1.-.-f -f -;v-' "' - h .: * »Tv ; ’ ■ V if • ».**•*» ; , I . 1 '!!•!■ •* * : • * '.W -i- * *-'■ -•i * •« • • ♦ \i * v \v .■ ‘f! r *;.> ... . . -t ' 4*. i *** . **• •*** «* ‘ « «*■" Or' 'i.- ;•* ' , . J ■». -CM.-■■':" 'v'-v*Y' :: ‘ ?' .■A . ’., ’ • v ■**s: . v - >»f\4 >i4 < ''’•'''-^•'■' l '<;'l‘‘*:' ! r- «i*i »''.« i • • * !••*•. i ; "v ,r •Vi‘- •iVHV.JV.i , .\V- , ' l ,T'‘.V l V .*i! V .*,V " .%A ■ ■ '-.1 U . 'I • * :fk .*& ..l‘-V , ... .VA •■ -T ■ ■»;. t -»,•> -t**- (.■>*-,< »;t. iteiiiiipiKi, 'I lipssijllffaitp l^illSPlli I*, 3 ■ :av'“ ‘4i s*iv P 1 > 'important Lelter lrom Gen. Pillow ! 'pPp Xip'ipJSp - ■ ~ T *« Ditnh.Di SR „ ScnFed AbotS •■; f..,-,,-..:..'v;:,v.-,,; v '.;,v:, i/iygz'ji;-*. His Niggers—He Doe’n’t Like the ! PslUVvi'.v. ':• New ' I" NewseeO August s—Tho Forth '•i;l: :.;.'.',■.;■■•■■'■ y *fc' - -■-' :.Ammean, of this city,, has an important • • ‘. --letter captured by the'First Ohio Cavalry ■ s - '•■■’' SKifewritten by-Gen. Pillow to his brother in Pj " Tennesseo. The General is alarmed about : h ' the new polioy, acdsays that we wiU’go to '“ !■ -"pi-' cateyne negroes in less than thirty days, •>:‘ il| ' ■ v - and wiueweep the river bottom. He thinks ; tho only safety for the negroes is to carry i;;:.. them to the interior,' and yants-his brother -■; I!. .- ,«| r,:, to helplim get off hia negroes'' before they ./:■_ “i ; 1 are- caught, bat says/the''secre't miiit be J? . kept. He thinks thatfithe South . will re-, j|v ; ,'.:sa : :||i .-yi;*;-;. .eeive its independence, but tflll loseonei : iV. i. : i , v : - : Js- pi;. thousand dollars . worth of he -1 \ -ti' -”- • gross. HehaSa"plantation in. Arkansas, i : \- s£' ;■: and w»n»a to got his negroes across the ! . -i. v-. ■. ys|v ’: Ss? river into'' Mississippi, but Curtis is in the -\ . & waypHt eaye thst the safety of their • i'.P :-®PS •■ , properly depends on immediate sotion, and '*'. N.*? - . wante his brother to give out that the ne ' grots takon by the Federal® will be sold to ': -V: • ;i- Cnbs after the war ie over, .i ■■: ■ i:: ■. -.- ' .V'l’V/r-'-'- \£- : ; '[■ '‘•A J >; . • ;•:,! ■ : . 1L : » fT® i: A t/niled People. .. j If ono may judge of’the opinions of the v \ masses of tbo people by the resolutions and and speeches,, enunciated and Ipndly and rociferously'approved at the "War Meetings • held inwall parts of the country, we ahaii be compelled to infer that there is no dis sent from a vigorous which / shall embrace the whole scope and'apirit of / tho lole acta of Congreaa,— Ilia confiscation v < and emancipation measures fnoluded. Washington is $0 exception to the rule. Tho resolutions and the speeches there, are an up to the mark, and they were received with loud acolaim. There.is matter for . - much encouragement in all this. The peo ple are fully up to tho work we have in hand. They are ready to use every means which God, nnd nature; nnd art, and cir- ; sumstances have given them,'which it may bo lawful to uso, to crush out this awful rebellion, and save tho country and the , Government from the perils with which they aro environed. . Governments are naturally conservative, V. and il 13 pretty ovident that our Govern ment is not up with the terrible earnest, ness, and the resolute determination of tho people. The Government is now where the ■■■• P'°P le woroBi f months, ngo, and there is hope that it will come on in good time, and nono'too fast for the impatience of the vau “ : guard. The only discordant notes aro from Brcckenridge Democratic political conven tions and meetings. Tfie resolutions and ■-J . 3 P of these Bemi-traitors, aro like'.the cr °ukings of the owl and the raven, those -foul creatures which delight in. darkness and corruption. They are but few, how ovor, or if they are many! they hide them selves from the light, and the notice of an Indignant people. Ss' | •Vv . t The Arrival of the First Norwegian 'Vessel.in Chicago. The Chicago papers notice the arriTai of the brig Sleipner from Bergen, Norway, at that lacustrine port “Tho Sleipner” says the Tribune, “is a hermaphrodite brig of about thrco hundred; and fifty tons burden,- oommandcd by Capt Waagc, and first offi cer Hardier. She loft Bergen, Norway, on tho 23d of May, with one hundred and fifty passengers, and two hundred barrels of herring, consigned to Swana & Syneslvedt, 110 Ninzle street The vessel arrived at . Quebec on the 6th of July, where Bhe re mained until the 10th. 