Id MAXILLA BOPS, OAKUM. OILS, PITCH and Pittsburgh maaghctarad articlss, So. 141 Water at., shore the Moacagahela Bridge. Ptttslmrgh, Pa. ' »u*r R" OBERT DALZEIiTTpa.'wHM* SALK Qioccw, COKMIMOB - Am ‘ JtWAKDtM SLuokAxu, and dwlen is PEODUCJS cad Pitta* bprgh maasfArtWt Pittitmrgh. sins LAMBnar.«-~Jour^ waiaao*. LAMBERT, SHIPTON & CO, Wbou iatn tinociu~nnd Faootrea Diiiiw, No. 6 Pittmagfl, Ta. • Jai* johm jok» vtuo*. W ATT &WILtfON, Wbolbaui Gao i dm, Common Miuaiin, and dealer* tn Prodaoe and Pituborck manixiactttrae, Ho. 1M Lib* erty Street, PltUbnrgn. : dO, Waouifmji AOkocue. CoxniMioJi Mmmm, end dealer* In P&ODUOXt'Ho.' 80 Water etrwt, and 65 Front rtreet. SCO, w. f. BELWOETE. rf 4S. DXLWOKTH * OO- Vfw&siUM fj «j Gaocn*, No*. 190 and 133 B*oond ttn*t, na» gialthfltld. Rttabnrgh. col • *s*g ' _ ,wru.»*« wu> t». non ——. JOHN FLOYD 400., Wboluili G»o -iwn OOIXUIUI H*. lIS Wood and 228 liberty treaty Tttttbgrgh. J«18 WILLIAM BAG ALKY, Wbouuuu airman, Moo. IB and » Wood Btreet, Plita bnrghjpa.. i; -'T- .y, . natedtf aiIKXANDJSK KING, Wholibali aV Qaeda, Importer of Booi An, No. TO Uherty itreet; Plttaborgh, Pa- 1 mhß jnAjrtrM’JtcTunjeiHS. T\AN'IKL BENNETT * SON, Muro- U Tictiuu OF WHITS STONE CHINA AND CBEA* OODOSID WAKE. . TOma arm Wunona u Ho. 74 Warn- Branar, PnawMAffc : . nhllr.lylrn w. A ancatnroaH .J. nan ram- —a. g. ganr. AJTACKINTOSH, IIKMPHILL & CO., IVI corner Pike end O'Hara Biroe ta, near the City Water Worka, Plttaborgh, Pa. Maanfectarere o< HACK.IHTO3H AND HXHPAILL'B INPBOVZD PATENT 03CTI.LAT1MO STEAK SSOIHZS AND BLIDB T ADVSd; (Ball eiaaa and beataljle. lie Tick pot op machinery of large capacity and of the beat quality, wean prepared to do henry Bob* blog, and oolMt worklnthli line, Boating that by promptneaa, and the character of onr work, to merit •dtm&tagM her*totor* «n»tula*d ha this clMi o j^lfd JOSEPH E. HAMILTON A CO., Oorw of Tint vat Btmta, «v~ • PITXSBVBQH v f*.i i «- . * y- ■ «V? / " -- "• : faUPK&IOB BTXAM KH6IBC3, XAOHIHX&Y, to., *O. ; pji&tf JCLUL itiUUUK A UU n Mo. 210 KS,«nd neij deieHpttoa cl UATiIB BBAIOiP ■gsfesr (3. bKVKKA-NOK, >O. HI WaTM* Bt., °*iar w BPIKX3 ud fclV •^ggß^aE^gfrsss a A.w«ur*...—ca**?*w»« -bxCKLSIOR GLASS WORKS.— mfiBTH EXTRACTED WITHOUT i MtdW l gentlemen tad their taipflUo herd bed their teeth extracted*? rnyproeam, and ere nad/to teetlfy as to thajafetyam) peinleeene* of theopenk tio*-whate?er«ie hate mIA by penons tatemtedta eurtlng the contrary, haring no knowledge at my end chargte rerylow; warranted in all ceeea to be of the beet materiel, j %: 001 Pmtctt.lM Smith held it.. rrOSEPH ADAMS, Damn, Oonn#ll/, tl Boildiafc ooratf of Diamond and Omni atreeta, Theodoreßobblne, BneeeuiiTettl my&dly - •tv* i gooA»«Dmtt;»t- TT7M. a, JOHNSTON k 00., Stjl»wi- If uLlun Boo* Majotictotim, unPJoo furroo, Ho. 67 Wood rtrooWPl tuballth. »«30 . JV Tiorai, Ho. M Wood 6tt»rt.ntat door.to u» Corner of TMrf, PitUbugh, Pe. SCHOOL nnO 4 Lc KHM>, v ßtxfrouJnr akd I U . nonm, HO. 78 Wtmtk etreot. Cpollo Bofldtop. THiJUJavraa, tie. ij«£ffisa^sssA.w Mirkrt otroot, Pittabnrtho *plfi UATON.MACEUM 400., OuLnan ■ £l K*>bo:buum, Ttwinoi, SonoMt *W* no* 17 i«d U ttfth ittotf. Pttteborgb. oplfi HEAL" TtSTjtTJE JtGEjrTS. >\A/IIJitAM .WARD, Dutn at Peon 'T T-tMencr So-rtO/BObDOf HdOTOiaM, ui >D «- csritiM for mono/. Y«v»4latt procan.LOJUn throagh nyafM v*j oom*rt»Mo«rm».