| . ■A* - ' -i, o':' : .'it .fe •. H s -A** \ \ ;.j • t I 1 - ; ■ j. I 111 •! 'f ,•««.' ! ■ , »• m • • \{ ■ > f ttj. ?. *•’}? > $ s '.ej >• . ;•■ •/■ _ ‘.-*r *!c«. !.v«. '--.V 1 .: ,"ii v- . r-j^o '*•! < «■-! '•■- •- •‘‘.Cr. ; r ' :V ffj 2 •-.j 'f »v. ||B;|: *: , '■£jC 'CvIIT '.i :'■ •*■}■*' ' .' ■ nk}{ S#«P illih Mss vt. .*« ;• ;• iffjjb’ USi-f*- *’■ #•,*»•' ;•! hS *'' 4. ft* \ v,n HJh*Y a';' s•' A;. v SWiW•>s»s«;y ‘■■K'Av I:! 5 %rjg r -i:‘ ;.‘k ♦ ' >(..*”!: ~..'.■ ...'vJv ,N?V '■•*!;}• •'■■ '•:J<:'' *' **•» . , ,<■ <7' ft V 'i' . '‘i v 1 - .•••••: . • *IV • !j 'i' ■y,-f 1 l,r! •(• • i I«l • :■•> „■ •■ ' r " t. -■"f r H; vi ; ' ■• . • /'-• VV’» t yf * satubsat'* MOBmiro, jas. 10. wunmnni ihtelligence. The United Pre*bjt*rl»ni hrre built within Uitm yean tin* wry elegant; and in London. They have lately settled three new minister* in London—Drs, King, Macfarland and Ed- TJniUrlanism in New England is represented bythe Boston Review as neither increasing nor aggressive. —Arrangements have been niade in New York for the delivery of • course of ' /doctrinal sermons Babbath '•Ttniugs .by itfoliters of the leading eyan gslioal denominations. Kghtrinine young 1 men are pursu ing their theological studies in the Union Theologioal Seminary in New York city. , —ln tne city of London there are B9S Sunday schools, 17,309 Sunday school teach ers, and 190,079 soholare. There is a ' Straining epilogs for Sunday school teaoh er%” conducted by means of two evening - classes. A correspondent of the Indcptnitn living in Illinois, write*: Application* for: recant pulpit* in. UUnoii now go in pure one prelohlng in the forenoon and the other in thi afternoon. This “help* things on,” and i*j“B*riptural—“two and two." ) ■ it iJ eupposed that ten thonsand ooplea of Bishop Colenao’n work on the Penl tatench hare already been cold in Eo glan d - it ir gratifying, howerer, to state that the oelebrated leaao Taylor i* about to publish a refutation #t the Rationalistic Bishop's error* and heresies. We learn from the London Guardian that the Court of l Arohea, Dr. Luehingtob | preeidlng, gare judgment in the caeca of Dr. Rowland William* and the Rer. H. B. Wilaon, two of the writer* of £uayt end Mtviaci. In Dr. William*' oaae he eald:; It wa* nooeeaary for iho welfare of the church thatpuniahmentshonld be awarded against him for the security of the church, the punishment of the indiridual being a s*condai7 cbnsideraUon. It might be thought by soma that the »*ntenoe he was about to pronounc* would be too lenient; but he hoped it would be sufficiently severe to show Dr. William* how seriously he had erred, and to be a warning al*o to other clergymen throughout the country, the ] aentenoo waa that Dr. William* bo suspend ed oh 'officio «(bmtfao for the apace of one year, aid that he be admonished not to Of fend in like manner again. Dr. Williams was condemned in the ooeta; but Mr. Du* boii, bis prootor, gave notioe of appeal- Fendall vs. Wilaon, being a parallel the same judgment and sentence were taken, nettee'belng also fiyen of appeal. The statement that the Saltan is a diligent reader ef the Bible, ie confirmed by Mr. Bliss, the agent of the American Bible Sooiety in Turkey. He write* there ie an increaaing demand for the Bible in Syria, Egypt and throughout the Turkish empire. * ——lt is reported, that Mr. Pieriwiii * Wesleyan Methodist, of Hull, England, 1 has lost,eleven valuable vessels in attempting to run out blockade, and has failed In eon sequence: ~ ' ——The premium of $6O offered for the bcettraot of eight or ten pages on Profani ty, has been awarded by the ooiomitteo to I the Rev. H. C. Fish, D. D., of tho First | Baptist ebureh, Newark. J The Km Tori Obttrvcr- has; just oommonsed it* forty-first y*ar. This sin gular fact is icmmunioatsd in regard to thapaper: : v «IU 'fennders, proprietor*, editors, and all who have had any roeponaible corn an ion with its editorial column* and busisess . management,’ ar* alive and in good health to-day." Tlio sew work of £i.hop Colen*o again, t the Bible ie oritioiied iWith much •everity by the religious preee. The Co*- grtpaUonaliet tbne notices the book: -This utote Bishop who, some ye»rs sinco die corerod th»t Polygemy is not inconsistent with modem ChrUtinn oherecter, here »n -nonnees further resnlte of hie Biblical re searches. Hie volume roads some.that dike the pages of Theodore Parker, and somewhat like those of Thomas Paine, and fs surely a remarkable one for an Soclesi astie of the Church of England.' 