'ST*' I V i . t >■ Slllllfl 4 ! "7-v v ;»V‘ *’ ••. i’ v. •• ; s :^; „v' is ;.. ■' »*v.\ ,*-,1 ■ •» -.-v* ;iiir ,♦ i. •* *iV* “ i* •* .* •’.» ■ifey-.x-t J! f-i '• ' >skv, ; X,-;/i! :~v v ■■ tv, . A.iiw :•• •;••:• -s* VHlt .V'-.'V.v.,tv,y.. : '; "■ tvfjk'Av-tVKvV vhr s,i J ‘ 3L*. ■■ :¥&•: : : ■•'''• ’•’ IplllillliMl. >4t* > -■ , •* ’ >-v llili WiliiiiiiPSiSilPK *;«. * } '"" ' . -JSV- MIMI v r, vV;-V j&; -*■' t* . 1* ■'■ r,. ■■ . ni> • ■ •£-■ ‘ .* »t_ S6IUAB'.OIUCOMPANY, or r o Bl. Cklr Stnot, -Dear. Ike Brtdjan Bajaad eeIIrOARBON OILS on / J commlarinn—cash or Una. CBUDB OILS, of elide 'aortpUima, wanted. Address-JiWKAVBK, J&Y r - 6scTstaiyapdTteaOTer«, ; ;(< . - mylfeCay DES J. «. UdOrTT JQH, UKD^T.' T 8. LIGGETT ■■•ft CO., (,uoee»Bors to U. BAT* Limit,) rum riniu in Oouii. ’BCT BucalriV fcr th. 01. or GBAIH,'BHDBT CaKMB. 'FEODDoe, *!;, Ko*r 76; W«te*,»lid w Treomr«l> pnmmrith, Ft." rayfl I .. 1 I 't AXMUW mACU»V*.~..~~...~~~~~WILU)tS MXHAST. MACKEOWN A Fiore ’ iUriXS 0 ftilß TACtOU, Ptoovcs a» Coutuioa lUbc&uits, tw the mU of Flour, B»> Cob, firmer,.: Sgg*, - Chwc, Bo&nt, Tallow, •• ~iGrom, rwtimi P©uh**» Pot wfc PMM' Art**, i ’ >4 {firtßTftto, Lloieed and Lard Oils, DrtU cod’ Green * l Trtlti,Tlj»oU)7,CioT*r,FUxtoiJOrMi6oodi,: i ‘ “ ‘apfcly' Ho.a9TXU6oetyiu,tPltt»tetb. . : r lOHNB.- OA li KIKbU, Varaua ♦ *» rottWilWJta iOicttiKT and wbole : ' ale daalaMn WESTERN-. RS&KBYS CHEESE, ; BUTTER, LABD. BOSK; BACONTFLOUB, XIBU, £S£BLiABHI£9r»&LS&AT|iIf UN- .7; OKS2> ANXV. LARD OILS, DRIED - FEW: and 7'7-Prpteo> jgwMMfilly t Noa. Til and 148 Fmaiatmt, BltttbanK . . •. dcd SHEPARD, Comwmiok-Mbb- V ouxn and dealers In FLQUR,GRAIN AND /• PRODUCE, No. midUrty etmt, HtMbtaghJ Pa. 'f- Flour
e, No; lUtScbond strecVPHisborgm I liilKB U. MoVAY, 1 FORWARDD&G AND V OuuMttftfx Xnfcaixvfcr the tale of FLOUR, GRAIN. BAOQN, LARD. BUTTER, EGGS, end Western.Ftodnte geßsrally.'lid, 10 SMITB7IELD BTRRKT.eorner of First, Pittsburgh, Pa. .. \ , . gjyorders sad cbnslghttentE solicited. jaggrtyd I AiliSS A. EKi'AKK, Pqrwakdinq and tX 'VaXMISMiaM HxkckuTi torlhejal. ojCJFJLOUK. -FBUIT.aad Produce generally, No; 10 Market ht., cornercJfFirst, Pittsburgh- '' al'touß* or LARD OIL* and .Consxsadx JRkt csomtbr ths purchase and.sale of ÜBODS AND ‘HBfISKD FKT«iOb'SUU»Noa.69 and TO Wafer r»„ :; J; J , mUbtggh. Aflyaacra made ancOßiigraneota. ? - » LI OUbAN i> iUUiJUfcL successor to J do. n M'fim A •Ran., No. 183 tlbftrtT Street, PiCfe ‘L’i»S»?. GENERAL PRODUCE, GROCERY AND COMSIISSIOS MRBCHANT. fc2&dlj ' whit*.,;.......".r0e. waits. BKOTliEfifc ForwAbdiso • TTsbciujits and dealers :ia 4 AND PROD (JOB GENEKALLT/No. £& LibtrxyjiJrcet, Pittsburgh, Pa. my2T A SCHORR, Commission Merchant, s dealer iu.CltUiiK AND REPINED CARBON OILS, OLASS, IRON,* NAILS, Ac., No. 183 Liberty - • •. . -i........ mb27:dly 1 COFFIN, euccessore to - jVI ii-Candle**, Means A Oo>, WHOLESALE QBO* oKRB,corner .ofWoodaadWafer street*, Pittsburgh, •. pjuuu> a. n)io». •»« : r•» H.VVOIGT & GO..oQocBßBorto Lk O. l i. Graffi PRODUCE ANDCOMMISaIONMRB • ON4NT3» 24TLfljefty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; aafi. ]' - you imiyT'Si.iii j-—-i——~ ' •»"»*«»* novas. ; f OilN; L HOUSE & CO., Wholbsais 4J ■ Gbocks* i*n : Cbwaxa* w* Mmchajhv corner of Smlthflald and Water street?, Pittsburgh, P*r JyT> r rtiXiiStt'rutt & mifiWAttT, WhoU ! ■ ' Jjiuii Qftocua AxnOomutox Mucajunv, Ho. ; - |O7 FUUbufgh. ; -•-- j je&dly! ußKrxfxscx. Q UOWN & KiKKPA'tBICKB,\VHOL»- p,; -I]liii(t! :: GtU)cn>' ud I , ' “.tw«wTiittfmiift..-r.'" i '^ iirgam-M ffovHCfflay.Wholbulb Uemlsz - Tfl joTES VQB.PAIST^GiL^rA^NJSBSS^p ..DFBBTCFFS,Nnwr r of.Wo©d.»irwe*aoa Virgin Pm. * rVv.*V--*4j ‘ , , —OU> «• AIaoUUN.NKL,L, at liAWi Ofnta, •BoondAtory Kcha'a Law Bcili. oa. So- *1 DSmomi itmt. , . WDI tt*™** to the settlement, uecnriDf and colle> dM ofclaims, boanttea, Ac., lo WBhlngtoa, District flfOelimfcU^ l " coI9:6mM- SeElonTa?^ - i IV Itnir Ljiw f -No.il3J-Toarth »troetj tire doer* r Pitfrbonth, Pa. 1 817 j toylTiatf ', I riiHOMAb EWlNtf, VAyroßN**/ and X Ootmsmxoi s'r Law. ..u m?- ••• Omen, No. IfiO Fourth, *treet, ceniorof l .GharTy tile*. Pittsburgh, ; ra. mulLdswlyT 7tYJßii y,i PMW‘U, A %rjl itewmmi ba» moored toEOHI A Xw-JMJrfcDINGS, Nq. IS; DteMut jgjnOSgjVChroeiu,;. : PHODJBCB. * Y EKCH 4 HUTCHINSON, CoHMuauw N.V«l«bnUd PUMittd P«iri Bttrefc.. Vof, U» >££f£llU Tint ia.-,t«»e«a WOdd andSmllli- Wtßft •&« Pfodoo# |»B#rtnf,T(o. 25 yfaos*ta&, ? |>ulSt‘ rioLiSgk ifc 6t>;i>g»iri , i^: uajiuM. kjm* yaaMtucr CiTim^ o I.sucaii-B CiiJirnr, comatUxiMt (ad W tta kruukisoJV«iaiS3? ; Wsras J* . T«=r-i..»r»Oom«»T.B> WotoMtWOt. lit • • "'iu.'-Bu tttjuk*is;iii>.“it*ooewor M ESTABLISHED LN 1786. iAtToiurtnrB\ TAtf. VEECIMJate of Fayette county, JPO AnouxTi te- PIXT3BDBGB, Pa. ' y OflU*— strgqUs ebVSfcffaf "* * - •' ■;.wwt*»«i.iSTTt .^..