. V"- - . - 1 . • -v . ••'U ’ 'll • , ? * ■. .*•' * * *A M .' »* : -.. v ' h ,4- ( ’ f <) * •f f’, - a v ,3£; •i .0.0. i , ;• % 4« J. ’ , ’ -» ..’►..lt., « * v! 1 • r ', * , „ % J ft *'ir w. •,’(.. It t •W-V,‘ ‘•’ u •'-'i- :r t. • >,'<. ■«•<:<•■.:• • v *5gV t*4*JF >.«"»• ♦ J s 1 * .&• ‘.r "■\ ‘r ‘■‘ k> -h**, _ v i -sfo •. :■ 'nr--; ,* v l^" r ,p • J v t ‘ * , x, -> ” ; .' i • '* < , ’% *s>* • .'• • / >s . •’*. , - \ * < 'T, ' * % . ;%.■ >• ■ ? : *’') -• s •j** I **** ,• v r ' 1 - i*.^.v.v^w A - r *»«->» **r*~ -r. V -> ,' *. % j ■ •*:>- V*-- - !’ WPS'!*' 'v“lv 4 :V, » : V y/i;'. - IJ v<”K-tjt.-.?-.-* g >• ■;<; ;.; '<4 l • ;> „ ■■s, Ji-rVr, •>- N .V ~\ •#'•-!* -ri l . >l,. ;' 'j. ' H.y q pllilill • 1* 4 ; * ,V V-TV^ 4, :?■‘iTf • I \ i »*' ‘5 " ’ * * '' l w.' M • •.- .•!>. . .•fiSi;--',-.-:--*- • I'-■. <>. , /g*: 4‘45|.;4 mwbjiy HOHNmur- jtiraruar laoV Vimj, ean7tng-a-biU-wtlghtni~li'4 pound*. > ~^s o UmiiltVrHj&Si- ;■■ -V 61 tis * 4 ? 6 *kou r i y olafc 0 ’HipWftWWW* Uinit Latest from Europe—Comments on j the' west;of tho American Question. > • ■! 1 ibi werm ...... „ J Cits Bret, Aug. 9.—lhoTolloning. oddvv f , Ctpt.' o f ;lho IdrfpndMkjkM twsal «4n««•. l >Brurm*d'.}lie,‘NaVy Bprortinont oLthafacti >U>mo( Jur»,whtel> totorMptid off Una »«i^^.ttor^fe -^nU.A»!wm J »l,BS:' . point yestordny afEemood. - ■■;'.. B’.Camer 'Hprald, represented by tho Naiiau Tus city article drawl attention to paperito bfl a Britishve.yel J T b i Nnrftteeef, tho foot, that within a- short period the Uni- »sordod en wnhortrinity for the exurersion of ted State* fund* have fallen from 8(1 .to' 63(5" iubisdktioir azaiuit the al'erred ontrake^iy The Pari* eernspendent. of the London appear*.-that th*Herald;- hadteon-yanninK I6a« bailor** that tho fAmerican queitloi 1 frop Sl«e'*tt.;i6 Charleifo'ii,with warliia eup. *l. “ B C Sho.waa oonunahiled by. a pan,named Co* M afSo.ira* Lofthirly-Captiiinofrthoi ■the maitor.was.Uid.belpre prirateef ‘ieff. Bari*.: The.cha.e.rbowoyer, »«uii iu*r© pressing manner, wilbr wasoot continued within British jarisdictioQk: % 0^. ltß 6 . 40 .[ u fVob. " ■»'*.. XheitatetneDt addiUojiaUjriCOofirmf thei'Mt, ■ . /JJf J** 1 editorially continue* to point tbattho flag .iasjstematl&ally.used to °u P™ B P ectBM mcregloomy,bßt advaade secession interest*, tho such views,ahdspeaks r . : ' ‘ of the 2»urtho>n policy with continued con» fidenca. t . _ Most of the London journals allude to the financial crisis ip reitorate their „. , stnotnns upon the false financial■ policy of the government..- Even, the Star charges tho . cabinet at Washington with the mojcdeplora-' hie Ignoraneoof true eeonqmyl . ,* • The Time* argoe* thatrif (heir, position! had been, reversed, tho Americans would never' have recognised the blockade efiEngland had done, but would have broken it nnder a plea of self preservation. Some of the journals attack Arch: Bishop: Hughes for.-oertaia-revolutionary ■ remarks .. which he made in a speech in the Dublin Par* . -:"'V rv !/ LATE TEL rrROM oup. EVENUTO fUmOK-l Ghtndio affairs bod claimed fha attention, of thp Brltiih Parliament.lhe^ilnuter r ln de fending their course, asserted that they only intended to protect the ports devoted to'eom merco, and had no intention of going farther. ■ ■ / It was asserted that the French Government . addressed aolrctlar to th*Eoropean Powers . who 1 had recognised the neces sity of a European Congress to settle the . .Homan. question.: ' .IfiVljallan,Canto of Xvcina threatens to seoedotrom Switseriand, bat the Federal Beit : haddeterouned to prevent the withdrawal. - .It:-Was asserted that GaribaldaV projected expedition to Home had beep given np, The report ofa conspiracy having been dis covered at Warsaw is confirmed. Names ofthe Passengers X.ost by the . . Horning of the Golden Gate. - Ns» YoBKj Aogolt 9.—The following list .of pUß.ngsri-lost on tb, Goldsn Gste, hu been kindly furnished the press by-Allen Me* Lane, Esq., President of the Steamship Com-’ pany^ .-V' • '.v- • Jr«f—N \V. Jones, Surgeon, of the ship; Mrs; G - • Q. McMullen, lyo lu feats and snrrsQt; ihe servant' of J.Whiuiar, Jr.; H. J. DeoslaaoA Htafe; Mra- A; ■J. Greene aodinfeut; Ber. C. Keith; Mrs. O.Adame and lufem; Mr*. hortou; Dr. J. 0, BoCenen J Gal- I ; •-/. la. IkKestnl: Mrs. Wright and' colid»,Mn.U. A. 'llorr'flou; r;-Fattj«;P- bcbeneri' ; Edvard hoopkr, J. hramar. Wife and ; lnfant;' J. l>rvy; Henry GeUtung,wileaadchild. ; •« J. Forbes; G. McChwney; Mr*, r r, Levonworth and child; J. heels, wife and'- child; E- H.Fulioo and three children; Mr*. L, Babcock and infaut; J. E. Bird; Mrs. A. b tone; Mrs. J-W/Core and Infant; fi. Frances; Mrs J. o.£rigsn; J. 0 Lsn caster; It 6, Hawkins; Miss G. Barber, l Harris; .D. Long; O. Downing; J. Bhay|:M. IT. Harrison; W. Brown;- M. Massey; - A, A. Clark; J. Clark, 81. Ol»n, J.* Gamiey,-T.'W, '' Oleutt; B. Smith, B. Travers, B. Bernard, E- Bslfest. 0. Islam, T. 0. Earhy, J; WilUogbrook, A- Jackson, , -J. Baskin, G. Hoary, Michael Pierce, M Tiorce, H. . Pierce, ! 0. Byan J. hbore, H AVlakfemao» >B. B ..ri.Goodo-J, J. BradbuU, J.. Chambers, J, B- Mocre, L. .- - Bacon, P. Coddlebox, L» Carroll, A. JCefcH, J. Holm, • >. .W. Harbenr, P. Dtirbuing, G. hnwtcD.Unu-Baley.fc, Gilbert, J.D; Eber.v. Colb.p. Wilklnioo.J- Try, "•. -A. Broiler,F. Cl*ro,A.bmlib.wife and four children, ' a. Temnougb, Miss A. Chambers; EL H. HUI, A. L : Eppoa, L. Frapam, H. O. SUveas. G. W. Kinrcr, W. - tt.sweeaey. James Hewitt, John Trap, A- Potter-' . too, George U>lles, 6. P. Storms, J. Bbtridan- D- II- Prslile, G.Bantey, B. rettigrove,.!. W. Wadliog; J. ..-Meagoer, J, Drcvick, J. Crau, J. Graves, C Gillldy, D. Q< £ary, A. M. CUrU, P. V. Drocey, e-lortil,'W. D. Dariir, L. Brum, 0. Dradley. P.: U- Moran,- P. . Wabater, P. H. WtHlaina, G. featbewsoa, 0- 0. Far _■ v»n, Y. V?.-ilOQxe, P. Bowen,'John Girdona, Lewis - *'. Andrews, Hnt -Mary Clark, B. W. Heudorsoa. J. ___Broed; Mra."llaviiand, J. Gargu, T. 11. Bl&nca,' M • Avena, G. Druse. (bigsed) Fousts & Babcoos/Agents.: ■ Thy dispatoh to filr. MoLane state th&t the nepers of the steamer were lost: Mr. B. M. . mokenmer, seoond mate, is. among those ..■•.".•eaved, ''v:'.:-.. ■ Affairs is. Stifisoan* • Gt. Louib. Aug. 9.— The Pacifio Railroad Company subscribed fifteen - thousand dollars fertho suppression of tbs guerrilla operations i.inMissoun. • • • •■ •. -ri •• • ; The; recnuting oEcers-of . tho Volunteer ...