1 ' Thr Western Okrutum Advocate fur- nieheo an artlole on “Sermons andPestorsl Work," showing. there 1» euch a thing u bein g all preaoher or all.a pastor, neither of which i* desirable. To spend too much time beating the oil in to epoil it for uee; .to be ©oiling A all day long, weekj in and week out, on your people is to do'then at best a superficial good and yourself a posi tive harm.; It. farther says, Mr. Beecher, in giving hie views on the general aabjeot, thkes oocaelen to object to written and read | discourses. ) —The renewable Eer. John Todd, D.D, aathir of the “fetadent’e Manual/’ “Index Bexam,” etc, thinke thecaneeof thedeoline in the pow6r of the pulpit i* to be aeoount ’ed for in part by the abeence-of preaching on the doctrine of future punishment. 1 -n ia Said the whole Jewish -popular tionof Talemine, inoluding men, women and Children, in 1858, woe 10,689; - Daring the past year fifteen mienion aries of thn American Board of jHieeiotn, have boon removed by death; eight males and seven females. Seventeen new labor era have been eent into the work; and. .twelve, after visits more or less protracted to the United States, have retunjad to their fields of labor. - • _i The JTta Turk Okterver says, in too .Republic of Uruguay ia a colony of Wal deßgee from Italy, now numbering 854 per- M nli, and oonstanUy inortaslng.. They own 1,600 hood of cattle and 180 horeee. i_ltle,good newa,to hear that the work of euppreesing conventual estab ' lijhmentoie going on in Italy,i The plan ' prOpoeed and thus far’aeted enjie to make , eallable provieion torllfe for the preipnt inmates, and to eonvert/the entente into lobools, barracks, asylums, and each ineti . tntiona as will bo tor ths public benefit. The Methodiit EpUcopel Church at . Millertburgh, Paif Wdoptod .thej novel plan of having their pastor read Bishop Slmp m’i great missionary sermon, “Xh* Church of God, a (Brand Army/’ on tbo.eo- Milos of railing tfaeir assail eosgrege- Uosil nditiosirx oolliotion.; After the , itnaoa 111 road, thl 'tol)»tl IW* *tos pMMd rousd.' Thomsit wals oostribu 'tlon of; oso fir* dollsie and giity-oeren oenta. Well dosol ; ' —lbo Rot. T. 8. L. Vogai, to s litter to tbf J&vluk Ckurchmtn, eallo sttlstios to : tki Bishop of Nsliob hiTtngueed water is* ( tiad «f wise to Miitnattog the holy oom* He arguei theeubetltnUoQ of one il'weeat for another, to th* holy eaera- Bente,,wi shall b« ipiatog f *“* - viUbodifloolt to doli From B«rn»ide’» Anny-Kebel Din- iCOSL. 'LOCAL INTELIJQmCK^^oI^ SopS" | ; I 's' ' r , .i. „4 o»m. • . ui*w» , jEiua _ 8 1863. J or TOADS-yjmJSotbimtumßtcmsii*. 'Bum Ywtertoy 1 . Eradag.euetto. ji. .to »*-*• oob bvbkibg edixios.i „ !ttU throughout«» P . I- w«.* »»■** »i.| ftHfeSSS?" ! The Naylor-Child. cc. I Ch.mbor. on — I lh. Fifth Irnra.™.. £*;“•»*. ?“£ ‘ _ t* / i far the purpose of the oerMueaies < • r«T,»rAr I to-day by Gun. Burnaida nnd ■**“* 1 corn or Om id j .ffectiog on owMis»>“- • Th . Policy ol the F f, c^ 'Emperor ""nasum .hooiiam. upon thh troop., judges Stowe and Brown. « - s*lrn &«netJ wee called to order oy too find lh« linitcu btates. j papers of this morning, contain i Friday Forenoon, Jen. a:h.—At nine o’clock | Clerk, E. B. Morrow, Btq Nil Tom, Jan. 9. A special Oil patch, Mo blle dispmtoh of yesterday, ’»J in k lh *‘ xssass&sxassi wm continued. 1 follows: „ ; MinUur, in on intarTiew gran , f evening, roports the capture of Trenton, . WM. OIMI UOU.W. ' Pint Ward.— gudrew Minor, James Rsoe. Mr Cornell j„«u, declared that kho policy Unioß oity, unit Bumbold, with over J,00» Steond Ward.— Wm. Phillips, J. Rood. tb-j i£mpcr>-.; jf £reiice,;iu proposing meai- prisoners, two «annen,>nd a large auiouct of Third ■ Wari.-Jemes Eerdmiu, Jo!,n u WBa wholly friendly to tho United Commissary, stores.. Qainn. - Mft ; j tlk , ua , Q< i ia»&tr«diby a. dusiro io use* The atthok on Jmliob, Tenn., WM a leint Fourth Ward. —Wm. R. Brown. Jamoi Mo |-t ■ £ «,üb:lehod anOK a basil i f mutual to ooror tho rebel opnMtlow. Anley. „ v , „ v A „w ! 1.. S !“t SiftlKß ™ ih«*U i«- Th. railroad fromJack.on to Colombo. ha. Ft/tk Ward. —Riohard Thompson, u-reatc-J in tbo prosperity end progress of the horn destroyed- ; dor MoCiintock. „ , American nation, and '.bat for tto raka of that Looker's Tallakoma sth wort unable to dt»- Sirah Ward.-E. B. Berger,D. Rood *ukn and tbo interest. Of humanity, bo had lodge tho ononty fromU. .nkronohmonU, and Smntk Ward.—W.C. McCarthy, !• • .e » friendly call upon tho Enrupoan pow- hearing of rolnformmonta boon «ont to Mm 11 Minor. _ „„ .rt to ioin h 111 in pronoaibir to both parties to withdrew Horn hll, front nljht bofom toot. Ward.