MEE iflis's yj'Tv v- v• r'*rU |V ■ ‘ < >•':. ' jj! . ;■ •'■ *■•*•■•'•■• " •t'. : '.V •‘ ■ i v-- ♦ ' l. : >.k • ■' ■■" ■4 . , *4 -f 1 ■ * V * *1 ' ;l x iV*' rr • r^,M 1 ., *. I v.’ •. , 'Vi- ; >«■ 'it. •* *« * -’V . .r v *’ •&* *' 1 1 What tbc.Prom.ised Change of Policy Has Done.. Already thoiappy effects of the Presi dent’s promise to the country, that “he was : done with throwing tufts of grass at the: , rebels, and would now throw something ... :.would hurt them,',’ have wonderfully " 1 f manifested themselves, to the joy and al . most snrpriso erenof the most sanguine ht ~'V' 4"' Havers in the irrepressible spirit -oftte . . loyal people of tho Free North. We con v \ ! \ f' ,"'' .' fess, that while we ; never for a'moment ..jilt Ky. aoo * >tedu ‘® indomitable spirit, of the peo- Mj-- ■- t pie, and that it would surge up with lrre fh'-.ii" ;4>. ; ..JL'*- •l " smtablo force in tho end,'and either with ? poU °y eel » r « d by the S;i;; •• ' .'••• • Government, .bear down everything before 'Jr * ’' '•* •" } lt > ye‘ »■ never could have realised the si]; v r ' t , sublime elasticity with which the people re- W TOred their first,,enthusiasm,' as soon»‘magic 'words'which -indicated-a *df ' / i % t | , change of counsels, and above.all a change beeh spokmby'tho;'] -having, actually wit -jj T i ; b- " nessed what, the past“two or three weeks car .armies,'and pro :®kja*enewarof.the great contest "I J» ; l#i3i^^:?s;SfSASsKfciS !;^”?“®.la^y^:^B:b»iy:part’cr.'the; - theaspectof thingiih some ; :^Sv:rj:is;;!^;:^ji3ifibifM^^S^^^thsc^fi7;>as ! BO nhprotnisihg ; : ?*?''' •I?'"’’ ’rT^C -•*’ *° *• President, by the Executive Commit; ■’?« : ;.fe; - j -vi : V;• - tsaabooi that time, the following para- a matter of'regrot that therein * Tci *. * '*'•> . . foresmentof the army by; Wolanteering ' y .. • » has not, of late been more rapid, ana ofthe volunteers A A A'-: \*‘.:P?Ueent’ offering is: not;better;than: vvv:' i,®vS;lS;v ; .r:;rW?.b» T B rtason-tofear.that itis. vlfehivs I wngit-to; ascertain to: what the 5%; r ii®'*h- l“ffW d ne,whenthere.isianoo4herrtspeet V?**™ «f ; want of patriotio spirit among deference to state our deliberate' #rf:feV'.9»n.?fw»n..- ‘hat lit la maialy to atfidei w “ l ‘9 f\i <; i "v”:V : v„« \v v p .i ;>s '•< i * i. 4 i y %< 1 fi ’*.«•’ '{•■ jw '3 v—• i* *• V * V .*». « «» ‘ *' - I* ~• - ( ( *■ l , l i- ‘*. * ' * *,, 1 1 - ■- - ®ons national debt and a final compromise ses/they’ -Mjatennicatin g with na'iladSy r A « with traitors to be called a peace, aa tho about their masters, and about the moTO " remit to be renohed; after enormous tnas- ‘iflMthus potting i- • nres and an oocan of blood had been poor, the whitef^ulaUonoTthoS?ath.w^el 0 » say'thepeople would' andmeaulyourrenderthemtethiiironemlea; ’ /.i.:;,.:oPthaTo followed in thia-wayeren-if the : fc -® ur P°lky T acillatea. One General girea C had persisted In following the f- counsels of the border-state first, driers them ohi of*!he'UnM/defehg "OeßjMd iaeir Ualon-)«AfiDg them to the mercy of their oiirnen who '% • policy, longer than it did. ~ looking upoathem aa thoir mortal enemies! ■ V But now, this is. thing «f th. „*££' 3 - t- past, and a brighter day, with brighter and I hare oonclusire reason ,to“ 6eUe“ dl , .1 % ■ auspices, haa dawned upon ns. In the true, thstdhere were four or fire negroes . . promise of Its morning—the President's £*“B J> n the following day,. because they ~ .Cf **«•?«* «• \ General* to'play war, bat will see to it cries out against ns." 6 “ Tron B> v\ that they wait, a* waa should n* . The Colonel then enumerated the nuraer • \ .’ t* „ yo caosiz tub esejct,—we'hare alt one adrantagts derired by the rebels from ■' \*H&f $ „ «adyto «tioioo Ini the fact that the feeling •. ’v '■£<-& which depressed tho heart of the cptmtiy,' j amongst olhers, Wring themlntoregii : \ , * .* £ T ■ '■ j-.-.-vZX’-v-;. 