The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 03, 1863, Image 1

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- -p_. t [ _ '■
and ,Q<QM3ji3ftßQi6i:i; r ’
kM a. O iJC;o ;- |
'■■'.qsssk'XZ.i v>r JJBSBIBPS &
■WR# i*f*cumoirs muttweWKX
/Vttnmi Cotbt asd Const or Cknatos
PrXiS OF &XLEOHSST' ConsifT, PinnttTV
.SO j£!*Sh39 J*«3P^pntr»’priuiDooun-
09. MON )AT) tbw 26th dat of Jaw-
AU thi right, title, interwt and,claim:
, ohiSt iel tnwnt;Jknee B. Bartley, o f , in!
end to all that certain lot o[grohndsita.-
.mix JriWl to Daqosnt* Boroag*, Allegheny
L bounty, bounded aid drwff ibid M follows:
7 ? Hstint frftontof sixty Uttpn IhsTPsnn-
Sjbsnia Csnaf and rdfiuijg back P«-
a., on 0M aide ard liy lot of WU
IUm Elect, A Go. on tha other Bide,—on
«> *U«h is «rtt‘«d one stoie-bofiM, ona itory
r foot; nMrring>;bovßT(r,' las nmutn
connecteduwilhiseid building] and'trbich It
assd forbotstlcj? ice ■..; 1.. “S
,1: i, -> «IkStKl-snd taken a exeiutionae tb'ej
'■; '■ '■ s'J-pnKiettyof James R Hartley, at the suit
jswdo eo*f t«*e'
. . , w, ; .1 : .
V.;;t <md cWm
<rf thodoreodaot, Jamae Conbly, of, in and
‘ S " ~t<rall ? iKat cettain lot or pika of ground
,;t .. xaitaated in tba SecomfcHarjCity of Al
- as (bl
on uiqsofth«ids
; .^•sla^rrate'iS!
, Jt^Mnreldlf l width,
,'f , = .i-Mafc-*ght eog£a*to.Jsuirton streetj 4 two:
1 f '"'. fcetdh attifUy-llr feet wide, be
-at: - - 1 " fffrV taken: m-exoeption as the I
• the enit of
>•*! »'*!*« jtfcSOUV " j' :
-.. tiiuVi AflWwHgbV title, Injaiestandeleiin o(
.« ' 1 - the'dehndnnt.'JohVMahlf.'deeeaaed, now
ad, a .
-*>i Adnuaistral tii,ef,‘iH,U>- and outof all
<• ,i> < situated
| Pitts
| !in the plan of lots by -Walter
'Forward kid Walter H. UsniFSM 2
ton Of' the last will and testament oi
Marion Pride, deceased ;Bektg Abe <aam«
lot which was contend by{Bernard Mo
day of Jane, A. D. 1853,
deed book frol: lt-7, page pBi, to John
Mnnn. injiia lifetime; on which is orcot
! -eda two-story brick dwellinjhonse
S'"® '>^as^tsstam>e^
■ ’ r the hands of Rebecca .!A. Mono, his Ad
-ministitttrisifet the suit..of >Tohn !BamD,‘
Su nsOinoarfor usepf efcprga M. Batletk
,%', *• 1 1,-i
t - jv- fAltmiyib AhtUww tnd clvmof
ril IKI 111 iWiWMMHiIMI MlirwilllHM'l'lfc'iilfi't- f T — a •-- '
i -sis
i .i t i. »nd O'Htn
of e<^uU <
'' '? *' I "liuiiitr«i fcet/ura erected
,:i j ithet^byo^tandfod; 1 ;«Ho]i Alexender*
•--... 4 « .1 ,<i'!»al. 6<Vp»3a' 29G r *wiurßjwl! to the tud
, , Jy; , r Jf^uiU r oWn , , : l>j:dj^A l 4&>f ( i« < i iatol/Si/’
4ied ; ‘idieiUui nd(j99]ap
1 ' : nho!«^eUatti«l>baineeconvijed tbiulie
... -i, ; , 40 ,hini,,tiie. Mid, John Bw»n,-lijt"tlW»‘
•<i ( i - “ Idied, recorded’m'Vol. 68, mi 439,*bJ p
:"U : .'6&,pegO.£s, TOL 70, po» 580] eol. 71, page
„, , jH2,jm4,Trrt.;j2, ' •.**->*<
‘Sdsed tod Ukon in eiecntionreethe:
licit gropeirf of >t! the, gait of
_ Twb.noiflorTuoof Jae' SiaL^idt’
; : r - *VS,W«,- iiso, j .•.! .«>'»
w: . -»3i*e7 »M~to;B.&.vJ>opkavt*rr6:*ftra»nt, of, in »nd-
I /vQi’-, 'ping at'* s!*£#*,>»* mi**
-' * ™ the dtetance of^dttejhtmdmiw.
fW) fwt andtgtt ii ‘'"
;r*jreftel wIQi-BeeomPetreefct
. atmWwantyfaVtHid'thjii <
. / . , inch; toenoe parallel Wftlr]
... <«»»eatjr-nine.fat apd tenfa
’ Y adonfe ; Second street westwi
i fat end three-quarters of ai
,„ , ,nonmtogr(>oiid rent of SI2G, j
. ' *efly,"4c.-’
-•! . =.. ?i jj« . Mud and taken in e«i
. ,’,i,■ . 40 ILAC Hcpkina,-terartanei
v ! <«f Th«k«-ji Kinney/MiUigtit
—. .„! ■'■- -....f1-’wftffPLF-.
■ffijp* ; j'i i. l >lii Vj {'■
«Uim of
■ •-cs, : 4ahKdtCeadaatriJeseph >Cdokstn, or, in and
'•tolteakdftm'-W''WoiSd-4itnat«d in tho
■■' ’,i",,, . i to» , n,j^3Jnni^TfawU®‘®iTl«« r Saint
■■»!■*:■; • ! dJlafaWnahlfcAUeighenT Slountjqbegln- j
", r.v ,;i if »* *iliwi|itfcnUw friiiidda i
,:ii r«?<,-,i-<aleog-oaid OMtfcfceoaUiwiwdlj fifty fat:
-itroiqlTVtfiirlLfcJ. < i.
to areUtiofi-W
■ jjSift^fsnt.-ajjfijj,,right!UttffctouiestjaitfUletPiat)
i ‘ ■lr*niiiuriloi' Jotn *^^ t i HarC'.
tj>lA- KAH'«UiaM»Ji lU®faidV»fi)f fart, kMn-af
Jamt Hud, deceased, ofijafafid to all that
* * mt i v3J mSk TfifS&fawHaiP
* ■■■■>* anthe paten PdaanfprawfcffL^K
„ _,b*giiiniag at a point on# hupfired PidWtir
, C«Bipf ewpsftSftd;
running; toenoe nleagcCrawford- atwl
> )t'«a(rc: \iei»aenlutea'parallal.arUii Centro areaae,
' " lag toufnnrniwra twenty-one: Iweaiy-two,
,•)•.'„■ vtuU jttlr»u£*i-Uirae and twenly-fodr, in Aaron;
■ : 4 Hart's nlaft <i lota in too Sixth ward of toe
~ >“ Hart-EUra^
, ’ \;i£
- vVu-n>* • deceased; at the lolt ot, to*fMvftr,vWwr
»«»* ; rid»nUtod' »f' ™ Jeffind
■ '■v i. tetFt>fi,*Ui Udrt fattH
;1 »* vr-e.Ttfejir-? j:‘>
sifliiag%t'n post ob the bank ofChartiersi
creek, at the corner of land. aowor for
-mgb owsathyfhapae Perkina, and run
ning soath'ibf defcfias east!))} 8-10 perches
to s post on the corner of,or.for-.
