>j - , i ■ 71 Knits Anainst Insurance Companies. BATCEDIY MOBtaHO. PEC. 11 LOCAL, the susraboat “V ' i Qnatir 'City Commonwealth, .end Penntjl. (' vanU ilnsnranM Companies. thar* t *“' j osieS-sHUI-ACo. being ptaintlfH In ono owe, and 1 O’Connor, pro d Co. to the 'othbr—the j defendant* being the :tame- ini'eooh. The : stoamer ■■Endeavor!' was de.triiscdbj trvat thia port, on tbo night of the Jon , 1BS» under verj BMpicioa* oittamitanoeß. Theinccirancy Ctompani.. had «rrants'«u.d for tbo arrest of suited. aiQU&idfor the dcteatumof th ® ; Axnonff .OtUBT •: grottlldi ■ lor • Bttipiolon, . i-ttiafaeLthet the policißß of inßurenoß woul lifcTo expired at noon on the folic wing day* | ;5‘ ° rnh, Tho Qoaker City Company bat ajttfed.the olaimagafnatit, etneotbe atutwu amount. -Marshall and Mellon appear forth" jrinlntiffs, and Hopkins for the defendants. ''On tslssl. - vm The CoiD«f-* , ° ,>r '* f “”“* * Tho SlWtowkM* *«,«*,?* ***"' “S2StS»« bu ‘ Mmtbe 7ml l ruS**.** **"*» f DhlU ’ "T! to .!S ? B to the taUoiV'fot;tlt*J»fc-l“*s“.*. "ioff pepoo* of Thhioa* hsUding ha. also, been enlarged, *»■ IS@aBS toolfetewppiy thi*: «»v»* n krfc toy ~ •sggggSssafc SStfffW*?- wMWng a WjSH2?{..iu 0 ooniuotea' up“to CMehW.tey^i&yfjSSlrf-h/ nnttortn heat - oomme ndablo imprOTßCQcßtl, Bod lh go Director! hove m»te.,otKe pre««nt “rem ™° redaced the Poor {" ” jSSble reiolt mSlte to OM Twe WT .dminu ssraggftaoat rsss^gSsssaat ftnHTltT fcfftltfl- -—- wLirtat activity of tbepa.teea.on, in r“> t^taUdta*r*i n >! W # * a £&S o *'** ,:S L,. So roeSle. Important dn> «£• .lllT.ooe ho o.tobh.hoa nfoome £&&*W..to«e, „a'th.Xitn.vUl.itonchtb« • BriOtPUtoborgh, HOW -Son. no . . ddpUo. Boltta«o X.. newly Aatotown. Pa., junotion ot the ■■'■ importonl points. It U t-J ■ d Q re .t Plfihorgh and VoadT Prankllni. the Franklin •e:&sSx'a* tooth western' '/^gSE,* -.IWm «h» ®» S r “ 0 «ffio. to Biag-aJ- County Company • *°* 4 , fourteen toiler. .1 _faaia the branch W« make n* 4 o{ roa ■ >?#('o -Ivt -’;t 3 lhUttorhtog,tho_dead «fld lytagin ft* bottom oi £ ud «inqnoit wa. hold.by Mron ", M ° C HoOtbj^doatot^^J Ho ™ ssS^^agr-ssstias tUM. ‘bo«P> ’»'™ I! £££d oT „lightly, it i« under gronna,«ia eo» . fallen In pravi- EopOUible th.t b.OOOldt.TOf»f O U. P STS a. ri J£u.§^i»flft.t»v tb.t*»“ t ' tr.l, or .tumblod and that ho «•*•* and eonftuion. in afwnrardo omldtht„ nd Tho tank WM . r 4 ‘'^ a , “ .il oooejad by ssasSSSbssr-a - icj T 4 fcr •'Sbiwi-* nlnewmjoara. «dba'^ I> ri l d with or rigtU neighborhood of Tb.lo7,'f o ßnd a «rdiotbf.»