■ i.-;, NJ. •• ■<, 7 H < I. '■ * • l:' »'■ ’.-■S’ lie , i » '« • 4 t , * 1 * mm*-: 'lsis .'vr4.-' ♦ "* - “ *t' < . ’ •>-*Si*’ ’•'••-• 4'«, r » V*?»V V«K;;. v«V. : ;i.- *? ;V 5 I•’ * . *■ 1 •* •> jv, . » . l v , *»- J* *VJ t . * 7* <4* * • ‘ ,4 * 1. 4 « « . ' -I v«:yyyyyyy ; :yv>>;;Vv.- ••;••■._-m *£p V»-% '<"*'*> n » <»• "• ie*" ’* 4- ■.« 4*- ' ! y : V'- '•,. ' ;'V.k||:’:v. '.- : J-. *&•. .vTi:-‘ ..v/?7 i %li. ,JiVj «. '.V, L i •{ . ' V.?’ L ? * s ;f*vE*i : -•* 1 <*'. . 1 ' '■T-l'" ' ! „ -’: ».£ c ' : y-*•- : |K .’> -hi -„ . ,', , -p,v* ivi» r y, r!i •'.- ’* '.<. y V " • V Via- • «k ws; .£ y ¥ '’• V:t‘' C- * ? ■’’ is?-'’v? •«'. c.'.'. •.+ > .V.-v,,>;.*..vi.Ap*' W ;. “’Sit* 1 ’-V N')V -vv MW] .V>,< ‘ Vi *V ’ '■’. S wVm ' M -.V,' t , s -! ‘-."tTV- • * “tte !<■ iS VV4.JJ. ,-- WpvnAW -M-., •> ~ sste#AM'« l^istsN * i V’", it, .1 T % 7,£ ' - w* *• 4« 4 »< a .•. >,* *.* . * 4 'i; •! '■*' ■ ';*•«•£ f ■ t ! - < „. f|f , ■ i-• ■ - ' ’ '* ’ * ; ••.; • „■ ,-• ’ i -.. ; . . 1 '‘' l 0 V • r .. i| 1 -'C' , fl ,4' w!§§:v 0V..) I 1:i n, : ‘ •.-VN 0.',.- From the Minutes of the. Now School Presbyterian General Assembly Just pub hshed.wo learn thatthe totals are Synods, 22; presbyteries, 104; ministers 1,605; • licenciates, 161; candidates, 244; churches, 1,466; added on examination and certifi cate, 7,847; communicants, 185,464; bap tisms, 4,481, and contributions to General - Assembly, Missions, Education and Pub lication, $253,143 07— > . . . An °B e| J sod highly, respected min ister (Rev. J. Monroe) and member of the M. E. Conference in an article: to tho Methodist Adveeate of this city on - 'anstrnmentalMusic m Schools," considers also the question of instrumental music inohurohes.- He-helioses that if. the fol-l lowing questions could bo aaßwered satiß- I faotonly J,y the members of each cbngroi gation, much of tho: opposition would be .removed. .He enquiresi -1: Hoes lnstru mental music promote the devotion and , spirituality of the singing*? % Does the Oongregation more generally unite in aing ing the praises of God than they did bo • fore tho introduction of the instruments'’ 3. Does its use promote the pcaco and unity of the Society, and inorcnse tho num ber of devout worshipers in the congrega tions l 4. Do tho advocates.of instrumental mnsio constitute the ■ most; dovotod and : spiritual part of the society—the inost at . . tentive to tho social meetings ? ■ • . -V. . . —r—At the Allegheny -M;. E. . District / .-meeting held somolimo since, Bev.Dr. I N. Baird, P. E., an essay on ■ ‘-Tobacco' was read by tho Rev. T. Storcr of Butler It was well received, by all who did not use cd the weed, and admitted unanswerable by • • all. who did use it. : —-The venerable Rev. James Hobart of . .: Berlin, GL, who was Bottled pastor of tho 1 Congregational Society in that town in . lT9B,.diedon .tho 16Lh uIL, at the advanced : : age of nearly ninety-six —The Northern Conference of the . Pittsburgh'Evangelical Lutheran Synod 1 . will meet Tuesday, September 2d, at Demp seytown, .Venango Co., A. I lt was -stated -at the Fulton Street Prayer Meeting, New York, sometimQ'sinco by |tho tho Chaplain of tho Niagara- that during her late cruise of two years, seventy of the men and fifteen officers had been Converted, and their prayer meetings had been maintained every night at sea, with one or two exceptions; and thoy were live prayer meetings, not dead prayer meetings We clip from the Pittsburgh Chris tian AdaocaU the following - Methodism owes its existence and un paralleled success, mstrumcntally, to tho sanotity and ardor, the scriptural and di versified knowledge, the judgment, the faith ' ‘po catholicity,-the labors physical apd mental, and fidelity and commanding energies or John Wesley, the Christian, the divme, the scholar, the author, the rulor, and. the most eifeotive evangelist since Apostolic times. ,We have not our tenets from » nonce, or our xealfrOm asentimqn ftlisty or our polity from & speculator, or our.educational principles from asccalar . wt, or our. standard works from a freo - . thinker, or our hymns from a dealer in im becility and doggerel. These, and more than these of.meftas, with ceaseless de scents of tho Holy Spirit, hate placed tho idethodista a, and while loto I? c T® r y region of the earth,*pnusß So 5 ‘ , proridgnco for the Wes ley Family. The army chaplains in England number ninety.- Seventy-two arc Profest »nta and eighteen Roman Catholics The appropriation last year for their support was over, £20,000. ■ ■ It is reported that every slave mart in Africa, is under the controlling influ ence of Romanists r— —A petition has been presented to tho {- English Honse of Commonsj recommend ing that such a relaxation or the Act of Uniformity be conceded as will allow Non conformists to be admitted to the fellow, ship and emoluments of Cambridge Unit varsity. t S correspondent of the German Reformed lleuengcr complains of certain members of his church for calling them selves Presyhterians. This ignorance he Bays is; the reason why so many, members of ear. (German Reformed) Church join i tho Presbyterians in the’Wejt. The great reriVal in Plymouth Maas, still continues. Some two: hondrod end ‘ ithirty have beerr hopefully ,coaTeried,and inquirers are counted by hundreds. Many oponly profanOj Unitarians, and violent oppolers of the • " - Wllgiojn of Christ Jesus’, ■>feet add clothed in their right miui’l \ M. Tillotsou was tried by a Convention of Universalists, at Keene, N. H., for fraud, deception, .