laerly;6wned i by John Laflhrty;.thence
,onth 40 degrees west 67 8-10 perches to s ■
, hickory; tbsnos sooth 4frdegrejeaireat4o9-l0
perches to • white oak a tomp ob the coraer
by John
Bee; thence north 65£ degrees west; B'9-10
'jtaAaMidh'hiehnpV't&mcj horthbC} de
gnM-. wesL,4l perches' to njpost;; thence
north 46 degrees west 62 6- bercaes- to a"
the theslco
south 87|t3egkhtB east 16:perctws to n .post;'
thenoe 73 degrees east 38 thence
north 76,degrees east 22 thence'.
north'2s} degrees east 47 perches tothe
plae£ c 6f rjeSsat3arJd°ih^fy Ilg ®.f ty-lhree
strict measure; ob which is jerbethda' log
dwelling hopse, etc. . ,
Auo, AU that certain tract oftafrdstyirrife
ginning at the line of the Pittsbarjsh aha
.Steubenville Turnpike Bond, at the; (tin
tance of- one perch from the line of the
PUlshurgh, and .8 teubenv Ilio;; BaUroadj
thence north 17 degrees 6 oihhiee west
,11 .?r l ft,Wrt» l^AP | ai [•feWceJoQPMs.;
SI degrees past 25 5-10 percheadoa pin,
thencasonth 89 degrees eaat 18 3-10 perches
to the line of.lhe Pittsburgh andSteubeoriUe.
'Bnfroad; west 20.
perches to the place of beginning;, contain-*
ing 2 acres j on which is etiptad-Veinall
tiro story frame dwelling hoase-'.hcjngpkrt
Auo, All that certain tract of land-situ-.
ate in'rite township aforesaid,' and hounded,
and described as follows, rii; Beginning
ptjftphlid JS**ltSSof the Turnpike aha
centre of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville
Railroad; thence along the Rafl'road"n6rth
17}dbgreea i eaat 20 perches; Ithencc north
9} degrees least 11 8-10 peroHW*>thence l
norths degreed ehdt 94tfu-lj)0 pitches to
a pin en tho iinC; between, ihe. Beilroad
Company's line and I). Flanaegan’S land;
thenoe sooth 40} degrees. eist C 5 IQ-100
perches; thence south 36} {degrees-west
62 7-10 perchha to a'whhpjoakj; thence
south 36} degrees vreat 50 perches to a pin-,
thencoSouth 24 degrees l2 50-100
perches tojthe centre of tbo Turnpike;
.Iheneealosß' ihe name, north 70’degrees
' VwV r perch lo the place of beginning ;
containing 20 acres, strict miaaore; being
paroelNo. 3, in said plan, fitedstduai.lerV
fa. No. 234, July .termj 1860. }
i*ajf.iSsSAEfto, i
.All that pertain tract of
the aforesaid, and bounded and
.described as follows," rwrl Beginning, at a.
pin in centre of ttimanijM, in{lihebhtiitHn
'iahnegkrf Ad'iiJtWnild; jthjnce..n6rth',
17 degree wytQßdpmehtstojapinb thence
north 43} degieeajMt:BB 3=lo perches, (o's
itaptheiKs! sdnol'7B degrw euf
thenoe aonthSJ degrees butj42perphea to
. theriurvpiketrthenoe along Jheitttrifpike-’
north 78} degrees' west 26 2fcl,9PiEWOha».
in alias lev. fa. No. 234, July}
: i : rSdscd'fcild'' 'Uiuß 'in ; execution las-tho
property of‘.James the, jult
A. B. Young and Matthew Haiteguhrdlsns.
TsopruaTJefTriw, of, in and to kUitnnCxokm
Begutningat a point on the southwest side
x& frpmjtbe south
west eornerj of Locust alley
thence~fhrty feet northwestwardly along
,the Uno ; of ,iE«*U. street to. qejfgtr Bebb’e
llgfi. itantsoat s rig^tapgi*siri<«aKwW sC
oaehonared and twentyiiught ! feesaouth
hrtWrhtdly tpChesnnt street;} thence elonjr
Keaffmanli line y thensesnt] right angles
■ shatwen
■ tyfCight feot' the 'pltce of beginning;
uponWlnclisiwunrißted-s frame cottage.
; wssr*
’ ‘ as the
• Fanny JeffriM and Loolan^
“*• : iult Cuth
(vAU-fhe i md.
umTdefendant, Abraham HayajoVia ‘and
to alHhat certain lot or pidc« ot granad
, ° f Allegheny,oonotyof
Allegheny ana State of Penna, bounded,
_*n«WMWa««®*K«eJtplig^K tin
corner of Beech alley and Bank lan*, and
■ TWndih j{ thfeci at' right snglea.'with -Bank
lane along said! Beech alley! tb, SnwlUll
stargttke Jineof said John Wr(ghl'iSi' .lh
' tedsnt; laadithenee atonglßanh Jaue tio
lota laid ontbj <&. E. Warned,
ter and*F.; Lorenz, said plan being reobrdod
in ToL67,page 602, in the] offiwftfr*t£~
ing, dining room and kitehepya'dds two’
story brick stable and carriage-house.-
BlfieUad Stkd take* ti£ execution as the
property of Abraham Hays,'at the bait Of
Thomn«B.|Hamilton,for use df .'{LX Brick
. AlAhe'rjighi. Utrt interest andulaim.of
theyCfcndantx, Chirks H. Lorens, Thomas
H-BtowarkandJagtcs J. Ofay, partners,
fto.. as Lorem, Stewart 4 Co;, ef.iny.le
and-out ‘orallthtl tract of lasd situated in
Chat4*?(t ! ji£wnshlp, ( boundeid.bydaaA of
Warden Alexander, Daniel ; Diehl, Jams*-
MartaUi J*n 'Obi^ ; Wm. a 0.:
the heirsof John Elliott, deceased, contain
: Ihg abOe hhnilred and $ fly acrM; on
one, log house tenant house, oaelarge frame
house and j o ther Balldlifgs'i |alao,;a-.large,
iWtwd's.Biatr «r the <dqra'<M
dSetcod whiehU.sßeeled a thres
|grddnd :^ 'situ-'
ated tniihaj lieronjdti nttWest Pittsburgh!'
ttViotUrt}-’- thkoble, riror,.
