The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 21, 1863, Image 3

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fomauL faffs of tbm cut
m '
J*no»oio«nui, Onmrinon for u>
B. B. Bh»w, OpttoU*, 80. It Jifti
*oii*oLkl faltyt
ri t ,; —— m «
I Bmaotn «».£
lUetl.cof AileihenrConßcil..
ol city officer*.
A •pocUl moating of Allogamy Ootmdli
*** M* «■ T»o*4»y oronlag, U Bxoolaltr
*»B| for tko pnrpoM of (looting elty offloera
for thv tantaf
la Stitt) Comal, »U tho member* won
Mr. lhnhill, haring bm «lc.Ud Prul
««i of thn S«lMt Oonnoii, whll. nbMnt in th.
®Mt, nhrMd hla ihinh to tht aombora for
thi> muk of tholr approbation and maiden»,
and ox'pnfsod bin gratitndo for th. honor eon*
In Common domicil, all tho Bombere worn
prannt oxcepUn, Mr. Stockton. Pmident
Brown wai in tba Chair.
After adminlitering the oath of offioo to ono
or two memben who had not proriotulr boon
in attondano*. tba Oiork notlfiod tho So loot
Connell that Common Council waa now xoadr
Jn Boot thorn in Joint Bouton, to oloot olty
» M •' t
Connotia then want into Joint Seulonfor
tba alaotlon of Oltj Offioara.
Tba nanlt waa at followa:
City Traannr—D. Macfarron. by aoalaina
Straat Commiuloner—Artbor
■ Baparintandant of WaUr Worka—John
Halaan, by aoolaaatlon.
Clark of tba Market!—D. Dallaa and H.
HoOonniglo won noßinatod. Tba malt of
tba ballot wai:
Oallaa».171 M050n1g1a........ 10
Hr., Dallaa waa daaolarad duly alootod.
Wolfhmaatar, Diamond Soaloa—W. Boan
dntt andßobart Xnia wan naainatad. Tba
ballot molted:
Baaadntt n _..__ SO | Knii.__.__ T
Mr. Soandntt wao doeland duly alootod.
Watgkaaatar, Sooond Ward Soaloa—Tho
nomination! won—Jonathan Bub, John
Priatj J. A. White. (Poatponod until tba
otbar ottoeri won alootad.)
Beoordlng Bofulator—Wm. MoHandrr. br
AfiUtant BipUtor—Bobirt Wnj. by u
«lU&ftttOßa '
City Solid tot—Solomon Bohoyer, Esq., and
WUUaa U. MoSott, Kiq., wan nominated,
and tba ballot wu aanounoad u followa:
Bohoyer ..18 | Moffett. 8.
Mr. Bohoyer waa doaland duly alootod.
Aanouor of Water Bontt-A.Daria, by ao
_ Board Uuauata-Pint Ward, A. Cray j
g*®°“d Word, Wm. Murdoob ; Third Wart,
8. W. MeGlanessj eleotad by acclamation.
Eontth Ward—E. Falhauber and Robert
Brown war* nominated. The ballot ntnlud:
Ealbaabatp IS j Brown, 14. Mr. Brown waa
doolarad duly elected.
Offiriel Paper—(English)—ffdsstte and Dit
patok waza nominated. Zbo ballot war an
......... 14 | DitpauX 12
Zba tfoedto war declared daly elseted.
German Paper—Zba Frtdom’t FrUud was
alaetad by aoolamation.
Zba matter of tba election of Weighmuter
far tba Saeoad Ward Soaks was than called op.
Mr* Wright morad that Goueili prooaad to
their aaparata chambers, tba object balsg ta
consider aa ordinaaoe relative to tba compen
sation of this offioer.
Tba motion did not pxcvaiL
Oa motion of Mr. HspUni, tba Conrantlon
proceeded to eteet in the usual manner.
Zba ballot waa annonnaad aa followa:
Wblta **23l Bub 4 J Prioe 1
Mr. Wblta wai duly alaetad.
Wharf Muter—Alexander Maxwell, by *o
Sait Inspector—Alexander Maxwell, by ao
Uutnm of Wood and Bark—Alexander
Maxwell, by acolanmtion.
Thn basins** of ths Jolat Serslon having
boon tomplstod, Connells a4Jouraed to their
ntDMtlTa wlirti
In S'UctOmKil, Mr. Blddlo mond that
tko Committee oa CUy Property bo initruotod
to inquire Into th* propriety of procuring •
•nltoblo plioo for holding thn‘ mooting! of
Oaunotli until Un now Counoi] Ohnmbon ihnil
hnro boon croctod.
Tbemolntlon wei odoptod, ond oononrrod
la by Common CoaaolL
Mr. BImoU pnoonud a preamble aad reso
lution, lotting forth that laumuoh no tho
Jolat Slaadiag Committed for tho prooont
year had boon appolntod aad printed by ordor
of hm poroon orporoom, without oomulUng
thoProoidoatof Boloot Coaaoil,thatthayho
rorliwed by him aad aaaonnotd la proper
form, ao roqnirod nador tho rnlai of OouaoUt.
Tho propooitlon waa dioonoaod at aomo
tongth by Mttara. Blaaoll, Marahaß, Blddlo,
Aahworth, Kirkpatrick, and Atwall, from
which It appaarod that tho Oommlttoaa had
boon pro pond without tho knowledge or ooa
ounoaoo of Mr. Blddlo, tho Chairman pro
aim.,-aad that, bolng Informal, tho notion waa
not aatiafootory to many of tho mombora.
Tho Proaidont (Mr. Manhall) auggoitod
that laaamuoh'aa tho Oommlttoaa had not yot
boon annouaood la olthor branch, porhapa tho
TaaoluUoawaa promaturo.
„*ltor mutual oxplaaatlona had boon made,
Mr. Blddlooakad lilt would not boproporaow
to adjourn, aad lot tho matter raat with the
Proaldonto of Counella 7 Ho made' a motion
to thla afoot, whloh waa adopted, whonupon
Oounoill odjouraod. r
Verdict la the Hniaance Caae.
On Tnooday afternoon, the onto of tho Com
monwealth to. John Smltley aad othan, la
dieted for orootlßg aad maintaining a aulaaaeo'
la'flu oonatrnetlon of a coal railway oror a
portion of the Waihlngton turaplho and a por
tion of Canon itroot, ln tho borough of Watt
PlUaburgh, groat to tho jury under the ohargo
of Jidge Stowe. Am to Moran. Shaler aad
MoOewan, tho Ooart ordond a aoUe proaagol
to ho entered, It appearing that they bed only
managed tho ooaatraotioa of tho rood. la
reference to the other dofoadoata, Mann.
Snlfloyo Sleeker end Leldy, flu jury
would ooueldm their oouneotlou with the Mae.
