. \V'i . * 1 ■: -1 ,■ PliiifSfilSa : ' ; . . _ r'V.;;’ ~ ij i >AY -MOBSnft}. SOvTli AFFAIRS. ptOUl ZiPEB or TB g OITr ■t^;^^;' : opt,cUn ' No - 65r^ » o’clock, *. n, 11 « „ Bfthusetw “* Tbos - «• K«nan. io „,:r“ ooiook ' it ""^«o n i« E , ,h. fo7thM aS * 0f Tl,<,ma * B. Ke&an, tried tteir r„ ;° J ° hn A - 'ntid to their xoommder tho charge of. Jndg.! Ster- t lor “ y ‘’“f o "' foaro-oloek thev aig. thal hai open * verdiot. The counwl ward won appeared in Court. Tho “ i brought in and,took hU aeat In the d~.tr "ff ion minutes before four tfc« ““*• At when their names were 1 **“o in, ordered to .tSdqp,^ d ‘?i l “' “• Prisoner naked by the Clerk—’"Sanuo ““H. s OMt iona hare you agreed upon^aVerdict? n“ ***. yen in thla iaano j Jined betwein ih. r° W “ y wealth.and Thoti, £.*£££l u°£??' fondant guilty or not guilt, ?• Tho £ aa.wKigs.’si’f?? Se1I!?9 the Commonwealth and Thoa ' He*Kn^“S^n*” n “^p'^n^htaaVlh »»rd ottered bothby “ i did “ot aa ehaxaietarism iim, difference whioh too often i SSSSBSHjg» ehUd7t!‘* ht ,etri! “ »«o. and has » trial He 1 sEs£&sgS£?. , asSsSsais o«ded into the onatdlTfh.' "' p7b°fev iu ““"‘^ette: paolUy ftSQ the IDDfOTaI of thaie - . S«i^&;Ssi2ss£ ftrdJy»ftnd wholly unjtucifiable Th« M... "»' J ™ d.Zf. nJ, h '” dit &3«““iSSS thei had < SSkm ,U ‘ ll j r V? ,olem n oath which ■s£SSSS£33rS I BuMeluii he oianton Cavalry. TtKdimegamm sm Q mm mlemti Uhton Ck'tjfif?; Col. Soheonmaker, at Camp Montgoa M7 . Aft« £he i*. I fa *“ d whilst tta lines wera Termed, Osn. KttweU wme preMoted to the effiekrs 0 f nguust by Cot Bcboonmnier. Lteot. Pol. Blakeley, as behelf of the regi “ost, thanksd the General for hie kind vieit “ d prewviol to raj; Thet a eertetn Pitta iJorjh newspaper had stated «that the regi ment :wae demoralised; that at least ten of the companies, bj their officer., had Joined £hM!-2, W 2“ **-’?’* to * "“oval of Colonel fiohoonmaker, by Hie Exoallonoy, Oov / Sl£^it < S-« B -“ , i th,t " nol ‘ statements did (TOU iaJastios to OoL Soheonmaker who 'E£P22 k . *u». S b’j h “ ”«“• That the .Utement was b *“ gotten up bj nn -4eßi S t,ln g aspirants for mill tarj hdnora, who were wholly nnworthv of oonfldenm of the i “t 4 men of the “Stan- S“. C "? Ir » tave the highest respect for their gallant commander, and oalj lie sirs the Ull * «ta hS u©-flßia under bia eommnnda Cot nub.i*.- then asked the offl«ST rayVhetfS thS “•** Trffi"'' •**”•«» » papeT for the 1 isk moral ol thlonel tichoonmaker; and eaeh oOcct,replied emphatically, Nol “ Who do Jour Colonel 7" Each officer replied, •' Colonel Sohoohmaker " _ GroerU BoraeU then said : •• Offlwre of thePonrtemUtPennsjlTanU me to congratulate jon upon your appear- P' o ®' l "”*-* W= rertewedi u£o SSrth. 0 sST’ d I ,* m "“tailed to say the Stanton Cavalry in undoubtedly «tra < £m£ld“V r n °t t|to Tory best, I 1,» *“ “ U,8 « 4 that they never aB of 6 too ton. The hon °f h " w«7 reason w SUK???. f J.onr splendid regiment. I con giMnlntn yon in being ao fortunate in baring Oolonei Soheonmaker, whom X Imve known from bia boyhood. I know him dlJ»* “ 4 ,r °rj Inch a eoi a" 01 won bU prosent etatoe k?t h! ra*** J natt ‘ n « of friends or official!, bat by thsi only trao ust of the geoaioe sol «“ “>• k»ttle-ll.ld. Col. Sohoon makorhae had a hne military ednoation de rived from actual sorvlc.r«”hriuL,tl, ratmiod, not only by tho Executive officii oi b, the of „V- 4* to the alleged diffienlties in the ta ta 4 »»t heard of any until his nrtval here. No petition bait reached