The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 23, 1862, Image 3

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OaMW,tj a. a Shaw/OpHoUn, No. »S HTUi
•troot-oomottd felly-
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i of Allegheny dir,
supplies passangnrs with-tho Otirrri os tbs
' Mill TmuWestatB a-m., thaßxpreis Train
■ Wustatl:4o -p. m., and on theAeoammoda.
loaTrainWpsl at 4 p.m. Mr. Sample can
«'>Pi>lji»ny'or4er*along the lino W.CrestUae,
-Ohio, from either of tbs trouts first named,
sad hu also:* (apply of every odttioa at bis
- at lhe Federal street elation,-
Allegheny dtp.
‘ Jadse Crier on Oar Clip Railroad
t - ■ litabilitles—importaat Decision; -
.We haye already announced the deddos of
‘. Jfii# Oder, of the Circuit Cosrt of the
i UaitodStetes, setting .aside the writs ofmsn*
t‘!:4w* issßed .s*e!ntt >tbei Controller end
' T«s*tu« Of tbs dtp, end discharging the
J - rales to shCwcausswhy attachments for con
tempt- should not Irsae against them. The
i f has-been forwarded to thisdtp,
}...-and oe lap-ilia fall before oar readers:
I : Brans :ti at. n. The dtp of Pittsburgh;
I! . Motion ferattechiflsnt* against the Controller
| and Treasurer of salacity.
I Ar Ooieß—ThsplaiaaO) obtained thair
I— wreral Jndgaaata against r the dtp of Pitta
?HS h ' : W •“>, 1851, fortotarest due In
i ?. BS *J“5 18 “> on coupons on railroads bonds.
| .At ; BoTs»bar term, 1851, the plaintiffs’ at
toraaptsppUad to tbo Court bp petition, to
r yilreotvUiata mandatory writ bo issued dl-
0 .Conlrollar and Treasurer of tbo
- ,«V?»nunnndlng tha said ControUar to pra
r , pus and dslirer bo tha said plaintiff or bit
j attomsp, a warrant on tbs Treasurer for tbo
I s i Stnsnst of the judgment, payable oat of any
I ’money la the tnuorp, or If there bo no monap
lathe traainry. then ont of the Orst money
soma Into tha traaiurp," ats.
"The Court mad* tha order reqneated, no
» nmallnii ludog been made as to whether it
I was directed to the proper persons or not: It
! **< entire Ip as porta, and .without noils* to
I - the defaadantt' attorneys. They bars tbero-
I fora a right to meat the rule in' this ease' for
l an attaohment,hyanallegation that the man
damns writs which hays been aerrad on tnesa
f otßoert bars heenimprovidently is, nod, and
that tha process should ban issued to tha
; ■ Mayor hnd City Connolla j and.ooneaqnontly,
; that the .Cenrt, instead of enforcing obedience
■ .to the mandatory process, should aotlt aside
- aa lrrogalar and sold. .i-i
-;T Tha Supreme Court of Pennsylvania hsa do*
, , elded that the act of IStb April, 1834, which
-UivflaMmmod® for toforaisg the pajmeot of
'judgment! .against oonnUoa and townships,
. should be applied to cltteealioi-: In Conform
ity with which decision this court decided In
tha case of Brans v*. tha City, that snob pro
! oess might issue from this court to enforce the
| payment of judgments obtaieed In tho Ciroui,
: Court of the United State. -
To what ofleue of tbs corporation should
.. this mandatoryproeen issue? .
: f > The law requires it to Issue to the Commia
i.aiowr*. who. have tb* taxing power.: "Tha
I: only moans that a municipal corporation has
for the payment of it* liabilities is tbs power
v of taxation.” [4 Casey, Si#.] ■ Its property
l necessary for pnolio purposes oannotbolsrisd
. or sold* . The command of tho mandatory writ
I authorised bp the statute is, "(o cane the
| emouat of the judgment with interest and
i. oosts,.to bopaid, etc., out of any moneys un
i appiepriatsd of: aneh county, or if there-be no
i : such .moneys, oat of. therdrst moneys that
i [ .shell bo teoaivodfor thane* of said county." :
II Tha proper party, therefore, to suohproooiS
’ should be ihoaerrho hare the power of tax*-
! [ tion.who here the oxecntlvo and legislative
[ power* of. the corporation, and ean "eatm tha .
l awaqr oo bepasd." Tha treasurer is hat the
-’•eryantef thle power; he It merely the ool
fleotor ofthe eitytaxea and the custodian of It*
"fundSTbOund U reetly* and kasp them as the
1 yffitP.CoujMdli map direct,and to pap them cat
of the Mayor, coun
tersigned bp the Controller and drawn upon
i epeefiu appropriations mads ‘by tbs Counoils
according to' law.
. Tha answer of the Treasurer to the interro
.:jgatorlM, sets forth clsulp and eonectip his
position In this mat Ur, end eon talc a the state
ment offsets whieh we most assume tobo
correct for tho purpose* of th* present mo
£.l •••
In.anewer to tha 7tb interrogatory be Btotoi
-' < > that "ah* jodgmeate of the plantiffa here sot
- 1 baas paid, either in whole or in part, became
there wee no monly in tha treaaury whioh
-- il’ .'oauTd ba legally, appropriated. to inch pay
■ ,-aient. ■ Ail themoneya that hare been tecelr
< edbylhe Ireaaarer.and aU lheinoaeja bow
- " 'iin tne troaauiT.heTebeen and areapeoilicelly
.■-.ij- : «ppropriated kg crdlaanoea of the City Coun
. -.' - cUi, und»r Aotaof Aji«mlil7,aaUn>riil»gand
, directingthe tame to ba donee The mol of «th
■ April, 1»M, directed that theCoanoila abould 1
[ eeohyearpreTiouato lb»aiional lary.mjilga
. mud appropriate the rerenue of taldeity de
r|rable from mil aoaroea.and preaorlbed tba
A craer to •blob it ehonld ba applied, tewlt:
tat, for tba payaeat of intereat for tba fond
. thoaaleriea of
city cfficerij 3d, for the payment of the ordl
nar/aurrenteapeaaee.ol tba alty, and 4tb,
.r • ‘ for ■ extraordinary lmproTemoate,-ereotlona
’ andpofohaaea, mad if there beaay aarploa it
U ia to be paid into tbalinking faad created by
amid mot, tba act of ldth May, 1857, dlreetod
thattbemoneya arialog from thnaa tollman t«
: to gtagag aadparing, iboold ba paid into
7 tba linking fund, an Aabould be applied to tba
■.A&i .aaaaapdrpoaaa and held under the tame ra
... etrictlona aa tba other moneya of that faad.
. : fa ponaaaoa «f laid acta, tha City Coaadla
. .did fa tba month of January ia each of tba
' ,J«M I8«t aad lsej, * and aroronriale'
_ , .alltbanraamof tbbaa yaan napaotlnly to
- - ; and for tba purpcaea aalhorlied and dlraoted
- • by aaidaot. =Thata hat. notp theralbrei may
mouey oomeinto tha hands of tba City Trea
aarer, mad therm ia bow none ia' hit haoda
- «hiob,aobe baabeen adfitad r baoonld bara
- MffitHj appliad,.w*hiob he oan now legally
apply to tba payoant ofthe plaintira joda-
i Xhefoadad dab than mentlonad la tha mot
lUtbeolddebtiaearradforlhe coat of arao
tloßnflheWett* Worke, ate. Theta boada
: rof tba city for railroad parpoaaa bare all baaa |
fatotdalaoa tbapaaaagaor tbaaot abora re
. • Caned to. Ttwet the dnty ofthe City Conn
cUt toaaaatiatarinSolentto tba
: , ialaraat of boada at it baoama daa; Int
aCaadofaa booeat endearor to meat their
. - : itobilltlea, aadwapport tba credit mad honor
ofthe oily, too Connolii harecbbien ~ to litl
• -goto aadiapadlata their, obllgatloni/ to- ob-'
atiaaiely patiit tnrety, propeel oi tha Coarta
V mad arada the performance of their official
dotlee. "Adel kao cpprohria diet a aoa
'pttriutrtftm." From tba pabHa toga! bit
tory of tba Coarta, tte aoa tbat tbe Uaprema
Court barabyobadataoe aadearoredtoeoai
paiafaltbfm.axaoatiaa ef tbeaa datiaa: bat
it doee aot appear froa tba fhote ln aVidonoo
that oaa dbliarbaa eror baaa felted for tba
jporpoaapfpaylog Off thOaajadgmenU.
