-V ; :: : : • ».' s > :! l'pp:pp;/;r.P'-; -, ■ ■’ t ‘ ■ ft | I ~ —-■—ar-"-v"' 11 * —'’''' ''"■“” ,^“l v'W'f!'*’ , "2 1 “ ' - '-'**' • j. ' ; v. S :^; '"'’ •"' ' - . : - ■ ' *'"' -' ' • <•-. '-■■■ •.!'. ; : '• ••; '.;';; ''. •/' \' ■ ; i.: ' r ”"'' "' •.. ' ■" '- , 'Vi, '■■yy/j-."; ••'.. . .' 1 ;.. '•'■ * ■ II fit’ :t. i Ip mm:- fr'iky-':-: pm® Ip > fe V* 1 XHk'..-' ;■ wm?m i^bb'vvvb'. «■' .i • :’t? ' f*-* r? x.; ... «.• fc **» «. • • * < v • ' r •• (■*■* ; •'-'-‘.'•'.'.'l-. 1 -'-’'’ ' 4, ’ J " t ’,l •■; f . , r w'.'-V«Wi.ViV aE.* *•*■• . . v‘, •. YV«! ? ’- • : ’ jl V,, * *s \v 'i , JH f . . . a • 1 '-if' 1 c ” ’ » j &-..V f; r . I 0“- ’ l i *«.• , v • t •. V * i * »Ai! • *+ * »E t -V-: •. . i if ' rtv *« V * I 4 »-y, *<**,* t '*“* s**. U'j l -• s J * H * » * A * IpWiiiiiffllpK# i-fli 4. * » ? iV*» v * * • ■»!. -v (%’?.»*•..V •js.v: O-*- . :■<■ ' 1 * * '* • • \ 1 n : ' • . '1- -a. >. J,. , ' *»hh-* * * St* , Y ,v : .;i >% T''n t)"b 4 'h.: -rv j '"•;- y , <4V ■'v v't-' >;“•<, * i\.v- . V : . „ ''] m, », v,A**Ci* f* * • < +\* "h ‘’ 4 * fl s •, 3;* •»■• a- I-.-.*. .v< -i ■: a- ■ • iJi J '* T ;*••■ • ••■" ' -)'.*■ i . ■...“• , Kt' I ! . I t 1 1 . I • ■ \.r- *' *.«• \ ' \ \ <4.v*-y \ * - 3. i?< .’:-' ; 'V ; :'. * T K, > *• liU lY ilOßNrafl, T>BC.; 23. | From Ye«twd>y’» o>tette. • HfjßUf'V* IMPOBIANT OPINION. OUR RAILROAD WARMTHS ' The Bales Agaiesl »be Connly Com wiMtoienj Co#tf°llef aa4 ff®®a« < a|er**Oflcialon.of Jndfie Grfeff . • i • ———— IlMSprßul, E«q., ProthonoUry of the <3lr ttf luefc entity «- tMIUMOta* 1 ■■■• • V. Xbedutyof-tiw-Qoamlfitoum *n.who® nr&us under'tbl* »et I*Mrred,„i%pl*lhty«t th«r» be »ny. money in ih«»,TreMot«t’i Wnde wprttpttattd by frnini* ?*': mihmir of Iftii ffiH require*tbel ibj:Com *' intuionerl «e«*e It Wb* peld to tb*p*rt7- 2. If there bo not money enough l* the • • r< tirarory to eetlsfy the whole judgment, it : is l 4ftty to fay H ont:«f • tb* first money ro f.veeiVod*>,,v'; »■'■• *■-“ ■ ; * t . <• 3 j'lftheof thecnsronkayearue.io* iofflcienv to pay r ths-iiudgmcati ;M»A ptner :: oapea«u of,*K county* H>>:AMl* duty Jo 3£ueaiUoUect on tfeo next, jeer.e eumcisnt tern for this ptreowa. •. - ?•. b*Tbfi Judgment of Iho Court U an appro • nii .gn*«n.to.tt» WSHiliSk ' • - Stteedy'drswnor ipproprietod-by pwiouj countjorderd In paymentof pretloui demand* : indited end ellowed by iho Controller; and •• aide of the: fits* moneysthemfter reeelyed ' fod thejue " a, 1 #w*' ' i Hnfe thntiamaUiloneit compiled with the exfgenof e t thwo wriU 7 . U they haeo not, they are guilty of a oontempt of the froeeii L akmtUed that they.bate not paid ' ' thejadgmente; or any patt of them, according te tha oonunand ef the write*. . ,• . ; eg. -They tote Uenedordin for targe *um» , •i*M tha «nt6*J«r •&*»# nad- »f pro . :jj&aaraa'iwier^«iiM'»»>'.» > . T »g"> to . a(ki|:pup«ill> noalnrior in dtdar. to tha np- and ihnjodgmaat or 1 >: t ■' • .vjj ~L~tTi .l v. I ’.3d. It U oIaHtJ ihown by Uw.Bnawua^Bt thli* oHoen thnt InaUtd *f »B*kingt* niUo j / ihi »pproprUUontKinliad by. the eitgeßoy I Bf.thlt procaix, lhay l»a* iaan. ututa In eon ' iffring*>M ’ '■V*)VM«s»4'Bt punning lh* alnlgM Una of , da» nqnlrad by tha law, of Including thaia ■ ■ ■ £indntn*Bt* In tbanitluiutea for tha n*xt yfar, -wfSiSniagnganßinl tnnnflotantto dl»- fiharga tiat* and 1 bll ' axpOotod draiandiyor . asnatf cnnißMi.ibay barapannad tba foi ' ’ IdwlMpUni Tbay dlylda Ibß lUbUllla* P“V ... 'Sidnrpap*eUf* fot tba- awning jaar, ipt» - .two elaaaoa, and attampt to mako n Pf 0 *" -. :n*oU**nppr*pri»U»»-“-IUBi monaya .to ba lollaotadfrom Uiaa, which wllPaxoloda tba T/racadant appropriation mada .by law. 10 afibofc thur. plan,’ ttoy.thnka «n •»- i tlaatß Bf ,th*i BxpantM : at-. ®*W I jaar. lnolndUg »bt, lnUrait..on th« ; dib« inUndadloTia paid, “dlay B lJ* 0 * •*? . millafoxtblf pnxpot*, whloblx -:! ( paid In tha Banal way. En«ia«a lhU lhay ai ! »!