The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, August 08, 1862, Image 3

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mrornoiAL paper of tbe city.
"*!V* “ MmaxotpoiOAL, Obsmtatiohs fop the
, Oatetu, by G. B. B&w, Optldan r No. 55 Fifth
; street--corrected daily:
; i* sun. is shads.
9 o < lock, a. x.«... 90 ta
T« «~..........138 93
t .’■ * - 88
What Allegheny County is Doing,
recruiting excitement is now at fever
• is .estimated that some forty
.l, : companies; are now In process of forming,
in the two cities and vicinity.
.'TbenUmbeTinprospect, however, is hot so
'• lore;an Indication of what is doing, as the
number likely to.'he filled np. It is always
'' safe to count the men actually mastered 4n,
and acting under this rale we note the follow
h»(f: :
On Wednesday, the Ciss Infantry, Captain
Gast, was sworn in, with a fall complement.
Oh Thursday, the Butohera* Light Infan
try, Capt. Denver, and the Howe Engineers,
JTapt. Adams, in, each with the
maximum of one hundred men.- •.
‘ ':. The “Butcher boys now engaged in
raising a second company (Co. B) and It is
. , lald-they have already- thirty or forty names
‘{ enrolled.' They are doing nobly.
The Walker Infantry, Capt. Tyler, is over
; fall, and 1 will he mustered in to-day, at the
• maximum;
Bev.J.B. Clark'* company was filled in
, theloorodibly short space or thirty-six hours I
There was na ‘'drumming up," but the men
rushed voluntarily, and ptaoed their names oh
the roll. Mr. C.iepastorof the Second United
Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, and amln
: ister of learning and-ability. He enters the
eervice as Captain, and so great' has been the
desire to enlist.under .him that he. Is now en
gaged in taking names for a seeond company.
■ are informed tha>t Co. B already numbers
•bme forty znhn, with a strong delegation yet
, ", to arrivo from Cannoniburg, where Mr. Clark
ia well known. He will have no difficulty In
filling up Co. 'B, and the Captaincy haa been
; .‘tenderedto his. brother-in-law, but no reply
, haa yet been reoeived. If he declines, Hon.
6. Drum, Mayor of Allegheny, willtake com
mand—andlfho accepts, Mayor Dram will
. go as First Lieutenant. T.he company will
. perhaps be filled up to-day. We understand
that Samuel Long,*'high constable of AUe
' gheny, has been chosen First Lieutentant of
Capt. Clark's company. So Allegheny is
' likely to be deprived of her popular and effi
cient Mayor, and no less efficient high con
stablo. *
In addition to the above, three other com
panies are about completed, if not already
full—to wit: The Keystone Infantry, Capt.
. Bayne; the Watt Infantry, Capt. Maxwell,
and Capt. Wright's Infantry Company.-
Taken altogether, the above would sum up
say; 800 cisn. - ,
Then we have many other companies, with
very respectable lists, and whloh 'will, beyond
doubt, be filled up in a “few "days, to say noth
, ing of Edward Jay Allen's Battalion, and
' other oorps;
It isiroughly estimated that between 1200
and 1300 men are already enrolled, in sepa
-> rate companies; hut it is impossible to get at
; the exact figure s. , Some place the aggregate
r 'at over 1500, and this tsperhaps not too high.
; >.. Several Companies of nine months men ex-
T>ectto leave to-day and .to-morrow for Har
•' Tilburg. Then thie.. three, yean men will bo-;
* gin Iq reeralt more vigorously, and no doubt
.. whatever ia entertained that Allegheny coun
ty will furnish an excess of her quota, be
sides filling oplho old regiments.
.. In-the ooontry districts, whereeomparative
* ly Ilttlehss yet been done, hundreds of young
men wiU enlist for the three years, as no one:
seems "disposed •tb run the risk of being
; drafted*.
Several companies ware expected here last
evening, from adjoining counties,, but we be
lieve they did not arrive.
Allegheny Councils.
•A- Tegular meeting of . this body «u held'
last evening, merubcrsgeneraUj beingpreient.
In &fret, the President-read a eommonica
tion from the Coasty : Executive Committee,
relative to a‘ corporate subscription to the
▼olosteer bounty fond* Referred to the Pi*
nince Committee.!" J
A communication. from .the Pittsburgh,
and Chicago Railroad Company,
ratnonitmtiogagainst the opening of streets
through their groundsat the onter depot, in
theßeeond .Ward, was referred to the Street'
- The report of the Street ; Committee was
• presented,rajth a resolution to locate and open
a street called Avery street, from Cedar ave Bait lane. Report accepted and reso
iation adopted.
4 Sundry 1 bllljwsre-peescd. upon, and war*
rants ordered to bo drawn for their payment.
'! In Cbsiwba' Gauncii, a resolution was adop
ted lo regard to flre engfnes, giving thC"iCo
lumbia Hose Company" (Independent) pos
session of Ward .engine house,'
anAagreeibg to-removethe"Beliano©" (city)
apparatas to the'Diamond. ■- This rescinds the
former actiohJn regard to the "FlrstWard
Hose Company/* and leaves that apparatus
in the-bands of the- ** Hope Hose Company,*',
. A'resolution was adopted, .instrneting the
removal of the'Anderion Library from the'
cate of.the Young. Men's Christian Assoela
tiob, notil such time as the room In the new
City HaU is in rtadiness for occupancy, pro
videAthe expense does not exceed the amount
of .the annual appropriation, $507 In 8. C*,
the President offered to furnish boxes, dray*
age, ete., free' of cost to the oity, which propo
sition -was -aeoepted, ;bnt upon report of a
ofConference, S. C. receded and'
concurred with C; C.
■V-4>'V; ;..y
A -somber of petitions, relative to water
pipe« 7 gas lamps, ete., were read and referred,
bat :tbejr contained nothing of general in
terest,’.' , 4
The Volunteer Bounty Fond.
- Tho First Word Commktee—’Messra. Jnmes
if, and'Adams Getty—received the fol*
lowing appropriations yesterday:
HaysA Getty...... $lOO
Fleming A T0mni.;...,.i..i.;........r;...i'.. ; 100
Watson Ar-M0nr0#.....;.................., 100
Davage & lOO
Blehoj k Finhbin*...... .. 100
June* Thom & 100
0. BaTchCbld....... ioo
gambol C00per......... 100
Jq!« Orr & C 0.......... ioo
John 1nr1Q..................iq0
D0uf1Mi'AEDgU5b........................... go
Oathria& v so
William go
j* H. Jenki.*M..,............ 60
WlMfJtt Jftti. 25.
8UckA5hn1ei....................... 25
D. Cooper &- C 0........... 20
Charles: Lr Caldwell. ;. 25
J. G.. McCu110ugh........... io
John E. 8heam.r............................... 10
J. W.Cerahan........ 6
J. B. Meanor ,10
JohntWi 80b0rtK..;.....:......... 25
So B.—-Any eitiseh of tho Ward, who boo
notboon called opon aad.wishes to aid tho
fosota! Government, efynleavetbeir eontribn-
So»» at Hays k Getty's, Market street.
Mb. Jakes Collar© was for a number of
yoari in &• employ ;bf A* Bradley. Ho hat
already dis tin gnishedhimsolf la the late tor
ylblo battle* before Blohmohd,and it achris-
Hao gentleman; at nit’ hoit of friends in thit.
noaumnlty can totUfjd; Farente withins to
bar# their tont ttrro Cod and ournatiTO
land*' qhfler iBOh a maa, or any whoare
willing to go with him, will do well to call on
Vaaklrk,. at. the office of A. Bradley, stove
merchant, comer of Woqd and Scoona itreeu.