The Important point la thle ease waa. whath
or tho borough of Welt Pltubnrg h hld ea
thorlty to eathorlla tho ooutruetion of a rail
way track os or onr Canos atroot, ouo of the
.publlo thornughfana of tho borough.
Tho polata asbmltidd bytho oosaaol for
tho Commoswoalth, Moaan. Ceohrus usd Bar
ton, won limply aa follow!: lit. I, n,
Waahlagtaa .pika (or Canon atroot) o publlo
thoroughtanf 3d. Ia there a railway araot
od thereon T Id. If », tho law pronoun ooa
•old railway a nnlianoi. 4th. Who are the
guilty partiee f
The Court held that the borough of Woat
Pittebsrgh had ao authority, la law) to au
thorlaa too unotloa of a nilwey ■ oror any
publlo thoroughfan or highway within IU
Bmltaj that tho ownon of the railway malt
akow u ohartor &om. tho Logialatam; aad
that If o railwayU laid down upon a publlo
thotonghfan, without authority of flu Legla
laturu,tha railway la a aulaauoa per ae. Thla
JJJwt law, ao. laid down by the Sapnma
Mr. Wo«d»i oa behalf of tho defendant!,
naked the Coort to laatraot the Jary that they
unre the jndgee of the,law ae weU ej of tho
Jadga Stowe rombrkad that ho ooald not ao
surge, tho ljory. Thor maat take tho law
from tho mcath of the Court.
ivZ. h wi.V , v^TV , * d ' “ d » akort abieaoe
thoy hßugbt Uarerdiot of yeihy of maU
nS.%rt*^*""£T,M. John Smltley,
?*SJ* \i|®“blei J «ha Slacker aad Traaoli
iaaladtt tko.Srm of
S Sf to * °*-» onm,
manager of tko
i y r ~ Wooda made e gtatloa la amet of
JidfaMt ud lor a mv trUL
Mxtt lint ,O Uf ud
b«UfniaotieMw«to. Lpwr
o* Koala?# Nj Bar motbor dUd oa! Batardu.
vUA dotalaod bor ÜBUnr
Totlu Ii aaj sev bo km tdao boforo tbo
vffiUoblotOTloUovoltj. «•
joist Bitaxov*
MOKTOOTH-Oa thndOth IneU, ntl2 o’eleek, m.,
lira. AKSLia ▲. MOHIOOtS, wife lof ?em«
Xontnoth,;e(»d43 ynta.
The Amoral wllj tike place oa Wkmbsbax wosw
ms, at 10 o'clock;-to proceed to Allegheny Cemetery.
The friends of the family are Invited to attend.
vail ' ejn> vmrrßß srooK,
Which in eholce. taetn and pricee wIU coae
pan frtocaMy with nn|tUag In thn tnMe. ooiueie*
isgeU the hewent sadonet maken of J^eb
thn larpat and best selected etoek of Goode
wMwei eaUe ever hvoogbt to thie
ukewMnverychoieoseleetioaof ;
J EE.® ,DMUHIHa aooM
ook-oF rtn*R.cuniniiM.
-; , 1
■very variety sad styleoT the above (oode on hand
aad for into nt
j XeCOBD 4k CO.’fl,
i • •
noU i 80. m WOOD wrenr.
. 1800n4«.gH4 om AgmlAfro Fltunorgk ooi
ilclattg, Iw t -
“APittlburgh Bail.
— c *« l PA»r Indicted far Nni.
la tho Orialnal Coart, on Tnnday after*
noon, Judge Btoweymidlng, tbeeaio of tbo
Commonwealth tj, J. H. M’Cnllongb and
‘“"•'l*® 4 tka Claraland and Plttibargh
Railroad Company, wu called up for trial.
The defendant! an indicted for anting and
maintaining a nalaanoo, in Inylng tbair traekj
along and ora Pnblo and Wnlnat atnota, in
the boreagh of Mnntbutu.
Mr. Oti>, of Clorolaad, Solicitor lor tbo
Company, and 8. Boboya, Jr., Kiq., appaared
“d Dlatriot attornay
Kirkpatrick for tbo proaoontton.
Tho dzif ton., of tbo eoapany, and tba fact
that thay had oonitrnotad tbair traekj orer
tba Jtruu ebon named, and were uiag tbair
looomotiTU and oan on tbo lame, to rather
with tba fut that Mr. M'Onllongb wejPreii
dant and Oananl Baparintandant of tbo road,
wan prOnd by tba prueoutloa, after wbiob
they nitad tbair oaee.
So toitiaony baa yet bun offered oa behalf
of the opßpnny. Banrml oollataral point, of
lew were raised and argued, but the prosecu
tion strikes at the legality of the oharter of
the company, and it will devolve upon them
to show that they have a proper legal right to
eons tract their tracks over the streets named.
Oa trial;
Au in*t^ Tt> ;T Thil "Orient story* jost
re-published by Messrs. Peterson, of Phil*,
delphia, Is received and for sale at the store
of W. aJ Gildenienney, 45 Fifth street. We
kave already spoken in terms of Ugh praise
of this work, and need) only add to-day, that
from all quarters we find tba same opinion of
its merits expressed in the Journals of the
Tie following are the salss of stook by J.
?•, Awtionew, et the Commercial
Sake Boomej No. 44 Plfth street; Zuesday
evening/January, 20 th: 7
Exohange 6O
aiwftiaq and Manufacture re 8ank.....52 75
Allegheny County Bondsissued to Alle
gheny Valley Railroad.. 40 ots.
Socun Surrnn.—The city offioere elect gave
sa elegant supper last evening, at the St.
Clair Hotel, to the members of Councils,
iiuiiness elsewhere prevented us from attend
ee* but wo learn that the reunion was ex
ceedingly pleasant and agreeable, and passed
off to the entire satisfaction of all oonoeroed.
Pe°r. jFowlie, the eminent phrenologist,
drew a large audlenoe to Ooneert Hall, last
evening, jand the ieoture wm listened to with
deep interest. He willleetUre again this even
ing, on an Interesting snbjeet, which is an
nounced in our advertising oolumns.
OrEisAtuio aid Acual Sonoanva—Br.
Jones, of New York dtj, the Eye and Bar
ooeior, will practice at the SL Charles HoUl,
Pitssburgh, Pa., from the 23d of Janoary to
the 23d Of February, 1863.
Tin City Souotron*! BsronT.—The fuU
and interesting report of the City Solicitor,
J. W. Fj White, Esq., as read beforo Couneils
and ordsred to be published, wiU be found on
the first page of to-day f s paper.
eaovah aid Baku’s Snwino MAonma, for
family and manufacturing purposes, axe the
best in use.
A. F. Oxatoit, Qeneral Agent.
? No. 13, Fifth street.
