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"ti *l’ SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 17. ***fcere are Wef aad Wfceremve fire Uritiiaf t” Baeh !• ths esption of ta ertiolf from the pea of Thurlqw Win, Eeq n editor of the Albany Evening Journal, which; seems to find much favor with the Demoency, and iiipopied into all the papers which advocate we .constitutional righto of traitors, and dften express the amiable wish that all the abolitionists Were banged. i , . I Hr. Weed la and has long been a leading of, the Slate of and |hja sphere of Influence has been mainly [Oonfined to that State, and has never taken la much wider range* Be is a mere politl !ciun— cold, adroit, and sagacious; but no plan ever thought of classing hik among ths stauemen of the count**;. Fy.a majority of the) American people in the election of 186 a -That being his position then, we need not feel surprised tint he is now banded with Jett. Davis and Beauregard, Val&avdiqeam and Hughes in denouncing abolitionists. With a disingenuoosness that! is utterly beneath a man of his reputation, he talks of Messrs. Ginaoi, Phillips, Gseeit Saam and others as the men whose lead is followed now by ..those who laboring ■ not only to cruih oat this rebellion, (but to extirpate its canoe, and then asks with an sir of triumph—“lf the North rejected Ab olition u a merely political will it be acoepted when the lives of our sons and brothers and the preservation of onr coun try are involved ? If we refused to follow /one idea men’ when it only cost us votes, shall we then commit all that is sacred and precious to their leadership 7” j r .Aa rsuk a logioal absurdity as can be ooneeived is involved in these? questions. Why did not the country favor the views of Messrs. Gaexuox and Phillips and others of that school? Was lit beoause thoee views were inherently wrong ?. No; but beoause they were then impracticable; because they - were such as could not be carried out/without a political [revolution. question, so far sic the exist enoe oi that institution! in the Slates were concerned, was not properly k political question. It'was a moral question, how ever, and open to free discussion by all who chose to speak or write on the subject; and the gkai body of the American; people ob , aimed and aoted upon this distinction. Hence it was that the Abolitionists never mnoh progress aa a political party. The Republicans, observing this obvious dis tinction, confii&d their opposition to slavery to its further extension over free territory, and it was upon that issue that Mr. Lu- COLS was ejected. This was perfectly con stitutional, while at the eame time it was an indirect expression of their: opposition to slavery as an eril, a crime and a cone. We have already intimated that to reach slavery in the Statos required ja political rerbluiion,and this revolution was brought about by the slaveholders themselves. WUh their own hands they tore the regie of the Constitution from their darting In stitution, and madly exposed; it to Die stroke of the National sword inlthe hands of |hs Commander-In-Chief of ihe nation; and most faithless would he bate been to his [duty and ,to his oath of office had ho refused to strike the blow; for he knows, and*Mr. Weed knows, that slavery is at onoe the strength and the weakness of the j.; Booth; iti most rUsl end moet vulnerable , atm. No, Mr. Wssn, is striking this Hot, which it iotroubling therebels and ■ IWt sympathstio friends, Hz. iaooLM s. followed the lead of tober reasouandsound common sense; and if Messrs. and Ptuiiw, and Oaaaix Saita oan »p -proVe the act, to much the bettsr; aid if aoth dsmoorats at Basoboft, and Bonis, aad Du, and a host of others, can unit, la that approbation, bettor