Palate* * Co;,
on the aoqtft by land of. the heirs of A. Kirk
U*» !•> ahdifWeiif’-ByTsndi of Ihs hslrs
•fJThe'naa Jones; on whlohate erected'
*“?“!** ?*»•» housesjffihfjjrnsee^fllttsi:
and thirty tenant
,t All that other parcel of ground
? r Dufuesne,
IbjskndgW&igSjple, ThottfirH.
rod of land.
kid, bounded
wit: Begin-
iwards Wood
marten of an
market street
loh li eroded
ration u 'lh*
ft, nt the salt
fe of Wn. 0.
Au**hBni;rii«t>. a a
Also, All ttotoo olhsr cerl£l* lolssUo-
IMA infd Iwrdbfhof Daqawtt,t«itimlair
jwTtki»»w(f tons JunulTttl
olttsimifciWiwyt*tM*i .iSimgtw ,m4JiO2
psrohes or thereabouts: on wmohsrssfwty
Ml of iron works 'jiMongfe*,]
;j >.« .’■■'■ •■ w*;
'Wichiimy. store heuse,- tenant houses end
oilier bolidingfi n :
Seixedv end teken in execution m the
property of Charles H-Eoitfat, tBSS3S*32’
Stew&rtand James. J, Cray, partners, ic.,
as Lorenz, Stewart fe Col at the hoi* ef-
PelerHatehison. •* '• *•• -{
• AiLsd, t
AUthoright, title,interest antlijararof
the defendants, Wo. J. SmithAmLEw
Smith, hia wife,‘ofj in and to iUtbsM three
certain lots or pieces of .ground situated in'
,93, |u the. plan ofloUleidejit by • Wards*
andAlezander r 4by JkiW. ; EBt&iQStdk’ stir-,
yftYor,) dat^JßepLlGj'iepT’saidlotsieing
hounded and described** fallows, rii; Be
finning ea Walnut streebat |tmb>fte**bf
-Lack one hundred and twenty feetf thaneo;
parallel with Walnut street 764b*t;‘th6nob
along theliiie l2^feet,
plaoo of beginning;: beidgibt same late $-
and, Annie, 4
nis wire, ana'John A&x*nd4r andUeryf
hijpwiftjibj' tfcetedert datedjMay 10th, A.
jgranthd!,i^d' A conTeyed to James
snbjeot tq the payrheht*
ifit thirty;jtoUgrgyearlyirent and'
thereout inhalf tyeariy Vpayment fot&Yer
unto the said nraMdh dud Alexander' Iheir
% ii i
si Seised and taken in execution, as the 1
ef Wo, J. Smith ana
nis erife, at the suit of ThosJM. Marshall,:
; Mo Bndf and F,;H. Coilieri T*n r
’ «•!- -- AiSO, 71
\ All tile rlghtlUlctfinterest and claim of
of Baldwitraud
Cl»ny, ; ).the ln and to all
eertiiita 7 lot-bf ,: grotind-situated in the
tflhth'.ward of the city of Pittsburgh, being
jlotNb. 2, in block four, Springfield plan,as
laid'out by Elizabeth F. Denny, and I coi*j!
-talning-ia : bide of Small
man- s tree tt we n ty- fd nr feetiand extending
tact southwardly bresehaug the ; same
wiUJh hundred feeL to Mul
berry' ailoy, and?. bcmnded od the eastern
side by lot of Darid Saw,'end on the wesW
IfiyL ■idb ' UtV; Of,Milba Fox, now
ownod hy, James iKearney apdE^Dajid
‘'SelVek! Whd"Y*kqnj ! ,'*4i exsiution as the
.property;.of John tLanfferj igarnishite* of
Jaldwin'and Chehy,) at the knit,. of,J5. B.
.PaUerson. . * ■ Sf** l
v. ~Atso,..* j
l right title^idterestand claim 1 of
the-ddiendahV of,
to,>U tot or niche of ground'
'situated ln'*Beott JtowAship [and
|wunde(f ?6n x ihfL' MQth-west by,.
James Conner andS. Couch, on the north-'
by lands of Eliza containing
■fifty ■'fith sfrdaj-in W"ivu£ lesSfand being the
Esl.,. High Sher
iff bf.aali -ConntyiibJfciMd/ffcll dated the
l& day bf. Mart; recorded in deed.
•1 Wsr. P»go jti# inSrtiich is > *r&U 9
led uiuirmßtoiyilog house and jfiame -hoqae
and oht buildi4geV'. „ j '
1 Xnjlh'dv Jtberirticd if land sUtia
. tad iaSoDtt'tswsriupra&d: comity
and bbundttl'bylahda'qf'Eiixhtl. Rowland,
SofthrFinfrth eaak by;
, idaadsiftliJohsu the' south-east
bands'- -Of James containing 1
. hfleen scroti same
whichiJames Black by deed da
; fed the-25tb day of* October^ 5 1834, l *fid
; ydK’iU, page ‘531,
msitfdnnd Spuyenaxtoithe isaid John V r
• ■‘niwSSHif 7 '■"■M.bii
»♦yyffWM'lj^lt^ 4 psr nin • tract of
vbmd aitaatedinxhe and county.
; On the! east by'
"lands of outh-weitby
laiula'of'Daniel on tl 0 north-west
- bylandrf of-M, D. l Brown, oh he north-east
' n ooptalning
twenty-nineiacrcV'itore ocle is; Being the
Biansfield'B; 1 Brc vn and wife
J 1856,
: lasw’zaoanKd in det&boek 125, page
Also, All tboM ,-HlMriyol certain l«ta
of ground, being lina boa. eercctj and
. seven tj-one, in the plan of lota in tbe Til
lage .of. Minefield laid, out-bs Menefield B,
BroVn; on iftoefi-Tif ifirebwdjatird story
brick dwelling house; being the ieune lote
which Msaefield-' B.t Browh j
deed dated the.fitii day .of .Angusl, fsSu,'
and recorded in Heed book yoi .126, page
073, granted and conveyed j to; tbe enid
John .y. Rowland. . . v . .
Boiled' and taken Tn execution na'inr
property of John Vi Euwlnnd, nt the au%
of Ilichard Fife, in trust, for! nee of Ellxa
?Ol Rowland. ... , ~,i ,BSGOH Si
. ■*, " •• !
Al\ tbe.'rihl, tiljs, intereei and claim of
. C.Elttiaarth
. find flecne..Olckiiiaon,',latfi partnere.
aa X. Wilfiarib:&: Cx.'of.inahd to all those
o&'gMioa&.in'Pitt: township,
S«,;u;;gi%Sijis,;iB, 17, is,
L hJoqlt. Kp,..27. W Springfield
dbytliejUlegbeliy river, Wil
ton k,
; erected a bprrel end keg factdi^rtrofiteiWo.
high, partly brick and partly frame, with
• tUMFfiiigine and machinery for carrying
on tbo fiald btalnm; a i i
- - Beixed andf-taken-in execution as tbe
! of 3 f-.‘ Wilmartb;X.|
wndtOeorge* Diok(ni)on,MMe »rtm:rt,' 44.,
a» Bi WilmfirtfrA (!d n et tkfi fait of Wm. 0.
