The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 11, 1862, Image 4

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-81914040Uti--1611131,31dIGEfi,CE.-- -
We glean, from the Christian World the
following interesting facts in regard to
French Protestant Societies. The -Protest
teal Bible Scalar"; diiteininated 14,700
- copies of the Oldand New Testament. The
-French and Foreign Bible Society 91,600
ciiples. Several_ millions of ',-Tracts has
been published aridairciaiated by the Ring,
ion Tract Society of Paris. The Evangel
ical Society of France disbursed F . 174,994
francs,-,and employed ,64. agents: The So-.
ciety_for Missions- amonr-Unevangeliied
S a tionsreetdvtillntyear l6l , 34B f rancs.:ll,
South Africa and Chins- I
" It. is taint. to commmum" a . mission:in the
French colony" of Sinegal. The Control
Society of EvangelizitienTaltiertr exOnd
- ed 127, 0 5 6
i f rancs.,; I t has many missions ,
• ,
ribs n France,,iind a Preparatory Theologic
al Sestina* , at Paris ' The fifth .
Annlyeinary , of the Fulton I
street PriOirlmee*g,7serk Yoilt,irtie held
week before last: :SCveral ahresses were
delivered and much' interest existed on the
otessioa;'::*llo3atteiidatice was large and
"' an excelient feeling prnailed. -
anniversary of the Baptist.
• Bible Union will ba,.'tieldli'lien,Yerk, the
29th of Octolin. l' It iii'expettedtherevised
New Testament "Win be' completed by that
fine, acid `soon aftetiready for distribution.
- 1 -h.A' discussion it seems has been going
on in the Jewish:Jolmes for _sometime,
whether Judaism vim Progressing or de
' alining. ' the itraeliti of Cincinnati settles
the queition thus-" The fact is, Judaism ;
' progresses in progress."
—The annual meeting of the Mission;
arr Society of the Evangelical Association,
-= - J2 will be held, Wednesday Nov. 6th; in Phil
adslpht -
--Hon. and 13.e1e. Baptist Noel 'averts
that " the Federal Government has 'a
stronger and clearer right, to attempt to put
dein the rebellion in the South than the
British GovernMent had to crush the rebel,.
lion in India."
• .Eicetic hiagasine contains the
following quotations from a well known' ,
-" 'sermon by 3. Bunetss, entitled "Beelzebub
braving and Browning his 'Hogs:" .
these words the devil verified thine
old English proverbs, whiCh; as they ontain,
general drift of: my -text, shall
abia Contain the substanCe of the. ensuing
L T e devil will play at. a small game
rather than no game-at all. " All the
.devils besought him, saying, send us into
.2- They rim fast whoni the devil drives.
"When the nada& spiri
swine,' ts entereditito the
4t. is said, "the whole herd ran
11.-The devil bangs pigs to a fine mar,
"Behold the whole herd ran down a
steep place and were choked.'' -
the recent session of the Etta
. • burgh Methodist Protestant Conference,
in Allegheny city, s preamble and
refolution was adopted, proposing to coil a
special General Conference to meet in Gin.
'anima on the first Wninesday of Noveni-_
barnext. . • • '
:__From the lase reports from , the
American Board of Foreign - Minions, the
';Old . ' School Presbyterian,_Bie • Protestant
- ',' "Ilistheidist and the - Dutch )
-Reformed, we kirol 3611114 missionaries
•W were supported by .their _Boards at the
time of maltiag , out of the reports. *he
4ornisielist in noticing the 'fact, urges the
„-• •
„.. . employment of more females in missionary
• ---The late General Conference of the
- -
Cum 31. E. Church, extended the time
of the 'pastorate from two to three ,years,
if the bishops and their advisers deem it
necessary. The Conference also gave its
sanction allowing , men and women to sit
together in the church. •
---The patriotism of the clergy of "Obi
Trinity" Episcopal Church, New York, is
clearly set forth in the following paragraph
taken from the Inclependeni• There are.,
nine clergy : men connected with this
wealthy corporation_ of Trinity Church--a
1. rector and two clergymen to. each of the
-.,•four congregations
"The rector Dr. Berri= has a son con
netted with the Navy Departnient.
Trinity church, Dr. Vinton has twobrotheis
-- in the United States army ; Dr. Ogilby hair
a son an officer who-distinguished himself
in gallantry at Fort Donaldson end in other
'Western battles. In Bt. Paul'schapel, Dr.
'Haight has a eon in the army in `ifirginis; I
hir. Dix has a father major general, and I
I tether a chaplain in the Drni tates
ted S
' service. In Bt. John's chapel, Dr. Weston
has gone himself as chsplaM with his (7th
N. Y.) regiment.' In Trinity chapel, Dr. -
_ - Higbee has two eons in the naval service hew
- the United States, and Dr. Hobert nep
in the army."
—The Bible is in course of translation
into the language of the Yoruba* Central
are informed that the 'Rev. kelt
' eft. Cadden, the next day (finsultiy) Id)
theorellel forces entered Frederick, .lad.;
played-most devoutly in the M. E. Church
for the§:anocess of the llnion army, and for
.-, •
:the President of the -United States and,4ll
in antbinity. -
J. Blaellital,:-Tresident of
College, has al . Bl 441b1 - mon
• paper at fifty cents per year, called the
Chrhttitis 0-Era. It s - distinctive principle
N. W. Christian Advocate is thus
suitiituiced : "That * Jeans - Christ is really
pre tent in whatever of religion he has tip. -
_ potnted. whether government, doctrines or
rites; - and that • evil spirits inhibit and
all others wield in the interest of Anti
christ, the god of this world."
_ queries were presented
at the annual meeting of the West New
Jersey Baptist Association by the second.
Church in Camden:
'I. Ought we to fellowships church that
' • practically denies that baptism, is • pre
requisite to the privileges of • church , re
• latioul :Ought the; usual ministerial actor
take to lie-extended to • plaster who ;
publicly &chats that he would comment'
with unbaptised' Chrietiens, and teaches
that; baptism is not a. vampish* to coma
=whin 7.' 8. Ought - Web) regard such •
114'-ifeperture from the doctrines 'delivered to
.'yte touching the very foundation of Church
•t'. order, as a mat t er of indifference and for
•bearatteer • - -
• . --,-Thilleptists of Australia hie° in! ;
cressedsinAllB67.from l3,4l2 . oommitnicants
to, ..0,006. .
, ,of the
'.7 • Univermalst
• , Wined the &Mr:,
.giedird iliac theilarirWfliliientregation '
hale volunteered to fill the, pulpit daring
: his a bet toe^
~.; ,-•-
• • • #4llll.Wriese.coniit,ttit:Pirtl WIDOW ;
. •by ildillent.-Ifr. Gibeottlihlithud-ilt
sionisrin Jute last at NXIX King-
:he King of lieclitillseAr has invited
- Ea.:W.74W to Visit the capital ink
Mont st di° illr'mhiag ,
. . . • • . ••• • ..
/pAIL., ~ 1-711.8/pria,Eilrer:ai'ailitiiiiAniriaMxperience Among
.-- ...,•-' - '
_, ' - --'"-- the- Rebeis:.llorsible Sufferings of
.7 Owr PriSuriera,',,. ,
.. ~' -• •
—''• - - - ---,----- .• - 1 The f.lluiring_ letter fron Mr: lames At
`..well, captured at Front :Royal, in May last,
and recently released on parole, will be read
-with-painful interetal . -- - '
' . Cie"--- Piito
ptn,-Ansarotts, Mn
~ 1
" 13etentber 20, lii6l.
0 I; the 2.3lfif - Mal the forces at Front Royal,
..latetuding a:natioriiif SnaP**.,listlery, were
'attacked - by Stonewall Jackson, ;and,' after
..eoverai hours', fighting, were, nearly all cap
tured. ~- .1, with: some ether Pittsburghers,
managed to get away from the field into the
woods, and after. Wandering all night towards
Wincheater,.iie- found_ ourselves captured by,
4hc.nnetars-carralry.--__We :VIM then rent
through Abe rebel lines to F ront Royal, and ,
...14fld.o.".t.oika opportunity, on Our way back of
I seeing , the °Decors strongtb- I counted, niy- '
self, sixty pieces of cannon. - W e: were
1 kept at Frontoßoyal three days, an d, had it
not been for the Louisiana Tigers would have
shined:, This battalion has a hail uame, but
. in
troit:wind lbed•them -; Wbeii lungry, 'which is
more than the Virginia chivalry do. t,,0.n the
26th =we were Xearclied'to.-.Winchester, some
eighteen miles , distant, without getting any -
_thing' to'eat;and-placanin tin railroad depot.
