' 4 s . .i, V .;H : V, v • v-’V:’' «*,i ■*?■:£ ;• - : ttw-fr- .•-.v.v, it .\V ‘ i ■;* fc ; , . Vi .„ v ~,_. eJ.a** r *Ui.' ,■ .:f •. V-i-t'iV*’- - “v L ! ife* :&.. v ■<• ?J !• V' ’‘i, '" * . mr* w. v \r< , li • • v*.."*".,,, * ‘V -"«* - ~ t V.v >• >\ *, l' *, • f*, * 1 ftv.il*. * > j if^V:•*. :*-■ -i;.,.; j: -• !? .I’'. .Vi " v .>' * »«t ♦ »« .* *■ ~ * r X • 7 »,y • s«%,*•• '». * - 4 . * S’Vy ♦ vv <* »!s «n ‘ tv, * tKt. Wf ‘ ’ \*l * ' ,3,,., ? <• ,’ ‘ J h '> N* , , >»*■ 4 V <•< ;?-• .nv v v*itr Xv.!. ** ' *■' - 1 > * ' i'v’ * !^'.■.;:* ; - .-.V. I MIME \ • V . N Isfffl ifl :\U r "' Progressive Steps. When this var broke out, it was dis . tlnctfvelyand authoritatively announeed ’-by £he Secretly of State that the war on our. part was. with. or overthrow any of the institutions of the Slates, hut solely’for the restoration ofjthe •./Union andthe lawful authority ofthe Gpv ernment Very many people thought that ' announcement a great-errorj. because they, knew that the rebellion grew but of slaver;; that slavery, was its animus and strength "aVvrelVas its source.; r and they saw" then, what every intelligent honest man sees . now, that it was simply an impossibility to save .the Union without uprooting that -baleful thing-- out of which the rebellion gw*.'/) '/ , Whatever may have been the President's private opinions, oertain it is he approach ed the policy which underlies his late proclamation of Emancipation with great caution; and probably it was well, upon the that he did so ; for by so doing ho demonstrated, at gnat cost to be sure, the absolute necessity of that step. Had .he tahonit sooner, he wodld not have been sustained in it, as he now is, by all true friends of the oountry. It is true the Union mlghthave been .e&vedataless expenditure . of blood and treasure; but the ultimate - peacewhich we may now hope for would ' not have be«n so. permanent or profound. After almost a year's struggle with the. rebels—striking at rebellion with one hand and holding the shield over slavery with the other, the President found that he was making no progress in the fearfal workhe hafloahand. At length, oh 'the 6th of Marehj 1882, he issued his famous message, proposing to the border States the emancipation of their slaves by their own act, loyal owners to receive a just compensation for the loss they*.might bus tain. Congress almost immediately sane tioned the recommendation by resolution, . ‘ tendering the proffered compensation. In a few days afterwards, a committee of distinguished citizens of the border States, . - Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, waited -- upon the President,'in d had an -interview irithhizh, a yeport; of which, prepared by c themselves, has: just, been published, an v abridgement of which we append. The ‘object of the publication at this time is to ; y show that'the President has, as the No ' UondlinUUiymctT expresses it, Changed his opinion, and yielded to the radicals of hispartyV! ;It has proved nothing of the kind. Like the old gentleman in the fable, who found ! some boys_ trespassing upon his fruit, he first tried words; These being disregarded,, he next tried tufts of grass ; but these be ing despised, he had recourse to stones, which ended the business. Now, there was no change of purpose or of opinion on the part of that' old gentleman;.for he was just as firmly resolved to bring the thievish boys off his tree when he spoke to them as I when hethrew the stones; and Mr.Li&coLS ! was just as ‘ firmly determined to save the -TJnion~ahd assert the just authority of . the government ’ when he spoke in April, ' 1861, and threw the grass in March. 1862, • as when he hurled the atono on the 22d of ' September following.; . Thoee border State men, had they met the. kind proposition of March, in the spirit *, in iV was offered, would have ren- =FM " deredthe more seven, measure of Septem her unnecessary; but they having proved ,J ' iheir course, that they would rather sacrifice the Union than give up Slavery, ,: left no alternative; hut to strike the latter and greater blow! , \ These things, as weremarked yesterday, only show the progressive steps we are : r - making towards"that great consummation which"will make'this really ‘'the land of the free,” and deliverus from the sin and shame of that enormous practical lie we have bein proclaiming in the ears of the \ , universe for thre<-quarters of a century— a lie which the fathers of the Eepublic la mented and' tried to remove from our na tional escutcheor; but which that vilest . thing, ever knowi, locofoco democracy, has .„. ; longbeenconserilngas its ipostprecious • heritage. We append the report we spoke of: . rah , tsicaxcipatxoh pbociaxioh—ihtee ., - . VJEWiBETWEBJIj THE PSESIDEXT ASP BOB DEB STATE XEPBESSSTATIVXS. fitessrs. J. W. j Crisfield, J. W. Mensies, J. J; Crittenden, and R. Mallory, represent ing the border States, had an interview - with the President, on the 10th of March, relative to his Proclamation of March 6th. Mr» Crisfieldhaa published^statement of thelvieirs expressed on the occasion: Mr. Lincoln disclaimed any intent to in ' jure the interests or wound the sensibilities of the Slave States. On the contrary, his . .purpose waato protect the one and respect the other ; that we were engaged in a ter- wasting! and tedious war; immense armies were in the field, andmust continae in the field as long as the war lasts; that tbeffa armies most, of necessity, be brought in contact with slaves in the States we represented, andin other Btates, as they advanced; that slaves would corns to the camps, and continual irritation was kept up, tending to i prolong the war, and strengthsntherebelhopes; andhe wasof the opinion, if this resolution should bs.adopted by Congresß, and accepted by our States, these causes of irritation, and these hopes, removed. ' lift. :KoeV of Hissoari, said~ that in his . Sta|s, Slavery was not considered a per* xnaaent institution; that natural causes -. were there in operation which would, at no ".