'She then started . for tho Lakes, and arrived at Montreal on the 11th; passed through the Welland Canal on the 21st, and reached Detroit on the . 2dth. There she left 40 passengers, and , ; started for Lake Michigan; arriving at this port Saturday-evening as above indicated. The health of the passengers during tho voyage was excellent—not a death occurred on the passage, and no sickness. Soon after they reached Lake Erie, a child was born to one of the passengers. " ; The Sleipner is the first European vessel which has ever reached this port direct, with emigrants and consignments.. The sending of the vessel is an experiment on the part of the merchants of Bergen, and it is yet too early to determine whether it will prove successful or otherwise. She takes a return cargo of grain. If successful on her homeward trip, our merchants may . reasonably expect a large accession of di rect trade with-the countries of Northern Europo. ■ i . - Of tM> passengers, but few remain in Chicago, the most intending to locate in Wisconsin, lowa and Minnesota. ' .:*• ijslV:. : . ■■■•■ l : f f -i <5 j- < .;!■ v 3i • : s I' i The Philadelphia, Press has a long article exposing the conduct of the Democratic press of this State. It asserts that thecon- j tfbl of the Democratic organization in Penn** b sylvania is in the hands of Mr. Buchahah's ■ intimate friends, and all the who ■opposed Dorciasin 1860, whether politi cian* or newspaper editors, with inconsid erable exceptions, are as acrimonious in -their, hostility’ to the Administration and the war ns they were in their hostility to -the heroic Senator from Illinois; \ The Frets gives specimens .of the. tone of the leading.Breckinridge papers in this State, and concludes its remarks as follows: We need not continue this roll of infamy, save to add that the Pittsburgh Morning Foil, conducted, by James P. Barr, the ~ Breckinridge candidate for Auditor Gen •: eral, is among the mbs t reckless andTnali ! emus of the set. His paper is the only one J m “ 10 hupported Douglas in i 1860, a support, the sincerity of which can i ho understood when it is known ■ that be was one of themost unscrupulous advocates of the disgraceful fusion movements of that yearjsby which unauspecting-Douglas’Dem ocrats were induced to help the the Disun ion candidate for the Presidency. These evidencee prove conclusively that the whole _ organization of the Breckinridge Democracy - of Pennsylvania is inspired by the most embittered animosity tb the war. One fact, whioh challenges successful contradiction, Completely establishes this allegation, viz: that there it not a single newspaper supporter of that organization : m' this State tohickdoes not acorn the disgraceful doctrines of the ad dress of.Fra.nrns IP. Hughes, and which does ' oof regularlg repeat thesentiments of Vallan . . digham, Ben Wood, and-Chat class of politico ■. agitators , ■- - A Pxorosmos.— An ombulanedeoipais •imperatively necessary foran army. Tbs material "of whlobifcii formed fa. eolcoted from tbosowboothermsewoold besrarme:' let this class bcrelforedat once. From among thoso of our people who excuse themselvsf fromsorring aa soldiers in con*.- eeqoenoo of atjenogo oWeiTlee as firemen,' select whoever are willing to join the am bulance corps; Muster and pay lhem-,for. this parUemnr service, let them* remain' with' the hospitals in (pro of thoetck, and thaa'nliaTS able-bodied Boldienr.irbo.want toi ght • i _ '\'.,r gifc iittslmrulr FRIDAY MORNING,'-AUG. ». ~ S \ fThe sirencih of North and South Contrasted, The following table is of unusual inter -00*: *yM». tiine, aa it shows the whole able bodied force of both North and South. The usual enumeration is of'the men between the ages of eighteen and. forty-five, but this does not give the whole strength of a nation available for warlike purposes. Should a war last three years, lads between fifteen and cighteea'coiiid be made use of before the was over. At a pinch, also, men between forty-five and fifty could be used : WHITE MALES LN THE UNITED. STATES BE TWEEN THE AGES OF FIFTEEN AND FIFTY YEARS IN 1860 AND 1860, ACCOEDIXO TO THE UNITED STATES CENSUS. L«j/al SlaUt. Maine .New Hampshire •Verm0nt...;....;, ”* Maa»achn«eltn... Rhode Island ~,***_]** Connecticut- : " New .York „ .'