The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 08, 1863, Image 2

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. I Gortmoi'i Mtiiiip. ,
'W.ltl gire ipVnbge parvof.oar papt* \' To M S „ aU nni Bou . of Rcpr °>
Utii noriliDg (• lhii|impoiteat-4wttineoUf Tfti]Cbnsi<Mtteabi of Ptnntytranio :
It U a terse, rigorous and business-like ex- ; G*4tl*xsk—Xotvithsteading the pressure
hibiUof the tie C*mo».e*Ub.
finadci&l, civil an A military. The recom- Divine Providence not only to enable
meoiatioM made/by.the Governor ate fow; ihe of P«nn*jlv*LU to perform !n full
... „L *. —Mr.fc we Shall *U their dotiea to oar ooffltnon government,
and there 18 only one lo which we tnau |0 tbjß CommonwaaUh domestic
particularly adv< rt, which la, that the Co- plentj aa«J proepenty.
etUution shall be ao amended that cituena The haUnoa in Tr««nry,
wbo eh&ll go boy md the limits of the State, E^S^t^n’riDg 1 'Asad jar
and rislc their iree end eater* *ll the; «£* «“•
hardships of war ahall not thereby be dis- Orduurr Somr« $4,047,82* 43
franchised. Thu haa our cordial approba- _ 357,*60 oo
tie*. We beepeik for the jneeeage a oaro- f " t ‘ b "
fal redding. l ■ gyp'-
Cameron and Fremont.
is Something so historically truth
fal in the following paragraph -from the
Lewlsburg Ohretnicle t as to deserve & wide,
circulation. Themen to whom it refers j
have oeriainly survived the vilest slanders
and the hlttercst assaults, that were ever
oonoocted or waged to destroy any faithful
public servant; : They have
splr&cy as bitter ( as that which la how
straggling to launihil&te the Union) and
may be regarded as types of the loyal ele
ment which is alone equal to the suppres
sion of the slaveholders'rebellion: | :
•*hio men have been more abused hy the
enemies of the Administration, eontlj sod
north, than the two namjed above. *Wo
think the greatest mistako the President
has made, was in losing the services of
those men,* in deference to an erroneous, if
not traitorous publio opinion. Fremont's
-protection of St. Louis,' made it a splendid
-base'of|. operations. His eatay starting of
Urn gunboats proved the saltation of many
of onr armies, and the loss to the rebels of
• maay cities. His mode of dealing with the
‘ staves of the outlawed, is what the govern
ment has had to oome to, at last. And had
he been properly sustained by Shields and
MqDoweU in the valley of the Shenandoah,
he would have captured the army of
Stonewall Jaokson, and. thus pfertiaps pre
vented ail oursubsequent disasters' in Cen
tral Virginia. And so with Cameron ; he
qarly; advocated, whiler.the north was
warmer and more united, calling out; a
m ilU on of men, to conquer and possess jus
they Went. He jad vised the cavalry now
needed, and also to use the power of . the
slaves in favor of the Union, and not
against it All; see, now, that those views
were correol: both those gentlemen reali
ied and foretold the extent and power of
the rebellion, and wisely foreoast adeqipt*
means to check it. One year's sad reverses
'finds them again more in the confidence of
the people and of the administration than
they were some monthaalncs.i .
The Efficacy ot the Proclamation ol
' jji 2 ((man preached by Che Rex. W.
H. Chashiho, in the Senate Chamber,
Washington city, on Sunday last; this sub
ject referred to and illustrated:
The efficacy! of this proclamation will bo;
shown in the broadest enunciation which;
we ean'gixe to this word—freedom. ;The;
winds will waft it, the mere elasticity of
, the springing bnd will.scatter it broadcast,
over'the Republic. Coming' to all 1 our
homes are,freemen, and freemen will be its
glad messengers. More than this, we can
demand, and: we can see that the demand
is enforoed, that all who head our erode*
exery whore, and all [who go forth as the
embodiment of the law and of the Goxem
! ■ mant oT this i nation, shall he the declarer*
. tf- freedom.! Traitorous newspapera at
home, treacherous allies of the South
among us, who say there will be no effeo
tixeness in this word, although your efforts
may deaden our en'thnsiasm and strike at
the williand energy of the Exeeutixe, ft
cannot be that a word of such power as
this will fail in its effioaoy wherexer it Is
knowi. Oily a few days sinoe a gentle
man connected with one of the depart'
meets of this Gaxernment, related in niy
bearing his!experience of a xisit from!a
colored man who haa already a largo, regi
ment now! gathered in the woods end
swamps ot liorth Carolina and Virginia,
, armed and ready to spring upward wheh
exer that summons comes, and who- hod
xiritad this capital to learn whether the
head of the nation would he true to his
premise,- that he might speed bank on the
minus of enthusiasm to carry tho glad tid
'inga that the day has come. It is only dm*
instanoe of scores and hundreds that [we |
shall He uprising in the South, of those
who know;thelr right to freedom dnd tgeir
• duty aa freemen, who’are willing; to work
, lor the liberty and delixerance of the Re
public. ’! is,
■_; 1 y • GoTeramentfimmßCca. i
XJeOerj from Washington to ib* Nj Y. j;
1 v • i /I
AimUm»tlb w«a to
'mndeun tho columns of [©oxUin; journals, I
and. in other quarters, to create the Impres
sion that the Ooremment Intends to aban- I
don the polioy.of collecting! ite duties nnd |
« paying its interest in-gold, we wist ttf ad-1
* vise the'public that there is notthe beast 1
foundation for such belief. the Secretary
, of the tifeasury in confidently calculating I
that's speedy absorption of the old Pemand 1
noUs mthe payment of duties w ill soon |
; place tbs 1 , government in reoeipt of suffloi-1
mt -through the same channel, to pay j
all speeii: debts heretofore contraoUd^
A prominent member of the Coittntiltee j
, of WaVk *»a Meant, and repreeendng the
- risws of:» targe majority of. that Commit
tee, to-day declared, that whaterer lelae
might happen, it waa pertain tKir-both the
dudesSn imports and the Interest oh the
; Pnblio Debt would continue to be paid In
gold. One or two members are supposed
■ to faTor ihe payment in legfl.ienier jute*,
of the Interest on debts hereafter contract-!
ei buteren this propoeldon nieeta with no
faror from the Committee as a whole, or
the Department of the Treasury. i
An lmportnnt Bill.
Senator Bnmner had giren notice that
b* would introduce ihe following tj>U on
Tuesday ••
Abiii ta present correspondence with
rebels: I
BeU-tnocUd, Sut, Ihat tfany, person
being a rtaldent of , tho, or
being a oUlien thereof and residing In any
• foreign country, shall, without the.permu
sion or authority ot the Ooren»ment(of the
Dnited BtaUs, and with theinUul tojdefeat
, the measures of the said Obsemmsnt, or to
weaten in any way their efhoienoy, hold; or
oommenoo, directly or indirectly, c,r "
reapondanoe or inUroaeree, writUn OT rer
b«C#ith tho present pfeunded RehptQoT
ernment or with any offioeror «enl|_there-
Of or with any other indisidoalaeUng or
therewith; or if,arty such
• Muonronnscl or assist in any each cor
rarMhdench br’inUroourse with,intent as
SS- w». shin, be, deemed gtfilty of
highmledemeanor, anion opnTiotion before
any Courier the Called Btatea hasing jn-.
.rtadindoAthereof.shaU by a
. - : 8«e-not-eneeedlog $lO,OOO.
. i enmeht not less than sta 'monlhaf ptor erc-
Seeding Ste yearn. -. ;' .■ .