■ anothbr j it: npptopriated to pay tt*3abt m» tbajraU road bonaa—cn* tnx lntaoded to. b* aouactßd, and anotharaol inUndiJto f* mlltstid. Sub dntastlon ta juiOy lnfenjd,b*can»altla lb* j "■“ußMi**»y oon»*qu«BC*.B<.tlui»»w-aolitn* bf ( aWdlng'tSißfnndr toba eoUaolad bytaxaa, s —; and thorn betm ‘balr eotiaor , w approptlntad. .tba flntj msn*y ttat »b*U «om* tour tb* tnunr* to . .. tba payoantoF thtw jndgmanta. Bl»£onMi by Ihlx tebnmn hatn- nnlMad tha Uw, MdxaV.»at.iWano*. ( XbjyhaTa pald. «atlnrg*nm a« or4Bn.d»‘•4*“«• yl ?Uw^oSS»W ,^r>lay.W._l£«MNo. .Among athaift »H« I olorWiaibi tot day Of Fcbroryannn.i aUy coaiannlxatß tb' tb* .Oaxtalialaaßn ln | ~ * wtlling > d«ttU»d mia»at* of th* todalptaand , - oxpanditnwt.for tk*.hgUUo»t*>lW*• . tawtataitd lt.&U f 4ia.ot ilUtxfßl wWf.i ’siS^ d . uU^ f wßißbbnnd’iß »n**r»’f** 1 bnjlbjrab ibea »U.- They hete no eutbonfy .Wjiety., ' two-eepetete nniUliUnct-tpw; or “tiottr&riatift eny epeplle'-foftlea th‘.-h*.< i ueldfout In preference to The ] ,! t|io go ear-merh j. tbe fire mills, end the, 1 - ivoatj-i6Ten mill* eennot.be thai lepeteted . > on^ltlhnWed^Jl^lWMWfiedJoim, one geneml fund when collected to the hende ' of tu Treturater In the order .Ihet ihj dTifte , Ard vresentedto hlm* . ' ** . . i V i '^Laottb*ltniooor tbit prootn tha trouu- ; nror bod no *ntbotlty :to w«tW*::f«unty or-, : i'dan of * WbWijßißt dot* ta W»*nt Ofilnx- ! . at, and thnadivart tb*. fasda p{ tb* conbty ; f from'the epproprletlon of them mede by; lew* j •' Hla connlonanclng and anltllng In a iobama ’ ’to arado tba axigency ol theia-writa, by form^ atlonof anaitociatlon to .amanwopnaia lb* fnod» ol and hlndox tham from ; oonttag tat* gw.lnunw lx »^ Jjl» . olaln doty and ooatamptof tba. P»bban ■■- -tJourtf'-Wlnttartb* pr*viili>ic*f tb* net No. . ” ’l of JannadypJSbS/Wqultingtb* ifndniartb p*(»lx*wS^ta.M»«mt«ttui*s_wMdn. : tnd*d|o uiltttbU.-•*•*»> .’OonoMtadond oarilod info yr»ollo».by ,tb»t»oaoan.mnny- |tatuuie*t to V; . .hbk totfaUUoß ta*buiud< nppnnnjlyjut, ; wbloh tn* orginatora axpaol t» na* to n way nar*r «ont*inpl*t*d by tba leglxUtnn. lt«»n. bnr* s* ntioaoUra eStot opon right* of tba -puttax now bafora.tba Cout. .Noraonldtb* Taalalatorobß-piaanotad to. Inland by It, .to; ’ - attm te nn'natnU.Mb*****. I «»d» tb* partnrtSMW* *» thalr offlelnl dntto*. . . . ibt Ooamlxtlftnwa haTB tUta -1 aunti noßnHDUflf: for. tbw F**t.thnb wbll* bra mill tax appt*BrUt*dJ>y)th*** Jot p*y .-■,. Hr aj.ar.naiitln Wat. coltoatod wUbonV onfydMO ont or i a* UHunant of •t*r»7W,«»e*;H’U ral*- !*4to : ippiyto'th*paytae*tpf.tb*:ial}m3 j nooponx. ' Tbiy adtoit that. (ha »«>P* r “ ’ . J isatM war* aanf .to tbaat by tba. ContniU*i> bat vT/v*'.- 4J M the exigency of the writ, jot .eonf«* ; to a ( eoun?.of proceeding whose only .ptyect coblt bo ud iru to reoder the process of this Court of BO efreot; To this course of proceeding the ■ Treasurer WM cleatly In-collusion*. But I do But Bee any particular act of the Controller which bis duty required, that he has failed to perform: lie denied any collusion with the association got up to assist the puhlio officers In' the plan contrived not to do what the law Imposed on them as a duty. i . ♦T-m willing to accept these For the present lam willing to u, .. . creates, lame as they are, for the past |iwj»- o«nee(to usea mild term) of these officeift, aud to test their sincerity. When this eaije waa Argued nine months had passed, and but *wv. had beo* 'raised, which tbq Commissioners contended was applicable, to these judgments. said to them then, I will suspend acting on. i these motions till January next. .. If It hetrue that yon are acting in good faith, yon shall have time, to collect the tax assessed,<* you toir; for'this* purpose. Jf yon have not. di vided ' these K assessments for ;the purpose charged, you can demonstrate your assertions hyyouraols. , ••i; ( .