^^hJuiMawik»otb*. SCHOYEK, AtTOBNKts iT ‘oabfi . xjfrs vbjUtce jc- #1 « AXXt.UMIUMCtIIM' t*Am- Qoiu**l**i North-oort eoniar Wood<*n4 —* "TPS VY # ci, Slate of .PeaniTlTiil* fcn'4 Hmrtfcrdl^ji foz*ud> ComtxoiWt BT-.Wa»«r«trMt. •-. ] TV "iir“iJOOK< SBOBETAE*. AtLMHMT U.mi£*aam*r* jtt-Hflttotiwt. »--• DAr TtriLSON, CABB : * Ctt j IT. ... (£al» ira»,Pii|s»4ofc.) ',r ~ trtw«irjjjg«».w'' >a .- fOBIIOH AWD BOMWnO £' JSo. M Wood itreet, Ihlld homo oboro Diommd' . •. . . -*ll**- PRtihotglg.,l.': , . opHtdtf .. n mm •w.l fj . Om*,*o.S> i&ntliglßilßatli.*; • - •» i;t ' l '■ I-TTkll** MpJ G- HAfIUON U»» - a titA •gy flu TTtr>> So. T 4 MOT«t tr—t, Pmawma. T>£lia JJHTf'HIDi. wvm feral* fcf.... -,. ifißJa ” T l">3s 1 AILY GROCERS. gHKrVERiTSzEAR, • - WBOItBBAItS OBOOEBB oouuiaaioN mibodartb. Oorwawud, H»«.M4®SmUMoHStr«t, WW ‘ PIttBBUBOB, PA. u. uukmLV, : '’' VfhbLBSALB OHOOIB, Ho. sn LIBEBTT ST BEET, i . FITTSBDBOB, P... pozebued tb, lptomt of hla I.to pwtsfln, nul continue the business at the old stand, and .will . bo td eased to recetrstbe pal run age of his old Mends and customers. mylCrftf ,iriujuMiMMMuct.„ r.izuniua :.U7Mi! H. KIRKPATRICK & CO, « v WRouaiLx Gtocxis, Ootnusrioa MtscHaars aim Dunn ix Oovktbt Paonocx, No. 263 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ap7 • rnos. imt», sa ......jai(*j nunu. . I ITTLKA TKiMBLK, Wholesale XJOaocztu avs Coxxuubx Mxactuart, dealers iuPBODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, FISH, CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pittsburgh manufactures generally, lia Second street, Pittsburgh. ■ DVJrusa rsosau>. M i.uncsu, ji.i4A suvoui. ;MoIX)NALI)'& AKBUCKLE, Wrolb -IXL sanx Gfcocca*. PaonocaasmCoiuusuoa Uu> cuajits, Jobbers In N. 0. SUGARS and MOLASSES, REFINED SUGARS and SYRUPS, FLOUR, BA CON , RICE, CHEESE, SEEDS, Ac, No. 263 Liberty street,Pßt*burgh.V>y-'i > »>•- .nullity r. UYin. n ..M:j. a inna....«.vs. n. unu UEYMEK & BKOI'HEEa, soooesson JLv to Beymer A Anderson, dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS AND SPICES, CON FECTIONERY,SUGARS, FIRE WGB&S. Ac., Nos. L£U and L2B Wood stmt, abort Fifth, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. ■••■■■ jyg);diy exosse s. akap M ...... MMMM .. MM A>xoaax imaii^ Head & metzgak, Groorrb and Coiuctsnoa .'MSBcnaan, and doaten in all kiuua of Couhtrt Paooocx axo Pirrucacß Maxu raomaxs, No. Liberty street, oppoaiu v bead oi, ■Waxml,street, Httsbgtgfa,'pa.‘,.' • I/~. • ~ ApAly . ausT. aoauoM M^..MnMM . M . MM .AavoxL a, aoxisos. L> KOBISON A CO., WholesaleGbo xV* cxna, Coßjiisuoa 3 £„* ‘ .* luiLdlf ALEXANDEK KING, HVBOLE3AI.B O socle, Importer pf booa Ash, No. 273 Liberty •treeL PUUboigh, Pa. ..... mh6 jiuA*rF«icrrA£iis. TYANiBL BENNETT fi SON, MaNu- XJ rxcnrscss or, WHITS BTOKK CHINA AND CBEAMCOLOBED WABE. ' ‘ M*Omcs abo Waubocss at No. 74 Fnrr» BtAcrf, Pittctcach, Pa. , -, mhlfrlyiax W. J. *ACIIBTPSH.....~..J. T. BAST. |iyf ACKISTOSH, HEMPHILL S CO., 4jX corner Pike end near tba City -Water Work*, Pittibargb, Pm., Manufactorae oi MACKINTOSH AND HJSMFAILL’S XMPBOVED 1 PATENT OSCILLATING STEAM ENGINES AND: SLIDE VALYEVcfantlMAodbwtjUjl^ ’Piriny pnUip. machinery oflerge eapscttygnd oi the beat auality, rpere prepared to do bean 'Job* bing.and solicit work Id this line, muting toms by promptness, mad the charmctar of our work, to .merit > public petrqsags.. • •: WA iarlielspedal eitantlOn-tu out 'BALANCED TALVfi OSCILLATING ENGINES, me combining advantages heretofore uamtuiaed ,Ja this class ot *EngiDea.,-';;U‘- ' : ? ,-■ ; -~J•■/ Jm2fl:lyd JOSEPH F. HAMILTON A CO., 7>, / - Comer of Pint mod Liberty streets, • ' : ' * jpiXTBBUBGH Y ' Pm., - SDPEKIOB BTB4M ENGINES; UACBINEBT, S.JBKVJBKAJSCB, SO • PittlLargh, mmnuCic'turer of BOILEB BIVk'K, WBOOGBTSPIKES, COMMON AND BAILBOAD, oferer* deecrlpUotiu * WTPmrtictilmr died ahepud SPIKES and BIT* CTS, Urn or «s»U, made to order mt ahort notice. A rood MertrtmepfqißttmotlT op bend. tay2Chw» t. A. WOLTfUAwir: *. n.mnt*CT M .. MM :T.-UAKFmL. Excels ioh olass wobks.— WOLFE, PLUNKETT A CO4 Gaau Majtctao* turkia. WAT»kou»e K 'No.il2 Wood street, corner of Pirrt, Pittabygfr,. Pm:: ees;lyd H7l?iP,’ KJUPI.E *. CO_, No. 215 Tv /jLibexty- atreet,• oppoaito^Sixth, PitUborgb,- suufmctdrenof WHIPS, LASHES ANDSWITCH ES, mnd: f7frp deecrlptintof LEATHEB BRAIDED Order* eolidted from the trade, mnd good* prompt* ip thlpped as per .instructkm*. USaUwlyr ommHTRY. : Tieeth extracted without PAIN, BY THE. css OF APPARATUS WHEREBY NO DBUGSda GA LYANIO BATTERY ABB USED.- f .... w .... :. i; ; MedWl gaotlemea and tbeir bmlliee hare had their teeth extracted by my proem, andare.nady to testify aa to the safety and paintmoe** of the opera* tioa—wbmterer has been sud.by persons Interested In jamrting tba contrary, hiring no knowiodge of my '9****: i.-.- -i.\'V7‘.V. | KTABTIFICIaL TEETH inmrted in arery style, End charge*'?ary low; warranted inaU cam so be of be beet material* ! , ¥. OUPBT. D«graT.334»mlthft:ld«l. ■ TO3EPH. At>AMH, Dektist, Connelljr'a cornflgAf .Diamond and-Gian rttrwM,“ » V/ILV' t.'IlU.HiJj li i.? : - [■Rxraaxxcrci ‘Dr.