See adyertiiemeht in another oolatan,^,
f M A r*w more good men viU ba 'accepted for
, n Centra Bootlon Hampton’. Light Bitter,.
' tM ThU 8«otlon will le»r« forlUrrUborg to
ja (PriJ*J) lt 8 o'clock,p.m. Thli will bo
; ci tfco Uitek*ne« for men wlihlpg to go intho
*» so .dot* will bo toeepted from
lTf& p.nnijHrini*. Th.ioll wUlbo open st Ho.
fJ! gg Fourth ilaot, » fair doora üboro Wood,
- ' u m t&o Section Issrao.
■r:oj i—r —■ — ■ —— : ..
?i Kirsten liraiTir.—Thn membore of tho
i 1 Kojitono Infantry'iro lienby notlSed to moot
-i Jf o . Si itrOot, houdquiirton, fo*
’A 4>T. Stb iut., »t 2 o’clock, p. m , to ba ox*
...S .unload br tho Medieul, Surgoon usd owotn
f J fnto tho oorrioo. Ibb Company wlll letvo at
tot Hurriobsrg.'-oXoa ar.Mtwn good
-v| mon willbo .coopt*! to ?ll npth. rank.,. X.
, U. Bojno, Captqla; F. A. pnwortb. Btrot
Oni Boole Table*
AxiM* THI PIKS” By Edhcsd Kirks.
—We have; already noticed this remarkable
work, on several occasions;—more than once
fee it appeared from month to month in the
Continental Monthly, and subsequently when
it was published in a volume. Here we' have
it from the publisher in a new form—ln a new
and oheap edition, which, we doubt not, will
sell by thousands and tens of "thousands.
Such are its merits, both in a literary
point of view, and as a work pregnant
with the most profitable teachings for
the times, in the striking and truthful
views of slavery in the Southern States, which
it so vividly presents, that we rejoice to see U
rendered still more accessible to the'reading
publio by this cheap form of publication,
which, by the is quite as elegant and at
tractive In oVery respect as the mere expen
sive edition first published.
Mr. W. A. Gildesfenney, 45 Fifth street, is
the agent for the publisher, J. E. Gilmore.
New York.
Sicokd Scales or Tram's Union Spkschkb.
of Gaorge Franaia Train, da
livered io England during the present war,
have formed one of fho remarkable features
of our time. Bold,' racy, piquant, they both
commended and won a large share of pnbtio
attention even in great Britain, spite of John
Boll's prejudices ~&hd self-complaoency, to
whieb they paid no degree of deference. No
one oan secure so muoh refreshing reading, for
an outlay of 25 cents, as by calling at Mr.
Miner's and tendering that amount for this
Second Series of Train's Speeches.
—Mr. W. A. Gildenfenney, 45 Fifth street,
has also received the Second Series of Train’s
Union Speeohes. T. B. Peterson A Brothers,
of Philadelphia, are the publishers.
The Gold Excitement in Ohio,
It turns out that the supposed discovery of
gold in Tuscarawas oounty, Ohio, was a com
plete humbug. After much labor, excite
ment, expense and trouble, the. gold babble
bunted'—the high expectations of realizing a
princely fortune by digging up a few'shovels
of earth, vanished like mist beforo the noon
day "sun. By a minute examination, a few:
days ago, by chemical process, to the great
disappointment of hundreds of citizens, the*
reported gold proves to be nothing but mere
«teo—a minersfof a foliated structure, tkfn
scales, having a shining surface, the constit
uent parte of which aro granite, gneiss and
mica slate, and does not contain a particle of
Another New Company.
Mr. Jeremiah M. Sample, of Allegheny, is
about recruiting a company for the war, and
expats to open this morning at stand No. 2,
Diamond, Allegheny. Mr. Sample is well
known, and a highly esteemed citizen, a mem
ber of'Beayer Street M. E. Church, and Su
perintendent of the Becond Ward Mission
Sabbath School. He has two sons in the
Union army, and although well advanced in
years, he is determined to* enter service
himself as Captain. His First Lieu
tenant will be Israel V. Hoag, a gentleman el
great energy and integrity of character.
Under their direction, the ranks cannot be
long in filling up with good men.
State Senate.
Pittsburgh, July 6, 1862.
Afewr*. Editor «ln the midst of the ex
citement "attending the levy of new troops,
we should not forget the civil duties which
will devolve upon us. ' As the time for select
dog candidates for office.approaches, I desire
through your columns, on behalf of many per
sons with whom I have consulted, to urge
upon the people the return to the Senate ol
our present very able and efficient member, E.
H. Irish, Esq. For the last two years we
have been able to point with pride to the
members of the Senate from Allegheny coun
ty, for every person abouUHarriaburgh ac
knowledged their ability, industry and un
swerving honesty. Amidst the corruptions
of the past two years, when the country was
astounded by the magnitude of the frauds
perpetrated, and the character of the men who
yielded to the.temptation 2 Messrs. Irish and
. Penny were not merely pure, but above suspi
cion. They were known throughout the
State, and their character for honesty, ability
and attention to business was such as to give
them great influence in tho councils of the
State. Their action throughout their terms of
office has received In all cases the unqualified
approbation of cureitisoos. Why then should
we make a change. Mr. Irish baa performed
hts duty-well,{let us then retain his services,
for, without disparagement to the other aspi
rants for the {position, there Is no question
' that he can exort a greater influence than a
new man. He'has made an exieuiive\ec
quaintanee, established a character, and b&s
an intimate'knowledge of the details of legis
elation, all of which 'are essential to the effi
cient performances of his 'duties. But io
‘Addition to all these considerations there is
another of more importance. When one of
oar officers passes through the ordeal of Har
risburg life unsoathed, and brings baok to bis
constituents a reputation untarnished, it is
our duty to show our appreciation of the man,
by a renewal of our confidence.
We now have a man who fills the Jeffer
sonlon standard, he is u honest and eapabte,”
let ns not try new men, but retalp one we
know and can trust. Tblbd Ward.
Concerning Drafting.
Eds, Gazette .- In making op the quota of
troops required from Allegheny county i
the reoent requisition of the President, ought
not the list of proper subjects for draft to be
prepared by the Commissioners with reference
to what the different sections of the county
have already done in the bray of .volunteering.
To illustrate: A certain district in the county
has already offered every young man within
Us limits, with the exception of three. This
number may, quite likely, be reduced to two,
before the Item which chronicles the foot is
read by the neighbors of bne of tbe gentlemen
in question. Within half an hour's ride of
this locality there Is another of a three-fold
greaterpopnlatibn, which,! am informed, has
only since theoutstartof tbe rebel
lion, some five or six recruits altogether.
; Hew, should the - loyal neighborhood first
alludod to be made to supply,-after the deple
tion already undergone,aproportionate num
ber of men with the other, I willnot say dis
loyal, but delinquent one ?
'■ If that be the case; and if the case be a gen
eral one, then—to say nothing of the irregular
apportionment of responsibility—the result
may show that the ballot-box, One of these
.days, may proTe an enemy in the rear more to
be dreaded than the bayonets in front of our
army. • • Patriot.
