; Mijoir General Basks ! Hu regiment »u i . j compoiEd of true; loyal and gallant soni ; v ''-ft, & • iof Netr England,":Vho»a greatest/anxiety, i * TtrytmiT - atmtOTNO. KOV: Ilf j iiowffirfa&iy fo*.' '’fiwy know ! ■ j what was before them, and were deter- , G«W Httllnek’s Letter to ‘ the Sec- ' mined to do their whole duty." rotary of War-' j It will be remembered that Gen. Basks j Ws need hardly ißvite 'the. attention of j is toon to sail at the head of an efficient j oar indM'to this most .extraordinary expedition to liberato Texas from robel | document. -It ifc an exposition of facts that J rule, and re-e#tablish the Tall authority pt most rfleheo foreter all complaints respect- ; the National Government. in* the removal of Gen. MoClellan. - When ! _Tr V " ~~ ,T. panned vtaief notice :of>at removal Thn Nauona. C»«»«on at lit.. for our evening edition, we had not received | j; umerous letters hare been received this letter, but it only adds largely to the J from distinguished men in various parts of reasons.then adverted to. It will be seen ; COUD ( r y, cordially approving of the .that Gen. MoClellanwa? driven from sub-| propoaed j IaBS Convention to be held in ■ terfage to subterfuge, to avoid s movement | t hj S city on the 25th inst-, to encourage the which he wsb peremptorily ordered to ] g OVornme nt in a vigorous prosecution of make, and that it was only aftera waste I th(J war< p rom t h e brightening aspeot of of some forty days of most preoious time, and witk extreme reluctance, that he at length crossed the river. The most re markable thing’about the whole business is, that the President and General flalleck bore with him aa long as they did. He is' gone, and a great weight is lifted from the heart of the nation. Mon will now cluster around tho President with new oon fidenoe and buoyant hope, and forgot, in their joy, to inquire whether this man, who haa_io deeply injured the country, was a coward ora traitor. He has himself shown that he is not aman of truth. Kebe| Monitors/Coming., ThoXondoi correspondent of the Boston Commercial bulletin writes, under tho date of October l&th: j' V* It is well you aro just about completing a fleet of “Monitors.” Ton are likely to need them before long. Workmen aro en gaged night and dag on thotfersey, on the Oigde, and elsewhere, in building tome twenty iron-clad*, which are 0 see service in Ameri can water*. They are intended to convoy vessels into Southern ports. This I know to be a jaet. My information is direct from those in confidence with the promoters. I can only see one way of preventing a good deal of mischief. Every port for which they are designed ought to be iu the power of the American Government before these ugly monsters can cross tho Atlantic. Then yon might weioome them as effective aids in future operations. To disarm sus picion it ; ifl popularly - given out that this iron fleet is being built for the Chinese Government; but I need hardly tell you that Mr. Mason and his friends form one of the chief-contracting parties. Tho above is probably tree enough; and if ene of these British pirates, the Ala bama, has committed each extensive depre dations upon American commerce, a score, or even jhalf a score, of similar vessels would suffice to sweep it from the ocean. The.country will soon realise the frightful cost of delay in crushing out this-rebelllon. ..Had the work been done a year ago, as it ought to "have been, and' would l\ave been under an energetio commander, Jsrr. Davis would have been a refugee in England, or 'somewhere else; unable to contract for iron clad pirates, instead of being at the bead of a ‘‘nation 1 ’ of corsairs and bandits, with British merchants and ship-builders as his allies. - ‘ Very well, if Great' Britain will; permit snob work to go on within her own- shores, be it so-A-America can better live without commerce than she can. If that Govern ment will wink at the wicked work of covering the sea with pirates, r the poisoned ' * chalice will be pressed to her own lips one of these days' with a vengeanoe. The whole world can play at that game; and this horrible drama, which