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V' Mv v-vl kvj • ,»u* ~ , ■ ■»£* 14 , * U h J !•{ •*, v h SN, ' ' ‘ .• „■<: l*' t ! * 'VS*' 1 ■• ! *rM < ’ *• s ■ i<£4i <• - s ... i •• 4 < T f» * ‘»» -.‘■■A • » *:'.t.‘*:*.-J*' -i.i-V ••»x - ; J ' : »'s' ,\t*vK «; 1 . ’ ■ Z* V4b ' . • ,>Si .’•> VVi- ’! • ;' ' •>. 1..' tv?Y:,*: f * Y ,w > i k" ■■■W; - O H>‘ $ ’ i -a-’ ” v | I H >,.W.V.: -4. r~ ‘ifflp, 1 " a vX)£., ££,v #ll it%fsw&»ii |» :v: 'l^*k' f i< >r ■ * vi' 1 k- *' , •, v :’l* v/ iN ■!;“ ,■'” t !t;*fi; '■.,: s , ■}.*•'« -• . .' *i‘ v « * ’i‘- ’*:,! .'. . *>. , »4 , ' -*'■ L* *’«. 4 -l 1 *■ \ *' “”■ ' ;'* ■• « , v 4. '’ «/ ' * ;.»* ;••• iv!v, • * .1 j--/ ••' .ri’.jjl* Utf'"-: ;.%!’• V r i , t * . r V,, llift .' '*■; ■ - , 4 ' * f l > py? H ~ A -.•e'.*. : j . ' 'ft fttisbur# tetty .TroESDAr'r yec; 23. s ; -ffatMrteon’* flonrotm nttdScheroes"' Wesaid eome time ago, and we repeat the opinion, U»l thiepouulry bu no more I ' dangerous enemy, then. Louts- Napolxo;.-. He bae bis Beet now hovering .fcbout the mouths ef theMlestfsippi, awsilingapre text to interfere with the affaire of Louisi ana and Texas.. The. news from Jjhirope ' now is that France and Spain fist* entered into a treaty of cooperation in American, affairs; and the fket thatNAroitox bu or dered snppUee (o Mexico‘for. two > years —proves that- bis occupation of that country is not intended to bo a temporary i matter. I That Texas was JUUbuttned from Mexico is a foot which every candid man must ad mitj ani il is not' unlikely that Napoleon willmakeanatUxapt tot’re-annex" it when ~ : .be oomea in possession of that old estate of . ' the Montsxumu. . California, New Mexico, v ■ ■ >»nd AHxona did belong to the eamo estate, ■ i - i . and if he , can, it is he may * • attempt to m-eanex themtoo. Then, as many of the rebels would prefer, a.depen •s . . doneyupon Francs to a reunion with the Yankees; Napoltok may see a fine chance . for extending his dominions by the annex ation of all the cotton Btates of this Union. ' Thero is no sjuestion but that NAroisspx • ieeageito“counthimself in” in this “free - fight" of opts; and there are good reasons . for belisving that he has boon for months past intriguing with parties in this coon , 'try, in furtherance of bis ambitious views. ■ ■- The position of Napoieos is becoming ■'... precarious at home. He la on the very point iv: .■■■■■■ of quarrelling vrilh Italy about Borne and it ; ' the Pope, while even the Greeks have had. . thecourage to disregard hi* counsel in the 1 matter of tbslr new king. England would ! he only too well pleased to-shake herpeit: is free torn her alliance with;‘him; while Russia entertains no pe at' frie hdship for r.^jsvit.i-...... ... Um. -And there is trouble in France, u. '' t t % there is in England, about tho scarcity of ' cotton, which may lead to revolution, unless that adroit monarch can get up eome gi - ~gsntie enterprisethat will premise, an : ’ . t abundant hapyssl or,both glory and cotton. [■ :. v In view of this possible, if not probable, , contingency, Qen. Basks’expedition to the f . > Gulf is bolhtimely,.and fortunate;.sad- it‘ - may be - that, because the administration . vu In .posMssion of fasts.months ag^ : r . which are only now beginning to be broad ly developed, that-'expedition was got up j and poshed on to its destination, although p -the whole country clamored for itßstoppage - by the way to help to takrßlchmond. • to' ■ General Letter. We giro this morning G«n;~Bu*Nsn>*'» ' - -letter to Gen. Hailxck, stating hi«“rea»? on* fcr SaoTing the armyof the Potomac ■ tcrosi the Bappahannoek.” AfUr reading U wo-felt glad that