.JU.. fttolro# TnimaDAT .MQSSIMSi— -■*• - . ‘ > «kt, Mirit of: frefiddih. bQ J*ot at tfce. to Freedom-root ?eaee, bpt I Freedom.'’®* President in his message sneaks more of and Freedom ana Union" arebecoming more and more Men are ‘mw “one and. inseparable j wide - slavery and Disunion are becoming equally l inseparable. contowd. ■ 'mUed,i*hi?indistlnetly perceived, beeauso shronded'intoiiisls of ere be ginning to-shoot out’ brightly, elenry, mndly; anil the same Spirit which, at Cre ation’s dawn, rnored upon the {ace o the agitated sea of-humanity. Its voice « heard and re-echoed -from the ft W* CongrW'fronrthtrPrestdentlat' aaMion, from the - Beats ofleaming,fromthechnrches j and item to places where people meet for . joeUd and’ religious ftdlowablp-from the fire side,'the workshop, thefield, the park place—trom earnest, honesh hearts every where; and fromlhoalmostunpeopledxegion 1 6n-to"P«cifio slope to and suffering districts of Britaln-suffering m of tikis iwsrrrthe same ory -oes up—“liberty and Onion.” Bat liberty is do longer an undefined abstraction, floating in poetic ™ d hek in vague harangues, but airing, aciidgpower, that is at this moment elulch bHy throat of its anthgbnist,and calling to real, not ideal, slaves, to. go . ftee. | « great, is this work of emancipation that oren-ffie-movements of our armies do not ' ‘ so ahsorb the minds of men as it does. Thm is tree of all those who approve and those | Who condemn; those who urge forward the work, and those who oppose and resist it, > those who shout, and those who malign, sneer and hiss. And so the Spirit, (as Is song of theisoulof John Brown) “is march ing nm" -T . . - " _ The Source oj Treason; anS Rebel -r, —~~ . - lion. , r ThePitUburgh Pest, commenting on the Message, says: . The Presidenl.lays down, the followfag geSrM She he derives all his favor oi STbhsSe oldsboUtionidea, .«d*. kas been refuted just sa often as ieenadvanced. It is notonoua largo slaveholders were the last toPJ® ■way to the; Southern malcontents, because tkey bftdti* moat to lose. - It has been refuted, lets it? IVhen, where, and by whom? Will the Ad bo kinfenongh, (if it Onnis.the aboreqnolcd assertion has any trath-m it,) to to ■ which ahoands’ iii “large, slaveholders, and haa ever been contrellfid by them where a poor white man has little if any more political powet or influence thaq_a negro slave —secessionists rose early and ruled uneontoollahly; while • 'Western Virginia, where there ■if any i'flarge" slaveholders, slarel retain'loyal? Will It how it is that in Eastern Tennessee, where aw no‘‘largo" slaveholders, tta mass of the people are loyel, While » ■«“ middle and western porous, are nirAaions and plantations and e are holdersareWthopooph.ere neariy aU secesh? or how it happens that the rme Mtogood in Maryland, Missouri, andlin- .la« States, that w|«re slaveholders abound, »nd #e« B lt»mr fl nnm.rous,reb,U i onm r pant, ond that where slaves and large 1 holders are few, ** P^P 1 ' “* nMe iMti wniot be *7. at variance wiai the Po.t. sad logic* ' - Bunxaide’s Energy* . && s S?rE&&!2 aSu.