• regiments are authonzsd to enliettafctt from ; . the enrolled mllitia of the State. r - , The Democrat Iqatds that the. present up ;• >N%;• rising of the rebels in Missouri is to accord ; naco with tho plan-conceived by-Qcn.' Prteo • • v /'after his dofcat_aL-Pe&Bid^e f 'when he- told hie followers to go Home, put-in their crops, : ..attend to their business until after harvest/ ‘ r and then.rise, throughout the form . guerrilla bands, and bo prepared to meet him in the fall, when he should return. '* . Tlie Skirmish- At Malvern Hi Us; ' * > • . • Caju» »i> Habuzsok'^ljahdkg,)' : , WednesdayMuroiogjAag. 6,1852. J • •'v'f ' .Hookerand Sedgwick.repossessed Malvern Bills yesterday morning. ..'lheyaarohedeif •••••j cultousJy.to the right, and approached in-the ■ '•• Tear of that position, having the enemy be-’ . . twees them and the river* -Ho may have been ■ 4,000 itroog.Tbe baUopenedwithartillory> ••:»• '-'. i* both parties throwingspherical ease ; the ea-, ;•• eoy throwing-more ana making better pfac* :. tlco than he usually does. Htsgtins were nd t> r „ meroui in proportion to hi* men* The duel • .- began.nn Kelson's farm. .I Mai . -. vern, 'and made a stand. Hare the battle raged an boar, the gunboats participating ; I :i. ..; . do.not think they were of any service, bov-i ever*; By an hoar..the.enemy..was besoming i - silent. • Soon -after we ad?aoeed,- so 6 firing . again*;-' The bayonet wu sufficient. Tbeen ■ emy djd not stand an iasuint;'&6r. fire . fie had: .bis gunaby the" •- river road,. His cavalry followed them.- His-infantry seatteredihto.sr/ - heavy body of- woods, and; taking byvpitbe; and cattle* ways/passcd throogh to that same ' river road f ahd IUinol»: charged:after, not: down.nambori, -and;eap* 1 . iV lured 40. The -woods •were-ioo-denseVot e y-* destrastire charge. BseooziDgbopelfllMlyen-.' tangled io tbewoodymesbeflj.thej.werecdm .•; r-psllad ■ tcrdraw' refn. battle; ;• -If thedertgn waxto- cap tare the -enemy A n 1 Nevertheless. ■gjoßM^B^rtaht;: ; :'Wer sgiiff'* a iT ;mou4*-s;,Tre , caX*tured^ fifty,jpvlwpWaf those ? : . ■ iarking withln-our Jinca ;. we hooted out ••of ... r i ;• . the'woods five-times tbai>number;:kiHedand J ■ wounded sixty that * are -in; oar.'jhffbd^l'afld* , doubtless bare given the enemy a good seared: He probably.waa wtounded at.aach.audacity : : Qoxloas will reach 40 hiUod-ahd ‘wounded.', 1 We piflketed last uightnearly 'or' quite to. White. Oak Swatupij.bd'4 some .distance, op the .Tue mtn ore immensely elated at regaining oidbattie AcUsk • ■ Washington Special Dispatches. BICHa&Ii OOeXEBD 4 S&IQiDIKB. • Richard Sustesd, of Hew-York; bos been appointed Brigadier General of Volunteers;to report -for duty to. Gov* Morgan. ' Surveyor' Andrews end Aid. Dayton arrived here'this* morning* and ashed for the appointment apon' - public ground an well a# because of Mr.Bde iteed'f .able and fearless denunciation of the . rebellion slnceits inception.' IThe President- And Secretary of War, rocognUiog the. lojrat devotion of. Alr. Buiteed lo th* Government, and bis poblic usefulness* at once ordered bis . appointment to be-made. Gon. - BaitOed'ff Hold of labor will for the present be confined *to recruiting metier* in hew. York. ■. hecruhiho «r rKrnsrtTiwiA. . ■■! •*. The Hen. Edward MoPherson,.of- Adams i : count;, Pa./ is hero. : His distriot bat raised i .its foil quota of volunteers, and will also avoid, i . axosorl to a draft by voluntarily fillipg.api the quota uodertho drafting o?dor». Mo- j Pberson . expresses tho opinion-that with a I short extension of.time Pennsylvania would i - fill her quota under both - ; ,v. ;• . .' THE JurAEJUASPCATKB.— _ - Ihs President wont down to ihetfaVy Yard this afwtueon/ln company with ;gres, PostmasterJ&iocoln, of ,BroakJyn,aod , other gflQtlemsn*'-tO‘witness a trial of tbe Ra* r/ael repeater, arnew tlflo attractlngmuch at- ; - tetttlon The President spent two hoars in witnessing the’experiment)!* .which, were every way successful. While, waiting for ?in f -- experiment the President - entertained - tbe party with soma Interesting explanatlonS/Ot his speech yesterday/ explaining. 4s.far.ea. it' (I possible tp explAta# tkerblowm -of;4h»' spring and snmmer-campeSga-in Cnpt. PiblgreD' exhibited-on* of hi*ntw.lf- ~ - > Si;- .’iiil-’-Af Tr fEABHIG^KEWa Large Federal Force At AcqoiaCreek. o Abetter rcoaiyed this morning by a Booth street firm in this city, from the captain of a .ecbooner.on the Potomac, states that General Barssidelanded at Acquia Creek night he fore lastwlth: alargelorce.’ * .. The captain who sonde th>s news officiated -4B |iilot^or-BarnsldeB. ; - It is khowh tbnt -BurnsideY"division was - embarked on-board of transports in'Hampthn Hoads on Saturdayliost; and Hhat some im portant movement i was in progress.—. Veto t r COMMEBGML BECOJII). PITTSBURGH MAKKETB. , .;-1 [SeperpatpeeiangfcrfhapiUtburgkO^gttt^}' BannoATs Angust 9 -•The general ‘market - cos • tlotuadnll and neglected; with ’ no- new feature in aoy ofthe leading articles worthy 1 of etpedai notice.- The demand generally appear* to be entirely local and the tranewtloni, ’coneequeutly, are of oaimpor unt'ihsra«er..' ‘ ■ PLODS—The demand far Floor toalmoetcaUrely. Jocal. bat pricca are flan and‘fiily. maintained. . The .raireht iiatei from store ar* $4,5’@4,C0 for Extra -s6>j£sAsAad $5,25.ftE Extra Family. Bye Floor nominal at. $3,00Lt.-.i. , GBOCEBIEB—Tb4 grocery market continues quiet bttt prtoMrTOuOnflm.- Balead S bbdi Cuba' sugar wittej'4 hhdi'H.'O.at at and 15dofdoat-23>$c;M3 10 bbls prims Kew Orleans 'Molasscs^athic.''''’.. \ bat unchanged. J . We quote ihoul den .jialn-eanvaie ed at and sugar cured at 10c. - Bala or a. cts plate hame (common) at Tc; 2000 lbs do do prime at andltCO jbs.clear'country'siHes aM)^c. . OATS—firm and In’ dKniDijV'galo' of 20* bosh from «tonatAtc;-i()OdO at Ssc and and 600 do at ST. with eatee of SO boxes W. B. at SO do do at Tc and2o boxes Hamburg at • GBEES FBUlT—Salea'of 20 bble-applee at |' > 1 < per bblandSObush'Peachea'at Irwm j 1,50 to $3,00 - per bush according to gualiiy.'..... BEFIHED OlL—unchanged. Sab ef 30 bbla Vo. I'ktSS.peredloo... -i: TVBlB&Y—ealeof lObble common at Sle.per gaL DBIED APPLES-aalo of 76 troth at 4e per pound. Fhiladelphia filoney Market. August A—The market fba-gold opened very Weak lbismornibg at about tha dotlngratvof yeaterday.