The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, July 07, 1862, Image 3

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Ittro :/:47,04WPAPRB V.P.47/8 cyz24
• artigii*otaia, OninevAitore um
K.Shiv,op op:LA.4;4! Zs:nth
.Bait-eorreOted daily : ': •
2 [ 0. 010011, , a.
8 ! 4
Baromotar .. . ..... 12 8-10
Scrioni•Ctitting Al/ral.
• Oa Saturday evening, about 7 o'oloek, a
difacultyoccurred on the,Citisen's Passenger
Itailwiiy,.between the tiOadactor of One of the
care, Mr. John Obey and some six or eight
paasengers, while in the Ninth Ward, on the
- • . way Lb Lawrenceville. It seems that the
' 'dtfirculty, Which resulted so seriously, origi
, noted as follows: The passengers alluded to,
or ot.leailsome • of them, were under the in. Sueace.of liquor, and were making use of
• • very profane laorisp. Several • ladies, had
already left the ear, end the conductor,, Mi.
. •• Obey, was told that unleis be interfered the
,;,•• balance of thb lady passengers would be nom.
• •,. • pelted to leave. 'Mr. Obeyiequested the men
very politely to 'atop • sweating, at the Faye
time informing theta that such conduct could
. ' not and would not be. tolerated. They paid
but little attention tet .what le Said, and if
anything were worse than before. Mr: Ober
ending . that it was useless to remonstrate
with thee, felled one 'or :the party, nainedli,
• we believe, Thomas B. 'Keenan, by ilk*
abouldet and told him he intuit leave the care
At theminie instant some five or six of *se t
non's comrades attached Obey, who was ap*?
ninny a i match for the whole party, as he,W;
already . three or four -of them lying otithis:
.•. ' door of \ the car..: In the motile Obey WM'.
—: •- stabbed four timei—twice in the groin init.'
;..'twice in the'back, and also bad one .of !Mk
. . snag cut bt tween the elbow and wrist.- The
. , .... .. stab underlhe left shoulder blade is conild
. ered tbemost dangerous, as
It ,pen .• etr a .
te t d
aetn derabledielane,and fear are-,enter
tai cd that itlis injured the lati.
Keenan. Will Immediate , ariested and 'taken
7 , ...ltiifitriAlderrian Taylor, who committed him
..,'.,:fir'a hearing'on Wednesday. next. Three
..., ;navies; named respectively, Miller, Windier
•• 'Amid Leith were arrested afterwards, and also
• 'Committed. The' parties, we ,understand,
• were unemployed at the Garrison. Keenan
is a gunsmith, and has a wife-and child'. in
• Lawrenceville. ' ' •
Mr." Obey is a quiet, Inoffensive and exem•
platy young man, who would molest no One
. withoutgood came. Be wee one of the most
popular conductors on: the road, and am
mended the respect ofin who knew him.
The Oil Trade. . '
The 04 City IReyWier of last week Lai the
'fullowloirbeibw of the oil trade: -;
• •
• Tha oft Market at this point has stiffened
up'duzini the past beak. Producer, are 17011
aslant 60(360 cents at the - wells, and alines
no great •thisite to sell at even that price.
Boyers am plenty, and the.deniand in brink: .
We bare but a light stook on hand here and
at the wells.. - The shipments to Pithiburgh.
/helmet week wilY.searcely reach 6,000 bbla.
'The oil intinks along the meek, at the wells,
bas been pretty welt cleaned out,- Tne excise;
r bill :lot passed by Congress, lm nest's duti
of ten canto per gallon on all refined oil man
eifseturedufter the first of August nett/ 411
oil manufactured after the ;first of 'July, and
bard nver..ormotiouloved from place of- men
, - ufacture before the Ant of August, Is under
stood to be imbfeet to - the name duty. Conde
fluently refiners are running. their establish
ments to their full eipaelty. At their* pres
ent ratio( consumption, they will have but - a
email amount of the crude artiole on bend by
the Ist of August. It. is thought by xnnjr
that there Is Sot a sufficient number of ma=
merles in the country to supply the fall and,
winter demand.- . ; • ~‘•
The Indications at present turn in favor of it ,
:Ise to 'the pries of crude. '.Then is a 'brisk
demand for thi refined, and prices are - timed/
sip In alt our. markets .-: T he inquiry for re
fined, at this point, fs ennsiderehie, and from
18 to 20 ;mum is freely offered. We' have
heard of no Oahu
,at these figures, however:
We give Weir the reports of our warehotalit
for the week ending y01y,26, 1862:
• ldiehigamnoidi 011 Co. rec e ived 2,205 bbl.