«l. d— ■« m _( / ■li*'e,» >4 • '-‘Til JjJ * if,: - 'V' • J.*- f t-. ~&\-r v " jj Z y f • *«Uino»n; to M»-; ?W?^> to -. Mia ;F I t l«o Mt, ' pab«»lito-l»T. jsMWfllfaißii: i 4r‘“l , Sp&fes«r.si“4 ,iSsifeu-Srg tto bleb S' H“‘JJP qdeßtion x.:;''.”;:;, i, ... .-fc -■ the Blanton Cavalry. I Tto ««• ™«“»‘ inns MS hone»,.«>t#“ f j"?lj • *m>»b« ‘ Dr. Webb, whole natoe and habitation were revealed dating the late trial of Peter Rup at Cleveland, tor oouaUrfeiting, aad „to>o rascally proceeding, have , been io thoroughly ventilated of late. And. It .mpoe elile to " eland tho preesure, and i. out in a eaVd In tho Salem B.pMica. i. He denie. in toto that any man, calling Hitman [generally believed to ho N « , ' oo “*£ i eaUedat h£ hou»rP»or “themut of Rnp rigffi and got mould, or material for the pur pie of entrapping him- ' . th ; t . .‘Every member ot my family ‘now. tnat Luring the montha ol i '' brn “J a ‘^ d M .” EO r era. eiohand eonined tn my bed, and « not able to he out of it, and ‘hat nothing el tn^ I Upd was applied for and lh . TwiSi very&ry to hear that Webb«. diM t • The Btaie Tax. - The Ux on real eetate 1. reduced to ono mill on th. dollar, according to a diion of Mos.rx. WiUi.rn McCleUan, of Cliamb.r.burg, Bobort B renco eonnty.'aod »“““ Aylio nnd detpbla, the : Commu.ionet. to-.«TUo_ codifythe Bute reranuo Uwi, £ fot iomo monthb bogaged I* tb d A«uhed fesßf hit th.j nr. »b *to recommend a rodno -1 fcafetoforo been huftvily i*x©o» . ... l. I dolbt ti).t tbo rednetion recommended yill be , I ’ ? Singular and Fatal Accident. - Thereof OwenDnffy. of WCCcxter rriib an ''accident by e-bicb .he jrabatmoxt instantly killed. In , “ n4 “® a eteep pair of .tair", *P“ of 4 °“* I ■ a ”.*SvS*A“S I wh.©r© tb© w*i. . ii.k. trat ini* I b©heard but* {©w groans. A ligb mediately procured; ‘■ot. to hii horr »« wmm , t eo/cra! young children. worn taken into -.withhold, lnit F4rHr P .HVdo , a°. f b b .« cbaraour named T T hnrid»s night, and ht hid"climbed up to tho top of tho •Sin ind being of .light build ho manngod to ■tooting fool. ■SSJVSZZ3* "*■"’ •*• ’•■■ Judge." ,jUmo» Boon -TW. w.Uhno.o^.^ .on»g».p»e«d ty &’Sfffc^S£SKSS tinno.seo, to tght tho robolo— wku ui i~ V.bdict roK BottMJT.-I" tho round O tot diet; for the4ot«odaat. , c !!S!ed £ Jpouy Other butintsl will .Uo bo !