- ,v • -1 ‘‘ ThdM vtahlug. to brat tholr bomj to good «d< vaßUgo*caa olwoyi find first oad Mcond«lm§ popor rtrictlyeoafi. OOhodnO. • i MMtf - mcbmtectumuul* TAMKB M. BALFH, . , ‘ ; '~w iABOHOTOf*: Pnm lxnnT DMm ad Braomunoac, ftnUklsfi of Btrildtef* «d ■ttportnlwda thair ,wroctUftc*w—oioMt. frttto gadupdanoit,lownnVwd BoMmoo MtrmXa, AlWhwtf Oty« , . , '., MP TICAL’KISKBL-50 bbla. Wo. 3, lug ill tn rtor* ud for «U« br “ ~ TIBiXfcBPIfIMTfcOO. rralv«4 «nA Jbr Mfe i* 1 - * ; HBAP A HBTEQAB. ‘ix* .i , SB! It AND COM M KIICIAX. JOURNAL. I 7 p PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1863 JtTBW BOOMS. \TEW BOOKS AT DAVIS’* i.l ' . 80. M WQODBTBIBT. THE BOOK HUNTER. Byßlch’d Grant KUto. ESSAY*. By Buckle; with Blog. Sketch. INTUITIONS * HUMMiTtm OF THOUGHT. ByO.N.Bovse. A rare treat for the thoaghlftl and cultivated roador. ADAM OUBOWfIKTa DLABT, bom March 4U», 1881, to Not. 12,1862. THE STORY OF THE .GUARD. _By Hia. Jmeie B. Fremont. POEMS OF 60RB0W, COMFORT AND ABPI< laTION. OdlecM by Wot Child, of Harvard. . Gift books and photograph ALBUMS. Imperial Pouits a splendid Book, f 12.50. Gallery ofTamons Poets, 1(0 iilostratHms. 212.80. Iq the Woods, with Bryant, Longfellow and Hal* lecfci f 8 The Forest Hymn. By Wn. 0. Bryant. S&. Htslitt's MtseeUaaeooa Works, 0 voli, bC cl, gOt. National Hletoty.by LomUs* Williams, bi call WDIU’ Poems,doth and Tnik y moroceo Washington Irving's Works, inclodlag the Life of Washington. Piets of tbs Nineteenth Century. Goldsmith's Poetical Woaks, foil Tar key notooco; SBolttrated. 1 • BmK'i Works. 5 vole. U on, gilt, fe of Dr. Adam CTart?STOU, fnU salt Vi, Adam 0 ark’s Commentary, if calf, 124. ;t PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Holding from 12 to 100 pletwas,.sqaare and oblong, do& and Turkey morocco, exquisitely finished and mSM at ocr own establishment, tn the meet durable tnsifter, ranging from 60 osnts to fIL ittblas, in grant variety, from Id eenta t* $36. ««kl J. L. BEAD, 78 Fourth street. i JVO. IUDOUX) jkw books! By Marion Harland. : 5 Byes and Ears. By Henry Ward Beecher. U'tha Wagoner of the Alleghenies. By. T. Bach* i mnan Bead. i r tisr Missrablea., Cloth and paper edition. •'•Among the Plnea. M '* “ ! - The Student Abroad. By KlmbaHr icOocntty Idrlagand Oonntry Thlaking. [ i America before Enrobe. C New Gymnastics, for Men, Women and ChQdrea. Phantom Boqnet. 