! It-iaao faaltor tbe.Traaiaiet that be baa
aooaya of tba«ity.«anorppropriiUeit ,, labia
. Jbaadt. Ha bai aotad la the aiattar altb in
' Waoanßot gira two dlf-
T ...t&Bl dalallioat to tba tormi"aailga mod ep
—-projari*lß"-aaaaBd ia-tbampt of-IBiO, aad tbe
, Oogatir»'’wnapprpprva(nf ’ ia tbaaotof lß3t.
: Ztwaatbadaty of tba Coaaeila' aider'tba
, fona«. toiaoraata.thair a<aaaaDeata to mania
: aaffideat to eorar.tba bayouae of theeo Inter
; eat ooapoaa, mad "aaalga and apptonlata’' a
aaffioiaat'poTlipa of' the money lathe tame i
. ... order.** directed by the act "for-the pay- 1
- -'Beat of theiatoreaf* ofpraoadaptdabta.Tba
boaort credit aad oharaoteroftbe eityj mod lta
oiUaeni, are aa much boaad to tea tba iatar> i
met paid oa their lata debit aa oa their earlier
oaea*.. ,Xba tut tbat tba money drat borrowed
. wae jadicloaaly expanded, and tbe latter not,
,oan taaka ao differcaca to the grade of the ob>
tigatioa. A eonaeiaaea, it it tald, oanaot be
-■ - impeted to a eorpetatloaf battbe ootporatort
:, aodeititonJ.who enjoy ita franc hi tea, trill be
bald at japrrily if not legally raapontiblaba
- (fora tba world- _ .
•/ ffenagoan n. of
JtoSKii Ufa I *’ JlJ7 >l*oltodaa baring
-^aßaimjrqiUeAiMqttwtioDa«. If »cbm tin*
Mtißgtbapolata ratted ia tbit aaeit, and oa
tba lame tUta el itoto, bad bean decided by
tba Bomama Court of tba State, it would bare
“PBijd rary much in thadecition
laconolallTt; 'aadjwoald
notquartloa Uaumeaoai;&tßaiii4hAtahae
n ® quaatloa waa railed aa to "appropriation"
■■taainadapf the city, .Hoaa&aKfaitw
mcnt wu/orsomeserrioes rendered totheclty
or on some eontrnbt—poyoble u all other o 1
tbd current eiptuti of the eity, oat of its
general funds to the hud* of tho Treuurer.
. Tho mousy In tho . Imißnr’i faandswu
. expropriated to pay just «aoh demud*.
Monaghan's hill wu disputed ud ho ooald
not j«t ta ordir for tho amount of’hit
claim. Ho 2s oompellod to bring salt; ho
noorars a judgment and the do
eido that tho judgment of Court U tho high-
Oit orldenoo pf tho Justice of tho claim:
was tho duty of tho Mayor to pay
a Judgment without u order from 1 tho
ayor or Controller. Therewas no pretense
*** ® ot sufficient funds of tho
oity In his huds unappropriated to uy other
•pedal purpose. : Intact, so far as any u njK
propriation” existed, it wu to pay Just such
«that sued for; and tho Judgment
of tpo Court wu;justly eonsldored to bo'tho
; /pptopriatlon of so much of the general
fund, u wu necessary to satisfy the domahd;
consequently U wu entitled to bo paid Onto
aay the treasury, and the first tha
should bo received to H t without any- farther
order of the officers of the corporation; lAn
answer of the Treuurer that euoh money wu
necessary for more Importont purpose!, and to
rapport the government of the city in the ex
erdje of Its functions, oould bo no objection
to the appropriation mode by the jadgmont of
the Court. .< By the theory of that ease, the
■Treasurer had euffideat foods in hl| hands to
pay au thor demands, and the only question
whether the Jadgmont of the Court wu
not itself a specific appropriation of that
amount to thatpurpose. There wu n(rdafaaU
in the City Council*. They had furnished
means; the only difficulty wu in the Treasur
ers refuel to pay. ■■• i,
...The case before us has no resemblance to
that of rMonaghan.: Here the Treuurer has
funds’? to-his hands, not
any appropriated to the paymehc of these do
;msnds. The judgment of the Courtis not an
appropriation of that which qru appropriated
beiomhond, by virtue of the statute, or aots
of Councils* -It is clear that the special funds
erdtttdby the statutes -to be paid lnto : the
sinking fund were “appropriated,” and child
not by uy act of ‘the.Couri be/'juriyusd d*d
appropriated”■: to a different purpose. Sot
eon I make any definition or tnoee -term*
which would not also apply to the Appropria
tions made for other panoses. Tho writ au
thorised by tha statute does not.moke a new
appropriation of- fond*, In the hands of the
Treuurer, at the expense of others,bat offset*
only such as ore unappropriated to other spo
ols! purposes. 1 1 wu properly decided In tho
com of Pollock ys. Lawrenoo county, {Legal
Journal, No. 47*)-that tho. tsUmato of tho
Commissioners, no to the funds needed for the
eomtog year, whether right or wrong, wu not
anjippropriatidn* > .of them any portlc
• alar debt due by thecoanty, consequently the
judgment of the ’Court wos the first appropri
ation, and should have precedence; 1;
The definition there given of the term“Lp-:
propriaUen,” u .ta ret apart or a particular
•we of eiouy for .« parftcular purposs/lias
givtnby : the learned Judge, Is undoubtedly
ojrreet, and according to it the auwer of tho.
Treasurer is true, not only In Us assertion of
facts, but-to its Inference ;of the law. The
funds committed to his care were appropriated
and set apart for oertoin special objects, and
consequently he had no unappropristedfunds
with which to .satisfy the exigency of tho pro
eesi served on him, nor oould ho, under exist-'
leg circumstances, have any. If theusess
ments ore increased by order of the Connell*
to an-amount sufficient, to pay their debts,
being of tho came orderu the old debu, and
tho Treuurer should have funds from taxes
in his bands, and would .not apply them to
the judgments, tho writ might ric» interfere
to compel him to appropriate the money as It
came to hi*.; hands to their payment.: ilf
tho__Town ..Council* in pretended oba
dienco tot the orders cither t ofi their own
Supreme Court, or of - this - Court, pursue i tho
> plan of. the Commisrioners,' to baffle the col
lections of those olaitts> ;by thA ingenious
contrivance of twd different essessments, one
to be paldand ene eorto be paid— <r by an
ticipating, the funds before, they; reach! the
Treuary . by-orders,.orjpestsriar apprepria- <
tloni, neh conduct may bo treated u a ooa
tempt'of Court, and the Treasurer potribly ,
made a partyi ‘ But es the case stesds at
present, the treuurer Is not in contempt; bo- .
cenaathaarrito issued bythU.Court hare peon
Improvidesttellyissuedand mastbesetuide. i
TJndecthe ciroumitanees disclosed ! in this -
eato/lt Is clou that the process should have i
issued to tho-. City Councils u the legislative <
power, and thr tfayor and the
proper executive officers, whose duty It wu ’
to "eaue the money to be paid/* and who
only had the power. If after a das perform
ance of their, several dattas, the utuarer, i
who is their offloer or servant, should refuse i
to perform any duty imposed on him, or at
tempt by Ingenious devices, to evade the per- i
fonnance of it, ha may be treated u for a con
tempt by serving of proper preoess upon him i
for that purpose. t— i
: Xet the rule bo discharged and tba several \
write set slide. Ar corwni . i
'v ;; Onr B«ok Table. ■■>: V|'-
TWs'jPtDUliacb and Book of Joahua* CirUlcalljr gx*
Bjrjbo Blxbt lUvennd Jobo WUIUu
OoknK*. D. 0 t tJbbop of tfauL‘, Mur YtrkTD.