.7.71, New Jersey ■ ...v*”*"** PennsylTanla..-, Maryland ‘771. District of Colombia. Northwestern Vlrgtalt-.'.LI Indiana *** Illinois, Wisconsin..... Michigan Iowa: Minnesota ' Delaware Total Tlie North and West have drawn on this thus far, for army and navy 19 | j*! Seceded .S'atee. Virginia North Carolina Sooth Carolina.. Georgia.... Florida. 7.7.71 A labama Mississippi 71‘. Teoneasee Lonislana Texas ...V***' Arkansas Total. _ The South has drawn upon this force thus frr.... Border SlaUt. ~ Missouri This table shows the enormous - ad vantages the loyal States possess over the disloyal in men; the figures giving the wealth and resources of the North would be cjuite as startling as a matter of con trast. If, with this superiority, we fail, then as a nation we deserve to die. Persons Exempt from Drafting thro’ Physical Disability. The New York Times makes the follow ing statement: The Surgeon’-General has recently, in a published order, decided who are physi cally Buhject to military duty, and his de cision will doubtless be the guide of the War. Department. Adjutant Gen. Hill house, in ja recent order, declares that physical disability should in all cases be established to the satisfaction of the en rolling officer by a physician's certificate, as well as the affidavit of the party. He mentions the following imperfections as proper causes of disability: “Wounds in the head, which impair the faculties or 'Cause convulsions; seriouß impairment of hearing, speech or vision; anchylosis,-or active disease of any of the larger joints; the presence of pulmonary disease or of ~ganic disease of the heart; irreducible hernia; fistuln in ano: large hemorrhoids;' large and painful yariscell or- varicose reins which extend above the knee; the loss of a limb, or the thumb and forefinger on the right hand, or of any two fingers on either hand; tho loss of the great toe; any marked physical imperfections which would unfit for active service." A Pattern Dispatch. To the Editors of the Evening Post In,looking over an odd volume of British [ Essayists, I found the following translation | of' the original lettcr of the Marshal Bouf flera to the French king, after the battle in the woods. Thinking the resemblance be tween this dispatch and some of a more -modern date might strike you, I send a copy : “Sire: This is to let your Majesty un derstand, that, to your immortal honor and [ tt® destruction of the Confederates, your troops hare lost another battle. Artagnan did wonders; Rohan performed miracles; Guiche did, wonders; ; Gratton performed miracles. The whole army distinguished themfelves, and everybody ,did wonders. And to conclude the wonders of the day, I can assure your majesty that, though you hare lost the field of battle, you have not lost an inch of ground. The enemy march ed behind us with respect, and we ran away from them as bold aa lions.” The Vallandigb am Platform. If ourVallandigham conservatives, says an exchange, had lived at the time of the first murder, they would hare pul it into a [ platform about os follows: , “Ketolvzdj That we are equally opposed to the pretended piety and evident fanatic ism of Abel and the authorized violence of the'high-toned and chivalrous Cain. “Xetohed, That the ‘Ultras* who are clamoring for the hanging of Cain, which would only exasperate him, desire to de stroy the domestic happiness and peace, of the family, and have no other purpose'in view. , u&toolvedj That we are in favor of pun ishing both parties, and invito all conserva tive men to unite with us In frowning down this whole business. / | Saolcedf That nobody has a right ▼oke murder, and if Able had exhibited I less fanaticism this ond never would have I occurred.'- - . \ A I Dabney, the Scoutofthe Rappahan- I npctu J A correspondeot'of tke Evening Poatj who 1 is vfith army, has the follow ing noticed! u negro scout, illustrative of I tho hjea many, military men hold that will fight well and faithfully: J , << - >oe taau-—the guide In the two exploits jf/°. ur , caTa J*7 —deserves brief mention. 