still. ; I “Aad finally, (says Mr. Wnn,) wt atk ■unsatly whethtr the experienoa of the fntysaraad a half of war, wlth all par* ■ Usa baartily engaged ia .'it, jollifies the - hope that the rebellion c»n be crashed and tfct Union pnttrred wltha- nalted South aad North?”' | j A divided North it not tbe fault of the ■ta who haredone, and are pel doing; tha ■oat to preaexro the Union ; jbul if tha North it divided, at Mr. Wxzniaayi it it, | wenra molted thatthere shall aleobeadi wUtd Soaih. If the North mote lota the jdamooiate of the VauaxoiohaM stripe; aad a few tore heads who map jhara been ■orated among Republicans—bjst they are vary few—ws must try to off-set the lota by tatUag the i^groe».off v ffom.:thArsbels. PeoirmiUlons ofloyal bleaks will oompen* ■ate TtryjweU for what reondti the rtbelt oan Hal tjp among ihp besotted votaries of , huara bondage InthoNorth.- I “Wh»ro;-ara-we drifting? M askiMr. : fnt. Wt are drifting throngh a stormy sse,bexetwLh rooks; bnt thefveteel atnet aanprighi keel, and htrprbwls in tin right direction; end, belter than all, He whose mittioa to earth was to “pro-' ***"»*?" }■ on board; end !ae soon a* gwhall hart done all that man can da Hd&lll interjpoM. “Whirs are .wa drifts ’ - a ftlta to a tracinositioa—. fta *,* t **t ■ te> right—from a botnt to* ** ttain * fimaeaeey —tmm bandage to feet- Qmm, _; 1 The Gtireitoß Affair. A! letter froaen office* attoehed to a ves sel stationed at the mouth of the Mississip pi river, gives a more favorable account of the Ist* effair at Galveston titan that al ready published. The letter received at the : Nary Department, from Commander Wainwright, late of the Harriet Lane, had indeed somewhat explained the strange .condition of helplessness in whichtherebela found onr. vessels. He had in this commu- written full two weeks beXoreihe disaster, : thus desoribed his position: u We are occupying a very disagreeable position, lying off the town, holding - the harbor, tiat without sufficient force to occupy the city.” * • • “We should not care a sixpence for the whole party if we had room enough to move about in, but we are anchored in a sort of natural canal, Where there is not sufficient space to turn around. You have to be pointed face before you can go either way. If they come at ua with light draft boats, which are able to’go any Where in the bay, you can see what an ad vantage they have over us.” The officer’s letter, to which we have al luded above, tells how the rebels did come at them with just suoh light boats; and how, sheltered by cotton bales, with about one hundred men on eaoh boat, no less than five came at our vessels, and first, with asslstanoe from the shore, carried the Harriet -Lane by boarding—“eleven men only of her crew escaping death.” ' The Westfield, as we have heard, was blown np by order of Captain Benshaw, who, after he had sent off nearly all his orew to onwof the other boats, was, with his Chief Engineer and' Exeoutive Officer and thirteen men, involved in the same de struction as the ship he had so heroically determined- to destroy, sooner than suffer her to fall into the hands- of* traitors. The other vessels, with the exoeptien of two coal boats, escaped. The estimate of onr loss is stated by the writer at not over 125, while thatof the rebels .could not have been lesk than 600. The foregoing does not, of course, in* elude any account of the troops stationed oh the numbering between two and three hundred, who were all captured—it would appear—without Any fighting, the rebels having resorted to the stratagem of Bonding a flag of truce, by whioh our troops were deceived, m on so many former occasions. Buoh are the unsatisfactory particulars wo glean from the latest aoooonts received, and we