. Tax Wazjuck IxrajfTß*.—This fine compa
ny recruited *by Capt. Tyler, last evening
numbered one hundred and fifteen men, 1 and
are ordered to meet this morning, at Bo’clock,
at their headquarters; Allegheny, to be mus
tered in,and receive; their bounty. Captain
Tyler has worked-tnceisantly, and overcome
many difilcal ties in recruiting hit company,
but neoess has crowned his efforts. He
served in. the three months campaign; and is
very popular among his comrades in arms.
Flag Stolbh.—A Dee flag, rained at $3O,
.wat, yeiterday from the recruiting
stand of the Fainter Guardi, Capt. Caldwell,
in the Diamond, Allegheny. The party who
took it it requested to return it, and' save
trouble. : y " '
Bobds Exchihoid.—Allegheny City Bail
road Bondi, to the amount of $250,000, hare
already been exchanged by the City Treaiurer,
uoder tho bail* of oompromlie agreed npon
between the Commitilonert of the city and
the bondholder!. Thote holding old railroad
bonds of the city can hare them exchanged for
the new bonds by-application to the City
** ....
- Tharrhej moralng, Aoinit 7eb, at
hit retldeaeo in WpriophUe, Allegheny county, WSL
MACKET,«gwJ6S years. v
• The fanerai wUI take sUce VaiOAT noararo, at 10
o’clock, Ikom She reeldehce of hit ton io-law, T. T.
Kyler, yo. 12Andmon etreet, Allethf ay City. The
fHends of.tbe family a'e iarltri to attend.-
KIBB— r d Thtiridiy meniing, 7th lost.,
LIAtl £EBB» youngest eon of ttm late Anarow L.
Jterr,Eeq. ■ ■ •
. . Thtfanerai win lake place from the rmddcnee of
bit motber.Ho. SCfl Penn itre:!, at 46’rlock JTamAT
. iAKDEBSOS—On Thursday erei log, 7th Instant,'
JULIST A., wife of Bobeit J. Andtnon, Eif.
- ,Tbt reUtiTts and friends of the family are respect-,
fa|ly inrited to attend the to&nal,frtm the reddenoo
or.her btbband. No. 83 Liberty street, tun (Friday)
Amorooß, at o’clock. ' ;
•STSygHBOH.—On Wedneeday, Aeput etfa, WIL
BBBECOA BTgTBKBOK, eged 6 yean, children of
TfliUam fltersßK>Ba .
ix-Xha’ tonmal will take place to«oat, at So’clook,
froflrihsir'pennti > rWdeiicr,'Horth Caaal stnet,
" slur
, Jefferson college Exercises.
On Sabbath, Augustlk), the anniversaries of
Jefferson College were commenced by a sermon
from the Rev. Dr. Wilson, of Allegheny city,
before the Religions Societies of the College.
In the evening the President of the College
delivered a baccalaureate before the gradua
ting olass.
On Monday, the 4th Inst.,-the'exercises of
the Religious Societies were held. These per
formances ooonpied about an hour and a half,
and were listened to with considerable inter
On Tuesday evening'the exercises of the
Literary Societies came off. These were qnite
interesting, indeed. The valedictory of the
Philo Society was delivered by W. 0. Camp
bell, of Butler, Pa. A response was made by
J. H. Weis, of Sbmferstown, Pa.
In behalf of the Franklin Society a valedic
tory was delivered by J. G. Sloan, of Dan
ningsvillo, Pa. A response was made by E.
S. Riggs, of Sharon, Pa.
About 8 o’clock the Rev. Dr. Sloane, of
New York, was Introduced to a largo audience,
and delivered a very eloquent address on “Re
ligion, Law and Liberty—Their Relation to
the Present War." A part of the audience
attempted to hiss him once or twice, bnt the
students cheered him so loudly that the hisses
were oompletely drowned.
On Wednesday, Providence Hall was filled
to overflowing by a large and appreciative
audlenoe, to hear the exercises of tne senior
The English Salutatory was delivered by
R. Graoy Ferguses, Dry Run, Pa., who was
the happy recipient of the fourth honor.
The Latin Salutatory, by P. S. Jennings,
Allegheny county, was well spoken, but, of
ooorse, attracted but little-attention. Iu au
thor competed for and won the third honor.
The Greek Salutatory was delivered by A.
J. Caldwell, who obtained the second honor.
The attention of the audience was then
gained by a stirring speech on the “Price of
Victory,’’ by P. H Aguew, Beaver, Pa.
The characteristics of -“True Patriotism”
, were faithfully delineated in an oration by
J. J. Bollville.
This was followed by a clear, convincing
and telling speech on the “Elements of Suo
oess,” by A. H. Brown, Saltsbnrg, Pa.
E. T. Jeffers then entertained tbeandienee
with a disquisition on “The Constitution.”
“ Reason and Faith,” by J. R. Johnson,
Coshooton, Ohio, next olaimed the attention
of the audience.
“ The Trials of the Republic,” were graphi
cally described by S. B. Mcßride, Cannons
burg, Pa.
“Antagonism,” as displayed in the contest
between truth and error, liberty and tyranny,
law and rebellion, was happily treated by H.
N. Potter, Cannonaborg.
Wallace Radcliff, of Pittsburgh, Pa., fol
lowed with an oration; the aubjeot—“ Devo
tion to Troth,” was pretty thoroughly han
dled and the composition admirably executed.
“ Crime, Its own Retribution,” was strange
ly but strikingly-dreated by R. H. Rohlaod,
Mansfield, Ohio.
The addresses were closed with a “ valedic
tory oration,” by B. F. Woodburn, Alleghe
ny city, Pa., who took the first honor. The
aqtbor displayed an unwunted depth ef
thought and skill in composition.
The degree of A. B. was conferred on fifty
young men of the graduating olass.
Shocking Accident.
On Wednesday night, a woman named
Rlngeling, wife of Jacob
on Pride street, In the Eighth ward, was so
shockingly burned by caralestptias in filling a
lamp, that she is not expected to recover.
The lamp becoming empty,.and not wishing
to extinguish Removed the burn
er, and commenced jtouring in oil from a can,
bolding the burning wick so close that ther
vapor ignited, exploding the can, and cover
ing herself with the burning fluid. liariog
children in tbo room, she fled to another part
of the house, and thenee to a porch, where
she fell writhing in pain—her clothing having
been nearly all burnt off. Her face, breast,
arms, and in f%cftho entire front part of her
body, was frightfully and deeply burned. She
is about twenty-six years'of age, and has a
child only six weeks old.
Dr. Walter is doing all in bis power to save
her, but tho suffice is so very large, and the
injury ro deep, that he bas little hope of her
Killed, in Battle*
Mr. Paul Crawford, of Allegheny City, has
received a letter from F. Dick,
dated Harrison's Landing, Va., July 25th,
from wbleh we extract the following :
"JTonr brother, Robert Crawford, was killed
instantly on tbe 25th of June, on the battle
field near Fair Oaks, while gallantly fighting
for his eonntry. He was a noble little sol
dier, and I was proud of him. Von all have
my deepest sympathies in your bereavement.
It is bard to lose one so young, so innoeent,
and with such bright prospects before him—
but such is the fate of war. Robert was be
loved by all who knew him, and his death is
mourned by the wholocompany. I sent out
some men who buried him with tbe others, and
marked his grave.*'
Fatal Case of Poisoning.