There we got very little for the six days we
remained there. While there we were friend
by Mn. Duncan,' -formerly of St. Clair
street.. This good lady attended to the sink in
the' hospitals, and' the Pittsburgh prisoners
-antindebted-tairar - - for ; towels; soap,-bread,
.&e4 Which she brought to us.
The Union itinlles at this time began topers
Jimikson-rather alose, Tend he concluded - to
end us before him ,up the Valley. We were
a pitiable '-i-some 1,500 in all ---including
.100 men' taken from the hospitnlivery one
pf,;:niCssitliont -blankets., A groat manyl
t among he number, without shoes. - On that
:iiiiii-ch, es - viell as at the time of the fight, have
I Often thought of the old proverb,'
- .ilo who tights and runs away. •
Mop lies to tight another Ca:
I thought how preferable death .would have
been than my 'situation 'then, and now, after
this. imprisonment I have undergone, I still
think death would be morn 'welcome than to
-be a prisoner of the rebels. . .
I will now give you an - account of somo of
the wines', ',thief' I witnessed during my so
journ .nmong Jeff. Davis'- minions. Some
times, on Jackson's retreat up the Valley, we
- were "in in front;'other
.times, when our army
'Was pressing him Closely,
,vr• , were placed in
Ail rear, ao our artillery would not shill his
' : During the tweive,days of our march
Iva, traveled 156 miles. It rained night and
Any. Our gaerds, the 21st Virginia regi
meaty made -us march through 'all the mud
er possiblroiraldf end-denied us the privi
logo of erecting - the most of the numerous
-bridge' which are la that section of country.
lire had to sleep in the mud and rain every
'night, and wade through Water by day, d
frequently were we denied tkeds privilraege
of a
drink of water by our guar. Our
was one cracker in three days. you May
fancy the rendition we wore in for marthing.
We had • largo number of in
old grey beadle' men, staggering with age,
taken ewe) from their families in the inidst
of the nigt, for no ether offence than that
they Were true to their country.
. I cannot depict to you the scenes of misery
and . suffering which • I saw on the match.
Young melt Ming down with hgnger, old
Men going crazy with Attar suffering'; men
:banetted becanto they could not kee u.
Som yo etbies a man-would fall down, fein t wi th wit p h
hunger ya rd d We would go ahead • few
hundres, then we would heat a mink et
shot,' which told us that his misery was over..
Eight of our men were murdered in this way.
. -
About the 12th of June we arrived at Lynch=
burg, where we were handed over to the 42d
See:sent North:-Carolina doer. The.2lst
Virginia Regiment left us, and many an im
precation followed them. It will bo hard for
them if . any of the Lynchburg prisoners ever
mart them. I think there will not be many
of that regiment captured. . .
The Qnarterer of the North Carolina
regiment, Cap Hoyers, of Wellsburg, Va.,
treated us well. , Water and soap was seam.
An oldlarmer of the place tld ne they could
not ran the blockade, consequently had to do
without soap. I had to pay 15 cents for a
piece of
grestre and ashes to wear a shirt.
We were confined .in the Pair Ground, and .
could not get enough water to wash our fans,
and frequently had to wait two and three
boars before getting a drink. .
During our stay at Lynchburg, a memner
of the.6Bth Ohio Regiment was brutally shot,
within six paces of the guard's lirte, while
going for a drink of eater. The gnard did
not tell him to stop; and shot him with his
bayonet-almost touching his breast.
Our sick weranot eared for, No
were furnished except salt sad vineg fif
ar, and
bread without yeast. Vie lost from ten to
teen men per day of starvation, or disease
brought on by it.
On the 6th of August wo were removed to
Belle Island, in the James river, at Rich
mond. Here we were under charge of Capt. 1
Montgomery, of Baltimore, sd us I
very much. We only got half a 5 cent loaf:
per day for ratkne. We got no salt while' '
here.. A grea". many .. men were down with
scurvy, and in faCt of the 5,000 who con.
fined on a space of five acres on this island all
are more or less scurried.
We staid at. Belle Island five weeks, then
were delivered to our boats at Aikon's Land-
ins on the 13th inst., and arrived at Annapo
lis the following Mondsy.
There are about 10,000 men in this camp,
rod of the 5,000 who arrived last, among
within we over 200 from Pittsburgh and Alle
gheny aides, not ono hoe received a tent,
tolairkettn-olothea yet.- I think this is too
bad; after suffering .10 weeks- imprisonment
under Jeff. Davis to come :wader Uncle Sam
again; and experience this hind oftreatment.
' Wehrielzad no Aloes for
sixteen' weeks,
airdharie been eanosed duri ng heat and cold,
Sunshine and rain. _ Our feet-are ail 'molten
with exposure, and laying out this weather
without tents and blankets will not help it
; nay. Aitreat many of, us cannot w alk 'very
Du. -Sevenlllatnteri when searching to oar
Triati;iTolie-pieetTalitiw ranted in eight of
the Bari and Stripes, - Ile . died when taking
him on board.
I think Pennsylvania ght to haves dadnp
for, her paroled prisoners. hieryland hes
4aken her regiment, which was captured, with
nail:tome tri their friends in Baltimore ; why
cannotwe go, too? We aro not fit to go into
the field: 'Beery roan, after he is exchanged,
mill only. be too glad to meet the foe, and ob
tain that revenge-which all desire for the suf
feting' we endured.
Yours, tespootfully,
•. . .
it s c, TiCT.7II
An Ignorant Bticgoon. -
A ease has Viet beetrirea -
g our eaten
that, eithiblthig"giosi igliOrilicie`and • ineOln:-
potem on the part of, en army surgeon—and
we fear ho is, but one of , a large class now I
'quacking' in regimentals.- Captain George,
Irwin, of Lawrenceville recently receieediel
fortne.lion to the efect , that _ bis son had big
woindel;kna-was lying in one . 6f dui hospi
tals near Washington. Ile started at °nit, to
add hint,"aad'after a long scarab succeeded , :
Ile had been shot in the thigh, but the sok
goon, being unable to Idd,the bolt to the
•oinity . Of the Wound, Imoglned - that - It had
passed down the leg, aud •he
_the desk ltamediatellYabove the anklebere
thej_v were indications ..of soreness, and- Com
menced_ probing : there. . for • _the ,bs,lll, -
Soaps loan yeas sufferinglntonsely, and his
father, feeling satisfied that he:could die nu•
less removed, applied' for his- dlecharge.• -I •
this he, failed, as the now exceed
ingly - stringent in 'regard to :diselusrges or
boxes of &beano,. Meeting with Bid. StoOt
ton, Capt. Irwin laid tho - csse beforehim, and .
the Secretary of War was sticessefully ,
-paahatoiwilehial-or the yoluag otau,lix whom
a furlough wee granted.
When Capt. Irwin reached home with his
boy, Dr. Reiter was called to attend and
after an examination of the wound;
in extracting the ball, which had - leased
against, and flattened itself down SP as to
bend around the thigh bone. The ball wet ix
heavy *We bullet, and must have bait:
driven with great force. MOrtilleation would
have soon taken place, end another slime
would have been added to the long
victims from the ignorance or
eargeooe. By granting the faeor toSolonel ,
Stockton, Becretart_fitanton hes svNid t ea
of a soldier, and given joy instead' Of
mourning to a large elrele of his friends.;
Accident to a Rai'void Tram.
The Mall train on the Yeansyliania Asa-. I
road, Which arrived here at noon, met with
an accident just as . it was switching of; the
main track on Liberty street, to 'enter the"
passenger dePoL ,The switch-key jumped out
of I t
place, while the train was -passing;
throwing three'of care off the truck. ; The
laannotilre,..boSPsC-ilnd faet_p_assenger cars
icassed'over-safelypord took-theisiding,
the next eat 'passed on down - tibertt street,
breaking entirely - loose from the train, and
jumping the Una altogether. The nett car
also want off the track,and came very near
being upset. One of the remaining ears was
itizowstolf,.ifet , the Ulnae ofLthe.!t VOA
not gotfarenoughforward to enc
of ounter thewere
rangement. The passengers, course,
very much frightened, but no one was injured:
in the least. Two of thocars were somewhat
damaged, but $lOO. will probably repair the
whole less.