4 '* *. * j ' ■ * ’? * ’ ' . : > *' lilf MONDAY MORNING, . AUG. [ll. The Baisiog ol War Funds. A correspondent urges upon tho city author- ities to appropriate money for bounties end other war purposes, to be raised by » tix. We would an amendment ,to .this plan, that the county authorities make” a San, 1 Instead of tho city, for the purposes 'specified. This will equalize thp hurdon upon tbo whole population of tho county. If tho city of Pittsburgh should raise money by a tax for this object, and theco.unty should also do tho same, the people of the pity will bear an undue share of tho burden; or,ittbe county author ■■/ ,Ue * ■ ,I “ U deelino altogether, the people of the cify will bear the whole. Tile only equal and just mode of assessing tha burdens upon all the people of the county, In proportion to their means, id for the county AQtberitioi to mako an appropriation, and let the tax, when it ji laid, fall upon tho wholes I oeunty. . Itit bel{oytj soiT| tbit If a land cad bo „ rnliod to-p*y*the boantiei and othbr expenses, r■ thotthe entire quota of this county'afithe. . whole 600,000 men required, can bo raised by i volunteering, thus delivering ne from theno oeuUle* of a draft entirely. Oar cltliens have responded already nobly in tho and have done about all that was expactod, in-raising money enough to pay the bounties - . for the first requisition, but volunteers are r V, : <*• ppariog in faster than money, and the sum re ' v quirad to pay the bounties for the whole quota o£OOO,OOO cannot be raised by private sub- Wriptiosi, We understand that if the oonnty acthorl ties will ■ issue bonds, for a loan of ono. hun dred and fifty, to two hnndred thousand dol lar*, haring four or fire yean to ran, that the . money can he had on them at par. These bonde can be redeemed by a speoisl tax for tho purpose, unless the State shall agree Jo reimburse the whole. amount raised for war purposes. We understand the Governor Is in favor oft his, and we have no doubt it will be done, as a large number of counties have made speoial war loans, in expectation that the State will assume the whole debt, and lay a speoial tax for the purpose, which would br both a Just and wise policy. - There are extraordinary times, and require ~ v.v extraordinary measures. We hope the oonnty "-'..Vi authorities will rospond to the wishes of the .people, and meketholoen required tmmedl- : etely. : : ~-jV - complete success in the increments in which : the volunteers we to take part. Men trill ”2-fey wUmturfor a lingering tear. They trill ' *o* volunteer \f they helm that ten eoldier* w’j; „ .«* to fall under typhoid fever to every one tn on advance upon the enemy,- ■ '- * - - . ’ with great aocuraoy, gare t „ * - expression to a feeling which had been like i’f - a nightmare on the people's heart, checking .7 ,7 , ike strong and dup pulsations which- else kV -►' ' WCttld have sent the life*curren& of hope to ti V* >■ ‘ j- away the pallor of despondency, even 1 '•t if for a season there been but-soant - - ‘ •* auooeaa to boaet.of, and somo disasters to ;j-A-i-yj:vhr,''-; , ''®W!iini.OTar-', Ha 3 not the assurance of a - change of policy been given, had not steps J been taken to inaugurate a morfl‘rigorous -j: , prosecution of tho war, of course we should / not even then hare despaired of the coon try. The people would in the end hare ■i, J foanda way—eren if the Oorernment had > !«.•- ;: ■ *: .been au obstruction to,be overcome because 'i ‘ r it would persist *in the policy of a protract* i v ed defenslya. jyfllein; of leading , T to exhaustion of the resources of the coun* Impoverishment ofthepeople, aa enor- 1 “ **ta M Ume referred to in the letter hive quoted the aboye ex be« hy a feelinjgf of renewed. ofren thiuWsm. rh contemplating near and aaeured triumph of the army of the nation —of the Union— -because it must now cease to be the plaything of a General's athbi- Uon, or his political or mili tary strategy, and become the instrument the nation’s power to crush rebellion— to risit with a just retribution the tyrants and oppressors of the rebel States by car rying death and confiscation, the penalties of their crimes, to those wicked conspira tors, and by carrying also the light • and joy: -of liberty—universal liberation—to bless their footsteps, and to sow the land -with seed that win yield a "harvest of peace in all thefuture—a peace consecrated and mode permanent by being founded upon - Another Example of the Biiell Poll* cy-Colonel Tarchm’s Trial. For weary,woeka and months past we have-been- chronicling the misdeeds (for wherever he baa beta doing anything at all ho has been misdoing) of Dos Carlos Buill. :He has been starring and wear ing out his army for the sake of saving, the rebels’ granaries and cornfields, for the hake of protecting their houses, hen-roosts and fences, by armed guards—and as if this was notieSongh, ho has organised a court martial to try : a loyal and brave officer for _earing leas/or 'these-dear rebels both as refiphcts their persons and their property) than for the persons of the soldiers under jhis command, and the property of the Government against whioh those rebels had risen in arms. The court-martial appointed by General Buell to try Qolonel (now General) its very conatitution,evidences the predetermined purpose to condemn him; for out of the Seven members com posing itj-no less than three rare Hen tuokians, and though of the .