-falsehood, and forgery. He .was acquitted by a vote of 16 against 10, on the groun d of temporary insanity. -—The Epitcopal Recorder in an article on “Pulpit Plagiarism,”, argues it is sot in :■ v .the results df study, hot in Jthe use of others illustrations, and hot in the use of skeletons, but .in-' theodoption, as* an aggregate, of another’s arrangements, ex pressions, and thoughts, plagiarism un doubtedly consists,-dud ’ thus is’clearly immoral and improper. , ’ —The African Mission of the Metho- V diet Episcopal Churchhas been in existence about thirty years. It is now a mission Conference, at the head of which-stands 'Bishop Burns, .and under him aro nineteen ordained and thirty.four local preachers. : - A deputation waited upon Lord Pol morston last month to ihducVhis lordship to ad rise the granting of a charter to the Catholie University of Dublin,' Lord Pa lmerston replied that he could not hold out any hopes ef such a charter being granted: He bellorca a mixed education to be the best for Ireland, and as the University wts a denominational one, to grant it a charter would be a retrograde movement. -'—Bov. Dr. Turner, author of Nineteen . Tearein Polynesia, said, .‘'when speaking in a lecture at- Glasgow, Scotland, of tho. ft w violent deaths connected . with the missions in the South Sea Islands compared . ■ with others, (bet 260 persons in search of sandal wood had been killed..during the last thirty years, while of J2O missionaries, who bad labored there.tho-last twenty . years, only Williams, and Harris, and Mr., and Mrs; Gordon, had boon > killed, Tho' missionaries had rescued 250,000 from eav ageism, anjl would rescue 600,000.'- How •moll a sacrifice to secure euoh' results I ’ —The EugllebußapUst. Missosary-BoT ciety sustains sixty-six .missionaries, and ldB native pastors and preachers. QA BBLS/CBUSEKD SDGAK; Ov3o* tlo'-A Coffis*. .J. .do; . -.••••« do B do ■• •- : d 0;:... •.••10- do mantat*? .• '«o; •_ . • -.,. K y '-iaotoroAQ Albruirtj -- -V. M*GOBILLT»."' A “JS “ ; ■ 271 Lifer* ftmC ~ ' fej • "• • : : v -A J s^i^osiiSS^^KSSSK SATTTBDA' RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. IA T E TELEGRAPHIC HEWS, jCO | [I'ROM ODE EVENIKG JEMTIOS.] Sipk.a fl d Wonosid¥ennsylraDian 8 . ***;■ **&• Jlteamcr C. "itli 460 sick ■M woaadad. prisoners on board. Tho non R*ol>obnd prisons, and roanwd on board tho Vanderbilt at Harri >J?TMl2?I DBi Tba f oli°»ing are all Pcnn- L J - Oraporan.eergt. 2d J. Wearer, Cth, . : G. KitcheH, 83d. r v ■: L.ii.Cloghanier,9ib. . M. Bradman, oth car. it Thoß. A. flinton.lOeth Capt. W. F<>rrmt,tftb cav .Joan Arobusta, 85tb. Jos. bchroeder, 4th car ;■*)*«• tdmoßson, 4911*.' W. Light, 4tb* car. **■ ,B. True, 3d rts. ; 0 W • lleuderaon.4tb cav Samuel alckerson, 85th. John Young, Ist riflet, Jacob-Asb, unknown. J.. J. ililler, C7th. W. H, Cole, G7th. Win. E Kerr, G2d Ohio. .B. Kety, 99th. > U. L. Morris 9ih res. Spencer,DenerbJr Bih res. Corp. KoahßurlelKh. 4th Serg. Joe. Klrser,4th res. Win. Broam, 14th J. C. McDowell, 69th. , Indrew Jlrfa. I Corn. John Woods. Glut. Ckaa. A. Torbert, B|„. I 111 artillery, p. Walker, S3d. * i„b 00 5f l l? ,m . n f l f 1 “'“ 4 - A '’ L - Sajtlrr, Hoaplta John Mchco.Slit. - Slowart, 70th. 1 "• Pw* “V*; *• - John Hear, 106th. John B. Thomas, 31at. J. Cannon, 11th. Jonathan Ward, aiet OrorßaPapporly; Bib. Wm. Bird, 31. - -!“• fcßoghllu, let tea. Crnnlstcr, E, 72.1 CbrriM Stlo/, I), Slat; iT. U. Ford, U- 12th n °° l 7 ?: wll - crippen, F. 65th. S. ilcC.llom, O, Cth. W. A. Ualhardt, Ch on. IL h, Compton, B, C Car. torueliiu Strain. G. 6 car H. PlaylorJ, B, Cth CW.< W. H. Ingles,M, 72d Cssay, “fe v.Vut'- Mot, i, Cth Car. R. P. Bfclt, T, 103J j* ,®* v * AlHsoa Swope, 63d. r S' ftte* Wi A* 31. Ji. P.Lgurle. 1 m. °J * lh “ T * . j m- Wwbeck, Uth car. Wm. Harper,6thcar.. Howe, Q, Gth «v Charles Bcnldo, 9th car .f r “ c^ aI V.f»BSUi. David Botcher/ J. Ebbing,, P, 93d. .«~ Lieut. F. P. Gibson. 2d U Bwiel, Bender, F, 93d. ‘ S- cavairy ' ' ' jf Marny.O Ist n. a \y. Whlto/B. Cth car. • £• R» 0. Caleb Btadlng, C. flth cav- Hchry Cochran, Cth car. Peter Ccane, Cth car “W Y- Kennedy,E,eth James 93d. ll.balude, G, Cth,ear H- Larar, 1). UW brret; w. U. .Voa Bane, A. Shorts, A, 03J. rvi. V? , ~ „ Corp. 0 Sandgrand. E. 31. Corp. G. licLanghlln, E, Daniel Kane, D, lat Art „ ‘'» l ■ • ■■ S. JlcDanlld, Slat. A Veaera, D. 71. t; G. Jllcllrry, I, nth Cnv Wm. Darla, A, 108th; I Bnah. I>. Ilia L. 1 .inter, D, diet, . : Jamea Roach. D, 102 d Btchard 800, K, 106th. John Ga'.rnnder, 0,102 d. n’ John Burk, K, 102 J. Gooreo Millar,' E| 71at. mica Barratt, D, 102 d U. Brown, D. 72d. E. Boot, E, 102-1. John Sweeny, B, 23d. Smntlel Uarpcr, K, 102.1. John Batr, A.Slat. J. F. McGill, II lord. _ J* l ;™ 8- Hlark, A, 100th. Samnel Clay, F, 03d ft i.