K -V .I, ■ .• 6 . 1'.’:...' if •' j'. >:■ ;v--. *:iV •fis . .'.Y: ' •>?. s.\'. ’.T.- l i it, - * v,• «*■, »«,< ft*?*. ,'h • \V..t»>. -*■ r- !•' 1 I; . !• . 4 m ’ ■ v ,vj. iillitf itpilil iili'lliifgsiSiiS: ;fe ; f l ': ?&•">" -v •: , iiWWiiliilil laifiptsiiisi l®iillllll"'" M ''' N • -•' - 4; « v M i : }. I ; I : kmi \ ** > . t * i - .3 .. i .f.• c ' ~ ? , ,*■ pteterih MONDAY MOENIHa, DEO. 8. / CITY AFFAIRS. aarorricui. pamu or tbs am., |U' ' UmOKOLOQZCAL OBBSBTAYZOKS for the Guattu ,ty G; B. Shaw, Optician, No. 66 Fifth •trect-«oojtieCtod dally t xx bus. xx xsasm. 9 o'clock, x. XHirttilmo $4 IX « M 6 :|T;lmwnhw . 88 Barometer 29 4-10 A Bite Wretch. For son* time past, the ladies retiding in oartain part* of Allegheny hare boon very mach annojodand outraged by tboindoconcles of a nan whose oonduct was similar to that of thanoiorioo* Thompson, whose arrest and lmprisoumentwcre bailod with somuohsat- UfaoUon. lt was not believed that another so base could be found in the community, bat olroumstances .have proved otherwise* The degraded' aetions of this latter fellow have been oomplained of for some time, but like Thompson; he managed to-escape detection, as those whom he insulted jwoula always flee froa his Latterly he became very bold, and:complaints were muoh tnoxe fr*» quont against Urn* No lady, however, eonld give a description of him, suffidently accorate to identify him, and he thus, passed unknown. On Saturday evening, as offioer HcKain was passing along. Ohio street, ho discovered a man standing in front of a millinery shop wtrfdowj in a very\suspicious attitude, ana after' watching him a while sospeoted what he was wbont. Be at onoo arrested him and took him to the look*up. Oninquirlngatthe .officer learned that they, had been annoyed by some person tapplog on the win dow, and exposing his person whenever he oould get the attention of any one inside. The women, however, could not identify the man/nelther could they be induoed to appear againsVhOn, their sense of modesty forbid ding. The party arrested was a notorious character, who has served two terms in the penitentiary, running over a period of eleven years. He was discharged so lately as last spring. Ho denied the accusation made against him, and was discharged (or want of sufficient testimony, although We think the evldenob of the offioer would have been suffl eleht to.have held him for trial. He U far adva&oedinlUe,and has children grownup and married* .He will be closely watched hereafter, and if he is not very careful he will get an ounce oflead.put into his carcase. Arrival of Troops from SUchigan. ‘The First Michigan ’Mounted Rifles, a splendid body of men, arrived in this city on Sunday, on their stray east. They, are fully equipped, and . officeredaa follows; Colonel, J. P. Copeland; LlentonantColonel, Franeis Norrai; Pint: Major,. B. Gould; Second, Bustlee J. Trowbridge; Third,Nora H. Perry; Adjutant, Dodge; The Tegiment- numbers IjSM men.A A battwy cf Flying Artillery is attached, consisting of six rifled cannon, with ISO men.- This is one of the finest (and it is expeoted to prove one. of *be most efficient) regiments recruited under the late call. The Colonel (Copeland) has' been nominated as a Brigadier,'and the regiment will be assigned to bis brigade. Oar Subsistence Committee had everything in apple-pie order for the reception of the troops ; ahAweU they might, sineo they were compelled to remain up aU night awaiting their arrival. The troops were expected on Saturday evening, at seven o'clock, at which hour the ladies and gentlemen of theCommlt tee were on hand. Seven, eight, nine, ten,~ eleven p’olook passed; bat nb troops arrived. The Committee wore * f in for it, and day light Same without bringing the anticipated trains. The greater part of Sunday was pass* ed jostas Saturday eight had been—in vexa tions waiting. The troops came at last, weary and hungry, and were treated just as kindly as: though: they had come in "on . time.” The good ladies and the indefatiga* ble gentlemen of the Committee did not get away from the hall until almost dark, having spent-nearly twenty-four hours in weary watching. Still they find ample, compensa tion tor theirtoll, In administering to tho sol dier's wants and receiving the soldier's bless- Dletreeeing CttarraltT-'Two Children. - Soffofltltd. :• Two little ohlldren', belonging to h Sonata fatnUynamed Klata, maiding Jo Wheeling, mo aulfocated oa Friday Uit, under the fol lowing melancholy drcumataneoe: , The father oftho children la a aoldler la thoSee oai Virginia Beglme'nt, aod tbo rnothar, ko ine In noody dreamatancea, occupied the third otory of a framo deoiling, and moda a UTlag by working out. On Friday morning Bho went oat to do 0000 weahlng, but before doing ao locked her/tWo Uttlo'ohlldren op In a r«bm. After ahe hied gone It la euppeeed that they accidentally eat on Urea lot of ehar inga In the mom. Booing what they- done they werwpanlo atrioken and not' being able to gat oat of tho hociae fan Into u adjoining room and oiawlfid under a bed. An alarm of firo waa reload oulalde, tho noighboia rnahod to tho acme, and upon entering tho room the ohUdroh wore found to bo lifoleia from enffo _ cation.” Mre. KUta arrived before the dead children were dlroovered, and waa Immedi ately e-Wri wlthriolent epaamaln eonaaqnenee of the horrible eight whleh mot her gate. At loot account* It waa feared that aho would not ■urriTo. One of the children, a Uttlo girl named .Helena, waa aged Are yema. The otteraEoyagedebouttMeoeadehtlt Helena., waa a remarkably beautiful child and had at-’ treated the admiration of the whole neighbor-, hood by her gentlr grace end b»nty. The boy «u a1«o a Tory Intemtiag eUld, Ana tnp atlASoboly tffftir iMmWeriAlly deplorod. Mother and Two Children Burnt to QnSuurdaj, tbodftta ult, a dlitreulng accident from the earelee. art of petroleum, eecurredettho;Tillage;of Tamille, on Oil OreekirenttlhE in the death of Site. Hart and two of her ehlldren. The woman oeea nledehouie on the Blood rum, and. it eeeme ■ho bad been .lit the habit of uelng: oil,in making Urea. On tbo day mentioned, while in the.aot. of. pouring some crude oil into tbo fire in tho atooe, for thopurpore of making it born, tbooll eangbt from the fire, and in an initaat tbo whole home wat in a bine. Mre. Bart Moaned from the home, bat wu >o badly burned that (bodied ouSuadey. Two children ware in the bonte at the time, both of whom failed to escape, and wore burnt ap in tbo building. 