The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, August 09, 1862, Image 3

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M .Ommnon for tho
‘ B- Bk»w, Optieiu, No. 55 Fifth
... itfaMt—eometed d»Hy :
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, .."gipt i tt|o seceisity of *g»(n .Hading
; m » evidently increasing prejudice agaioat
* .-:w,...'.'persons of African descent," la Allegheny
. • .9^:: elsewhere fa oar vicinity. Ever
* llnee, the bad Wood engendered by -a few
.u -i Vponroae of the baser sort,’'who got into„&
. .Cght at the oelebratlon by the colored folks at
■ Iron City Park, we have seen and beard pain
fat cvideooo'ofan unreasonable and unnecea*
... aary ill-feeling between certain of 'the two 1
Yesterday evening, a crowd of’-yonn<r>
•\f- men attacked some .colored men in the-Alio
. - f gheny Dlamond, and abased two of thorn verr
vv - wnsiderablyione oftbe UtUr took refnge in
.7, cellar on Ohio street, when followed by an
excited crowd’of persons who seemed to
ihreaUabUUft. - \
-We hare been nnablo to find any oauao for
,41 “Is recent crusade against oar barbers, cooks
V! ana.walters. Them are, doubtless, dissipated
. : reckless, and looie-tongued colored 'peoplo
. via the city, as there are people without so
moeh color. . If either of these' transgress
: against the peace and order of the city, we
have laws to punish them. Eat we beg to
remind all law-livlog and law-abiding citl
\.' sens irtheir duty to exert their infla- 1
enco : to suppress any tendency to mobs and
. *ho, through an unreasoning
V .prejadioe, give uy coantenanoe or toleration
to theseminiature roars of caste or color.are
V WKWff *«>gerons spirit of anarohy, do
itrocuve oflaw and .peace and order.
-This aanUasUtion is peculiarly alarming,
■ mh« it is remembered that the city is nowin
4h* height of the military excitement. Num
2>en of ysong men, from the cities and «ur
rounding country, hare abandoned their busi
. - . Bess, and are about- to abandon home and
v • -friends, in order to go forth to battle for their
country. If, in the excitement attending the
: transition from the oitixen to the patriot sol
dier, eomaef thesp young men should forget
s tho obligations of the citisen, certainly it is
of all goodoitltona to remember that
, •f # .}V. # ,“»i!»‘wiMiiidUv) l end-that this
. is (ha only: salo mode cf punishing the tranr
• greiior. . . ■
■ top> that, all good oitisens willVrown
.. upon any attempt at .mob violence, add re
member that It la oar boast that in tEsHnidst
•of all the exoitement attending the war, tho
. of life-end property, and the fair famo
•of these cities, have been well maintained.
. fret it still be oar pride that we have nover
fonnd it necessary to invoke the eld of a nro
• voet marshal. r
m.v : ;
ntiUtajy excitement, continues to ran
both cities and the ecrroanding bor»
. ©ughs/ anrfjha work of recruiting goes brare
ly on. flereral companies were sworn into
. the eenrlcuyeiterday, and qnitea number will
be ready to-day. In Allegheny particularly
* recruiting Is remarkably brick, and itisestl
.mated that folly ono-half of the single men of
that oily bare enlisted. j
There was. an immense crowd at the Alle
gheny Diamond last night, • and the Tirious I
recruiting stands seemed to be thronged -with • i
anxious to get into the serriec.
Jhe ynioa Infantry, Capt. Isaac Wright, is
oreoot fall, and will be ew.rn in to-day. The
vtarke Infantry, which is to be -commanded
P?f*?y r Dryo, ts filling np rapidly, and
wilf>>a alt probability, bare roe full eompU
ment \by thia CTeniog. - Company B. of the
.Batcher** Infantry, Copt. Henry Maxwell i»
nearly ityl,.and will probably be mostoied ia
tUa*errj£g?io.d*y, r .
' At. aeetiVg'-.w&s <3rgihl*«d ; at 1 one of the •
i stands and s’peechea were made by Hon. Rob t.
i MoKnight* rfVqb Wbiteeell, Eaij, and Her.
Jar. Ramsey, <JTTa.v; to. The remarks ot'
all these gentlemen were eiceedirgly appro
priate for the were receded with
. - We. understand t&at itf .a&iiiloa to the
three compaaiea. which arriwed from Bat’er
last ereniag, that has two other cum
paaiea about foil, and readV J© mere at a mo
'• ment’iaotice;: ’ ?."■'■■■> \ .
, A ooopMj, raised Jn the .il-Jjsttj at Bui- j,
* srw county, andccrQmanded by |
aMpt. expected to dcrfre last I
tvghtewroß/afbrUarrUbarg. j
Another company from Lawrence coiJQiy»
war expected to arrive last night. j
Himtb for DuilerlxArrinll of 300
' men.
Great Axdtemenl waa oreated in the city
. tot troi log, by th® arrival of three full com
panlao fr »m tbohoneot yeomanry of Botler
S? 0 .? I *'.. *?** ‘bo coaaiy-soat, "old
fintlar, ‘at dr«.o clock in the morning, and
arrlrod ahptat Ihe eamo time In tha evening,
in. a train of about forty tooooar, forming an
umnenaeau i Impoatog cavalcade. Thocom
wilpa. are e\pmmandad by Captalna-Breckin
ridgo, and Riddle, and, in the ian
guag. of one *>f thoir number, each company
waa "full to oreorflowlng. F 7
They were ‘torched re the Subsiatonco
®on®of At ClAy, .Hal], where * enbstantial
meal waa rerrod np-by the Pittabnrgh Bab
alstanc. Committee. .Wo art Knot advised aa
to where this large number of men will bo
bat -ww nreinmo onr etoamboat man
win "do the baadaome," and giro them the
tuaoftboir boatinnrl! th* camp ii In readl
bm* for their occupation.
ThU f. only tha fim instalment from But
lereounty. One hundred and. fifty men were
laft behind, and two.or threo eompaniu mar
1“ rt " ‘n * fow day a.
' “Ho dm/Ung in Bntl.r county” was tbn
motto diiplayed, and tha ipoataaeoui upris
ing pr the people la a aura Indication that no
oompnlcoty muni will bo needed there.
_ All honor, to tba loyal and patriotic earn of
A JWI company of 100 mea arrived kere
yesterday.from Beaver, uad»r command of
Captain John A. Vera, of Sharon. The com*
pasj.ia composed of the right material—
atrong, vigoroai, active men—'men who are
tOMfd wd who will make excellent
fouler*. They took lapper at the Subslst
•soe Booms, CUy Hall, and were quartered
among the various hotels of the oily? ‘■ •
CokMUMTSP.—The Butcher's Infantry.
Capt. Hoary Maxwell, and the John Watt
Infaatryji'Capfc Thwnae, Jiaxwell, have been
eonfoUdated, and wilt be mastered in and
their,bounty money to-day.' We are
. . with the .boro gentlemen and can
...hi r for* tbeni. that they are men oompotont to
: tha talk them, and would adriio any
• on. wfcp:wba&« >‘ o ■ join . good company, to
""gain-* f . .TtoTWiR gd into camp immedi
ately^'ln loofi»N/or ohroll
jonrnAtnes, dim't/£il ta gir. thorn a call, ’
J'OKia’ laaai I» th« ral
word ofisother roisatoorpipantnUoD,
' 4,- ttw «*f!«» J.' .4- .MoSliwld,
k loldior "*^ o iu bod thirteen moB«S» oiper
rlooco In" tii Iwsg* onthlo banner
it Moan. J. bT'S” 4 . * J‘fth«uwt.
wui. x.; Wiu« / w«..H®® w . n »* «>»s coo:
&oo*tia ft bulatif eapa^J l “® e *!?. b *
lUbaeor f . is' ooe of. too LtoS^W® l ?* W»®
ooßpoftj’to oftpod lo>booor:of #3l9'.oar
w*U*koown.Wftto>olrt«t owr*hoßtfl, Gto. B,
JonM,E)q > hM ttomp#toDt oQe*rf, odiJ will
deabtleai ruplaljfillap.