1 »; Philip—lllnstralad. Sfpliver Wendell Holmes* Poems—bine and gold. m> Appleton's Taxpayer's Msnaal. jikSilke and Unllka. pyA.B. Boe. •flflcSa by - KaT A 00., 68 Wood at. 1863. AND OOUNTIBQ HOUSE DIARIES; fcjTaiOIAHS I TIBITIHO IiIBTS; UDSUIUI almabacu;' fc.ml.li, lAT * 00.. M Wood rtwrt. MMsctiiJuajffßOua cards. lURNITORK sKtiUBQ orr WHOLISALX OB BXTAU. tn odd 90 Thlid .boot, X. ÜBAtWt J. .. md 111 Fourth otreoA ■ ■»". pATENT&b OCT. 8, 1861. Sithridge’t Patent “ Ijj OVAL LAMP CHXMNIES, ill Manufactured tf jjmi j XX GLASS. /B\ ' These Chinini«r Slain tended for tits fiat flame, vhkh beating all parts of the glam equally, does not expose Uto eracklnc. \t^nF E.’D.DITHBIIXrt, \W/ Tort PIU Glass Works lßf Wellington street, apl7 Pittsburgh, FA riRDGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, J OILS AND DTK iTDIH, XSDIOO BLCB, ESBINOK OF OOfFEI. STOTI POLISH, FLA* MAOB, OLOVEB, AjZftPlOH, WHOLB FIPPJB. HGSTABD 81*0,0A5TOU OIL, BWWCT OIL and eneace* of ell kiade in donene, all .tested peUet medicine*. Ac., Ac., In rtoce and for tea low by .. • ’ i WOODBIDI A WALLAQI, 806 Liberty etre*. p. 8. Ooaatry.taerchaata, before: ebe* where, weald do well to call end teme our Ateck* 'TTn’AGONS, &tt, FOB BALK YERY f ARM WAOOHS, OIL WAOOHB Midi* B>B]HQ W AQGKS. OARS****’* ■ OABTB AMS COAL OAB£ti;TlMBIB WHMLB,OAMAI* GABDXN* AHD BTOHI MASON‘B BARROWS; Allmad* of tb« be*t dry timber; klm> *ll “ httUnrr; ATharho mhlltlld ••' •■», •• JAMES IRWIN, -A ; t ■+} » v OIL or VITBOL, ttd AQUA AttHOHIA. Order* UR at William Hohaaa A Go/a (MBo*, oar* ur Of Ihrkrt aai Flfrtatroataf will laeaiTa.prtmpt attantton. v ; ; j " •• ! - ■ •' - a * ao -■XiiPßldOuou. w«t*AMr,: , ink *►•>«■ a*aot*ct*r*r»oi BinHBO OABBOS OIL 1*11(1 BIHZOLI. .rtn'ji - A 1‘ ’it i ~ / i [- Price* to-d*y for Befl*od CU: Bj —t*~*i*~i ' ' ' f ' - °t* per (slid*. (iiHidSsZsES-SI. 3 •* - “ f£S*>-T-"i , il.7* Beau iroUHDUa. f) 9 Qu un'STUt ftmiL All klndi of BEAM :aH» I*O*COOKS jod* to order. AUo, BEAM OABTIBOB.of *U klodt, made at tkeifcortartapUro. eA,BGW* A TEIWU’S. Biiaa WOOD fTBUT, «Ul U promptly attended tA ■* r. ofittfr ArKtotof fWWM *•■ ir*riT-fr. of mao? yearn* expariaote la to air boefeeae, wlUlow toElTdEttWhctfaPto mmt ..W*!‘ <***7 s 'poai'l’ HALT HODBB, 17 WA TSB Brk£ST, PiUtbWfl, fa. W. H. QABEAIID, Xiliter. |;, Bmlw tar tfißLßt M Bn' lUU't'«H>3b| mK nARLBY. 818. OATH rid OOBM. ■■■»«»• IA.MOMD OIL.iWOKKH /.t.'K-k' i.'-~.' i /r- j • / *ATLOB S BUSTS, Batiiin m4M<« Is OLBBOH OIL, anmrpMuSf MUthirtMo»OLnd* * 6mw»^g4« ttnfl#dto. ' Baycra « asa?&ssa mat and obkißaw ; WISVsDO* .HADJ3,UAd~H»d « “ T a • r Mimin • ■-' W. '■■' JOHN BHBJ.’UV Binder or At tl» BA«' aiUa tmtc <3 Mf, OBAIO StSMWt, Jj|W3 »r eja —WiOfeTBK-8 .UNAJMuiMJ eO.OU. ’■DDIPTIONAKT^-Vtnj r«* :-••• Y « T^i. tons jtffll - -VvJ i ’ OABB JJTO WOOD OBAIBfI BBDOOBD FBIOIS, JAB. W. ffOODWEU, JUautectumol .sj-.M -a SABO SB, OPAL AND 08. FLATB, itia' ant. ai»nn.tf —: J. A. ffiSS$53B»S ~,~*.54< H Vffrsrt j . Wm ; . *” ' !i; '' -}S • *** littsirorgh S. RIDDLE & CO.* BDITOffB ANDPBOPBIBTOBBi PublieaJioß OHiee No. 84 Fifth Street MOBHIHO AJID STHHHQ KDITIOHS, DAHiT, OOHTAIHIHGJ THfcjiATXST HXWB UP TO THX BOUB OP PtSSUOATIpB. ' ; THURSDAY MORNING, JAN. 22. NEW TERMS OF THE GAZETTE, Momjnxsßiimoa, Cjrnuil, per yMr~....f8 00. •• v« • :»• Hi ©nth... 70. *' n ;•* Ktogfo cople*,.a. Irani sirrira. JaufMll. VT 4 £• u u. noathra. 