1 They were both girli, the youngest wusage d fonr, and the other eleren Tbtie.li but one way.in.whloh .petroleum ean be lafeiy tued in making Oru, and' tbit la to .atorate tbo wood or coal with the oil before applying tho fire, in. which care; there It no danger, To poor rook oil'open a bn, from a Tuiel, Uaearoely leu dan'gerou. than to poor powder from a flaek Into tbo bra. - In cither oaie, painful wonnda or death on into loonruo. . . :■ - ' J ,,- ', - '- A Bom. Thankigirtog day, tbo Ladle*’ Boldiert’, Aid Boolety. of Erie/got np a iplesdld dinner, to whlob - about one hundred poorfamllled'ef wotnii there *nd draft ed men 'were invited. r Xho ladle» t&oktbe 'tivpbla to ascertain.beforehand the namoe of ' the moit 'poedyl famiiiee, with the number of obildron tneaohr : and_ tbeywere^hn.enabled' to niwut Maplo food us MSOWBtwtlotti for all. It waa » nonland, placinggather ing—partiehluly agreoabieto tborohiwnn. Rim Blip Col. Clarkson, with a largo force' of -rebel carefryT reoontlyi mad. V-rtMM.fal . rdid tbrongb Cabell oonnty, aponJing the ooUnfry between tbo Big Sandy Md Kibe,wim rinrji, capturing primmer., ani jWring. off horM., cattle eto. ffe captured iPbcnt.fpMy-.Onion men/whoi ho many bone, and, citfle/ He ftpproinhed to wttUn tWplre.mllek of ' Guyendotte, there bar tog ÜbWPa hear enOTgbto^ieTentbtofrT^, OnrtSXKUr OarßanSay of lut week, wbtto.BeT, John; Barnhart, jpaetor of tho Gorman Ewgelical Church, at Brie, wa> conducting tbo .nasal public .errUea la tbo oburob/bi. dwaUtogwa. entered and robbed of (lie to money, and promlriory nett. considerable amount. BraioiriD.—Ool. SiiUndooltor,' ofthd UlUi i Btgtmoat, U so* >t biiJwmola£rio;&svjM boos zolouod from dot/ os'UMOst of eon*' tSssod; ID hosltb.: -B« ..hu boos in tb» boo* piulmort of ibo Urns to tholsit ilx moatbi.: Chriitljmltyjißil JL Lecture Delivered ail As Opening if the Set «£em of tie Seminary of the Re formed Prmbyterian Chord , u Allegheny, Pa*, Nov, 4,1882, by Profeteor SprovlL. A copy of thla Able address has been laid on our table, and we hare given it an atten- Ivo perusal; and while we eannot go quite be length to whieh the author carries his argument, we are free to say that there is much in It that la well worthy of considera tion. Dr. Sprooll Isys down four distinct proposi tions, u follows: 1. The entire dissociation of Religion from the Stato is impracticable. 3. Where Christianity is not, there Asti* Christianity le the national religion. fid. An improper connection botween Chris tianity and the state 1b injurious. 4. Chriitianity, elevated to its proper place inasatlon will be an element of strength*, prosnerity and permanence. We have not room to go into an elucidation of tiiasrgumentB with whloh the author sup ports these several propositions, but shall content ourselves with a very few citations. Speaking of u An Improper oonneotion be tween Christianity and the State," he says : "The Pope olalmed to be king of kings, be cause he was the head Of the Crhuroh; Henry [VIII.] olalmed to be head of the Choroh, be cause he was the King of England. Tho Pope made the olvil power an adjunct ef the ecclesiastical; the king made the ecclesiasti cal an adjunot of the civil." He condemns both. On the 4th proposition he says: “ The nation should recognise and receive the Bible as tho Supreme Law. • • • . • That the laws therein revealed ue above, and should be the rule and standard of all human laws. * • * This recog nition of the law includes a recognition of God as the souroo of all authority, and of Messiah, by the appointment of the Father, the Governor the nations.** . We have now given the eardinal points con tended for by the reverend author, and shall here stop', lest we might, if we pursued it fur ther, provoke controversy. Weoommend the address to all who are desirous of studying the interesting subject of whloh it treats. Col. R. Biddle Roberts. Messrs. Editor* .-—I see It stated and re peated in some of the newspapers hereabouts, .that Col. R. BiddJo Roberts, of this city, has been withdrawn from the army by the gov ernor, and transferred to the headof the Mili tary Bureau of this State. Those who give carrenoy to such a report are not, *©£ course, aware that the Military Bureau Consisted ef the Adjutant, Quarter master and Commissary Generals, who hold their offices for a specified term, and are en tirely independent of the Executive. . It is a mistake, therefore, to report that Mr. Roberts has been transferred to any such position as he is credited with. There ir. Indeed, no suoh office’ as the Chief of that Bureau. The question then Is, what is the office in which he has been plaeed by the Governor 7 I know of none, unless His Excellency has been Induced ' to’ create a iwto one for tho accom modation ef. the inoumbent. If he has, who is to pay? oris it intended that the service shall do entirely gratuitous ? The same accounts inform us that Colonel Roberts hat been distinguishing himself greatly hy-his conduit at the head of his regU mint.' If this be truc—ancTitii not for the writer of thUnote to question it In the ab sohob of any personal knowledge on'the sub ject—is it jusi to : the service that he should be withdrawn from his command and put into comfortable wiater quarters, just at the time when the regiment most wants him, and the country has need of *H its best. qoldlers ? JP X. T. Z. . Rkbsx. P&lBoSSl6.— One hundred rebel prisoners, belonging to the famous - Jenkini’. band, were recently captured by the Second Virginia Cavalry, near Lewlsburg, and are now on their way to Camp Chase. . Hssbt Bnnor, coal digger, was killed in the Belmont pit, at Wheeling, on Wednesday List, by the falling of a mass of eoal.. Be was twenty-seven years of age, and leaves a wife and two children. ; SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES 10BOT1I AJTD Bame'* tfiTiaa Maobim, fo: {Emily and msnafMtaring purposM, *r» th« best itt cs«. A. Csmirr* fieseral Agoat, Ho. 18, Filth LOST—9IO REWARD. Oa Friday, the sth last., a Dlamoad Breast pin, for which the above'reward will be paid oa its being left at this office, or at the St. Chariot' Hotel* , : . Gavins Bxai.