On Thursday morning last, Wm. Hamilton,
residing in Chestnut Ridge, four or five miles
from Mount Pleasant, while under the In
fluence of liquor, called at Andrews’ hotel for
breakfast, and also wanted whisky. The
landlord replied that he kept no whisky, but
would order him something to eat. In his
absence, Mr. Hamilton, observing a bottle on
a shelf, which he supposed to contain whisky,
bat whieh proved to be Cyanuret of Pottas
slum, a most deadly poison, belonging to an
artist at that'place, drank nearly a teaeopfoi,
destroying his life in two hours, notwithstand
ing metical aid was In immediate attendance.
Deceased was about sixty years of age.
Bounty Fond.
Additional subscriptions at the Mecbanios*
Bank, Allegheny:
T; H.JNevin A Co $3OO
Thompson A Groetzenger 100
W. B. Pusey 100
Jis. Caldwell 50
A. Hobson.../. - 50
S. Gordon 50
Thomas Arnold ; 50
Joseph McNaugher 25
J. P. Fleming 25
W. H. McGee A Ce.. , 25
James Myers A 8r0..; 25
H..PI Schwarts IOOf
Tbs $lOO Bouhty.—Many of the families
of sick and wounded volnnteer* visit the mil
itary hospitals, where their reJatires are ly
ing, get them discharged, and take them home
to nurse. By doing so at this time, in erery
such iostaßCOj the $lOO bounty is lost with
the monthly pay of the volunteers also; so
that the sick and wounded are afterwards a
charge npon their families andfriends witbout
any Uorernment aid or bounty. At the mili
tary hospitals there are nurses and doetori,
good airy buildings, and everything furnished
•which is needed for tho recovery of the sick,
so that there is no necessity for taking them
Away, especially at so greatatacrifice to their
pecuniary interests.
HiaBLABD Liobt Isfabtby. —C. O. Tay
lor, Eiq., and E. A. Montooth, both
members of the Pittsburgh. Bar, are recruit
ing the above company. Mr. Taylor wat' na
officer in the “Old Thirteenth" during the
three months eampalgn, and it a good man*
Of Mr. Montooth it is needless for us to. say
anything, bat we can promise that all who
enlist in this company will be well cared for,
and will find the persons who have the matter
in hand, will carry things through success
fully. E.,Pi Jones, Esq., has kindly eentrib
nted $2OO for the purpose of aiding this com
pany through, and other members of the Bar
have contributed generously, for the same
purpose. . . .
~ A pew more good men will be accepted for
Centre Section, Hampton's. Light Battery.
.This section will leave for Harrisburg to
morrow (Friday) evening at 8 o'olock. This
will be the last chance for men wishing to go
in tho artillery, as no more will be accepted
from Pennsylvania. The roll will bo-open at
.98 Fourth street, a few doors above' Wood,
until the Seotion leaves. Members iof this
section, who are off oh fnrlongb, must report
to-night at 8 o’olock. The SeoUon is .under
marching orders on Friday evening at 8
o’clodk. r
A Xtijuisoca Win Hanna 111 held it
WeiySewton, lut week, it which Hon. J. C.
Flamer presided. Her,‘Moliyear deli rend
tha-opening eddrau. md wie followed by
John lUmpton, of this elty, lo i
speech which U highly ipoken of by the local
press. Edgar'A. Cowan followed Hr*. Biap
top, bqt • gentismai Informs as that ha ap
peared to "labor" thnaghont hla. whole
,1- " ’
Pennsylvania Soldiers’ Relief Asso
ciation oi Washington City.
The .second moatbly|meeting of the General
Association was heldjat Willard’s Hall, on
Monday evening, the 4th insti At this meet
ing the Execntivo an<4 Financial Committees
reported their 'doingJ during the month of
Jnlv. Hon. Jasper : li. Brady was Chairman
of the meeting, and jJ M. Sullivan was Sec
retary. __ I
Mr. Kimmell, of Indiana county, reported
the expenditures for : tho month to hare been
$722 21. This was disbursed mostly in email
rams of one or two for the purchaio of
articles of immediate necessity or use. One
handrod dollars of tlie Association’s money
had been expended onj the Peninsula, by Mrs.
James Harlan, who bad also distributed there
a large and valuable b'ox of food and clothing.
The monoy she used f<J>r ttye purchase of bread,
onions, butter, etc. ;1 '
The Association seDjt on last Saturday week
two agents—'Messrs.. James Kane and- J. D.
Nichols—with a stock of supplies to Ham
son’s Landing, to be distributed to the sick,
wounded and suffering Pennsylvania soldiers
in the army of the Potomac. They tookeight
large boxes of goods, to which was added
$l5l 91 worth of groceries, tea, pickles, spices,
onions, ote.> purchased by- the Executive
Committee here. These agents.have not yot
reported. A new supjply of goods will he sent
them within a few days, * <»
The Executive Committee also reported the
following articles as distributed in the hos
pitals here, at Annapolis, and at Alexandria
and vicinity : Three hundred and forty-bne
shirts, 290 pair drawers, 221 towels, 51 bot
tles of wine, 171 cans of preserved fruit, 590
books, 110 pairs of slippers, 01 dressing
gowns, 140 lbs. of butUr, 490 pairs ootton
socks, 410 handkerchiefs, 160 sheets, $OO.
packages of lifit, labdagos, etc., 120 com
presses, 11 blaokots, Ifrsacks of dried fruit,
36 pairs of wooleo sock?, and a vast number
of minor articles too' numerous to mention.
The greatest aid and assistance have been ex
tended to the Committee by the co-operation
of loyal and benevolent women resident or
sqjonrning in this city. The Committee can
not mention all by name, and to single ciut
any would be invidious. Generally, in th{ir
ministrations, ail the visiting Committees ;of
the Association have 1 been cordially received
and welcomed by the physicians in oharg6 of
hospitals. Where, in one or two instances,
this was not the ease, the Surgeon General,
Wm. A. Hammond, very effectually caused
all such obstacles to speedily disappear. Hr.
Hammond is a man ht the same time that be
is a faithful officer of :he Government. Th/
Hon. E. M. Stanton, of Wir,/has
been very kind in giving countenance add aid
in all proper-ways tojthe efforts of the Asso
ciation. Such is substantially the'report Of
the Executive Committee. / - l
Mr. D. L. Eaton, Cjbalrmap'of the Finance
Committee, which b4* under its care the en
tire matter of the OoljieeUon of goods and
money, then follow; • The As
sociation has received since the first of July,
'3 boxes from tho'MtJ Jackson Ladies* Asso
ciation, Lawrence coauty ; 12 boxes, 1 barrel,
and LAeg from the Pittsburgh Sanitary and
Subsistence Committee ; 1 box from Ladles of
CurwenSrille; 1 baleifrom Ladies of Hunting
ton erfunty ; 2 do Ladies bf Clarion county \ 4
boxes from Ladies of Look Haven ; 1 box
Ladies of Nitany Valley ;1 box Ladies
of Warreo ; 1 do Smithport; 1-do Hyde Park]
3do Ladies of Lancaster, and 1 from Lity,
Lancaster county ; 6 boxes from Gov. Curtin ;
1 do from Ladies of Farrandville, Clinton
county ; 4 do from New HelUnd, Lancaster
county ; l from New Liberty; 5 do from La
dies of Blairsville; 1 bbl Blackberry brandy'
fromJ. F. Worthington, Brownsville, Fay-!