84. « « ««ek^ m 10. •• single c0p1ee..~~....~.. &. Wmv Burrow* tingle copbe, pet a 04. «. « ciaieofßtolO, « M 1 60. m .j,* dubs oflO or more .. 186. md out extra to the pvt; wading dob. „ hr a deb ef tfteen, ** will tend the Brnrae Oumi ddlj. , Berl a club o( ‘twenty,we Will etad the . Hown CUarra daily. Stogie eapiae,* cent*. •V*AD tibecrtpti*** ttHeOf im nefrw.end paper* nlweyt **c*p*d,wb*n ibV.iime explrto. Indiana. There jwat a erowditf and very enthaalnitie meeting of Union men at IndiannpoUt on Monday evening. Th*-*p*aklng wu of the mott deddld kind. : Col.BiOHann Btax *aid he wniconTlne# ■: j Qiir, Wi T. BsntlUv, in Me farewelltp the hrmy;;of;T««nesiei#«y**. '« V.^''" '! «W# felled inaeecmplishlßgene great pur bose of pur movemept,the captureof• Vioke £rgi' butwewere pertrof a, whole.p?re wa Aut a part of a oomblhea movement, Lnjwbli to assist. - . We weteon time 1 'w fertedn ebu4ht*hpiee tDUst have delayed 4ka othoi*; JJfSjSnW* ,oidi waiira dttaoVodtho dofenooi of Yjckr fcorf.and puihadtha attack ufar ail,in-' - '', " i Xsa' Wooanih 1 raoa MnaraaiSßoao. flt**a*r* an rapidly uonnylng th* woand*d from Haihrlll* to th* dtto* oa th* Ohio.. Sht h*itl,’loaded' wlth w*»ad*d, had arrli*d at N*wAlhaayandLoaUrill*. j , • . T". —i jjaia. loaded with floti opn trlbnted to th* laffurlng Eogliih opniUr**, tool nited bom Fhllad*lphl* ; for LlrirpooL ah «kn But fi,ol9b*rr*l* of Inr. whloh | ' ir„. Mrr**ooad»at of th* Eon- KajwinlUt that th* North 1* financially i^^nTdliwUhl. *mploy*r’i**,,te d Saw York to wait him ht« wag** .* !gr«i>- 'haat*; i-rj. " f'T i From Burnside’s Army* A latter frtm the Heedquertere ol the Army of tio PotonM, written on Monday, eaye: Bareral diatlnjuUlied vieitore arrived _here to-day, inolndisc tho Hon. Henry J ■ Ray mond, of New York. Beyond thir, nothing bat the ordinary routine be»,trenBpliod. . Another letter from the army correspondent, of the New York Tribune, dated •‘Bight Grand Division, Baturday, January 17th,” says; The army is again in a stato of high, though, ▼ery indefinite expectancy. Yesterday, all. the corps, including the Reserve Grand Di vision, which stretches up to Fairfax- and 'does picket duty for Washington, were order ed to be in'readlness tomoTO at an early hour this morning, with three days* cooked ra tions and alxty rounds of ammunition. ' Last evening, e second order was issued, postponing ; the movement until Monday, morning; This may mean thatit Is given up altogether, but the general impression is that itis only delayed. ,‘ v , 1 What is the movement to be 7 On all simi lar occasions, hitherto, the plan has been pretty widely advertised throughout the army. This time it is shrouded in mystery. Brigade commanders don’t know. The eom<4 menders of grand divisions probably do know —though one of them, at least, was ignorant night before last—hut like the mummy in the play, they maintain ; ih*i? reticence. Several journalist* think they knowj but don’t pro pose to tell. So long as plans for the future do not become subjects of gossip among gen eral and staff officer?, they can be kept out of tke newspapers. , ; An advance will render a fight probable, u not inevitable. The soldiers of this ahay will not go into battle with their early,?n>* thuiiaao.