' Fon Yau. aid Wuni winter
is upon us, and we must provide ourselves
with the material to keep as comfortable. A
good and well-made overcoat is the very arti
de, and we den’t know of any piaee where
our readers oan get one that wu! look as Will,
and at the same time withstand the most se
vere weather, as at W; H. Medea k Oo.’s,
ooraer of Federal street and Diamond Square,
Allegheny. Their stook- of oyerooatings,
business and dress clothing, pantaloons of all
deseriptlons, are well assorted,' and of the
lateet style. Zhe genUsmea’s furnishint
goods department Is all that a purohaeer would
wish. Oiill on Modes * 0«. if you desire a
nioe suit.
filnai Geaeab, moroboot tailor, voald
most rMpootfolljr lafom bl« frbada aad tbo
Public goatrmUy tbatbohMzotaraod Irom tbo
But with bio aow itook of UU aad viator
goods. His itook eoasists of tbo latost stylos’
of eusimoros aad mtUtgij soioetod
from tho Utost importations. Goailomoa do
siring a boat fttiag garaoDtp aad at prions
lower than at any other tailoring ostahiiih
moat la tbo olty, would do will to giro him an
oarly ealL Samuel Graham, morthant tailor,
Ro. 54 Market stroot, oao door from Third.
Voumaus, Attettioil—For the derange
menu of thn system iasidonUl to tho ohango
of dint, wounds, Eruptions, aad ozposuroe,
which orory Voluntoor is liable to, there an
ao remedies 10 safe, convenient, aad reliable
as Holloway's Pills and Ointment, 25 oonts
per box. ; 209
iGxoioii Holxdat Paxsxxvt.—J. M. Rob*
arts, Ho. 27 fifth street,'is now-opening tho
most oholoe itook of fine Gold and Silver
Watches,! Jewelry, Silver Ware and fancy
Goods ever displayed in this city* and is sell
lag thorn at remarkably low prions.
Qm Book Stoam—AU in want of photo
graph albums, family, pooket and pew Bibles,
eaa buy them at greatly reduced prions at Ho.
IXB, Wood street. A oostly gift worth from
50 cent* to |lOO given with oaoh.
Honoa to tho wxoparty owners of this olty
Is hereby fglvoa, that any repairs needed about
their houses will bo. done promptly, if they
learn their order at Oothbort's Carpenter and
Virgito alloy, just above
OiurißOf Oalu will bo taken at the Omnibus
offloo, Ho. if i Liberty sfrost, day or might.
All orders loft at the aboTt plaoo will bo
£romptlyj attended to. AU calls must bojpaid
Ooxtlist.—S. A. SUrrntt oontiauss to dovoto
sjpoelal attsatioß to aU afbeUoas of tho eye.
Cataraot removed by a aew operation, eauihig
but slight pain. BasUortoo, 277 Pena street.
CV O. HALB A 00.,
to (Had Wait,)
lerohant Tailors,
{ 'gro.aownoaMettMr .
iSiJZT I”*™*!?. » » mptir «i air
ratSOif, nrirn aHI* p>mi, viuSwOl t» wU
liqiullllato U« winuMitOTM
1 sohoiuker * . * i
Spedd Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette!
Wabhiiotoi, Jan. 30,18C3.
vonmiox AVYAXia.
It is given out at the State Department
that they have highly ehetring advices from
Europe, and particularly from England,
giving accounts of a popular reaction in our
Unofficial advices also represent the middle
and lower classes in England as beginning to
exercise a healthy ihflnanee on their Govern,
ment in our behalf. Some, at the Bute De
partment, go so far as to speak of the late
advices m precluding the -possibility of in
tervention for months to oome.
The letter of John Mitchell’s to the Dublin
Nation newspaper, reeently Intercepted, is
remarkable for suoh sentenoes as these:
"North of the Potomac, there is no law,
and in traveling through New Jersey, Penn
sylvania, and especially Maryland, I ofton
Mked myself If this is America, or is it'
Poland or Venetia?”
Ho describes Biohmond thus:
"Biohmend, I find very little changed. The
Yankee aoeounts had prepared me to see the
inhabitants generally barefooted and un
derfed, but I never saw better dressed people
in the streets, nor greater show of ladies. All
toll me there was not the slightest bpparent
psnlo in town, even during the desperate
seven day’s fight, and it is refreshing to hear
men, women and children speak with snob
sovereign seorn of Yankees. Zhe olty is, of
oourse, thronged with strangers, and not even
in Pails do you seeks many empty sleeves,
nor hear the clatter of so many wooden legs.
All, however, are cheering and resolute. Ap
parently they do not know yet that the Back
bone of rebellion;ii broken, as Seward assures
us.’’ w
Dispatches reoelved here state that General
Sherman acted at Vleksburg under the orders
of Gen. Grant, and formed the right wing of
his army, In accordance with the belief'that
Grant would tome up, but the latter having
got his communication cutoff, failed to notify
Sherman. Sherman’s friends say the offielal
reports will vindicate him from some,at least,
of the oharges made, against him, and will
show that he and MeOlernand aotod in har
meny throughout.'
oniAY nxciraxzxT in eiobxoid.
Some arrivals from Bichmond'to-day bring
news of great exeltomsnt in the rebel capital,
about the 12th inst., owing to reports that a
largwFederal foroe, numbering-eighty thou
sand, were on their way to Weldon, N. 0.,
and that a large fleet of gunboats were in the
waters of North Carolina, about the same
time. Anderson’s division, of Jaekson’s army,
nambertng about fifteen thousand men, passed
through Bichmond, going South.
tbi nxniL inov-GLAD wuniXAO.
Of the long-talked of Merrimae there is no
queitlon, they say, or her, being a perfeot fail
ure, being too top-heavy, and is lying at
Boeheets’ with a scow oa each side to keep her
afloat. She has several times been taken out
In the stream with scows alongside, b'ut when
ever it was attempted to remove the soows she
careened at suoh a sate that they were obliged
to replace them and bring her back to her
moorings. For upwards it three weeks they
tried her in this manner, but, at last, tired
out with attempts to make her set right in
the water, they have given her up and ac
knowledged her to be a failure.
mcHMOsn xnox wonxn.
Ita/ lay that tha Trodegsr Iron Worhs ere
warklnf about fix hondrad mao, easting
haaaj goal, hut ultng moh poor lion that
many o! thalr gum an worthless. Thay had
set about ona hundred and ftrty Union pria :
onara at work !a than foandatiaa. But a
■mall numbar of troop* are In tha oltj.
It waa nudantood that tha mala body of
Laa’a army waa on tha railroad about midway
batwaan Fredariokabkrg and Blehmond.
It la baliarad in Biohmand that Governor
Saymour would not lot.any more troopa ba
drawn from Now York and a almilar aotlon
waa hoped for from othara.
ooxoxuaioxaL raoaxzDurQS.
Tha Sonata will paaa the Court of Clalma
hill In Ita pyaient ihape, ao aa to make ita
judgment! Anal, and add two mare Judgea.
Over thirty political lama dnoka are under*
atood to be candidates for tha offlooi ltoraataa.
