The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 15, 1863, Image 3

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, IM> tim«, Kto. Shroolcla.
- HctKß A fUBSON, PUO. IlUpatcli.
J AS. r. BABB, PKBborth Put.
g. BIUPL S A flttaMrxh am»t(A.
•y*:- f-• w-
_ Toui -
1* ; Who* onrtoaUtutloa haa faratohad to' tba
ARDT. sinoo th® oomaino«m«nt of th_® wor* ta®
taiga numbar of 25# rotahtaars, from tha rank
; of Brlgadltr Sanaral to that of -priraUi, tha
v; aboro Itaunont crlnoaitho firm hold tho A«-
•oolaOos ratalna on tha affection of Sta mom
bara, for it b mainly by: thair afforta that tha;
raOanclea haTa boan flilad by tha addition of
J aamaa." :■ ■ ;]
■ ' Tha rnpaTt rtrgaa, at aoma langth, Upon aach
indlrldoaimambar, tha jnaoaaaUy of oonltant
(Sort to prooure aaw mtmbara, and rooom
manda tho Board for tha tnaulng yaar, to taka
: ' maaaona to aaoiua an aarly aad aotiTaoaaTaa
for tha aama ahjaot. Tha Praaldant prooaads
■ to ray: "Tha oity of, Plttabargh LajoaUy
proud of har KareanUli Library Anotfatioap
■*a har eltUaaa cannot bat* foal tho in port:
aaea of ita proapartty, j If proparly praaaatad
■ <: to lb®B» ftta eUim> to thair sapport would do
r««9c&iMd omd froih madoddlttcnol impotai
„ would Hilwn to SUeoroar. Th® motto of
' «ar AnoeUUoA ihould-bo ° Actios, Action*
*' itUft oonowfol prWUog® to roooni h«r®
tW4t of thow goUont young mon, who wont
fro;* OUT laitltutioa to fght tho bftttlu ,of
aSontry. monyhoob UUoa whUo glorlow?
tho holy eouie, Lieut. J. P.
' «-»♦»■« <e.U whllo goUnntl; landing bis oom-
Ttanr 4t thwbotUool RiohmoD4. Col, J. H.
1 SSlr country at Antiatam, and Sargaant Ed-.
p nSlnrWn at South Mountain. L«t
...r. Sldr ninaaati bahonorad and bald In grata
“irSSd® EdtrndP. Darltogtoa, th.
. 3 ; isolation haa loatjmaofita; moat aaUra,
' tnUtUaaotanduaafnl mambara. For aarafaT
Chairman ofithaLibrary Com
> t 25taa.aniwaa Traaaorar af tha Aaaodatlon
■t¥ t "wh?.nlUtad. Foiaaaacd of dna library
SSu. »d «£ly <»-hiad i«: our Inatltu
': .Uu Wdarotod all bf.hli talanto, and mnoh
Swatlma. to ioourp it tha anriabla poaidon
?t taSaowithmathregrettkat Otab»t»
record tha daoaaaa, daring thoyoar, of Wm.
Addiion. M. D.. ofia of our Ufa mambara.
Daring thnaadyiatatonoa of oar Inatltudon,
hUtink 4 groat tatotaat to tha prosparlly of
tha Library, »ad pfomotad iu naafutoaal by
ftoquastud rahtabla donation! of booka,
that nowgtra charactar to our oolbodon.^
• • nui X.URABT. , -I ‘•*-
Tho Bo&hor of Voluntas in tho ; .
Library ot tho eommeneemobt , ■ .
ef thoioor* -
th. yanrj ,
■ i. to
•PfWv^ 14 numb*r of* tol'o in h ibrory sigjpr
XaBW'U Ula
Tha oo to** bbtaroa daring thejnat yaar
n.i.imhaV aouailad any formar yaar, to apa
ps‘ •*!»*«•■ By tha aalaotlon of
tot!S»ab ehjn^r*'oonttonjd to ro-
Vllbaral pk'®» B **» f «m oar oltbann.
»xDoota4 that tha uaoai nnmbar of
batorX pn^biSWo l * >»U4.y.,aroul4barO
thia ;wlatar. . But tha Laotnra
raport' that unuinal difflonltiaa
to Vary.
iKtSSIL h«.hlw girth tob aaaaon to tli
ggaat, owing ta tha diatorbad atata of tba
, aSSttt, m * that, ara wot aa many laotnrai..
anttobirnrfannariy, nawlaotur
ihtoHliot Jouii tho Iriih Orotora _
• woro'mb4oby tho Coamittoo
VOadonhoff ond Jr B. Ooogh to
tootaraaarly tbU wtotar. In eonagM"*^
xha naaaaroni appUoaUona for “0; Uttar
In tha But, ha haa dacUnad tooona Wnd,
- waUlthaaiowaithaaaaalon. Tha d r ftg*“"
tlaatan, owldg to aloknoaa, mi
raoall kb angaganant. .Il b hop«! by tha
Oomndttaa thatVith thMt poptdar batamay
andabo Dr. Holland, B. W. Bmaraon, Dr.
Oatbrb.of Hbaoorl, Maaon Jmnaa, aad othar
laotarara, will appaar bafora th# eloaa. of the
, thinktog tha Library; and.-tantoto
, Oammlttaaa, Saorattry, Traaaurw, , 40-, I«
! Jwir aarrloaa to ha half of too, Aaiorfatlon,
too propriatora of rarionn nawapapara,
i audTiotor* otbooka and pamphlab for thair
V-doaaUoni K> tha Library, tha Praaldantaaya:
“In aunMUriog to onr noootaara lha toy
- > taratu af tha tofdtadon whloh Kara baan on- 1
Had to onr hand*, dating thapnat uonnntoua |
Sar, tho Board bal Miurad tha| ali lho rlUl |
tanau of tha Auoototion hara jaado aono
■ - pronTaar. Tat thay eannot but ragrat that -
in Sara not inch iHbrary aa onr aommnnlty
.thonld hard.: Bath day pad arantog youths
to obtain knowladga,
; oad man dosirpas of obtatotogworkn of rarity,
oonto to onr room for bookn whioh wo haro.
Mtinraot to:nßoiapt aumbar to rupplytha
m-orncut rAPta oriraa can.
y ■»inui4Hinit Cot iko
jSii^tfi.SfaWfOptWM, H °. Bllrmh
« »
« « T. *~~~ ; *J..
Biwit!”-' i»5-w
New Mnituiil Bates; '
Th» feOoirtnc ri» of Miirtkiiie h«To hu ocroed
apntythoHiiiifcan of th* Flttatrargfc Doily
PrM4, [o US* #®<K on ond ortor tht 10th ait ofKo
oDoow ©ootroetai
in Boon wu>> mi mi.
OoolMortkni....—-4 30|Twonon»ii.~ —lf jg
Ton Inowd 1 "* 1 * t OOlThno nonffn..M.i—ft JB
tSTSmTIoo*—- 1 »|roal 0100 m. ■-•“ “
SS!liS_—— * oo.n.o>onmo .1* 00
TtiwlTli pwatbi —» S
Tteww*** Ml- •II 5 OoltiiM f? {5
OoiaooU. * oo|oo*jeir “ 00
ro& qiAiwim *****%*
Which tic prtTOcjp of » *c*Uj eh*a«®
Ur, totetDMmd rang new ili«ti»nuota.
mnui hvamm, «r*at »at.
V ax ix»t»tt....».... *♦“ M
idjniatotrmton’ potto—• 3
Yonng Men’s Library Association
Tbe fallowing ii n eondenaed copy of tho
iatendtleg report', read by, Jam** Pork, Jr.,
Pioaldant of tb* Young Mam’* MoroantU* Li
bnry AmooUUob, at their.UU mooting :
Notwithstanding t]io large number ofmern-
who oro saw in th* army of tho Union,
and the lota of menu* thoiroby,** w*U at tho
dlwtronf ttat* of publio again, whloh terl
omlr affaotr orery institution of * literary or
i shitaathropio'ohniiotor, it U * ouhject of oon-
that daring On put J** 1 the ad-
SlUoni to tho library, attondaao* attlwread
ihn too a, and tho circulation of hooka, far
a»Md ahy yeafontaenliteno* aa an inalitu
raport of tho Library Committoo will
show how many homo#, among ita mombcro
bar* boon ontortainod and inatruotod by tho
- TSluiaa drawn from tho shelves of tho Asto
' ■ elation: and tha inipootlon of yopr, loading
. nom day andovening exhibit* aooroa of both
' ladiaaand gentleman wholhere find a rotroat
frim tha oaroa of bmlnett and life.and real
■ ■ aataitalhmoat within its peaeofnl walla.