' -iiiert» of «jpeyUni:?»nlraM | ii^ 4r, *‘
' 1 'mt'to reach VlokatmTe, ee « to j4*^P? r '
-T riih..Sta- Sh«RU%,tka JfaMfUU at-
Y natliomeeyß tiatitta altofthermere likely
tv.t n<m. Sherman, after redaolng Vicka
'fiait will prooeeddown the riw and 00-"
- —eoeiaie to- Urn- redo«tiw»-«f-?oik Hudaon,
f-j-ji 1 eiSthli ????•] .1 • t 4 ,',
i, “‘'tb* New'York'Pottand the New York,
, #**««« hare Mb Mneed theijr «i*e.
K <• -:i
& , ML '
jeot o t iowmi vn :
» üblicdebt... 140,7'8 30
Belncdwl oMh, taWurj... . 31,660 48 m
'Uoltfed State* 605,740 62.5»2U,i4, Ob
Tolai latoTrewrory fur fti
cai year ending Not. SO,
. 18CI
And the payment* b»T« i
been u follow*: ,
Por’Ordlnary purp0««.....-..83,C53,U0 CC
Paid on Bua« intemt a* ui s
equivalent for coin~~~. 146,631 22
Military expenaea, Act'
Airll 12, 1861 ! 7 62
j HiUlary expense*, Act Hay < ‘
1 6,. 1861... 400,M3 68
Military expenses, Act May
16, 1861 ...
Military expen***, Act
April 16, 1862 20.& 07 04
Military peniion, Act May
lfr, 1861. i
Coftnni»lvner» of 6»nkln#»
pond ; 427,&5t 61
Dotnostio Creditor*. 32
Temporary Loan redeemed 100,000 uO
United Stale* Gorernmeuk
Direct tax.— - 350,000 00 4,690,409
Leaving balance la Treasury
>'ot. SO. 1862 —i
of 'which ameunt one huh'
drod and Dinety-fI T » thou
land Ovs hundred and nr*
enty-alx dollars and lweq
t y aeTen sent* ts the bal*
fence ef unexpended xaili-
Ltry loan, m follows:
i Balance of said fund Kov.SJ,
1801 3i#o, 1 07 41
B&elpu onto Acl U=7 16.
3861—————4- 38»r*wutw
Pfeid for military expenaeeas.
tabore— ——■ w-. 78 * l *
Pkld for Ktoofllon of torn
iporarj loon 1Q0 ' JOIJ 00 14
Receipts tram ordinary source*f;
| JorjoTondlds 80.. SO.
foi 186---
payments tor ordinary purposes, «xco;t*
I Ho., so. issi n
wditures of ISC2——s 9j,31« 16
ji From the tables exhibited it will appear
j’that the receipts from ordinary sources ot
Iweoue for the year 1862, are in exoess of the
I!receipts of the year, 1861 one million thirty
ll thousand and oao hundred and seventy-six
I dollars and eighty-two cents,[the exeessof in
| terestpaid In 1862 lover that in 1861 being
I $144,0M 37;] and that the ordinary expandi-
I tareaf-r 1862 w*re~u»nety-five thousand three
I hundred and seventeen dollars and sixteen
I oasts less than the year previous.
I Tha heallhy condition of the revenues, and
1 the exoess of the receipts over the expenal
-1 lures, secured by the rigid economy whlob
if has been proofed (especially considering the
it neoeesary inorease of taxation by the National
{I Government,) seem, to invite-the attention of
; [ the Legislature to a revision of the revenue
:| laws, with a view of lightening the'burthens
!I ef the people. In ihls oonneotiun Uls proper
I J to Invito your attention to the Justlco and «x
-! I pediency of restricting the rate of local taxa
' I tionjnow, in some parte of the State, eppres
-1 five':
Imruint of pabllo d*bt Of
PcbotyWanla, u it •leod
on th« let da/ of Decem-
I bar, lWt
I Additional amount rewired
I attha Btata Treasury dor*
In* the fiscal year ending
Nor. 30,18C2, on Military
Lean, antborlxed per aet
of May 16,1861.. ~u
Deduct asovnt redeemed at
the Stale Treiecrj during
the fiscal jeer ending Hoe,
80,1881, Tt*:
6 per cent. Bt»*e (t0cke~~..5208,809 4»
IXC par eent. State atoeke.... 60,000 9)
♦ per cent. State etocTu.—loo,ooo 00
Interest certificates J 7 26
Belief no ——MU 00
Domestic creditor*’ certifl-
Militarr Doan, per act ef
April 12,1601, 100,000 520iSi ,
Public debt Dec. 1,1552_.„ $40.4i5,213 82
lowftrdi the extinguishment of the publio
debt, the Sinking tfond hold* securitlo*
•mounting to ton million* so?en hundred end
eightj-one thoutend dollnrs, as follows -
Bond* of Snnbury end Eric Bellrotd Com
of PeuMjlvaala R*l'lxo*d Ocmpanj, 7*»J,OJ)O
!of Wyoming C*o*l Ootnpacy...^— Z 8l t uw
Should there be no extraordinary demand;
on tho Treasury, there can bo appropriated
from tbo largo belanoe now on hand and the
increasing revenues, at lea*t a million and a
half of dollar* during the owning year toward*
the payment of the publlo debt.
The operation* of the Sinking Fund during
I the la»t year have been, a* shown by my Pro
elamatlon of the Bth of September last, a*fol
low* :
Amount of debt of Commonwealth re—
duced ~ f 262,801 67
■ |MU7. 74
Intereet certificates . 870 4\
Domwtlc creditor'* certificate 64 62
“fWoi C 7
It will be observed that the fiscal year on da
on the thirtieth of November, and theßinklug
Fnnd year on the flnt Monday of September.
Xhi* la tho reason for tbe apparent deficiency j
In tho amount of debt paid a* *ttted in the j
Treasurer's Report and by the Commleslooen
of the Sinking Fund. .
i Under the Act of 11th cf April, 1862, 1 ap
pointed William McClelland, R. B. McCombs
and M. Russell Thayer, Esquires, a* Revenue
Commissioner*, who have printed a report,
and will no doubt submit the result of their
labors to the Legislature, to whloh I Invite
I refer to the reports of the State Treasurer
and Auditor General for the details of the
financial affairs of the Commonwealth. The
report* of the Surveyor General, Superintend
ent of Common Sehool* aid State Librarian
will exhibit the itato of the departments un
der their ear*. - -
In soeoriaooe with the Act of 10th of Feb
ruary, 1862, the quota of this Bute of the di
not Uxof tho United States, amounting to
one million,ninehnndredend forty-sis thons
end seven hundred end nineteen dollars end
thirty-three cent*, we* on the ldthof June,
1863, paid to the United States, pertly by e
relinquishment of e portion of the sums olelm
•d by thle Stete from tho Government end
pertly in cash, efter dednoting the fifteen per
eent. ellowed by* the eot of Oongress for
prompt payment. Pennsylvania thus peld
her floota oMhe direot tax before eny other
State. There is still due to the State, prlnoi
pslly for advanoes sinoe made for transpprta-
Uon and equipments of. volunteers, about
three hundred thousand, dollars.
On the 20th of February last, I Issued my
warrant- authorising the State Treasurer to
i deliver to the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad
Company one thousand |of the bonds deposit
ed with the state In conformity with the Aet
of May 7.1891. On tbfc JOth of November I
iuued a similar warrant. Both warrants
were granted after recelvingreperti from Jno.
A. Wright; Esq., the commissioner appoint
ed for . the pnrpose, that the proceeds
of the bonds previously issued had been
appropriated In aooordanoe with the provis
ions or the law. The company has. now re
ceived three of the five millions of bond* de
posited In the State Treasury. With the pro
ceeds of the bonds issued, fifty-two miles of
road have been oompleted, making with what
had formerly been finished,a total of one hun
dred and ninety-nine miles,, leaving eighty
nine miles unfinished, of which nearly all is
snded and ready for tho iron. The bonds
still in the Treasury will yield an nmonnt esu-
Ae to complete the road,. and thus open tills
important route of trade and commerce, "he
dmkrenmt of th. rsst ailoarsl wi i-otb>r
IMoninw of oar aorth-.sitiui-oouatiM b,
this msusl win oadoabUdl, la a tow nan
raadsr ralaabl* ths ttcwiUts of th* Bashar,
and Erie Railroad Company,now tormiȣ part i
of the Sinking Food'*! the Commonwealth.