- A. Id. Pollock, Dr. Hallo«J Theodore Bobbing, Y iyjtj T^dly I ; BOOKSELLERS, He. t*TML G. JOHNSTON, , . aplfl AM. UAUBOU, & «U., ItaiLUun KiLßßoissun, TAmn)i6v l l ‘ttTboo»vlthio( to IoTMt thdr money to good ad*, Matapican•Jwayt.fladflrtt and aaooad $Um paper limrofllo*,fWiaU. • ~ < All eoanTOicatiooß tad. faitanlm vtHotly cobfl« dfatlaL Office,Graot_ftmt, epporite Bk.EaaT*, Cathedral. '• - iV- ■' -w^-.+imr' :* BTIPICIAL LEGS AND AKUB. T*spfc>'* c*l»br»«dP.'uiitAHOlSSlALSa «od' laBTITIOIAIi HABW.s;.v;. >»u exa BHOADWAT, (bppodtt S«. Kicholu gotol,) TJKAOUKBI I’jfiAOtlKai i'EMJHEa I i — Bawtoijj ctctt a»j, lir .tipreo, ctol» r?pt B«l»ujia oamtyPMihM, _ Mt :•„■•• I ••-: =•" ’ KB; VOfOtAOO. . riTUKN,I'ABWiAgi?jLK i*AttKK&Tot JL 'i&br iißOWATannviw' f ■-•■•-*?_ oyibta ’•J cji.*Vsi. n i «. s. J,. .•. - , AND GOMMERGIAL J PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1862. JTE»' BOOKS. ■ROOKS FOR BOTa— Working and AJ winning, or the Deaf Boy’* Triumph. By W. M. Thayer. 76 cents.' ■: The Bobbin Boy* being the early hlatoryofOtn. Banka. ByW. M. Thajer. 75cena. Sanford and Merton.! By Thomaa Day. 75c. The Young Maroonen; equal to Bobmson Cruaoe. 76 eenta. Will Collini, or the Way to the Pit. By H. B. UeKee rer. 65 centa. dinning the Mountain or How I Boae Id the World .76 cehtt 1 ;Etnat Brownley’* Trial! and Trlumpba. 40 eta. J. at receiTed and lor tale at H. 8. DAVIS’ Bookatore, Ju3l - J 93 Wood atreet. LTIUTAKY BOOKS.— JJX D. B. Army B-gnlaMons, miaed; .. Bcctt’a Infantry Tactics; 0.8. Inbatry Tsctlot; Inetrnctiong in Field Artillery; ; McClolltn’* Xoropeen Caralry; . 'Do. U. 8. do; Do. . BayonetSxerciaea; : Jomlni’e Arts of Van Hanncnt’o spirit of Hilitary InititaUone; Bchalk'e Summary of tbe Art of War; Kionbary on Artillery and Infantry* ' • Doraeld’i School of the Brigade; Copptr’a Xrolntlonsot the Line; ; ■ WUlard’a HanuiU of Target Practice;. • Loogmore onGonahot 'Wounds; toon* Manual ol HUltanr forgery; . For tale by SATA 00., 66 Wood at. B >OOKtf 1 .BOOKS l 'Afodical Uace ot Electricity—Garrett; Becxeatlcma of* Country Parton; QomnaofSodaty; 1 Spore Hoorn, by J. Brown, M. D ; Men, Women and Book*, by L., Hunt; Titcomb’a Books; ■ • < A Good Fight, b? 0. Beade; ' Pomona) Htatory ofiord Bacon; Lift of Sir Philip Sidney; Song* lo Many Jtey»—4>. W. Holme*; Poem*, by Boas Terry; Liberty and Slavery—Bledaoe; LectomaoErApocalypae—'Batter; Lift awl Speeci'M of Bohgla*; . Uisto yof all Religion*; etc., etc. mhQ : _ J. L. READ. 78, FQjpih. *tce«t. c.mus. LWEBB4.BKO., (Dormer Pratt mmd Cevuatrct St*., Boltiuutrs, General Comminion Merebanti & AgeoU for the tale of DUPONT'S GUNPOWDER AND SAFETY FOSE. Baceive on consignment all kinds of WESTERN PRODUCE, and make advance* thereon. P.S.—Railroad track'in front of Warehouse. _ : Bern to William H. Smith A Co., Hiller A Blcketaon, George W. Smith A Co., ■ Pitttborgh, Spencer A Garrard, Cfnlp A Shepard, Merchants' Bank, tu**i-, n B. De Ford A Sons, J Baltimore. ILLIAM A. GWifJSH, (JouuisaioN Mcacnairr, for the tale of CBODE-PETROLEOM, REPINED' U2LB, KEBOSENR, ' NAPHTHA, Ac. No. 139 WATER BTBEET, MTLfberal cathadvahces made on consignment!; and prompt personal attention given to all tmsinem. myYUmd • JKJRNITURE SELLING OFF .WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. JAS. W. WOODWELL, 97 and. 99 Third street, opposite E. Edmondson A Co., „ and 1U Fourth street. . : : '■■■■■ -mhlO pATENTED OCT. 8,1861 Dithridge's Patsnt OVAL LAMP CHIMNIEI ttanQ&ctorad «i XX FLINT GLASS. Tbeto Chlnmlo* an Intended fer l fist tome, which b«*tlxif. fUI ptfti the cUn,«qtuU)x, do«« not.cxpoia i cradUMf.!/ ' 1, D.DITBKrpOE, Fort Pin GUn, Works WuhUigtos street, *pl7 Fa &oy FOK SALE VERY: VABM WAGONS, OIL WAOuNS and BPBING WAGONS, GABDENER'S HARTS AND COAX CASTS; TRIBES WHEELS, BASAL, GARDEN EB’S, BBHJK- ANDBTONS HASOira .WHEEL. BAtthoWS, all made of the bwt dry timber: alio aU kinds of repairing attended to promptly. Apply to HASS, Waooa Maasa, Back of Fed -ral street SUKvu, Allegheny. - abll:lyd VJOTICE TO OIL RKFINERS AND I.T OTBESS.~Tbe Ptnnsylrania Salt Manufac turing Uo. haTing completed their arrangements tor the maaatsctare. 01. GONOEnTBaTEU OIL .OF tow prepared, to aappl'y the-trude therewith. ."TheinfiaUnnpi stUl] baying a; oifecUy oriß.uuoibi: per d»y,‘they will be -enabled to fill; o£ dan in large uoantitttie wlthotft del**; ' Addre«7 :i QEOEfIE Wood street, corner of Dianuoaelißyi dealer in all kinds of CUTLERY, RAZORS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, KNIVES, BCIB SOBS, OyNS, Ac* Ac.’ A largd sseortment if the .sboTegood*ccnsUntly oD band. j- •/ - ' ■ tnhl Paciiae asr&"»kAuisLS l t*[BACON, DRIED BBEF;LABD»MESSANDBOHPPOBK,No.I2 i Fourth stw^pefli'’Liberty, Plftsbhqth,' - 1 ■ t\ MAUyHAtLj OiALKRiH Wall • Papibs, Boantu, Ae.'