-distant day, extinguish "it, and he did not think that this proposition was necessary for that. i .In respect to emancipation in Missouri, t the President said that what hM been ob * served by Mr. Noel was probably true, but ' tbs operation of these natural causes had not prevented the irritating contact to - - which, ho * had roferred, or destroyed the hopes of the Confederates that Missouri would at some time range herself alongside of them. Mr.. Crisfield said he did not think the people of Maryland looked upon slavery as npermanent institution; and he did not - - know that they would be very reluctant to give it up, if provision was.made to meet the loss, and they could be rid of the race; but they did not like to be into emancipation, either by the direct aotion of the Government or by indirection. In regard to the constitutionality of the measure, Mr. Lincoln said: The proposition submitted did not en counter any constitutional difficulty. It proposed simply to co-operate with any —‘ State for the enfranchisement of its slaves, compensating the loyal owners fortheirloss* Mr. Hall, of Missouri, thought that If this proposition was adopted at all, it should -■be by the votes of the freuStates, and come. '. ns a proposition : from .thom; to’ the slave. States, affording them an' inducement to • .put aside this sobjeot of .discord; tbatit ought not to be expected that 'members ;, *v: - : !;M ksSI - '_ 1 _ii SATURDAY MOKNING/ 'NOV. l. " representing alaveholdlifg constituencies should declare at once,And iu advance of any proposltiotito ihem,.fortheemancipa tionj>f slavery. The President sard he saw^and felt the force of this objection; it was a fearful re sponsibility, and every gentleman mast do as he thought best; that .he did not knot* how this scheme was received by the mem bers from the free States; some of them had spoken to him and received it kindly, but for the most part they were as reserved and ohary as we had been, and be could not tell how they would vote. And in reply to some expressions of Mr. Hall as to his own opinion regarding slavery, he said Ee did not pretend to disguise his anti-slavery feeling, that he thought slavery was wrong, and should continue to think so ; but that was not the question we had to deal with now. Slavery existed, and that, too, as well by the adt of the Northaa of the South, and in any scheme to get rid of it, the- North, as well as the South, was morally bound to do its fall add equal share. He thought the : institution wrong, and ought sever to _have existed; but-yet he recog nized the rights -of property which had grown out of it, and would respect those rights as fully sb similar rights in any other property; that property can exist, and does, legally, exist; he. thought such a law'wrong, but the rights of property re sulting mast be respected; he would get rid of the odious law, not by violating the .right, but by encouraging the proposition and offering him inducements to give it up. Hon the interview, so far as this sub ject is concemed, terminated; by Mr. Crit tenden’s assuring the President that, “whatever might bo bur final action we all thought him solely moved by a high pa triotism and sincere devotion to the happi ness and glory of his country; rand with, that conviction, we - should consider re-’ gpectfollj tie important suggestions he had made.” The Negro in the Army. A correspondent of the Philadelphia PretSj writing from Harper’s Ferry Oct. 22d7 makes the subjoined statement: (t Our pickets seem to think it no harm*to kill .a negro, and thelriflh troops especially delight in this sport. Every negro that is seen at night, or wandering in the woodsin the day time, is shot by our outpost guards, -and many who came into our comps are shot hy accident.’ ” Gen.. Blilroy, in an order dated at his headquarters 7 in Clarksburg (Va.) on the 22d of. October, states that he “has peatedly pained to .learn that a few bad men in some of the regiments of his com mand are in the habit of abusing, beating, and otherwise maltreating the negro and mulatto servants and teamsters employed by officers and quartermasters in his com mand.” The General says that “it is sus pected that the rebels have hired these bad men to enlist in some of our regiments os spies, and for the purpose of abusing and driving hack the contrabands.” And he concludes his order os follows: “It is therefore ordered and hereby.made the duty of every officer and soldier of this command to immediately shoot down every soldier or ( other person who may be found causelessly abusing, beating, or otherwise maltreating any of the negro or mulatto servants or. drivers in or