ire had taken the tl*wb ire did df that great and tumble morvms&tttldHrbeannaontiatiiepo sltion which we took from tie beginning, thatfor tEat motement. Gen. Btranero* .. xneponaible« H(s letter prorea tbit fcl* plans werwwell laid, and his topes of raceme well founded; bntcircamsUnees - - beyond human control caused a failure. ■ Thero is something so noble* so generous, in the following porogroph, (hot we toko plnanro in wpeotong it: Tothobrare officoi* *nd ooldiero who nceomftUobed Uio feetof t£nare-eroo«ing in 7 r tbefoceof the enemy liowe everything. ■ ■■> Fon ts* nncnn m xb« .tuck I ** »*- srosnßt*, on tha extreme gellnntiy, .cour • ura ud endorenee ohownby themwM never excelled, end wottld Into eorried tho point* hod it been poeoible.. To the fomx - Un nod friend* of (be deed I eon only or tei my hesrtfolt nynpotby, bul for on • woundod l eon offer my esrneet proyere for £ -T •••(. l&tir comfort and To wiiWtncb wonto, ond« gndkeiwoin* ~*».! ttuuOi reflect* greater honor opon Bn*x -vV .iQilutiUiii aaoldier an'4 a ■ Chrietiaiv - iiun w coneinoed lhare never would bo any peaoe for this country until » fSUTerywaaabolißbed throughout the land, audio thia bud ha aapported Preaidant . ► “ Ltnboln'eproelemetion and plan of eqmpen .tated emancipation heart and hand.”': ; ; PTiarta Davia ;•> alaoacandldale onthe ■ alma platform, anil his election la also re . gsrded uncertain. The friends of emanci .potion hope to eariy the other three die - trieta. i Ins Slurfreeaboro. Tann.j &tit s«mrf | - ~ it very indignant over the Preeidenl’sproo*l ■ itnulm fyr the ohserrance of the Babbath j ’ in the army. Ilaaya: •' - Thewlcksd, piofane, lieeniiont and in* I 'famous:occupant of tie WhiteHouee at | Waahlneton naa hit upon 'another artful I dodgeip delude the people of the North. Ha l noir tries ihe religlous game, and writes u fllßoanUyofthauanottiy-of the -Sabbath 1 andobUntiens to the Meet High, as if ho • /were eiadin eaanonioal .robots) instead of I .being covered with unrighteousness, Inn-1 ' eoinliVbTuUMlod-defy&tt tyrant; and the I eansebeodranoesia that of barbarity; .the ] war. ba wagsa le one I . ' n cthinrbut spoliation and murder, without : a tingle hnlutly graee to brlghten its reo ■ old.'Providence can nerer smlle on snob an enterprise, and though it may punish tbe tiouth formany sinsof omission and a people fighting fbT the de< .if ( ag( 'of all thaiie dear tomen tsay well 1: rest assured of the. ultimate faror and pro tection ef an erer just Onmlpotent." Th) ' Tmela of (he BftßftfJExpediUon. ‘ Tt» B»turt»y; P'"- v sV-.-d’iijv; r.i : -./,-■■ ■■■'■■■: We tat*woerUioed the following feet* cenoernlng tr»n«porU wMet > %t»#Wßtert4fo* th» t6OT«j“P* of oen - B»nk’* teooy*:'.. '«* ' jnio*«* ■** ißtLiDet* - nu. ' ' - aWjoaßotSSZ**®*--Sh#irMmnto . jrfla July lest by the Awrlcta IABjM - - «nr njor*, tteAni no thot ibMnafeoaridiTO^W" . 1, vottbltas., At UisttiafilM'WM owned ‘ i ■ 'I TBXXCaEIOS »JU»OK>—WMCKD ; AI TOT- dly la 1861 Bto to ApnJj MB. »4 «W*rt “A -IMalto rt» W dttwlwttag. Hie '■i ■ ?> S V‘k t- » '.!T, ~’ V'dj-. -:\ :v V It .£,•. - •orreyore, insufficient Sanford. & Co. ’were her owner*. Her tonnages aheot 1.000. • . . ’ ■ . *)>•■ r i THEQDUCT. vis surveyed. in November of-^O^tonfl’btirthrDjttnd^B to 1857, ant 4 .. ..... ... clawed A*2A -J Thi&lowesl classifications A 3. The Qutncy- I rtaa "fiwnedby Whitney & Hathaway* And AasV understood' s lo- be unfit for coast service. : f r. r -IB&,jnAttCSrCOHDEiUSj:i> at ;MM, ROtal. | That the Thames is not deacribedan-the American Lloyd's lißt of tessela-is Veug i gestive fact. She.was doabtless'considered to be of no value. > - ■ ’ t tVe spoke afew-dayfoaffiTof lh«ejnfa snoos may charac terise tjiflfby so mild a.term,-—but ve had not then the facts so fully stated. Gen. Butler and Earl Russell's Com plaints. By the last mail Gen. Butltr receited from the State Department ooplee of let ter* from Mr.. Thomas .G. BpnaUaon; and 'Rsv.' John Lingham, rector of Lambeth, both or London, to Earl RuseiU, in which tetters it was set forth,- on information do rited from Mr. W. H.; Haynes, of "IjiTer pooV that'about three months since, Mr. - John Georgs-Lingham, of New Orleans— a brother of the rector of Lambeth—being in fear of a oiril outbreak, attempted to send his family plate ;to Europe on the Prussian ship Essex, but that Gen.-Butler,- lemming of the attempt,:selied it, and; on a 1 pretence' ot Mr.- Lingham’e disloyalty, sent him to Port Plohena for 'threef years. M- Donaldson's letter had a different but equally probable story. Ho said that some time ago a man. deposited some money, in Confederate notes in the MerehanU’Bank of-New Orleans, and thatseubtequantly this mail presented a check for- the amount Srlth an Englishman's lore; of fair play r. Donaldson suggests that this was; “a plot bh the part of Butler,”) and waj-paid by the cashier in Confederate notes, upon which ho and three of the directors ; (of whom Mr. Lingham was one) ! were sen tenced to Port Pickens, formations lengths' of time. - ■: ■ ’' " Gen. Butler ' answers, to. Secretary Be-' ward's request for a report iof. the facts in the case, that' he could’ not, report ;on the facts, becausathere were nofaols;f(jrthe letter was an unmitigated- falsehood from beginning to end, in testimony of which he begged' lea-re to' submit,.the following statement by Mrl Lingham: ; IfradqvaTteri, Department of the Gulf, \ Sea Orletmi, Dec. 9,1862. / ■ I, John George Lingham, wee naked to come before Gen. Boiler to-day, and was shown"* copy .of a'letter dated October 16, 1862. headed ’‘Ststement Forwarded to EarlßuaaeU by Mr. Donaldson." , • So. far as.it relates to any;oh*rge ever > made against me an account of ths eashier of the Merchants’‘Bank'paying out any Confederate notes, 1 hater beard of jtun til called upon by Gen. Bailor to-dsy. I hare euo read an extract from the let ter dated <« Bolton Oarden.KnsseUSqusre, London, (residence of Bert John Lingham) October IS, 1862,” containing the state ment that! was sesteneed.by. Gen. Butler because! had sent away my plate an board 1 the; Prussian ship Essex. Inerer heard of that until I was called here to-day. My ! plate is now and always bos been under tny control, and not disturbed by anybody.. I hsd sent a portion of it for safety to the | bank, and took it away when 1 chose;; but I nerer attempted to send any away; nor 1 wisl aeensed of tending away any of it on ! board of any ressel. J. Q. Lraosan. Witness: H..C. Clarke,' Lieut and A.D.C. So much for one of thenumerons outra ges against foreign ■««£s ia.New Or , leans. I :2(o*,’for the ,exß*Fof Mr. Ltog- Kam’ii grievance. About Ibtto ot .four 1 months ago Mr. P. N. Wood, President of I the Merchants’ Bank of New Orleans, ran I off, carrying with him a large amount of the securities of the bank. To oompensate for this loss the directors , issued 51*7,000 of their’ notes—a fraudulent transaction, without any actual basis—and Mr. Mount■! opened a broker’s office for the sale of this; false circulation., Upon learning, the cir cumstances,; Gen. Butler had * Mr. Mount and three of the directors, including Mr. Lingham, arrested and sentenced them to Fort Pickens until they should make good the notes that they had foisted bn_the pub lic. Mr. Lingham