^remaining fomysome are unobjectionable, the majority of the whole are just sure to Judgees Buell himself would. As showing the maiiuer of spirit they are of) it may be mentioned Uiat the court ruled, that the question, “Are yon a loyal man could not be put to tho witnesses appearing against Colonel Toecuin. In Bcell’s department, above I all things, you must not give any offence to rebels! Such a question was inad missible in the view of -a eonrt-martial moulded according to,the Buell idea of in offensiveness ! . But we shall nol/dwell on this disgusting ! mockhry of the forms of legality, nor dd we propose to review in detail the record of ! the proceedings.; We take it for granted, though it is .not-yet" formally announced, that the . verdict t of; such a court will bo against the‘gatfant veteran, who knew too well what war ought to be, toTnake it a fit Buell. We will, however, give our readers the benefit of reading the following portion of the; statement of Gen. Tcnonix, who “pohe'for an hour and a half in vindication 9f himsolf against the charges of the rebel witnesses. . As the writer,- whose report wy quote, remarks, “recent events have given to this portion of his address a start ling, significance: ! “I know,” ha. continued, “that Mr. Don hell's property suffered on account of the camp located on his grounds, but who is Mr: Donnell ? Ho js a man who aided and abetted rebellion, by paying for the uni forms of rebel soldiers, by sending seventy bales of his cotton to Decatur to build for tifications there. Those fortifications were ! taken’ by the same. Twenty r fourth Illinois Volunteers, whoenciunped upon his grounds; and who, had not the rebel defenders of those fortifications run away, would have | strewn the space in front of them with Ureif dead bodies. . “Mr.- Donnell is a man who glories in stating before this Court, ss he did, that he neverwill take the oath of allegiance to the United Stales Government, and that all his sympathies are with the. Southern Con federacy; And that man came to me and insisted upon, getting a safeguard for his: plantation; of course, he wot refuted, but I Would-with pleasure furnish a guard to take him to jail as a pestilent traitor. “It is true that some fields were spoiled, as Mr.’ David’s and- Mr. Brooks’, and that some' fenoes'were destroyed; but all that waa an inevitable -result of military ne cessity. Ho who knows how to defend towns, would not be surprised to see every brick building turned into a fort, pierced with loop-holes and embrasures all through, ■ the trees in front yards cut down,'and ev ery street barricaded, if the circumstances' wore snoh that only by these means the. place could be held." : The i Colonel then referred to the “two yellow girls,” and showed that the scoun drels who outraged them were arrested by his.authority and sent toHuntaville. S Here was presented another learned And interesting disquisition upon the torn it gmd'anrut in the European armies, and a similar corps, to be styled' the army presort guard, was reoommended for our own. v An erceedirgly “delicate’’ topic was now toadied upon, bat,Col. Turchin handled U with the etralghtTonraid hbntsiy of a eol dler andofaman. “I was charged," said he, "with taking and keeping at my qnar tere,’ a mulatto boy named Joe, belonging to Mr. Yasser, a resident of Athena I proved by .tho witness, that having aged him in eoouting expeditions; and for obtaining valuable Information about the enemy I gave him,'ln accordance with the order* of oen. Mltehel, protection inside of ourlin»s yon. MitoheVe polloy with regard to no groee, (eancUoned, probably, by higher au tborlty,J oonalstcd In ualng.them for mili tary purpose*,* and giving them protection for valuable eervicea. I consider this emi. liently proper. ;If we had war with Eng