about this com .mand.” 1 Rebel Grumbling. The Richmond Dispatch is down upon Bragg for his slowness, and for failing to capture Buell's army and take Louisville. Buell’s army was_not in his way so long as he had command of it; and Louisville would have been taken by Bragg, while Buell “was following after,” had not Nel son been there with a large force of the new levies. Nelson and the new troops— not BueU—saved Louisville, and turned Bragg off on a tangent towards the blue grass region, where he foraged at his leis ure, while BneU went to Louisville. The Dispatch makes a general remark which is very true, whether it applies to Bragg or not, It says: What is called a cautious General is the most dangerous of all Generals in the world —to his own friends. He will make .no movement unless he be certain of success. He stands still and permits his enemy to manoeuvre as he pleases, from the fear of doing something rash. His enemy takes advantage of the slow'motions, doubles on him, and at last compels him to move, whetherhe will or not. Letter from General JHitchel to Air* Chase>«His Experience with the Negroes* Under date of October 18th, General Mitcbxl writes a letter to Secretary Chase, from which we quote: _ Yesterday, which was Sunday, a little church, built for the negroes, was conse crated to the worship of Almighty God. By invitation from Abraham, the black preaoher, I was present and addressed his congregation. I have spoken to the elite of Boston, the solid, and the scientific, and the literary men of that learned city; I have spoken to the fashionable crowds of; New York in the Academy of Music; I have spoken to the rich and proud citizens of New Orleans; I have spoken to multi tudes in almost every State in the Union;; but! do not think I ever addressed any audi ence whose presence touched me more deeply than the sable multitude to whom ! endeavored to utter words of encourage ment and hope yesterday. And, my dear Governor, they are enoouraged, and they do hope; ana I feel that it is possible to con vert the officers and soldiers from their un just and and to make thpm the firm, fast,' sympathizing friends of these unfortunate blaoks. Al ready, I find a very great change, and some of my thinking officers, who were most gloomy and most despondent when 1 first arrived, are now full of cheerful Your letters have inspired me with great hope, and every thing in the future looks bright and cheerful. My letter to the Sec retary of War, with reference to money for payment of the troops, has been promptly answered by a remittance of $7 50,000, and this alone has spreadthroughou t our camps a feeling of the highest gratification. '' I read the news'from the North, and pon der over it with the deepest interest. I cannot but believe that tho great heart of this nation will respond to the President’s Proclamation. So far as I know, it has been received here withjthe highest satis faction, both by: the army and navy. Give us but the means, and wo will show them that it is no briitum /uUiwl but a thunder bolt, that will carry overthrow and de struction through the dark dominions of Slavery. The National Debt* It appears that from July, 1861, to the latter part of May, 1862, debt increased at the avorage rate of about $86,- 650,000 per month. This, it will be re membered, included tbe period when it was growing the most rapidly, for between these two dates the Government rocruited an army of half a million-men, it made im mense purohases oif supplies for thoir equipment and subsistence, and it in creased the navy more than threefold, by purchase and by building. This rate of in crease, it will be seen, would , have mado lot of July, 1863, about $970,000,000, or less than onihalf the re cont wUi Mtunatea of Ub present amount. From May until October of tho. present year, however, the ralo of increase has been even less than before, beinc very nearly $81,900,000 per month, or one mil lion of dollare per day. If it continues to advance at the same rate until July Ist, 1863, it will then reach' the com of $907.- 000,000. . It will be eeen, however, that the lateat •j?" 'Vfi '• account represents..an increase so far : In the present month of about forty millions, and this might seem to give color to thebe lief that a very rapid acceleration in the growth'br the debt has taken place. But a large part of the expense of recruiting, equipping and transporting the new levies had been incurred before the Ist of’ Octo ber ; and remembering the thinned ranks of the army first raised, it seems probable that the expenses of the. Government will not rise greatly above the average of last winter, while the proportion of debt to ex penso will be reduced by the heavy re ceipts from taxes. Much has been said also of the suspension of debt by the .Gov ernment, of the amount of unpaid claims, and the like. We apprehend, however, that it would prove upon inquiry that these suspended claims and arrears have been greatly diminished during the present, month, and that the rapid apparent in crease of forty millions in twenty-five days is in part the result of this Uquidation in debt. So far as this process has gone, it will be seen, it must have contributed to make the statement - that the outstanding claims for which no requisitions have been made do not exceed twenty millions, a true