shall probably have to await/ offi cial statements before we can have any more light thrown on this unfortunate affair. Reaction. “Sven in Congress,” says a dispatch from Washington, l( a reaction has shown itself against Yallasoiohax and his doo trines.” The same dispatch adds that, outside of Congress loyal Democrats freely oondemn that sympathiser with treason and his late speech. Buch a reaction was sure to come sooner or later; but for the honor and future availability of some of our leading Democrats as “aspiring citi ileus,” we wished the reaction to come as soon as possible. It has begun to oome, perhaps, in many plaoes besides Washing ton. We find that an immense Union meet ing was held at Springfield, Illinois, last week. The meeting was the result of the treasonable avowals lately made by the Democrats of the Legislature of that State, whioh have produced a spirit of stern re sistance to every movement not entirely loyaL The following resolution, with others, was adopted r Swiped, That, as loyal citizens, we will sustain; the government in all neoeasary means to put a speedy end to the existing rebellion, and to establish the just author ity of the government on a secure and firm basis, and that we reprobate and denounce all disloyal language and' aots derogatory of the government. The Bight Bort of Talk. QXXXKAX. HCHLBUT ASD TIIB JIKSPKII «*- CUSXOVIBT3. Central Hurlbut, In command at kUm phia, kaa recently issued an order which is extremely dietaatefol to the eecceasioniste; Haring been troubled for tome time by persons who residing in Memphis under the protection of oar flag, were constantly plotting against the federal authorities holding communication also with guerilla bands which infest the neighboring coun try, General Hurlbut thus them of .his intentions: ’ “Many of these sympathisers hare ex-, pressed determination that the Charleston and Memphis Railroad shall not be used by the United States. AU such'persons may rest assured that millitary ; authority will run and use that railroad as the enemy; the other offioers and men, exespt tha Coloatl, lfho is a loyal man, are under arreaL This regiment, be fore It lott Slinoie, drore a farmer out'of his house at midnight beeause he had hired two negroes.. Thera are eeid tobe one or two other Southern Illinois regiments who am not to be depended upon. ;. j Gss. iiw. Wixiios, lately President of the Buell oourt-martial, Is to be ordered to. the Potomac, to take charge of a eorpt d’arseea.; .... f' Tns ageodan eodote toid of BoDbie Johnsos, who in the year-ÜBS; was proroat bfiOundet. IDs senioas baing. required an.eeentaiftpeea aion, a maannger was dlspatohsd to his* boose, who, upon asking dbr i the prorost was told by the guidwife Jlkathejwa* “awe’ to the Whin hill for a pOeketfu’ o’ whins.” Off scampered the, gallant to the “whin hill,” and soon the provost appeared, and throwing down his faggot, pulled off.his bonnot, and vriping the sweat from his bald pate, said, “ where’s my wig? Tm to sit in judgment to-day.” “Your wigl” quoth [Janet': “did lever hear sic a man? How can you get your wig? D'ye no ken the hen's laying in’t?” RELIGIOUS JTOTICEB. fTg»THE FIRST CONGREGATION • OF DISCIPLES h*T« removed from Apollo .BaUtoJAOEtOH’B BLOCK, third Door,corner of | Peon end St. Clair etresta. Preaching every Loed’s Day, at 10% o’clock a. and T p. m. WEDNES DAY KVShiNG, Lecture at 7 o’clock. The public are respectfully Invited to attend. Jal7:lt KIKHI' MKi'iiuDiril rriUi- Uv ESTANT GHUECH, E«at Common, Alle gh«iy, having been repaired end fitted for aerric-, will he opened for Divine Worahlp TO-MOBBOW, Jan 18lh—morning aarvice commencing at 10% o’clock, by Bev. J. D. B9BB; evening ten lea si ? o’qlock, by Bev J. H. BCLt, Pretident Pitts >nrgh /Annual (Jonfe ence. The public ace cordially in v*ted to attend. Jal7:V T. G MoKJUfiVKii, Frin dpai of Pleamnt Bill Seminary, will pnach for the FIBS? CONGREGATION OF DISCIPLES, In EXCELSIOR HALL, Allegheny City,) TO-HOB* BOW, (Lord’s Day,) at 10% a. and at 7 p. m. The pntllc are cordially invited. Jal7:lt LECTURES. O. k_ FOWLER, or HXW TOBH, Celebrated la Europe aiwell aa tbrooghont America, aa the ol leal and ablest living exponent of PHBEN OLOGIOiL SCIENCE, will deUver a OOUBBE OF LBOTUBSSat CONCERT HALL. Oommenctag Tuesday Evening. Jan. 20(A, With a free Lecture an HUfifAN LIFE—IU Laws, Organs sad Improvsmente, si tanght by PBBSKOLOQT AND tBYBIOLOOP. For particulars tee papers and blila of the day. The Profrsear baa devoted hit lifetime and grown gray in the stedy of BLAH AND BIS IM PROVE HJENT ; mod in a thirty years' experience aa a Lecturer and Writer has jostly merited the name of roauo stqarAoroa. jalS PUBLIC jrOTICES. rrS>BUiMINGHAM DEPOSIT CO.— The Annual Elec.ioa of seven 'Directors of this Company, to serve for one year, win be held at the Bank, on TCKSDAY, Feb 31,1863, between the hour* oLB and 6 o’clock p. m JuBN P. BEECH, Cashier. Birmingham, Jan.l7th, 1863 td ir^*DiVLDRJN D.—XDe Dtookhoiders of 'risr tb* Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bridge 00. ißand stnst,) are hereby noUfind.that a Dividend of ‘UDB PER OENT. has bees title day declared, payable forthwith. FRANK S. BISSELL, Treasnrer. Jannary tth, 18C3JiA-8w Orrtca or Moxomajkua Navioatiox Co., 1 Pittsburgh, Jan. Bth, 18 A. ( BOARD OK DIKEtTOSb of this Institution have this day declared a Div idend of TWO PER OEBT. on the Capital Stock, ont of the warning! of the last six months, payabls on or after the Utfa Instant. ]alO:lw W. 9. OOPELANP. Treasarer. Omoi Pirrsxvaon axo Brawiacnaw) FAisuan Railway Uoxtaxt, V Pittsburgh, Jannary V, 1568. J ANNUAL MEETING OF ths BTOOKBOLDEBB of the Pittsburgh A Birmingham Passenger Balleay Oomnaty wltl be Raid at ths MOEOIIGAHKLA HOUSE, In ths City of Pittsburgh, on XObDAY, the 19th Inst, at 11 o,cfock a. b. at which tiaie and place aa election for. officers wlll. be held, to serve for the ensuing year. Jefcd W.K.NIMIOK. Secretary. Omos Allmhxxi Valley Eaileoad ) Piitsborgh, Dec. 30th, 1662. f ira-THE ANNUAL MEETING of ih# stockholders of the ALegbsny Valley Ball road Company will he hold at tbs office of the Or>a pony, In the City of Pittsburgh, on TUESDAY, February 3d, 1863 at 10 o’clock a. m., for the por poee of electing a President and Beard of Managers f*r the year.. de3l:td B. a üBB, Kecretary. O*FUOKJ£T HOOKri, for the new Postage Currency; BLABICS, 4 to 8 to. and 12 mdr, LAWYERS NEW TIE ENVELOPE; BLO COMB’S INKSTANDS;PHQIOOBAPH ALBUMS; -or sale by W. 6. BaVXN, oc2o corner Wood and Third streets. JTJBH* iAI*rEMtTMBJBJ!MEJrTB. 'PO IKOaN MANUKACTURBRB AND X Old IBS IITBBBSTCD.—Thy BLAST FUH h aO, at Middint *; Mercer count*, Pm., known m lbs ••MIDDLESEX FUBS4GB,'' has been Utelj rsesmi recte-t la the moat thorough manner, and iaa*h improved, Bnl*» rwqulsits stock ef Ora, the Furnsce being •mire lt reedy lor-lu fine to be lLthfed. It has a mat sirs stone Stack, os a rock foundation; : tha hearth and lining ,«ra new, tba Utter of Mo. 1 Bolivar fire brict for both .Inner and outer walls. The stock and ejal bone is axe new; the machinery andTiet-blast put In order { new and improved gas Improvements, and the whole made teaay for cental operation. A railway brings the beet quality of Iran-making £>al to the level ol the trunnel head at a low price, and tbe late discoveries of numerous additional large coal fields in tbe Immediate vicinity, ensure an abundant supply for the future, at rates likely to be fee weed by active competition. Tbe Furnaoe Is so situated