18 «*rtainly..a marked maa—loyal, toa fault Virginia may well be proud of him, and the rebels of this " e ‘2^ T( testified their appreciation by' rabwnbtag and offering* reward for hie .«? fh “ ndred dollar.. His .kin is sobewhat darker than our.; bnt the front rank of oar brare soldiers ha. willingly giren him place, and hia .ervlee. a. .coat and guide hare been Invaluable. He wee a slave two montha-ago, and now, at sev enty-five cents Hassau, N. P. While the English most -find, thli a losing game ; we .tqajtbe watt satisfied with the results. -T „ /\ I Toe Spirit of the Country. —A private letter to us from Chatauqua county says: e * re rapidly making up our quota of thoaB . an 4 “0«, and if we could only be assured that tho President would uoe us, without regard tothe “rights" of rebels and with a single eye to the sup presswd of (ho rebellion, by every means Almighty God has given us, we should all go, whitoanfl black, and make a clean job of it at one*. ** °oa Irol-Clad Fleet.— Work on the now iron-clids should be pushed forward night and day and every day. The neces sities of the government demand this ex ertion, for the sooner they are afloat the more secure will our armies and the coun try be. The birth of each Monitor will be hailed with delight in etery seotion of tho country. When our iron-clad fleet is ready we shall be impregnable to foreign foes! ...ns aDd overpowering to those in our own *2,0(3 country, » 338 308 1850. 18GO. PUBLIC JTOTICEB. I, ™; 2 8 m G^™< E AT TUJS IKON CITY JJJffl - a l fl (“RmSvf'MoTm o tt , G'“ t n l ? d 0 .^S U 1 __r».BatrLAKB FOB THI BPBIWKM MAW BM7O i’OK cT. JdATErt 7 013,193 CHUECH, Teoperanceville, which vu tu 281,901 come off on the 7th of Aogtut, at Iron Oitv Park u 131,09, piutponed till MONDAY, nth Lit? S/h",.' £ 200,871 charge of the dinner an making every effort to have 191,052 An t ffld.n”p?ftoV„, p "! 132,192 “tj« *">”• . 1b “ Commute* of Arrmjiememi »m 41,596 dothelrpart toglroMtiafactlon tothilroaoau, Ther £»6^„!r uti °' 1 •°* u •***&%?■ 4,900,703 Kelly, Peter O. Hanlon, John tS P * tr ck K » nQ «*y. i j“ l j r li^ t . r L c * Magnlro. Thoa. Canon ao4:,Ht jnS»UIVIWSND NOTHJE. Ornoi or ttanouL llmm Co»i»i, l HH*K» l "® , \P iT t dandofT ' ?o DALLAB9 RK ?**** . P? n ‘J?® 11 * 1 Stock of the Ootopaa*. payable at tbe office of the Treanmr, on FttIDAT tot, 1862, to Stockholder., appEii «.Mb' at wecommencttieot of burin»M on laid date By order of tbe Board of Director.. - Ja3l:lm JAMK3 M. COOPiiB, Tremor. 1517138 125,851 145 987 63.763 07,675 120,262 144,314 12,750 21,165 101,756 120,077 73,450 106,60 172,447 196,591 82,629 144,148 43,366 121,844 40,351 83,710 cut LEGS.— Bxr. I. o. Pbubdio, A. U., p,«|. T^'be£" l AM'm,u“ d C ? IU>E ” ,n ,he 8U “- fourteen bSrtlr™ »“ raB - Superb brief bondings. Thorough Mid extensive courve of study DOMaS 00 “ d °* QA * Mcuo taogbt. FOBTY DOLLABa per term, for board IngHlgbt, Ac. fall Twm commence* faSPTEMBEB*2d. -Bead to the President for a catalogue. -jjllV 6 * M. 81MP60H. Pm. Trustees. 1,019,311 1,268,822 O a ' t LAi,5f AUK&K Alodj is anxious KIIIUIIe t 'Sh <>m “'° d * m ?* ,,,onh^ ““ tn “ l worthy atteatlTßOEM ind tin,/. SSSt" I '?.'' 11 rmdw tar iordotble to 107 o^"?,"”hCh t ."'“' A " r “ Kr *- B - *•■ O»TU THU COAL TkAllK—A . , mMt *be Coal Operator!, Shippers ud TRADB KOOM«, eo TUOBBOAT, Aocott 7th. at r °.l loc £ P- m - Boilne** of the otmoat importance to the trade will be pretested to the mretiu and all interested in the trade la thii ricinlty ucts%m eatly reqoefted to attend. 7 ajeearn- By order of the Committee. 1850. 1860. SPECIAL JTOTICES. JCsSTlake Bupenor Copper Jim and SMKLTINQ WORKS, htmwf PAM, M'CUBDY & CO., JUnn&ctormof SHEATHING, BBAZIEBg- AND BOLT COPPEB, PRESSED CAPPED BOTTOMS BAISED STILL BOTTOMS, BPALTIB sOLDEb! ■Oo Importer*end dewlera la MXTALS,TIN FLATS. SHBST IBON. WIBS, Aa. CoMtallj on bn* TIHNEBS’ MACHINES AND TOOLS. , Wmiocii, No. H 9 rim «nd ISO Second atraeta, Pittsburgh, Pwin'n. *#"3pecial erdere of Copper cut to our dslrod t»t- mrifrdawlyV tSZ’The Confessions and Experience OP AN INVALID. PoMlabed for (be benefit end “ • w * rß * n S *»d • c*ntlon to jnung men «ho .offer Horn Herron* DebUltj, Premature Diimj. Ac., eup pljlns »t tba came time the mean* of Self-Cere Bj on. who be* cored blnuwH efler being put to gtwt ezpenee tbrongb medial Impoeltion endqimcb. •rj. Bjr enclosing . po*t-|»ld addreeaed entelops Sf J r b * * f "■••dtbor, NATHAN ** B*!