The interept oo tbc State debt wee paid in
Auguri last in spore *>r i*s equivalent, in (
oonformlij with the editing lew, at the coat;
of one hnndre i aod r-w'.jaix thousand » TBn t
hnodrei and thirty .me dollars and twenty
two cents, for tb« rliffe-mce botweop ipeote
and paper currency, oi which tho banka un
der the provtfti'-mfi of the Act of llth of April,
1862, having already refunded to the State t
000 hundred and forty thousand seven hun
dred and #ixty dollars and thirty cents.
Thii burden <>o the hjuhfl become heavier I
than in my judgment ought to be borne by j
anv special intere. I :
Unless the Lcgi-suturo should otherwise
provide it will be the duty of tbe'Stete Trea- !
surer to pay in like manner the internet which I
will fall due hereafter. We should all be
careful not to violate the faith or impair the
•jrodit of tho Commonwealth. The serious
and early consideration of the Legislature is
Invited to the whole subject.
Iu my opinion-ibex© are already more In
corporated banks iu the Commonwealth than
are at prerent required for the publlo eon»en
lenoe, and I therefore recommend that no
more shall bo Incorporated.
Oil the 7th of J aly last, a call was made by
the President for threo hundred thousand vol
unteers. This State had already supplied
nearly one hundred and ten thousand men,
yet bor people p-otnpily bestirred themselves
»r respond to this new requirement. Al
though it was believed that no bounties
would bo neoessary to induce tho men of
Pennsylvania tlo enter the oervioe of their
country on 6UOQ an occasion, yet as some of
the neighboring States offered large boun
ties, it was thought not right to expose oar
eiticent to the temptation 'thus afforded to
them to enlist in regiments o? other Statee.
There being no appropriation for the pay
ment of bounties, I, ot course, could nut, di
rect them to be paid out of tho treasury, and
jt was evident that to call the Legislature to
gether and wait for tho negotiation of any
loan which might.b.o eu’.horitvd for the pur
pose, would be attended by injurious delay.
Under the*© ciroumstanoos I confidently ap
pealed by proclamation to a people who have
never faltered in the perleruance of ftpy
duty of patriotism, oalling on them to raise
in their several tho sums neoessary
to insure their proportion of the quota of the
State. This appeal waß.effeotually. answered.
Publio meetings wurtii held, and liberal
amounts snbsorioed by individuals. In the
ciij of Philadelphia, btsldes a very large
fund thus .raised, the inuuioipal authorities
contributed heavily froai their common treas
ury, and in several oouiitlei the county com
missioners, generally under the guarantee of
a few of their eminent'eitiione, devoted coun
ty funds to the eamo pßfpos*. I recommoiid
that those proceedings;!}© legalised, and sub
mit to the wisdom of ij tho Legislature the
duestion of what legislation would bo just
and proper on the whdlb subject that tho qur
dou of this patriotic effAfrt may fall equally on
all classes of people tMbttghuut the State.
Tho -resale or this manifestation of public
spirit was that new regiments
*nd three unattached] eotapaniea of iafantry
were raised ; four oilier regiments, which,
previous to this call, n*d boon authorised by
the War Department raised are still in
progress of organisation.
Oa special rcqulsitiJni frofn the War De
partment there nave Beta raisod and are now
in service fivo additional regiments, arid three
companies ofuavalryj tjwo batteries of heavy
artillery, and one balthry of l ight artillery.
A battalion of heavy 'artillery I* .being, raised
by Major Joseph Huberts, U. S. A , with my I
asaont, alio under rpeolal authority of the
War Department.' ]
Early in September last the rebel army I
crouud tho Pviomcc into Maryland, with the
design of invading this State. On the 4th of
that month I called upon the people by Pro
clamation to organise Into companies and
hold themselves in readiness to be ordered
into aotual service for the . defence of the
State. And on.the 11th ol that month, under
authority of the President, I issued orders for
fifty thousand volunteer ailitia,-to, rendezvous
at Harrisburg, for the defence Of the State.
This call wds promptly responded to, and a
large force was sent forward to tho Cumber- |
land Valley and its vicinity. The firet pert;
of this force, consisting of one reglfrient and j
eight companies of infantry, movett from Har- |
ri.burg on tho nlghtJbf the 12th ot September,
and were followed by other regiments as rap- :
idly as they oonid be organised and transpor
tation provided. The command of the whole
force was taken b/Brigadier General John
P. Reynolds, who left hit-corps iu the Army
of the Potomao urgent request, and
hurried to the defatlhe of Jxts native State, for
whloh he Is the thanks of the Com
monwealth. Fifteen thousand of the volun
teer militia were pished forward to Hagere
town and Boonabafi?', in the Btate of Mary
land; ten thousand-ware posted in the vicinity
of Greencaetleao<&§hambef*barg;end about
twenty-five thousand were at Harrisburg, on
their way to Uarraburg, or in readiness and 1
waiting for transportation to proeeed thither..
One regiment, atjiJjj request of Gen. Halleek,
was sent to Powder Mills, in
the State of Delaware. On the 24th of Sep
tember the voiunt&r mlliua were discharged
.by me from eerviei, haviog by their spirited
demonstration greatly aided in preventing the
intended invasioolbf the State by the rebels,
and in compelling 1 their sudden ovaouation nf
tbo portion of Maryland which they had pol
luted. For these services, the thanks of the
Governor of Maryland and of the Commander
o f the Army of the Potomac were rendered to
our, patriotic troops through me. Measures
have been taken to procure the payment in
full of these troops, and of the expenses at
tending their services, by the United States,
in accordance with tho terms of
the President. A large portion of the amouot
has already been paid. Having accompanied
this force to Hagerstown, 1 am enabled to
■peak of the oourage, fidelity and cheerfulness
with whloh the men suffered unaccustomed
privations, and bore the fire of tho rebel foxoe,
performing with alacrity the itrvico that
was required of them.
On the 4th of August last, a draft of throe
hundred thousand militia, to serve forjilne
mouths, was ordered by the President under
the not of'CoDgreis ot 17th July, 18S3, and
regulations were made by his; authority in
pursuance of that act, under which regula
tions the enrolment and draft were eonduoted
in this State, our mlliua laws being found to
be defective. Several counties and districts
having already supplied by volunteers their
proportion of the quota of this State, were
exompted from the draft, and time was given
to enable others to raise the required number
of man by voluntary eoliitcaeote. The draft
was generally orooeeded with throughout the
State on the ldth day of betober last, and the
drafted mon were be placed in the
several camps of rendezvous established un
der the regulations, where they were organis
ed and elected their ofloers, and have since
gone forward to tho army in the field. The
draft was eminently suooesifuli and when the
men had hoen marobed to the Rendezvous, my
agenoy in the matter ceasod and all authority
and control over the men devolved on the
United Stales ofQeers. £ cannot but commend
tho people of Pennsylvania for their cheerful
obodlenoe to the requirements of tho Govern
ment on this oocaslon. Ail the expenses of
the draft are, of oourse, to bs paid by the
United States, and I learn that offioers are
now in the State charged with the settle
ments and payments.