Appl«fra’ I(2aC Pittabarghf«r «» m by R. JJ.
( Darbr,'93 Woodatmt; - - • j ■
H&fo Wb htvo a book,from a Bishop of tho
Church of England; express!/ designed to
provo Uut.tb* five book* of Moses tad tbo
bcokofJoibaeareaotbtttorlcalJj Uue t
Such a work from a la/man womidoxelte but
IUUe attention; (or the world has become fa
miliar with the results of ihfidel and rational
istic criticism: bat the feet of a Bishop of tbo
, Church of England writing and publishing a
somewhat elaborate argument showing tbo
non-credibllit/of a large portion of tbo his
torical books oi- tbo Old Testament, is id sin
gular, lo novel an affair, that oa all band* tbo
greatest surprise ba* beta manifested,’ oreir
ilaed tbo publication of thework va*. an
nounced. WO hare heard that,'lmmediately
on its appearance in England, 10,000
copies were ordered from the publish
er.—and doubtless the- American edition
will in ilka manner bo esgerl/ and extensive
1/ sought for.' Independent!/ of an/ Intrinil©
quality which, If known and acknowledged,
.might attract readers, this book attracts sote
J/ by its being the unaoooontablo, InoosilO
tent, preposterous, and self-stuUltyiog iwork
of its author. Hew BUhop Oolenio went
through, bis university eoarse without meet
ing the greater number ‘of the orUloa! difficul
ties.whwhhe brings forward in this'volume,!
we cannot pretend to understand. It don*
eppeer strange, • that the Zolas of Africa;
amongst whom he went as a -Miisionarj
■ Bishop,.sboald hare been the Brit to raise ob
jections which most student* meet'with tl
mosi at the thmbold/of.. their theologlml
studiesr'espeoUU/if the/ hava sooes* tothe
works ofthe "free - handling 1 ' 'erfttea of the
German schools. - The Bishop and
dispates the JUiioxleal troth of saoh state
ment* as tye following—tie enumeration of
the (amity of .JOrtUh, toe gathering ef qU the
congregation of Israel Juthe'-‘court
of the Moses and Joshua: addrfsslng
all Israel, thft number.of Israel in camp, the
arsing of Israel, the instltation of theßasi
orer, the sheep and cattle in the desert; the
sfrok oatof sgjpt, the number ef Israelites
and of .priests at thetlmeol the egodop, etc.
Bishop Colenso's. book, like the celsbreled
and Reviews," whieb a : namber of
BatlonalUtle. derg/sen of,* the Church of
England pabUsbedsome time ego, will excite
wide-spread oontrovere/,and lndireotl/ serve'
the cause of truth, b/ leading to lhe strength
ening of the defenses of the faith, b/ such
works of an apologetic character as will meet
!:the requirements of the hemen mind under
.those new conditions of experience and attain*
i ment, in which It must encounter such dosbti
; ud perplexities as beveled to the publication
i Tax Nanox's am* Sort. - A Sennou
: ■ mehed (n the Tint Prabywriia Church; Pitte*
, burgh, Pa t on ThaokeglYinf- Bay, Nor^Z7.lsC2-'
W.O. JoiMton* Co. . . ■ ’ . :
I ..Thlieiwlleot dUcoara., ehinotntnd b,
l theatOAl•bllltj’ »ndgt*«ftilno«i which wo
I »lw»jra boludjfor In tfi.oompoattlos, of Dr.
Paxtoi, hu torn publiibod at th. lniUnea
of qslto . nnohor oMBUUIgoat .ad napMta-
MogTOtletaon. lilt for niiitill tho Dook
•to«»,pHo« l$ etatO.-. TUpncted, an for
lit btpsjit of tho ZoJiei’ Soldim ’ Stlvf So
c My. „ - -
I .'Tbi ATOMTioro. Jabsait.—Thla juna.
(laat aaioag oar. moathllu ooiamoacoa lu
olonalh TOlam. with th. Now Tov.. Pr.iao
ia inporlooai, howororj ao that w. aball
mtreljra., th.t tha: coatwta oftba tiroaont tho oaual high order.ln point
of llttnu, ability ; tho, uo Alan of conatderA
blo rmrloqr. And goaorUl, of lirlag latoroat.
J.: W. -Pt»ro«i- Fifth atraot, oppoalt* tho
Poat-oSleo, it agoat for tho Admiie ifonthlt/. ■
On loom*® dJßoroot Undo of pbotogrsh
plots r»» iff or So* plptsm.
«Utfo4.rr i> “ «ta., To(>-*pbitoif»pb’r!j"»lbnm i
•old stfitlook'o, opposite tho Post Ofle»
The Criminal Conn.
On Monday afternoon the Court took up
the eaee of Mosers. Freeman Jones, A. Black,
J. W. Rougher, Wm. Stove, Joseph Boucher,
Jamas Rougher, Andrew Harper, John FUelr
and John Allison, Indicted for riot, on oath
of Charles Gibson, storekeeper, at Bakers
town, Richland township. This prosecution
hod Its origin in a disturbance raised at a
Democratic meedag held. at Gibson’s store,
on the evening of thefiih'Of October test. The
prosecutor, Mr. Gibson, wu a member of the
PimoeraUo County Committee, and the.
meeting was hold at or near his store. The
defendants are all Republicans, and are charg
ed with having' raised .a disturbance which
finally terminated in a riot. On trial.
Tcu Houuc Orna large an'
dtenco.greeted the .Holman Troupe, on the
oeculon of their first appearance, at Maeonie
Hail, test evening.. Tar performance wu of
a very pleulug and Interestingcharacter.
The singing of the chUdren, who execute the
most difficult air* with marked proficiency. Is
a£ once pfeealog and wonderful. •Theeater
tainment is refficiratly varted to render it
pttraetlvoto both old and young, and thou
who would enjoy amntical-treat should not
fall to aw this troupe. They appear ; again
this evening. ■. - ,
. Oiotu mb Buu'i aivua Itioßin; for
ttaliy «ad muolMtaring purpouc, ara tkt
bait in vi:
A. I. C r ■ '■!
Akoio the nuj article! adapted for
Chriitmna pre»«nu,there t* none more uaefal
or appropriate than i well-finlahed, eervleaa
ble Mwing mncblno. Bookf and triokota an
very wall in their way, but viewing tba matter
from a utilitarian ataad point, no*
oaptabla gift oaa ba praaantad to a lady frland
than a nicely gotten op lowing machine* Tba
approprlatanaaa of earring mXnhlnu for hoU
day preaeata dotanalnad, tba next thing la to
Inquire, where the beat may ba bad T Expert*
anea baa nettled tba feat that at tba nnmaroni
machinal which hare, bom time to time, bean
brought before the public, twoor three only
can be arid to poaiaai any practical valua,
and aa a worthier! lowing machine .la of all
thlnge to ba avoided, itla, therefore, neoauary
that we ahould,la all caaaa, try and gat tba
beat. To do fbla It la only aeeoaiaiy to call
upon W. Samnar A Co., Woatern Agenta for
tha Wbaalar A Wllaon Bowing Machine, Ho.
27 Fifth atreot, Plttaburgh.
Tba anpariorlty of tba Wbaalar A Wllroa
Maolnaa to any and all othara now baton tba
rnbllo, bar bean ao wall aatabllahcd that tba
riafaat allValon to thalr marlta will laOoa.
They new equally wall tha tblekaat and thin
ait fabrloa,andmakaaatlehtbatcannotnTal.
Than tbay work mneb farter than any other
maohlne, an far mon eaaily opantad, and
an ao almpla In tbalr conatruotloa that It la
almoat impoaaibla forlham to gat. out of re
pair. In tba autter of Sni*h, too, they oral,
and ao oonhdent an tha aganta of tbalr aupo*
riorlty that tbay warrant ovary machine teav
log tbalr aitabliahmeat for tbraa yuan. Than
la no kind or lowing that may not ba dana by
theae machinal. They atltob, ham, fall,
gather, bind and braid with equal axoaUenoo,
and what la a matter of aoma importance now
they eoaaume bat half tba amount of thread
need whan working with other maohlnaa.