land, and. sent an expedition to attack that country, we would land cur foroea In Ire land, because we know that the people of I Ireland hate their oppressors—thsEngliah 1 —and would readily Join us. Fora elmt wr reason, Garibaldi, before he moved on Naples, invaded Sicily, We invade the Southern States, where, with few exoep [ tions, the-white : population is against us, andfrom them wo can get no information concerning tho enemy. In our hearts, we know thatoar only friendshere are negroes; but, imbued wit prejudices, we are ashamed manfully tv acknowledge it. As a matter of necessity,.wo use.nogroes forour- ments, drilled, armed, And ; equipped,, to guard the country orer which, we bare passed, and keep open communication with our rear. : He examined, the charge against him, of disarming the population in the country occupied by his fearlessly justifying the Bame, and., proposing 'that 'arms be every where takenfromthe rebellious slave holders, and their dupes in the plains, -and placed in the hands of the loyal mountain eers, such as the people of East Tennessee. . He then shoved that - the - horses - taken about Athens verb used for mounting in fantry men to perform ca'vatry service, as the only cavalry 1 regiment Gen. Mitchei had (the 4th Ohio,) was exhausted and worn down by severe and incessant ser vices. He described the manner in which he drilled and trained these mounted men. (AU this was in accordance with Generai Mitchel’s orders, and both he' and Colonel 'Turchin deserve, therefore, the wannest gratitude of every patriotic heart.) Colonel T., here took occasion to discuss the nature and use of heavy cavalry or dragoons. In nothing did the accused officer show so much the nobility, unselfishness, and magnanimity of his heart, as in thus kind ly and. generously volunteering to instruct others, and give them the benefit df his rioh and varied experience, even while de fending himself against the charges of his -bitter enemies. • He complained that the testimony of dis loyal men should;, be placed on record to olast the fair fame of himself and his troops, and continued hie address as fol lows : t “ I have everywhere in Missouri, in Ken tucky, in Tennessee, and Alabama, been hated by Secessionists, and I consider it my .best recommendation as a loyil office but I defy any one to find a single Union man, who has been in connection .with me, that will make a complaint against me. "The more lenient we are with Seces sionists, the more insolent they become; and if we do not proseonte this war with vigor, using all the means that we can bring to bear against the enemy,including the emanoiaation of slaves, the ruin of this country is inevitable. “ The problem before ns ia!gran what it felt and meant. The resolutions alio endorse the Csnfisee tion Aet, and call upon the President not only to enforce It, bnt to give fall notice of lie provision* ■■ to all persona" [i. e. slaves,] who ma; be affsoted thenb;. flood. The; aJiu advise the Pnaldant to haagthe leaders of the rebellion and atrip them of their proper ty! end thatwhenver oar armies 'go thev should adopt effsotivs measures to ust the lo;alt; of the people, and drive beyond our tinea all who an not for ns. flood agatn In short, the resolution*, ass whole, an the pluokieat ;et passed anywhere. The; sa; Just.what the northern people ever;when mean, but what the; have all hesitated to utter frankl;. Tot then at*one or two points that struck me as singular. The first u the daelanllon thakra thirteen witnssa (ha overthrew of the Union “wo would prosecute the present war until our towns should be reduceed to ashes, ear fields desolated, end all that arc dear to us ! should have - perished with our possessions. Let the Union be ptseerved or the counlrr [our part of it] made a desert." . How, why our towns and our fields ? If the resolutions had said ** dor towns"’ and *•iktir fields,” the; would have etruok the proper keynote for theinanagementof the war. It Is foil; t° talk ef such a eontlngeno; as tha rebels '•yl”* OUT towns in ashes and desolating our fields. When we, the strong party, have to come to the contemplation of that, we ma; as wiU own ourselves oravena and oo wards. Ho. We must la; sAsfr towns In lashes and desolate Otir fields. The war will never bo completely successful until we do. The union can be preserved enly.b; mahlng tha Southern