- A * noth- w. E. Berner, 03d. . O. W. Smallman, 110th. Henry Shultz, F, OSth. • A - ft •lb Car.. JL Tyaon, c, Cth Car. “•Jr"born, L, dth Cay. T. Bunta, K, sth Car. John b*ordyco, 851 h. H ,‘ , W.P. Ferguson, h. 3Sth. Cbas. Foust, U, 4th Car.. John Loug, I,4th Car- Coorgo S, Sykes, SI, 10M. John Mioman, L, 4to Chr ttw..TauMMlk.(VM.-' F. lloharta. o*, Clat. i?v£f u U’ A ’ 1,1 Besarves. 4org , t B«ckman- 0,3 d. Philip Fensel, 9gth._ Edwanl Foloy, B. Ist- Csorgo liber, B, 7UU Prank Baldwin, B, Ist- r » 103 d, J. Wcsmen, li, cth Cnr. John McOomb, E, lOCtb. Rbhert GaUen, C. 31st- Joho B Shields, 11, 116 h. D. Porter- D, 31st. J. Glynn, F, Dth li. C. \V. 11. Dary, D. 83d B. A. Boyce, A, 6th It. 0. J. Stewart, D, 71st- John lutz, B, Bth. Capt. DeCrauserat, D>th. i Copt. A. Heff, Ist R. C. jD. Boony, u, oth It. C. ,C. Cramer, X, 191 th. jW. H. Coodnair, l»t It c ■ • _ L . tUB TAKDSJLBILT Capt. A. J. ileff, E, Ist R. C.,- typboul forer. Au gust sth; honed at Norfolk. 4t?i Lw«To?fo“ ,rnment, nod known u No. 1 Extra. ' B*mplo« of tblfl Floor ean.be soon at tbs Coultol ’ < - *< e I* U desired-, to -make a contract for 20,000 barrel*. Fboaldt bovorer. toy person desire to ftirui.b a Ims ?nWs bid.** 0 Ho Floor'-will to received which does not com# no to theatandtfdat the Government Inspection; Jut before the purchase. r * deUTCTBdat tbs Bellroad Depot O«org«< TheFlonrtobepotapinnewbarra't. : . . Government reientes tho, right .to .reject boy iM wrmaypTVperctooe. , . • . . . * 7 ’ “tSS"’SIU?/** 1 *"? tom contractors. who bar* p^£^L7 “ lla . d *° Cpni P J r with tbeir fontract. theirbW*, mtUt **prewnt In perron to reipond to. autt Kooapaujr each bid. ." First making tide eboald iut« the neaeeof *ii the parties intereited. “ -.Payments tot* made in Treasury Kdlee, and tbs D!dftobe4ixoc yo.gflt liberty jATt$-~&,wQ bußb. prime,in store asu &&&?■'■■. v .-..'} . ', •;'*• : ./:* ' ' • ' ~ •/■ ~ . .*•'' f V ; ) 'CIAL RECOUP PITTBBUBGH UAKH »h n [BepartadtpecicUy fer Ike PitUburgh (hizrtu \ Fuidat, AugtntS.—The military excitement i* *> | high at present that bualoes* is treated aa a sectiod* ( ’ary matter. The consequence is that the general - j li very dull and neglected, the transaction* being ! 'limited and entirely of a locjl character. FLOUR—With light receipts and a very limited stock in market floor is Arm and prices give evi dence of a still further adrance. Salo *.-{ ft} bbls Ex* | traFamUy .trt ?£u .Jo do at £»,20@5,25 aud ; lOOlftJ d0,at55,25(55,55. Extra is held at $4,&Uj&,4,C0 1 and Rya.Flour s2 f B7@>3,oJ. ' BACON—Is firm but the demand iaJlght frboul ders are heldat 4@4# plain hat** 7J*@7# plain can vassed at and sugar cured lue. Sale of 4 c k* shoulders at 4c. ~ UKuLELILE—IIie demand for Groceries ha* fall en off considerably and the market is duff, though price* are Cnu but unchanged. Sugar may be quot ed at 10@Uc; coffee and Molasses 63c*55c. CRUDE OlL—is held fiamly at 6>£@7c in bulk We heard of a ealo of ICO bbls in bulk at 7c. CHEESE—unchanged. Koto of 40 boxes priwo W 11. at 7c. 1 totn A*a Gn.vix —The quantity of flour, wheat con* ul harle, delivered h, the Aew lork eanal. at lldoirater.during lb. lourth weak in J U |. years 1801 and 1802, was a* follows: J> Ftoii.-, Wheat, Uuro, Barlee. l>Ms. hush. bush i ush ®'™ 709,1K8 1,058,751 3b,7(3 77,bui) 1,207,603 . 1,104,782 Jncrc.Be,' 8,h7» la. <08,1503 In. 46,031 Dec. SB 703 .i7t“ NSBrcb-M" quantity »f the eame article! left at tidewater front tbe cumtnoucetnint of navliiathiii to tbedl.tof July, lnclttsjre, during (be jeataW and 1802, was as iollows: ilottr, '• Wheat,' Com, Earle,, bbls. bush. bush' >.,1.!. SMik n.**7.WiS 0,71)1,055 . 18i,02(l 18«2...... 701,615 11,834,939 7,670,<33 373,000 Inc. I£3J,OCO In. 387,331 In. 776,708 In. 192 071 By Teincing the wheat to-flour, the quantitv-ul the latter letl at tidewater this year compared with ' l^« r s? P °M dl 2 g par,od Lut thas ” ™ Inerta*o of 355,636 tbls flour. Chicago Flour Maeret, Auguyt c Ue^fiveil I 6,147 bbls. Chipped 1,i«2 bbls. Active and 6chfohS‘ Saies were 126 bbls NuahvMe City, white winter ut II " bu ‘ at s6,do, 100 bbls r.-d wiuter ut $5,00; 100 bbls Well Street white winter at $5,40; lw bbls Derwent chuleu spring Extra $4,70; 200 bbls Cottager, h. 45 bbls su. perior (tows), 60 bbls Pacific and t 0 bids Vormll liun at S4,GO; i 44 bbls Turtle at $4 66; 100 bbls J»q i. till® Centre r. h. at s*.s3#, 200 bills Davis 1 Besi lu) JSS.? 11 ?*. 6 * in ox River at delivered. Itnports by Railroad. PtTTbUVRUH. Ft. Vahcs A Chicago Railroad August B—2 6us pig lion, Jno lloorhiad; 50 bbls whisky Vt II beeloy; r 4» bblsfli.ur, 8 LlrnUay; 1 bbl rggs, «licaxleton, 4 bbls lard, F Sellt-rs a Co; 5 bales twiuc, U Gt-rwig A co; *7vo f«t lumber, A Galley-4 4 bbls pearls, II 11 Coillus; 8 sks 3 bbls dry IruitT L H Voigt A $o; 6a carboy# vitriol, Forsyth A co; * do do Ardesco oil co; 29 bbls carbon oil, A Lyons A «?