They are, in abort, Je*t tba machtna for the
fatqlly, and no konaahold ahonld bo without
one of them. Maura. Sumner A Co. hare a
aplendld atookof theae maobleea now on band,
and any of our randan about pumbaaing will
oonault theif intonate by lending them tbalr
ordere. They hare tbemindUaMat atyUaaaad
at rartoua prion, and In apery cau when a ulo
la made they giro fall lnitnotton) for oper
ating tba machine; and warrant It to gin tha
largoat poaalbla amount of aatWhetlon.
lon Feu, awn Wunn Wnan^—Tba winter
la upon aa, and wa meat provide ounelvea
with tba material to knap ua comfortable.' A
good and wall-made overcoat la tba vary arfi
cle,andwa don't know of any plan where
. oar reader* nan gvtonathat will look aa wall,
asd at tha iamb thsk'lHlhjtand'tha mcafee
vara weather, aa at lKi U. MoSee A Cp.'a,
earner of Federal atrOot ahd Diamond Square,
Alleghany. Their atoch. of evareentlnga,
bualnau and dren clothing, pantaloon* <t all
daicrlptloua, are pall auorted, and ofi tha
latent atylo. The gentleman'! lorn liking
gooda department la ali that aperohaaer weald
wlab. Call on MoQaa A Co. If yon derive a
nice ault. ■- r,i;. -.
SsHciL CaauiM, taerehaai ftsilor, would
most* respectfully inform his .friends and the
ebUo generally, that he has zttuned from the
at with his new -stock of fell and winter
goods. HU stock consists of the latest styles
■of cloths, easslmeres and vestings, selected
from the latest importations. GeaUemta de
siring a neat fitting garment,-and at prioee
lower tbaa at aoy other tailoring establish
ment in the city, would do well te give him an
early esQ. Bamsel Graham, merchant taller,
No-64 Market street, one door from Third.i.
R,C. Garin.-
FokHoudat PanUTf, that ere asefal as
well as ornamental, call at Hanson Lave d
Co.'s, 74 Market street, and see their stock .of
Shawls, Cloaks, Dry Qoods, Needle Work,
Hosiery, Ac. AUo, Balmoral and. Hoop
Skirts, Hoads far geaU end boys* wear, and a.
very large stook of domestie and staple goods
>urchaied before the late advance, and* will
>a told at a very small profit, for cash only.
Ssbh Cots, Qovsbot Wovids, and all
other kinds of wounds, also sores, ulcers and
scurvy, heal safely and qalcklv aider the
soothing influence of: Holloway's Ointments
It heals to the bone, so that the wound defer
opens again. - Soldiers, supply yonmUe*.
Only 25oeatoporpot. 232 *
Ta« £na Oil Palntlnfa at Darla’ Auction,
in tba aaoond door Salaa Boom, will batold
bjr oatalogna thla momiaf, at tan o'clock.-
Ladln and gaatloinaa am Inrltad to attand
punctually. Daacclptira eataloauaa wlliba
dlalrlbntad- J
(Ucat Tot Sali.—Tba inlaot French jort- 5
man and Italian Toye and Pane/ will
ba oontinnad thia afternoon at two o'clock,
and aranlng at aaraa o'clock, at McOlallaad’t
Auction Houa, ££;Flftfcatraat..> t; :.
or. Photograph Albnma baa Opened at Ho.' M
Fifth atreot, third door above tba Theatre, a
Urge atook of Photograph Atbttaa, the boat
made in-the-world. l ' They tell tbetb at prloaa
*hlsh defy competition. • > •'
Notiaa to thoprapartjrantn of thlt g)t*
libaribj firm. Out my rapaln Baadad about
wall loBfM *in ba; dOB* proßptSy.Kj tbty
Inn thalr ardar at £stttbrrt'« o»rpmtaO'aqd
Jolnlnf Shop, as Vlrcla allay, Jut Man
S&UhAld itMt. ' ■ • i . : -t;
■ - , j /, .
. Ouun Cut* will bo Uktasl tbtOatsibar
oßoa, Ho. ao 4 Llbarty ittraat, day or’alght.
All ardan lilt at ,tba abara ploa* wllP ba
pmstpUy attaadad ta. ■ AO atlla nut bo paid
la adnaaa. » * J • • e»
Tgn Vuiui * Vnso % Bnn»o Uiiain
hu taken the flnt premium at; the Wbrld’j
Fair jutheld'to London, ell tat mtohiooc
of the world competing. Salesroom IT
•met. ,
“ ' »'■ 1 ■ iV. ■in .-. •-,•••-{• w
Houdat Fuann.—T4* but pkM total
Photograph Altpjoo osd book* tor prattSU 6
ot tho Gilt Book ® tort, No 118 Woodltnofc:
A oottly pnmHi glrwt with oiohoold.; /:
PosOtKTO.-—Photographlo Albam* li nloo
pniento for Chriitoot, And tho plooo to boj
thorn ohrap It otPlltock’i, oppoitto tho Pool.
Qfßoo. ■
■ Coupon'* toy. hooka osd gomoi, a Urgo
lot to bo hod ot Plttook’a oppollto tho Pott
Ofioo. - _
DurrißT»T<—Dr. C.BUl,Ho.ltl, Potuot.,
ottondt to oil bnaehoo of tho Doatal arofot*
•)ob* • . • • • , ' t '
Bou> PiUook'o odroxtloomopp
BOLLMAH-PBABfIOB-On Vo»tar, U» 22d
loit., by Ikc Bor. Blebud Lm. Mr. OKOEOM W.
BOLLMAN, of AUetbtoyr *6', »l» ,*ARX f.
MASSON, of UvttßCMlU*. ' i i
BRKNAIB—"nib* Slit si I oVockfe m..
BBESAtB, Inlb# 2*tb jtuof hla HO
KD TIIIB SAT-* * : •
luobblo, Wot EUbUdi; ,
lu <!» Odta; - 1 ‘
64 bM« BftaLPMcbw;
SO fiMdMO, - •*
e<Ja‘E«lVß»U«*v * / ■*
ik^afiutfTTTr 1 *
And for'whfry « ,»ft. g, TOtQTA OO?*
J'jM£tn-U*»- 74 Boas* Clothe*
'• l yim |trt raMl»4
Special Dispetcbm to ihi PUUUirib OszstU. '
WaBHIWOTOV, Dec. 22, 1802*
The President!* said to bar* assured the
Border State Committee who wanted him to
withdraw HU emancipation proclamation, that
he had earefnily.eoaijdcrod the subject before
issuing the proclamation, and having ieea bo
occasion to ohinge ho views, there weald ho
ao withdrawal, modification or poitponeasnt.
The reoent government oenjorship of [the
press which forbatae to hare theanaounoeiaent
or the offer of resignation bySeoretariee Se
ward and Chase made public, begins to exeite
marked, attention.
This morning’s InMttgnur has the follow
ing paragraph:
“ It having been stated that Gen. Sarpiide
bad tendered a resignation of-his command,
W* think U proper to meatfoa what we under
stand to be Uurfeet, that .the President has
not accepted hU resignation, and It fe bellev?
ed doea not Intend to do so.”
/ftAfof?, tiuwal Aftnt, :
. Vo. 18, VIAhItTMU
■ • The eame paper hsb the following on the
Cabinet crisis vJIob, S.* P« Chase, on Satur-.
day morning, ?tender»d hts•resignation of
ofSoe of" Secretary of the Tieaeary. This nn
looked Tor step, on thi part of Hr. Chase, we
.understood, was banted by his desire to leave
the President >nntrammelled, should he, in
▼lew ef the resent political occurrences, desire
to shange Us Cabinet.;
It imported that IkePresldent; ea Satsr
day evening last, addressed to Hr. Seward
and Hr;’Chase a nbu requesting them to
withdraw their, resignations, and to resume
the dalles ef Utelr respective departments,
and we are snre that tie ooomtiyat Urge, In
vlaw of the eminent ability .with which they
have both dischargedibeir important duties
la the present eritloal stale of pnblio affairs,
wUI anlU.ln the wlshj that they may both
yield to the Prealdent's request* - -
< It U believed that the trath- about General
Burnside is that be has not formally tendered
hU resignation, hat had only repeated what he
has often before, said, that while he Is willing
to serve wherever his; country calls him, he
would personalty prato to be allowed quietly
to return to hie family.:
' k Wassimtow, Dee. 22,1612.
svaaa ann sswaxb mdauMi Tami-nurpo
five nuTtxn—-avdtbii catrou*. j
The President has informed Chase aod
Seward that he cannot aoceyt their treslgna
tlons with doeregard ft. the public welfare,
aa£, therefore, zeqaeste>thea promptly tore
same their da ties is their respective: depart*
meats, which Jthey have accordingly done.