>»•- acted} we prflßmne. jsxsp3saflfi£ rear of the reildeoco of . Ward Alto monk, oa Bid well Ptrcot, bwond Word, Alt gbeny, csuglii f>« and h , trifling- ' A9OTHM ADVA9O* 19 0” r P?" JUrAM wtLßadn. oent, ssifpit badlj BoaUiog >ovet»toUiw». I ■ CninoE—Mr. MoWllliame ha« retired from U d /iow“—UaLi.ro f that Of printer and publnhtr. * answer Weharg.- £.h»« f '" m Abr *; h*m y*blo. , IYimi 1 fJL AtSti M aNUF ACIU it kit A 9enji Tc * ,ro ?^ f J D ii the *fhcim»M lor mak laop»f**t£,n*^? d .? CS, *i M niitei ««« formerly t bSf?o“U»*»-'>'« , ‘ reFnU, '°' ,l, ° 't sssft**-. ud **&-eoi»njaWl ,OI “® :* ' c f t he capital r»> (oducrinout. a* k**,. ni*MOt wiif?d conid t» funmbod by th«P'«» 01 »•» * farther p Aoj£Eß *OO , So. 60 Trinity Bolldingt, Now York. - no*?t lw'a3»wtf ObQOMB.— 150 dozen Broome jnet 'r-vll'k niUßiiY COVBHS. large bwo», Bt/fcUr»trfty* *'* -Cotton giffigSftfoT «*&» ■«»««_ ._¥▼ ■*UhT.-.- -■' ■ ■•• ■ r n a Ul> 4>IIJ—A fabU. to amyg aciuor : 7 ISAIAH DICW A W. ‘' ;r ''■■ ■■ t ‘ | LATH TiiI.EGRAi'HIC NEWS iFBOM OUR EVENINO EDITION.] IMPORTANT I'SOS' BUBN&IDt'S ABBU. Details of Thursday’s Operations, t£c*| d'o>) ” blM* crumbling i and th. u Th. r, r. O W. h wuh IS. graatoat atabboruno.., to anothw.on th. donblo quick. The. oar 'Co “ not opanad o'clock »h.«gln.er.forc ed for a third attempt to i"" 1 "",“f* W sss^ySH Uvlog the bridge, and once more the wfth thia reinforcement atarted dawn to th. ri 'under the direction of Qon. Woodborj they ifsasstA-aacsS who g «r. f .n.oonc.d«•«•**■»“ pita below tha raage of tho * , within fifteen or twenty foot of tho water ,a f, 0 of the 9th Connoetloot wore «««W In thia attempt, and the englnaer. aoff.red "ito £.«««» haring beta tha. laUrrapj ed, the whole party were ordered beok to their -a. dl.eor.red that on. of the booiea wa. on Are, «" »«*“ ’ , s£‘ commeneedln the westerly part of the> W» .oon epreed, efld Frederiakßborg U dow en opened apoa the rebel rifle pita, from onrbetterto.'ap the river. ItiJZi eaeeee.fnl .0 for In driving the jharplhooter, from the rl.ial.y of the rall r°Tho*ongiaeere are now cen.trnetiagthe bridge, withoat interruption. Xa thl. wora they hare boon earnoetly .apported by the, aoth New York, Col. Feirohild. 9 Tbe rebels Btill melntaln their ground op .3sSffisS?aa aaawge wa. eorered.by the gunboat.. P itoia Cart*, Dee. 11-if.Uled^_^_ De.t.oycd by »h* Alabamß-Provi. ions lor England- Borran, Dt«. 11.