- Tboofferinge were large,andfrom IISW it soon de clined io 111 rallyisg up to aud doaing at that figure; thoa .b wie heard a few bids at a alight advance.of rates- The general impmion/on' the lueet U thit. a iurtber declino will be iMCUed to-morrow, aja.the prop* of the high ratee have td ral ly fallen' avsy.’ hot*Gware’hiard'to declare that gold, will sooa be only five per cent and ere aenl promising-couaitlon of thing* at home and abroad continue such will usdoubtedly be the ; feet. Toe great amount of currency pat upon the mirket (though. In reality, clrcumataocee* since the last -bareproved that irwas needed) by Secretary Cbaae wsa made tbecatspaw-of speculators;' but'noW that wo find that Issue totally absorbed by the -wants of tbe.country, and more clamored for, the true rela .tlve position of gold end paper fe found, and the tre mendou* over supply.ofiepU tenders- enda-la the simple feet tbat weneed more of them. Glddamasda were steady at an advance lOSWcbelag paid freely for. them. - oUvcndeblined to 7- per cent premium. .Certificates of .indebtedness advaneedto p-j wltb a short supply. - Money piepty.at 4 percsot on call, . and from 6 to oc.oo good coijaferala. FosmasDnt Goone .following is the comparative sutement of imports of foreign dry goods at the port of Hew York for the week ending AugustT, and sinco January l: Fijr tie week.- - -1660. IBGI- 1862. Entered at theport- Thrown on market. 2,711,677 368,760 hUe^Janucrgl: Bat'd at the port 532,070,173 Thrown on ilk't 63,849,463 23,808,067 36,876.322, ■ The imports for tfis week are larger than was gen erally Jobbenrara not disposed to bu/et tbs praant high quotations until ooeolutely com pelled by the-.damud Jrom their cost Omen. - The advance fe so great that they are decided to wait aad. .see how the market bem tb« high- prices. The -only article .that is selling fnety is rlbboos; there is a fair demand Jot tbemat tbe of-impou ers—Jf. Y/ World. _ CBZCicojjTuiPft, SUwur, August A—Beeaived, 9)0 J bblit ih'pped liMi bbis. lUrkrt (lm— «y»-f 10Q bbis PeerfeM choice spring extra at l4l bbUU*» extt»«i|4,«oriWbbl*Priß»too Eagle U l*A0» 100 bbis Cottage it fioulbli BartlettV extra at *4,63; UXthbls-klsck-hswk st $4.62; lonic at $4,65;. 83 bbUJenkins at $6,60; 9i bbls PfeoilogmC lUObbb AnadU vlburtopar IOObLU CiU’4 Excelsior .acting extra at fi?°» .'6bblica»Ue cholc* .white wtoter it $6,80; IOCT bbu Jonesboro at $6;76; feMT-bbto GUlwpie at ts&>, 100 bbhUfhlord spring super at $3,20; fitebbls Metropolian whit* winter oup.e. .-■'•/• V -> August 3.~Oorm»~Tbs* to scarce!/ any inquiry torßiojacununk print*,bo*.holders show no dis position to sake concessions. . Common and tole Bio are held it 31&J13£« good to prime do at 22^22 Jdc; ondJaraat Sfoparlb, &tockof Bio'io tlrit hands 16,009 bagr.dfotberdeaertpWons the stock' to rsrj UnrfUd.>-<\£ |v•' ' tv! -i-v * - laa elite aodunebiogad.: Wequoto as fellows ris; mess ;pork .*H: "“iP P« bbU . Beef—Baltimore 2, ahd f meti’sl4,6ool3 per bblr Bacon— -Shoulders 4J£@4J£c sides 6%c; phun hams &£@7c, tugaraUdfrocydoS<yjanr lb. Bulk- &*t— Sbeblderslc; aides 6c,. and jbaas-6c per lb. West«rniQbb!saa4ti«rbßs t: locperl&.... / 1 f.'? I import® bj'ttailroad. / Pimkcaos. 'Tr.'' 5 Watks A Csicaoo Bahjwad Atxiust bblswhiiky, H "W Beelsy; 1 bbl tm Bonham A Ftoaoegur, 86 sks rtgs/EB Godfrey; ie>o hides,* G N Hoflktott; 46 bdls ipjXcr,rtcpJF Be/; 60 dO l 4o2tyr. £Jterfeop* : i j j x • • 'f v:>.*; 1' >•.• .. , ; GirTiL*jn» * PittftSFMa Bathos n. Auguit dUgallohs stoneware, W A fiosatben;J kbit pears. inojHertwrt; 10 pcs'ihU*rptpe,Ma«r* j ßebfa*oa; 40 oilbbtoArdes^odlco; ••JpvßksbxkCf;KßAOP- Karkb? 120 efcs wheat, Hitchcock* McCreery A co; 13 bbls apples* Edgortoa A Stewart; 3 do do JasA Fstmsluuoil bbis, J 0 Hhstettcri 104 .do do £ V, Beai; U bbds baas, liHVoigt A co; 10 bales ’bops; WbttoAhroe; ..; r» n PROPOSALS, XJOTlGJB.—'Proposal* fromi)6aldrs and •LlilHlert otainTlied ilil tbe' 12ruDAYOr AUdOoT,]B62* ferltarnhbiflg Floarto the Babatit* flnceDepartotnt, efabeeama ’kind which fane bwo v -received bjr-tbe Untfad,.iUl*t6e Oonromaol, and aa No; 1 Kaira. itManpleaof this flour can be aeon at tbe Capitol 'Bakery, la ihledty. • / ' -iliadaalnd to make » contract fit 2o,ooo barrel*. Pbonld,however* aoj perwm d<*ire to a Um «ni ataxe the pr*d«e number of barrel* •Tboccottactorwm.borfqulrtd to /brnUhattbe rat* of abom^iO-barrel* daily, nati ihe contract la ailed. , . , i No be received which doee not coxsenp to tbo itatjotfd *Vtb* Ooraraiaeat IntprcUun, mad* Jtttt before tbe pufebake. • • • %" Tbe!liour to bfdaUvtredai tbe Beilroaa'Depot ia Waabiaruin/or on* 0/ the varebonaee ta.Qeoige*. lowo,D tft: /. /, ..•• . >■ ~v j . : <■. Thq f four to be jfet up In new berre a. -•tfovermnent roiarreatfao-rjgbt' to reject any bid tot any propercame. < - a »o bide MiU.be received from contractor who bore - prarfouiy fufod to comply with tboirMmtrae*. Bidden .moil be present in purveo to respond to tbetrblde; r . /Yha Mtb of aUegiasce moat «ecopany each bid. - rTircoe making bide abonld :i;tate tbeaatnee of all tbe panlea interfered.- •, Payment* t 4 be made fa Treason Noles, and tbe bl 4» to;bedlweieHo. < *Oo», A. BtC&WJTiX/A. Or C., and Q^£. t y,-S. n. U.,V and «u<; flowedt'FropoaaUforrloor/' ...■ r . jaWtd Xf;OTiOB, TO PKOPEUTY7.HOLIK •Ll‘.K&& Uf.T&R OUT OF FITTBBE&OiL*-AU tnoso; . hayo, walectad to pal tbe fourth ln«tall* pant, o( their grading aad jGjng Aesemmeniftre % Su£^M, h ■ .-■• 1 » OKUsUISW bUUAa;, • ■ .01/ 86 -.40 . A Coffoe : do; 25 r de B do ' rf o ! / ID do '-granulated do, in atoreauditoreale-bjr-:: W.«. {JOBMLT. ■ /mbfc'tflS*—so boxcopnmo- Ahittlffg V/CbetneJastrecatradudfarWabi ' > . * » -‘J}Q£K&XPALZXM,4OO a , ao3 ; .y : .... ~ ...tftxSfll Llhertyatwet. jpUUJWtUVUUJA UtfpeafcM V*/BtIMCBiUrV Tool* for mlecv ■ •*'lb3' i ■ •-■■-/ :BmrK J-TKTIBY.-W WanA yt, Atoom BtTOii , Mb-MurtHi, y BOWS »,WHT, IK ; /'Yai l ti*rsiOW jMiaij. ptliMyio stan sod VWof AUegbeoy .county,-.. : jalfcto -,-iS'i'KRiT JI. .; Uottstt wUT bea«kadU4tb‘'for bominattsa JoUieoOceof DistrictAttoru«7YJsl• grS'UlSTJßlCl'A'f^'OKNlii;—rtieuri: dirtlgnW*riftbe*c*alic4o SomltutibcObQTCDtioo.' MARSHALL acaWABTZWSLDSIL:• IV^JJISTKICT * ,'Kturijriucft will be e rapfljdef fa? so aloe* tfop before' tbe next Hotalaetlas RepttbHcan-Qomitr dogrepWoti/'* l .' J »pT6:ie -rJvvrnux Baautt, trtU b» * taodldsto*fbr tb« Above oOso,‘wfyec* to the decitfcn of the ItopabUcaa Oowttf Go&*sattoti;‘ Jnl&to , ; - - ._■■ ~ -fi' 1; ,. : ... O*>FOK 00«MlB81UMSik— Bosbbt SlcC&tsa, ofFtaUej township, wfllbe* can* ttidita for Oonotjr ComolMlaner.iuhJect: to tbs de cfeloa-of the Bepnblkan County Cboreotipin oygfcto’-." , l ( CUAUiiaoiOWiilt— .'W .Joxataas .NmT'Of Lovtr Btv CUlr, will be •upported tor County Coiamlfiioner, before the. fee* pabifctn Poanty OenTMtlco. 1 . "» 'V ; as7:tc ' |Tj?’l'UK SUAI'K SKNATli—JittKt LI paan*»». of.. Allegheny City. The fricndi sl jAMt»L.QKAxuM willpreiahla nomination'fof State' IT^FVK.»'m'Js_afiNAl v Js;rrßoßittt, t l ®; • Axr&tt, Sk).,; of Pitt towhabip,’wjbbe a' candidate ft* Che Bute Senate, before' tne next 1 Be* pobllcao OgOTtatton.:: -• * ■•'■■:•'>' -? .