The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 01, 1862, Image 3

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M*i«o»otooioii Onnunon for tho
- BmUt,bj <i- B.Bhow,OptMoß, 80. 55 Fifth
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Boromotor 10 7-10
■ : Yeitordoyoftornoon, tho oomponloo oom
; I' poolag-.'tho m Bogimaat of Penniylvanlo
Mlnuto Men wore ordered oat on parodo for ro
glmtntol dißl. Thlo regiment, oar rood
on oro oworo, lo eompoied moinly of
i men' who to tho coll of Gov
! ernor -Cartin, to repel- tho tnvoilon of
. our S Ute, end on their rotaru bom oor-
- ties- wore permitted to retain their arms.
They hire since been folly uniformed and
•qalpped, having been presided with every
'v . r thing necessary for duty, excepting cartridge
' ' boxes. Their arms are“exeellent, end they
hiTt theregularUnlted SUtes uniform. The
b offioered u follows:
Colonel—Robert Galway.
: iient. Colonel—James M. Cooper.
•V Major—William Frew.
Adjutant—Benjamin Bakewel).
Co. A—CapLA; H. Gross.
• ■ . - Co: B—-Capt. Samuel Biddlo.
Co. Phillips.
. _ Co. J>—CapL Mattero.
Co. £—Capt. Haxamond.
Co. F- Copt. Rood.
Co. G—Capt. Ralston.
Co. H—Capt,Boffum. -
. Co. I—Capu Dalton.
- At 2 o'clock the companies began to form
• on Fifth street, opposite the headquarters of
• Gen.Hoire—theEaat Liberty company, andor
command of Capt. Cross, being the first upon
the ground. Although* full turn-out was
anticipated, three of the companies did not
report—-namely, those under command of
' Capt*. Matte rn, Hammond and Ralston. The
battalion, however, made a very fine appoar
•. anee, and shortly after three o’olock it com
— menoedmoving through the principal streets,
1 '*nd'proceeded to the Weft Common, Alle
gheny, whero considerable time wac.spent In
regimental drill, in the presence of a large
number of spectators. The column then
—marched back to the elty, and after performing
a number of evolutions on Grant street, op
posite the railroad depot, the order was given
to break ranks. The several companies then
separated—those belonging to the cities pro
ceeding to \ their several quarters, while the
. East Liberty company, took the 6:20 train for
■ home. Although the ranks were not as full
as was anticipated* yet the parade was highly
creditable, and the companies exhibited a re
markable degree of profidenoy in drill, con
sidering the short" tune which has elapsed
sinoe their organisation.
' JaxxaP. Babe.—The same of James P.
, Barr was first announced in ear columns for
Surveyor General. Be received the nomina
- tioa triumphantly and his election has been
scoured by a handsome majority. This is a
compliment well merited by one of the most,
worthy and consistent Democrats in the State.
. Ho-was among the most ardent sapporters of
Stephen A.'Douglas; steadfast in thn-snpport
of the administration in its war measures,
and fearlessly defended the prosecution of the
war to an honorable abutment on the basis
©tthe Constitution. Though he possessed'all
these uid ether rsquiste qualities, sot a single
Be publican that ire know of Toted for him.
These Douglas Republicans had no love for
him more than forany other Democrat* Be
ing a_ Catholic, the K. N’s would not
vote for him—opposed to trading the Govern
ment and while people for negroes, the Aboli
tionists could not strain a point* A Democrat
by birth and education, the Douglas bolters
. and disorganisers turned from him with hat-
A- To4he«nWagbtrw»bribed*«nd ww»*
tamlnated Democracy is he indebted for his
success, and proud are they of the part they
took in his election.
Mr. Barr takes it down as he would a sugar
plum. Hear kirn:
The above beautifol extract Is from the
Clarion Democrat, We call It " beautiful”
because we believe. it to .b« truest least to
the Snrnjor Oesml elected truth U ftlnji
beautiful. In ths name of that retiring gen
tlemen, (though probably, tbo present incum
bent is a more u retiring" man than bo) wo
. return our sincere thanks for the compliment.
During tho canvass, many notices of a similar
r - - import iwtre published and could h&vc boon
reproduced itt this paper. But, as wo were
engaged to the more exalted business of main
taining the people's rights, we could not
bring ourselves to take up our columns with
matter personal to ourselves, however flatter
ing It might be. How, however, the case is
altered—toe eleotlon is over, and thanks to
'the patriotism, good sense and discernment
, of the people, J.P. Barr and his fellow can
didates have been suceesifal. We, therefore,
feel at liberty to print the above little piece,
and while we are grateful to the writerfor his
good opinion, we cheerfully return the con
gratulations of Col. Alexander, himself Chosen
to the Assembly, we sincerely thank our tel*
low-oiUsens fpr the honor conferred in onr
... election.
: r I 0f indloted tot Ins murder of Thomas Cham
' ] berlaio, ws# brought to a clow on Friday af
ternoon, shortly after the meeting of Co art,
1 when eoaneel proceeded tb make their argu
manta to the jury. John fl. Hampton, Eiq,,
: on behaif of the prosecution, made the open-,
ing- speeeh, and was. followed in. torn by
. Messrs. MhlnhaU and Woods, for the defense,
whan the Court took a neess until a quarter
past eorcn o'clock, at which time District At
torney Miller elosed the argument on behalf
of the Commonwealth.
The broad ground taken by the defense was,
thatChamberlaln’a-daath resulted from his
peculiar condition of body, caused by long
dissipation and neglect of bis wounds, which
’ wereinaußolont In themselves to eause death;
■■ and that, taking all the oirchmstaneas in the
. caao, the defendant was entitled to a verdict
,: of acquittal. - _ , ,
The,prosoantlondid-notnrga.a conrlcUon
for murder In the Urtt degreo,the testimony
hot erarranting the belief that the prisoner
bad inflicted the blows with a deliberate- in-,
tantton to take life. It was argued, howerar,
’ With great force-and ability, that the defeh
.dantnad evidently used a deadly weapon,
: ‘with Intent to inflict: great bodily harm, and
' that death haring ensued ho was clearly
cuilty-of murder in the second degree. But
< ' wron supposing that great bodily harm was
' hot Intended, and that the blows were struck
Jn the heat of passion, then, under the plain
principles of law, the defendant would be
: guilty or manslaughter, and in no legal or
reasonable manner could the grade of homt
- dda he reduced below that of manslaughter.
- - Ihese-premites of the prosecution wore ably
maintained. ‘
Court adjourned until nine o’elock Satur
day morning, when Judge Mellon wUI deliver
the elurge of the Court, and the jury will re
tire to deliberate jnponajerdlot.
~~.~~ 3*7~ ~ `• ~A
V *
A Has* SraTioasa-r Dsror.—Our worthy
agent for the Eastern dailies, J. W. Plttock,
Fifth street, opposite the Postolflee, beside
his well completed literary news and periodi
cal .took, has also reeelrod a fresh arrival of
—ftstioflSfy. This store is well filled with the
srtieies mosf needed in the counting room or
■ private toritoin. Mr. P. la
and aooommodating/ salesman, and if-you
need anything In his line, give him a call.
‘ tirnr. A. J.' Oiaaon will join his battery
(Stanton Heavy Artillery) on Tuesday neat,
at Camp EufT, HI J., and wIU take oharge of
lottereand small 1 panels for the members,of
'said'Company, If left with J. ,B. Bead,
Jeweller, Fifth street, on Tuesday.
... Tna Marnonier.—This Important religious
■ ' weekly le regularly received by John P.
Hunt, the Pittsburgh agent, at Masonic Hall,
Fifth street! The letters from Europe, by Dr.