—A Hew Yorkmanufaeturer of 1 Photograph Albums has opened-at No. S 3 Fifth street, third door above the,?heatre, a large stock of Photograph Albums,'the best made is the world. ’They ssll themat prfcer which defy competition. Da. Karsts: Dear Sire I have been affilct ed with Tetter or Salt Rheum for aboutthirty years. The last ten years It turned to the Erysipelas. It was of the worst hind. My whel/ body was. covered with It. The spots over my body were as large as a copper oenu Myfaoeand eyes were so covered • with the disease that I wasjslmost blind. I al*o lost my hearing, so that 1 1 coaid not hear, without leaking very loud to me. . I tried all kinds / doctors, of every sohool. of medicine, for years, without any benefit, and went to some a vefy great distance who wore celebrated as physicians. I hadto have my hands.tito up they weroiso troublesome and covered with the disease. I am how weU, and-have been cored’ by taking less than a desea bottles of Blood bsarcher, at a cost of that many dol lar* where I had spent hundreds before. Ton may publish this if you wish, for thtebehefit ofothersaff«rer#- Ei.«ißrra Gins*. Meigs County, Ohio. 'FosJFau. isD Worms Wsax.— The winter, is'upou us, and we must provide ourselves, withthe material to keep us oomfortable. A good and well-madeoverooat is tho very artl- Se, and we -don't ;know of any place .when our readers eio get one that will,look as wall, and at the same time withstand the most se vere weather, is at W. Q. McGee A Co.'s, corner of FederaTstreet and Diamond Square, Allegheny. Their stock of overcoatings,, -business and dress elothing, pantaloons of all descriptions,' are .well assorted, and of the latest style. The gentlemen's furnishing goods department is slUhat a parcfcoser.wsula wish. Call on MeCeeA Co* if you. desire a aloe suit. 4 ' y I . :*. y . V- . Bine*!#, Gsabam, merchant 'would moflVrespeciXully iuform hCs friends, had the nubile genenOly that betas returned from the sast irtth hls new stock'of fcll goods; 'Hi t stock eohslste of the latest styles of cloths, casilmeresand vestings, SOlecUd from the latest importations. GesUoaen de* hiring a neat fitting garment* and at-prloos lower than at any other tailoring establish ment In 'the dty, would rive him an early call. * Samuel Graham, merchant taUcr, Ho. 54 Market street, cue door from Third. Tuvßolßisa'fl Tsns FiUsiD.-rFpr ; over forty years Dr. Holloway has been supplying; all the armies of. Euroi* -with his PILLS A OINTMENT, they having proved themselves the only Medicines able to cure the worst eases of DyieDtory,Boutvy,.Soros,Woan4e and Bruises.*- Every knapsack should con tala them. Only ifi cents per Box or Pot. 333 - ' ExTuinfibufaßT; Imducskssis i» Dry '& Oo;, 59 Market,vt«eVan-. Bounce to-day that they will seltfor;pne week' As advertliod elsewhere.' If w£ thought wie could influenee onr readers, we jhould advise them to Improve this opportunity , to make all their purchases for the winter ' { f. Hones to tho property owhirs of thls.’cliy Is hereby given, that any repairs seeded about their houses will be done promptly, if they leave their order at Cuthbert's Carpenter and Joining Shop, on Virgin andy, )ust .above Bmithneld street. • ... J;' Oxxtscs Oinza will be takes at the Oaaibss offiee, Ho. 405 Liberty street, day or night. AU orders left at the above f piaoe ;win b« promptly-attended to.Ancallrmujtbepßtd fn'advssce. ~s JV* . ®m. r GiHTa' AKD LiDJSB’ boots and balmorals, just opened, at“Mcolell4nd'sAdotlon,Nd. 55; Fifth street. Also a quantity of undershirts,- and socks, at private sale very low. r paxTISTST.—Dr. O.BIU, No.344,Perin.sU, attends to all braoehw of; the Dental profes sion* ' ~ •' • l>r. (L'T. JzmviSj German Teacher and L.Tr»aitoto- T AMrwji2oiU)!fit» h«x4B. 4 * 1 »*> THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES Special Dispatches to the Pittsburgh Gaxotte. Wasbivgtos, Dec. 6, 1662. THX FORTIB COURT MARTIAL. . In tbs Porter court martial the cross-exam ination of Pope was oonolnded to-day. The defense gained-less of Pope in the cross-ex amination than they did yesterday, and the oaso seems to ba going very decidedly against Porter. Hla letters to Burnside, and the President’s advice to Pope to watoh Porter, as he did not trust him, are strong points against tho accused. The whole testimony thus far goes to show that, If Porter had obeyed orders, Jookson would certainly have been crushed. This court martial will last a week or ten days yet. Goodwin was engaged in MoDowell’s court in trying to establish his character. Gen. Haupt testified to MoDowell’s devotion to his duties. Instancing suoh oases as his remain ing out In the rain all night personally super intending the loading of cars, and forwarding supply trains, Ao. FROM dsn. orast'i army. The War Department has offielsl advices from tho Southwest to the effeot that the ex pedition from Helena, Ark., under oommand of Dens. Hovey and Washburno, took posies sicin of Grenada, Mies., yesterday. The rebels left in a burry, destroying ten locomo tives and One hundrod cars. grant’s forces were at OoffocvlHo, a short distance above, and were pushing forward. o*s. BIOIL. This morning the Intelligenter calls at- tention to the fact that Halleok entertains the lame opinion of Sigel that Pope expressed in hiv lately pobllshod dispatch, and arguing tbimeo against Balleck for placing Sigel in so important a command while thinking him un reliable, and tfaea for allowing this disparag ing opinion to beoomo public In his report. TSI WAR DtPARTMirr Has offioial advices of the victories in the Southwest. Anxiety is expressed in some military oiroles for Gen. Grant's position, bat most regard him as. entirely muter of the sidnation. VSOM BURHSIDt’S ARMY. indications of a movement in