the Gojwrnor; and if any should bo pruontod from any source, he would ssy to the Oover *nd ,h * t Co e * U thß Killed br the Cera. On Toeaday .retting of laai woak, iho Ex pmi tnis going uiliunw and killed a man at MeUrann'e tunnel, one: and a half mlloaweat ofOxeeneburg, Mr. Hall, ban of track repairing hand., wee juat about doting hU 4*y’ew.rk, with hla hand., at the tunnel! One of thorn, H.»in Fogerty, wa. breaking • .tone in Iha month of tho tunnel. The Ex prau train waa approaching in the .harp onrveat the weal end, and Mr. Hall called to Fogerty to dear the track. The latter only ahowed himaelf barely time to jnmp off tta w *“ 01 “>• tunnel, fh. .EUi *" *>"*•* without harm to him till the aleeplngcar, whioh i. widcrjmnght him bo ita a tape, and draw him under, parted over hie . lege, cutting and otherwieo injuring him io aa to prodnea death lnetantly. Ha i wlftjjnd UmUyof chlldnnTn. wi“£ n doetrlouj Irlehman. Diara or Mr..Tob»MeA»«n,,6r., a member of 00. K, 11th Bogimeat, Cob Coulter, died euddenlr on the JBtn of October. Ho had keen ilex for aome time, but atlHremained with the re *■*“ Vaa hie caaa waa not eoaaldared dan *“*"•*• waa to hare bean dieehargad aa aoan aa haerould receiro hlepay. Ha waa an oldntan,of about fifty yeara ofago. Math la. of 8t - Clair, Pa., a member of Co. Oot - **» of .engaged In battle at BnU Hnnj Ang. noth, aged a&ut 21 yeara. Hotrx.—Wa nndaratand of ri V, hM b “ a elooted Captain iJfIOTUUJiAi'a- AtißUMb—A choice I - *~ •' •* itOCk lad Utjy TViMf li Joff nWm w&SKaaas spsss! \nstx- ’^aamtsaiiv isSX‘!K2!{^i i T® fn4 «Uldm'« HuMoa platu. • “ : , wa.o. jro®Jio^*bo. 1 ; njafc3UwK>d Bt»tlo,lt ,lxtr Tna ’ ootonsitted suicide in hi, barn, on Saturday Us,, by open -35£.fr l * «in*Uh hi, pon-knifo. A coroner's jury found that the actwas'S&alt, dSu if. ‘?l?f x ‘ n Z ' niaraamus, 1; dropsy, 1, scarlet foyer, 8; apoploxy, J- carve, li : cbr °nl° diarrhoea, 1; diphtheria, 3- I lnS^S 0 ”' 1 ; 1; consumption, 1- inflamation of stomaoh, 1; typhoid fever, 2* Ur^'fref^hTowrSf^Tn'^C^. 1 W Mr. h Deni sod* completely crushing it to the irrouhd uj IfkM? ° y Ullln f * °bUd >bout five weeks old ?“<*"»«• ‘be time, lying in ‘ ,310' humed." meahtn ° r «* f»»Uy escaped un- hUDisti SuoacsT’a QuaursELr Miaaon ? r FASHMvs.-.The ladle* will be *i«h »« lojtitaJ O th *»t ai ¥ r ' b J r of **** B P lßl >dfdly II ,“‘ t ™ tod Quarterly, for the winter of 1882-3 U no " m ’ * nd “ay be had from tho Agent fifth do ° rto *be Post Office, SPECIAL NOTICES. iID B aa**’s Sawiao Macuiss, for bSt in “t purposes, are the A. F. Cbatovt, Qeneril Agent. No. 18, Fifth a treat. t. f 1 °* Sall am ? Wxvrim W*f a.—Tha winter iLSPa? Md w# mait oartelrea ‘be ntsteriai to koep ui comfortable. 2 - ?' B^ d t OTer “* t *• th “ ’ Br J »«i -“*> and we don tjknow of any piaoe where °“|"* d ” ra aan *»% one that will look as well, and at the same time withstand the most te rm weather s, at W. H. MoQee * cl", aorn« of Weftlstreetand DUmond Sou.™ Allegheny. Their .took of overcoatings! i di^rinri™ 4 dr “ l pantaloons ortit 1.m7i P .? 1 ' *£l ” U assorted, and of the latest style. The gentlemen', furnishing goods department is all that a purchaser would :£-J M “ Mo 8“ * C »- lf *•"«“ Suuii, merchant tailor, would moot reapeotfally Inform hij frienda and tho tt *' h, t“ wtnraod from tbo tut with hla BOW Itook of foil and wlntor modo. Hia-etook couaiata of tho latest atylea of elotha, euiimona oad resting!, seloetal from tbo loteiUmporUtiona. ..Gentlemen de low« thorn at nay otbor tailoring eatahlleh mont in tho city, would do woll to giro him on So'^TmUo^ 01 ?