-•i*ty»gp{tc' •■ BkK'aTK—The Winds of ' Hon, B; Hk Xuaa *Ol prebent hi* name «s a 1 candidate for r*nomination to. the Btat® Senate, at the nejUlUpqbUeen OooTen'toa... ■ 1 ans}»c .. >rS»oTATK BJiNATE. —K UGahui la a candidate for the BepabUcaa oamtheitoo. for the Bute Benate. - eo&te a TIUI.VII 04 ts.: r>BQUiiw«. Circular*, riving prtom end description of Me> chine#, fhrsiined gratis, on appllcatieolnpareoi or by Utter. Every Machine warranted to three year*. - apfcvaT - WM.BUMNER A CO. gEWIMi MAUtU-MSP. - ' : " WILLIAM! A OBVI6* uheqoalled doable thmd 125 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. Salesroom, 80. 12 FIFTH BTBEIT, PmSBUBGB, Fa. These Machines will do ail kinds of vork. and are warranted and kept in repair om rear without an/ charge. • ■ LiLUt, 6TBAXV A 00., Agents. SPECIAL NOTICE. ' Let the pnblfc b* perfectly assured that tber mar bn/ and nee WILLUMB AOBVDJ* MACHINE with as modi impnnit/as ma/ in msrtetruotwitb ■ standing the gross tnisststena&ts parporting to sm* •. anate from the Grover A Baker dewing Cow aadotbete. The Meadf stopping peno&s Anna nstng . these machines, when the/ cannot stop ns from eeli* ing them, to prepostewons. This Mechice Wie psb anted feb. li, IHSL~ Wtpnmitt to rgeant amp pwmm milk a Bwriep ifacStee who can polntont ose/ai>o ease where a person to whoa we hart'sold a Mp/kfot have been teoli/ stopped from wing it. or have bad topa/toin/.pvtr. AQBHTB m/24 LILLET, STBAIHACO. TWKNTY-TBIBD LIST OP'APFtI CATIONS TOk SELLING LIQUOBB, Had in tboQetk'sfifllcenpto Angwtith*l«3:' , Bnch J. tiTern, fitb ward. Pittetnrgk; Berkowiu Lewis»otber goodi, Bth Wftra,F»l'ib'gb; Grtmab W.T., do, .Union Wwnsblp, OtxnnlDgbea John, do, 2d irard, Plttsb’ah; Deris Winnifitd, tsrrni. 2d do; do; BeaoPatsr,i> ...1 -do; -«d do, ; do;: . EdgsrJob®,Ag’ttfDtbsrgoedvat div ,• - do; -- Elder Samoelr.taTfra, Wilkins township* --i ... , EoerbardtOozfrad,M4ng boute, Beserieip: .. *'Feem John, olhsr goods, Ttb-ward, Pitumngb;' Gains Uicbsel, .uvsrn, 9tb : dey v. do; > - Oran Georgs, - . do, . Pawn township; i. GUg.Peter, ,* . • do, . 'Kancbestsr; . ' ' Handel Hennas, / ' do, 4th ward, AHeghetjv; SebastUo; eating bouse, Dnqnesae;' ' ; Jo/c*Joha* - do, 'Bd ward; Ftttsb'gb; f Klein Christ., tarern, 3d ; dd;:- ' Lsveke B. A*,., . , do, * . Lehman William; eating bonte, Bseini tm . KcAtoe'Segb, tarern, TeDperssogrille; f Bbanm WUilim, other goods, MdKeksport; - Stratton Georgvtereni, Pitt'tc^nswp;;. Tyler/. T., do, £tb ward, PlUsbttrgb; _ Tragsasoriobn. . do, Birmingham:. - WeUs Jfoeiab, eating house, lst ward,TllUlmrEb; / Stewart Wellington* tarern, Elisabeth tp; : / Carr Bn. A Co., other goods, ttAwstd/BimVib; The Cohn. Will meet on l&ib, 16SL at 10 o'clock, to act on the sfimw eaaua. • acSdtd , W, AiHEEBOH^CkrA,:: X/, and Anls.<- s ' DcWrejr Bpgt. . . . . | ' Dmfrof Tors. Clrthss, Ae. , Deefrsy pw»Mnigeltoes ana Fleas. ‘ • . Plants and Fowls, Dmfrpp gewr-r-Iceecta on Animals, AO. ,;;; Costar’i Set, Boaeh, *o„ ■/ -■ i'■ I / Znsßninator: Bed-bag Exterminator; 1 Sleotrio Powder for I&ieetf. . >"'-*an ■ • ri - c r ‘ONLY INFALLIBLE BIHEDIIS KNOWN,” **fh» tom Fotama.” • ' **Kpt daojerptu to the Ilamaa Family**’ - "Bata do not die on tbe premiece." "They coma otu of tbelr boUa todiK^ t > Bota e^r^her^tiTMil -WkoluaUDHoffUti la tt* Ivge cllM, and VnvgUU, Oroetrh ikftktnm*,. and Xdafar f deoer*'!?, m all eotsatry toviu aad tfl* Isnaio tfc* United flratee. - / • ■ i, % B. tßLlstßS* 00. Moi B. A* FAQSEBTOOK ff CO.t priuclpa) wholesale and retail-ideal* la Pitaborgb, fa. - WOotatry Oealtnees order as address orders direct, {or for prlcee, term* to.;) to'' ’ / . :' BFHK'TU. COBTAB, ' 'jelflJadawT. Vo Broeriwayffiew Tori. I lißAii VVuitKH BoCOEMCK, GIBSOB & CO., UANOPACTCSEBS OJT Lead Pipe, ■■■•■ Sheet Lead And Bar Lead. ;' ALSO DSALEBS IN Pig Lead, Patent Shot and . . Block Tin. ' -V,' ■ . j . ,Y \ -j-’"' ;i' r . : .HOTB fiTUCr.EUTWIIM IXAW ' . Belog «xd osltvjp Id tba Leod Tndo»'*r* c*a fertUsh lb* abora to batter idTsaUM to DulcUj *nd oft ttmt-tarma, tfcaa ego ba bad atewbor* '•pßtflm ■■ /■ - v-. IAttBON,, UJii—.HO bblA oa.oqoiign*; r -B»»Bya. oottTWu seataM rortnb'fcy ii&l td ’ uahdwakk 'amu ctmataVr* JJI tool ii toitmu fbr «tf» WwbyV^-.'T'"' I:• , .■■■ _ i fTAKE NO MORE ON PLEASANT X AND CN’SAFS SfStiTCfKfiH.'— For unpleasant ‘Mi 4*oJt*r.‘oi userrffllLaißOED’iv KX- which, has the endorse mentof the most promioeot-physiciaos (o the LJoiu«) •ntalee, ,h opw.offersd to.en afflicted hunuuity as • certain cu»,for j the-ii4JdWieg cud eymptoau Originating from (UaeiSM and'abu**- " f ih* UriOATJ or sexual Organs: General-Debility Mental and ■ Depression, Imbecility, Peteraitilsiioß ol BfeMtotbaHead.OQUfuKnl 2&ns, Hj« wl«i General ttestlcssnesiaod fflcspje«»i'cv at Ni&ht, Absence of Maaealar Efficiency, Lumol Appetite, Dyspepsia, Kmtciatloa. Lost Spirits. Disorganise •ti&a or Paralysis of the Organ* o/o«uier»iiou, Palpi tation otitis Heart, add iafectall tlw-eoocomitants -■•f a nervous and deblllUted state of tin- ■i«ieni ' To insure tbe genuine,"rut "ibis «»k Ask lor Ho Untold's. i. Tske do other.., Oort* guaranteed! floohdeeftfsotoeut la I ,Another column- ■»i'29:dAwl‘ HAPPINESS OR MISERY? Tiiatic *o*QciiTto.-.Tha(Proprl*iuihol Ibt- “fAlt. iaiAtr xjabinbt t)r 'WoaDKKs,- anatomy mod UKD10IH&” tuTO-datermlniHl, frgaitileas of expense, to fane, free, (for the benviD of suffering Humanity,) f,urof their moat instructive »ud * estlug Lector* on Marring" *ud its Disqualifications, •Nstfous Debility, Premature J;cc!i «• «•! Huubood, IndtgeaUon,'Weakaeaaor, Depreaikion, Lc«iof Enur* O' and YUal Povere, tb«* ablv.located far mining, and m»y|aiao bi told to gether with tbeeurieceJand aboveidiwcriVed, or «rp ar tf,ln dlatloct tracts or parcel*.. . ' Teen*—Oo*thlrd of tbe purebate m«my to be peld at tbe oooflrmation off tbe sal*, aud tbe re i melnder in .two equal anneal payment* thereafter, with Inter it from tae date of told iuuQrm>ttonJ J.,B.UuBaIBON, Axecutor, 161 Fourth'street, Pittsburgh, Pa, OUPEHIOR BUILDING LoTd FUIV OSALE,—The underiigned offen for *aJe, oa rea joneble term*, som*of ibe choicest ipota lor build* Jug purpose* that ar* to be found Around Pittsburgh. .They an' situated within one bundled yard* of tie trrainuof Ue Oeutre Atsou* HorwKal'wmjr, and are beautiful locations far prime dwellings. Tbs. scenery and. fTerythiag rebates them «tr«malj d»- suable far any doe wauling to locate cuialde oi the city limits, abd at the same time si* near *re the/ that eomibo&lcation can bebed vlib the city at all boor*.: Lota fromjone-fourth of an acre cowards. Also, soma Western Lands, situated in Jcnra, aiin* neeOta and Wisconsin. , : ~ Also, several amall lots in ttinemllle, ft 5250 feet. The above property will ke sold on accommodating tern*. Inquire oh JOHN BEliBuN, center Sixth! and w ood streets. Or, WU. A. ULUhuN, CWk’s Office, Court House. UiSbi.ifcAiSJLE. PKOP&iU ) : KU-tt HALE.