-Yho Librarian reporta that our membership
la not eondabd to tho oorporat*limits of our
two oitiaa, baiumbraee* many who rosido on
the railroad* in tb* adjacent country and Tll
i.p,. and that tbo attondanoo of atrangera
suiting the rooms has largely increased. The
vary largo number of nowapapora found in tha
~ ■ reading room have .boon ;th* centre. ot mnoh
attention. 1
Xho' Dumber of Tolomti drawn. from
thM Library ddrifig thaLjepr 1882... Vs 3
- Daring thajear-lWl.—4#7Bfl
' :Dvtttg tbiuk fi*o join tbi elwoii-tioß oi
»i« Llbr»ry *u u follow..: . '
Dnn duiag Cho jur 1n8.. m .». VB5 toll.
« « « « 1859.. 3,382. 44
« u « it 4,05* “
ft ' « « « 196L. H «. 4,780 "
« ■ " « «« 1862..~~.. 0,762 *
Xh+ BOAber of *ct4re members wio
Mid for the year IBM, was.
Oaring Ibt you 1861.....*......
racszvT axnmz ctjoubibj.
dNUftdf sor meantwherewUh U purchase. |
The fa tare must famish, If famished at all,
wbatwawoold gladly do were we ablo.
To that fataro ana to you staleas effort*,
w* commend the Institntlohi”
Jams Pam, Jo., j
President of the Board. 1
ifluq ; 08. . '
toßduo. wertwd bom J. T.
Bredj w w
•• iwot of nxmbm' toSaaif
. -tVw.. .. 11mii l»o«2 67
received from Lecture
/ Committee., 19 } }J
m pmalim oD “par fond*-—— 1 \»
“ Aaocnt reoetrod for book* tost.. J 69
' •' Balsaof oldnewspdpexe.— l6 60
B* amount paid ial>ri«i....~. *—4415 00 |
VJLcoount of rr0t...... 800 i
4« „ «i “ Tor 144 BO
4< ' 44 4« u Newspaper*.*-. 846 96 |
44 44 m 44 Books.? 122 46
44 44 <• *• 7B 76
u 44 4* 44 PriortOrlHi^-l—r 78 02
' u St*tionUTts29T2; Mndlnf,fS4&B 106 SO
• ** PdstacOi *24 46; coal, tIVQA..'.... 38 64
« wEfuTIKMSB, W OO 25 25
«‘Whitewsehlng and ebshiof 8189
« oil doth asd carpet Ifir Ocaimlt
«Bandrj^S*dsC*Moaaa 6J 26
“ Inddeutalexpeas* - —_f l 869 40
Effects of Deceased Soldiers,
The Mill Creek General Hospital, of Vir
ginia, haring boon <li*obnUnaed, the Surgeon
in charge sands to Adjutant General Boss ell
a list of the names of deoeased soldiers, to* i
gather with the effects left by them at their
death. The following erc the names of those
belonging to Western Pennsylvania Begi
Char Us Bartlett, IOSd Pennsylvania Begi
ment; parte (no oontents.)
B. G. Barbour, lltbi Pennsylvania Cavalry;
testament, letters, likeness, pane, 10 oenu,
Thomas Woedward, Co.I, 105th Pa.; let
ters and testament.
Jackson Bookman,'Co. H, 3d.Pa. Reserves; j
chtckfor $4, descriptive list, letters, stencil, I
receipt for $5. 1
John K. Bowmaa, Co. A,103d Pe,; j: ompty
parse. ' ’ •
Bobhrt McCene, Co. G, 83d Pa.; watch I
chain, descriptive list, parse and 17 cants.
In no cmo does the list eihibiten amount
of over ftfe'dollnrtiaefib* and 'the tans of
thousands of brave fellows, lying in tho hos
pitals, oogld probably net exhibit an average
of ona dollar par man. How aeoasiary, then,
it Is for as at home to provide for their com*
fort and support. : 1
The Crintßii Court.
la the ease of Wm. Woods, the’pollce offi- J
cer, charged with assault and battery on oatb 1
of Heary WUnsr, the jJry found a verdict of
>ot guilty, bat that this : defendant pay the
Isabella Tart and Jennie 6oott, charged
with receiving stolen goods, were convicted
and sentenced to two iuonths each in the
eonhty jail. Oee of these woman claims to
be the wife of James Tart, recently sentenced
to the penitentiary for robbing the shoe store
of Mr. Dlffsabaoher*end it was reoeirlng tho
goods itolan therefrom that the parties were
John Ogle, charged with robbing the store
of Mr. Thompoon, laberty street, was tried,
and tho Coart will charge tho jury this mom
lag- • ••• ■■?••• -
Acoxonr.—A young num named Bou, eon
of Mr. J. Boss; grocer, iwas severely ini area
yesterday by a horse running away with a
bagg y‘ which ha wae driving. The boggy
opset at the comer of Diamond alley and
Bmithfield street, and ifas broken to pjeeee.
Mr. Bbss was severely braised, bat hotdang
erously injured. .
Saw Motion—Mrs. Charlotte Blame, 43
Fifth street, has received "(feme Lte, or
Tkn Mads her a Grace?” written by H. An
gelo,,and composed by Carrol Clifford. Alio,
•‘A Drsam ofPsacst Gtsmd March.” ByJ.
M. Leiand,'Author of « CM. Bar+stt'* March."
Wa commend both to the examination of oar
musicalfrlendJ. 1
„ 491
. BOYD—MoCUHX—On the slh buta&t, by Bev.
Oamml Jamison, Vr.BOBXBT X. BOVX) and Hhs
KART McOGBS, all of illaheth, fa.*
BUTCHIBOR—Ob Toeaday morning, at * o’clock,
£*WlB l>. HOTOBIBOS, la the Mth jaarof U*
•l«> f.
i Hii tomra! win taka plan at 10 o’clock rail
(Yhsr.daj) noariaa, from hi* late fetfdaaca la Law*
raoeftTli*. Oarriicaa will leave the Stable of A.
iaskmaojat 9)f o’clock.
Unt-JOn tba lUh but, at Montgomery Station,
Lycoming eoimty, FA, tf; typhoid wrw, BBMUXL
M. UUt, in tba tOth year of bta a**.
Afeeivyahadaof g&miia throws. .
' J A mtM oar. yoaihfal circle now—
Foronehaagosetajailfcla ioath,
■ With Joy and gladnem on fall brow ;
Jta vast hi* native land to fro
lU<l a!ul for Samcr Laa.
B/ilckfieaa’fevered haadlald low,
Toe soldier there at laat nut die.
Away from hoaa’a endearing ahada,
„ Beneath aitranpr’a lonel j «ky;
. To die from home, obi cad would be
To die like poor Saxkt Lit.
Bat one wat them with geaile tooaa,
> To light Uc way wbeadeath waa near;
- a mother knelt tat fervent prayer,
‘ Baalde the djlng Toitaiteer;
. A leok, a tigb-lit ml waa free.
And earth had loamd peer Saiut Lai.
. Sweet be thy *leep» p*w volonteer.
When they thatweal with thee are free i
. And whwi we crowd* aroomd,
Oar glee will thoagbt* of thee. .
Bleep, Bokieclcleep; thy eplrittree—
Ana we will mounter Babbc L» a. _
I j«».uiA.ut3. ; Bt jural***.
guru aid Maosisb, lor
UAIIJ ui mßßafootsrlng parp.Mli V* tho
boot is sm.
A. f.OiATOST, gwnl;'
ji ■ ■ > 80. is, ruth «m»t.