%s*!Si“s»" detaUa of hia.anny work, Sg&B*:teftSs rSrssa^l’Si er, . Ids mealfl other pafflengeft »»® , * ik «® hfta flame g&ssabsg' his »PPKpriat« SiSTiW ** them about the at.aUjSmes, **"?} 11 * ont earnestly ■“oSSffiSSSS#* *-*-* \9SBSK®S*fi IntS'aS^ bHu-Siui, tori know him—and m 7 im Pr*" Bionadat* fromtho Ume(a. 7e" . ho, almost alone among aU othen, wa* <* _ only buoyant heart that had any h°P , thaiESF of.Uij .wrecked expe4ition,but whioh,throughhmown to aSSa energy “ ll J ' t " l ?S ( tto jwan vdeatruetion; an 4 ; .aehieycd tor thefiret important«"*“***s Maned the ebrins ekmpalgn of the preseM • JZ*-C°Tj>ftfrr- &'»inS l/.i •.a-- SUI. •i 'ijevi' Ema»elP®“®“ »“ Missouri. enough, butJSfKSjLt eohVertinthe cause, seal of another recent con«rw The Union, rrhieh supported jh iJ°favor of the Onion Central Committeem 1 ; not miking SMgMMi SSS&fe&fggs* „ may dispose of;tho subjoct. , ' took: Ui© " We Jiuinbera of" 6tf* ~ who hOTohitherto been 1 2 , Sl_^L!!jK —“'. ~~~ ~ ' ! \ Trojan Horse* The rress oii tbe Message* Aninoidentin H>e ,T „ ra tb. S. *. W»®* t l V-J „„ related lo mo by an inulligent -»rsl£^«l3«sjr‘^g£ S^S^^d3sfSS=2S -Xbrithani Lincoln: To' disparage his ibiiM p wotd am , to headquarteri of ties, criticise his rhetoric, pronounce him , G en . Sumner ordered ten w®* 0 ”* , toohlow armed proc«d msmm llsir-ssi ssssss * «* Biblo moment, to the mild array of law, or 4"“d£ws M&sage discusses. many ■““‘“SE’r'rtsufeot sees and pro s/s®is&3Ssi SStoaSSing with him on the main iSSS re accustomed aO*y is to lemselees tto slaTe-holdere o under, we _ *■ Better end it at lpp was the peat error "we ought ,0 profit by oth- WJ bio. And when we •**£%£* b 0 “’ 3^rSFffli?2~3S neTded“ Meantime, lot us'be patient and W ° rfc l [From th. »c TotMte-f - ' . , s£sSgAf-f§ Sriisj-Sr&S s3SBS»Sw S££S3£ss3= mendation and argumo to ar aUusion “mmends certain reß tn4m°e P nm to ti.e constitution, proriding K“ull inrui Vor tllO BpBCifio tClTtilß . » r &&&&£*& uSlLreswho ISMteSW disloyal, shall be com ’3&wssss»is the cause alike of foreign and do 2££ *sFv S til“r troubl«, with a«md<»lmt'does him P-fe«iSsSS|i lu’tbS, he has,'tho most “questionablei SSsßasastfSKi Bggg&rsßSWi tio Mr°Ll^lAls i also , profoundly right'ln the/ffeotwill net cease; fsSSSs»3i|i dtoSppStsednr.pnf'Outof j interest „ aa opportn- SflsMS mteßg&et I^«SS&2US : ifcas»i«B«&tßas>*^ S^gls ISssSs^g corse upon posterity, no legU _ Ifrighfor a moment the »***“*>s£• eial class against integrity and pre . ** Uon of his country. . - -Tits liOjriHW Tme#’ Riouhosd . . _Thore ii considerable eTSdenc* |S^«s2ssssa ssjSitiuiS'"- «*«»{» tin tort hot is a man of S 5 »iie; and elegant abort iJWWW %°4.gfeii-Hggj Cheering Prospect.. Members of C«fM» , igM .t a. ' out to quartemaatrf. “Sill confident that srhen the department, w a weeping SS3i®^~ * «■ r - E&as&i tZJrcfti.il. r.lHteu. assess |a5Ss3SSa.Mt RaSissSSffift' MSSSSassis . 