ette county, (an excellent article in diseases;
incident to the season ;) from Ladies of
Catawisea; 2 do from Shamokin; 1 from Lj-,
dies of English Lutheran Church, Harris-!
burg ; 5 boxes, 1 bbl, and one half bbl from
unknown contributors ; 2 boxes from ladies
of Milton, for sth Regl. Pa. Res.; Corps ; also
on deposit till called fur 7 bo.\es from Free
port, Armstrong county ; this ; amounts to
66 boxes; 2 barrels, two half,barrels, 3 kegs
and 1 bale—total of 74 packages. The Com
mittee have received bills of the following
goods not yet at hand I box from Green
ville; 1 from ladies of Canal township, Vo
o*ngo county ; 2 from W. T. McAdams and
two from Middle Spring Presbyterian Con
gregation, Cumberland-county. Tbfi~ftofe
bouse of the Association ,nndap jt)m
Mr. Samuel Caldwell, of Pittsburgh, a most
indefatigable officer aod gentleman, is now
full of goods aod constantly open to supply
the demands of the needy Pennsylvania sol
dier, who is more than welcome to,the comforts
thus geaorously afforded by the people of our
patriotic State. 1
• The' whole amount of cash deposited with
tbe Treasurer—Jay Cooke A o«—from the or
ganization of the Association, is $3,397,19.
tilnoa tho monthly meeting for July, in addi
tion to many small sums from various per
sons of $1 to $5, Mr. H. S. McCombs of Chea
ter, has. given $lOO, and Charles Knapp Esq,
of Knapp, Rudd A bo, of Pittsburgh $201).
Tbe available fund ! now ou deposit is over
$25,500 j
lo conclusion it may be stated that the
Executive Committee bold their meetings for
bearing reports for their visiting committees,
voting relief to cases brought before them
and doing all other things whiob are consid
ered best for the cause, every Tuesday and
Friday. ; evening. Their rooms! where the
hospital fecorda are kept, are at Ko. 5 Wash
ington Bbltdings, corner of 7th street and
Pennsylvania Avenue. Mr. 6. Todd Perley
is corresponding secretary, to whom lotters
making inquiries in reference to 1 soldiers in
hospital should be directed. Goods should
be sent marked to u p. L. Eatoß, Chairman
of Finance Committee of Pennsylvania-Sol
diers Relief Association, Washington City."
Money may be'.sent to him, or to Jay,
Cooke A Ce. " ..
Mr. J. A. Williamson, of the Land Office,
is tbe faithful agent'of the Association for se
curing tho back pay of soldiers who, being sick
and absent from their regiments, sometimes
have five aod six months wages due them at
once. He has done ihuoh good and exteadod,
much relief through-his strenuous and suc
cessful efforts in this line, saving maoy dol
lars to the soldier which they might otborwiso
have to pay to'agents, who should chargoafee
for collection. ,
The organization is now aotively and effi
ciently at work, and hopes to meet the expec
tations of the generous communities which
have so liberally provided goods and funds.
Publbhtd 6y order of the Attociation.
Wasbimqtos, Aug. 4, 1662.-
Rktubss to Dbtt.—Capt. ; Charles Barnes,
of tbe Ninth Reserves, a gallant and merito
rious officer, having sufficiently recovered
from bis late battle-wound, will leave to-day
to rejoin bis command—his brave boys being
impatient for his retarn. He still limps con
siderably, hopes to recqver fully after
getting in tbe field. Ho takes with him a
number of reornits for the Ninth Regiment.
Lawbbncb Cousty. —Tho Republican Con
vention of Lawreoco county met in New Cm*
tie, on Tuesday last, and placed In nomloa
tion the following ticket: Congress, John W.
Wallace; Assembly,lsaiah White; Associate
Judge, James McLane; Commissioner, Wil
liam B. Lutten; Distriot Attorney, Robert
Gilliland; Coroner, Ml P. Barker; Auditor,
William C. Harbison.
Stay* Sesatb. —We understand that the
friends of Hon. E. H. Irish, will present his
namb as a candidate to. the
State Senate, at the nextißepubllcan Con-
Yentlon. ‘ "4' / ■' s
them.— Wo would say tent Messrs, W. H*
McQee A Co., corner of Fedeiralstreet and Dia
mond Square, have just received their summer
goods, and their patterns are all of the latest
styles. Any person desiring a well-made and
neatly fitting suit of clothes, their establish
ment is the right plaoe. All their clothing is
made under their own supervision, and they
are always ready to sell cheap to cash buyers.
Sccbyt and Sceofolops EBomaM will
soon cover the bodies, of tbpse. brave r men
who are fighting their country’s battles.
Night air, bad food, and drenching rains .will
make sad havoc with the strongest. .There
fore, let every man supply himself with Hol
loway's Ointment, it U a certain cure fojr
every kind of skin disease. Only 25 cents
per pot. _ ■ '»| : ; r v 215
Wu. Fobbkst, Carpenter iaad Joiner, Job
bing Shop Virgin ailey r between Smlthfleld
street and Cherry alleys . AU kinds of Boose
Bepalring done on short notice and Inwork
maulike manner. Charge» ; modermte. "Leave
your ordsrti AU orders promptly attended
*>• 1 •. --i-i t ’
Dmthtby,—Dr. O.SIU,Ifo.MS, P.nn at.,
Etttnjl to all ktisobOE ot ih, Doatal profu
lios. > . . *
[Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Washington, Aug. 7 —ll p. m.
Judge McCook had loft for the West to-day
before the .dispatch arrived announcing the
m irderof his son, Gen. Robert McCook.
gen. burnside’s movements.
The secrecy of Gen. Burnside's movements
continue to excite astonishment, llis desti
nation has been known here, in well-informed
circles, for a week past, bnt not yet on the
street, and notbiog of it appears in the news
papers. It is. enough to say that Burnside
has reached his destination, and is ready for
service whenever called on.
The new postage Stamps, for circulation,
will be ready next week. Sample sheets are
here now, so arranged that photographing or
any ethor means of counterfeiting is nearly
Maj. Gen. Cassius M. Clay is expected,
within a day or two, to report himself for
orders. There has beoo some talk of sending
him to Cincinnati, but soma, Kentuckians ob
ject, on the ground that his early radicalism
had excited a 'prejudice against, him, and ifiat
it would be unwise. Influeoctf’fa against him.
There has been a renewal of the chronic talk
about the safety of Washington within the
Last few days. Military authorities,
are satisfied that, with Popo in.front, McClel
lan ready to come in on their rear, and Barn
side also ready to operate against them, the
rebels would hare a hard advanco of it.
Prom San Francisco.
, San Francisco, Ang. s.— Sailed—ship Wild
Valparaiso, and bark ;E. A. Rav-
Ungs, employed by the Government, wero
recently wrecked in the mouth of the Colora
do river, having a cargo of commissary stores
for Fort Yuma, valued at two hundred thou
sand dollars. 1
The work on the new levee around Sacra
menu City is.progressing energetically, and
said to cost oPer two hundred thousand dol
lars, and to bo from eight to'. ten feet high
and of snfficient strength to leave no room or
apprehension of tho inundations.
The first train of ovorland emigrant* from
lowa arrived last week at the Powder River
■Mines, Oregon. had no trouble on the
road, and are getting along without difficulty.