Voa V au. aid Wnrrßß If BA A—ll. vista,
La upon ua/ud w# moat provld. oatmltm
with til autaiUl to kMp u aaßWtwto.'- A
good ud voll-MAdoOTaooßt U th. rarj orti
otea Mdwo doo'tiknow of ostpiam »to»,
om roader* can cat one that will look aa will,
ud it th. uao Urn. wlttjuwl th. «»-
Ton «Mth.r,*a »t W. H. MoOoo A 00. a,
eoraor of Vodcmlitrbotud Diamond SqaßM,
- Allegheny. Thdr atook of or.roo.tlnga,
boiluu ud drool clothing, puUloou of *U
dorarlptloßOa-.a* . voll.SMortod, ud of tho
Utotrtjlo. - Iha goqUomon'a forslohißg
«wdf dcputmoetDollthst s porohuor vosld
arlohi; OoU os A 00. if job dotlro .
BiOO OSlt- '' » -
Sahbu 9 babas, Burohututlor, voild
moot totpootfnlly Inform hlo frloada ud tho
pnbUogmunllj thot hohM rotausod from tho
EHt wAih shir' stock of fail ud, vista
nods.' *HI« »took ooniUtt ol tho IAIMt itplM
of olothr, ouiimubo ud TboUngi, ooloMod
frost tho Istoitliportstlosi. Somtlomon do-
Mo. MEsrkol atroot. aw door from Third.
‘LisniL Bi*aao Lo«t—A
talnlpg aiDtaUamstint of ioa»j,
Mistier oaloablo pspsn,o< a°
soek atrobt, will bo llborally oowaolol.
Caoioa Houoao Paaaarra.—/. M. Bob
otto, Ho. IT Fifth Otroot, I* »»* °P“ ln |. 1 “*
ant oholoi olbek of Sold Ml Siljsa
WatskM, Jowolry, BUoor Waia Ml Fanoo
Sonia star llaplajad la thla OU7, Ml is 0011-Ist
1st thorn at loiaatkablrlow prtsM.
• Jforiaa to tho oroptrty owttoto. 6f thla oitjr
iohotObo cion,' that m j ropaln ootlol about
thatrhouoa «U 1 b* dona promptlj.lfthoy
taaoo tkato boln at Oatkbart’o Oarsntot Ml
Jdalac Bkoj, w» Tlrgla ailojr, loot abooa
Baithlsll atraot. •' .
a» Aeonoa.—Oa Ibatalay, Friday
m! Saturday aooataco, HoCIOUMd, W Fifth.
;?L B t jSliaktliUta.t aalolo«Ia« uls of
MivPiatt't froat oonalFuant ofßooka, Al
hlMiftWtll* ■*"j ‘ ‘ ' t- ! i ■
Oaafava Oaua artU bo takn attho Oiaalbai
1j HOTMM fto»*V“s " |JJ
t£ fct-aalo ikM aby F“T*“
tall,o^««*** wra c. BfWBkW, ;
M aoraaoUbortyaadHonllßoati.
Bpeotal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Oexalte.
Wabhimtom, Jan. 14,1363.
By far. the most significant end important
debete of the session, oeoarred to-day In the
Boom, striking the key note of the Demo-
opposition to the war, end foreibedow
ing the dootnnei end polloy of the new De
mocratic petty, which ita lender* hope to
organise from the three elements of Tharlow
Weed, ConserretiTe Border State men, end
the present Democratic organisation.
Ur. Vallendigham inooeeded In getting his
resolutions, whieh were introduced some time
age, op to-day, and made an elaborate and
able speeoh, which he has been for some time by far the best he erer made,
taking thl boldest and most ultra peeoe-
grounds, and clearly indicating
the policy hereafter to be adopted by the op
position. His speeoh was fatly written cat,
printed and oommitted to memory, and lorel*
biy delirared.
Mt. Bingham followed for tho Republican!
in » WhoUyexUmpor. ipeach of gnat power,'
diilMting Vnllindigham’i iUtoimnnihlp, ax- ■
poiln&and denouncing tba tendency of ill
leaohinge; and (tiling it tho alsM to » pitch of
eloquanoe that brought bank tho aarlier and
better deye of OongroM.
Mr. Wright, of Penney lvnnla, donbtlaii
democratic, and hitherto inppoeeito bo, in
tho main, in harmony with th» Vallendlg
ham lohool, then got Siam floor, and in a molt
Itlrring and eloquent epeeoh, that again and
ngain calltd down lalroi of npplnnio from
thogallirlM, and win from the door, do--
nonneod Vallandigham’i poiltion and tin
whola tendmoj of hie taoohiogi, and eepe
olaUy protaimd agalnit \ha poulbllitj of
leparation, which wool* entry tho North wait
with th. Sonth, (to which Vallandlgham had
ilgnidoantiy pointed,) and oloiod with a
tonohing alinildn to thl loiiai in hie own
family from tho war, whieh, like Onto of old,
ha did not regret, and woald bar. blnebed
not to bar. had it to occur.
All tho apoochei ooamnndnd profound nnd
very unuWnl attention. Mr. ValUndigham
wulliUifod,to UtU«no*itb* mnabtr* olu *~
taring around hla doik to h*ar him mow dU- <
tineUy, ond own fronting him, by unanimous
oonsont, Aftoan oxtro minutes, in ordor to lot '
him ftniih •
Umn. Bingham and Wright oonunandod
attandoo, whU. roloe* rm re*
pentedly drowned to applanoo, which, the
Speaker eould not anpprete erenby thothroat
*r otdertngthe galleriee U be cleared. Mr.
Vellaadighem'e effort U regarded u e true
exponent of hie pnrty prinoiplee, end ne
faithfully hrtarpteting the etewe of nearly >U
hie fellowDemoeiwtto repreoentfliToa. Uli
thought th.t hardly helf e deeen Domoohu
is the Houo win tehe the ease aunlyand
loyal position with Mr. Wright, me no deheto
of each ligaUoeaee hee oeearred for a long
tine, end •• ordinary report, lent Wait are
likely to he too meagre to be ratiitaotcry, it
ii thoaght .worth the Keajy expellee of trani
mittisg a wry foil abot,aot, by epoelal die
patoh. The following le a fall ! and felthfal |
■ynopeie of Mr. Vallaa dlghao'e aery reaark
able epoeeh; after reriewlng briefly thaeffbita
to oompromlee at the eeeeion of IMO and ’dl,
and the beginning of tie war, aid tho econo*
thaf followed, and hie Own poeltlon, and the
fall ore of tho war, ha neat proceeded to oon
tidor tho qaottioa "can tha union Of that#
Sutee bo yot roetorod, and how 'dan It ho
Be tofcinUlnel thot ro-naios vu a«t on 1/
pouiblo bat luTlUbte, onUaa fabatod by tba
dsTlUrmU folly and wiokadnaaa of tb«»«blio
bob and tho paopla. -Haargwod tbo question
at loaf tbi from hlatory ciUßgmnnyoxniapju.
HolniUtbd that phyiical ouum oil landed to
thau li»n ni bo rodlool dlflofopoo in inn
white non bn* to prartnk U; that nil tbo
•ricinnl eiow which lad to onion—common
dMoant* eonsangulnlty, teagoogo, .loaaaara
»ad lnwi.dtfanoo, lnUfo4t,ondthO doBOlUa
tranquility—all axiitad la foil foioo yot, ud
aoßOofthOmWOtO maflb attOßfOr BOW than
at ant; Bad further, that artUoinl eauaea bod
sprang BP since, workiofimproTemMt multi
plying traTOl, uadi, migration Bad laUr
ooorw; alio, that oortarn lau maurial, but
oqoaUy strong ties, existed; snob's* common
hfilory, Hatton*! BopabUttaa loa(i, battlo
aildl. io; Hb maintained alio that tbo rausea
which lad to dliaaloa were 00l Otataal aad
tnondioal, and warn waakarthna thou whlob
ttadoa to ta-aaloa; that ala Tory was aot tbo
canto'but oaly tbo doralopmoat of tho oomo,
■oetloaalUat; that tharrfjs no lirapreulbl.