began in Charleston harbor, may close on her own desolated shores and in her reined cities. Bat it behooves our Government to put forth its utmost energy in bringing this straggle to a termination; for if it is suf fered to drag through another year, Christendom will be involved in the terrifio "imbroglio. It Is in a manageablo shape yet, and its dimensions are comparatively limited; but let tho great powers of Eu rope once be drawn in, and no earthly power can avert a universal wreok. General Banks in New York. There is an organization in New Toak known ae “the Sons of MassaohuseUs.” Under their auspices & reoeption breakfast ] iras givsß to Gen. Banks and staffs at the Aator House, on Friday, last. It a very pleasant and animated affair, and called forth several short and. pithy speeches. After paying ft warm and fit ting tribute to the men of Massachusetts, Gen. Banks said: Be sometimes felt 88 though, ia spite' of -military usage, he would like to touch upon the'National difficulties under which we now labor. As a Yankeebe wwrhalfrin cßned to talk, but as a man of some to ried experience, he hesitated, for he thought | the time to talk had -mot yet come. - The:i people of this.land had not yet been. suffi cientlya teeped in suffering. '• More States must be invaded, mere hearthstones ren dered desolate, before the people of this country will consent to. talk with one another as they should. ‘He could not ..go far Tiuwhat he had to say, but this me would declare as his . earnest belief,—that no power, no l not all the powers on earth • combined,Vould destroy this.grcat Ameri ean Government ..when'«nbe ‘the people had bsen mada.to understand the real issue. [Tremendous' and; prolonged cheering.] will haveto.learn a ; little. They have,* hitherto, thought there must be a short-cut through everything, hat here tieir. idea is at fault-j-there Is no short-cut ih.thls war; it. must be fought, throughtoihe very end. We. must fight/ and thajt, too, with a , full ap-; predation of the msn with wlTom we bat-, ■ U&/anfi this onoe'uhderatbod,-the rebellion . will faTl even should “ohfenfeed desolation” mark' every step of our path toward the .consummation. ' . brigadier .General Buszup, in intro ducing Colonel Cbickxbib.o, of the Forty first Massachusetts, (a gallant officer, whose name ia more associated with musio than - war,): said: ;V/‘ HasMehusetU had, no rival/*&£ would have none/ till her greatenemy—Amerfcr “can slavery—was put down. The first mar* v tyra of America were from Massachusetts, and wben the history of the war shall be written, he oared not how long it lasted, Massachusetts would be found the fore*, most to labor,'and the. lastto,leave •eene of eonfiiet, so long as an idea remained to be foughVfbr.'. Thank J Xo dosbt would be dtalojaity, *. - : i , ~ \ Colonsl CBlomnio. ln hi* brief *nd Andmodest speech, *Ald“he now stood bf>-; forejthsnithe hsppieat min in tio world, L hsd sßccMded ln gstting hi* regi meal Jaeoyporntod .with ; ths nonuaand of ' "STitritom Uioy l^i;.Tof«td : ;*nd JJ "? 4 . •. . • ....’ -'.\ things, we think th.o Convention may now have little else to do than to utter a strong and cheering note of commendation, and to giTQ a hearty pledge of support to tho j President in the sternest measdrea he can I adopt. _ Rev. William Beeeiax,- rector of Trini ty Church, diod on Friday last, In the 76th year of his age. Ho was called to Trinity parish in 1811, and had consequently offi ciated over 61 years. He led a quiet and peaceable life, and was strongly attached to tho Episcopal form of worship and church government. A Military Frontier. The following facia, condensed from . Uand-Mook for Travelers in Southern Germany; A Guido to Bavaria, A'ustria," &0., aro well worthy the atten tion of tho American People, at the present juncture. The leseon which a patriotic citizen must learn by an earnest study of the faots here presented, will not easily be forgotten, and cannot, white it is remem bared, fail to bo a eolomn warning against all attempts to " patch up a peace ” with the rebels, as now sought by some poor craven creature evon in tho Northern