Benly. ; . j
:.. Alilho'rlghi, UUfi, intern! npdclatoof,
Ibwdefendaat, fieoige tArihdn/jllyiCJkWi
Uo alLlhat loti' loipae Beatty
. plan of ward of the.
cily ofElUaahurgli,tbcaaded tnddeeeri6ed
; ae -iollow»r. B*gietalng!?»t {the; corner of
: .lot Sn. 2&on thwnaend a treett thfipco along
aaid filreet SU Xoetk.tbojiibrpeWdf lot Ko.
. ,27; ,th«aeo along ofiM lot IOQt ffiot to Bank
: .nlleytiihfcoe alesg; lablalle; > 24 feet to lot
Ho. 20, andi tbenanplong ea d Ibt 100 feet
to tho beginning! pa.wkioli is ereoted a
throe •torled briokidweUing louiw'fihd otrt 1
i , }
t Baited and iakontia. oxe ulten aa the
ptpperly nf Arthure, at the anit of
>f Hon. Wm.
jUtft t|»«CT>Wi», » rj.:r., ; ■->
,r., v- 4 AISOr, --j I £«
; ,;All,tbo right.UthbJntonol and otalm of
.tbe defendant! poniitl Bwen ty, of, In and
10,fill, Ihfit wiuln,.Jot or i pit so of ground
• Hunted in Cower HI. Clair ti wn|hlp, Alle
gheny; 'eouttty, Penhy'hiut led; find de
xtjrlbed «'ilintrirt; l eit';' : Begli inigfittt jltf
op the weet.oWe.«f.Bedford e reehfilifi dtei:
tanoa of fiix hundred fibdeevt ityitwo;{«727
feet ten ! nohee eoulhwfirdly f <& the topOfr,
.erpUnfi of ltrh>u>gfafinir
Bodford (tree -twenty-five
feet to the lineof lotKo. 22; i heppebyeiid
Jhjtneehr tpld line hortbVet HyS-Tftet M
Inohee to lot Ho. 2i) I thono .by eald lot
W&Ktas-W**' s W*fU < lehee teßedr
taken off tbe western ena the eofror npnb-
the -blan of
leta lald ooUby Bobert'llahc in, adjofnlnf
by aeed'itewi F bruiry
| . j
‘ :, Selie4 .’ar(4 ’Mliehiiln--'eXe utlon.jalho
propertT«t.Connel ffwehey. tt the ntt of
: rAllAhM^MW^ae^)
1 thedefondante, JohnuMlit at
■piece of ground situated la i\
of the city of Pittsburgh, on
of Liberty ehtf L, tii*irh'
tiered fifty-ninein lt
lots fronting twenty feet on 1
►and v
width one hundred*feel to Q a
• . Aiso, All that' certain , 1 1
ground situated in thePifl b
y,.0f r EUtabnigh, bonbdod •
m foU o*s»-ra&. Beguuuag o
’St/tbe disthalee of- opC htinc r
thence east along. Jraan.itroe
feevtf .ths easterly katfoMol
Xl nSjfrtrd's plan of lots of _
lAfortfcw; thence north toi M
ons hundred, feet
Utley * twent - f&fc r • afad
one hunondt feaWoithsptoe
fMAnfwuoUars annual" groi
.ftWfctyaHerty m per deed rw
&'jmf 62<fc on whioh said
a threawtorybciok dweiUngJ;
in TrohtV«?j\ Pen n >lfee#rj>x|
back, tolwhich Is attachddlri
•ride* frame back
Vnl'-thb eastern side a three
v&tHMibr: r f v
property -or John Keller.':
Ktfe ■
of Robert Woodi, Ksq.
: i(Jar .--r.''j--v-.Vir
f All the right, tidepinMSlt end claim, of
the defendant, Froooij.y«ni I wOTtOdnj of,
in end to all that cafhuLldt < f
.Dated is .the s4y: of.Pitlebir ;h,'WAg : Ko!
-lit-in Dhyidfmeti plahef lo eas recorded
in theoffice of recording dee<s, Ac.,
leghenycaunty, in deed book Tab 68, pege;
1 637,-nnd hi lUonnded and ■ del eribed aa fql
, lowe, - T|ji,,Eegins^!»g r .s!(.,jAi * ettaetani
fronting: thereon. - tireini . ft» t ptfserriDg
the same width'bitck'si*tybMTen i fcelt end
ia the same lot of groujodsold
ta James KcJSnmiltorsjt iia' uifirreixand.
wife by theii deed datsdthej naidiyjst
June,'lB4f, imd~rtbndM in tirorpgaid.qiyse.
'in deed bookTOh 2 0, and is the
same property held’ ■ ann'ebn' eyed bj’ Joel
James VMSwartpwcythif n >rt gag* being
gmirti’seeirrir thwjagdment it thfunpaid
,pnrcha*o-monejr tienwfi j t.t *«!•
‘ Seized and taken fondle mtloiFpiHhO"
property of Francis Yan
eait of Jafl. K. Hwiii Jail. - t
d I, iateiestj and ei&lta’bf
Xhe doWaUnt,; JtmVh A. !MdGeagh;:«f, ia
ani to all that cactain p^*cqerpartdl ! ;©r
vlUeJin {ho Soatt tysf- i¥ll*gh* njf. And 1 6 taW
of Poanaylvania, ooptainrag Ibis numbered
Sfrfothe plan if lota in"said
boibdgh, ikicrodrw E. U Eiralt, Bag***.
J. Chistott, and ndarded in the Jjtebcfcder'B-
Pffic* of Allegheny .county, In Mairbiblr
*a.XoUopo4>PeraiipgJNtii9 koutheaaieirly
corner of Bellfontt streetandS a iwwwttn*'
ning alcmz theU»of thpAUekheny Valley,:
the line of the tcid Bellfintej gtfOqVteYen
tywei|btifeet-anit. nineteen knA. «te-h»tf
inches to .the, owner of. lot Ncn's£iirh»fjl:
1 plan;’ 1 thencejArtheaatwartHy*'' alonfc jhe;
line oftßuld lotvioufiS one: hundred 1 feet, in
IdOngaUjey;. thyee north ijreatwaraij9Bfeef
8 alqng the
line of the Alimony Valiev Ra&eadfiipd
.thenpealongJatCneof said last mentioned
*bwtt and thraffc&ftbraor
lees, to the place of - beginning the.
•same pleoe on. parodof .iandfoonveytHTby’
the party of the second partjheretixtqVfhe'
eaid par>JQ* *h® first partbyjdeed'iMJtnngi
even data herewith,
ta*se«nn;t)ie y pmienq
chase-tnoneyt «■ j f<tf.uiz Z
SeUcd and taken in'fexepuUojrfce^tha
property of June* A. Me*
all the following detcribod loj
n ji(sips«!"*i««•
•ted in the Ninth ward, FilUj
ning on SmaUman stnet|24o)
man etreet 0
extending back came width
E. F. Denny, by deed dated J
nod 'reedrdedia : dMbobk'i
232, granted and obhSrCyOd tb
i ttot&ton lot d
Histh ward, PitUborgh; Ibefj
ISO f«tj
riter. oa whioh ar*«racttd od
corded in deed book rot -1 ! IIS,‘ 234*
grinied end convened to Poor # R*ed.' J
' > Belied ndd* ukeb in •xecaUott.M xto
properly of Poor; & Reed. ex the rail ,of Win..!