at to use the Canal, or tbe bbe nan go Talley Railroad, (promised to bo com pleted to Middlesex by May mxt,) with nearly cqaal convenience. It ia beUmd that there Is no point In tbe Bitu minous Ooal region where there te a greeter oombte nation of edrsntsgee'for mWate f pfo Metsi. For terms fepply to B. P. ELY, MafqaeUe, Superior, or to the Undersigned at Cleveland. Ohio. H. B. TUTTLX A 808. January Ist ISO. Jal7:lm gELLLNG LOW, at No. 93 Market St, MSB'S BUFFALO AMD GUM SHOXS; MSB’S, BOYS' AMD YOUTH'S OAVALBT AMP COABSS BOOTS; , LADIES', MISSSS AMD OHELDBSH’B GUMS: BaLMOBALS AMD BOOTS; PARKER'S HAIR FELT SOLES; 1 BARTLETT'S BLAOKIMG. Country merchants will find It to their advantage to pall and examine my stock, as It was bought be fore the advance In ■STBemember the OHBAP CASH STORE of J. fl. BORLAND, 98 Market St, jal7 . ; Scoond doer from Fifth. Q W. WILLIAMS & CO.'S * , IMPBOVBDDOCSLS TQBIID IbaMg Srwinf JlacHluet. Salesroom, Ho, U Fourth street Pittsburgh, ThtetMacblnee are from fifteen to twenty dollars cheaper than any other machine ia tbe city. They will do all kinds of work, and are warranted for three yarns. They are so simple that any child 'IS years old can me them to perfection. Constantly on hand, all kinds of Sewing Bscbtne Betdlas, Senlog Silk, Cotton, 4c., at lowtet Market prices. Jail X. bTBAIH, Agent. g P L B N D I P|Uffi&q IHSTBUMSMTS. Joat rmirad, a fnr okslc* ATXIHWAT k SOBS* PIABOS. Also, ft b*w anpoly of OAEHABT*B one rtnJM XILODXOBfI ASD HASMOBIUMSg fat «ltM Btv T ptr etat. chtApur ftt Um chwicft Btorft, Ho. W rOUtiTH BTBXST. tbftS nj atot* la.tU dty.' Abo; • Ttttety of OOLO (Jft\7) . .. X. bTAAIH. iTAIiUABLB *WY£JB BIRBJST JEESBPO B tlta* tfoaoftthft oorngr of Wjlit ud WftihloftoQ BtratU, «b>mclßf on» Btore Boamftai UmwDwftUincSs will Sw^oa-or DioKsoK, enwAnr s 00, 1 »’«** s.iMUtMnemt. £ LOT OP WORK MULES, Of dlSecant sfigg. ; flw WEXAT 4 JLOTD'S stabax, Car ’ Pftofa «ad Morton g 1a„ »tll Word. %S7-lil , iK IXJitN ffooiv iSgwgj'^agisfsaaß ;;:K J - /ohb A bebbbaw, ■ t tarALU PAPEKstili aallin. _ T -r _ 7' i jnjr *&trpEnTiamMEjirTB. JURIED BEEF.—A large supply of DRIED &SCf, i«r]r ihoice, for Mle by KSStn ; KSOK A PARKER QINCINNATI LARD OIL—I2O bblß. No. 1 WHITER STRAINED LABD OIL mite o’ end tar eel* by ; / KNOX A PARKER.' ttis Bum '■ / JjjW SUGAR-CORED hams.—a •ecood (apply of out choioo SUGAR CURED HANS fut from the smoke home end for tale by JtlfcStXM i KKOX A PA BRER. BACON.— PLAIN HAMS; SHOULDERS; BIBBED SIDES; CLEAR SIDES; No* nedy end fbr ee!e by . KNOX A PARKER, JitMtni , 809 Liberty treet. ipafi CHILDS NAYLOR RAPE CASE I* published in fall In thli week's NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. ' Cold tt hxthstt’s jklA Uuono Hall, Fcth Ftmbt. I; • C : I , PHILADELPHIA BHIRT AID COLLAR HOUSE, 1,000 DOZEN HICKORY SHIRTS; I.OQQDOfcEHORKY, BED AND BLUE PLAN* NEL, SHIRTS; IfiOO DOZEN ASSORTED FANCY TRAVELING SHIRTS; 1,000 DOZCN WHITE MUSLIN 6HIBTS, from f 9 SS upward*; I.OO3DOZEN DENIM OVERALLS; 10,000 PAIRSOOTIOHADI PANTALOONS; Mennfeetarers of the MISER'S WELBH FLAN* BEL bHlßTSiend e tern eeeortßient of LINEN AND MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND OOLLAN9, AND GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOODS. For M l * by BENNETT, RUCH A CO., Mavuraortruas, Ho. 117 Chareh Alley, PhlledeiphJs, P*. JelfcSmd ; • 1# 000 CAbTB DB * (Tor Albnxns,) OENERAU OF TBS U. 8. ARMY; STATESMEN, LAWYERS, ARTISTS end others; PROMINI NT FOREIGN PORTRAITS; PROMINI ir WOMEN; FORTBAI« OF ACTRESSES AND ACTORS; COPIES OF: EHOBAVIHGB, PAINTINGS, Ac. JPhotofraph Ulbtimi. Hew OABTX DB TISiTES arriving every day, AT FITTOCK’S, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. Jail ; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, JL PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, AT BEDUCED PRICER AT SEDUCED PBIOBS. AT SEDUCED FBIOKB. BIST MADS. BEST MADE. BEST MAPI. AT THE HEW STORE, AT THE HEW STORE, AT THE HEM STORE, 61 FIFTH BTBEET. « FIFTH STREET. 