—The eorgo of lorod In Bolton ond tho romnlndsr In Now the ownert of the iqSe iOotnmlitee’ of the Boerd of Trede e Boetea watultnouely ttjoevey e SSKSUFSTik. a.utnrt fel- • Tbo Baltimore PBILAPM.7KU, POO. W- * D . ' • eorrespoadent 6f the New York HsroW. in an interesting tatter, dated tb. «h. *•« digest ot information Horn seoesfia head whioh «>•»• L “’‘”“J d S pies at rr ®?!s e hi b || , »H«'!i?ho chooses, to •troog one, and h* is ao»e». . t f# . hold th. Union enoy etbwtbe f tat •vent their broiling. Bat U» head .tosh is not hi. intention. On‘ho other it is stated that mto( „ lt h n 0 tempts to cross It force, Teiistance, and si ssasSA^fS^ra ■CBWsPBSsbe Ualon troop. nay_haT. ttat.tte srs&s: 525® cut off lh^r. l o*n. Lea for tfen. Bunteide. end ii * tiU Jff IR.DD*hen '"if General orou.s‘h» noofc, therefore, ho will . t hoie und« 175,000 troops,,not «ou:ntl og o. Matanony, toopposahlsadvanoe * is SaSS£Sss=^ From New Orte«^c;«>P e ” it,nal Elections- „ __ T»-- 14 _The steamer Albion, wUhNew'or tattM adriees of the 4th, ha. « ‘ l ”2; newspapers contain to account, of military mowmonu. congressional Dtataiet .houlslana rosuitod in the of Barker, W : East Tenneseee. Nsshtill., Deo. 11.-Tho army tew. is 3Sa»k-S»S mender of the rebel «*Vit The .Mil pox ‘•l‘K i “C.d t‘ “rol! tb. Gut Tennessee hu rebelled to ooneoripUon, and large nombereereln u near Charlotte. Gen. Portei’a Court Slniunl. S2rs^u-«s-*“xrii» 3 o'clock, adjourn ed until to-morrow- Shipwreck. New Tom, Don. IS.-Tho wrtok «l » ■“? o( about 900 ton. waj /""'t i..' ap iiSSrSS: bfttrels of » “ a °” banker. contloo* to P»J «V» P "” ,U “ ° BUTer Bid t»o tor Odd. Demand Hole, aro firm .1 , STSX. ExcO.nB.rßnd.. unchanged y, P«. cent piMDinta, ttlUng. ' OBAJS—Corn la in goodd«na*td and p [, „IIU| Orm from depot H76e- W * l “' £ # ™ »Uh rail] wle. Com Out bind. *t *>. l6 >“ E “ i and *1,2»©1.22 for While. »“'.J " ’ nl ' t “°‘ t ,1* Ttonr U nominil it *5.00 ind Bockwh.it it *3.760 a /vi nitr/vt Id bulk and vcka* la d» change u>noU tn gro cml..] th. domind U llmitod wd th. t r‘““ ll °“ it. litoc.tber of in nnhnportint chimt.t. ,uot» Bogie . lIOIW. “X® “ J no mo,e r ‘ - -«• - Helloed Oil of my importing though th. mit t.* U i nnn but nuchingwi. W. quo.. C™ l **' bolk .od bbU, ud Beflned 70 to Wo fer.nttt.ld. ind ■ood atandard branda, todadlng packtgea. ‘tuTOB * EoGB_P.ch.d honor ilOnn . WS 13X.; Silo of !7>bl. ind «bn prim. Boh »> Sil. of 3 bbl. Eg£> .1 20c per down. OBIED FBI3IT-S.l. ol *0 both Apple •< *'.- per bn.h.l, ind 120 bnih P.whe (prim. hilro.) , * r * BEANS—SiIo of 26bu.h Whlt.it *2,60 md 16 '"t BMSED’BOOS-dnll, it *t,50@4,76 per 5O bbU choice from .tore it *2.23 por bbl. CHEESE—SiIo of 66 boiol choice W,. B- it 12c per Sole of2obbl.prim.it *5,00 per bbl. Petroleum in New Vork. £r^sss&t s ft^SSSffSSas! s§3^g3£ts lire lo«r Ofontm> }?