statement of the addition to be made in order to arrive at the real present amount of the national debt. And this , sum of twenty millions does not probably exceed the amount of claims which are unliqui dated at the time of either of the former statements. It would be unjust to the Secretary of the Treasury, if we failed to remind our read ers of the singular verification of Mb esti mates which the figures now present So long ago as December, 1861, in hia annual report already referred to, be estimated that on tfie Ist of July, 1862, the public debt would amount to $517,872,808, and that on the Ist of July 1963, it would amount to $897,272,808. If we take the statement made by Mr. Dawes in May, and odd to it for the increase up to July Ist, 1862, at the average rate of increase as now shown, it will appear that the debt must at the last named period have been a little less than $524,600,000 —or only seven millions in excess of Mr. Chase’s estimate mode seven months before. And if we add to.the debt as it stood on the lstof October, for the increase up to Joly lst, 1863, at the rate at which it increased up to October Ist, the amount in July 1863, will be a trifle over $907,000,000, or less than .ten millions above Mr. Chase’s estimate of a year and a half before. Or if we add at the rate of the Increase up to October 25th, the amount will' be - $940,000,000, or $43,- 000,000 in excess of the estimate —a suffi ciently close approximation, it .will be owned, to affairs of such vast magnitude, and of such extreme complication.—Boston Daily Advertiser. SPECIAL JTOTMCES. Superior Copper Mill and BMKLTINQ WORKS, Pirrsstmos. PARK, M’CURDY & CO., Manafrctarenof SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' ABB BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPEB BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, BPALTEB 'SOLDEB; also Importers tod dealers in HETAU, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIBE, As. Constantly on bud, TINNERS’ MACHINES AMD TOOLS. . Wauuocax, No. 149 Tint and 120 Second a treed, Pittsburgh, Pean’a. W Special order* ci Copper cut to any desired pat tern. **** mygaUwlyT tyXhe Confessions and Experience Of AN INVALID. PablUhed for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to young men who suffer torn Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, Ac.; sup plying.; at the same time vho means of Self-Cure. By who has cured himself after being put to great expense through modkal imposition and quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, SiJfQLX copies may be had of the author, NATHAN IEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Rings Co., N. Y. mhllslydawT & BABHES, FIRE-PROOF SALAMANDER SAFE, BANK VAULT IRON VAULT DOOB, AND STEEL-LINED BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE MANUFACTURERS. Hot. 129 and 131 Third tlreU, belioecn Wood and BmithJUld tlrteU—Horih tide. BANK LOOKS always on hand. mhS3 fryCOBBWELL & KERB, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, at the old established Coach Factory, DUQUESNE WAT, (nia Bt. Cuua Srau7. pairing dope as osnal. gyPittrtnrgh Steel Work*. ISAAC L. 80YD....~...W. a'CCLMDOn* JONES, BOYD & CO., M.nnftftmr* 0 f CAST STEEL; also, SPRING, PLOW AND A. D. STEEL, STEEL SPRINGS AND AXLES, corner of Ban and First atreets/Plttsburgb, Penn'a. ociS - tl‘c. aoimsoa.^...-..—a. itun. wirnaow wtnsoi mix lx a. tyBOBIBSOH. MINIS & MU LEES, Found ua asn Macnunm, Wasmixstom Worju, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. Omoi, No. 81 Haurr Stßekt. Hano&ctore aU kinds of STEAM ENGINES AND MILL MAOHUTEBT, CASTINGS, RAILROAD WORK, STEAM BOILERS AND SHEET IRON WORK. MWJOBBINO AND BEPAIBING done on short notice. ' mht&dly J. O. KIBBTATBIOB M. ItU, rgg-J. 0. KIRKPATRICK A CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in LAMPS,- CHIMNEYS, SHADES, CHANDELIERS, Ac. aVWholeaale Agents for EIEB’S CELEBRATED ILLUMINATING AND LUBRICATING CABBOH OILS, No. 39 Wood Stbot, opposite St. Charles Hotel, Plttsbnrgh, Pa. JalB;lyd tyjQHH COCHKAH ft BBO*, Maaufoeturers of IBON BAILING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUTTERS, WINDOW GUARDS, Ac., Nob 91 Second itreet and 86 Third street, between Wood and Market. Have on band • variety of new Patterns, Ikncy and plain, suitable for iD purpose*. Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lots Jobbing done at short notioe. ah 9 ££*B. B. ft C. P< MABKLE, Paper MANUFACTURERS and dealers in BOOK, PRINT, CAP, LETTER AND ALL'KINDS OF WRAP PING PAPER. removed from No. 27 Wood street to No. SSBipithfietd street, Pittsburgh, Fa. AWCASH OB TRADE FOB RAGS. HOLMES ft 80H8, Dealers AND DOMESTIC BILLS OF EX .CHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, BANK NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 67 Market street, Pitta burgh, Pa. made on sail the principal cities throughout the Uhi ted States. ap22 JSTHEimr H. COLLINS, For- WABDINO AND COMMISSION MEBCQANT end wholesale dealer la CHEESE, BUTTEB, SEEDS, FISH, aud Produce generally, No. 25' Wood street, Pittsburgh, fa.