wV. i V. ~^ rf - 7-1 jiSr. The Ofnuit Battled the War. Iha aawief the'fraat th&jdayVfcatUa Btmth tUIATIPt win J» nail I with thiill ; U( tatanat Wa dir a' eordUl welcome, well know : uftfcet eke will not be, > “weywerd eie •' ur." : " v::' ■ ; Great Battle of Hnkratsboro. . Additioul Interacting Partionlnrc. F«rtk«r Ptrtleiiuft of Oarlcostes. [Oua—pOad«n— of the V T. Tribune.] Ju. 1| k»T» Jut MtiTtd. frotft m i«tUe on la front of Mortr—boro, vost .»■ -li&L It hu with BAronitUsc fury two dnyi, nnd at lut r«port vu not yot dooidod. It U tta iioii ftrodoiu'bAtttM of mo .. tSontUMOg aUtalAod by both *ld*i wlthoploa - did dottmlgAtion. _ r > .dda EowwiM wwhod Itnm jßuhrllU, lut frU*7 < with (Mot 45,(01 dMln an, '"••••aal1(0plaaaa gfartlllarj,sal iMnnliWall .Ua way-to tha sattl»-(aU, lit may laaiat lagMUarfy. ' : Tt*iikola et la«4aj vH ijunt by oat Canaaiaaaaaaltatlag. . ,-VV' : oorpaelaaadlnoa tfcalr latt ca tka Wllklaaoa Flka; Na*Wj,afThottu’a ,jgjiya. ,w«rijai'wfth rilbaally totkia boat > artkantal aaatar, Boaaaaaa'a 41tUI*o Wing laraaarra. Orittaadaa*aaarpa irupoaUdla - v ': aoajantlnly elaar fraaal aa .tkaii taft; aad Vaaalara’a ditialaa la. boat; la naanra. tW Aataaa* • Oaraliy, aa iMkot'l tanki, ni drt*» 3nko«B uu~. otda,ud lo tiro . 'W4M > 'wa»klUad. Crittaadaa’a aoapa.loat* klUad aaddl woaadad tkatdu» Ueludia* i Afl«t»at*Utott,oftkayiftT-a»T«Btk ladt ■M. MT*n)T. ‘ MoCook’a foil aru about • CA '-Skat. alfkt dlnoattloaa . van ante to at , lad ltM—> ia tka aonlaf; Aftoi dark tktaaaaj waa tdpartad liaatlrtt naar Mo “•Oookiubriottily tatwaout rifkt wia*.' Till ■ oomtpondadwUk ..tkawiakaa af iHn. Boao . k inw. iiia'iiiindid flaa. Kwook to kold o« v ktah abaak itabbcralr.wUlo tka laft wlu* aksald ka tkiowa late Xurfnaatoro Mud thsTanOflEf.'"• ■' lU»Mlfn'l> lui cUj o(Dnml»i *nr,|tta( wsm»4 watklafmik Xto kaW nmj on tka rifkt, m 4 carUfl win ' AtTaf.tMk amluw xwiit Ufiatud tka* *ln n« «ecn>*ekl>f aukft. JUd. ««• -, r .. IntUM fofUfom.tloi, ■< f«ia4 Ik. ——-fmrtafaUfftjta, wjfraraai/itimMUai >HUkh,«kt whoU nglantoflSllag • s hi ’ ’ A >• ! * ■< - Mwtl— OM ofKaOrtkVaMi'kki u -MM«ua«uKoMWsst tl»i So. Jokn itaa kaiHnlM<*« tk™. MMirtUi: "'mtanWewtsndkjanUaattaok of i..„-Mte iii tad W It kad isaawkat loaar- > i- ilMwlmffUaiMMau i Zfeatenooaa>Bni,oaoof avbaatoOaon, 1 ' itakUMl: ate. Kbi wooxM, a»d OoaMI ' - WgHak ktUad ot mlMtai,ba«Ua otkar Tala-; j: ' llh li—ll . »4M. MoOoak aaat wotd to kola tka boat! } aad k. woalf telp kl», tkatltwaald all {work rlxkt. Ha soar galWpad to tkafront of Orlttaaaan'i loft wlthhl* itaff to ordar tka liaa ot tenia, wkas tka war apaaad a full; w i k*H*tf>»d aapHad twa aaaalaa of tka aa -1 1 aactr Van Clara*! IMn waa aaat to tka f- v' /tM^faiOalvßtattjfaMgadalafraat. Bt— «■«» wltk aplaadld dariDt, vS iato tkafarioaa kra, and wadis, kla - ataCalaM tka UaOa. ttartad BaaUj'i kiTgada rj j famed. Baa» alx kattarlaa opaaad, aid uu vr—-tatada, -a -nwfalkoaat faa,,4ffaotly a ti*- K- aaadaaa akout araa ralaad jUaag tka wkala V - Us., aad tha aasßt/..kapa..te fall bask f : ”?k?80oaial kiwaft ornd tka troop* for is »iaf., Ika i*b*»a / :wara *i. ■ deists kaak fall, * alia. - Tk*M*t ialas- Vis' did krarde, w*» dlipUpW la Uia lisa*, aad. . F jj tkatadtsasad, tkoaak tka -Tirnf Bird- for t-:V ■ldakVa daaumattadotta os oar laft, aklla ! * tkay praparad for'aaothar oulaaukt oa our ■ ■ . tU&ta ' . ,< ~if«a.H«>t arilara kad baaa Uauad to aora ;■ i okr laft upoa thaaoauiy.kut kafora tkay kad' f .£ tijw to azaeuta tkam tkay kur*t upon our oan •***£ ■***•. £ousieau's fdlrliion was carried into the bmcjki* magnificently by iluttglorious leader "■flea. Boaftetans in persooS;*- TMmo*, again reteeatedhutily into thiaj they ein;el onr right, and again we were drivan back. | By thla tlaa tha number of oar stragglers ru j formidable, and the prospect- was dlsooorag* j lag; {but there was Do.panio r . t j ; v - ? TIM General, oonfldeaVof iuoeess, continued to Tmt dther parts of the field, and with tbe aU 4 of:geni. Thomas, McCook, Crittenden, Rousseau, Negley and Wood, tbe tide of bat- Me-Was tamed early in the day. We were serionaly embarrassed by the en terprise of rebel cavalry, who made some seridas dashes apon some of McCook's aana nltiojn and subsistence trains,, capturing a somber of wagons, and artillery ammunition alarmingly soareo. At one time it was announced that nut a ■ingle wagon load of lit ooald be found. Some of otzr batteries were qaiet on that aoeonnu Thbi misfortune was caused by'the capture of McCook's trains. About, two. o'olook the battle had shifted froth right to left. The enemy discovering tbe impossibility of