—John Allan, Sacil Morrow. tbihoa-dic the sword and a. boo not followed. M, oavalry »ro clooo JPialA Ward—Win. Wlllo, J-B. Tonng. H S uborat. ■ tbit Franoo bad no desire wbo 0 n bio front. (Signed,! BnalTtin B»aoo. Jamoo JSoAnloj, Esq., w»i h J ta arbiter botwasn the contending Blaus, hat The Dirialck charaotomor th. Mnrfrc.B - elected Prooidont, end af.cr .oo ' thlt lr t h. mediation of Other natiCno was ae- hoio Bghtlas a myiterione hfWr, and cannet been adminutered by Mr. Allen, briefly “ oUlJ ii ve , would moet m rooonolle Bregg’o Urol with bin leot dlopetnh. thanked the members lor the honor conferred. p • ,h, would bo giad to tender her The j&aeiiiierseysitweeedlsepponitment, ThoPrMldent than administered the eeth won a , a bat not a dl.aster, and find, consolation in of oßoe to tho now members, >fl *' *^ h Ol j, That in this spirit only, was it proposed by t h, fact that the Union army was. hemhly E.B. Morrow, fod .wst' Franco, that England and Russia should join orippl . d . . by acclamation. Jamas Wright was also re hoI lag geiud mediation, and which elected Messenger. . . th , „ii ou nld only t»So plaoo with me oon«ent and The rales for tho gnrernmsnt of tho o CI 0 /j„ lre of tire American people and CoaneiU w«r* »dopted. ik*t Napoleon thought the war, Mr. Qainn offawd the fo l * ~ . t th , o aosM that l*d to it, ooul* not bo Solved, That the Couao'l. meet in joint cll hont ooucealion, and ho tra. also of session at 7H o’olook en Tuesday .« 1s | 0 inion lhl t a oonoitlalory spirit, under a next,to Moot oity offloers. Adopted,ando. ot hostilltios, wcnld lead to pcaoe. oononrrod. nentrollar onolrs- Mans. Meroior hnally. showed to Mr. Jow- Communioatton from tho Controller, onoi_o M|J h { m p, tm u«ioa to make us. of Ing a communication from the City tbl f o u o wuigpast»ge, ib the recont dispatch reUtiTe to tho Soettcoi of °'*A’ , t, w hi'n from Druyn D’Le Uoye : ftceoptad, nnd coport o. - “ Kxi'iim r.-xuhly', and in »nah a manner pnbluhod* rj nrdindio* a« to 6b well und©r»tood by tbo American The President jinbmUted as c „ u U6QD d Jtm , that the OoTernment of making appropWfttioni for th ®/*" 1 d 863 { 3 f ao Emperor wcnld alwaye bo h.ppy if h* which wm read Utree time* nad pa«icd. u. otiatiibate to thepacincatloo of afriend- C. eonearredw -i- n. ft Ttdo inita- ly netlon—at all times—on any condition# A-rcsolntiaa WM»«®P^-^,;!°T.o h !“ w Z»| o ne, or, a. proposed, with tho oononr ble desk* and ehsire in the jj° onei c Q aOO Q ( a ZOMt Britain; and Rmaia, or with for the Solicitor [and Controller. C. C. oon of othM powcr t hai may be desired earredw \\ ‘ Glark by America to 00-operate—as a duty to In-Omo* d&ncd, Mr. ro ’. humanity and good policy, and with a view called the memWo “to the boot coadlUon. for tho futnre of tho rnoo^?h r .“fot-lng named gentismen a. iLo d.oior.d .hot he W. Coffln. J MRohens. wished ixcond O Neill, honor of bianco injareii by a military defeat, TAird w ' or^4M u Kj l p ?* Montgom- *ad that it had no conpeodon with or regard A. MoTighe, Feely, W. J. Montgom AlMT i** n war; indeed, that the Amer- HCm„ R. t\7 o*b^ M- 10 th " UMCE '“^ Qowan, Jamos Taylor. MaV „ * ’ gixth Waref-idlAbljah Hays, Thoi. MoVay, A. G. MoCand tfi, Wm. Rowbottem. SmMh WardlL-Bam. Barokley, C. W. Hob WorJ.ij-Robt. Coward, Wm. Hr-toh lson.J.M. KtUdn. JfUlk Ward.-I|C. H. Armstrong, David Me- ClelWnd, Wm. Bailey. There being tto objection, the rotarn* were * P ?h°e OlKk then announced that nominationi for prectdcntwoold be in o^der. Messrs. J. M. Killea, Xbos. 8»ecl and A. O. M’CandlaM were nominated. Dr. M’Candlaee deolih»«l la * few remarks. A ballot wm then taken, which resulted In a tie rote betwaea Messrs. KUlen and Steel. A second ballot resulted as follows : J.M.Killca }J ' Thos. v* 1 j Mr. KUlea was declared duly c looted, and aftar the oath had been administered to him by Mr. M’Gowan, he took the Chair. Do thanked the Council for the honor wulemd, and hoped to bo able to discharge his duties faitbfuxly and impartially. Hugh McMMUr, Esq., wm unanimously re-elected Clerk. w . Cut E. P. Pratt was chosen Messenger ny acclamation, And respon ied In a oharaotaristic The witness was crammed at tom*;. lengthIn Tigard to the localities rpikan of byline proi jeecting witness, and thennmber and location • ! of the houses. On cron examination be stated that In j Annie, W6l, there had been loan eoolneii or difference between hlmeelf and hli brother : Georgo WM. Ji’CORD'B TMriMOliT. Xke witness was et Coltart’* on Monday evening sc?Mopitaij reward. Eergt Wra Wagner, B. -i.ihw 0 £4ad*ir, B. -Joseph D Little, 3. Wo K. Beit, B. Joua O' Fleming. B« Miiil-r;, inti npfQi garg’t G P DtnnU, I • W P Baldwin,! Bober t Edge B Ecrg’t W 1* BocUiin, G tjarg’t Jobs Biccartu, 0 P Toccttb, B W Conrad* 5 A JEucbMaO, - Wm Bcierly Clane, £ Richard Pancout, B Wm Terr, E Eorg’i F T l aakcr, I £ £ Lynch, 1 AlTan Horn* A Wm Jattleon, S. Coerlw Z S<*hide, L Bet>J«nl&3n:lr«a, L bainuel T» Curtlt, L i Xbo following genUi roppoied to bo prUo Alezender eu<3 thojreg J 081XH C, Kccond Ward, Allegheny. At the preliminary meeting In the Beeond Ward, Allegheny, the following names have been suggested for nomination Saturday even ing, between flvo nad seven o’cloek nt the School Hense: Mayor—A. C. Alexander. , , Alderman—David M’KjltiJj Hugh M Hel- *TMrector of tho Poor—J. U. Barr, H. M f Connell—on* to elect—J. B. Smith, John Hopkins, 11. P. Schwarts. Common Council—four to elect —Georg* Hutchinson, ffm. F. Dill, E. M. Dunlap, J. K. Brown, J v Brown, Jr., B**i* J. ThomM, John Balienttne, John B. Shcrriff. School Directors—two to *l*ot—H*nry 8. Ackley, Koberi Lee, S»,H. Nesbitt, H. S. Dunlap. Assessor—John Bterritt. • Jodro of BleoUon —G sorgo B. Biddle. Inspector —W. J. Qibson, W. late, jr. Constable—Wm. Montgomery. The Nearer County Homicide. The New Brighton JVn** give* the follow ing eooonttt of. the '-affray at Hookstown, Bearer ocunty, on tho27th nlt.