• • ' A more palnto! duty has seldom noea ue manded by the Court than that which ,*# are now called on' lo‘ perform. But we cannot evsdelt, or find a contrivance m not do >l, ex cept for a oertilQ time. We shall, therefore,, postpone the public deolalpn of this ,matter till next May term, , If, In the the Commissioners and Treasurer shall have col lected the moneys to satisfythese judgment*, the rule# will be discharged. .This will, give ample time to the defendants, and if by That time the monfej be not paid, or sows arfaßCS eirut he eiade tcWA rte credflor*,-the Court will be oompelled lo.consider it as the settled pur ‘ pcseof these oßoers to treat tho process of thu Cehrt with eontempt, .and ac cordingly. :■ ... .... ,i O’Byrne* the Bigamist* - Some of ourtßatUra wHldoabtlen yeooUwi the circumstance of the arrest ot John O’Byrne, in the olty, on a ohmrge of .bigamy. O’Byrne-ie »n Irishmen, and carried on a methle establishment in Wheeling for rone tno or'three yeere, rrhore he lived with n women oeid to ho his wife. Some months ego, Misalleged he tent ewey tho .women with whom.be had been Bring, end shortly after wards, while on a business tour up in Dodd ridge oounty, Va., bcoamo "‘‘M widow'Max well,"whose husband had beondead for a year er. so, and orer whose green the sympathetic O’llyrno proposed, fof 11 consid eration, to pleoe a monument.. Mrs. Max woll's wealth is counted by tone ell thousiands of dollars. O’Byrne succeeded, while dicker ing about tho tombstone, in winning Her heart, add without the knowledge or consent of relaUoar, married her and oame to dhia olty to tpond the honeymoon. While here he runout of money and wro** ' brother to send him $5OO. The Maxwell’s brother,:a Mr. Pritohard, Indbe meantime discovered that o Bjrnehad.anoth ef wife Bring, and perhaps two of them, so instead of sending tue $5OO ho i e n l^1 l , ( i u V home In Doddridge, and came to ?)tte£njih. himself. Not knowing exact which had been selected by Mr. ° lJ J r “*A n ' l lady, Mr. Pritchard consulted with a pojico man. The policeman stood watch at the Post -Office, and irhen Mr.' O’By recalled at that establishment for the $5OO rrhioh be cooa dently expected, the policemen oahhed h'm. tut week bis cue came np for t-ialln Dodd rldgeconnty. It is said that the facts bare been pretty clearly established *s*}* , . t U s’ O’B , and that in all human probability he will be sent to the penitentiary. Internal Revenue Decisions. The Commlailoner ot Internal Revenue bee made the following decielonii regarding man ufacturer* of cabinet ware, dealer! m fnrnU tore, u*4booile mortgage*. Looking ‘ gleaa, and picture frame! are rnanufactmel, and lubjeot to tax a* nob; but merely plaolng the minor or picture In ,lh* bam* doe* notcoMtltute a now mannUotnrv nor tender the article liable to additional tax ation. Furniture, Sniibed with of oiling, waxing, painting or whloh the exono duty ha* been paid, eball not be eubieotto an additional taxation uteonee qnenea ot nob oiling, wMlng, J!' JarnUhing. The mere: addition ot a marble elab to table! or other furniture is sot oon- Ixtruod ai the-production of a new manufto been paid., When all the different part* ** a piece of furniture are got out, •’“l*'*.*?!* Ji bbed ready to be put together, andthe tax 1 1 paid on the piece of furniture ae a wbole.tbe putting together of tha different part* Will not be ebnildered a manufacture., When -bond and mortgage, wr note and mortgage, are given to-become the lame debt, with bondand mortgage It not* gage, they require to be »t*mped,. Xhebond, nrm«on*lßondfcrac*rttla.hmolmoh*y i 1 redutrei * mortgage itamp; tho. mortgage, a mortgage, atamp, and the note * bIU of •*- I change(Uland) na»p...",WheUj:rt.lhj»* in ■tramenW,Tit! mortgage,hondeudn°“j are ■lnn. to **enrj lh« .fuos.- quite* that each Initrumentihall have It! ep nronrlatextamp.