suooeediag In their msln design, had suddenly massed their foroes on the left, erossing the river, or moving under oovhr of bluffs on the right, and for about two houfi the fight raged with unremitting fury, to tbe advantage of the, enemy for a consid erable length of the yl were check ed b|v our murderous fire, of both musketry . / , Toe soene at this point was magnifioently tumble. The whole battle was in full view. Thel enemy deploying right end deft, bringing up their-batteries in fine style, our own vom iting ymoke and iron missUesupon them with awful fury, and our gal'ant fellows moving to the front with unflinching oourage and lying flat!upon their faces to escape the rebel fire until the moment for notion. ; t ’ Shell and shot fell around Hke hall. Gen. Roaleorani was himself tnoessantly exposed. It lb wonderful that he escaped. Bis Chief of Staff, the noble Lieut. Col. Garesohe, had his-head taken off by a round shot, and the blood bespattered the General and some of his st*& Lieut. Lylan Kirk, just' behind him, wai lifted clear out of hts saddle by a ballet which shattered his left arm. Three Grderlles and a gallant Sergeant Richmond, of tbe Fourth United States Cav alry, were killed, not ten feet from him, said five or six horses in the staff esoort ware strhok. ' Between 5 and. 6 o'olook, the enemy’, appa rently exhausted by hie rapid and incessant aaaolts, took np a position not assailable without abundant artillery, and the Are on both sides slackened, and finally sllenoedat dark, the battle- having raged eleven hours, theloss of life on onr side being considerable. Onr oaanalty Ust that day,-including cap tures, did not exceed perhaps of whom not more than one-fourth were killed. This Is attributable to the oare taken to make our men lie down. The enemy's loss must, have be& more severe. But among'our losses we mourn snob noble souls ay General Bill, Gen. Adgasi WtUich, Colonel' Garesohe, Colonel MinerMilllken, First Ohio Cavalry; Colonel Hawkins, Thirteenth Ohio ; Colonel McKee, TUrdHentoeky; Colonel Forman, Fifteenth KOhtueky; Colonel Kill and Second Lieuten ant Major Shepherd, Eighteenth Regulars; Major Carpenter, Tenth Regulars; Captain Edgerton, First Ohio < Battery, and hli two Lieutenants, and many more. Ho other Gen erals were killed. Among onr wounded are 8«n. Kirk, Gen. Van Clove (so reported); Col. \ Moody, 74th Ohio, who established a splendid reputation; Col. liarraby; 99th Ohio. King,lsth regulars; Majors Foot, Bicker, Slemmer, 11th rogulsri; Gapts. Bell, Wise, Barry, McDonnell, Power ana York, and Lieut. McAllister, 15th regu lars; Major. Townsend, 18tb regulars; Captain Lang, 4th regular cavalry; Lleuts. McClellan, Miller and Foster, 27th Ohio. { At 12our batteries received new supplies of ammunition, were massed, and* terrible ire was opened. The enemy began to give away, den. xhomas pressing on their oentre and Crittenden advancing on their left. The bat tle was more severe at that hour than it had bbenf and.the result was yet doubtful. ' The enemy seemed ‘ fully asi numerous as #e«- They did net use- as much artilley,— Generals Joe Johnston and Bragg were in command.' Prisoners say they lostlargely. Gen. MoCook waa brave to a fault, and self possessed. He narrowly escaped death many Umei. iill uuise su he was severely hurt by bis horse faUingup on him. | To-night additional eaicalties have been received, as follows: CILLID. i Coi. Stem, 101st Obto. ' Lieu. Col. McEeo, 15th Wuconaifl. i OoL Ahnoode, Slat Illinois. ; Col; Roberta, 42d IlUnoli. | Col. Welker. Slit Ohio oeralrj brigade, j Col. Herriagton, 27th ininoia. 1 Cftpt. John Johnaoo, 15th Wiaconaio. j WOOUDID. j Qenenl Soeteea, slighOy. r Genenl Wood, lererely. Li«aL CoL IOUt Ohio, beily. .Cwtin, 58th Illinoia, eomm&nding brigade* CaptTjOaoer P. Uerk,' toting •* Inapeotor* Seserel of Thomma’a ataff, lerere. Cept. Doaglei, 18th Regaleri. United States Seaatvrt i Ihe Bradford fnptirtr, (the home organ of the Hon. Devid Witmot} Jeolarsi that the Brsekinridge Democracy of PenniylrsnU, ere mj maoh exerelied ebout the election of the snooeesor of Ur. Wilmot, end are exceed ingly apprehentiro that General Cameron Bay be again called to his old plaoe in the Senate. We do not tee that any harm wovid malt to oar good old Commonwealth or the : general Gorernaent In eonseqaenoe of hi*. eleotion. If General Cameron U distingalih ed for uy one,thing more than another, it is for kis onUorm,. ateedfut. and onflisehing fidelity to the welfare and prosperity of hU. naUraState. HU long pablio career proves hU unfaltering devotion, ander all ciroam