. Bixtt Ahothsi*«*»M« ftro gratified to Itora
, thftt Poptw.daaxM L.-F«r»oo bo# opened a
Jiwwa * Klrkpet
.jioW •#"°wdW »»d 193 Liberty a Ueet; 101 l
la ftO C* o^®1 «PP°«onUy for yooog men to
• toilet, ®* a Toaoh fuf tbe competency of
• tho ofleatfr Uoalao batan, office id tbe £>U
•iato bo oaUed tbC OFixdc. Wo hope:
• t««M ii fttU:ln*fai7 dajf. • :
tLLDSTJUTIb. W**kU*j.-.Alr. Jobd -W.
• ftmVoppo»tto;tbw-Fo»toffloo;
- baa received tbo-^ 4W X>r& Mwtraud 2fw» t
Harp&t asd itouanp /'At/iuo—m all
wblob will bti<»aDd*'ifc# grave and gey,, tbe
lirel/sBd;iiv*fe'T«~or<tbo Jlftof tb« treebUn
ita mft&UdldrUgb£*. apd-ahadowe;-Fit-.
- toek*a ooftator-wil^bo^oncd-^inQra.Yf!l"aop*
, i pUad W otbfti:
*\ v
' *4
News •- Recruiting.-Move*
ment ot Troops, dec. 1
. .Good for Heaver.
Movements of • the Second
pheD e y? P ' eBby,Cr,an A?l"?
Oa Tuesday craping, (ho sth ins,., t!le
young men of the Second United Presbyterian
church, Allegheny, together with lome
othen, headed by their pastor. Rev. J. B.
.Clark, held a meeting in their loctnro room’
,to confer together as to tho dnty and expe
diency of organizing themselves into a mili
tary company, with their paator as their Cap
'““Vrpurent that the eonti
ment in favor c. the movement was nnani
mon. and enthnsiastio. Mon too old totake
part gave their voices j a its favor, and it
.pen became evident that. eomethiig would
MrVa^L 1
3f: U,s "™o at the head of the
,r»h. v d - immediately followed by many
of|tho young men present. 3 y
first betn ho roll of the second company, the
ft tV nn S^ 11 ’ andthla morning, (Friday)
willbf.worn ? ' an<l . th * 2
resdv n"‘ v ° " ,,ir boant y. and bo
to Harrisburg in tho evening,
ofVhoo “ e t . h ' re a vcr y fail meeting
w.' h °° 8r > sgal !. on tho chorch. Addressef
were made by tho ltov. Mr. McCloan, Eev.
Dr. MeLaren, and the Rev. Mr. Clark the
Paator, all breathing a epirit of ardent’.md
hopeful patriotism. At theoonolnsion of the
add„., M , Mr. R. Q. Martin wa, called ?”
re.ofnH ’ atui a Com “itteo appointed to draft
°)‘P r “‘“ r ? of th « «n« Of tho con
fer 8 h l f D0 ~ p and extraordinary mat-
Cn th J m ’ D “ rl °l! tho abseaco of tho
Cemmittoo othor addresses wero made-.
pleased God in his good
providenco to place the American people under
“all htm t o o .h M, P° B « i biliUea? and to
A rebefun r‘r ° P? r , fo ™“« of strange dullee.
of fearful magnitude—unprovoked,
e“, for,Md otterly oojdsfidablo—threat
ifnot «no° r 7 ° x “! tlsn °" as » nation, and which,
““A!'PPso'sed, W'U wbolm our country in
remediless ruin, and quench all civil ami ro
-0«r»W S'mh.
«k. v th ° «word, and by tho sword alone
can the/ bo met and vanquished. This irreat
Se« I thft“ D °. Ufios w » ve ly be
> f? J a me “ aro Eoton| y j“s‘ifled in
dS- B „'* -r hal do !0 11 thoir highest
Tb/reftrc, ” 0 ”'- PalritU ' “ nd obrictian,.
,^ IV l d ' T b*‘‘be act of our belived pas
top, the J. B. Claes, in laying aside for
•.time the snored duties of his ofSoo, and
going forth to tho defense of his imperiled
country,as leaderof a band of young Christian
JwYJ a 'rh n V re >I V I cord,!ll approbation.
»boY' rhltm! deeply feel the sacrifico
Which we, as a congregation, are making in
r. lth iim > Md ia being deprived for a
,L f , h “ and instruction.;
bat that wo cheerfully acquietce in the gre.t
ntMssily which demand tho sacrifice. “
Jfesofc ed. That we pledge ourselves to fol
low our patriotic pastor and his brave com
paamne in arms with our fervent prayers for
df hody and spirit, and that God
would bless them and cao-e his face to shine
upon them, have thorn in Uis holy keeping,
give them success, and In Uls own good time
restoro them to ut; and also that wo will do
all m our power te cheor them m their arduous
YVY ,^ d r J V f kiadcc *« fo themselves,
»D(I to their loved once at home
Jivohtd, That iu vi«? of the great person
ftl inado by oar beloved pastor, we
wUI continue hie salary the same as if he were
laboring as usual in cur midst.
[SignedJ J l3 . AI. McCasduss,
(leo-.ce Lturis,
Jakes Caldwell,
*Joua Coawpubp,
* Cvmrautee.
The report of the CcGudUta wa* levied
and adopied with cctiro unautzuiiy, wheo, on
motion, itw»s.resolvtd that the editors of the
several daily papers of Pittsburgh be respect
fully requested to publish these proccediucg
Adjourned with prayer by th# lUv. Ur. Me-
•Las. firming Co. A was organised by the
unanimous etioico ol Ittv. J. D vUrkaeOn~
Uio ; First Lieutenant, litii; Lku-
Usiat, Sterart.
.A’srao early hoar tbiria'iri.fne, tftb mem*
>« £C». B,(vu« MvCvudiwi Ibfrutry.eo
named in honor of Jamc* ifcu*tiui&*s, L<q.
a «r«ll klxxrii it} a,.it lVr’.'i
streot,)iss*mMedand ekeied >ir. I>.mu tJ->
feit, or Allegheny, Captain; Rivard 0 i)»ia
I 100 uf Dr. Dale, First Lieutenant : B. !i!
woodbam. Second Lieuteua^r,
A oonMderab’e number ot uadits arocowo
for a third company. Tbesrsiritof our your*
mca of the ohurrhes seems to be fully ar-used.
A finer body of men then these t*s«. <*oie*vq.
:«i cerer left this city, if further time could :
be given, a regiment ecuid bo iaised without i
difficulty. ;
?iror<i and Pistol Presentations is
Manchester Borough.-lniereetinc
V.f*terday eveniog, the borough <;l Mad
c.Hpiter W« enlivened by a bountiful sod
toudhi.Bg losae. Thu Howe Engineer*, a
company". trader ifce command cf Cape.
Adams, turned oat in full force, being no*
completed and ready fjr the fipld. After a
abort porado through tho principal streets,
it was halted in front of tbs office of Hersrs.
Poor, Wegley A Co. r on Bearer street, where
4?spL Adams was; to be presented with a
beautiful sword, the donation of.Xhomaj Har
por, Esq., and Meiers. James Stedaford and!
John both privates of the same com
pany, were to be made the recipient of two
beautiful piitols, donatiun of Messrs. Poor,
Wegley A Co., being their late employers.
'' Tbo meeting being called to order, and an
Immense crowd being gathered, Mr. Thomas
Harper .was chosen Chairman, and Mr.
Ibomas Costamagna, Secretary.