.'No.’WWoodeireet, [Pittsburgh. _ • l " v -' ‘ JaJ : H., FALiIKK, ,Na i—: Wood * Ut., e Dealer inBONNETOvHATS, BTBAWTBIM :tUHGS,andSXKAW OOP PS generally; ;• ‘ t . ' -■ BOOTS MAT* SHOES. ;TS3JFcAHP^EUMSOTAoiDMBor (/ BOOTS AND.AKQISor every.:description,No. SiSTnltWeldftrßfirPltUbarghrfA.; oc2l:dly ■ , IriKO: ALBftEE. SON 4 CO.7WNOLB TJTSAUAWS.BctaxLPkauBatii BOOTS;,SHOES, Ac., writer Fourth and Wood straate, Pittsburgh. Pursia^^s. JJK. CHARLES BCSTOWR, PBTBICIAH AHBBD&OEOH, Ofice, No. S 6 TEi>£JIAL STBCSTt (Oppoelto Oolonnertw Boy, neir Siwpetujoo Bridge) ; JylMjr ..’-i'-J--•^B^KOBiuilOiTr.’r a QUARTERMASTERS* WAR BAMTB, ud other CLAIMS AGAIHBT TBS GOV* -v j PITTSBURGH TRUST pOUPAHT^ QTAK BRAND SUGAR CURED )J BAMS, pat 0> exprewlr for fiunily tue, by: Geo, r* Davie A Co ; a men wppiyjo -t roeeired front Clo* ctunett end for »l* by the tierce or at retail, eitbo aafi 1 » ' f corner liberty and; Head elreete DURE ;olDi£&U Vl^eGah.—House* A keepers pbo vast aprlmo article of pare Cider Vlnrger, «or pickling# etabo mpplled-ty tb* barrel orMrcteliatiUfemQy Grocery Bt«eof * ; t , , , jghbX BXHBHAW, ' iitts corner Llbcrteaad Haodtte. 1 - T AKD Ulb liAitU UIJj ;bbla. JiJ No. 1 lord Oil ofl b*nd «n 4 ft* «*l*lj*-'-. •> * r. JAfl, DALZBLL * BOH, ; w 69 Aod.TOVateT itfwi,.- anldf Hew Ya* k. I. -’ '"!l f - n PITTSBUI S. RIDDLE & CO., EDITORS AND PBOPBIBTOBB, PnMication Office No. 84 Filth Street. MORNING AND EVENING EDITIONS, DAILY, CONTAINING THE LATEST NEWS) CP TO THE HOUR OF PUBLICATION. , ; TERMSi Uokjtus Eomon—s6 per annum In advance, or 12 cent* per week from carrier*. Etshiho Esmos—93 per annum In advance, or 9 cents per week from carrier*. ' ' ‘ Wskxlt Editios—Single copies, |2 per aimom; Tlve or more, 81,15; Tea or upwardi, 91 per nan am, invariably-ln advance. ADVERTISING AT REASONABLE BATES. Beauties of the Buell PolicyAu Expression from Buell’s Army. - [Correspondence oftho Nashville Union.] I returned aifew days ago from Huntsville, Ala., and can fully endorse the statement of the article. Since the departure of General Mltche], and tbe arrival oT General Buell, the neighborhood of Huntsville is so unsafe that all .traveling If stopped entirely from Shelby* villa via Fayetteville, Haxelgreen and Meridi an rille. Gaerrillas are swarming all over the country, plundering Uoion men, burning cotton eight miles this side! of Honlsville. They are gettiog so bold as to raise openly in. New Market guerrilla parties under the leader ship of a noted ruffian, Fraok'Gorly, The citizens of Huntsville and neighborhood open ly declare the conciliatory policy of Gen. Boell is nothing but fear, and enjoy the fact thatj ha is guarding rebel property, when at the same timo he refuses to protect, the property! of Union men who ail ; way commanioaiiob.between the east and thq west, raakes thiS deliberate dedaratiQD: . It ia ray candid belief that had Gen. Uitchel remained here three months longer, one-half of the non-slaveholderi vof Alabama would • have been in artaafpr the. Union. This is bat one» more witness y for many others have testified to the same e2eet-~‘eipe clally those who l h%fe'h»Atho.heit>opportuni. ties of comparing, er rather contrasting, thV 'results of Gen. MitcetL's policy with those whloh have developed themselves 1 under the rebel-favoring regime of Don Cantos Bdbll. QIOBQB WaSBIHQTOK JOHM, Of IOW», *l - to Bogota, Ao., who recently illus trated the provarbof a liveaas kicking a dead lion, Dy insinuating that Douglas waa not a statesman, last wipternied the following lan guage in a letter to a Southern, rebel. Jonei la fall of sympathy with Vallendigham, Dr. Olds, Voorheeaj Oarlile and Riohardion. And thii la the language ofJonea, who elaima to be a patriot and loyalist, and waxes Indignant When called a traitor: . J ( r , . “I am exceedingly anxioua-to return home to my family,' my aona ■ having left them to come down South to.figfctfor the maintenance of the Constitution, the laws, and the rights of the people! of the South,, aa I intend to do, if required td fight at ail, and it be possible for me to leave my family and my. private af fairs, in oona«(|ttettoepnb*or&ifl?*. I Thefellow who writei thU ii for ‘ r the Con lUtution aa it U endtheUnian m U wai;?*' From Gcn. Fope’s Anny>~ The drfxUatesi kdrlcealVom SparryviUe: tight prlaonera have just been brought in froth beyond Uadleon. Three of them had been in tho rebel army at Richmond; and one, a on hia way4here. ; ; Loyal blaeka kre coming into the Unea in ; 'great numbers, in the direction of SUnnardp ville. They!araof avery iuperiproiM«,*nd wilt make excellent. team! if r <-A aeon ting * party yesterday fodnd between <2(l and. 80 ne groes In irons übout twelve mile* Xrtm Mart ,ion, ln a nearly starved condltlpni-r'They lay ‘they were caught white 'line*, and placed In-irons. ujr.fv-. •&. ■’? JOHN D BOTTLtT, 6aihl«r. - Lieu OH Oats.