* 1 merchant toilor, «o. 64 Market street, one door from Third. I Poors ron Soinnwa.—Throughout tho In ddon “d Crimean campaigns, tbo only modl olneo which proved themaelvea able to core tho wont como of dysentery, ecnrry ond fo- Therafore P. oUow 'J'‘ ««* “4 Ointment. Thenforo Ut every rolnntoer mo that ho ii or P^ d WiU ‘ th “ m " onlr 25 oTOt * P* r . J? tt » Property ownen of thli olty onyropoln needed about their honaes will bo done promptly. If they Jeill h, iC°' d ” r “Oothbort’. Corpintor end tafth£l?%2 *"*•*■* •“« reVf?,. wUI b * tok,n theOmnibni offioo, Ho. tOS LlbOrty atroot, day or night. All orders left ot tho oboro ploeo will* bo jjragptly ottondod to. All colli meat bopold of^t* dr v Ba0 T» Ca, ° B —A large oaaortment of theae beautiful corda oonalantly on hand, t l? ord,r for ouj bnaineaa. Lyena Handlin, No. 7, Piftb atroot, below morkot. Dorianx.—Dr. c.5U1.N0.144. Pani. attend! to all branehoa of tho Dental profea- Fan“ral eerrtcee at the houis Mr. Adelr Sevlck ** et 15 o’clock. Curt*,,, wUI bo at tlu Byroad Depot, Allegbeor.ti2U 0 ctet ' » P™*d to_Allegheny Cemetery. I"2.^»SS^ST < HOTOHtt#Oll?^3 , 7 , j , JJ2s . **•«?»'*• of the'tulip u. reepectfollj lnrltej to ettend tbe fanenl,lrltboat tether notice, from herutereafdenoe, 50.47 Ch.tbtm .tnet.on Bat- ObDiT noaoiHo, at 10 o’clock, to proceed to AUc ffbeny Cemeterj.- Tbe friend* of tho femlljr Are layited to Attend tbe ,*™ mra - “ 11 °' clo ' k - •• Proceed to tbe Cemeterj from tlo reeldonce of ber too, Michael Jonte, 130 Pemj itreet. wjurra. 84,000 J.° iober. yAjvvvroff (bftto jeuior fire tern tb WILIUU*3DBDObK!"S£; w «« ISHAI,IS i’A.t'HK wake: LXTTSB PAPBBS, CAP PAP£RO, MUTE PAPERS, BILL PAPXB3, WBAPPIKO PAPSBL A jyp. jydw.ll «or.«l.« wlUlmtold«tlowprlcM IbrCub Uto (heir U».0t40 to n?Tcsl M p.U JOHMBTON A CO.. P«PT Bealofi, 67 Wood «tr^* jwu*'.fcuw huUhk r C (Jtr « ll fr»,Eric* Lilts, Bill Heads. Bosun. S^ 1 Lading, Labels for Huoiicioren, Lslieli S °* onuio*nt4l and ptala PrtnUag, eiocnicd waily, with dispatch, Dt P the latest news BY TELEGRAM. FROM WASHINGTON, OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. [Special DUpauhea to the Pitttbur*h Oaiettow] WaiHiKOTos, Not. 13,1802. On Monday, Ban. Ploasonton’e force woe driten In by the rabeb. It,*, reported to m Btonewall Jackson's oorps; but Pleasan ton, being reinforced by infantry, iirove them back egein. | Our advanoe it now beyond the Rappahan nock, fifteen milee aonth of Wamraton, The Lynchburg Republican, of Monday prodlota an early battle between the armiea of tbs Potomac. It eaye that the number of deaertiona is very large, and that the death penalty is being enforoed in erery case. I Gen. Burnside went to the front yesterday, and was received with the most tumultuous enthusiasm by his old oorps. So is Hooker, by the troops that have served nuder him. It ie said that the Utter wUI oomaand two army oorps. Wsshihotoh, Not. IS, 1882. CUSTOM lacuna. It is believod that the receipts from cus toms for this year will be as Urge as the quarter before, which was over sixty million. THE VOTE IS WADSWORTH'fI BRIGADE. A-regiment in Sen. Wadsworth's brigade, informally Toted on olootion day, 400 odd for him, to 17 for Seymour. AKU3TID. I The pilot of tho boat, which bnrnod the Alleghenian, was arrested near West Point a I few days ago. The said party was eighteen strong, commanded hy an old