MeCllntoek, are interesting and Tamable.
V gin Barker it Co’s advertisement.!
Parade of the 15th Militia.
The Lowrie Homicide.
The testimony In toe case of William Low*
Con. Brocrro*. —This indefatigable officer
has secured two more companies to go Into
hie regiment of Stanton Cavalry, at Camp
Howe. One of these Is from Erie, and the
«ther from Oonnenevllle.
. .“Jtafdertß’Chape.”
Bew. poorly ignoranoepays, is illustrated
by the ’following: A young 'lrishman, from
the neighborhood of Pboenigville, just mar
ried, started to Philadelphia to buy house
keeping " fixins.” He entered a furniture
store, and fell in love with a "jailer” bureau,
varnished to the shiniest possible point, and
gleaming over the sidewalk in Us wealth of
seeond class veneers. He priced the article.
The dealer smilingly said that the artiole
could be "occupied” for twenty-five dollars.
Being an Irishman, the admirer of the bureau
commenced the process of beatiog down, and
with suoh suooess that he ultimately reduced
the fiugure to $2l. The buyer’s figure was
twenty; he would give this and no more.
For a quarter of an hour the parties higgled
over the dollar, until at last the dealer agreed
to split the difference, and take the sum of
twenty dollars and a half. This didn’t suit
the young Milesian. Finally, making for the
door, he.said, with the air of a man who gives
the last call:
"Will ye take me money ?”
" I’ll take $20.50.”
"Ho less?”
"Nota cent.”
"Thin here goes me money book to me
pocketjagin,” saylngwhieh the Phoonlxville
Benedick opened his hand, exhibited a $2O
gold piooe, and placed it in his vest pooket.
■The dealer saw the coin and changed his
_ "Hold on,” said he, "oome book. You shall
have the bureau, though on my word I lose
money on it.”
" Falx U’j noways chape. I can git the
like o’ them anywheres for the money.”
The man paid over hts 20 dollar gold piece,
and the burean was duly delivered. The dealer
grinned with satisfaction as he received the
coin; the purchaser grinned with Uke ceta
plaoenoy as he whispered to his equally en
lightened better half, "That’s murderin’
chape Biddy, ain’t it darlin’ ?”
The poor fellow had. never heard of the
"premium os gold,” and could not of conrso
comprehend how a $2O "shiner” could bo
worth $26 in current funds.
How the Guerrilla High was Killed.
We have already notioed the killing of Sam
High, the notorious Virginia guerrilla. The
particulars are detailed as follows s
High, who had taken the oath of allegiance,'
was engaged as nsoal in capturing the loyal
oitlzens of Hampshire county. Among others
he captured a man by the name of Spencer,
and was proceeding along the road with him.
High sent the balance of his cat throats
ahead to arrest some other Union eitisens.
After the gang had gone, High said to Spen
cer, "I intend'td'send you where I sent Arn
old,” (alluding to* man he had killed some
time before.) _ After a while, High leaned bis
gun against a tree, and Bpenoer, watching
his opportunity, seised the gun and shot High
through the heart, killing him instantly.
Spencer jumped upon High’s horse and made
Tor New Creek with as little delay as possible.
He is now quite a lien in New Creek.
Bword Presentations at Camp Howe.
An elegant sword was yesterday presented
toCapt. Z. Walker, of Co. B,Hth Pennsyl
vania Cavalry, at Camp Howe. The sword
was presented by Sergt. H. R. Brcnneman,
in a neat tpeooh, on behalf of the members of
the eompany. Capt. W. replied in a becom
ing manner. This company is from Fayette
county, and forms a part of Col. Schoon
maker’s Regiment
Lieut J. H, Byers, of the same oompany,
was also the recipient of a fine sword, pre
sented by Moses Collins, Esq., of New Haven,
Fayette county, on behalf of the friends of
Llent B. The occasion was one of much in
terest to the members o! the company, and
formed one of those pleasant episodes which
serve to break the monotony of camp life.
Bavxyour money by purchasing your boots,
•hoes, and hoop skirts at McClelland’s Auc
tion House.
Sib Barker k Co’s advertisement
Gtavxm aid B akbb’s Sbwieq Hachibb, fir
family and-manufacturing purpose*, an the
best in use: ' - V
A. P. Chatoby, Genoral Agent,
y No. IS, Fifth street
Fob Fall ajtd Wimtsb Weab —The winter
ii Q'pon us, and we must provide ourselves
with toe material to. keep us comfortable. A
good and well-made overcoat is the very arti
cle, and we don't know of any place where
our readers can get one-that wUI look as well,
and at the same time withstand the most se
vere weather, es at W. H. McGee A Co.'s,
corner of Federal street and Diamond Bquare,
Allegheny. Their stock' of overcoatings,
business and dress clothing,' pantaloons of all
descriptions, are well assorted, and of the
latest style. The gentlemen's'furnishing
goods department is all that a purchaser would
wish. Call on McGee A Co. if you desire a
nice salt.
Valcabli Beal Estate fob Sale.— By
reference to our advertising columns will be
found an advertisement of Moses Cbess, ad
ministrator, offering a fine tract of land and
eea!, situated on the Washington and Pitts
burgh turnpike, about two miles from toe city.
Persons wishing to purchase should direct
their attention to this land, as it lies in one of
the best farming and.cOal districts of Alle
gheny county. -
Wn would call attention to toe superbstock
of Fall and Winter Clothing, for gentlemen
end boys' wear, to be found at Messrs. -W.
H. McGee A Co., corner of Federal street and
Diamond square. It has been selected under
the supervision of the’-proprieton, and it
covers every description of goods for gentle
mens'dress or business: suits. Gentlemen s
furnishing goods, such as white shirts and
flannel undershirts, drawers, gloves, cravats,
Ac., will also be found to the establishment,
In avery select and large assortment*
Samuel Gxabam, merchant tailor, wonld
most respectfully Inform his friends and the
publio generally that hebas returned from the
East with his new stock of fall aid winter
goods. Bis stock consists of the latest styles
of cloths, cassimerei ead vesttogi, seloctoi
from toe tatest importations* .Gentlemen do
slrioganeatfitting garment, and elprloci
lower than at any other tailoring establish
ment to the city, would do well te give him an
early call. Samuel Oraham, morenant tailor,
Ho. H Market street, one door from Third.
StabHiho I but tuom-’-Tbe volunteers are
braving toe dangers of. Fervor# Scurvy,
Wouum and ChofenuVMwre * W*
low will leave his bonsßto bleaeh, whp, by
toe aid of Holloway's Pills nod Ointment,
would lfeve returned to hi* feaily ttreng and
healthy; * ’• Soldiers, trr them I.j Only. 35 tout*
Hones to the property owners of told oity
Is hereby given, that any repair® needed about
their wIU be- done promptly, if they
leave their order at Cuthbert's Carpenter and
Joining Shogun Virginia alley, just above
Bmlthaeld stroct;
Him. —A largo Supply Of Photographlo
Albums just reoelved at the Gift Book Store,
118 Wood street, for sale at redueed priees,
and a valuable gift worth Horn 50 oontsto
$lOO given with each.
Ongreos Canna will be taken at the Omnibus
offloe, No. SOS Liberty street, day or night.
Ail orders. left at the above place will be
promptly attended to. All oalls muttbepatd
la advance: . <“>
DssTierst. —Dr. C. Sill, No. 218, Penn st.,
attends to all branches of the Dental profes
sion. i
floor Skibts, a fresh stook, Just received
at MoOlellaad's Auction.
Lanias* LißTiaa Cobobbsb Übel Garre bb,
at the Masoulo Hall Auetlon House.
Boots, Sbobs ibd Oiitbbs, all kinds and
priori, at McClelland's,.ss Piflb street.