1 nen 1 , - pffiSSK:Sr’Ssggg _»w Rapp^ ci&y be reue 7 on iaff . fl __ Barnside m*de i& I fidenceofeucceaaiß undoubting. I-tat m •£s!=SsaSssw l :ctvres. AT EBON OITY •IMfEJTJOS.; 4«v?,Sfe' I aSI) A HALF tirofttl of tb» l***■**• Cftrdtkl Stodt, oa *°£?£iJ? n TiwOaoip* 0 * •»»»•• SiSKT* M. ATWOOD, ***«*"*• l'~ • 'bq2\^i»^ — VUlilC JTOTMCES. goMS!*.* *o»bSTS «* *» 01 ' 3mKl . I 'il»»' CloCk P 'daVID HtQBTi Pk«Up«. isrsSSZJSS^iS^- ** Wood ai TMrtiWtA, jrerr QailAP EDITION. j VICTOR HUGO’S LESMISERABLES. only nnmbrlflA* •d traaiUtloa. oxUtlns lei tblt.swrroDoß* ic *****T* W ?* # * 1 00. pidv Cotw—— If ient by Ball* pcrt«fl»» • Oloih— —*~~*~ Fopor CoTer^—~—* —‘****“ «AU».) TOTH 8TB1»1. o»o»JU U» V. 0. a bdesco oil comp ant, "** Wo. 27 tnrlxMrui, PUUtmrlX, ta M»naf*ctar*n BMIMD OA»B0» Oil. 8 1?toM *» BoßnoA MnU (n gl! jon. By oir low-.—f—-""** ,» •• “ : I fioxn»rfB fop Pjf.V*** VMpn&tt 4th. 18fl3- -t* CONSIGNMENT& loobci-.w.B.ch^.; 80 do HnniOorf Ccooo., . 40) tnlh. roUteoo: . > 100 triilf. pt 4«» AWll.t 1 ■ J6O do MAckMOl; Jart roeolTod nndfor TA „ qOB dKB, I t 11* BAeond otr—t. TTXANTED TO PURCHASE— A Farm ct 100 Acta, good tod. in «>» “ 11<,1I1 “ g »»««,• (AU. t h«J •x=*P«i) *“ X ' AHDKB WHITMH, (.ttlin* I”l“i »«=«■• ■h™* mantt. P»- »m» p. WX\TED-5i- bpytrom 16 to 18 yea™ dHUW _ -r na'Fu.A il’ocxieT Boo*i with: about (Kt***;^Lf’ 1 ™?. i&dtrKEi it »t th. <.m« - s-y >ii m—s Battdlea Venuon; on Un, * forjjli itUU«»*”* m vaM aOBDIB. VyjAtilLußab—t>u Dola. *«• #i lar B # i JxLluito.'* **i *» " 1 ?. 1> 7,in PICKET * 00. - < oO&OiUJM. —15 bbla^Corgoum QTmi m*i*»4*»* tof "ft&r.Z d»l' ' **' “ JO#* **kt>jr . ; .ftta.MbwtT tfft. jjSHtIKHiKij—!S4 boxes prime to j CO.t A '' 75 Writ *m W rtT^— 6t) w 4» *> - .*ppS?.w*«- ?'i^!» ! SeaSSfe ol , ] L T^; . Jettwrttjig *«!•*• Rm‘/m\th£li itwi. waa 1 ' THU MAG A. ZIH EB, PAPEBB, And .11 olt.r p.rlodl»U, H U N'T’S, MABOHIO HAU-. Tirtß STBETT, A,*.,.r, 10«. JOHN I’. HUNT, Mb .nd hui b«s.u ct , B<“- d Masomioßau., Fifth St met. qtaMOMD oTlwo rks BAYLOB.A BUTTS, OA.BBON j bj inf In U>« BUket «-| o- J.&sllSSlAwt Sr (OTBSWJB SfiBiAHD lEOH WIBE ■ plain and ornamental roDBTH 1 poZl:ga»» PAKBOK oil macuinkry fob ‘ ,auu,u law. , . Wluilana Bonding* »nl U “JtfAC SE 55£K»-» B * Ur °* d »— sS?fb. beck ecd of the Wh«t Apply to .mrt. Pl.Ubnrth._g- AYN'K IKON A3IDBTKKL WORKS. id 4 HOOP IBOK, Md tro prej»ro or pod erden fbt »n il*» «“• * CO.,_ «m g»»r.»nP-"” -B,C T°* - Slfpi^TF sS#wssm--— ‘ 60 mitt J*t» ■ . ’ 5£ bb to SiSJdISS W chdci Si t£«S*«U « „J Buck Teu; fM »?iSa* 1b *ior# ■fci *° r rhriVSß 4 LAZEAB. ■ 1 at Md ga amUhfltia itrgjt. HSK S car load* Tork BUU ApJ>l**. 