ctanees,.to the IntereiU of Pennsylvania. We are free to say that we woald prefer theirs* election of that other well, tried And eminent statesman, David WUmot; yet if his eleotion is oat of the question, It weald rejoice ns ex ceedingly .tosee his plaoe filled by Gen. Cam-' Bat what mead the ominous threats we .bear from every part of the State against any iDamocntio Representative thai’might regard it Ids daty to vote for,Gen. We have heardit stated that'a leagae has been formed fine tbs purpose of astassuaUag saoh a eratt and it has:been publicly declared that the Democratic member that votes for General Cameron will never reach the board walk, on Oanltol Hill, alive. - Are these villainous and aaaacloas manaees designed to Intimidate and honest representatives of the peo ple from an behest, and fsailen discharge of their swon duties ? ' If so, the reign of terror is about to be re-established, and the block, nmotine and assassin's , »tUetio wll| uiume the plaoe of the eoart, aad the, peaCdul bat eflemve dominion of law and order. Sorely this is Democracy ran wild. ; Who are to be tfie Robespicrrec, Dantons and Herat* of this new, order, of things? Let the Aariot and ft**e» answer. It Is worthy -of observation, howerer, that these. fiemuud lawless demonslntioni all Some from the Breckinridge Democracy, whose •ympathiw hara always been with the traitor ous rebels, now la arms lodes troy the Union, aad subvert the Ctoranmeajt; from men, who,' under the seored garb of Demdcracy, are doing ill they darn aaa can to eraet a drapotUm, or a moaarohy npon the rains of jthe repabllo; and are every day aftrlng instau to high Heaven by rsjeldag ctw every; disaster that bbfiitU the Union army. JtU to’behoped that there are eaoogh of honeit Uaibn Democrat* in thvLegUUturato defeat the blan* those enemies bf the oonntry. eoUbiijMt in thUbnteiy on the ! >l* io secure the eietUbn of a rebel sympathiser. They hope te neeonrpliih it bate and un manly attempt frighten * the. represeata tivee of the people by the, extraordinary and revolationarpobarse.they have adopted, •, If each plot* ean: soeoeed, we< may well despair of ths line of the nfnb\ioi-yßarruHurg 7W«- graph, TffDrfare half a dosen of the .best rsgi mente In the service of the United States, now. doing mere garrison duty.in Western yirginia, with no prospeot of immedinie motive service. They are the heroes of the fight nt /Ball Rnh Bridge and ef. South Mountain and AnUetam. While east they wen! the 'steel edge bf the Army of the PotqniaA We ’ qaestion whether sound reasons can be assigned for keeping Uus splendid , body of troops inactive at this most briUeniUxne.-rC5h. Com. ' ; Gok.Trisn, First ConneotiCnt, has been; suddenly ordered to rejoin his regiment. Tlis looks as if Gen;-Burnside was about tojn*Mamove.. ? . ~~ r .is2s.»,: i ,~ ~d-.~.~ 4:iF.ss'.rsxi , t'w.:t"~ , .~_ ~~~+=»era r~;u,l'z~:?.k=a~'fit;S.~bo:s'zA'~x~:~mk.,4 ~:i:ri:..al~. " 3~ra+l .z..~~r tom, a.~ ~ ...c.~o'~.s~ ~su'Ss'7v' .. PUBLIC JTOTICEB. WABR—bafc-'can?. tfc# Md«rmio*bl.> Of th*jhlrt :'Watd.‘»t ih«*Bi«sfor< Itj #1 ctloa. \ : 1 -,_• M K. WOl/Al.- Pittsburgh, Dec 27 JUGULAR QUARTERLY Ihttr : 6lKETf>t?or tb* Hope-bote Compand * tt' be Wi at tbe KNaiMfi HOUSE, on MONDAY/ Jan, f-th, at 7 o'clock p. tn. Tie members areal! requested to attend, *« tb«r« will b« eat election ot_ Officers and ether l»a.m*ei o importune?. | Jft-rtd' J 11. B S »*n. Secret ary. Orrica iiocea or Hxituc NVbstsib tiii’i,) ,\o, 67 Foorth street, f ANNUAL MEETING of the Gootr butors to the Bonxe of before will be held at the office ol the Institution, No. 07 Fourth treet, Pittsburgh, on' MONDAY, the 6th day of J&nnM?, 1883, • etwesn the how* of 9 nod U o'clock, to bear the Beportof the Uteßonrdot Managers, end to elect officers for the ensuing f**r. : By order of JOSEPH BIBMPaTBIOK, f Ittsburgh, Deo. 3l;it • Ornatorms Pxort.*'* iMUSAsasCa., *) 1». 'E corner Wood and Fifth Bit., V PUUburgh, Deo 2*o; 1182. J irS-AN ELECTION FOK TWELVE DIBSOTOBS of tbU Company, dor* lor the ensuing y»a',will be held et this office on MONDAY, January 12tb, 1863, between; the boon 110 *. m. nod Sp m. d*»Bw WM. T. QABDMKB. BecreUry, Ornoi Pirrssunon A Bticintau B. B. Co., 1 Pittsburgh, Dec. *L 1882. J ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of tbePlttsbnrgh k Btenbea- ▼llls Railroad Compto; will be held et. the office of the Company, 141 Foorth street, betwten the boors-, o(10 o’clock ». m. end 12 o'clock tn., d» BOMBAY, the 12th day of January, 1861, at which time nod piecennelection torn President and iwblraßlrtn tors «111 be held. Jatitd d. F. VOM BOHNBO&6T, Bsc*y. urnoi or thk Pirneueoa aeo Aitr Pumsu BiitVATOomiT, > ■ Oakland, Dee. 10th, 1862. J. jrs»PJBRSONB GOLDING BONIiS imied by thte Company itre nereby notified that the COUPONS MATCHING OHTHE FUST DAY OF JAKUABY NEXT, (1863;) will be paid ob that day.at the office of the Company, In Oak land. W.O.LBBDIX, ;deiuu«d3« - General coper in tendent. fTK»THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Ifour Btocktoldera of tbs Oqlnmbla Oil Oompanj, foe the election of Officers, will be hold on WED SJtBtiAY, Jnnoery litb, 1868, et 2 o'clock, p. m.» in tbe offioa of the Ooffipany, 80. 