Bib Barkor k Co's advertisement.
some sssorlmset,: also. Jspenned Toilet Bets, of
fallen ptfierw; Japanned Bpica, Bngar sod Coffee
Canisters; Fork ana Spoon Boses, bust Pass, Be.,
. recalled anil for tala by ■
• ' 1 : JOBS A. BIBSHAW,
■. —-o ■ 1 1 coiu.r Libert t and Hand atreota.
—A foil u»ortm*Bt; aliOi extm Shikar Broom*
BroalMi b,igjjggtf
comer Liberty end Bead etreete;
_ „ in- store. »m
fi° ta “' 4d “»> 1 ‘ ,, l ia£nsoK*T*oo.
ocoo.. ..
•• ■
[Bpeelal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Washisgtgb, Oct 31, 1862.
The President has blocked out hli message,
and is getting together the raw. materials.
Yesterday ha told a delegation who were urg
ing the Importance of buUding a railroad to
Point of Bocks, that he should recommend to
Congress botk that and the Danville, which
was vetoed last session, on the ground that it
is a military necessity.
Dispatches from Harper’s Ferry report
Longstreet’s whole corps at Bnieker’s Gap
and on this side, and manifesting itself by
stragglers as far as Waterford. Some antiri
pete a battle. A number of Burgeons have
been ordered to field duty, and others are di
rected to hold themselves in readiness.
OB a visit.
Secretary Chase and daughter are on a visit
to Gen. Bigel.
Msjor Bussell, of the Marine Corps, a well
connected young man, at one. time a volunteer
aid on Gen. McClellan's staff, committed
.suicide last hightr-plaksing * small sword in
his side, and, that faiUng, blowing his;brains
OUt.'-.'.,/., 4: ;
In his sjMech last ln New York, pre
dicted his eleotion with great confidence, say
ing that with him U was a national and not a
personal question; and the same battle
which the soldiers were Waging with ballets,
the eitizen had to fight with ballots.'
The.Commissloner of Internal Revenue has.* 1
decided that marriage certificates come within
the meaning of the fifth clause of the Bxeise
Law, relating to the forms'of certificates of
any other description than mentioned in
Schedule B, and are therefore subject to a ten
cent stamp.
The Commissioner also decided that a dealer
who sells soap, candles, starch or tea, hy the
box, or salt by the wagoq load, to consumers,
Is not a wholesale dealer under the law, unless
he {sells to those who buy to sell again, in
which case he must take out a wholesale deal
er’s license. That owners of planing mills,
receiving lumber to be plenedj dressed or
matched, for flooring, by them, (they merely
charging their customers for their labor upon
the same,) are not liable to tax under tbe law.
BUEiiaa blavks irro guba.
It is reported by passengers from Cuba,
that large numbers of slaves from Texas and
Louisiana are ruh across and sold there; and
that they eret(emoralitiDg the Oubatlavea by
Lincoln songs. The steamer Blanche*lately
run ashore, is said to have had a number of
slaves on board, besides a cargo of cotton. ;
The board authorised by Congress to re
port upen the propriety of aeeepUog tie ces
sion of League Island, hare made a volamn
ioas report. The opinion of the majority ere
against the aeceptanee, and In favor of es
tablishing a navy yard at New London. Had
tbe report been In favor of the acceptance,
the Department could have immediately es
tabllsned a yard at League island. As the
oate stands they can do nothing.
Three druggists wero arrested, ysitsrday,
for knowingly selling contraband medicines
to the women. "
News from Rebel Soorces.-General
Butler at Pensacola—The Bebel
General Hindman’s Doings, j
Cairo, Oct. 31.—A Ute Grenada Appeal
says that Price is reported to have evacuated
Holly Springs on Sunday last.
The Columbus (6a.) Timet, of the 17tb,
says: General Butler, with 7,000 nee, has
landed at Pensacola.' It was expected that
be would advance on the junotion of the Mo
bile with the Montgomery and Pensaeola
Gen. Hindman is now In a military prison
at LUtU Rock, and is shortly to be taken to
Albert Pike has wricten a long letter to toe
Arkansas Patriot, showing up Htoimen’a
coarse. He says .that, while to Memphis,
Hindman went to toe banks of that dty, un
der assumed aatborityof Beauregard, aod
made them fork over a million of-dollars for
operations to Arkansas. After getting Into
that State, be issued a series of most extraor
dinary military orders. Heat first declared
martial law; he next bad all cotton seised for
the Confederate Government or burned; be
next ordered all provisions whatever, Ukely
to fall Into General Curtis* hands, to be de
stroyed, end ordered all wells In the oountry
Curtis might pass 1 through, to be-poisoned;
and finally, he refused to let any dtiseui pass
beyond the limits of Arkansas for any pur
pose whatever.
From the Army of the Poioniaic.
Hkapquartks, Abut of tbb Potomac, I
Oot. 31—Evening.—In toe moving of an I
army like this, too mueh caution cannot be
exerelidd, by all lovers of toe Union, to; giv
ing any .information, the knowledge-of which I
would be of servloe to the enemy. The loca-1
lion of a division or oorps, by the fact of I
their bavlng moved, ar though .seeming of so I
Importance to the people to toe North, is of I
vast benefit to our enemies, and might bp the
Instrument! of unnecessarily sacrificing thou-1
sands of lives, and defeating the best dls-1
elpltoedarmy to this country. Newspapers
are too medium -by- which the rebele, obtain
many feels valuable to them, and ; those ; who
have (he control of theraeannet be too cau
tious at toe present time. Giving informa
tion as to the enemy's position and move
ment, Is not objectionable.
General Stuart, with from 1,500 to 3,000.
cavalry, came to to-day, from Union to Mort
ville, and attacked a small force of our oar- J
airy, driving them towards Aldie. . .. ;
. The old Pennsylvania reglmente are to be.
filled up at onee with drafted men. The or- |
der has been Issued, and It is to be hoped
that other St%tes will follow 1 this excellent
example. ■lt should be a matter of pride to
•very State not to send toe greatest number
of reglmeuti into the flsld, hnt keep those
Already In the service in the; most efficient
condition. This can only be done by filling
up toe eld regiments. 4 l
The Richmond papers, reoelved to-day, an
nounce the aitltaJ, in that city, of General
Bragg and his staff.
Arrested lor Encouraging Bebellion.
Sr. Louis, Oct. 80.—James'R.Saokland, a
prominent lawyer of thle city, wm arreited
end committed to the military priion et boon
to-day, by order of the Provost Marshal Gen
eral. Hie arrest U ooneeqaeet npon e speech
delivered last night at a Democratic meeting,
held at the Coart Honse. In the order for
his arrest he is charged with enoooxagement
of rebellion; opposition to the Government In
its efforts to snppresa rebellion; publicly
abasing the Government, and the people of
the United Btatee; defending the rebellion,
by charging its origin to have been with the
loyaLpeople of the United States; and |mb
llely depreoating the onrrenoy of the ooootry..
The Mate of a Vessel Murdered;
Bobtos, Oct/31.—The ship GaioondA, from
San Pranclseo, reports that on the 3d of Aag
net, a —»*">** named Roberts -stabbed: the
mate of vessel P. H. Rogers, of Beverly, who
died an the 10th, from the offsets of the
wound. . - •
Arrival of tho Bark Milton.
Haw York, Oct. 31.—The bark Milton,
from New Orleans, that, on tho 20 th
iniU, when off Cape Iseary, she heard a num
ber of reports of heavy cannon from tho
westward. • .
George Francis Train*
Niw Toss, Oct. 31«—George Francis Train
addressed e large aadltnoe at the Academy'.of.