> resulting fa tally* to which we referred last week * It seems aome ill feeling existed between Bamuel Bpeneer and Olirer Johnson, and while standing in front of Trimble's store, Johnson called Bpenoer out to talk to him. They started ont, and before anything wae said by either, Bpenoer knocked Johnson down, (our Informant does not say with what.) Johnson was taken to MeKlbben s, and his wound dressed. He lingered tiU the Slst, when he died. A po.t mortemexamination was mad*, when it was found that his skull wae fraotnred for about throe Inches. John son. it seems, had threatened to shoot Spen cer previously, and Bpenoer hearing this,no doubt brought «n the last quarrel. Buonew has been lodged in the Bearciioounty Jail te await trial.’* ' Wills ond Letters Testamentary to be. stamped. W. J* Biehardton, Erq., Baglster of tbs oounty, having addressed s not* of inquiry to the Internet Revenue CommliElonsr, relstlrs to probates of will! sod letters testamentary thereon, has rsoefvcd tho following dootiion: Wassrsotos, Jad. 6th, 1882. fiSr—Tour lottor of tho 30th nit. iu boon resolved. In anowcr, I hero to soy that both tho “Probate of tho Will" usd "Litters Tes- I ttmentary” require stamp* to bo aßxod to I thorn. Touro, rteptotfnlly, :Qso. ti. Boorwsu., Com r. W. J. Blohardson, Brq., Boglitor, etc. Festival at West Newton. Iho Woit Newton Boldioro’ Aid Sooiety, of whloh Mn. Mary Wollor I. Prooldont, and 2lr«. Alesnader Plumer Vioo President, pt*- parod a oploudid ieotiral on Now Tear » day at Bos. W. Hughe., who gratuitously opened hit hones for tho oooeston, for,thebeneSt ol ■ our elok and wounded roldloro.; Iho fsotlval wu h brilliant affair, yielding 311»,'and giv ing general oatlofsctlon to all. Thio Bwlety hat tent hundreds of dollars wot thof elothlni and hospital stores to onr stok and wounded soldiers?and the prooeoda ot this festival will enable them to oontlnne the good worn. Cannisain. —A correspondent of the Klt tsunlsg free Prmt eUtee that Colonel T.F. ESuiSi, of tho 10M Pennsylvania, “has b«n S and deprived of hl. oommand for three months, with his forego, rations, ete., mhen oft””lhs tntue Is not stated. sirt»a«" . . 1 . ; . |A B Kenlalgh, A. Igerst A S brake, K. |W Brooks, E_ .fiergt S T Herring, L. «d Hitting. Capt J B Hewitt. A A Craig®. Ooro Fr*a Spang, C. W B Cotton. 0. H W Arnold, C. Frank A Adarai, D. Heretic 0 Sayier, D lCorp Harry BaectuU, *• Jos H Cromwcllj K. S Patterson, Jr, G. A K&maey, G. Oorp Brttre. O. iSergt. A T Clark, G. Jw b M*or®, H (John benkerton, H. I Georg* ffiabrr. i * > Xt a Cl«rk>ad Messenger were then in by the iPriMideat. Th* member* then proceeded to onooee The fale%jgOT»rniog the last Council were Sen eajonraed to meet on Tu*idey evening. ' • • Ooonwnfefc Wiu»**‘e Poltqeama, wh’oh open* at M&dnie Hell next Monday erentng, SSThituSbiMd by tie New. fork press, whlle on ejSSibitionja that eitj? Th* tubj-st of the wimfr ouo •mlneat^rteloalAtcd -to draw the attention of tne public, a, tiara iSjfnroelJ a family >® oar 0,1 -T ara cot redSSonted In thi> great itraggla b T tom“m!asfo, £ri..d. W. l«re ti.t .vary object of llflarait la rapres.ntad. !'»“* “• ®‘ ;a-k on £ oiler down to lLa tart grand Ttctory at An tie tam. Wa treat a crowded boora wiU groat iti opining in »nr oity. wdf« t* P,Uo*trt, iX C»mp, L U Weller, L ITraiiX E/hloa targ't J B Gsrber, Jr, H sixa't 0 PiehU.L W & WiUUsMOB, £ Oorp it W Bromlee, T Boiit B Taylor, F D S Bigler, O . Joalah WarJ. B Samuel Trimble, H CM WtHon.L Wtibur Welle, L John O Miudtall, L . jotiaioß Cubbeil, L Alva Boblajea, 1> John G tckji L Henry Jacobi, X. IsceeniixT Finn t» tb» Fivt»-Wian.— About thiei o’olock tnU morning! tho .table of Mr. Frahoi. Ardrw, ooai dealer, located on Spring alley, U th. Fifth Wui, ... m.lW onoly Arad nad de.troy.u. Tho firomoi, -°- rother with throo die .more, r.w »n tho pound end prevented tho fl»mos from sprend- Lemon Are missing, but oners: 'Sergeant Major fi mental surgeon. it, Clerk to Adjutant, Thb xetnini of tho killod end wonndod In tho battle of Murfrooihuro ere yot very mea .rc. Of tho TSth Pann.yivania wo have only tho following : KlUod, J amo. Myoro, Co. H. Wonndod, Copt. W. 6. J«k, Co. A, Lieut- W. A. Ue.o, Co. G, Llent. J. H. Anchor.. Aoout 40 klUod end 100 wonndod. ' ■ Rnvxxcx Coxuasioeen.