John B. Kennedy Esa.r on behalf of
the friends and neighbors, presented the
•word to Mr. George Reynolds,'who received
It on behalf of Cape. Adams, and presenting
! it made a neat and patriotic speech, nar
j *»t«d tbo canse of. this great rebellion; the
! ingratitude of th* rebels, who arter being
I fostered nndor the paternal care of this,
the best government on the face of the earth,
made a cowardly attack upon a half fam
ished garrison, and our glorious Sag was
for the first time trailed in the dust; but a
mighty north raised itself in fall power and
wo behold now the same glorious flag waving
over all the states of the Union. Ho thought
Jt to be the duty of ovary man to go forth and
lend a helping hand to crush tbo .rebellion’
speedily. He trustedtoGed that the recipi
ent of that sword might lead his men
honor and watch; over them with paternal
| <®re# >hd that, he.;should never sheathit
\ until thelast of his foes wonid bite the dust.
He hoped to tee him. return homo environ
ed by his gallant band, if God willed other
wise, his death would be envied by all men
as the death of. a brave man ami a patri
ot and when pssce : and harmony would l»o
restored in this now detracted country it
would be sweet,.the remembrance of having
saved bar from th'e*eoemy’s grasp. The
speaker retired amidst applause.
Mr. George W. Reynolds, on receiving the
sword in Uibalf of Capt, Williams, made afaw
well-timed and patrlotirfemark*. He vouch
ed for rthe Captain's gallant behavior on
the battle-field, and he restedassored that tbo
bow glittering blade would deal death blows
to his country's enemies, and it would never
be sheathed until bathed-with their blood.
• Uapt. Adams thanked the donor and the in
habitants of Manchester fort ho aid given him
4o raising his company, and as it was now
folly ■completed : ho was ro&dy to starl.
He spoke very feelingly about family ties and
{rjeadf left Unifld, but in all this ho bod the
iwMtggpsolatipn to serve his country, and if
God wonid sd Willed, be was ready to make a'
voluntary sacrifice 6t hiy life for bis cdtiD try's
Mr. Joshua Robinson 7 was next called upon,
4gd in presenting the pistols spoke at some
length and in.a. truly patriots strain. He
coppluded hie speech with a very patriotic in
.?<mjttoß to oar flag, retiring amidst the a«-
plause 6f tfi flntbusipstlo audience. *
'John B. received tho pis
tols la behalf of Messrs. hffldafcrd and Walker,
and.closed the meeting with a few well timed
remarks. . Oamotton, udjournw-i. /
: Swobd evening, fld
taO through this city of tbo Lawrence
oonoty roionteera, the friends ol Captain £.
O.Brieo,who commanded odo of -the coinpa*
JilM, preieoted hits with ft regulation aword
ft&d belt, as a testimonial of tfaelr apprecia
tion of hie worth &e a men and a fcoldicr.
Offing to the short tiuo tbat elapsed be*
tffgfift the arrival and departure'-of the
-troops, tbejCerempples were necessarily brief.
The presentation vm ja&do orvixshaii of the
CapUln'e frieods bj Col." S. W. iyiok,er»him,
;to* hoioeloqaentaii<t|ietriotto speech tba’Cap* ;
rtala replied in fewesrnest end: stirring
befitUnga true And tried eoldier.
Arm*..lntense Excites
' “»*6 Caop e He°re. ,h ’’ ° rdered
. Thv military ferer continues unabated
throughout the county, and enlistments nre
xowg on as rapidly as erer. Companies are
.ormed faster than they can, be mustered in
by the oEeer appointed for that purpose, and
the excitement and enthusiasm exceeds any.
thing yet developed daring the progress of
the war.
This forenoon the Walker Infantry, Capt.
boCty t °’ ” nd r ' c ” i " J th ' ir
re^™ 118 * b ° EoT - Ca P‘- B °Jd, of Ta
ontnm, arrived that place, with 158
stalwart men, for the purpose of having them
mastered in. The men were mawhed to Wil“
cltv ini'l”!* 1 ?™! th ” y ’ r ' rs •“ b »>«ed at
mHiel Th 7th 'S,> t “ b “'-ghSobsi,tenc< J Com
mittee. They than returned to Wilkins Hall
and are now being sworn in. It is expected
tnat the number wilt be swelled to two full
the* city ” b ' fo ” ‘ bC7 “ re ordtrtli to leavo
. J b6 Jr'?'” ®«Uo» of the Hampton Battery
hM enlisted 55 men, under Liiut. BeubeJ
ereoin’g? d h ° P< ’ ‘° b ” mastored in this
Bev. Captain J. B. Clark was oni
ran bLWlf' l pl °“ did h °“ ° { two hundred
D ; M,T ot , ,e o bMn “■>■»«<» in.
Marehard, of Irwin Station, Westmore-
Lhf-l k 7 ’ arrived to-day with 33 men,
To Cant J 'T m M U, B Und "'w ndiD8 > mn Edded
Ulinfu * Keystone Infantry,
il “P t° ; ‘he maximum atandard. Dr.
oh °" ! > First Lieutenant.
The company i, now ready for mustering. '
m b X ri Ll th ° com P“ nim recruited for nine
months, had arrangedto leave to-day and to
will^b’,, a at ia no ' r nncortain when they
Ti, b V ord ' rad to re P°rt at Harrisburg. 3
TboExecutivo Committee have rereived a
dlXi'ti, ““ Ad Jtt»nt General Bussell, or
dering the companies and squads formed here,
into eamp at this place. A great many of the
men are delighted* wilh this* arrangement,
it will afford them an opportunity to arranito
their-business affairs, so hastily-abandoned.
Others prefer Searing at onee, and the Adju-
Sio t wh°.'u alh,l9 i. bMn lolo Braphod, to ascer
tain whether such companies os desire to re
port at Harrisburg forthwith oan do so. An
answer has not yet been received.
Capt. Smith, of the old Pittsburgh Bifles,
and a competent and gentlemanly officer, has
been assigned to the command of the oamp at
Oakland, and Quartermaster Montgomery will
at once set about furnishing thfnqcMsary
supplies, camp equipage, etc. Men cannot be
ao mmmodatod at the new camp for several
days, perhaps not till Tuesday next. In the
-meantime, ourcitiren soldfers will have to re
main with their friends at home, and those
coming hero from a distant part of the county
Committee* 181 * 11 ° Ur ' lC ° llont Subsistence
wwa 0 u° ly '“'d l ".* f r°m adjoining counties
TfseS J'"’” 1“ ar “ 7 ' 7 bero, were a battalion
of 230 from .Now Castle, who reached thlsclty
last evening, and passed east on the next
Several companies are expected from Butler,
end other coontiei iu the vicinity.
Volunteers from Natrona.
Upwards of two-thirds of the member, of
the company that left Tarentsm this morning,
under Capt. Boyd, for Harriiburg, have en
lletod from the town of Natrona (belonging to
the Pennsylvania Bait Manufacturing Cim
paoy) and its Immediate vicinity. Of the
tuta. number nearly on. W/ of the company
were to the employ of the Peuntylvaaia Bait
.Maoufaotormg Company at the lime of their
enlistment, and-many of their names were al
rc_dy enrolled before tho news of the contem
plated a raft was received. The employees Of
the Company presented, last night, to first
Lieutenant Michael Bair, their former asso
cla.c, a handsomo revolver and sword, as a
tosen ot their nehtemhraneeand esteem. From
thirty to forLy Applicants for enlistment wete
.refused, the total number allowed by law hay.
lltg already been Strom in. This company,
we behave, will form part of the ISSth reel
incot, Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Another Nciv Company.. Mayor Drum
iu the Field.
1 .}"? wi, ° chew here the formation of a
; ioi.-it company no-fer tho mtplcuu movoJ
j mtnt of P.-jy J. c C art, pastor of it,,
i Second united Preiby terian Cnureh, Atlegne
uy. W hoo Company A was dlled, there were
I V. meoy still arsioa. to enlist, that Company
j .“ "hco formed, and now that it has
( oeen allou up, Company C has been formed,
or waica Hoo. tiimon JJfuto, Mayor of A:j#-
Kheoy. uto take command, W jth s. L on _
Utgh OoDitrtle, «, Lieutenant. Wc
uiidcrdfaml th&t iiojoe fort/r»i»aje« aro already
enr«il»u # And (Uo^ company may b« tiled up
by ibis create* Mustor roll* are-now
at the Maycr'g office, Ohio •treat, And at
Cildwell a itere, Federal »4eeU Here it »
rare chance to eolUl under competent and
worthy officer#. Those who dooire to join
must Jo eo speedily.