Mule to-night. M% *u Introduced
5 > * FromWashinrton.
Wußnotos, Oct. 31.—Information has
reached hen from Berryirille, Clark county,
Va., on the Either aide of Bine Ridge, hp to
yoaterday. Then waa an apparent extensive
moTement of the rebel, troops: going,On In
that vicinity, some proceeding to Frontßoyal
road and down towards Castieman Ferry and
~ienandale Springe. General Jackson was
then at BerryivUlo. His troops there were
without baggage, and those moving on the
Front Boyal road, alio seemed to have no
baggage trains ,wUb them. A ißasil body of
rebel troopsl were at Charleitown on the day
before yesterday. <;
The Aar, this evening, says: Wo have re
liable information from parties just from Cuba
that the steamer Blaneho, on a late trip from
Texas to Mulatto bay, carried, in addition to
a eargo of cotton, quite a number of*. Texan
slaves, withStheir owners, who promptly sold
them to Cuban planters; and also, that seces
sion families are arriving from New Orleans
and bringing a number of slakes.' It
•will be remembered that the steamer Stanohe
ran a eargo to Cuba under the British" flag,
which is not khown for many years previous
to have oovered a eargo of slaves for Cuban
market. i _/
A Spanish man-of-war, the Biasoo4a Gary,
!i laid to have landed more er> lasi of the
a laves entering the island from the vicinity of
New Orleans. :1 ■ ■
The folfiiimont of oontraets with, the Navy
Department for the construction aad’machln
ery of somelnew screw slooM-of-warhsi fiffen
delayed mueh beyond the time specified. ‘As
an instance, the eonstraoters them*
selves to bavoevery thing connected with the
machinery, coal bankers, Ao., on : board the
Juniata, in working order, by the 17th of
February last, bat two weeks beyond the
present timo will be required to the
work. .■ -x! V
| Aoting Assistant Paymaster R. B« Koassy
I has been ordered to tho frigate Brandywine.
I Acting Hesters Lewis West and Thftpiaa D;
Carr, Aoting Assistant Paymaster A. M.
Stewart, have been'ordered to tfro Ladcna.
joining the Anhy. j ;'i
LtxiMQtoa, Kt., Oct. 3K—Bowen> ’with
three or four hundred deiituuUs, froifc "East
Tennessee, arrived here to-day, having made
their way hence to join the Fccfcral. army.
They will go to CioolnnaK to-mdrroif to he
clothed. ' ?7 i ' '
Death of Ithamar W. Heard. . ,
Bostoit, Ootobor Sl.—ithamarßeard,
formerly Sob*Treararer, died to-day al
Lowell.--. -- - [
Markets by Telegraph*
pßn&svirHUt Oct. 31—Hoorn— I There tone change
In the Floor market, but holders sxwfirm tn thei
demsnds; nice nf 600 this at $0,25 lor superfine, am
17,60 for extra laxailr. receipU and stocks light. Bye
Sour sella at ss£s. Corn-meal at Wheat it
demand and advanced 2c; idea 7,000 bushels >ed m
$1,4701,60. aodwhliaat $1,6*01.70. Byaafivanca!
To. Corn Inifidr request, and SuO bu*. 'fallow sold ai
75c. Oats doll at 40c. for Delaware, and 41042 c. for
Pennsylvania. So change In Providoq*. Clover-eeed
: active at $6,12J<08,37K; Flaxseed wanted ats2Ao
Whieky ia held at39040c. ; *- =
Sew You, Oct. 31—Evening.—Ootton heavy;-MOO
Hlf sold at 60@60>£. Flour lower, hbls sold.
Wheat active; 12D,000 bos. sold. Corn: tales 84,000
bush. Pork heavy at $12012,25 for tfne. Sugar
firm at 9@Ujfc-
The Latest Market Reports by Mail.
CuaUiTi. Oct. SO.—Floor: The market closed
heevy, untor the newt from Sew York, and holders
accepted $5,25 ftr good superfine. We quote super*
fine at $5,1605,25; extra $5,3006,40; family,
6,60; and fancy $5,780G.
There ia a good demand for Whisky, and bat Utils
offering; sales of 400 bbls state.
Hogs—A somewhat heavy fseUng to day, and hold
ers offering quite freely at $4,76 for seat month, but
buyers seemed disposed te hold beck. The weather
. has been too wa> id for packing; therefore no demand
and no sales for present CeUvery. •
.. Provision*—Mess Pork is dull. So demand. 100
> bhdi Bacon aides sold last evening, at Baeon
| shoulders can be beugnt at 5%c. jUrd firm at 8%0.
lon the spot. • ' •
Wheat—There was a fair demand In the morning
at $1,0201,03 for prim# red, and $1,1201,15 for la.
I dlans and Ohio white, but on the weolpt of tbe dls
patchss from Sew York market became heavy, and
I «Ues could not have been made at the close unices
coneeeriona of 203 c per bash from the above figure*;
but the offtrioge arii cot large, smT holders are not
willing tosubmU to any material decline, and prkee
werw merely o- mluaL No ealee reported. [
The offerings Mr Barley are light,with a geod de
mand, and the market roles firm at foil prices. We
Soots prime to choice Spring at $1,2501,30, and
The Slave TraAe injfetr York,
- ; Albert , Sero l -wv}firw-¥wk merchant,
was convicted in the Federal Court, on
Wednesday, of the crime of fitting oht a
slaver. Thefacta of the case are as fol
lows: Rom purchased the steamship Chy
of Norfolk at Baltimore, and brought h&r
to New York, whence she was despatched
with a cargo to St. Thomas, in charge [of
Captain Zadoo A. Tilton. At St. Themis,
tho command of the vessel was transform
to the first mate, Crawford, and sho sailed
for Africa, where a cargo of negroes wha
; taken-on board and subsequently landed
lon the coast of Cuba. The ship was then
I abandoned. The evidence clearly sbow<
| Horn's agency-in the slave-trading but
ness of the* ship, and the jury, after i
absence ofi less than three hours, return id
s verdict of “Guilty." The prisoner wks
immediately laken into custody by Mar
shal Hurray.
I The penally for this crime is imprison
ment for not less than three nor more than
I soven yean, and a fine of not less than
$l,OOO nor more than $3,000. The con
viction, coming eO closely upon the execu-
I tion of Gordon, shows that the slave-trade
I is not hereafter to be permitted to make
I its headquarters in New York.
BHOWDSM-—BUBBS—Od theSOth October. 1862,
bv the B«r. I. H. Suwert. Mr. JAMBS M. SNOW
WIGHT!! AN—At bla residencenear Eaat Liberty,
on the 31st October. JAIIK3 WIOHTKAN, Sr., fn
the 87th jeer of his eg*.' I
The fnnerel Will leer* bU lets residence, on Bir
osn&r Arrtwroojr, November lit, promptly et 2)4
o'clock* Carriages will leave the Stabla of Mitcbel
, £ Moreland at 1 o’clock, to convey frienda to the
henee ■ • ’ 1
. TEACH—At his ledfence on Faators L»*e. Alio
jrhenVi on Friday morning. Octobw 3 • • et t o clock,
of typhoid fever, WM. H. TEACH, proprietor of the
Union Drove Yerd, aged 41 years and SS days. I
The faoerel will take place ran arru«ooM,nt 4
o'clock, toi’pnxeed to Mt, Union Cemetery. The
frlenda of the family are r*<4seated to attend withont
farther notice.