• 38 »k» wool, J h Marshall; It) sks rags, E B Godfrey! 6 bbls eggs, 3Qo Grazier. " , Clcvrlamd a I’lTTsauxou iUiLuoah. August 7 3 -bbls fruit, John Herbert; 3 bate* wadding, Wlts -n, Carr Aco;3 do do, Arbuthnot A fchimuon; 0 bdls chain, Frank Walter; 1 tail, paper, W o Johu.lou, -3 do do ioster A Hewou; 2tt bbls apple*, J A Fet* xer; 10 do dD, 6do peaches, L 11 Voigt A co; 4 bales bag*, R r hoauedy A brus; 6 bxs leather. Usvs A Stewart; 324 bbl* sand J B Ly«m A co; feer iron ore, " r °*. a .* co; 1 do do, Jon*# A Laughlai; 3* bbls cop per, Thus M Howe. v STE+IJniSU**TS. Rk GUL,All WUKKLINQrJHvjji PAcK.KT.-Tba flue light ■‘«m tr BCIKKCK, C*j,t ijT WUjELLIhQ ererjr fiIONDA Y, \YKt)H%3I)A\ andl rKIDAi► at U w dock a. m., making done cvu oactiona with the regular pock«u fur Parkersburg and Cincinnati. Belurnlng, l*area WUfiJCLIKu every TliLdbA Y, TIiLbBUAY and SATUHUAT, at a o clock. Pamengers receipted through to Clncin *or fralgbror poaaage apply on board, or to JA3. CVLlilAe A CO., Ajpuu, UVWatcf street. AIjLKUUEX 1 PACKETS, . c *P l * Anailrcag, mui it. freight for Oil City Tllld DaT. au7 B. J. (XiTLE, Ageat. DfibilvAbL.fi 1-KUL'fI.tCJ i tuA dALE,—Two twentory brick «,.j h j>U«-«l with water and gaa; lota each by Js<> v-t, ■>itaAU JAMIL? SEWING MACHINES, Bolearoom, So. 12 FIFTH BTBEET, PmsilUßOH, Pa. These Machines will do all kind. of work, and are wamjntedaod koptln repair one jtor without any LILLEE, STB AIN A CO., Agent*. SPECIAL NOTICE. SaX the publle beperftctly anored that they mar boy and uee WILLTAMS 4 OttVlS’ MAGHlirfc JiupnDlty aa any In market, notwltb* ttandipg the grow mUatatemonta-purportiaf to em. anate from the Groter.A Bakar Sewing (Vv Mdothere The idea of .topping p£S£tSE?JEZ £ c *?, mact i loe *> wb *° ft** cannot atop ni ftoa toll log them, U preporterou*. Zhie Mvhlna woe nat. }♦. Wr ermafte'to reword any jxrs<>a WUA aßevtng Matklt* -who c*a; point out one single me where a pcfeou to.rhcm.wfihaT.K4d a Machfue hare been teg*Hyitopped Irom.wing It, or have bad to pay to any party. AGENTS WANTED. , ILIhLEf, STRAIN 4,(20. TAESTROY YOUR—Rats, Roaches. &>. XJ Dcttroff four— Mice, Uoloa and Anfcj, litMrpg pour—boO Uugg. <• - > Vatnff goer—Moth* In Fu», Clothe*, & 0 . Imirog yt-ur—ri and Flea*, Dtdrog your -Insect* on Plan te and Fw»l* Ztefrey your—lnsect* on Animal*, Ac. Costar’s Eat, Boaoh, See., - .. Zxtofminator; Bed-bag Exterminator; Electno Powder for Insect!.' ran ‘ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN." “Frrofinm Poliona. 1 ’ [!?°J «*»ngerou« to the Human Family.*' Bot <*!• 00 pwnirt*.** 7 come out of thalr hole* to die." -iSSS. Oraltri can order as abore, or address orders direct, (or for prices, terms, Ac.,) to ttXXtIY R. OOSTABi MOSnUewT ■ No I •' ■" " ' ,-->-J - : "^'" r "' ,;-• .. 'f -• ; c: T •'V -V;\! '' f \r--\£yy\-\*- : •"-•.* ;< .WEDICJt. . ! rniKK x 5 iioKE v dxp'lEasaot l 1 AND UNSAFE MEDICINES.—For unpleasant !•**«» dangerous jdLeaaes, oie HELMBOLD’S EX ; TBACT IfUCHU,: which bu receired the endnrse -1 ni'iot o/ most prominent ptysichiu? in the United Mates.' U nuw offered to an afflicted humanity m a ! certahjenreforthe following discos and symptoms originating {root .diseases asd abusi* of tho Uriuary or-Sexual Organs: General Debility Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, U*-tf rminatlou of Blood to tbs £lea'd,Ct,ufu3®d I'dras Hysteria, General Irritability, Uestlessnee* nod Sleopkfaufi* at Night, Absence of Muscular J.tilcieacy, Losxof Appetite, | Dyspepsia, Emaciation, Low hpirite, Dlaorgamza- \ tt'.n or ParalysU oftbe Organa of («; it-T vilon, Palpi* I tatioo of the Heart, And la.Jact'oll itin encomftanu I •f a nerroos and Idsbilftated state u> tl«- n.stroi. To luxuru tho genuine, cut U*W out. ''Ask fur 1 Eif lmbold'a. Tuhe no other. Cur« In another o-l'-ti. HAPPINESS OR MifcEUV V That is the Quartos.—The Propri. u>n< ui ihe ‘*PaU : ISIAN CAifftiET OF VCONDKfiN aNAToMY and MKDIGINE" have deteru-iot-.i, rrglrdlnta of expense, to isshe, free, (for the benefl* ifTsutfering humanity,) fytirpf their moat i«.>>rneiiv** oJnd int*:- ertft g Lectures oh Marriage and it* Di.mju dinicatiotiK, xiorrutu Debilityi Premature .Veil Manhood, Indigestion, Wt-altooeacr DeprcsMou, Lner. gy and Vftal I’difers, tb* Great c 5, '-ml Evils, „mj those Maladies which result fr»«ui yumh'uJ futlios. Excesses *f Maturity, or lgnuru tr oi Physiology and Nature's Lt»dr, These luvalcnbU- l.octmes cave been the m*aus of enlightening an.! saving thous ands, and will be forwarded iree urt ti e icctdpt of P —* W¥ |UI l,rv »*M l l-S* IVWP||I, l fotir stamps by addressing “Secretary Pariiiatt Cain net ,.co Ur. H y Biddle and JS. W. Tower, entuining ft* AC 'Ed OF dUUFACE LAND. This troct ts ettuuted id the river, oboat a quarter of smile bei w ci-piinngabela City, and ioosUu principally of fi-*t cl t « il»er bot tom. Thetraei may be diTided int » tuo „r more parcels, and the undersigned is nutii.irt7.ip} by Court to offer and so l iho samo together .