Senator Browning, Bapnaontative Kellogg,
and Kbaneaer Peek, of Ohieago are among tha
moat prominent. Than la some doubt aa to
tha eligibility, nader tha Constitution, of tha
two formar.
The Sanata Finance Committee have unanl
monaly agreed to reduce tha aalary of the As
alatant Secretary of BUto, ralaad to $2,000.
Tha aabetltate for tha bill eencarnlng let
tan of marque, reportad by Senator Hale, to
day, revises the acta of July 2sth, 1812, and
January 2Ttk, 1813, and pnta them In foraain
relation to all that part of tha United States
where the Inhabitant! have bean declared in
a etato af Insurrection, la relation to all ves
*al* and property belonging to them, where
avar found, on the high tear or la part.
Senator Wilson Introduced to-day a volnm
lona bill for tha prompt and unform adminis
tration of military justice and batter gorern
ment of tha military foraas. It creates a
Bureau of Military Justice, a Judge Advo
cate General, with tha rank of Brigadier
General, ta ba at ita head, and Assistant
Jndga Advocate General, wdth tha rank of
Colonel of cavalry. It authorise! tha appoint
ment of a Jndga Advocate for each depart
ment or corps, with rank of Lieutenant Col
onel of cavalry. It presents at great length
tha Constitutional modes of proceeding and
tha powers of courts-martial, general and In
ferior grads oonrta-of-iaqulry, Provost Mar
shal's aourta, Ac. Tha only punishments for'
military offanoee are to be death, cashiering,
suspensions from efiee, with or without 'for
feiture of pay, rodnotlon to ranks, dishonor
able dismissal, disability to hold a commis
sion, forfeiture of pay, reprimand, public or
private, and Imprisonment, sharing the head
and other badges of Infamy are forbidden. The
blllas presented was drawn up by Major
Bolles, Judge Advocate of the Seventh Army
Corps. It may pass tha Senate, but stands a
vary poor chanoa In the HCuse.
Among the amendments to the army Mil as
reported by the Eiuance Committee areappre
priatlens of $3,000 for artllclal limbs for sol
diers and sailors ,* nearly $1(0,000 for lee,
fruits and other comforts for slek soldiers; be
tween $400,000 and $300,000 for private phy
sicians and medicines furnished by them, and
$73,000 far saldiara acting aa cooks and nurses.
Tha French Spoliation i bill, reportad by
Senator Sumner ftom the Committee an for
eign Halations to-day, u Crittenden’s bUI, by
which It Is provided that satisfaction be made
to aa amount not exceeding fivo millions to
American eUUans, for clalma fcr Indemnity
upon the french Government for Illegal cap
tares, As., prior to the treaty of September
$O,lOO. This same MU, substantially, bat
been reported forty tiaeee favorably and three
Umac antaTorabiy to either the Senate or the
House-bps: been twioe passed and twioe ve
toed, once by Polk and once by Pierce. The
first report was made to the Senate i tt 1833.
as nsvonvAXT Decision.
Colonel Vaadevsr’s oase excited great at
tention in the House to-day, from the feot
that the principle involved in Us decision
would apply to a number of Colonels and
Generals who are members of the House, and
a still larger number who are eleoted to the
next House. After a long debate the vote
.was taken, which showed a majority in favor
of declaring his scat vacant. The case now
hangs on an appeal from the derision of the
chair, that is sufficient to declare*
seal vacant, it being olaimed that * twe-thlrks
vote is necessary for such a purpose. UnlsCs
this appeal is sustained, several more seats
will epeedily be declared vacant, and in the
opinion of semolable lawyers in the House
Gens. Schenck, Gufield, Dumont and
other military officers elected to the next
House, will have their seats declared vaoant
and new elections ordered if they ooatinue in
the military service after the 4th of hfiroh
next. Among other unfortunate results of
suoh a derision would bo giving Vallandig
ham another chanoe for his life.
The Secretary of the Interior eommunioated
a bill to the House to-day, organising a
bureau of statistics, to inriude the eensus
bureau, and; to be under a commission at
$4,000 a year! The first result of this would
be to oust Kennedy, the present Census Su
perintendent* and a known secession sympa
[Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Qasetta.]
~ Hasbibbcro, Jan, 30, 1863.
Horan.—Mr. MoMurtrie introduced a joint
resolution to the following effect:
R&olvedf That so much of the aot approved
on the 13th of Juno; 1840, as requires the in
terest on the public debt of the Commonwealth
to be paid ,in spooie, or its equivalent, and
also the third section of the act approved on
the 11th of 1862, be, and the same are
hereby repeated.
Eceofeed, That it khaU be the dnty of the
Steto Treasurer to psy all interest falling due
on the pablic'debt oi the Commonwealth, on
and after the Am of February, eighteen hun
dred and sixty-three, in snoh nous as have
been or may be issued and made a legal ten
der by the Uhited States Government.
Mr. Vincent opposed tho. postponement of
the oonsideraition of the plain proposition
now before the House. It is: whether the
State ehall pay a premium of five hundred
thousand dollars, or whether its creditors
shall be paid the same as other creditors.
The resolutions were referred to the Com
mittee of Ways and Means with instruction!
to report on Thursday.
Mr. Wakefield offered a resolution to a py
point a Committee of five to examine the
foots relative to the election of e United
States Senator last Tuesday, with authority
to send for persons and pspors, and report to
the House. . Fused.
Messrs. Waktfield, Pershing, Brown, of
Warren, Bsebe, and form the Oommlt-
Tho bill relatite to the Allegheny Valley
railroad was jpMsod..
Mr. Hntriuaan introduced a bill relative to
tho roads opliu Commonwealth, authorising
township road supervisors to eontraet with
the land owners for constructing roads.
Pershing- introduced a supplement to
4he aot relating to rhe Orphans’ Gouru. The
otyoot u to allow any judgemnt creditor,
where there is an extension, end wljoee judg
ment was aetibn at the time, on a failure to
pay instalment*, to issue a writ of vanflUon.
Also a bill to kevy a tax on bankers and brok
ers, and to repeal the Act of April, eighteen
hundred and rixty-ons.
Mr. BhodsS; introduced a bill ralaUre to
sheriffs’ and prothonotaries* costs. Also a bill
relating to the public lands granted by the
United States ito the several States ani Terri
Mr. Cochran introduced a oUI relative to
Notaries Public allowing them to take depo
sitions end administer oetbi.
Mr. Bamsoy tntrodnoed a supplement to the
bill to reriie and emend the panel lew of the
Commonwealth. It le designed to protect
mlnarap imposing fine end imprisonment on
gnerdlene for the embeulement of money on
trasted to their cere. :
Sixatx.— Mr. White introdnoed e viola
tion requeuing thn Governor to oommanlcete
whet informetlon It) hea ei to when the vol
unteer milltie hu jcen peid, end when thej
will be peld j or If; he dope not possess moh
lnforaetion folly, to request the seme from
the Wer Department.