IV plANOft—Th» twstiqatfe
* *- world. Womnted for\l M V
uos ta"lb« world, rtfomntea iw*« - _ _
«!rbi yeon. Jort r*e«!Todi lb» Urwt «nd ehofcMi
worlawl or of Bnrto’l.Boll Moil Pramtam *l
- 10. Ifcl>.cln i b*t» thofclllroo lm.
ptonnl frmmo, ftlt-eoYrrol h»m«i«r» l |irßp treble,
iu ,u otlwr lmproremeßU; ul «r» nU cbttper
*t»i> any Dtuto cottridorcd rvolly fint din,
ooM ;• - •' Ko. 43 yifto itmt
l imnAL PIAHOd, made by BTKIHWAY A
g 055, of New York. ttute InitrvmenU took a
flnt elan Prim Hedal, la competition with two
hundred and etahty Flanoe, from an ptrU of Bnrope
and America. Ib?y a» ttm proven to be
A choice rapplyef lbc« unrivalled initntaenU
now receiving and on band. _
B.XUKBKB A BBO,» fit Fifth etreei,
.gotoAmtator «etnW«y«« Ptoaoa.
NEW PIANOS.—Six new and irap.tb
Booewood 7 octet. PIAHOS, wUk til the n
oat lmprorenionU, *nd of the moot eleknnt itjko,
lut reoolttd from the (11 oUtiUlbed inioolebttiod
inn of HtiUtl. D*>l* *Oo., Borion. TlmeHuea
will bo wunnted b» the minahetonn ui tho mb
ocdber to oil porch leer*. Price* tin mm* Mnt
? IpHB HUlIt It Wood rirnt.
T>EAL BAKGALNa— I hare now fat
lb Item era Hi »ml 7 «ct*r* OHICSIBIHO
PIAHOS, In perfect crile* Uorerjroroeet, luting
been In nee bnt *terr ebort time, which I w II mil
nt nbont on*>htif lb* origin*! co*t. Alio on bend,
•one good eecend*band Pianoe of other nakra* from
«1 Wood tiret.
AHOS ln*t Merited from tie mtiinJictotj of
Ouelua Brothel*, Mow fork. Thom Pieces uo
wemntodto be tqoti to eat mode In thiiooanln
In oterj portlcnlar, end will bo *oldi nt t«Jonti)»
prloei. trerr Inntrnment of tnUmiko .111 bower,
ranted try the inhecrttar lor five yeare. .for aale by
Tgg? ” JOHN H-MBtLOB, tt treat.
•tMs.f«o,t7Bud|looisUiu4|lSO. Jut
ncelT«l,Vnlsti<lli)lotol Ihm. luttimuDU, Itsm
Muoa A Htmlltt'* rntnoMctwr.uul imr
diModbeftweMjriadTMMtajrlu.' torutobp
°ocS:i JOUKU.MMiLOB.iI Vr<»<U»»«t,
; JOHlf H. MTILtOB, tl
)NOi£ DHI)Mb just re*
ortwdby '* v.
/^UJMJiNT—4O bbb. Uy3r
[BeperUi tptotaUf forOu POUborgkiTattiU.i
Fsidav, Oct. 31.—The general market baa been
tolerably hetive to-diy tor most of the leading arti
cle* and tome Important change* bare taken place
In quotations. Salt ha* again advanced, and Gunny
bags and army aacka are held considerably higher.
In bet, almost everything la advancing. >
QBAIN—What I» Terr Srm »t $1,15 *jr Bed from
first hands and $1,20 for White; Sal* from store of
400 hnthi Eed'ou private tern*. Barley 1* In active
raqomtat $1,22 Jrfr prim* Spring and Fall. Cat*
unchanged at 4&rfor new and 50c tor old. Com i*
tteady|tt€2toosc. Bye I* very scarce and wanted
• GBOOEBtES—Sogar to firm at 11 toll%c; Sale
oflOhhdsForio Bicoat ll%c, and 10 hhda prime N
6at 14%c. Molasses unchanged bat very firm; Sale
; of 40 bbto new crop N 0 at 65; prime old may be qao*
-led at 68c. ( offee to firm at 27@28c.
FBOVISIC HB—We contlnoe to quote Sbonlder* at
6%c; Side* Plain Hams 10c; and Sugar
Cored 12%c, i Country Hess Pork to held at 810,75®
11 andcity brands $l2- There to nothing doing In
lard. I
FLOUE—to leas active though the market contin
ue* vary flrmj at $6,75@f1,87 for Extra family. W®
cannot give quotations of Extra or. Superfine as there
as there U none In market. Bye to firm at $5,00.
; No. l'White Befinod Oil to firm at 40c
In bond end 45c free; Sale of bbto In bond on
private terms. Crude to flhn wJth Sale* of 200 bbto
etT6%e; 80 bbto at 17c, and -2,000 bbto on private
SEEDS—{u active demand and firm with sales of
00 bosh Tlcotby at $1,75; 75 bush Flax at $l,BO end
50 bush Clover at $5,3?.'
• OHEESK-ds steedywltb sales of prime WBat
SALT—Tb*r* U‘a rery brtok demand tor i No. Ex
tra salt, and prices range from $3,50 to $3,75 per bbl,
. APPLES—unchanged; Sale of 100 bbto choice at
s2£5 psrbbl. • -• •• ■••
Snr Ton Ma5XT,MA*Kjrr, Oct, 27, p. m.—There
T l* no change In tbs money market. Tho large lend
era are supplied 4®spsr cant, and small operator* got
what they n*ed at C@7. Thera to more disparities
the canraes, to acrutinlxe margins, as peo
ple seam uncertain hew the result of the election may
affect the stock market.- Certificate* of public
dshtedneas are steady *! 1 per cent discount.
Gold wsS was lower to-day selling down to 131%
Transactions are very limited, as the new machinery
for operating In gold has not yet been perfected and
become generally known. An impression prevails
th* policy of government in allowing 4 per
cent fir deposit* of gold has contributed materially
to strengthen the price of the precious metal and to
develop* speculation in it. So long as people'can
carry gold without expanse, it can hardhHhfl to ad
nata, .Exchange fluctuated between 144% and'l4s,
with very little boelneei. Both buyers and sellen
seem disposed to hold off for the preseat. Among
broken and bankers a belief In higher rate* appear*
generally to prerafl.—Herald.
Oil a* New Toax.—The Tribune of Thursday,
says crude oil continues in good demand to{ export
at22®25, and Defined at prices ranging from 3A to
50c for future and immediate delivery. A smell lot
of 57 bbl* wjbit* was sold at 65c»
Imports t»r Railroad.
Pimsnaas. Ft. Watxb A Oaioaoo Bemoan,
Oct iO—lo ibis apples, 10 doa brooms, H Gerwlg; 2
rail# leather! O Burchfield; 41 pkge wire and rivet*,
B Townsend A eo; 1 car hoops, L Wilmaxtb; 5 kegs
lard, Bhrivef, A Laxsar; 10 do do, Means A Coffin; 82
tkj potatoes; White.A Bro; 12 bbto apples, Wm
Cooper A co; 438 bn barley, 1 car do, Joshua
Bhodfls;.24o bp middlings, Joe Dortlngton; 160 car
boys vltroU, ArdesooOU eo; Sears corn, A MeTlghe;
100 pigs lead, O G Hussey.
Oct 31—200 bbto flour, James McCnlly A co; 100
do do, Wm McCutcbeon; 303 aka corn, Dan Wallace;
3 pigs liquor, A Qockeuhelmeri 3 bbto cider, B
Biehop;! car hoops, Lewis, Dalzell Aco; 17 bbto ben
sine, B A TahnMtock A co; IK) eks, and 3 car* bar
ley, Joshua B bodes.