* There "will be no ! vhouting,*ne cheering ; but quietly, silently, sturdily, the men will go out to the field, as the merchant goes to his oountiog room or tho farmer to plow; and they will do their whole duty. May tbey reap the rewsrd which they have so often earned, but never wonl No-joat men,'who knows their history, can pass through these thinned and shattered regi ments—the skeletons and fragments of wbat. they were little more than a year ago— with out being moved to pity. Not a single decis ive, oistwhelmingVicrory to inscribe on their colors; yet they have fought oftener and fought better than, anyiother troops in our service. Our Western armies have won im mortal honor#, and achieved glorious victo ries: but in that calm, fcturdy, Saxon cool ness, which standi up to bo killed until- It is ordered away—which leaves forty, fifty, sixty men out of every hundred,, dead.and dying in line of battle—these veteran regiments of the Army of tho Potomse-muit bear away the palm. May their next effort bring results worthy of their heroism and valor I The reports °ftom Nashville that Long street’s Corps has removed westward to re* Ip* foj-oe Bragg are unfounded. Lohgstreiethimr self was here two dkys ago with his command. It Is believed that; no entire Rebel corps has been withdrawn from our front j but we have information from deserters and contrabands that-some, batteries, brigades and divisions have bees detached and sent Tennessee ward. • The weather, despite occasional light rains, continues warm and favorable; but down,in tbe daep valioyiahd sunless excavations, tho jellied road beds give, a slight foretaste; of wbat Fate has U store for us. ' ‘ veek.._ It. THx Qouin.ii Fquxbt—Risiiq or tH* Wxstkxv Rivnu.—-A Cairo letter, dated (be ntbiniU, uyn; . ! There if much excitement here ineonie* quence of the morements of tbo guerrilla chieftain, Forrost; on the TenneneeandCom-; ' batlahdilverf. Sererii boats axe sow detained herey waiting an escort, before proceeding on their way* A nunor Is- in circulation tbit Forrest haVoapthred X train, loaded li Ham burg Landing* with supplies for Qen. Dodge atCetinthu He la said to be expeotlng soTerhl tdihes otmtiUsrj tabu Alabama. ' . ;Tht Mississippi and ;Oblo rivers «e J rldng quite rapidly. The latter stream baa deepen* ;«dA‘foftt inthe last twenty-four hours. Fxotf Murats we learn that Qen. Grant has not yet gone below with bis foroo recently teben from Holly Springs*- Many of his men hare not been paid off* and be is determined ‘ that dhtyay meat shall not be longer delayed*. From some strange’ oversight tome of the Sol« dlsra’ hdw hare sis, months* pay due them from the Government. Thiinegleot of i