On motion of Mr. Oljmer the rales of 1860
were adopted for the government of the Sen*
The bill relative to foreign attachments wai
emended ee at to extend to end inelqde ell
ettechmentf in execution.
We leern from Washington that Senator
Morrill’i bill relative:to the bribery of offl
eials, extendi fits provisions to ell agents or
employees of tho government.
Quartermaster Donaldson succeeds Quarter
master Montgomery at Pittsburgh.
Schooner .Captured.
WASBXHQToir l .Ja&. SO.-Thc Ravy Depart
ment has rooelved a dispatch from Commodore
Harwood, commanding the Potomac flotilla,
dated the 19th, stating that the Leslie haa
arrived at Hampton Roadi os Banda?, with
the sobooner Hampton, of Baltimore, in tow,
which wac captured fey the Oarrituek on the
morning ef the 13th, in Diriding Creek, and
also states that the vessel oleared light osten
sibly for the jojater trade, but took In her
cargo at Baltimore. She had on boardwerai
pasaengora who, from letter* fonnd onward,
appeared to be personsiwho had been in tatv
habit of pasting to and from Virginia.
| At the timejof the capture of the Hampton
a eanoe at the came place escaped, bat wac
i afterward* taken at Indian Creek, not, how
: ever, until her crew had escaped to the wood*
and the principal part bf htr cargo had been,
, it is supposed, thrown overboard.
Commodore Harwood also reports before
: these oooarreneet the Currituok broke op for
the present an establishment for supplying in
; salt to Riohmond by deatroyingtht kettles
used in its manufacture, It appears/from
the report of Acting Master Lianekin com
manding the Currituok,! that when he arrived
at Dividing Creek he was informed by a
negro that at the sonth west branoh there was
a large manufactory for salt in a' steam null;
owned by a man named Osoar Sealey, who
had Men extensively engaged in supplying
the rebels with salt. The commander of the
Carrltnsk proceeded thither, and sent a party
onshore and destroyed; all the kettles, Aef,
with the exoeptlon of a boiler, and left word
for the proprietor to discontinue the oooupa
tlonuuder penalty of ecjmplete deitrnotloa of
the mill and ajlarge amount of lnmbbr.
Dividing Creek Is opt of the points to
which Geerge H< Sanadcrs advised his corre
spondents to stake shipment.
Mr. Bowley, J the Indian agent forth# sanc
tion of the Bioax,' which tribe has beta
friendly toward* the Government throughput
the Indian difficulties,. reached here to-day.
He has come to Washington with a view to
arge the proper departments to take precau
tionary measures,against troubles which may
possibly occur in the spring'with the same
party of Sioux, and other .branches !of that
tribe. He states, at pnisent, there heed be
no apprehension of any difficulties. 'Mr.
Bewley brought with hlffii as far as Sioux
city, lowa, the white prisoners who were
eaptured by theSiouxjand ransomed by our
Government. j._ I [
Tha Cotamlitlonarof Intarealßarasaa
(BoutwaU) hu mbmUtri Mtflnt itatanaat
ooaoaraiog thajtraoaaotloa that
from which appaan tha astir* asmbar of par
sou omploiM is Mimiagud oollotUsc tha
rrrrosa to b*3;BS2. Ha haa'ao nasai M.tbo
naiant Uai of Ntioitißi with aoafltUae#
ihaamoaatof jrtranua jrhlofc'jriU b* dtrirad
aadap tfcaaxalfl* low of darise
tha Ustßamth ho haaoaaaad* aaraftiin***.-
Ufstloa ba laitateiadiato tha Mrarsl
muon oftham«mo*,aodo»aftbuta to bo 1
B&de of the amoaai vhloh maj be derived
frem tech. According to thia-be received from
ell Bonreee excepting stamp dot!#* daring the
enrrent fiscal jeer, ending with Jane next,
the cam of $61,777,799. "
. B* eitimeiee that tho reoeipts from stamp
datiei daring the same period will amount to
£s?t?J2!ff oni » njtklD K lie aggregate mm
177,777,799. It mey be assorted that without
meteriel change in the business of the conn
try, the revenue from the same loarces for
the Steal year 1863-1 will not be leit than one
hundred had fifty millions. Theeitimatea of
the reoeipts end expenditures show the cost
of assessing jmd collecting the taxes under.the
present system will be. two and one handreths
centum. The Commissioner has the strongest
confidence that in thejfitates now acknowledg
ing thepathority of the Constitution the ex
pense eon never exceed three centum.
WxflE(»OTO», Ju, jo, 1883,
Hoosn.—The Speaker euted that tba pend
log question was on referring the Preei
dent'e message, in oonneellon with hie ap
proval of tho ono hundred million dollar
treasury note bill, to a Beleot Committee of
five Jtepresentatives and four Senators.
Ur. Washbnruo, of IIL, supposed it dna to
tho President and Secretary ot the Treasury
that tho message bo sent to a Select Commit
tee, and at any rate to one whieh had not
prejudged the matter as it was understood the
Committee of Ways and Uoans had done. Ho
did not suppose that any gentleman on tho
Gommittloe of Waye and Meant, and particu
larly any gentleman who was opposed to tho
measure suggested by the President, would
object to the message being tent to another
Committee, ae to refer It to tho Ways and
Moans under thasa ulreumitanoee would bo to
put oat an orphan ohild to an unfriendly
guardian. |
He meant- no re&eotion on that oommittoe,
believing thet two or three members of it
wore in iavor of luoh a referenoo. Of ooune
this would have eommitted nobody to the
scheme. He had only proposed to send the
subject to a odmmlttao whiob would give lta
fair and jolt consideration. He had no on
kind feeling in tho matter, aa thora was per
haps an indisposition to refer the eabjeet to B-
Seloot Committeo, and aa there was now a
bill before the Hensa relating to it, he woild
withdraw hie motion and mova that the mei
sage bo referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means. This was agrood/to, and tho
messago ordered to bo printed./ : /
On motion-of Mr. Kollogg/of lU., it was 7
Betolmd, That the Beleot Committed on
postol and military railroads between Wath
ington and Now York be empowered 1 to send
for persons and papers, and examine wit
nesses under oetk, for the pnrpoie of aeoertain
ing the probably, cost of opnstruotion of a
road, tha probable reoeipudrom express com
puter and other, sourpes, and the rcoeipts
from thoeo railroads sow oonstruotad between
the two olties. ' /
Oa motion of Mr. Pike, of Mo., tho Secre
tary of tho Navy was requested to inform the
House what/Botion, if any, should bo taken
relative to the appointment of Washington, u
suggested by him in his annual report.