All Ike right, Lilia, interoii aud‘'ctkhh’hf
ibodofrndaut, Batijl J, Morgan, ofrluapd
to >ll that certain pioee Ofgrtj ipdaitnatod
in the borengh of Booth filta burgh, dlata
•lilo of Bingham atrttt »t tho OetnetoCi'ifth
■trot; thonoo extending in ffankow-Bliig*
hea>.etaott,wtottrly 24 foot joad taf «♦s&;
nlong the waoterly aide off .treat
of ground which woe oonrojed jiyjnma.
1800,-ond recorded in anld oountylndeeS'
booh .704, JW2,?V anld-t Derid 'Ji-
Morgan; on which l« aroctodtWoframt
houxodWhlSrtto'SllS.#" j L,';.'
Auo, All tlgtjontUM *f'groa*i oIK
noted in theborqughof BlpuiaghafiilbhanJ
.od.nnd doooh^'tt^olfiwijWiigll* iff*
‘•WwiiPi'uWftiißtdW* nt‘dhwaUn» Of
lot noworfortnorlji pttportyi of 'JohU Wo-
Koo, ffUkiogotroot
18 foot tnnflO foot All or; thonoo
No.'ttjilfeHiOliy.linitWlot No,, a—dtftot
lino igwgmtMM th» wm#**
dif ioioaiof iotodf Mi 18 ohd lfc JOltO Jlgit
.Hodie Company, in Si4nhysnio,aewlntto
borough of Alogdii
deod hwipg) dafeofaTih-ofi AprlLiA-D. l
Mergaryioljy -nfortnoa. willMnorofully
nppwr] iM^wtoMayjß^Kj
• Belied''arid' Sheufttj.xefeuUon no the
property vt Datid>d-. Mergonj attlra iqfc'qf
lnjn'peiuth.'.nrd ** j rinai}.-*™! *\v*
th« coiv tof AUeghehj.AUegh«y:«oouqr
n*i BtntoOf Ponn T a, bonndod (anfdeicrlhed;
;to ! fiUti}r£?.to;wit: Boginning on tho hojrllt
Alii* of. North 'ohUSqr •» » 49tom*4SiM
huadrad Mid: thirty-nine fool wNarcrtfr
itroot; thenoOnleagilne of
JoirtMfefy Mollen northwardly HxHffietii
Utihco wootwardlyiUong;:thoMipi''o^,h)V,
t~-.- `
' • ~n—n r~ ;
running at rigblnngleswUh -Hcfrtk Alley
southwirdlj exxiyfeet; .tnenbrnlong; taii
■lfocrthjrtley eastwnrdly* twenty-one feet,
mors or less, tothepUceof beginning; be
ing pfrtofouilotnnmberone hundred and
;tbe origiflftl plan! of the town
'(now 'city]; of > Allegheny, State of
PennsylranuL which ,Leri .William*
wifb, bj their dead dated jllth l day of
January, A. D. 1816, and recorded in .book
-Vrpagß 66- &0., and Thomaa W illiama and
•iUrwljfe liy deed dated lhe p7tb day of
Februdnr, A. D. 1816, nnaTrecprdecf in 'deed
book.Wj.Bfld yol* 70, page 614 oonroyed to
HnghiiptTie, and the aamefvhioh Hugh
Baria by hii deed ( dalcd.l?ttt day of July,
A.'l>rlB6o,-and itcoirUed in -deed book
VM;•—.pageooifleyed to eaid' : Mary
Jine B&nkin, whereon Iflertcted'A two*’
albiyibribkdwelUngbouae. 1 r
’Seised and taken •iU 'eaecu'tidh' as the
pkpertyof James Eankln anjd Hary Jane
Bankiin hie wife, at the auitl of Alfred!*.
Pear#of, forußeof the Dollnrantingaßink.
also, ' j I"” -; !
’-All the right, title, interest of
tha'defendant, The "Western PbnnaylTahia
Hospital, of, in end to the fhnowlpg real
MUle "InMHSinlowniliip, hounded andT
‘deseribedsVfbfio'ipVßeginnhig at a point
Idh'ihb iAf bnongehela. river, of t the Jine"] of.
Abrahetn.Hnye’.laiid: thouoe by smC.mW
SiiWOT ; < degbeei'wdaffbra feerobeaiioi a
poet; (- thence eouth GOJ degreeseaal 44
perohea to a postjlhonoeby laud ofJainta
H.Haj»Mnth'oB»’degrera; eaal.GS Miches
1q;:»,by .tauda pf ‘Abraham
Ltnhart east M perph«e
to a'- pott; then ebby lands of BhnHiaud
Aekarmahsouth eoT*hty-one 'degraos treat',
two hundred and 78 20-100 iperches Urn
sugar tract' thence by land of! it'B.'Weet
north <J2^ C weat 19 and 70-iOO perchesto a
WTC thwt« v , orjlnlety of J.
mirth.76s dqgrees. Mat’2l!
and 6G-100 percheStO OpoSt; [thence north
•dldegreeaeaet 144 perches’to* post; thence
nijrthWi degreaa weat 7 2&-100 perches tb
a i«nce,'north.!B7}7.waat 80 5(MOO
-porobeelO-npoSt;. tbenoonoplh nine and
j a CUl'2o 94.100 perches to a poai; thence
nCith.l” east. 114; &0-IQO tperehea to s poil;
thence ndrth77° eaatCSAid tO-IQG porob
ea:to fhe Honongahela .riyen and thence
!Sp e*W jctWX.eoßth i9?,«»at it perches and
•south ■£C?-«asl-86wnd'40~100 ierchea ior.lho
pla*w-of-tegtaiftifo'eoht4ining'lSB notes
and.BllWHMli.ibeihgi.thei saine land"cold
•aadeenyeycdtoiaid.. Westerh Psdnaylra.
Ola Hospital trf fNancy Whittier, now in
twiawleaiwitA James .Chamber admin-.
iitrataixof theeatate of James Whitaker,
deceasedj Tecordod'in' Deed Bpok, rol. 125,
■jWpa'tSfc.V;“'Ali.’.rjC.'ta !=!;. |
-■ -bailed and taken In execution SB the
lilat’at'dhe suit of - Jasiia. dhnmbers and;
Nancy; ; hia trlfbj'fWtaib- dkAhtsaid Nancy,
administratrix of‘Jdmba ;Wi<tnker,l decide;
"!iiitTidrii.‘.i.t ALSO, 1
All-the-right, title, interest and elahnof
'thedefwndintj George Arnbldj of, in, ;and
to aU lKe roHowrag )ot or piece l
of ground aituate in the Sixth Wardj city
of joniiy,' Pii;'»ik'i
.lQt ;#urq!)ft :ihia«ty*oei , ti),iin Aaron Bart’s.
plan of' lo<4 r 'a«-recorded in plan book Np.