- bo) rpHB RAILWAY TIME-KEEPER, A especially adspted for Army sabs. Good Imita tion gold; will ran and keepexcollent tim*| hart fancy colorod band* and beautifully eugrated dials, the letters standing la relief. This a o&a of the most taking novelties of the day, and sbootd retail at prices from twrnty-flveto eighty dollars cicb. Tboy are ftirnlabed by the case, co&taialog six of different designs, as follows: Engraved; per oaae of half dozon, $33 00. Engraved aad electro-glldcd, percasiol half dozen, assorted, 905,00. Engraved; sopcrlor, per case of half dozen, assorted, $W i 0. Engraved, superior, and electro fine glldod, baviot all the improvement* of tka foregoing, per case, half down, assorted, 942 00. Engine-turned, rams mate rial cases, over which is good silver, heavily plstcd, per case of half doisn, 935 00. Samples of the fore going, comprising two of tho first, and one sack of the others, making a ease of half dozen, at the regu lar wholesale rates, 935 50. Terms, Cash. WU} be sent to any pert Of the loyal State*, with bill for col lection on delivery. Buyers In the army wit! have to send payment in advance, as the express companies refuse making collections south ef the potomec. This Is ono 'of the most saleable articles of the times, and just the thing for those Inclined to make money among the solduru. Send fas' your orders earjy, GAICS E. WHEATON, Sola Importer, ' Corner Nassau and John Streets, 21. Y. P. P. Bex. 4355. 0c28:3w XiiD GAME received daily at : FRANK YAN GOBDEB'S, oc3Q I*4 Second street. AKRON OIL—2OO barrels No. 1 for mi. it nsiisx &.COHUIU. RELIGIOITS JTOTICEB. _ FIRST CONGREGATION OF DISCIPLES bate removed from Ape Ho Hall to JACKSONS BLOCK, third floor, corner of Penn and St. Clair streets. Preaching every Loan's Dat, at 10% o'clock a. m., and 7 p. m. WEDNES DAY EVENING, Lectnre at 7 o'clock. The public are respectfully invited io attend. noI:lt PVBJLIC JTOT/CES. PirmpacnTartr Co., October 31,1862. : I; o„*AN filing TION for three Director “v of this Coop my will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, Nsgember 10th, 18C2, between the boors of 11 a m. and 2 d to. nsl.td JOHN D BOULLT, Taebler. Orricjc wstremn ijfitjaaxci Compaat, t Pittsburgh, October 29, l#6i. J trSJ-AN EJECTION for thirteen Direc- of! this Company will be held at the offloe. No. 92 Water street, on TUESDAY, Novem ber llth; i 862, between the hoors of U a.m. and 1 p. m. « F. U, GORDON, secretary. oeSO-.dtd ’ ‘ J - Umcs Ecaixa Ixsusascx Cobfakt, V Pittsburgh, Oclober 29,L8G2. j EJECTION for thirteen Uireo tore of this Company, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at its office, In Bagaley’s Building, Water street, on TUESDAY, November Utb, 1802, between the hours of U a. m, and lj>. m. ocE7:td BOBEBT FINNEY, Secretary. iT^»KLKCXI C< ALT.—2BO bog, ground Alum Halt; O *2OO do fine Hairy do; 00 do Pittsburgh filled do; 50 do Onondago Factory do; For aale by SOBOtf AKBB A LAKO, nol • 329 Liberty etreet. TV/i EHS FORK —SuO bbls. Cincinnati JxL Meet Pork for aale by BCHOMA KSBALAKG, 00l 829 Liberty street. riIWENTY-NINTM liiST UF aF- A PLICATIONS FOB BELMNO LIQUOBS, filed in the Clerk's Office up to October Slit, 1663: Buchanan John, tavern; Lower fit. Clair tp; -Campbell A Jon#*, do West Beer tp; Diets Jacob, other goods, L*wrenceriUet Fletcher John, eating heuM, Bih ward, Pittsb'gh; Hantsbm Idw., other goods, 4th.de, Allegheny; Miller A Bicketsoa, do, 4th do, Ptttab'gb; Bufer Ellen, fating house, 4tb do,. I Allegheny; ’ Yonderon Sebastian,otbtkgoods»EMtßirarghaffl; Waldler Jacob, tavern, Lavrencevllle; WirtsQ. F.; 'do, 4th ward, Pittsburgh; Watson John, other goods, tth ward, Pittsburgh; The Court will Beet on BOHDAT, Hoveaher loth. jtjew Mn^mßTiamMmjFTH. rpo COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. | EATOiI, jflM fIUJn & CO*, Nob. 17 and'l9 Piflh Street, Jobber* and retailer* af TRIMMINGS, KUBBOI DEBUS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HOOP SKIRTS, RIBBONS, SBIBTS. COLLARS, TIES, UNDIR SHIRTS and DRAWERS. WOOLEN HOODS, NU BIAS, BOARFB, ZEPHYR AND SHETLAND WOOL; 6,000 foe. KNITTING YABNB,on hand and to arrive. I Oar ctock was pore based be fora tbs last groat ad vance In priced, and we ofler neat indocemante to CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS, MILLI NEBS, PEDDLERS, and all who bay to Bell again. N. B.—A cholee areortmrat of Staple Dry Goods, At wholesale only. eeB7:tf JJRLMBOLDB GEHUISE PEEPABATIOH. Helmbold** Bnobn for the Bladder; Helmbold a Buchaforth# Kidney*; Helmbold’* Bncbn for the Gravel; Helmbold'* Bncbn for the Dropvy; Belmbold’* Bucha for Nervoaine**; Hehnbcld’* Bncbn for Loa of Memory; Helmbold’* Bncbn for Dtimn— of Vision; Helmbold’* Bncbn for Weak Nerve*; Halmbold'a Bncbn for General Debility; Helmbold'i Bncbn for Horror of Dlaeaet; Helmbold** Baqha for Private Diaeaaor, Helmbold'* Bncbn for Eruption*; Helmbold'* Bncbn for Pain in the Breait; Tor sale at the Drag Store of J. 1, FULTON, FIFTH STREET, re door* below the Poet Office.) PULTON’S COUGH SYRUP. Fnlton'a Cough Syrup core* COUGHS; Fnlton'a Ooagh Syrnp caret GOLDS; F niton'* Oongb Synxp caret BRONCHITIS; Fnlton'a Oongb Syrnp cores HOARSENESS, Fnlton'e Cough Syrnp cure* DIPTHIRIA; Fnlton'* Ooagh Byrnp care* • INFLUENZA; Fnlton’* Oongb Syrnp cure* GROUP; Fnlton'* Ooagh Syrnp care* CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS; Falton'a Oongb Syrnp cozes DIFFICULTY OF BBSATBING; Fnlton** Cough Syrnp corn QUINCY; Fnlton'* Ooagh Syrnp care* PHTHISIC; Fnlton** Cough Byrnp care* MINISTERS’ BOBS THROAT; Fnlton'* Ooagh Syrnp care* WEAKNESS IN THE CHEST; Fnlton'a Oongb Bjrap caret SPITTING OF BLOOD; Fnlton'a Oongb Syrnp curve ASTHMA; Fnlton'* Cough Byrnp cure* ■ WHOOPING COUGH. foldiere and cities ns—every one afflicted with a ooid—try it. Coat 26 cents a bott'*, at J. M. FULTON’S DBUG BTOBE, FIFTH STKEET. rjIHB BEST THUiG OUT. THE HEW CURRENCY HOLDER, OB -* Pocket Book. It sold at HUNT'S, ’ MASONIC HALL, FIFTH STREET, * rj. AT ONLY 6 CENTS, Which are told elsewhere at 10 and 13 cents. AND SEE THKM. oc3o QOOD (JIDKK, ALL rHE TKAB BOUND. Bnlphite of Llm* vQI preserve Cider for any length of time. Wreeftees /or ita Us*.