was confined orer night in a comfortable room of the Custom House, ini the' next day Was released on a Mends becoming surety. I don’t think any Mr minded man, or. the people at large, will find any fault with a General whoprarents the masses from being imposed upon and victimised by corporations. ThoOccnpatlon of Florida. Xbo project mentioned in onr telegraphic summaryof Saturday, of a eoloniiation of Florid* by Northern men having a mili tary organisation under the Government, and which was strongly urged! upon the' President by many member! of Congress, in thus spoken of by the New. York Et >«- ihg.Pcit: ; . ;■ The project of planting a military colony In Florid*,,we perceive, ia not allowed to eleep. A memorial on the subject hu been nrteented to JJr.tMncpln by Vice Presi dent Hamlin; and it iriaid that it haa been well, melved, and,* promlto, given .OM something ebould be done. What ij done we hope will be >Mr. Ell Thayer has promised lo coHwt ana .take, to Florida twenty thonaand mUitary ad?ep tarots, to aettle in that State and centre it, with ell-ite far-extended atocMMt,' Union. • If it depended ,on ns he should hare hie commission of Military Governor of Floridahefore the eettlng of;.lhe ann._- Thet aomepartof the Bomb must beheld, hy military colonies of loyal men, who will occupy it wlth’arms in their , hands, pre pared' to put down the banditti, whom .the conclusion of the war will leave In the country. whenJt restored to, the Union, we regard as ■ entirely certain. Mmiy of then who now bear arma against the, Union will, beyond aU question, rejoice, in being permitted to return to . their families, on conditlon of renewing their allegiance and cromUisg peacesblo obedieaca to the ltwt. Many other!, however, ecetutaned to a uft of dtoorder and violence, and.filled with hatred of the victors, will, inallprobabui ty. take to the bush, and-baraas. the loyal Inhabitants by their depredation? tjnd mnr : d *Theplan«f establishing military colonies in lhotc parts of the slave States which of fer the best opportunity , of doing: so, piPr rides a security againstthiaevil, whlLeit \ u likely to'prove a very efficient nteaeure I in putting down the rebeUioa. An assoel- I attoh of Millers, isith * milUaty organlsa- Uon. will not endure what is called guerilla. lhrT»rtit*tt-warf*rei~Tbo*ewbo,*ftecft» I defitof Ute rebel'armiesi token JWJ J 5 Lkeep up the war, on private eeoonnv Witt be honied to their lurking places, and ritber exterminated or driven on eo overawed by the eertointy of ewiil ptOTtdyepeedy esptprs sad lorjsw ttet tow ww prefer to submit qmetly to the order of thing* which our srmr Is sent to restore. Military colonisation is the surest antidote against guerrilla/rsTfere./;.,a...; . There is gfet anoUmr advantage in this plsn. We have heard a great deal;, in the j eoene of the present elvil war, of the ardor and spirit wlth which men fight who are at | war for the defence of their homes and fire- 1 side*. - Establish a military, colony in a re- 1 glon ftom which 'the rebels are not yet j wholly driven, and yon give the soldier all the force of. tula, motive.. Hehecymea the defender ofhia family, othla comrades, of i hls'flAnl'ofn pipes of abode from which he cannot hs expelled without great personal loitwd perhapewrara degree discredit., let tha twenty; thwuhnd pen phm m, Thaytrptoposes toraisobenseoeeuledin 1 Fldtlie,**nathe-lejrity of that (State it . j assured now and fotefer, , ; , epit. AT THE tBQN CITV POILTOI.. oornM of Pnu ud St. Cklr Itß* THIS (tDfcniV) BOdSIKO, «1 11 •’eta* ' AOOKPTAN 10l Bltld. v , -. . vaa built in Buffalo L- P VBIjIC . JTOTJCEB' AND FESTIVAL, BENEFIT OF TMNITT » E. OBOBOH, On THDESDAT, Tteoi Mib, (Chriataao > aad FBI*, DAY;«tbu TboHall wlO beopondayaad ovasl**, •ntf OWJfefTABpMBSQf WDI bO tltdo tOrOCOrOtbO eMßfo>Uoi plMfonofiO Tblttn*' ? «rtfck***, ontlfc-lnglb* boldor to Dteior or S^ivond'Adml»t«, W -CKTJB. Ate Moo. CENTS. Ttekou ox tbo poof, j. d»U6t > ••■•••* : ••■ . umcsAUMßiar Vau.it Batl»oaoCo„ l - - plttaburth. Bye, ITtt, WJL f tr3»THE BEMI-AA'hUAli COUPONS Ihy .f lb. B«mi ol (Mi Bo*d, Am U6l.