RxeiuiM Eecoan—Part XX. brier,
down tbo Diary, with its accompaniment •>(
Document., etc., to March 1, of the pre.ent
roar. Tbo portraits in tbie pert are-ijlijor
General David Hooter and the redoubtable
nod wordy Henry A. Wile, Ex-Gorernor, Ex-
General, and Piajed-out Character generally.
W* b»v« so often commended this vala*blc
work os the only complete faittoflcal edlto-
Uon of the wenorafiiVm of the Southern Re
bullion, that wo need not say more, now.
, than it continues to exhibit the same pains'
using and skill on the ..part of the Editor
and Bodily realised every anticipation we'
formed of it when first announced, and when
wo had only-the high character of the Pab
lisber ana the already tested ability 0 f the
£:‘ l o r |°„* Ue 2 goarrantees for the work.
AQo neboluon Record may be ordered from
any bookseller or periodical dealer.
The I'ork Engineers,
tj® ?* 4; f 1 the MeAuley Guards,
the Robinson Rifles, Painter Guards, park
Zouaves, Vigilant Guards, RussoT Rifles, and
| (be company being recruited by Lieut.
Gotta, forming the battalion recruiting
by Ed. Jay Allen, to serve under Sigel,
have all altered tbeir time of enlistment from
nino months to three years. Those of the
companies who desire to go as nine months
volunteers will be sent forward to Harrisburg
in S'jnada. The companies will retain their
orgonizstionand fill up a eomplement of men
In lor the whole term. This Is a good move,
and render* them effective men not for a few
months, but until thp rebellion Is .crushed. *
Pittsburgh IxriSTJtT By reference to
our advertising columns it will be seen that
Samuel Harper and John J. Oase, well known
•members of the her, are recruiting the above
named company for the war. Their recruiting
station is Ho. 73 Grant street, near the Court
llduso, where they haverccclved a large num
ter of recruits, and require but a few more to
completo thoir company,• They offer an add!*
iiooel private bounty, which should enable
them to fill their oompany In a very short
Wstt MrxTiso st Baiooavn.l*.—.A mill*
tary mooting wUI bo held at BHdgeville, on
Monday evening, * t balf-past four o'clock, at
the hotel of Mr. Boyd. A rousing meeting
is expected, as everybody is awake to the
prorout dtmand made of tivm. The meeting
will b. addressed by Hof., J.gvry,
Craddock and Bayne. *
OoursTtca by the paokago, piece or yard*
An immense stook at Barker A Co's. 69 Mar*
hot street. Prints ntW/f eonuj sheetings,
ehiruogs, &0., at the eame prices as before
tbo late nso.
TUor,<1 *7awning; An*
gnsl et«, 18*J, at;tbo residaDCorttio bride 1 * brother,
in Ail ghtiiy C>ry« by tbe Her. Job ' Pausl.e. b b
Mir. MARTHA lIARr.of tb.formerp|*o'
MoCLKLtAND—BPUOA f—On Frd.y, Btb luts
by tt-v. V, G Brairard, Mr. W»1. W ttcJLBL
BARi p. of Up*. Clark'. Company, and Mbs II AfilA
T. OrhOiT. y
DIJSDi • /:■ ■
fiSlTTfl—On Friday morning. 6tb Instant, at 7
o’clock. jAhE, wife or Mr. Tbouj&jSajttb. of South
Atbdui,', aiicgueuy CJiy. :S .• ,
7k.fri*nds oftbefstulffere mprctielly invited
to attend t?.o funeral tbUaftrocon. at bail nut 4
o clock, from the rerideico of her routh
iit4«uo, AlleaUbny.Cuy.. • 1 i . •• - •
; aIORROW—On Friday, Angn<t Btb» atl o'o’pck,
tr. Morrow,of the Algbth Word, Fjui
j inreit. Jr'- ■ .V
-! ibefungal will take-place fromhUUtoresidence,
i cttiMt Marion «bd Bluff streets, on Sabbath. at
I 2)4 odock,.r 4. Frl«fld«<»f the fstolly aremylted
Ho attend.
A I T tut; sipprrior qtnll|jr it lotr pri-t»;
ntjottt«r..<app]y,Ja»t.r*oeir*il «i the Jndl» habber
I»op-t, Sfl and X 8 at. OUlc'fttrMt. H - ******
• w 7.
a A V of iiuOtivt and
t* M aoi 2S hi, Sfllrstreet. -■
•tf J.ia ramus.
[Cqcmpohdencocf •!» Pittsburgh Gaiotle.)
[ WuMmutos, Aug. 8,188 J.
I sopposothe war meeting held here to-day,
anS of all them'ain features of which tha tele
graph haa informed yon, ought to be looted
oppn a> one of great significance. I did not
hear all the speeches on the occasion, but if
what I did hear foreshadow the policy of the
Government henceforth, then we hare come
to the beginning of the end.
The surroundings of the meeting were no
ticjtablo. The vast crowd flocked at the foot of
the great stairway to the east of the Capitol
Thbre the President toot his oath of office
fta f tlwre be;delivered his inaugural address.
Through what an era of moral progress has
the country passed since that 4th of March 1
•To-day Mr. Lincoln stood then under tho
shadow of that stately dome, and platforms
festooned with flags—flags mpresonting tho
glory of the nation, for a year and a quarter
trampled underfoot of traitors. On his left I
wrestled the group in marble, typifying the
between barbarism and ctoJixation.
On hpw many a bloody fleld la the etrugglo
goindon to-day—slavory andfresdomin dnth
grapple- Infront of the President Is a n,t
crowd—all voice, all cheer, all waving of b«-
n,erß aud handkerchiefs, while the band
tho “''"'Hail to the Chief/-
and the thunder of cannon eohoes and re
echoes from dome and oolunjn of the groat
Shin a° f - th6 r °“P itol - iTho Btatu® of
“‘“"‘I stands m front wa ling for its place
upon the domo to 1* prepared for it. Shall It
go up at length With the shouts of a ndeemed
pcopie.-and that nughty figure of brotrse ex-
S e S’ ' hwl “ °™ * nation in
which thore shall be no slave? Letthe Pres
hl'ek' r??J a th * P" ) P , ° WH ocho it
back; from their million voices. The hour is
npe for action. The tide of tioo/dear sir
th *t direction, and ‘-taken at its flJod
leaden to fortnuo." What a name to go
tho nUa ? Md hl * nation from
tho relio of barbarism; bo washed from her
of'thi fee? i lh ‘ tUmn f d ‘P ot f h ° cleansed, her
liu h ” ping'd from her vl
is throtUod the
bell-fiend, and with tho might of a obristaln
Hercules quenched its malignant life." What
marble or hronie would be worthy to record
httohe,!? ?>, of Hint man who, rising to the
height of the great Occasion, should ainite the
gaffing fetter frem four millions of men and
women and forever remove all caute Oftreason
from.our land I But I forgot I was SpSaking
of the war meeting. ;
I.tesnlatlons, which you have published,
hro very well, and como nearly up to the de
“•“df » f ‘he limes. Those relating to trea
son in the distnot wero rapturously applauded
*? dr : v P , ‘ a ' J with » demand from the audience
, tnet thoy be ca&da practical.