States, on the terms' of dividing the coun try and haring a military frontier from the Chesapeake to the Gulf of Mexico, or per haps from the Atlantio Ocean, on tho east to the Pacific Ocean on the west. Suoh men would be profited by no experience, and need not read history or anything else j but we commend all others to read .the following and ponder well the signifi cance of the facia it contains: There is a long strip of territory between the Austrian dominions and Turkey. It extends & distance of six hundred miles. For three hundred years this lino of coun try has been occupied by a military nization. Long continued wars, pestilence and famine have almost depopulated the Christiun and Turkish frontier. Even in time of peace it was tho soene of constant conflicts between the Ottomans and their neighbors. It was a common oxploit for a horde of Turks to dash across the frontier upon n border raid. It is .not exactly known who first suggested the idea of rais ing up a living rampart to defend the Christian boundary of tho disputed ground. An approach to military organization was commenced in the sixteenth century. Col- onists from neighboring provinoes were settled-upon vacant lands. The scattered population, consisting of the previous _ in habitants, was gradually oollceted into towns and villages. In the course of yeais .these were connected together by long lines of well made roods. The leading principle.‘of the system is that every male of the military frontier is a soldier, as well as a oitixen or peasant. He is to be ready to serve not merely on occasions, but to pass his whole life from hia eighteenth to hia sixtieth year in mili tary, service. Every family receives in proportion to tho number of its members, either a whole grant of land, varying from thirty-six to fifty acres in extent, or a half, or a quarter grant. -Every grant is bound to maintain a oertain number of soldiers. The oldest man of the family, unless unfit by infirmity or some crime, exercises a sort of patriarchial authority. The members of the family are bound to yield him obe dience. He ia styled the Housefather. He appoints the men to their posts. He por tions their task, in the fields. He looks after the /arm. He takes care of the house. He provides for the necessities of the family. His wife superintends the domestic economy and the_ under hep. They prepare food and clothing for the fifty or eighty members composing the jSousa Communion, When a family becomes rich or too numerous, some of them are al lowed to separate and are located upon un occupied land elsewhere. The native of these communions serves as a frontier guard near his own dwelling, and also, at Btated periods, masters with his regiment in garrisons or In remote parts. He is under military discipline CTea in his own house. Tho towns and villages are governed by colonels, captains and lieutenants. • Each of these officers is magistrate and judge. He is in hia village what a captain is on board a man-of-war. - The fear of Turkish aggression has long since disappeared, but the Christian Gov eminent continues the military system of the border in full force. It now protects Europe from inroads of the plague, and it checks smuggling. A chain of station houses of wood or stone, and sometimes | huts of boughs, extends from one end of. the line to the other. These military postt I are two miles or less apart. They stretch j away over the tops of the mountains, thro | tho depths of the valley s, and along the swampy fiats of the rivers. A sentinel ’ ia! over on the lookout by day.' 1 In the nfgbt. eoaatatttcommunication Is kept up between ,tbeposts by, patrols. When plague pro- 1 vails any person approaching thedine, and j hot .stopping "when challenged,' is shot. Eaoh station contains 6ix or eight men, dressed in a coarse 'brown , uniform, and well armed. The daily duty, at ordinary times, along the line, requires five thousand 'men; If the plague is raging in Turkey, the force is increased to seven .thousand or eight thousand. If it is known to be ap proaching, the number is doubled. A greet political Importance of tho military iron- 