134 First street. B. WEtrCEBYBIiT, fiecratnty. : Pittsburgh, Ore. 86,18*2:6627 gw |fS»EXCELSIOR INBTITUTE.— Tiw Ihih Third Beseton of tbe ebara School wit] com fosnos oa MONDAY, Jatuary 6|h.. Forpertlculars call at the rcoms of the lostUure, Iron Otti UoU.gs Building, corner of Penn and 8b Ulalr streets, or address JUr. W. 8. GRAY, Box 768, Pittsburgh. . -desfclw 5 - / Omcs Cn'.artXKs Vallst B. B. c«., V Pittsburgh, Dse 31,1862. J rr3»THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders o( tbe Chanters Tailed Bad road Company will be held on MONDAY, this 12ih day of January, 1863, at No. 144 Fourth attest, Pittsburgh, betweea the boars of % ehd.4 o’clock p. m., at waloh time and plaoe an election for setea Directors will be be d. ! deSlttd B.F.YOM BONSHufcST, B c‘y. Ornos lunuxr V alley mitfou) 00., I Pittsburgh, Dec. SUth, 18&I. f fFg-THE ANNUAL MEETING of iho fitockhoiders of tbe Allegheny Valley Bail road Company will be held at tbe office of tbe 0--m -paay, In the City of Pituborgb, on TUXBDAY, Febinary Sd, 1868, et 10 o'clock e. m., for the pnr boee of electing a President and Board of Manager* for the essa ng year. ; deSUtd B. 0. 088, Aeoretary. bOOIKTY.— The Anna J MeeUng of tbe Alleghany Coun ty Agricnlisral Society will be held on tbe FftßbT WEDNESDAY (7th.) OF JANOABY, 1863, at 11 o’clock a. m , at which time an election for O(bears end Maaagers of the Booiety loi tee enealng jhi will be held. B. BOdOIEB, Jr., Becrslary of Board. W. 8. HAVEN. Chairman . 1 defctd iSCUUuL FOR LAOiEd U'*' —Tbe Second Term of Mrs J. X. BOGGS* SCHOOL will open, on MONDAY, Januery 6th in N*. let BOBINeON STBEiSt, Allegheny City. = d*2‘:lw " . 1 ’ frS»NUTIGfi To DEPUTY MAR rYv :6HALS.—Tbe KaiolUsg Officers for Alle gheny Oonoty, who have not preeented their bills for eerrioss, are hereby notified to attend at the i-Ooa of the United Atatas Marshal, iu ritubnrgh, for that purpose, cn or before the 16tb DaY OF JAbUABf, 1863. A. MUBDOOU,- «-s»8l;6f U. S.Manb»l. BOOKS, for; the new i ■ Pottaf* Carnocjr; PlAßlft), 4 to 8 to. and 13 mo.-, LA.WTKIU UKW Tl* BHYULOPS; SLO COMintINKSTANI>&iPdOKK2KAPJi ALfiCMB} fa* ml* by . . {xBaTUB, ; oc2o _ - - eoroM Wood and Tbfrd itroets. jrmw r'EMTMSjEjajEjrrjs, Allegheny county. T\* COMMONWEALTH OF rMll&M Bfll &XiiVANI4, So On bker>J luo do.uro 83,) root debt tor tboir debt M wellestwomydoiUts for ibelr co«Uand cbeigM by tbeca about ibelr,«att in that bebalfizpontlsd, ;wtereof tbo tali a.. B. Cor ling, Morgan ; Jtooerto.ro and tfdwa-d Duhrldge, partners composing tbo fins' of Carling, Bofcertaos A.Co., afo'wfay aro ooavlct, « SfJ*ers to os of reeord. And wbsreae, by tbo tab ■location of tbo aald Edward fibspeon and Joshua Banna, in trust for creditor*, plaintiffs in said iodg moot, «a£l Jncgasst being £fo.4S of April T«rm, a. •D. 1641, in iiuitriot Co art aforesaid, wo boro In our Mid Co art understood, that although tbo Judgment in form aforesaid be jived, yet ox ' Wits me the Bon, M. Hampton, President of our' said Court at Pittsburgh, the 80th day cf Dsesmbsr, . Anno Domini IMS. >• HSKS7 EATON, Faothoaotary. Edward Simpson and Jstbua') In the District Court Banna, intrust lor creditor?, of Allegheny 00. vs. Writ of fccL to. qoare A.B.Curling, W with no- ' ezecutio, non, *c. - Ucl to widow and heln of Ho.; w; Jan’y Term, ' Morgswßobertson,deo'd. J 1889.' ; And now to wit, December 87th, 1838, on motion cf John fifcOlaren; PialnUfTs Attorney, it appear* log to the Oonrt that the htirs of above decedent, to wit, Frederick end Caroline Bobsirteob, are minors, and hare no guardian in this State to inks charge ol their interests, and that they, with their mother, 4 Antoinette; ftobertsotf, retida to tho Stste of Bfw Jersey, it la ordered and decreed by the Court that Osotge Burse, Jr., Asa., be appointed, guardian ad I (Ta» in this case of said minors, heirs of raid Mor gan heterteon, droaased, and that notice of sbove writ to widow of said deotdsat bp given by the Bhor* iff of Allegheny county, by publication of said writ in the WttUf PiUdmrfk, oawtfs for three snocesstle .weeks prior to the return day olmidjult, and that a mpf of said paper, containing said potlce; be Jbr* warded to her address •by mall, to Bowsrk, Kew Jewry. By tbs C urt. }j - ffrem the Bocord. . i . , / H AHBYAAXyB, Prethonotary. the aboteramod par ties wlUptoMd take notlse of thi above'writ and ordsr of Conn. .