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' i ce'''-;'-:.. . 1 ;.:;:'%'-: .!",'.4!,4:• .''''-'' ' • lf '' ''.• :'.'''. . I ':.^ . '-::: • i , ,-.; ,- .. . Thei46itit:oltauc'‘e to' r' Exemption. Dr.'Mobl , Exaoiioiog Surgeon ; .for Al. ze,titi - riiijji, • iiino.ouocito that kilvi.ll . poei-,, tiviiltilit4ablitsiexsoiisatlonsiist , kis . roomla thnCoutt lioeda;cn tomorrow . (sit_ iirds,v)itiiridi;i ci'oloeli, noon. liberty? thole -fore, Irtfo:Ooliy;intoitliltlOn'ilk ttlo ground of pbysid i,d re ltb l iti ouji tt ai t u hat st s a u ß m peor e. Ei be e fo cia rel the e '' B .llll:,i6iformia, and.sium#7 tor.: ,:'• ~,,:- • - .... ilo-oni-ittartniburrbfildc;:ltid44 night ( 10, 2 night) in'his private s iiMee, ate 4:l7..tarai tree gghttlso,. t - - o - loie he loif e u s eVll i t ' s ti o °n wse imitielr44, l l.:ctrAit,, : ...,..::i . ..'„ .. ' the length of time I(blick7rillitlfgt4,7.r d I _, ~,,, com,..„,ona, r s r , tri li r l'el p ;t e ^ on ,,, Preparing for the f ,lk. pia.; on J the nth :-.:-. . Adeptly believe will l.o ..,..,,,, id , by the ,, of October the day ~. (SlevotrAliti - ..--_:_--,-,L r' ---- -- eximins. ... . t''''f:::':*.-.'Pl'-°ritir -that :_;:,, - ~•;',', 4 4 10111 .7/ 11, be r :c 411 , / ~ after ;I;'!..t'-',it.r•;::;:.?t3staralAtf-':----" - :" 2--- --' ant Fo4iiiiitiol_ virslifAzgay. , -Itody Miner . -' -tads,. fa 'they 4illogbeny_ixorket, \ - ''' lrss -- aleiiiiiketooktlsbleifor par-, l• :. .:•• .-''. ~ , -., .._. - - ,- t..."-,- - - -, ,,, .- on . - I,....4i so u,scida. Ale low taken % '- - "`..,- .'.i •' , ----'' --' l'-fc:' - '' '• : . -c h lta kg s ="'" . d 'And , tlie cose_bstio ' r F , t., lit --, :7, ... . • ,- , i '`‘. "r.,.,.. ', :, . nt-A:..4"'e.' , .t4 - .:::. ''. ~."..'.......1 4'4:•_,; :"...- , .. - ;;;;!'-'-;..- ' v...' ' 2 AasLlii- '''thlaltall - iOr - IN.' A : !. .•'. - . ',.,-,.. -':-- : 1- ',, A', , 0117,", — 4'37x, -- trZidiv;_:;r:ifbintola .-_*.... ,;•''•-. ... -: ~- - I_- - -,1, .-:_,..- t - - - ,..—.,,yj0, pi - ift,bidasureeinioimorpar 1 . 1 , :,.!;,.. -,,-... , :„..- , , .4..., - .r , , ,-- -._:'':....t - -„..:..,-.!,--.-.....-.--.5.-44-idgbrisat; mitziworamo ilk .2•;, - . ; . ,, ,, , ,,, ;:. -i: ",•' •-:• •-,- • • •:,-,!;-:•;',• .', • ,!- ' •: - • '- 7 ,2 1:,;, -- ..„ - ',:iii.,•‘l' la 'lleiliroiid, " Lou :0153044440. .......„ A . :; - ` .. .t:l , Dz-li , =--- • • ''' . - t: ..i.. , .. • :-..t .*:i--",'-,4; ?•---,,,,44.,7,1•-e--,gt.--.•;,r7.7..."5M--F-z,ce..7-:-r..tr0z....„;:.?,.::.,:,.•=?.v.tY',`ii!..4 "-L.l-`-‘7,,z• --•- --"" I t - •..,..„,..,,, .-... , -.4.. ;,' , ;'':'.:. - 4 . _:, ...::' '• - '..7,-.-:• , :-----. 7,.' - : - i: , oh 4 z -,-- Ac .,,, -ir.. ,- ,5 , ;'. - -: ,, J.6:-'sa - tt-gp:.it-,', , fg4 , 4i, ,, ..-----' -..- NEESE ~~ ~t'. ..^-. ,13Aminz-DAYMOR2II2IO,,SEPT. - 27 LOGAbi- IMELLIqENCE. - . P.Ecia te*AilakarEit,3s4T.G a z e t te, . The Lint .of i Lrzetnpta vr. - . . -.Thetwis a crewing desire manifested in the 4" ."/ 002 Atetnee_of . all I 4 %141 wir:,Pisi be 4 4? 0 !Ptaiii frona - . 131 i1 1 44.1- draws • . steerer 4 nearer, tbie...doeiregroyri"itronger. • antetionser, r eolkit, tdietjhrt dam mtaitonerh as aObiPlata:l and h as. at[ the naiad-ion record; the (ere , • There are many tearonilbithliquide troth mepmrioaity.o:ln Itiollrai.piacei-rroany. aie ; exempted,' as .:Yettiemr,"! who - , •edtbinighlieing btre 70 , 4 8 ,- - - trbile,tbn. "" • - Orfrfiikl 3 V.Fi4f yeaSOn .1.,P1 EMParOur. • '14144,4.M° 7 11 F thei4ept,,,aid„ or em 7t _As_ 3•;ateigAllig! in aafeti 7.„- 4'll these men should - end and tiiiiiositiotild "compelled= 15(444 - a wait wtOrtiAbly.ldiet? Voinegiiimi," Others eretbelug egentioe& toicauerothey.toere , 'con. ecientinertnernplee" ,, egainek.:hearing . • enCerlueeitikilottbtlete true tbot ,there: axe . - „ Keen. kuuest w ly t eppeeed to, the 7 • • weakens,. yet, it is also &smarty , oat, . zaa .eitgasainatioaa".lo l kr P 1 . 1 4 0 a 7 okeeArlattArliay have :6:onlisi , ettCO, 111:11 llb - • 11, aidV4IYICISO , I7I2;- . *!0 have bovi • mitch, afflicted with'..teiraples:' toitbiro;otimeinen• There Is alinther , elakii , being - lizeitrpted: far ••.; , phyaleaidefiettobiberreitlie-neeer knOwillo hare- d . sar iondy.`againettheli takings origatasittliirt -ins.tha , tgrgariltattlentlifin't 1174 ithik th0X.rmik7,4410,413 niatroc - tr4l:4 ll Vethere,ire tockes.3 l •AknirLict.draft" who I!*retjsite 1 4hey.contrael , tbeincon: diLionand"W,itlC, rainy a n araiYoicir etilOtheKcaii,!",t; pee • e berm I.'autaerted . that biorfir a nd itiOttmoti-iind,ra -,,:,,, • - pectone appitit pride theetielires`on- their tuned% iind dm sue math Ida -.thepr-jdani knock :La...fellow Adwa—havn beep bittrepted,fot , Vhireleat ditebility _ • YR, hoptit, hi- not tree, (ap,petiappna sght . to:be .talderhidied,'! bat the apoertiottia made • in the Veit peoplip manner; and the feet will, baltitowElle dtie. " ' 'There o re oth er reasons urge why'the list should -be imbliihed, bet the , - - abaci Will tufilef for- the pregent. The record • wilt soon be complete; and !flint-fair to pni , setae: that 121r_publItcstlirhaveaaeerstoit. Excitemerieln-Ailegheriy..A Father. • - -:, --- Striate his own Child. On ' TOM* evening;, shoat-doakicoi ., r- - sideraideiiediernent atm created in the lower end of.OM First Ward,Aleitteny, calmed by . „ ... , .. — the kcildnapplite of:a:little hoy b aged about -. three years.:. The circumstances, as detailed to us, are these: The father and mother of the child had separated, from some cause not k ariWil t'e our '' and hare been liv ing apart for sometime--tile . mother keeping house near the Manchester line. It was known to•her that the father was very desirous of • obtaining possession of the child,, and the mother guarded it with the - greate st striet nes% addrior permitting it to leave , her sight:. On the vening mentioned, the little fellow wai tiggetkittio3l4lw - company , Witit's -sister ofthe mother, and a girl in the family, was permitted to walk out and take the air. On turning the first corner, into-Rebecca street,. the women were atarthik by,. a man mashing towards them, whom_ they recegaised as the father of the - ehild:"lte "thrust them both mtidN . seisi4 theiroy; and enlist the screams ' of the imitates bore the, precions_prtze o ff to a buggy,whithitetilid'in rwaltidgmeir by, a ri d Jumping in, drove off, and , was _root Otit of eight. - : _ ~ _ : - - . The uproar which followed, when, this fact was communicated to the mother, arid', spread in the neighborhood, may-be imagined, but it would- tie difficult to describe it. Thit - frantie - mother hadtaithy to condole" and sympathize with her, bat her.,gtittf sail were of the Most demonstrative character. The giri r wliether guilty orintmeent, arm accused .---' - of ..having. been itr conk ivanca - with the father, • and was sirversty'eansured for -her treachery. The - preseitco id thri father 'With_ hisb ores and bagigy;_st "thit;:pirtiatiliP moment , looks as fi l ii though. hi...leight :hare - had.- some previous know/edge:of the' -opportunity, m 'some quarter aeritliei:l:iLlie thliai it May; the child has chained - tits '. Oa:mita relations p, and will actutely,htt_ittrraridarati_to . the mother wiiild,,le-4tOPPT1:011:§ right orJauiti corp./. ' i• • k .• ? ' • , °calif:anal/ad at Wasaington. The foljorring is a obey of a letter received by 141.'lera Pluairtorf, 'filter ? ' D. - L: 'Eaton, Z 3114 of Maahibsten, Irons Width. it „appears . . _ Volk theit iiftry great danger -of ear peivie forgetting the .thansands of si - d wounded • . •, . _ , PeOnktlettains ln Waihingion, n their' hie , meet efforts to "relieve the suffering soldiers 1n Isfariland::' • ' .. _ . Wi.entatrttiECtrr, - M. - 0:, Pop 24, 1262. MY.. f.i r:; P1.1E431041 :Isr - nee° i dance. with 20462 . 4gPstiulle'r ielelolli thik:Opompaniing piper. ',I wish ea add ecelort, 'rebel 'li.asef -hero ourirann . .friend, that our stores are. getting low, while, the_ demands upon ,no areatortstbst.::The 'seas, of this is that ' every body is sending .things etWelt Mary - Lindriostip .0. ...upieci (buck ofkarsi) ore oestisg-Iseses.L=Thers ire bee* -about '12,000 wounded end iicle-if Tait on. '. fifth to. One tooth Ranagylvaniant.` Do what car you ca _ mtt. for entildr - Phrkruserr for - we ' all :wary tie aotoio'fki,ii..a: We have .o r witnesses in already.eketrylfeepiuit i We pasapt think ; of being crippled while we are in the - fill tide of succesefei operation. We all labor for no re er.rd except that greatest lark best one—an approving conscience.; Lend ns your voice, and'al , aba11',4 , 4 1 find 9Pr store-house Ailing up. 7, ties prowant.siacke , without further in crease, wlllbe.out in two weeks: , „.