1 tier consists in its being able to furnish the Austrian ' Government' with n ' standing army of eighty-two.thousand highly dis ciplined troops at a momenta notice, oven in time of peaoe, audat' scarcely .any ex pense.,,. In the:cvcnt of foreign invasions, or any trouble in-the heart of the empire, this force—armed, equipped and provision ed for-three days—can ybe assembled in twelve hours.' An alarm'sounded by bells or shots, or spread by beJtoon fires, is com municated in a few hours, to the ends of the line. These military provinces, though the most remoto of the empire, aro said to be even more civilised than many . near homo.' "*■ _ / ;Tjo*ortast.—We advertise, in onothor oolumn, a valuable farnaoe property, In* eluding 8,000 acree of land, in Ohio, at private sale. • ESCOURAOEMEST 70 -VEOETAJtIAM'I» Moravia there is' a man living, a peasant, who ia one hundred and forty-seven years old; and still halo and hearty. He wa# formerly a soldier, and re-married at the ago of ninety. He lives on milk and po tatoes. Adtahcb is Newspapers.—The Detroit Trtfriaxt, New London ChronicU, Hartford jfewf,. Hartford’j?m*, and . Hartford Cou* fmUj have increased their-rates oaaccount of the great advance'in-paper,;,bud if&J? thing used la mikingVnewSpsper. ; : ; - Hopei Destined to Defeet. Perhaps the election of Beymeur, Hot ercor ofNew To*, «« f °! the blinder class of Democrats to try what they can get in the way of releases from doty as citixens. It has been told them that the taxes were all caused by the Be publicans, that the wan had the same on ein and the draft would be avoided if they would only elect Democrats to office. Now ihoy will, of course, apply .to Gorernor Seymour for immediate release. from all | these responsibilities in the patriotic' oity of New York. The thirty thousand major- j ity there voting against the Administration are as anxious to be relieved from all du ties as they are to profit by all the advan tages of the general government. Every one of the three or four thousand patriots employed in the navy yards of that oily is as earnest in avoiding taxes, drafting, and other responsibilities, as he Is in getting the money of the Got eminent, and he votes for Seymour. Let him non go to Seymour to get off from taxation. Let these valiant thousands appeal to State righto doctrines and the new Democratic leader for exemp tion from military duty. Fernando Wood will lend his aid, without doubt, and the eager, confiding, credulous, innocents whe followed these men will now look to them for (he reaiiiatlon of many promises. After a few months of trial of Demo cratic rule, even if that rule is established in New York alone, there maybe a aeoond reaction looked for. The task of aotually releasing men from the consequences and burdens of oitixenshlp is not so easy as Nsw York license imagines. Fernando Wood in Congress is evon less powerful than when, as Mayor of New York, he did his best to help rebellious Georgia to guns and other aids to their revolt Nor can Mr. Seymour, as Governor of New York, accomplish muoh toward rendering that State Independent of the laws of the Union. We have no idea that he meditates such misohief, but great numbers of Ms supporters thought he would. They will bo disappointed, and in their disappoint ment they may be brought to the aid or some now set of demagogues, and may vote the men out of power who have just now. been voted In. Demooratlo partisanship to a Btrange enigma, a thing that not one even of its own chosen leaders can count as euro, and tho willing rank and Ale who now vote themselves free of responsibility as citixens, as they blindly suppose, will,' at the vory next opportunity, rote as vio lently against their present favorites.— Philadelphia Worth American. nemaikable Works o! Haman Labor. Nlnersh .»!«-* *'“ d °* J Bmiityeld ttrat»—Jtor& tUt, ■VBANK LOOKS h«nA rntfS tyCOBHWELI. & KBBB, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, At the old established Coach Factory, DUQUKBS* WAT, (nan B*. Oiam him. •arßop&irtnf done ae usual. Steal Work*. UAAO JOSES .mJO«|L.»OT».....