< , ~ . BABST, WOODS, 6b«rilf. Banur'iOnui, ' Ptu»b«rtb,-j«n. i,njg. IJC THIS OttfUAlW OUUKT UK Ai* X LUittVY OO&BTT, ?■ bHB YItY AMUu—ln r thtjiattarbf.'thaMtiu Qf wmjajm .fern* tto’d. Ho; V OotobarJfcnfc 1993;' Writ .asPartltloa at Valuation.*,. ? ’ . . I : /. 'ToJans Baraga, *Sd«w} Mirtirac Ana. Allen; JoboCookhad Jane hit vl‘MA>na*r!*{J«a« Bbtm>): Hen ry M; flange, Haney Ba»afc,AAaTßary Baraga, Boberi Baragv, Jans flange, JiwßMtte Btnfl, flamo*! Llsyer, gAardlaQ.ef .Ann tfaiy and Jgofctri '.benge; Jiuxe nrin» goaralaa of James and J**n netta ravage; William Parage, and ala guardian, Hian Jf. toTuvcblUna iad httaiit Jivot iht nUwlUtaa garage, IstoofHsTtb flayefca town ulp. All((besTcoa4ty l reo&cTltanUt4>»c’d.Toaare hsfrtoy njQflid that aaltiqoiaitioninU be held 4a P«"S»bfi*'of theabonmentiVc«do) l dsro;.Wril.o( nmUona oa thepremlsw dsecrlbed therein, to' a*' *bs rremlseslo HorthPayhite towoshtp, ®“ t BDMDaT, the M.bdsy 4t /aaua*y, Anno Domtaf IMS, at JO o'clock a* m*» to make partition ; to and among tbs h«i i, Ac. ofibeedddeoeased. in -•mb aanam and la iacb proportlaosnsby the laws of ibis OommonweaUb U At&ttMOncb parti. lon can ike to or tpo ling the whole: bat If soeh partition cannot hi t&edl thereof as afotesatd, then t 0 niao and appro!* the same aooardiog to l*«*i«t which' time ana place yon may attend upon think proper. t . HA*H¥ WOODS, ShartiK . &aaaiv»*aoi7ica, ) . Pittabi -wb. Jan, a. IMS. t. ' ■abaiiih. . { ' jo:i»«£3* Glubia'wUui' ukaVV: wm’iu BTOC&of " ' -T”. ‘ - BOOTS; BBOtt iJU> B&O0XB3, 1 / r i*? ' .* , „ : M floor fiFWtJIJw. JfTMWJ JtDVBHTiSi -AFFlOfi COMMISSARY OF 60 B? VA6«T*tCE- ‘r-.-f ‘ . \ -'■■■l- Biimmi*, MiL, Jan. 1,1883. rrepoeaU will he received, (from flm hand* only,) until U M. JANCABY 18th. 1663, by the unde;* •ttned* for .famishing the ,l*b*lateoe* Department with ax THODfIiM) BEEF CAtTUS, no the hoof, delivered at.ths State Cattle 69• Ua. this city, in Imaof (iOOO) onvihousaad each.'every .AO) tan days; to be weighed within one and a half days after arrival, at tha awn of the contractor. They mast average a boot (L80Q) thirteen hundred pounds gToee weight. All falling shr-rt of (1UCO) oue thousand potmda grow wa s fht, and Balia. Buga, Oxen, Cowi, Heifer* and Hornless Cattle will be in jected. ■ Tne Government will claim tha Tight of weighing any one animal, repemie, if its appearance indicate* lees weight than - the mlnlmnm mentioned above; the ex; enee. of. weighing will be paid by the party erring in jndgisant. : Each bid, to secara consideration, mo*t contain on a separate sheet of paper a wtltten gnaranteeaf two >as£>as!bleper»oh»,es tor.Ai.by ami a.OOLMBg. pjUmiAl FKBSKN'M ALLIS WAit OF PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS .1 1 ' OB BOOKS SUITABLE FOB HOLIDAY PRESENTS, 1 ■ ■ _ ' \ i ' . SHOULD CALL AT TBB qjFT BOOK BTORE, 63 Fifth Street. wa airt, wobth non ii»ttobsw to OKI HUSDBBDDOLLAE*, 18 OITBB WITH B AOfl 8008 BOLD 8«« PJOUPAY PREBENTS, GREAT GIFT BOOK STORE, Ha 118 Wool Street. W. bin noalnd tbta Aa, th, LABOBBT ABB BIST ■■■rtaiiatcf PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Star offered for aala la tblsdty. Wa tell them at pvfeaa • DEBT OOMPSTITJOtt. ‘' ’»• Jhn. slid liwaheA sapji'l «i OTBHILB AHD OTHER BOOKS, . taltablatar prmota.;' - SM*A oacUj praaaat la ftTMtwitb aaafc booh aoM. 4«ts, , • . .. -- ’. . 1863. ' HONTB 1863. ( HITSBTJBGH AIK AHAC, JOB UR. !■ Atarga72pCf*b6ok.-JftxttrA'ad* iMewirnfarf by PHiLOTUS PUIK. A.-M;ia*tkorof J&laa’a mUzmt* «f Arttlmrtlca. *e.-w»uin. lot, baaMaa tba mat Aatronsaffcal Calculation Ta btaa, Ac., tba * BBITED BTATM STAMP ACT, la fall ; ‘ -TALC ABLE ESOEIPTB j, ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS OP TUI MEAT BIBNLUON; ! An 4 lot* of ouUr <«t»rtiUa|rg_*Dd lastraotlT* rnd ingmaUtf. PRICE, ONLY 5 CENTS. WSaotf pcst'pftld,oa~r«e«lpt or.tvo thrw'oul • '.i .v ' ;; • , Aiaren »tl<»4*n, t« tMOTpro«pl»tt*iltliiii, to ."ion"?^iDii|-PiUiikn f 4 ;;;■ y hasosio Hill, mia 'nsun, d»n rrmansGU- sa, 1 Akb OLL—& bbm. iWfined soiß Imd- JTEW rjs OOUNTHY & B ■ A.liSSg S. J|si EATOiV, AAUjRVin & CA, No*. 