' ' , The Crinitual Conti:
In the erase lulls' between: Matheii Barbi
zon and Mr- , and Min _Maya, the jury found
a verdict of iot guilty in bath uses. .
icon wu directed to pair,,tirci-ddida of the
'costs, and the other parties the' balance. '
T. Balsa and Eld:Kenttedy,- charged with
assault and battery "upOn 'Mr. Runts,, were
convicted and remanded for sentence: '
Rose Ann Brogan, -Wm. - Evans and Ann
Evans, wen arraigned for keeping s
derly house. Roae Ann Brogan was un
tainted and remanded for sentence. The other
`defendants were acquitted.
Mathew Wilton wu convicted of , the bar:
ceny of a hie of bees valued at $l5, and was
sentenced to v one yule imprisonment In the
A Child Killed by Drinking Winrklir•
A sad enie of death resulted in this city last
evening. A little girl, aged between six and
seven years, whose parents reside on Mitten
bargees alley, near Seventh street,
had procureened
about halls pint of whisky, whieh b
carelessly left within its reaoh; and drank the
whole of it before she was discovered. She
sickened lmatediateiyi aid' fell - into lutes deadly
stupor when a physician. wai called. The
doetor'did all in'his power to save the child,
but to no pnrposa—the poisonous liquid bad
its work.,
• . ...,
LIBLILAL.-3:116 't-rabytericus says
A worthy member of tho. United Presbyterian
etwoh, whii . his' frequently contributed
Largely to the funds of onr different Boards,on
visitingthe city, last week, gave to the Board
of 'Publicatien, for .Bible purposes, $500; to
the Board of 'Foreign Missions, $5OO, and to
the Bova allows hilisions,Ssoo. On learn
ing that the BobsisteneeDosurnittee, for feed
ing soldiers passing throtgh the city, needed
funds, he left mg .far their use:' We: would
be glad to make known the name of the lib
°lel donor, but he does not wish., to be -
Holy Yuma.
----.0.7--- -- . .
Isrouxerrow Wswrin.—By the sad lOU
dent at the Allegheny Arsenal, Bally Donnell
lost her life. liar mOther, Elise 'Donnell,
who resides in ear ehton, is left entirely..
alone' itt her beteUt and in indigent cir
cumstances. - Eke hoe one son named James
M. Dorman, froze whom she is =lmo te hear.
Me has been for some tim tomeeete with a
sideilieer,- tiereling t withcircus or mo
ue:do— Mialtusinets principelli-ls sword
allowing. lie , was in Orestline hat May.
Newspapers generally are uquested to 'give
this' &hardly, and
,taseivir the thanks of his
'sorrowing - mothe r..
Tax Qioi•A OF SHAIIFOMIRO,. sea/thing - Ur
the liguesof the Commissioner would ebow
that the -'borough ' wasliable t o a draft of
Meaty-nine. Our attention' boo . heap called
to an error In llie Commissioeer's ealeulation,-
which the, number of persons returned
U liable to military duty Is entered ti: 324,
while ilte:ital'utunber. ii - .only '234. , This
lung show the berOugh*Sivert in eieeis , of Its
quote, with -foirteen, volunteers ' otiklietfA IA-
Poonsylranis orgeniiiations since the ram, -
shuting'a total excess of twenty.one4
, .
Lirrrise riot' COL, COLJArIeiIIZOIM IST.
Letters teideetud to the followini• poisons,.
imaddima Co._l{.lo ll BUitionts-ciP be
• calling st.this officer, 4 t
Thos.' Malay. me-Philips ,t,Beiti Mrs.
litytnitt,:loortle street; Jane
ion, B.'D. Gormiv-InaMotailloyl Wm.
Bmitou,,EN. 20 Oil One; gotslok.Dotothoe ,
BlUmbargb; Wm. Foes, bektolDlsmood .
VZilitrittiiir.Lorsittontlon to &rioted•
teriar.-Divfesdvertisement—of late la Eut
Liberty, to be sold on the premiset to-morrow
aftornoon, at two o'clock. ,Those on thetlook
for •comfortable and oonvenient subarbea.,
teat will be pleased with thas locution. ' It. L.
vesdlly reached every hoar of the day, and hu
beside the advantage of a pleasant neighbor.
.Tlse aide is to be positive.
Tat Timm WAIL]) ENROLLItzrr.—A Coin
mltte 'A .:lazuli, consisting' of Masao. J. J.
Clamor John-X*o 4uuAndrow flimsy leave to
day for r b u rg, to lay before the authori
ties ail the facts connected with the - enroll:
meat in that ward. If the ward gets credit
for all the volunteers claimed by them, they
will Ws an excess of
N. 4141.01/ Eficieiz.--A . ' tiiistat• Irbil*
driving • wagon across Pike West, Mt/ fon/-
IMOD narrowly escaped beteg/ killed by a
1/111'ng Ulla oa-the AllBgbaktirlille ital.
road. -.TO rehlelo wag caught bEth e loc
imottvallad completely sauuhed uit t
) bat the
ditaist !arta:lll W, tamped. , '
Tots r,
IDELM B ooxii olarstse--Ilirsot e
Soy, - whoshot John Brows, on Musti
sou lituidity but 'vas Committed to jail to
day,. toassisst stist oit Timidity
sass, on•
• °hairs of wait and tattoo with
Intent to kilt. It is !MIRO si•FAiitt,'Bior rn
I will stoOsor.
Tan Finns linnii,Alinitio-13eve of the
monster 16-inch aii7 gansidesigned for the
new Monitors, have airendy been east at the
Pod Pitt Works, Ony.twn these two
boa shipped. 'Another is read, to be proved,
••• sreinthe tathswomd-ontrir7et in the.
LILLY'S Aille.—Lititits, nay and Gib
son, reuniting . for:the Barth - Soo lion of the
Stanton Heavg.:Artliblrg, sent on another ,
squad tut evening; and will take a few more
good min, it Wren& sotti: IleadquarteFvi.
kiasorlokla.U, Fifth *4Ol. • 0,
ire a ow 311rostpotsties
at Camp Bove, every morning
, end evening.
The math g parade la at font o 'ofxlt, s very
'Oonvinglait hoar tot ollitetil Irtiblog 'visit
the camp. A lee bsttO df tootto It In attend.;
sa y & -
I;egrifloysitt- tattryll7:s72
-ear iitatt Vidt to Ilizrtsbog, 04 PUSI4OIII
Ent greetitt.Rattlti Gen.litgesU.
Y~Yrl~e~ .._
'the Battle - near FerrYsville.
FINS IN ?OS WAao.—The alerm of I
fire, about ono o'olook. this morning, wee
caused by the burning of a lot of "strips,"
belonging to Bit. John Herron used betchant. The strip, whlah STO 10 rang
boards, were piled in the Ninth. Ward, : add
were worth perhaps ;so. Thej - were , un
doubtedly set on Ore by some :delicious
nate() lIP .Itennirc-Tbe Second Rest-
Matti 'et' 'Stanton Col. Stockton;
rlHfingarrespidlye -One hundred endtblety
three men were mastered into earrloo yester
day at 'Camp
A Wp wortmont.
Banghi rot!ons to the general adrenal to grf oea
of July Ll. Wo eariblenro tell our yreeentatoch
lltUrrni--------ti--------Mti—lttooojillteite TO rope
.W outstts.—A wo7 large crick of choice TIM'S,
of selected varfidles to choose tram; with every OVA- •
1)1.6 CVO taken to UV. avei7 varlet l inn to mom.
O Ae alone we have 176,000—0u.0M of Which
are t hr eeyear olds, 10,00:01ov.: year ods. Pas. 4o , ,
W two to three years old. Peach, Plum, ie., • One
stock. .
Ilturanmics•rthe Trees ha the IVmeery. 0611 bald
.nvordtw them.
SVltitOll3lllll from t to e lee. liT the treadmill.:
ovtuZiandriundalej. 'T.11.9r .dliD BEIBUBDTIVT.
Mines PITTBI3OIiOB AHD OAS L Alf D litli.
PLlaltB, Pittsburgh, Ps.
...mud...T. maw 11111RPOIIII:,/ii ..
TIN LU11)--oo good -os any;
.-- D.T. better. In 1)61 Judment, emir k•
WOO* sae, e• Ward nothing to Itsmenting
this Manta .I hold to the community: - We ma t .
tom espetirsco. %my gaud 85 09 . 000 tot /tempo, an.