Burnslde’i army are not wanting, and henoe we have counties! rumors that a movement has actually bekun. All unfounded. . , WSATHXR AT WAIHISQTOX. We bad a rain and light snow Itfpt night, wtjtah has melted eomewhat, bat freeling up noy, and every prospect that tho roads will bo;Ln good order. UiroUXDID. The stories about rebol propositions of pekoe, In the New York papers, whloh may have been telegraphod West, are utterly un founded. OBABl’a KirOXT. jf he Washington papers ail speak favorably :0f the ability of Chue's report, and the Chron icle, the Government organ, endorses its re* ootnmendatlons. ArreiSTMSITS. Tho following Examining Surgeons for the Pensionßuresu have been appointed: John MbCabe, Osrlisle, 111. j N. 6hennan, Ply mouth, Ind. j Samuel McClure, Olney, 111. Wabribotob, Deo. 7, 1892. BABXB* KXriDITIOS. A sick officer, who was unablo to endure tbo exposure of a sea voyage, was pat aehoro from Banks’, expedition at Fortress Monroe, anfl hu reached Washington on his return. The expedition hu already left ; Fortress Monroe oa-Uaway-South. - The oourso of Banks' expedition disap points many expectations here.' THS army Of TUX VOTOMAC. Certain signs, such as the proseuce of im portant officors of the army of the Potomac in!Washlngton,go far to indicate the popular expectation *f a movement within a day or tw;o, but they will be again disappointed, if, as the rumors of thepast few dayihav® It, the army Is already moving or ou the point of moving. 1 UliniU MSBtIT, An enormous'robbery was perpetrated in thh Treasury Department on. Tuesday or Wednesday last. Gen. Spinner, 0. 8. Treas urer had left on bla table Doited States certi ficates of indebtedness for'two and a hall mil lion dollars. He was calledout of his room for a moment, and on his certificates were gone. Bankors in Now York aid else whero have been notified not to receive these certificates, and it is hoped that this mttehief may be counteracted. Ho elue has been ob tained that pan lead to tha detection of the robber. GUTS. BIOIL AID POFBs Gen. 6igol» not content with .denrandiog * «oprt of on - Popfl’f charger fcgainie hlto, aI»o propbeo* to prefer charges, against Pope which will; bribg that officer before a general court-martial. He will charge him with ooadapt Qftbeoomibg'an'offioer and a and with Inoompatenoe, aa exhib ; itad in tho.iata Virginia campaign. The first ! ipecifieatton,_ander_iho first charge, will be : for grossly abailTblangaago to himiol' j BKa*TA*T~Q» TH* JWIIWOi. Tho Secretary shipof the In terioroontlnues to'be a bone of contention. The candidates multiply, Gen. Washburns and Judge Ed monds, of tbo Land Offioe, aro among the latest talked of. I see no reason for modifying my expressed opinion-that as yet JudgeHoltha* thpinsidetraOk. • v i OLAIV - AOIBTBs The Commissioner of losers*!.Revenue 4e oldei thet perione representing themselves In; position to prosecute olaime egninsttho gov ernment, whether in person or from, other oltlos, through eorreipondenti, mult take out lioenee as Olatm Agonts. woolo kot nn ih wrfiin.HGTOH. A commander of one of the grand divisions would not be in Washington this evening-* nor would certain officers of Burnside's staff# A, OOHFUCT IKPMOIIO. . Correspondents wlth tho army ..telegraph, that a oonfflot Is Impending, and, for aught they can see, may cpitlo'uA.to Impend. In definite. ■ ; B>mi It is stated that, ttj* Committee on Ways Means tie cohiidjtlng the.polloy of oon sofrdaCngi aU goveiSmeht bonds into" long sfiifoß vriuoi Will, to-morrdw, Introduce a bill' pledging the Government to the ald o t emanc!patlcrUm in Missouri, uid'giving ten million as ' the Hrit'lnstnlnieii. ' WaBHXRUTOR,*i)Ooi B.—The following dls psioh has been received at headquarters, Charleston, V».j Npv. SS i- ~ , To Major Jf. it. 'McZrax, A. A. <7,.' __ ' fcol. Paxton, of the Seeond Virginia Cav alry, supported by. the 11th Ohio Rsgimcnt of‘lnfantry, made'an atiaok on a post of tho 'enemy near Cold, Knob, flreenbrlar eountyj 1 on tho 281h.‘ It'was a successful surprise. They eaptured t*B oemmlssloned offloers, one handrodand eight non-com missioned officers and prlvater,.one hundred horses,..two hun dred stands’ of arms;. lour, wagons, and. the camp equipage of,a regiment, Tho wagons, : equlpagojanlapart ;ot,tha anas, were de s&>»na were obsorved,and made towards jo i but before they had approached t Capt. Wright lot fly a shell, which In one of the boats, and they hastily d pushed fbt the shore. With a officers saw tho men. They were I Various uniforms, and were proba* rrilla band. Tho Dragon was towed ihe Satellite, and this morning was i the Washington Navy Yard by the i mis&ioner of jlnternal Revenue has It tho provision la section 77 of tho v, providing for the taxation of ; dies only to 1 easels so known tech* i tho maritime language of this id to each of that «Ibjb as arensed ir purposes of pleasure. (ohn Waters and Lieut. N. H. i ve been ordered to the steam sloop* i longahela. . i nt Commander E. R. Owen has led from the James Adger, and or a Mississippi Squadron, nt Commandor Thomas Patterson Lieutenant Selim E. Woodward ordered to th» Mississippi Squad* ihe was of the ri fifty persj: the Dragc too close,] exploded! turned an glass the] dressed It biy a guei down by brought ti Eeaolato, Ihe Qoi deolded th; Excise lat yachts, ap; nically Ln country, a: for racing Lieut. J Thomas hi of-var Mo Lleutem beoa detac dorod to ti Lleateni and Aotinj have beoo ron. >ros, Doo. T.