• OLXTKLawn * Pittssoecb Eailsoad. Oct 29—9
aka com meal, Wm Lltten;Bl bales hop*,l car barley
181 ska do, Joshua Rhodes; 25 bales hops, Bpeacsr
A McKay; 24 do do, M Terry; 19 bdto chairs, Frank
Walker; 4 pkp leather, O Groetzincer A Son; 10
bales hop*,'Z Walnright; 14 pkp ale, Wm Edmonds;
10 bbtl apples, L H Voigt A co; Wdo do, Owens A
Kennedy; 1 car«°») feed, A Taylor, 324 bosh barley,
86 bush fls* seed, Spencer A McKay, 130 bble ap
ples, 25 bxs grapas. 81 L Hi tchcock; 419 bnah bar
toy, D B Galway; 40 bdto paper, Foster A Fleccoo;
lOOdodo,BßOodfr«y;2spkp flih, WmHsslage;s
bbto cnltott, Bryce, Bicliarde Aco; 10 bbto apples,
j u 4 Fetzer: 333 bush wheat, B T Kennedy A Bro.
Oct SO.—2bxe hard vara. Sam Fahnestock A co;
100 bbto floor,- D Wallace; 100 do do, Jfß Canfield; 9
butts, 3 cases tobacco, J A Maxurie; 180 bbto flour,
Simpson A Knox; 40 bdto spokes,. F Aeshelman; 295
bgs, 300 bush wheat, B T Kenndy A Bro; 6 roll*
leather, U Burchfield; 4 ska beans, 6 do onions, 26 dt
rags, McCullough, Smith A eoj 100 ek* wheat; John
Voogntley; 3 pkp butter, John Whitfield; 20 bxs
•torch, J Boss; 25 ekt sous, B A Fahnestock A co;
75 bxs starch, Shrfter M Bazaar, 6o do do, W A Col
lier, 5o cheese, J M Snowden; 172 ski barloy, Z
Wrinrightdl3sdodo; 112 donate, JudnA Fetzer,
160 bbto apples, J H Green.
The river was swelling again yesterday, and last
evening the pier marks sbowod three feet eight
Inches. The weather was unusually warm and more
rain to predicted soon. Thto last swell came oat of
the Monongabslm.
The Monongahela has risen sufficiently for .the
packets to resume their regular trips to Brownsvllto.
The Gallatin will toad off Ibis morning.
The Minerva, from Wheeling, will doubtless bo
found at the wharf Ibis morning. She will return,
we presume, at loon.
The Ruling*, C*pt Robinson, leave* fur Ciocii
oatl today without ML As the water b low shea
take but little fre'ght.
Oar Wheeling exchangee, of yesterday, report th«
river rising at tbet piece, with four feet five Inches in
the channel.
Natioatob Sold.—CapL John Sbouse, formerly
the Cltftcn, purchased the Navigator, yesterday, for
(130,000.* Cspt. S. Intends to commenoo loading for
St. Louis as soon as the water will permit.
The St. Louis and Keokuk Packet Oompany hare
Issued 5,10, 2& and $0 cent bills, “receivable for
freight, •charges, Ac." Tho Inns will doubtless
prove very convenient.
The Illinois River Packet Company is bnlldiog
two boats here, one a «tern*wheeler, for the mechin-
ery of tha Amerlcus, and the other a «lde*wheeler, fo
the machinery of the Hlontoota Belle. , |
The SL Louis and Missouri river steamer Tbomak
E. Tutt strack a snog on the Mlnourl river, lost
week, and rank. She had a valuable cArjjo of
cerice, on which there was no Insurance. ! The boat
•was Insured for 90,000. •
ISYlLLE.—Th.U,ht<lraasfatitr'm SjWfiTignlb
er HASTINGS, dipt. Bobt. Bobtaon, »1U taraaa
abora on THIS DAI, the Slit taunt, at « a. m.
jheuckijit tailors.
(BoooMMn U -Jama 0, Will,)
Merchant Tailors,
Art now recelrUg tbelr
Which (0 extent, ebolce. Uste and prices will com
pare frvorably with anything is the trad*, compels
Tm all the newest and beat makes of French
• Also, the largest and beat selected stock of Goods
forbostness salts ever brought to this market.
Likewise a very choice selection of
always oa hand.
Any orders intrusted to oar care win meet with
prompt attention and punctuality InaH cases.
»10 - '
TTrANTED—S,OOO bosh. Flaxseed;
TV "600 bush, arias Navy Beans;
800 do choles Potatoes;
>BAHgTAMOO|u)KB , ft
WANTED.— I*. H. Voiq* A Co. will
f V «•« tbi fafobttt o*rk«t prtc* fcr OLOVJB,
jritAXfiSU), delivered At Ho. 257
vttMt. oc2T
t\llo08«U&lM* B*g*l Gunny Bap;
) ,000 Bombay Backs;
*,600 larva, JittTj, Mb«b Backs;
8,000 Array, Oata and Own do;
600 Sail aacka,
?or sal® by HrrcnoooK| MoOBIIBT 4
lB atlfcSmU
Hirtarjosi Tetaroed *nm tto lut, wilt open, on
, WKDNKBDAY. Hot. filfc.n Justeoma «nortsiMt of
WIHTIB MIM.IHKBY. AUo, oTtnrtfaiag mw
oo89;lwd • I-' ■
T>BOPO9ALBwiH be received for for-
K© !*•* ofbMi quality tan*lnch lather
HOHLvlu Jo&m* PBtftxt Oraplisf ntttdud, for
ti»%twvn»oomwimwTKStiihth day
Ql o#a« oa tiro Xsflaca end Ecm.
lio Cement
•lb. ■* %. ; 'fi
OOLLUtS. • ■
Canceron* Formation!,
Cntaneona Oiiowe*,
Eryiipelai, Boils,
Pimple, on tho Face,
Sore Eyei,
Totter Affostioni,
Scald Head,
_ Coitivcnui,
Old and Stubborn Ulcers,
Bheumatio Disorder,,
Salt Rheum,
Uercorial Diieaus,
General Debility,
Liver Complaint,
Loss of Appetite,
Low Spirit,,
Female Cemplsintir
Epilepiy or Fits,
Paralysis or Palsy,
SjpbiHtio Diseases and
Cariea ol the Bones,
Dmmo, Vtoaaba 82, last, ■■
Da, G. H. Kama:-1 taka ptoasun la makls*
thto volcaUry statement la favor of a medicine pre
pared by yon called “Lusexv’s Blood flsaiepsp.”
1 had suffered for. ffv* yeara , with Bcrofbla| which 1
broke but on' my be*d and forehead eo a* to dixfiguTi
ms vary much, and todk off the hair when
•••a made its appeamme; it also broke out on o
ana above and below the elbow, and eat into the tb;.
and Seeh se as to expose a fcarftilaor*. Tbsdl- v. ■ |
on my head went so for that several small ptoc<a • •
booo eamsout.l wa* very and low •
and had pveo op all hope of aw pttftig- well, '
had tiled several skillful phyilclah* and th«y did me
ho good. In September last, 1861, I ni Induced to
try “LnrntT'a Inraa 'an Blood fitaagnea- 1 * *
must cooltoa I had no tolca la patent medicinal, bn
''after 1 bad used three bottlea of Blood Searcher, tbi
akars on my head and aza began to heal. I havr
bow taken eight or ten botttoa. and ay bead andhns
am entirely well except tbs acars remaining Bam tbs
ions. I will also state that 1 bad the rhcumatUo
vary bad In my arms and togs. Tha Blood tfcarcW
also cured the rheumatism. I amaowwwell tarn,
over forty years of age, and 1 feel as sujde and jeon
as I did when 1 was twenty, and have Increased lo
weight twenty pounds. I would also stats lha) tb*
itlsreen In my forehead was so .bad that when b*
stooped and llfled anything heavy: the blood run
of the acre. Dr. Keyaer had a photograph token o.
me by ilr. Cargo, tb* artist, aftor-1 began to gel.