~mW. ■‘CUIiOUM* JONES, BOYD & GO., lUuulKtnrM. .1,048* ATMIi »lio, MEMO, plow and a. b. ran, Bint spbiSqs ABB i l . Allegheny City, Not M, , IW>-- ) rrS»DIVIDEND.— The President and IKS' Director* of tbl* Company bare tbl* day do cl*redaElrldendoot of th««inilng>ol the tut *l* month* « roue PKK OEM., parebl* to the ttoclboldtn or their legal repreaentatlri* on and 13111 ln “*J t C. WcPHKBhON. Trearerer HALF DOLLABB PEE, BHABB on i» Capital Btoek.oatof the earned prcfltaof the last six month , eatable on and alter the lllh instant. nu6:*wd r. M OOEDON, Secretary. ! 8^* U 1 oJno.«nu*k| !««■“«« COMW \ PitUbirgh, hot. 3d, 18C2. j At a meeting of the Biitfd of Directors of thl* ComMO). b.ldlhl. dy, »-Dl»ld»nd wu d«l»r«'J of THESE DOLLAB3 PBB BHABE on the Capital Mock gubteribed, oat of th. pr.au of tbo 1»« n month*, payable forthwith. - .__ no8:lw 808 CRT FlMHET,Secretary. 1 imos cm .’ease or rimw aon, l • Noteoiber 4th, 1662. / Dlrcctorß of thiß Bant have this day declared a Dltldond of POUB PIB CBHT. on the Capital block, out ol the profit* of the last six months, payable to Btcckbolde™ or their I>^r i ‘ Ut ' , “' °° “ MAQOFriN C^bi.r. ' " Meviunoß Bam, 1 Pittsburgh, HoTember 4th, 18C2. j JTK»THB MKCUANICS BANK, hue this dsjr declared • Dtildwd °* FOUB PSB CENT. on the GsplUl Btoch, (exclusive of OoTero menlTax,) pajdbla to 14th instant. OXO. P. BIcGBEW, Uisnur, n<-s:td ALLZOBUTT tSAHK, I Pltteborgh, SoTembor iih, 1801 / President and Directors of this B«nk hnre till S*J » D l l, * d *° d „f FOUB FIB OKBT. on tho Cnpilnl Bto<*, W«- bit to tb» Stockholder* or their l«*l r^rt^nUtiTee --SJ- .b. HU. IC.. Plttjburgb, SoT»mber 4ih, 186*. J rr~»THIB BANK has this day declared . DWd.ni ot FuUB FEB CKHT. oo It. Capital Stock, out ot too proOU «>r too loot oU noutol, tree of all Tale*, pajaMo ou or .attor too lltb intunt no4£w W H. DHSNY. OMbi.f. uciuai or \ Noveufr r tth, 1863. J ITS»THB Directors of this Bank have “jrf. *i»id.ed or five ran oemt oat oftC etrclsnof th« la»t«U Booth*, payable os or afwr tba Hth iwt. lb* Coitod «•»«• dntie* 67 ,h * £*£ UOBBAT.CnhI.r PUB LIU JTOTICBS. ir=*LKCTURK AT THE IRON CITY W OOLLXOE. a-mcr of Feon.*n»»»7,*° ** jmr, »lfl be l»ld s> It* oßee, to Boieloj • BuU«to«, Wetit itreel, 1 m TDIBDAT, Koitiober lltb, 18M, tastVMD th*norm tf II a. o». and 1 p. ; to. oSrltd BOBSBT FIHHKT. BrcreUp. __ FOB BLANK KOaD DIBIOIOSS.—As BlacttonalU be h«’d at Girtr’* Bon PUnk Boad Toll Howe, for tke oUclton “ I 24?£.p£u.«. and JrtßMnnt tor locyw. The*loctloowilltak«pXa»ooKONDAV. Hor. I7tb, IMB, betwack *ba boor* cf 10 o clock a. I '“noAdtd 7 * B IfaDa°HAMPT .l). rinHoot. Orricx Vinos 1* rraanc* Co*ra»T, 1 Pliubargh, Ootobar ». 188 A f irS»AN for thirteen Direc ton at IhK Cotnpeoj »JU fce oB». So. n Weter itnol, cn TUESDAY, Honm b«r Mb, lKt, between tb# boars of 11 a o. ioa l p * '», two* OOBDON, tacratarj. h«n»*»ina' MA«K,. yiltobcTKli, vet. 17, Iftm irS»AifBXJSCTiOK for President end *+& tmeton of tillßttlifer thoranlM J*w. «iH bo bold bt tbo Dtsklo* Houo.cn, HOHPAT, ibo ITlb of Vorsafer, botweoo tho boor* of 10 a’ebek l id. ud 9D. 18. . ... Apstnl mooting of tbo Stockboldm will bo bold -J%P 4T ’ is£ZteSi. October Itftbi .|rs»AN ELECTION for thirteen Di* noon of (be Cxcbaega Sank ol iowmto* oo* r*UiwlU fco’kaM at *ba Banking How, o# MOSdTV, MoTembar ITlb, batwaen tba h< S&esios °!'5 l 2 C i ho l d i , i 1 W m* ,«hk ■ rvsaD *z gsfe«ar.tt&fcr- I" iaoa Citt Sava or rnnaewa, P*.,T^ October ie?b, 18GA J ITS?'AN ELECTION for thirteen Dixoo- Ihy ton of toll Bonk wIU to told ot to. Bukins iSoose* on MONDAY, Hotraber ITth proximo, bo tvaes tb* boors of 11 a. a. 0d 2 P- »• . . Tb* annul mw»ti«g of tb* atockbcldw* »fll b* i beia 0 tb* Baaklogflou*' on TIfESDAY, Horem -1 ll *Sel¥l£”" “ U " “ r BAOOmH. ctotor. '•' flt .Va»«»w HAit. oetoMr 16,-iaex. rrS»AN ELECTION for Direetoro of liv toll B«to will 1- told »t the Bmltlns Bom. oo to. 17th d». ol NOVEMBEB BEET, E.tw»o to. boon of 10 tod 2 o’clock. A gcoenl mcctlnf of to. Stockholder* will to told on Ito 4lh d.J ol 8 SIXTI “ 10 ffgfcoA Ctohto,. (Vtwww HA«« f ntu&cnb, oct. : n,im. jr«»AN ELECTION for thirteen Direo wto' ten of thli Itonk will ba b.M »t th. Bioklog Hoow, oh HOBDAT, Bor. 17th, totwrto th. hoon °*Tton*n£?»omi.l atottos .1 Stochboldwi will to told on TOEBBAT, Bor. dth,.t 11 o clock •. m. oclTlm OEO. T. YAM DOBEN.UtoI.r. BOOKS, rci- th» MW Po«U*. Oumncj; DIABIEfI, 4 to S to. ud IS mo. LAWTEB* HEW TIE ENVELOPE; SLOCOHB'B INKSTANDS; For ul* bj WOOP APP THIBP STBllTfl. \W" AOV'EHTISBMEJrTB. DISSOLUTION.