Including the three months volunteers,
Pennsylvania has furnished to tho geueral
government, more than two hqndred thousand
men sinoe the breaking oat' of the rebellion,
besides so'me fifty thousand who woro lo ser
vice, or aetually ready for it, as volunteer
militia under the call of 11th September last,
making in the whole more than two hundred
and fifty thousand mou. ;
In October last, a body of rebel cavalry
witb.ft battery of artillery, suddenly crossed
the Potomao and made thoirjway as far as
ObambersbUrg, plundering what thoy fused
of supplies useful to them and committing
other depredations* They went out of the
State by crossing the South Mountain, and
thus reaching the Potomao below Harper's
.Forty. Tho troops in tbo field were not pre
pared at the moment to punish this attempt
on her sell, and it is to be much regretted that
efficient measures could hot have been, taken
by the army to capture the rebels on.their re
turn to. the Potomac. Immediately after I
received motion that this force bad crossed the
line of the State, I called into service the An
derson Cavalry, then encamped at Carlisle,
and two oompanies of Regulars at the Bar
racks at that plaoe. These troops were pushed
forward In-th# direction of Chambersbnrg and
South Mountain. Thccavalrv at Camp Car
tin, eonftstlng of one fplt and two Imperfect
regiments, were armed as infantry, and, to
gether with two oompanies of tofantry and a
Battery of volunteer light artillery of Harris
burg, were held in readihcii to gp. forward,
Lwhen-Major General Wool/arrived tad *•-
j turned the command orall theforoes. Tijehad
i previously ordered partof Wi commadd 'from
ffcWjhwtaditawJrtJ. tioopi'to, Gettys
burg. .<„».■
Thejebel* marched with so- muck oelority
that they dldnotenoop&Ur jany of the foroee
$1,651,00* 7.
fft,7G3,363 35
$2,172,844 10
778,357 41
$196,676 27
51.030,170 83
*4O,»o,Wtf 08
° 840,06*518 08
of Osustil Wool. «ad Maued from the SUte. i
T TMomseod thst uppilcetfon bo mado to Con
gress for an appropriation to compensate oar
citliens for the damages which they suffered
by the raid.
On the two emergencies to whioh I mto re
ferred, I aeksowledge valoable counsel end
assistance from ' Brigadier Ooneral Andrew
Porter, of the United Stated Army, who thus
testified his affeotion for his native BUM, and
teal in her serrieo when threatened. And on
the lame, and other occasions, I am indebted
to Colonel Thomas A. Seott, Colonel, John
A. Wright, and Colonel J. B. Baker, mem
bers of my Staff, who oame promptly on my
summons aad served with their aocnstomed
teat and fidelity, without pecuniary compen
sation. , .
The militia law of this State is greatly de
fective, and I earnestly recommend the ap
pointment of a commission, to prepare ana
sabmit an efficient system, to be reported be
fore the adjournment of the Legislature, so
that aotion may be had on the subjeot at the
present session. In the burry of ordinary
business the Legislature might not be able
to give the necessary attention to the r re P* r *
tioo of a proper measure, and events which
have already occurred prove the necessity of
some effcotaal Legislation on tho subject, so
that our people may be adequately .protected.
The Slate Is in possession of the following
Ordnance, Arms and Ammunition:
63 pieces of artillery, of whioh 22 need
4 repairs.
2 batteries of now cannon, consisting
12 Oriffln rifled oannon, 6 pound
ers, 2 caissons and 2 battery wa
gons, presented to the State by
the Committee of Safety of Phila
delphia, in September last,
25.492 musfcots and rifles, of which 11,614
are ready for issue, 4,460 In the
hands of mechanics for repairs,
and the balanoe, having been used
by the mitUla called out In Sep
tember last, require cleaning.
12,427 setts Infantry accoutrements com
1,298 swords and sabres.
684 pistols.
1,938 rounds artillery ammunition.
1,622,C00 rounds ammunition lor small arms.
The following arms, aoeoutremontt and am
munition havo been furnished according to
law to tho border counties, and to volunteer
organisations formed under the Militia Aot of
185 V,840 muskets and rifles with accoutre
ments complete, were issued to
and are now In possession of bor
der counties. *
4.968 muskets and rifles, and 3,041 setts
of aeooutremonts issued to and
now in possassion of organised
companies. AUo SO.OCO rounds
of ammunition Issued to border
counties arid organised com
1.755 muskets and 895 sett* ol accoutre
ments, were issued to Colonels
Brown and (Hants’s regiments oo
going into the servioe.
32 pieces of artillery, issued to First
Pennsylvania Artillery, Colonel I
Chai. T. Campbell, commanding, 1
on going Into the servioe.
528 sabres, 1,066 pistols and 628 setts of ;
accoutrements, issued to organU- i
ed cavalry companies.
Showing an aggregate of
107 pleoos of artillery.
39,046 muskets aad rifles.
.1,740 pistols.
1,826 sabres.
' 22,203 setts Infantry accoutrements.
628 setts cavalry accoutrements.
1 1 603 938 rounds of ammunition.
*lu addition to the above, thofollowing mil
itary property of the city of Philadelphia is
reported eytthe “Home Guard of the city of
Philadelphia /' to be in lu possession, vi* t
6 20 pounder Parrot rifled guns.
2 10-pounder Prussian rifled gnns.
1 10-pounder English rifled gun.
12 oasslons for 20 pounder Parnit ri
2 caissons for 10-peunder Prussian
i rifled guns, with tools and stores.
1 12 pounder rifled howitser, Dshl
1 1 12-pounder riflsd howitser, iculbs
i Dahlgrea. '
' . 2 Held eajxiagel for
i 3 small howluer guoa/W-pounders,
| with carriages* tools and stores^
j 1 12 pounder rifled howitser, Dahl
! gren.
i 1 13-po under Smooth bore, 760 lbs*
2 field carriages for ditto.
3 small 13-pounder howitsors, with
carriages, tools and stores.
196 saddles.
127 saddles, with traces, breast strap,
68 saddles, incomplete.
' 2 296 muskets and rifles.
200 pistols and 124 holsters.
1,99 Z. rounds of shot and shell.
6T2 884 rounds tnusketand rifle cartridges.
The’ foregoing do*. not Include th. arm.
and equipment. that ha., bm leaned to th.
'l.T.ral regiment. of tho Homo Onard, and
whioh ants their poaeeeetoo.
For th. d.talla of military operatlohi. and
of etatietlea, I rofar yon to tho Report. of th.
! Adjutant General, Qaartermaelar Son.ral,
CommUaary Amoral, Burgeon Amoral, and
tha Chief of Trantportatlon, which accompany
I thll meaaagn.
In regard to tho olootlon of ofßoon In tho
BoMr.o Corpi and tho roorulunont of the reg
iment. of that eorpi and of our other gallant
regimenta of aoluotnera, I propoaa to aood a
apeolal meat.go In a tow day., aa I deairo to
treat thoaa auWOOU eomtwhat at large, and ta
lubmlt to tha Legitlatnre tomo publio doon
menti relating to them. '
By the thirteenth section of the set of M»J
16th. 1861,1 was authorised to draw by war
rants on the treasury for a sum not exceeding
twenty thousand dollars for compensation to
such peneas as might be required to serve
the oountry In military capacity. At the,
date of my last annual message, I had drawn
from tha treasury, eight thousand Are hundred ,
dollars, and had paid out up to the Ist of De
eernbor. 1861, tlx thousand four huodred dol
lars. when my aooount was settled. Since ,
that time I bare drown two tho“>»lld dollMl
from tho trewury, port of which, with the
boluoo In my head., hot boon expended In
the payment of member. of my personal ataff
la eerxloe when 1 required aulatmoo, and in
proonring Information, md ta paraon. am
ployed when the State wae threamnod with
inaaalon tn- : Saptembar, IBBJ, and daring th.
raid in Ootobor laat. .