* t ; CaiaaltUe in the 9th «e»eive«. IhafoUaulDgUa llit of tt» ,e>iß*lti«i u> Ort ttb Eiktt*b, Col. Robert Anderien: CompaßT A-iKlUti: Limit.|B. M. hong. WonMt Oiph Cau. Owiton ;S«gt. c "’*> •Bgtttnlßg? fitigt.VtUOßyitHjmtJjr I Cot* nonlt Saolibuty'bb4 M ! £hoy> pllghtly , Pri »b4 milling; M4 Adasti _ w j n x,l,ut. M'XlwiJn*, - CoaPUY D—WflMt-. '* ellghUylo thigh ; Prlrete. H.lrlTt endEU hop.-Mllti»g* Bergeent Teylor end ptWttt .■"SEg&IUd: FrencLDiT.ri. Woundtd PelrietPefler, eerionily; Peter Heye, .light ly : Herrle S. Oroxlou, •lightly. CompenyF.—Wounded,: Bergeent s , u> Quell, eilghUyi'iergeent J. H. Miner, 1«B, l esrudml E. A Ger ter.ellgbtly; W. etighUjj WillUm Quell, heed; D. Smiley, etlghtljr. . Mlieing . jlowle Bkeel, Eooe M. F»*»ett> Derld Cline. Coioeey HK Uled::t A. p,lce. .i Wounded: Corporel Qeorgo h. Smith, eerlouily; prlveto Ed. Mitheuy, lo rlou«ly;Obrtitlenßlettner, .lightly. . ••• ' Coinpeny I.~Woundod : Plitete U F. M-Leughlln, .lightly. Mtuiog: bergeent Feniold end prWete.C, A. Teylorend George MJouipeny K.—Wounded: W! end.Joihue Belley, .lightly. 'ibn'Criminal Court. j ■ The December term of Ojar end Terminer j QuarterSeiitoni, etc., commenced tUi morn-, lug—» fall Bench. being present. , ■ I The Grind Jnry being empennelled mil •wort; Judge . Initruolei them it i lugtb in reforenei; to : their dutlee. He oi | rented thtlrepeolel ittenUpndo- e nnmberof | liVroJlng erllifimong rthinh ihi.ennmeriled. horee-rtelogr-geuibUng, proetilotion,: etc. Hd iMO dfrooWd their'attention to ibueei of rnillitntei *nd/ilDeeri-i«nebw compounding Slonlon, Lentorting: Ulegel #•&•**•{*£, °f whlehwonld form proper,idbjecUforthelr.ln- TwUgitlon.. Xhe Jury then returned to their 1 VXhi return, ender,the liquor lew were then reoelved, undthi bueiueee In the RegUter e I Gourt dlipoiedof, ifter wbloh Court adjourn -led anti! two o- fog and unoxpuetod and unavoidably dplaj tn balldlngthobrldgai, whlchgaro tho onomy twenty-four bourn more to conoentrata hlo force in hit otrong poaltlnna, , moat certainly bare an weeded. In whlchcra the battle would hare boon, fa my oplnlon. far more docialra than If wo had croated at the, plant drat etleoted. At It war, wo name rary Il *Todots»"we had to gain a height on the extreme right ofthe creek, which height cem- , mended a now road lataly made. by tho one- ] mf forthe purpose of a more rapid eoainufli ctl.n alonghU Un.a, wMohpotatgalned, hli potltlon along tho creek wouldjtnrebeen j tcarcly tenable and ho could haTo boon drirn from them oaeUy by an attaekon hlafrout fa ! connection with a moremont fa the roar.of i **? Ttaftet that I deciiod to more from War- I ronton on to thla line, rather agalnat the opinion of the Pretldont, the Secretary and yonraelf, and that yon hare loft tho whde ooromonf fa my handa without glrfag rno ordora, maker me tho more ret pon title.^• I will eltlt yon rary toon, ahd giro .yon more dednlto Information, and, Molly, .wtu lend yon my detailed report, fa whlah a i anoclol aoknowlodgmont trill be made of the terrlcoa of lha different grand dlrlaloa corpa, and my general and portonal etalf dopeH manta of the army of the Potomae, to whom lam to mnoh Indebted for their aupport; and | b *pKln«"lnaw>mpUthlng tho main object, | .. P A^?n.dtf2X»fbfttUt-0d.,.,10ng enonth to dtcldo than tho onomy would not j como*ontof hit ttrongholdi'to Bght- nt wlth| bla Infantry, after which we lecroaaed to thla tldi of thprlror uhmoleated,without tboloia of men ofptoperty. At long lfaea of troop# wore toon marohlng to | thmr different potiUona at If going on panao. i Rot the heat dtmerull notion or dleorgaplaa-. liottnUtrti l j; -‘ i To the brtre ofßoere and aoldlcra who tfc. oompllahood the font of thna ro-croaatag ta Uomiamy I owoermytUng. i Pot] the fallnrofa the attack I am reeoonalblo. ao . thoaxttamo gaUantry.oonrageand endurance | abown by thorn woe nerer etcaUed