—Take one quarter of an ounce to every gallon of Older, or tea ooacee of the Sulphite to every barrel of forty geUena-flret mix* log U with tome Older or water. After a few days draw off the Older care folly into another barrel. For aele la bottles oontalning a BoOdent quantity for one barrel of Older, by SIMON JOHNSTON, (o 1 corner fimlthflald and Foorth streets. rpAKE NOTlCE.—Whereas it u eharg- X ed that I hare attend expression* dsrcgatery to the character of Elisabeth Finney, widow, of James Finney, deceased, (how Bln. Elisabeth Me- Grew,) in relation to the eicknees and death of her ftald deceaeed hnabacd; now, having become fhlly aettilled, opon the meet rigid ecnrtlny, that any »• plclons adverse to the character and conduct of said Elisabeth to the premies, an altogether without any foundation in troth, and that the naa been much wronged by any reporta Impeaching her good name aewiteof said deceaeed, Ido benb| wholly retract any expressions or InsinnaUons or chargee that I may hare ottered or ex proceed ineonslttaat with the atom. IHOMAfI FINEST. . oc29;Btd rnAKB OUT YOUB LICENSES, X Omos or Ixtxxxxl Bxvzxrz, 1 lhaßMVf OoU ctfew Dittrict, Pa., V Allegheny, October 87, 1M2. J Notice la hereby given to au parteoa who hare been aaeeaeed for a License under the SxdM Laws of the United States, within the Olty of Allegheny, the Boroughs of Manchester, Dnquesna and Bewick* ley, and the townships of Bewlckier, Ohio, Frank* Un» McClure, Bom, McCandlsss, -Fine, Basam and Bhaler, In Allegheny county, that thohf License Tax la now doe, and they are required to call at the Col* lector’* Offlce. No. 67 Water street, ABsgbtn,, with* ont delay, and take oat their Lice nee. „ DAVID N. WblTl, Collector of the 83d District, Fence. o<37;lwde3twT A SSESSOB'S NOTlCE.—Notice is X 3L hereby given to all persons concerned that the lists.' valnations and enumerations made and taken by the Assistant Assessors, under the Act of Con* gross, entitled *'An Act to provide Internal Bern* one." &o_ for the county of Allegheny, axe now ready, and will remain open for examination for the apace of fifteen days from this date, at the office of the AaMseor of the 83d District, corner of Foderal street and Booth Common, Allegheny City. And notice Is farther given that an appeal wQI be held at the same place, from the ITlb till tbe£2d day of NOVEMBER, (Missive, A. D. 1868, at which time and plsceappeals will be heard and determined, reapectins aoy erroneous or excessive val nations or enumerations, made by the AwUtant Assessors-for •aid eonnty. : I SAMUEL MASKS, Assessor 123 d District, Penn’s. October 30th, 1862:3tda3lwF : g R. BULGED, Manclhctim of every description ol WJJ IR If ITTJB El NO. 45 BMITHFIELD STREET, ■ PITTSBURGH. A fall assortment of PITTSBURGH MAN UP AC TVBtD PUBNITUBB constantly on hand, whkd we will sell at the lowest prices for CASH. lolfcivnads - ' UAKJS UK lUUK HEALTH, BUT MULFOBD’B GBEAMfiALXBATUB, Nads from common salt. It is perfectly healthy and pure, and will make better, tighter and more healthy cooking (ban any other Baleratusln the world. It t> tperfeeibr free from all imparities, and imparts a jeroam*llko flavor to the feed. Flease give it one trial. If roar grooer has not got it tell urn to get it for yon. For sale wholesale and retail at BOBBBT H. JACK’S, apfo6a2tawnn Nos. 1 and aPtomonfl. QRUDE OIL FOR RALE—In lots of from 600 to 1500 barrels, that has been in tanks all summer, and stands at abont 40° gravity. Inquire of BAILOR A SMITH, Diamond Oil Works, or at the office of SMITH, PARK A 00. ocaiitfxM - ■ - en BBLH LOUIHyiIAE UIUS i t/V store and fbr sale by. ■. « ■« _ J o&f \ u . . JOHN B. OAqyiXLD, nar goods. gPECIAL NOTICE On Monday, Nov. 3d, BARKER & CO., 39 Market Street, Will exhibit the addition* they hare been making to their stock* of C L O A K S, SILKS, SHA.WLS, Dress Goods, At price* LESS than are being payed for them In Eastern Market*. Country Merchants suppUedat the lowest market price*. gHAWLS AND CLOAKS; DRESS GOODS; , BALMORAL SKIRTS; PLAID FLANNELS; GREY FLANNELS; PRINTS AND GINGHAMS; MUSLINS; NEEDLE WORK; GLOVES. Wholesale and Retail Buyers Will bear la mind that we have a very large stock. purchased btfore the late slT&nce, and. will be sold very low, for CASH ONLY. C. HAHSOH LOVE & CO., 74 MARKET STREET. rpOTHB TRADE. JOSEPH HORSE, Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street, I. now receiving- hU (bird lug. I leek of good. «nlt able to the season, to which he invites tb* special attention of dty and country Merchant* and Milli ner*. Hew supplies of DRESS TBIMMIHGB AND EMBROIDERIES, WOOL HOODS. NUBIAS, 60NTAGS, SCARFB, MITTS* SLEEVES, Ac.; UNDERSHIRTS* DRAW ERS; KNITTING YARNS AND" r ZEPHYR WORSTED BONNETS, HATS. FLOWERS, RUCHES, BON NET RIBBONB, VELVET RIB