An aooonot tf thoaa expenditure. will be
found on Me In tbe offloe of the Andltor Oen
"cndor the aot of »#tb AprU, 18S8, It it my
intention to tab. tarty maaaor.l for tha aela
of the powder megaialoe In the •‘V
dolphin. Tb. powder magnate, at Harriaburg
la not judloloooly loeatad. A
meguine ought, in myJudgm.nt,t<;Uer«t
od on a aultabla all. In tho Tidulty of thia
place, end I roeommtnd tho attention of tho
LexUlnture to the snhjeot. , .. ■,
In September leat two betteriee of rlflod
cannon worn preaented to th. Commonw..lth
by * eommlttae of oitlaono of Philadelphia,
tbrongh 8. V. Marrtck, Biq., which ar. now
In th* Araoxal In that city. I"™*™ l
that proalalon bo meda for procuring carri
age., cela.on. etd other
thorn. Th. Ü! donor, are entitledi m U>»
! thinks of the Commonwealth for their patrl
j Under the Joint roiolotlona of IBth of Fob
mery, IB«J,mminree wore promptly token for
tho relief of our aioh and wounded men In tha
B *Th. wonadad at Wtooheeter, Btreabqrg,
Front Royal, Willlam.burg and ?alr Orta,
and thoao In th.: oorpi of M *J" r
Banka wart dnly attended on ‘bo field or in
the Tlelnlty by Surgeon Aonorul Smith and a
oorpa of eurgeona under hla direction, nnd
wm brought Into tSIe State. Th. »»•,.-
tom weald buy. been oontteued, but In Juno
laat I rooolotd a letter from th. Burp'out»•“-
oral of theJUnltedStatea, ropreamtlogthatlt,
waa found Inoouamlent to tha aarrtoa, nod
mutt create dlfiloaltlef lp the »»>'*' if"! I®' 1 ®'
cation of the aotdt.ra for pay and P•b>>“b , • ■
In oompUanco with tf. alow., I wa. aw
tnotantly obllgodl to dlaoontlnn. the ay.tam,
hot I have not eehaod to urge on the War D«
partmout tha propriety of
and wounded m.n into tho SUte,. wh.ra they
oan bo noraod and oared for b » a i
and boa. to a.y tbnt f.
rongomont waa mode with thoanlhortti.i at
Washington, whioh It wna bopodwoa dboof
footlau, out there fiat boon »u«h U r dlacia In
.putting it Into practical operation, thut I iwo
ommend tha Loglilatnro to Inaltn thn atun
tton of tha WarTttopartmont to the anhjoot.
Onr aufbrlng man haao a right to the aympa
thy and aid af thalr State, to. hn •» nudend
a. not to Ipjuro th. aortloo. If th. bringing
them homo to bohttondod oonld hrodaoo earn tti thnt, I woold Sot nag. it.
But it la ornol tol.aao thorn to ‘J*"™," 4
<><. nU th. »bnndant oomn
foru whbh thn aoUoltndo of their fomUloa nnd
friends would njolcs to provide for them.
In addition ,o th. exp*, cf .tUndta* | i2S;
and bringing heme oar .ink wd wo«ni ? d« [?’£s’*' io fto the oonntrj by going to th.
»boT. stated, I have expended lesi tb.Jl £! 4 , h ™ l4 thereby lose the molt ineitimable
|l,OOO in the transportation of friends of sick, Sold ebooia in. / j nlgmmll d that th.
kiliod, or wounded volunteers, nnd other per- right of » {ort hwlth oomaeneed to
sons sent by me for their oere to the sereral bmws [he nonstitntion, so es to give th. right
battle fields and hospitals, and In bringing n?' n^ h '[“ t v e c ulrons who kra thus ex-N
home for lnt.rm.nt th. bodies of those stain, of suffrage to to.
The whole expanse inonrred under the joint ohided. message withont speek
resolution wsl fire thonsand one hundred and l c “ n ?“ l ”'?' k “ l oealty»nd«plrit otlhe
nineteen dollar, and eighty-three oents.-the mg of ’xhojTiel that on
details of which wilt bo found in tho report Of freemea of P n J . .Union end the snp
th. Surgeon Q.nernl end of th. Chief of ! th. and wieke<l£
Transportation. . .1 P'''; 1 " 11 ul K . K htatnrv rooords, dopohd. .tho
I haro uniformly, when applied to, allowed ; boiliuQ _ the whole future wel
tbe expense of transportation of one person to honor, the mterasM au jw will never
the Sold to bring home the body of his friend fere of destroying the Oovom
or relation, and the expense of hU raturn tolerate scbomes for d.strojiug
with th. body. Th.oost of this has not ox- cent of the United
oeeded $6OO, whioh is insludod tu tho sum Of arato Confederadei, or any otn m 4 , i4 _
las. than $4,000, above sUled. f * Sa“ r. who are in
In thia oonneotion I most speak with aping and wmforUng tte
please of the aotive benevolence of our olti-, who have withont compensation devoted Tho State hex intniih lol t more
their time and ear. to .nfforing foUpw of «“ ‘ * , t i„
oitlzene, disabled by the casualties of war. by tho ta*trail. l ber*blood and treasure
Not only have meny gone to *J- State. S sv. m”h SorwV
minister their kind offioes, but In every pert freely, end . ®*n» r people intend
of the Commonwealth thousands have applied both as may ? 4 rebellloa
their moan, and exsrtions to the ram. end; that by th. blessing of Ooi, ““
and especially have th. women of Pennsylvn- shall be suppressed, «dwlU not Mtura
nia, obeying thoir true womanly instinots,. front.tbolr nettled _ of feeble
shown that thoy are worthy to be the moth- masked enemies ort *'“T*?. their
era, wives end sisters of tho brave men, whom friends. 0* the
they have stimntated to their duty, and sooth- right,) insist that s^.'employ
ed end noised la the .offerings that have en- estna», IntaUeet and
.nod In th. parformano. of it. ed in tho publlc sorviM. to prasotae tbe t^^
(Tho city of Phllad.lpbli bavlng patriotic- ornment, and to maintain the nnlty_«
ally offend to the United' Btatea League country.
laland m a donation for a Navy jYard, Con- Executive D*paat«»T, )
urese directed a commission to toport upon Harrisburg, Jan. 7, *«».)
the availability of that site and also of No* ””
London. Tothagenersl astonishment, a ma
jority of the commission hare reported in fa
vor of New Loudon, but the minority has pre
sented a report, which Is fortified by the ; ap
proval of the Secretary of the Navy, shotting
so conclusively the superiority of League
Island that it is scarcely possible that Con
gress should hesitate to lotect that location.
To establish a NaTjr Yard for the construction
of iron-olad vessels at a point remote froth all
necessary supplies, situated on salt water,
and accessible by more than one route to any
enemy, who may have a momentary superior
ity at sea, would appear to be quite incon
sistent with the wisdom of Congress, espe
cially when a site is offered convenient to ires,
ooal, and other neoessary supplies, situated
on fresh water with a sufficient depth for the
draught of large vessels, and safe from hos
tile attack by its position.
Captain Henry E. Wrigley, of the city of
Philadelphia, at my request, and without
compensation, has made a report to me tin the
defences of the Delaware, whioh I herewith
transmit for Information. !
In July last, I received, at Pittsburgh, by
telegraph, an offer from the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, of a donation of fifty: thou
sand dollars to assist in paying bounties to
volunteers. I declined, this offer, because I
had no authority to accept it on behalf ;of the
pnbllo, and was unwilling to undertake the
disbursement of the fhnd in my private ca
pacity. I have sinee received a letter en the
subject from the company suggesting other
modes of disposing of tho money, a Copy of
which is annexed to this message.
If the Legiilatnro should accept' the dona
tion, I recommend that it be applied towards
the erection of an asylum for our disabled
soldiers, and that the trustees appointed to
superintend the erection and management of
the asylum be authorized to accept such far
ther contributions as onr citizens may offer.
In a well managed establishment of that kind,
it if probable that the pensions to be allowed
by the Government to the fcen, will enable
them to support themselves with comfort.