Nary Llen- I tenant. They took oat the instruments, tea coflee, and officers, and burned the vessel, turning the crew adrift. THE SABBATH DAT IH THE ABUT [A deputation of Christtans, from New York, bad an intarriuw with the President to-day, for the purpose of urging upon him tho importance of enforcing e better observ ance of the Sabbath In the army AH IHFOBTAHT DECISIOH, Tho Qommlaiioner of I.tornol Eohoo. humsdo tho following Important d.ol.ion ooooornlng tbt afflxing »nd cnneolllng of ttampi: Seotion 94th of th« •xoia»Uw nqolroa th*i on aud after th. first day of October, cartel n stamp duties shall bo collected on all In.tru mom., matter, and thing., a. da,oHbad in schedule marked B. SacUon 95 provide, that If any p, r ,on or porion. .halt maka, .Ign or lain., or oan.a to bo made, .tgned or I.jn.d, any ln.trno.nte, document or paper of any kind, er diacrip tion what.oarer, without th. lame being duly .tamped for denoting the doty Impoied there on, or without haring therefore an adheiire stamp to denote .aid dnty, inch parson or peraon. .hall Inonra penalty of $5O, and inch instrument., document, or paper, shall be deemed invalid and of no affect. ' It seem, to me perfectly dear that, by the provisions of Motion nlnety.fiva, the person who oak.., sign, and l..na. the In.trnmanl, te the only person authorised to aOs the stamp required by th.-law; and th. person who makes, sign. » n d ls.ne., etc., without honing the Hemp, incur, th. penalty as aforc aald, and 1. liable to prosecution therefor, and the instrument or document 1. invalid In con sequence of such negleot. SacUon ninety nine provide, that th, parson using or ,os ing the .temp, shall write thereupon th. ini tials of his name, date, etc. Other porUon. of the law Impose paaelUa. upon parson, who receive documents, or articles aubjeot to stamp duty, from the parson who makes, signs and issue, them without being duly stamp*!, etc I am therefor# of the oplaloa that a faith ful compliance with th. rwjuiremente of the provisions of the .*clm law demands. Pi„t_ That ail paper,i .object to stamp „i .ball have the stamp affixed before the tale d. i,. sued. Second That th. stamp .» rtd must be cancelled in th. manner prescribed by the party making, signing br issuing, or in other words, esecnUng the instrument document or paper. Hence, th. receiving of an unstampted paper is . violation of the law The attaching and cancelling of a sump on a document so received I. also unlawful, and the cano.ll.tion of a stamp on a paper other wise lawfully issued, by other than the party executing th. paper to which th. stamp is af. Axed, it improper. The only exception that eal.u in the law to the above ruling, i, In th. case of a bill of exchange or order for the payment of any sum of money drawn, or purporting to be dawn in any foreign country, but payable In the United States, In which case the accepter, or accepters, shall, before paying oracoep.lng the ss mo, place thereupon a stamp, IndloeUng the duty upon the same, as provided by sec (ion 101 of th* exoiie Uw. TH* DtKXfXfl OF KSW TO**. Morgan, Weed, Bames, and other New Yorkers, arrived here to-day. to ooufer about the defenses of New York harbor. They made satisfactory arrangements with the Secretaries of the Navy and the Treasury. cosntrion or vna aaur. Oen. Ualleek la reported to here rotnraod highly pleated with tho condition of Soneral Baraiide’* army. FHOn PHILdDELPHU, [Special Dlipetch to the Pituhnnh