BONE, FEATHERS. BONNET MATERI ALS, Ac , Ac.; FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. OWPricte as low at any Eastern Jobbing House. nol:tf . rjiHwu akSlv; New Goods J. M. Burchfield’s, FLAID ALPACOAB; PLAIN ALPAOCAS; TALLOCXBB, KBPS; f lOUBXD MERINOS; PLAIN do; FANG! SILKS; - SHAWLS; BBOSHA SHAWLS; "*•' SCOTCH FLAID SHAWLS; CLOAKS, newest stylos; FLANNELS; BLANKETS: BATXRTTB; OABBIMEBES,and CLOTHS. This stock will be found one of the most complete and handaomee* in the elty. cheep for cash. • ocB7 GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT EATON, MACBIIII Sc. CO’S, Nos, 17 and 19 Fifth Street We Invite special attention, to a choice sanction of NEW GOODS, tost received. An the new and de* ■treble stylos of DBEBS TRIMMINGS, FRENCH BMBBOIDEBIEB* LAOS AND TIBSUH VEILS, r BEAL LAGS COLLABB AND SETS, TRIMMINGS AND BONNET RIBBONS, HOOP BKIBTB AND CORSETS. LADIES’ A MISSES BALMORAL SKIBTS, BOSTON BIBBED HOSE. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS AND MITTENS, ZEPHYR AND SHETLAND WOOLS, KNIT HOODS AND BOKTAGB, HEAD DBEBBEB AND HAIB NETS. LADTES* WOOL UHPXB GABMXNTB, ~ GENTS’BHIBTS AND 00LLAB8, ■> NECK TIES, SUSPENDERS, HANDK’FS. MEBINO. SILK AND WOOL UNDERSHIRTS AND DBA WEBS. CASH BUTEBS supplied la quantity at lowest prices, ' EATOH. HACRUM ft CO., Non. lTaxb 19 Firm Biun. FALL GOODS. NBW STILE CLOAKS; NEW STYLE SHAWLS; NEW STILE CIRCULARS; HIGH COLORED PLAIDS, for Ladies 1 Dresses; FIG’D toBP’T POPLINS;' nQ’D BEFT POPLINS, all colon. Balmoral Skirts, All qualities and colon;. New style HOOP SKIBTS, among which may be found the pride of the world. THE QUAKER SKIRT, Ladles* sices, Misses sine, and Children’* dam; For nle at ’ w.&p;HUGTra\ 008. FIFTH A MARKET STB. BW HUOK AND BALMORAL ; SKIBTS.—We have fast received a variety ol new styles of HOOP AND BALMORAL SKIBTS, to which we invite the attention of the Ladies. Also, HOODS, SKATING GAPS, NUBIAS. ABMLETB, GAUNTLETS, LEGGINGS, Ac.; WINTEB Hos* IEBT AND GLOVES, at low prices, MACfiCM AGLTDX, 0c29 78 Market at,, bet’n 4th and Diamond: HJS NJSW&tiT HTYWIB OF DRESS TBIMMINGS at MACBUM AGLTDE’S, No. 78 Market itreet. FANCY VELVETS, for Drees and Cloak Trim* Binge; -Narrow Trimming Ribbons. The new Paris Trimming, Cloak and Dress Ornaments; ALPAOGA BRAIDS—A large assortment of this fohtonabl# winter Trimming. ocB> : 0 JULUNJSKS AMD UKAUSttS.— We have on hand a new and large stock FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS, which we can sell at less than Eastern priosn. Also, new BONNET RIBBONS. BUGHX3, and other Hiliinery i iMACBUM A GLYDS% .. ocO ; - 73EUrkst atHbet.4tha&dDiasond. theatre. Imw and Ww. Hue uses.; Treasurer —.E. Lau. ••“■positively the last appearance of Mr. B. X. J. MILES and his trained hens “Minnehaha." SATURDAY EVENING, NOY.Iit, IMS, Will to granted*. Bern, the Banter. TBS FOBS3T DEMON.- ... .......—Mr. IIILU. To ccududs with JACK SHEPPARD. JACK, lit Act Mn. D. MTBON. JACK. SdMtdad Act. Hr. jULM. juanuar notices. JPS-A CHANCE TO GET IN THE ItvS- BTANTON OATALBT. BOUNTY em. • Was DoaaTnrr, l Washington Clty.D. 0„ Oct, 3,1862. J Majom Joan A. Stockto*. Pittsburgh, Pa^ Bk: Yon at* hereby authorized to rate a Begl ment of Ohvalry In the State of Pennsylvania, tor three years or d uring tha war.to bsornoted la ao cordanoe with General Order No. 126, froalhli De partment. Field and Staff Offloer* can ha mustered upon completion of th* organlxatioa of th* Enlisted men will he mustered a* enrolled. Stm plles of elothing, arms, homes iand equipments will » fornlahed by the proper Department. By order of the Secretary ofW ar. . 7 C.P.I&UCKINGHAM, Brigadier General and A« A. 0. Haasocaams Pmmmu Mums, 1 Harrisburg, Oct. T, 1862. j The foregoing authority of the War Department 1* approved, and ordered that the Regiment dlOevaliy thus authorised to be rated agreeably to the team and organisation Indicated by the War Department. By order of the Governor, v . _ A. L. BUSSELL* Adjutar t General Peonsytvania. From the above it will ba seen that the' under fined has been duly anti lotted to tpte this Baft nant. It wIU be attach* 1* as for as poaribte* to th* Stanton Cavalry* and Oou James M. Scfooeamaker will assist in completing th* Regiment, i Th* tint Stanton Begimeit 1* now at Gamp Hove* uniformed, and will b* mounted here. Fir* Companies of this Regiment are now In Gamp* and Is fost fllltnpsip. Companies, parts of companies, and squad*, not already accepted, have sow the last and undoubtedly th* finest opportunity fo* entering the service. All Bounties from the United Btata*wlUbe gfvsa tethe men, and tha Alleghany County Bounty to sach men aa may be enlisted from Allegheny coast}. This Battalion'll** been called for special service by tha Secretary of War, and wilt be armed, equipped and horeedwUh the least possible delay. MW The Colonel can be found at Headquarter*, BANK BLOCK, Fifth stmt, abort General How*’* Offlne. - oelfcdtf HOSIERY; jtVCTIOJT sales. Adjourned assignee’s sale of FAYETTE BTBEET PROPSBTY.-Oa TUES DAY EVENING, Nov. 4th, at 7)4 o’clock, at Davis’ Anetioo,64 Fifth tt., will be iola, or order of Sssreel McOlorkan, assignee of Lnoas, Riebarda A Go., fonr lota of ground situate in ’Allegheny o!ty, oo the northerly ltd* of Fayette street, near Begsmy** Lane* each baling a'front of twenty-three feet fcoristfhet on Fayette street aad extending back 184 feet to a 25 foot alley, being lota Nee. 1028,1029,1088 sad 1031 In Samuel Tbomteon's plaa of lots called ‘Chatham.