— Hon. John Fan ■old, of Woitmorolend oonnty, hoi Wen up polntod Rovonao CommuuionM, by tho sndgoo of tho Indian. Judicial Patriot. Tho Board of Committionvr. will moot in BarrlJ burg In P.bmary. Pittook, oppo.lto tha Poat-oflce. he. ro clrH HarperW'Mp, Sea, Tori Iterated "„,,and With all th. loWH literary and Ulnitrated paper., homo and -0.- «!gh. ’ j, p. Hcirr, Masonic Hall, Fifth street, ha* xeoeited Harptr‘» Wnklg for this week. Cal! and get a copy- MMSCELLAJrEQ vs. . 1802 C .A. IR 2? E T S. W. D. & H. M'CALLTJM, 87 rOUBTH 6TBBCT. ▲ large portion of onr itock having b®on booght pTo»loa» to a mtlm of advance, and rrplrcuh- Jd, (just precedlor tb* Urgeat advance of the «n*on) with tit* noaaat nly r b® blguer. delOily _ t AKHKiZirCO., t GAB AJJD HTCiH FITTJ6E3. H9Olll fitted tl'h GAB| HOT AHP If ir OOUD WATER PIPM, lAd It U modern tmprL+emfnti la BATHS. I* • II 11 TAfiES AHD AGITATORS Lr OIL liUi BEPIB EBUM Mntd in tl>« mo«t dorabl* taano«r l and ©a lessoaatle Mna*> PLUKBIBS, 129 Tooiti abots AifirnruLD, Qtve their penoual attentlcn to all work In tStdr Ilia, Bcpktrtog lona participated in the proceeding!, wluoh were witnessed by a vast Gover nor Stanford pwrided, and at 11 m. he stuok in the drat ipade for the railroad embankment in front ef the city. Appropriate speachos wero delivered by Gov. Stanford, Judge Crane, President pro uro. of the Senate, and various other mem bers of the Legislature.' All allusions to the mat work as a bond of union, as well as a national highway of trade, were received with enthusiastic cheers. . _ , . Charles Crocker, of t*e firm cf Crocker & Co., contractor for the first eighteen nulea of the road, announced that elltho ai rangementa had been completed, and the worn oa tho route and the building of the bridge over the Amorioxn rivor would jiro«ed without dalay- Boorumonto wears a holiday wpoct in honor of tho inoaguritlou of on oatorpris. whloh willjtud Collfornio to th. Union in close n , morabraoM. Latent from Europe. H.ufix, Jon. ».-Tho .toonuhlp Afnm, Oopt. Lott, orriyed otholf-poit 8 o elooit thii o. m.. wifh dates to th. 27th nit. Bhodld not .top it Oopo Eooo. Bho bring. « po»«ong*r. f °Thp J AWoo brings tho Indio, Chino ond Australlo moiil. H Th. Chino orrivod ont on tho J7th, w».B tno nows of tho doroot »t Frddoriokshnrg. Tho now. was tho nnirorsol toploon -»tur doy, and tho ffionds of the North wore groov- drawn ot Liverpool wos nnfavorahlo to on early pm**' , Bniinost was tnspondod by tho holidays, but there was o tali of groot transaction, in .otton at o further advooso. ; IhoßtMt Exchange rssomsd ° a , Saturday. Consols, for monoy, Erlo .hare. 42@13; liliooi. Control 420*1 discount. „ . T p.irrS’wrh.d'nf" &£& \7mZ%X* .■»« fo ' L, ;: r r ; pool, was abandoned ot too.. Tho crosr wsro saved. hut firmer.. Kejunokjr .Legislature—Got. Robib son’s Message. Ifttaio has met. Qevernor RtMatttii mu 3Bgp recommend* th*t „,+}•*. u Uat iMe'oVe rir«olam»tiOT» r and jiroto«t> afloat i*‘s mu, o” io b ol".“u Wo a / sl.ru.lng «P«V uowsr, of the OoTorumoa'. u) tho undor tho piosr of mU H" rjn * a*. ■'J • tUm tho Logirlstnto to pl»» on recor . a pro tut mgainsl th. proclamation. - .» Affairs at Fortress Monroe. Bn-isoat, Jan. 0.-Hrooi tho fWrtfsreSaESS at New York, c.mo aaf^a-asaasye ££u. mJm! OiW4« £■., texdsy under ifelod order** Affaire at mobile. Wabbuotox, Jan. fc—Private letters from the blockading fleet off Mobile, dated Dee. 22d, say that many deserters to the United States camps front; tho rebel forts and neigh* boring States, statethat Gen. Hardship com mands in Mobile. , ' They have beef once a week; oysters only | at times, and no sugsr, tea or ooffeo. i The pirate Oveta Is still in the harbor. Nothing has been entering or leaving the harbor sinoo Captain Preble's departure, save 1 one sloop with cotton, which, on getting out, I waJ captured by onr cmisers, and a oottoa -1 laden schooner, which, getting pat. under cover of the storm, found her heart faiUng her, 1 e«d, in cadeivorlng to run book Again, lost her footing and went on to the breakers, Uo I nearly nnder the guns of Fort Morgan to 1 enable our squadron to indulge in apy tequea | tration; but by way of making everything I sure, shs set heit*lf_ and was utterly I ccnsumed. / : " 1 r • .. w ... I Everything u deed and dismal In Mobile , I the place having booome hardly worth taking. Rebel News from Vickebnrg. VioEsauso, Jan. 2.—Skirmishing continued ail day yesterday, bttt no general engagement la expected until th* arrival of MoClernand and Sherman with the balance of the Yankee army. We are confident of onr ability to held Vicksburg against any forca the Federal! may bring against it. 1 .' a , . i TLii morning oorforcei advanced against the enemy, who Were ereotlng works on the lake oausisg them to evacuate their position, leaving fifty stand ■of arm:, nine prisoners I and all their Implements for cutting lortiflsa -1 lions. 