Oomollon ot Mr. Eliot, of Mass., it wai
liaoltud. That the Seeratary of tho Navy
cpmmunioata any information in hia posses
sion to show that American vessels, olearod
for any foreign port, have engaged in the
African, or Coolie slave trade, and enbmit
soph suggestions to prevent it as he mey deem
Mr. Thornes, of Mass., from the Judiciary
Committeo, submitted explanatory resolutions
In relation to the tax law.. That the salarier
of the President, Vioe President and Judges
of tha Supreme and inferior oourti of the
United States be exempted from the tax.
The House praooeded to the consideration
of tho resolution reported from tho Committeo
on Elections, that Mr. Tandaver has not boon
entitled to a seat in the House since he wae
mastered into tho United Btates service as
Colonel of tho Bth lowa regiment, namely,
in Sept., 1881.
Mr. Wilton, of lowe, said Mr. Vandover
served during the extra eettion and a portion
of tho second session previous to tho iOth of
September, 1861. Tho qoottlon raised by
Mr. Maynard was one of such Importance that
it ought to bo submitted to the House, because
having acted eo a member of the House we
esmuot declare hie seat vacant, exoept by ex
iA running debate enanod, ia which Hesara.
™«l CanJrling,J)Mii, Maynard and Wilion
partioipatod, the lut namederleilj oontro-
TerUas the eonitltatiimal politico of D.wei.
ffinelly, Mr. Maynard appealed from the do
dsion of the Chur.
Pending thl« question tk» Boom wont Into
Committee of the Whole on the iUU or tho
union on tho bill providing nvs and tn*m nt
for tho support of tho Government.
Ur. Wouter, of Hon., resumed his romuks
froa yesterday to show that tho rates ,of lh-
Uroit oro highest when tho grooteit amount
of paper is in circulation.
Mr. Edvards, of K. T., opposed the pro
posed national system of banking.
~ **•» »ald the system estab
lished In tho bill .reported by the Committee;
on Ways and Means, if continued, at loast
uhtil the end of the war, will Involve the m» '
Uon in great troable. Be made no bottom’
opposition to it, but deemed it hU duty to
state his otyeetions, which heprooeeded to do.
He expressed his belief that these was re
enpeiative energy in this eounftry by which
,wa will be enabled to hurl, destruction at the
rebels at the South and at all the traitors o; r
the North, whether ia or out of this Houso,
who advise ui to lay down our arms and sue
for peace.
The Committee then proceeded to not on the
Mr. Spaulding, of N. on behalf of tho
Commlttea of Wayf uid Musi, propoaad an
uuadmont to tbo Drat lootion, which wu
.(nod to, io u to authorial tho Secretary of
tho Trraaury to barrow, from tlmo to time, on
tho eredit of tho United S total Government, n
ram not exceeding two milllona of dollua for
tho eorront Ureal year, nnd aiz hundred mil
lion* for th*noxt final year, and to iirao
thoto for obapon or -eglatered bond* parable
nt tho plumre of the Government altar twenty
7 ran from date,and of raeh denomination,
not loo* ;than fifty dollar*,-aa ha may dram
iipedlept,b**rlng intereat at a rate not ex
owdlag fi per rant, per annum, payable atml
annually ia ooln. -
Mr. Thom**, of Mau-, offend an amend
ment, whlob waa agreed to,'maklhg'eonpon or
rbgiatorod bond* payable at the plantar, of
tho Qorarnment, attar twenty yean from
data, In ooln.;
Mr. Spaoldlng' moved to atrik* oot the ra
atrioUon of tho aalo of bonda at not lata than
par, to that thoßaontary may,ln hit diaom
tion dltpoa. of thorn at any time upon the
brat term* ho era.!'
\Peadlhg the oonildaration of the amend
noat, tV OammlUra road, and the Hoot* ad
journed. . H
Snnava>—Mr. Saiaara preaantad the me
morial of clttMna ofHewTork making for tbo
Mtabliabmtat of'araltahto camp hoapital and
ambnlanoe eorpa forth* army.
Mr. Trumbull, of a petition
ia favor of a general bankrupt law. ,
Mr- Banner, from th. Oomtoitt*. on for
•lgn Affair*, reported a bill to paythe Fronob
ipoliatlonolalmi. j . TtC • •
Mr* Bute, of K.' n., from the Oommlttokon
Nani Affalra.r* ported baok a bilj to
ill iatun of marqna and rapriaal, with cer
tain amendmanU. He rald he ihonldcaU it
up at aa; early day.
Mr. Wilion, of Man., Introduced a bIU for
the: prompt and uniform adminlatratloa or
military jgittra and bettor government'of the
military fofnrof tbo United State*.
On motion of Mr. TrembnU, . bill to altar
the jodtelal jdlatrlet of th* United Stater,
placing Mlohlgu and Ohio in the 7th diatriot,
waa takonnplandpaaaad. '
: Mr.' Harding,' of - Ky., oallod up . bill an
tborlalag’tho Prealdant to negotiate trratioa
with otrulnlndiantribH. ...
: Mr, Zromball, ofllh, moved totaka np the
bill tb reorganise the Coart of Oielmi. . _-
; Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, hoped that no bill
of thia general aharaoUr would b* fakan np,
white ao many important meararoa war* rand
log. ; Zhora waa th* bill concerning tbo dla
ourgo of'State prlaoaara.. Unleaa aomethlnu
waa dona on that rabjeoiwe ahbnldbava ool*
lialbna between th* Btatu end the Oorirn
ment Thera wero:two lmpertaat finanolnl
mearerraandblUafrom the Military Cbm
mlttra. He dealred to Impraaa oa th* Benate
th*: neorallty of actlug'on,thaw,important
maatnrea. Wa hav* now almoat aoivil war
ia two Btatra of the Union,aad ho would, vet.
to taka ap no MU of thte tSad «aW a
rariptlon tow prated had tho flnanetel
moraaru diapoaod of, and aoau bill puatd
ao that‘dialoyal elthaaa 6onld bo armtad
oordlag to tew.. ItAoald poiilbly make no
differrara wbethar tb* Court of Oteimi had
three jadgra or lira.
. The moUoo to taka ap tha blli woe agrrad;
to. Tra>,3Bi mtyt, 11.
; SavnaLaiußdmMita wart adopted. ‘
.At.tharapUraton of thbrnaateg hoar, th.
Chair ratted apthaapralal radar *hh| S
bill for thadteahargt of State prteeaor*.
. ■ : |r j ;• . 1 . ; , 1
Trumbull moved topoatpon* th» special
Th» motion to postpone vu agrvad to; 7«M»
23; nays, U. *,**.■ “
The coniideration of the Coon ofClAlmi
Jbill vu returned. - . |
Mr. Hale, of N. H., moved to strike oat
the clause providing for'two additional
Judges. ■ ; ..
Mr. Sumner, of Mass., moved to amend, so
as to inorease the .number of Juged, by one,
making; four; whloh was rejected.
ThequesUonthen securing, on motion to
strikeout the provision for two additional
It was rejected,, i Yeas, 16; nays, 19.