68 FIFTH ST BEET. rjIHE GIRARD HOUSE, . PHILADXLPHIAa HftTtef boos <&cm& lor nor* Hub two jtfti*, it how BE-OPSHXD AS A NBIT CLASH HOTEL. FhUio petron*,. aolldtod. pw itj, M. j.lfclt : KAHAQA, yOWLUkk'OO, I>l-CARBONATB OF SODA PILLS. JLP fr«tt tko!XAbantorrof Profcwgr Bioekodoni Loadoß. Oorrwt AOIDAXT OF THE STOMACH, prod^gftdfnm.wh»U W eMM.ftad rawm tbs ot ftcto of DIMIPATIOH AHD ItATK HOOBS mon ■P**dDy ud tbfta ftaj otbor pf*pftntio&. For Ml* by BZMOH JOHNSON, MU Ooror Furth «»d BaUthflftld trwta. 3100. [ sooNTiEa 3100. •Dlaehurgid SoMitry, wutlag BoobUm, win cftlj UuMdlfttaiy opon » om aw. ■ 1 T. WALTXS DAT, H& 103 Fifth atmt, Id door below Oitbollo Church, ' ?nnnui| Pa. Veaeloue aad Armn of Fay aeowed.- Ho dug|eaof• ohUlnosay la ooUaewd. rpHK FIRM OP J. W. BARKER & A. 00. 1s henby dteKlred, la oomkq,m. of the dttth of Mr. WM. J, ODBUL. AU e,t>U dot tb, firm must be edjeatedoa or.before tbe .lstdey'of Sterarr, lea. The style ud urn* of tb. Bra •MU eutlßMd u huatolon, J. W. BAUKSU aoo. y.W.BABKSB, _ . i i J.W. BABZIB. Jr. ■- Flttitmrah, Ju. 11th, ltO jeUAt £JCONOMY GLASS WORKS. P4MBOJB, TATLOtt * 00, - lam* CHIMHXY MANUFACTURERS. 0«flj jlo. lie HXOQSD 9TBSXT, Pittsburgh. QHARLES L. CALDWELL, ; . (tpfcwear to liu Holme A . tOBX PJOIIg " Desk,' Ui B AOOH, LABS, BSOABOOBHD HAMS, SUUKXD BUT, Ac. OOB.MASBBT AHS' rXSST SIBBIIB, ' dett;ly -- , Pmuoiea. Pa . gTEREOTyPE CALENDARS, j FOB M«. ! For oaa of Frlnton. For aala by WM. Q. JOHHSTOH A 00., dalfarwaw; , ’ CT Wood atrwt. U&D.OOWLKY, i BttfiaoFAXHIST, ' (Wta of FhHadalyhift.) Offla*, How IBS. FBHH BTBBBT, eoraar of Haaaock, (Irwln*a Allay.) OOea bran ItolAoL, Slot udf to T p, m. Itfilaw in • , - ■ • i T?LOUBb4- I J 2 40b5U. chok>a WhitaWhaftt Tauily Tknr; 100 do .- do Bad . do . do do; IS do Iztn Floor; • 3 do ByO • 'do; ' Zaatoraaod Araatobt • WMJ He-KIBKFATBIOKS A Iftl* 1 .. mUbartratnaA FJIi KKNT—A commodioos HdIOK DWBLItIHO, altSfttad U tba pkaaut rlllraa ef Bawkkray.i For T*»lJoolftca laqolro of Xn. ;Z. W. BItACB, oaroar of rad Oklo atraati, AV Jaihopa- pARLUR ti&AXHe, tue' beat 'in'utsr^ J IA - ’’**‘ ~05 S^S5^u.wou-. jruir iDP£RTiA rpo COUNTRY MKBCHANTB AND DIALISB. EATttft, MCKDiYI A CO n Nob. 17 anjd 19 Fifth Street, Jobber* ud reUUen of TRIUKINGhB, EMBROI DERIES, HOBIHBY, GLOVES, HOOP 6KIBTB, BIBBOKB, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, UNDER* SHIBTSrad DRAWERS, WOOLEN HOODS. HD* BIAS, SCARFS, EEPHTB AHD BBETLAHD WOOL; He. KNITTING YARNS, oa bud ad to irrin. Gar stock «u porchuod before tbs lest greet ed* rabce Is ortcee, end we oiler met Inducements to oity and oountby hsbohahtb, MILLI* NEBS, PEDDLERS, tad iD vbo bap Co mil agata* 5. B.—A cboioe amorfmeat of Staple Efry Goods, At wbeleealeonlr. ifttf liO jV PRICKS. To cloee oat the stock, as low ts pomlble, before the Ist of Febroaiy, ISO. BALMORAL SKIRTS,faII widths and length*. HOOP BKIBTB, for Indies rad OOTTON HOSIERY—Iast year's pricss by the doe. WOOLEN OOOBS, of all kinds. EMBROIDERED COLLARS AHD SETS. Bo* HANDKERCHIEFS: ROBES AND OAFS. : REAL: VAL. LACE TRIMMED COLLARS AND ETS, et half price, JACONET FLOUNCING AHD TRIHMfBG. HAMBURG EDGING AND SKIRT TRIItMINO. DIM ITT BANDS AMD TRENCH BANDS. ■ HOUSE'S TKIHKIHG BTOEE, JsIQ 77 A 79 MARKET STREET. gAIiMORAL SKIRTS, AT REDUCED PRICES, In order to close oat their satire stock od the first of February. Make your selections before ths colon ere siugone. EA.TOH, UAORCM t MADISON, Alfred, Milne. BEWUTQ , JIMCHUm, 4 WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, ( ‘ ' WnSdPSOB, FA. Thra. chbitahid! 