1 Our force* now oCoupy the whole country I bordering on the lake, the enemy having re- , I turned with their transports, and gone down I the Ystoo. . _ I The enemy have left Chlokaiaw Bayou, and are koported going on their transports to Snyder'aßiuff, on the Yaaoe river, where it 1 is supposed they will make an attempt to | storm our works. Our foroos are well advised of their inbvjttenta. atnrliee.bbio Doseried.-Onr Aim, Advanced--Captaies lions Clarks* villa* etc* - NasaTßj.n, Jan. B.— Murfrasiboro Is ou tlreiy deserted; , Our army has advanced ten miles beyond Itoioorans* hoadquarters. The rebel army Is reported at Tatiakoma. 1 la# gunboat W. H. Slidell, T. W. Van Dorn oommanuing, arrived with I«4‘truss port* from CiarksvlUe; 3,900 barrel* of flour, 10,000 barrels of bacon, BUO *aoks of oats, an* 2,000 bushels of shelled corn Were captured, with too Confederate captains, with horns and mules. The river measures three and a-half feet on the shoals. Tho Array of UP Potomkc- —Rebel Wiseisoioi, Jan. 9.—lnformation from •ho Army of iha Potomac anyai: PIoSoU ax-1 tand from Falmouth to King flaorgal Oooit I Bonia, a dialanoa ot twaatj-two mUoa from **Contraband« agraa la'atatlng that rabel in ounlona ara nightly mada balow tha Court 1 House for a long distance, and nagtoat oar risd away and sent South. Tha greater por tion of tha slavaa, however, on tha long neck cf land botwoan the Rappshahnock and Po- Uimao, hare already made thalr aioapa to anr linos, bringing with them their master. teams and other property thoy oouli atail them stlrti of on the night of thoif exoaa*. , jidriuce of Gen* Corcoran* Bit-Tiwona, Jan. S.-A oorraapendaht of tha American,it Suffolk, writai that General C*rcor-a yeeierdey »dTmoed,on tbexebolion Bliekw&ter in fore#, end wiUglTOGen. Pryor an opportunity for fight If ho ttwirti it. 11. W. Hallbcx, General In Chief. senator Chandler Re-elected. ; I>MEOiT,.Rioh., Logiauwr. of vt»U BlaU r»*el«ot«d Senator Ohendlor for the term of ilx yeurt. • ; : messenger lrom Com* Farrognt* BAiaTiuoßffy Jan. 9.—A ipecl&l memnwr from Com. Ferragnt pMiod through thirdly on route to ffuihlagtou, thi» morning. The Baltic Signalled. Nut Tom, Jua. Tab «uaaer Boltio h&j boon rlgnallod below. & BABBQUR, u,! SUCIIOmiBU GEO. M. IIOISJHH-: 1 ****** BOUJMI*. OIL jpFTNEBY, QEOBQB W. BOLDSJJIP 4 00* aurora.onmxaa or BOBHUIO OILANI> L OBLIGATING OIL, Keep constantly on hand the: very best quality of BURKING Oui, doer and without odor; nLw, ■ pwd LUBBIGATOB, pure WHITSIBKNZOLE *M OAB OItSAS'B. „ « «. «**All ctdan left as Ko. 35-Fum irescr, Bank Blockt-MOonA Hour* mil b« prcmptlj »U«i4*! to. ocs:dt/ ■ .. JyJCBNT OIL WOiiiLS. PUBS WIIiTE Mruili) CAIIBOH UILB, offlw, Ho. MMOwtir rtniw I UOIKKII Oil- WORKS XJ WILLIAM K WOOLIIIDQE* ' KxvoTAorvmu o* OUili AMD OABDOU OILS, • Auddealortn LAMJSf cam an sb, is., «*., Ho 38 Mtskotatrost.bstwienfisewidMd Third, PITTSIICIiGSC,,' Vi. mhSO:dij • i _ PETRONA OIL WORKS.—LONG. | MILLER * CO. r v M .j Vortt »t fibtrpabarg Buliro, jLQagheb) Taß«| li.lly rtil ' <• j • • iifttc* and Werehotue, MAKKgt BTBJfckT Manufacturers o! ILlOtfiHlTIKSud LtJBBTi •GAItHG . : Ho. 1 REFIHRB Olli/vrurrcDiod uun-etplo niTc. always on Land.; • - [' ' ' oclfclyd . l>&i'XN£li Uili FUR KXPOUi.—‘i'h# tti are bow praparod to toll tbs beat auiiutr of Bcdned On bon ull« daUrerw! oo bo*rd of nr* at J?ittabnrgh, on dock la f bltodelphU, or at vattliouM it Bad Hook Point, kerb. Will atoo rfellrer IoU fiom too to JJ)oObarr*ta-&«o aboard •Lip. or Mil Bills Lsdiag of dtlfaront dsHilota on Liveraocl. Gtn«uow, Frnnkfurt-tm'tho-iltiit, aud oi ’m EarWna pert*. ! HBESE * GEaFF, bc27 Patroiito Oil Worto, ruiabnrgh. Fa: : . ■ ■ 1- ... w. w.,...* American HotjsE, Bowok; forth* Inripat.nd bat irranxtd. Hotel In. thaKew SnulaDHSutoiis contrail?located, and «as? of ao ou» Stem all tba rentes Of trar&U It contain* allth* bsprowmaatSa and ntcry coowntenia lot the; eoiofort ana accommodation of the traveling pubUd.; tbs slnpibg roaotkaro'Ursh'asd welt lanillatedi the snlus of rooms an wall arranged, and Qamß’ftiel? furnhhad for Umlllcsand largauavullug parties, and •the Lotus wIU conttnoa to' bo kept as a first dam hotel In eTor? wpcct.. . jUl:r> J jayis ftlOß, Ftopriator. . WAGON GREASE, in kegs and cans COMMERCL&L RE* Ourtalmwtop. l„ 6 Gold »t 30 per ceot prom. »° d aeHi “« “*% Detnaud Kote. on, arm at 23 to 03 per »« P™». bo,to S aod eelUog.. “ 32 to i-per c olpmo. toy lop Extern Exchobje 1* BOOM at per baying, .Bd Kpermmt nreta. mUlujc> , UltilS-Wt,..t la rerj quiet “ .ale bum *.