—Two two-story brfoL ,d .* ■ uin#*, sup* piled with water and* gas; lota each i>j 15u K«*t,' situated on Ikmth avenue, AUegMby cliy. / A building partly finished, With *tou* bW< meat, eu acre and a quarter of, grotiod; -Uouted on Woods’ Ann,a short dlstanoe from the iiancbsaftr i’assenger and Ft. W. AC. Ballroada, irfu* *ii»wfcle for msno&eturing purposes. ; * Also, a- tom ofluO acres, six and * halt miles from the dtj’, end one and a quarter miles trem Court, osy’s Station, P. Ft. W. A C. B. 8., with a .■Orchard 01. 6W trees, a prater; power Ou-V filiii, t«-o Bouses, and other Improvements, 6fly/in« •JfSTa-i, . balance timber. '• / For further particular* Inquired/ 6A£i’L PY£li, €1 : Federal at/. Alii gbcnj , an2fi . , or 3i15 Liberty , Pimhutgii TjtXfc,CU iOKiS'. Thounder signed* Execuiors'of\be Isie Col, Leopold fwbl, wit. sapoeeto Public Sole, on JlO.NbAti «ogust lUb, at 10 o’clock Skim, and during the ahole u*y, attbabornUrof Market and Secood •trwis, cliy of Pittsburgh,-and sell to the highest and U- Exeeutors. aafclw /HP IIUkLIEB. j iruA tiALB, / ABOUT EIGHT HOIIfS FOWt.i * IB QOOP OHUEU. WILL BE flOhb CHEAP, Pi>E CASH, ,Enquire st tbs GAZETTE 0//ICE. / / tsltdt;' . ' ' gjftb street. abo^Rmiibsisia. P tolUivfiOJS ON t*K.NN D'inmx XwTpE SALE.—A tbroerstor/ briik dwelling, with ten rooms, lot 90x110. inoneof the best aqaarcs on Psnn street, 01 In good order. Prlcw only 84,600 —glfCOO cash and balance iniflreequal anonal pay ments. - Pamesslon at any tlma. / Inquire .of B. McLAiN A CO., mrahtf i ;,to2ronrth street. TO LET. Ti LET.—A twouTmuhod uad oomfartablyfUniisbea Store on Market, between. Third and Fourth stmta. Alongßoot&tflttedopfotJeecbool, abdbereUforr oocopied by Hr. Armyw Academy for. youug ladiea. Also, Nmaon's Ambrotype Dooms, corner of Third and Market streets. • .1 Also, sererml Booths suitable far offices. . Beat vary low, to suit the times. ‘f E. D. oAzZaH. • aplttf eornsa Third and Market rtnwta. 'Lxm WiNT UK bALbJ.—A UUUtiB JU ooDtatalur ala* rooms abd dollar, together with THIBTT-THEEE ACBJSfI Of LAND.iwUhln one- cf Baysrille Station, fcr 8100 per "i Aba, A HEW HOUSE, containing fi*o rocui, cel* Ur and gamt, on Chartism rtroeVTint Hard, Allr- Sbeny, tor 810 per month. | -c? For fartbm particular* enqnlra of j _ i/ AB'Jl PATTEBbON^ Or,of Oapti BATS, j ’ • at HaysTiiU'Staflon. IAUt BAJUK UK KiSfi'l—AD UU Kf J 7 finery, in compute arderi Apply to . . BOBT. ABTUUftS, < mb&dtf Alt'/at Law; No. 126 Fourth et. rjIAXBTCAKE OP YOUR HEALTH, BOY MULTOBD'S CBEAkI SALEBATUb. Made from common salt; It is perfectly healthy and pum, and will make batter, lighter and more healthy' cpokwg than any other Saleratnd in thewoxid. Itb perfectly free frwa all'impurities, and;tmparts • cream*like Oavor to the foad.; Please gUo it one trial. If ydor grocer baa aot got it tell mm to get it for y«a.~-For Mto whotoaalo and retail ati &OBEBT U. JACK'S;' ; apQrfmfeawwa MoAlandJDiamond. Booth and shoeb at 89 mar. KET AT THE pBICKSn- Lediea Ehg. Lasting Bed Gaiters It /JO, worth BJ.W -I'* 4 ? , 1,86*1 “ : 1,75 •• .. > 7-11 r.i:« «: L IfiO \ u 8,00 “ Una Ft. Morocao Baal Boots 1,37 “ i,tisi i. .* Goat Ceagrsca*' .«. 1,37 s “ |,T5' *' “ Morocco Suppers 60,. “ , .75 “ “Kid | 76 L“ I,W. ALL OIHKB GOODS ia PBOFOn'riON. JAMES KOBB, j HO. W MAtIKr.T stbeut: A CAKD.—We would respoctfull; in duL fonz\ aqd the public .tbkt. w« Have tusf feoelved. and sire uow opening, one of the largest •ud bertheloacd 'Btorki ol DBCG3, CUEaiICAL>. PAINTS, OILS, BYE STUFFS, PEBFUAIKUY end FANOTi ABZIULES, Ao.;Ae>, to be found 1n tbt 'city, which.wo are ptayared to sell iD qoduritid to suit cuitoaers, at low ugurei, uur ouflro stock bviug boogbl tor cash from first hands. - , t «A. woof,lMS’ A 'WALLACK.' DUGAKAND MOLibSt:?, NLwc'uor. V, Q. otuarfl, " -..160 dd torfoßicoftud QaW» ■ <)«»; 'JSO liMr-M.-p; ftlulAMoi« uow crop; : 100 do r«aa»g*llifl futnlturo of dirt, BUla« f aad;}U light »cratccef» and jiulUh i», no utO'tlUUn Win rcmarbabe l-cauxj. JJyldby ah th* principal DniggUt* In tb®Cnlrod BU'«, fal - : ‘tllrf&E A Uaq' fkctar rt. ' wVVKiTZhH CUliLb&l!it-»3 cai&bomor* O lira flwaiucr Oheen noafrad this 77nowlandmgfrom Lritwair Express and for Ala br: r jli3o IfIAUUDICggY^QO. K^ACH^JS,<-TI& t UOU/ibluiiAOOQ .Uax2»; i U• : . 60.0J0 .do Sbomldtrsii • '«pf>!» , Wy-*^ ,, yjawr“-'^' r^B., .oAiiyncr«nr IKUtSIi BUUM oil tisxrei »iie, lur , BOWK A ZRuPir. • I ‘ : ' iU - . EDVC^tTIOJTM. XJORMAL SCHOOL—HiTVTLLIAMS hu openedi-KOItDAirSCHOOL at K(>. 27 6,. Clali atreet. Third story. ’! Te*timO*f qf - Ttaduri : He is the counsellor of the Teachers, the ns»n tO whom aUcf us look for edvjce and Idstruction. ■ • JOHN If; WOLCOTT.' I co&cur most heartily-with the-above. LEONARD H. EATON., I chwrftilly enneur in the opinion expressed abovA W. B. FBEW. I take pleasure in giving it as mjioplnian that the ioregoiog recommendation is tolly merited. . ' A.BUBTT. I know of uo ona who deeervee higher testimony la bistovor. It: N. A VERY. I fully cuocor in the above roeommendation. D. DENNISON. Be can prepare pnpila for the High School quicker than any ether teacher in this city. A.T. DOUTHETT. Tcaus—Bl per week, in advance. - auftttWwd HOTELS. pRENCffS HOTEL, OB TBS EV&OfEAN thAS, CITY or NEW TONE. SINGLE BOOMS FIFTY GENTS PEB DAT Oit§ QaH eonur Froaiftri fitresL (OppotlU City Hall.) SVHeals as they may be ordered' In the spacious le&ctory. There is a Barber's Shop and Bath Boems attached ) the Hetel *»“B©w»reef BCNNBBfI *nd HACKMIN who kjr w« «x® fall. ctCMljll B. FBENOH, hoquitoa American house,' boston, u tbs largest and best arranged Hofei Id the New England States; is centrally located, and ewf of ac cess from all the routes of travel. Ulcootaias all the modern Improvements, and every convenience for the comfort and accommodation of: the traveling.pabUc. The sleeping rooms are targe and* veil ventilated;' the suite* of rooms are veil arranged* and completely famished for fomQleeand.large traveling parties,and the house .will continue to be kept;aes first cites hotel in every respect. Jattltlyd LEWIS BICE, Proprietor. JtiMSCELMnMJITEO VB. MISSOURI, / The Hannibal and "6t. Joseph &. IL Co. hare for sale OVta 600, c00 ACHES of the best PBAIBIE AND TLUDEB FARMING LAND IN THE WEST, at low price*, on tea yean’xredlt, atflveper cent, Interest. Twenty per cent/le deducted for toll payment in cash, or to the Land' Bonds of the Com* pany, iaie» at par* If payment Is made within two' years from date of purchase, with interest. At pise* out, the market pries of those bonds is from to to 00 per cent, below par, whicb/afforde as extraordinary opportunity