oil; chipped 2,980,bb1ai. received 6.21/ empty
bunch. 'Ake*, Orr 6 co. received .519 bbls:
oil; shipped. 479,:bb1i.;-_, received- 300 empty
barrel.. flannels' rimelved 974 pikslifp.•
•• Ned 035. bble.;.reeeived , 2,97t empty banes.
, . .
Dar.Borek,Table. •
Naar o ,‘ tcm.i‘a lir fho Demon of thi North. A
HUMIIOI.N I b eVietM Hato.' flew fork; John Brad,
b ‘in „, erubareb: for eau by:lC A..eildeota,
• 4 , 4.4 . , 45 dmet. P . Nos mote:, *. .
• DottSUesst':e. urvat , ' and growing interest
awakened by tu.recent publication af,
54,4,0614,, has s e nt this translation of one,
- of Victor Aiogo's •earlier romabou into the
market. "Uses of „Iceland" Lir like all Vic" •
tor liago's . writings, so eloquently descriptive,
so powerf,f, so absorbing io its interest as a
narrativo, that we think the novel-reeding'
public will all , be plumed with wherever cease
. may have br,ottaht the work within their reath
Virrror *Novsz, "Les Muiest•i
arts.'—The iweind part CoretteM of thie .
now rorl,l 7 famolis book of the most. eloquent
and impasiouisd.l the great Fretich writers,
of our time 'hes j ail appeared. It is aim!
more paren
t!! in scan respects - than the.'
former part—at any ratrilt u gate to say that:
.. iteoattunes . and folly sustains the:
wrought interest arid expectation excited by ; ,
...Yantine." The translation seems to be oz.
• einated with considerable foroe and freedom. of
style, without :sacrilleing 'that fidelity to Are
• original' ihich'ought allays. to be a para.
mount consideration in Amstar - log the work,
of a great *titer 'from 'one' language to ano
ther. The saltine 'or Omelet which wernotlCe
• is published - by Cf. W. Alarkton, of New York,
and liforlials,bY Atr.'! . Heggy Mina and •31r.
• W..A. Ortneuvitsrif, nth stmet,Pittsbargh.
It is this-only English translation, we believe,
aid is biought out to a inatatyle by the pub
lisher, „The price, in paper coven, is onky, 60
la .
sitioas AhMbewr.—,An old moo,
^whose name we were unable to aseortisin,was
instaotly *killed, on. Sammie,' afternoon, by
being-nip over by a train On Abe . Plttaburgb,
_Fort Wayne - d: (Wrote railroad; a short
Aimee above 'Freedom; ' The 'tuifortanalw . old
azumi;it appears . , was . lying on tbe,trsok,:bul.
was mot dleeovered after 'the train, bad
passed over MM.' , it stipposod, that bo sins
ander the Indoenoe of .11qoor. ' .
assiowtsti-Deertr-or OIL litiatix:—The
Harrisburg - Teyroyili - stilted that a dlsiisteh
was`reeeived In'ttust city, on the 3d inst., by
a responitble tarty, announcing the death of
Brig. Oen: George.d. 2be isinedber
patch annouueed the'deith of 'one °lbis Aids;
Col. Biddle. Other accounts - etate . that Oen.
• McCall was severely wounded in the shoulder,
and taken prisoner. - „:
L1[177. COL. SirSlTL l ll , ...Dispitchao have
been resolved born orating that I,,tent. Col.
Stria:er n of the- Jlegiinent, reported
killed, Still 111170, though wounded and In
tha fun* of the etiemy.:7We - ali to hi?
this, and slunerely, hope' It may_ prove t
Cot. B; hai tholuunuLi of Agenda herevrtn
lie glad to learn ha le Yet 111:fe;
Deovirtn.--XspL - fd ofdllloo, • of
Ohio, was dtawased mtratly - 'l7
boat near Alexandria. Ufa. BC
to:stach Ciapt, : ifeht if Ith'ithozup.