.The President stated to-day that ha could not
permit an ideatogooattnthe country now
that the Cabinet , was JTridad, and that ha
would aot allow either ,ChaM cr Seward to
leave the Cabinet witheat ethers isft also.i -
- She Senator* had another'caucus on the
subject this afternoon, in which the present
aspect of . the ease was debated at length.
Thus Tar their eoneloiloas have been oarefally
concealed, but. It is doohted whether they
wUltehe eny farther'decisive steps in the
matter. - ' ' _i •• .
r HoVrrCwtln U jald *to .have*.protested
strongly against the removal ef Sewfrd,
and tO' hare iatliaetsd that It 1 wquid
throw PsfintyTvabfe fnfhlhs opposition: ’ On
the other hand the President has been warn
ed that the West has no confidence In Seward
and no faith In the polloy he may Jlotatc, by
.numerous Western members.
*wo»r or tbs tooMmmt ov rn cqvdcct or
. ;tan wan. t
Tbe ConmltUe on tfeCoudect oflhe Wet
wlUnaknibetr report abeat Frederiekibarg
to-morrow. The lUUoenlof loimj, respon
sibility, alo., wRI correspond with tboib .in
Burnside's preliminary official report, 1 made
pa Mlo to-day, sad will differUiUe, If any, on
tUs eubjtcfc ia Usts dupstobss. Tks general
htro, since ihs patoldsUoDoftbo.offl
tool report, U pne of kindness to Barnilde,
and eTip; confidence ia him.- Itdltsrul sit
hostile criticism, and U. li sppsrsat to every
one that, without concealment, It tolls the
It ll ait true that Pol glair
at UJ timetendered M»? rtalgnation. i No
Cabioit oScarl dill teva Chaieendfiad ard.
■ • v»«* »'»owaii count oiritooiar. j: ;
. In lb* H'-DowaU Courtof Inquiry to-day,
the a jaailoatlon of 8lf«V wot eontlnnedat
length." Hagaro
ipai the eeooad >ld> ofßollßuiwea! loat
bjQeaetal HcDoweU’a
•treot In *heok,/\ea'ha (SJgai)' thonght j Uo-’
Hawaii Mold and ahoold hare dona: • : ; j!
: '' . **• 'VT** ««q*r jumuc }
loot lataailon. II haiOnlihad the •xkml
naUihofPope’awitßeoiei, aid Portot'a bIU
not be redd; till Wedaudaj.. Tb« proiptotU
now for;M,;i«f|(|Br»ow!> BTertbeiolldeji,
»»* aeontlnnenoeof the Ooaf t Martial will
iii uroiucii iid eii.>u.f(oc.
The dftwtreaf.g.paMua., whloh baa hither
lo<iofa»do<i'BßlJ»oki Uo«t,UiW mocß
an erttda kpeaktngof thadeßiaßd far* ohaoge
I# thi, miuiterj iarreagaaiant'iMßnlnrial,
ui of aßatoreaotlohe trifledwlth. p v,
nodonktai aipaad; change la the miatary
ooatrol etJHew Orlaeni. T ‘-
■ the. of u Coßgrenional proceadlngi
to-day *u.> long and really eloquent apeeoh
dßUrßWdfbj 1 , fienntor but, of Indiana; on
th* anhjadtof arbitrary imiti and the ct une
of th* opposition toward* tha edmlnUtratioa-
The apaadh wei altogether the mo|t noticeable I
Bna oflhe eeitioa, and abounded In pauagee
of great power. The gaileriea ware eioWdaa
eadhd repeatedly applauded, notwlth
«tandiagt)>a affort« of tba chair and-door,
kaapar to; heap down any demonetrttlon of
thakladi!'-'"'" 1
. Senator <‘;l,eaa. Jutllad tha Pnaidant’a
etblfraryerreaU to tba fullcit andhroadeet
utaat. M letekee aiight ban bean toad a, bat
in ware neoeiury, and the
Preildenlbad bean too' laalaat ta'axardUag
the psw«*wMoh he, olaerly abowad ha pot
aaaaad. Ha oomaabtad onthe ooaraa af tha
oppoemanJuberingno word to any or tba
rebaiilon; ctilngc; tat-naerrlng' alt their'
powareof daßßßotatloa to Blais aaibamtilag
the Present in ,1)1* effort! to aojppreaa tba
rebellion.! Haexplained the Bitare andoaoaa
"or tha farttatoppoiltion aaeeaaaealn tbawaat
an wleetloß>,'pertlealarly > in ladlana, Bad
dcnoaiieM the effort* to ladoae tha horthwaat
todaaarttba Union and go to tha Sonthen
Oonfadenojr. . . , , r
Intlmatloßa are thrown oat thia BTaniag
that, althoogh (baßanatore did nothing defl
altaaboat tha ablnat (n thatr oanma to day,
tha; arctaererthßteii, inloireaUag/i fyrmnaio
that tbair point. ' ; ‘
-‘T*u.alr l ßtM** , P
tllltlea/With freak nojoalitatioßat goarantaea
.fortba hanatt ofßohibtrn' traltbii, and. tha
aXattt far *’ paaoaW tha baala ni aßcb a con.
aaaaioß andgnaniaMi, ‘prodpkV'niitrdtfal
poaiiant as tha aßbiaaking lapadtnee it re
• iroaTiuv*a ai»s»4t«>»uia. •
r f
rson THX ABUT or tbi POTOUAC-
No iudteations of immediate eottve opera
tions, but it is hoped that the troops may not
be left idle this winter.
Wasbuqtox, Deo 22.— Recent information
from the Cherokee nation discloses a shocking
condition of affairs there. The loyal and dis
loyal Indians are slaughtering one another—
tbe government revered and anew one organ
ised by tbe Confederate party, which Is in the
Several hundred nominations of Aiseisors
and Collectors, under the tax law, ware sent
ta the Senate to-day for confirmation. Tneso
-voro appointed daring the recess of Congress.
The Senate oonfirmed tbo nomination of
Caleb B. Smith for District Judge ef the Dis
trict Coart of Indiana.
i No noainattop bss yet beoa mode to supply
. tbo vacancy thus occasioned ia tbo Secretary
•bip of tbs Interior Deportment.
■ IfUBIIQTOX, Dh«, 22.-—Tbo ZatWiMOlCCf
1 says;: •‘l*havingbeenstated tbst General
. Barmide hod tendered tho realgnation of Ms
command, wo think it, proper to montion
whst ws understand to bo the foot that tbo
■ President bss not accepted tbs resignation
sad it is believed does not intend to do so/*
Wasbibotob, Doe. 22.—The President ac
knowledged tbo reception of tbo resignation
of the Secretary of State and Treasury, ind
informed them that after dae deliberation be
bos come to the eonoluiion that on acceptance
would be incompatible with the psblio wel
fare. .Therefore, he reqaoitsd them to re
snme their respective fnaetioni; The two
SecreUrta have accordingly'returned their
plaoes as beads of thedopartmente.
■ .-4 communication was seat'.to the Senate to
day from the ffar Denortmont, in answer to
tbs.resolatioa of Inquiry relative to thoeßbr-
Uringof certain worthless ships for the Banks
expedition, in wMsb It stotes that the hnlis
of the stesmere Thames and Niagara were in
spected, S 4 seeertslned unofficially, by -Com.
Van BruDt/andtfceeßgitiesbySx’Chlflf En
gineer Boswell, designated for that purpose
bj Gen. Banks. , Accompanying is an indig
nant proteitngtisittfce condemnation of the
Thames, Sy ] Ear •owners, Messrs. Everett,
Stores, Teylor k Hnbbeil.