— The Partnership «™ WH »• "“« *» i\%^SAMADSif' IPBISOIB BIBBIUOB, i . WILMABI H4BBAUQH, B. P. PJCTIIT, ; W. SL WHIT|OB*. PltUbargb, October 1#» IM3. . riOPAETNBRSHIF.—'The undanign \J «J bm frraid • Copftrtottihlp «odcr the sup* of SABPAVOfII * 00.. ftod *M eoodool lb* Potk «■““»«—"^B&airsa&ATOß, WILLIAM UABBAUOB, 9. r. FKTTIT, u W. E. WHITAOB*. n-t-W 18. mfcnoll-lw fiSSSarusisnsißi« rnttamtb, Ob'o, co*priiK* t ,(J,000 OF BAND, BMIli llatnwl* «U Jrallt fni»K*. 53t“o»»b««jw«on. BSWSS. I, Or«U »tms4M»oa «to l»«*.*2 MOtra. of * K1o*r»l r*|t«o. *n4 l'ortwaoutb it ■ fttUf*4 M to* fit* of • HotluoolAnjawry. i wilt b# tuld oo roo«oB*U* lonui, t*» | botovltevoluß, | ippty «o a. a. Towm, c»q . f oruaouibi Ohio; OBABLXi BOBPAiI*. • CtBOjBDiHi Pbloj 1. D. UXIKpOTU.Xiq., aolft'atw I WWawn" rtf*. PhlMrtpbU; ffOB 1893. 'SoCICT AKD OOUMTIKO UOUtfl DUBIH PaTBIOXiHI' VHITISO U»TBj IHOtnO iVD OIDMbN *WABAC*! rcrtibr «at a oo..ft* Wood j!wi, I Sba fcof ftUlLt ta»*bl,l6o tot Tftoi b»*K I**l tap. win m «oia »• ib* uB*&V Partial wbbloi la m b«r eao ba naommoMlM “» j SSunj lba boil (wnriloihlaj. b»*l.. | iiOSTM BuOWN bUlUb,—JuiTrS- I ti laifiii - a HDnlf of nnulOl JoilOß ®rofo Btaid. In haul ha fauilp «aa..ha * h .* * Ata ' lip QkcWJ flora ot jonHA.MNBUAW, I „„n aaniat t,lbaruSaB«a»B MiilOiso UtlA I !'.—X Wgo I ««n ~ ■ aatw* InbwW abilUbl airaata. ipo COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND | EATON, nACKIin & CO., No*. 17 and 19 Fifth Street, Jobber. «nd nuller. of TBIIOUHOB. MBBOI DERIZB, HOBIEBY, QLOYES, HOOP HtlTO. 818 BOBS, BBIBTS, COLLARS, TI JS.CNDtR BHIBTfI ini DRAWERS, WOOLES HOODS, 80- BIAB, SOABFB, ZEPHYR ASD SHETLAND WOOL; 6,000 8* KNITTIHQ YABBS,on hud Md to arriT*. Oar gtock *u parchesed before th« loot greet ed* reoceln price*, end we offer greet to 01TY AMD COUHTBY JIEBOfIANTB, MILL!* HSBB,PKDDLfiBS, end *Q who bey to *»li egeln. H. B.—A ebeice eJorttneot of Staple Dry. Goods, At wholes*!* only Great ribbon sale of the SEASON. UESSHB. STBAHOE A BEOTUEU, Will nil U Auction on THURSDAY, BoTetnber 13th, by HAGGERTY & 00., 279 and 2SI Broad way, New York, TWO THOUSAND CARTONS OF BONNET & TRIMMING RIBBONS, Of ibs newe;t uaortnrata and deaigna. Tk*ee gcods are now being landed from atenaers, nd are the moat deelrable atylee imported tbil eaaon. noA3td pHOTOGRAI DIARIES, 1863, ail slylta; UNION STATIONERY PORTFOLIOS; All new at>d popular BOOKS; All late PAPBR9 and MAGAZINES; PORTHONAIU; A Urge assortment always on hand, at no 6 Masokio Hail, Fittb Hteeei. pDLTONS Fulton’s Cough lyrop cor«> 00U0S8; Bjnjp cure# 00 MM; Syrop can* BBOHOHITIS; Byrap com HOARBKBXBS; Syrup DIPTHEBI&; BjVqd ISTLUfiSZA. Byropturw CfiOUF; TuUob’i Gooflj Bji Fulton’# Cough Fulton’# Cough Fulton’# Oougl Fulton'# Oougl Fulton'# Oougl Fulton'# Oougl rrnD com OATABBBAB ATFECTIOB’S; 7*«m; o "*S[S%SSSn or bbbatbiko; rollon’* Congb ™ Ua '’ Cm ‘ i *&' lOBS IBBOAXi ri.oß'. Oooth I» THI OHKTi ruiwn-. Co=«h B,r SS r- o Qr BLOOD . roltoa’a ooo*h lyrop U tb. Hbbtn«,»b4 Obl-bt. «b. ctolh.. »lU> » U»o( .ol «bll> fail™. o»«iurt boll It, fbr Wont., «lU4a lb. ttublm fattl Ittaii lor • Urp (.tillj. , ■ r.lou eu b. cltuM Id em-lourlb lb« Urn*, *m bMln ibtb bjr mj <*b« pram ■ Ttj • balm, ibil If nat ntlabclon, tator# tbi battti «od nt joar moMj. BoMbj lb. or ialloq, it ihi WooiJta »od Willow „War».Bw* » W, J a Kal'i gl DUnload. PltUburah, Fa. «: UUBNOH.BNGUBH * AMEBIOAN DIAUBH. ■H ALBUMS, all atylei POSTAGE CURRENCY HOLDEBS; WALLETS, Ac.; STATIONERY, all klode; BLAKK BOOKS, Ac., ftc.; JOHE P. HUHT’B, COUGH BY HUP. BLOOD BEASCEKE, A. nn curt for ROBIA MILLS, QBKHI BTBIET. KIW 108-X CITE. GOVERNMENT COrFEE, > In tin foil ponnd *» In »t»*, M'S >» OiiT prl£H ru|l from Ito SO tootl. W. pa. IbUovtn, kind.: j, UABAGAtBO, BV P. 810, 810 *XD i BVPEBIOB 009888. beUm B COLD WEATHER—AII kind* of WOOLXK GOODS, at 17 tad T 9 Htrk*t attaat. whqt.E«ALR BOOMS OP no* GRKY WOOL tJNDKRfiHIBTS AND DRAWERS.