Parts of the speech of Mr. Chittenden will
abrioot ’"s? by loyal men
abroad, lie knows, of a traitor to day in a
position in tha Government where all the
movements of onr armies are known to him I
wilh wh,t » '‘out of“.osie
aim that announcement wee greeted. Yon
W'il ioqaito how long Mr. It. iatende to
eleep On that information ! When doee be in
tend to denounce tho traitor to those who will
takocare of him?
|p laces aod navy ore getting I
* M C S D, i WDUy y Wltb mea -think
hangedandtU other end of the rfpe
be balanced bg Benry Ward BteehJ." ItU
Th* T of u «aioa tbat gail*. i
Theio .men. ingood placss who beheve the,
Union J U -a good thing, provided slavery be in
(he ascendant. There is a perfect swLm O fJ
L Terai r a 0f ‘4* »«*"*»* fa (hi. Di“
triot, nbt oneTn ten of whom is aoand to dav
w " »" M “d on hi. wiy
to Bleflmond.i. tiio eon of a man high in :
. B a °S.T; l 1 k “"V ““ appointed to oflice
! Ido u “‘ «U months who sent hie elevet off
*' th J ,im * ,b ‘ omanolpation an
went laloeffect. One Brawlcy, from your vi
a* “*?“fsmUUar-denouac
«d the Administration here, and the Buck
u, P i? 'cT'f e “,d ““ ?“ for » week of ro, .11
•w?t bn ’ »“ informed, ahrjuga
° toflotocc, ho received L
appo-nttaour t'- j p tn ibo txavj. >■
he,' n ” > ' tuU 11 ** Wsb time;
Lei each commuany ucmaod that alt traitors
shall leave | the higher or more luflaoMiat
too pojti.ou thamoro the times demaoi thet,-
going at once. Vt not even tho pulpit or tho
•""’do'ii l gorl protect them. .
' df«»‘dMi« ssVat lost in his speech, the
fcjlslauiors ofscvision opon Jlr. Stanton.
Thai noble gentleman stands hlgcsr to-dar
th.n ho jivM- did before. The word, of .he
PrveldeD|t 1-lleh.t.g him were reoelrcd with
•very mark of appiobktion and cannot but
have a good effect upon the whole loyal oom-
He who eusulo .Stanton, slrength
ena the hackbooe of tlio vesr; upholds the
arms thst when eusUined cause the Duion
*; d . 3 , ' ""I 1 , <• not too much to say
that the President s speech was rccclvei with
oecry mark of approbaliuo and he himsell
-UU eve/y token . f confidence and , ea |e,ct.
Mr. Biutwell, the head of the fulornal Tax
Bureau, gave tie speech or the occasion. It
made some crlmecs und gnus among tho
ietnl.secf.ah, ,but every earcert Union man.
whoio creod to to hate slavery as the sum
of all Villanlos, was delighted to hoar such
word, of truth uttered under the shadow of
tho Capitol, where slavery's conspiracy hae
been so mony years maturing. He gave the
•“'"■‘-word of the war “ Dtatk to Slan
t?al.„ /"is*” I '/, 0 there lino
tr*Uor, Carthage dtUuda etl. Boatwcll’*
vweeh yoairUi public entire, I know. It
wiM »po»k fer iuelf. •
The eir of common eense was offended for
niter moment* by tbe asatl obsolete blab of
pro-*layery_- < <ibe Abolitionists are as mnch
to blame as tbe Scceisiunifttg?’_from “Dick**
Tbompson, known to famo. A select squad,
who voald iiki to be In Richmond If it was
safe going thither, thought what he s&id was
*7 w beadtifal. In their lonesomelittle
might they, applauds fairly. Thompson
thinks, however, the war ought to go on
etrong, but wjth,.what object doth lot so
clearly Other speeches, good and in
w«r«:made, and tho meeting oohtin
i r 1 *'"" 1 As a voice from S.
Capital it wae important. Its practical fruits
do not at first appear. '
■ MB. BROXdT. >
I hope tbfv gentloman will soon bo abl. to
return bouto 1 h.ardof hint on Mooday l.„“
at Eortrevv Monroo, re rout, for Klcbmpnd!
j?!a h * Tl “ g “P irtd - I d « not fuUy nn
tba reavon wby be waa pormittad to
m'f. b ftt k .’, b 1 '‘ rn / r °' a 5 5mor ‘tot by aona
mlataka the man for. whom be waa to hava
been exchanged waa releaied for aoolobody
elae. Icaanot: doubt Mr, Brunet will aoon
roiarn.i •.•■ 'i z; 1
Tbo pdblio will In due ttat. beadvliad of
tbo rooant move, of Son. Buruaido. He will
make bla own report, jvhotbar from Rlebmond
or from Fortrot. Monroo. I bollovo bo will
ta auooaaaral, brania bo movoa, and aela, and
attacks, and.drives bia foo, leaving them to do
the trenohlng end digging,-while hla own men
do tbo Bghting,
Aeyoumajr judge, there li at lait an earnest
determination to have such a force in the field
m shall roll down; with ponderone efoot Upon
tha traitors. A now arm/ of three, hundred
tbonaand>and a corps do the tame
number, will apeak- loader to foroigo later
renera than all (bo alivery, poriods 'and Veil
turned rbetorlo of iSeeraUry Seward, thrtbgh
that is eloquent And powerful. The sewfc of
rallying to tho standard cornea upiiow ffom
all directions, and sneak* anew of Vigor had
foroe now firstdrawn upon. ’ VisiToi
We ere mating two hl«i oronr new H .Lo
I, 6f*t wide, nod h0i2.4 fcet 0 tnehre. The* kit*
lu*l?L * ■ Pr atU^eiton * "“l * rfl Tcf y •oanoraloai
Alio, GRATE FBObTfi.-oT tli* latest styles Led
bwt.flnUb, aod COOBINU HTuVEs. of eTfry“o.
Bcrlpiloo, for sal* at tbe lowrst price*. I -
aud all kinds ofOAbTIKQH made to order. i ’■
Ko 47 Ktroet. Allpflhai
. V/—'«* challenge the world; we defy competition:
wetOTilea bir comparison with ao/oth»r Wringer,
and will show by positive proof aod aetoal demon*
atntlon that the “universal Clothes Wringer” will'
fnUh wprk tpat ♦•Self Adjuring” Machines aodothcr
cheap apologree fiirUTrlagep pare left Tiuduo*. and
will easily ppeat watfr. Grom articles on which they
hare done their beat.: If ymr don’t bellero it, try
It; w© nk none to.bay.wltlwot*. thorough tear, for
which abundant opportunity will b» glren to all.' br
odHogftv. ■I J d. AD. PUILLIPfi 1 , 9
■op* • ' .Vrt*. a«andQA‘t clalr tiwet
’BltLlPff. 1
-»-7 lotlnmultiirmeneail (Uu Imim, not *d
for ul« at th« f«afiy thmcvtf 6 (on of
u* ' ocrui Libert/tec RwC times.
SMinorau), Mo., Aug. 7—At daylight,
on morning of;the 2d inti., Col. Lawther,
! ’>llo ono hnndrtd end twenty.five rebele, at’
, l»okod Capt. Bireh'i Command of itventT-firo
Federale at Otark.j Capt. Bireb, baring boon
apprised of the medttaied attack,.'ll red and
abandoned bia tonic, and withdrew into tho
broth, toon after which the roomy rode Into
the tight of the horning camp, and called
upon the men to rnrrender. Birch rtiponded
with a volley of mlnnie ballt, and emptied
toveral eaddlet, when the rebolt broke and
raa, leaving mo*t of thair arms and port*
folio, containing their mutter roll! and cor
retpondonoe. Iho enemy had two killed and
lereral.grounded, I After retreating forty
mllet from Fortythf on White river, Birch
fiipfHf’V.m ol on Ihe morning of
the Ith, killing 3, Wounding 7, capturing* 25
'hortet, 20 gunt, and mott of the clothing and
■addles of the men, and about 200 lettered and
the original authority, from the. War Depart-
r >, w>i. 0f ?* 0 ®,‘ A > ‘“thorlting Colonel
Batrther to organite a regiment of* Partitan
I«r"n?I,f oi" Vl “ * Mi,,our1 ’
Coffee, Hughes and Tracy, are making
elrongeffortttcgot afootlng in the the State®
vented' " 7 ' h “ *” ;P";
onrolied in the
oompiDiu bare
been organised, fifteen of whleh are
oow ohaaing the guerrillas 1 and
assletlng the troops to maintain quiet. There
«f*t«of.foeUng,id death to
wire ini. f tb ’ . aol i°’ B««n guerrilla!
wb? £?„*,? one . <l W by » party of citieena
who Joined together for a fox oheeo. The
i me for a resort to law hat gone by, and loyal j
citliene are determined to take mattors- in j
, own hands and rid the country of law
iess ; marauder* and guerrillas.