ooa&lot botwoaa stars labor
tho ilaotholdlag aad ooa-ilarataeldingßtalM;
that tbafundamental Idea of
It tho porfoot aad.ototoal compatibility of a
union of Butot, part daw Md paittoo, aad
that tub a union war In foot tho itxongoot of
all popular roTOrnmenti. Ho oOntaadod that
antuagkotpa ha apart bow oxooptlag bato,
antagonisticand wrongs, and tj* wrboatt
tbtoo'paotloai toroa tlmoa hottOf,and that
white irUit»T«»»ton Ho
iuUted/tfcot pwjudlooi, ooald fc*,°*of* 3 **»
thorn to dlfibmaoa, of maanan, bablta aad
■Odai lift, bad a ‘different ldoa of religion,
raorall ud polltloa. Ha nieclad the U».f
excluding Han England, aad Inilltod that
thoro wot a large non-puritan aad oontotra*
Uraotamcnt in*New fcngtand, which would
or Itself oreroomo tba aarrair, extreme aad
fanatical puritan atambat, tba saptemaoy of
which hedeelerad'to be incompatible with the
l oeabo of aoelety nadof tkeUaloa. Hbrofer
fadto Begot WlUlaau ai tba founder. of a;
Boilud dTlliiitloß (Ntt Utj*;
llflower aad Plymouth Book. Ho next mala-i
! talnod that Sow York, Now Joraayond Paan-1
tylTaala ooald not aopanto from tbo Boutt,*
i nor tbo floath from tbo Horth; and bo tpoko
of tbo xOographloal tioo whlob bonad thorn,
toxethor- Ho uld tba North-woot would not
I toparalo from tba South, and that tba day
wuoh dlbidod tba ataroboldlag bom tbo uon
staraholdlag Statoa would doena tbo atonal
dlroroo of tbo Wait bom tba Hut. .
Ho Iniiilad that there waa ao eauio ofoon
trowny, axoopt llarory, aad that tba agltal
Son of that laUiol pb .V poUkloal elemtnt
matt oeaaoi that wa matt ratara to tbo old
ooaititatloaal and aotaal basis of fifty yaan
ago—throb* Stlbo rale, tpoody aad tandyra
tunol .fagttlTa itatoi, ao moro agitation,
aad tho traailt and tho temporary iqjoura qt
mutenwiththelr stares In-tho boa Btatob. I
Ybla waa the pries af. tba Ualon, and whoerbr j
waa not wllUag to pay It meat tefly deotak
for separation and disunion. He nigoodthet
tba Bonth waa la Urea tod tut osmuqlujwo
ara la reuntott. Ht ipoko of tho tonal of
th* old baala aadt|oway to «-
aSoßTribftrrtag to tbo almoat oxaotalmU*
•Stew o t th« two Oonititatio&B-r&dml -
Ooftfodtrftte, mi of tho iapoiaihillt/ sof
kwplsc op twotiteb 1 loTonmoQta with
tlaßal BttBIHiWT* ■
.Ha —td- th>calf difflflttlty lßitht fiy of'i
TO<BTlltW» WU tho WMtOfihOWiil toTf*u|tt>
SrSvSuh tho w« -thrt tin
wottldamrjxiJt. Bo fold that, if thooouo
-trTWWTOoB/Bcod ofwwr, oadihooght 4hot
oBovsh; »ad
MM&dod, ittdjaAterf Isdtotdd ob taih* M*
propbio thte. Bo' dwaaiwd. th»
thlhwu » fonnol woofmiUoß, fo whlflh,jlot
OhTIOBS fo4foß*ih* WOttld BOtOOBHBtw
oh»hM ol prlaonorti flafi of trooo, dto. If it
•omfNaod tteWf
who sola a • froctiffod, limb to M»; J
Stolta that Ilia brokißj; It
UJ thot tho 10T«B»»t WOBld Iff n ftUMj
enah oat tho rohollloß. lt Wted !»>
woold olwoyo foil. Srfthw oaM t OMhod
to oOwpioiPp that BO otto would bo hlß|
noitbsr would tbbro bo,' though tba .war tub
fifty joara, bat If nobody waa to ba baag,th
lot tba wrong doora of tbaadadßlatntMß i
Ijototaadba araaaiHaglytlad.
fdsr.ii \»
Heanproved of mediation as a means of I
suspending hostilities, bat rejected arbitral- I
tfon.t He spoke alio of. the important tenons 1
which the war had taught onboth
plodind eatl-slevery errors, proriog the
strength of the Southland that slavery, in- 1
J steadbf.bting a weakness, waa a powerj that
I the non-jjUveholding white men of the South
I were the .chief support of slavery, aad that
there was ho danger of servile Insurrections*
He saM, too, that the South had learned that
personfi courage Is a aualltj common to all
that In battle the men.,of the 1
North; and especially of the West, wero their
equals; Twenty months of war had oorreoted
many error*/ and taught us the wisdom of a
osntury, and If we would'only re-unite, the
Unionjwohld be stronger and more durable
than ever.
a Ha closed m foliova: Stop fighting; make
ai armistice (no formal treaty); withdraw
your army from the seoeded States;
both armies to* fair and sufficient paaoa es
tablishment; declare absolute free trade be
tween'the North and,South; bay and tall;
agree apon a ZoUoanln; recall your fleet! ;
break up your blockade; reduce your navy;
restore travel upon >'your railroads; re
establish the telegraph s re-unite your ex
press j companies ; build no more Moni
tors and Lron-elads, .but set your friend
ly stehmers and steamships again In motion';
visit the North and’West—-■visit the ‘South;
exchange newspapers; migrate; intermarry ;
let slavery alone; hdldeloctiona at tha ap
pointed timeout us choose a new President in
r W. When the gospel otpeaoe shall hkve de-1
mended agaln from Heaven into their hearts,
and the gospel of abolition and hate bsbn ex
pelled, let your Clergy and the Chnrehea meet
again In Christian Intereoumi North and
South ; let the ; secret , orders and voluntary
associations every where re-unite as brethren
onee more—*ln short} give to all ;the natural
nnd aUtheoflelal oausee whleh iinpißl .ua to
gether their fullest sway; let tlaa ido his
offlc, drying Ofn,; dUpMllng. 1
lowing pn»iion»,i»nd mnklng tho horbnnd
rrua nnd tro. to. grow »g»ln upon tho hun
dndibntUo Soldo! of thloi torrlUo ,w. Ho
oonoiddod by » ntonmoo to hU roodlntoj to
yield up personal interests and the material
> rewards of ' ambition, just now, to the future
i and tha good of his country. Whoever be
lieved i tnat. war would restore the Union,
whoever was for n-war for the (abolition of
* slavery or disunion, or whoever 4e
l manded Southern'lndepjsndonbe and final
separation, would not be satisfied with
what he said, but he had always been for
the Union and would not surrender. It new
In .both. He desired to see the 109th anni
versary- ef American Independence, and as
orator exalt in oar glowing glories end gml
noM of the etlll United States. Be hoped for
it yet «oontr, if possible. In let
that day be the day of the gnat restoration.
Wo Were In the midst ot ths crisis of the rave-
Intlon. If we secured peace now and began a
reunion, all would be welt, If ’ not, he saw
nothing but eevolution and anarehy.
[Bi*cUl tHfpfttth fa. tbi nttrimrfk Q*aetU. t
- H*» KBBCM,' Jin. 14,1843.
J^oc**.—' Tott.Uwhwnd SsgUsk nnd thro*
th«aiud Qitub 00 pits t! tho ropdrt of tho
ConiaMonro#- to tori** tho totonoi. low?
with tho nri««d U»« woifo ordtrfdto bo pvb*
Uihod. .. ' '' • '
Th* Chairman of Cho SUtfdioM OojßinlttoO
. on r M follow*:
W«j* ui Mono—M» v Hopttiw> ofWuh-
Inxioa coonty. {’•'
tifoaorol Jo4iciMy-—Mi. Kilno, of PoyoiU.
Local Brovs* of HoHhn*-
PobiTou ond
of Phitodotohli; .