—A large fupply tw reaped ■»* tor uls to «h:lwtl» tayara, at B«w Tori prlMi, at HOBBS’S TRIMMING STORE. Hoa. 77 aod T 9 Mark* ftr—t. At LESS THAN N. Y. PRICK K dcwn BAMOBAL BKIBTB. «lM»at wIOT and Am quilt,. hat raoalrod nd fax «sl* at abbja ■ab ud t*tahi TBIUXISO BtOBI, nn a P and T 9 Market atiaet. yjTX L 1 tv 1 EHv Gi>y Pkol Hew York Auction*. Wholesale buyeri are tprited to rttainißf oar ttBW stock of BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS, BnBMTSt HAT*** FLOWERS, OBTRITOH FEATHERS. HERON PLUMXMWro*TBIL*B AND VEI-VEIS, BUOHEB, WOIIM CBAJ*J» BOUBAEINB, and aU ©that klnda of Mfllmety I Gwd *‘ . JOS. HORNS, 77 and 79 Market atnet. WHOLESALE BOOHS pp ttafr*- - pog more new goods, jut racalrad dor JAIL AHD WIBTEB, coDpritll* la part— BARBED COTOTBT FLANNELS; WHIT* do do; BED do; FELLOW do; OUST do; Ileachzd AND UNBLEACHED CANTON FLANNELS; PRINTS, CHICKB, TICKINGS, OAHNETB.KEH* TOCKY JEANS, TABLE DCNJHB DIAPERS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, VILVXT BUh BOH9, OOBBBTS, PHDEBSBTIBTS A DBA WEBS, LADIES* MERINO TESTS, Ac. N. B.—A beautiful itcck of Shawls and Oloahe, Till CMl*. O. HANSON LOVE * CO., (Bit Bits,) poT Daily arrival*! by Express mad Banned, ol New Ooodf MACRUM & CLYDE’S, 80. 7* Market Street Latest s'yles of— oool &g^ ,^«^^,OT • Large assorts rat* of— HOBHBT, OLOT*B, V0*BBHU1» OOgCS, **■ . imaQ ware#- lnTlt, tbs mdsl sttsstloo •( wholuite sit rstmULojMS,cooBtottbst»»ea»lDSSt«lW»r«l>* la price and tarlsty. K&O&tm&OIYPB, W. & D. HUGUB’ LOKQ WOOL BBAWIS; •QUASI WOOL SHAWLS—s«» Itjle; STBtrlC BBQCHA 6BAWLB-tcr*i sail 111 m LOIS WOOL SHAWLS; Kim (QUASI WOOL (BAWLS; Children', LOSO ASD IQ. WOOL (BAWLS. Emit styles la HOOP SKIRTS, (or LACIES, UtSSSS ABC OHILCBIH. p«4 ■ • • ' •~ " ' ' '.. JOSEPH HORNE, Boa TT end T 9 Merket Street, || so* nulrlsi Lis tbM Ism stock oil noils salt, sbkto tbsSMSos,to>vLlokEs tan Osmdsl •smdUobo! dtsssAeoatir Backsets odumt-: duo. BursorjUssot. csess nnanaos ABC sKßioicms, tjCOvUSoSe HCBIAA SOWAOS,. soAsrs. iutts, eusns. aa; CIO (BSBIReASBAW IBS; IBIRDiO EtfITI ■ r - WOBBLED • BOMbT MAtHEM. BO&ffß HAXSBI« 1M ALB* to.? taj PAJTOT DOOM AMD ITOtlOW •VPrices as lov n* pay Eastern Jobbing Hem* . aol;tf -• •• »*"• ' rpAKB NOTlCE.—Dr»ft»dmen ) wto»e jggsagigjEtißjiaß ORY GOODS. GQOM TOST KECEtVKU EATON, SACBIJSIA CO’S, Noe. 17 and 19 Fifth Street- W. tn-rtu racial attcothm to • <*>£» •£“*|?» d £ NEW eoODSvJut recefrod. AD the nrw and da tirabla atylae ©f . DRESS TRIMMINGS, - , PBENCH SMBROIDEBIEB. LACS AND TISSUE VEILS, -I-—" BEAL LACE COLLARS AND BXTg, • TRIMMINGS AND BONNET RIBBONS' HOOP SKIET3 AND OOBSETS. LADIES' A MISSIS BALMORAL SKIRTS, ■ BOSTON BIBBED BOSE. • OU)VES,'GADNTLETS AND MITTENS, 2SPBYB AND SHETLAND WOOM, • KNIT HOODS AND SO STAGS, »* l DRESSES AKDHAJB SETS. LADTEb* WOOL OHDaR GARMENTS, 1 nvuM 1 SHIRTS AND COLLARS, • ' NECKTIES. SUSPENDERS, BANDIES, merino. SILK AND WOOL, AND DRAWEES. CASH BUYERS ropplled' In quantity at lowart price*- ’ *- ! EATOH, HACETJH & CO.. Got. 17 aati 13 firra Sraair. / jaU.IT.tRY .YOTICEB, JT3.A CHANCE TO GET IN llry «TAHTOB OAVALUY. W*» Waahlagtoa City, D. 0., Oct. s, 158*. > mum Joatrw a. Swotfoa, Plttabnrgb, Pa 4 ' . 66- 1 Too ara hereby aothorlwdjto ralsoaßeg saat of OaTalry In the Btatacf Jg tbm year* or during tb* watrto beJ«i“jfea.[y osdaoca'eritb General Order No. 120, trom tali D» *nA Staff Offloeneiaba tnnateradopoa i aoßplettos of the orgaalxatiop of tba men will oe moatcrad aa enroued. BW* riff grTothlny. arms, baraea and equipawnta will \ Cfnrniahed by the proper Dfpartmeßt.. ° Mr£ * r * bKeikobam, 1 Brigadier GastoTal and A. A. G- EUXttUASTIU Pt*»TLTii*utamA»l Hantel'urg, Oct. 7,1882. } Tin iortcoisg authority oS tha War Pgp*rtjnaatu •sprovad, and ordered that the Eertoent °i till* astborlisd to bo raised agreeably omslsatioo indicated by the War PtpuUtnt. By order of tb« Gcrarnor. from tbs »bor» it win bs tew *h»‘ timed hit boon duly Antboriied to rtix.lbli SEuT It win bo •iuehod,«» tea patiblj. *“ *“ Matos CoTtlry, tod J «mMi 