Mr. Grimes, of lowa, moved to strike out
the whole bill after the enacting clause, and
* substitute for repealing Ike origi
nal bill, establishing the Constitution.
Mr. Poster, off Ct., moved to lay the bill
voted. * oa the question no quorum
Mr. Hale moved to adjourn'., Bejeoted—
y®*s uays 29. Still no quorum voting.
Mr. Clark, of B. 1., moved that the Ser
geant-at-Arms request the attendance of ab
sent members. Agreed to.
Mr. CoUamsr, of Vt., protested against bo
“* obliged to sit and wait doing nothing.
While the Sergoasfe-at-Arms searched oat the
absentees. He mhved to adjourn. Agreed to.
The Senate then adjourned.
Markets by Telegraph.
PniLADSLPau, Jan. 20.—Noon.—There it lea da
iog in Breadstuffs, but Bolden are Ann in their
0f,2,000 bbls of Ohio extra family at,
87,25g7,50; 6,000 bbls superfine at 9<L37& RW
Flour steady at 94,23. Com Heal 93.60(38,76: Then
r ° r Whc4t - and 3,000 bushels sold at
red, aud lor white. Bye
commands 86c. Corn scarce and in demand at 9> c. ‘
8 5® 8 !S tor new * <>■*• in fairrequest,
andl3,ooo buih sold at 640. Coflee has 7 an upward
tendency; but very little doing. Proytilons are look*
log op, and supplies from the West edme Ibrward
•lowly, hales luw tierces Lard afrlO%@U9£. Wills.
ectlfe and higher; sales 7 ©! Ohio
\ 1 /
JCS’lak# Superior Copper fin and
aauiLTiHa wobkjj, rmaeui
«bo Importer. uddMlui in HITAIB, TIB PLATB,
HHMBT IBON, Wml, Ao. :Oantutlj on ......
WnnnHOBM, Ho. 119 Pint ud 120 feoond Onati
Pittsburgh, Penn’s. ' ■ ;
SV'Specialtrden of Copper out to any d«lred jet*
tm ‘ • mjSfcdawly'r
Hervoua Sufferer* of Both
biSi.j£a,—A. reverend gentlemen having been re.
stored to health in a lew days, after undergoing nil
tba ctual routine end irregular exptuslve modes ol
treatment, without lucceat, considers it his aserzd
duty to communicate Id his afflicted tallow creatures i
tbe nui or erta Hence, od the receipt of an ad* i
dressed ecveldpe, ho will send (free) a copy of' ths
prescription med. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAG*;
NALL, 189 Fulton street, Brooklyn, fi. 1.
mhlLlydswT |
ww. o. aosigsoa — *. Ml ,,^
C3E*iu>Bnisoir, urns & mil.
UJCKd » Focwnaas asd Hacaxmsrs, Wassimtos
Wous, Pittsburgh, Penn’aT
Orriox, No. 21 Haxkxt Sraasr. i'
Manufacture all kinds of STEAM ENGINES AND
not^c *- | ahSSrdly
Nee. 12» and 131 TUrd ’ street, teheeai Wood and
BmiAfitldttreeU—North tide.
**-BANK LOCKS always on hand. , »nha<. p
Lone, Jtgitier £f Co.
Worts at Sharptburg Station, • AQeghanp VaOsy
Railroad. Office and Warehouse, No. 88 MARKET
STRUT Pittsburgh.
Manufacturer oi ILLUMINATING and LUBBI*
••“So. I REFINED OIL, warranted noQ*axpk*
•iTe, always on hand. : ocLhlyd.
At the old wUbUshod Ooacb Factory,
DUQUSS3S WAT,(kxab St. Onii&flxacaz.)
■VSepatrioj; done m bw«i,
Steel Works.
L.SOTZ>.o*rararaW. ■’OCUOOUS,
-Maantectorara of OAST BIKSL; alao,' SPBIHS,
PLOW AMD A. B. SX£CL, STBBIt fiPßrwnß Awn
AZUS, corner of Boat and Pint atneta, Plttabozgh,
tw «- I-'- . - " ■ . oete
WINDOW OUABDSrAo., Nos. BLBoooad stmt sad
69 Third itnst, betwesa Wood ud Umkftt. ,
Hats oa hand a variety of stew Fattens, *>—j
and plain, soitabje for all purpoMe,
Particular attention paid io encloeing QfiTi Lets
Jobbing done at short notice.
JEtTS. B. ft C, r. MABKX.E, fapffr
•raave removed from No. *7 Wood stmt to Ho.
S 3 Smltbfleid street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
•fiTOASH OB IBaDb POB BAGS. ‘mp4 .
tSCV: HOLMES * BOSS, Dealer*
NOTES AND BPEOIX, No. 37 ttarket etmt, PltW
WCollections made, oa-_.aH tbe prlatdpalcities
threoghont the United Statee,
wboleeale dealer in OHXMX, HUTTEB, SEEDS,
PISS, and Prodnce generally, Bfi Wood stmt.
Plttibnrgh. pa.t 1 -
dark blob,
BOBK.B, . .
WoaJtßi i
SOLtSttlllO, .
J wok?** 1 *
<ri ooLeat,
n ’ ,
Tbds of Wc&risg Ap£x«L:wtUi perfect tact colotft.
1 A flAVlfiQ Of tOBIB CBHT.
**"£ Djmuo mbod U lhtferm of frovdtnoß.
4®°** M woaid oilunriM cots BtoOm th*t
Sff: P*®.®** hitaiylytad toroD*cuuinM~the
®J« wttk ptrfbet tnocew. : D)ioettoria'Uddt!r—'H: 1
■Snmuf, -
„ J*«s»t*.who h»T* not etfd' lhflr tuH oa th*
StmUßlß LIST Wt BoUM' lbit ta 'Vff MA
viu to add«d tt &»t ittnM to lilMdifttol/rr-.
|»g Oolhctor if Itoadn&tjSSKSk
\J ihh dor iigdiM with 'me la Ik* wn.«u—i.
fltocin udßoatflton BnfaM mrada. 0L1T22
B. JO ESS, udir tto flraatjU oIGCO. &JOHXJ
: .V ' ' GttL&JOHSS.
: Pitttbaag>,Jaa. laLlßO.^-
STAKCSy OT aQ dtaoiftio&vfe* ala to tto
wno?of latcmal Imau, mxi door toito Ottj
XiMfttrj, WATSB BTEiir7iUlU»toay. '/■'
Ito - DhtrteL PW*W
XJ IOiLUHr JfUlE—lo bbU.:
XI calTidoad toaaaS* by 1 .‘r ■ •■•*
Ouow, | ’
OueeroaeforMtioni, /
■ i * V
Erynpelaa, Beil*,
Pimple* on the Itet, /
: i Sore Eye*,
Tetter Affection*,-
Scald Seed,
\ Dyipepfia,
Cp*tiY*ne*». ■
Oil and Vtnbhorn Ukttt*.