W»B-. .It dora not show aotadw !•
was before I commenced taking tbs medicine. Fix
con aa* the photograph, one of which to now In m>
pcaetslon, and also at Dr. Keyser* 140 Wood straX
I would also state that I 'took the Blood Acarcht*
which was made before Dr. Kejiwr oummeaoed mak
lug u Although U helped meeome, I did not r*
c*var test until I got the kind made by. Dr. Keyaf>
birr—» One bottle of hto did ma more good than
two of the old. 1 believe it to a great deal stronger
and better. I have recommended the Blood boarco
•r to a great many of my friends for various dbeaoas
and 1 believe It has helped the wWI* of them. Too
may publish this If you wish, and 1 «m anxious tbs?
all who are afflicted as I was may os cored. 1 live It
thto city, No. 4 Pin# street, and am employed at On 1
vtlle A Aodenoo’s Union Marble Works, 54 Ways
«tre«t DANIEI, A. B»VD.
1 Ut. Id tUlgo, .1 UUnton MM. and hare beu.
imrly blind in both ijm for nearly four yean,
called on Dr. Eijw about threa monthsago,abd
Mm to giie me directions to lb* lattttntkn
far the Blind in rhUadetphla. B* toldma4hat
seed not go to Fbßadetphin to get weil, as bn-bar
medtetne that would cate me, u be* raid my dteeie
vh to the blood. Ivm treated tor it two or tan l
in the hospital in this city} and waa rellered,
bat my tilma— always re toned after a month or twr
after I <e»«. oat of the hospital. I found my dl*
ease was returning end I called, by tbeadrleed a
good friend of mine, on Dr. Keyaar, who urtirta
my sight, end my #yn are nearly sa well aaerbf,
The Doctor gare me "Lindsay’e Bleod Bearcber** at d
Pittsburgh, July 6, 18*1. -TCUnlou Mllla, SUge.
V. M'Buer. Anderson etreot, Alle
ghany 01*7-
Pmssumaa, September 18,1861.—1 hereby certlij
that 1 bare had a sera teg for orer a year. It eel
oorered with oloere and tores so that I cotita a t
work far nearly a year. My teg swelled so tha* I wes
enable to de anything far a eg time, far at least
■lx months. I tried ssrsral of tbs best doctors In tbs
city, botwltboat any benefit; finally I ealted « Pr
geyser, at Ho. US Wood street who only attendee
me about two weeks, and gare me bat two bottles o*
msdldne and I am now-eoMrely w«U and baTs
tinned wet) far six months. lam employed at tbs
Bagla Engine House, on fourth stT®®V*h*r» aaf
oss canaae me. THOMABFA^BItL.
MTS. oanf*i to g* tU right Usd, w then U a
bi the tear M. .
Dr. 010. H. EIT6BB
M-lUv*** WVaot ww*** l *
Tb* proprietor of thle rnedlcU* hartai nad* Itth*
■tody ofjaara to eoaoeatnaU tb* jUI* of tb* Pin*
Treainto* MMictaetor rtfMW*of tb* fctmjb a&4
Throat* to bow offering to anfiarto* htmaaltj tfa* r*»
tnU cl bb *nrfcmr*. Thb tnujr gnat bad foo*
tn*odo* b pnpmd with much can; tb* Ur be to*
«xpnwyfcr It, b tharcfbr* ft** from •&
tararttbacleorwoDUr. .■ •_* -
It baa cored no£octs»ef Oounmptlaatfca&tty.
lraown maedToneartb. .
It witt car* BBOBKJHITIB.
It will car* ABTHMA. '•••I’
Jtwill ear* COUQHB AHD OOUJ&ud basin'
T*la*bl* remedy tor dbe—o* of tb* HEDSXYB and
MTltowaraol ;
If roa b*r» th* J)r«p*p«ia, na* ViBBABTB DTfr
P*PBtA FIL22, udlf they dojaot car*
roa, *c> to tb* *«ot of wbcrta 700 '
• . pTffblM th*(& *sdl*o*tr* •-r ; ;
■ - reas»aa*y» • :j ,
Am <aM it«» Man Mul ftf
u. A boiof FUl«*M>t kj m»D, rt
. foMaOittaai tttMjnOi’
sou tv or. imn, * ».i« w«n «&«t;
C. r: -r r MEDM&iiL
A ya«t «vk f <#*M* end conpUlnlPxf :-Are you oqt
of irw, with jour gjstaarderaecea, and jreur leel
lugs uncooilnrtable? ' Itotl* symptoms are often the
prelndo to serious tn,M — Some fit ox tlcknm is
oreeni&r unon you* and atotuld bo averted by a Ume-
T*. ijtfi ftllj i!S l
cleanse out the disordered humor*—purlOr.tb* bleed,
and Ut the fluids move ca unobstructed-in bealta
again. They stlmulatethe functions of the body into
vigorous activity, purify ths system from the ob
structions which make cueeam. A cold settle* some
where in the body, and obstructs its natural fane
tions. These, If not relieved, react upon Uxemsstvea
, and th* surrounding organs, producing general ag-
Savation, suffering, and disease. Whlla in thto con*
tion, oppressed by the derangement*, take Ayer a
Pills, and aee how directly they restore the natural
action of th* system, and with U tba buoyant foaling
of health again. What to true and so apparent in
this trivial and common complaint, la also true in
many of. tho deep sealed and dangerous distempers.
Thesame purgatlTeeffect expels them. 'Caused by
similar obstructions and derangements of the enteral
functions el the body, they are rapidly, and many of
them surely, cored bythe None who
know the vlrinas of those Pills will neglect to«xnpioy
them when suffering from the disorders they euro.
Statements (Tom landing in some of th*'
principal cities, and from other well known publio
. ' - 5
From oForwerdiag Iferchtal VfiC.Xoau,Fss.4,lBs6.
i)a. Atsm Tour Pills are the paragon or all that
to great In medicine. f Thfcy have, cured my little
«Ungnt»r of ulcerous sbse* upon her hands and foot
had proved Incurable for years. Her mother baa
been long grievously, afflicted with' blotches and rim
plea on bar ond In her hair.. After our child
was cured, she also tried your Pills,'and they have
cured her. • ASA UOBGBUX2E.
. Fhna.Dr. E. W. CartwriglL New Orleoat.
Yonr Pilto are the prince of purges; Theirexcel-
iiiibllHm mipaaianjr rathartlo we posse**. They
are mild; but verr certain and effectual in their ac
tion on the bowau, which makes'thma iavaluablo to
us in tho dafty treatment of. dtopaaeil —;
From Dir. Eduard Eeyd,. Baltfiaerf.
Dcaa Bso. Atxx: I cannot answer yon tehafeom
plalntslbava cwredwiih your Pills better than to x
say eft tool w sxr trtal wiik a jmrgatioo ■sdMas. I
place great dependence on an. effectual cathartic in my
drily contest with disease, and beltovlng as 1. do that
your PUtoaffOrd ps the best we have, 1 of course val
ue them highly. . ....
Bmimraon, May 1,1853-'
• -Dk. J. O. An*—flirt XhaTa beohrepaaiodly cured ,
of the wcotkeedacksanybody can ha ve, by a doss or
twaof your P8t0... It.aeema to Adas, from afoul
stomach, which they cleanse at once.
Yours withgreat respect,;-. ED..WrPBEBLE,
Clerk of Bteamar Clarion. ■
Fr<j*BnrJ. V.niau*> FattbrnfAdomilOmrekt Eotfo*
Dm. Atxx: I havs used your Pills with extraordi
nary success in- my family and ‘among thoao lam
called to visit in distress.; To regulate tbs organs of
digfstion and purify the blood, they are the very beat
iremedy 1 havs ever known, and I can confidently re
loommand thorn to my friends.