:,-psge-84.-^9^pt'’,hhyini c a,irpntfon
Crawford' ltreet,’(iValntlt afreet in amid
plan,) of itwenty-four,feet, aad: extending*
jntfseptlnW UiC’iaihtt pridlh, a die
dajn'oecf 'onabbhtlred end tinrty-three feet,
to na allSr or lane thiriy.thrCe feet widr,
on which, are erecUd
Seixad and taken in execution 'as' the;
property pf Gecrrge Arnold, a),thb~auit of
loech s .|
-- 'AUAheirikht,' title; int Wat and claitaof
ibe'.defbhiiacU,..BbbcrtilfUliaipß:and Sank.
Willlamaj, hda adifti at,' 1 in'andto, all that
oertain lot Or piece of griinnil iitaateil iin
tHc> ,'fliy of Atttgbmy,bounded aad deaeribu
ed aa foilowa, .te witribegipaing at.Sha
OTrwarprlfihhdnakyhad^obinson; a tracts,
thence along.Baihdnaky. atnet .
iftet' elght incbem, to Wm.BteTdnaoa'aJionei
StetiidbDn’B. i Ifaw thirty
-fe*l't*pr)hche«i thenoe paraUpl>»ithiSa»r
to lot ofifleihartp
theace-by Seibwrt’a ltae thirty-nine feat lix
' thcpaealahgaktd
■Sbhrnibnatreei.forty?eight fecttoikefdace
•of beginping. -BeiAg pert dfi a el'.
gnimd by, Thapiaf fi. Baird at
SberrUraiula,.aa tkaniinpeipy: cfßobart
WiUlaiOaj and by aaid Baird sold and eon*
Imntit [ one: : tK* firii
groond le ieWfetad aiofy hrlck
. ScitM.gcidiaua iwaxMatloamathojin).
perty of Rohert Williamt anid Sarah .Wil
liams, hit wife,*! theanit, of (John Pra tier,
f6r!daa"o|!;SE;w7,Jabbhua.; j ahioib <• ok„:
! right;tifla,inure*« amf.cTalmnf
tlbhrf f (guar, an# Mar/ Jpne, hla,trl!v
d.ia; asidf ln Jbthat oerulnjtract bnißd
hand rad and alxaoraaandhoipanilW'nora
joa’hM,''adioiaiwg Uada of
•/|tk«h.»&a\tnd : ihe T Aitoo ) ij;jT«S
ningSam’i Snirsy and plan drdtatfhdi.Nn.i
4 'ordepHelstod'iisda; and .Muig iHTaahic!
wife of kaid B«u>;n,'l'o4i
partltioti; bawtaa ‘teeftd in’ Banry D-hpar
)iafy: lrah»ehl* : ;Wi& the iariica
ntonaaldp tagMMr. .with all jaad* atogolar
,tltß' lsnlifo'T«n»nta, hefoditaiienla aodi ap ih'anf
wUaappsrtalniag, and tha ramaihdera,
yiaraioni,; rtnui' iaa net, and > prodta theiwof,
inler*it)OUlinan<l.demaad whateberarof
them tke'bahf'Hebry Dr Footer jadUnay
JkpV#!''*lf«hWlgd9rMtiity, ft f t .inand.
t0,.0r ont of the tanre,Jto. ham and to hold
ohaoaAe, So. _ ■ | < fi
syiaidjaitd toluif iSfexabhtioh'ta
party of:B,enryl)»FosterhndMhE|Jahb,‘
hi* Wlf#;!al'tha, pdit
nardlwt'of tu t&lnbr hhildihh of JohnfYr
Barclay, I debeaaed, for ;nae OffThoroag fa
Beraloy.'-'-v l - 1 ■ 1 ’*■ '' ',--.-1.. j .
said tha *f
datali da-,
*t«:;la t
town, wai
rand; apt
£ the holif
innghcOc-i,,; "ft ~
• Firth wild
iheiteat side
d til iiMr>
irln'eplnn at
ihgm »tr*Ot,
ir&ntrefet. '■ :
.cfjplece of
irndof- the
t id I 'feet from
> twonty-fiTe
: Nats io Gee.
he northern
i?Mli>ng -eiid
ejetd'e plea
if beenmlnr’
lot Si B'fl
one hundred
qrded da toI.
lot U ereetod
iboutSU feet
the weetern
ution me the
I htegdilerih
oode, for ute
| aattoliliaot:
(of, in and to
U of'ftr4nns
jfcot fwimjl*
fithoimt and!
{ 80-,fo«t to
ioLlSft,' j*io ;
P- stJBv|.«i..j
[iMtctttn the
inning i\t tli«
ttmt nn*nT2
tjij.'• i:ij
i AcoJutDJicAfio* frcmiTomlj
tk» «mw«< JHMi ttjrr T»
WWfMtiittpinw*; *htrt(«l
s*«w>t gUM
uiiiMn tlg>>.*«tnJiD«;sM
;t»a*4>liMlo<irentj F iui4.liui
-•rnui* .-•
« XM'JltollMlpjl «p*dUlon|
mrwfi’ I io iSfiriSioß^
*m»iUlTl«loiu, of wkloK.Ooa.
fi tk»ri*ht, Son. Moif*aL.Bl
.t*o»-*M O«a. Ooono V. Mor
-Xto rifttT'cf.tipopJottkteoi;
sMtn>DLE &• ccQ:^;
aai to &b- -a- a d p&£>p bibt o b.B lfi<
Poblieation Office Do. Sl’ Fihb- SUtti.
KOKNINd ATfDTVltmti'imiroNß, DAILY,
notra oY ptißLidATioiif? :l " 1 ; - ; j
The JCew.s*, j
Our telegraphif nawrtW#,
uioallj Intertstißg mU
eUni*tfoa f tb* captor® of MwrfreMboro, ,tbo l
pi* who a
to the freedsTavsi of thai bisa ring in
it so jte# f bo'"
yt* VeiilyibelievVthat wilTgireplaiee
to, y tientfl W
night gives place to day;?
- A'tJlappg 'N#»-Ye*rU t Gr*itinj.Unil9 Gol~
* oredtP<^pU>io'(h4JMpartmrni jf ~4ir£«Kfi«.t *.
•;•; IbioMlnUfli«/«tI:-beUmr-
of oar 3esve&ly;&s4h*r,:*niLbV discretion of.
yonrgrsatand-gopd friend, whose, nmmeyea
. ere aU/amUlarwttb, jdbrsbam Lieq.oln,Broii
-1 dent of tbVCntied States end Cj>tmaandfti«in*’
TheArmv audNiry,' Ist diy*
1643, declared *f/ar
’ ever free. * • 5
Whenin'theeourie'bf there
come«.e r day. which la destined u» be*an erisr-
Eutlng bueon jdfArteft' tit
the progress of a nation end. tnatapas at,'*;
people, it seems to be'finiiig tho| occasiqb-thai
ttshqpsldnot pass onnotieedhy tlolh”Jrhoi*
hopes it eomea io brighten and to bless.-* «
Sooh aday is January i ,X>
therefore eartupon ‘all tbecolorCd people in
. on thab'&yVtt?