Three companies of Oregon cavalry bad gone
oat to meet thee.*
S«v F&ascisco, Adg. o.—The eonfiseated
ship Henry Brigham, was sold by the United
Slates Marshal yesterday for $15,000.
A dividend was declared by tbo Ophir Sil
ver fitining Company for the month ending
Augost .sth, at seventy-two dollars per foot.
The shares of the mines are nbw selling at
twenty-four handled dollars per'foot. There
are extremely flattering accounts of all the
principal silver mines in Nevada Territory..
The bullion receipts are large and Is
-going up, and there is danger of the specula
tive furore.
The Overland Mail Company oommenced
running aineo their recent route. A trip from
St. Joseph to'Salt Lake has been made inside
ef seven days, and a prospect average of time
from St* Louis to San Francisoo, in nineteen
days. The ocean mail from New York to
San Francisco is-twenty-fivo days.
Important from Washington,
Washington, Aug. 7. —Admiral Foote has
arrived hero to enter upon bis duties as Chief
of the Bureau of Equipment and.‘'Recruiting.
The parties arrested yesterday in Harris
burg were brought to Washington, and lodged
ifwtha-Old.GAp.tALpritnti - i .
Washington, Aug. 7.-— CapL jGaDsafort, of
!tbo Adirondack, baa informed the Nary De
partment of the facte attending the recent
.pursuit by him of the itcameij Horald, pre
'tented by Nassau papers to the British vessel.
This pretence affording an opportunity for
oxpreaiion and Indignation against the al
leged outrage by this American S officer, from
whose statement it appears the Herald had
beep running from Nassau to Charleston with
supplies and was returning from Nas
sau with cotton. She was commanded by a
man named CoxsetJer, formerly Captain of
the privateer Jeff. Davie. The chase, how
ever, was not continued within British juris
diction. An additional statemeotcbnDrms tho
foot that the British flag system was used to
advance secession interests.
; Numerous applications have been mads for
passes to the army of the Potomac, bnt are
invariably refused. It Is the request of Sen.
McClellan that private visitors be excluded
from bis lines. All the alok are to be removed
thence, therefore, the friends of many of the
patients cannot iirge the necessity of .their
presence for nurses as spies.
From Fortress Monroe.
| Fobtbbss Monbob, Aug. C The 3,000
rebel prisoners, from Fort Warren and Dela
ware, went up'the river from Harrison's
banding night beforo last. The flag of truce
boat accompanied, them, wbioh returned last
evening, and reports tbe change being made
satisfactory, and that the same number of
Union prisoners from Richmond may be ex
peo ted down the river to*day or lo.rhqrrow,
add that tbe requirements of the Rodcral Gov
ernment, in regard to the exohaago, has been
Strictly complied with, which is understood
to: moan tbe release of Coir Corcoran and other
mlaor officers.
A reconnaissance made on Monday night
has resalted very favorably. Our troops,
drove in tbe rebel piokets early yesterday
morning, and a fight immediately commenced
wbicb lasted between two andjthree hours,
and resulted in the Feaerals taking possession
of and holding Malvern Hill. Tbe fighting
and capture of Malvern Hill wop dono by ar
tillery, and our loss was twenty
killed aod wounded. Tbe rebel loss was
muoh greater than ours, and besides we cap
tured 100 cavalrymen, horses pnd equipments
ooipplete, with one sman battery. Col. Gam
ble, of tbe Bth Illinois, is among the wonnded.
Ollier names of the killed and wobnded I have
not been abl&4o obtain. i
The President's Order, in Reference
lo Absentees Irom the Army.
Camp bein Little Wabbi.ioton, Aog. 7.
—Nothing ean exceed the gratification with
which tbe President's Order, In referenoe to
absentees from tbe army, was received by
most of tbe officers and men £of tbe army of
Virginia. While there are many instances,
of necessary absence from the ranks,, the num
;ber U infinitely small compared with those
wbo;*re absent from motivor of pleasure or
case. The new order covers all these de
ficiencies of legislation, and promises to go far
towards increasing the rank and file of the
army. Therqls, however, another subject of
complaint among military commanders. It Is
but seldom that men,, whp are . sent to the
General Hospital,.find theirway baok to the
'ranks. '
All quiet, and nothing indicative of imme
diate action, but the presence of Gen. Pope,
and bis conference'with his chief comman
ders,;are significant of something about to be
done; .
JFrom Cairo.
Cairo, Aug, 7.— The ram Mingo from Hele
na reports that on.Satnrdey, a scouting party
of T&federiU wefe surprised by SpO of Hind
man'* men atid badly cut tip, only twenty are
said to have escaped. ' '
: Forty of Jeff. Thompson's men were captur
ed-whlte attempting to cross the river near the,
town pf Austin. : - '
. The recent publication of Gen. PUlow's let
ter Ip'regard to the slaves qf the former, ren
ders interesting . the fact.thai Gen* Curtis has
freed all the negroes Ini question, numbering
?75, Pillow bos three plantations near Hele
na, qn wbich all moveable .property'bss.been
confiscated. : Curtis has freed at Helena about
.2,000 slavesj chiefly rthbsewho 7worked on
Forts Pillow andDonelson. .
Re&iaianceui_■ Drafting in Misaonri.
Cairo, Aug.7.—A skirmish fooiplaeeyea*
terdayl near: foist 1 PUaserit/Mo., between
Uiecitlieni sad SUUtroops, iuwblch it Je
MjwrtedseTeraV wsrekilleAim both' sides. It
rams thitthe oitiieof banded themselves to-. - -
sether5 ether to resist an enrollment of the militia* jriQOPEft'frl TOO Carpenter’s Tools,
roops were shot from New Msdrid to enforce | v^ 1 stnM finite. Tnch. far ekW^^^J
Loss ofthe Golden Gate.
Nk% York, Aug. 7.—The following dis
patoh was received in this city to-day :
San Francisco, Aug. 7,18fi2.
r f Eugene Ktllx <t Co,: The steamship
uolden Gate, which sailed hence on the 21st
of July, took fire when twelve miles off Man
sanilla, and was burnt to the water’s edge.
About 200 of her passengers were lost. Ed
ward Flint is gone. Ben. Holladay and CapL
Whitney were saved. It is thought that the
treasure will be saved, as the ship has beached.
The following private dispatches were re
ceived to-day;
San Francisco, Aug. 6,1862.
To Wm, L. JXaUey : I was saved from the
burning ship byjashlng myself to the forecas
ts ladder and jamping oyerboard. 1 passed
under the port wheel while underway, and re
ceived a serious injury. I was pioked np by
one of the ship’s boats, and remained In it 20
hours before I reached Mansanilla*' Poor
Fiinrwas lost. I will return overland. Please
.telegraph to my family about my safety'and
health. Benjamin Holliday.
[Edward Flint, of New York, went oat in
February 186 j, leaving his wife .in this city,
lie was a middle aged man.]
San Francisco, Aug. 7, 1862.
To Allen McLane .* The steamer Golden Gate
was burned at sea, near Mansanilla. Abont
200 of her passengers and crew perished. The
ship is a total loss. Full particulars will be
sentas soon as possible.
(Signed) Forres A Babcock.
From the Army of the Potomac*
Headquarters of the Potomac, )
Harrison’s Landing, August 7. j •
At Malvern Hill everything was quiet dur
ing yesterday. It was reported last night by
deserters and contrabands that the rebels had
been moving from the vicinity of Richmond
all day, in large force toward Malvern Hill,
with a view-of retaking the position.