«tU bo paid o« or boforo tbo 3Ut üßviEN* rrs*AWtuuunuKAiJ buuiktv.— ■ ir*y. Tbo Annn *1 MeotTef of tbo ilUiboof Oo«ii> tv AarUoharalSodotv wiU bo bold oaths FlßflT. VaEDNESDAY l7thY OF JANCABT. IMS. at U o’clock o. m . at which tlaoaa oloctloofor OBeart and Ifaoiaota of tho SocUty to* tbo eo«olaf yoar trill bo bud. S.SOfYEB.Ir. Socrolary of Board. ■ - I VT:VL HAVEN «lbalnßaa , dtUA urnoaoVTai rttraioto* *u»iwot Moaarv} pAmia*»»AU.WAT Co*»A»T* >. Oakland. Doc. 10tb,H6AiJ rt jrs»PERSONS HOLDING BONDS •uO^MnUaaret ~ Ornox or too Cmrai iMtiuxa lCo., 1 PltUtrartb/Dec. IStA.l«fc J.' D NOTICE.—The Preui IWPaml Director. «» ‘W« Ooow IhU A- ; BONE as. Apply at tbo Oooboat lord# Boaotisa- HABTDPK « 00/ \]b f ANTifib—By a joung mux wJw B»« -FT- badoovaral yooro'osparioavalabaalßMiibnlh •i BaoE»kaopor aad Travoliiis A(«at—a .attaailoD all bar ao Book- kotptr, Clartf, Agoot lor aotao ro naetablo bocMlA this city: Bratof city rofcraaaag: AtoSaTLOCE Bbt 49. PUtatarfb P. O. doB3Jt 1 -•-• • •- •• i ,: ; U'lViUfi itUOM TU laBT-JSo. 242 Lib l9 orty ftrtsti Ctar fcaad of Wood, (na tbo M of 7; Ml ! BofciMMAMtlOirtT»t»rt.''. SilVkk rXATfclr Wabk ataW vmbut unimMiM ra^saTOfcfca^- s^CT^gBaiBBaA«?. IJX>¥» AT AUCTION, - TBISATTIOTOOB »» *. «4 *▼*«»»» o’clock. At hasohic ball abctios Bonn i'Xilt ! T. A. McCLXLLATID. Ana. |_|iJbU>AT gmaumm ■; GREAT ■ L GIFT BOOK STORED Ho, 118 Wood Btmt { ;■ , h*T»r*c*|r*d ihUdayib* I» ABGK3T.A*I> 1 BSST aoorterat of .• PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS I X«aroBWtdfeMtoin tbl» cjty, Vrcell t)ja| at IpridMUble* •- j .■ I J)EF7 COMPETITIONS j ; ' ;i J ,ir«UTt i’w o«ini»ißg»*oppij; ®* \ Ixuvehue abdotheebooks, J ,'Vv’ftvilcbteferpruttUt •.••• J . L mrh. «*ily promt f> *l?w» *Uh •**& **4’ I 4-0 • - __ , nr Atfi> «K«rSKAft*a j PRESENTS. ; 1 Photographic Mbmaa. j/'J Th« flaol, bot »dS cbopMt M*artnl«al Inttodty; I Children’s Toy Books and Game* ! BODES, of «ll klaf», fef BoUtaf Pr.Mßti. ' '- ' ,1.000 41 *■>«« Uo4* “* ' _ PHurooßirmc ncrtmsa or osasatis. oofim ot nan noioais »on stents, w. ? -7- \ flf # ~ -fe %■&. ; 54 >u «?©' fi • -.j ft' & -M. ih ■t. g». * -j" ft »* AT LSFAfETTE BAlt, DIPIDEJTDS. JJOMDAY PRESENTS. ~ • 'ALLIHTriBTOF '*‘ j PHOTOCSBAFH AIBM* 1 f -OB BOOM BCITABL* FOB ' ' HOLIDAY PRESENTS, SHOULD CALL At TAB GIFT BOOK STORE* 1 , ~ 52 I*£ffch'Street. ■- ' - j \ —VT, WORTH4TKOIt IIKICBHWTO OSEBOBD.RU> DOLLARS,.*® OIWH rWi|¥ icAQgaoPKBOLP. f flOUiiiV WtKSKNtd" ; v i tis-- FBOTOGBAPH ALBOHB, FHOTO.-AIBCKB, SOB AF AtiBBKS—• 1«*1» , HO»ra ( gBIBUS, PBATKS BOOKS) HTKB jßoos*. FOBTIOAL BOBKBi' ABKtJAM. A*-> *S ,J i - . ‘ 1 HO NT'S ' f ' «AMU, WBlTlBa'»HBB, FOOKIT BOOKS) FOBTMOBHAItS,FOBTFOUOS,Ac.) U .. j, horts; V- OMiD FIEB.Vf Mta. •* ; JOTTSIL* SooS*,'trAT*B ofa-fibßMtSf* HUNra r JTEW JLD PEHTISEJIEJrTS pHRIbTMAB AND TbS ' HOIjDAyS, 1802-3. KAY & COMPANY, , ' 65 Wood Btreet, . . p«T» BO* opwttbalr MB»1 mUbili* wlocUoa of flolutls lotahs present °t fln# ♦d(Uot»6f STA.NDABI> AUTHOBB. .V ; bonnd and illcstrtlsfl' Presentation Boolcs. ; * 00.’fl »o[>*ll«,tjlo«ef . PHOTOOR-IPO :■ JtLti VJHS, Ab 4 ft Itft* vfMtment'of rAUILT ANU POCKEI BIBLKB, m- | puiixu up HTiiaPMEI ' Tb,jb,r, «l*o»p*«*4 OB onomtllf Ur|« Mllec. Uoft.sf * ■ a . .. . -c. BOOKS FOBCHIUIBEM, OoUorldni (h, work,of lb, taou »n>rt»wi wilier, fettb* jOOftf. : '.