Oaeatte.] Psiladolmu, Not. 18,1888. Moj. Qen. Fremont hM been ordered to ro port to-day for doty. Ho loft Now York thlo morning. No reafguatione hoio boon reooiTod on ao oonnt of don. McClellan'. romorol. Sbonld ooy oomo tboy will bo otriokon from the roll, in diigr&ce. Thoro on now oonrol tbomond more op plioonti for oommialont than then are to oaooiai. v , Tho doleful plotnroa of tbo army', dlitraia ot MoClolion’a remorat, gotten op by tho oor roipondonto of tbo Philadelphia Prm, Now York Herald and World, are mere fanoy aketohea, deilgned to prodnoo tho elate of aßaira which they delerlbe. frlrato adTioea rapreaent tho aoldiera In good aplrita at the obange, aa it promleaa action , and a apeody termination «• apparently reliabto information of tho condition of affairs whaie Gem J Kelly ap ‘"Cherry rnn, Tho rebelii bavo apparently abandoned the *°‘A° °‘ th " Potomac. None of thoir a WMV. h ‘" b "“ " mn ° r for nearly J“' '* v * lr f'* MUrely .Coating in tho el f * UrU « , >“K- It waaroported there that Jackson had retnrned to Winchester from rs°. 0n ” I ” rab, ° for"*. »hd was to more from that point westward. Better onlnion at’iu'in 0 lf J * ck,on *« i" the (’alley Btacioi f n ht J M,r P°“ of OOTing toward. Suoton, a. Goa. Cox, who 1$ toarchlox to ward. that point with a Federal force, 1? «ting apprehension among tho rebel*. Laet wee*, o.n. Co* w»a known to be in Highland coonty, witbln forty miles of Stanton.* From port Royal. flaw Voss, Nor. is Advice. h* th steamer Wo.torn World, from Poi-t ltovl] A port that an ospedltion of .100 Rhode I.Und »“ru*dlrlt. f r.^ h * r, " ,i ° a * nd •» •««« Rebel deserter, report th.tß.aor.g.,J i n . XXSS.*”'. Pa "‘ kU * th ‘ ,r ' b The engine* being removed from the eieem iI.rZV^ZK 7 WiUb * o*n“f the ram., of Iwhieb .ereral are about read v fllm^•*^r o , eo^ pa,,,, dola *PMwt doty on St Simon * leland, are nnder whlteofflej,. Two boat. crew, of them- recently nroceeded □» Parian river, and captnrod 4%n rebel Denote M S?V .‘k*”' l '°r **» "Wp”k«.. 1 b. .a l h * r '"V’ Ul * ai k “ eracnated 6 * ‘r° uk nogrooe with them, Killing two who refoted to go. Taly'gtHki.* 1 " ° f ‘ h * tr °° P " “ Port ““I* l '« From Fortress Monroe. I FoßTaxss hiosnoß, Nor. 12 Gen r *s.*“ J p"‘* lr MTised horo this morning .aT. wt "f ‘bo 10th lost., W h .'° '"fonnatlon that tho onemr to! : D P dT„ a, v° m Will “< a *«»» »od Il.mil 7 f „°’*? d 7* rt n bounty a large Fodoral foroo Is marohing on Tarboro. Onr smal foroo. engaged them at Wllliamiton, bat tbo •“"'"‘"'■“ing numbers forced our men to fell baok with a loss of 12 and tho I enemy, 100. Mooh damag. was dow to [hi sVillj5 ViI1 j* m *“‘>»od Hamilton. Cara hero boon ordered to Tarboro to remoT. tba gOTornmont .tor... do Tao.day n°gb" all ini T’ V 0 ™ Ki ” g ' lo “ fooaiyod march ing order, to go mi . near Nowbarn a. they iJFTk “.“'H""*'/ wo oxpoot stirring i I'T 1100 ' 11 '* *<.li.T.d the? Weldon 1. tbo point which the enemy wish to From Loaiaviilc. Louisville Nor. U.-B.rk..iU., Kv. — Sixteen buodred rebel oaralry baa arrived here. They aay that 5,000 more are on their **7 to ralnforoo them. •.VoeWt,.—lt l, reported that e fight took place near Lebanon, on Tneaday, betwMn | Konnett and Wolford’« cavalry on tho Feder al aide, and Morgan.’! men on the other. Seven guerrilla! were kiUed ond one hundred and twenty-five raptured. . Alao a anmbor of cavalry It in pnmit. Cheotham’a rebel divlaion la at Tallahoma mfe. l ’* rl ofßr * M ‘ *• "Period at Enox- rek * l ‘ *” raOTiD « th, tr «lok to Chetta- * mr ** Con kdorete alorea at Mur- From ticn. tlrant’a Army. Lr(iii,K(ir j Mias., Nov. 13.