By an wet of Congress passed on the second
day of July, 1861, lands were granted to the
several States fer the endowment, support
.and maintenance by each State* of .at least
one college for teaching such branches of
learning as are related to agriculture and the
lianio arts, withont exolading other soitn
snd elassieal stndies, and including mlli
recommend that proper provision be mado
he Legislature for having the lands thus
ted to this State selected, and: the title
s to the Btaie, and that Congress be fe
ted to allow the lands and their proceed* -
s used by the Btate in the construction and
*rt of such an asylum as I have above
be details of tho operations of the oommon
tol system, during the school year that
linatod on the first Monday In June,
scarcely any evil effects from the
ibled state of the country. Absonoeofthe
at degree of progress in the various de
unenU is the only result observable. To
e held Us own, however, during the severe
sal to whioh, In common with an onr’great
ial Interests and enterprises, it has been
looted, is the strongest proof of~lu inher
vtgor, and of the hold U possesses upon
affections as well as the judgment of the
pie of the Btate. .
t has come to my knowledge that in some
ts of the State a system exists of paying
i wages of workmen and laborers not In
ney but In orders on storekeepers for mer
tndlicand other articles. Thls system, by
[venting all competition, JeaTOSttbe men to
i uncontrolled discretion of [the store
spers. Itis a sysUm most unwise and un
it, and it offsets classes of useful oitisens,
io, as they live by the prooeett* of their
ihr labor, have not adequate means to re
t it. I have no doubt that most of the dif
aUlos which occasionally occttf between
inloyert and their workmen arsf due to the ,
Bvalenoe of this system. That; every man,
r a fair day's : labor, should receive a fair
v's wages, is but the dictate ;of common
iaeety; and while It would be most unwise
r the State to Interfere at all With the rate
wages, it Is In my Judgment incumbent en
.r to protect her laboring population by re
tiring that whatever may be the wages stip-,
a tod? they shall be so paid that the redpl
ii may purchase necessaries fori himself and !
s family, where they can be had the best
id cheapest. I do most earnestly reoommend
ill snbjeet to the Legislature for promptand i
Esetualaetioa. ' . ,
I believe that the several oharitable Insti
itions to which the Legislature has bsen ae- i
tstomed to grant aid, nave been well man
sed daring the pact year. ‘
The Wyoming Canal Is itlU id the hands ef |
toreeeiver. Certain creditors of: the eompasy ,
avlng Instituted proceedings In the Supreme i
ourt for selling the canal under the mart- ;
age, the Attorney General had Intervened In
be suit to oppose the .making/of a decree of |
ale. No decree has been made; and the pro
eedings are yet pending. Mohowhlle, it be- I
eg alleged that the subieribsH and stock
holders have -paid up but a sufail part of the
tomlnal capital of the company;,; an Informa- j
lon has been filed In the supreme Court by
he Attorney General, to compel them to pay ;
ip the capital,, or such charges, and assess- ;
Beats as mayfhe-necassary'to extinguish the
lebt due to the Commonwealth. This pro- I
ieedlng Is also *till pending. • It is under- '
itood that the gross reoolpta of the canal dur-1
ing the last season have been ajboatone hun
dred and thirty thousand dollars and the an
nual Interest on the mortgage[ bocds of the
sompany a tittle over fifty-one peasant) dol T
I . .
In pnrshanoe of the joint resolution passed
llth April,lBM, the Attorney General hw
Instituted prootedlngi on the proper cashier s
bonds, to recover the money dpe to the Com
monwealth by the Bank of Commerce at Erie,
and I have employed John H.jWalker, Esq.,
as special codnsel for the Commonwealth, in'
the prosecution of the officers of the bank In
the Court of Quarter Session* of Erie county.
In accord an oe with the provision of the Aot
of fith Maj,;lBo2, an information in equity
was filed by the Attorn*/ General agolnst the
Delaware and Hudson Canal‘Company and
the Pennsylvania Coal Company. The care
was.argued before the Supreme Court at Seu
bery, In Ootober last. •
By an Act passed on tbe lfith day of May,
1861, a company was incorporated by the
name of the Navy Yard, Bro»4_ street and
Falmount' Railway coQipanyi It bsiog al
leged that the company, instead of making a
railway on the route and in the manner pre
scribed by its oharter, Is constructing n ;
road of a dlffsrent ohartoter by a route, ex
tending from tiMl Philadelphia, Wilmington
and Baltimore Railroad depot: to the Phila
delphia and; Trenton Railroad depot, both
within the .city of Philadelphia, the Attorney.
General has procee dad again it ’ the company
by jmo warranto for the.violationjof its .ohar
ter, and haaalso filed an|lnfori&auon for the
purpose of restraining the company from pro
iceedlngin the eonstneUon :ef !thsir road.
1 Both these proceedings are now pending,
i By theaotof 29th March, 1818, it was pro r
vtded that eitizsns absent from home in aotnal
milltaiy ssrvloe, might eyeroUethelrright of
suffrage as if they were present at th* usual'
plaous of eleetlon. Thia net was rubitahtially
re-enacted in the geaefal eleoUon law pasted
.on the 3d of July; 1839. The Bnpr«me Court <
has reoentiy dfdded.that by reesou of a
phraae eoiititntioaal iamendaents of
1838,thls ; pn)viiloh-hu beodme’unoonlfltu
tional. Pennsylvania has sent to the sertioe
two hundred thonsand dtirans, whoi by
rS*A~ LBOTpKB, by the Kbt. I). L-1
DEMPSEY 1 , la tbe
, For the bBL«&t o? eeld Church, on THUBBDAT
EVEHIBG, January tub, 1663.
Subject—“Garu* or t*b «ffu."
NTTlckete, 25 CENT 6; Children half price.
Door® opea at 7 o’clock—Lecture to commence at
iy. o-ciocT OTat—
rrS=*UCCTOKE.— Thoj. Williams, for
merlj ®f Wealey College, Sheffleld, England,
will deliver a Lecture on “Th« Star* orjM Turn !
n Ctrmops urn Afcatnu," in LSFAYXtTB HALL,
03 THOBSDaY EVENISO, January Bth, 1862.
tar Adnlmlon. 25 CENTo.
■Doora open at 7 o'clock; Lecture to commence at
•n*/ Tickets cun be bad at J. P. Hunt’*, A. H.
bclliti’. and J. 1. bil'a, B. P. HlUnS'. and J. L.
Sunpla'a. AUthaaj Pity., • : ; J*feta
r"3» DIVIDEND. —The Etookholdsre of
th»Pittiba-gh ud AUejbeay Brid«» 00.
Qaad ctnet-) an hcnby noliflad that alliTldana of
TOUB PKtt OSKT. hu fe«tu tht* day dcftland,
caTsbla forthwith. '
TRASK. B. BIBSXLL, Tnaiorar.
ftb, 1863 jaB-3w j ■
The IroeMooldeis of Pittabnr*h and Tlcini
tj are reepectfally roqueted to eteemble on
at 8 o'clock, it Templar*' Hall, fourti'itmt, be
t«MD Market asd Wood, by reqoeet ofthe Dele
ptw to the N«Hoaal Oonreattop. i J*T:2t
No. 37 JFifth Siwl. (
DIBEOTOBB of thie Company, for tboenen*
|t<k tntr, will l® held at the offleeff tho Company,
on 110NDAT, Jm&nbry Itth, 18S3, kitwjeo tbe
fcotnreof 15 a.m. and 2p. m. _ •
j & 0:lw D. M. BOOS, Secretary*
Omoi Alllohest Ijfsrmanoi C 0. ,)
PUtabQrgh, Jan. 6, 1863. J
r. The President and
w Director* of thJi Company hays'this day de
clared a DiTi-icnd of TWO DOLIABS PBB BBABB
on the Capital Bto:k. payable on or afttr MONDAY,
lb® 12th fctC D. M. BOOK, Secretary.