and would, hare carried tho potato had It hots FJ'J'bJ*'- To the famllloa and ftlonda of the dud l new I only offer my heartfelt aympathyi tat for the wounded I can offer my aarnoat prayara for tbaiToettforlwudA®** resorary. • # i I will add horn that tho moaenmnt war made earlier than yon arpecled, and aftarthe Proil dent, Secretary and yonraelf requaated monot, to be fa haate, for the reaaon that wo were .applied much aoonor by the. dspartmeits than wasantlclphUd whaa | lul ,E Onr°kUled amount!do l,lMj our wounded to about 9,000, and onr prlaonera abontvuu. Which hare been paroloif and exchanged for abont tho tamo number taken by ne. i The wounded waro all romorod to thla aldo ~f tho rlror before the oenenotlon, end ore being wall oared for. Tho dopd wore oil bnr od dnder offab of true. The eurgeonx report a mnoh larger proportion then ucual of a)lgbt | wonndi, *630 only being traatad in tta]hoi glad to repreaent tho army et.theprei ent tim*la good - i - ' ®hanklD/tha florerniwt for that «Un support and; oonfideßoa vhleb I haio always MMivwd from them, I remain, tieterat, very roapeotfolly your oh.dl.nl Maj aen.Comd'g tho Army of. the Potomao. llUam.WilhtiDi Rebel Raid In Tennessee—ranic** i Hickman, Ky.—Commerce (Miss) • ■ limned, etc. Onto, Dm. 20-UUnigil jrAWjlMtl caralryjTariouily aallmatad »t Iron *,500 to, 8:000, aado a raid on tha railroad, thro* tnllta,. thia alda of Jackaon, Tann;,-yaalorday aiorn-, 100. Altar drib* Into a train, tbay torn op tho trick for a oonildorablo dlitanoOand bum* ad a lon* traatla work. - ■ ■ ■ - ! - Tha operator at Tranton, thta arming, ,ra- ■ poru an attack on that plow. _ ti , >Tbsrs his been eoatidsrmUs •leiUtaspi *t, OolnXito^tlcipatlonofarabalaliUito:' thatplaaa. ..., , Calao, Dm. the aitont of thaiojorlai dona to tha , Mobil, and Ohio railroad., Tba, rcbola drat »ido a break thli ilda of Jackion and.thatt morad thta way,,aa that lhora ; ,l« no ohaneatoihaar from tha territory paired •»*'«. !ty T ! takan Carroll itatloo, Hnmholt, T"? l ° jjJS? Kahtoh. At > ut aoconnto thay wara mOTlnf on Union-City. At Iranian a lug* quantity orcotton, tha atotlon honaa,. and othar pro; party wm hurnad. , At Kanton, t*o lpdon)o -: tlaei and aotna cart warn J«o bnrnad. I r ‘ Tha D>|ieng*T (rain fro® Gclumbuß, .on fired Into, bat thoy toJsckieo, trMeh U the Utt tnln th%t bss **jha i&Sgth ofth'o rab.li la not yat known, wSSSrtl,^ej!itoSV» “p*^' isssas^Bßss eurprirad by Bl,U»’e nbelewelr,. odob Three ptnni Wire killed. Th* Mil bey retnrned to «4 r»pcrtod thofßetß- The BUBhoet Juliet >Bd Irmniport City Belle, with Jeleehoente of the 41th sod Slit Indlene, were ditpelohed to Commerce, ,if.d on Thunder Bight, en.l burnt the town end plenutlune for 6re-miles Bronnd., Ton prisoners were taken. ■ * Latest from Havana- K»w YoaxjDec. 22.—The steamship Umoa irrivtd this morning, from llavaoo on *“• I&lh-* She left the United States steamers Naohnsett and Louisa, of Admiral )Y tikes squadron, at Havana,. All were welt. There is no later flews from .Mexloo, The ne# Captain General,Ualee»^*“ «d at Havana* and Gen. Lerrand. left for Spain.. The secession sympathies. at Ha vana proposed Joiningdfl.i theovatlon to b»o>, ; by accompanying him to the entrance of the harbor In a steamer, bnt ha ra«ested them not to do an, and Gen. Dalce fofbadaik Thera were »Ull- forty, thopsand boxes, of. the old crop of soger on band. The onoially beary rains bad tha new crop, wbloh will ba small* ' - ■ ' ■ i ■ There were Bn «rl»Bl«: of ~ rebel, eejeeti, rare two.wlth onltoe. One wM.froin MiU mores. i _ . i ■ From Port Royal ,# Tlie Btnks Expo dttion. NiwToei, Dm. Sl.