-r in anrarate tracts or pure. Is, at may tvem ur , esiratda, Auo, IhO ACKEA, of OAL LAAu ndjoioii'C the tract aboro diac-ibed, and Icm oi lioiis ,u. £ r V ‘ Lawrence, Dr. • . Y. Huidleatid . .* Tower . Tho coails of soper.'To-tality, favor ally located for mining,and m-y also h.* w .jd t«. geiher with : the surface Juod aboTx ue-* rr .*.l, or »rp ar te, in dittioct ir.cta or parcels. Tuns— Oae-tnird of tho porchp*se m.i.□ .!> aLK—I bu under" Xli algned, Executor* of ilto late Col. Lih-iwM Pabl. wil npcue to I’ulillc a 3 l«, on MOM a», lltb, at Jy o’clock a. a., and during the *lu>le day, at the corner of Market and ttccouit ►tn.- te, ciiy ot Pittsburgh, and sell to the lilglwt hu I U*t bidder, lli« folWingarticles, via: a apleurfid uo> o«, t far atn.lu»r.« Uarutss, 4 Bedsteads and Biding, a large r,uj.-ij w Tablt*. OUnd*, Chair*, Looking Gls*ao», Cl-cv-, CatjHjw, I'ictaretr-bUrTot, Kitchen Utensil*, t vxtrnoniinsr* fine recretanr, l Book Lose, and sumlr) other turnl l~turcs aud articles top uumeroo* to tnimiio'i. Term* of jujr scent made knows ai ti.o um.> of *a!«% OATH AfilNE SAUL, ) GEOiKuETZ, Uxecutor*. U y UUaLnRR, ) iiUILUi.NU LOT'^yuK L? SALK.—jTbe tuitferdgood offer* f-r «, i rea tooabie term*, some cf the choice*! i,.r baild ■Qj purpawj that are; to be found aioau'l I’ltiMiorgb Tiier are «Uuaud within ono honored .tfiLe tirminne of Ue Centre Avenue U 0 r»o i:a* «*ay, and aro leauUfnl location* for private «i Lilian*. Tt,* ■croery and everythin* r*tu«ra throi =j.triv unable lor any one aontinffto locals mu* city Hnma,«nd ».tthe aame Umei-o n*u are they tUateotamtinlcatioacjnbehaaal.il .bfcuym .ill hour*. Lot* from.oCD-ioorth of an aciu nowanlr. AicO, aotua Western Land*, equated in >,,wo, *nn lie sot a aid Wlaconuln. AUo, icrenU email ioU in Ki&orsriito, i» f.*t tho ftUjro {.lvpeny Will ie •oldoa.tuvwauucdillug tmaa. iu juirwof JOUJ* U-LiOluS, corner fciiih and v.o>d«iro*ts, Ur, Mr 41. A. ilKi; UUh\ CWk’e Offlce, l ourt Homr. IUVftK, , IN GOOD OED£3. Enquire as the rali:dtt RESIDENCE UN EENA STREET FOB SALK.—A three-ilcry Lrlck dwelling, »uu ten room*, lot EDxUo, in one of tbr U-*t on Penn etreet, all In good order. Prico tmly H.&OO —sl,tWi cash and balance In fire equal .auual pay* m'ouL. PoawMlon at any time. Inqnlrv oj B. McLAIN L Cu.. LET.—A woll fiuieiied and A toaxlbrubly fcmßhod Store on Markt-i, botwHoi Third and Fourth *tm>t*j A loug Boom, fitted op for aechoo], at:.i h-n occupied by Mr. Arery'e Academy lor lndiea Al«>, Nf&on'* Ambpotype Booms, certwr »1 Tlurrf and Market rtnet*. AUo, aorera] Boom* suitable for oC3c<« Jteat rary lcw, toeuit the times. i'OR KENT OR SALE.—A HOUSE X? .coalmining nine room* and cellar, with AOBKS OF LAND, within a C *. fourth of a mil* of BajiirUl* fitatlou, for UIOO tt*r annam. y AUo, A NEW BOUSE, eobiolniiu fir* rooou, c i*r M 3 sum, oa Cbwtlen itroet, ¥lr*l w»nl, Al jbcnj, for 110 per month. * or farther pArtical&rt enquire of AB'il PATTKIiM»h. C’apt. BAYS, F OK. SAWS OR KENT—An Oil He finery, in comply* ordttf. Apply to ' i BQBT. AHTHVUfI, Q'boMtf at Law, No. J 3&. Fourth m» CAItE pF YOUR HEALTH, BUT MCWOBL'S CUEA.M BALKBATUtt, Mfcie from common salt, It i> perfectly iHvUthyaou tnake better, Qg liter ud mor« hcaltht cooklDg thao *uy other taleratus in the wotM, It i« perfect}* free from ail Jniporitlea, and Imparts * vS I *!®'. ®* To * *° *be food; Plea** girt. tt out o’"* Myotir grocer b*a Dot got it tell turn tojr?t li wf yea. for salt wholesale and retail at. BOBHUT.U. JAOK’tt, Noo. 1 am)2 nUiitor.il. apjfcflmSUyitr Booth and shoes at sa aiab- KET STBEKT.-tOOK AT TilE I»RICKS.- tAHod Eag. LaatiDg Biol (J«ltcr< $l,OO, worth ‘ “Co&gj' l ** 1,25 " 1,7 ! “ “ M 1“ *• 1,60 “ «,ot ‘ Tin® Ft. Uorocoojlioel Boot* 1,37 " i,w ' '* Ooal o*ugn|fls •* 1,37 " 1,7 Q " Morocco Blijipcr* , 60 •• 76 * “ Kid i •• 76 «• 1,12 ALL Olßtll GOODS IN ; PBOPOBTION. JAMES KOBB, m yW MOl 89 MAItKST STItKKT. A CARD.—We Would respectfully in form our f«*nd» tod the public Aat w/hw |ual rocelvrd, aud aio poir opon&nc* ena of th« »arurat n U A^ ,e l e^*a ' «ockß]ot imUGS, CUEMICAL*, PAINTS, OILS, UrEStCyrS. PJCHTUMEUY ami FANCY ABTXOLBS, Ac,, Ac.; (o bo Ibuud iu lb.) cur, nblcb wo- aro prepared to. tell (a qoiiumk* ti. •• 2so DLI*. N. O. HoluMt, now crop; • .wflnedyelfow eugdi;': Kvlrtgt prime hicpiN n -40 U do BloCoff*; ' B*cfind and roc*lrlaj{ and for i&U by i q£o ItfoilK 1. HOCSK & Ct). oacon;, JLJ finOULDEBS, :• "‘[HUMS, pl»la; it Do, CMvused; , -. . Il Do, B, 0; cafivuotd; In«terß«adfcr*»Jo!iT WM, B. fTAYS ,fc CO.. , Jaal ‘ ■ • !•.-■•, li- - : 3M Liberty atrraL JKTItOUTii i'UKMTUiIIj; jeuus'a . —We warrant to 1 deapie the faraltare ofiJmt, dirt, aUlat, and nit light acratcbog, and polish ir, ao m to flUtoo with rtm&rkab.e flohi by all the principal Drogglat* lathe Untied State*. * >■ fo\ ' RtCKaE AOKAFr. Man.rfachir ru. WKITZKR CU&ktiJh).r-tf casks Amor* O t-an Sweitwr Checfl# Ucetred 7 thl« day and for » ®bT . BOBX. DALZKLL ACO, —-- " ' l '-‘ ’ i' : Liberty etre»t. 1 I Lb nowTanamc from ttciamcr JCzpreii and for aale by ja3Q • . •• ISAIAa PICKET A 00. BAUUN. —15,1KH) iba. iiacon iiarae; . 