‘ the heMdnaytera ojf the r ta t regitnenhot
Carolina Yolu4M£|','lbere'to-. Ijepr. the Breiij!
dentVPrMUmatiodr cead/andjto 'indulge in
‘snob bth«r l ®eifltat*tibhs~ ‘or, may be
called forth by
to carry thif good ness to jimrbretbren who.
are stii l InVla very..' Li t 'all, y<b if * Voices,'like'
instry ht-the grabd
eborixl' of lipeVty * Wo! are : (re© j'L f f?fe > ,ax*
, free* '—untttlls teUing‘| bnshall hear.iU ecnow
coming: back' from ‘every cabin SirtbrHafid—
'net’' -ika:* odi
and Miliiai y' <3oY*rnb&
i, MM 4»jm
Ago.inoDe of.oor
President fcfadn'g-tho St*tea Jn * 4
ttcallj. the exemption amounts ]tp
.formeithe* Kentucky,'" with
fjltttet* their! borlers* &*jo?
LjVm^httoaotor paoe* h#-- w "~
! wnk mdKentaeky shall 1 v
mc-Corded’ 'andth<
I' r YjrgWa and L aui|i&oa,Yi
the. work of emaacipattaa fa;
'prorijitd ttoy ttii
;::ni ‘i.b-c.'y
Xlbr* l» Mthto; »f topoi
: ufctti’teWfiii 'Wi
,UIW.,! OiK p»rt tn jigit
•MUfiotaij io.*«. i:lff,wei»_»»rch»4 sawn?'
U» < flaw, iiicf- wMb-
MNtfgtMMtAt '•p*nnW'bil‘bH'w<>r»'*bmittUiJi>l
gutut {digiU(*<t*t
■ tbgtijMljj- thgD^mVof/^il^li'road:
•id*.' XKli'eommui .WMf nijnptlr eieoited-.
iil(tar i ''Rkib , «il»-brit = riSllkthkttli«'ilibt/
litcM gnUar, *ro*«(lBd i'Ttttln (inybillrtoTto
Xh»Uiat «od«ti6il failin'! fcurft-
-ad«g4lda > aad alrwar -
dUad with ,-anatTiUalnimilj wirtti'ionSra/
far axoredlngls larr»* watiof tbirfoSiSn
thariaoka wia-att.thlok that pottutififouKl
.-haranr. ijtd: tbaca, wa* no jjnftl filar(hut*'
■.4* lash *tc»ijthing thatitattUrad tu to lift
:««* jMffeblgh»thaaitbaiaai,iaanlralrthdii i
and aUagatbrr itWM nfiraterribla -tltrtr'bf
ahjtklag.d «qt»«iitT*dU;»ai"WoW'iWO !
war* at a*al*iUteaoa, datcrlbo fbw aoaai ii
,th». tn»inSM»J.-*Tn -witnai** 4 - IT-dtffi’f
thing aayof »l.(Uwrni«d»hn ‘ftimV'Vm
ofUatthy tia.».altbangh wacan all imagina
that part of iWiow. ' I (» ,520 ofca .
• -At #h'«bxikp..*twa fallback,a mila, har
ing roalntainadant poanionia fha guftergaV
lantljforfont hourly . Baforo ditafa*! najfr
TOontingijmfttdaj} wrwart. moredtOitha-aop
pottpf nbatlatj Siagthidtj. Harathara'
war -rrryllttlr r attHilf tldrjihd
! hjrypntotlbg fha’ had
\%£tOr~HitnA*.j attrsitic w»tr*r* VgifltPi&’otid*
norlu, Prom <mr:poaiUon.«d mM irartha
pre pa ration .made by tba" tab.” to. rac, l»e
thrown np—baturlli. plantad,! and. arrry 1
thing data that coaid babbitt to nodmltMf.
point on tm orrrntblo and du ttoy tha, ; .tortne
{Dg-iAnx-.v el all fijltWghlidTf
thaprotpaetj one men particularly being ao
anil plaaud, that ha aatad ala “ if thia war .
oonldn't be eblttad Ib ahT tithi. war than b»
flihUai-”: j; Sty) yiorwaW’a-ali' niff
liTati,aairaTatr’|’or>'UM:rau(ia ;(*« tfa.haae-c
ifett lISiftlTBlW
yliton, dff nfiVtohdi;’ (fcY } Jtorjthr •Myoolilihii
meruntlf "two o'clock. fesM JEwry AMr;
;.llliMlnatso»aaa( Wtai-daataftaotkgoftglß
Whereth«7*lennan»*oMey #r«»lnft fcnUa't
\he uiMH alia ipa#Mhr qtun them,, and,
oatofWga o/tk>ir>atMritt.|Yi'*ai!ianp
the hlUrre oould.ehe-Vbn tabek ati«h ! ChT-din
dhairluMuhaagta by brtgadApßndraa-ihby
mK !'•**•* >**ls a*al“v j 0«# &rMo»t
rsnohad thil camp ou the Htb, and ban aet
tlad down*. qatatlT-aj If dhoa bad baan no
battlb. ; So anda Ul* Wtua of YAUalttiStft'
Ofloerr ofhlgh rtnktnd lok« eiperlenea
•f'Qoo- Bi.tsrtd.fcjwrt;
wUIImVom, and jui titled
carrying It ottti -‘.Hid ’ltibeagiiwKjMaCnl, Ua’
Smtharn arny woald havKhtah rnicaiT: ■ tbaf'
Itvwaanot anaoarrfnVoah bn™ w/pliijn«Ca# J
tbola haring tba’pobtboha ifioaahgo-ifhr bad
to ba lbata, <w arm taanti-lonr boura aarUar
than thay wera, wa ooold haTn 'oroiaad and
jnyranlad tbaeijatay jrqm itniftbabisgthalr
poiUionii bat, afvar raaahlng bba rlrar, »a
: warn nompaUadto 1 taantyifoprbawt ba-.
fyratbabridgaa ooald. ba 6nU(, kndtbladjiay
WU fatalt<r tby> luaowa tif.'tba pU?'. 'Zl i OU
dot batt ofbdtdsa'lailnsaat Uiatron dhriiig
arm rrara Urn Mar tbatiihaldj tba poatoo lll
dmlyln thalrplaoratui-ww baiulvtl^y*!
lyfeMMaaint' «oi
>■ '*l»aa''<ia»iata« 3 fcoia r Kodan«jbU|ttla
w» x iiVr-inr itfn IU HfTT ffMnu7btia>
!l»>t V.WBOlfc
oil xuoraUr
kfeiMor Ur*t
MUrtOM Ms-
I Uumm »m
-ttnUd 'IMB ti
1 o;pMtl<n^’
•their no. diebr
janUation or army that
or of. little diwatii
‘!SeooireJflßtii‘Watt»‘min an underthor-
>* . ;
on -aooount of
not nooiilnc tiieir ,payr-«* w fonr months
-Vein d { -Thel|fc*btfc£rinire the "rattiest" ’
idrkUqjp^el<of.'kaett^that , Ut'i‘jpoMible to see
any f>laoe. To look :
one would.iuppose/wexeltjun for their well
knoirn courage? ffiit' some 1 stray rebel shot
baiy tiakipii onr master.roll*,:
.and it ii rmßOred' that thepaymMter will be
- don| abcutthe 7 15thofJanuary.