country a desert. * W 1 11 ‘l* carefulness with which the resolutions omit speaking of ilaves end eUvsry by name. Tor butane* the; say that the measures adopted b; tha sdmlnlstra. tlen "should be those which wUlbear withmoat I croshing weight upon, those in rebellion, • -whether armed or not;” and the danse I have i already quoted that tha President should give W 1 notio. to "all persons" effect* b/th! Confiscation Aot, of Its ; provisions. This mans simply , that the President should pro claim Eiußcwsnon, and Cosruosnos ud **!? Ptysjeteatlcn, as the best means of crushing tht BitwliioSs Tbto.iwby not n« i so, plainly? All your Horthernmeetlngs tel! W;. lod aonl oonnliM 'imefor%n7^T jW# *U Ditu Eiuioimio* «Q »»• this i that Sen. MoOlelten was. not to blame for ashlnc for P® 1 * ?52* tb *t eo neither were the Becre ®»r,and the President, vie had men shallhcarao more, now, from the McClellan ehrlekers, about withholding supplies from tbmt, olfiper, sine* the President Tae thus openly dsolared that the flovsrnmant cave "“;^H* Idll P 0 "lb';«OBldi f : wblle, however, tha President refrain.,* AWmostn^ WS"JIS2JiKiS3U 1 ' SS^aesaarssr “.“.P* 0 ? " br » T * *ad able” men rol. *hJoSrfe.^ , " fo ”’ AH Q «»- .\l"Vb“to*^k;^x«^u7" 'ESiS&M *” * tek,d “ d •uf i“ d % b9w,^,r * front the way in ■ which the President spoke, that McClellan, in spite ttat - ”*1 ** 40 be continued, and to get alsng the best way we oah, IM.'uA n "jjb suoh msn as be, MoPowall, military ; J roTicßs. Pitt RIFLES, », - °rflahUed *t ?OBT PlTtroiiASS WORKS, • - - Battrdat, £nr dbtast. ** commanded by Captain E. D. BITHBIUSE, who baa been in active service e lateen months, and will accept 4 few mor* men of onexc*p« character to fill lip the ra-he Tb< Bounty roeivea by thia Company,which lacieatcrthau that paid to any other, la aa followa; " PMbajlranla....L„,u..~ A'legh ny conmy , One month'a pay In adrance......^......... Enlistment fee..,..., , t n , . 80. from Captain Bmmty at cine, of war..L~.„.„.^, Total. taMM . —.S;7O 00 No. 50 FIFTH STRIiKT. E. D.DITUKIDGE, (late of Co A. Oth P. B. 0. J. LOWKKT, _____ R'cnnti ie change : [r^*RAßl DON'T wait to be drafted. s. Mi KIER RIFLES. tM**PV COLLQBD, (lato of ihe Pittsburgh {““’•») “ no * recruiting a company lor ihu wilt. Menu the experience if efxteeo m -nths terviceaJ id »aa la the battles of DralaMrlUt- ami the Peuiueul». Xoaug men or tbe right eUmp, who wlsb.toentlßr taeeerricao'roar country in this Lour of oe*d, Will n»T* no better chance, aa none bat ibueo ofgood tnorele wlll boaeeepted.A'Jdltia iuteodaJ to moke r£L! b K ««. CI M&^ Oa, P“P” Of Alleghany couuly. Throath the liberality wftrienda, Capr. C.oxDPcteto oaa with too celebrated ••nhervo mile." wrther information enquire of WBL VAN* ament?'??!' Wood nnd Second. or FRANK VAN OOBDEE, 114*econd at eat. , Q u ESLIBT FOR THK WAR. PHILLIPS RIFLES B«*d * f«» morn man to mi op .ho number. Fill in! Fall urn ul go with u* under , SIGEL. » *?!?-&** at ttu Battalion lecrnitlng by ED. JAT ALLEN, and expect tb be lo aerplce within a waeA. • Drafting oaxnmeacea fn a few '“aya. and then no bounty u paid and no ona'can rolooteer. Bounty Paid Now #165. ■•MOBS IS WHfLE TOD OAH.-W ••■Hamlguartar*, LAFAYETTE HALL.OI Wood •“•'•v, H.I A. DALTON, Copuln. Mfclf JOHN H. rTuNE. lot Llont. O»F0B THE WAR—The under tlgn»d,baTlng boon tothnriir'l by tbo Gorer “f JjnmyltonU to rein a COMPANY Or IN JTANTBT forth* War, baa* open, d a rrcrottlng oT -S?A5 0, ( Q2der the Atbrntom ) LIBaBTY »ho al.b to |. aa aoiuateen and got |M BOUNTY, now la the time. JOSEPH MCHDAUM, H4B»Y S. CAMPBELL. COMB 11 COMHIII A NEW INFANTBY COMPANY. For Three rears or the mir. *rSf£ka J ‘ ZIIOLEa Ml L'out. JOHNSTON MaMntDmfJPPS? 40o0oe * or rocrultlngat Ho. 92 fittlTHf IHLD BTBEBT, near FI tb. A limited number of young man will U retired, if applicn* Uon bo made Immediately. a p9:tf l TO Tut, khtid Tba undanignad are recruiting for t*« Tiernan Guards, At the ator* of TISBHAH A GETTY. Nortbeaat oonar of Ohio atreat and the Diamond, Alleghany, •ad at thair etand lo the Diamond. GBKAT INDUCEMENTS ABB OFFERED. 955 BOUNTY* in ca*b, will b« paid In haul, 925 atffiwhaa muataral in, and 975 at tbeekweof tbi war. WC3ME, AND DON’T BB DRAFTED.'fett ! FBAKK TISHKA K, C»puii Dr. JA9. BOBOQtfS, Ist Ll«m ALBERT PrAR, 2J LUot. KIFLKS THBEE IEABa OB DUBINIi TBB WAB! Allponomiaairoojof aorrln* (Mr tonnirj, aiA not M«( compolM t» 0000111 to > draft, rrill Imme dlu«l; collet, «nd tbenby ncv* tb» foo BOITNTT ia new ©t the regular p*y. By authority of tba Oo»«nor, thl. Company win m oad«r the ooamaad o( 8. M.WICKXBSUAU, Captain. 