From Missouri. ; .
St. Loom, Aug. Bi—Oen. Morrill; doting
Mtno oporutlon, agotmt tho guoTrlllai in
Nt,rth B«t Mlooourl* will call all .bln bodied
lojai eitiiono to hi« aiilitonce, and aubiiet hie
commend oa too teceiilooiats.
_Tha jarhdlcUon of the Proroit Msrthsl
General cfdbli Statehae been.entondod over
lIIIHOii and Jowa'.- - • .
, JeornUing in till City la progroaitng rerw
In li sfeo to r ily, and there la little doubt that
tbeelghl reglmonU nulled for, under lha Pina-
Beerplla from ike oonnlry aro coming- | n rap
t tejree aide nr ft» ;otb«;-!i ■; »“ v
?« rt
fSpedai Dispatches to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Wisautoion, Aug. 8, 1862.
stahtob’s ORDBRI,
Secretary Stanton’s orders to-day about
jnag drafts produces groat sensation. The
genaral complaint is, that the order is hastily
drawn, liahlo to misconstruoUon, and capable
of great abuse. If literally enforced, it would
put an end to all traveling for the present. It
irbolieved that it is only intended to punish
persons leaving the country or State under
circumstances giving rise to suspicion of in- j
tention to evade the enrollment for drafting.
It Is known that, of course, tho order forbid
ding the leaving of the country can’t bo rig
idly enforced along the Canada'frontlor, where
scores of places oannot be guarded unless a
blockade I. established, more rigid than w.
are now keeping along the rebel border: bat
it is believed that w. will be satisfied with on
forcing the; law at the principal points of trav
el, and with the moral effect thus secured.
HO nasaroETß voa the i-eeseht. |
Secretary Seward publi.hes an order refn,.
Jng paaiports till the proeent drafte ehall hare
been mixed. _
in .oua a TEX raeiaitav niranrusEi
Had a moating to-nlgbt to take etepe for
military organlaation, and tried to do tbeir
abate of military by reßolutiona—quarreled
about .onto of them, and broke up without
doing anything.
- Oommlaalbaer Holloway wiH bo at bia peat
again to-morrow, and Seoretary Smith la alio
axpeoted back to.morrow.
oxonro more qckboats,
Mile. Oreonwood, of Cincinnati, 1. hare
urging the neoevaity of atill more gnnbuata.
It la thought that Roar Admiral Foote’, ap
pointment to the Bureau of eonatruetlon in
tbo bavy Department, wUI lnauro fur the old
field of bia labora In the Went every poaal
bio provltlon. He underatande the argent
neoaaaitlea t(iero, and will give the heartiest
ovoperalion to measures for supplying thorn.
In view of tbo appreheoaions of tbo diffi
culty of supplying anna for tbo new troops it
la proper to state that tbo Government baa
three sources of abundant supply, fat. Tbo
national armorioa have been for month, mean
faetonngthebestof arms, at the rate 0f 40,000
per month. 2d. Arms esptared at Fort Don
jon, Island No. 10, and elsowbere in tba
West, are being repaired and converted Into
good weapons at St. Louie. Some will proba
bly bo seat to Cincinnati for tbo same purpose.
The supply of old arms, also, at Pittsburgh
are available in a similar way. 3d. The Gov
ernment, in anticipation or tho present emer
gency, rept heavy orders abroad for imports
tions. r
Ii ts reported that the Flint reported
drowned la tbo late dlaaator'bf the steamer
Gcldon Gato was .Edward Flint, late or Cin
cinnati, and President of the Ohio t Missis,
sippi Railroad.
A large number ofClncinnati liquor dealers
have forwarded proiost. against the appoint
ment of Gen. Samuel Carey to tbo Tax Col
iretor.bip, on OceiunT of bla atrong tompur
aaco viows, which, they say, unfit him for
treating them with offibfal' Wrnoes.
WAsaisQTo* iTtaw.
There are report, of lighting at Gordons.
Title, b'ut they Are not confirmed.
Private dispatches, received yesterday, laid
S'ge!’* corps waa then movlogfrom Woodrtlle,
but were nut permitted to roy .hare till the
movement v._s accomplished.
Caaain* SI. City has arrived. The pro
leit» of his old Kentucky enemies prevent him
from going to Cincinnati. Th«:oj*:Ulk of
&ii being assigned to ftn important command
cf the M iAsie*ippl,
Qot. Sprague it also her. It i« thought
hla negro regiment will y.t be allowed to be
organized in eotne way.
Congressmen end others from ail parts of
tho North represent roiunteering as going on
with wonderful rapiditjr. Some even say that
a draft will not bo necessary for the drat three
hundred thousand, and that ten days extra
time may be given to see if the soeond call
won't also be filled without draft.
arroixntKXTa psnia ths rstr rax naw.
The Department is progressing rapidly
with the appointments for officers under the
tax law in the Eastern States. The Western
States will be reached by next week. In
several of the appointments already made the
recommendation of the dlstrlot Congressmen
has been over-ridden. Secretary Chase says
thatsuch recommendation also receives great
consideration, bnt It le not final by any meant, j
m *ome iQppoieds i 1
Ths compendium of thooeneui report li
p*nlog through tie prater** bend. The /toll
report won't be oat for six jmonthi yets
ln Missouri*
j I Additional Particnlari of the BoiW
fl * B S °* thfi Uolden Gate*
B -T h* •«•«»«
j tamed at ml^ p ou Had, .°, D i e ® IBm * nJ « r #
forty.aeven eeeond cabin
and ninety-fire bfe«rew,andsl 400 000
of treasure, of which Kirby. By n ,{ W!
$10,000; MeEeder 4 Co., $lO 000
On the 27th nit., at 4:45 p. m., when 15
milea north.of Manisaillo, while the'panes
£7 !75? of fir. waihSiS,
s®?.™ «*«amer waapromptlrheaded f O J
tho shore, three and a half miles distant, the
flames making fearful headway. At 15 min
utes after 5 o’clock tho upper deck fell in.
She eoon aftor etrnck tho beaoh, and the pas
“d !>™<rho,had not got intake
swL".^ mp ' d .°T" b ° ,rd > *“4 endeavored to ;
■fl«owli»-‘ • ib ' >ut 0M hundred, inoluding
Sre children, swam or were washed ashort
p !” ,roed *“ tho water’* edge, end
ontlelSth. Joataa tie
/ _?'• ni “ ,rrl « d «P from Panama,
K f «* °‘ h ' r “ MMpod to Manaanllio in
{"“V. 0 bo “ wilh ,hirt y »" not been
of ManJ«U I o ,nd Pr ° b * l ' 7 B,d * * ho " * trath
in ?£j S f * rriT ed hera to-night, bring
xog <8 of the Golden Gate's passengers—all
the crow.^ DOWn t 0 *” a portion' of
remtSh? 0 . 4^ 11 ' wllh a portion of tie orew,
tog illff ' lookln *
out or rassisona aim okw iutid.
Jr^Oa'nt^RV HaUi “ p > J - Wlitn.y,
«• l .PH **• “• Pearson. Abe! Gar A J
L. Schmidt, H. Tnrpolin, MlbsA. A. Man
chester, 8 war. old, fail* B. 0. Manchester,
jt •* y* 4 ®* 6 Manchester, 3 yean old,
* 7 “ r * » U '— «to.n,f
T. F. Harwood,
Si °o W T P i H ‘ M S r “" 6 - '*•
tej, hm, .0. J, Bosa, George Fulton. mm
"S' B ‘°-Todd; John or Jonai, bojr of
WUoox, 0. 0. Thomas, Gerba Walker, G. M»V
W-Chut, D. Bieher,
Foray th r Mrvant to Mra,
h » A *b 13 »“™ «w> Wnt.