* On which are erected a two-story. brick dwelling, a frame dmeHing and a briek stable. Txxxs ov Ba£»—One-half enh; retidne In on* year, with Interest. - J. A PATM, Anc*. VALUABLE diamoic YAT AUCTION.—On TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 4th, at 7)4 o'clock, will ba sold, in tbs second floor of Davis* Auction, 64 Fifth street,' That desira ble lot of ground .situate on th* south aids of the Diamond, having a front of 20 foet on the Diamond and extending back 181 feet ta Decatur Street* on which i* erected a two-story brick tavern* how occu pied by Jacob Kants, renting for 9460 per annum. . Term* of sale—On* third oash* balance In one aad two' years, with interest, secured by bond and mart 'gag*. J. G. DAVia, Anct. T7ALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. V —On TUESDAY EVENING, November 4th, at o’clock, will be told, at the Commercial Sate Booms, No. 54 Fifth street: - SO there* Allegheny Bank Stock. : 10 do Mechanics*, do dot cc3l - < - J. O, DAVIS, Anct. O HOES at McClelland's Auction. O ota SHOES at McClelland’, Atotion. ocSl O HOES at McClelland’s Adotion. O - o°»l SHOES at McClelland’s Auction. - otSl gHOES at McClelland’s Auction^ SHOES at McClelland’s AddTion. ; ecn SES atHO McOlhllaed’s Auunes. oca OHOKB at HoClilland’s Auction. O acn gBoESat Mel ■BOOTS AJtCB SHOES. T OOK HERE.—Oar friend JAMES JU 8088, 80. 89 SUrket ctreet, hie neatly »• tamed dram the Zest with i tock of BOOTS AHD &EOBB, - r Ocapriiiug all the different rarietiee and striae now toTccait.ißd hering eeiactad it htorifro ibe Sutara menniectarer*, ie now prepared to ofhr to the pnhlio goods which ’hi can recommend for *mt* m» and weer._ ; : We advise all thceeln wntof neat and tubstaa tial coverings fbr the feet to call an Mr. ROBB, M> tag confident they will besotted sis regards. to°*U*y and price. the place, 89 MARKET STREET. oo* No. 71 WOOD STREET, corner of Fourth, Her* received a targe and complato stock ol BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, Purchased for cash, before the advance, : ' Our a lock comprises all articles in our .line, of the best quality, ana will be sold low for easy wholesale or r-*» n ; - aolS TSE WESTCHESTER, ACADEMY, AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, ATI WBI CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, vfll commence the a inter tern of five calendar months on tbs Ist of NOVEMBER NEXT. Tbe~course of Instruction Is Uorcugk and tximtiot, designed and arrasged topre pare boys and -young men ‘for business or college. The Principal, who devotes all bis time to the Inter ests of his school and Itc pupils, is ssililart fij right gentlemen of ability and experkne*. The au ■■■, JVtaefc and Fposith languages are taught by native rerident teachers, an advantage ertilcb will M nadQY appreciated by the patrons piths Institution.. The ttQiiarj Drparbmaie under tbschsrgeof. Major O. Xekendorit of Philadelphia, whose quaHfl cations for the position axe extensively known. Its dntles and requirements do not, laaay way* inter fere with, the Literary Departments, while enroll* laint among the cadet corps is left optional. For catalogue, Ae~ apply to WH. P. WYEBS, A. IL, Principal. . -selficSmeod - • - • • 144 KUBJtA MILLS, •144 GREENE STREET, NEW YORK CXZY. GOVERNMENT COFFEE, Put up in tin foil pound papers, 43 In a box, sad in bulk. Our prices range from Bto 80 cents. We put up the following kinds: ? JAVA* iIJJZAOAIBO, BU P. N/0, 810 AND BVPSBIOM COTTBB. We believe our Coffee to be hrtur than any ground Coffee now In use. All orders addressed to ua, cr to our Agents,Means. PLACE AYOCHG, USGbaa •bers street, oomer Washington street. New York City,and Hears. POLLARD* DOANS, 189 indlfil South Water street, Chicago, llttnofs, will receive prompt attention. “• - sagMmls TABER* PLACE, OIL \VOKEb7 BAYLOR A SMITH, Refiners and CARBON OlL,uasnrpuad by any in the market.: * . - Orders left at the bffice of Child* A Cai*», under the St. Charier Hotel, at theofßsecf Bmlth*Packß 00., or at their works in Lawrenceriße, will he at tend »dto. . -i ... ’ — . Buyers ef Crude Ofl* ■ ~»~acgfcly DEFINED OIL FUK KXl'UJttT.—Tio .JLVundersigned arbnow prepared to eeO the baft Iquallty of Refined Ctebon oil, delivered-on board of cars at Piitabtugh, on dock in PhflidtfpM*, ox ■* warehouse at Bed Book Point, Sew .York- WO also deUver lots from 100 toLoOQbambfteeaboard ship, or tell BlUi Lsdlngof afltoat oa Liverpool. Glasgow; Frankfort-on-the-Main, and MlMlwmßierh.- BSEBE AGBAFF, tftfT ' Oil Works. Pittsburxb* Pa. mfflOlwEpBTnSaTTT A ' HACBOM A CLYDE'S, Of fBENCH AND SCOTCH EMBROIDERIES, COLLARS, SETS, tiAHDS, EDGINGS, INFANTS* WAISTS. Ae..= at extremely tow pricer s* No. T» MaßKETSTßEET,between4th ADlamend. oeO rjUNDKJJfi*, JUST RECEIVED— D 2000 fas. choice Country Shoulders; »tO- •* - Sides; . 15 daren fancy Brooms; ...... 500 lbs.'Crush 801 l Butter; . 100 busb. Hssbannoek Potatoes; Now In store and for sale by: : H, BIDDLE, ocSfeme ; Ho. 183 Liberty street. 30 bblA largo No, 3 Mackerel 4? ■ tthalfbbia. •* a •» > ; aqr. « « *• a. « 20 kitt* extra —*• I *• 'lO Beostrad and for sale by ' - >B.M2>fi&l) : ■., M****mm. H* l© Liberty street. ... h r • --Vr** 's Acction. : pen tiOS & ob~