60,000 • do • 8hoKld«n: CjolT) n- J. B. OANFtRtn rjpKuas hoops, X tslob/ . f'Olt SME. J.. B. MvJUuleOb, iafMiU.r, 13> fourth atreH. Pht>buruli < Pa. ABOUT EIGHT BOBSU roWJEJj WILL BE BOLD OHEA * ift rtt cuta. GAZETTE ufflCK. firth Wrgct. nborc ,-n » a.‘»o*m. IW fourth Kttvtfl. TO LET* E. D. QAK&aM., corner Third aod Market «tr««ti pXTBA FAMILY FLOOR—2S bbls. Ai Twyohoioe; on Lind end for 111. loir, I|. "' “ ” ' - JAB. BALIELL A SOB. jnjj,. .. .. ... .. dPandfOWateratnat. oil barrel, eiae, for pown * TraJßjr,. V - ■ , W# Wood street,.. £ii vc4:2mdawT HANNIBAL, Mo. JgAILEY, FARRELL A CO., PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, 1» Fotratn flttUT, maßsmtnun TANKS AND AGITATOBB, for OU Beflneries, lined in the moat durable manner. -Houses fitted up with hot and cold water in the best stylo, with all the modern improvements, in BATHS WASH STANDS, CLOSETS, SIN KS, Ac. A large assortment of material# alw.*. mJlt.rm.oarMMn.M. term,. ** 1862. MoCORD & CO. 1862 HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS. BONNETS AND SHAKER HOODS. Wholesale tail retail, HI WOOIJ STREET,’PITTSBURGH. «5J 'mbAU Vlsiiinkour city can buy from os • >'p*rpncn than In Philadelphia or New York. - - McCOBPACU. BOAJU CKisJOi'i’UHCj UK XvTUE CITY OF ALLE&HERY. Fa.—The ka. tborhtai of the Ail*fcheny, Pa,, aro tow pre* t»«rvd to leanensw FiiDda lo; exchange for railroad tsii&szfttiz: *• *- 5 * u< *,^ ro »d boudi css procnr® clrcn. 1,.X°4 £SS," u,ta L. H. MKYEtt, Kan , No. MUJwtrilnut, H. Y., WINSLOW. XANIIB * co in- i, No - >y«H Hreot. N. Y_ _ IKMACFEBEOH, luAlra Traaortroftl»o CIIt of A11,.1,.n.. DSIL DRUGS 1 DRUGS i^mt <27 Ba. Qua Arabic, wicot: ■lt!s Aaafcatida, prime; l * . 2J- ‘I |*« MadraM auJ Manilla Indigo; . I,HoO ' beat Ombre Mad flair; • sv w " Cacary.attd Ucmp’eccrf: i7o •• Hoocluraa CocbinoiU: fd • KM^sriig ..te w, by WoODStDB * WALLA^ ' ■■ l SO5 Liberty street. J AIIHS U. CHILDS * CO., HOPE COTTON UlLt| ALLEGHENY, ItlHMWnam or SEAMLESS BAOB AND QV OSNABDBd 82TNCHES TO 40 INCHES WIDE OUlda. A Co-’*, »33 Wood ,t rittabnrgh. will rectireattontloo. oc28;(11t IN 1780.—BAKKli’5 Xi 4 PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. Par« i warranted equal jn to-tti® Pa*U Chocolates jhan U/■ 65 CHAETEBED IN 1355, ! 'V? dl 4 l r lhlm 9 “ 2 o’clock, «lso oi WtJcad*, I erenloga, from M*j I»t to Sorcnbcr lot, com 7 lo 9 o'clock, *ad from November lot to Hay Ist from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received .of all sums not lea than-One Dollar, and a dlvidend.of the proflu declared twice a y«r * & Jane and December. Interest has been de cured semi-annually, Id Jane and December, since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent, a year. Interest, if not drawn oat, is placed to the credit of the depositor as Principal, ana bear* tho tame in terest from the first days of June and December, com pounding twice a year without troubling the depewi tor to call, or evoa to present his pass book. • At this rate, money will doable in lees than ‘twelve years, ! Tanking in the. aggregate ciobt and nsr.nit.T ru I CIST. ▲ TXAX. Book., cooUOniDs Ih. Charter. Bj-Lmra, Bole *®“^'G u l a tJ o a», furnished gratis, on application at j r&caiDKST—GEORGE ALBBEE. , . • , vica rnrsioEaTs. ' John B. BloFiulden, i Isaac M. Ponnock, John Holmes, , John Marshall, Alexander Speer, James B. D. Mewl*. Bon}- D- Fahnestock, | A. M. Bollock, M. 8.. James HcAOJey, •- ; mil BorgwinT Jamea Herdman, j William J. Anderson, " rxta. DOCTHETT. auB:3tawd Alexander Bradley, John 0. Bactofen, Ot*orge Black, John B. Canfield, Alunio A. Carrier, Cbarlus A. Col 100, William Duuglaa, Johu Evanj*, Hopewell Hepburn, William 6. Haven, Peter H. Htuikor, Richard Hays, William S. Luvvly, SCBKTABT AND TbEABCI fc&dewT srom, sc< J-mu a. t0u.n0... ; j, m touso 'YTOUNG RROTHERti- Duquesxb Foun- X nor. Liberty sma.m-ar the Outer Dopot Pa. U. R., I ittsbnrgh, i’u., unumfocture MACHINE K“ b “ T . A “ D MILL rUBSACK OAariNGo of every ilcscriptlon. OILPIPE, BOILER CASTINGS, FIBS FRONTS. GBATEBAIiti, WAGON BOXES, SAD AND DOG AiiD FRONTS, STOP COCK QOXLS, Ac., always on hand and foreale low Orders luft with W. \V. YOUNG, corner of Wood street and Dianmnd alley, will rocoive prorunt atten i!™: i. pl.ar AU.iSM. JUoOUKAUCK.&CU., Vallkt FocjroitT, Pittsburgh, Pa. iWTWaagnoose, No. SOI Liberty street. r^^^ r ? npi VQQK. PABLOR AND HEAT- PABLOR AND;KIICHKN GRATEb. HOLLOW WARE, etc., Sfoel and Glass Moulds, ReU» ing Mm Caatmgß, Mill Gearing, Gas, Water and At lizen Pipo, fiad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, Su gar Kettles, Pulleys, Hangers, CarWhttlß, ConpUngas and Castings generally.' Also, Jobbing and Machicu c-oflllng# cunle ro order. Patented Portable Mill, with steam or Horto Poatr. nolicmd oils. esc. H. HAMFTO.N, OIL BROKE Metropolitan Hotel Building, - St. CLAIR STREET, PiTTeStravß. Offlc* Luura from & to 11 a. tn. and 3 to 6 d m Je7flm *■ UKTUULITI, OIL WUKKft Kuksb * X Guar?, Proprietors; Uefiovr# and Manufactor. ent of Pure Burning Petrollto—trade mark Pure White Carbon Oil, Pure Deodorlzod Buuiolv, t>ti*aui Clarified Lubrioatiug GU. Gold Pressed R..R. uo do No. X, No. 2 and No. 3 Machinery 0;l, Argand Oil, Dead OU, Glory Oil, Gre **° spirits of Napntl-a. filled promptly. r LL-Ufflo. curuor ur frual md Bniilhllcld KrecU MnaocgaheU Hnqse. Pittslimgh, Pa. j a H Jaaca msßaax „a. n SAaa«L« & BARBOUR, DKaLEniUt CARBON OIL, lamp manufactobess Nq. 23 WOOD H7EEET, UEO. W. SttXaK O. T Sl*lUk'l. UiL REFJLNERYr HOLDSULP, BUY AN A 00., WA-xurscrtmims or DURNISO OIL AND LUBRICATING OIL. 0Q tbo very best quaUty of eieur without odor; also, a good OBKASK iT ° K ’ FUr ” WHIT> ' MSZI| IS( cal MT-AU ordra left m Mo. 3i Finn Srucn, Dank ” orAd^ C ° D,i WIU ** attended to. IMULKOiL WORKS.