the soldlerslh the&eld Istheoause of an immense amount of suffering among their (amlliet at. home. Maby-of 'those who hare famlileren- Ured theeexvlce with the understanding Ujat they were to receive their pay.regularly, nud thus hue* wherewithto thesuppor t££those dependent upon them. It lean outrage that they are ,thu* neglected* .Gen. Grant-will gataV host pfirtands b/hi* refussl'to move id thn.LowM'.Mississippi unttl his men; re ceive at least a portion of their pay.—Cfciv©/ oja..H- Qen D. IT. CQwb. - - .1 mntnCorp^ w^.-^M^; 9«.Joba Geo.Joa. Boots?. Third Corpt~^~—w~.Brig.-Gea. Gee. fitoowasn. -■ iJlfthC«Tf M| M G©u.Geo. G. Meane. . Left FrauUn * Bwrr. Or*od JDtf. G«n. fmA*lgel. ' H.tmth BUS*!.. , - WtUih'. OorpiZ„. ..Mu}. G•»; H. Wi Sloes*. Mia. Swiss eilm, ofthoSt. Ctosd Vmocnl, lsitireok ttlrtod on s trip to ths .Two dijlifurwlrd tho following siauilnr “Por-; sonal'* appeared under the editorial head .eft her journal: -U-\ l ... .* .jMT&e editor deserted'thiiesUbUihmeqt' oxr last Tuuday morning—taking , the et*ge -for Su-Paul* She proposes, to eentlnueherXrip Sait All' persons' are hereby forbidden; to -tnut her ion out. account, as theydevil'-fnpw theionlj) responsive., person oonn*etsd.jwUh vthe ofloe-~utterly refuses to.redognifejafy of -•••* A aiXTtUAX who arrived at Flomlngsburg, jan£ 12thy hating left Abingdon, 'Ye.,;QP-t£e 'fth. reports that 5,000' rebel set* diet*,, from LeoVauay, on their way to re; inforee Brag j, had passed through the latter ,, ;1, . _ , 1 • ' \\l / BOOTS T 'obi 1, HW&i~Oui . 'I J BOBB,No. 89 Uukti «tnoi .touted fromtUe Saat wtyb %Xvr D shoes, !' Oompritliig *Q tfco differentTirieUee u!d ttrliw not*' In.Vogue».And tut Ting ■plcctod U hi quo If Iron, ,ib» Ehlhd tnenufnctdreni, it how prop*’tW to ot&f to the polAlcgoodtwhJeh be «ad recommend fof neat* MM lltd VUt' WeadvltealTthoeein wantof neat and eobetho* lial cover l&gs fortha&et U eallOaMr.JtOßfl. Jeel* lng confident they will be tnitedne re»tftrda qoH(*y U» place. M MABKSt BTgBSt. ce> ■ ■'--•■■ - QKO. Al-BaBB, SON *CU, j v Na. fUoora*‘.Wood and Foarth Ww«M* Have Juft reoeivada Mtjyt»«t of LADUB . MISSAS and CHI&UBAN'a; thifch* BOOT B !AHD IHOIB. r ' / Jwt opened, BOTB* and TOUTS’!. Up aadjthtfit ccit«!SSefaooXS, 01.1 l Jim, *•[*■» If tbit country. - ' •'* * 7 -•■ TftHWCAMPBBLL MuniVAovoitaw •J' BOOTS' AND snOXS'or every MUecrtptfom Ho. ggflmtthfleldttreet, PlHtbtggb, Pa. t ocglruiy / a BO.* ALBRBK S ONA CO.'WiioidH. fiUinSxuiiDmni nr BOOTS, BHOXB, ft*., oornMr Fourth Wood ttreett, PitUbunrh. aQABLOTTS BLUUB, Uisurioni* \J BiAun noptarofllottoaodHialfaUnrtftmtpSu-dcdateent fcr the HAMBUBOPIANOS, alto-fofr ß<Xti DAYIS ft OO.'fl BOSTOH/FUKOS. with and with! entigolean Attachment. No; 61 TifthJtreei., myS^ TT £LEBEB & 880., Infanta nr JXtftmt m Kli nSaftfot Sfolnway’t aalebreted FUHOS. No.« g, th«txe«V?tiUburgh.