to boy any of the Company’s lands de sired, very mneb below real value. A FBKS XBIP TlOiaVr Is given ts Land Boyers, and they are charged only half freight ou all build ing materials wanted from Hannibal fur first im provements on land bought of the Com pany. Inducements to emigrate to Northern H'eeoari, briefly stated, are as follows i A mild, healthy climate, rich soil; cheap lands, the productions ofwhich pay for them, ezpeUaesand improvements too, moch .within, the limit of.crodit given; a larger variety of staple'productions,’ embra cing all cereals, Hemp* tobacco. Chinos sugar cane In perfection, Irish and sweat potatoes, choicer fruit, tndodlng grapes for wine, and peaches, than any other Region farther south or Dorth;'pQre ; water, Umber, wood, coal, lime, ftps building rock; clay for brick, and sand for movtar, are abundant and ooare olehtly distributed; its prairies are reedy for tbe plow, a spring emigrant can plant “sod oorn” in tbe Utter pan of Jane, and gather a valuable crop In the succeeding autamn for fattening greet quantities of beeves and hogs; It is only neceoary to buy land enough for buildings, yards, orchards; vineyards and crops It be enclosed, as pralriee enpply any quantity of excellent her free of other cost than cutting abiT ■tacking, which Is done with improved mowers and. rakes at less than one dollar per ton/and as .fodder ing Is confined to three mouths and 'lues, but little bay, comparatively. Is needed; beet of open pastor age, costing nothing, neither Interest nor taxes, en abling tbe stock-raiser or wool-grower to keep horses and moles by the score, herds of cattle and swtn# by tb« hundreds, and flocks of eb«*p' by the thousands; all the markets are accessible by telegraph, rail and water, and'thc local cash demand for wool, hemp, to bacco, horses, moles, fat bogs', cattle'and sheep, to export, ts ample for the supply. All thee# advan tages are within three days T travel of any Atlantic city, for less than $26 lars. fehall such immense ra* sources itmain ouimprurod 2 ' . Mmouri it loyal t "geewien Ujloytdout!'' It is now perfectly safe to emigrate to Northern Missouri, and the loya, are golpg. It will soon be a free State Opposers concede it, and tbe highest controlling in • teresta of tbe state demand it. Loyal slaveholders unite with Dnlon-hmng citileaa in boldly advoca ting emancipation, as advised by the rreeident ami approved by Congress. •. COLONIZATION. Emigrants-' settling in colonies, will contribute greatiy to cash otberfe advantage. Large ami choice bodies of.land offered. furnish them every facility. Tocolohixe sueceofolly, co-operation Is necessary, easy and practical by a little concerted action. Nsw fc .(As lime for multitudes, with prudent fore thought and action, to secure, with little money, rich farms and happy homes, which most rapidly In crease In value, tor themselves and their posterity. capitalists, and othe&b, Can now, with little money, and perfect sodurity to themselves, assist their more destitute but indastri 'cos and capable friends to acquire, in a little time, valuable forms and pleasant homesteads. The land wiu abundantly eecuroths requisite advance, and Its prolific .-.redactions will soon enable the emigrant to cancel the loan and intenet. Pamphlets containing'• skeleton maps, showing geographical position, railroad connections, and giv ing foil Information, are aeutgratts. Let all wishing to enlist their friends to emigrate with them', apply for all they want to circulate. Co-operation in. this way will be of mutual advantage to all. Apply to, or address GSOfiGS 8. HABBIfI, Land Agent Han. A St. Jos Bailrcad Company, i& CITY EXCHANGE, Beaton, Hass. Or, JOSEPH HUNT, Lend Commissioner, Jelfc&adawT HANNIBAL, Mo. JgAILEY, FARRELL & CO. PLtJMBEBE, GA6 AND UTXAM FITTEBO, IS9 tqv »ro Shut, Rut Sansnujt. TANKS AND AQITATOBS, for v tUflntriee, lined io the noet duritbl meoner. Boqsm fitted qp with hot asd col water to tbe beet «jle, with all tfc modern Improvement*. In BATBf WASH ST An BB,CLOSETS, SIB KO, f A Iftrgs uortmoat of motuUla «Iw.„ on hud •ad for mJo oa nwosabla torai. 1 j B jq 1862. MoCOKD 4 CO. 1862. HATS, CAPS, BTBAW GOODS. BOSKETS AND SHAKEN BOODB. Wholesale and retail, ■ 131 WOOD STBEmC PITTSBURGH. Wt #n aow noHring t labob addition to ocr tl readj txuni«*rocx of HATS, OAFS, STRAW BQAKER PALM loittrjfrieta than in Philadelphia or New Tort •P 2” McOOftPAOO: S'pSSS 152!»» in now pre pond to -Usov turn bead* to excbaagalfiv railroad boadj of dty, upon tbo twak of; coapronb» bltnettooCarod hj t : Bolden of neb railroad bcndi cai procnra circa !"■ Wl iafarmalioo la relation thereto, l, y applying bjrlatur or othOTWlacto ; L. H MBYIB, &q , * lamibb * co± - . No. 8a Wall•treet.N, T. f _ .D. MAOIXBBOk, S lufclm TrcMPr»mftb«CllTof AllwtoV. iRUGBI DKUGB! DRUGS l-Jnsfc r reccirtjd—. . , itfttf. Qum Arabic, Klrtt; 464 ' ll AuteUda, prime; 400 M beet SUdraee aod Manilla Indies UttuO '* boat umbra Haddori - t • i.OOO “ Canarj and Hemp HeW; 176 " iJoadurta CocLtoea]: *)4 " Alooa, (Cap*); ' V ' ' •' 100 •• Potuh- ™ r • ! Joe*,; Cutlls - toap, Creato Tart. Ojiiora, Uum Morphia, Qulnlno, *c., 4c,, lu .lore and for •uto foifi’j . WOODaiBS * WAiHIiK, J ul< : • aWLHwrt, .treat. JAMKS a CHILDS* co.; 1 . non: cotton uill, ALCEohsN y, Ki»t?rj,(rrya*o* or j BBAMLE&3 2AQB AXD OF OSNABUBa ' • 33 INOBKB TO 10 INCHED WlDB.> n ,‘ a C or,i ?rt lull «t U. Child* i Oo.'i, lil3 Wood it PttMborgh. will mylr» Atnmtlfm.- IjliJT ABLISUKO 1N 1781).—BAK Eft'S £j J-BKMIUM , CnOCOtAIB.i-Pui* tWtJmi VA ?lif' t ' A i : PBOOOtAtks,, wuruted.mMl 1a ■jGamrMul tmr u th«, J>ufc .OhgpiUtafi h.** Mood the tMt of GTetlhro©-*ia»rt£ni of. century, ant Wf.PtPPOaDMd by *ll Who hflTO ppc. tiled Ihotp to .Lw superior to" ray cthere,’ -; 1 . - .» ttwtrfMtttiwrbjr Wa Baker* 0o« tt tfceir Mill*, t* 1 Mm*., sad fur nI«M U>*tr BreoS £«Po*> No. SlTFnlUm street,Hew Tort CUy.eodby Grpoer>«tt4 Dealer* geaenlly tluoojtbotttihdUnfai Address * HrL pISBOB.' 8! 1 FoUppstreet;Hew York. /. ■WXTRA FAMILY FtOOR-25 bbja. Ail ntf cbot»,(a hu4nd brttl»hjw t br ■: ' ; • mmim «*<»,-: i«** •• - -' WtadpWitaMimt.- .JRATKS.,.: DOIiLAfc« SAVINGS BA> r K, Vo. 65 FotrBTH-STXxrr..’: P-j- -• CHAETEBBD ULISU.. , op*4j d&iljr from 9 to 2oVlofck,,alsbcu Wedhtadaj soi CTtolggg.jpo»:g*yli> to November Ist, from 7, to fl y'clock. ainl : iroiD;NcrTciDbet In to Meylst-from S'tofc o’clock. 