1L •ill utlit Is oosiplrtloj tho Boitoest. Tbt tart Btsstos Boglnest it so» U Otmp Boso, ssUbmod, | ■a%i4 wIQ be tacruatbd bera. VlTb Coflipttl*® of this l is* now tn Camp. end U ft lt BUing up. OoBpa&b*i parts °t wnjpaal*B,<%ad »QO*d»» 00» •liTftdy eecepud, bars now ilm l**t and undoubtedly I the ftnwt opportunity tA t TB. AUcl»^ SPECIAL BALE OF MEN'S WEAR. —On Tl'ibßaY EVKNrtJO.ilOTeoherUth.at T o dock, tt thv Ha:onfc Hell (Auction Bouse* 80. M fifth atr**t, will l* - 'oid, by the pair, dorea or ca»e»• le*f» specialccaaiguinruiof aieny. . BOOTS* SECGANB AND BALHO&LIA AU ftaeh and seasonable goods, htot *lth positive in* rtrscMcs. con £ixtl,AKl>, Asti. VAi. lCCii. rpo THE UTEKARY PCfBEKfeQa -L TUESDAYXYXNLsa. Sorestwr lM,,rtT wiook. son eoaiinulssst tbs usd boar rrwj *r*- slag duns* tho w*eb, will b* *oW* by yynpbjst gksuobTW» m tae sooosd floor *al«* room* of p*ri* AuiliOT.ei XlftfetUMV -tb* «*d» UuDr. wn. Adelaca. Jhl« Ij inch moppcctoafty to tbs literary pubiio aeldoa occur* la our city. Tb# Ll*r*ry eomprls* cbcie*» rars *nd Tmi**b.» BooU In tb* nbola nap *1 History. ®j?*‘ r»pby, Flfl* Aru, B«»no*«. baton! History, Tbs* Sow, potty belles Inert* and illurtratedwotka. ThS» critically ae-ect tad extent!** couectloa' « nnrlv two tbsassad sdna** bs« b*«b ehno’Bwa tbirvy best sad BKfi «xp«n*lTe *dltlona of tb* sutber*, 7 lb* greater part Imported oopies, *nd may of tb*m boob rarities. The catalogue, only, caa gtn an *d*ao*t» Id** or tb* wealth ot Llteratur* into* Catalogue* aro low ready tor dlsttlpu ttoo *t tbs Auction Hants, or will b* test by m*Ut* mj sddros roowlr*4 iiom **tc*d. Orden front ussbt* to attend tb* silo will bs executed by tbs undetalgnod. noKfedtltwT t'DFiJKIOa FOBNITUBE, HOBBKS, ) VEHICLE, SADDLES, n A KS£6a. MILOH OQWSe te.-4/O WEDMCSDAE UU&BIMOi Herr. U«b. m 10 o’clock, wi Ibs ssld, at Ocl tiysitoffics^s. to ABsgbear Araea£. UTO>«TiliMto» aatlra tonlriuMat of raper*cr Hcasabrnd EunuWSs Oanrtr. HtdiUnr fr~ , comprising Mahogany Hair , to*wpUea sad Socking.Cbalis, Qua 1 Sea* Weloat Chain, weioat ttntxe TabUs btomE* | nr.WMnr'Ssds, WslnutErutuisßorens.Bros ■s£aadJegr»toC*ipet», Ceoton. Hatting, Wetaat LeosAb Mae Jenny Lind Bedsteads Irpn pf*?rtftaiirl Bair and Hcsk Hiltruwi, Watont Sttdsecd Waab fttaads, Ao. AUO, AT U O’CLOCK.' 1 wlr tslcabls Otfrtage Horsw-woKltMder I thssaddto»oeia eingis or d u6ls b*rae**s I 1 £cnm aid—works nadir tbs saddle Idr to stogie ber»«*»’6*atto to suaag£ - • | Ins coaMa BaaMa<, L*di»s* sad Cant s Saddles. lEmteccßsrooeba , 1 - tsopvtorMifchOcrws. 1 •««»» ***-** ** ‘Pfr PLVIS, Aoot. T 4 wsaicXT BTBEET. AnJffIIRXED ABaiG?i EE*B SALE OF VAt Bfiaisa, Kor. llth, rt Auction. 64 Fifth et.,wlUbc tola, bj HeClarkttt* of Lnose, Wca*rd* ft 00.1 fear laa of croTxad elbat* to Allegheny MVtbnvMoC F«j«tte ettoet, jittrftpwX l ® SOT bring ft BwSor*««TF-»hrt* *•****£*" «fmtn streetsn4 extending tmtlMiwiy* £fertal&, Ms* lots Bo*. ltS lOa.lflW W4IOSI ollote OawWeLsr* ewctedft tfto-stcffy brick 4weßing» ft tns» 4*«Ui&S•»*• brickstoUft.*- ' ••• ’■ I '*»«■« of * cash; wriffift to ft** I •TTAI.riyrBLJEIjIAMOSDPBOFEB.TY v i?g?sa ■, Ms lot of crowd rttottn HUsosii b«TIBC * Iron* Cf £S c» UwK*y^s; .wl J2i> £Mt tft .DwitO- iWdl ® » tm-Urj trt***"™; JW^to«^,«cT S e l 7B b»4«d g «t. WALIIABUs'BIOCBBATAUimbiJ'. V -On ICM»4I BV*S*SG.Kor«at»rllth,«* ji o’oloDk.wiU bo ®M»nl tb* ; ."• - lotbcredAiledbeoy B«ak€tfltJfc.' v * : 10 do -'CIdMO ;.-*»>*' te’ -,„ a •OOID ; i.J.G. DAVIfl* AM** - - BOOTS -IA'D SHOES. LOOK faend JAHM [8088.50.0 racmUj *•* moxt Osa tin SMI witi » • : : i; ’. B'o O TIM *®liH 0 *' •>,?": : t i 8-pas^sM|!ass2». iaaccofldattttmf’wfil i»«olt»d «|eg»z4s fwlty I PC* I— l aUuusji, buji * SVt jft/ri WOOB BTEKT. ecrner of ToarU,, tUn I. f BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITBBB, Vurobwi te«o«i>. ***• *• * 4T ““r - T ■V - |or —---••— ■■ TT23SF fsis g&zu - j LnawShbwr.Uuaß«ei»; »'; 6,'ouOAnojr, <**» and Oot» do; ,w ** lß 67 oo. —lfctott v ■- r'v- v ' —v- ' ;•-• - "• a mW.—lO gaAtUet-Venison;. KkVyty.tittß/. «u‘.no^an 1 .... !i i' . ■ BOTJKTVCI77. A.L. BCSSKit, Adjutant General Penniylwnla- jLO.DAYIB.Anct. I .UAUSI SiAUSI '_'