Yours, J. T. HIMES.
iVora Dr. Tkeodon B«U, of New York. dig.
Hot only are your Pills admirably adapted to their
purpna ae a$ aperisrit*'bQt I-flod their beneficial ef*
foctifpoptbe Liver texy markedindeed. They hate
in my practice prated more effectual for the cured
biliotu cemtteiMt* than auj onoxemedy I can men
tion. I ilncerely r^trice that tre hate at length a
purgaiito whtehfi worthy the confidence of the pro*
fecuonand the people. (
* ' : ' Danarmtaror nalarmaa, 1
. Washington, D. C., 7th 7eb.lfS& J
So: IhiTsu*ed.ycurPlUj In my general and hot*
pltal practice eter since you made them; and do not
heelt&te to «ay they are the beet cathartic we employ.
Their regulating action on the an£d*-
dc;4nX'-KiJs l i;.-> . J. i
fcur-i". jT v
Uvl t)wia.
VnU-’-S:: Jcaw, ALOSZI?
ar;. I n:a ttsiuy j-ju.* (.wt-i-.rc: l*iU» & tu>
cleanse tbe system md p*nff 0U fo*abxia* of (Jm
.from fiw. Dr. UateUt. o/U* hltOndht Xpitß, CWcA.
.. Pclibu Boca, B&nimas, tttw, van. 6,1866.
HosoubSn: I should bo ungrateful for the relief
yonr skill has brought mo ifl did not report or cam
to you. A cold sottled la dy Umbo and brought on
excruciating pouts, vhich ended In eJkronw
rhemaalitm. notwithstanding I hod the bestcfphy
slaLans, the disease grew *worse and worse, until by '
th» adrlra of your excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr.
Ifsckenzio, 1 tried your Plus. Tb*fr .effects vers
•low but sure; By persevering In the uae ©I them, I
am-now entirely 'watt
-\ fVow Dr. J. P. Paaytn, Montreal, Canada.
' Too mush cannotl>e said of your PUls far the cur*
ofcortfoeacß. If others of our iraiernttT liar# foun ■*
tK«>W« as efficacious as 1 hire, they should join me L
proclalming It (or the benefit of the multitudes who
suffer from that complaint, which, although bod
enough Urtt*eli;ti the progenitor of othstwtnar are
wane. I believe eodireaen to originate ill the liver,
but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease.
From Dr. J. G . Green, at Chicago.
Your PHIs Eure had a long trial la mypnctlca, and
I hold them la esteem aj ono of the beat aperients X
hare ever found. - Their alterative eflbct upon the ’
liver makes them an excellent remedy; when given
in small doses for fetiow dga*nUrg sad diarrhoea*
Tbeirsngar<«6&tlng makes them.veiir acceptable and
convenient fenho use of women and children.
From ifrs. £. Btaart, £hgticia» and STidvift, Boston.
I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at
the proper time, are excellent promotives of the nat
ural Mcrctios when wholly or partially suppressed,
and also very effectual to ckoaM thn etemmek and expel
. worms, ' They are so much the best physic we have
that I recommend no other to my patients. .
Scuts CaaMiu, Baton Bcuge, Bee. 5, ’65.
Da. Ainu X have , been entirely-cored, by your
nils, of ißJtenraorte Gottf-a painful disease that had
afflicted imo for years. vINOSHT SLIDELL.
IMM of the Pills In market contain Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy in skUUU hanw.
Is dangerous in a public pill, from the. dreadful con*
sequences that frequently fellow its incautious use.
These contain no mercury or mlneroltubelance what*
iVies, 25 cents per Box, or lies Bake* for $l.
Prepaid by Dr. J. O. AY KB A CO4 Lowell, Mass, 'j
Sola bir Dealers everywhere. ja2fclawdwseowT 1
. J 110 SnnrtKLo Stust, (opposite the Custom
Boom.) 4
j Chartered by the Legislature. .
President—JAMES PA&K. Ja.
Vn. H.Baltb, a.JT.Bmld,
John F. Jennings, A. Betoeman,
That. D. Messier, Joshua Bbodes,
Thos. 8. Blair, Jacob Stuckzatb,
Francis Sellore, ~ Alex. Bradley,'
Henry Lloyd, , Alfred Slack.
Josiah King, 0. Zug, 0. H. Wolff,;
A. S. Bell, Jos. Dilwcrth, B. D. Cochran,
8.8. Fowler, W. A. Bead, ' Wm. Smith,
J. W. Wood well, 8.0. Bchmerts, 6. 8,. Jones,
F.Bahxs, O.W. Blcksteon, B. F. Jones,
J. M.TJernan, 8. H. Hsrtmau, W. H. Phelps,
D. U; Lose, B. J. Anderson, 0. B. Heiros,
. Jaa. W. Baxter, D. X. MeKlnlev, W. Duhsetu
- Secretary Tteaaoicrr-D. 8. H’KINLIY.
< Open daily, from 9a.unto2 p. m. Also, Tuesday
and Saturday evenings, from b to 8 o’clock.
Deposits received of ONE DIMS and upwards.
Dividends declared In December and June of such
Dividends allowed to re mein are placel te the
credit of the depositor as principal, and bear inter*
—tbna gnfwpnsndlna. it. .
Books containing Charter, By-Laws, 4c„ furnished
at the office;
n This Xnrtitction otters, especially to those per
sons whose" **y«fags are small, the opportunity to
arnrrmilstT, by small deposits, eerily saved, a sum
which will be a resource when needed, their money
not only being alb, but bearing Interest, Instead of
.reroa™n> unproductive. . : aySOilysm—»
V > Builder of
At the Saw Mills of Isaac Craig, CBAK3 STREET,
First Ward, Allegheny City, Pa. '
• Specifications of work sent by caH to
City P:0.,0r left at the Hardware St’ to XT. v^if,
comet of Liberty and St. Clair > i mil r*.
ceHs prompt attention. - sogfctrf.-
A large and wsll assorted stock of i Orv-ia
will be sold at low prices for Oath. B • *1 s u-d
it to their us a ear.-. ;
myStiStawoqd ' Paper Dwhn, 67
3 Cards, Circulars, Price Lists, Bil ti<. . ■
lUts Lading, Labels for Uanafartui-o, Lsl*]* for
Druggists, and every kind ofcmaii-.'.-u*!
myS4:Staweod L \ Steam Job Prints;?. <-**l i\, 1
■pHUXOG&Ai'H ALB Old S— ' A .'-ei
Xltfoek and Urge variety at low pi. «*.
for cale t>y WM. O. JOHNtT-»K & vb. y
: . Statlonera* fl? >? c t>im -5
artlcla, forth® use of Psotom>i:'^».
Tor ul« bj • WM. 0. JOHfiSI-j v S CO.,
, myafcStaweod r . SUttont?*, &l
) aodolf oil rim, tor trio law bj .•
cell • BOWTf * TWHT. ISfl Won 4 «d.
f|DD FOKKH, constantly on band and
V/ fcrwJobf' li
O*U: BOWN mVonlttM
other npplr Juit. recelxel e»Meli<J.2»Bt. Cl»lr
*<***- J. :«n. PMbtIW.
MOB. Ij2 and 3 MAfci&KKiit. Af»D 1
i.A WHltniaHtaltorema hrieUbi '
. . john b. can vrgT.Tt •.
A PPltKHjWceiTed ana lor Sala bv
-;■»»»« H-rotfliia.
ws»im & v*i2SjUi,'H igi