I ; Obf!ftoM‘''iriff i pairied 7 Very quietly, the
whbld''rtgilneniTaUisti(hingliiB 1 ii8 oharaeter for.
iobrtttjr'ttttf dgfbW'the • day; Col. Collier
'Joi&tf in onHkVlfttK.' 4 ’ Hie health is not eaf>
riMtond;yet;ito takb command, al
thbugh'hffis'lmprbriDg ditty. The regiment
generally iiln; health, the reel*
ttehla^hospltal'Misfiled Tilth it* sick.
7 la’tho 139th, and
‘ Web in fid' Sen 'can no t have a
betto opportxmtty : bf oat their good
interiaonrthjmhtnreien£a» the government
‘ the safe ar*-
f ilvaTbT^fcages4o^*.
now -In com
mandbf thebrigsde.' J * / ■*£? .
jnft command as
signfd’ttf him- a brigade
dally*: I: 'V,'-. ! .* ■
' Mfishtagycu all a'tntrry Christmas, I, re
' 8. C. S;* ;
iwi, toluJt !•
(flKtiqby »nd
iu U
gating: by
' if says that
decided to act
■alonaln. the ntittey andto offer
lame -haa ibeen made to
£ng4wd an4ft*Mia* trusting to hie judg-,
me^tbrprOTOunbe'upob'its-merits end Its:
will beecconx
pihied.hy V de I‘Huyi,
iaMfkttbbi Emperor, be
'Bevpi tin ptbjfail tlofftff an tice an act
in no to the fa Wrests and honor
the contrary,
U- not hit inten
tion.; to press! It upon thelJPederal Govern
%irkfct, v VUeh tbetlmo
.<~ r - - ■• • i m ■ - .
idfigmu*** ;na*> o* &ih’d *at i.the • United
Springfield, from thirty
tnousaxia to'/orty thousand new riflee, alii
, L‘ Tbie is the
ftm-timeaihflethww'arbfukolbat that there
haiVefn aaugpjy ahead ofth* demand.. The
ariSory now* turns out about a thousand reties
. fri Aj.'.ww ■r' , .'.'| : •
. to the
.efc'ient ofnearly*£o<w,GO&]>;f the advance in
j th* i pHde oTebtttbw/Ott* i Fra6e alone haying
inlebrkd in that
amir «•
r nl* [ —Wi. ii.ii«'L r -'—
AUH Uowrand .hle men .hare burned 3,000
imlief'ef obtain, or nwrly 151,500,000 worth of
JPmZQMf-B’’ - '
min ai jmii Aflkng'a ornok."~r
..,: i. » , a&W Yomu Deoembor 80th, ISC2.>
iMifftOEOBAI* ~ wilt ba
,revived «t yntil the third
4»y wfa«hjbT«ettf Stifffor the loltowing
,T® b» d«liTor*d > al ths Washington yard, Ctm
(bi&flißßdti'ivUbla tcu din
afl«r,ifc»«xslxattoa;of tbe-adnmUomeni, and nb*
lhaHMy Yird.
Pfta oflargaat hgacwuttimn WT?y * wri 1 1« n guir-
tat*. atfDed br<m* or more reepoiulble perrons, cer
-tffleo-WWiotßri'dSter*df -pi+crucoenf, setting
.tofti.tiwU»buide(»ifbl»o3wl* tho low«st,'wfu
contrecvtf U Is deemed ne-
of tke work.
■k • 'NKW■*s|jiKST<«¥ , r.—Ono of
r XX''KM iißWf' niUtOSt jir* itlll ahwd of .
auißWAy’»*od to tWi coxa-'
toy, ptwMVuqr r«r
Aii/t-d-: ffjWnßj
■ HAINKS BiOS-i&VTofk.- D<Vov
t^UH teabb. . ■
aitoM»r»t«orio»(*r«'T*>pecUQUy inribd
’lo'.eill stmmur toctrsziMOts;
m-HtaUn tatWinoOiof C.U pfocostoi^a-
AWroUMtoioMkwiwMU) had atsnwmU beioji dl«.
ao*r n tritoi to tojoie their
ihoutiuropint ithloktor-t&jiit* tfcrtr i«tt*n to the
ttewMa'Efciaevttfetolbepeiwailb&of tbeMtacri-
wlllafip'hf to: prtot tf flujit&l try to to*
’ij .iv_Bi>' ’ •
*. r ,.gUAJttOXT»UVI3H«a43 Fifth itreet,
: . Bro*. PUnoe.
OFGOND-HAfO* FlAlsOa—A third
3>i»» Joh «tJ»»oad*h*«d'iPlAHo3 for tolo at
pmm.vti »»>. «ao
,t«» io»s &. M»bbOg, : al Wood atrat.
i.W.Oii ltav.OF PHOTO
,«JL)VUy:O;«i.eSJIO,IMIBtIIIS > of the -nan
*Wt.aoAajs*l»([>,.lna»n*,daUtl ; . nia trem the
lMßiuuiu!fetatenlD,th«Mubfr>. They hare heea
irtth’ w cere, e*pecU)ly
toeytoSolldh^K'nmoei toWa'-Fcr ul* by ' 1
.dtfO.sibjbdUjag- HarHilMjOfciAl Wood ettaet.
JXJL eapply of Mmoo
« OtßiaB 1 * (Bostoo) ilelodeooe >ad Uumuotome,
to Melodeooaht
«w*f :
M Jtoh «f .:??£Otunfe£«*fi6|PWH|o|r
rQßTKosoiliksiTfßgftom Boston\f 9 Vn»
the Hoti&yh.
fUlUttitrtglftSl Wood ttreet;
pain mDittusai, !
Totk. Tiw f'
;«afr«ljliqrt'ftiM r y >ftbU of Earip».«t>d
Aflrtrko,»»<l MOTrttote&atatf Hmm*
IMa+atU. AftiiohApplTl^ttfMTlTVby
j changing ta place
X#. 'or bo’dlajt th«<3*a«ral.a&dmty Stoctfon* la
«I *k» VWWaitL -
SOimtUimpMakwliAihmrtk » «n acted fry Ota .
(na,;ud alter tbapM*
t w-\m for hoiiingtho
Con&cila, this <
. wm E. BROWS.
5 '“' 3! j- l^fe°^«*fe«Con n cil, i ,„ fm.
i t4a tM m, C «r.- if*.ttJI’OiNDLKSS.
a«UM a*^^*^ 000 ''”* 1 -
; -
iStes&tsHi «•*•*“*"* -
Any of lh»
mMlthiWfiTiiirriilihtii nl —fif iTtir~‘**~ tb» mom •
iiili|inHiTn, ini to
• h* O«MmfA 'fPtAAEtfy* fit :
in Coondla,iht#',
**“ <tV Cttm **i~tUu ‘ <J»*. O. BROWS, V
-i' .»"J5»- J f»*»atS-»’0AJIDI.IB8, ' -
■fyr**”TOSgjBgßiSrftffiilfc Je»Jt
Ui '4ftß4QMp'' •.
wfe±r&ips ■• : '*
v-W-i :-;.7