'A BRITTON, 1 » Llontcnaot. -OOUE ONE, COBB ALL! Mkta, BEETIN House, in Dtn- DonO, PtttahnrgoJanil at MARKET uou Y Alio ahany €lty. " .„ wr ; SBUtttill IM'ANTKV.— WB THE-WAB.—Only a b* di)i remain I Car tolnotary enlistment Drafted men do nut rrc*lT» Mlb.r enTfrouifni or county boon 17. Do not t* mead; to i«m your country, but »o!uo tmr and rtcelre the bihbty do l labs, to ‘ lho oddltloual bounty DOLLA&3 when the mar ta Tb* undutitotd propcM to cutUt • ccmpui; of Infantry to wmj for Um tw, and ramHtli orcot vpoa all patriotio citiuoa tb*:of enliatiD* MOBC*. * ■aTßoentUlng Offlc*, COtfKOLLY’3 HALL, cor. s*r Qrmat aad L lu&ocd *tre*u SAMUEL HABPJUL joun j. cask *°* - Bfcmitlog Qfflcrt. O* .FOB LIBERTYI ' r£SXH£H BALLK MUST rOB TBI WAR I | _ Kenwanted fcrtbe JONTs’ LIGHT INrAJTTnr. rmj dollars m eoon m passed bytfco medical officer appoinud by QoTsrncr Con In- Tw«nty>fl*eJK'Mwaia'fcaa ccen thirteen taontte' ecrrlce lathe Pennsylvania Bseervs Oorp*, ami t» author, uod to riloe • company for three years, or du lug the war. Tonne nan volunteer at once, for if you are onoed« yon wiUJbe compiled to do military N rvice,' •nowlUtscelrano bounty. Applte.iions madefor *oU*tln**tso.6#fllTU Street Third etory, over tbsjeesiry stors of Jas. K. Seed * G. 3. H. M’BLWAIN, Captain. PimscMH, AttgUst 1,1863. if. I^*; .ooultuu iUKLna, Co C— _ - The ttft4enl»ed bare authority from Got. Ottilia to raiaetta INFAHTBT COIIPAKY lor three opeaed«q bffice at MA WWO BALZt, Fifth street Botw yat high aa u; otinr Ooapaay. noirncnUttor. Moral and loteiu* |to( fnu wo are noantHf to eil), 'u r« txpect to rslee a tint eltn Coapeoy or sofas. : BCm. B. 1188, Captain, ■ ■ (UteofOo. A»9th v. B a.) BOB!. W. BABD. let Blest OHAB. H. OOftMLT, « Ltoot. aalrtf •DBS DSATH AT HOME I BBAaas or urt it tbs field > BO "SUBS" TO BE BAD I ■ . j All, THE (TYPO* AT WAR I JOIH TBS SEMPLE INFANTRY, “OOHMSINO BTlrKB" »tiil like ud ‘BnOOTIHOfSTIOKS,”—S«i, yoor loutilry •• Bra Tmimdi did, ,odOo» wilt bln, you. WM. 0. MOODT, ; obm. dispatch bpilpiho! „„s ;! tor tb« BUOKTAIL BRIGADE, . Bit,, Immi aatborirad to ncnilYa Comuao, ftir fnkt In tbw-BUOKTAII, BBIOADE. ' ’ f yvol aplnrt. too paid each neralt wbra muitorm] into aarrloa. oJI^. n ?? , S r,cr, .1. ,10aT0M,8 BAbL, tilth Hi, oppodto lb, Port otßoa, Fltuboryb. IIwiCWM. M. DALQMEfUt, y B»cnilUp» Officer. A V A L K Y, TBS AHDBBSOH OAVAI,HJ\ Th* udenifsad k‘jpr*par*d faTtoUil a Hmlud of TOOHO H*H» *r goodotaracur and la. 1 3StasM&rtsss5*ww5gw sat: JWin«it Tte Battalion it to bo an fcdepcmJnt Mounaod, fot fptcial serf ioa In tha Aftav 01 tbcOlilo Ha'lSSP**** *2* «tJitltu!(on*fcood chw.ctcr SSSJ2S U *s5 e *' £««?«* »Uhlng to | „ -IUHT i2i b'Aii I'K Y . ~ 'i’h ifa fcr.'fopj, abto bodfcd «?■*lbTARl>» Altcyhflojftod BED MON JSKffiKf! «a.*“ p, v ■-w * W’StffejST .w/i/rjKr •Notices. [T"?? THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND MOKE IBOOFS CALLED FOIL ror OH JTEt'ER. So PMiblc Mup. from bf ingdrxftad, ffyre do not enlist before the 10th of this month. • THE BEMNER INFANTRY Wants TWENTY MORE MEN, at Becond floor, next door to Dispatch building • EDWABD J. BEIBEBT. AUODBT SCHWINN,' . Bectnltipg Offlcew. LIGUT INFAN- T BT.--A few more ben wanted to fill cp tie Wxrre C mpane. Ihm’t wait to be drafted, u too will only get fll pnr month and no bounty. Yolan* adnlnee * s ° as ' t per mouth and jtmr $3O in OrPOStTE GAZETTE OF FJOK, Fifth eireet. App’y at once. 0.0, TATLOB, Captain. FBANK a. BDCHAUi), 4 ' “ OSTOOTB - U "“ Becnitli'g Qflltyr, jTS»ALLEGHEN Y INFANTRY.—3S lntelligent, aober Hint wasted for thlf OoID SSJt No. 101 federal " *“ ‘HfllbMT Betlow Beak, or >1 DllS i.fe.To,’ Ct', 6 ' H ° rtbW “‘ *»"" O,UM jrjEtr •*M>nsttTiBEjnEjrra. JUFTH STREET, PmanuEoii, Pa. FOUNDED IN 1840. I.NOORPO BATED BY UOtKAXIYB CHABTBB, Belflg the only Commerelsl College In tbe Union coadncted bjr a PRACTICAL HEBOBANT. OVER 0,000 STCDENTB L“ S lO Prindple* «nd practice of ail tbe details of e business education from Doff** system of MEEOANTILI BOOK-KEEPING. m A i!lsf ded foQr Wiser Medals and tbe auction of the btebmmercanUleanthoriUeaintbewuniry. Abo, BTEAHBOAT BOOK-KBIPISQ, *?A Pt£f®£? ayeteo for inch books and accounts.' Abo, Duff's new system of * BAILBOAD BOOK-KEEPING, Aftar tbe forma of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Abo. Dufrs new system of PBIYATE BABE BOOK-KEEPING, lJ.onlyoD. inm.Ulti.dt7. li. °s.