- Three thousand and nine exchanged prison
ers arrived yesterday afternoon from Rich
mond. Those, who-belong to this army and
are fit to do duty were sent to their regiments.
The others leave for. the North to-day. No
‘officers' are among the party.
Affairs in Missouri.
St. Lotns, Aug. 7.—Brig. Gen.. Davidson
assumed command of the district of St. Loois
to-day. Col. Merrill, formerly commandant
of this district, has been commissioned a
Brig. General, and will leave tor North Mis
souri this evening, where he will direct the
operations against guerrillas. en
At a meeting of the Merchant’s Union Ex
change, this noon, resolutions were passed
closing the business houses at fonr p. m., for
the purpose of drilling and organising' the
loyal citizens for. military service, and re
questing the .proper authorities to eanse a
suspension of business throughout this city
after that hour for a like purpose.
Gen* Robert McCook Murdered*
Cincinnati, 'Aug. 7.—A dlspatoh to the
Commercial, from Decherd, Term., says Gen.
Robert McCook was murdered while riding in
his* ambulance, day before yesterday, in ad
vance of his brigade.
Nashville, August 7.— Gen. Robt. McCook
was shot by a party of guerillas 'near Salem,
Alabama, yesterday, while riding towards
Winchester, Tenn., sick, in an ambulance, his
remains reached here this evening.
Captain Brooks was captured. Oar force
burned the house of the rebel who led them
into this ambuscade. ' ;
War Meeting at Norristown*
Norristown, August 7.—Wq had another
enthusiastic war meeting here: last night, to
receive-the report of .the Committee to i wait
upon the County Commissioners, to ask them
to reconsider their refasal to grant the bounty
to volunteers. The majority of the Commis
sioners, through the pressure of an indignant
popuUr opinion, have granted the'bonnty.
Departure of Troops.
Aug. 7.—The 33d regiment will
leave on Monday and the 34th on Tuesday
next, with full ranks and splendidly equipped,
for tbe seat of war. The Governor bar grant
ed permission to the Independent Order, and
the 4th battalion .of infantry to form the
nucleus for ten new regiments for nine months
Skirmish; near Mooney Creek.
Memphis, Aug. 4.—A fight- occurred oh
Sunday afternoon between a-Federal reoon
noitering party and a party.of rebels—email
affair. About lfiftof . the lattar wars surprised
in the vioinity of Mooney Greeks and flbd at
the first fire. Six or seven were killed and
several woundod.
Stampede to Escape the Draft.
Baltimobc, Aug. 7 .—Quite a stampede is
in progress from this oity of parties eager to
esoape the dralt—some going to Europe, many
to Canada, and others to various Northers
States. Many of the leading seoessionlsts are
disappearing for parts unknown. -
From Kentucky.
Louisville. Aug. 7.— -The journa/publishee
a rumorof Morgan's advance into Kentaoky,
and bis captor® of Bucksville, with an in
creased force of cavalry, and expressing a de
termination to march to the banks of the
Ohio.’ Military circle here disbelieve the
' Markets by Telegraph.
Philadelphia, Aug. 7.—Noon.—There (a more sc*
tivity in the Flour market, au<l GOO bbU were sold at
12% for superfine, $5 G 2% for extra, and $6 to
87 extra family and fancy, which is an advance of
12%c per bbl. No change to Bye Floor or Corn He&L
Wheat In good request, and G. 500 bosh sold at |l2B
@1 36 for red, and 8145 to $155 for white.' Bye It
wanted at 80c. Corn in demand; 6,000 bush yellow,
sold at G4@G6c, Oats wanted at 45c fur Peon'a, and
36@38c for now Delaware. No change-In Sugar or
Mousses. Provisions firm; sales of 5,000 bbls Mess
Pork at SU,OO@II,2S, and Guo bbls Beef on private
terms. Whisky dull at 31c. ,
New York, Aug. 7.—‘Noon.—Flour is steady hot
quiet; 11,600 bbls sold. Wbe&f advaced lc; sales of
140,000 bush at $1 20 for Chicago Spring, sll9@l 24'
Milwaukee Club, and 91 2*ol 84 for red. and fl 38
($1 4G fur white. Com Is advancing; 100,000 bush
•old at &7@sSc for old. Mess Pork unchanged. Lard*
steady. Vvhbky at 29%c.
Sterling Excbaageduli at 2G@26% percent. Stocks
active and higher; Chicago and Bock Island 64%;
Illinois Central Railroad 69%; Illinois^Central bonds
95%; Michigan Southern 67%; New York Central
92%; Virginia Ga 57; Missouri 6s 46%; American Cold
114%; Pacific Mail Co. .108%; Kentucky. 6a 94;
Treasury face coupons, 1881, 99; Registered 98%;
Coupons, 1878, 85%.
Cincinnati. Ang. 7—Evening—There is a good
demand for Flour at full rates. Wheat 3c higher,
and In active demand; red 60083, and white 88<§97c t
the latter rate for choice Kentucky. Corn advanced
to 39@40ci and Bye to 65c, and both in'active ds*
mond, Oata 42c, and In fair demand. Whisky ad
vanced to 2£%c, with a better demand. There Is a
good demand for Lard; 60q kegs sold at 8%. Bulk
and bacon Shoulders are wanted, at 3e for the former
and 3%c for the Utter. Nothing doing la Mess Pork
or Bi<Jtj meat. Groceries quiet. No change in coin.
or exebango; market dull.'
Baltuiose, Ang. 7.— Noon —Flour activeand firm
at prevloua ratea. Wheat active, and advanced 2@3t.
Corn quiet; the supply very light. Oats firm and lc
higher. Whisky dud at 38c.
War Meeting.—A large nod enthusiastic
war meeting was held on Wednesday evening,
in West Pittsburgh. Joseph Boss, Esq., pre
sided, and John Graham noted as Secretary.
Stirring addresses ware delivered by P. C.
Shannon, Thomaf M. Bayne, E. A.Montooth,
C. C. Taylor, and ii. P. Mueller.
Pine SaißTiso, Long Cloths, and* a Urge'
stock of new patterns of Prints at L2%0 per
yard. An immense assortment of Shirtings;
and all kinds of Lomeitio. Goods at great
bargains, either wholesale or retail, at Barker
A Co.'s, 59 Market street.
il barge.
Wo ere making two elzee of our new BARGES, Ho;
1.6 fact wide, and No 8,4 foetfi Jncbceu They give
the moet pefeci tstitfactUm, and an very eoueotefedl
In fuel.. • .• ‘ • ••
AUo, ORATE FRONTS, of the .latest styUr And
best finish, and COOKING BTOVE3, of everyde
scrlption, for eale at-the.loweet pHoee.
and all kinds of CASTINGS made to onto. :
No. 47 Federal street, Allegheny.
\J —We challenge the world; 'we' defy competition;-
we invite a fair cooptfHeoo. with any other 'WHnntl
and will show by poetiiTe proof andacfualdemon
stration that the “urilvertal Clothee Wringvr*’ will
jUfcAworfc that I'Self Adjusting” md othtf
cbesyepologwfor Wriageii hare.left undone, ahd
will easily preee. water from articles on. which they
have done their beet. If you don’t beUovoU, try
it; Wo avk none to buy without a thorough foes; for
w Web abundant opportunity will bv given to aIL by
calling at J. AH. PHILLIPS', ; • ,
an& : ■ . - 'Nos. 26 and 28 * lair • tree!