~ :~-i - s ny»., ' TOHli Ul MttliU)H.Uuuu nrPuvoa So. H VteA oinot, totorw mnt Wea*j ■tupcn»ioa bridge, (thb letter Improvement la In no otlnr Plane*,) atiu eu tnoAtrn imprutvmeota. i • -1 ‘ ' • - XtM*e Pianos are jjwarTantttd by tbe maker* lor riVBTSABi. “• •' •'*. ’■ » H artnmblp» pnnusnt to thd prorisiona *f the, htTlsel Ststntefl of ihs State of iew Vo.k. eotitlfd “Of Limited tho amendment*'thereto, jnpen tbefolkmlng andcoediiloni: -- j- .. . v-:; ~_r. L . onrtef.which itttn partner*tup. • Is to be coLdu4«d 1* WILLIAM A.'GWI IS; ." [ i. SccUdly. Itie*eneT*l tatnre of tbebnßlnm to bi trondaoted it ibeitlUoxan ccmmis*ioa of CSUDI! AM> UEfINSL PATBOLEOH OILS ... ; f Thirdly. The, name* of the general and:ipeiUl partner* intareited in the »d Uvanl thsirxecpeetfte residences, are a*fellowefS WILLIA3IA. OWYCB.I* the general partner* and mldee inj f:e and Stats of Ncjr G VTESB l\ the apodal partnfp.' and .miica ia tha Oity,;Connfy atd fcta‘eof Heju- Focrtbly. Ihe amount of capital *hich th* nad(kl -.s,riner haa ecntriontidto tbo oonunoa stock It tbe mm ofTWfiSXX THOUSAND DOLLARS, lacnihi' rlitbly. The period at which Bath'phitnursblpjis.l to commence if tbe sixth day of January, one thou sand eight hundred And BUty.thgewaoa Uo.petlod at whicu U ufllterminate is the thiriy-flm day of December; one thousand eight hnafred- tina sixty-.; . Sixthly. The bad nett thall be oonda_ ted and - aged ,in the city of; Sew York • frrtssld, abire the rriuclpU plscjof buelriaStor th« partnership-•t)aU : he conducted; j -‘ -W M.'A. GVTtBB* : •' j MM T a!i ... . cHßisxof&t&.gwhbJ ' January 6, ISQ3. : - rvISriOLUTION Off CXJPARINBKI J, SHIP— I lb# 00-Pnrtnfrthlp beietofoioearitt. 1 SfinSr.tbanaiM a:WILbON;H*LaoY ftifo dlteolved by mutual content.* The bMs’J neat tf the U*e firmwlU be eettledby ettbac cfjtbe ; ] «A Sn tp»3..tHo r HWood.tt»t hLsoi(i f ; S. B. HoBl.cIL-'Li BDLTiMAH r '!3 , •. ... - ;... B •Jiy-i* ■'*> *•’ i-r B .j- ; • iK . •. •• ,JOBN B. BIOS :* 7 /jqhn oahabd; -il.^ HtUborth.JiP.Ut.Uga. Aj.u «r .r jaSiiw ■*.. .. .. • .rnauttftnaM'BaawaaxJt r J EABINBHBm|d ftJdoKAT, who InUad to hate ■lwhyi On Liada : , :tnWI(W-Aracl»d;AliE, jPOßUJl’and BWOT.' The hndeifejgned will be tbankfcl to,th#/ pelreaage, aud protnlte to make it thaiaabm ,t« pr*' •atUtactton to aU who may phrehate frofo thein.k r-!MC. BOBBUT WJtToOlf,- ci; to lona'knowo to the (main*** commonuy.wUil havt. thuiniQigeiniQthr hair iratiheati wttb tfie-MU «m, K BPESO«i c if •-■'eeiU vr^ ,J ■JAMKa.-'HehA'Vi'f ' niHli deAUl’i*liitt>tilP HerMolor* ex-1 A. tatln,, talTO’ WM. J., BOWABO, m»«Oj B£BT HODGSEbi luiMr : tha ninie'add *KjU> r Qi I HOW a ft-fiUDOSUS. ,dw» 1 tbeaSSfrttobalndebUdß.wlllplma*^^*:^ I*' 1 *' I Robert 1 chaeed tba entire IntereM, ed-WHUam. Ju Hbw. J bXLLLS, of vl WOl*KB, lor OIL MEFIKEB- I liSrSd idl Umif of.work 1. £Si“s» rrobl «««PlKgjmlt, ;; -7i ).. : . BPB.ET BODOEBBif TroTfAKl'W JSMt3mP.NUXICIi.-l: lEt«W'diiocUtM Id -tti. Wludewd. : Giocaryand BoM Stora Bnf taem my wfcfilflTay B. JONAS, under the firm tiita JONAS' --:r ft f 5 .PltubmßbaJtft. jalfidn^. • •"■ '■’‘' jpuraiciUJrs.-tj.' ' .• :■ . / : _• T-..