Claim*—Mr. Book,«r tyeottls* • ■ ; •
Agriesltoiwlnad Mmhdmi -Mr. Wold
bwj of Berks. - •
Education—Mr. Body, of JBUu j
AcoottnU—Mr. Rowland, of Pito. ;
vVioo ondlmmorality—Mr. Wnksflold, of.
MtliUo—Mr. JMtooo, of SoUirttu
Election District*—Mr. Box, MtstgomOry.
Bankir-Hr* Wlitej, of MoitgomoiT.;
g« u<l Behoof—Mr. Bo*di, of Cuo*!
' ’ - : .
ond Oooolt—pr. Bobvor,
gome*j£--- : •
radon*-—Mr. Qalglej, of Phllodel*
_jw Conifoa., ui'4. County : Beat*—-Mr. i
TwiteheU, of .s&*■ * , .-r
'C< mpw* Bin*-Mr. Kliao, of Bnkn.
: E. brtrj-Hr. Grant, of BoUat/" !
B kUtotdhr i Hii> , lluatan ( .bl XhUtdalpbU.!
‘QI iy Pauanger JUilwnye-~Mri Hopbine, of
PfciadolpMo.> - 4 : . j
:UiBM and Miner all—Ur. WoUj of Sebnyl
kiUj '* *\ .0 ‘ !
PHoUni—Mr. Niemen,of NerUuuopton.
Pkbtie Bomeey, of York. >
|! d|towi»—Mr.Boy*r,of Clearfield. ' ' - L j
Hr. Ones introduced* bill io rtaawtbi
ebartor of tha Exchange Bank of Piiuborgb.
lUfarrtd to thV OommUtoaon Bjuriu. •. j
jHr. QUftUah Ihtrodooad to authorise
u* ©ooitrnttkm ol a lateral railroad wa«t of
Pittsburgh, through TTaios towaihip.
Mr. Kalae introduced a Mil tonpaal and
certain aWtibu of; the Penal Coda.
ralativa to the limitation of so-
J Hr. Rex introduced n bill to prevent Che
etnl (ration ef negroes from other State*
til* Stata. ■; I
I Hr. Smith, of Philadelphia, ;introduo*d a*
lilil to supply certain Motion* in lb* Renal'
Code. Referred to Committee.,
j. Mr. inbtodjiped
a bW to aathorlse theieleof tbs bank stock
It gives to bank* the .right to llipokt of thb
•took of delinquent atookheideri, and is alio
Intended to assist eraditor* of eatd ■tookhold-’
iar* to cettbolr ineßoj after tho llMbjbaak
leexhaneUd. - \-;f 1 1- -i 1 -
, ltr. Brawn'prountod a niaonotrnnu (ran
th« eltliono' of Northnmborlond otmoty,
ingnlhit' tho 'fmmgo.of- tho’-not ootapolllng
! drafted mon aid btharo; In tho Ulrica of. tbo
Doited Slatu army, to pay tho bointy. tax
prapoud toJ» oollfoted In laldoountj by tho
Oonunlnlonmthoraol. . £ ...; . ; .
BIOATO.—Mr. BoaghUr:lngrodaood a bill
to aathorfio tho Commiiilonorii' of Qroooo
unity to lory » tax to pay, thp bountlor of
Tolantooro. On tho motion of ifr.Lowry It
wuroftrrod to tho Jodleioty CokmltteO, who
won to raport a ganartebUl. ■ - W, .j.,1
Mr. Roblooon lntrodnood a bill tainting to
foreign whloh Baku {oodi,
chattoli, righto, and croditr inlhohnndl of,
'or owning by municipal' eorporjtUonoi liable
toattachment. •■■■ ■• ■ i.' ''^R.
A Wublngton oocrupondent Of tho XHtimo
Itetu that It !• probnbte a bUIwIU toon bo
orgod In the Houo, tbo forma
tion of onmpe olmUltarylnotroetlonoi odlt
ablo polnte on or noor thoßMUaioro and Ohio.
railroad, noon efTeoHre moano for protooting
tbo Cheupeoke and. Ohio oaon),j thio cheap
ening note for tbo nney, and tho trnnipOr lo
tion, of onpplUo tor.tbonnny ln Eutoirn Vir
ginia. • '■ :< "../TV 1 i' ' >■ I''-
Tbo rebate'are ■trongthenlng thamnlTU on
tho lino of the Roppahannook. j , j /VI
OoogTotemon woot of tbo Wabtth.rlTtrde
elarethnt n obip oannl botwoon tit itetu and
tha'Mteoinlppl rleor ft apolitical aid BtUl*
tuynoowotty. ■ ■ ./.!•!...
■ A Htwbtro, H. C., • Comopondont* itatot
'.that nlftgntlone of a gram character ate
modi ogalnit oot. Btanly.. Ho It ihnrgtd
oponly with oorrnpt »4 dlteoyte praotlooo,o(i
wblob tbora it abnndnnt politico priori l IIU.
oitluno wlih tbo Congteiilonnl InTMtlgitlng
Committee at Wublngton to gWo thol*at
tention to tbl«>ntter. / 1 - J
, . . a- Wublngton corrupondoat itatee that
t privatelottereffotePulooontraimuiiitate
,r motite inado through Bngllihehnnnete, of tbo
, undlnx of lOjMOTTreoon aollltn to Moztoo.
Tbmnn now 90,00# eßeetWe Branch trope
, la Mexico. ■ The principal eltleein tho hand!
. of tbo Bronob art gnrrUonod .only by n fcw
It I companion each. R.
to 1 ! , ' J - '
' attnoafi i,etlila|ui«. »
Bt LoBU, UUoJ«M*i»-*« tk« to-iUjr,
■ PrMl-
UMU'lt nintirnf io tiitConiiUt* on
V >, i.j •,*.. •■- vlj .1 I
.C'ril i ' I-.; .
i • Vitßirawi) Ju- 14, .
jSigATi.— The Vioe President laid before
tto BtuU a oommunicationiroia the Secreta
ry of the Interior, asking for an appropriation
•f |60,000, $20,000 of which, to bo applied to
the support of the Utah Indian*.. Also mk
icg for tho Appointment of additional Indian
agents. Referred and ordered to bo printed.
I Mr. Kennedy, .of Md.,, presented the cte
dentlals of tho Hon. Thor. H. Hicks, U. 6.
Senator from tho State of Maryland, to fill
tho vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon,
I Mr. Hioks appeared and took tho oath of
offioe. ,
I Mr. Irumbull, ol 111., reported back the
House bill to; aid the State of Missottri to !
emancipate her slaves, with an amendment,
j Mr. Wilson, of Mass., from the Committee
on! Military Affairs, reported back the bill to
consolidate the regiments now in the field.
Also, from the same Committee, a bill to ap
point three Auditors and Solicitors in the
QaartermasterfsHephEtment,and increase the
clerical the Quartermaster General's
■} Mr. Latham:, of California, from the Mili
tary Committee, reported book a bill for the
better organisation of. the Subsistence De
; . Mr. Harlan, of lowa, offered a resolution
instructing tho Committee on the Condoct of
the War to-inquire whether vessels, or other
means of transportation, have been osed to
bonvey [disloyal women or other disloyal per
iqsb from pieces under the oontrol of rebels
to pUces within the Union lines, or from
pleoes. in loyal States and districts to places
jwitbln the rebel lines—-and, if *°» what ves
uls thua used, uQder whose oomixiinand and
'immediate supervision, and by What authority,
iand particularlywhether the steamers Hew
York and Metamora have been thus^used—
land if so, what law or pnbllo MOMilty re
quired it, what somber of. persons were thus'
transported, too 1 oooaslon of each trip, and
: too amount of property.and money and effects
that ws» transported by eaob person as the
property 6f. said. ,disloyal persons—and
whether persons of African descent, either as fr*e,were .thus- transported within
the rebelat the ruqaest of said disloyal
women—end, If so, by what order or pretence
of. taw were saoh persons ofAfrfean desoent
-thus conveyed within ]the : rebel’ tines,' and
whether uy legislation is necessary tocor
reotwaohpractices. Adopted, 'i*
OnmotioncfjMr. Baulsbnry, of- Delaware,
a. bill for the [reorganisation of Court of
Claims was taken up..