17 and 19-FiMr Street, j Jobliatiiid railin'tfTßOtMlliail, DUBpl HOSIEET, OLOTEB, HOOr SKIBtS, BIBBOHB, BHIMB, COLLARS, TIES, DHOU -BHIBTB ill DBAWSEB, WOOLEH HOODS. TO BIAS, ! BOAEM, IIPHYB AHD BHRLAHD WOOL; &000 Ha. KHITTIHO TABHS,OD tuad ui to vrin. Oar Mgck wei’imrcttaewi Utorvtke leet gnel bd> react Id prim, and we offer newt tedofiUDWti to CITY A bD OQOHTUY ttXfiOHAHTS, MILU HX6B, rXDDIiXUS, eod ell-wbo boj to nil egatn. U. B.—A ciuuw aMortment of Staple Dry- Ooods. (t wb^wl*np||. PUBLIC BALE OF VALUABLE A FCBNAOB PBQPSBTY,—By order ol phene' Court of Clarion coaaty, Pa.. the undersign, ed, Administrator ofthe estate of Samuel V. Pluaer, deceased, «i‘i expose at Public Sale,on the premises, on TUESDAY, January 20th, 1E63, at 10 a’dotk a at., *Jie'BABAR FDBNAOB PLOrtBTY, situated on the, bank of the Allegheny Hirer, near Brady's Beod; In' Clarion eonnty. This property cotualoe üboQt twenty-seven acres, on which .are erected a Hot Blast Furnace; a large fireproofStoneEtorehonse, Warehonteand Offioe; three large'and three small frame Dwelling Houses, and two targe frame Bains. The fanuceandtralldlngs have been recently erect* ed, and an In good : repair. Aleotbe equitable title ot uld decedent, underartlele* of agreement, loitba Ore, Btone Coal and Limeetone on the Unde ef Ben* nlnger A BossanL The sltuatlrn of this Fanaoe, : end the convenience of Ore add Coal, makes U the most rateable property of the klod in Western Pennsyl vania. At thelaime time will be Bald the Tnrfcace and Mining Tools. 1 Will also expose to sale the JKFFMBON FOB HAO« PBOPXBTY, on tba premises,on WIDHZS DAY, January 2lat, IMS, ; Connected with .these two Furnaces are Ursa tracts of valuable land. j. • P Terms made known at day of sale. Je3:4t ABbOLD PLUMSB, Administrator. ABaiQNEB'B aALE OF VALUABLE ! BAAL BUTATB—I wiU expose U ' PUBLIC BALE, • ; oh. . ,• j. Tuesday,, Jan. 6,1861, at llo'doek s.jm., • ON] TBS P BKMIBSB, f AU that reltiable lot or place of ground attnaite la .the Third Wardt-CHy of Pit sborgh, bounded and described as follows: i . Begloningat theeaatern comer of Cherry alley and Liberty street; thenco along Liberty street eaatwardly4l Lst'lH Inches to the line of-property .now or late of-Yogei A Setters; thenoe by the earns 9# feet anp 6H Inches'to an alley ten foet'fcldef thenoe along satd alley 134 foet and 3 laches (o Pltur alley; thence along Pina alley westwards-83 foet 1 Inch to the line ofproperty-no wor Uta of.J. Parker; tbende by the same, and by the Une of property ha*, loosing-to J. Tetter's heirs, northwardly 75; foot; thenoe by .the.llne of the tat mentioned property C > foet 4.lnches to Cherry' alley; and thenee by the earns 79 foet 9% Inches to the eomer of Cherry: alley and Liberty street j—y capitalists. •• i . Tnniu st Sals. ! " JOHN W. BtDDXLL, _ Assignee of George Anrehtx. J. G. DAVIB, Auctioneer. Pittsburgh, Deo. 17,186 A 4el7;3teWtd Russian spectacles , —Notwithstanding ‘the attacks ;of Jealous BgeeUcle venders, who aspire to the name ol OjU EUSSIAS PEBBLE SPECTACLES Are receiving dally the warmest endorsements of our cJtlxens. AU ti at U asked Is to examine all other SpscUoln; then ca'l end examine tbs'BCSttAN PBBBLE met. For sale by i J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician; ManoUotorer of the Unaelan Pebble Spectacles, 59 Fifth street, Morning Pott Bonding, ; TESTIMONIALS. / To show the eo:eptanoe with which fhe BosaUa Pebble Spectacles have been received here, I jmbfott the following teetimon.ale, and aen give many more' ifnebeeiary: I / .. rmnuioKi Dec. IS, 1863.-1 - Mr. J. Diamond—Drer Sir e 1 panhemd efjrou, in- September, last, a pair of yonr “Banian Spectacle*, and after a fair trial of them, 1' Jberebjr oertify tbat they are the btst lever need. /licheer felly reoumaead them to all who wish to bay Spec tacles. - Bemectfnllr. V- ? - j WX. 1 UHIHAUtThos. 149 aui lai/Wo^st,, Pmsstraan, July 80, 1&62. lfr. JT. Dfotwowil—Dear flirt I purchased a pair of .tha~ >Bassian febblsT Spectacles from yea, end mast say they arathe best I over tiled, and recom msad them to all In want of the artieU, j - . . G. KHBHABT, K. D. I certify to ths above, / I • '1 GSO. H. KBYBHB. PmsWaH.Joly 28,|1865, Jfr.V. Blr: I] purchased a pair ef the "fyusiain'Pebfele’* Spectacles from yoa, and car tify twt they era lha beet I /star need; and j recom mend than to aU in want of this artlelaT i . 