4 ... Derail* received pfall suiaa.noi leas’than One DolUr, am! a dividend of the profits declared V*lc*» year, in June sod December, daml etml-aaimally;in Jtmeariil December, since the- Bank- *fc* organized, l at tfcerutupfrsix par cent. drawn, out, i* isl**rd;itn.tb*iredit of the, depositor, M byars tb^same' to* tcnjrt firomftotfm day*«f Jane.and Decernber»cqm*; pouhdibgwtcd ajrar vfithbuVtifcubllng Jive deposi tor - to cab, os even to-inialent uia pass book:. . At this rate, money .wiii>dau£la:liL! leaf than'twelee year*," making ,lq aggregate ztaHTasnoNE'BAur rss fcSM.A.m*.;,.,,. , . ' Boohs;'containing, tbi, Charter/By-La w*»Bale*. andf 'Beguutfbnei furnished gratla,.oa application at 'theoffice. j / j Paiau>tjrr—GlOßOi ALDBKE. . ........ ▼JCXTXxaiMtkira, Johpi B. J4cF*4den,.', . Isaac-Sl» Pennock, ■John HoXbqs, . /Jo{ua Malian, Alexander opeer,. / Jameaß. D. AJpede, B*nJ. L. Fahnestock, , . A.M. Pollock, SLD„ James JlqAuley,. Hill Barrwin,; ’ James Heftlinao, / > 'WiUlaaTJ« Anderses, . V-1 < ''• - rautizEs. , , .. t Alexander Bradley,, Jamea D. Kelley, --JohnO. Backafcp, . Peter A. Madeira, .. /John £L Helior, Jobs B. Canfield, James Shldie,. Alonzo., A. Carrier, ’ Bobeftßobb,. Charlie* AX Colton, Walter ?. Marshall, William Dotiglas, JobnOTT, ,; John HeWyL. Blng-jralt, . Hopewell Hepburn, . . JohnH, Sheen bereer. WllliamS. Haven, William E,BchmerU, - Peter U. Hunker, Alexander Tiadle. Bichard Hays, Isaao Whittier,! William 8. Lavely, Christian Yeager. Skcxxtaxt am Taxasdakb—CHA6. a. COLTON. fr&davT 7 STores, iff. JAMES B. T00MU...~~. 'T. TOX?SO. Young brothers, doijvbskkjFoiw oat, Liberty street; near the Outer Depot Pal B. -8., Pittsburgh, Pa., mannbetuxe MACHINE, HOT BLAST AND BULLING MILL FOBNACK CASTINGS of every description. . " OIL PIPE, BOILEB CASTINGS, FIBE JBONTS, GBATE BABS. WAGON BOXES, BADLAND DOG IBONB.GBATES AND 1 GBATETBONT6, STOP COCK BOXES, Ac., ajwayionliadd nnd for sale low. Orders left with W. W. YOUNG, corner ol Wood street and Diamond aUey r Will receive prompt atteh* tlon. , mh2B ' ALUM, JdcUJKMIiJKA jb’Oi, Vallst , Joitadbt, Pittsburgh, Pa. v I ■ tfV’WAaxnocsz, Nol 3UI Liberty gtreei. Mamt&eturert ef COOK, PABLOB AND HEAT. INO STOVES, PABLOS AND KITCHEN OBATEB. BQLLOW WABE, «t£, Steel And Gbee Hould*,:B*U log HIU Castings, MiU/Gearing, Gas; Water and Ar tizen Pipe, Sad ; Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon B.oxce, Su gar Kettle*, Pulleys, Hangars, Car Wheels, Couplings* and Castings generally. Also/Jobbing and Machine Casting* - made to order.'' Patented Portable Hill, with Steam or Boise Power. —bol&Cmd OILS, He. yy H. HAMPTON, OIL BBiOEEB, Metropolitan Hotel Building, St. CLAIB STBKST, Pirmoaon. Office hours from 9 to 11 a. a. and fr-t© 6 d. a. je7rt?m . UETKOUTE Oil. WORRB.-REEaB & JL Qaarr, Proprietors; Refiners and Manufactur ers of ' Pure Bomlng Pctrollte—trade mark, Pure White Carbon Oil, Pure Deodorized Benzole, Steam Clarified Lubricating Oil, Cold Pressed 1L B. oo do No. 1, No. '£ and No. 3 Machinery Oil, Argand Oil, Dwsd 011,'Glorj Oil, Wagon and Mill Orsaee and Spirits of Naphtha. filled promptly. . MTOfflco, cdmer.of Front and SmllhfleW streets. MouaCgahela Ugrttae, Pittsburgh. Pa. |a)4 s JiZU unsaf.... MM ... Mm . w. saaaeva* JJLVDSAY & BAKBODK, DtUUBBIB CA&BOJt OIL , No. 23 WOOD STRKb'T, PITTtBPEOHt Pmi. uzo. w. ttou*amr,,...aag. t. m oqumic*. OIL KKFINERY. BOLD&lilF, BBYAN A 00.,; ■AHVTACTCXtU or BGENING OIL AND LUBRICATING OIL, Heed constantly on hand the very best quality of BURNING OIL, clear and without odor; aloe, a good LUBBIOATOB, pure WHITE BENZOLE and CAB GBBASE. ®SV"AU orders loft at No. y.*» Firm Sraxcr, Bank Block, second fiwr, will be promptly axtend*:d to. ocA.-dtf ' 1 PAULK ULLWOKKti.—VVUiHTMAN J A ANDEBSON, refiner* and dealeriin PUBB CABBONOIL,(qaaIIty guaranteed.) - PITTBBCBGB, PA. CAB OBRASS and BENZOLE constantly on hand. - ' I- Orders received for the present at CHESS, SMITH A Co.’s, Water and First streets.' ssSdmd • - - % • iSTKOSA OIL WORKS.—XA»NG, MILLEB A, CO. at gharpsbnrg Station, Allegheny Valley' Office, and Warehouse, 23 UABKET STREET. Pittsburgh. ! Haantactnrer* of ILLUMINATING and LOBBI* GATING OABBON OILS and BENZOLE. Nth 1 BKFINEB OIL; warranted mm*expk>- slve, always on band. oc 12:1yd LUiiKIGATiNG:"OIL, at thh low raiOß or 25GBKT8 FSB GALLON, oouUatly on bud end fur tala by B.C. AJ. H. BAWYEB. A» to the quality, we rtftr to annexed cerGlleata: .. _ 37, IMO. Jfon*. B. 0, d J. S. Satpgtr— Oeatt: The Lubri cating Ofl we or* gettingtrora yrtTwe find to be the beet aor our puxpoeee we here ever need. ‘ . TsrL.&U.B.B.&.Co^ 5 Bt WW.JSBPY, iYcndptf. OIL WORKS: DUNOAHi DTOLAP A CO., i Uanuftcturere of PUB* WHITE BSFINED CABBON OILS. Office, No. 291 Liberty etreeV-. ayfrfiaaa PITTSBURGH, Pju T .UCUb'm OIL WOKKb. ■*-* WILLIAM J>. WOOUtIDQB, ‘ xloxokactoux or " COAL AND OABJLOB. OILS, ud la „ LAMPB, CHISnrSTBi*., 4e^ No. S 3 Uirint atreet, between second and Third. _ • PITTSBOBQH, FA. I OBESE & GRAFF, ; J-V 1 OIL\BSriHBBB, OKO ■AVOTACTC&XU Of - - - 2 > e v V WHITS BUBBINO 101L.V PUB* PEOBOBIZSDBENEOLB T?Zr'-i7? AND BTBAM QLABQIKH MACHIMBBT OIL. OBUD* OIL OP ALL OBAmiJM PUBcSlfim *P*NewOflßamli waot*L' "* • ■- ’ Comer OBce. MononganeTi-Boheo: —deTnmwlyF P>U< LIARD TABLES, with Sharp’s OahloDr «• well known to botaperior U all other*.. fttaattd Wortiaber, 1859. [ • • SUnofoctory, 148 FULTON fiTBXET. . New anil Moond-dtand BALLS, OCXS, l TBEHUINQB, MTOrdon by null will reoelre prompt IjN "‘i ttUi MATTKIi Ob' TUB Ktffxxi of WUUun Brown, dece«»«i>Eoc 66, March tens. 1W52.. ‘At »« unbans' Qfnft -.held: at; Pittabnrahc Juce 2Ut, IBC2,lhe Conrt madothe following cnltr: ■-And bow, to wit, Jaue 21rt,'l8©, oh motloa ofJ H. MOhr. Attorney for Administrator; the Cot Si appoint li. B. dU irtbotlca of too Uiaoce io the hands «f the admin* Wmtbr, * Jtm COUBT, from the record* . . >- • • - i Attest: W.A;fluiaxtlftierit... . /All >r*i» tike nstlci that' 'tbe .auditoAabon tutmed wllfattend for tbeWpsae of bis *ppolotmeoti athU office, No. l» lowtb St,, ritubOTEli, cm TfIUBBDA¥» tbs 7th day of Aorat! lft«, at W o clock a. tm, when. and wttre itsj are requited to allend. . • : : T • * . - Jn7:»iawtdT - B B. OABKAH AW; And! tor: •• ( \>SO\ AJUlUtiiJs, SO.N ACO, J 50.71, iVJT.corqMur Worn! «a 4 Fourth ttrMta, hato roi r«o» f«bo BMli BOQTht ToatbV Pateuf bother Oxford and Trench JUSi Women’s extra rixubrcad'.BDhKtNB; Geat’pbtoaii sewed Bockakln BUOXSE3? Gent's Wrncli CALF BOOT 8: Uent'i freveb Balmoral' CONGBESS BOOTfi, all of which hove beerimad* to order,with special regard to fit »Rd durability, asd aro warnuited to elre.Wti ° leap ,•; 'IjIKOIT TREEfii^ to ruk* X CRaiEM.—A rtry Urge iWck ef chbiceTßEES,- of selected varieties to choose from; wl lb every possi* hie care taken to ban every Of Apple alone. w» ban UAfl■ •■•• • • > • SVSBfIEK£KS from 1 to 8 Jfeet, by tbs 1 hundred.' cheep: abse @ll ADE.TBKES ABO bBBUBBEBY? wholsMlaand rctaJL-i • : ■.JSISPiS} S2.aBjmaH 4KDoAkiiia»FCB.