Jafc»w -
Omci or inn Pnorta’a lnavnanca 00., )
>. X. corzcr Wood and Tlftb Stt., r
pituimrjh, Beo«»tA, ISC2.J
L~t£/ DIUBCTOBS of thl* urn dor*
thaananinc year, wIU be held a* tbla Office on
MONDAY, January 12th, 1863, between the hoax*
fltocknoldsr* of tb* Colombia Oil Company,
lor tba alaetiOfi ofOßUerm, will be held on WED*
l4l*. 180, at * •’•£**«*
to th. offlo. of the
ritttbarrt. >o. W. . ■ ■ . .
Omc* AiiiaOTT VitutT BinaouCa.,l
' Plttibnrch, Doe. SOtb, 1863. >
Btockhold«r«bf the AL'fgk««r Vallajjßall
road Oorapony wfll ba bold at tha oßoa of Jba Com
our. la tba OUT of Pittsburgh, on TUESDAY,
Kbrusry 3d, 1883, it 10 o’clock a. m., fertha pur
potoof »lwUng a prwidaut and Board oMfanagara
firth* acauiog jaar,
Oma tmugw'* Britain l
Pitubirgb, Dec. >L 18®. J
lN£y stockholders of the PltaWtrfch * Steuben
▼Ul* Bailroad Oompeny will he held *t the ofioe cf
the Company, 144 Fourth etreet, between the hours
of 10o’clock e. m. end 13 o’clock m.,on fiOBDAk.
the 13th day of Jeanary, l® 63 * •* : whkh ttae and
piece eu election ior n President end twelve Wreo
“jllTtd 1 k. VON BOHNHOEBT, **c'y.
Omcx Chibtisbs Valut B. B. Oe., 1
titiabargh. Dee 51,1663. j
Stockholders of the Charters Volley Bill
rend Company will bo held on HOBDAY? toe 18tb
day of Jsauery, 1863, at ho. 144 Fourth etreet,
Pitaharth, between the hoore of h and 4 o,clock p.
a., a* which ttoe and place an election far seven
Dlrectote will be he’d.
deSLtd 8. T. YON BOBHHOBST, Bc’y.
rr if DIVIDEND NOTICE.—Tbi« Preei
lw dent, Managers and. Company for erecting a
Bridge over the Allegheny hirer, oppoeite-Fita
batch. In the Ooanty of Allegheny, here this day
declared a Dividend of FOtfß-PBB CAIIT. on the
Capital Stock of the Oompeny, out; of the earnlnp
of the lest six moathe*whlcb wilt he paid to Stock*
hoTdore or their legeljenreecDUtiTce on or after the
llth Inst. fflf BOSSBDBO, Trsaepret.
Pimburth, Jsa.l»t, 13*3.. . 1 1 JrtdtAhU
J)jS»POCJdST BOOKS, for tho; now
rM(.Cunscj; DlABII8,«w«»o.42d
torpor Wood dad Third rtroett.
OvU?Oobblfcfatrm Family Floor, - '
boo bush. Dried Apples, bright;
pSO bbls. Sorghum Holarses; J
900 011 Barrets, new;
Jest received and for sale by J. 0. MCYAY,
ieT I Mo. 10 Smith Held street.
wO.OU. IS DICTIONARY,—Etfty ooplM com
r j.T B. MEbiOE. »1 Wood lll»l.
XTTAN^—jp»a P»al Bleb Ur' • port nortl* bow flirt
traialrtod by <k T. Btooks, «afl pnbUrtiod ty
Ttckoer & PWi*, Boston.- t to*. *B.
A FBJtSXIfT' HSAYBK—By tb» oulhcr of "Tfc|
PrtUnwot How.” 1 roL 91. :
—By B*r. A. K. H. BoydfVStbor of “Beet**-
tiou (4 « Country Parana*'? M l*!*sr* Hour* in
'T«F°.*' *«• I tol. -fl 60. 1 i
POXMEV—By Adalalft Aon® frc«t». Bio* ®A<3
gol*. Itoli fl. M ' j
■ crttlA Oocbls*XX'lUlr®®&£-1l«nlolp*l Oma*
j ctUor «f Part*. ?Work crawaod by th® iMtltota
®f Ynac®. Truultf®4 by Haryb.BootA* SL£OC
[ Juit jttortTfld tad to art* it tlwßoobrtor® ot !
I **b_ : B.B.DAYiB,MWoodrtr»»»l
BEIWIBS.-IQ MeordMM «Uh tbo Hvttotud
T«4 kV| ftlV pvmna. «QM*dJa t&y of
OGCBp4tMDIIN roqoliodtolpMP sues-booki 1141*
•pMitbd (& the law*: *sd; nttt trtatoattrty Ufl
monthlyntmii aln In nrh aiaaiinr m la ■ponlßiit
by mv.- Th»ondeni*n*aarv pr*r*rlßr th«Tmrira
booti With printed fertrl-moafhly.
.•adsoathlyivparte'iavoton of
ofUdlng, Ac.,»nd voUcH mrlymcdMi fbrtho mm
■•but *u»lt*d«top\r will bvaa»d»rt lint,
: Vk, q. joßßnosr.4 op/
1 <fc -W. ATDXJfifiAj, (^|U u jrotnrpiUt
-WJL* atdrta- ortar. ABO, B^* 8
kind*, «ndo»i rtaahorHteootfc*.
1 * orders left at BOWU ft’TJETLBTd' #O.IM
ckaolea, of many ynn' ciper.a&ot U»»tr bQMasn,
will tonrs to uvo “♦ t latncy iwpVM.
• :
l'ivV > WJBAK.
Jtui nbtofi *t
Market Btreot,
, ...
WOMBS’#' do ; • ..fc.
Miaais a oiHt£»*jr»s°,*>,
?Oir* YOIWM do. : 00. .. .
WillkotoM ci<»p,»t
1 H. BOBUSMi ti Xotkit .two*,
; ’ - ad doccfrom-Ufth.
/■n kmsahb—34 :bMi. to Arrive
B**bka'i’WilUA)» 6—loo buddies in
D*e«#«adftir*al»lowbj; -
jaj mUH SZCXXT ft OQ.
m. lost to nctpt of a 'of of Ui. Mtotato* >
Btar Brand Cincinnati Snfar*Cur*d Baa*, which
vs warrant equal to any to the market. Ako,
■ow Cored Dried Beef, far aa* by the tierce er at ?
rtHOlUifi rAKKI> MfiAUUJO*—Aiiup*
Ij pi* Jnrt tvmltml | aSso. brigKt balm uortttd
Vm-km. for ml* by th» bmMl «r pond, mX tb»n&*
uTowany BMW o* JOHH JuU&aHAW.
j wroff Übifty mA Bad Mriii
nctlndfcMhfhn tte tatattaa S
■ad fcr vkotaMl* «r bj tb» poarnd, U tba A
ji» 1 * rrn i* • Liberty ted H>cd BPwt*.
60 fcbla. Hrtr* Tamlly Plow;
6,000 B*. BockwbaOi do;
8 Uenm Bacon Btder,
3 bbU. Ho. 1 Lord; '
do do; .
a bon Whiu Boone;
0 bbu. Ooontry Soap;
Jost roceirod and for tale by
jsS : I*o and 133 Boeond ittoot.