•»*>] tDMbt ocdutb. ddlyretMrldoii of tb. .utbor, nod It It balinod to d ofpntM- Mon never attsine&elseabere. * ■ ■ NINE FIRST PREMIUAIB Pdimim by tb. lut PitUbnnb jnd Doted SUM rdn. our dl tb. but nmnunlo tb. Wet, which,-with onr Medolj, .re .1 [exhibited In onr office-cot like tboee pretenders who diiplay eaK bed ** of *“ Ul * oa lhelr carda wWd » «* ®7b*w ourra hew enobated cchool copy BOOKS, 24 JH®* •***» P® " nt- per dozen—th* 'CbeapeatC.pyßook louse. • BCBIBES3 AND ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, with new pUtea and aeaka b-f WM, H. IT., ilia*, traling all tbe ebmenta ef?U £nm£' f £t-K£ meet complete eelMratraetor known. Elegantly bound. Crown quarto. Prfca S&, poet paid- 9 n?#?fvr / nU T? or Sui'ra book- K Sti l,o l‘^ Mlob y ßook * eIl * r »* Prlcatl fiO. * Dd . tor OUT elegant OeW circular, pp. 68, with samples of our penman'* writ, ing, lodoetog 25 cents, to * : ' ■ ~F* DBJT A BON, Pniacirux ~ will please inquire onr repoution In the city, where we are beet known. aolirltdewT Dime savings institution, No BTDnrr, (, th. Cuitom Clurtflrad by tbaLecijUtnr*. omcsb! President—JAAZ9 PAfiK, J%. tic* rataiooti. IL P. Badd. A. BeiorDuii, . Jothu* llbo^M, : Jacob Stuck nafh, Alp*. Dradtev, Alfred Slack. Wm. n. Pinitb, John W. Jr nninga, Tbna, D. Menlet, Thoa. 8. Blair, Francis tellers, Uenry Lloyd, . , . Tarawai ?• Zc .S', .«• n won,; A. 8. Boil, Jo.. DU.utih, it. D. Gochnkn. ?'u r 2."JS' W - A - Bud, Wm. Smltb^ J. W. Woodwdl B.C-BdiDiMte, O. B. Jtmm, ?' I S** 1 ?' <* W. Bkk.Uoo, B. F. Joou, i- “• U"lo.ui. W. U. Ph.lpa, ?■ “vt, 1 "? 4 ' *• A. And.uon, 0. B. Bwrom w. Burn, D. t McKtolcy, w. Ihm«o Bwuuty mod xnumr—D. L H'KlSycr - Open daily, from 9a.n. to 2 p.m. Atao.Tneal&* and Saturday ef»aln*», from 6 to a o’clock/ SW***» of <>«* MM* md op**M». declared la Dwabw and Joan >tor * ifL L • Bib, olM«*r»toii 7 jj oaMi V afaNHMWai FiSfeSffw wm ano Wtnsß,' . 7>Ti» ■...., r.- - cortnf M»tb« „m yi^. bblj, jast re \3Tdrrt tod®*Ml. bj -J. *.«£&, 10 K?. pry M wk*t and Tlrti<• DUBEB TBxilMnrog, BKIBT B BAIDA, . BOTIOHS. and »ABCT 000 D& WHOLSULI B00M&-OI tad 3d BtortM. ■«a »oa.TT«ndto mabkmmSw g FECIAL NOTICE. A choieo lot of ml | HALTIXB LAOS OOLLABB AHD BETTA I But wlwtionAoai aw Inipdrtailon. FAftrssra «sr ---JiMMineer bjea onroL. Joet opened and fee eabbv ' ' .. • UTIIH, UAOBUBt A 00, Js“ ■ ITTOlirtmt. GOODS I NEW GOODS I EATOW, JtICBDM & CO., *» B wSipTof h> rßHHrraos, ,; r . . UHMOAMBBIO flABPgKBOTllira. ‘ gPMMEB goo|s7~^T yTmttnTL - j; ’ BCLUMa at Reduced Prices. JAOOSrt UIWBB, «i ' '■ OBOABCUS.frim 12}$e,to S7>4. ", A VSW Sntlltßß nUUteB. mttTMo. SHAIVXS,*! OQM. SACQCSI.Mcc.A aiLB HANTLia, U cal. >££ aAS ' T ASI> roiHM, tKlltii tnl H u*Ut T OTHOOP HtIHTS, Itut cjea*. •i -; I -- --- ‘ ! W.&P.HCGPS. received uu t3Tni»bj IXfSBY IL COWUJ& JUST OPENING. 78 MABHET STREET, OE Jfc* ti AS b‘ AJUUKT «Al.k lijjl . * WAITS STBS IT TBOPSBTT-Oa TOSS. - Qold, at lha Uonuxial JBahakaoa. Ha. ft* gmn -tn *i» AQwhcnr wttniy, Tboa*tost nloaols bulMia* loteiitTSfaai '' * i‘> the eorocrof-Wateritrcat and*BedooH alley. «ch ' lothario* a frost of totes Water kmft »aa extvtidiaf :t*ek ot* smutted aadaUty ftetto - slut taw,'-, . Ttaia or Bis*rOn*tWri.ta*h; reoUM.ln om Mdtwo yeen,?ltbtafc«wL Mcor*dby bosd and mortgage oath* property; - *••'>- / -»** • . • 'J« Q. DAYIB. And. • TvkPHISFIJjDkFbaEkuFBEa.- V/ V*tt BTBSR PBQPKBTY.—-On TUXSDAT . -wSSibJSkF of: tba : (tout ofAllegheny cooaty»*ffi bav■“ *d f *<® the prtaii*ci,eB Bearer etaacja the aeeoa& : ’ , W *2L oflb# atj ot Albghboy, PolraUgiblabHd logiot*, eoanuselogst a potafrhriy-twototaostfe*' '• warily from tba corner of Jackson and Baavaratmts • asd axtasoiAg tack IQO tot, loan alley *0 tot Vida; Oa ooaof .tba toa aw trseted a fome dwelling hnneasdaiable/ - -•-/ ■ caab»reelda* la ore aad. ' ?"f tyoyeariiwltblntemt. J.O. DAVra j - - •• jm. Bia, .»••: —• > - Adm’r of Metoolm Leach, dec’d. f - • • jyEW Uuujuai Mtw iioubai ' JOS. HOUSE, JUST BEUEIYSD, ' . :■ ■ V ;■■■ • ..'■■>•• ... ■••... r ■ S BOOTS, SHOES AHDGAITEBB, ‘ ~ - * - . -Attba . . HABOHIO BALL ATTOTXOH HOTJBC, *sl-- - . ■ Xa.totinhttuL t T » joed WOOD WOBKtE.' Applj at - «^^»y--wia ■iSs&isiL ; - Gmc&anot to tfir-***.