* Bedford, Binge Co., N. T. nollilyiliTT • CST"®—T—lB6O-X.-Drake’» Plan TATIOS BITTERS. Exbioitod 1 uaion 1 ! (mt rMlortr * Tk®y iorlgorate, itrengthtfl tad purify | lb* ■jrtUm, cure Acidity of th* Btom*ch, Diarrbc**, Ac. A perfect epoettser and tonic, They larigorate tb* body, without stimulating tb* bndn. They ere compoaod of pop* 8U Croix Bum, R~m «Qd Herb*, ud *r* recommended by ail mho tm them. Adapted to old or young, but particularly recommended .to lb* week end languid. Sold by * - Grocer*, Druggist*, .Hotel* end Batons. p. U. U&AE.Z A co . g. DABNES. I mylJaeodws g)3 Broadway, Mew York. tgrsiraxß & BAEHES, FIRE-PROOF SALAMANDER SAFE, BANE YAULT ICON VAULT 8008, AND STEEL-LINED BUBGLAB-PBOOF SAFE MANUFACTUBEBS. S<*. 189 and 131 Third tfrwt, batweom Wood ami BnithJUld ttrotU—tiortM Hda. *yBANK LOOKS alway* on hand. mhas w«. c. a0wat0y...... * - ; wiTHtow nocoLac*. wilso* i»ll« jtSTBOBIHSOH, msiß & MIL. .LESS, Fotrwxa* aim MacnintsT*, Wasaisoron Wotxs, Pittsburgh, Peno'a. Ornct, No. 21 Uaun Sraxrr. Maauflictur* all kind* of STEAK ENGINES ASH KILL MAOHINEBY, CASTINGS, BAILBOAD WOBS, STEAK BOILEBS AND SHEET lEOH WOKE. SWOBBING AND BEPAIBING done on *bor( uotke - mbgSidly C3TJOHH COCHEAK & Uannbcturers of IHOpt'uMUKQ, IBON VAULTS AND VAULT BOOBS, WINDOW BUCTTEBB, WINDOW OUjrftDSi Ac., No*. 91 Second street nod Third street, between Wood and Market. Harenh band a variety of new Patterns, fancy aodptun, suitable for all purpose*. attention paid to enclosing Gray* Lets Jobbing done at abort notice. b i,9 fSTPittaburgh Steel Work*. tuio 10XU His B'ctfixoua*. " JONES, BOYD & CO., Muo&ctaren of OAST *TEKL; tin, SPBINO, PtOW and A. B. STEEL, STMI, BPBINQB AND ANDES, comer of Boh end tint itreete, Pltulmrch. F|l ° D *-' • ocib JT. c. KIXOiTBICK «,„hn M h»E ~ 7*. lilt fir*-a KIKKPATRICK & CO., “‘““f*” 111 ” 1 * “Xl WhoUMto Dwden In LAMPS. SBAD ®B> CBAKEELUBS, Ac. . 10-WbQttnlt ApnU fur KIEB'S pKLKBBATED ILLDJUNATINQ AND LUBUICATINO CABBON Jj o ' 23 w “>» Strut, cppo.lt. St. Chub* Hotul, Plttiburfh. Pc, wa: i jd £3TCOBN >1 &KEBB, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, At tb« Ola MlAbUsbfd Ooseb Ftctoij, DUaragKß WAT.(«A*flr. Cui.lnni, dope m um&l. _ |a7:tf CST® HOIMEB & 80H8, Dealer* in irOBEIGK AND DOMESTIC BILLS OP EX. £o^ a °^;S EBTmOATE3 NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 67 Market Atwt.p|tt* burgh, Pa. \ WColloctiohi made on ah the principaldllta throughout the Doited Hf.t— jtgrs. B. & C. S. ttABKUS, Paper MAJfUFAOTUBKBa tad design to BOOK. PBIHT “i™ «*»,<*’SEE »grnAsn on jrBACB toe baps, mr4 tSTHHUiY h. courts, rS WAUMNO AMD COMMISSION HtBCHANT md ta CB * SM ’ bombs, smes, rm . *°f rr<>lll ” »»• *» Wood Bmi; Pltubntg^ffc L'tius.—n bbis. •dw^TAw; WASTED. _ JASIES COLLOBD, (now of Co. A, Plttabnrpb moos, Ninth Kegiii-nt,) ho rrcfired authority to r*t«««- omp*nr for ' . r‘ • • rUKSJB YXABB OB TOE WAB. ; , - - ■*,**• Fishing to enlist la a first claw Cothran) , na oore-r on« who has teen ow a year’s actltfe a-r* b? fl«ld,,are cordially invited to job . In SJ* Y**'*raa letter of author it lmis given o the «h oT September to till bis Cn»i.my. hut he tm» e a ‘,W«® of the young men of Pittsbn -gh to ?• * Q « « n 8 before that time 7 boo dealims’of joining, may for tbo present I*:avo tb<-lr namd with | Ut I.M FAN Y 1 DC member* of Centre Section, [lempton Belterr Ttlto l! re^*,,B r^ ni P ,l l *« Hoael'll, rlera. et I o'clock THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON f.. huperlion. ■ *° B: > Leu.J. I, MILLKH. OK 'O2 t D AL.I.Y TO „ YOUB COONTBV'd CALL -All peraqii* gB: » t J-MES h FKK'-ON. [fSr*McK.Nltim\ lAiKAN IKY.—Tiiia Conip*ay I» recrnltlnjr for kA ,T®lOi?—All pervona detir.ng t Join a com. 1 ?