20 bMs. JUnt Hominy; j do EoU Botur, 8 do M«pIo Sns*r*. 150tm»k. Walnut*; 10 do Skellbtfks; 75 do Cmlonr, And far tala bT- r\nrsE?isEss[DisriEn^to^^ s\2.*2££ Tax la«> *ll per*e»i booksm •» oSs^tio* ll •*• r r lul ”? n sod ,S2S*j® *• SiSb .p&rt* SoShly wtura* •» to«ocn th» uri»m by (aw. tb« nndetiifiyl y > P[^^ p ° t ri. m vM ,t, blUnrtoE wtUlct-, poMWtoHron wut o«h« «uun tb. P-t tbn» Jew BxOXl Oxsßt j *.Wwrlto Sir: For XW* » twt ytolmt £ *»sWto *t cmtof Ud wy *•• . - • . _„»*. m|m from mltocxtlng. s-uti- * •rsrisisss! ooM Ift. . ch«moo no lirnittft chM*« 0° ter to ° n * *•**• - vn* ■»«• “<*? f* 1 ns« ny U entirely cored' BetpaoCfony. Pxm*t*oH» Deo. 5, WfiO. i -^ r ' m I JSSf iSSL*. Blcedlas of ‘1- tool!*. ««>“*■ Kt«, w =irr - J 1 I fULTOITB ( OUQH HTfiUP. 1 BpKtlfl SSSE SX*®' at-the 1 octosh shots «m ■”« •°*' r * h “ “ , ■SwKSSsSt \L.\L Ao »d‘iui»d rtaOj tojjrwMM* »J 2dt»fc,• don on tbo ant ««im.4“ M - ■ WllOOwtll H ”' " joor llfc. Don't toll to *lt* It nttUL Um ». Hoi« •, . .-i,.a;i«MßBJgg r|TO OOUNTRX ' D* A L«B*r EATOIV, & CO, No*. 17 tad 19 FiW> Sttßot, VooL; «“*•“ »“ 4 "* lO |f(ttV> our *<**«• NKM. PIDDOIBB, »i dl who boj t<> H,8.-iobo«»««>ott«»ntol ’ Staple Dry* Goods, . . ... . «SJIU 41 whelMM* Qpl* JjAILKT7fARREIA * OS, I» rot»< *»>** S«ram»u>. FLCMBiM, qab amp £2d «d fornhiod nt *ort notlc*. OAS TIXTCBK3 on bnnd »ni to nniTO . «»*» WOIK y AOIXtS FAMU* gllKd; OHILDBEiTSFAHCY FEES; aENfB FBBCAFB, OOLLABS * glove* iwr, «l.tT «>4 •«»>• “ f “» rtm. loolion U*l and for m!« *1 y^-gHS-BASijirAUfruJBEH ,S n N a Tli% 4 ?Sas^SS^ I SEES ““'LgJfJJfcitjiuta to be MJj ttMIIVALIjEP OHIMEEYB. n W» KSlSV?*b'wE^’Mlo lb. 4«m»n4U •&»<•> *“ u *"* 1 p2b3 by onr trade-mark o* rums a bbos., XX FLIHT GLASS, WhJ ch -!•*»«» ita*. -■»* d ‘ t * j nolfa.lta m PORT ANT TO OIL SHIPPS®® i^TOs2i£ffisS3|SS: ,u:., aw* f “‘" tonmim* ««» now [jep*r*d to 4 flr*-proor tfcbt •team pump, £SenSofttoT Orlwfll uni.to u hm thdr I**d 0* *b* a^K^SSsS&sriSf •o 0. KNIGHT * 00., wiOUSBAIB GBOOBBSr i -J : im&AEHOOa»,o«gM»a»lpMv. ai»seu»_ ! EDtICATIOJr^L. qtSoOL VOiTyOUNG LaSiKS, js - pMm »t ISil' Cbwtadt ' h )4T * nsMnx and P«U CT Ur.,ma7b.»l “■■»'“"■• kt»»<»: ' Hoa. J.K.Hoi*«ii, Eituburii. CoU J.r- >tf _ N j. •>•*••' Cl»ii TUrilt°g : Tial)mt . &ias*&sß&SSZ. JATO S_ ' I bho.rfcW«^^ ft,^^^fSSßOTr J*(!sas«.‘»BßS?J Ml. Burchfield’s, JCST MOEVSD. htuu loss tntiiw ll 2°' SsoßLAOKOiSSiaia* *>• black owjhiBgfJEJfi. BLACK THIBBT&HA"LB, BjjrBBOUB OLOAKSi otJSxSo CLOTHS; Wttk »!