Hamilton, Ben Holltday’a servant; Daio L.
Steerage —C. W, Follanshee, E. J. Haskaffi
J. Sowards, C. Motien. B. Perrr r Tm
W ‘ Wt “>< l »o«h, Jno. Smith]
i'Jl’Jt 1 ' J- N. Boverlidh, fl. C.
J«»g*iAdto.n.,Bhuipol.„ > J. H.
Mitchell, A* H.BaUc, J. Spencer,. P.lf Ear.
nej, Jno. Dillon, N. Watym, A. Ficbee.* S A
Mann, eargeanUJi 8, Army Corps,B^ooper 0 oper
B. 0. Irerato, H. Allhn, j: c.
Cb * rt i J. T. Mnrphj. ?■
pjficttt and Cre»—W. H. Rattia* Can
taioj Matthew Nolan, firct mate* ty Waddell
K«L ensi :r r; J - K - Wo °“
5 i O ,, /,' “ d fi f‘7.-oight other name,
ot lost as toon aa pr cored. Mr. Flint or the
5™ r H^" ida ; * Dr.Jon„7Mr!and
u ’ S',®'' of Balttmoro, known to bo lost;
foorehildren of the latter were caved. »
A Gazette from the War Department.
Wasaigoroy, Aug. 8.-The following h an
order to prerent the erosion of military duty
and for tho suppression of disloyal practises j
7, Bj di^ Cti i n of tis President of the
Dnitad Stater, it u hereby ordered that, unlit
urther order, no cliiten, liable to be drafted
into tho militia, shall be allowed to go re a
ftreiga conntry_ ra d all marshal., deputy
marshall, and military offioera of the United
State., are directed, and all police authority,
especially, at the porta of the United State,
on the seaboard-and on the frontier, are re that thi. order is faithfallr
camod into effect—and they are hernhv
authorised and directed to arrest and detato
rafr'J! 6 ? or person, about to depart from
the United States, in riolation of thi. order
and report to Major Turner, Jddgo Adrooato’
" ' T “ b,D *' on a ‘T. for further instruction
. por.on liable' to draft, who
•hall absent himself from hi. connty or State
before such draft is made, will be arrested by
any Proro.l Marshal or other United States
or I f ? ut, , t '®“ r . wnererer he may be found
within the jurisdiction of tbe United Su’ea
and conreyed to the nearest military post and
“ 7 dU! f for ‘ho term of the
draft, and the etpensea of !)i, „. n arrest end .
conreyanee to aueh post, and also the sum of
See dollars, OJa reward to the officer who
his pay**" "‘° l *' ,rrest > oholl bededooted from
Wird—The writ of Jobeos corpus is hereby
suspended respect to uS. persons arrested
and detained, and in respect fo aU r 'serions
arrerted tor disloyal practices. ' ' ■ '
(signed :) JiDiv,* M. Srasroy;
Secretarj of Ww
Important from Washington.
H*" o*' 0 *' A •«*» number of
applications were to-day mado at tho Scats
Dopsrtmont for passports, bat rofascd.
Notico is officially giron by Secretary So
ward that until tho requisitions of tho^War
“? rml Su, ”« for tho quo
tas of tho, r militia, shall haro boon complied
with, no passports shall bo issued from this
department for auj malooitison of tho United
S f .if* ,lUb -* Wb * dr * f “ 4 'ofo that bran oh
of the service. WOtt
Riohard Burg, of Now Turk, has boon ap
pointod a Brigadier General of Volnntoon.
B " ld of iatJr wilt be that 6tats.
He loft Washington to-day in company with
Andrews and Alderman Bajton. ■
. *“• contract forfarniibing revenaraumpi,
under the recent act imposing stamp duties!
pEudsu” r,,0 ‘ ! ,0
As thsmllitary draft Is soon to bo com
moncod, it Is reasonably supposed that men
familiar with tho tea,each as New England
fishermen, will prefer" to enter the nary.espe
cmlly at strong inducements are pressnted in
the form of prist money, of which large soma
hare recently been secured. Among the
hstest captures is the Memphis, worth : hair a
million or dollars, by the Magnolia, with a
fjew . only serenty men. Alter deducting
7 ,n . U *V‘ , / or fin commanding officers
tha “P tetl ng Teeselfthe re
mainder will be apportioned among ihe offl.
C J™ , Tl “, >»» also pro rides boon
ties for the destruction of tho enemy's Teasels
Jjff**® ll * .Ti. pnjpers of the Memphis were
“» T 7 Deparlraont to-day;
Among them is a note addressed to Captain
nhfr k ht“S k s!. U i“, “cnimandor of tho lsom
pbis, by Nathaniel Loren, of Charleston, ao
oomimuiod b, the gift of’., which “o
writer says adorned, the breakfast "room of
hi. 5T i . in .* , °n- This chair wUI p»ba
bly bo sold with the other office teof tbit res
**!«•** P°f* of New York.
r^Tt al t m ?J arnno7 for cheng* will, like
other United Sutes notes, be supplied from
the Treasury or disbursing offiobt. No com
missions will bo paid to intermediate parties.
Aug. B.—Nomerooe applies*
tmos baring been made to tho War depart
ment by railroad companies to exempt tholr
employees from tho militia; it has been decided
that none bat looomotiro.onglnoers in adtaai
employment when the orderfor the drift was
mado een bo exempted. -'
The exemption of telegraph operators is
upon the ground that they are practising an
“Ji pcncxary to military.'.operations; and
which being known to cbmparaHreiy few per
tons their pieces cannot be supplied.
From the Army of the Potomac.
|tuwaaa Aattrw imi'&jtti&K )
8,1892..| /1
ik° r .?“ ’ .tosroidr Rloh
»oi(d,when tht»mor«m«ot waj merilrkra.
| conooiiiWM in fores. . : “ * "*
Tho : guoboot Bnrslhdd.ttrhloh lis-fc.*.
fof.wnodaysaborcOity Paint.'was i
got off yesterday, ond.reporUdthpßutiny H I
**#*•&*!* oon.WoreM, Vrie., IhSJ
msdo no.fnfthor domonitratlon thu to drlro
our sun s short distance; ■ , I
p BkJrmUh With Bebel Caralryj
Adg. B.—A'.lpscl*! to lbs Zsn«*
fco “ J r o?to«.' T on&, statsMhnt .Capo, Poik
»nd S 3 aon of tire gth .Illinois wnlcfjrere
'ffpi‘ sgstnit 'Fsolhncr's cavalry, > wbo .hod
b«*u commuting deprolaiions in too ricinitj
; of Humboldt.and idrpriiod them srhUo'reit*
• lag and slooping drs mils cast of pxpprllie,
• jostorday. jtrtils ware‘iT(jP*ifir J 3
horses and> great porVon
**Xsn. Jfosf of w«o ereapod left *1 th
orn thflr arms, horeos or clothes. BoronJfed
onlt won wounded, two seriously . .7 >
From l, nisilll l .
, (OCZdTfCLfi. All*. S —Tb- i, % •
' Ri'bU «rrjvt(i ir, \ ,
r rillp, MOirted fr ioi tbo D-.pcui-r t . . </.