1 tamilt waohihia world competing. - . i This Maehlaanukee the lock Imnoeßlhk-to thoees—tlalf advantage bfCEI «irw _***• “‘••toplkltjo, thk I. j-3c to. ni.t inoousruL mpotwuminS tarn riiun ’ jjaprwi ud maiM.thM. >t Xo. H nriß jeSanwE Wanmu A»n, ssr COODB. THAT 00008 .ABE AD YASGUTO BAJIDLT SYttY DAY, «• would *4tlm all thoM Is net of | DryGtood^ Of mtj iMcrlptlon, to oil *n4 «nml» tb» TEST L4SSI STOOX. X C. HAJVSOWXOYE A CO.’S. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Of til Usds, T«7 abeap. AMO, SHIBTIffG HUSLIBS ft LIHEHS, Tt» cbsapnf stock In tbs dty, and at lowsr prion than tbaj can ba bonfht by tba oass la tb* lactera dtlaa at tba pnaant ttaa. a HANSON LOTS A 0 O n M*. 74 Xatket stmt. BnH mA laid (Snaorm LABGB INVOICE OF ALFACOA BBAIDB ABB BMBT BBAHV-60LTHRIB0, AZUUH, HCVBOULT, ud other desirable colon, lalneriTid by WAOBUM A GLYDK, T 8 Market street. fJTHB HANDSOMEST YBTl—Anew anortmentef aißTLxmzrs hxglhnrb shxbts, Jottraodndbj MAOBUX* GLYPH, jell jjJQ LBS. BTEWABTB PATENT tWIdP, st Im then batertf prim* for ala by KAOBUM A GLYDB, 71 Market jNTEKEsTING TO CITY and COUN- TRY BBALBBB, MlLLinu * PBDDLBM. Poring tbta month (JAHUABT.) wo will elooo oat omr oatlro stock of Iha feUowtag eeasonable goods ot Mteduced Pricee, Ti auke room for iPWHG GOOM. Dsafon win find oor sssortaaafs of thaos goods well mtted to their trade, both tn pries and variety;! the pries*of user arttdaf.bstßflowet than they caato-day bo boaght la the Bew lock or FUteftef-j phiamarksta. GBBMABTOWB, BOfiTOB BIBBID IBP KBIT WOOLBB H0&1BBY} . GLOW, GhOBTLm. BUCK ABB WOOL GLOWaBD MITTS; WOOLBB U»D«B#H»TB ABB DEAWBtSt WOOL BOODB, OOMVOBT*, AOABVB. Aa.- 1 Alto, of TBUHUHGI.’FAHGY GOODS, BUT* TON 4, TBBBAPe, BRAIDS AND NOTIONS, one stock Is ooiroryssisdla ahsepnees by say lathe dtj. Ws ask especial notice to. bar stock of HOOP SKIRTS, sa w* hare beUttim Aw soppijlnf the bait sad most reliable makes at VRBT LOW BATIS. MACBUMACiLYDE, T 8 ICABKBT RBBBT/eMidde. Tonrth end the Diamond.} QOMMENCINGXO-DAT, A* BARKER & CO.’S, 09 Market Street, ! "IM ■ GREATEST SALE OP THE BEASOS. SILKS, O Xji O jBL. SL IS, SHAWLS, ABD j : ' IDIEMESS GhOOIDS M Xui than -Eastern Cott. Jl» UOUXBI ROOK. gALS OF J. M. Burchfield’s ObOnXSODT WINTER DRESS GOODS, OLO AES, j BONTA G 8, j ' AMD : \ 8 KATIN C C AFS| V. A eor. 4th and Market Sti. j LABGB STOCK OF o l a A. k: s SHAWLS, jtjit msorno) nimm 600PHCM I Deilalneo. AT-35CBHTB, j W. & D. HUCUB\ Oor. Fifth A Marks* Bta^ QLOaXNG OPTHAT.It Winter goods, i EATONjMACRIJM a co 4 rmiow to lfc* AXXUA& XXVXMKUni u*MiMif ixmoxa : ... ! .• XXTON.MACQtUXaCOw "j jaio Ho. iT fum STmt. •: •\I~OOBNINQ GPODB. aunouiinna.’ > !. ! buck uci aid suarAßma tbu.B. i bgaok cbatk oollabk . - BLABK XOBDBBBB CAXBEIC BUK'n. M ••■/'•'.••at.. H . n ; ' im 'in miitßuw. ■ka Mo. 1 furli tor ■BRIiONUA i ■ i j * WILHEB’S POLYORAHA OF THE WAB,. T „ noit extenilT, and complete woxYot tke kted «T»r be.'ore the publics forniDg • complete epitome of .thewsr, with ell the ieett, scenes sad incideSW ■ aaected therewith* #Ul| open at .MASONIC HALL, • ■' t oh Holiday ETening, laa’y 12th, 1862, | I TOE A 6HOET TIM* OHIiT.' jXahlbltieas each amluat Si o'clock, Maltese WIDMttPAY and BATUBDAI AJTSRHQOHS, at 1 o’cloct Doors open half an hour pnrfcm*. • lYocal alhfl lastnmshtal Mnslo by LU2IB 60V* BOY, and an appropriate Lecture at each enter* tbtembot* ' • 1 . otSTdi Children U OIHW. XHbAllUk. IIM ggl Mmpr-j m fanwp—,, : : •' ■ t ■ WOrwU Bill for Sktmdar Might 1 OHABLBT FOSTBB In two cbgr&cten 1 | TUB CSltufej) BVBMBO.IJU. 17th, IMS,. .t, - . I WlB'Wytuwd, ’• DDUSEABDi or.' TBS TALLEB BAVSD. MWABD MDDLBioir_..CHABI,ET rcBTIB. ■ABTyiIBOH-—j Mw. MYROH. ! : 8080-—— FAUST BPBT. . ‘ Toajufilttd* vlth ■IDIt>T or, A TALE OF BLOOD. tgBBBET-.,... ,m,„ . CBABLBY TCSTKB. VAKiiSTiiJiS, PBSX BTSMMT, *e«- U. Ctearw W don’t forget the MATIHXX, { TEIB AFT£pNOOX t r. P.dhocnberger. \ j Tori* afyvining lota, ol aaxao use aa the abort; being fcrtawe. 