—The following reg s boon made bj the OommUsloner &1 Revenue routing to egonte of illation hi of l^tcri manofaou Tbe wot ie«tion of, either a p of a mono log good manafaott manafaott will be i aeiesaor oi the name ■o doaigni The .rest denoanoinj aon la- the Igont ftt usod in the 74 And 75 Exoiso aot la construed to mean n who is the ©xcloblto agont orvr, or anj person or fii;m sell* a commission, designated by a as Ills agent for the sale of hii r . In all eases the manufacturer dred to maka known to the siitant assessor of the distriot I place of botlness of the agent Nation of Representative Stevens, a u guilty of a high crime any.pcr- Jexeoutive or legislative brenob of ament who shell propose to snake shall accept oradvlse-the aqoepienco 3h proporitlQD|.,on any other basis integrity add entiro anity of the Ites and the TerrltofMs as they Cl ip time of the rebellion, the eonsld if whlob has been postponed tUI Jook, will probably bo fully discnas eral members are already preparing upon thesubject. eolation is not sapposed to be aimed dmlnlstratlon, as Us position 'la jbo that no peace Is admissablcPatr d a single aore ot the Union, llation of Vallsndtgham, proposing lion of tho States, and .which is foralast session, wIU soon come np [oration in the House. the govern peace, of e!l of any wo] than the I United Sul lated at tm eratlon of Tuesday w ©d, as leva to speak Q This ro* at the id known toll the ooit on The real a Conveoi J tending ff or constde Itbe Army of the Potomac* □ABTBBB, Ab.MT or PoTOJUG, wbmii»<7, Ute. 6.—00 Thursday, the mght some ficlif pieces to bear on skta, lyipg in the Rappahannock, cl Royal. A few shots soon com smto withdravthe gans oat of range. Was done on either side. Hssnqq Saturday I rebels brot oar ganbai near Port nolled thci No harm f There is notbiog now from the other, side 0! the river. The enemy have .not changed their position. \■ . BtaoQCa&TSBS Amt or xat Potoiuo, ) I . . December 7, J.8G2.. >J Last night was intensely cpld, and some of the troopb suffered for want of blankets. Ico formed in the Pstomae aod 'Aqttia Creek from' one end a half to'two inches 'thick. To-day the tan fame oat-fair and cheering, bat the air continues pierclog oold. The roads are hard and very rough. OBcsra well Informed state that Jackson, has arrived tear, Predericksbarg, and joined bis forces with tbbse already 1 theta. They also report; that the enemy have extended their Uses several milos farther down tho' Rappahannock.. I ' . Tho report that.Major.Spahiding,.of.th«. Engineer Brigade, is under arrest for unaec ess ary delay in the transportationOf po&tobn trains from;WashiDgtonV\s unfounded.* "That officer hS> been cqmmenaed by his .superior* (of overcoming; weighty. obstacles in execu ting his ordors. Jijero have Wn ?o tygd-metet&eats to day. •" * ' j .... From Mew York. Kbv Yok, Dee. o.~The steamship Occatl Qdeesy from Aspinw&il od' the SSUiuiL, Ar rived at this pari this afternoon. Paring ft ,tremendous gain -at-’ AaptnwaU,* which lasted for three day*, the. British brig Bollrar and steamship Avon wexv wrecked*. There were no lives,lost. " . The steAmer Owan Queen lojt : b«r.paddla. Sox, bat succeeded in getting to-sea. : -• • Tho brig Balnbridge was abandoned by her officers and. After throwing everbohrd ber gam usd. stores. . All oommunlcitioa bad been saspended be tweeuPanamaahd AsplnwaU. The railway wasexpeoted to bo In running; order by the 26tib,as the water was inbil diOg’e .J •' There is no news of Interett from Central America* ■ 1 r The Iron-clad’stoamsrs Keokuk and-Cats kill were Successfully launebed'tb;day#/ The steamer City of Washington sailed at nopu to-day for Liverpool with forty passen ger* and $930,000 in spools.- J'; • Virginia tcgffllafar©. WaißiLiGg pec,. 6.—The. Senate ■ to-day parsed a preamble 1 nm^vesolution 1 -letting’ forth that Carlile violated the initruetfonr of* the body that elooted him; ln : fattiog to' ; bus- . tain the legitimate efforts of the government to' suppress insurrection;, in r by voies and speeches in and out ’of the Senate,' measures absolutely necessary to th.o preser vation of the Union and enfoteemeu t. of, ,feo laws, and in opposing the.edtnlsaioa of the new State Into t&e Union, and requesting him to resign bis seat in tho United States Senate. The resolution will eotoo up in the.lJbuie on' Monday i and pass by eiaxgomAfority.'.l.i'. 'ln the Hons©,, to-day, a, , resolution, wait offered requesting the United Staws-Houio of Bepresontative* to pall tbe_ new SthteTblil now pending before tty without wmendmcnW ft-wijloolneujro^ d pais by a neatly unanimous voto. eman citation policy of Uie'PreirfdeSu ' ' FxomthcAnafoftzie VontiLireiti< kr; Lomß, De«i 7 .—Advices from thO Bauth west 1 to-night - say: that tho' enetßy>' under Qmis. Hindman i and' ;Marm»duke, ,'25>000 strong, attempM to sßlont** iposl* Udn at Cane d#UL Ark., yesterday, iut were, driven back.. Thi> , mornlng .Uiey ..ii|-ove Blunt's pickets' three! but on the 'arfival of reinforcements Were' again repulsed.’ ' Bloht*S ' opinion is * that the detnonstration made llio cove*-their 1 -retreat, as'they were faUiug timber all night, ’ proba- to obstruot the road atid prevent pursuit. Blbnt held the. enemy In check. four days. Gan, Herron’s command roluforce him t0mirr0w.,........ mirrow.,........ . .t ■. t - ; •,■ . Captured by tbe Pttate Alabama* Bosroii Hov. G.—The hark Harriet Spaul ding, Capt. Peabody, froni New'York for Havre, was captured and burned, NoV. 16th, Inlat. 41° 13 r and long. 6fl°ll6',by the plrato Alabama. Her orow was-kept ini Irons for several days, and finally transferred;, to . ;lh»; brig Hiram, from, Peoton, and Uadsd »t,esteHa7. TtlbokS.iike d’hoiix, aslno brig bad arrired at Fall Slrer; and the nun» of the Captain of the Harriet Spaulding is waited* •• • 6t* FiliioxscOj Dc^VS.— ThwMpCj&me tilled fcf 'WBdgaaiiajr. .with tuo.oo#la irtatijip.- ; ~ T A'eopper leedy 'Wble'h ;1» tr»«iW>"for tlx. mllef,buboen dt, covered in Maripclaeounty. Thelloaie of Aetembly of Nevada yelled 'a'mlly dninlniotiiljr, requiring mining oSrpo- 1 ridont tohavothetr oftooain thlthTerritoryy »nd giving foreign corporation! ala month! to comply irith tho law. .1. .„■ r ; • V ; -:. - ■i-1 f Deatroyedby FUe;^;\‘ \ Pa-;,»4 ; .Oiphiair if arm; School, it Zellonoslo.. Balltr coanC Pi., undar the caroof Bn. u wet thld J«f ‘ ' ?! -children vrero mercifully ievid,>hal the i i baUcUhglj bbßtlhg wlto .mhU.ol: farhitcre.pruTtllein, clothlng,Ao.y war UHypoMßawd.. —— r : t \ [Toilb.ia swfia oJi tiod “-ty \J i jb> * T.’.aaia b4uw Iriom .f oilresfi Monioe* Philadelphia, Friday, Dessmbsr 5. Advices from Fortress Monroe, of vestar : day, announce the sailing of % fleet of seven transports and two iron-clads with sealed or flc?s—destination unknown. Mbs no*, Dee. 6.