•**• press flood* and- Domestic*, JTJST BSOKITID. \TO& 77 AND 79. ** B ,m.nrtS««xW7 tor l*diw S?!tBY*OW>TW ®SS»SKk-' “ rfpMJMEBT GOODS. JOSEPH HORN® DRESS GOODS, Ladies and Misses, BARKER & CO.’S, 59 Market Street. AN UNPARALLELED ASSORTMENT, From 12} to $2.60 pet yard. jgiGHLY DESIRABLE HEW GOODS, SVlacrum & Clyde’s, from 0» Sn Toik ultal™ VoM. Sling*. Kmbroiderie*. Ribbon*, W.WDdd-k «p«M BOtlc#totb**t*it «xt«ntf „rf,t J «b 4 Um r*" *■ ,wdt •* jmr England Woolen Goode. QHOOP 8KIBTS; ooasiTS; TOBSi»HWoaooDB: TABII( . HJ4D-DBSBSI8; aOOM,So**»4 And * tall il» «' •»« ?*** L"* !““<"*• 3^MSS*?«S£siß ludccfUm«xpw«*- ~- J - MAtTRTIII&QLYDB, : ;i - T 8 HABKET BTBBBT, *n4 fourth) gpb£lMl**oomi up i.AKfIE SE French and English OSINTZ«EJ9» AHD WIU. BB SOLDAt OIDPBIOM. ** a^s,i ■ M M imlnmiu? 5 - DOlft ’ ’ ~ ’jYAL.MOKAi' BAUtiTi— VoooSAtBOBALBSISM, i,bU«h»tt4W«- Woi «lon.; :-MBdunU tnd 4*iW»; ««***: ta qmaailtj' Kb jmsM.\4>WU*»‘-» - but i t : *i*oH,*A*® ,n, * OO ’V: I : "":. ' ■■:■ ■ :: - A f-g3pA«T lAfl-oy fifaK T. < ?!**** “* i itttttf*-* •* e *“* , ‘* js^tep. gsssi r rjflSSAY~*i2*w - - jTtm Jfforßetf D®***- ~ T 6 'Last -Year's Prices' yrtton Jnkirw*lT«l >«to*•» JOSEPH HOBSB, sn. n * nWißwetsreS: mHB GREATEST BAKGAISB BVBB UoyisBMJIS AIIEISBSOf |. . - ,1312, T GOODS &re&9ir 0. EAHBOH LOTS * CO.’S. •vr.toT... bM4«;S‘ ta Ur *“ , “ lb, “ winter DB¥ goods | Shawls, Cloaks and Bren Good*. DOMESTICS. our took of > KAaKi , iSf«wa“' 1 0. HAHBOH LOVE & 00. JMVSSIMXJrTB- j^Smi26SS2^fHKATHK. f in— md flSinmta) SVIMHO. D«, **, w \?nib« pr**entcd* Yfm*ffr lo XlfCla* Bomw l PiI! aSSSII.I--.JAOKaos haihiu. .. I ' To eofld&a* with.. y oUNS ACTBEfeS. U .lioh will to *"«»*'• I oetii*. —ll^ DtOM-— t, ratmd oormOT, m»is bj. ass.%?r«* & ’“ n,a ' , "°«M ,[„ t m u the»boT» 2X> A. iamwood 6 oC **T*rT?^t/ roo d or&t.--~~ Mr *&asa ss£« *»**»»■>■■£» £ .«JSaSHST»3». mt» ».■“*“* ,i -»sayaagaff. * Bw —-: £ 1 mS*Sj IXJ*£™££?ZZl~ — ——• » ' ® ' aScSSS 4^™*^' i I bj o»ch»r4t-®« * ,6 ”-jo£J"aTSi2boS j -tor el Wood »trert. n«6 JJOKDON EXBLIBmON.^^^I FBIZS MJSDAI* PIiHOB, jua> w tSrk l&OrrtFrt« “«“„■; taWlM* dan thb fommK, cl Tms» * n4 " : K piiso * oal cctkvs am* ■ Hue, wtth «*“* °“”" 8 ’ llh tr. am 4 W ',._■ a^ f sr rs^^S’teSp teoin guaoyWitn two_ attM&ti lew «*• **■* SsSBS£S«*»- Hiek-Haek*, jane; Goods. 1 «m. UK *" >T^ t *M-^fiT.gt.T J AHB. *«*• _ I ' ’ ! * BALMOEAi SKIUTO JJOOTS and shoes ISOBTMSSt Of JUBT OPEN, ygf, & 9- tiLCeUS pijuroa. «n.4Sgmfc«t. ,AS3 ANB n* tor ——-——■» lirtlTlQjr BAMJEB- MbC3lelland’s Anotip»» Ho. » TOTH STBKST- ißKHpem “Snoot other Meehlnee. Th»:. rfrTt,liJc»tl«ie the _ Lidice ere reepeoßouj., ra<3 T~A. MoQT.gCL.vyD. Ald-L dwkbi boomm b00m... 4? AT ACOTIOS. 7; ' I ’ Jtoaictani ®l •”*! aaoll* 10 ” °* r £ r E'&^'' Si : -HO. u frMTTHfIXLP BT&EtT, .: "T TIItSBVBSB, fB. ; <■ ' ; : • r ltbUfl***?"*** -j [ Bee**’** •“* ** ** l v7: - Ho. I*B Hhirtyteoefc. _ . nolT • 1 .~ 1 ;. • I*»JU «a-*^^.gsfoi& r fc. xffcTW l*KAlf JuAJVU. m bsirel* * . - ;U (W«BMtteJ*ek*da*Toiß»«JiV —KW uitui’ a. f tg iL fIQCPiT.