„,,,,,,. '......--..."--.:Z....................D..,Lt...Y.,er05...,.. Additfonal Arrival 'Of:villa:to Militia. It" ( ." 2 **fic ,,6l3 )o lll iii . ::i9Pjko , ink , the rived hrthaettr this= afteinotoi; ittq 'half-past two o'claili;la4 wiwe escorted from the depot . to tai- - --OC en - r.„„noireow.:7 - Fifth ., -etmeti wheni:ifiii brief propriate speech Lteolrtt Colonel ; James Cooper re plied tinitise4 on behalf of ; the vie, moot, bti this at prozont to not. his remarks. The following a Hat of the companies er CW.13004.D-Caps. Matters, Complai.B- , Caps. 'Daum Compan3.l . —Cept. 134414 • Together with' two satiation's! from Erie and one ilitht"-falittt; the latioy snider coniniand or Capt. '0%404: , TtreeetatAnurcomposea"of companies :B; 0 aod:Er,„ !I'rly!s 4 b•OD,ioat he bsttoo, icoo. neinendir corainsoid of Col Catnap; Col.. , Cooperi and Maj./. inew. The oily , compeosiel;roain their , arms' - and equrpornts' t ' the iidilitti;eOupoolOt: - do, not. t. , ==== • - illMEClFol:lsrithe?lt2l,l4lll7lFT:eiltilrais• i a n n . Pal a ! e li:if f fromheme to the Smobey City, ails morning, for the first time for many was levy forcibly, struck with the iniprovement of a portion of the roatrover which I had to pass, vac: that portion froth -and- aloniftta Sten biaysile - 'Pike e - oreiSaw Mill.:son, • • - • . • Ind Singer, Nil:nick if' Co.'s mill. liensed to be sery much annoyed With long trains,Of four and sig. males, rith as manr coal cars attached. crossing an& .recroislng. the -riad a_little old coal railroad, which crossed the above reati,..end whiehles Proved a 'goat, nuisance: for a -number of :years, - by' being half of the time out of repair, so much scias to Atop carriages and teams, by the ears becoming obstructed on the 'road . for ' hours, causing those who had to pass to.get around as beatthey could, to, the :detrimeutOf. weak end poor wheels. The said-coal road hat beeh torn up,and...a new .one laid dein in anew position, along the-side of the road, and-not crossing the Steubenville Pike at all, .bat passing along the upper.. sido of the road to the- mills above.. I understand that the en terprising company have, or willhave,siamill loeomotive, with which they intend to haul , their coal to. the various 'mills above: . 'Ooti thing is certain, the people of this -section of ' the country who hare to pass this portion of the public highway, wilibless the proprietors of .the coal.roadifor changing its locality sand placing it where it 110 IT AS/ and where It seems to be in. the way of so ono for time tozoine. - So it seems that what appears tote of email improiement or of little utility to a casual observer, is .of vast importan= to the travel ing community of this section.... • - - Sines „writing the above, .I learn trona a frienkthatthis very improvement over which I havabeen.boasting as being (leech' heal.' culable.berualt to the Araveling community, is now, audits, been opposed. (by- one or tere persons who own property near the traci,) to such, n extent as to set the whole community On the qui vies, and almost to cause-the com munity ,to think we werelto haw& enact those guerrilla. raids we read about, enacted in our midst, as "understand the track- has al ready been torn up by them, taking: tluplaw in their own hands instead, of trying civil, justice. And my-attention-wascalled to the fact that the partial interested hit hot only taken the matter in. their..own hands,: -but had procured the assistance 'of one or ..two gentlemen with straps on their shoulders, in,dicatiog that they_belong to the . United States : l and stand pretty high in rank. One would suppose that they ought to have some thing else to do, and the question naturally Attlee, What sae they doing here when they are - needed elsewhere? 1,. understand that the owner of the property has .been .offered by the company s,liberol price. for_bis prop erty, but refaces to take it; be that emit may, I hope for.the sake of a larva trarelitog_eom• munity, the: said track will not be 'removed from its present position. . • Boa os Tolman.: Fatal Accident to a - Well Digger. On Thursday afternoon, at three &clock, a well digger named-Darld, Elkins, residing on Middle alley, Second Ward, Allegheny, was fetidly injured by falling into a well at whicb he had. ham working.t- Ile bad sunk the well fiftyleol,:and was engaged. in walling it tip. Baring removed -the "enfolding, he dropped some sticks, and was lowered to the bottouile a tub, by his two sons,-who ware helping him. They raised him to the eurfaee, and were% the act. of . lowering him aglin, when - one ef the sticks caught on-the side of the welloip set the tab; and threw him out. , He fell • distance of twenty-dve feet, but wee soon af ter taken oat, and conveyed to his residence, alters he died in lore than a hour. Coroner McClung held an inquest upon the body to- dahand the jury founds verdiet - of accidental death. The deceased recently lasts son, who was killed in battle in Western Virginia. coMMPBCL.IL RECORD. PITTSBURGH :SIARKETS f rpm:44440, tk.s Pittsborgh Gasete,) Yninar, Sept. 26.—Business has been tery dull to day, and with ono or two exceptions, then was noth done in any of the leading articles. In quotation.' we bare no changes worthy of notice,' BRUlN—Whent I. unchanged; we note sales of 25 wagon loads at yesterday's prices; and also a sale of 1,000 hush strictly • prime Bed from store at 51,07. White Wheat is selling at from 31,05 to $1,12 record ing to quality. may be quoted at 55450 c from first hands; Wept 250 bush on private terns: Corn is rather dull but unchanged at 53 to 55e. Barley is anteing more freely, but thereis an active .4e. mand at 70 to 75e forSprlngand7all. Oitsiontinise firm with but,litile doing; we quote at URN& for new, and 50c tor prime old, • - - FLOCK—Is quiet and rather du11,.-without, how ever, say change In ...Asa...r Thilitock in mu- Yet continues light and the receipts aro limited. We quote BuPorilub at 54,40@4,5 0 ; Extra $5,110(g.5;10 - ind nu.. Family 315,551,@ , 5,6P- ' BACON-de firm but the demand it hardly to brisk. Bile of 5,000 the Shoulders at 63i .r; and 2,000 TM Plain Hams at 1)* Sugar Cured Muni are held At 12 ni . , GROCERIES—We Lase to notice a continued duU market for Groceries, tbdagb prices are fully main• tainted. Sugar Is selling at 9)40,10K,o; Coffee 22.34€4 Molasses 64Q1550. FRUIT—SaIe of 40 bash Peaches arThe toil,oo per busli, and 50 Ws Apples at $1,6001,75 per bbl, POTATOES— Sale of flo bush Peince Alberts at 75. WHISKY—Wet note small We* of Common at 32 _ HlDFS—dry flint hive advanced to 10@tlbc and grata salted ato 11).ic Green slangtitered are selling at 6).4 to do. CIIZESE-,ls in good Inquiry: Wu of 60 boxes mixe4 W. B. from depot at fc, 60:do do from aces at 83ic am! lop do pvfms at Soacancif—Tbe Ziturrills Clotrier my, The crop of Borghtne im]e thie year in kiaskigwo caultir, la more than do:bla toot of any - prelims season The. -drought has stunted its growth Udine. ,what, - but the - quantity plan , ed. last ; spring - eo • far exceedsilat of any other yeas.; that the yield will be DO Inconaldvrabla one, The general role'we belle,* to not to cononeenca thlrfaoluSinttleinf sirup until suer one or two frosts:- but; we , 'leer'''. *barn same made to Salta uneruhlp on Saturday, that. wig • str perlor In appearance and buoy to an y we have OM men: 'A slight new tad. wee perarptible; which we iinderstand cannotbe oheereed after it becomes a -low day* old.. The demand for'sugar tutilliand Oval. , oratore htoo greet that our manufacturers ate tin. able to .upply it, and we were told this ewer-tog that -hundreds clatters have been received whicWcanstot, . Dar CMons—Busineses fe reettieted by QS. high prio•ol domestic*, yet • lair inqnlry provalla for all really dedrtble goodie* very fall rates: The rapid rime in cotton within a Low day. Mermen the • cond• dente of holders of cotton goods,. Thy public , sales, to-day, included'extecilve catalogues of. mlUlw 'goods and brocheind .- fancy. woolen alawle.• , The sales .'em quite entreasfoliMpecially that of at which there warn good attendanosjincludlng the leading City purchasers. Square brochashawle mos sold at V,87%@4,03; 'long do •at $5,0734@11,8734;- equare chain la th e, $4,1WA . ,50; 72-Inch, - 0,62X(E1l 70inch, $6,0,5,07,03; long chain Leine, .