The protest against tbe passage of the bUI
: to Indemnify the and others for
certain arrests nnder the raipeaiion of the
writ of habeas eorpas,- eto., was drawn
;by .representative Pendleton, and those who
had signed it had voted against the bill. The
bill agreed npon by tbe finns* and select eom
mlttee on emancipation U inbitantially that
recently introduced by representative Noel!,
of Missouri, for faoiliettpg . emancipation In
that Btato, and appropriating twenty millions
for that'purpose.
Gen. Bigel upon bls ow'o request under
went a critical examination into the nature of
: charges which-he had preferred against Gen.
McDowell last ’ Saturday. He did not mean
to impeach the latter's loyalty, bat to point
oat though unwillingly; the occasions when
Gen. MoDoweU, In his judgment, displayed
incapacity, lie gave reasons which induced
such opinion, referring to McDowell's con
duct at Thoroughfare Gap, - l ~
He states the bulk of McDowell's army was
encamped; but a ihortdbtance therefrom;
that the roads were good, and the only force
required to hold It would have been about ten
.thousand men. Those might have, easily re
tarded the enemy for a ttey, and so have ut
terly deranged Mi movements. He also
charged upon MoDoweU a wontof attention
to the position of Ms (Sigel's) corps, with
whieh MoDoweU was at that time co-opera
ting, and n want of discretion in bringing his
troops Into aotiott at the battle of Manassas.
The Porter court martial held a brief ses
sion to-day. - - ■ - •
The following witnuies were examined in
reference to the condition/of the 'retd'&om
Warrenton to Bristow Station, ud as to the
character of tbe.night of August 27th-: Col.
Benj. P. Smith, Ltent. Ed. Brooke and : Capt.
W. £. C. Dnryea. : •
Here the coart gate notice that -they bed
concluded the examination of wUntisei on
the part of the government. No wltnems
for the defence being accessible, at the request,
ofCfeo. Porter the court adjeuthed till Wed
neid*y. '•••y - .•'Y.
[BpSclel Dttpjktcfc to tbe-rittebwglraAMtie.i.-.
PBiLAOtLPBiA, Dec. 22; 1882.
The correspondent of the Inquirer says:
,Mr. Clement Barclay,whole. generoas devo
tion to the laterehu of oar soldiers Is Well
known, hat returned from the Army ofjtfce
Potoaso. . ' [ 1
He states that tpw rumored demoralisation
of oar army.l* without foundation, that the
soldiers aiFdevoted to Gen. Burnside, and
.have fall confidence In him; they are eager
again to be, ltd-forward -to aaMove a victory
which shall compensate,, them for the reoent
failure. * •
- In the'aUack on Fredericksburg they were
willing to nertfibwlbeuselres, believing that
their efforts would enaVlevßenkt to enter
Richmond. ; v
' The.loss at Fredorlcksburg is now known
to be less than ten thousand in killed, wound
ed and missing. ' • ;
/ .The Cabinet embrdglio causes considerable
anxiety in this city among the friends of the
*. i Washibotob, Deo. 22, 1882.
6«XATn.-rThe Vlee President laid before
the Senate a communication from the Secre
tory of War, in answer to an inquiry of the
Senate, relative to the chartering of the trans
ports Thames and Niagara for the Banks ex
pedition, stating that Gen. Banks wasaalho
rUed to procure tbe vessels from Commodore
VaudernUt, of New York, but no official re
port had been received in regard to the mat
ter,and farther statingthat the Secretary was
aoofldally informed thatthe vessels were in
spected by G. A. Vanßorehtand the engines
by 0. U. Huwell; that Gen. Banks had fnU
power la the matter, and upqa tbe reoeiptof
a report from him it would be transmitted to
The Vice President Mio submitted a tetter
£>m thw owners, of i the steamer Thames.
essn. HahbellA Stargess,of New York,
stating that the Thames was a new vessel!
lannehed in 1862, built of the best material
end In the best manner; that her engines
weiebulUattheDelematre Works,New York:
that she was bought for the China trade, and
that tha story^that aha was a worn out lake
steamer is utterly without foundation. Alio,
a letter from tha builders of the boat at Mjs
tle, Connecticut, certifying to tha same foot*.
Mr. Grimes, of lowa, atid then seemed to
be a great diversity of eplnten la; regard to
these vessels, and offend the following relo
cation: .; y - .
Haolxnd, Th»t e WJfiot committee, of three
metolxn, bo .ppolnted to inquire into end re
port to tho 6enete thefeotl la rogerd to the
chartering or the treaipon reueli for the
Beake expedition—the eee-worthineu of nuh
Teeteli, end the character of the men em
ployed to nerigete them; end that the com
mittee be empowered to tend forpenone end
pentre. .
: Mr. Heie, of N. H., thought the neolatleh
hed better he enlarged 10 ee to inelade thin
wholeyabjrot, Behed been told that e bro
keregeof ten percent. bed been paid in <ome
cues, end. OTen, ten par cent, paid erety
month. After e illght modidoetlen the re
eolatioe wee adopted.
- Ihe rloe-Preeldent leidbefore the Senate e Markets
eemmnniceUon from the Secretary of: Stem „ „ -
ttmnimUUng the, : with the
Btusian Qor«Bm*nl r*l»UT«_. to Ulagraphlo at s6l2>j fcrrrperfloa, |8 &0 for axtra and 17
communication bfltweto the . mouth of the 760 extra &mUy. By« Tiour tx held atf/60m?
Amoer, Blrer and San Franalsao,, California. *?!£•*■ 80 falling off ia iba 4-
Order to bo printed. . ouadfor Wh«u,-and 6,000 bush aoWat-tl «sai 60
M* litthun -f ft.i itHWiniilJ v memAeiet' iorrtd t ud K6£@ltsbr«)ilta' Soulliiliid Bn
T* ; Gal.,jpressaUd a memorial .at Mgyae. Corn 1a birrequMt, withsaJcJofSJjoo
■MjWfrnrly aU tba Express oompanlet In the batb at 87c ftir old yeHcnr, and 78/a770 tor new. • Oata
States,, askiog for. an amendment to atets&trrtqoast; 2ftQo bub ligtttaoldaiilc. So
iffcr?At*rnal Revenue law.' - cbansata Btrley or .malt. Prortfone held fimlr.
r of Hr. Lane, of Ind.. the bill P°ikat H 4 25@14 ?s. Bacon atom taf'iSK^S^aS^-
He.eommeneedby laying he .ehentd ettempt ;; Sew Tots; Dec. 22-Kooo.-Colton [, qn i,t cia
no Ooelp drown dUtlnctiom between Creel* Xloorh»e • declining tendency; Jjoo nwe
dentielecte which areexouubleend hot jaiti- •““;*«*<•W os*3o 75,end
dehle. ' Hejaetlßed,'in the faUeel eenee of
PoNtjo* 1 .prteonere, hieOiabgl 23®V3i,endrtd
which had been referred to daring the debate* atari/; 10,000 tm»h aoid at 67<a7T<vFork laqaiatf
and also the sajpenilQtfof the privilege of the meea|i<ssau37. WiiUky
Writ of Habeas Corpus bvtho President, and
arguadtoshowtbatraobsusppaxlonqndertbe Coro^eoWbMiS" 1 bb V* 180 > mh4l *» :
5 00 f^mH 01 l. C *. n ; fi|oci4| an better except goTeraiaebt wetuitiei*:
dent. This he Inferred from ibe nalnre of the O»ic*goand Bock Central Baris
power to be exercised from' thVoolhof office Scathiern Si; New Tork Caniral JOS?*
S the President, and,from his eodsmetlnbjl Coal««; UUsreafceessd mk
pbliWten t 0;... lhs the le*.,h> fiithfX
ur a *; B, ?‘ t ? »ff*Vt»-in Pslewere,
hfarpland and.Ke&taekv*and;expressed the baay; ta.oootaJh'aSSL' • Cornitoadj;
eoaftdMtcouslsUiin Aet'Qn.exstnlnaUott if i^^^^^fe-WbW»taeoy. ;f -Begtedoß.>
eauie for believing the. parties guilty. |He
read extracts frem the proceeding* of the Del
aware Legislature, proving that a large por
tion of that body, if not in sympathy with
traitors, bad at least no disposition te take
side wlib tbe National Government in its
present straggle for existence.