—irti tbs wir uvr ■—' ■gi3fKPs^'S* 5 5s:S -':, ptrmoaih. ,• - . -•- e»a m»v««io& •_J£; *•**» «**“ • Wiw* ■ 2^ n 2"l*feS Sr ~ rfn.OfOTTO«WtBa«Bt ’><£;. Ujr ToltUM VlUk whlch w* - "* . ' «•» tad addriw --i---.j - » PublWwr, -^ a - 6Vi 4ta itwt,ffladßMtU>^ ;\y AAXKU—jrnun iJoHDI/iwifMpMv _ “ ****** .'■ 4«»s£ftsSsf-V*” 10 nm - ra taw *-r“'> I “- « ****** ■ “•<»»«»••>» to rea, do do; - f!? r li's ( S' a~— etr--—ao —2£ ■»-. 4 “ 8 do do S v »«. "3 do do 2 - ■" ® - do do' dK ■ ,‘tS^** rac "- to a McLiiujico; —tnprovtment* known in this country X£?2?*V Vf??***** tm *» Tttßch grand octkm, ■uArp pedal, lull iron -frame, for •ISO CASH. Warranted for FIVE YEARS, » -Bich moulding eases, $176 to 1200/ «U -»matal Md. of tU ud tot«ad iMdp at ..1 Halt, to MM UmbT«3 ? may others man Matured in this country. -v; GROVKSTEEN fcIiALE, mySft3m , 478 BIiOADWAY t K.Y.i . $175 $175 _ Jbk received, three splendid new octave COT- TauEPIaNOT for sl<6, and, beamifUl T octsva targe PIANOS for f 2 o. . f Ihe abore FUnctareof Haitusßrcc r NewYodt' mthe. hare fall.iron Improved frame, and art «•*» - rented fire years . :—, , . . ..CBABLdITK BlißSlEriSTilth ito*lV ! ’ J ao6 Sole agent fo» the abort and i? MEW. MELODEUNSiAND UAHMO- X* SIUIIB| from the celebrated Mason A Hainlls, Boston. Alaoi two good tseani*' hand 6 octaTS Matodeons, CHEAP. 'Sot tala bv ■ •U \ JOWW H wSd«L t . StuW VIAJW KUitlisia. i |a |^af| ra fcTi - Jnst racetrlu, i wry tarn De ABWBi'*OT a*M ‘ stock of PIANO FOBTNS, MtaetsdU B,f| Off personally fram the celebrated ct CUckeriog A Sosa, Hostoh; HaltaUDaTta 6 Oou Boston; and Hazel ton Hew York—«U of.aiv stales, aad trill be sold at present TMwwftyTHrgt* n. dnwd mw for euh or on s reasoboble credit,' For sale by | Jeli JOHN H. MELLOB. 81 Wood si gTEiNWAT’o PREMIUM. PIAMH Jn«t recelred, some elegant ToctaTe ATEIHWAY'PfANOB/.. ' Of snperb workmonahlp Nwfrfr; For sale 4t No. 83 FUlh street. ’ j Jo3s - . H.EIJBIE4BBO.- IXALIAN V4ULXDI OTKINUb. BY MAIL, ) roes fain. • 'J'. trebta, or E.trlnp,« tasttu, hot aMUtp.....a>o. heconda, or A M J « «• It»Uan^Xls' Thirds, orp . 3 .« ... «. - « ■.:., _ Fotirthg,orQ » 1 Beat onalltyjrzsach or Gerznan Ist, Bd. Jd and • ilk tntap. ITI - te-.- BestqnaUtj Gaitarl>, AAE*iflrerftrlQcs, / '? Second‘V - * Do. \ - «KhJ»- Best qnaUty-VioUaceDo, A aad - - ™, • “ GandC, ** v u~;_'.43 ' fta 7* ddr « y - JOHN H. MXLLOB, 81 Wood strut. . lot of fresh Strings jnrt airlrsd ■ atao. Violin*, VkOJnOaea, ' TsAUnOHS* GOODS I “ NEW: GOODS II ÜBKfiY G. HALS A CO., (Snooeaors to Jama a Watt,) - Are now recelring ttelr finnuner Stock, comprising * every variety of goods adapted to men and which, In extent, choice ta^teandpriceswUlccmparo fsTorablv with .any la the trade. French, Aaarioan asd Wat of England Cloths, Of * the best of every abade and quality— >e van ,‘ targe amrtment; Caolmeres and Dookins; finna : ' Black French Doeskins; Super Black French GnS ■meres; Fancy Canlmeree In. every vartatvi Bibbedr - Black and Fancy Coalmen*; 6llk Mixed of every shade and color. VESTINGS—Fancy Bilk and Botin Vcetli3ss, nnr 1 Style*; Super Black Satin and Silk Vestings: and Fancy Silk Vatlnge; White Figured Bltt and' Satin Votings. Also, every variety of goods for Bhidnar Coats; likewise a v«ry cbolca selection of Fumlahlnk Goods adapted to gentlemen's wear, * . Soliciting an early ddl from our friends and tto - v "üblic, any orders entrusted to our cars will mast' with prompt attention sod punctuality in all ' BENNY G. HA LE A 00,, Merchant Tailors, • • • nhU ' ■ Car. Penn and St. Clair : wf VCTMOJT &jJLM*EB. ~ rAtTfETuAiTESBr at JJ Ha>l Auction House. No. 65 Fifth gt» ac 9 " : '‘ 800 16 ADiD aiiUhiß, Afail kih*!F, for Laiies»kltaw*, Men, Boys and Children, at Mo- Cielland** Auction Home. ~ • - ? i ; UUriON BAiiKa NVJSKr I>aV, at 'i‘‘f 2 and 8 o'clock, at • the tMssonta Hall Attctka Uoose, ho. w FlUb ateat, of Bahnets, ‘Kentssky Jean*. Prints, '!)* lAino;' Goods. Shawls, Towel*, Boots and Shoes, Table end Pocket Cutlery, hbtloos, Ac./.AJargi quanUty'of BwMk - SbcMsand Oaitere '• during the day,.:. ' f-; V tmiUKß A'i^AUUl'toKV ■ ol iu Commercial Auaton Hook, 6» lifth jtniti ' ' 44 thatoitTrhing* 30 do Iron City do do; ; —■ ._ • 30 do ;H. aad IL do do* ... 30 do do:;. * “ » r - a . J. Q. DATlfl. Anet. r«i^TB. • • A Ivp Aocrtoost. „ ' No. 87 Fousts Btbhbi, 1 «S:, :■