—To-morrow Gen. Vieie, as Military Governor, will issne a proclamation and a writ of election for a member of Congress from this District, com prising the counties of Norfolk, Prinoess Anne, Nansemond and Isle of Wight, with the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth. A large vote will bo polled, as the residents are anxious to save their slave property from the effects of the President’s proclamation by conforming with its requirements. It is known that lion. Joseph Begar has suooeeded in having his district the counties of North ampton, Aoeomac, Oharles City, Elisabeth City and Warwick exempted by the President from tho effect of his lata proclamation.. A heavy storm has been raging here all day. From Boston. Boitos, Deo. 6.—ThJo steamers Mississippi and Merrimeo,fremNewbern, N. o.,anchored ofTWovds* Holo to-day. They will both be ordered to proceed to New York. £ho owner of the bark Harriet Spaulding says there is no truth In the story of her cap tare, and that Capt. Peabody is an imposter. The Welland Canal. St. Oatharihb, C. W„ Nov. 6.—There is a go*d deal of ice in tho Welland Canal, proba bly sufficient to olsse navigation by to-morrow. markets by Telegraph. Cincinnati, Dec. 6.—Evening—Flour vere dull, and Superfine at $5,1006,15; Extra s3^oos,U>. wheat arm. at $1,0301,1K. Corn Me. Oats In ac tive demand at 600 In sacks; sales of 1600 bags st this rats. Whisky 35c. . Hogs In good demand st $4,4004,60 Tor those averaging 2dO to 230 lbs. Re ceipts of 7,000 head &ie*« Fork, unchanged; held st lie. Ho soles. Lard levs firm; soles of 300 tierces st ffi£c; Green Meats fine, at 3c for Shoulders; 605}j0 for Bides and 6>£@6>£c for Hams. Grocorlts un changed and dUL Gold $1,2801,30; Irregular De ma»d Nates and Silver, 31,25. Exchan go par. Arrival or Cottox.—The Mary Miller ar rived at Clnoinnati on Friday, from Cairo, bringing 821 bales of ootton. This is the largest' shipment of cotton for this season. .if is currently reportod among the seces sionists in St. Lonis that Sterling Prioe has resigned from the Codfoderato service. CbzcACo Mabxet, DecJ 6.—Owing to a declfne In Gold and unfavorable nlws from Hew York, there "wad less activity U the market for breadstuff!. . Wtuat declined 102 c pel bushel an both bpring and Winter grades, with said* of Ho, gredat O7*>£o9So. Ho, 2 Spring at 8O081&C; Bejeeted red at 80090 c, and rejected Spring at CbHUSc. There was very little bustaessdontrlnfiotxr ami thamarket was quiet and unchanged. Corn raledlduU and heavy, and declined \Q\% per bushel, with Sales of mixed st 34035 c, and rejected at 3003O>£c In Aore. . There was a fair inquiry tor osts, but st lower prises, arul solos were made at a dcclino of frilly lc perbuiheL Ho. lin store sold at 3503<%e. Bye -was quiet at foe. Barley dull; no sales. Seeds steady and in fair requut. Goal firm, bait quiet and steady. The exdtepeut In Oarbon Oil Is subsi ding, and a number of speculators are offering their lots st 70072 c. Most of the regular dealers, howev er, are bolding st 60064c.—Journal. Sups a PaiLAfiXuaiW.—The receipts of Clover-, seed Have been large, add there has been an activs demand. Sales of 9,0Q0i bushels fair and prims st per 64 lbe.-4:hlefly at $3,4005,60. About 10,600 bags have been I taken within the last two weak*, fur export from tub port and from Hew York. Timothy is unchanged. j Bales of 800 bushels st $1,76 02125—Ahe Utter figure fbr strictly prime lota. Flax seed has again been active, and further sale# of 1,800 bushels were made at s2.9oo3,lo—closing st the lat ter rate. Bed Top U held ec $2 •ajwi/sifcwrffijrT*. l'kJSA'im lisarsAwx ;. .......It: tiAJUk Uwaueaud Hanagtr. METBo-esgagttQost, ,
s ' tiAVLNUtJ LNtiTJLTUTIONj No. i J UOSsjfnmu> Sroxrr, (opposite the Custom Buin.) Chartered by tie Legislature. orricnai President—JAMES PABR, J*. ▼son ratannsTß. B. nraith, B. >John F. Jennings, A» Betaemen, Tboi. D. Weasler, Joebaa Bbodce, .. Thoe.'&Blalr, Jaoob.Stuekrath, •-JVancisßcUcrs, Ales. Bradloj. Qedry Lloyd. Alfred Slack. . ! ' Tsc*rx*Bi , Joetah King, ' C. Eng, ' C.B. Wolff* A* 6. Bell, Joe. Dilworth, Cochran, 8.8. Fowler, W. A. Hood, Wm. Smith, J; W. Woodveß', B. 0. Behtnerta, 6. B. Joaee, :Ti |Uhm. 0. W. Blckeisoa, B. F. John, J.MrTieruaa,- B.D. Hartxub, W. H. Pbdpa, •D. M. liottg, . 1L J. Anderaon, 0.8. Herron, Jaa, W. Baxter, ft. X. ttcKlnfov, W. Ihmara. Secretary Tinasnrtr—-D. EL U'EINUCI. -Open daily, froara a. a. to 3p. m. Aleo.Tnoedey anqßetnrdey evenings , froth 0 to 8 o'clock. Depoalta received of ONE DIME and upward*. ! Dividends declared In December and Jose of each allowed tbrradaln are placed, to the credit of the depositor aa principal, and hear Inter- J otjthua compounding It. * - ; Books containing Charter, By-Law»,Ac,,furoiihod •OTThU iuitiHtfcrn^oSer»,' > c*p«cially' to those per sona wbuee earning* ere amalV tb* opportunity to Accumulate, by email deposit*, easily saved, a sum ,wbJcbarlll be a resource whoa ooedodjjtbeir money interest, Instead of ■: wiTfiOtlyemwsa OttmANtf CHiUKT SALE.—By vir toe of nn order of the Orphan** Court of Alls gbebyyOOOtity,' ln Ho. VO of October Term, 180,1 wUtexpoho to PtthUo Sale, at the Court Bouse, in tbo jOlty of Pittsburgh, on bATUBDAY, December Soib,lBf2,al 10 o clock a m., the following dcecribed .premUee: All that certain lot o! ground situate In the Sev enth Ward, (formerly part of Put tp.) City or Pitta bnrgb, boandedand describ'd as follows to wit: Be inrMrnumbhr'tbifteui. (13) In the plea of Uts laid out by Jeiomiah Linton, In Pitt township, which ’ plan u recorded In the offloo for recording deeds, Ac, in ahd for the county of Allegheny, in Deed Book roLfrB, page 463. Banning as (be corner of lot No,’ twelve (12); thence along the cqal road near Duncan 1 street* distance of twenty-four f:ei to Uno of lot number thwnee along the line of the earns to Locust street, as laid out In said plan, now called Franklin street; thence along the tame, par. allot with Duncan afreet, a distance of twenty-foor foetito. lot No. twelve, (12) to Duncan street, the plea of which Is erected a two-story frame dwAunghoute. / . - / ■ttaKSoy-ftei*-One-half cash: bulancoio three' 'months, to be secur'd by bond and mortgage. > t TV VBQ&E&T WATcON, AdmlnUtrator. : noai-Uudsw' ~ - . ' XNTEKNAL KEVEN.UIfi.