MOBH'KQ, Jon. 13th, ot 10 o’clock, will bo soldi by
ardor cf tho Orphtna* Court of Alleghany coenty,
on tbe rirmit—i Lot Ho. 16 to * plan of lbu laid ont |
Or Bobu 8011. Adin’f of Kaloolm Loach, coo'd* oald
lot baring a front of;2* foot 00-tho Pittobhfzn, and
i Oroootbnrg Piko, oed extending back. 110 Scot to
i bP T M?ka IJ a-Ono-tMrd caab, balance tn one and
two teoiu with inUK*t, t*cuwdbj bend and nwrt.
pw. J. Q.IDAYIB, &<Ch
"■'BILL. AdmlnUtr.tor. i UB
X especially adapted post abmy
EXOKLtXST TIME. OneofthemerttaMtaEMJ*
«uiw of the day, and «haold retail at |JO
■to |6O »*ch. Bold cniy By the ewe, containing tlx
of kuorted pattern*. Hear/ per <«•
of * half dcisn, s39r Kleciro-gHdod, tin*
gold, beuuifnUy engraved, per cm* of * nal*
Aample c**M of half of each kind, 839. T«mi
£Th Witt 1m sent By expreet with billfor eoUee
cannot collect from them* Thia *■ °**?£
saleable article* of the timet, and J tut *«■
thoea In the army wixhing to make money rapidly..
on ** r 8808 , Bole Importer#,
Petite Baling, Naemn etreet, W. T.
Aixkuukjsx couJsyy. M.
In the Orphuu’ Oobrt, Ho; 92, Down VBP
ber Tons, 1883. Is tbe jnattar of tbo to**-** 0 ? 11 *
of Robert Bobb, AdalnUtratcr of lUbort Tajlor.
d *Sdni. to .It, £*
g. rcfc*or, Jf.. **l« *»•«»» «» *»•»•»“!
BBADrOBD TODK, Itfl t» ojipolßttd:«dit“t»
.ndlt tb. «mmt And oncopUom,:ond «•*><B«n
| lotion. " B * TBB OOB “-
W»u A.-Hnson, Clerk. ; f'
The lobtcrßwr will attend to lh»
•boro appointment, at hi* cflce, Ho. 1« »«mh c
•traet, Pi Üborcb, on MONDAY, tbo 16th 4#j of
Vibßur, A. D.1«3, a: 2 o*cloek p. m.‘ . *’
». BijtPfOßD TODD. Aadftgr,
KPHAin*** CUUKT, oAlifi.—-in, the
matter of the eetate of Al*xi Bp®o*» decrjeesdi
bj Tlrtaai of an order of the Orphan** o®«** °* f~‘
fechoAT County, I will expse* to PabUo Sate, M too
SSoE? DOCfii, to the Cite of PlttoWfrgh. on
SATURDAY, the 7tb day of Febnury, AjD.MWt
•t 10 o’clock a. m., all teas oortaln traqk of land
bUuate in Indiana townehlp, Allegheny county, bo*
isx part of a large trao: of which Alexander jfpeor,
died, Mined, and bonndod and deKribed m Wlow»:
i Oenunendng at a pi* l on line diridiag tna wre In
al ter described Mid otber. land of Alexander Speer,
dee'd: thence ti. 1° W; 65.4 cetokee to a pin; thence
y. W, 8.4 perches to a white oak; thence ».
J5V® Sr. ]0,3 peroketito a hlokqr,; thence H-UxT
W?|2.7 percheeVo a engar toe* thence M.
U perches to • pin; thenee along line of land at
John Nicholson' & 89® 25 Wch«e w * pioiikenoe
alone line of land of J. K’Olure 8. »)o.
perches to a pin; thence alongether line o* M*Clnn a
tend 8.89* W. 88.8 perch** to a pln; tbonce along.
Unecf U’Kes'elandB. 1^.E.68.9 pereheetea ptei
theeee along the Une dividing tb* haje-nbefort *•'
■erlbel land, and other land cf Alexander Speer, da*
oeaied. t'l tbe pin, the place of begin olag-<ontain
tor 47 scree and 81 ptfehes, more or less ;being the
eeatle which therein ' Ale*. #peer,dM'd,by hb last
Win and Testament, regtetrtod in Necxter’e .Office
of Allegheny County; in,wm Book opr. sage —,
derised? (defer sUs,) fcr;Xt» .paytt-nt of debts and
Ugadei. • • • -•
lose of sale ceeh« r v- r
, lefdw i ~■ JOSEPH SPE'
OCTOBER —The October tost, United
fitettt Exclm T*xee,tenow do*, *tnj ptyeU* *t
the Offlee of Internal Boretine tor the twenty-third.
IfetTlct, WA.TKB btBESt, next Coer to the City
Tmmf, Allegheny. • .
Pmou «bo bu* not oiU their. taxee on the
BBPTIM3SB LIST M* notified the* tm ftr. amU
will te added If n<t attended to InuaedHtaly.
j%fl Collector of the Md Patriot. FeanV
Orrtcs or tg» wmoun or \
| PltUbnnh. P*., J«zu Mb, IMS. I
I SMlcd Pro Mala vUI benctlnd li toll offlc*'
until 10th la«t4 ta c fa*lv*T for hanJihlDf—
WxtJ ■•**&* Offloe" l>BpltcatM lor Tun, U6B. .
OoOoettoa finplkMM, ** ISO,.
Btxty-«igfet School Ihipliottw, ** IWJL
of booto taa po'jbwi on trouoUfta.
By Umtloi of Ooo&ty O—nnirionarc.
LhMBKBT, OoalroCar.
: . 'if
mm to oohoibt hall bho* sxou, no.
89 Tilth ittNt, for good, it ibnt BALT FBION.
)»7:lwk« I
FOR SALE OR RENT—a fine two
itcry bzick i TAXBUK STAND, irtth » Urn
pt*MOf grouid, oatbulldtnqß, •tabling, dtoated
tl Xartit OrNk»sHMi»Mttteoß 4m Yerojlv**
•ießaOrotS. TMs la a fint elm TataraStand,
w»U worthy of attention. Aiao, M ths nm place,
MTtcal lota of valuable LaaViroa fire to
lem, oi teodmii tuUi I
Enquire of O. 'H. TOO ACT, foe three deji, at the
St. ClOrHotal, Plrtitmrgh. j i - jjaTflt
W. 8. HAVEH,
QHAtujttjTii. oali»w*ee;
(tacoMlor to Joarn JTolaoa A
Dd!tt in ß AOON, LABS. ffCG4JW7DBID rtAwn.
BKOKXD Blir, to. ’
I deiltly BiTmtnwu'PA.
O » ftp Olftd* Bettor. pet up for fealty on; i
\rn tto.fwkßctt Hotter,
SO bUa.'fnah lite
16 d* :
»kt«rß«. : i =
100 tmahato mill i jwluto ’
. 79 dotoa tom toocy £*ooo*l
J»6:«» - 80. ItB Hborty rtwU.
T IQUUiiflTOyfi POLIBH, for tbe foK
U low* o> timoWi to npotioeto all otters:
- 2. It htf *o utitM woatsvar.
a; 1* produce »o dirt pt da*t..■••.'
•'*:•*• It prgjiooai a J«t black poUslu
-ft itravOnoTaollittolabor.- li
.•{dstoTT.- oarasrgnnhflsldeadlbcrtkniastoL
T*'t- "Mteam, MtioWoo, Si
: mm? cHuarer MASOTACtorau.
: Offloe/Ho. U9BIOOSD tTBKXT, nttibottk.
; j. • - ■
: ; ;
«_ ] (Utoof rhOKtobhla.)
; *W*-bfflcK Ko. »1 FBKH STBISTTmar at
H*MOQk»(jbwt&'* Alley.)
Oflto b«onlto9a.m n StoSaad6to7p.m.
i. JaScltewi -K " • •
f ' roßistti' *
S Tor;o» ot FriaUn* Jfortatttoy t :
• •!« WX.e.JOHHBXOSkOO',
/♦lBnwtow - .. -•: • STWoodato—
m QudaY omu, !"• 17 7^
iiaminL. - - ■?
/roiAßinLfctua!' - « * *
»»-• r ~ - WEltiitf:jKWCßr?'•’
daWwnttf j _ •totSoMn r 6nrMdV
Ko. 6 (tmt.