$8,37M; fd,S'a; square strips Mech., s ags,c334; long cartmnere do lidrl4o74l4d o :caclilli. If. Timm: - Catosoo nom Natant &pt. 24—Reoilvad, Min bblz. Shlpped.-0,780-bblin- Advance 6c, re) bbl; Sale. were 100 bb ls Nachangtr.while. winter's,. PAN 170 bbla BoonesTlll, do at $5,25;. 4312 bbla rarbeea • at $5.10;100 bbl. Peerless Lod 100 Newature e- cholcot l i g t iN g Salt t a r r a Ctl t y i naTo 4 o a lrlf 74F r e = "d ui tralon and 190. bbla Carrolton: at 54,64 100 • bble Smith's Milli sod 100 - bbbe McComb City at 5440; 40 bbls Northwest and 100 bbla Sperland at - $4,461,102 bbls Imperial, 300 bids Autocrat, 160 •bbbs 'Clayton: Olty:Eropire and 100bbli (brand not namednat IMO; 200 bble Water at 100 bbls Imperial . Mo.) on p. 200bb1a.City Mill* lied. 4, wleter , at 4,11011 Imports by Railroad. Ci.rrilAan A Prrriscoon HAnsoAD; 'Sept 25- 500 gallons stoteranA A CV Cobbago; 26 aka *best, L W Ilnuattn 11 kiw Nod, WnLao/ A Aiken: 10 6 1 3 candles. Graham a Thomas; 25 bides, a bdl. lettkon. J B McCune; 1$ bbla opplaa, Culp A 86opard; 3 bbla Epp, It Dalsell tco; 679 ota irboat; 8 2' Kennedy A bro.: 1 car Ora clay, 'N W 'Walker; 1 - do Beam • • , Una; 140 do Hoop k Badd; ldo do Den 1 11 a on 19 bt 661 s the. Win Lloaloix. 93/ fias'ehce..:J.B Gin Deld, 10 do A Hopergen.lol,ol/11ma,11Log A co; 211 do do J B Lyon 99•14.11. W,11•11•99non: 8 bbl. pearls, Bryie Illchoitc: 15 dc9 Neal.* bro.; 19. do Daltooroll; Pears co: !Onto intentj' , llllc66•l.• 2l.CnaryA co;30 Ws tour,' 311414 - Lto Co*r_l9l sks Elon'sied, 3do onlonc, klaYoll9l2o, calth 10 nts soon, Gralksln A Sliommo Too. woot, - losbells Walloer, 10 bt , bblo ale, Wed Edmtnolll - 1 - bb3l - 94- . 9164 13 VA/ cbecoo, TO ban potatoes, L 11 Vole • 6.1' 129 Ws chnics, V Walkor. C. 5 bun osts,•Win:Nlog bun; 60 boa club; I" Vona/del 14190ka -lobent,•./ Y0e1,L 1 133 N3l. Ws Dons, Jams• 31cCa1ly^tecr, 9 onto4A•A /etas; 10 Ws apple*, :.W '..A• . ••!131• 9 1 150 AA Nan sods W B bnydaln,' ••:1 2rnsweiat. - 22. was.: Sept 26-4 bblor anion/4! hbl. p, 1 bbf UM*, 2 Ma s ems, boater, Wail dr Wawa; lartantbifiick. - boor it Irvin; V 35 bap Emirs, Joitraa B bbAar,libbla soar, .; 8 Lissatt * co; 6 too hams. Soot k' tarter, 6 bbla 211:72 % LbCOCk Om 2.. 4 a:14. 2, 1u= tarn; - .L - t , turiTitatfuks&r: -en bso 0b0e.., J tram co; 10 c.O Mots, 11 Toomamod so, / 00 by .tarty, 2; • - t N .160 bbto Eoar. Jaa getxuy Yolos & Ciwbave mowed oo tie atoms SST Llborty. 08•10,,, 10,11110187 will p fed loony, tbolr plums amok 4oato - Owing •soillir nee tor *tamp op Fro._ vW. , it: 4 : • - - • pROPOS4I2gI::-` DROP, SALS'. S FOR . ',MATERIALS .1 - ICfR TUE NAVY . Tlayr Dlraust. r. Enreas of Coutnictios, SoPt.22. V 613 IN alai Propoiahr to ferial.h materitls for the pay for the Meal year endinK 30th Jane, 1863, well be received at thb Bureau tine II 3 o'clock p. to of the tistintiWlFlF ?JAM'. These peofrmils matt be . eta ffrreposeb for Waterfall for ttaNary, Da rras of Coatbadicia, at.,that they-MAW be dial.. subbed from other badnss letters. The materials •nd s tfeleo embraced In the dame named are perticeliely—described . lb.. printed a beduen, en, of which will be famished to such as. denim to ate, on applleation to the cornmsndaits of the never-tine yards. or to the nerryegent nearest thereto, end ft emir all the lards upon eppl cation to tide Oxman. This division into classes being-foe the COPTVIdaVe of dealers In each each portiere only wit to fdenished ea are actually required for bids Tie comniandanterid miry agent of sub station will In atilt& nr, to the echedaleif clean* of thilr own ards have a copy of the schedules of the other yards, for . ,lll3gaa kevily, from which It may bee judged whether It will bodefrable to nuke epplicatlon for any of their men of those yards " uNers must bs made for the whole of the elms at soy yard upon one of the printed cchedulos, or to strlctvonfonnity therewith, or they will not b• cen sidered. la competing the clews, Ile- prim stated In it. toluene Of prices will be the standard, and the aggrega' teetihe dale snit be rent imam:Ude to the pekes Tre"oontrect wilt be awardel to the lowest boos .1114 bidder who elves proper security foe Ile fulfil. tient. The United State. reserves the t to re it et ad the bide f te.eley class, if dtttmed exorbitant. AU amide' met becof the very bestqualtty, to is delivered in the Dewy yard In good order, and to suitable vesibe and packages, properly marked with the name oft** contractor, es the cam mar be, at toe exPenie and rtak of tie contractor, and In ail re spects subject to the inscsotiou t memucestent.cenet, weight, cf the yard where received. and to the entire. satisfaction of the commends/et the f. . Bidderii " ere 'Vent!! to the ountiandiuts of the respective garde ttr samples, lostnutioas, or panic. tear description of the articles; med. .Mother things Ovlngettekt preiferenne will .be given to articles of Am. ionxesitefeeteim Entry:effete is teeptind by. the lave 10 h August, 1816,mnalrbsoompanted by • -written guarantee, the form 'of "Which is dente& h These only when effete may be • aped will be notified, sod the contract wilt be forwarded as soon thereafter espracticable, which they will be required to et:rents with's' ten day. after its receipt at the pmt office or navy steno, named by them. Sureties in the full amount will be reqcdred to sign the contract, and their reeponeibilliy conned to by le,United States district Judge, United States tile:act enemy, collector, or nary agent. A. ad secculty. twenty per canteen will be with .be'd from the amount of the bills until the cones ail shall have been completed; and eighty per COMM of each bll4Sppreved. in triplicate by the command ants of the respective yards, will be paid be the navy agent at the paint' of. deliver) in certificates of In. &Deadness or - Treeing') Notes at the optien of the Government. it to stietatedin the contract that if defanit be maw bitheipartteeol the ant pert in delivering all or any of the articles mentioned to any clam his for to the OCK4MO4 of the qcstity and at • the titoe'irid places above yr Tided, then, and. in that' dam, 1116 =tractor and his anrettes will tartrate and yip to the Un.tad states a sum at money not evieeding•tw'm the amount of sorb clam, which amyl tre recovireci from time to time, according to the act of flongread In that cue provided approved Moron 3, 1843. Io dare No. li and sticorilollowd#3; if a rlimill l, 7 In addition tqa.al , to - the tam of the contract G de =mated, It le to be fronirdred on Hire terms sad-con. ditione during the Mimi year. Jana el Op% PM=iMME • • . / •••—.. of in the .gtate of ---, hereby agree to tarnish and deliver la thaterbectlve navy yardi the articles narattlin the claims hereunto •uhrxrKl, agreeably to the prtivtalone otthpichedulea. therrtroan4 to ' baro tt ally frith t Loa Vi4rertia- meat. of theta:Lama Et Ctatitractlon, an. of 224 llopteratier, 1862. ahoold ray offerlte acoepted. I begot* to. be addretaid' at and 'the rosttact 'lent Ito the Navy Agent 4 or to—, for aigiature and rertlitrate. - Blgnatare..a. B. . The schedule which the bidder encloses Mast be pasted to lila offer, and each of them signed by him. Opposite ouch ankle to the echadule the price mud be set, the amount'carried out, the ofelinlisle footed tie foribach class, sod the .moat Rodeos written la rordi. U the putties who bid do not reside row the place where the articles arato be delivered, they moil name in their (tier • person to whom ccdere on them are totio delttered. loan of Guarantee. The undenigned, —, of In the Stale of sod—of the Plat. of .—,---, hereby. guaranty that fa case the fiugolog Lid of for any of Ibe dame therein named be ac. eeptid, he or theywilt; within tau days Mar the ye ceipt of the contract at the post office named, or Navy Agent designated, execute tbs contra* for the same, with good and magician% suretter, end to case said —shall fill to enter into contract u afore said, we guaranty to melts good the. difference be. t seen the offer LI the said sect that which may he accepted O. D. ginratores of t wog:wanton', 11, Y. Date. Wiliam: I homby certify that the abcm named - are ►nova to ma im man of pmparq, and abb to mate good their guarantee. 