—Tb» Thoan hu «rriT«4 from Pm* Boy»U Bbn wport* eipeolel dltpetob,.torn WmWhMb, iMlbc thettber*will be so chengela the OebtaeV end that ell who lent. In thelf reiigaellone will'Withdrew them.’ v ■ COMMERCIAL RECORD . a KRlTft ATI VE-COMMITTEE OTTOE BOAMI or TBADl—D^****“* Wi u fiauv. V. 1 Jamb , Dati» • IMTTSBUHGH MARKETS Th. Imping «W for Bold ;10-,Ug, weeffl percent cmlam, tu.leg, end S 3 per cot premium, eelltog. surer U unchanged »t 22 per cent premium, tujlc*, iiodSficper cent premium, eelUeg. Demand Hotee ..continue to contlnne to quoteet £» per cent, tap ing nod needling, Eider* ; Exchuge !■ uomlnel el l* per cent prnalom.eoUlng. . ■ . GRAIN-SVbMt U unchanged wltb »Mr demand el *1,15 per hu.h.l lor Bed from Uni Unde end 11,2031,25 for White. Bale, of 1,000 tueh Kentucky I White on priraU forme. Corn le eteedp et SOc iir prime old from depot. BerUp iednll lmt unchanged, rrtu, email eelseS»» Brelhandi at*l,l» for Sprier, and 11,23 far Fail. . Bpe le Jrm et„7sc on nrrltal Sale of aOO taeh old Oalefrom Oral hand! at 500. FLOE B—The reealpU am more liberal and the da m'and it dmceVentlrelp tenet Price., ho.e.er, re main unchanged at *6,*>«« for Extra from .tor. for Extra femllp tad *5,00 Btr Bpe, Floor ' Bale In lota of 150 hhle Extra Famllp.at *0,50 30,75 tad 290. bhU do do, to go Sail, on.. pilraMl , Urme. Sal. of 3 tone Buckwheat to hn)k at IS.SO i With light receipt. and a talc d.mand, the I market for Hr. nonli.teadf though prlcm areun. ihtagtd. ■ We lire the .hole range at from *3,60 to *l,lO per e.t tree., aceotdlag to .eight and condl lion; > Bnlai fit s~* - S2O areraglng ■ Ml pound, at »*,•» 350 " ** sg ; IS a. :l| . M ■ * tajlW «jj ,«• . 235 ‘ 4 .• ** ®i^Si TiS : •• tu ' " M 4,00 100 I“c ■“ > ■ *lO 3,50, OBOOZBIKS—The market ta.OrocarUooonUnuM aolet naddoU, wUhoqt tbalaait We continue l© -quote Safer el 10X9U}£, e# 32ttS8e end tf olemee 655580. BUTTKB * XGQ3—Butter le hardly eo -Ann owing to IwjrcTed receipt*; Se]eof2bb?*prlseß«U ■*lBo,aad4bbUcboloea*BQe. Egg* h»u declined 1 wlihniitoof.4.bbl4»tlfop*rd««»* j •> : j : CBSlSS—Ba!ec| UJ bxe prime nelect|d W arn tote*ttlSo« rft>yHECTm-Ana with > tale of 15 IbU Cul tivated tt £3 per tbl ' Apri*fs-«t»*df 76 ltu P ria * u 4S,t3p*Tbtt. I, g pft—a*le of 6 tee ritr leaf »t 10c per pound. DBifp rBUXI-etendy with » regular demend al 51,23 pet brubel br Applet end J2|73 for.Peacbee* , CIBCIHNATI—f** *Bl. PxTilCt—loo bbls rrUf* k, \Vf» nur Aa# CO do do* L Parctlli ■ Cl- do do* slick Jk Wood*; 21H7-bbi< fi=or, Clark* * co* «» JU bbuTOoibrir* iitl? 40 ccol. Corr A co; Mbbls floor* Balsas A eo; lit on bbtsi Locoooo oU co. fiord;o3 dodOi’lTdPf* «***• tf A «, UPbblifloon»dflonott A Btowart* 8 I bzsnds*tdo* FWttlor. loobbls wfellkp* Bladk A Wocdl, Mc£» niir*. s do osuoo&Ui 1 bx drop* BA. Tinao*! .««*3ffSKbSSS.i» i-gtitiCT. eatw homfi CX b—f. lfl bbds tobacco, 401 STboemTlU bW» wftUkjr. «o bbU floor, a«ko A oo- • ** • ZAHXSVICLfi—»*» Xuba. Gftatsu-1050 bbto «. n * iiitwHtfiA lTlpitof 01 . it bbiibodfaC liwlik)ibbUibtiittf,Bl^do,B | bbtowTlbuHSadM. J culk tor ». *' Wh yblr, wool u 4 jUtban, 10 bhdj tobacco, 1 (toiW«‘*Sl»,“;Z» blla aaada i - > *lL*-n-lill audit r" 11 1,11 bottar, 4 a bb flalnad.; Afcc^fcubirvibtatry lroikSOVbU Ocur, 1 bbt liSltauffiltar. Jawa AFataariHl bbia creJai 1 Bailiff A 33 col bbis, Ardsco oil o, 0 bbU j 1 sS&KMKi l KliU liaHw A Ioli :l IMk nc«*wm ? , Wdlbbls, W PWooJdridgs A po: 40 oil , SysSS’A«, 0 o , 2i*.^,Wi MAYBVILLE—n* SOObbl* fIpPV das QordlDtf; 100 do do, i JUft, Jr; 800 ekawbeat, Cl*rk« BBOWfi’a UAMEVt B®t—lB°. fi* _ hML i r Hoblol 63 do do* It WltoortbalO ill bbla* T>S*itt-9 Oka poaiUj,Oab» 'B 8 Wright; 21 bbla fl«r, * P wWWbbUador !l l W>V fl«ur, 1 tksbarter, Jobo Herbert, Ilk* d boge, L H Voigt Aco; llOikioals, Jus Dorriogto®* j mabietta-«*tj w n florritd: 2W oil bbUi J 8 Wraith A co; ttfinrii 249 bbli apple*, 11 do ddera Ow> I Kaassdy; i doelder* t W JeaklßJ,39oil bbte. t Ardttco oil co; 700 bblf flour< 3U: do pork aud l»rd, 1 t tab batttr, Clark* A c*. I LOmSVILL«-M»H*vmaTOErrl6oobn *beeU Sl£»iw;S-bbS tobacco, iso W **!