*^ 10014 * Volunteers, under the command SL“* T V ' B ;,9 LAEK ' cao ha... opportunity o I doto, «o 6y calling at th. .ton 0 t Jane, CaLami, federal street, Allegheny, doriogthe remaining daja olthta week. Any pertoa from a distance wish wctogoeaaaddrmme, Bos H 4 Ail-gtieny, Pa., or edttat my realdeoce,-No. 19 South C.uumon * augfcdt • JUfl S It. CLARK. jjgjr*'iO KINK MONTHS .UKY— i BOO,MOr ***CUT*T*COM|OTT*tc.FAU.t<»HKKTCO , ) fITTBBCOH, Allgunt f., Iflii'. | To-pr«T«ol raiaapprebaaaion and 'Mut.poia'mpnt, eottp*nl« and tqoada la tending in report at Harris barg tor the niae montbJierrfra. are again tiouflnd .u o?P? och aW benrcot laL-r than rrldaj. Ibe Bth la*t.nt, aoaa to ba to Dard.l urg on aetor. i ’ ib * Adjotgo* General ha* Informed into Committee that nonlnemdn;b» m»e wJH t»®ao. oepted alter BiUurd»y. Apply to HA4. A. HOSTOO JUT. tiuartermuUr, Liberty street, opposite Peaa’a;K»llro«.i Doiwt. for treneportatioo. THO 3. ffl flow*, >a7:gt Prea't of Cogimltte^-" VALK It* acdersUned la prepared: to.. . JBAH* B. WilKll, _??£•.**' Fint Sergeant Andenon Ttoop. jTjfkm THE WAK-Ouly a few «*7* WOaln for voluntary enlistment, vraftea men do not receive either government or county bounty. * vr Do not U forced to wm your country, bot rolon. ■teer and receive the 7 BpUNTT OF NiESTT DOLLARS. S” d '•■••JJmoD.l bountj •raiTEhtr-riTC DOLLARS »hrn lbt> .ir I, closed. 1 The undonrfgned proposes to eolm * company of infantry to htt* tot the »»r| end nrontlr nreea afenr* s ® trtot,c cil, W> J » it>« necessity of minting Offlce for the present »t 71 Grant street. -* oT BAMtJEL HARPER. MUNjbktiO ThoOsaKD MOB* TBOOPB CALLED FOR. **cap* from being drafted, if yon d< not enlist before tbs loth of this month. THE BUHNER INFANTRY Want* TWENTT MORE MEN, at Second floor, next door to Dispatch twildlog iqs*thk ritiußUhnii ueaVY artillery company is ooino to FORT DELAWARE. HBASQoatTsxa or Pikn’a. Miiitu, i _ Awcta«t Gmuast'a Omct j i-am directed by tbeGovernor to lofoim yon that you ye authorised to raise a Company of Artillery* ! -P** 0 *° r Delaware, to meet requisition 1 In part of War Department of 10th July, Ittbi. ’ A. L. RUHtiKLL, _ ■ Adjutant General Penti ylvsuia. Carr. Job* J. Totrao, Pittsburgh. ..*£• 1* rapidly flltiogup. Pay, wiirflnd It s?*'to** l ! ** ooce at the rendearous, Ko. 2 BT. CLAIR Street, Pittsburgh ; as this Is the oo!y new artillery vompsny that .trill !w accepted from Western Pennsylvania. Mt-.imd jotiN j. younq! to rkijj’l'isHsT paAsps of lifb if tbs field.' ALL THE TVPOS AT IVAid SEMPLE INFANTRY, L '» T, ,i" 1 ;r/ic o >iP 0 8 , No rrinKS" «mi t.ko up your '‘SHOOTING STICKS,"-Sorro your Countrl “ luiun did, and god .111 Ita , o u. Offlo., PIBPATCH BUILDIHO, Firth. 1. , n s JVEW MVERTiaßJaEjrra. .yOLONTEEU ENLISTMENT With Oertlflceto of Bnrg*on end Becroitiog Officer, Foretlebjr i * w.a haven, SutioQer endPriulor, egT ■ COBHKP WOOD ASP TOIftP Hffl ■fc SW bblt. dooblt txtrt BirtUtt riour: too do ■jrjtto.xlt, do So; “o XX JJonront ■. , ■ ab: 5° yUI.BHI.MX 3S [ “5° Jrtmlam imu do }*> Wh of Ohio do JS S«***mh«ll - de ls® do fl»a«Min. do .■ }J® Oo.Hoat Mlllt. , do 100 do Utdltoa UUla do il2 5° a Trowt.BLLotilt^lo; 180 do -vsrtoatbrandi tally Or r. 97; 4? pw»Bn Hour; ■ i'o^ l Sd£?SLhJ l “ to * 14,t ’ ,of ' l » h *“»‘^. - MBOKi S*»*I' Ai ro» > - , OMllbtnjtinJt. ' I.- 1 r. -. ■*» Aigra jort rec’d J.O. KoVAT. •>.>i?-r'>//'*' r r^'i*-'.x r; "‘'->':7?*",- • - '•.'*• *:•;•.••}.-• >V..'; f ..i.T-. •; . ••.• JaiLITARX' JTOTICES . W. VABKIRK, I'orner of Wi *»! n">l Socmi -1 .t*. Lfeat WM. M. L'ALGLIESH, focrnitloa Officer. RICHARD C DARE, Late of Co a, 'Hh p. U C. THE ASDIRSON CAVALRy •roir or a'ever. 65 Firm Srartr, EDWARD Jl SEIBERT. AUOUBT SCHWINN, Recruiting ugteerj. SURE DEATH AT HOME ! HO "SUBS” TO, BE HAD I JOIN THE ■ \ | WU. H. MOODY, Captain. • yjEß ' -* D * 'EM TISEJIIEJTTB. Bffi DS E" R ™OR eoldier Pocket Bible*; Do. Testaments; The So^l-re'.Porket'Book; Do. Msnnal; Do. Hymn Book; T «* Book; S' 1 ’" Cranmir. Pocket Blbl.; Tbo goldier*’aisefoo; : V, ords of Cheer; v Do . CoDD*el; > Hedley Vicars; General Havelock; A Tree Story of Lucknow “ d All ■fflall and cheap and lor sale *t Bn 1 H. S. DAVIS* Book jtore, 93 Wood st. SALK Xu TiUS TKAOB— Now cf'p N. 0. finnn Porto TUeo do* Cnr* do . <3reon and Black Teaa: Tobacco*; 6jroj»; Choice extra family FI Srectri “- ,o -■» Whol- I. r i ARBDOKLEB, P . r 2i?? “ d Commlnl.n Mer. SCkI ' 24S “ d 2 “ Lli *«r »<"«, »..r bead ~lB = a"e .'“i^“';f tom. The tract may tolling7atoT« ™iSi *blj loc»Ujd for mining, and m*y alio t» Void to- ? t W i. h l , b * tnrt * c * f*ad »bore deacrPod, or tev *r *®> to distinct trrcti or parcel*. ** _ L*‘ , ? dodder Ml «m bl |?ctaj d?J 1 ** liT ? r, °* B,li i ** ®*de ln lo»a of not ieaa than t,a» seta per *cek, for all contract! of 10,ouo or car, and not lee* t|an 2.000 nta n*r«ww„. tracti for onr 10,000, counting from the cate of the 2"PYik rmllan !