—The Huntingdon tTohrim? learnt from various ioarcertb*tth*oeta.erop, which has been ’very ls ymany place* almost destroyed by llon-the blocks being Morally eovered by thuettangt wmly. Weevil and fly ban kJmoit the Jliee on oat* appear, to be.equafly dartrto* Mi# rueettwri*^ Pittsburgh teetty FRIDAY MORNING, AUG. 8. Glorious Governor Sprague. General JHitehel. h x _ t I ~ * ~ » —~*<- ——-—, -w~— ~ 'UENAL.' HTTOBAH FOB BHODE ISLAND. The War Begun. Providence, Aug. 5, 1862. o war is began. The bitter and terrible >st has cdme. What the South has meant lone for more than a year, the North has d to do and is now doing in this smallest, irgest-hearted and most efficiently patri if all the States. Tl earn and begn butl ietlc Draft, the President has said, and this stoat word of real-war is hailed throughout the few miles of the length And breadth of this State as meaning that oar Qenerals shall take off their gloves and the rebellion shall be put down without ceremony. The gallant: Commander-In-Chief of the hundred and seventy-four thousand and odd loyal inhabitants of little Bhody has this morning answered with a word of thnnder, under the mild phrase of a general order, which willlive'in history as theflrst step to ward ailowingithe great Slaveholder's'Rebel lion to beoome.what it has boen .so long strag gling to becomk—a gigantic suicide. These are its words :! Stats or Bhuuk Iklaxd, ) Adjutant Gevkiux's Oftice, V Providence, Ang. 4, 18C2. ) Genee*l Oboebs. Ho 3G.-—The 6th. Regiment, or dered by the Socretary of W*r under date of October 23,1861, and orders i-eued therefor from this Deport ment, No. 103, Dec 28,1861, will consist entirely of colored citizens. ! Enlistment* will commence imme diately.; A camp will he established under direction of Qen. Bobbins,’.who is directed toorganize the regi-’’ meat. ' '; ' The Quartermaster General will furnish radons and equipments on requisition. Our colored fellow-qJtlMos are reminded that the regiment from this State in the Revolution, consist-, ing entirely of Colored persons, was pronounced by Washington eqoiU, if not superior, to any in the ser vice. They constitutes ptrt of the quota from this State, and it is Expected they will respond with z?at and spirit to this call. The Commander-In-Chief will lead tbem into the 'field, and will share with them, In common with tbs patriotic soldiers of the Army of the Republic, their trials and dangers, and will participate In the glori s of their successes. • Bjrorderlof tho Commandor-in-Cbiof,' , EQWARD C. HAURAN, Adjt. Gen. ’The groat tnaas meeting (for Bhode Island) yesterday in Market Square, a thorough suc cess in ail that was £&id and done, italicised m Us resolutions the support of the President in the tue of every means which the Constitution has placed in bis power to pat down the Re bellion. Tbe jspeech of Bishop Clark was so pithy and so (jharacteristio of the spirit of the gathering, that I send it to you entire, as fol lows.,. , Men if Rhode Island: You havo reached tho crisis at last. I We’voplayed with tho rebels ioog enough. We havo struck them with 'one hand,'and then held them □ > with the other.' That policy has come toon end.' [ ipplausdl Now we must roll dowu an ava lanche rbicb wQicnuh therebeliion'forever. 1 wish I were , otmg cijoogh a-d ina proper position to put my name down in the ranks; 1 would do it now.' I wish rich men tyottld put down their names, and if they cannot go,buy a substitute at any cost. [Ap plause.! 1 UovJ Sprague, the great favorite of the State, Bx-iiieal. Gov. Arnold, Dr. Sears, the Bev. Mr. Stone, of Boston, J. S. Swift, Brig. Gen. Eodmaq, and othors, made spirited and effeolive addresses, I km told, as an evidence of Gov. Sprague's enthusiasm, that when, on Jackson's raid in the Shenandoah, he received a dispatch asking for troolps immediately, he worked all night, and on the t epond day sent off 000 men, and •on the fourth 700 more, folly armed and equip p*iVe again, while the; are celebrating their victory. It.iserident thatthodlrectlpg ihindof the'rebels'either lacks/enterprise; or else the Confederate army'Ts not fitted for of-" fensiva operations. - Hayishas always,believ ed io tab defenslvepollcy, m'uoh to the chagrin of Generals like Beauregard; henoo be opposed- march on Washington after Bull Bun, Sd-lt Da; that he still' fears risking bis nv away jfrom Richmond .with Gen. Mo* Clellan changing .upon-hfs-flank.