—A apeoial to tho Miaaouri Denoerol aoya, Oen. Oranfa advance oocupied Dolly Sprioga to-day, and our nick eta are two milet tenth of that place. A second dlapalch aoya that Col. Leo, of the la Io ” “ T »frj» had driven In tho rebel ploketa at Lankin’a Milla, on the Tallahatchie river, four milea aouth of Dolly Spring! and » Ptn 7 d «. l<, ° prl,ODOr '- Among them were staff* “d one Oaptaln of Von Dorn’o kin" » * Ur “ l, s '* B 0» going on at Lon ilo i Mill#, and (be retail are letrcaUnf Gen. Grant Ij determlntd to drlv* th» rebels to tbe Wally and pin them there. Latpst from California. Sab Fbaboisco, Not. J3.—The markot i. aoobangsU. AH kinds of paper hare reocntiy adfanoed 25 per cent. Ininranoe on carcoea to Liverpool and CalcutU baa advanced to 7 per cent. I T 5? ,llip Mellt » «»iM for England, oarre- Ing 24,000 lackl of nit. ■ ’ 3 _,’f. hO .* h „ l P Eoooh Train ol.ared for Llnrpool, ofullow S,Mk * 0f 15 W pounds - Markets by Telegraph. el■ o 22| M^,,, ?'"• ,3 r E "'Olng.-PloHr bnchanged the tbellng In tli. market .u . .had. DriieraMha cIom; the BIM wu.6,000Ur.-si. at <6 do for Bntir Hr',' l * n good dsmaiid at $1 oo for aid. wblcb aaa h.ld 2c, higher at tho close: White it v» Oorn In actlra demand, and ebellod mfranctsl tS soT « d , i" 0.1. declined to aaiatfc WhlekT steady at 34kc, Provisions quiet; no sales" P r «n Hams declined to f.JCo. Laid dull at . bnyem holding off. Uog,' J o.ld not buying freely ; 8t 2i to |t Cll lndlelts. ihertbE range. Groceries llrm and qnlet. Gold and Siler ssfsLSsr 4 2,ch * n *' > Philadelphia, Not. 13— Noon— tOa’i. demand Flonr, but It la confined teeatnt ftmlfr mu or wblcb 2,000 bbla wero sold at $7 00@7TO and Hocks are light. Thee. 1. nVdmhgefrTtwJ af*°? r S r ® on l Wheel la doll end lower; 5 COO and western red aold «t 1140*1 47. Bye ttcady at 000 for Del* ware, and PentuylranU. Corn Iqgood requeft,end yellow were aold at 74c. Oate *n lu better VemSr fer^H 000 A U,h ,“ ,d “ l ,.515* I 3 —Erenln*.—OoUon firm: 2000 —*! *°S: y * OTn ' Wgk*r; 22,000 bbl*. »ld. wwt •*«dy; 73,000 bash, sold; \Vttf I*ll-51(31,57 Corn Wghen 113,000 bash. Kid! UMb^ft&aiS? Soar firm 22S 5™ £io “we®* Freights tuary. Slocks lower. Gold 31^(^nj/ u . The Soldiers Endorse the Procea correspondent of the Cinoin th» Ba^ s 11131 laW 'y “>» soldiers of Lm,i l . 18 ,l° Url rtulol 7; mostly from St. hOßis, did their Bhare of law making by casting their rotes, just as they would do if they were at home. Their Tote was «V Knol ' 1116 Emanci P a ‘ion can tE.i H f degress, against Frank Blair their former ColoneL There is no us,d£ thelWw 1 that ! hc army indorses fhUy lowa M- 8 Prool “ mation ’' 1116 Totss * r""' 3 ?“ d Missouri troops are enough to estabiish this, but if you could k ow the di^ mrta j n l- hatrea Mpen, 4Hd « box, Md i„ 5%. £Sf2T»Sr 8 “ *> Ji FA ' AIABAOAIBO, see. 810, Bto AND w. k-„ SDPBsioa oorrs£ “ D W# beuiTi our Ooflee to ba '• - , oov (a tm, AM onr 4(snti, item. PEACE A YOVBQ lnfbhlj? b»n nnet, oonwr WuWoßton 3 JELriSt S‘m*w poll »HB4DOAIMs! 18»mIiS pXS;«cr* ohic **“' «M«*r.ssas jcg&Smh UAUHI JJAUBI TABKB k Pl. Aim «*» WO Saaalsm Ban; 0,000 Oqsqt Ban; 1,000 Bombay B*ek*; J 25 *“*•• linen Aacki; for ula by i 811 BITOHOOOK, UoOBKBI * 00. JJPUJHb AilWUhO MKAT.—A We O repply Of Bpicod Minced Meet or.