• On motion it was rejected; After an exec
utive session, the Senate’ adjourned. •
flocsa.—Mr. Stevens, of £a.i • reported a
i joint resoLotion, to provide for the immediate
i payment of the army It authors
lies the Secretary of the Treasury, if required
by the exigencies oi the servlet, to issue or
the credit of the United States fifty millions
of United States in saoh form as he may deem
expedient, not bearing interest, and payable
oa demand, in denominations aoVtms than
eon dollar, which notes shall te lawful and
legal tenders, tike similar notes ! heretofore
authorised, and rooeivable in payment of all
debts except 4bties oa imports, and the pay*
meet of the principal and interest of the pah*
Ue debt. The issue herein provided li to be
dedaotedrfrom the amount in any bilk now
bending, or which maybe hereafter passedby
Congress; Mr. Stevens said he learned both
here sad lathe Senate that the main bill pro
viding ways and meant for the support of the
eovernmsnt would not probably; put within,
two weeks—hence thit*bill was introduced.
MtvLorsjoyyof Illinois,raggestedthat toe
bilk be emended so es to provide jone hundred
mUlions;to which Mr. Stevens- agreed. ,
Tfca joiatiweolutioa was passed.
The Committee on Nival Affairs have, ac
cording to a resolution unanimously passed
on Monday, commenced an inquiry Into the
practicability of eettaeoting all our naval and
military stations between fortress Monroe
and New Orleans by submarine cables.'
Mr. Cyrms W. Yield, Esq., ef Mew York, i
who to now beta, presented to the government |
an offbr from tbs eelebratod firm offllasi,
BUlott A Co., of London, to manufhoture and {
submerge cables eenneetingall points between j
Washington end Hew Orleans. Theyare to
he paldonly on the successful completion and |
delivery to the government of .the lines in .
good working order. In other Words they I
will take the entire risk of toe manufacture,
•hipping across too Atlantic, laying down and- j
working toe lines, Ac. There seams to be Bo !
doubt hat that without unne-l
eeesary delay, make appropriation for .that
purpose. ’ 1
Mr. Holman, of lad., offered a-resolution j
reciting that Simon Stevens, who had been
before toe Seleet Committee orGovemtaenfc
and had refuted to answer the j
question! propounded ns to the terms; and
conditions of n labor contract for storing ahd
delivering c foreign. goods in New York, and
how much ho received for too same, Ac., there
fore, that the Sergeant-at*Armt he directed ;
to bring Simon Stevens before toe bnr'of .the
House to answerfor contempt of Its authority.
The resolution passed. -j '' '' .
: Mf. VmUahdighamhadto toem resolnticns
Offered an 5 amendment.- He addressed toe
Hoase at length, urging that war ought not
-to continue? and that re-union ii’postible and:
inevitable unless defeated by the. deliberate
foliy and wiokedness of pabllo men and .the
people; This-was a war of 'the Yankee
tad the Southron, toe Cavalier and toe round
, liaad.'•i’--''' •’
. Mr. Bingham replying, eharaotariied Us
colleague's special as another apology for toe
nbeuToa.v did not believe VaUaadighnm
was authorised by his master Jefferson Davis,
to say the UUifo would be restored U we dis
band our army. j . • -- •
Hr: VTrliht potaUd to th. Soath.ra <Uolu
iUdnk'loihowhow th. r*l*l mind wu hxwt
mnihitnuloiL. H. wouldaot h»r. puo. OP
diihonor.blot.mi, bavmut light for u un
dMdod 00BBt>7, uid tho Ufoot on ampin.
Ho dMlotOd thki n«Uh« th* nbrto in th.
Boath Borhldno or 1 dmtton i» th* Horth »n
Ui bnlhimt. : Bom. of hU patriotic nmarks
won .ppl.adri- Ih.-Hon«oth«p a4joarn.4.
new Jeroer teH»latiire--'4oTerßOr>»r
••; '; . meooßfe." . • 1 /' ]
■*; .***:,i
ihn ra nod to. both Houiob tbio-moraiß,.;
It «lvw. doUll.d kooount of th««qulpptaf
of-tho 'trolantoor* for'Uio V»r kid-the BUU j
I tooion.' Tho (nronmuit or. tho But.:
,b,ot ttWfiOO: HO nrpo tho ptoipoutloh of
th. nr for th. Conttltutlos, ! knd thinki th.t
th. pMrlotiimud, oflh.pooplt ought
p.t to fl.g in of wrpn or dlff.r
,soM.ln. ragard to tho polio,. of| tho gonm-
bgrtod to go Into k joint m«t-
Ihi thU kfferhoon tor tho .loatiotof . United
Butw BenMor to BUT tho TkOkße, oeoulontd
b, tho dwth dfJohh- R.Thomloß.
' &r. BothHottoumot kt thru o'tltok
mi tooltotk'Ualud BUtu B.nktor. Mr.
WkU.of Barllnfton. WM olobtodjon tho dnt
bitllot: Th. rou ttood tho*: Por Jemot W.
WkU ( 'hS> Blehud S. ri.ld, U; WlllUm Oo.k
Hadion, 3; Wm. A. M.wrtl, 1. ;:
: Flora roitrfefs fltonroe. • •
Poaraaaa Moaaoa, Jan.’ 13.—rThaatoam-1
boat Bxpraaa, Wider, a flag of "i"?**
t*-day In charge Of Capt. J. Bj Mulford of
tha *d Fa* : Fork t*glmani, : bringing down
JU Onion prlionart, nil prlT.taa, Ukan »t
-tbo b*tu» bi P ndarlokabug nad DumMoi,
Tht following Ultot loom»f Union priaon
«ra who dindin thomllitaryprlaon boipltai
at Blohmondalnoa JnnnnryStbi IBM, hart
bttn fniratohtfr r • 1 i ■i - i ; v ..
Janan 10.—PrivataJamaa BalUr, 11th
Pa.j A. B. MltchaU, do. Jan. lljb—privataa
BUFldlani, lUh Pa.; Prod. Ccnrad,l3oth
Pa.; Oorp. P. Mcqua.OthPa; i
Union Gunboato Bnrncd. . I
■1: HanttLiV, Jan. M.—Wbaalar’a robol aav- I
ally; with abattary, ; altaok*d khtaa of onr I
boata at Balrpatb Sheala, yaatardpy, Uiwboatt I
boring ob board 200 lick ABd wounded, and I
captaSurtboia— Oihor boata, w(thoomini»- 1
aary atoraa, WawbWnad. 0" BldoU 1
angagadtha rab*la,‘bob anriroafarad. JBat |
gma 1 warn thrown orarboard,; and thUHnl
ban ad. Mant. VaiiDotnWM ukan rtpfgfß;
- ' The
■ - LoTOTiraiiJ«il«T™^ o 4MMg»g|
: . Amiy—BaroraatarSfcßß; thomomatar 33°
—wlad, »ortb;:nl*tng alldaj andnow It ia
t mlnglad wlthhall/whiclr will probably tun'
.’ to inOW Ww* ®<*rnlng.’.
i Laiar-rltunow anowlng;«ind, wait.
of the California Cavalry.■
• Bojvo*;J»n, It—A pobllo raoaptlon of tha
California Cavalry took plaoa to-day,' ’mldat
tha bad waathar, ondar a military and civil
aaoarU Iba Oaliforalana .vialtad Mayor Lin
coln; Who nddrauad Cham almpuatly. A col
lation and Utatohanga'of oongratuUtionafol
lojradnt Fancni Hall. .
. Departnreot the Steamer Aala.
:• Bur Fsv^ ! 'Jan. U;—Thi Royal mall
■iaainpr.AtUialladatnoaa to-day, with fifty
uaiaangan and >i»,W 1* anaala.
& >.» c»vw —•'■■■ i i *’“
Additional AfAte SUUomCMmL
Sit Yeicr Ju. 14.—Tin «U4m«r.CUa»
arrirsd op. *• T."