13Ignatiara, GI. U. Date. To be elgtod by the thtltai States •Dlatrtot Judge, troltat states Dlattict Attoraey, DOl:actor, or gall Arai. Extract frets a 7.u. of Oa cr.a..t paa approved July Ink, 11CIL 8 a. 14. Awl beg/wile, eameed, That no remit:ea. or order, or any Interest therein. Mall be transferred by the party or, parties to whom such contract or or• der may be glren to any other party or parties, and that any inch transfer shall can • the aunolment of the contract orerdar transferred so far settle United Mate* areCone•rned . i'Proelded, That all the tights of action are hereby rammed to the Unittd States Mr any breech of such contract by the e mtractlog party or partly, dm 18 told he it farther muted, That •whenever any contractor f.fr enbaistenoe, orottllng, arms, am, •ot coition; mtnittlens of war, and for mery &scrim.. lion of smooths for the army or nary of the United Stain shall be Mend stagy by courtonartial ofinad of of fat wilect of duty. be shall be punished by foe. imptivanment, or such other pantehmmas as tbe. &mot-martial:eh/1U adjudge: and any Demo. , oltu shalt contract to tarnish suppler of any kind or de ectiptiortker the . army imam he shall be deemed and takes ass pilot die land or.oarid threes of the .llnfted &Ufa tor.which he shall craittmet to furnish LOA roppllts,mielbssahisct to the raise and mem. t ions for the grrinmant of the land and natal fame. of the UtdtradMtates. ' The kaolring are the olusea tordred at the I apective navy yards NITINBS, 21AIN IL Clam No. 1. Milt* Oak Lop; No. 2, White Oak . ILeol; NO: 3. White Oak Prombenom Timber No. 4, Whits Oak. Plank; 'MX 8,1411 w Pine Lop; No 7, Tallow Pine Damn No. 6. Fellow Floe Nast and Poor Timber; No. 10, MP* Pins Nast Timbal No. 11, Whl • Pies Plank and Wards; N 0. 1 3, Ash - Plank= and Board, ; tio. 14. Whit. Ash Oanr No. 16.111 s tory Data. No. 10, Black Prolate. and ,bherry; No 17; • 'Na gar .13Tallt and. Iron; 28, mean 67. Iron BTikes ;No 32; Iron wrousht And cat; No. 30,.'Lead; No 31, Line d Mai No. 31. Tools sod tkores,• 34. Whits. Lead; No 97, Zino Palate. No. 311, Goland Patna, 'Dryer; Na 33. Linseed 011;Turpentine, Var.. a1ab; , 716.41,,' Glum No. 43, Pllsh, Borth, Tar; No. 44.011, Tallow. Soap; No. 46. Dllsoellatwom.;-INy Goo* Hair Okith, 141,1p.Cltandle ry. , for meatrain Ma. Class A. BoVer Iron tv d Bleats; 0, Lard Oil; i,12;1a. callanioas Toole for • Ettprteerg 0, lkoktng Mae. iii., Stores, 0.1 li, Flax Canvass; I, Cotton Can. yam; P. tlwlne; N. Loather; L, HOOK Xi Bruhn; N, Hunting, Dry Goods; 0, Lindeman Q. Opens II; •11, Skip Ottand , ery. for stores and equipment; IS, eta. 1100, r/i T, rise CIUBLIBTOWN. Clan No. 1. Whit* Oak Lop; No. 2, Wkl4ll Oak Karl Plano; No. 3, Wblto Oak nonlronton Timber, No. 4, White Oak Plank; No. 6, Tallow ND, Lop; No. 11, Whit. Pin Lop, Plank sad Sonde; No. 13, Ash Lop and Purak;No. 16, Mack Nazar, Mating. •11:07 Lod Cbarry; No. 11, Lomat; No, 16, .81 Wt. 0.1 burns and Ileadlnc. 14. 93, Llgnomrdo; No LI. Iron; NO. 16, 8481; N 0.21, lon Pylkes; No' 23.1rns 14,118--noo.bt sad en; No 30, UM; No 31, Zinc and 110: No. 83, Hardware; No 24. Tools br storm; No. 3.B,Viblia Lead; No. 37, Zlesn'Palau.; Ns: 33, Colonel Pants, Dryer; 14.38, Lipoid OIL Torpor:- tin and Varnish; No. 4/, alasil; No. 48. Piton and, Bala; No. 44, lib 011, Tallow sod Bogy; No , 44, 1111nellitiwous Dn Goody; .11, Boller Iron and 7110aii; D. 314 Iron; 0, Lord 081 0, Dollar Pelnor 16, Onas Packlar. T, kllnallanrons .Tcols roa4aars; 0, Oookloj Conalla and norm /I, Pisa Owens; 1, CCRUI CaDTAMI; 1 Cal and Gorton Twin.; 11. • Loath . ,; lion; 741. Drogue; N, Boning and Orr Goo's; 0, Lantern. •P, Tan for Ropowalkr Q Sperm. 011; B, 804 Chndins i lir 01,4 sad Inalrmenn; 3 , 81481Orwayl.T. cr4r.U. Oa Lades for non. • 3160011LTN: NLW TORII. Clan No. 1. Wblta Oak Lop; No. 2, Wblta Oak Neel Plana; No 3, Walt. Oak Promlnnon Tanen; •No. 4, Walt. 0.1 Punk; Ito. 6. 41814 Oak Itnett:', NO. e, lellow Plna Lon; No. 7, Tail - . 3 18 . Dn l n B i No. w. Tallow - Pars Man Timber; No. In, .White Plod Man T.mber; No. ii, Whlto Plna Lor, Plank and Dank; No; 12, Walk. Oak Inairds and Plank; No. 13, Anti Lop and Plnak; No, 14, Ani °ark 31o: Jen Marry Born and asadrplkrs; No. 16. NI ok Wallin, Chart; No 17, Cyprew. No. Id, Loran, likirbl44 Oak &tares and Ileadlng; No, .29,. Black Byron; Nr: 21, Cedar; ye. Ilahogany.• N 0.33, Lleinrltar No. 64. Iron—round, 8.1 ant poke; 8;4W; No. 27, Inn Myna; No N. Imo 1411.4wrolight and cat; No 30, Load;Too No. 61., Zino, Ttd; No: 33,' Hardware; No. 34. ls 'fir noon, Led No 66. White Lewd; No. 87, Zlnc Pola' rro. pound INisr; No. 39 Unwed Vl,' 'lntosatlar, TkintaklNin 41, Onus; N0..01, Path,. 104,, Tar , N0..44,101; 08, Tallow. nosy; No. IL 1604.1lansons Dry 844; A. Doll'? Iron and IIInts; 11, Ply Iron; 0, UK 011; D, Dollar Telttoy; N, Orin Pandar, •/, Illsoillainons Tools ( or Mundane - 0, Woking littnes, Stew, fool 11, llas.olllnlBlll L Cotton 13110WS: I.2l}ein IL, Unbar; L, Hon; N, Ilnalbw; N. Nuatlngand Dry Goods; 0, Lanterns; Q, 13pann VI; 18, 1114.0trandary /torn and ninlynantit; N. 81441011143 N T, Inn Wood. -I.IIIII4OELPRI6. .' , liisikko.l.lfhatii Oak Lap', Na. 6, Whlts Oak UN Plans; NO,II, Wklto Oak PIVICIACIII)IISTth3ber; NO. 4, Wafts Oak Plaak;' No. 6, Tolle, Pins Plink -etork Lop;•Nd. Tallour.Ploa Nazar Nrs. 1 . 04 Pins Ilastnif Bps 171mbe; No. Id, W 1118484 Nan ma .63113 Tlmbo; No. 11, Naha Pin Lop, Plaak.Noarda,nol No. 'IL Ash Logs .and Plazin;. Nk. 14. WILIW Ash Oars; Na 11, WWI* Heart Oka. OTT, Garton Bona Ni. 16.W.nroy,131. 10 6WaIont, 0karr1;411.6•17, 07pra. °odor 11. No. 15, In ' nit; jr.0.,966,. Illadt Myrna. el 'Nadir, No. 1171, Llpaankw; No. N. Inas —roand, 141, sod squall No, NI, Eltewl; No. 27, Inns IlpikV r o. lrn Nall4- 1 / 7 6%63 _and enk. No. W.Lar Wain, Zlor,, .X/ 8 ; F ° l s2 4, ilita ”r r 4 141 7 517 7 LB .. . . • • • .OpOH4I4i -- EO. White Lead; Ha St. mac' ra2t; 78 .. 0 a 1 m 1 4 Paints; Drier; Lisaird Ott, Ttrirluttal;T.r utak N0.11,4311mar 2100. Pier. Tar. Dads; lid , 44. B i b . . 11; Tailor: Soap; mo. 46. DirgeDatssoss Dr 7 Dreda, Bair. Cloth rad Ship altaadlary, forma. litraCtio9 A. Iron River. for Sollars; B. Pig Iron; 0. Lard O il; reltdag; 2;Gleurt Par-104; 7, Bilacellaaeotta ToaLrtorradii:mem% o...king Ut.h. ails, Stover. &a; U. flax 0 .ovasa; 00'00 ear • rr; J. Tartar E, ILeather , Haan M, Brushes; N, Bunting. D.I Slu day Q, Spam 011; B. Ship Chandlery for Storo Zquipments; 6, Stationary ; T, Piro Wood: WASHINGTON Clams No. 1. White Oak Logs; No. 8. Yellow Pine Plank Stock Logs 'l4o il, White Pine. No. B, Ash Plank;.bo 14, Asti Oars; No. ]6, Rockery Bars; No. 36,1315 ck Widnes; No. 17. Cyp ress ; No t 2 Shoes, sod Hisclinipe -bie.`2l, Polder; 'No. 25, Iron; Nil. 26, etesl• No. rir Iron rgekes; 1ti0..12, Iron Naha; No. SO, Lead; Zino,,Tin, Folder. No 33 , Baull ware; No 86 Wklu teed; No. 57, Zino Paint; No. - 31, Colored Palate; No. de, Linseed CG, Varnish; No 41, Glut; No 112..051am; No. 43. Pitch. Tar; No. 48, Brown Soap; No. 48, Id4cellsnoons Dry eixdo. Slap Chandlery, &c..; far construcilon; Po. 4 , , 'tanks end Gilboa; No. Hi, Ingot Copper; No. 68, Chain rrong No. 61, Poles; No. 62, Belo's; A, 80l or Iron and Bleats; B. Pis Ina' C. Lard Oil;- D. Borer Foltlec Goon Padang; F. Hiscellate•- cots linglneer•A7bols;ll, Cooling etilas 4.; He Flax Canvass otton Censer; J, Twine; Leatber:"L, Hose; 47,11rtultte; N, wonting and Dr' Goons; P..ess Ng*, 'or steamer Attingt G. Bperst' B, Ship Cbandlery stores lad spoipments; 8, Stationery': T, f;r& Woo d. • se2o:tawdew 'Vtill(Jr.--;tiealed' 1 roposals Aire ailed until the. 80th DAY sir baprentliza. 1803, as 12 o'clock mu for supplylog the' United Mates finbeietance De partment with 6.00.• hag! of BEEP ()ATTIC .