Mr. Saulsbary said the Senator, from Indi
ana, had omitted the most important part of
the record in regard to the State of Delaware.
The record is fall, end shows that Delaware
had always been true and leyal to the United
SUtes government, and tbe only disloyalty
that coald be shown was treating with cour
tesy an envoy from a sovereign State. He
read the resolutions passed by tbe Legislature,
utterly disapproving of the objects of the gen
tleman's mission.
After session tbe Senate ad
Houbk.—Mr. Sheffield, of R. 1,, presented
the credentials of Michael Hahn, representa
tive elect from the first Congressional district
of Louisiana.
On motion of Mr. Bingham, of Ohio it was
referred to the Committee on Elections.
Mr. Wilson, of- lowa, offered a resolution
directing that the Secretary of War inform
the Home what numbor of volunteer regi
ments ora in the service to whom arrears of
pay are now dae, and for what length of time
dae to eaoh regiment, and the reason why
they have not been paid.
Mr* Wiokliffe, of Ey., said a similar reso
lution hkd already been edoptod.
On motion of Morrill, of Vt., the resolu
tion was referred to the Committee on Mili
tary Affairs.
; On motion of Mr. Arnold, of. 111., a resolu
tion was. adopted instructing the Committee
on Ways and Means to inquire Into the ex
pediency of amending, the tax lair, uo that
license* mey be transferred and be good ia
the hands of assignees fur the time given.
, .Mr. Lovfjoy, of 111., offered a.- resolution
instructing the Committee on the Judiciary
to Inquire whether. any farther, legislation is
required on a letter submitted to him from an
Illinois Colonel, who sets forth annoyances
to 'wMoh he has bb<p subjected in conse
quence of negroes freed frota the: rebels trar?
ellng wjth -tbe The resolution was
adopted.- ■ ?
; Mr. VaUaadlgham, ef Ohib, off«red the fol
lowing, saying that he Intended to debate,
which caused it to lie over:
Raolvtdf That this House earnestly desire
the most specdv and measures be
taken for restoring peace In America, and no
Ucio bo lost in proooslsjg an immediate oessa-
Uen ef hostilities, in order to speedy final
settlemefitof the unhappy controversies which
have brought about this unnecessary and In
jurious civil war, by a' just and adequate se
curity against the return of the like calamities
in time to come, and this House desire to offer
the most earnest osiuraueo* to the country
that they will in dub time oheeifully co-oper
ate with th» : Executive and the States for the
restoration of the Union by auoh explicit and
most solemn amendment and provision of the
Constitution aszaay be found necessary for so
curing the rights of the severkT States and
sections within the TTnioo, under the Consti
tution. ’• j I . * v.' '■
.Mr. Pendleton,lof Ohio, offered a resolu
tion, that the protest mud remoniiranoe of
thirty.six members of the House, submitted
therewith, against the unoonstltatldnalitv
audinjasGee of thebUi recently passed in
demnifying the Presiden]Fand others for sus
pending the wzttpf habeas oerpas, bo entered
on the journal, t . T! ~ ' .
On motion of Mr. Cox', : orOMo. It was •
NMofeed, That the President be liwuested,
if it is not incompatible with the public ser
vice, to comaunioate to this Hoose army cor
respondence, or other information in Ms pos
seUion, reUting t° the alleged interference
of oarMiolster to Mexico in favor of the
French in the present war between the Mex
ican BepnbUo and the Emperor of the Frenob,
??****£*“* * »g*init the .xpolilon
from Mexico of the French inbjeot.
On motion of Mr. ShaUnbtrnr, of Ohio,
th* Oommittoo on W.y. end. Moxn. « M in'
•tracud to inqnlr. into th. - upedlraco of
.mending the t»x lit to th.t 'n.wip.par«
If” 1 ?* * Oironhttloirof not .hcmaixg twenty-
Ero hundred copies m.y not t. (object lo th.
Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, InUwlaMd » bIU
wnl.h we. referred, for'tbo em.nelp.tfon of
.IeTMo! rebel. In Stater end terrltorler of
the Oolled-State... - . ;
Mr. Hutching offered e rerolntlon propot
tog floe gold medeU to the eoldiere »ho, in
the midit of peril, tint croned over to Fred
• 'B.ferr'ed to the Committee on
Military Affriri.
Mr. Mnllory'e rorolntlon that tho Senate
eononrring'in an adjournment, to take piece'
from Ttwedey to the flnt Monday In January,
waxpaued. Yeaa7«,nayr47. :
Mr.-Bingham, of Ohio, mored that tha
Committee ou the Judiciary be dlicharged
from the farther eon.ideratlon of the bill de
darelory of tbe emancipation of ilm. in tha
rebel Slate, and territorle..
: The bill wax read for Information;. It prof
Tide, that all per.oar held in inxolUhUty ror.-
vion or Blarery, except for crime, In any State
or territory of the United Stater or any part
thereof, the people ef whioh may be in lnrur*
rection on tho lit of Jepnary, IBC3, rhell, on
tbo day end year aforeraid, be declared free
end forever released from involuntary aervi
tudo or rlevery aforeraid; and tho Proridaat
of tho United Stater iheU.'hy proclamation,
on that day deolaraaUpanonr lo held within
auoh Statu and territorial in lnrnmetion to
be free end entitled .to. protection, in' their
perianal liberty, according to tho: (Jonitltu
tion and law, and by all Persons to civil and
military service of the United Suiex, and
that full Compensation shall be hereafter pro.
vided by the United States to all leyaleiti
seas, whose stores may be emancipated by
this eet. The qneitioa wee taken; yeas 63-
neys 62, a two*thirda vota being reqolred, .
Mr. Bern hem's motion was disagreed to.
Mr. White,’ of Ind., from the eeleot'feom*
mittee on the Border State Emaacipetlon'aik
ed leave to report a UU appropriating twenty
million, to aid Mliionri to - amanolpattog’
alavar, and that U bo rooommlttad to a loleot
oommittoo—yaaa 77—naye 38- Tha Uoasa
then adjonrnad. . . i ’
From Richmond.
Foavnass Monaon, Dee. Sl—-It will be
seen from the Rlehmond newspaper aooonnte
if the battle at Fredericksburg, that 'while
tt-n. Lex, in hlr oflctol report, places their
lose at 1,800. killed and wounded, the same
paper containing it saye. that np to Monday
2,000 rebal wounded bed arrived in Rich
mond, end mentions many moi* at tha Fred,
ertoktburg depot drenched with rain and un
provided for;
Tha Rlohmond faguirer, of tha 18th, says •
Up to yesterday.a. m. 220 abolition prisoners
arrived at tha Libby prison, from tha Rappet
bannock, among whom is Captain 8. J.
Merchant, of tha 136th Pa., Lisut. John E.
Powers; of th'e2d Va.j P. Lsmh, oftheU.S.
tslegnph corps, Wa. Fsster, or H. Y.; and
a numbor of sntisrs and olarkt.
■ Last evshing, the 17th, 460prisoneri arrir
ed, looloding 11 oommisslonad oficare. The
man were in 6n. spirits end indulged In jok
ing remarks, saying they bed arrived hare be
fore Burny, taking Rlehmond by tbemnlvei.'
Sioee Bnrhildes defeat it is believed the
programme bar been ohaaged; .
Rebel Dispatch from Goldsboro.
- Goidbioio. Dkj, l«.~Tho '■ •rUlUrr dual
mt While HtU, 18 miles west of this point, on
the Neose, hat been going on ell day. Xhe
Abolitionists seem to here changed their hue
to the tooth lido of the Neats. Their cer-,
•try msds e raid on the Mt. Ollre Depot, on
the' Wilmington railroad,' horning bridges
end depots, end Ottttlng telegraph wine. -
nndta (ft demand: etiporitaa it eold at sa, : and extra
*t i$ IOAS IS. Whoa* la dull but not lower.' Oom
•oMatitotfe. Oataqafetat St&&c. ’ Wblikvilc.