‘ bdn.nmch more I Siren, th.toomlorloTwmilolUl.. p , rt d dooblo tie £«sa?«:te““ ":&&&£±zx%ss Olb*r Purtt~ ••*•• ' ToW: .„ W,277,010 ] •«£“** ctfjoW l»ra «“>»- "li widHlaa to tU. »Wwi i7Mio a g"no n :* - J“*TS 1 S 1 j; a * a?to{.w.rt» .bjoUrp—MW* lut Import*' by River. t ••. WH»«UfIO, Dec, 8, 1862. ] Wd’flpW ■^°r r «h»?it w«a ImiwMlbldfor u« to 2£jr W.’EZllp* bbo. U .»«;■». <"> “ -r 3» SM^SaKni^ : THiwofth A oo; 318 do, Bpucy * Qtrtmrd. import* by Railroad. ™'=**SSSS3BS» V ' I » need DJtr.BB k K Yan^orter. aObblfflour. ITcDoi*W w Phillip WiSrStKl'M bfdee, CGroetllng hMßkominr.DHOrtdS'*’?;-. 30doe become, EI *r Dec 12-« Obijeedned oil, B DM1 1 hbl i T UcLeogiliol l OJJ *“ SeanorfiO bxe ch~», J MU peper. Per. kffiiV&YO jSpaWKH «! SJ “ J °’ “ T.anncamp; 0 cam metal. Brown 4 co. -L-- nn.fT.IK r knsionb, promptly proMrfKt It ,c»»in.We ' A » I, “ u»r«“»> “?S1;r d OUiBtSS O.iUCKI.B, MltlMl, D- 0- ffs&naw - “■« “"<* dfinforinaMon glvwn gf>tU. PENSIONS, BOUNTY 4. BACK BAY, H. <>. MiOKBSLt, itfonwj al tow and Qlaim dgt*h , Prowcatoa eoldiei*' PWHIOKS i **" c “" hoots jtjrit tjUoEB - OOE. HERB.—Our friend JA^ IjKOBB No. 88 M.rk.l '*’ SS K« -!»■ • Ur** ’ .took ol boots ah d shobb, S SSuTSSrSff , b. cn Cor ...t- Ufr* *“ d *®* f * ~_.■ , n of neat and “ii- r £o.mb.r .bo ,t». 69 MARKET BTKKKT. oc4 QfcO. ALBREE, SON 4 co.. H* 71* ootoei Wood ftlQ d FoVrt- iireetii Wl * d BOOTH AND B HOE B. tbil country. ——.i PLLdii—Are jog* oncoinfcrttbtal Tb«e , tJctoe * u prSnd. to -rtoa. .T«&J ‘ to - jjj* Pint, »nd Sa^i^feSStssss VEJ« l» *• body. fc**. The*®, 17 “1 o^ *Dd th»«urToondiDg «rpjo»*P W jjf o inthUeDn* r »„ l i on ~ufcd»f. Ml UX. iyr'. Sink. «»»<*"> 1-Uto, th»buojMttaJtaf iAS^>I5 a |* lm»*nd •» •W““* |" lb i* many of tb*«»P «d*lii them* Cw*ed by The earns purgatf*® effect similar , u>l m*»J «• Itoetkmsdthslxjlj.'Jg Nom«lk> them earely, cana o? w MS u• From Brw. Dr. 80-ta. <✓■*• M»S« S3tt» to’m, l SsStti dSS IhaSjiw of Tbo^ofelT’mm ü ßt, r r »miT. PA B ALTBIB,' JfVto» *tc» ’ fVoM Or. ■J. P. VaSJontrtal, Conod o. I Tboliflbob duioot bo oohf Of J^, r ‘M bS oX mo).Jlud«mbo w&ssmsgz ”, poor mu Oflbrt tbol orgon ul oo* «»“J"*- DYM3NTEBY, DIAIUIA(EA. BELAY, WOB3IB. ! From Dr; J. O- «*•»• «' “ff*”. TLlriortT-ooattn* tt»k¥i tlrnl *crtauo JKTK 1 Sob one or (wo Urgo dose* - JJXXwJiSblb?