-The- ladle their csfteftiera eaillhe pobllo *•»* ftwr them with *Mi eooMenMhs* U*J aacffer«tt»ni*tirp*MlCdlUctioatoselectfrom. „. — JpOUTON’S VEQBTABIiK SYRUP. Which-t»v.r fßlla to cots, when «e*l Is UmssJM^.s^ oovdtsf ioAlrsettuos, ukoqj ottaro tMoiopf tri UUa tho pool tOno ftoto * ' SoclT Coxoo, Jin. I.l*oo. Ko. J.U. •• For I«*“*"****• taw «#®*ttnFW**b f O-wop P*otatt.«oo§lt. {.:•*' j oblilita wooVt km« W,P* .*» <* I*4 •«7!*" i ’ ooWllp topot bK lW*k<» ta*»'ft«« *»■>»«>«•• Eaftrtnc of foot OoogfcS} tnpi l Uj tt’il |ot » tattlo froa lOMfi Uob, Btod apod 00- cndlo* to Btrodiooo. J» for* tmwodlott ktM'Hb iitßß on tar ooopb. *"***■>* “to ■mtoot *Ti>nf- hor in ooowook. fib# tap no oonsrtta tart coojtto* ipolio «ow.*a4 to tool I huh loentlrolFotort. . ’ ' ' - Boopcctwip, Alo*X. li&HH4. ,5--■-■■i'. i. ,•.:■;••! rinuraa. Dm >, Uta' ■ /. H. :: rniToi-Iw Firr For oontottoto I taw bw* tsltatiix wkh o oonro cooph tail ooMjto **• haoi, ooil coall not (tap ot ntlbt tor cotvuo|. Bot olwrmtn* • tntUo ol Joor T«**UtiU Coopt Shop, I wo* ootiMli raitabp Ik . . ■ < f . „ .~Boopootfullp, -- ■ 0. B. W. COMBS' . '• For lit* ntnrtfW wwtta 'wcMtattatoUw ol dl who taw tart It, *.l otalta'r-ommooa*- Uoaof on* of tta oitet pbjiMoo totta totatrp *■*&»•« lujjtiwt iiTiilf ;if yd intrtabWjntii crCoU.lnfoona, BMbioflta tnip, tjototafr WwltMWof to* Cta*t,ta* - ' •l "-,t FOIIOS*«<>OOB.WB!JF.. i '- l ’ «DOtl**'«f •*» Brwta Bwwwom ~*ttd *tmd rortpto prow, ta bp thtoldtf llta «|*4lctn*,coßpl*d with prop* otnßn ip nfiloUotao woa m riplat koonoin ftatw. otafctopwwpouio.ood gi»lt,lg|taiHi|iM*- pmtowta tawtaowo®* 4 * .*•;»**. W *■*. ttttplp tanowltlta. Tta;ooa*h-Bjnip.wlUj cor* pooroou S tata* tattlo In pour low oonottattp, uduko*4ooooffttaCmtrvptOßOfwoefd.| -■ , : MB 00 win wwoo ta*»p Doctor’# bill, ll not pocrUto. Don't &11 to ptwH o trtol. ; j •• bion.Wtap «■ poor cold Übottor. Pwporod .ond.wldttjFVptr. tattlo,bp •. . a..., ' i j t.:i j. jLtmsas, Ihttrooiatj . >-t firm BTBTKT. /THOICB OBAFTBI* FRglT^-1055 :>WBaa3»39ss»®]Sffli yttiTM. 00BftAi«Ta. CITBOH, «rti- AiMißdibUfer —inn Jn& J agCbiww ■"■j-.'i. . PraroMi, Fruy,l , /~1 BNKBIL ORDBR.—C*mp' Ho«b It W IU tt dbanUiM>d n * «odnMMjfcr draft,' •dins,udmrl>mwialxud*bT-*■>• k*»**f ■s*gasMsa&fsSta; t T«mXMw BicUHKiirfinijlnate Multi* kit* L>ac«ollr. ttti*of U»M«IU boraol Jij.tbt {oco(f oo»oowiotorioM4, o!8«*r U ,«&**]• «Svd»Uebswat( tot ti* •owmMm* ft (Sop oEtfaTttd fntt*cm* Wnedfttr of jtoßtw, iteaenvr efcarm «U 1 t»pr*f«rt«lia4; utlMt, ihi trUJ oftt* oflmdtE* by: eoott* IStiralUbl. wtfulbj •»«rt-m«tW.jaibonb "JSUJdSSSSjKtora rno^ntmm pl y, otTronuauAd.towton tbo damn FM.<•■* IfTind. •-•>.•:i . V-..' . ‘ : ’ Got. Ifc W. Salth, KSlh iJUdUHOi PULWjtjtoU lUmlo> «1U t» nlltTtd fraaSotjot Cup Hoot, •odjola WongUdoottßlhoioW, h- .-., *r&>r« * -CtoUfaAoA.AoQ. CONTINUATION OFMUK.;;> ; '■ r u «ii ; t * ;■ C&IBUQI*.' . ; aodsiu, ;;;;5 1 »LID 9, !*- • < BlifclOß BULS, rock ob rivioooD kilos cows, ‘-I .I--,-- " I :ir - ?.K* - 1 ' »' . .. Aoda nrj U»|aaaaotlaaßtof , aobiocltoiul imlwiisib, ■’ I AUK tbtTtrrbwi uB molt approt adklmU, baa BaancootUoadtlU , t . .TUESDAY, Dsonnu 23di "^_ L -■ Oatht ptaalaao of Sr. JOBS ILMIBO, U tba j BOSOVOB OP SBWIOSLSr. ' l CBBUBBBM r»Bß«lrßWi^KdMk. K. AVTilpoBB Vtlbtßßlß bIMbB 088, iBBTB kha SIB* j , |„/. | ' IrM lUBlf Itttt U lB BBM of l!» uwta mmatsta In Attlaijtn* l , teßtra*nt« IrtonlJ Bt tehoaMkM*- .. - \\j mpu* j o , ’ j ; . - r t ,v. I i(V 40 WWypit;, sT.J ;v / r-. 