It ia again reported that
SoT«a®aat appelated an agent MliaM
to obtain a loan. m ' J al
The Gibraltar CAroufefe
oral authorities wbo protested against JthS
•ale of the Sumter, her ae a pri
vateer, and the United States steamer Cup*
pewa eontinnes to watch her.drom Algeria* , |
The London Tubm lobks npon the minors |
of Seward's resignation, as eridenoe of pe
spondeney. It thinks ihe federal* begin |to
see the hopelessness of ihe straggle, butthelr
national pride prevents them from acknowl
edging the fact. The Ti**** editorial on ihe
projerted negro emigration from to
the British West Indies, regrets the political
objections at present in'the way. It hdpee
the scheme may not suffer from these obgso
tion»j but be ultimately earved out. i |l
Jan. 3, Evening— The workmen
cotton manufacturing diitrioUjln France* who I
were ont of employment, number 300,004,1
and they are with no present prospect ofjibe- 1
ing relieved from a state of absolute deal itu- !
tlon. V • \ !
Foreign Shipping Nowi.— Arrived fromjiew
York tie steamer-Sundrew, at LWer] tool.
From New Orleans, ship Volunteer, at Deal
Memo. The ship Nabob wasToit off-Manilla.
: Liverpool, Jan. 3 — Evening. — The steiuner
Arabia arrived this afternoon. •
The sales of Cotton to r day were estimated
at 10,000 bales., Prices advanced Kd» in con
sequence of the Arabla'sadvlees.
I'Breadstdffs closed doll. -■ \: ■
:J Ph>vislon very dttll. ■: f
London, Saturday.—Coa sols closed at? 9%p%:
Eric*ltaUroad l Shares is quoted at
43K@43% j Illinois Central at 41& percent.
\ London j Jan.3,p. n.—Affair buiinssl was.
done to-day lu gold. . Cphsols for monpy are i
a trifle^higher, the attention ' being mostly ,
directed ,to the coming settlement-witju the
Capb.of Good dope Mining Company,-Phiohj 1
'willbe elotedpn the 10th instr -.j ■■ - K =\
The Pope received the’bffioera of the Fienoh--
anhy ezpreised hls thanks for their oontiuued
protection.* He believed'that Piedmont would
yet repent. / .»4>r. »•
iMboxme, Nov. 25.—The gold shipments,
since the last malls, were 21,000 enoss..^?
" There has bcenn'rurfonthe Colonial Bank,:
but It subsided^
FromWashington.. ' ,jj. ‘■■, „ *1
WiBtfUiGTM, Jm.lV—Tht* following wn
reoelvod At the Navy Department; It if an ex
tract of aprifateletter received from 1; Com
mandorWainwfLglit, late of the steaaar Bat*
riet'Lane, *hleb vu captured on the Ift
instant: . \
* . TT. 8. Syxixxx Hiurtf Lin,]’ |
Galveston, Texas, Ceo. lUh£ ; >J-- -* j
tfe areoeonpying a veiydiaagreeabliiLiH»sl-1
Uon, lyingofTtown,andholdingthebjarbor,}
i bat without sufficient force tooecupytheeity.l
j The Confederates. who bold Vlrglniej:Polßt I
oa the ", main land, about five Malles I
off,/have/free access to the {town,!
I and over die railway .bridge, whloh connects \
I Salvo* ton Island with the mein lend# b They l
I also hold e battery, gaaxdlngthis end of the I
I bridge, It being—soshallow that we hannot |
I got within .gunshot of .either* They oro in j
| andont all the rime, which renders Itansafe]
| for ns to go on shore* /We should be lilbU te |
1 be gobbled np at any moment. / We bite eon-|
| stent' repoits that wo'.are toboattockedU
I both from the. water, and shore, wblehkeepe 1
I as oentiiaeQy on the, alert. 'We bare
| rumors thetwe eregetUng tired of Shearing]
I them, and would rather prefer some<mmbn-l
I straUon oh'the pert of the enemy to the Barer'
I ending suipeuseehdahkleiy bn the subject* I
I We should hot oareestspeneeforthdwholej
| party if we hod room enough to mCve about
I in, bat wh ere anchored in a sort Of natural!
I canal, where there is not snJßolont spaeeto
1 turn round if they eome at ns with their light
| draft boats, which are able to go nay where in
1 the bay. You eon'see -what advantage they
I have over as; however I think we will hire a.
, 1 good nocoant of them if they come. We un-
I derstand J6hn Magrnder says if our troops
i I do not arrive jpetty soon and beat him off, he
i I will drlvo u« out oflho bay. ; ( | 1
From the Army of the potomflicV I
HiAnQueßTKts Abut or tsi PotoiUc, \ , |
• 'i. January 14,1863. J ] |
- No rebel papers received to-day. j
The return theHedloal Directors offloe
show a remarkable exemption fromsfcknos*
among the troeps for‘this season of the year*
The following changes have, recently been
made in the Engineer Brigade: Col. Moused
Murphy, resigned,to take command, of lagan*
boat; Lieut. CoL Clinton 0. Colgate,ta be Cel*
j onelfrom the* 12th of Deoomber—*U-of the
15th New York. .
I The enemy are zeelously/at work
strengthening and extending thelrdelenoes.
Detention of Steamers by Eog.
Nsw Yos^NovrU.—X.heavi fog [i» Me-
T»Uiig to>aight.: The itaamen Cltyof-Bal
tinon and Tea tout*, from Europe,ire etUI
detained thereby. The .Boaodvboate 7 left st
theafloel hoar, bat have probably• ehehored
inCow Bay. The A*i* Livers
pool, end Eagle for Haves*, did set «atL - -
Indiana U. 8. Senators Elected.
• I*DiA*Aroiaifl> Jen. 14.—The Legblsture*
ia joint Convention- to*dAy/elflCte«T. A.
Hendrieks snd Dsvld Tarple United States
Senators. the letter for. the short ter in.- -
! V* ‘B,Gonkoat Alabama*
New Your, Jen. ii.—Xhe . United • Steles
nabost Alshsms'WSSßpokeaonthedth Init.
in latitude 3?& longitude 60°, In sesreh of the
pirate Mahans. ~ - ;. - : -
Congressional KpnO&atlon.
j ltAfleassm, N. H., Jen. 14.—X$s Demof
emtio Conrentisa of the 2d Congressional dll-.-
trlet to»day nomlasUdJohn George, of
Conootdf for Congress.
7' / Mwkett bf
Jan. good
:-L*mA for Floor, aad 5,000 barrel! aol<tat fo@o 50'
Saperflae; $0 TSCar Eztrai |TO7 S 0 far
ilj, and 9$ fbr Family.* There' lenocbeage 1a Bj> .
Flour erjQorn Meal, Wheat la la gtM d«naad,an<C
' h»aadT*nc*l2o-i sales of 10,000 bathel* at $1 48® : -
1 68 joT Bed,eaa |1 T5@185 l.OGGbo*:
i of BWwexe sold atW&HCe.. and In
1 *oodd*a»aadsaaha©rold,at 60o,ia!d jtwir-atWe,
Oata la lnactiT*,reque«t, aad 10,900 InialAla at Fean*
iTITE&i* told at 64c. Tharo la the
daaUad for Qwneo&juff price* a&Taa&d I aalaeof
I.GOOatid 00A6'O0.' < FlaxaeMl Pro*
TWoaof alldueriptkras are held flrmlyt Man’ Park,' -
9U 50®tti He*e,a>£©Ucj»Mee,T@7>£c; SJwyM*
•ra»6fiJtAio. ..Lara steady at9)£oio&,;: iWO bbUof
Wbl.Ay arara'aoldat 43Q41&.'~. j --i-." b
NawToaxiJaa.l4— KTaalug.— Cottaaflna; eels*
of *£oo bale* at WO7OIK.
ofliCto bbUatfd SuQC Cofar State, 9?-20<®T45faf ;
Ohio, aad 471007 79 tor Southern. 1 ' Wh«t JjduJs
ukrufmooo boahele at 91 SOAI 8B !fOC 'Chloaco
Soria*, 91400146 lor Milwaukee Oltih; sl KBk
-f Mlorred. OornU dull; sale* of
atfttAßfe; Beef oaiat. IMrk firm at il4 6G01l!