° deUT * r “ • «P~fi*dVim, *3l ?o b irVu eC^. ,r * u'°* the amount ?;« if . lfo rrl *W l litnft - The aecomreorota l,O ln tbe manner; tha teres I epector M ***• W U by tba l? ,he ■»* 1 ,"‘‘ , : lnln « “ “Btract ,111 b. required SllMaifi",' ’JZ?’ It, lu * ,f th. right to re- U *.' l,r r“«l to "Ofr. J. W. Blplpr. GijoJ of Ordosac*, WublQKtna, j», Q ”*nd»jn»w» JAtf. W. BIPLET, Brig. C»«ii Chltfof Ordnance. SHIRT.- I AkMY SHIRTS I A lirg« and complete *tock of ABUT SHIRTS, Jn,t nalTfd ud for ult tb. 10w,.t cub prim. W7:lt r.VTON. H ACBFTM ATO 17 Wff&4sr% !b«* ?.?>™. , “ r ' F r< ' d “lj«* bero|ol‘r». ihe a.*®d"l Hiijutci, Mol. Dln, fall inform.! 100, m.y to oh .“¥t£“ cnAI(LK3 bhoS,h£ - Diracto>. LIUDOR STORE FOR BALE._Tbe .tot* had fix- inn of a Whotaaalo Grocery and Llqnor Bouse, d( •og • good trade, oa on* of the beat boafnen itmti fa th* city, li offered for wlo, y tfao oaneri wish go into other business. Tor farther putlcaUre, addrree, Pittsburgh Poet Office. Last JioncE to tub taxpay er or ALLEOOSKr COUNT!.—The lime “r*f ciNT W «»r5 lpl ! ,h ' Bewichler Bor. toi!? p ??*”& WUklns* Manchester. Slepfam^°r3 I h.‘' IU ' l ' Ureh *” d Cb » rtl "* Dir- r «“»nih, ltopmnc .^ nl \ Wyd, Pittsburgh. McKeesport. Wot P if.tew“j P » ath September lltb. and J Nnlfh V i , i rJ, .f ,t o. baTgb ' WIM&Ut, Moncngahels tad Worth rsyctte. September 12th. ' * w&jMsttssp T “ “ a HSpfah'^MciXhUf.KfT.T’ r "”- Fourth Wsrd. Allegheny, Pin*. Eut i)e*r R*‘ tyumni mi: U^*“.*n4 D ? ,««h, ! r “ U1 °- P *“ “4 *», Whereof take-notice, FIOTD, riti.bunth. Ahzu.t eth. i.ho^S S &£& p 1 for «f »• PS^sssssaa-' Jienilnß, poilfltd; rcmores greaae, Ac.; * . UolUod Gin, Id ito © jnrc . * ST d .“ rt Mt r ' fn ” h ft»n tin .priar, Qiatoger'i Gin, W dorao; • * KUxir of Bark, m tofcio and atlmclxot; Magnolia Da'm, njpoit* ploip •«, Ac.; S%^^L ra ; Jntielt7< W Smlthll.rSl, 0 ”^ K. BOLUKtt, Kmufccimw of mrj dwlpMoi of 25T iT'jjß EJ. so. <5 SMiTninwj) bimbt, . . . •. PJfrsnvsoa. r naKhtmSSlfJi "TjWsea us trrjv. ißiiSr“«s h * 1 ******* f Aau - > Oma Ixtctmn Uoii or AttsoatHT Co., > A X THE *•■;**. ■!®^S!SSSB^isaffe tfartafi* MpsbUifid in tb* «l» ipS* , * ♦ti?. mCo ? r,^ acB ’•rtthtbo above, doom* fey titbtcrip ~ than** BjuntjFond, /or Vohwieen from All*» i " lo '« ,rt “ "“* *•>•«= »S *'' ’ rl ‘° , '“ l * bo^r * <° «»nIM om hoop esrBTS, OOBSITd, HAIB NITiJ, | HEAD DBCSaSB, I COTTON HOSIEBY. I GLOVES, TOOK BOX la, VELVET BIBBOHB, BBSfifl T&IHHIBGB, SKIRT BRAID* BOTIOHV«a. di k " 1 “* 3 »“™ lO oa Unpror«l to. Tan, on Impztrnd ' H ™. « topnmi, *> *>: T EUj*sfs» 3 do do do: 8 do do do;' iSKxI I,* I- d 0 <° ss • t do do do: B, HcLAIH M OO- - . ; ■•••■.. ioafourth«tsM. CABPKTB, JJEW GOODS I NEW GOODS 1 EAforr, MACBUH i Co., TBIMMINGB, 8- 1 ®“ ?0B - gUMMER GOODS Reduced prices. MOW LOSIt HOW 9-hf. Pric* ki*Ctmt». ■''- \ ▲ I*etwditi»ntar>, t*wta«at«ad.BrdtaL 0u»o Bj*na»torTlKnkcirflamia*l W*«ka«.lnTnir "HSmSSsS^" tax sate Ml, la s ttolntatticm .: "■^ffc'ssdsJr", ■'■■' «afjSsl - ” 7 ' a r - &*■•■ ' _ , . rn uum jtaui xu bTKicilX P» l*»t qmlitj of BOOP SKIS IS, Jot opati. At" rBIBK *■ 0. bOBAS, jort ncdndMlibr' } JACONXT LAWfIS, at 12){c. from to 37)5. jX'KW 6naMIB HtKB wt, tin#. SDAWlAitwt, SACQVES.ateoat. BII.K 'HAKTX,ZB,at c«t. ; j ngSS.****™ l * AHD «?nns, ftr fLad W.&D. HUGHS. DHr /Boons. No. 78 Market Street .R. 0. GLTDK. Lowest Prices. BACBDU A ULYDE, 78 MARKET' STBBKT, CHEAP FOR CASH, JOS. HORNE, A choice bt of real EZTBEMEL T BEA VTIFUL, KAXON, MACHO* A 00., IT Fifth rtroct. »atoh, maobuma oo^ W.mhUrtx. BXLLISG AT * ' / "M JPMOA-OS. $l5O BESTPIAKoa $l5O GBOVESTEEN A BALE hating removed totbatr new warworn*, Sc. *478 BBOADWAT, new*iSe l !S ar * d *° e ® irt ** magnifioan , t OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, or Exmxx. 