~JT.fi rHrbr bakln ,'SLrJ%££?'ZX ponod Jar.; .bo tor ule b, the ponndf br P ” „01, oornpr IdbSfcljaßaa**'.' Ko »>»*bg (Ulljr^ibJ ttn.liouulhdl cue. ForiSKiiS* Sit' ar-tMjßtoroof JOHN A?BbS[B,Uw?s*' nll ■ - roroeol.ll>-rtr and BWWN : BKOVWy BKKAD.-jSstTO cAjTsd, a mpply gaanln* Boaian' riwiai. ■ffi&pgsft*!!**. T* *>' *I* F S?-, Ci?^ ol^-200 bbls - K*W V_fal.t y man s, i om ib. bbb. lorm, by . "***- ' ' HM»T w: /Vit t.». c ; mahar,, PhUafriphia. a good Piano 1 J5O frM»rS2di at? * Q ?°°d crdiir .. _ 240 »T A Mahcjaaj S octare Plano, mad. bp'stsdut . «Oo.,aTwyzoodinainun«it A Mahogany 0 octare Piano, New Turk maST 8S AWalnut6 octamPiano, T *—,, ... n i2*i°** nj f,'? u ™ H * no > loß A *Bro. 'IS A Mahogany SJfJ ootaTO Piano ry A Mahogany 5 ocUia Piano S A isfE" , °“f 55“™ Kanoatjia Melodeon, mad. 7O Twaalaby JOHN hTmbEloS; SI Wood itmt. EXHIBITION.^M^ «Sid th. * So! ° 1 ' Kow *<”*• mwUl ** LondOTExW uS ’lo “EQpetition with two hmjred ud elgbtj PUaoB, from all n«rt« of XombamS *““*»» “o the* prored to be tia best pSnou in U. Mid. Atr-hnrelj imt nSi^Th,"™"" B. KUBBa a 82U)., fiS Fifth rtnmt. goto Agenti for Btelnway’i f»«^g no 3 CHARLOTTE BLPME. No. aim ~ —A collection of Ha- Pri ‘ C: Kr “P! «™> *ad four p,ru. Frie. 80 coat* OBABLOTTB BlOHfi, *3 Fifth ttnxc BtELtf"* TENOH DKDMhiuat ro- XJ crired by ;OHS H. HII,LOE. . JJENRT O. HALE & CO., JAIL AND WINTER STOCK, »«’ price. Till com. ’cASSI MERES, VESTINGS, And OVERCOATINGS. mcrlM.Tnjcholco nSctlon of —no. 0 SI 8 OOODS Any otdui la trusted to our care will mMt with prompt attention and punctuality In all Mlo °°** or P*HN A ST. CLAIR BTBEKTS, AI OKMAL SCHOOL.—H/WILLIAMS al JSUTnJAS^ 1 BOHOOL “ Ko ' 27 st n Tntino%g of • «• li th* conoMllor of tba Teacher*. th« ♦* •bom all of tie look lbr adrlce and inatruwtiom 1 * 11 I «hc»r me beartllj «£££ « cu.,m, 7 „ .^sssksa’s* tJi“’ “° 00 * "*"> bi^her^ertSSJlo I foDy ooDcar in the nbor* * Ui2> St IS*? fcr **“ B=b“2^S?ke! Umn eoy other teacher In thie city? ’ Tmta , _ . , , ■'. T. DOUTHKTT. T>BK *~ i* P* r »**h, to ndTmoe. »nB:3Uwd jgAILEY, FABRELITi~CU 129 ron*T» dtIUT, A»OT* lumuio. oldaraar* IndJrldaaUy tv the whole extant of their PLtJMßifca,, 6. D. Roblaon, I>. A. Htawart, W. W. H'Onnr, William Walker, Hobnt Ball. Bichard Flojd, Jacob Painter, Tbomaa Scott. D. H. Galway, Jaoafl A. Knox. PCTiIPS, aaiULl* for r»rm*, OU Btflm rt». and otbei pnfpogea, oi hapd »nd furniibed «t thnt notice. CAB ? ,J * ON ANI> w OOOIN 8Ii»K& put op in th« moat daairabla quo Jr®* QAB FIXTURES on hand and to anivi A l*rg# Maortment of BBAS3 trOBK Ar > «adfcr»l.on WM o nml ,l. wuag 011 asSJSgfSaytATEM: ass*-* sg^SSSSr^ S£§£S«S^ - For cetelofne, Ac., eppljto * ■JltoMoj W “- '• W{ ™, A- M., PrlnclpeL. JjUILTON’S COUGH BYHUP. YuHon't Ooogh Bjmp coni _ , OOOOHS: Fulton’* Cough Syrup cum _ „ OOLDB7 Fulton 1 * Cough Syrup cure* _ „ BuOHCETITIS : Fallon * Cough Syrup con* ~ __, BOABSCBSSS; Fulton ■ dough Syrup cum; , _ , PIPTHKRTA . 1 Fulton’* Oougb Syhip cum > - , „ INFLCIHZA; Fulton ■ Cough Syrup cum, - „ OBODP; Fulton'* Cough Syrup curt* Falton'a Cocgh S.Sm*i2r At i,FIOIIt >NB; Wton'. ° F BB **THIHO : _ QuIHOTi Fulton’* Cough Syrup cum _ v PHTHISIC; Fulton** Cough Syrup can* Congb tsSSS!"