«on at ,1.13 for Bed, and ,ot TPhita. Coro 1. unctuugodiJtala oflOOOhaah pr a gar at 750. Bartoj la or uackeft; l&sl4c tor Common Roll, and - prime. BeU of «•*> doaen'Egga at l&c. IncaiaioaH, it OIU), «t. pumm OiJiiOA OIL, s*. n soon stssxt, Pirnroaon. PaaiAt. DBNOihVDCHI.Ar A CO., M.sulictoron of PTITaOUKOP. V>. I iOTELS. PITTSBURGH UARKBYSi 0,r,« or } Imports by Kivei* WUAKIjIaG— i-i» A*»juia“-240 bbl* flour, 18 do beef 20 bale# rag*, 3 bxe meue, Glarka £ co; &*> bg* Joeiiua Rhodes; lUS bg* Wheat, 3 oOU do, J U Nollt, luu flour bblr, L WGmartL; 33 bbi*. appU*, Cn»V * BUpordJ IIOoU bbla, J UffteVuj; fcO do do, kraeacc otlco; 105 do do, W P Wooldridge; 61 do do, Wm iirfulji 61 elt corn, J A Setter; lo phg* ninr ketiou. Jau Herbert;." «ll dutensed, 11 l/ulseli A op- '£L bides, J B KcOuiio; 10 bbU'appw*, W m Brown; H r tool*, Obdi A C McCftllaitoi 13 ek* potatoes, 6 do dry apfin, Owen* A KeMiedyi 4*60 noop poleii, fiecrj Here; lO ale bot*, Bpenier £ Garrwd; z horses wvner; 16 fckb barley, J Gardner; 188 bags barley, J Bbolea. ZANESVILLE— pan Lxz*ifi 3l*mix—3 *k* rag*, W P Heck A co; 8 bbl* apples, 1 ao butter, James a Fetcar; 8 bbl* eg**, Ju O McVay; 100 bbia flour, W IHlwortb, Jr, 1 bbl oil, I>»vid Gilmore; 1600 bbl* flour, '£i *k* 11 bbl* dry frei;, til hhd* to bacco, lo do meat, 6 bbla pork, Clark* A co. Imports by Railroad. Pu-raaouuc. Ft; W&tn* A Cmoaoo B*n.muP,' Jan B—4> car* pig metal, Ja* Wood A eon; Ibx baiter Vim Byron; 3 bbl* apples, Cooper A co; 688 bg* bar ley, l car do, Joshua Bhode*; lid bgs wheat. It Wil m*rth; 312 bg* barley, IH’fc Galway; 28 oil bbla, W A acClorg. PiirsßUaon A 0 Baiaaoab, Jan 8— 580 br* cora.D Wallace; 63 bgi.oata, Jos Dordagton; 6*4 bg* barley, 21 »k« oar*, 1; Fiaoo.l; dl sk* barley Joahua Bbodes; 20 LbU floor, ti S Fowler; 73 dwdo, J A Tstser; .110 do do* B Bobison A a, d bbl* lard 1 bbl onion*, ldmeed bog, Atwell, Lee A co. ST&jUnBOATS. F)R ClifcUWATi & LUP-7j£gtLA ISVILLB.—-The fine new etaamertfSSßw MlilA Be. 2, Capt. J.H. JEarratta, will U»*«* l«r the abjve ani mtatmedlat# port* enSA'£eßDA>, 10th Instant, at 4 o’clock p. m. For freigat or pas ture a only ea board Or to J. B. LIVINGSTON A 00., Agt’« Ij'OK IAMJ.toVLLL.Hi, UAiiciO i J} AkD t‘T. LOUIB.—The ihut inlJafifflfft einant pmaangsr staamer ABkIMIA, a/o* will laaTx tor the abero ana all interme diate comta, ou SkTlißßAt, the lbth ln»t.»-*t IB o'clock.*, m. For frelglitorpasaaf* apply on b&artt or J. a LmKG&TOB *PQ-, Agent*. - AJUSaViUdtt t The etoomer LIZZIE HABXIK,mbBSbS Cki»t. P.' T* Brown, will Ujare l: KA*HiaYILLB ewrj SATUBBAV at lo clock p. m, .Batoning, will Uate ZABMWIIiIi etsty TCEBl>AI,at 8 o'ciocka. m.-. For freight or paa* aajre obclt on board or to! * ' note • JM». LIYIbGfITOB A Agent*. L>j£UUi*AK XV &AKB3TILLK rACKAX.—ThedBUKS utw and fcaaatlfol paaaouger .ateatuer £2lmA ÜBA* nty. Cattr Monroe Ayes*. Ibarea rittaburgh for ziawVille aVBBT TUESDAY, at 4 o’clock p. fictumiag, learo* Senerrilb BvKBY FBIBATj, at ® B*< For freight or passage apply on board or to J. B. LIYUUtfXOH A OC.* Agwil*, Blrtstogh, U. 8. PIBBCB A~CO.« Aksate, AaneedUe. nOT -t OOP —MSW IoOD. mint.—Wßieusa utJBBSdM 1-irrsaußOß' daili trpansii. new-aa4 tptendld ■ldewhwl puctot ABBaJJA, Otot. '(Md W. Jofcmcn, l«ve« PitUbarjpi, fur w£mUd< R«ry MOHDAt. WW>NS*DAf>d FiitDAt.at U Wb#olingTrttb flnviida-whMl UMfuts fcrAirirtU, fiilMtbdi( Add OiKlfin'.!. Fur freight or p«»«o »*iply on board cr to 4AA.OOLHJSS A 00., A£ttto, m Vftlet «tr®c*. TJttOJM. JKNRY O. HALE & CO., (Smomnii t* iuua 0. Wttt>) Ikjel'cliant Tailors, hr* now reotMmg th«tr FAIL AND WIHTER BXOOK, Which to extent,choloe, teete ea& pTkM vfflcffi* paxv fctorebly with aoTthinf ia the tnda,'coapl* fpg all the newest aai beet makes ol Fretch OAfiSlrrTiniEa, V2STISQS, and GVMBOQATINe*. , ilw, tfca largwt and biat fleeted ffloct'of Good* for tinilnm ratti «rar broofhtto thta market, Uktvisa » v«>7 cholo» Mtaetloo of. QJCHX b JfUBHISHISQ GOODS ahraifton hand. . ... Anv ordeca tatruted to oar car* wtU mast with prompt attention add punctuality in all caaaa. .. OOlt. OS FEHS k SI. OLAIB BTBIXT4. S~OLDUiKS BOUSTIES, TENSIONS, BACK PiT,Md«U otter /OUT VLAiUb A HAIXSTTBE OOVEMSMStfT, promptly r»tai. Apply to . - ■ 11-11. uIZEBi -Ualoorthltmt, EUulmriib. and OBABLSB c..tcc£*b, WoihtontOß. D. e. Military claims, bounties. tJTKMQIgfI. BACK PAT. *nd MILITARY OLAIM3 Of eTtrjr dMcription, collected by too ttb> tcrlber, *t the.fbUwwtoi rate#, tU : tet«ijM,slo.oo; lUo.h»rcUl»*|3M, . Ko. 73 Qrant etmt,Wtrtmrgfc, ?*• I* N. B. thedaim doe* not i encored. a&d *U tofonnattoa fctr«a gntU. aefgy- OBNHAONS, BOUNTY ABACK Hj A * E.O. MACKBELL, I .ißonwy of E«w oml 01i»a*. dyeW, \ Kb. 114 riTTB eTujffiT, Pnrouaai, Pa., ' Protect! tee ioldWe* Qeitoe of tTery description. PB£filONBftr disabled rfflnfnr inlfltwrff. ingrnrn end 3i*rln«». BOVKTIK9 and FEK3ION3 ferjha wli otn, parent*, orphan-ctUilien, brother* *nfleUtert» or ether leyel reprreentatlYe of thoee who w*a or bead. UUcd to the «errk«; or hate died *&•*-.