—WRiH'iiiAN * A A ANDERSON, refiners and dealers in. PURE CARBON OIL, (quality guaranteed.) PITTSBUBGIf. PA. CAR GREASE and BENZOLE constantly on Order* received for the present afoCHESS, SMITH A Co. s, Water and First streets. ee2;6md JSTRORA OIL VVORKt).—LON(£ UILLEH A CO. ’ gWoria >t Bhuj.barg Sutton. Alli- S hftij V«lw, omco and Wart'hocae, 83 MAEKET fiTEEET, rillsbargb. . ’ «. B iVL^ tnrerßor M*LCMU»ATISa and LUDBI -OATX&O CAJtBO2» OILS and BENZOLE. 1 &ETtJii£i> OIL, ffurickid non*«xplo* tire, alway on hand. • oe!2:lyd I UiiKiCA'i'lWU OIL, AT THE LOW rmicx or 25 CENTS PEE GALLON, cooitutlr oo baod ud for sola by E. C. AJ. 11. SAW YEB. 3 A* to tbo quality, wo-refbr to annexed certlSala • . PiTnicaou, Nor. 27. low. 4J - bo-J»tr—Gouto: Tbo Lubri c»tlDg OU we are getting from yon we And to be tbs twt for our purpose* we here erer used. Tu* L. S, U. K. E. JL Co., - Br W«. £SPY, bmUint. OIL WORKS. DUNCAN, DUNLAP A CO., Manofeclurera of PUIiK WHITE REFINED CARBON OILS, Office, No. 231 Liberty street, myS.-CmwE | LMJiKjfiK oil wukkST" ~ WILLIAM P. WOOLRIDGE, irsxtrraorr&EK or COAL AND CARBON OILS, and dealer la „ „ LA ALPS, CM3IXEZS, dc.,dc„ He. 89 Market street, between Secood and Third. PITTSBURGH, PA. • mhSO-.dly PJEESE & GKAFI’, 01 L -«•«*««. PUBK DEODOBIZED Em!N ' ! ' o JTJAM tXABIIIKD MAOHIEEBY OIL. OttO* ALLOIU.VXTIES PUBCUaSeS Oil Barrels wanted. Ooraer Office. Mooftnaeo-ta Ilona*. d»l;aeawlr>' "DILLIAKD TABLES, With Sharps Patent Cushion, arc well known to be superior to all other*. Patented Norciaber, 1859. ■ Monn&Ktoty, 143 PULTON.STREET, New and eeeond*hand BALLS, CUES, TRIMMINGS,**,'Ac. by mail will rpeeiT* prompt attention. liTmiS ALATTEK Ob' THE ESTATE of WlMam Brown,deceased, No. March terra, 1 iOhL Atao Orphan*’ Coart held at Pittsburgh. June 2L-1,1802, the Oonrt made the following order! And now, to wit, Joe Slat, 1802, on motlon of J. H. Miller, Attorney for Administrator, the appoint IL.B. Larnataa, Eaq., Auditor, to makedls tribnlionof the balance in the hands of the - drain* w *° r * .. * B» THE COURT. From the record. Atteeti W. A. Ukuoh, Clerk. All pottone Intorwttd will plow tat. noUco that tliß.uJiujr.ataio earned win attend for the pnrpjio' £Ma appointment, at hi. omee. No. 123 fouxthst.. Plttelrarjth, on anuHSDAY, Ufa 7th daj of AniStl lbe», at iu o clock a. m., when andwowe tbeyfcre' teqoetted to attend. - - J ’<" _Ju7;dawt l JiS' E P£ H A!il> OAKtABB NCR. 8*Bi»p» Pittetmrgh, : ; •; aalSnlawT , JOHNHtJEPOCH, Ja. : njjt'Ks. Ootsmbui cmd CKaeftm ati SidH XAm «4a . ftnnXiimfllj k»T*Pitalrarrh L-OOn-mi . do do y , b-JO *•' Ido Colambn*. 11:10' “■ I AjTire* Cincinnati 4*2o'd m - do fit. Loai»._“~ toMrai Pittsburgh and Splendid Stooping (tors studied to ail HI PilOimrsk sad Rlsdtop TA-. Eesros Pittsburgh 1:00 s. m.| 6:10s. in 112:50n.m do Wsllirille; SOT “ IHI -1 sl'i. do Bioobear’e .'4.-00 ** } 8:16 ** lam u do Wbeeliog. 4:64 »* 1033, «. I 4** u Arriroa BelUir— &05 •*" JIOKO « j &05 « Connecting »i tPheellngwlili Bdilaioro *nd fat SaUroed.na«t BolkirwithCenUnlOhtelulbSLd for Zanaerille, Lancaiter, CtrckrWe, OolanjwTSn . cinneti, Imttanapolie/St. Lonis, and point* Pißtbmrgk cad CTwlaad Zebu* Iwacc. PittUrargh..; , ISO a. o. 14:50 n. m do w.uitiu, ta “ 100 0 do Bayard M . MMM '... Mw . M 6JO “ fcu •< do AlHanca i Tt . [l 6:43 r«, r A*4o H do • Hadron 8:00 u 8*42 u Arrive* Cleveland—Shls “ ; fcso « Mnn'torch*, Ss? Philadelphia ui Ouul Donrpai AManca with PitUburgh.Fart Waytt. and Chicago. R° z B. B. ror Akron, Cuyahoga FhHi and liUlerxburz, and *• Sift.' and Boßalo with & A T. B. B. for loMo,'lliM andChicsgo, and the North-west. • •"-■■■A', WellrvUie Accommodation lean. aH.oop.ia. '*£>£»&s£? “ riT ° Throng Ticket* to aIT prominent, points in the West or Sooth-treat, Northor North* west, 1 can b* procured at the Litem Street Depot, FltttmS. For farther to SlcSnd' Ap ’ Ut - A«g» Cotoponp'* Jamai D. Koliej, Peter A. Madeira, John H. Mellor, James Shidie, Robert Robb, Walter P. Marshall, John Orr, Henry L, EU»gw»lt, John 11. Sboenbenter, W illlam E. Schmertx, Alexander Tindle. Isaac Whittier,; Christian Yeager. :a-CIIAS. A. COLTON. S ik dmm'b"r AR^inrs :, =crE2“ eangement wnw ggsggsggfl<&ii:_B IS63*—THE;- pmnTßvr J TANIA CENTRAL SAuSoiSTsiSklliAniY T ThI»A i?