0. F. HCITMETSB, Pastor of the lllesion Chareb, corm>r Ohio stress and Bast Ootfimon, AlUgbeay City. ftrtssuiu, 9M»lBy IS6L Mr. J.’Diamoud—T)iir Sir: The ••■Boailee pebble” Spectacle*; porchated of yon, after a fair trial, are the beat that I hare tuel* O. W. aUBI.IT. / PirrutJKGß, Cee. Ifi* 1881. Jfr. J. Lias aoed-Ceer Sir; X porcbaeed ot joa a palrof the “ItoMlaJi E«bM*”SpocUclae, and after a Ut trial ef tbem,l hereby aertlfy that thrjin the Mal i ever need, aad cheerfully recammeod ibea to all who wfirtt to boy SptctaclM. XP'K IfflXP. *—_ Prrrsmoß, July 22, IW2. Mr J. Oftirtan-»l here used BpMtodN tfce.Uet ten/jeere. Saving suflbred considerable HOtn titk eyes, I have .been led to ioqotre sad avail jaytelf of ; etenr shade of advantage tbai (Imm ooiWisflort. Uearlu'of yoor new bUMm, the u JMafea. Pebble.” I Eaitteted do* to (Ire; them a trial, and feel It due to , yon to aey I hsiefotusdsia* bUiar relief. Mj eye* do art voter* as heretofore. / Yoon respectfully, . J.J.WXBB, Baltimore Breoch Fiaaollaonlaei’y, 118 Wood st. ' -ttsatbl 180). 'tl«lan,»' , .QBUKnoi», ! B. 0., Ant IjfUidi; from ilkd«ysot Diiacn&OptUu&iapair o( ui a< Bwia P«bbW’ flpaetfclM tbr txd wife, «&d I mm «lkA«d (baw *Ttrj npMtf u> tlcfe-HbotMt l«rer MV—«ad vobU r«odmmnd UitodiCMb&Mdof miltfldti ! ; ; AIAHS. Gn.*n*« Eton, H. 0.,* ■ — : ixanlDidtadtnM J. Obttou'i “Bomlm Pebble" fipectaaka, tnd tm Battefled that vtsld ncnaDni them to all who* may need aajtkio* of the klnd-: B. W. D. HmniTOLB, Ala., Jan.45,1*0.: Mr. J. Viwmvni, tfra bw», OeouQU and Opel* cUiL baa ddaptad lo myajta (iiaei oftha "Bnwlaa Pabbl#,” through?which! an enabled to 'aeb both atadlatanoeaadnaar at hand, wlthoat haring to adjtit tfcatt at all. .Sean aae to iaad the fine* print, and eaa aoa manat aa Cur anAdMloctly m I ban wftV thanafcedeje, fchrooghthem; • . f- : Baxn Ouax. JDad. IS. IMO.- Mr. J. Eiamon i, Cptldan, haTnttahad a pair of the'‘Bomba'£» . .fa” Spaetadaa In ta/ihons*. Ibr ntywlft, and It j r-./raa Co m# that ha i* a man of hit probMlcß. 1 JOHBBOrH.~ Gift 1 books AMD photograph ALBUM*. -• imMrUl.Ooorte—a splendidßook. .91160.* - Gallery of Tamoa* Pent*,lCO tlhwtrattcni. 91160, latbeWoodi, wftkßrynat,Loagf»Uow Bad Hal* leek.;9A, . • „ |T ' TbeFomt Hjttn. B/ Wm.C.Brjini. : 91 XiulUt'i MlsoeUaaeoaaWorkir 3 sel», Vd et, gttt, ' *aUc«tat Hlstott. by Loosing A WUllnau, K Salt r Vlilis*. PoSß*idot!i endXafkiy moroeod ** _ ‘ Works, Including tfca lUaof Washington.! 1 , PoetsoftbejHlneUeathOratvry. .' . fall.Tartty morocco} I*mb»* -t , : Ltte otto. Adam Clark, 4 voU, 6 foil IcalL /, I>r. AdauO ark'a PoiMMiilAfT, K ert, 9M. „. : raozoauAPß auGlu, i : Holding froxgia to 100 pktuna. agaar» and oblong, doth and Turkey aomoe, esquiMtelj-fisUhad and' medeavoor own eeUblWubeni, In the moal dorabte taaaDcy.xaiifiaf fcomWoeuiatofU. >• B iblsa, la gtgal variety. from 86 oasts 4* gSS, ~eo t\ ~ 3.L. BJ6AP. T 8 Foorthrtrrat. ' JJUOKa KKKbliFKUlduElfi tfKKtM. TITAB—Jean Paul Elehtcr’a great! noral,!&ow ftnt translated. by.Ck *E.i Brooks. add 'pnbluhedfcy Ticknor A fields, Boston. 9 vols. 93: A PBMBST 'aatW of»Tba ’ : Patience of Hope.*' 1 voL 9L j OB AY KB TQpDQanOPA OOUNTBY PABSQH —By Bee. A. H. H Boyd, author of tloos of* a Country Parson,” “Leisure jHeura la ■ Ac. ! Tol. [ tl~t& 7. POXMB—By’ Adelaide Aane Frcct jt.' Bint and* gold. 1 *ol. 91. TBS BE3ULT3 OP SMAHOIPATIOHi.By An gnatia CoobiiySs-Kalreand MunicipalCa«n* dlloref Peril; -WotV crowned bj the institute ef Fraa:e. Transited by Mary L. Booth. tIJO, Ant leoeiTfd *ql for sale at the Book* tor* oi deB9 B.S. PAYifl. BAWoodatraet.^ pIDLEY & CO.‘b fcTEAMCASofSa XV—Justneelyed. from jZewToxk, a foil anort. unit of Bldlev's' Cehd{fs,'Yaailla Crteu, Broken fiUck, assorted audebriueo. piai, Ac, (braale at tfie Tamlly QrocerpflMraof t 5 jmo- a^eSSlbaw, - drfld .... ■ . oornsr Liberty and, Band Attests;^ riOMMiStiIOMUCtODo. > . VJat>blj.|>rlm* frmb BoUßntUr; 4^'1 I : SO 4o >6v>.«t Cltar; *»„ 1 AbbL>hltoßM(U; ,' ; WfaramW.feOhim*;,. J : BO do', Hanbars.Ohtaw; _ ' 1 JaatrwaiftdMdCorttJabj *•” , 1 - ...» '• TODiDtt in Bftow itttoloirbr |WOOpMD*4V / V-iv Y-. r- fe: »MT: ~ ,--S :■ : •■•1- 3- JOOP bktwb at half, pbiot, HOBHM tUXKUQ BTOftl, TT aad 79 Market atraat. A tow nor* of thoo*iUshUj aoiM Stop fUrtt fell. ot **!f thowil Often. ]d i JLOaUSG OOT BALBOP '■ Embroideries, BOKBi’i isuonaa non. Hoa. TT and TV Market ataat. Dario. thb moat* w. will elewnt oartt«*of jjOBNgB HOSIERY SALE, ■Te oomraioc* on KOHD ATt Jaa. 6th* . ( Cotton Hosiery at Last Year’s Prices. At wa wtob toi*dnc* .onr itock bote* ttofterf PbniiT.nm BOV offvin. cor LADIBV_AHD GHiLDUa'scorroi Boa o pan him pbiozs. ivdtaoUMt.aatoeopvomt.tir bij iaftMlrtoodanow. ’, • / - ■ „ JoaHoao, naiT»Maifc«t atraai. OHBAPI CHEAP ICHKAP! • " e -i , Qrctt bit|»lu or* now to bo hod it C.HAYSON LOVE&CO.’S, 74 Market Street, I9.UUaJ.Of DRESS QOODS ! . ■. . s Tor India* War. ■ S goods; of m«7 doaarlptteo, nrjf OarStookte toll ondooiopUU, ond vfflhooold at th*lo#«ft prtoa tor onto. •• oorly ond h*[oont (hloidf U6(o fvdMitog. •Ittwlur*. • • ' ' ...... : . : 0. BONBON LOY* * 00., j . lo.M IfaikOtaliMi..: (Sm or m Omm BnHnrmU 'X"~. 