- !1 _■ L - i-- l'J: Bavlag ARivadhL Kttabartb, will, he 1 bU XXOLUBiYB ATTENTION to the Hedibaleftd BaMai>i»UßUlldl OHBOBIO DI8»AB»J. 'S«^steSB«B»JW^B; Tpresmi^Hr^^ffi^rTTy ■*> .. :M PXTSIOUJI AHDJIim«QB,j! j r ’l~A .■ iS ." *7' (Qppc«U.Ookmi^B9ijjßp»’BMp«Ml r?f^' •'■**• 1 •-.? ’ tip i :■ |»'i |V t—^“ ' j ! -■ : ';t ■ ETTE. | tv £»Epp£isS.SpKA|JC® COMPANY. Offi4, N. S. oornerWood and Fifth Btfc" FIXE AHS KA£IHB msraAMO*. WttJFtiUlfpc, Wb; B< H«y*, - Jotiß .K* fiW) GhuleaS. BUmII, Wm; Yta Xlrfc, 1 'i ! : •i > • jofli I WM. T. QA.BDNX&, £ EURE INSURANCE SY THK KBil- J} ASCB MUTtIAL INBUIUSOI iOOIIPAaiT, SI fHU APBLPHIA.o» BPlliDlgQflt tubbitors; to., i» toVtf«r»ttUry.| OBc* Ko.**Wrtno* rtMati j pthwi *-**#? aafeUowa: ,J-. .J • fln : j tr;worth'dotitt* il»mg>oqnt..i.Vii i I6nn4 nnU flirt clmlwuiihhm . ..8|665.f10 pSS?B. prt wttt MortfH* _ l; $30,000,n J y, i ■ ...» ;MOO 00 . I Qitr of Philadelphia, 6mi oast. Loaa*~. flojooo 00 fester's; * • Hantlhgdoa and - Broad' Tip UonntiM * . gittroad Coartn>> b-.w* .%0w JO Pemixylrania Blurort«k7wock_«. W».OC fltbST6f- Brtianea Mutual Unt*amOo~ ILBO W fltoftk of Qoantj if ire Inanrapo* 00. ,1,060.00 BtSSJfUeIaW M. S;iiWranca Qo._ '‘"WOO? Commercial Bank - .,! ■ - .6,186.81 * SSSSrfSSr id. «,«*» PriopM. IMdIMM* Ofc'» tel,—... W ; mu. td»iJa»wgr... ;. %j« g ! Booi dKddtiU, inua *“• K PHdx-vii kududih b«d»;ur dlrflid 16 'i, . j -w : '^flOMOfcM ' j qi.iCM? TlHQlliY, FrmtdmL ... t.- tflei* ‘ *• ii #* LdOarrtn, - 1 , tfm, B. TbumpaOn, ‘ j -IWbt. TolAmi, koUxtßtWn, .'! / l 'frederkk Brown; yrwd ‘ k 2>?“ x **» WoirflUrter,- j! JacobT, Banttnfl>^ .0. liUTtswui i l> ... JteiS. W.Hoglaj, li I^‘V‘S"*™'‘J, : i)oM UL . I! ,J». ».S«ilwdMi|l« ;jUnJuU HOI, i I John Biaell, Pttub’gk, if™ Tu• x'- - : fl. ifiaOHMWllWirfliilf,* • 3ay 4 * cofperiTttlnt thA'WooC rtfrtU IfiUtM-NlTi i AOAtM tM J i I rißß.—riiAH KLIH FIUK LMBUiIAfIUS 0011- • Jam* of fuliiabjilfhia.. ob«, ue ud usi Üb»*lnut :i -■ „, lM * su>di*i'(i«»«t ! «i»*»»«;«6? »)«*«-- i* -.|ui !j - ea - •-■ •ar,Th»i«nlj : jjn>qt»*onl pnaaloi-t «hlofc .tUli Daajiaj •*«* k*T«beendvtermlued. ; .., ~ _,, . . W; JUchtad*. lta “ l6n ollLiJ . , TtpwAßp;o.'PAL»i WorJ*l iiH«il. ■ THOMii TlijOT,BfoS^f. ,;-■ .-.*. j ; i ■ fTfis *•■M /mMaHtoi. W, Wrrtcn ■*» >->- «*OO 00 Offlc* Iftiruitnjrv >o»iro;*oeoan*,' HoWr. ■ a; 'Miu«i,'ir., . SStfMJ ''isgs&i' I '-' "toSHsah > .amtgJ«?BUhf .vrottataaFoiMi; X ;V>X»}’rerBßquaß. t j j* 'MSaß^gaL^ii^-^fv,. Dl'tlitoSn Ml WmSiTiUtm, ,WW •» i*H*iSSiron** «•*; - ri " .< : [i ; Ess*^Sc i:i 4' J S;BBB®ste? VaaLJtSt Ho»jiw ; soiiitb, 1 t«agfiidfeMssa_ n« IX >* •ooosJio.nrmii Blocfcj /' *■' . r fcattrti «»&** ill k&li x* Hartx* BttJ '%TO i limHml. i’-tiatmUMm***'* «:3 *•» :,, , - Ca|>L.Wk. MAX, eawnl^fMl li' : .'iaaao'Joa«i».. s.i, .•-/’ ;,Jotoßi'ltoOarf> ! C. O. HqmoTi ■ ! Gtfpt.'Xdafai Jaooia fSKam^'-a*ES#” . ! f\tu mawi£iut,-nttstUjbßitti abu V/BH*W*Sfl.-ia»<>c<>«ta*o« wtuitb^autoo^ XuiiTiMr. &■ DMCTOBS: J—imP.Tnifi .*• j thyt-Jdm L Biitf ssn»t?. Blirtt«r, ' gsaiwsC' noiitinrMM' R WAIT, n» fMto mum. I. ■ mill] ~»ryff6i*