Bogiate la tetter ewpjdyvand offered, men.freely,
and ore a abide eaaier;aafeaof2,6o9at 74.
Beceipt*, 12,000 aloe* Saturday., Hex p>tk .rota;
obi la offered at 111 £5 and sew at $l2 60, bnt la so
demand. Lardb offered at,-#J£c,bat not in much
.demand, Green meat* fc?£c foe * bohlden, and
for fcaau. Bulk aSoaldere arerba}d
prteent and 4%0 for Janoary ttai&ry. There i» a
demand for abnrt dear boxed middles at 7c,.bat they
are held at«*vc. Groceriee dull and unelTasced
124; Kichaaje dull at diecotml -
®ft W i£e dlecount., - t . t , uV .,; j.i fi .. . ...
The weather yesterday wai ctady, oJU«4euft,
with indication* -ofraln, ,Xb*.fiyu*«ntertain:dby
i our iteumhoatrara cn Satordayjand Sunday of a
‘*fr®ez« op' > hare entirely TanUhed for the .present. '
aUoast,etdUU'hep©4uow thet-lhe rivef wllTra
maln open 7 dnriaj the balance ofthe wfaW .The .
river continues to recede steadily at this point.'with
toll five.ftotby the marks laatayy&ins.-.;
Balneittwai very animated at the wharfyeittT
day; whh obdtlftceur and moderate, v
ahipoonta. thftwi'.wai Worei fteighV'it tln iim
yea erilagr thin there hoi Uen fbr any cue iUy thi*
teason* the bulk o! wMchiaWalUntf fyr; traajpoiia- -
Ucm tofo E*at. Il iiU> he'rtgr»ttfcl Jhat iiitn* U ‘
bnt one ooUet JSrba this point to the a» it (a
impeadblsfl» :aay oan, railroad to forward all the »■ ■’ a
frvlghtthatUneceiredherwhyrtrer. !* >
• The arriTaii.ipclndathe moorra from: Wheeling,
T. J. PattinfhmMarie!
Graham froih Zto^rilei&diftri&fofcTronrlurtiU-
TlUe. ' Jriy:'Z t>-
_Tlia Halting* and Marina ivi>ca' d6rclßnatl,~and |
Uttar bqatbin a of ’ ojt toa kid, a eon -- j
•blarabU amjraat \ t ,* "V‘ j
- Thk Lizzie Martin farßararly, .
6t. Patrick fbrCi&elao»UiceaaiitiiUt)rt j
for yesterday. •/
Tbaßbaatcgohad* good trip;-vbHotbft'St. Pat
rick irwalmost light.' ;4 v
We onderaUnd tut the little ateamer ©y
;wteJi>e«ta*dajr toeome pirtlitfftwn Poaerey, .
Ohio, fcrs7,ooo.. She baa been plying for aome time
put aa* regular dell y p&ckot between harenod fihlp-
The.Yeaango,' tloce.aha vu here lest* Km had
which edda materially to hor appearance.- .The
meat pronlaant-altemion it that aha is now eoiae
eighteen lochaeblghar between. deck! Hhait before,
which of courre alforda more worn fwatortagfeeljbt. .
Bheia now coaraandf d by v
of the Harner; ud, ei will he eeenby ; eird;tj an*
noußMd t 3 !e*Ta f3p CUidohait r et noon -
. ..The EnpUe Cit 7, Capt. Hazlep, la fintog'ep; tap*
141? for St, Leoit, andwlil inell probability get off
to-dijr. .V •» >.vr iY‘V.V r ' ‘
_ Xbe Emma Graham, CapkAyeratretorn* to Ztnea»
title aa narul today at 4 p, m, -
’.-The recelrlng fcr Cin*
clautt t&d irfmlirttle, aad/wm be ready to leare
aoon. ; i **■*.?■-•/ &
Tb* PMtJwnla, Capt. Browo, tr'ariiiooijwd to
karo tor Bt. X*oW od"WVdo<£d*y, Cotritaixlota
Bobiuoa •tlllxeUUu’chjLrg* pMtabfflca//
* Tba UlnatTd, Oapt. Gordon, it thftWbadiDg pick-
nogQk:,;. 1. . ? V^-,*
Bnpenor Copper XlUland
BJULTIHO WOBAS,Prrrocaoß. .. ' /
tfftno&ctaxert of SHKATHIHG/ BBAZrEBS’ AMD
•bo Importer! and dotlm fa PJaATE,
* Waauocn, Ho, M» Jim and-lSOSaosad
Pem , ». : -’ • •*•;•/
X /T^uJd•rdertofObppar cot-o>'anydeitirod pat
. .
W*. O.' .n." »tt.» »«■
ESSS, Tocxdmiawi HiwnniT#, ;
Won*, fttt»irittgb,Peßfc r iu'v*~
, Orrrex, Ko;2lMlaxn Biatir.' • •" * ■'•• - J i
; fil*uu£»ciiu* aLiklud* of STEAM "ENQtiftS Aii B '
WOBK; iilAtfTßOltm AHbJ dHJfiT lEOH ;
woEK« ~.*• ' '••’• -r
; X"J OBBIHQ AJiD. BKPaibVho <hw»pa abort '
*aUc*r .- '.; .T n j > ah23«nr . • :
JfcSTTiie Coofeaßioai aadJsxp«iehc a
W yAJJD, .PabLUhcd .for "tiM beaefit and
mea ; «iw#Qfl#r .
CroiaHurrotu DeblJity, Pranttur* !>«»**&; icp, "
piflag at ib* Mat Ua*: thktamnaot Sdtf*Oura./;-
Bj'en* wbo taroarod iiM»lf after balog pet to
(Mat expeaao tbrofr|fbtn*iiciU iatwriOopandyiack
•rr.; Bj eacJgKiQx addiria^'«btblop», .
•n«LB cortnr m*| b# fcaifor the totbori HAtHAEI
riCL W Bedard; Rla|a'ti/, N. I,
tahlUlrdiwT'*'/*'/ '•
ggirfiU&KE * BABHBB,
*B*BAkK;LOOKS fchrAji oa ' „.:' : v "
At Aba big wtablbhed Poach factory,' i
-.; PQQPtfISK WAY.(»mft,
muL? r .‘ ! . 4 ' . jn7:tX
Steel Works. *
uaao l. aoTP-. .;-,. ; .^f J H’ct^uoraa
* JONES, 'BOYD ; & C 0„
Huabctutn of OAST’ .alio, UPBXKO,
AXLWi fionwr of Bow to, Pitafccr,h (
Sm:*-.- , . I ■■■■■■ OCU
>. hjuuMTUra u..: §. *. lIIK
tsr>- a K3BKPATRICK & CO.;
lUanftclanrs And WAolotala Dulqit.' In LAMPB,
' - nrWholMab AgnU tor XU&'B OELBBEAIXD
OILS,' Ho. ‘39 Wood opjnaUe fit. -
llotat. Rttaborgli, Pa. - *■ • i. ■-» -JalB:lTd
WIHPOW OUAEDfI, *O., See SI Second etrwl end '
8S Third Wdod sad Nedfet; .
Here oe hind fe~ rarletyof newTenerns, tenor
. Miration paid to endoelng Orate Leto
Jotting done at ehortnotuo: rae
EE'S. B, ft C. P.-»ARgT.-R, p aper
iAB.UTACYPjt'ABJ ft&cl dMlwt in BOOS; tBUJT,
tmik, hi.-. ■
-Oa’Conoctlom civic on *n ifcfl prTrt«ji»iciU*j
esrttKHEY a cbim»KTFoF.
whntCMlO dealer la <'HK£liß.llDTTltt, BEEJjIj,
HBHitoarralwo |aund/, Ho, 33 ,W«i Hn»t,
«a«i»ndK , riv i -n-i /.
; lilKtfUT TKHifin ■ I*^.
&Bi^,pp- i f» , *ay «i«4 ■ ■
M» Tto 8 ft«'t. r tnni Trendnd. ;
. v -
~> •.