<*? aubgj STSo M b BwfdafflSSite -AlcDoaaldA artdckia* 4 bhdi tobacco,' D O’DoDorko; IB bbU oU, ; -aAffiiSSfcAwJ&u 2 cka cullalt, Bakewell, Pairs .A co, 19. ipkp, b h, gbodsi2Bbkles cotton, 850 bbli floor, 7T5 bp vbaat, QtaikoAro. :, i -■. * ; • OAItHPOLIfI-ftk Vsssjiqo—l2SO bblsj flour, Olsrk* A co; 1(W do d», I Uodasy, IW do do, Kuo* A nirisft •• ■*»p r '■ '' J '’.''* 1 PQllfiOt— »*» Woobiu>s*~l b*» Llpplacotl A co, 500 bbU bbl. flour,'Koox A ilcKsei.SOO do do. Jeo*® OStdloer; 400 d® do, W 0 -WHOstiuiob, W ulb V®l*i fidjcwtoo A,BU*srt,; ,J. --J WQEKUKG-nk Hismva-WJ ...AiiW * Jehu fibodra; SJ rta »° l *S > O *t.JSL b Vo I kf£iSit bbl flaxaaaJ, JuLJftvtl w P B«k aswsSa^ssiiii^VS.H? i». tbU drr: fruit UscnrA Dofflo.AS; bWt *P^» 'ssxstsssnt yssfieitju?. tXio^ f H«dw,«6 bbl> Si, 1 M ribMtbj »do,aw> , », w P“- . lmpoita Urßalltoad. I Tr ?i«I A'CttlOAßb JUIL*OAD, | dw jippiJi JlcdS*M A Artmcluf» Mo ; oU btoti£•■ I a td* 'llB tbit pitnlntDi B AliliWtotk 1 1 a Tjnr* 100 jo r lfttaoT Toa*l Wal* ■ %l ) W; ‘ M ud iW inehulof Antlfe? *V_ m/fm 1 i tb»Q» Along Jam •Uw-tM *•*•»* ***£?!•*/? 2si I ■s£££!£& »iwj rt»».rthr prtot i‘ uri tfnrJ* »■ e*t» cb a: o Ari tttTßßttyai bj wUIUU. . - -•-• •. Tbim at Salk, - isjars'SSfc.fi&Tria^^ TBiVdIT.M tart..»ts ofcloek p. •" Wl" "<££*** **f**n m .JVlta«m * CO . Ajj.nl.. AAOScVlblilv fYjljSiijft TPtSDAI, »t 8 ‘o'clock ft. n>- Fop froitot-orpc* "PJf fl> °° '?£ iTIVIhCSIUK *U> ■ Ak.°j* KUDIiAH • YV iSJiJfcl* ZANKSVILLS rAOKKT.-Tto*SffliS3» ta%srssrss^stsss3X SilSUSifiiltWSfVV. *■ /V uVuS ItSfitoS*. A* u ‘ I '‘Si* nr «sf. U a. pigSOß k oo.. AgepU.towlUfc. Pgt^J RKGDLAK WHEKUNQiJEikI I »:•.«» «*»*»«g .oon—cltoM^'wHh ■ yUToiS:r»tB o’d#*k kjm. tumntfit* receipted through U> 4 00***’ uta&oWTiojra, kv- .!. . : naattUMßwniT. I Bnviac Bb»Iq«m will I* cofitiuutd by SE*HCBS | I ¥*3Kif*v wha iuUod to hAte Alw»y*.oo handj* i IfnSSrMeto'S AW*FOWn» ind BROVH | SSSr "2. '.SS'ta&A ' I rHfindaof the Uußna fur. * .coaliao*Uo ff of _tbg; - pm- Jtv ehuadtto* nttn lirtmrt X* WBH“ inMSi' “Si]? rro °‘ ,m “' jSb&tbodowu. BISSOMITION OF, CXJ-PABTKBB ,bo will c?nuu ? ,it. b«l»« bwssßHl ,, Sarttrlolt’Pftpaf. pOINT MALT HOUSE, 17 WA TER STREET, Pitoburgh, Pa. W. H. GAEBABD, Mal*ter. • 1 Dnlar Is BABIIT sad SYS BALT i *l*x br isle, DAIiLIT, BYBrOAIB ssd.OOBH. ssfcga STOfES, He. VOUNGBBOTHfiES, I^ - FOR SALK OR RENT—An Oil Re* I. oo»fl.u *' J *{; o^'i^uoua1 ■BggMtf ?»i . Atfy*l*w»Hail3& gratA**.., RBSOIiUTION.MIuiv# io the n>a or a M rt «f ÜbMtyatrMt toe Amy ; a Wiuin. sl*J cr A.. HoAtMinwy*. ®I, *k® Amy. tui f»ml»t>n >« U I » 'MdTin' » pin oi uiwty me.t. u t>».iu*a tor “ILS^vW^al Pitttb*rgK <• £«/«c< Aiml Ljd Into tli® r*lr Oreundi j tbruld trick .blllM™! °“JI ML: lid wotitoi /«rtA«r, Th»t my pinoff.com* | DADf or cortonlloD mho ibill m* **l3 inch Itf nj , Su/r fhM“lss!pwpein AiT« U.objeel U>,a P»£ | ilt* ctf I&D hr #wj wh* idd tu«h U» nuiind m otbof poultlct of tba »iiao omoimcon«tfoihaii*lttf tho pe&m k ty la T»‘co < Sioi , ‘o! l ffl“: r i>««mUr Mrt. lb *. .«» thn>tin®®»«—« good BW&SfMf £S?J2!£S£ WSS I KSmsC-*‘.X& j„ BaESh. , CjUNUKXKS.— i D dbiid mifi :,. I fcurumTi Itt tamti »04 *•«»■ KISS POEKi: •' ■ ■. . . • ... I Mo.SKACBIRCb>Urc U Jji'i* \ '■ J Ufi>X j? fcU ttl IT' ' . CbJelwr, -. •100 Dttek*; G*e». Ac.; _ UowTMdjttdforttk** ■■>. drti '‘ ‘- : ‘ . No. >B3 Liberty « JOHN“W.:BU>D*Lti,< Aisigttca o( Oeorg* Acreni*» J ii DAVIS', Abetlosaer- * • .• . • . Pitubiifgb. iL 1864. t ,■ i d«X7Jt>wtd rtfSPEfA’NS' COURT BALB OPV&!> U ciBLI. EE»L £3TiTK:-Er , 0 ' *» '»t‘M onlor of tM OfpluM’• A oionlt , ith* ata«ii!pija,-Jx»tt» o*»r : Honan Block, ««M. e*. on tin Mooc»t»tKl" rt»a“. By,V?no 3f,,nJ K. W. T.»