Molly; t• 'grant, a projadtc• in fern of a foreign_
wrtlatet Otte It a Mild and you will run tau totter
Idol& Price and otuillty rill commend tt. -
u. . Soli agent for Madam Pennsylvania,
TS fourth aura.
• .ILI this dot remind &DS tot sal* '
FROM 01113 EvE.97 EDITION.]
he Rebels DTIVEII Right Rile
Heavy LOSS on both Sides
Lootamt,s, Oct. 10.—Among the Perrya.
vine casualties, OD Wednesday, sr;
: gilled-
Gene. Jackson and Terrell. ALng Brigs-.
dier-Generals Webster ank:Lyle, of Ohio;
and Lieut. Col. Jewett and Major CafElPli 4lll, " if
_the lath. Kentucky,
,Cavalricasid Col. Pope,
of . the came regiment, were wounded. ,
There is no confirmation of ,Gen. Sheridan's
death. Gen. ROll6Ollll IS reported slightly -
Cot. Wootford, of the 'lit 1 entucky Coy
airy, after five charges, took two batteries.
The enemy, after hard fighting, was driven
back eight mites.
The foregoing retrace to Wednesday's fight.
Various rumors areTh in
ursday), circulat ion said co to bencernifa
a light yesterday (
vocable to the Federate, but is traceable to DO
authentic source• lleadquarters at eleven
o'clock this (Fridey) morning, lied receive
no advicee from the battle field later thin
Wednesday evening. Our force in thatfight
was about fifteen thousand infantry, eight
batteries of artillery, and twenty-five hu
dred cavalry, but were reinforced towards , the
close of the engagement. • The rebel force has
not been ascertained. There are no armonats
yet of the losses on either side; but is supposed
to be large 'from the mortality anions field
officers. A large arabulance train is bow
leaving Louisville' to bring the wounded
Successfug ExpediSton to the St
Johns River, Fla.
NEW Yonn, Oct. 10;—By the arrival of the
steamer Massachusetts, from Port Royal, on
the 4th inst., we receive Intelligence of the
aucoessitil lone of the expedltlon to Bt.John's
ricer, Florida.
The rebels, it ha
will be m
embered.reeve re
ported that our gunboats rePlned in as
attack upon the batteries them but it appears
that Ws was only the rebel way . ; of , putting
the foots, which are Oita the ravene.
The expedition arrived in the , vicinity of
the batteries on theist inst., and a reeennois.
sancti,by the gunboats,. during which an 41x.-
change of shots took plake, and .established
the fact that the rebels wore there. The forces
intended to operate on land were then put on
shore, and proceeded to gain the: rear of the
rebel position, when the enemy ingloriously
tied, leaving everything behind--a battery of
8 hoaryguns, loaded and nuspiked, quanti,-
ties of ammunition, many small arms, and a
fair supply of stores GLUM ectuiPage•
Oar gunboats immediately toot pouession
Of tlie river and ant off the retreat of ati,en
tire Georgia , regiment and a number .of guer
rillas known to be on the south side, thus ren
dering their capture almost certain.
Gen. SicClonal' an rkintdelphia •
PIIILLDLLIOIIII, Oat. 10.—Gen. McClellan
arrived;in this city yesterday _ ,
phials on
but left' on pecia l iraln
this morning, to vow= his position in . the
jrlrgiorted syressilyfor 0.• Pittsburgh Gerette.l
FIIIDLT, Oct. 10.—The general morkot
gabs active with a :good demand for moat of the
Wading article..,Groceries are very Inn at almost
Milo= rubor. Ihmr - is steady.; but . Unchanged.
Grab to Orriling quite hairs nowithstandins whirl
the market Lerma and fully supported. There is no
new feature to notice in prorisions, use a allght ad
lance in mess pork:
GSM'S—Wheat L eery tiro. it fall pricer, we
note oleo front wagon at $1,00(41, 0 5, for rod, and
81.00 t 0.51,12 for Itt4te... Bye Is firma% 00c and,Teir
scarce. Gorn 1. daß but unchanged. Barley Is ar
riving more freely. though the market Is &m at $l,OO.
Oats scam and steady at 45 to 5Dc for new and old.
---oBOGEBlEs—contlettte weir setturand the mar
ket is firm and advancing. Sales In lots of 25 khda
sugar,at 10c for Coln, at 10„Nic tar Porto Rico: and
10? e isalle for 74. 0.; 40 bogs coffee at 243 j 53.250;
Ibis molasses at 56n and 10 bags India Moe at 70.
FLOUB--contlnuess Oem with a regular decd de
mand at fall rites. lisle of 75 bble ramify at $5,50
45,60; 100 do do at $5.0.505,75 and 24 bbla Bye
Flour at $4,00. Piro is selling at $5,101 5,70.
PT/OTL2IOIBB—We note small sales of bacon at
5 1 /C for shoulder?, and 6 1 St for aides; sugar cured
hams are scarce shd arm at 12 c.. Mess pork is •
shade" firmer; isle of 05 bbls at $11.." •
OlLS—Bathed is more active, though unChanged;
we note a sale of 1000 bbls in bond at 24c. Crude is
eery font at 8 to
BkLTshale of CO Ibis tits. 1 . Extra at $1,90 and .
600 sacks it $1,37.
SEEDS—BaIe of 20 bush prime timothy at $1,75.
rho Is Ezra at $1,65 and closer $4.50.
onasr.-4rm sad In good to Inquiry with sake
of 125 boxes prime alerted NV. ht. at so.
ET. Loma 111uittr, October 7.—Tobacco—Report
ed by J. L. Ileynee—llarkst steady, but qualities
low and inferior. Sates comprised 46 Idls, theta&
lug 6 hbds stoma at 11,3904,10 i do tactory lugs
110,50011,16; 14 do planters' do at 1U 350U,00;
7 do ouolosou ahlpping Wit 114,104115.03; ft do me..
dinno do itol6,3tr. and 3 do good do at 114100
20,60 }llO O Bid on one bbd. at 131,0 rejected.
fletop—aistlo,t steady, and whod 9.1 hales undress
ad et 160; W,4.1 and DO do at $63; 19 du do an
546 do du at gii3 t 011.% 11 di. hackled tow et
and 103 do do on private terms. Flour—DemaS
good and prices MIL Baba llamas, after 'Clump
of 740 bbls country choice double extra at 15; 250
double extras6.4oi 111 do oconottykuporilne at $3,76;
dulull do country double extra at $4,952 Um do
du at $4,714 14.2 do private; 60 is city doue extra
000; 350 do contary Ample extols a114,5tr, 13 do do
14,44 WO do do et 14,27; 31 and 200 do country ste
wane et 11; 100 o low grade do $3,60, and um do
one at 15,713. Wheat received about 30,0300 bashes,
Mutat steady and firm aml active far tbe bettor
grade'. Sales 63 ika spring at tOe; 226 eke 00262600
fall et 75077m411 9 do UV and rood at 32033 M 3,630
do at 111085 c; 1,370 do prime at 373/101. 0 4; 230 do
'Moto, at fty15144, 1,1011 do do et 954;610 do at 970
93e,212 do extra do at 11, and 1000 do virtue.
Corn—gales 40
milted at. 34t; 50 aka' yellow
34).1c, Lode.° do white at 330.
pats-+Market; dl9.
wan Wes of 010 ski in various lois at 410, 109 do at
41%c2C7Ci_do to 101 l at 41421%1.60 pootst.39No, and
Wu do • holm old at 430. Barlo.y--Oholce falt bed
hisbor. Sales of Maks fall at 4100115, ski TO.
turced,kad 989 ski private.- Byte-91arket Mon,
wittisales of 70 As, In tato tote, at 43047 e, ski • re
turned Dow u—Saler of 5 cks country clam sides at
4c, 86 do dx. at 4).ic,sod 3,d0 rib do at 34. . •
Tim stockboldore of the Pittsburgh port Waite
Chicago Ibillrftd will be gratified to read tbi fol
lowing width we dip from the stock report of tie
S. T. Evening Post, of Thursday:
Pittebnrgh; Fort Wayne and Aitttcago - stack wan
'act lye at 6•10166—a ries of 10 per at t cent
he rata of since s3 Friday
Itat. Thla company panting
030 for the year, leaving a Large 'Wpm
ounts tor the
stockholder'. "wino lt.tervitt account am to
only 1000,40 u lair sawn. lite third morlimgra ram
1 per cent._
blitoritiger. Guile Vaasa, Oct. 7.—Rocalvad,
74,032, boat wheat, and 9,439 tails flour. The 134311-
nel aye the market opened firm with moderate Inv
Quin, bat alter the reciipt of tim Nov York din.
pitehinttor66oll36 fell 411—tho Arm
as for 2, and 910 fur No. 1. , ; . • •
filitortras.-31curs. Cubing Porter, Of DOWD.
to their monthly circular, stye; c - Tke market has
con tinned very quiet doling the 'month, sake gener
ally confined to small parcels of good quality and
mime at tbeciate may - he qw:µed at 13013%c, cash.