[ Galt House by ap-iruon of C4V*!., - C
fwUry of the Provost Guard. ’ *'*
.Paymaster Speed, *ho has just arrived from
Corinth* reports the safety oT all 'th* w
ffiaatert, stated to hero been recently can.
to»4 sear Hoinboldt. Tho story arose fro*
ss?v*. traotl °o «f tho trujUe trerk, on the
28th alt., on the Mobile and Ohio Itailrcau.
tea nues north of Jackeoa* by 000 hundred
and fifty of Baxter's rebel' guerrillas, Mr.
nlrtt .I'iV 10 *i'V? r P*y®«Jtep, .topped over
Uumbolll '» proceeding tko next dap
rter the repair of the nilcoad .to’'Corinth,
de.t!l^ h fU n hed t 0 thB WBkitttt,
nSuS"* ? or ““> 10 come -wd. Iko re
foram Wt with the
£r p iu. e ,:: *' ,teir «"7 -
~ M dvaahvillo lhat JlcCook'e -
«»«kS^ ‘ ronnd ?*« Me -
• ' AflairTia ihß Soaihwest
Ang, r.-Coi Houl?Y roffhaoat.
iilmKrf I*' 1 *' n 1 1? , 80Uth in i
skirmish six mills below tb*t pise*, on Satnr
i£*ii°| St ? M * U ! e ? and on * w oon!iati. The
r*wji lost senna killed.
SnViuJTP?'** 1 11,111 * fi * ht took ° UC6
Bnnaay between two companies of Federal*,
acting a* an escort to a provision train of 00
wagOof, a&da large body of Texan cavalry at
the month of Bt. Francis nror. The former
were dispersed, many captured, and the
wagona destroyed.
.dVn! 1 ™ dsy > 80 flfteon oiloj
o^pSrxcTpTtwr'"^ l BQd n “ iuM
TiftiHUviho* “ Tllr * hM «'
f 6! f r ‘” cl 'i » detaohmont of IndlMia
n l" Co1 - liU:b - booo wot out
T° Bpott roluJ ' U.loao, to In-
P lmJ g ht“*”' htch h “ i «« »»«1
Tribute of H'cspect to the lute Gen.
McCook* /
ntS 1 n I * IU -T 1 ’I 4 "®* B—At a meeting of th,
tb,, . mor “ ln e. » Committee? <r»
?SmiS» d ' OMt ‘0 connection with anothet
tn» Ut«Gon. McCook, with to proceod
to Looiitillo to eioort tho. .to.theeUy.
*“• faneral, and that the Mayorbe to
quested to ineite the different military acd
oivlo asseeiatione. •
rl b °'?. h ' ah " ot Commerce also appointed a
r rn1 l a , .i. Loßi " mS *° "°° rt
The sabterlptloni to the baantv fuod. iu- ?
d»y at neon, reached $100,000.' ' • '
cblgan FiJiiug tier Quota. -
| Michigan haaneorlyfin.
I a ber quote under the first call Tor 200,000
2?i ** l furn,bh k«rqaofa uodenhe last
(call, without resorting to a if athanox^
Wa (~ allowed. Eight roglcibnU of W?
£?i7 f *^. on * 0 1 f J caT * ,r y<> f will bo
Received .- fi * W as;£ ? tm ** -«qaipwenu -are
Destructive Fire.
A «* 8-Do!bjV'planing
pill on Mend alloy Wharf war destroyed by
Bro this afternoon. Seven large brick boa'-es
ddjolniDg, with a large quantity of dninbcf
jnd eoat iheda, and Cullies' block and name
Jhop, were also consumed. Ditnisor" one
hundred thousand dollars. " b ■ -
[ t . Fight with Guerrillas.
i*o., July 7—C-.-L- aw,
lorcca cams np with Porter'j ouer.-lilis cr,....
mtlM north-eait of .Kirk.vlll,? A, hir ctr,
fn?.w“ y . ““"“'"St ®"4. followed itiiaJitir.'
laiihiog Into tho town, hut,; iJvm
on sued, {□ which tho rebcli (o.'t 15 h»w
clTo?.? 8 o ,a l’P‘ i « ®V'lO WitgSnVoftrgia
.captured. PoTterVforcea.oro.tciitte’roii.
Pawnee Indian agent.'' • ■ '
■ Oltim. Aug. B—Henry W- Da' hi;r:,{.
thoU.S. Marshal for einbeMtio-s; y,d ... ■
Jua been honorably iu»*d. *
Market;, o, i r i..Biajtl».-
Wlirtjt firm t.iji it-jJ-.t; »'.V *
•*** 13&12D U.r Che. jt,i !i > 1 n
w»nkce Mrs .o«l ±1 ±iul oi i V •*? V
Dew h»utt>ckr. • .-ro i« »m i J v V j„, f „
bnth.iir MMWc lot cdd. r/:iirm .
& r 5 - fJrprl “ fc . 3 '"!‘
a^KSr 134 ' 791 «**• w-* to*,
S Xictinj, conHnnta d„tt «t 2C.SKV Wi
SftrfK'SSF- , R ‘ cti *» wiwi -cm*«S£Zs&S
’ l, , c, ' l « a “ Ba ?'“‘n> xfcslSsw Tor*
0031 <v B*i KoiJiiiKnul
S2S?Sg , “'* ** w«.w
Sr» 1 555* S H U / i ® 75 f ' Jr ' I,ra ’ *ai iVSH.MtIix
o changs in prorfelona. Whl*lyflna a =
Jo.wbftdj *u In good dtaiAodT flora
cJntTriml™“'r I)< i. m *“' 1 n " , '■ «It«bc«1 ti » per
* p ” rMDt
Au s‘®^*“ ET cnlng-—Cotton flroef? u
& VBsR£- : 3Es Ss^US'
ftrkrtaidy» lard Una. WbUky firm at SOkjvJjld r
Sogarbooyint at fiaiOo. Coff.* lfro; 1U» .
*•“•*«*«■:l’rtigHudolL •.Stoc£*iu&~* '£***
*-*foa-^FIoar i «ie*i!y withk-
WiUo Co«» •toad*.;
JtitovdaeUnod 2«. Whitky steady at 62c. CoflSa
| The Bishop Bowman Monument.
Aeoordiqg to previona announcement, the'
ST^JL atandiD *^ ho ll » i0 * Bf «&• “P »toSe
ofthe monument to memorj of-Biahop Boir
»"«"*»»■ in tbe rrejen.-o.of 1!
* foneoarie of people*
d%yt •go. Bliliop Bow
b*4 Jtnrted t# attend o ti.iretioo ■
Taking puug* on the care of the A; V.
fr„i*i pr ?f Md '? 1° a point about 19 mitea '
MrSi h ? *.*?' T h ” n obitruotlon had oa
-111111 ‘ T ?* venerable Biehop
got opt of the oare v and walked along the . /
road. Soon after, he wai discovered. King
dead, along nde of the track. His remaini ■’■■
th"e. “to .Lancaster, I Pa.,'and*hur led : '
“Onumentls to commemorate the death'
wh^i’w?kL miD ’ near theipot -
Jh.fF.r £ b 4j *a* dltcovered. It is am. tic
? atone, some ttrenty-ar« f eB *
air f* 44 ™”' hy llw Assistant" Bithtil -' ■
l recoivo on -
iould ottoJ* f ° rca by lh ° * d >liu„n „f Y
book re-' '
(join S?S?^ M, w 4 \
MS? WSRW.-'-* “dor thi'galluot 3 gih 1
f ttre nir? H»«0 «a » S:J : ,
l-SBLjff: “«««*•»»delivered a Hro««II_
•ddOMs re tho -braro boy.-, b.foro tie iror:
'Varg .CoQjiDiltepy Messrs, _ ..
received;ttio'tailuvr-^-* '■ J
Mri. aiooe'F. D«nj,.;w..
U. A M. Oppesteimer......
- io' -
Mpar»SiD' CDfDr*ar {s f3fu aadrd -
:£•£**?* m« 1>: l> •«.* r
*aa»t«rpdjn JMierdv e. A
Tt*d/fo U urUered into camff. r. ~
’SAtzfins. Je«t»p;p f isii; iMifactp Lh>tn% —
£*•» (tii * d *y» ** * *V» ck, at SJ»- ’«
g ° nioHUi Alloli . oa - IJc,nsC *>>- W Fifth BUtaw : £*:'
- A*o M -tU >ioei, Tr BoutV'k W&m ~ ' rh i
ti a Po’ ! t oa» ” n, ‘' rt Plt *" k ■$ m
■■. _«___ ’ ' »‘A>jfr j * ‘\'«J