= the hoof . The Cattle in to be delivered at. Wuhlogton CI y, D. C., and oath anion' to average LS.' pounds grass 'Gigot. No animal admitted which weighs lees than 1,100 pounds groes.'weight. Beers and bulls not wanted. The Cattle to be 'delivered at suck times and In snob quantitbra'as the Government may require. TY • Ant delivery of Cattle to be snide ten days alter signing the contract. A bond; with good and infholent security, will be required. Government swerves to itself the right to pay in Treasury Notes or other Government fonds. No bid . will be entertained. when put in by con tractor. who ban previously failed to comply with their cootracta, or when the bidder Is not -present to respond to his bid. AU bids to be accompanied by two guaranties. The names of lithe &odd be statedha full. with the precise address of all the vomits-re of the A to. Bids to be directed to "Col. A. BE SMITH, A. D.C.. and C. AU. a A.. Wash'ngtoo, P. ," and endoned , rProtheals far Beef Cattle." For* of Gearearce. We, —, of do county of and Stan of —. and —,of the county of —, and State of—, do hereby guarantee thatis able to fulfil contract In aooordasee with the tenni of hie proposition, end that, should his proposition be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract in accordance" therewith. ti.hoeld disconnect he awarded him we ere prepared -to become his itecuritlee. This guarantee must be appended to each bid. sag' ad SEALED ritutliziALS are invited hill. the let DAY Of 00TO WEB, 1811 t, at 12 o'clock f. r Airniabing the Subsistence Department with nO,OOO barrels of /LOUR. Bids trill be received for whit 1. known a No. 1, No. 9 and No. 3 The number of barn& of each kind alumni be dia. aunt': mated, and the pare proposed for tech grade. The quantity et row respolr.d will be about 609 barrels daily, delivered fitter at the Government Warehorweeln Georgetown or at The Railroad Depot at Washington. • • • The usual Government Inspertion will be mule Just before the Tiour is received. The barrels to be bead-lined. Bide wll beaccompanied by an oath of allegiance, and be directed to 4ML A. BEORWITEL A. D. 0 , and 0. tl.. U.S. A., at Weakingtoo, D. U., and en dorsed "Preprint. for Flour." asZnid FOR BALE. pErifingltlCE. O 1 PEN N emba Lie TOIL brict 29th tan rooms, lot 202110, to mead the best menses on Penn street, •11 in sow order. Price may 84.500 —414 l 00 ceettund balsam brace ec,2-e4sirluillor PcimemMcisluny dna • • • • Inquire of .• • •• • • 11. *ALAIN dr 00.. nisei 38 ' 102 Pourlh'etreet. • VIM SALK—A email Perm, contain. lag 63 sem, all foocod, and 42 sems claimed. good two story tame boassatill T. oms and kitchen, with ponchos. a Isms stable and other ontballdinp. Mass Orchards)! gnat msristy of .fralt:ofnfiadro. so. lemma . Spring In orory6old and good farming land. ' Bitalatiod tine mites Mori of 'Now Mishima, in Mosier county: Is oases &sap, and anus to nil. Apply to- . ran & 103 'fourth stave!. IIESIItA`BLit PROPERTY FOR EIALC.—Airo tr it-ettry . brick dwellings, my: plied with water and. gas ;iota each Xi by Ltd het. situated ah Smith avenue, Allegheny city. A traildlug partly flashed, with tarp don* hasv merit, an awe and • quarter of ground. situated on Woe' Run, • than distance from the Manchester resettuger and Ft. W. a 0.• • }Iallrooder WOW irdtahle sonnufactming . , Also, • Unit of I= ' ,.d.z and • belt seller from the city, and one sad a quarter miles from 'Court ney's ftetban, P. ft. W. lk C. IL IL, with a young Orchard of KO Won, a water power Saw Kull two .Hooose, and other Unprorenumte; fifty acreardeared. balance Umber. For ftrther particulars Intitdr• of WMII. 01 Federal et., Allegludiy, wed' . . or 2'215 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. QUPERIOII.IIIII.I,DINO_LOTS FOR MALL—Th• uudendixtd olfenplar sale, on roe. konable terms, some earth. Choicest apoia for build. ing Inulessa that ire to be fond around Pfttenurgh.. Tbei ettoated within one bandrat yards of She n roam of , tee Centre Avenue Homo Sal lersy n and aro beentll4l locetkom for prints dwelllngs.'St• ,eoinery nod vreryttang mullets them extremely do. eatable two say owe smiling to' Wane outside of the lead oaths soma time me near ea limy Shit cconzonesnotton cum be bad ^with the clti n st Mem. lota from one-fourth of en core POW■24I. lEMZEAM=IiMiI ...Ain, osTeral small lob In Bilnenvine, IXtzlife feet. The Atxm, property will be void on accommodation Wm, IngEnto of JOHN lINACBUN, corner Elzth and w nod utile* i Or, WM. A. OEKKON, Olerk'i OWN, court HOWL FOR SALE TO TEE TRADE— x Now crop N. O. Bogar. - Porto Bice • do; Cubs do; Orem Lod Block Taw; Tobrxoa; Spain; Moles intro Wady Floors; Bacon; And • general stock of Brooarios, to stare and ar riving sad for ea. b 2 • TUBONALD 61111170211,22, Wham ;la aroma, Produce sad Oonualudon Idea. chants Bola 242 aid 214 Liberty 10160, near bad of Wood. - and *Qt:,LL 0 0 1:--1 he undersigned, 1.7 imams of the tato OoLLeopold Sabi 9Ser the stack of dud e* Wilt= lad LIQUORS Or Ifs estate (Jolter, ac-the comer of listket sad Seisood streets, Eittsburgh,) to the public. at private ,sals, and ru Mites so, low se to .mate , It an ladtexmeut to per. chasers 'to' give, them so curb cell. ; The farmer, Meat of the estabilahmezt ara eepecialty turned, se4arpeetad to Wor th , estate with their custom , as had the bat smportuntty know th e superior q Weser tbestock tepsath• domutd• • ' G.HEITZ, "Executers. suttren H. P.IIVELLEB. • 141aNatMK CULLS,' Otditaintng..2s2 4101/28; bodutlintly nitastrA on the Ohio tire. 14 to 'Weir Pittsburgh. adjoining the riling* of Bboandown, and twang , iodide* Ittation. Pitts. burgh, TX Wyatt tuxl.obkago Baliroadi - beingsegy of seems, both by ralinitud and river,. The improve- Meats Gm • good 'banal Dwelling BOUM, loos Nam ' and two' Tenons Houses , orchard, do: It di wail adapted to a gardening sad aunt bria. Tidy for partiothiss and tanns apply no JAB. WOOD. BMW, Zdgworth Statton.:gewickley, 0r,.t0 B. F. WOODIUIiII. No. 30 liplanndo tinototiltSbau7. • Jelin lititniltou, gag.; in dbotuseourn, IbOW prondaps..-: • JAN NS WO .1)M:1/W; Acting lixscuser. August 11tb. 184.2t.aaNdentagY To LET FOR • -RENT—A: lime well lighted iron& In' the °arra Rotuma fourth Ear. Apply at the Opuntia; Zoom of Ttilti.orrtos. • 111 1 1) LUT—A two story Brink J. conuletn g Went rocita.'llstatiel• with Shower Oath, hot and colt. Largaipard. Oentral- to but .neso. inquire of Dr. antakirmr, 27T Penn attest:. tett:4i. FOR RENT.—The third end fourth . ; stori•••of the tor bul.dlug No: gl fifth street, boar kfazturt stmt. The fourth stars, IMMO %do h bang lilted up to a. Ord elan Photograph end Ds she In adou bolus hue of the pen best In the city, The third story II hi tv come pArturontii, arid le veil salted for office*, and will to peateduiparately or togetbar. .Apply to • • • 4,, L. CADNAOIIA3I, MAI Federal st..nalsitba Diamond. A hoe,. • 111011:11:T. --A large;well finistiod 'end konatoteably throteW4 gore on Merkel, hititiei .Xlsirel eat fourth meets. • • A loos Boom, fitted ep tot HAW...Adore emoupb.4 by Avery's Academy be yanks ledles. Abvh Selsou'e Ambrotype Boom. CIOMIr ot.Thlnt ;t ad If *rho t ottorti. - Also. argent Roome salable tot oak.. lent.very.loor; to shit the time... • • .0. O. OLZZAII, • .11D1:11 MrDli Third and Alarket +treed& thiL4ll)ll. RENT—An Oil Re. atcemer., .117 41,ta11 1 • • ~ • MIT.. CISB, milkdtt - AO, at Gsw;lfo. 36 TosiKti at, NEW CARPETS, tur• somortamut. No. 87 F 0172111 STRUT, M'O AL LU M'S, Bought I>nd:cram t. t6s prosial itleikata In print al July la WO IJII enabled to aall car prole& Oa/ sag !A mu tirribi! .A-:::i. 4 .3 4- 40•47msqz,VOTP .WEUICaL. J. AND UNSAFE 21LEDRUNRS.—For noplemmo and dangerous' diseems,' tisiVELELIBBOLIi'd JUL TRACT DUCH% which 'bail minted the endorse ment of the most prominent pb‘siciane to the Baud Mates. 1a now offered to me &endued bninattity ma • certain ears for the following dismiss Mid eympc,ona originating' trail diseases and 'Abate of the Urinary . or Bernal Chian.: General Debility, !donna and Phyaiesa Depreadon imbecility. Determination ot Blood to thioillesd, Bindweed ldeua. Briteris,liesteral Imitabilltylifeetleamem and lileeplemnese at NUM, Absence of Ituscolar Ziltlcieney, Lou of Appetit., BPPetalle• Imaciatioii; Lair Spirit., Dlsprawdia tion or Paralyabtrof the Organs of Generation, lealpl tatime.opbe Bean, and la tact ail dm con:onetime* of • nemotM and debilitated litaticif the awe= To insure the getaltus, cut Able out. Ask for Ilelmbold'a Take - no other.. Curse guaranteed. stesedrerttsetneutin another eohnue. aranddlSlS AYI - 'll3 Uli 81L5.E11,% ? THAT le .1.1 rug Quirtios.,-The Propristors of the...PAU. L 514.14 OnOINET 01 WONDT.ILS, ANA:N.)3IT and "MEDICTITY" Wan detelmined, regardless of expense, to issue, free, (for the benefit of suffering humanity,) Mara their racist instructive and 'arc - estr.g Lectures on Marriage and Its Dlaquailfications, N.vona Debility, Premature Deer'ae oh illanhoodi Indigestion, Weakness or Depression, Loss of liter. gy and ifltal-E;;trinwicAlie :Greer Social 'Nei :UN; and those Maladies whic4 reault,.froat youthful follies. Napalm ofl'illaturity, or ignorance of Physiology sod Nature'. lros, These !rival alibis Lectures have boo, Uto aPatia of enligbtordrim; ifml saving thou:l anes, and "will - be forwarded ire, on the receipt of fourstuargel: by- addressing "BeapLary Pariakuk (kebt• Bei of doorway mod Medicine, 5i3 Broadloom, N. Y." ituklydaw, 1%4 Ou •' itoW Lorin Ulf W BLBTOILED /Nblishad, is a Booed Dr y lope. Price kg: Cesar. A- lecture on the 'Nature, 'Treatment and Brdicel Ouse o eljarmatorrtuaa or &mina! Weakness, Wool. nntary Encisslocue, Dobility, and Impodimenta to Marriage generally, Hereto:mere, Consumption, Epilepsy and Bits; Mantel and Physical incapacity, readtlng from Belf-Abose. etc. By BOBL J. CUL ELM ELL, H. D., A athorof tha"Green Book," En . 