1 ° L p , roTeia *° t * known in this coon try «— **«• '§j *l5O CASH. • v *> Wuruted Sir FITS YI4RB. Rich moulding caaea, •175 to *2OO, all warranted made of the tat actioned m.t.ri.i and to stand better than any sold forUoo ft the old methods of manafactniw. Wetorttet£ehe2 Jndgee to examine and trr these new tatriSSff and we stand ready at ail times to teat them arift any others manuffutured (n th la country. GROVEBTEEN 4 RAI.m $175 mNUS , $175 f **®® l t* d * lhree «pl*ndid new 6>4 ocUt* OUT izM^ir% r ,r- " a b “ n "f“ i 7 ° cu " ftio dmriun are of lUlni. Broe., Hew 1 To* roll ifun Improrei frame, «ni< »f »■>- ranted Are yoir«. ’ . OfIABLOTTB BLUUE, 43 Fifth street. wO Sole agent for the above and Knaba’a r<«nn« Afiw UA-KMU NIUMB, the celebrated aacntfceton of sueoQ A HamUo, Boa ton. Alao, two food aecond* hand 6 ocUto Melodeona, CBfiAP. For sale br el* JOSS B. MBLLQft. 81 Woodtk \j -bw riAAU P.Uji'imx— Jut recoiTinr, i Terr lim uvUQQSbS ■took of PIAKO VofiT&rSectodfl B to 0 # from tho celebrated Jtarafcctotiea ct Ohickering A Sons, Borton; Ballot* E*t±ri Co *r«w»SfiS-3r oiSw b ° I ' oU *' pn»ot mußbctam’ >•• “ - r *. t6, . f “ r «*■& or on i wnimttMo credit. For sale bj .1 J»l4 JOHN H. mtLLOB. gl Wood rt. gTiUNWAKo FKJ4MIUM i*l A M>& Juit received, auma elegant fcj£and 7 octave kTSigWAY PIANOS,. Of anperb workmamhip and finiah. Tor ale at Ho. 53 fifth Vtreet. iSS - H. KUBEBA BftO. ITAELAN VlOielN BXitiNUS,BTIujL X row run. - ' SSi!S " * * lentths, bat nuslitji^ain. Thlrrti, or D •« . 3 u u •>, |a w 1 J r 8n * lh ' pore Beet anailty Trench or Canaan lit, 2d, Maad 4ta airings aarf., la £SS***i" D - i* Bert quality Yfolincello, A and 11, wh ~;,,.;y> ***** " M O aad V, '* . - •* ea n ‘SLt d ' in ? , - P0 “ m "eSFrftto moaey, or in postage atajapa, by / JOHH B. HILLOB, 61 Wood stnet. S- B.—A largo lot of fresh Strings loit srrlTed olio. Violins, Violin Costs, flutes, Accorfsons, Ac JUtllt T^LLOHS. GOODS I aiHBV O. BALI A CO., (Snooessois to JsmesO. Wutt,) Ars nosr rscslTln, their Bummer Stock, comprising erer, rsrlety of goods sdspted to men end boy’swesr, which, In extent, choice Ustesnd prices will compare ' fstorshl, with anj in the trade. .french, American snd West of fnglsnd Cbtks. ot tho bast makes, of Beery shsds end quallte—e. Tore Cssolmeres snd DossklSJ'taper B'eck irtoch Cocsklu,; Soper iJlsck grench CSssl ,^.c7 Ceeeirceree in eeery rerlelr: Bibbed. Blsok snd fsney Cusimtne; 6Uk Hired ol every ahade and color. VESTINGS—Taney Silk and Satin Ycrtlna, na» •tyUrt Super Satin and Silk Verting*SsS sfj v “ ,u,8,; w ““ n*^s , ss3 _ ( . ® Tcr J Tsriety of goods for Business dents: 1 Tir f , cholc * selection of furnishing GooS ‘ sdsptod to gentlemen's wear. -e eu»oWM S^ d *.S 4 n^ Cer, Penn snd BL Clnlr streets^ IACCTtOJr B*tJLEB. rjBPHAIiS’ COUBT SALE OP BBA- V/ VEtS BTSEET TOKsdav 19tb » *lO o’dcS, b>srt£Tf tb® Orphans'. Coart.of Allegheny cconty.win be •ol i. oai the pmaleea,on Bearer street, In Uie Second Ward of the City of Allegheny, Toot eligible boild* log loU.coamenciDg at a point nfty.trro feet noth* waroly trota the corner of Jackson and Bearer streets and entenoing back 100 tet, to an alley 30 &et au* AdmV of Malcolm Leech, dec’d. 1 ■' fcuB CUUKTmi.Ii: tig V/wAras anMEi raotMuiz-on rmS. £AT BTISIHO. Angoit 8o\&ck?Im •» «5» ttomnwdrt B.ls. Boom, kSmiuS itreet, by order of the Orphans' Onort of ah«.v.,- eonnty, Xhcae toor rateable bonding &/SSSS& B*teobt alley each °l t » wrt 7-tow feet on Wit?mat ««*™>d r »dSto _ or 'Siu—Ona* third cash; reaidoailn •Udtrroiyaantalthltttenat, secared by bead and mortgage on the property. • -.T?® J.a. DATTA 1m jyjsw GUUKaI RAW CRKJUai JUST BIOUTID, BOOTS. BHOEB AND GATTEBB, HASOHIC HALL AUCTION HOCSI, ■* qT i Ko,6sFifthatrat, ' ttTUUKa AT AUCTION" V -On TOMDAY XVMUJQ, Ao«*tlL2th. o| C i??r![i? ** TV 1 *Z 8^1 * B * ct ®d Flow Kales Hffotp < i!ft. < s?s!f£ 1 * 1 Aqcttoll House, M fifth «*£■? 44 them Exchange Bank Bxodtr " 8(> do Iron City do do; 30 do M. and M. do do; . > 30 do Allegheny do do; “* J. Q, DAYI& And. i *. th » Mi»mlc lUn Auction ?£** “ «f»h «tmt, of B«taet«,>KeniS; dttring th< day. T. A. McCLtLLAM^nI?* WVMTS. 4 RANTED IUMBDUTKEyr^A QOOD OOOK.fct OOan’gen, Co. A.^Uh ■jltml. tot GOOD COOK, food w«ge< ul » good liHallon wffl' b»glTen.‘ toioira »t Omitt* Omra, rifWitmtf A Urg*'anortm*at. No. 8T Foubth Sheet, M’OA LLUM'B, Bought ptwlou to tbo geaenl adwaco la prfoe* of Joljlst. NT* arc mat Jed toMli oar preamp otoci JkTonblA 'irfiLooajttrr ijgramgCTTOOTßjiS, «at W. JL GOSXZiTi ZTI Lacrlj ttrtoj. 478 BBOAPWAV, K. V, NEW GOODS 11