- Then, agaln,itb;no*nie»nefoHowslhat-becaa*etbe rebels can concentrate an. immense army foe ’the defehcepr Richmond that the; have the wagon!, 1 stores, and wafeml essential- to .a great Invading army. “Stonewall” Jackson; ooold make a dash np the Shenandoah valley v with his cavalry and light artillery, subs Isl ington thc_cpqntryns ~he~ marohedj-batvould the rebels trjunpoif Hus’ .an army ef ofiir htmdred thousand men Anrough nn.eS> hauited country and : without the aid of rail-: rdads? The difficulties in'the waywould, of eourse, to'a govern ment short of money; material; every thing in fact but soldiers. •> v ; ; y: ; :Stm it maj bow BjmpatliUlng TorontcrpapOr £«erte« tbaVwhUof'titonoiraU- JaciKm ii • amwlag Gfo. .Pope oaihVßaplV. U an Immcaxo army; in- 'th*Bbenindoah YaUeyfora dwb. mt9,m ibo! Fptomio; 1 '- B a t- a vcnif tbtaiaeo, tha rabela liira glroa as eo mach that ft»ra i ‘pOßiibly. roacKwCinJsrtiia capital cralltoteuifonea GAZETTE VOLUME LXXV —NO. 225 by enough of Gens. Pope's and McClellan's armies to defy the whole power of the South. When any one feels like criticising the slownqst and want of enterplse on the part of oar generals in not following up victories, it would bo well also to bear in mind that the southerners have also let-slip two 1 memorable opportunities of doing os infinite damage.— *V. Y. World. Negro Soldiers* Gen. Lew. Wallace, in his Cincinnati speech, said: In times of great excitement,. like the present, a simple prejudice may do an im mense amount of eril j a greased cartridge produced the Sepoy rebellion; but not withstanding all these prejudices that hare been instilled into the mindk of some of our boy 8, when our troops are worn out with fighting against superior forces, when out numbered and cut to pieoes, with every hope gone and nothing blit destruction staring them in the. face, then I say, if white men should happen to hear the sweet music of the rifle, even though in nigger hands, they would like it amazingly, and be wonderfully glad of it. The Philadelphia Bulletin contains a let ter from an officer now in the field to the Secretary of War, offering, if relieved from duty for the purpose, to enlist, under the act of Congress, in sixty days at farthest, a brigade of blacks. He asks that the bri gade be kept separate from the White army; that it be sent down to Port Boyal, or some other point on the Southern coast, "with permission to march directto Vicksburg; from thence to-Richmond; from thence to Charleston; and from thence tb -Mobile, via Savannah and Montgomery—adding to its numbers in-the march all able-bodied loyal men of color who may choose to join its* staudhrd; and to all who thus join the com mand the boon of freedom be offered and guarantied from and after the moment pf their enlistment. Starting with a single brigade (including, of course, a proper pro portion of‘ cavalry and artillery) f should expeot to reach Vicksburg with not less than 25,0Q0 ; Richmond with not less than* 60,000; Charleston with 100/000, and Mo bile with; probably, 150,000 able-bodied, wcll-disoiplined troops, most'ofwhom, in addition to their love of the Union, would haye the incentive of freedom-for.their ac tion.'’ He proposes to call this brigade the; "Corner-stone Brigade.” '• It is reported in a morning journal that Governor Sprague, of Rhode Island, has called for a negro regimentfrom that State.- If this is true, then the gallant young Gov ernor is following iu the footsteps of .the Rhode islanders of the. Revolution. 4 A' black regiment was organized in .Rhode' Island in 1778, under the ‘ authority of the legislature. Tho-'Mackß were'.slaves, but: by the act of ' legislature were'tobe.freed upon their enlistment,* and their owners to .be paid by the state according to the valu ation of a committee (of five, one from each county), one hundred and twenty pounds being the highest price for the moat'valua ble slave. , . Mr. Mooje, in hia valuable historical notes on the employments negroes in the army of the Revolution, says.: Six deputies.protested against this act, on the ground that there were not enough slaves to make an effective regiment; that the measure would be disapproved abroad; that the expense would be greater, and the owners be dissatisfied with the indemnity offered by the State. The preamble of the act - recites the fact that "history affords us frequent precedents of the wisest, freest and bravest nations having liberated their slaves and enlisted them as soldiers to fight in defense of their -country."-- • - Gov. Cook, in reporting the result.to Washington, Baid: “Liberty is given to every effective slave tcenter into the ser vice during the war;.and upon his passing mußter he is absolutely made free* and en titled to all the bounties and en couragement given by Congress to any sol dier enlisting into their service. * * * The numberof slaves.is not great, bat it is generally thought that three-hundred and upwards will be enlisted.” ' - His expectations were not disappointed; and these slaves who were to win their own freedom in fighting for American Inde pendence, took the fiefd in force. .Before the end of the year these men were tried and not found wanting. In the battle of Rhode Island, August 29,1778, said by La fayette to haye been “the best fought ac tion of the whole war,” this newly-raised black