4 ,1 BOON- 12) THOMIANDS Bent under sent, in a plain envelope, to any address, port-paisi, on receipt of six cents, or taro patags .tazoi*.b.y Dx. OH. J. O. BLI 127 Breeden. N. Y.; Poet-Office Bon HIM. an7ffimda.T - A YEA'S eIAitti&PAHILLA, FOR PURIFYING Till BLOOD, And for the speedy cared the subjoined vedette. of Phan= elcastnna AID Smarm= ANYGCSIOXII. nen A& To lson, Mew. Goan, Eumwao. Pucsizs, Pti nnre. Esmciscs, Boas, Blame, Atm Aza, Bsis DIMJCIN. Ind., Bth June, 1859- J. 0. Am A Co.—Ginn I feel It my duty to so. knowledge what your Sarsaparilla has done 6r me. Having inherited • licnifnlous infection, I bare suf fered from It In vorloai ways baryears, Bornethnee It bursts out in Moms on my hands and arms; some time* it turned inward and dig:cased me at the otomach. Thu years ago It broks out on my head and coveted my scalp and ears with on. *ore, which was Walnful and loathsome beyond description. / tried many medicines and several physicians, Lot without much relief Rom any thing. In fat, the disorder grow worm. At length I was rejoiced to reed in the Goopel Messenger that you had prepaled an alterative (Sarsaparilla), for I know from your reputation that any thing you made . mast bo good. I pont to Cinalttnall - and got it, and used it till It euredme. I took it, as you adobe:, in imall dome of a teupoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy skin soon began to form under, the scab, which after a whits fell MC Ey skin is now clear, and I know by my feellop that the disease is gouofrom tarrpitom. You•can well be. lime that. I feel what I am saying when I tell you that I hold you to be one of the apostles of the age. and remain ever gratefully,yonis, ALFRED B. TALLEY. BIOICJIOCILL, GOLTIS, 01 SWELLS: NECII. Zebnion glom, of Pnuspect, Texas, writes: "Titre bottles at your Bareaperille cured me from • Gabe— s hideous swelling on the neck, which I kad suffered from over two years." BT. Lll2loWell FIENS, HOU Ob ESTSU'LL.M, T=4 kin, HALT Bairn, &Jam 11/AD, RUM Wozz, Boas Em, Daum. Dr. Robert 11. Proble write" from, N. Y., Mit Sept., IMO, that be kaa clued an Inveterate: cue of Dram, which am:ate:led to terminate fatally, by the pereereting me of our 13artagtp i t . and Ann II &apron. attack of liftsligater a by large doses of the same; soya he corm the common Eon note by it conaantly. Lssmsaca4bs Wsuits, Orsaua Two; Uvulas FTL Dr. J. B. S. Churning, of New York City, write. "I most cheerfully' comply with the request of your agent In Wing/ harefound yourilarseparille a moil encellemt alterative in the 1111IDAZOII• complaints for which we employ such a malady, but especially in Female Diseasesof the Scrofulous asthenia. flume cured many inveterate cum of Leucorrhora by it, and ma. where the compleint was armed by Maranon of the auras.. The ulceration itself we. wen cored. Nothln within my knowledge equals it for them female Bdward 8. w, of Newbury, Ala.. writemi .A dangerous ovarian tenor on one of the females ib my family, which bad defied ill the remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by your extract of Sareapiailla. Our - physician thought wittdrig but extirpation could affordrelist, but he ad vised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last newt before cutting, and it proved eflectrAL After balm lour remedy eight weeks no symptoms of the disease reumine." ..... Brno= am MtIiCILLL DMUS. NSW Oans•ss. fdth Aug,. UM Dz. J. C. Arralln I cheerfully comply with the request of your cod nePoft to YOU SS= of the effects I Dave with your Farsanterilla. I bare cured with it, In my practice,moet of the complaints for whthh .Lt is recommended. and tau found its effects nthy wonderful in the MS of Yaw sad Aferatriolltiwesea. One of my patients had Byphilltle ulcers In his throat, which were doosantrr Leg the palate and the top of his month.) Yeterllar sapartils, stesdlly taken, cured him in Ova Weeks. Another was attacked by secondary elmPtremes in his nose, and the ulceration had eaten away. a considers-. ble part of it, so that I believe the' disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; the ulcen healed. and he is well again, not of course without some disithuration of the face. A woman who bad been treated for the same disorder by mercury was safferheg from this poison in her bones. They bad become so nominee to the Weather that on • damp day she suffered excruciating pain in liter Joints and bones. She, toot arm cured entirely by your Sam. patina In a few wee ks . , I know from its tumuli, which your agent CM Sap that ads PluPsfution from your labouterg must be • .peat remedy; me. frequently, these truly, remarkable results with it have not surprised te.l Fraternally yours, G. V. IrAllEffrile Itnetriumme. Goer, Lim Oeurrunr. Isscrunems, Preston Co., 6th Jul,, 1839. Ds. J.O. Anca;•Lar: I have been wi =1 chronic! Ehnueettins for • long . time, which the skill of phyidoiarts, and stuck to me_ in spite of all the reme&is I could find, until tried year Sarsaparilla. One bottle cured me In • two: WSW, and restored my general health so much that' lem fir batter than before I wee *tucked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. SILEAM.• Jules Y.Oetchell, of St. Louis, write= "I hate been afflicted for years with en aufscrioe et the Maa. which destroyed my bmlth. I trialerety thing, and eemykhing tailed to relieve me; and I have beast a. broken-down man for some yeas from no other cause than diraspeseest of the Liver. Ity beloved muter, the Ear. 3&. Espy, advised me to try your 8 rills, tennis he said be knew you, an any a M you snide was worth trying. -By the blaming of , it Mecum' me. and has , in periled my blood so. to make a new man of ma I feel young again. The beat that earl be mid of you is not half good mouth. Oosszars, Mica Tuitoass.. nos, Cairn, ens Essouarm or nu • great Yasesty of ewe hovel tea mortal to is where curse et these testddible complainta have re. rated from the us of this remedy, but our spars has will tot admit -them. Boma of them may be found in our Murk= I •••,, which the agents bilge turned are pleased to furnish gratis to all who' alt to therm. Diirizak, gam Dmirt. Inumwr. M 2 x. mumr, Mau/Luau. Many munarkable cures of theae strontium, bare been made by the alterative power or this medicine. It stimulates the vital ItomUons Into rigorous lotion, and this areroorneadisaniara which would be inippce. ed beyond itaseach: Such II remedy has long been required by the necessities of the pimple, and we en confidant th at this will do tor them all that medicine AVM! CHERRY PECTORAL. FOB TUX BAND CUBE or CONGOS, COLD,, : INFIAIIINZA, 110ANANNE8P. OitOLTP, 13aonarris, Inuniati Cox . . . 8171ipTION AND PON TEN /CELTS" . OY CoissourniriaPPul ing, . , IN ADVANCIiIIi MONA OP Tau &o. • MD s a remedy so universally known to surplus any other for thq own of throat and lung complaint', that ft D calm bets to pupil/hike arldencarof Its Mrttlas..: Its. =dulled . auellstfie for coughs; and .colds, and It. . truly wonderful cures of pulmonary dim/6,km* made it known' throophOut the civilized nations of thaertAL Few 'are:the :communltke, Wen hmtilel, among them wiles- bare not wino per. Waal experience of its ellecte—onos lirlng trophy to their midst rifilta Irktory over the subtle andidanger, ono disorders of the throat and Mop. As all know dreadful Eta li p of these disorderi;aud as they know, too, thir aeon , of this ,wmad.l,.weiteed not do more than to sseurelheru &hal if has now all the vlr• Ines that it. did ham when making the sores which hard won Bo strongly non the confidence of Pau. Prepared by Dr.:J. O. AYNE C 0, 6 ., Lowell, Nam earsol4 Py dealer* 'stirred:6re, - • • I6l3:laweowatiawlyllr - 001 b • .1.) 13J1041S. AT 89 MAK, LP Her INIZZET. 2 LOOK AT VIZ PRICKS,— Ladles Nitt.lestlag Heel Natters $l,OO. Vortb; 0.25 44 I. Clang 0 . Lee • 11,75 • 0 •a. L ao Tim Yr. Noroceo Neel Boots 1,37. " -1,62 0, .0 Moro cco aragrei...•l,37 1,75 Lippe ts 65 " 75 Kid " 75 " 1,12 ALL 0111211 00014 IN PROPORTION. JAMES ROBBY • *." NO. 19 mmairr STRZIT. b:r i zeattinline App). Or . 10 ; J.