17,Hj and 10 in aald plan* \ Oneiotf Ol dame eiieaetha above, near to Adaaa HwtMßthojeano tingeof Iota; bateglot fla Ola \S Twn'lottraack 90 fat front, on Adama atreet, bo* ' tween:Pikanad Ktsiaatreeta, extending back-100 fat: being lata Hoa. 9 and 3 in aald plan, r Ti*k«o»fliba—Ode* third cash,'and the belaaea latwo r agnal annual-payments, with lntertat, atcorad . w ,ONDKIEB X!r AUCTION.—On BAT- JjOEftA7MoBHEHQ, Jan. Uth,at 10 o’clock, Libertjleheevwlll be sold, without re* ownJrib retiring from besines, 100 Gann/Backs;-* bUU. Mo. 1 Utckerel; id boxes bet* U«d Jdgton; k oaks Brandy;* 12 ktom Blacking; 00 Hukj Mattresses, nearly new: 1 Use OSes D«>k; 1' amafl do; 6 Aim C'baXrB:4venitian BUndstli Cane Beat Chain; 05 Higa Post Bed* Kaaas;vOo!ist»r Scales, Store and Pipe, lot of Whto* k? Barrel** bttf Barrels, together with man; other •rtidasnot nusUoned. •j JaIS&V. j. T. A. McCUI*LA> ? FAKCY FOBS; > f AHOT rUBSj ' _ . ! ’tdtted.w(Hi ofa haU.doun, |3B. Bleciro-filded, fine imitation gold, batnttfttUj oßgrafod. per caeaof a half damn, $9B. .Sample cams of half of each kind, $39. Terma caah.j Wlflba aent’-byexpreaj with bill ferooUao tfcmo&daUYtry.. \ ' “• - ■ ftokUetamnet remit OASH IN ADVABOI, ai *wa cannot hoUtct from them. This iaoaa oftbemoet „ -mkablaartfcleaof the timer, and Joit tha thing tar * thorn fat iba to maka money madly. . .1.; HUBBARD BEOS ,BoJe Important jaddm , . Paraaa Bottdlngd Hama atiaat, M.X. ; A iiiiifiUillfiNy UHJM’I.M. iMtt rjCjL la tha Orpbaaa* Ooort, Ho. UiWnalDW's berTerm,lBB2.Hiniheraatt«rof thaflaal account: of Botwrt - Babb. Administrator of Btbert Taylor.’' daeeaaoiL ■•v/'.i : And how, to. wit,'jJtnnary 3d, 1863, ea motlonof [fi. achohar, Jr., ItLattoni; for Xxoeptaate. B. fßStbfOßl) fOßlft laq it appointed Attditorto ;aadlt t£a account and exception*, and makadlgtxfe pbnttaJT - . BTTHKOOUBTn j: . Wik*a. HnaosijQßsrk. • ■. j.Thadubaaiherfrill attend to tha datlaa of tha ;abort appointment, j at hla office, Ho. 244 Joarth iatnat,{rutBbaKgbi 6a MONDAY, tha 16th daj of A. D. 1883, at* o'clock n.m. , ? l laftgtrd j BBAADFOBDTODD, Auditor, IrnUtUliAStt i MXMUBAUrUiiKitCI-i ' [X Jdreele or toUeeee, the_property formerly rhakwjtng to tha BBOOKbYB TI*INTGLASS OOu fsttoatad la the city of Brooklyn, near' tha AUantto - iiar*y.i?'Toa, new,lnperfect order, and la operation, and poaem all tha facllitim to mak- !- laf ermj da.cxlptlon of Glam which wia formally aadebyibe Brooklyn. Flint Glam Oompanj, mk yWAftw thatOoapany tha hi*h xaputStESHt* - It- Jo ajataqa whohaaa knowledge of thabodnam >abd can command apaaeapital, tblewould aflrr a srmt tndooamaat»aa tha balance of tha capital iw Stood could bafnmiehed by the prmant optima, r Forfsxtherpartichlaaapply to • B. A. FAOKJB AOOw ■ pSTBOUTSOIL WOBKS, b... . i-'-:. -. !: ».. ~r’<'• : ! fITtQMDSQM, Pd< ‘ • -j. --- 10,1001 * OBA**, Propri*tor». OapMitr nr> tkowuddwnli jpw VMk. IW«W M0B0B8hH«LA HOHBI. A«*t, ' 1 Of •T«ry Of. VTJ.St 2ST ITTriREH | ■o.u'uncanuDEißnr, f! ■- i -V.*i?- \ A HttfMKiTf i» of UStQB MdßUTdfr S Wia»ttth;w>iriwfcr OAgL* JCBiiLiS bFKCi’ACIiES: Xli SpSoCwitiMtaOdifiK *s• Attacks of J*»Vw I ggjjud ********* ** oa 4^ l * i EVSBLS'nH KSBELE SPECTACLES Ar« lachtnk 5 4««»ig« jpnu* artomßactaWaar attaM. < All '.MUIIMM.Iata otho encteUa; th w a£l wi «ZBBlu tha Bt»9IAX MIBBUnai. vltf MlatJ : . . _ _ t i J.4)l''AKoßD,>neU(ai«iiaiiaa. I Hlfa»»aatgar *■»« tjaaßaadaaFabbla Han>a«i» ■iTWj/tioti— 21' b»l«« to ArriTß And tar <\jaal*to . *• UAIAB DICUT *OO. t ; t■' ■ "•. .;•»-•.•••• ,S ;! 1 *:V ' 1 JZ-J::p