~r fflsrSSEi tm* ?KKSSSrSI - BS that I recommend uo other, to mjp*‘ len ♦ "S^ST^ag-'gaMa TjiCOUlVfcU TJiW WAX, in WIW-. aaoOTb*. Moualata BoclwbeaV yioo r , ■ rSe*rlc»rU L»k» Krie Applet; . U 8 barrelt , 1 180 bttthelf ffjllt* BPtPi; e'BSrtelfßwewOidM-; | '-pfiV» ' - 1 ' * 00. ~ iriTpnI>KOFOSALS are invited, fill S^fes^ss&?s^siia. No cattte *dmltted tb»t w*V" A wmatid.- grtm. H?i“g ol do Mid -—, ot U* conjroci .ppondod to tach bit fisted- Pa^ JiRKNCH'S HOTEL, OH THJL BUBOP&AH PLAH I BIMOLB MOHS »I»TT OUSTS PM DAT. OUt Ball Sgoor*. comer FramJffori Str**. •wnrelau thoy m*J U ordered lull* >t* cton * “Si • Berber'. Shop end Beth Boore. «Uob»d iSoofpHHBBS end HAOWdIU who B. rBSMOH. Pdofamo*. r-JjEEIOAjN HOUSK, JJostoh. is hotel In owryitepoc*- LIWUi BICK, Proprietor. | jiaitiyo . jajus -uxmJ 'IT* 4 BABBOUE, U II uASDrAOTDBSBB n f ««T MUIMSIP* | SrOOTVnSon. KSFUVEKT. " GBOBOg V. B OLDSair * CO: bubkiko of I H@»2wsS«s#s QiiKAfiK. . M . •> tirrn STaixti Beak «■ oc&dtf 7 | utiß-NT Oili WOKK.B. DCHCAB, DUNIiAP »4X)., PDBS WHITE BSFINED OABBOM OIM. i4Bco.Ho.vn rtmi* TuoLtfiitt ua. wOkius. Lj william r. WOOLBIVOX, nunrummn 001 l AMD OABBOS OILS, and dealer la | la me, oriaisstb, Ho »9 Market atteet,benreen Second and Third, mo. a* roata PirrS DDEQn, I'i. lahSCndlj dktbona oil WORKS.—LONG. W«ho*. S» MABWET BTB3EKT %SBSS(WS I lire, *lif»y on bfcnd. ■ — < , ...j. T. IOU»Q. 1 DiwnasniFoar- I&SpKSS 1 ast^Sfisas. .m O. tforu * Wl', McOOHMIUK & 00., Vaujw A r n ,,«D»T. Plmbalgb) Ft- . . -£ a-W»iiaocl«, Kg. M “£SJj£ r Sh> Hlil- ' t i\w WARE etc.. Steel end Gla**Moulds,Bell «1tl» atMmorHctwrP’ l ". ■- TTKYSTONK foundry, D. DeEAVEH & 80H, 47 rCDtBSL STSBBT, dUcjM*!) <*»' . I.K. a m llto Ew K i»™ f' lu^.“ r S, —— i's> “ tso .” -■-. do atretourtn.—.—v «■“ »-.; not)* Jll do s™“« — —” fJS 'o 1230 a. b. do Oolnatooi--. P* “* fc4 ft » ArriTO CtoclnnoU &2D BiiSSSr m»t>to* O" • u “ 1 “ d “* u li< * h * (ad-VMMf Lim, *■ t %£SSBsss£ b» ss^*s&ag«* ~«SsP^^w*' ia o .y«unp to &n ■■ as* *• to B»jud S'!: ~ fcis ■* to libn alt “ : **»'•••• do Bwlooo-. ., 830 “ £sSBsS}SS!b3S {.ituSurrt. If^*JJ l “» Zl^l ™^ o SdSu Bj ' i&mw^ “ s &r&rsss,-«* ,s: ' Fo. t ort^to«■»'« «•»' He, Ut froni o {» a o’cdocfc rt IMJ t)lM> one Defoilu "‘Sj*!* declared'twice • PeUM, end » dltidcndwi a*. SCSSEra*^* siKJsiswiS&^ffipaass:- . owraJA ***»;., ’,' ByL«w»» Bole* 90 •Pt‘? atlou “ j lb. o«~. piia]j(OT _ OKOBO , AtBBML ▼ics rawDcrr*. D !*. ».»