--*All persons Interested are hereby notified that 1 hare receiv ed from the. Collector nr thh.Xweuty' second Penn sylnuiia Oollfctioh District tbh lUtof taxable* sub leotito license duty under the Excise Tax, for the .Second fioh' GolleetloxDietrlc*, embracing the Uwn ihlnacf Crsecent.-Moon, Findley, North Fayette, WAMriaoti.-South Fayette, Upper fit. .CUlr, firett, NwUle, Lower fit. Glair, Snowden, Buldwlp, tha borough of TcmpvraooevfUe, In tbefcountjof;Allegheny.; .. . . • - -IkllliecelreUie t*xe*M:aftresald*t my ofDoe, om the hteubeuviUe Turnpike, in tbo borough cf Temt«raneeviUe,.Pa., during the period of. tvesty. five days, !i6lh DAY OF NOVESKBEBsn* tlUhe 24tb DAT OF DEOEUBSB, Inclusive, be tWe#n ibAhonraof 8 o*clocka. m. and 3 p. m. i AU oereona neglecting to pay their tax within the time juusunifonrof iO p«r V- r ■■ -’/• • •j'in lAzeeauuhe paid in.Goranim.*nt funds. c ~Ti -“‘V/t Wekh-b Lawson, .■Deputy Cotiactor District, .. PtcafTtrafflai. <» .u •- . • ,tv IN; oath*«uitfrof Hotr*rd,doc’i,b*Tlnr' lift tttnifttottttf th«i | radcalgn*l,tU l p6Ttoftafa' ' to Miaitfct»»r»yw»Mi»dto ta&* warnt» |g~ udiU »g*lc»t tbe tsm» to j IttlA. !' } r-i jjdc o—llil.'.!l‘ 54 uU* IX t *H Xt&'2K . . **? SPECIAL. JTOTICES. jg'-lake superior Copper Hill and SMELTING WORKS, Pimsun.in. PAEK, M’CURDY & CO., Msnutotturere of SHEATHING, BBA2IERS AND 80LT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOM RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, STALTEB £OLDEI<; also Importers and dealers in METALS, TIH PLATE, SHEET IBOH, WIKE, As. Constantly on hand, TINNERS’ MACHINES AHD TOOLS. Waxxaor**, Ho. 119 First and 120 Second struct* Pittsburgh, Penn’a. AVbpedal orders of Ooppcc out to any desired pat* tern. my23uiawlyT Confessions and Experience PAH INVALID. Published tor the benefit anil as a warning and a caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Peony, Ami sup plying at tho same Umo the means of Self-Cure. By one who h** cured himself after being put to great through medical imposition sndquack •rj. By a poet-paid addressed envelope, siKQLB ooras may bo h»d of the author, NATHAN IEL MAYFAIR, Eeq., Bedford, Kings 00., N. Y. ahlDlydkwT T. n. MILUtR. ..WILBOS KULU. VX. 0. 80E18805... WITHROW POPqI.SIM ..... ‘BOBINSON, MINIS & MIL- jTicka, Foranxxs axn Machinists, Washixgto* WoRRAi Pittsburgh, Penn’a. Orncx, No. 21 Markxt Strut. Manufacture all kinds of STEAM ENGINES, AND MILL MACHIHEBY, OASTINGB. BAXLSOAD WORK, STEAM BOILERS AND SHEET IRON WORK. JWJOBBING AND BEPAIRING done on short pntlret. mb2Btdly aC’BXTEKE & BASHES, FIRE-PROOF SALAMANDER SAFE, BANK VAULT IRON VAULT DOOR, AND STEEL-LINED BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE MANUFACTURERS. Nos. 129 end 121 Third sfrssf, bsbmm Wood awd SmfrJtfeM ifrssa North side. •VBANK LOOKS always on hand. mh2S JC’COBNWEU. & KERB, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, it the old wtsUlshed Coach Factory, DUQUESNE WAY, (hxar Bt. Clair Ntrr**.] •QT Repairing done as usuaL Steel Works. ISAAO JOVU -~JOUB L. BOTD. JONES, BOYD & CO., Manotocturen of CAST BTESL; also, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, STEEL SPRINGS AND AXLES, corner of Boas and First etreots, Pittsburgh, Penn’a. * ocl9 ry JOHN COCHRAN & BRO, Manufacturers of IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, "WINDOW SHUTTERS, WINDOW GUARDS, Nos. 91 Seoond street and 86 Third streot, betweon Wood and Market.. Have on hand a variety of new rat terns, fancy sod plain, suitable fbr all purpose*. * Articular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lets jobidug dope at short notlee. uh 9 • j. a KiRXTATuca *• sirs. gyj. O. KIRKPATRICK & CO., MtMftrtmwi «nd Wholesale Dealers in LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, CHANDELIERS, Ac. oarWboleaaie Agents fbr BIER’S CELEBRATED ILLUMINATING AND LUBRICATING CARBON OILS, No. 89 Woon Strut, opposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. jalflJyd tyß, B. & 0. P. MARKIiB, Paper MANUFACTURERS and dealers in BOOK, PRINT, CAP, LETTER AND ALL KINDS OF WRAP PINO PAPER. car Have removed from No. 27 Wood street to Ho, S 3 Sxnlthfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa. carCASH OR TRADE FOB RAGS. my 4 HOLMES & SONS, Dealers STjfoBKIGN AND DOMESTIC BILLS OF EX CHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, BANK NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 67 Market street, Pitts burgh, Pa. CUrOoßectlous made on all the principal cltfrn throughout the United Statee. ap22 H. COLUIfS, For- WADDING ANDOOMMIBfIION MEBCUAKT and wholsHle dealer ta BUTTES, SEEDS, JISH, and Produce generally, Ho. 25 Wood fltreot, Pittsburgh. Pa. wjutts. WANTED— A boy from 16 to 18 years old, to take care of and drtrc a bow, and at* tend to tbe liable. Inqalre at THIS OFFICE. dc-Ulw - - WANTED —By a gentleman and his wl/a, two or tkree tuomi In & peltate hour, In or near tie middle part of tbe Wwn. AdJmjs BOX 13. PlUtborgh Poet Ogle*. • d»fi?3t WAITED —-A yoaag man capable of taking charge of a country residence?, between East Liberty and WUklnibprg} one famtUir with bonea and cattle. To aocb peroona prominent altu* align can be bad. BeCezencea required. Bnqolraat lit Beoond street, near Wood. noES - WANTED— A good reliable party-to take the annoy for Pittsburgh, (or larger ter* rliory U desired,) of bWIPT’B SUItS&A CLOTIIX3 WEtBQKB. the slmplsa; and beat erer made, a!* ways ready tor a laoe eollar.or a bedspread, without any adjusting whaWrer. No rubber bends, straps or springe to be regulated; no Iron to rust tba clothes j nooog wbteb \no complication; do anything but what is good. AUsthe fixing Itcrer requiresis to put Uon and take it off the tub. .C&mpactandbeoß* UfuL We want parties who are «nargeilc,and know bow to push trade, and who hare means sufficient to do It, To such we offer good inducements, and tho best Wringer the market has seen. We will send a sample machine to any address, express paid, on so* eeipt of tbs retail gnoe—s*.. O. H. WHKKLKE A CO., Bole Agents, a;2fclw 87# Washington St., Boston, Mass. gAILEY, FARRELL &CU m Forms Stsxri abotb Si FLTOBEBS, GAB AND BTBAH FITTI PTJMPB, mltabla br Faro*, Ott i*. rlao, and other perpoMi, hand and tomlahed at r ' notice. CAST I BOS AND WOODEN SIL pot op is tb» most dwirabla minor. GAS FIXTURES oa band ud to A. Urge aaeortment of BRASS WORK oa bud i&d lor sale oa reasonable terms. nol OIL REFINERS, DISTILLERS AND BBKWSS3.