*’ 80 “ THEOAT ! WIM-. Oongh B,re|^ K 3 IH ™ OH “Ti ral.C. Oougb g l fl rn ™ QOrEU)OI> ’ _, A . - ASTHMA; Fulton'* Ooogh Byrup com wfrooprvo COUGH. SoUten ud dtlten*— *rery on* afflicted with e cold—try It, Oort 28 cent* * bottle, at J. M. FULTON’S DRUa STORE, 2£® ; FIFTH STREET. INDSET’B GKHT7IHE BLOOD SEABCHEB, OAHOXK, CAHOKBOUS FOBHATIOHS, SCROFULA, ! CUTANEOUS 80BXB. PIUPLIS OH IHI rAOfc’* TBIPILi^BOILa ' BOB!XTX9, TBTTjBATJ OTIOHS, SOALDBXAD, DTBPIpaiA, OLD AHD SIUBBOBH CLOBBt 0 ” 1 ™* 88 * BHIDUATIO DIBOBOEu. jaundice SALT BBtUM, hfboubial pis tasks. OKNKBAL DEBILIxf, UT«B OOUPIAIHT, LOSS OFAPPBTITF. LOW BPIBJTS, FBUALB OOUPLAINTS. PABALYgISOB PALS£ niiEPSI 0B FITS, SIPBILItIO DISBABBS, «nd OABIE3 OF TUB BOHB3, »*• S - J. M. FXTUTOH'6 Drug Store, °°° ' riTTB STBIXT. " TWMKOTlCfi.™Dr*fted men, whose ir-SSf 40 ?* »*“ *»o‘ P*nntt them, wliheat *>■»*? sess. -^Afessssß^:.; bblireo^. -Uustfcruhtr -? ■ HZSBT H. OOHiQO. S^CON D LOT iMlnin.ct 12 * »•**■ “U. • *P7 Snl PRIZE MEDAI PIAHOS, JOEHCBjtJirr TjftCOHS. (SoMM»on to James 0. WattJ Merchant Tailors, An now receiving their *0 UCji TMOJTM. fillA AMD BTEAU PITTAHfI. A ran cm for IMPROVED BLOOD SEABCBEB, ABUBAonnroß Canon, Caneeron* Formation*, j Bcrofola, " ■. ' Cutaneous Disease*, , , Ery«P«lai, Boik, Pimple* on the Face,. „ BoreSyu, , Totter Afleotlon*, Soald Bead, Oyepepeia, CostiTiness, Old and Stubborn jOQcen, Rheumatic Disorders, Jaundice, Salt Rhehm, ./ > . ■ ffereurlalDieeaees, General Bebffltr. Liver Complaint, low Of Appetite; \ I ' IRWIO, DecemberBl« lAn/; ; Oi. 0. B. Xhok-I tab pleasure la ukiaV tU» rohatary itatement la fcvtx of • medicine »*•_. by yo* called “Lacerrt Blood auiesn.- ' - Ihadrnllared fcr Are yean wlthßcrotela,whJck' broke ostoo xay headend forehead aoai to djrfgmw me wary much, and took off the hair wfceotbadts ewe Bade Ite appearance;!! alee broke octoom, ena above and below the elbow, and eat Into thaekta endfleahmaetoazpon a ibaxftdaon. Thedfoee-* oa my head went ao for that amralcmaU ptaoeadj bone eBDeoQW Ivn reiy weak and few spirted, and had glean np all hope of tTer getting well, 1 ked tried aersra) afcflUhl phyiklaniand thaydUme BO good. In September l art, ISO, I TM to *ry “Liauaar** Inrae 'td Blood Suacum** i I aartamteal hadßofalto tn patent tzudlGtae^bac elUr I had seed three bottlm of Blood Searcher, ttu | eloex»<« my heed and arm began UfcaaL I lit* I now taken eight or tea bottles, and ay head and arm ere entirely well e«cept the eaw •on*. I *fli aleo etaU that I bad the rhesmatfta ▼try bad In my arms and legs. Tha Blood Semehe* ake> cured the rheumatism. I am now a well man, - orer forty yearn of age, and I feel asiopfe and yam.‘ " 1 4M wUn I ni twontj, ud h»r» tncrouodiß twenty poonds. i vctdd abo state that ike • dleeaee in myfcrehead was'eo bad thalwfambe «nd lin«a ujUtlog tu*Tj, ti» blood ran 00* ofUinn. " t » l,r - «tM,a> **“• ItdOMnotabowmj >{[fuaßM mbmirnTt’'' befcr. I oommoncod Ukln, tho indlslaa. la «nmtbopkotopnpb,on.of which Ii S""* to i Mia »Ui it Dr. SojMr.a, HOWooditrWt. I woold ilioititoUiitl took th. Blood c—>~ - wkteh wu modo U&n Dr. K. w oonmtxnd uk- ' ‘“f f“ h “°f h “ *>•&«* mora* Kl 4 uta- ' two of tho old. I kMUnlfttfe .(rMtdaLabauM ‘ •>d Uttar. I tin namatana tho Blood aanfr •r to . pmt BID of my Mradi Ibr nrlou dlaaaa. Kid I hollm It hu holjnd tk. wboloofthm. koa m«r pobllih tht. If joo wltVisd I ,u.n.v rpHE GREAT CUBE FOROONSGMIN • .qwpwprirtgrftteßiildMhwlMmJaittt* ■gfljr of jma to ooaesstntoUo ilto of Utm flao Trwlnto o MtdJdaofer tftow— of tholnno «&d Throat, to now ogcrtoy to tafljtriny hmniaifriWw r - raft of hto cxptrto&e*. Tbto tnJV *m* andworf 0 "‘MtetßO to pnpond with aocb eviMto' tar •ffiffrfer.tt* «rihtr»tor> tn» ttaml l -'~l J&r^]£%£!‘°' ocwatUm Tl wiDcm WHOHITIi r; ' It vdeon ASTHMA, lasaaafflasr^Baap.,.. S£nUwSSl§Lm£ °» KNI. ' -X:;^!SS»4aSSSSSR"*^^