20 000 KYK WANTiSI '
i ■' -V 1.'..-: ■•■■■■• '
•®?WUI pay the highest cash piieie. *.
•\ ; *r'v: ‘ 'tbOKAS MOORS, '
ablilm - 188 FI at etreet, Pittsburgh.
, „... ,„ - „
Cancerous Formations,
. Borofnla, *
Cutaneous Diseases,
Erysipelas, Boils',
Pimples on the Face,
Bore Eyes,
Tetter Affections, .
Bcald Head,
Old and Stnbbom Ulcers,'
Rheumatic Disorders,
Salt Rhenm,
Mercurial Diseases, |
General Debility, i
Liver Complaint,
Lou of Appetite,
Low Spirits,
Female Complaint!,
. Epilepsy or Fit*,
Paralysis or Palsy,
Syphilitic Disease, and
’ Caries of the Bones,
h Avrao rani .obiqih is a defeated
ooKDmoa or the stoop os ciscula-
cabm or vaxlel a. boyd.
Pmurm, Deoembar 81, 1861.
-Db. O. XL Kraz*;—l take pleasure to making
ikl* voluntary statement In fever of a medicine pre
paredby yuu called "Lnsasr't Blood Siancst*."
I had shlfcnd for five yean with Scrofula, which
broke out ait my bead and forehead ao ai to disfigure
ma vary mush, and took off; the hair when the 'db
eaMßadeita appearance; It also broke oufon m*
arm abovwcod below.the elbow, and eat Into thaskm
andfleabseastoexpose a fcarfalnor*. Tbediaeas*
on my head went eo Ur that several small piece* of
bone caceeoat. 1 wae very week and low spirited,
•nd bad given op all hope of erei getting well, 1 v
k*l triedseveral skillful physicians and they did me
no good. In September 1 wt, 1861,1 was induced to
“Lxmxxx** Iwvuo n> Blood Skabcheu” I
most confess 1 h*dhofsWx~in patent medicines, but
after ! had aaed three bottlse of Blood Bearcner, the
aloenon ta; head and arm began to heal;- I have
now token elgbtar ten bottles, and my bead and'arm
are entirely well sxospt the sc*rs remaining fram'ibe
•one. ' JiwiU also state -that I bad the rheumatism
ysry bad In myarms.and legs. Tbe Blood Bearcber
also cured the rheumatism. I am now ■» well arn,
over Part} rears of age, and 1 feel asrnpleand joonp
•a I did. when,l was twenty,' and ba-ro increased to
weight twenty pounds. I would also state the* the ■
disease to my forehead was so bad thaiwheohu
hooped and lifted anything heavy, tbs blood run oat
of theeore.j Dr.Keyser had a photograph taken of
me by Mr,. Cargo, the artist, afterJL
welt —ltdner tLSCsHow*my appearance as bad as t
wasbefcrel eoznzacnced taking the medicine. ‘ Too
can photograph, ohs of wbich lt .now torn*
poaseesicra, and also at Dr.Keyior.s, 110 Wood street.
whiiys'iD'blsJs-bstoftßr.Beyyt j»nmw»rard
tog it. Although It helped me »cme r .1 did not re"
cover feat until I got.the kind made by Br. Keyset
himself. One bottle of his did me more good than
two of tho old. I believe it is a great deal stronges
and better. 1 hare recommended tb» BlooJ Search*
er to a great many of my friends for various
and X beUeve it has holped the whole of them. Yob.-
may publish this if yon wish, and 1 am anxious that -
all who are afflicted as X was may ob cored. 1 lire Jo
this city, No. 4 Pine street, and am einployc-d at-Oo*- :
ville A Anderson’s Union Marble Works, M W ajn«.
•trait. DANIEL A IhYB. .
K lire la BUgo, at Clinton UD!. aud Ut* imt
nearly blind In both, eyee tor. marly four y <mi«. i
galled on Dr. Keyeer about three mouths a*y.
aafcad him to (Its me directions to the (naittuttvo
tor the Blind in' Philadelphia. Ua told in* that >
.-ncwdnoi go to Philadelphia to get well* as he ha
medicine that would enr* me.aah* said mj dl*» •«
wm tn the blood. Ira treated tor it two ui tori*
times In the hospital In this city, and was rell»»«?d,
bunny dlaaaaw always return ad after a month or two
after I came out of the hospital. I round my dt»
ease waareturning and I celled, by tbeadvlcaoi*
good friend of mine, on Dr. Kejaer, aho has nwtot id
my tight, and my eyee are u early m Mail Motto.
The Doctor gave me “Lindsey's Blood Searcher” aod
>nih. DAVID fcIKtJOLLY, ,
Pittsburgh, July 6,IML
CUntou BUI*, SUgo.
ffHaw 8. r.'tf'EttOi. A&denou attest, Ai<«-
|hnj City.
PlTnioaOß, September 18, hereby certify
that-I have bad a eoreUg for over • year. It vu
eoyered with nicer* .and aorais eo that I coaid cot
work for nearly a year. By leg • welled out bat I vaa
nhableto doasythlngfor e' og time, for el lee*<
six months. I tried seven} of the beet doctor* ts the
jdty, bat toy benefit; finally I called oe Di
Keyier, at No. Ht Wood street who only attendee
me about two weeks, and gave me bot two bottle* ol .
medicine and I am now entirely well end her* coo •
tinned wen for six months. 1 am. employed at tba
Eagle Cnglne Sons* an Fourth atreet, wjmre any
dnecaamame. THOMAS FABBEUi. :
•*” Bt cartful togttOt* rigid kind, a» then U a cow
kfftU fa Qm marlttL ■ -• 1
' . ' Dr. OKO, H. EETSEB
' tafc«taw»» » lin tOond etrawt. tJ» Or«irfi*<«r.
X;' •' TIOHr ' ' v
'* Tbe proprietor bf tbH medldoe baringmado it the, -
tA concentrate tbe>lifo or tbe tine
Tnei£ba Jfedfcloefbr-dlseaseeor tbe Ltmn and .
JKbroat. I* now offering to snflering humanity (he re- •
suJVbf bis experience. -This tndy greatand good ’
ttedfobt* Is prepared with ttnch care; the tar beta*
siStVkrt eitinilT for fti t* therefore free from ell
fromritfoe of common tar. • J • ,
« baweund mom earn* of Consumption than any 7
known remedy caearth.
V ■;
vltwfllcnreAßlHßA. < ■ •
•|t will core 8088 THBOAT AHD BBKAST. .: j . j
. It wBIcnrOCOUGBS ASD OOLDS, and IS aa Id. :
valttable remedy for diseases of the KIDSCTB übd ■ V
■' i Beware ef Gomterfdta. <> S« .
If yob bar* tbe Dyspepsia, me WiflflaßTS DTS- -
, - PKPSIA PILIA bad If they do not cure
you, go to;lh* agent icfwiuHn|offt ' v t,
:• * tpnjxbasod..tbaaaatrneelT*ft <
-1 ‘ 7 .‘V Y
-Vkm oalTat hirsts** and get a deaextptlte elnin# ”
tar. A bba of Pfitaseatky casO, pcet*pald.onr»
ccdpt of One Dollar. 7 .
D<Q»O. WXSfIABT, Proprietor,-
.•.. • • . ~ .-'Bo.lOßoath Second etreet, Phila. .