76 Lara firm at Whisky t
l fstoeka sieidji Oojd Mljfc jr S-W MX^jf
'ptt-ruiOM, Jan. 14—Mooa^-Ftoar 1 firm. .Wheat
ittedT. ‘ Oonrdall and 36 tower.., Whliky raaettM
it ifla4Q^,-C3ogmtoiLJEtoTlitooa!ialet.>-'
SCatebmn of UO9 EAILIMO jIBOM YiXVta
AMD, yAULT DOOBS, yiSDOwj ffitTputi
WIHBOW aUABDft Ae.; Hi*.« •e^jrtnNtfs£
M Thlrd»tP**t, Wtw*eo Wood md M*A* ££•
B*t« oa b*nd » mtoty of :.m* FWttro,hn*j<
jp l rticalv*tt«otkmS*Kl to •nokfinf G*»t» L»t*
]«*HnmAcm M jhoit «t&o».r, ■
£sg»J. 0. KIRKPATRICK, *. .00.,!
«ad WhoUttl* DmUtb in liAHW*
Ottg, Ho. gg 'Woos Brat, ojp«it»g«...Ch«l«
. Hotel PWrtnmA.P». ; If - ' jatanl
•3-B. B. ft OiR MARKIB, Pap«c
de>lw« Ia'POOKf
rmo PAPBB.' ~"" r -Tf ' V ,;<■! e«V=
OTBcnraunl thin itttwttt &h.
[■» SnJtUWWWn««iPtt«ibai*h,*fc: : ,->-;V-j:.. *1«
[''. twllffi' OP TBADB TOB KABA- ■; -mi
£PH.' HOIMBB * BQHB,Dwa<tf«,
Wjosmsob ASDDOMSBnoBnae orjoc-
HOTCS AHS BMOU, Hot Vt ji»jrfc*t
| tnznju
r ■9 a OoQscti6u 'Bad# on >ll tb* yriadyri cttfaw
tnunem _
■ • /:*£ s
. . f •
Outtf.' " ! -
Cmcmm, Idmatibni.
1 v . Seroftda, \:. . r
: ' ;Cutaneoiu Dueatet,
=■ Erfiipela*. Boil*.
Pimple* bn.tbo.Baww •
Bore Eye*,
1 Tetter Affeetioiu,
i Beald Seed. ••
' « Dyipepria,
14. OoitiTeneM,
Old'end Stubborn Ulcer*,
Eheumatl# Ditordeti,
• Jaundice, . - ‘
. ! Balt Kbeum, \
Xerenxiai Santee,
General Sebrnty,
liver Complaint,., —T
LowofAppbtite, I
W./ir.towrspTrit*,;;":,: ■
~ 0 lemaleCemplaint*, ,
il '; 1 Bit*, '
Paralyii* or PaiUy, I
Syphilitic Di*ea*e*and ’
' , Oaxiei.ol ihe Bone*.
too mot* with ■ 'uii oiHia toiaum'
fttlfM BOTP.
: - a ' tr-i;
h _ Bl, 186 L '
i H. Kim'-I tak* plMAire In makin,
tfcli totaataiy vtatomß&t In btrorof a ■ edicts* pro-
yW«n*d’*fL«tofrr ißioon Baaacoa.*
la&sont «Bmy head aa to -Ikflftu*
anieb«*ad tfQk whoa the At*-
; ifefcl*** out on. mj
[''amaboToand b*fow tba attow,»nd«*t Into tU *.to
mtffcohoato to axptooa- hartal *<**. Th*dK*a.t
tU #«liaiU'(toui)> .
| bOo*--*»a**o«V-I -wto ttty wash''and low spUted,
atotfcsdgtrm , h»er gbttlog wall, I
bad trlwlm«r*l*knubl phyrtdknraad they didmo
rtfbwL ißfctfmWrltoCiMi;)! wmMw* to
'rnlJtoOrf Sitacutßi:** *
Most conlemi tad noWu in'pataat aadktaaa,bo*.
aftarihad.Mtd thin*boUkrol Blood Saartbar, the
ofaraonmylraadaßd am: began to haaL. I tor*
#w t«W" rightor t« botttow and ay haadfand am
tow tntinly well imsoptibaacanfaßtotatog ftp*
tad the Thmmtkm
mytwdln toy Xfctj Blood
ito> enrol tb* rtwom*ttna. I *aij<rir*v*U Ban,
“W*«=a mm*
to'ldW’wMttl w»a'tOßnty i ,'M>d;.fc»T* toereatadlo
f sjjjdtfiitweifp' poonda, '*? w«K;ito atate that the
jitiiaiij In fr *—that when hi
-riooecd and lifted sajthtoi harry, th* bleed'nm on
of Union. £>r, key*er tad a photograph taken o
jae. by Hr. part*, ttaiaruii, total began to. gt*
**ll/ It doM noiihow by appearance a bad aa It
baitoti 1 ioomaaheed taking tite'medictn*. Too
eeatya photograph,cntOfwhlcb fa sow to nyr
;pomaatfOti,<Bdtoao at Dr.Eaytor,a, 1W Woodftam,
t would alto aUta that I topic tta. Blood Search*
/togit. htopod dm tome, Idfd astro*
'banc futnntii l/gbttto htod aado by Dr. Eeyaor
btowrit OnoibotUaoC hJadlda* mote good the
ihro of the old.. I boUotaK la: a gnat daal atfongai
r»»d tattpr»£ I-tiaoe noommanded tbo Blood Uearcn-
to £ gnat many of ay Crtettda tor-tarioca dtaama,
ttawtatooftbeta Xs«
•say psbUah thlsiryoa aHah,nd I toa autow thn
'lh who anlialisM to lgm*
’-thtototy.DtoT'BtolitomVlud'uSt employeda* <fci-
AsdarecsVUaloo' MarMa’warka, ftt-Wayn*
A Blfiab MAS CVB.AD.
' T JUBi' arid hna boon
owl* blind Is both aynafer mult fear j ton.
■Hod oa"i>t. Ka*iar aboot thraa moothaojOjaad
him to itrs mo dlncUosi to tha/laatltnttoa
br thaßlind In Mrid&iphhu Ho told too that -
ndadnotio tolhfladetphiA tofat-area, aafeo had
madicina that would con m, mho oold my dloo aa
«w In tho' blood. lin txaatad tor It two cc tana
itaaaatathahoajdlnUAthlioltr.and vaanllotad.
11 It ■j T; '--T*that a month or two
l oit—lmStint otlhabotplutl toand'mydfe
tMtlnmbanlnl >*U*i*t Ibaadatoaot •
good Mood of intsa, <m Dr. Kajaar,«bonaaiaat<*ad
lai atdbt. aid myliajan mMorty aowaU aim,
tba Doetw gmma ••Uadaqr'a an'
g-'-i-i- datid kihholly,
’ «, IMl* : OUatam HiUa, SUp.
1 TTIHit;, " a. watant dadonoa atraot, Atlw
[dhaar'csi-v,, , .
I-! ’
; «or»l»tl»,<!T*E» !••»• »«■
coal* a •
woAt*v**dj mf*B. Kil«awn»<»oth»llm»
tea»tel6te»aT*te»»**»-, , ** u “ , «* hr »* •**'*
UaMite.’ ttiMHmlartMMtdoeton latte
oltri MtMlfcnt Mj I talk* oa Dr.
ll» Wood rtmt'-ilio only atuatet
mUdaaiaaUaa wnrtmtatf mil •adhma*-
itluadmU feriUmoatta.l M oatUmd ante
. Jte*lte Bomhot .tjanttata*. JteJf *a»
y ommiiii b*. " ■ THOMAB KMIU. -
roU:vr--3 - r
■-yatibii t a»»a»taa.
{!fflKPSsßjtr |t,,k.i*«*fcr» fra> hn all
2Sas|SSSr i “” _
. n -m *■»■ jffntr-i v'.-i-*
■ t BnumOo«wnia.^»
- :^|jprfisaiasa*^--;:',;
■' WW» Un «M.jg£u&» JuliillnMwji
:v. A be* af BDa ••»**» ad, yen hMiR»|
Uim, ■»«*«m»w
" • . '■x V ‘: Ml-ldlt - , : : ' ‘