• •
Imports by abiltoad.
- Ptrlizraar. rt.' WATIM Lawat 0000 SIILICap,
Oct tOa.,t) Nils p.per, -R. 0 ad; .3 Ms. bacon,
wird g d oo ; 2y byeetve,./dtitobolgilfdto; 13
Von 21111 1 :: 63 ZIt;NV 1 . 1 Ciormloylltbda to= .
JIB Murphy; Ido do, John Janet - WE Ido do; John
1W bblo dour, John A Courtier; 3 elys @mop
'don, Muir, Vj dtrdo. 131 110 zin: Satun a coi
1 ~yr iron oro, John liocabond; 10 bbls 4ploo,
Bialoyetralcar barley, .10ohan UtiodoelCo Out done
IJczniAlny a Prrrestrann ItYiLsOYl)..det .2.-.
160 bash oauf IIAD bob potstoo4-11 -B*), 13 a u ,
ib. n a wift u, ?aura on; 2 Obis oat mod; /0 halt
P e
411 WWI hark?, Wm ali; 1 car Iron ors, M. et
son.Pfllll.oD /1 co; 1 do do .' u o . l4 8 / 0 .0 12 // * de/ I do ,
do, Jong 4 Lsogldlos; I do do. Loyd .111.4: IQ.
Wadi IA40; 633tinak" 66103024.11130a7.
a co; 63 but atoms, 1,-A1:60,1101 11 en; 0 thli apples'
Culp al/hoard: 100 Pull tliter . ° th lol 4 4 0 0 63 U
A ColllA . 163 4111131111gtone wilt, Jonith enez , xi_
- • •datak4s bP-120/0/1.-42.2100W014/,
10 OW appl46. c .V4o4ikaddr; 2.5 - J0m0;
• SWOP,C%. .ifc , .. .i ' .1
Litt .VOIt,SAIAL-21. three4kor7 brick dwelling,.
slat teltrioomi,k4so2.llo, fa one of the lick aquae,
on Penn street, ell In good order. Price only $4,`• 00
—41,5 0 cash aka - barn. , In Ore equal annual pap
meats, fostweslnn at sea .. •
U. Mol...SlTt a 00. ,
eno6 S&LY--E,ltaste.4l on Third Street, above
Gran O. list sid - 01) - The louse' is built in
modern stylirangodorith wide hail and melee
comes, marble. mantles; gas and nester thronglumt
Ann Lot tliotest front bind feet deep, pith
side .63,010—5 . .00 in hand, balancer in
six annual payments, nearing 6 par cont. interest.
Appq , . W.,
;- • , . Footikattent.
ABOUT E . IOHT 1.10119 Z rowel!.
9001) 03/latt
Wait, nn Wa,t) atiMAY 'Am.
OAZSTTE o£l.7tlS"
• • Inah ntrout.-aboveSmittri.l.l.
1 11C°17
FAL.I.,,Whe place known es "Mt. Plage,. Sit:
Rite In Hos. 101FIL:bip, four mites from the city, on
the lie w•• Brighton 'lt' al, •Iwltteining 33. scree, on
whine-are erected ..tle frame and on • log dwelling,
tth .other nectar:try ontimildings;,an orch r& in ol
1300 beating halt trees, of choice warietiot, all a
Mahatmas of cultdratitu. Viirise gold cheap.
For further particulars apply to 3. W . . BALL,
do Fifth alreet, Fittaturgh, or tot tee subsaibil, 0
S A CA81P.133.1 ,1,
he premises.
oc0:1md "
I %eIIS 1. iie .fl IS lir. r nor racr y NUB.
SAL.-Two twaetory 'brie& Awellinses. sop
pliod .with .water and gm; late each 30 by 1.0 feet,
alb:total on &nth mettue, Alleyburay city.
. A building partly ,finfiMed, with large stone b.,
meat, so acre and • grinner of round, situated en
Woods` lbw; a short distance f r om the Manchester
ressenger and It. W. 4.C. Uganda, being suitable
for metnufactnring purpose...
Also, • bum of UM mins, am and • heti adios from
the city, and one and • quarter miles from COUrt•
ouc h Station i-.P. ft. W. & 0..13. 11..,. with. a young
orcard oy, WM trees, •• water power Haw SIDI, two
ileums, and other improvement. ; fay scree elemod,
' baliztee Wilber. • .
lot farther
AWL Torticat El fu oderns inquire of
P DIME; i ut.. Sileghen),
wn ~:.. c''''"l:4""b°`4l".
BALE—The undenigned offers for sale, on rem
!onside terms, some of the cholccet 'pots for build
ing, purposes that are to be found around Pittsbargh.
They are situated within one handfed yards of the
terminus of toe centro.foronua Ilorso Padlway, and
are beautiful location" theprivate dwellings. The
scenery anff everything veneers them extremely ds,
enable for any one wanting to locate outside of the
city Limits, and state same time so near axe they
that commutdostiou canto hid with th• city s oil
hours, Lots from one-fourth of an eingunwanlA
Also, some Western Lands, situated in lows, Bin
uosota and Wiscculdn• -- -
Also; several small lots in Minemllle, 60e...60 feet.
The above property will he sold on accommodating
terms. inquire of JOE'S 131,1111011,
corner Sixth and Wood ktrbets,
Or, %la. A. affffffOli,
Clork's Odle. Ceinrt Hons.
..a: Kew crop N. O. Sager;
Porto Biro do;
Cuba do;
Green and Black Teas;
Choice extra family Flom;
Bacon; .'
... .
And • general stock of Groceries, In store and Cr'
by sale
tiTiz-rid for ,
4Sholssde Grocers, Produce end Commission bierj,
Nos. 242 and 244 Liberty street; near bead;
of Wood________L______—.--------______________.
--r----'—r'-77--------'—dQkllalsiG OU—lhe underaigne , ex-
),,J acutely of the late Col. Leopold *tad, - offer the
nook of choice,WHISS and LIQUORS of his estate
(In item at tha corner of •blarket and Second streets;
Pittsburgh,) to the publlo, at private sale„ and at
prices so low as, to make it an inducement to par
, chasers to gime. them am—early call. Tim former
ttimuls of theestablisbnieat are
especially Mvited,
andspeddrio taVor the estate with their custom, U.
they had the besbepportunity to know the superior
qualities of the Mods kept by the deceased. _
G. Eltra, Executors.
rd&Mts , IL P. lIIIILLLSI4
FUR !SALE, containing 252
ACMES, beautifully situated on the Obio river,
lb miles below Pittsburgh. adjoining the village of
Shaueetawn, and opposite Leetsdale Station, Pitts
burgb, Pt. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, being easy
of aoseM, both by railroad and ricer. The inform ,
meats area good Prams Dwelling Dome. Frame
Barn, and two Tenant Homes, Orchard. An It to
weU adapted to • gar:felling and stock term. Title
ler particulars and berms , apply to JAB. WOOD_..
UWLII Station,Dswichley, or to!. F.
WOOD . fin 301 Dip e street . Allegll
John Hamilton, Esq., Shousetown,,yOw s
the prenthea. JAIIES WOODED/.li,
Acting Executor.
Auguatiltb.lB= l . l2o4 w d.twi
F U R RENT—Roome above the East.
011 Work, Ca, fit. Clair at'eet. near the bridor,
apply-to . J. WELVSII, Jr.. Beer.
WM itENT—A. largo well lighted
x room In the Golsrrs BIIILDING. fourth story.
Apply at the Cot ntlng Doom of Vila 011110 1 .
solwatf _ .
PUB. RENT.--The third and fourth
storied of them. lattlding No. M Fifth strwt,
poet Marko ttrast. The fourth stor, 221100 feet, #
being htted up for • And. chose rhotograph and Da
guerreotype gallery, the location being one of the
eery best to ho
city. .Tbe third $
tory is bimro com
partments; and is yell stilted for otter*, sad will be
rental aeparately or together.