Bhenmati* Dieerden,
■4 / Audio*, .
' Sett Bhtut, ; - •
' Qenmd SebiUty,
Liver Complniat, :
I I>«u ef AppotiU, .
: ; £o»B|iaiit*,
: Vemele Complminti,
Epil* Pita,
PnrelTata or Paley, .
; v Byphiliti# Sieehte* end -
I Oerie* of the Beniet,
iipaxTan wm all: othOb tnuntvi:
oohbitioh or ran blood on atadutA- '
tonr greran.! i - ■ ■■
'I '• 1 • , v i••
i : : -'j: ‘- ' -i~:'
I , *4 yniaoaaaa.DacaiDbarn,mi. ••
! In. a. H.jKanafc—l taka ylabran 'j» MtUa K
*Sla rofoatazy atataauafc in favoa of audtotaacaa. '
f«n4 by yooalW, “bnoo?* .BuosSuun.
IbMKM.Ii in yadrt iartUi icrotala,
Saokaoattanytadjaßd loWitalUum.l <
jun>rndi.ui taokaO th# kalr nta a» tm I'o
•aainnda »t» iwritioi; ll aka baofa colon nfi-
SmnSora torf babartba atSair; ud aatfoto UaaktO'--
.4*daaloaaafoadycjn rkatfUnm'.tfa'dkaife"
oa a; haad vaat ao te. tbat : atvanii v pb^%V.^- :> '
'Sob#: caaaaoct,' I vaa WJ wank and iow‘a(lri^i : 7
.** W «**“.«•“ *m •» .'•*« aM«'ina, 1 '• ■‘.t ’ “
M » n d;'u M ,4l# nv! ...
“S* o4 - lafayOanbarlaat. UO. I mtadnoal to.:
toy MKoaaaai'a Isrba *aa Blood Sanacnkni" i.,
toaat coatoaa I Sad ao iw». ta patoat nadkdaavbnt > '
•M lk ad Blood Saanta, Ua ••
aloati oa ay kaod and ana bafaD la hat;' 1 Ibaia '•'
•batata togtitor tanfeottta. and arhaadtadina :
•f* utint? vail axMpft ti»Kar» roa*biinffrt)«tbo ;
lirttolaoatftt* that tfcad tharbKuuiba\
my to&ta nyamaaod laps Tho Blood SwnUi; “
un esndth* thw »rtro.~-1 am dov a till taasi'
aaldldwtal wa twaaty. aad haa. lnaaaaad la
#althttwaatypoailß. I rald akoatatattalte -
taaaa ta m j In aad-vaa ao bad itaataba
I ortho obt*. )Dt.Kirow hod o fhotogriipk talna6 - ; '
##a. Itdoianot ahonny appaaiaaca aaftadai It'-
I nmaaacad takln, Ua aadlctea. too ‘"
•anaaatUpSoiocrapVooa.ofwhloiriaiowii toy ’
1 prenatal, andako at By. Inpat.B. ltOWoodkrax. .
taMld alaoatatatbatl looK Baarota'
whioh waa madabedx#Dr.layaar ooauaaacad aah>
tbs It. AhhinnS ti halpad a# aoaa, I dld ut n.
(taarfiatnntlfl jottba kinanSdabyltr.Kayaar
hlmaalf. On# botUatf hla dMma morn food Ita
tjrOof tba old. I btllm It to a ctaatdaalauSack ■
I kata raaiaaiaiadil Ua BlooiSatata..
andl Saltan li fcaa hd£ad Ua vbola of UanTta' *
ataypnbliafc Ula If jot whh,«ad I ata'anilcM ikin''’
an who ara afflicted I Unto
Ula city, Me. d Haa atfwt, and an aanployad a. V dl-
Tflta* Aadataonta Data Kaith Wafta,M Vayaa
i \; !
tt?o Hi BlfO, ot Ctatoa arid, ui ton bMt>>
totk VMtr'toil! tm room ■
toM; mDr. Kogan iotoot Iton noattoocs,*#" ■'
•4< Ma to fin no dlnetiaoo* lotto low talk* '
far tto BUod bt. tfrindilpbJa. ,Bo toUnottolX 4
ooodoot at troll atokod
nodUDotkot roaidonro ■o.aoto told nj 4fab «,
wionttoUood.lwntmtod.fcrU fare crnm
ttoM is ttokoqdfallo tUocttr.okd wnnUorod,
Mt nr dlnon chap Mora* oltnontoth or fare,
■fiortconomt of ttobootdtoL I tni nrdto
■nononfenlof nd rdlao,'t>7 ttoodoioooi *
tfodWoad ofabtfaorißr. Xojorr, wbonoorortotod "
nr oldbVoßd .nr or« on Mdrir to trail ooorar,
I B» Buior «n» mt-UmimjH Blood lanto-r wf
~ -,<l. bbtib KunoiM,
[Htyboih, My «, IKL. OUste* mwswy
. 1. t. Mlur, IMara* ttnat, All*
■■■ I'.-.-
wncMvttt:alMn<la4Knaa>ikttl«iaMa.f ■>
«»' *«*•■& Mj ta(nralM Ktut low
•uutjH 4tu(<Ua(«ar » ;«* tM/hr MM >
tbaoatU. I trhdarnnJoftlrlattloMon tn tfca
*®yi tytirittoat u| bwcflt; tamllj I «aIM ok Sr.
*a*«r.‘a»*«l UtlToot'atrait <ho nlj utrodM
m iMt f*» riMvnlpH aa tat *n toaincM
W».iy'»lWr,«Ml Mttmaa*.
titiiHUti.i laa iaiiiiM at Ui
W-:W»—,taifWitt i«na. rtaaitf’
' ' ■i■- C THOMAt ILBMMuT
I -. , f :7'!
■ or UntiaßM
tMatfMtmM ! 1..- !; -itsuj - Mi,
Jttu.iTJLßt‘Ci M tun£~kZ
boLoiEiw BoWTiaa.iENaioiia:: 1
; frompUjptocmWrtrMTOahbrEtM.'
| firtr* • .w-tb-asMahisH ■
JLUTAar cLAms, jKrtJsxifti■ °
•UffcfnwioH*, back pat; «a jaiiuM. r
6ft* -tto TATLOB, '
J JT. B.JfodMrgM •n ndtU t)Mdf‘> A«*iut .
wriwe, —eiU Isbp" >hi " rii— itwft -■ wfclr ~1
: i~j. --..■'£ ]>, K.a»nnA»AMj|r-.yig v ? ~
'Aji^’*]^t*ACh*'AM«," :;;■■■ ? •
•• { - ' • ••• <•'• ’. ■
■>»» ;BOfl MixilttS'WEmoSinSSfV»S--‘ X
mprmtM. fejftw* Urn* MM mi m&:
aiaaialh : BAiiaxi:i>'
m jonmnmSSf."
Vr* 1
V- ;