—In aooordanee with the national T«x Law, all persona engaged in anj of toe sboro occupations are required tokeep each books as are specified in tbs lawr and make tri*montb»y aad : monthlj re tarns, also in snob manner sa is specified by la«« Tbe tmdenlgned are preparing the rarleas booss with printed headings, blanks for tri»montbly and mmthiy reports, in roioe* of ex ports, bondf,.bULi of ho., and solicit early orders for the same, as bat a limited snpplr trill bo made at first.' Wtt.Q.JOH»BTOK4OO., • job Printers, Blank Book tfanafactnren and - - Stationers, 57 Wood street, selfigawtf -■ JJAGBI 3AGSI BAGS I >2,000 Botalca Bop; Gunnj Bogs* Bomboy Bocks . ; Urg*, baiTj, Linen fiocki; ftjooOArmy, OoUtndQorn 4oj . .600'JSUtMeki; lotnli by tOTOHOOCE, HoCJBKIBt * {XV CJUNDRIEE— : ‘ Extra Taalljr; DRY APPLES—IOO bwh bright Aptlss,' , l DRY PIACHKO—W do halte* ‘ v • OHIOHB—2O both, large; ... - a.:i ■■■: nAX6ssz>-40bt2sh.FUx«Mai. . <.#•■ ■ - Tor sale it 185 Liberty street* by / Wa/KBECRACO., del . Who'esaie Propers," ~ SALTt SALT II— :: 200 seeks fine Liverpool Bolt; !•.; .•••» •• 200 da do Table Salt; . To arrlTe end Ibr sale At fcnrprlue by, ’ • bo2T.- • -H. RfPßLfc. lsaXibertystreet. - il RAPES—IO lmah. M Kelly laUDd!’: VJ Grapes* wy fibs, jut reeeiTel And far sale by. BETMBBABBOS., ao£9 • , HL.at OaVar.a. «ilTcoai» m«nc® oa MONDAY, Pccemtcr S.h. lAvs . Circulars a» be obutned t* l . b « Stoics, rinne retnMro t > tt-rrcs. etc.; ortaij«»»' riM mhj be made of. Hus 'Ait ia pcrica, eiihera; the Soho?! or at No- V- l t FuQrtb s; eet.' d*s.4td - • gCHOOL VUK \UUMJ LADIKS, IS rHILAFKLPUIA. Miss MABT E. TB&OPP bas n f.rst cUs* Board* ingand D*y Schco* fcr fvuug LuJ-w, ia PLUodal* p&ia, at Cbeatniit #triet: » • Price tu UoirdrcT, nutludjcg washing and tuition io tha Etgluh brhucUa rnd la Breach,) coauiuisg fall i«uticuUr*, raay bab&d os application. uirsatsfEs: Hob. J. E. l'ittebnrgh; Jos* T. Loqaji, K«q.. “ Geobob W. Cabs, E«q.. “ . . Jat Cooke. K»q , PbiUdo'phia; CoL J. B. Mooaurad, ** Prof. Jon* 3. Ra&t, Trcctoo, K. J.; Judge Gaita, US. fopr-m? Court. co^S^y IJK) GLASS il AJS U !■’AUIU UEiid— Tlndiar tbe demand fcr I'ITIiETPGK’S XX FLINT GLAS3 PATENT OVAL LAMP CQIM* NETS much greater tnuii oor p.r seat cipacitj to bopplt. oadutshloe tbe public to be fall* eupplkd';: wliu theeo UhBIVALLED CfllilSSls,\to haTe oca eluded to .grant the t-rivilcga to manufacture tbem to houseqcif respectability. This course ha* been rendered aeeoscair iloce our ' prweut production Is but FIVE THOUSAND DOZEN PBB WEEK, while the tkmansi U^lmcrt »hoUj tor tho Otal. These of our own nanufactcro will bo disus* gwUhaJ hyner trade-mark of XX FLINT GLASS, Whi£h ether* are cautioned from cilog. All packages of Chimneys made und&r oar license will bemarked with the name of.patcatce and data of Uses of patent. • For particulars apply at Fort Fitt CU« pol9:Im B. D. DITIfSIDGE. R. BULGER, Ag't, Maaufactnrar of ercry description of FTJ K 3mtv Om prices reogo from Sto 30 cents. We pot op the fcUowlng kinds: JAVA, 2ULB*CAIBO, ST7^._ m ßJo t 810 AltD BUPEHIOS CdFVEB. W« belUve onr Codec to bt> l*a<-r than any ground Cofleo now In use. Ail orders addressed to ujjorto oor Agents, Messrs. PLACE A YOUKG, l&d Chpnt* b*rs airset, c*rn*r Washington Aow Yo£ City,and Messrs. POLLAItLA DOANE,island 191 South Water street, Chicago, Illinois, sill rocalro TABBR& PLACE. ' JSUIOAIi-OAKU.—W; Hovels hamicr, m~D., o/.Ho» Ycrk. cooteiaputca.:. belz>% lo- Pitt6bxirgh .cn tfca fitu OK DEOKMBKB-., NEXT, whore he will devote, aiYsnal, hiVEA.CLD- : SiVB ATTENTION to tbo M-dlcsl vnd'Scrs'cal iMkCaeat of'OHBOKIO DISEASE?; especially those at the Lowol Basel, aaoA>ss PiLs, Stricture cl the Cowe-U'l'lr-crsiiaa ol- the Bowel. Ac. AU.S ihevariuui Ohrooicßiiesics ox.the . Womb, tfco Kidnetß, the Bhi-Ker. Ac, His red*. deace will be at the MOSONUAHELA IIOOhB, where he tn»y bo suen mid cibaUUed'Croin 4 o clout - • m. to 5 o’c.ocfc p. ql. dally, lie will ritit patients - jp say pert of lh»>citv. j* n. at the Wooden and Willow Ware Store of , ; W. J. K.ALS, no7: T m •' STPTanvor-cl. Plt;*l»hrrl». Pa. . JH. O’NEIL, Manufacturer of TftlKE* , * WORK, bat alwaje on bar.d iind makes ta.or-™ .' Mar SCREEN WIRE CU»TU ; FLOUR JJ GRAIN,.. SIEVES': COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE* CLOTH: BIRD CAGKS;, plain oftd craimental < WIliE WORK, for jrard; lis, fi?«cr etaaiW Arch- • i wavitor dowel a. Wire Lattice anil Trrliia Work for" ■rbora. Ac.; NURSERY. E sd STEEL WOKK& - tt9*Warebcttse and Works, Cbnur of Woyn* areet and Dusue.no TFcy. - ■ We are cow. largely maoufictaring BAR, ROD god HOOP IRON",and arc prepared to promptly .fill orders for all *t«a extra quality Doe iren or good paddled. .BROWN soSfrlm ‘ Sceeessor*to BAUpy.BrowhAGo^ rv c { " SATLOB&BSIITS, ■■ : : Refiners and dole™ in CARBON Olt, tmsnrpaßaed , byaay.ihOie.toarke^; WTOfdenleft at their office, ito.* 41 MARKET - STREET, ox at thElr works In he promptly attendod to. • _ ’ ’ :■? MTBfoeriof CRUDE OIL. di&m Produce:— ‘ t' lid bhla. choice Family near; . Sdreesed Hoxn / . , . - ; - 1 bbL Sweet .Cider; JCOiftfciresb Butter; ** 400 Cm. prime Geeie Feathers; . 10) box& choice Cream Ches*o; Beoelred and for tale, by ' H. RIDDLE, ... noST/ - No: IKI Liberty atroet. TONAS WHITCOMBS ASTHMA O BKHKB7; ! . • *'...•• . .-'T JONAS WHITCOMB’S ASTHMA BEMKDY; ‘ JONAB WHITCOMB’S ASTHMA HE _ ,a jb« -bakert>*', so.dior-saio bj.lbts; 14ml Ldl.^ attli»F«ttilyOrorerybtdr»M:i• \ . ..•, • JOHH*A. BFSSHAW, . • ; ,y Lili-rtr »r a~ Bm* rALZhjX. : \ A/jr**h —ppiyjmt ruxiT»d aid for ralo'st “r. -' thftJ*«il7sr*»* l f,Swr*o< . . • • •»- ■-*» C--/ ■ [" ~ j. r JOIIK-v.? iit)WlL'KAA.VtiJ3^tori r.t iVfßaleby JWWH* waiiSF. 135 Wood gt,-. PITTSBURGH, PAi, COLYIK & HASOS* Ko. i»trf«t.