Apply to - J. L. WOLVAGELthI, the lasnand.All.ghoui
: _.a"!Y, io ecma".l6liorilirrauEs.
...ear.ett titt'y at Lavt. Ha 166 ioarth at
. 447 . gran.9 to 2 o'clock, also on Wednesday
end inuarday OTClll3Mand . llay lst to November
lst, ' from 7 to 9 o' from November lit to
May Ist front a to Ito'clock.
Depcsits received of all mum not less limo One
Dollar, and • dividend of the profits declared twice a
Jose, in June mod December. Into
has been de.
cland semi.ennoally , in June and Docembt, sham
ithe Bank tree organized, at the rote of six per cent.
a year.
• Intense, if not drawn ont, Is Awed to the credit
cd the depositor as principal, aid bears the same L.
Watt from the first days of Juno and Dm:ember, corn., twice a year without trembling the deposi
tor to WI, or oven to promt his pass book. At this
rate, money will double in lees than twelve yeas,
making In the surricato lICIIIT MID ors-naur PTA
01.211.. • Y••••
BOAS. 0011I•illlAg chi ChlllOr, Ily-Law l s, Dales
and' Begnlaticns, punished gratis, On appileatl?n at
Pasanuatr—OZOßOL ALltitliE.
. . nos rassumnrs.
John B. McFadden, Lase M. Pennock,
John Holmes, 'John Marshall.
Alexandra 13peer, - James B. D. Moods,
Benj. L. Fahnestock, • 'A. M. Pollock, N. D.,
Jams 114AnisYr -- --- - RO I/
James lbstdateas, , I MillleMdenson ,
Siesatuler Bradley, ' Ja mes D. Roney,
John (Lltackoten,- . - rotor A . Madeira, '
Zeno Steck, - • John 11. Me ll or,
John B. Canfield, ' _ James Biddle,
'Mona° A. Dirtier, ' ... !Whore, Babb, .
Olathe A. Dolton, Walter F. Marshall ,
• WlillM7, DoOlibut, , . • ' John (im
John Sew, , ~ - . Henry I,:nlminat,
llopeireU 134robtuil, . 1 John H . Elhdonherger,
"._VilMtm. 8. Maven, , , • ' . Rlillionl N. Schmertz,
Peter IL linnka, , Alemuulor Finals.
Diehard Hos, I Imo Whittler,
William 8. L6Yely, _ i Obsidian Tosser, -
13scin u
rasr aim Tsagani—OßAlL A. DOLTON.
DlSSO.Lurioirs ,
•F)TION.-11Lo Pertnerehiviately ex
. Istlass bsivsten ALES. CIUMBERS and DA-
V D U oa-Aatosse, tinder 'theism of A. A D. 11.
CHA,IIBEVA-Gais bfauifsctosers, war dissolved on
thi seared day of Ap111;113 1 24, by the death of Dalt
It-Chembins.. The business of the late Or will be
siett;ed by the trundling patois. . . ,
CIIAICBMIt3 haviu,
4.l4itYcnsaed theuntlre Interest of OH LA-
:DC ;deed, tu - the tate to of A. le D: WINDOW
Dms • irtu. - genttatta to manufacture
u LASS - shale and doubla atTength D.111:1GOSTB`
BOTTII3, °tetra quallty;tmder the mune and
to &pc .02AMBEELS.' • _
• olto:tto • • - ALF X. CHAMBERS.
• Pittaburgbibeptouiber 10, ISM
ij—Ths Perturrehtp:haretotrs eststing-between
~1084,8POICINIt and-W: IL GAIIIIMILI wee die..
Wand-ea the.StOth -of August, Irani W. -11; Gh-ii •
aLltDbelairaptboliso4 to watts up the btillOßß o3l
Abe late :Arm so bin 'ogles la .the Brewery. The
Itterwtog Beetuttee4llll , be continued by SPiLIiCIZIt
MoICAY, who , ltitend , to have.staays hstolit
superior: 'Aide or ~PLN.f.POSTEB. sad BROWN
STOUT, Tee And for: 4 w il l'. be amnia_ to the
le of *elate:llm for a • coulloastiobot their
patrouage.pue Premise to .rnake it their tO Sire
eatteteuttou to ell who emir vaulter. trout than.
~htr.„S4)OIIISTSAT Mem street, in
loilKIBIB0.711;BO the ; bodiless cosoutuotty , bate
mausputeot Ot -o*-TrAmOrgil/2 with :ths! fall con.
101 in the Proven , .
4ddrien all alders to SPlrirenn lien.n.n,
eila : nreseryi Pitteburgb.. Pa.
iistainra, .
id ALT "1 1 .0 M, ,
# 0
.4' 10,0. ST , , i,
[ '';,•,'2i: ~, p .1 -- • ~.srAI.W„ •
".',?; 1: ,1 1 6,1L - TIPX 4 4 11) ; ah "r'
' ' • I ' ....,
~• , 1 ...,, i k, t i tiortio $0192,,1iii
4,, ,
Prunigtols;- WIWI and Ithaseactar
- _ -
e[a Pox* Biala Petrolito—eisile mirk..
Pore White Carbon ,
Pere Deodorized Bezzobr,
Steam Clarißed Lubricating Oil,
Cold -do
10.1,11'0. 2 and No.S Malawi
. 011,
Oili DIA {His 4 11 0 4°U• -
Wagon and NMI Gioastiond Spirits of liaphina.
aalrOfflco, comer of Front and idnitheedd streets
Slooonashata HOW*. Pittsbordb: -
JULT2I D. 1L11.617 1 .
V -
HOLDSHIP, D 87411 &
Beep constantly on band the very' best quality of
BMINING OIL. clear and wlthout odor,
and OAR:
CdrAll o onlera fen at lio. lb Bunn : grascr. Bank
- Block., nomad Door. will be promptly attended to.
thaultactureci 01
MIRE WEITZ Bun sEi• CatlloB 01L5
thilce, tio. 2ill Liberty street,
, AUMM - E T
ANDEILSON, cannon and &dm fa
MBE CIARBOId OlLAtuditildsrant ecd,)
PlTlnnUltalL PAt-
Cat GB,R6SE and BZEZOLE conitantly on
Orders received far the piaient u OLEYSB, SSILITH
k Co.'s, Water ind First streets.
end dealer In
LAIUB. O WUIEYB, dr., &a.,
No. 39 Market street betweem Secend and TUTS. -
prrraitracia, Fn.
PETRONA OIL Watils.o.-
MUMS & 00.
Wort at Shanaburg Station, Alloghany Palk,
Odbao and Wandsouse, 23 MARKET BTBZZZ
:Idannfaotniers of ILLIIIIINATING and LOBES-
lio.l REYINED OIL, warranted borLoarPl°.
- mum or 25 =ITS 888 GALLON, constantly
on hood and - for sale by B. 0.3 J. YLBA.WYBB:
As thusquality..wo refer to annexed certi -
Frimanxen r lfor. 27W&
Mews. B. J. H. Sermia , — . Omni: The Lubri.
cating.Oil lie aro getting from ycris ire find to he the
beet for our purposes Ire have ever used.
TetaL. S. IL B. B. 11. Co.,
mak Presidasf.
" '
NOrNew ODBarral unto& .
Oorn.r Deice. EL3stonthela Noun. delmsorlyi
Xt Hatt Evart, vorser Freak/018mi.
(Ogailto Cltl UAL) '
alltlilesle sa they may be online! In the spaotetts
Befeatory.. .
These Is a Barbsee Shop end Bath Booms attached
to the Betel
Sarßewsre of 111310EBS and BACIIMBII who
say ire are toll.
A ------- '"R i ",t N t,.' i " u 6 E' =6,l'.' it':
....tr3ttatmni la arca
°rated and easy' o f as
; cen trally .
cam from ill the roam of travel. It °ordains all the
modern improvements and every convenience for the
comfort and *nom of _the traveling public.
The sleeping seems are imp and well ventilated;
rooms ere
the house will continue .to be kept as iv trit am
hotel in every resiawn• - '
jaldaid . LIMB &Lox ft. - piselm. _
STOrEs, 4c.