---°!og , - 1123 1trniis a 111101/1: # arge assortment on ban. • .1 wiltabli kr Ann , purposes, oil ar... which will be sold on craw:table terms. . • - ' - srl - . - . No. 122 /oath strapi.. ff :I! T 4 0111w:0i—in -barrels, ege TV ILI 14 ' bOO 75 dozen country, et 4 . - esee-Tmekve,aod &dub -13111, a (00d* Nrially _Alit melted and lad tale ' EMT I[ COLLIES !!. Ills by -qoan JOHX "Len! 1 00. ... .wt ~"f ?q$ :i #~`a'~'c+`r ='. .-s S asNK.~sx nua'Cf,+~'t-i`- F '~".-rl!' t rcW v~ z ~:~~. n, MOTELR• FRENCH'S HOIXL, os THE snow; PLAB, cm OrNEW YOHIL omens some virrir OZDTIS PiLD DAY our HaII Spars, emir lnisifort &rota (Oppxlif City HolL) WlSeats u they may Ix ordered in the eparie oa There le • Barbee &op Beira Ecams attached to the Bata • • • .. lairßeware of IttrAllEß3 had HALT) IFIt who co=dlya . di ruzwom. A KERICAN ;HOUSE; . 13 , 631.0 . 21;. iLthe AOR. largest and ben arranged Hotel in the lli. Ragland ewes; is centrally located. and espy in. so. ass -rrom all the routes of travel. - It eentalnsafltbe inodegnimpraremenn, and awry eonvenitaas for the contort And •000IfkatWial011 Of: the [meting iroblkh The ; Veeping. roe= are large mod ventihned; the salvos of roams are ereu arraaged;azid - oomplately furnished for bunnies arnt Lugs hrateling psrt•lSid the big= T ilt _counnite to be ireptes a -dist' sing hotel literary respect. . • - Jain:isd LEW/l3 BIDE, Proprietor. STOrEs. tea JAMES I. r. TOTEM YGONG BROTHERS Ducgmara EOM,- ant, Lib arty ittrastomer the Outer Depot Pa. S. IL, pittabargh; Pa..; Manobottimi MACHTNE, HOT BLAST AN ROLLING BULL TOILNACIL CASTENGS.olarary_dermiption. = • - •- - OIL PIPE, 110/LER CASTINGS, //BE /BONI'S, GRATE BARS, WAGON BOXES, SAD AND DOG. IKONS. _ GB - ATM-BNB GRATE /BONDI, STOP. OGLig BOXES: dm:shear on handedd for tale lort. Ordain loft with- V. W. YOUNG, tumor of Wood trivet sad Diamond atletp, will reoelm prompt atten tion. • Lid , .1111AXMAIWK s CO., ALLEY FOUNDIIT. Pittsburgh, gedriYanznovrs, Nu ail Liberty mesh Ran earn:oars of COOlk, PARLOR AND MEAT. LNG STOVES, PARLOR ANDRITCRIGN GRATA HOLLOW WARE, etc., Steel and MAU lionidtiEell• big Cartinga,Allll. Gearing, Gee, Water and Ar tisan Tip., Bad .IrOtid..Dollr. Irons, Wagon Box Ear Koitiokrul4ll.l4l4lerh Car Wheels. CoWingan and Owing, gatieratig. - Alio, Jobbing and hi ...-ema Clestings nude to order. yatantod Portabki 11111„ with Steam or Lime Power. nolterad' oiviware., PETROL& E OIL WORKL 4 .— , Hzeaa & Osair, Proprietors; Baur. and filarainctur-, en of Pura Burning Petrolite—trade mark, Pun Wkdte Carbon Oil, Pure Deodorised Bonsai.,' Steam Chuilied Duldioating 011, Oold Premed B. 8 ao_ -do NO. 1, No. Sand N 0.3 Slacillnery. Argand 011, Dead 00, Glary 011, Naphtha. C and 11111 Grew and Spirits of Naphtha. Mill - Orders filled promptly. ildrOttlee, corner of Front and Smithfield itThbli tdonougallela Howe, Pitutburgh, P.- I• 14 LINDSAY ti BARBOLIR, -CARBON OIL, LAMP UANUFAUTUBMRS No. 22 WOOD fiTRBET Pirrentracili. Part* GTO. W. H0LD11111P......611/1. 5ZT.T.M.....0. T. WOOMILICI. WOODWP . K OIL REFINERY. HOLDIIIIIP, BRYAN & CO., OLL Lap LUBBLOATING ISeey constantly on head the very beet quality of BUILNING - OIL, clear and mahout odor; also; good LUBLIICATOPL rue WM= 11,ELVZOL*-load s e , AB OIL SB. earl& orders left at No. 35 'mu Alma?, Duda Mork. mama floor. Till be promptly attended to. ockdtf Puttees, DErIiL6P a 00., PtIII.S B.XYLISIED OAIIBOIII 01L8 OfEbo, No. 291 Liberty stmt. - soy9:6aulors PDITSEDROD. PA. VAGLE OIL WORKS.-WhiIiTMAN R ANDERSON, razors .ad dales In PURE CABBON OIL, (41=guarantaed,) KWH, PA. or CAR GRPMt sad BENZOLI coustsatly on hand. . • ... . - Orders remised for the present at OHMS, SMITH a: Oo.'•, Water and first shots. • se,l6md L UCIFER OIL ORR& WILLIAM P. WOOLBIDGIL ANIIIrACIVIAL Cr GOAL AND CARBONOILS, 'aztd dealer la - - LAMB, auntsars; 499., N., 319. 99 Mazkas street, b OICIIL etween SecondSecondand TlOrd, PITISSI PA.. 391230d1y Zxr ,. !l at &hamburg Station. Weibeny Office and Warchotue, ZS fiLe.MMIT STEM= Pittman:nib: • • • - . Manufacture= of ILLIMINATENG sod LOBEL OATThG CARSON 0/L8 aIuiItENZOLSC. , - • ear No. 1 ILLFINEB OIL, warranted non.eryb. sive, always on band. ocl2lyd • TrIfittiCATING OIL, -A? tan LOW ram 09 9.9 MOTS PliartikltLON.ountootti an bond sad tor male by B. O. &J. 11.,BAWTE11. A. to the pada,. we toter to =nixed oeraticato: Prturtrunti Nov:27, 1901" - . Mewls. B. C. • J. R.-Eitliyer..Genter - The Lubri ;wing Oil we are getting from you we find to be the bat for onr purposes we haratmsr need. Tee L. B. 71., B. R. no2Bitt Br Wtt. IBM Presided. itismis, bitateir - • - ' aIL aartrfaa# WHITS SEWING 014 Pre= DZODORIILIED BENZOLI AHD STEAM. OLAItIIMID DLAHLIENIGEY 0114 I,inITDH Omar ALL, aasvltur.+l PI:MOHAMED. - 1 111IPINe4 Oil Barna' vsntell. • Ow= Opoe. Ittaotogiulaut Hostas. dal:KrAwlyi Drs ex c. TNISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. 1./.=Tn. Oo•Pietnehbly.d[ aUrr, ek Go. was dluelmdien. the Ant dm of Angwt, MA, by the matted meant of the patio% WX. B. LOH baelog odd his LeterwA therein to tho'Otheir eatl'artura. The badness will be matimied ender the same name aa horologer.. - JAS. i. BENNSIT; ROST: U. XLIIIIIIALL, WaLB.NNuLISH. sidoflyr TIWOLUTION OF ,00-PARTAIBB -1111Pe—The Pertskerstdo latelreziattne bo merit ORAL B. LIZOII, sal IL -11=08INSON, of Plttabank, ender . the Inn of rasoiralf.llTCH. INSON.hres diesolet4 oxi the let day of Siiptetiber, A. D. ISM, by mutual tenant " AU "date mein to thol eat perteetehto Are to recoiled by either of thevartnert, sad all demands ozi theeild partner., chip ere to be preteeted to eltha , foi . Dement. ~ CHAIM= x." ' Pi#lbtilliNSlPt• A /Mid - a ; • -- • - CAARTIrS., B. :LUCA FLCUA . AIND Own nom awn Oonximescor ar annals of amens. CHIUSE.• PIiODOCIS. as.; and .sigent tor .thocolobtand Uniontown CR 1112M Wat.:1111 Socood aad , 1415. tint streets" b lown Wood and Sialtheold:Pittsbargh. - Ala - nUSSOLUTIOICOF:PARTNEBS . . .1„/ —Mu Ppoinsahlp himadors talattortatween JOSICPH SPZIWER end WIL H. 0/0111411D, nu. der. the Inn of BPSNOYB 1 GABBARD,. In am BREWING BUSINTSC r 'rnsi dlisolred on the 20th of Aogua. um W. H. GASSABD 'LC authorised to dale up Um truaness °Camp has firm: per. iota haring dam against the lite firm nal parsont en,* at ham' °Moo, truno_Bnises3r,ind_au kaostup thou:selves, todobtedgesso esti_ . arnt settle. -- ' ••• • /NIPS 'SPItNCEII.. WELLIA.WHiGABILtRD.- : .Patobtanta. Moot 741867...;55t.t5p Pataitm.&reete Helmut. ip - • Pittarßeptember 10 lea ISSOLUTION OF PARTNER4HT—The Partamstilp heretofore misting bete/ten JOS. SPERMS and W 8. GABBARD was dlr eared on the IClth 13.114 Li t, GAUD tiling authorized to - settle to the bushiest or the late Otm et hie sdhee .in • the gusty.. 7 The• Brewing Boileau w41.-be onotiopod by.I3IIIINCIIIII tdeKAT; Who inlaid to ham. always oar bead e superior- wilds of - Alit. PORTZ!' Led /MOWN t3TOUT.. Tbe main:hived willa hi tittakhd. tolive mondial. the late line tons noatinuationet their P‘ttnolliot led Bran* to Mete it that/ aim to eft. eatiaantket to Li whotrashes, troakthela.; • Mt.' ItOBCBT WATAI may "or Lf.hettdr, Meet, known to the beldam: mum:amity, will bane the a , maagemeot of egg , &Bata, with- the toll any trot Addtmeall =dem to 011 e;Brewe - 4 Yhter nig Bteittel; Pit4btleah • le.4 • • •' ' •iioesPE eat ; • JAMES VesAT. Pouf' , MALT BOMA , 17 WATER' STARRY', Blatantly Pa w:itileauhiliD, Mthter. _ • . Doan. In BLYYSY add BYZ MALT; Woo, du. BABLIY. BY& OATS mid 001121.. :odatid-7 EW N O:23IIGAIk&MOLASSEEL = NJust reetivild from New Orlests,irta#sW . ZOO bbla. N. V. Xoluir"ativretopt • 500 WA*. prime . - rn Mere awl ker spi ,•.465 • - • Icant amiss ato:' K4MILO.SIIII. C LEVELAND; wrrauusok Ali D WHXZLING MIMI? IiONDA _Fa Litak B BMl6ll7.-03tt" water • • thirDedt Eus:.++wv4. Ckt.,.bas I Lianerittibarth ..--....... -1.1)0 I. 11460 p. do Steubenville 4:00 " '4.-00 " do Newark...,..,,. .. * Ihso • 0 Med " do ' 001u50bna.........--. 11:10 " U. 45 " Arrives Cincimati—..-........ Lai p. es.l k4oa. siL do 8 t• L.° l - , • - . .7:50 a. to i Ccili p. lg. No char:goof cors betv - Tae - n Pittsburgh and Cindraoti. Splendid file:Ting Ckrs attached to all Night Trans. • . Pabbergk ima inweliNf Lkeik, .. . I Leaves Pittebeigh 1:00 a- no 410-a. ieir.so p. le dri' Wea 3:90 e• &IA a 3A5 ~ do El terebenVe COO " 91.4 .* I 4:00 '': do Wheeling. 4:54 " IWO " . 11:55. 0 , Arrives Bellair.— kW , 1940 " 4.05 " Connecting at .Wheeling With Baltimore and Old Railroad, and at Beth& with Genteel Ohio Railroad for Zarleaville,Leuicaster, Circirrille.Columbea, OM* clunati, Indlanapolli, St. Laois, ind p nain*. ts Wert. ~. Pirtaleaph cad Ilianiased li TAMS Pitisterret w .......... la) a:lmm cr p. . do Wellsvim - '..