1 j«e , T\RKSB GOODS, 'Hi . V "i '■>./ ■ • roa HOLIDAY PRESENTS / AT BARKER A CO.’S, 60 MA&UT BTBKKX. eaiAT baboaibsi sn thui gHAWLS AND CLOAKS, HOLIDAY PRESENTS, BARKER ACO.’S, i 'i -1 a. .I: j r' •' !i’ MHABJDBT CTBKtt^c; inrr «tjrto that ta seat dalrakW at l|*toaa aa :li*ir r aatfcca»«(lao6 jav.—- i 1 g I L K 8, HOLIDAY PRESENTS, BARKER&CO.’S, null an mnt. At CS)£o.; TStu, yi, vkl«pvanta. Aa iticit *a UalUd« A“ BtLSOTBDTHXI* Chriitmu and lev’ Year’r Oifta, SHOULD pALLWWHOUTDILA* AT MACRUM & CLYDB’B, ’ And choow ftm lb* toMtifeivtockof E M B KOI DERIES Wfetsh wtjftn nlllag tl EA9TER9 COST; Wl towjriwUllnut IWWIBM> 9i tb« foUow tog gooto, wry dwlmbUlorpH—»f: LIHIH HAHD«LUOV(m • •LUT», WAIVES, r&IMOH TIUA , , fOHTAOO,«Am*S, * GABAS,BATOHHLS. , tonn AMiOLns,”^^* 1 ! ow »i«.-B D oxL^“ D, ' t r v t —. 'Tiraauonn mm 1 - ißniamßi, ■, i.. ■' mf*..: __ , . •HIBBUIroOOUiiW, ,HIOX*LAOIS| v ? ■-...■• ■ j »: ,• 4. baaomblao. 1 ;l AfaMn Mnrtonatadr > A .i* photograph ulbumm, Mi>»ioir«s* r 1 vSUtuTKti>'uto¥jai Ai l »Lu6raß OHLTOrtBOUiUI'mrAIB, 1 . fT ] emohi.iuch™ *<*>., M* If IMk nnM, I**' *' ■jj| lasob stock op 6 LO k: S SHAWLS. CDST.MOITmD BT|BXFBK3L' j aiao, MOHBCSB D elalnes, AT 25 CKRTB, - " ' ■ «' - ' ' ■ W. & D. HUGUS’, / •• *■'. i • I Cor. Fifth A Stt.j P(TTBBUMH. * JTKW TKAK'B QlFra, , XATOS, XAOKTOC ft CO.'S. 7 :■. UMtelaadtgpropUU HOLII3 A Y OIFTS. riMoi abxiohs; ■ i. -<■ - IMBBOn>SBIBB, l, ototcs, - • ! HAHDK«BOalutf»,' ■.! .lack vnu, miit>bm abd KAMawi uta goods. Ini/Tariat/of UD«l' AHD GXBTUUIIS'a WBAB. bumui unvttnii«d|tiM. ! miiOB,MAOBOW*OO^ - . iftirrmn. JIVCtiOJT BJULEB. T»OOKB/ATj AtJCTION.—OfI MON JB DAT BYASflja, Jan.tUi, at 7 o’clock, u Hmoolo Hall Auction Bosm. a Urf* naw nook Joattacalrad—Boob, P»p*r. Cold fan., Baal]/ *ar’. AUWI, *' te i r. A. MadDW.Lkm Aaa. • TTALUABLK STOCKS AT RUCTION. V -On TDBSDAT ■TKSmOrJwnuT «th. at Tsi o’clock, wfll ta Bold. Oomaatclal Salaa St skaraa Xxchaaka BaakStock; 86 do OtUaauT do J 'do;' •. 86 do MwmaiiliHlaliihiliiiiiii BtnklStock; 80 do Svxdka l&anraaaa Oo: Stock; 60 do AUaghaar YaUftiF* 00. Stock; 16 do dtUcna iMriTancaCo. Ktock; J. Q. PATH, Anet. STYLES OF . BOOTS, :.! I EEOIB, and , BAJLXO2AL9, for Mims tad Cbildrsn, - at l g I - J-l—. 6t Fifth rtrft. ..a - A BtUWNHitt'B OALK UP tiUUUSH aO,; ISB.—On TUESDAY* Jtaoaryitak. as 10 V«leok«.is.»ntVo.‘B7o Libert? strata order of •■W«. Stewart, Ssa., ta«olstkaaa* lira atedk VUlUU'i'lJlUi J: ujurra&.TowiMHir.-oa tumdat KOBnBO, tel Must Undock, «U tenU.o* Kn.tf.B. eoydtrtFann.wxtto theQitj Fans. MtfltajMWttblft't&s snUto Stock tad Furniture, Hog*, Poultry/ Plough*, liucstroth Be* Him and Bm, Bay In tttatfc, Fotatow, light H*r Clock*. ctn*t~ *** Bdrgw* Bedstead* wSo/BAVlfl.A»ct. Eurm. WAitu x XT . JJ'AUCT*OH.*H>" SATUBHAYt AFTXBHOOVt -wi ak 8 will he sold, en the promira, ** Wto Ward, City. 4 Pittsburgh,.!}/ order of 4J.JteAUJster,XeQ.,trastes ofMrsJXytU, the fcl towtagraluahl* | ■'T-.” , 17r,r the earner oT Factory and Pika strata, U Mat front on Pik» stiyst, had 1 axtaading hack atong BhMryWratUoiwt towardsXtua Moat i batogiotHo. IMn.plan of br-An owner for 3u aACiCK V V WHXAT.lßarited "O, O. Smith." from st£nrOhS»*o.S+ , »T- J-oSSyW T, w. r: : - Ho,loJmithflMdstt«at. QHBIgTIUB AND NBfW.TBAR'B it 1 PBE’S B N ; T S.'' > BMotoglaphic Albuwi*. Tlm bat, bat tad eb«p«t M.1H.1 ul || |lm li p '"'V, .-v.- i-d.■■ Children's' Toy Books. and Ossies. BOOKS, of aflVtnda, fcr Holiday Prvkenta. l^OOOfibnoi^a&iof OF QEXSBAIX jobpia oi 'mi HorosssTon slbi«s, : u onata each-$l4O panfcmn. ? - V /OHIW.HTTOOX,; «ppo«t*i tbi pobtopbo*. oil w;uj JUTLOH* BXITB, f • j I “ l;-i Mwurt 4M)tn I» 0 AttBOB OIL, naraipMwrt. —■ottoi M it ihJir ca*. iwrii xaiut -min,at«i tMrnM* to-iamaonUl* «1U b« >B»PUT ittKltari IQ.- ' - -i.! : mm i«im oi OBPPi oil. ■■ m«i TOOUJtftMtY OliAbe* WOKJfcS. j • • • PA»SOSB, TATLOB 4 ! , Oflni Ho. Its UOOHD jrtBKKT, PitMbßrfk. <♦aj.ii • • •• • .•CA A UUNTE—We want Agtottl t* fOv 9M aJmonttuoxpiaM* paid/ to a*U ear mirlmrtmg^taßtU,..OrltmMt flat—and ittriw *ikaraair»aMfol*ad,oaiioafl wtfclaa. JlftfAtfr’ «dMOMatj(Wo.. AMraab -i -• ——-ggAW^Cl^3tg ( BfakU|Brt t Moto«. iWAhurAV**, u *• •©» -f f tertßC iko -rMMiidk of tb» Mr ftttatl alvaa* J» pfe* AMba.aU *taa*L n W oo * itmt. ~v . •.] - WTp.JIA»BBAXA. WABTAD •• «oIA •IYCA BUlliU-imnt totunAgdiW # ttru rnfjmaljl m— pM. to MU *y »•» ehMB *uio. Mb Maohlaa. SaSajw*- • v ESasuoStaim^ium. • MAMUT'-.-. M-, »f«v-