*rTS»Su" pae^'Tirae#** jS-u;rtS«: G. Bftckoxft, 4ohJ&M*Uor, Gcorw • jSE* Sbldlo. Jobb B. O«nJWg. ■: r Bobert Eobb, ••AtoW'J B. wrt«f* p. MmhaH. GhakU* A. Cattcaifr •••« iTa! , «r B, “' ■ gSsto.v sSS3fi«*- nShJdEto?’ »■*“ WMltter,: JSESU-SBtM-; ■■ 'INDIA* HUBBtfiK IX>A*W, rAJ *‘f2t is«S!r«SS2sSS- JJ for Mi« oj gij ilfwrt. . Jwl : ■ ' - TYi a 7 HKEU— * 50 buso, in fftor.6 anc W , i. 5. - p^ rtal b? 27 tod 29 fimlthfiald atrect^- T'WaN(J OI>V*4KS, of India Itubber, a P .filrtic q«lH» oi ,h ' - BnbborP«pot,g»mu uOMTirTMc r> CI.ELLAMD'B _— IST—SO bbis. reouT BZHBT B. OOiira*-; I S- (|Uk» a'i'ONK xStBBODOB HAU- JIBAM „ fc» *• torßiltlrOT»i»4 W«li- Alto*™ «*to . SUESSKSS: :: &?^S2tr&gr- JsssSMS^SSW* •^«SS3SSSI?^w-«*-- to^sas&: *Loooffl»«»tto>» i®” J -. i L B rw«d Will** Statin ; . iaxjmmodaUoo, xiird 6***J«s; , "Sp^&^jsivsassei lawPS 3 .*.. sax^ge:?? B^;^ ft>'B«lM>lo ~7'’ Qu IraiuyhA- Sm»wpM», mom* .lirtfto >“' 4 £&&; »?»3 rsi?r ß «ss\s “=>>■<** '“ b '“• gs'!s£^OßE 5, /So^l i V : to. »ow«r»J PitSSSipR \j£tar£j, Dm> «■ —~—— J gatanU7*J>«e. **\ SwJfcwSSTSTS*.."»' r,a “• **f Bh». uns or risaMW ««* «SS&**K SfflfStefSS. E 0“ a tZ£u’£u v &£'* a •Wk**' l sSSwr*:^ 1 WV»«, • • toi »j6cnTriiriitio«M« jraSrCwSSW?!-™ St.Sllr. At--. . ' 15 Bro™l*oT» Wo* Tort,. 10HB WOliriOir. AroM* A lf,T?s,nnTf*E lor OABJSOH OIS, 1. ■*>» jagWg ”£SSSm T T . IBS. C rail utM »ia> »-**» Ui-c&^-sssffsssas. outtotietlDgtiuigl***- • N lEl**,kod«as Tb*» bnroen ?Ury p*rtoa «rt»g t» pn tM“JJKl~ . fuSoplxlo&iw. _s£? OMbooOl’AmiWta"*!^ So . gl ltontk 16 cnu. p«r d«?n. J - 30)0 .i « HAYMH. «uo«t, FHtaljargb. ie2s.:lrXJ** r > —^ ■ yyw&x FOiWK. ip. P. POhTßii A Q&-* • ’ ■ - SrSMIBUAT J“®» HTuit! MWS.WMBTS, WOOMOTIV* AND OAK AXIjM. ASCCOB»».. A,od H*ra*j fo*^ 3 ** i ! . tiT^wir GEOCBBIES.— . tohhd». *. O. Soger, prime, CO do Cob« oa, **“l SO do •P. B* g,b.l. to choice; ■’ J I .V; ' ; | . 25 dtt • ‘ I go Aßd>BBß>ctfodrtrtCt/- • S Jw'OPii ~ . ■’■■■•' DffT'APr l lEa4u» t 'Cjt v !! r l» W ‘,- bly PSAOHIS-* • io,, hJw V • ONlol?S—SObaiiu-.lwS®*,• : i •• Si 4XBEID—Whoib. *l»wni-■ For e»le et I*.U*rtr«*ft<£' mOK 4 00.,'- >i. ~! !■■■; ; ■gho’eMteOnicetec deli . __; ■] . ... ■• BiMß.sUln; .. . Do. u»4 . 3 Do. B. O.ctcrusoli in»tor»*odfcri»l«ty E i» DlSroitreot oca fcKßLKk—at boiea prime n Mliiii *>4 ***»• «J. j IioOITT hOO.r a ■ ' Tft ff>wm M Front «twit. VmTTTOBBBITSuASSIfsrm r —i» by. - ■ ' '■" jHJIaTRCBBKK HAVKUJt'KS ,fpi P*° ’ -- ' * ■ ~ -100 piiM Lead. lor-flalo'bjj-^ . . ? ggS&T H. OOL* IHB. hlitUJS'B SUUJS3,,«t>oO. >yp*B riuavi X.oojtr J.V 5 . 4 At.i.tnHtrT -ret. >—s bbln-H