regiment, under. CeL Gre^ne, 1 distin guished itself by deeds of desperate valor, repelling three times the fierce assaults of an overwhelming force pf Hessian trobpai Y. Evening Post. '' From Memphis* Mbupdis, Atig- S/fia CATBOj Aug. 5. The regiments sent oufc'vf the city yester day as skirmishers have not returned. ' It is rumored in the city -that* skirmish took plado four miles from here,but-we,h*V* no.par ticulars. The fortifications are progressing. Every one says negroes work remarkably, well and certainly have succeeded In. performing, an immense amount of work in-a short period of time. They seem happy and cbeerfuli- Alxmt 1,000 colored men passed.throngh'&laiD straet yesterday morning, followed by train wagons, singing thblrtoVorito ,<, Walk Around;” They . went to repair the: bridge" at Wolf River,., I understand they returned to the .fort flt night singing, • - . A negro arrived here yesterday from the Interior of Mississippi. He ;sayk Bragg- has caught the .colored men eoneoeting asobeme itQ rise and emancipate themselves and. join: the federal#; and took a number, among them; a son of our Informant,, and drove.them into ■a correll or sort of pen, piled dry twigs, about them; attAproceeded to burn them alive.'.The negro appears sincere and truthful, and say s be was compelled to witness the dying. agon ies of his son. . The ssane reports, are received, I understand; from .Texas. - This punishment Was Intended to frighten the'blsektf into fed- 7 herenoe to their master's cause and ’ keep them out of the federal jtrenehes. —Special to Chicago Tribune. - r . Arrival of oar Minister to Swilzer . land. >• Theodore 6. Fay, the/ormerV. B.~M Inis ter to Switserland, has arrived and had a ljng conference with the President. Hr. Fay rep resented iotir cans« ti suffering severely in Europe on account of the poorly; defined poli cy of the Government, but the moment,we werc-wilUng to-fight IhVissuooir'the broad basis of-homaa liberty the leglohruf Ceßtril. Europe will givk their sympathy tplhti eshse of the Union. '.The; President Beamed to be decply.ln teres ted when Mr- Fay.tbl&bfc that the longer the’present strugglewarprolongod' for dominion and »ot/or ; nfiiTer* sal liberty; the weak it. in the; beartffofu the: free Bwisfwonld; be _tkosympathy' tor. thf. Un'lbni—■ Waiivnjtoa^JDw^afcA; | Ikpoetast gan anifed ’on '.TuVsclijln. .opmpany with ThuVloW: Weed,. An -immfiiiato? eonferttce; .was held, At,whloh the Presistot: Gen.vHal• leak,- and Secretary. Were:;p twenty which; it is Jenppoaed, draftlng order.—r lHtpatcK*, >- \TOTICE c TXT VMVmWs&QtiX JLvBIISIN THE'tnrr oy WuaBUBOH.-i-AO thoee who have neglected to pay the fourth Install* meut of their Aradlng enri Piftni titmm Hiiini,are fcseby noUflod that if they wish.to avoid icoatt we®*’ • toid.'lnuemiut.nlrey maybe thJa date, April 2d. JK2. ? " »bS;tf < ..Tmwmr. SbaUbirre*inerriß^ lOOboxeaHamborjChewe; -- v . t ; 60-hJo W.BwiCbeeser - s .' r l *' 4 -' ' o ' - Hot Roney;.... • s: ’ ;. r; i fiobatea WoodStUcb; ... i-^.. Jolt Jot sale by • *: V.-..V -.J.. . ■ 'ifJlAfiK.-’VAH GOBW»> ; ./ ■ ’’ * * 6 uefiscnod.sßeat—iy Jba. Bide* recemd i feraI.!?:HBSBY H. CQIXII IJTSVR.WCE. pEOPLEs YNSURANCH COMPANY. Office, N. K. corner Wood and Fifth Sts. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. * DIRSCTOB£; June* D. Venter. Xlept. John "L. Rbc*d», Samuel P. Shrirer, George B._J-ine*, Prank Yen Gorder, C. Henson Lcro. Win. FMllip., John watt, Jfm. B. Hays, ohs E. Parke, Cbarlee 8. Biseell, Wo. Van Kirk, Wil. PHILLIPS, Profit JOHN WATT, Vic* Pr*nde*U WM. F. QABDNKR, Bectetary. LUKE INSUKANUK, It If IHK KfciLl- JjANCE tICTUAL IKBDBANOE COSiPAJiT, 07 PHIL ADKLPIUA.oo BOILDINGE, IlmllrAo pupetiul. MEBCUANDISE, VURNITCIIE, Ac., la - town er country. OfflctKo. 308 Walnut street. OAntAi, gsm.BlHi Auers, $303,608 «&—limited ea follows : . - : Kbit Mortgage on Improved City Proper- ... - < ty, worth doable the CO Ground.rent, i-t--* - z,lO 60 Penha. B. B. Co.*i 6 per cent. Mortgage Loan,S3o.ooo, *cet-« .... «7,d00 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per cent. Loan..,. 30,000 00 Allegheny eoanty 6 per ct. P. B. U. Loan '■ 10,000 00 Collateral bondi, well secured... a.—. CO -Huntingdon' and Broad Top Uocntaiu . BaUroad Qompany,' mortgage 10an....... 4.000 60 .Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stock.. 4,G00 00 Block of BeUanoe Uatoal Insurance C0...' 21,350 Ou. Stock ofCoaatjyire -1,050.00 'Stbck'of'DeUware'M.'B. Inanrance C 0... -. 700 tO Commercial Bank ; do6,lSj>i9l Mechanics* Bank , dp . 2 01b 50 Untori.Mi loanronco • " ICO 00 Bill* BoCBlT»ble > .biuisM» pappr,.w»......~ lB Book Accounts, deemed interest,[etc.,6,2lo 73 Gash on hud tad to buda of \\t‘QZ 18' CLEM TILQLET, Pr^rfrt*. Dißscrona; H. L. Canon’, 7* Lothrop, BobL'Toland, CUa*. Leiand, fred’k. Lennig, Jacob T. Banting, 0. 