- stouts,FliafenFb.Fl. . .... - tlMnt..- : FOBS XTOSOQS,Js. R.4ILR .W 1 4:::tt . :; r of ILb Peamjtniii* tn'Fitft&sttb. u follow* - : '- :'<• x i-i. ' -*•-• / ”- PSUbmrgk, Columbia «a PiUtbnrgh and fflaefiag Lia*, . Leave* Pittsburgh 1:0) a.m. fclOa.m.fl&SO'B.ml do WeUirille. 3-00 “ / 0:14 « |«» « -do 6i*qbenT’e 4:00 1 ‘ fcid •« i 4.-00 “ r> d* -Whoeanff. 4M “ IMS 4M*'*V*:* Arrives Belial 5;0&./*«. l ’i - Connecting at Bayard with Tuscarawas branch tat ' New Philadelphia and Canal Dotier;-** Alllenes With " • Pittsburgh, Tort Wayna and .Chicago:JUQßadii&'/r'’ Hudson with Cleveland, Zanesville and Clndonxti B« B. for Akron,'Cuyahoga Falls and hunenburgiaad. .- at dereland with a & S.B. B. for Erie, DtmHtfc* ‘ and Buffalo with 0.AT.8.8. for Toledo, Detroit ”• and Chicago, and tbs Korth»we*t. .- - i ffejiatifleAccommodation leavesat4:oop> a.,■• .■ Beturnfog trains arrive at £2oa. &.15a.mM~ &85 aad Iwp. tt.; " ' , - 1 ' ; ’ Through Tickets to all prominent points lu'lb» r - West os jßonth'Vesi, Sbrth or-Borth-west, cant* - ' procured at the For farther ISformation, apply „• WILLIAMSTKWABT.Agent, : At the Company** Offlc* in Fnigfet Static*; •. my 5..... : Jy.:■■■■: .* 3 v.>:?- BANoskreNT 18(2^—THA" ' vaNTA fliOTmr. -RAimnnwTnifflTMllif -/• TBWKB.: Oftwd Ksy Ohidvvbi is * ■-■ The MAIL TBAlNl**t**, Pittsburgh 'fttsMk*- Passeiig»• TiiTViali ~ ,tf Pittsburgh and PhfladafrdMa, . aectfosa at Harrisburg for Bel UmpraanS Wsshinx- •. ton, tad for'New York TlaAUmfownronle, x-7:’ ‘I The IXPBEfifl TBAJN lenfSt‘inr aura' Hamad *' . station 4auj at p. to.; sfopptagsaly at prth*- '-' : dpalstations, making direct opunscOaTak Hanfe; : tort fctJWliimOT, jr«,:X«k Allentown. ..' '.Tl»e/FAST LINS Laves'the above named {HaUnt' - ' daily (Bundays-axccptsd)"at l B:2op.nu,«tOpj4Bg J,! only at pdscipai atauons, and danneOlng aißMffo* - burg As Baltimore and Washington. LOCAL Paa»engßr 0»r - attached, leaved the Passenger Station. eve» bmxb^ Ing, (Sundays excepted,) at 5:30 A U.l running aa*' v far as Coneoangb-und stopping at'all - AOUUMSIOBATIOIf TUAINA; “ i TKwi Johnrtpwft l“»1 t Sunday) atiiSf* m.*, stopping at ellturicos -:I: and running as tir'a*Oonaflia6gh.t' ••’*~ ii: - First Accommodation Train for WalTsStation |as*a.- daily (exoept Sunday) at 6r40 a. si. - Cecocd Aooojninodattan Train' for Wali’aßtatW-’ -- Isarea dally-(exceptSunday)atU^X)a.m. . Third' Accommodation’ Ttiltr for"WalPe Statloo ' * : lesnadaily (exceptfinhdsylkt ld»p.ni. . ■«- 7 . Fourth -Accommodatfou Train fax WsU’s »«*w tssree daily (except Sunday)at 6Usp,'at ■'■'• Betarning Trains arrtte ln PlttaPirgni feOgwi • ftapnw, l&2sjp, a-;.Mail, - Johcßt»wnAoctMnm«isWon.lft£is*^ « <-i. , First WsD'eStatlcn Accomi&edatfon,eJß)A,m.;Bso>. ocd B-^ M . riile LttuneettaL with .Johnstown Accomnwdatte / Fast and West, Expreas’liind'HaliWestV ’ '* r * - The pnblic wDI tltid ft 'ghatly tothdr ~■' gblhg£ast r or WcatiLto'tratfcTby the Peuhayiendla * 0»n feral lUilwd f csnoot l>o surpassed oa mayqthernrct*.■: Tba Bewlfo hsUMted with etoue, sncf ie.cntiroly frse from dust.' 1 ~ Me cst> ipoed < snd comic« , t'toaQwha r '' 1 may fotor thlaßnad with their oaironage. ■ • xab». : '- ■ - •■■■- To WirwTcrk fta|T& StlwwW.:;f> M Tv lti.M Th Leaast^ZZt« To Elnrrisbnrg 4fij - ... to fUßtationson theFeusyh*- ’ cia Osntrsl Bollroad, end to FhHsdebpk!a, BalUmors '' end Now York*I’' 1 ’' 1 r; v Passengers. pnrchasing- tickets to wlO te-*' chaTged sn rsceea, aooacdlng to dlstaMstmrriedala • - addition to the efotioa rates,,except.foa* ststfoai - - whcro’tb* Company hasno Agent.”' • ' SOTIOSL—In case of kss, the (foapioy wiß hold themselves responsible for peMond Mggage . Si B.—An .Omnibus Ll2»ht9hseß ecepfoyed tp oonv»y paesengera and baggage to and from theft*. V pot, at n charge not t« cxatedS eents for r«:h pie* r rrngw and baggage. For tickets, : spblyto • - J,STIWABT.Agimi, r At the renantrazds Bestial7BiUSoM'FaaMsar' •• fltatton, on Liberty and v-.'-i-. r . , B raoca unria, Ja3 . .. ■ , Gen'l BuperhuendenttAltoaiaine STEAM WEEKLY !* - t NEW- TOEK J - • tnssnd emtertlnr pMMnon at'QUEBSKEOWS* . —. (Ireland,). The IdTarpooVllaw Tort sad .. ; ebb; Steamship' Company {stand dorastchiu tlM&r raH-yowarad fl)Vd».twfli Im> at— rtftjOWn ' -UITI wJ dttCTU R,^. e apaewySslnriay, at noon, from. ft*r - Iltvar. . .•:•;■■ ‘• • isr*» Of'»S«A«*S : ,: v /IXU3T QABlS.i.~rrajOOigTngttAhw :: ««« »■ «'* do to BO,OOl r do to LoodoaZH!*Uo 1 do to P*rti-~~.B6JXi| to to do to Bsmbnrg. d* toßanian*. r sxrn. ate forwarded to. Saint BnaS, Sot*- tofdam, Antwerp, Ac^steqnaDilowrila..' - WPsaanoate tom ' rwjicJ piiim»i/to>fcf tJU Ofcfatf flteU *•*»* •re regirirad to «■ to»i toeStoOBMT. ~w . viahlng U' brt»* out their roods osb boy tkketi her* stthe foßorwlng rstoe to HeWYort: From Unsrpool or Qnecnetcwn;iit Qsfrin, 870. AN , snd 9105. Sto«rsg» r ftaBt’UTano6t 'Treat ' QaaenatownWVJO,-;.! • l-.v.’-l i.;- --'- r--- Thaaamaaman hisfra mparfar-afwww'pMWtfftf^ pstooogan, expoteriM‘Sofceas. Ite v ' in barn in W»te-tl*bi Irou-:B*ctlw»,tad bm Patent Fire AnnlhOstmTott - , JOBS «. DALB, * V ’ 15 Broadway, Hew Tort* ■-■ JOSH THOMPiOHj Axoot,- - • mbl&dtr l?e. ^ r: - 5* with »loo* ord»rt^iaa*rr *• Itc*ab*c*edu»Upor»lfi}ttißjy •<:<_•?.;- :s»i^** w *J w^nui * at ®k nn *,* eio3 w®i«njr..*^.. I* i*g««Ul wkk«d than my Pilar b«»nfV- . infftocS*' ■ S* ' .The*obamer»*roth*c«ttmottNv.l*lM,Aadete4- J* W in 'Btitt pttoou *v ‘ torboa OH •boaM baT* • PhikaopiteßaraW. -Step" ■» ***•»*■? P*r dc»eß f $2. Sold it Ko. 83 totrth. ‘ ' r *-•««****».; ■y’DIiCAK FOHGK W. P. PO&TE& 4 CO, 21iDubctttrtr««f BTBAMBOAY BBAR&C&ASKB; PIHTOS SOM. PITfiIAK LOCOHOTItI l AHO CAB'AXLKS, AlfCßOfiS, And*U kinds of . feasrj Forging, r •• ..... TEIIPSBAKCItVIiiLI, Wfnt WHHbh\ i.v '• •-' * l-» iOOT»T.ir>W«»». ;ir i' ~Ic. j rp&FARHKRB AMD Mn.I.BWB . ~ : HEW TORE. QEOWCT'a FAB ABD SSPABAIOB, ' - ~ for dmiljisQßils. Jumrj.USO,'' :v: oiH««l*ad Grmia, nndremoT# * n »-* 1 ; *mnT fruit • *c.» • morr Uicraghljr i und -. . -.-■ tbca.Bßjr other nuebiae. present. tUraflJ to * tb« public, tottb confidence that it wßrgfcr* jntorat M ■' «Ua&’BAUfttfcQff.ttflfeb ' , * Tank*. GoDUMBIn* ud 3 ttad* to order, .vWa turo,imbued & tagtim, ofAto.’ T> ’" s 40 bone power; UetdtoMn'andfdrtaMaßolkrtf# - Ofl bliU>,~2s; 10 ladlt barrel* eottS battalp-' *>3 i >s AriuUngTaok; jrjj«riv4t%fint«Z r 't* Ctt’iiAAi "'^KBU$/:yfvt^^toSSS:''' : ' * Tablet! iiofl Ctfavßtobefc dni 'fcVwa * : _- ■.■* .made tb order Bi «b 4 lowed' Ptfcdi: : - We atf£sT r. U i. liculartyiurtte the attentioncfpnrcbwtJia t* fr,~S» j.- Pat*atAdJnitable6bield;it ««U b« txrocfelolbebematvoftbeOrareStcmaa. •iSSS-SUr :;- r IXI >»• -.- Ji 7 ;:.W»;Wi W£uJ!iSLr , ' . „ ]