£“* chmga, from Slew* contreeied to eenlcw ! * •'v . MTHo charge obtU ° <*“" f 5- s***; oj obiecwa «r»» rarictj troa to nao«. N Cf 6 At^*3«» '»• •«**«• fnrao—. vltboOt ooconu bondclc*. Tte—lo o bcjjot cool oaiollilDg tbo obow tract that cabbo rocioUrcoSA Tbo icUoiotti prlo- thol Utm ora baa t*eu ctrtiadand «old- fi», fornlibad RT BcriMaooM«ij*n& witb tbo bo«ta«aa,aod Bif » tatted opou: 1J),0C» }.' tout of mUt® «» e»uld hM* | baaa contncted lar, : d»Uv«r*d at-tbajrirs*«*i bcrnad read! fee oaa, GQper ceufcaxai at ton ; Lata Bapaiior l»n U •tenaand tiajtoioaa ;&pon Upland tn-iba vtouuty* Tbnpraaaat t*ka fer ad : natarialt'coat sfeca now ; alao ibe mataii Any pocaoa wtehlcc tociataanln* TMUncat wlllbteaac •h»U upon. V»4i. U. at Sunbeam*. who vr\H £9' rtady, to »bow taa ptam* teotaadaxplaia Itaffevmugar; or apontba oader- at CiUB foorte Ptiubai*b. -l -N t : f .O. bHAHHOM. iXJUftT *By Tir ioo4fa«ord«ol ihoOrfrbana’ [Owaxt ®'AUf- Klteax oouatt,.!# Juw T*rm, 18U, in th# mati»r (if Ibt iMiillOSi Oi tl*6 **?); OCt4tO Of Ml*» Catharine’ Alio*,' dcC'd. 1 wlii c-ffst PalUo at Sit*) C liTSoDdi, in tfieOnj <* *lMknx& l oa BATUItDAI* ib® llHh day of January* IM** 10 o’clock *.nil tbU emfcin prto* °*J[ ro *** £ iLiOiar#tow6*Wft a ttuaaoa tUK&n tiATtf 1 *nj M-orottt.itfvo.-9p, «ite tu diYiMon liu&.oi aui-ioi* Xc*. • *ud\ >4 S*r ii2T. tu«ic# JgTniiho.Oliio rt«»r Ujith.M digwrt «•* 917 lMt 9 Inch* tc out*lot ac. *»******£ jtb*»ama cortLTS dagmaU iiiinu*** twl lO) I not jot llntokod.itooilnp on tbo Ohio ilya*» < A PuNDftr Hallway from tha city wti throngb property will o* aold* *Mwr Ul |^ r * or in raxw>«M dindad by »b« lß» •» U* o ® s * °* «- N °- “ *SfijsC?ailßK^ AdiVrot Catbarina Algoo* MINERAL LAJ»I)cJ V IfOKiBALS.— Ibo JOHHfcTOWtf -HJSSACT paotmn. Uuns **m« «»«*?«* contnhilnAJroa vre, Jliafr-*»o«Md coal,ftadU?o»«iqa»rtN rcaljf , for . nnndr*l*Od flfly-Mtcn tIS7J ncrwof Ite woroi* uoU>nth*«ore l , wdlch wiU yield ** U-Mt l«n lli&Q»- auiS (WXAi) ion* to : the *cre. . • Also, tbk tooifo tjaoU ofUiid known si th* COU ESAUGII FCWU-UE. PBUPEWY. oOflUinuj* a tout fjnt tt»o3nnd;(4,oW)» nc*f* ot }*&**s J££l Tbo »fcsTtf proporry iUa ITS^JKS cmUbU naa t**" l ** fl J* “2" tba f*nnijlT*ni* Central linllrcnd •» i-Tcpeit/, if lo- eoon *old»*• offlir edlorletftoo& Jnrorft&bunus. • For farther p*rti«Hw «»XB ®OK mi, it the tinderxlfiticd offer* forNWim> tonebla t»nn9. •ome of tne chdic**t»t« forbaUd* ISviiliiliM* Uu*t N» to 1m fowl T*ev ixo ittnkinfiritliin OM.Uundred « thj StSS of««W™ A» M u»norwJW«4 oro/buSttra’.;ioo«t!oiu for Tho j rterythiwt r*oc*r< th*m extremely a*- '22Sfor MfrSSSStfcSto W—«"4* div Hmlie.end etthe seme time »9 **• thir oonimonicertaa c*n be biii with tlm dtyiit ml ' f W 5 io MlMmU*. gg*°*g; The ebote property will »e ewdo:* ogffWimodeting terns. ‘liHjntre 6/ ; J^sh , i • corner Sixth eud Wood street^ Or, WM. A. OIBUOM, t. i Olerh’s OOioe, Ooort ttonie. |jV_»K BALK li'O TUB TiCJLUK— J? So* drop N. 0. Sagui facto ttiee p do; \ Cut*. do; j '' Qmift&d Block Taos; , Toboooot; 1 \ >' i ffxtr« &mflj Flow*; I Booon; Asd agfaoeitil slock of Crooarieo, lit ftor* oad •*- r,,1„, J*. ior 01 . ALfl t abbcoKUß Wboloiila f »***« - i rtiBAF FABM. FOE SALE—Situated V to Derry Uwfflblp, WeeUtoreland dllMl from Derry BtetLaar «*taitta *5 acno-TJ •creavcMxM aaa fenced, with IS ucadbw, an orchard of tbobeft tainted fralt; cot , fotable honee.bara and spring bow; to • i®fd wChurchee, School#, Ac. ThSHbra b offered at it great bars*!®* A poly edos, at tha-oOccof ‘ ‘ • . ,- T —. dffi B. MoLAIK rm 00.. 10« Youth etmt. TnOR BALE OR SRJJT—Afino two- Jc lury : trick IkVKBB BTABD, with » S» BnUrala. iihin 1* • «m- T» Tcnl “f" 14 * waU ! wofthy of afuaUoa« Alao, at, tba mzb« place* •or'eral i»aattf°® bra to twenty
» pnmhM; gAB;UAUL, 1M Uhorij itioot- I t‘ ' —' liXttb aAiilfi—U&O £QUei, 6.ftot IOOg J» sad tsohn'dUmator - r gas Acs, 8 tscb. i ßoto* a£4slof smaU >atfae.6Jaotss. gowsff. »* Mo. 183 LIBERTY gTftEKT. . *«<»” TO 2JE T. pOR' HKNT—A largo ttisll JP tt-om in »b» 9ußii Bnup* .'Apatf at tUs Ooantlat Eo«n of THU OfflOli . : • •' 1 ' 1 ' ~ ■' '' ; ftOU UAIJC OR RENT—An OU Be " *=**• kwV dif - »t Tsw. Mo. 1M Fomth ** /\FRICESTO LET.—Od* e*oh oofint V/iuinebnd door of; Wn^ottMßo^® 81 tfttK fcldri. .1 IBi-TAiT THOKXT * 00. TO iiiJiX— no, 242 Aab- St) «ty tawt th* Ist of Ay,U Mxt. AJUHJOKLM, «fld.m Liberty «twrt. M&BICjU.. jfmKfli NO MO&E CMPIiKAfIAMT SSEBafessssssjarK i *lji ncWoM«*i to *c cfflcUd husuatty ■■ * wS&eartf ft* lb* foUo#ib* Umw •nijmagxtM* I frmi-dt»»4*ai tod ftbuw of tWUrt&W? [ grgcia; Goner*! Dubllitj, » PPbrticid jjiLir—riwiivlmbecUity, Pgtonaln»Hfia of ! ution o? tb« Rmrtf and 1m lad tU thxoßWltiiti -- *r*n«TOtt»«ujd ttoortMß. : \To la»ur» too g*nnln»t cos this dpi. Acs I* T*kc do dtfcai. OantKßtnntoed. : ■o9fc46*Y' jV/rAf-HOOU; UUW UJ3II HOW :Jty JtKSIOE.iiD I—JM ptMkkcd, ist « gaaTwt Jh ;: a Lector* an Utt Bfttnrs, TmOaasct and Btdfeal • CciJci; AMnnaterriiaa; or tomlfeftl ianUii £•«>** D®t>fli*.j,«d Inp*rita«>tft wSriTW litii ilwUl ut rtjfioalTlSSpftdKy, Ktuiiiof ttahi SwAbtoor Ox. ' By HOJJT; j. 00b* r yiCTEUtf Adthtirof th* A*i “ASWurxoraoij&Himorfiuvnßißa,” Beat ti&dez teal, te ft flftla*a*rtof,to any aaflrii poat-MOd; oa t*o*Tpt of