1 ' tobtrta prtao-f i t I • 100 beam f.B*0biein 1 f ut.'-T.i: I » d» Ban>«mr*Oroa»BCitßßa; I : sON*.primoßW»Sß»fk«“*> ,„ i( , 1 - 1 Bi do riimvn Atpitti;; r jßrt«crt»j»« lo7 tbahk Tab gobd**'' ‘ I Bit* - llißacgofl »tr—«. olSSbpnSufcLrt SO.-1B Joßltoß of^><*“J4otM WBobbSSrAßoi’Hll Kblool».Lbmli, focVL saU 1 5tk«taTfto0t0f »lwtw> ilia ftttlburi* and I SuSiß* b^jio.tßfwj ter«K=“«wHS 1 88-JriaTBUB. - - -~ I tarStnloadJ&AßDolL iwMail*»Balat>r : . 1 | XHOZkrABKEI£L niO pOENTBY MERCHANTS AND XZ -- Dl&tfKß. ' > i i «' - i > * ■ .«* ; ■? EAIGfli,- fIIAtJB tfllA. €O., No*. 17 and 19 Fifth Street* Si&U ** frumrt mnnu. bosibbt, gloves,* sooPrfljtißT*, 8186080, BHItniOOLUUtTini WDB* BBIBTS utJDiiYmifoOljM HOODS. HO BIAS.- 6OABFO, BmrHIB vABB. BHBTLAHB WOOL; e.ouotefxHITTIBOtABBB.M te»d ud to ttrrtr*.; v■r •• ; ‘‘ - • ? > Qnr itddi: wiit r p« rtMid t«to By hit .^ , usasa*«EMSM£ BXBfl. PIDDLBBS, ,*n4 »U »ho U| W »H *pto.: chow* Mnctiftttl.uf . staple, t>ry Goods. it whsknJ* otfT. 1862 • : -""" N0VEBBBB;i "i i d et*s ' D. &'H.'H’CAILTJM, f’ ' «J lODKH BT*MT. a |ikm portion of Oorofoek hotta* b«m boojbl DrATtoBB to A MrtM of •4t»ncM,u6 k '*"P l * iu *s; lUfMt odytt c* Of tb« WiMB) ciotriefsoit eMttw,wißDo«r»HJiD»i. *O.. dalftly l ~ PETROUTK OIL -WOHKH, ■ JL . ■ I*’’ li- PITTBBVBOB, f A. ’/ABHBfe & OBAJF, FroprUtor*. ' :; otpMUyjwo ibimMnd b*mJ*'p*r'wt*k; i,*rO*&**OHGI«»AHILA B00a», STARCH AGENCY;. j “ ■ Art lt«u, far PltWnn»ki»4 VfVCTi HADIBOJJ BTABOB COHFAMT, And Amp cittttiotly; on b*4d • fclSSfLmfciSS STARCB, rnrja»i^?»»cM«wwi^iUUi»JA jo quntUUa to the trntt on meet rtMonntw unw. SCHOMAKEtfJt LANG, aa ÜBIETY fITBKBT. vrirriCE.—lt&te appointed ■ ' ■' gIHOH JOHSSOH,' ' Corner Fottrib»ndB®ithfl*M BoU Al*olbr »bo»!• of “latiniUHßLOOp fiKABCBKB, 10 «bom »U ot&ui mat a Mamma. .IBd, J.U. LIHDBAT, HolUdenbcfi pvIAMOND OIIi WOEKB. , - ■ f -i ■■> i- Hiriou firntß, , .. _ OABBO S :Oli, BnrorpMrt by tnylntbt mwkrt. mrOrik* J«lt it tWroflUt. Bo.' jfr Wlßnjg ST&XXT. or it tbiirwoztf to IjawwociftiW. wtn wm Buljiii Of OEPPI Pit. riHKAP FABMB JNj.su \>»2oA«n»;.Y i C,v ♦ ► a, . 13 HABKKT £TBBKT, 3d dwr lrom »IM; d»l3-d«WT ■■■■■•■ ■ ' KAMOX K0K8; MH»riHOT »DM; > , a*ttT ; a»ii*oAPß,OoiLiM » au)itt>; mn USD an. • • tiirj iuMj ui lh» tbon (Utdi * ku4 wtft.tornU ftt i MeCOaD&CO.’B, So. 1H WOOD ETBBUT. Books i books i books m OLDBAOKHTAW; 11 , ii ABOKOIBBFXH£S r < . . ftBAMB "HOBBS) c , ••inßiAiir'' I TBS HXW OTBSISTICS; i OOLO TOILS ‘- m■< MXH, WOMJSB&HDBOOU; ,i 'wssiaaikßVtßi' 4 ' ■ ■ ibi ooaiaa gbisib gjp tbs wobkpi : • yro.jnviimai dilft•. AfrO»Bnfl&lag. rnOGLABa ItAHUFACTUBHBa— fees SsSbtSSsS SOai *} a» am*u»-*uat oum tajmiii *M& Sw|ta*fln»J»«r Ite-UiH tmutta It M l feS^ho^. k «.U< f! o.t i .ba 2£r udCnMUnoi' mm* JoKi coalite tamiiteibj tte pnmtntMti. ■ > V .-'■: C Ho. MlrtoUJ StdMlßp, How Tori. boatawtetewa ..... ■ ■ ■ '■ ; J B. BBUQBB, Atf*. - ~:.v.B.j ißvtrsr isrirp^^ii »-»V r * i * t ' '«•• ftttsamtaa, m. m p tr« i . '■'> -V'Kiwfc Mnnn«W| &Yt ' ~ i '•«cntel« HAJao.— __ A-ttatHti* «"»tt «oppljK>ftTi*» S n *“ vj S r * <1 a tri»fp4 P»M B*rf. far. at tht fatally Gro- joaa a.bkishaw, 'eonarUUitytai Hiadfrwt. XTUtivKiv wriukackiskb and OBOOBBfI.—WOObiIf VjUJuaj"t)KAyiK},' Ji2s - to yggggaiß^s^gftflg* r>hliVAKkb cidAh, Jbjh ifAJi jgjQß ALMOST ASX THING, *■ SUITABLE TOE A' Kl i;K CHRISTMAS Oil . „ f ■ •T NEW YEAR’S PRH SESNT, fmcah CAM. AT ' C.H.LOVE&rO.’S, 74 HARKBTBTRBST. SPECIALITIES FOB CHRISTMAS, I : \ HORNE'S' TRIMMING STORE, Nos. 77 *nd 7« Msrkst Street ; I tnuNomsinnu. . | 1 HMDL» BOOKfcPOBW MOMIIIV ' OUBASr TOOK OOMBS. WIHTUOI ] v ualuS!rkaahUß* tbmap laoi - VKUjfl, IBFASTS MBBOI b*B*» BOBU, . ... (TarykandaMWmd *«7oh«p.) ' j TOTt BLMTP, . ; J nummi MOon, i Asd all atbarkllldlof WOOLBiI GOODS; : ■ BS£3^£iir£^ EDUCTION IN THE PRICE ** .iA'i DRY GOODS, ■ •■'.