« .cont,tnlnglOO AOttMOr SimriOß LISO. Hin l roc, u«ttn»to>oatln 'riwrtitoat ooaoftMol onUotiokm-HonoafOkolo 1 ritv y»}f«*'Tirtßdp*ltT of firrtdMi'fKar.bot» i m4 th» andwrigufd ii »atb«Ued MbW “a-»U tlsumßloiothtror 'taWW*; "iw iai iowaii'lOTOß* boiti*4J»i»S>*. tiilSol obow dcocrtbedonJ SS^-iSfE*!ft&fi &*£*&* £S£« ibd Mly M oold «*o»Mr»l4 IhooorfocoUniobWß dooeriliod; 4*V n*lA T *l (W ©bnflmktloa cf tb# lilo, tM »♦■ Sllfldtr la »w« i*r 'imtt from uli dafoi c&nfl*owUoiii = >- - V* ddbt4td«wW>,>.» ' - - -r* ORPHANS. COU&T BAI£L--By w* * k ‘ I Or f‘JSL? O SyL A {&; SlSui ofjhj SS?oSDBS"ioOTiM? l pllt gSfi i | iisj^*®asyss@g! UoOlotoloraMp. All-gtoll i '•'■Mas oa the eoHtft ijfc **77 L*a*i « w» ilUiiloa lleboi oat-tau Km-2 *33 8* 70 do* »sl r-assfiSwss®sKsaSKfflMg^g iewps a (a wth m dlT,d*d ... ■iaVwirrufe *nd •««•*»** c ™ ar “*‘J° n ,,“f fcMWHIi W' t«4 .nff : !P^* ll t^f? d ,“ 4 *jnji!Sif 111* ireirai“»' lb» caJtnlgli*d,Nq, IK assfisaara •ld«'r o» o«Ui4rui«bU°»- .—IM AOBIB'O r OOAti *sls*“*®** JuoWtetf thi tort of tr. SStaWStmtM.lUta Oriui Uriv *—»-* -i tKa RftltaQDt tmw»t •* or spot tgtothoippo*^. 3W,o^M:K^K' lalimrt •« rS?/SsSS».W gaf*ik>r So or* bMbeen.frttgJJ*s, tfpertoß.frdgttMil tlut II sT?—eo*t,-artppM -y ,tb» « #Jurt* cnuaputo tsd JUMoosi too *fow«*ia .«» •£■»*. tbVnae. Tlj*r* U *n »btnrt«?c#of jfto vtootftod undatoa*. spoa m : «a«i to Tidatfy» ?Spr*£iilr*tH ftr ft]s9 th» ip»t*L I ABT P««« TtatmtoTWill pta«M e*U opon WM* 0. MB»ob*inl)l»,rt»rtl to rood J to **“°? **>•*'s“• 1m >ol u pUla It# > °S, °P? n £i* •S 04 "" U . lf °°" h ""“yraSSNoar ctumuoK BirxtDrsa tpis fob SSJ?S2»!Bl?««SS rit*llihtll. ind ttUl'llßl tlfiiM P^r ; • auo, bbzm *Wmum tMdf* >rtn * t ®4 ??**» ®*r.- TStoSSSSSfiott la: w£“^sSg^ : :; ’ ,al> *j'SnHTreEßMv *“*• o^p'i.iiAigSrafciri; “ - Or.' VH. 4; mEBBOH; . cm>L , «olito«.ft>nrtnou»»: i 'POB SALE TO THE TRAD)®-: JJ K«wctopH.o.sajfcT, . • 'fottolttc* - 1 , cal*.*. ‘ . *>; • • ■* .« Graufcnd Bluk Tur, • .? ’Cvfc*c«v«; s ~ t n» Awl» fcoerkl muck of firucrlM, to "‘or. * n ‘ l * r ' Hri»,«ul“-to JS 6IJAIJ) t iiBBOW.tSr- W WbcltacW Gtixan. Prcxiuc* u 4 Ocinmlwitn *fS£SjtJ*. ,«jiu MJ. ~CE: " “ TfAIiUSY FUKNAOK KOK HAUi., V''TU* mil'ii(4 TilMbl* ArMl forsalait a burilQiio ortUr t* BftUrZS an* Ippwna owfcre- »tjl*whSh« y^iggggsffigag^^^i TJOil BAta—From BIGHXY t? ONK tWKKtf AOBKSof,£«©. Utßj; pm if (Warm ! toVLtbiP. »e»r fcbtie*t4iue*’•fAdi3» sSfi-er6to»llyiirtof ih» w*a»irut^rt» to of coUw*.Th* propmj ; 16U o! 8 lolOmctw. • p!MT»f • rgi" • garT«mr.AlU«pai)*n. WILL tilt BOLD ; aAZi?«’JIPWf*» . gmfc riniftitw BmlUatofc £&tnlr« U Ui fcl4dtf ~: '2s2SssSu rnuK t-ALE.—Tb« lutaenberoffar* for. - tV;||U:'9W9-'BUSf o- *o- Dwelling mi-] a.ro«'olltTt.D,' E»bM.t*« r.---r-, ’ f ' : T?Ott -Goto,; fast tojjjtJ f md IHtncbwdUnxeWr ; »‘' :i»a.TOX«*».4 .' •V, : i-V/>'.’ -'V? v- ,•'.!■■>. V.-: ■•.-:• *''''■ 1/ .'‘-'.:’ i .' *> «jjg . £5 « da Oolonbm— l S?\ B ' Antra ctnrttn»tl...~;r.— **> * *» ij 0 gplndUlMplii( Onl utacfetd to »U BldMTrmlM, KM«f* tnati* x#m. 1:5 0•.ml tuK ULIIttOP- ra - itu - »a> «* Ifcio tj. £ »a» “ “1*1#!" O.* T.K, E. tor loliio^Prtndt ■n^ rhfgtro.aadUi*florlb-yatt. r '•/••• '_• s wSSSfilAecoa*o4»tfe*toor*»i*o0 a, -.j^V* ; . Jktoiiln*. lwJm ortiya.ol *£>.a %#;.*4***®** Tfck»t»**o •il protola*ot totafetn *J» «dt or Sooth-wort, Horth or Hortb»wcrt> o«* fco ■?-«*“ th : , ,?o 6 srss£s?iSs» »or«o..Uo. l aO ? m J Uj^« WAßt^|> . m UumpunV Uflto lttyreltbt it 0c25 ' ; - . , aSS».),aww«i.jw^ ff%jsjgSfS£ - ; «gsHfe^ I n^f^^SSrrMriMwßffßKWSHftSg^^jmu, ' : «SMSSSa^BSMi|4i^.' .;•:]; Jv - ; : •‘‘iSiuatel Tr»li« int* lifttUbtapi itJjßiiw.: ■ .BuSSg?*q« ■***«? y« raH^hii: isagu is i -ssssassst^Jt^jSS^SSSSSi *»- ;• --"t;ct v’.v. . EtagMior—»«-»»» » r? d^BeihK£s'oo ii» rumti* yiffStStMiSa. mjto Ftn»a«irt>u,c»itimM» «=•!)« ttS^Stei ■^SS£SS w. : ?Ssg£■ “JL Owai£i«i Uuln Iw*t -- * - TTDUJiN KOHBB.' , ■ wl 'r. rouTMu * mu ■uififtc*iDau:'tttsvaaad; ■ ■ -, i>ft.- v »♦ a hot—wr lagnAiitxaUbj /-.ntNBEBBIBS—24 bolts, prim# »- ■ v^r*W^S* , «SSSisfi»i'-; - -•- ' 75 ’Ey .tar maw Trent »tr»et. SiSiSKSKSKgJ lta»N!iae«BßßK | jfcgfflfftfMi* -■ ■ tuff fiOiifcCfV v*» ••