JASZSI YOUISO•.••••,- ' • 1...J..1". 20018 a
.l. Dar; 'Maly West. aear Gm Oder Dent Pll4
SOT B LAST. rasnolactoro
CASTINGS elorezy"
OILPIPE, BOILER oaniqrraiintowit: -
GOOK BOXES, to.: &Drip on t and form e low;
Orders lett 'with W. W, YOUNG. ammo of Weal
street mid Diamond allay. will metro prompt Wen-
JO& TOCISDIIT, Pittibnigb, P. '
acrWtantovax, N. , 1 Mali Wee-
Manufcturers et COON, reams AND HEAT
HOLLOW WABiw. etc., Steel awl Glass Moab, Bell
ies 11111 OssUngs, ELUL Gusting. GM, Water and As.
Um Pim Sad Irons; Dog Twos, Wagon ESE
amendHattie'. Pulleys, Hangers, Ctsr Wiesels.
Cadings made to order. Patented Portal& NHL
vritil Steam or gone Palm.
. . _
No. 47 PSDERAL BTHEIBT, Allegheny City,
. .
• -
Idanufactororo of *Tory varldiy_of - 00GEING A.ND.
. . •
- . .
NAILING, and ill lands 'of OAATLNUEI mode to
and dangerous dhows, cis ..LigIIIBOLD •=-
THUM DUOS% which hes remind the endorse.
moot of the most proutistent phyddans in the Driltsd
Mates. Is now offered to an Witted hurnanlty
certain aura for the tollowing'dlwasos end
originating hunt ammo and Sr of the IV IIS
or Sexual Organs s Gummi Debility. • Mental
Palcal Deprowion. Determination oi
hy its Head, Oonitood Ideas, MOM* General
Blood to t
eras end Illeepleastem at N4ht.
Absence of Muscular Lose of, Amato,
DrYorois, limaciation, Low Writs, D
Min Cr Paral of thiergyum of tlenoratko isc =
take of the Heart, and In tact ail the toncomitants
of a nervous and debilitated Mate of tho
To Moor
nane e the genuine, cut - t his ooTh for
Tata no other.' Cures guaranteed. •
11APP4"--11"1" `Pa=in
'a= iS
11ran Idassmost—Stie of of the wPAM.
ISLE WOO= Olf .wolums, ANATOMY
and MEDICOS , " lard &fermi:4d, maord 36o of
expense, td Wm, treoi (for a t 'benefit od naming
humanlty,) fair of their' madlastructfle and Inter
esting Lemma cat Mart De end its Disow
Nem= DebUlty, Preanatnte.Doeline of Mantas:4
Indigestion, Weaknem
t i ne Dolik 6l / 014
a and Vital Polars, 'Greet &Ada .Juns, end
those Maladies which: mann, Ems rratbfal
gamma si liability, or 'lgnorance of Pfibriokrill
and lialmres them Insoluble' lactase IWO
Won the 'meant of eullghtardikit and PIUS thaw
ands, and, will be forwarded free on the
PO of
form stamps, by addressing "Santora Darisfors,_bi
ass rit y arorsap and Ireadait 6 63 BroologriN•
.LLU. SEBTOILVD PlaNakel; fa a Biala Ea•
& pri the Howl . ,
cure o Sporomtorrhaii-or Seminal WeielmeNh
untery EndaionsAertal Debillty,and
to Idarthir YonsfallYs l / 4 OfogunPT l Our,
BollowndllteLNontal and Mined ineapaeuy,
eO , lllll MAXI SearabllllN aII. By BOBT. J. OW, •
PNBWaLLI• II . D...Anthorof theuGreenßook,'!. te.
...• BOON ; To TUoutaNDs or surriumuhrr
Bent nada seal. in a plain envelope,
to any addrtaii
pa c t -paid. : fool:10 of ail. Cents. of taro Dade.
stamps, by .Da, OH. J. O. NOEL-
' 187 Bniaderiy, I..rflif 4 Z 6o:km ibga• .2
anTam - dorT
To CONSUMFTIV t ader.!
_twribioing been restorid to baeltb Is teit,
weeks, by a very abut temoly, artim tatvitarkr
ed wend seen ,wit anew leas 'o*. ' wad
that dread disuse, Omumseptton-Tts sollow Itak
known to hie fellow menus theloestis of mare. -
To all aho desire It, be will mats copy="alpa axed (nee of -ctuirgeawltb - t ee __,.
pveputogand soda' ta• saittoe •"•
tlndia sore tare for Osissiimpaoe. stattleO, tCs
de. Tbe oulj ablest ot the advertliertnaeos tbs4
presortOtbm ta to buten the staletesl=l7
immaden which tuseetioeives to be
he topes every Bawer will try ,bilk 2_ o ! !!„ , 1 4
cost them Bothnia. atm may praseC o . 8 "
" t re nr i aktiarA.UM iagen7
1 1
t nor
44-'7 7 f
r, •
ISlffalk-ARB: 013-44 P IL-7
- .
. 'ogit44as end sett Shwa Um as
1" 2 l i lt°
P I 4.C. a l
. 12. 1 4% 114 . 16 -
d o NeOolantwerk.**-,? O .:". ,-... 16.1.11 " .;
do hm.........,...- itzr ." .
Antra Oluoltutati...... 4.110i1i. , tta 640 a. in.
da St. Louis . - .7O ..m Aid 6.116.
No change of cars teGt7on Pittsburghatdannt onalde
Splendid filaping Own attached to all NRIPI 'palm
Lek. cad - *halal 16a: ;::
1 1...
Laves PiteshMiph U/ I. ni. 4:10 a. fn. 1050 p. in
do Wellaiita 600 . 11:14 " UN ".„.
do Statham's 4,100 . " Ode ' * ni
de WEseling. .664 -" - 1062 " 406 ";
Andras Bellar.- 5:05_, ." -. 10:40 , 4 11.65 "
Oonnetting at Hug with Baltimore and Oh/
Bed, and italtallalr with Central Ohio Baum*
for Zanesville, Lanesater,Virclaille,ooltOnbta Ctn.
0in5,"4.41101141, BS. fatds;:end Points West.
Pidelalik asd Oleerhad pm
LOSTVI t1itib121101....,......,.. UV s. nu 16.50 p. to.
do We11aff10„....4.,......... 4:1 0 " &IV "
do 8area.,................ 610 " 614 "
do Aliiana ~...„...:„..... 6:45 " 4:40 "
do Hudson ........-----. 600 " foet "
arrirra Oleva
Shood-;......... 9:15 " • 630 "
at Bayard trith Tosearawas branch far
Neirl-idlsit7a: plata sad Carpi Dover, at Alliance with
Pittalnugh, Tort Wayne and Chicago • Barad; it
Hudson with Oleadand, !an esvillo and Oincinnatt B.
B. Iter Akron, Oupthogairsits and 31/11611=
atOlereland with 0,6 E. B. IS: Au Mae.
end Buffalo with 0. A T. B. B. lot TtdedoLDet
end mono, snd the North-wed.
wagnun Accciamodmion two at 4.00 p. M.
Beturning trains Mare at Sao a. :xi., OM 11. OS.*
Tbrallet larlenCto - au prominent pohtts in the
West or t3outh-weat, North or North-west, an be
precusedat the Waal Street Depot. Pittsburgh.
JOHN SUWON, ffloketageat.
for further hiformatialin AZT 1 _
•46 4 : 4 1
At the Orutputy's con. in irnasta Baden. Penn ta
QII iti 31 E. IL AB-.
NJ ItalliniggliT -YOB
TRAIN& Oa and sitar TOZBDAT. Jail Ist. tee
The NAIL TRAM tomes Pittabarge from
Passenger depot; at the Intersection al
Grant streets, emery secalgiTt Bn=i4ls.
s. pi., dapping letat thr Makes
Pitteburp and Philadel end making dhlet cem
abalone at Ibilvisbuig . icon and Washing.
tam, sad tor Nur Taeir.vis 'Allentown was.
The. =MSS TBAM lamer the above mond
station daily st 1.20
p. aL,,stoppinglooll al
Mind stailoos, marini. direct - mned= st BMW
burg to . BaulF2o7l,"rWillictolk. and 'Atm:pit vie
The-MT WI baits the abomanixesd giallo,
&ay (Boxidego em=l tr Y at :801. pi 'lna ,
attached, lune thelhosenger Mall* UV, mere
big. Caudal' excepted') at pr m" - morelnit
Tib:21 7 4j37-7 . 0 9. 1:0 DAT1 a":7-5-Gcgm644441.114417.,.,1.