- ~4I :24--" S:00 do 8ayard * ....... * „... 6:10 . " . 4:14." do Alliance'. '.....-1;.--. 6;43 " 4:40 " do Hada= - .............. 3:00 " -, i /MR • " Arai.= Cleveland: - .... 4:15 0 , 11,10. 0 'at. Bayard with. Team-awns branch fee Ne C r l u 'radlipldo sad CanalDovor; et Alliance with Pittsburgh. Port. Wayne and Chicago Railroad; at Hodson with Cleveland, Zane:riffle and (lincienati B. B. for !Arai, Owshogs Valhi and Millersburg, and at irievaland with 0.. A Z. 8.-E. for Ili*. Dunkirk and Baird° 'with CL A.T.8.,14, or Toledo. pletelit 'and Chbeilgo; and the North-wait.' • . . • Weihvilis AccOmmodation team st 4.49 p. az. .1 . Retunili n t trains attire- at e. to., 9. 1 5 s. et., 6:tb and Through Tickets to 1.11 pro set points in the West or South-weit, North or orth-west, can be procured at the Li Street Street D. t. Pittsburgh. JOHN STEWART, Ticket Agent; for tattoo kdoneatiory apply4o __ WILLIAM STRWABM, Agent, - At the Company's Offloa in Freight Station, Peet st. tors , _ MCI —.................—....-4110 Q tiTirifirk.... ATC,, 'n es.; ISAIRELVIDIT SOIL laen.—THS PliNit VANIA OZZITR&I, • • T Martin, On and after TOLEIDAW Jett Lt.. - The MAIL TRAM lassos .rittapargat trust the Pestenges depot, et the biderneelon It Lamm/ and Great streets, /topping snap morning (tcompt Sunday) at WO a. m., at ell- i, • stations between Pittenargh end Philatiai tbn ptne3n.d making dhoti an nectione et Harrlatoirg for naltimoss end Washing ton, and fat New:Tink eta itlidettoorn =le. The =MUM TRAIN. Issue Ur. sbani • Wood 'Wien &tar at "21:50 p. my siopplag ql7si .01'111162km, =Wok &mar , conmociloo eV Bard. burg far,Balttmore, Wollaston and Has Tait e Allaubrinf. • The PA= ISHilsasei the abate =cad ilttatiow daily , (Sundays excepted) at p. in" ally et priacipl station!, ana ' &2o pannecting at= Carp far • Balt im ore and Washington,. : . LOOAL FREIGHT TadaN, with _Passenger, Car attached, hares the Paseenger Btht.lo/1 every =co in, (Snxdria tlaVeeda. at - MO a. In..eanninp rott tar as Oonereaugh and storadrur at all stations. A000:'.1310DATiO8 -TRAINS Tim Jotoastown Amcmoostioil Trait:mom any, (except Etandkr) at 246 p. at., stepping at oh statkes and running. far as Ooestxmag,h. • 111 rat AccommedWdon Train for Wall'eStation teal daily (Moept ihmday) at WO a. nt - Second Accermacdatkon • Tana for 'Eltatic.;. haver daily (except Stmd4) . 6lll:oo s. at. - - Third AcconuasSiation , "in Statlas know daily (except Sunday) at 640 st, at. Fourth Accommodation Train for Wall's matte , fools daily (except Sandayl at 0:10 p. The Church „Train leaves Walls Station sem Bob; day at 0:05 a. ar.cretatniag, leaves - Pittelough at Botandas Trains arrins 1n Plasmorma as Ulm; Tapas; p. ; Stall, 12:00 p. to.; Not Idne 1.1:35 a. au; Johnstown AccomModatlan, 1e:66 a. nt. Float Wail's Station Amanmedatioa, GWO a. nv; See . end Wall's Station Aaxamacdation, al4Tatril Wall's. Station .AsoorattatatleAs 1:01 p, m.; Toga* Waifs Station Apsourtadatilage, 6:10 p. .• • Truax tram Ellstrerilie sad indlanseonnectat Blatre: 'rills Intersect katierith- johnstain Aceozal and Whet, !sinew and NMI w4. The pails will lind It greatly to their ateran,a asset oing East or Wwt. to-traTei-try the Pantyle pontral Bodiroad„ wan aomantodaticnts Bps calmedsata cannot he surpussd onanfotharrotits.. The Band h. hallastei with- store, and Is entirety arse trontilnalk W. can promise seedy, speed sad comfort to all wt s, may. favor this Scott with their Tatra:Woe.- . .. ' TAZDi... • - ' '.- - To New T0rk...—....41.1 DO To Za1tiz0nn0............10 - OD To ObiLadolphia-... 10 60 4o $ OD To Eforriabor: . -to - : r- IlsozogetchidraZ to all Btitior.s on the Toonayliai." als antral Bailsood.' tad toltdlodaphis Balthotot Pamengers paschsdngi Mama In . ears will to _ chested-an aroask sceordne to illetance travois:fat addition to the station rates, missy& hoes etatkra wham the Oerepany nortgent: • - ' ' - 210T1011.--In csas of less, the Opomany wtß bear • themselves rreeptereiltle, for Mil •tsg3ago,o . and for as aseemst not=ne••• 8.---An Qdrilbee - Line time been z Sisplopst amen,pusenseresnd .Ismgagi to and on we pe: pot, et I abarm, net to mooed Wants fir each yes. - sa.Les sad hs66ago. :Yoe _ • J. 1376 IST, - Agent, , At the rennglianie Central IratMoscl ,Psesessis • Iltatten, on LRAM end grant stmts.. - E soon ra it r i s; „ Ins Chet Elooseintoodoart. - Attonn, is svux inFacur Erni - rasa , NICIF YORK AND LIVNRPOOL, WA- tss• and 1111lbStkbg Psimativ t. irs st WNW (talsia) -The MrisPosi. - New Tart d I Ptdie:: • St'amliaP Cu tra 'lron *bN 21)=11 17 21.,.. rStpt: -estenlaro:43.,' CELT OF ,BALTLIKOBE.....—Batardim Oct. IL ma story tkivardq, 'ooze, mm..Rler Hank Urn( cks rmloatc- inner nizEnflaak tithog do to toodeiti.:. - 90,01 do •to titradoo—,., 88,09 , do to 'Peen.._. 15,07 • - do to Pore .:, 421,191 do to Hamburg. 95,00 do to Hanating„ , Opt • • Pawing= rasa forwarded to Hane,-Breettea4lotosS - terdant, Antwerp, do., et squib' low • Holler.—Sne reetrtetions on travel baring best tw mend by odor of tbe War Dolortamit, poem - about to Ititt. Zuropowill zn longer bO regntrad d o provide themielns esepttn.-- illilrYereons wishing to axing out their Mends au boy ticket, bere ortho following tibia to New Yorkfrom Liverpool or _tareeeneter a; to GINA, f aS, Uri and 5116. Buorsp Iroyo 1.47-srA room non litenmese hive Overt= ncontaritodatione foe isteenpra, sod carry experienced Surgeons. The are endlt :Water-tight-Iron- Sectfatw, and hate '- Patent litri AaalhOato s tok board. - mar .0, DALY,. IS PrbtAiray, - lisgr s . 40.1121 THOPSON,' • ' TShpotel. L. 4 fob; mar, -.1".11.1.LOSO - :13U1tri11611,.; L HAYDEN'S BIM , DOEBLE-ACTING'PHIL.7 OSOPHIO _CARBON. OIL, kr ready. IS •pmssurn many adrantages orerthe maw, L It-makes largo or mall lght with postos ~ 2. It win burn any quality of en With safeti."' 3. Dean bound with a Mg or abort ehti:' A. It can be used as • taper night lamp. 6. It an always be made to burn econonsfasily. L wore 333 NY_Wicked than_any other burner. T. It an be trimmed and lighted without without. : ramoT.- 8. It throws an the white light above !biome. The chimney an be .remand a inaerted wtSL our touching the glans. - - -Thass-burners are the common No - I site. and M3L_, blia,,xt.Tatandorp JIM os now In um. opblo ETer Burn i puiresnsing, er. 95 mats. Per dmon. VC,. Bold at No.- El Tourtb".'_ street. Pittsburgh. • . P. HAYDEN. UlAidel - • W., POBTRB a co.. STEAMBOAT ARAPTII. OBILTIEB, PISTON SODS, P.ITUAN lAWR. WAISTS. Locomarrrx • • 41311 D CAR AXLES,'ANOIIOBB, ' • • , Mod all kinds of. 81677 largoat.,2 - - • rieubuzgn; ' - rp NW:WM AND M' maws. GEOWZYII PAN-ANDNI:PMUTOB, . for eleealas GILAW.. rateuted January, ,1 . . . , le &Nip, alloplo sad' durable, and b gc4 up ti beet Mabel worktaaeabip. It : will dean all kinds" .otheedaed Grata, and mums Chail,-Itered, Cheat, • 'Oxklerat., mute- thorough_ 11,tuid with.kat than say. other machine. We preimmt,thieiwlll to the bite, with oonlidence that it wia Sire Catealac.;, litiAbabwiad corn aptedtlitato Va las purchased the lola rtOt. to miellad ee4"tee milli in Weetera pm M i hnuthrWeateta and all 01116, with the ito iieLLinlndi=l; Dada, to., we are to fill order" at laud - .• •: W. W. WALI4OII. - 819 Liberty et.. Pittebutwit: Pa; 7 .l 77: . 1 1 1 0 lclSl o ll 4 l4litf ''AND A. av o w Bean _Tangen - sum, Ptps and OatilapiW.-aM4t.tor)4. • "made to arder...2. • lava ea haadlk. ' at.sa• AO halo ;oval' la stottoary lad 81111.04.15 barralsaviatE Rol* head aetalligTaokTrire Gat& •vhic.b.imotra krir flab or .aarrantd paw • Pler , eis do., are all warraated. • - _ - . - : itedtrassarlt_ ID 'Sabato at. QT.llllfil MAMMAS litnUteso=.4lotra; adada, WM, i1ig.0111111,647514, an aadawl m a . to or d er karaatplideaa,•Wa zooid yc., • -tlealarli Unita tise iallealka of • to, sow - sad baaatiad hapaitamaat la limn Otatmoi—haid, Adapt Adjustable dadal44-itaatto tat • Ira& la Umbras" at tbseraira Mania, -Wantpia r :i .ad al toms. iag) Matt, Aram; PittibureL. *mega rev" —wow-we-Llama: IVO MILLISI2I-Anottor tuoas t , , Mum& 'Polak .104_ exma With/ Wbear, Gim!rip; and Alfa Pundethe, An Undo, tOnalhz %MUM, isitt6Soirmer trlti u ACLULlAJ'etimbovr . PiElB i334UID Vona. of obi% 11131 1 7. sib - " IWALL4OI, 4.2B4unniori, rtElltiNNllSlSATAilrilli t *64 litOCk A.N . roxiirios ad tee sae Aktiri - toirot plow_ 1111.1411111Vattiik YP A = EME