8. Wood; ’ Kmltb UonenT- Jas. 8. Woodward r John BLwtU.'PUUi/gb. SCiIMAN. Secretary.. i. C.tXJFFI ViAgmL mj 6 Northeast comer Third and Wood street. ii/KSTJSKN INSUKAfciCiS CUMFA* FT NY OFPITTSBCBGH. . . • • - . K.MILLEB, Jr., President, d* M. GORDON. Secretory. . . -Office, Now 99'Water street, Spang A oo.*s Ware house, upstairs,. - •|FfIJ insure agahutall iinds o) fire aad Afartee fiiiil. 4 flogf . Jatfifwft* .«samtf*d 6jr Director* vko are t tell knon i» ih* community, and who i are deter mined, bf prsinptaes*- and lUeroJUg, to maintain (%a character i Wnick Ihep havs autimtd, a* of (ring the hti protection to that* teho desire to be insured. . ; :r;ASSETS, OCTOBER 50,1859 i : Block Aec0nnta......~1....-..«...~.....~-...~l ®,COO^OO Clew Tlugley, Samuel, Bup him, Win. R. Thompson, Robert Steen, Frpterlckßrown,. Wm. liuuer, j _O, StereuaoD, * ' B«nJ, W; Tingle;, John 'Bi'Worrell, Marshall Bill, . B.IIJ ■2,160 0L 250(0 ... 7,809 00 ». ~ -99 ; Hoctgart* Office Open 'Account*,' Ac..._„' Cash. Premium N0te5~.~—..~~...~*................... 27,635,14 ; Notes And Bin* Di5c0unted......,—174,075 13 OIEZCToma B. Hiller, Jr., • Ai 1 Andrew Ackley, James HeAuley, Alexander Speer, Nathaniel Holme*,. Darid 81. Long, Aler. Nimlck, Bee* J. Thomas,, Georg* Darsie, 'Benj. P. Bakewell, William H. Smith, John B. U'Cune. M. QOBDOti, INiIEMMTV AUAlNsi' L.OSO BY Itibk~prank.hntieethscbakof.cdjj. PANT OP; PHILADELPHIA. Office, 43fi and 437 Cbeatnnt street,' near Fifth. Statement of Assets, January Ist, IbGO,- published agreeably to an act of Assembly, being— First Mortgages, amply*echrod-.....-..41,866,333 80 Beal KstatMpres’t raL 6l) col 102,965 .00 Temporary Loans, on'ample Collateral Becnrin».™_ .. .. _ 63,135 -TO. Stacks,-(pTßient mine S6S.CC7 T2> L\at... $9,766 00 .Notes ana Bills fieeeitsd>le M .^..i. 1,82100 '■CiA - ,87*®l» 00- only profits from premlnms which this Company can divide bj law are from riekr-'which hare been determined.- . .. : : ■ loraraaca znade on every description ol properly, In town and eoontry, as rates'as town*!**?con«flt#M»fc with aacnrity* 81nca tbelr inoorpctatlop, a period of thirty yen h they have paid losaea by fire to no amoant ercotdli. Four SliUum* of DoUah* therebj-eflordiDg evidence Qf.thaadva&tageaof as their abili»- ty and'dUpoutlonto meet with promptoem ell. lUbiUtiea. - - • Loiusir naii Losses paid daring the year 1858..,.~~....9106,Q55 ST otMvmmAt . Char lea N. Rancher, • ~Y*rr° Lea,; • Uordecai I).- Lewis. - Jacob* Hi Smith, Tobias Wagner* Edward C. Dale, ' David B. Brawn* Goo.. W, lUebanj*, Baxuael Grant;' George Falee. ; .CHARLES N-BASOKER, FrafcSeal. EDWARD 0. DALE, Fies Praiidmt. Ww. A. Bt*sl, Secretory pro tern. ■ •J. GABDXEB.QOIITIN, A&ent,- ‘ myS ' Ottoe Northeast cor. Wood A Third sta MlKlfi, MAKLNiS'A-ND INLAMJ ft- J? COAIPAKY 1)9 MOETH AMEBIOA, PHILADELPHIA.- - - Incorporated 1791—Capital; S6EtrniA. .-■•i; ..Isborporated $200,000; - - Arnett, February 1; lSsa.^.-..^.';.;..~.f415 1 e03 00 - HENBT Xh BBEBBKBI>, iVewdei/. . -WlttlAil HABPKBBSecietery . rf-AHTFORDFIEE INSURANCE CO. AJ.HABTFOBO/ • Ineqrpocated >600,000. ; Aaeta. Hajj. —.,>356,764 t* ■ H. UirNTINQTMI'K, Pruidm* TIMO. C.ALLrS.Swr^ory. ,to the above old aud rei:ablaCou-. pahfia dan be'obtidoad by application to ■ .v;. : WVp.joHE B,'Aamt,. . fejguUy 87 Water«tr*»V.Baxa]fy > « Buiultnp.. /TUT’IZEN’SINSUBANCE COMi'A.V Y WGFWiTTSiBUBGH; Office, eorner Market s d .Water streets, second floor. • , I -.WH..BAOALBYt Pratdea^,-. : bAMUXIi BBA,Seoenuy. : :lnsarM Steamboats and Cargoee. . : luramacaiiut.iowaod damage In tbe uaelgatiou of the Wtetern Hirer*,. Lakcn usd Bkynus, : ani th* navigation oT tbe Seas. UumrtoagtlbSt lotf end damage by fire. , Bia*atpas: i . i Wm-BiaCy,::... S,Bier,• Jss. FaTkt'Jr.,'' John Shicte*., W*^Qi Jobtstoo, - Jas. U: Cooperj i B. f. Jobaa, 8. Harbaugb, i i Boom Owens, , J. o»ldwelU Jr^ i Hon. T. H. Howe, John A Dilwortb. , BarcttyPreßtoc, 1 - ‘ CharleslLZog, , 'A tIsEGHENY CiSUKANCK COM XX PAITTOF PJTTBBCBGH.•--'Ottos. Koi 37 VMb StreeVßank.filodc . <•?, . i losureeagatost aUklads of BtdV [ IBAAOJOHtoi; iVystieit *'' • * . : - ;r. .A > JOHSlfcllcCOap, 9io*Pnni«a. D, bL BOOBL \ ;'j . r; -,. , •GApC'Wi.DfckH,' GmerUABxlt,,r oll*C»l#f ,/ . ; V' IsassJoues, . JohuD.HcOrt, f o.o.Homey,, CauuAdsaJecOba,-,'-. ; HtrmChlidj. B/B.SlttUne, . •. : iaapti-B.Ottiray, v - • Capt; Wm. Deatr t , I JobitlrwtatJr., Bi li McGrew; -, >* "■ ;B;.l*.JfeiniestQck«. . , Bobt, x il. Davffc ,: -•>;?;-’in ' Mndsm BoildlsgS, and snperlntonds thnic. Btld 1 (Cite, /nbabt/H-TS BLUME, MiSOTAcirit'. VJ^iiiiWtanr,riKo-i-OBTE3,«ud )m, - wMttctMoaieandMusicailsstrnzaeuts.-. Sctna'cht' CttF ../. ■•■ vmyga .. { , V‘ MhlWMt AoyTfQ,- M Wfeod stmy between-• v • Vowtt aWset Aul e 10» VHtUhwrfrh; t., ' 5 i ttAyTiABP« lubamls and kogs;: ;- ; r -, •>• i.'j BUBS WsS»{>'' , .’' t ‘~A‘ ~ . , ;So.SBAOKEBXL,Urpi; -.' > <-■ ' : ■ 'VK. B.Un^tiO;,tMliU»rt, 9293*251 85 |^208,06’« ■. a