The iottiotainsaccallemitieikm Tram mug dal
(except Sudsy) at, 2:4ssowing staill Ostler
sad TIVIIIIIIii SO ter u Ornamenigh. ...__ .
Dint decommodstirmTrantawaungtithenteav
dal (umS lizzotO) 4 elt) i. Irs: --' --- - ,
liecend Amnalum' Trent for Widrilltati.. -
Dare daily (except Baran) et MOO& an vr ,
:Third ticcont Us,M for Wall*, ftlitifl
Witte daily (erupt Sunday) at. 41, 10 it: m.
Doccrth licoacomodalon 'DM to Widilltago
learn daily 4croepresodoy; ot tds p.m.
,The Church Train levee Weal Mallon leery Du
day 'at Sad? au
a. ; rano** !sem / 111 41Fg h
ks antra in PittaiMigli es KIM"
p. na. ; hlsll, LW. P.'ll3a 1 lilt Lb
trento. Bert
Josteu .6 •1111024e1:08 a. m.
Punt Wail's Malian ASAiCarailk,Bo it UM 1 Beci
ond Ware SWIM deaortesole*lL 10 , 6 a, et.l . TleDe
Well's Matted XlMOlDumateloa, ViD.p. ut. t Toctellb
Ware Bedlam lecceoincideaco. 4:1 0 y. m.'
Trainaccensend Indiensiormeotaglari
vile inteolentko with WW 2 titoologla. s3l i n
Toot and West, 1112 VMS sad ,Woot. •
• Ths onblio will Ind ft mutly to that intei r ea
Ong Zest or Wed, to Mimi bp the Teenert
i:len - tral Datroad, as the scamenutiedmo now
cannot be =used an soy Miser roots. -ea bed!
balloted . with stone,.ad ts entirely Du Matt dtmL
We out promise NIRO, sped ind woad 1; all 'to
ray bur this Wad with their. tottolasgs. .
To !lariat .-..-eli 80'To Sillani.lo CO
To . Philadelphia.— 10 avitjanarter............ S so.
chocked to on MO on the tenteran .
elelVenlilearoade sad tarhibelatdda, Esitinues
and •
Passenger' leirchallil . 4
~tDiti. vill to
chateau's:most, eoxedlogto distance tmtaled, h
addition:to' the station 'rano,' excalag frongstation.
whore the ocitopsay has le
es, agent " , it -..: ..-
1i0T1.03.,,1n to Of lettetans=ll hole
.themsolves - rerptneible • fxr on*
end tor sn stocrant Dos er.ooliai ,-, . '
H. 11.--;An Omnibus Line booboo" mg 401 to
most ressealum and bump to ant Dots - 'e De.
*anger a chafp net to sis4al *owe Smooch pre
*anger ,ro. booms,. Tor ticketit-ViYi° +. .. ,
.r., mate J r' A i c s t
Al the Pering.herds- Central ' ups
Station, on Liberty ma punt streets.
• ' Genl.,littreati .atoonai Pa.
10 151 1 5 , TOBII AND 1,11r1582001.11014 `.
Mg 0 0 4 lubsrld;ls Emmen II -
(Inland.) 1 Tlti IdtarPorda Soy( Ir . -sztann a
rats -2511.Atatad:' than .
CIITEr d BAITEIIOBE - • ^ - - ,1101. IL
0/Tl5 ..01 wmunawro3........—azwzdsh.oo. is.
armor 38w, 8038....."4.—...adwt4. gct. 26.
tad oTari Saturday, at , woo, fttaa Tar 4d, Ifortit
./IBST ClASlti»;...sre ttnaISAGI 3.2—. 520 . 1 *
-do- to Landau.... 90.09' do: tolAwo ol --: MOO
-do ,to Patiu..-..: 55,00 ;go lol'artrf. 4 ::.... 41 4 05
do uo,;Bamburg.:9s,oo : do, to liaratiarS4 410 0
el="a° . 17.'461i:31 li c_ . , 6 8 4":,,,
_ l _ lBt.
. 210a..,—Tbe. . p pt, el wi witinigungoils is,
mo by ardor of therWas DoOdditlontir="
stoat ved to Ttelt 'crops idll. no to rgru bs rag to
OrarPorrous etthutg ta-Ortaa but shalt 'Merida cia
W TI•111 el tha fo ll oartg tato to Nee fr o
m' Tottlu.-
o Lira:loa or Guerustotro; IA - dada; 555, VI
awl 5115. atone - . trout Liverpool $15,130: Iron
Quaouttown 536,90.: ~:.-t._ ..._ ,
Thom etial:26lll AIMS 11411001 14071:011C4141002 tit
paspenput, Ind Atorr) - Uzi* eared :SurgeOtta, Thal
ass UM b . Watar-tlght .f. rot eactlona....aad tam
l'atautlrl.oo. dalailatora 6 . boat; - •: • ---
' - -.7:4011.11 13. pat, `
, 15 Irodusy, 4ir./or
470 . 1.46.6 6, IRMO. 66
..—.....!.........-'.. -.." -.
I W. P. Fonts 41 00,..- -...
• fligallibi7 isisolTnitaiiiihrxerro am,
• - prrituaraiwitylim toixitinns
.... /au eAszaxsza.-AsaunTak _
Asimakhupice i ssavrftliiol2lg - a :: l'a,:v
'' rigirrii ir "ciOn . - # losiiviu6:l6ik'
080THIO BIDI/131 1 ,_ far 0,51111012 OM is cow
ready . It p:Madel,-.Ftsay. adranta l ar rer Me cos- -
1. It maim a Mega or small light ' with": pmted
1. It Mil burn any .4uality of oil with ardady. . •-1
3. It Can be aced nith elout or 11 "dt
It can be and Ca a talca tlamp. -
6. It can always be :nide to tdigh bunreammaludki. -
-r., It is Mao nadir witted Man comothet bonser.
I. It mar be trimmed end lighted withraa - mama
l '
8. Rth x "' the cone . iii- -I. e ;nit* 412 above the caw.
9. The chimney canoe removed la . 1, 4 44 " .1 oft'
Thee* tames am the tonanan 210.' tidsi;alal can
ln=cm imy MAP caw hi nre.: , Very lierem mins
Oil oia, hare a Phliteophia swum Aim
25 oenta. Pa dzsett, $2. . Bold, llinv.traurth
street, Pittabor.,- ... _
..,,, , ,!! 1:14k!r—
.1. . ,
. .„ .
Groirs - ra ieit ."2111) WARM%
. .. .
Tor deenhg Client . Patental' , 74ttla7"
la . cheep, simple Mal-MoicraNnici - . is :goia Men Me
beat style of amMaaanadl.-- 3 - 4 Ida du" d" kW "
Gibed and Orain, scrimmage Oluill, Stoat. Chen‘
Ocala; ar,. - , - more , thmmOKi one vitiriem LIMIC.
Than nay ether machine'. , We fareena MMUS to
the public', 'with conlisisuce that it la cluaripalend
mashatice ma cow wen? illteXcia l 'IA ra,
hut i n Om sole AM to Mad r• , -
ZOLLI irtitall,:illa /Milk WegOgri Tine,
an 4 all Obio, with the tto mill in
not,. a* " " _ a .7. , , W w,W "4"1 .,.71,1X2 1111A16111 . 011 a_
•--oe-marmittabur244, as.
f r o_,--REFRwits, isat- - Poiorau saps;
wayaoarm nal mad%
'-' " 417311=
m a w
viDabrinerss,l6 int6r=sll
A.4tatist Totanifin•SraaM4Ql3o.l
:Won, air ( 01 1,t 2 r 011 1 4 8 1M4 • lila
iefiCei="l": LINO, 04,110:410 1 13 14 ,
o_l7oi tiA1031.3.1Y9=9:7:
--I,lo2,bcrreir a=sciramo
untsitteo.4l64ol,lllvo~P &IMF
LZr i altifill 4 zilinnea llut, j akissam-mmit--
. porovatibie a c td i s i ta c l t t e ced=n=
iiik;Uaim.{o 2o , v oloA l pr&bo&
friablittrai . P.AndiStt l,
Ain 14al lial ft le tt r -'2l fin
'44 "
NV riCMIe".
laltsftlaravruh tibirtvirjanintObit. Ps,
111 2 V 131 il 13 :•0 1 "
ir ifia asistgets
• by.ifA. •?,s chs t or. in
, .