•■ •! ' • ! ■ -•- V --';: -i •••'-», * ", 7 • i:,f,r v v ir : 7. v -rt ; . v - J, M. Burchfield's, - • K B. cornet Fouith A MuketEt* ■■■■•■' baho, forMHSi ’ fAHOTTiSpuMr . - VAHOTBBrSi,' ‘"~- ' rAHOT'IOITMSSOIOTHI fAßcrraiiKS; ' : '; ' ' ' , ! *HBBOIDKMUs - :. CLOAKS AHD SAOQDM; ~, -7 . ■ LOUOBHAWLS; ' , *" bbosha shawm; ' : - WOOLKS HOODS; : ■ SOHTAOSAHDHCBIAS. . : . - , . -- ■- ■ ■ ■ .A-v : .... eODffL— i»ty t>r ' 158. «• . 15k u • . isv * ua « 146. gKIBT BRAIDS. One Caie of Wids Skirt-Braid*, OomprWn* t \ [ iZULIH* BLtTIS, fiOLTSBISfOSi . ““aLm, With t foll Umo! *Q tiwflathw U*dta* color*, at Wholes*!* tndntaEL ? -, , EATOV, MACBUH ft CO., ! fell -•- . Ho. IT rrrTß BTHIT. rjH> akhivk. ~ ; ■■'■ | 60 DOZHHBUCKGATOTLBTa,. ■V V ••'•'■ •’ >-■.-• _ t : I •. a avrnioß ABTioiif,M> low BBioi. t To IhaMh' .. Icit* tfc. l£«clal sGtzdlM Cl OITJ [ AHjjgOBHTB* ' t~ EATOH. HACKOa * CO., .f I fell ... ■- ■ ■ BoiITBIBTgBTBBBt. GOODS, HOLIDAY PRESENTS. '-i. BARKER St CO.’S, •PHcttrtdsotd fer tbt pittal'liton OBKAT BAIOAIBII flit THU gHAWI.S AND OIiOAKS, - --tob HOLIDAY PRESENTS. DARKER A CO.’S Ittrj «tjl« tint (• «<*tA«ttr»W» »l f rlc ** •* lc " MUsa.ol l«t j»r.- ■'. '••ii - ; :r f; g lili.K B, HOLIDAY PRESENTS, IUBKEB ACO.’S, ; ; t.'bj r -:.cr.^Vy.y?' it a^&Xfev«». .MAjwrf.w- UalUA«iart»«BW ■ : - I- AU ffIBE HOUDAY 8 ABB PABT AP- X I&OACHJB 8,«»4 AX* (aopk ImUMf trip-1 pmi»«.tokfe.«flb] [ pnanl *»» t»TiM«o<»ni* I MACRUK) & : CLYDE’S, I l T-y itodfc of .. ' • jEmbroideries, WUahi* ktn,KAWßß BOWS,TO BIBM I ooarty- < ; yy , j I ran HXXDI.B-'BOBK OOIiBABS, IRB ASD WAUW. As.! XACB OOBLABA A SUBS: nBBjfBBBOB baob a MB-B ■- TBILBi ÜBBB. 4AKBBU . - 'ABUBMB’DH’pBH; li * todwottl wmrtiliUlwHllßj . ~y* ’ KAQBOTI& SITO*,^ O L O A IK S SHAWLS;, JOMVBIOITID BT IXrBCBa. 1 ■ Delaines, V. & D. HUGUS’i Cor. Fifth t Utrket Sii-V ; NOVEIITIBB ro« HOLIDAY GIFTS, HORSE'S TRIMMIHO STORE, HottTuan******stsnt.:-, iftSßinl nSkaiM. Bou«^iimQi> UADSoSAB&BKSrBAVVnBgDVVS; > Tn»nTfi» oftoßmB. moush tamp * LAO*TKIM, liiCKBtTB, aukitMUH. JOSEPH HOgpEr —r~~. B». VT »ll ■’. d*lftt&3s ,i: ;i,i, rTSSttkfft «t tmi, [ tWtww* foarth fad Pfaagbd.) l : l: -= , '^ gl * nt • ; MsSmS3S!6iW^sa «tu nOLIPAT OOODS. /W» k*T« »T<*J*ltl»o - kwit ofß(mom,-Tißqt aooDa, *«,««. T«ny nairacd utlda*.. Tb* •UU»n»lM«a,n>»tminU>t«W.;' : . :,!»MACtOlf *l4*. ! ; ■•■ mtofatwmt. fVB M * JS kii KBUKUIdOiSE Vx aaiETs, caEiESinws tmwwm »nj* «mbtb, nrs, soasm, ecmwcdibu, «lOW», BOS«, IJtBW)U)MH>. fIIiXPPKBSj 4c- of tk« tonlttßd* ADdknnt s*Wn» I"n“ 777-f 7 7iucßi«* «»**,-. . L'-dtM-l. H tt»rAtt«W tulV md DtoKmd. j jjWwyißg’g-JgJ*-- •- ■•:•—«• I.UL ‘ tfarYiret tbVchmoloj* joanj *°"' BTfiOSLPBOH. "■ SKlSdoatoiV Etua.JXß.SM.ttO> , : :,wn»>ipX«tt*s. . Theßtnchback. >«. ,tn*THO»PSO». ,J.4;l((t> HTBOH. .JIr.ItOKDADHT. Tooawiadrvtik *- - -THEW “ | lagtwd ._V „ _ VhMisr e WUioh Bewiag Vtohiu»: [ tt« fait p»»lam cot taatw «o»»«U- . I it Mk'bnbl w ißacc *B I «««,««»»« I MWiaa I *aST»I MW »° Uto - I,- n-niuxw tBM& ;3nw»^ mpbq untMßi'BiVi tt Sft *i,fnrra eltKn ‘ WM. BBMBBACOn . ; d«3annrF ~ .■■ i-- VTanm Aob««. u KAUtrnun. - W • uMaiaiai ct* wttSy, *!*^SftySS !s » ,a^sN^ talaA. WWWgffTC.yS": lit BWIWItitW »™-. .. /'IROCBBIBB. « »»«*. Srt*»S-o.«yU} ,JO; to •i JBnf »K < v.? - », •< -4»i ‘ tOtM*.T«Ha« ... 4o» • ?s d* aa. _ , 2S 4o \On«iMj4/- *; .>. ‘*r do"±**Oofli» ? flo; • ■ ’ ■• to feus Bie CoSm: • • 1M bm prim* S. O.Jl«taiW!.‘ 10) (« F MeiMnMdilynK: ~ *lO-4* Bk^d'WtaUOU; . . Mfctwftfe" I ButwHOu, • < * ljltSiK&S*BSo