“ S'.Vif r i M0HI) -* T ' Map sui?t Pittsburgh mod PbUedelphiAtnd wn«iFAi*»rt>i. - neettons at Harriabujw. tor Baltimore Washing, ton. mid for New Yorf yia ADeatoim rSS*; . The EEPRE® TRAIN iKrm thr&St nuori statlcmdolp *l**so p7«l,itopid*g way at pX-, cJpal rtattmaj making direct at bESZ fcarg for Baltimore,. Washington and NewrYork rla Auentown. FAST LISE litres' ; the abate named Butko daUy XflmuUjs' oxetptea) at p.m.,ttop*ing only at principal station, wnd- concerting aTSartK bur* tos. Baltimore and WashingtonT^* Jb&CAL FREIoat Oar attached, learn thrf Passenger «,»i, nm,,,. htg, (Sunday, exempted,) nt far as Conemaoghand stoptdng at all-stations. - The Johnstown Accommodation Tkaln leares daily. B*»nd Accommodation Train fcr WUl'a Btattoa lootm daily (except eondatJhtllAU .m. - 1 rE ai < *ommodatioa; Train fcr WUl'i Static r™ ( ’‘ iCrtt^ a ß d ‘ r h“ Fcorth Accommodation Train : Wall*, fitetlou WxidaUjlexwptßnndartat&lgp.m. Fmt Y/ali’s Station Acccmia3datlon, el m. • and Station « S :+SS Wall’s Station • Aocotsiuodatieß* 1*65 ta m^¥nßT«N WUI- Station Accom m ' * PraUo from Blalmflle aad Indiana emmect it Bhdre. rlUb Intenectlcn. with Johnstown *pv*tTTe T *«t and West, lUprun and Mall West. The publia wfll'Qnd It greatly to tnfienaL 7 te OT-'ng SMt or West, to txarel by th» PenantnAJa as the acoOnuaodattons oannot boserposeed on any other reou.'. Tbe'Read Is te'iastcd with atone, and* 1* entirely bm from da£. We can premise safety, speed and comfort to aD wha nuy fever thii RoadwlttftbtirTy ™ r ..... FARE. .... , T '• V t s SKSsrfl aS2±sti=*s s To Harrisburg 745} .. a oa ch»ci«d to all fctattoni on the P.nnrYlra. . and to PhOadUphla, BSl£o?« Pawngma pnrchaUng tlchcta in cat. wlil ha Ihanacho. rMpotaihl, fcr aa J ior an a»ocat not exewfing »UH. ~T W a. B.—An Omnihoa Line hsa‘been iinniovad ia omrey paeecngors and baggage to - . pot, at 0 cherge not tooled2seente feredeb®^, sanger and baggage. For Uckafe.applytfr -vT At; the Pemisylrania Oeatral Ba&soai : Station, on Llterty and Grant /r* 30 **? ' r '* ENOCH LEWIS. ~ ;a3 . • - ■ Qcn’l Sapertnyndsnt, Altoona, PlrrMraoH. Pcaaa. QTEAM AmiKLYBETWEEN^a. O NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL. l&cd*Etl& Saturday, a t ioii iut*s or raasiam" ' TlS— l tariira, Antwerp, *o* ?“?" »-Piutson» ron Eraorx.—B, nurp cf -JSab, aU Wap tiTm*i a2£ : ' M*Bmon wlahing to'hrin* ont'Uialr.iifcadaM"” bey tickets bm at the following rates tolfew Tw? r; cr Queenstown; Ist Oabln,#7s/lBi' - and 3106. Steerage from'Liverpool SttiOOi .ftS? < Queenstowns3o,oo.. .... ,*T* ’ A™,. ■ Tbtaa Btcamers hsTe superior .aoconuibdatiimß to . passengers, and’ carry experienced Susmss. . Ttey ’ ; are .built to. Watar.tigbt Iron BeefiOLnii %!££.■■ • Patent Fin. AunihilJSaoa te«dT?r? T&: I JOHN,G. J>AI»l, AgaaL‘ Wn 00 T.iterU atwwt. • J>l T3B PHILOSOPHIC; -BUBNEBh-i ;s HATDEN’fi NEW DOUBLE-ACnNiJ PHfTtrt OnOPHIO BURNER, for CARBQN QIL, la now -, comfcJ,t£m M * OT,m * U X«*‘ with pwfcct • i sa^iarssjffjgßi^^w ?’ it U “."T ocs 0c 5* llj ***■«• Utahanyotbcrbmrncr Ughwl .ithout^ ¥££.■. onttoncntngthogSß. Thuo bomcnl ar. tho common Ho. 1 .Ut and cah be pat on any lamp now In use. Srerr nenoa w>4n *■ ■ S l^?! 011 S‘ ou i l ““xoaPhUofcphloSuner. IWt. d . Cl,t ‘. t - Sold ax. Ho.i K 1 FMich t EJ'i PltUb “i* ll - ' P. HATDIB. . >ds;lyicx*wP. .-■ -. ■ * ; . PITT3CCBGH, pa. y.ULuAK J- tdltUix ). W. P. PORTSB * 00, ' ' Slaiinftwlcreriot. BTEAMBOAT BnATO.CBAKKa.PISTOSBODa..-'! PITHAH JAWS, WJBISIS. lAHXJ2IOTITI ;-AHD CAB AAUC3, AHCHOBS, - ’ vi. Aad »U kindr of Hwfj forgo)* , SEW JOBE. FAKMJjaia AfIJU miAJHUis, GEOWEY’S TAK ABD SEPARATOR, For cluniag GBAIN. . Patented Javur.uen 6jSß^sar?,%»zsaMs; J ; and Grainy and remark ChaH'Smot. Cheats ■ 5 * Cockle, Ac,, more, .thoroughly; an& with |* .. Jr?}**? 1 Pans,Ofl ana®,:i; yr CosdenMsc Pipe® and "r», of. U 1 kinS , r ,- •made to order. We hare on hand. 15 esginee, of A tnl's *“i 40 bone power; OB HtilbC le abd-li bairns capadty; on«S> barrel : c Agitating Tank; Jlre Pnmuifliate'Banr aU aiew, iJ>w which wooffer. low for cash or approvel poer. Th® 1 Engtnea,,A&, ar® all warranted.' *- . • v , - *» i W;W. WALLACE, • jß2fctnumwF p^. S'JL’&AM - MA tc JSL tS ~W 2 menu, Tablete -and Qrare ■ Btop«u-op iZi ' f made to order at lhn lont«tpTfc«e. We wwiM =T' fc tlcalarljrlnTlte the attention of Sw: ' < aadbeaatintf Imprortmeot InOnr* ' j,<3iT Patent Adjostabtotilriald; it coata bat little «nd S3J s s •«* • much to tbebeaatycf tbeOrtrs 6 ton go. A WamnWx< -i' s * 319 mod SW> Liberty itm*, pt&bSSK : *}r Je26JpnwF: -> > . . Vry/WAifwSl ! f|X> AUM'fcitm—-AachorHolting ninth. X Mill Atone*, Portable Itlfl*. - Y'£") vh ,“ u ’ “ m gmrl°»-»~mni »■—%Mni"ni •U WnJfc rofMl*. . W. W.WALtAOt J«tS:3mire«wy - 319 I.ffcrtTßC.PlttjbafgfcT^ H yf!4^ ULiltJ UiSMiiaiT • * htil'ant*,? . ,;„J W bbk'reoeiTß^' 3^1 . -LjmJ fcTmlobi'. OEKBT H. 00£LTH4-“ lU2ZJKO4D& 0 prrrsBTJBGH' whssliko-bailsoas^^^SMß^Bs MOSTJJYTH*j 6th, 1862 Talm wifi lew* Um Depot ™ q *d« Feamytnala JEUUroed, la Pittilmrjb, *i ACWiIMOBATIOH THAIHB. ■ivoaatajun rccaiveir w<£'r';.'! safifflr tt COMM*. ,■ * !.v ~~ "ifr.-::- . 12:60 n. a. 4.-C0 « 10:15 «• 11:45 « 6:40 ft. m. 6:46 p.oL ICHBctautL ight TnlM.