_wen ordered to-.Alohrvond, and
luvrereugitged In lording boats,
,aoo:(dant. huppousd. • •
: •
.of lbs .2V,itiosat ItazEtiotilt '
th e 1406 1 , 1 ;71' de riptf ptfdf
dirio:Aidier ES my Oa' P .
V lin eicapPia
rouptdie,each ride ;At
88 014:0 1 04;watriftwr
laidilitlitte*Wi t 'it
vnilisk:itAisar;,3 :13fP
are icbjeoi tv:
etas Ly stteadtas, • 4* 'of
Ho rasirtdca are very
mar, and a great post to
• . get ed.:lt/um It le only'•
Williatttri /14 8gE40.0
. . n PP/i Of "07 PaPeT.." ,
, ; !DAVID Efts ;
. resbirrat - - . 9t.1 1
oo •
•Maseae:. "Infinite. I berewitti band you
Hie last ietter 'Written by one of the bravest
of t hintitnyfiailess Allegheny county boys,
we forth to battle for the salvation of
eationiaiy end its institutions. The letter
.*iltritteti the day before the one on which
Ifiviiithir!reil—shot • through the heart—on
Hai Moody battle' field, near Mechanicsville,
Ts: Poor follow, he has gone. His inart
was in the 'cause, in defence of which, be
yielded up his life. He went not forth tq
fight forpiwy. He religiously bellered it to
bolds dotty to go. Two brothers accompanied
him—all three being members of the same
company, In the 'Ninth Regiment, Pennsyl
units Reserves. I may add, that some menthe
since, you published one or. two letters writ
ten by him. = Hi will never write you more.
This letter was written to his brother, the
only one of four who remained at home. M.
' June 24, 1882:
Dear Brother :—l . write to inform you that
we are well, and we trust you too are enjoy
ing the same blessing.
Yesterday, the Rebel pickets fired On - the
pickets of the Pint Regiment Pennsylvania
Reserve corps,; stationed at the bridge,
near Mechanicsville, and our regiment (9th)
was ordered out to support them. We 'peed
fly marched out of camp and were, within fif
teen Minutes at the scene of action, ready for'
a tight. When we reached Meohanicsville,
General Seymore t ordered Captain Shannon to
take our company and cross the Chickahomi
ny and drive in the rebel pickets. . also
sent company. G to keep within supporthsg,
distance of us, is c a se the rebels should prove
too strong for us. We Marched down to the
bridge—crossed It on the • double-quick,
and aditeneed about one hundred yards up the
road; where the company parted and deplOyed
as skirmishers to the right and left. Without
its minute's delay wispinoired Into the swamp,
:but did , not advance more than tin yards into
ilt,whois the rebels opened fireupoa us from be.
bind, piles of cord-wood—wounding John
.41unter on the right arm, near the elbow. We
-instantly returned the compliment, (the fin)
when they broke and took to their heels like
eowardlydogs,asthejare. (Why will they not
.fightin in the open field fairly I) We ran them.
about3oo yards, wheh they took refuge in their
rifle pits, where we atilt kept up oar fire upon .
them for about a quarter of an boar, when the
order reached us to rally on tho Reserve. We
came out of, the; swamp about' the tonddieet
looking set of ships you ever saw. None of
the boys
.were hurt, with the exception of
Renter,and his wound is not dangerous, but
ans fluid it will be a long time before he
will be' able.for duty 'again, Ile will apply
for a furlough, and go homeand stay until he
recovers.• I almost forgot to state that 'flee
ter hu also two bullet holes through his edit.
Indeed he nude a very narrow @soaps.
To.daylbe rebels advanced Ott the pickets
of our Twelfth Regiment, and strove to drive
them back; but the brave 'boy. of the 12th
drove them beck oven to their rillet4its.:
think they (the rebels) will soon and out that
we did not come hereto play with .them, but
'with a deteruilded reiolve to creek osu rebel
• Lites--or die in theettraipt/ Lean give yon :no
'Jive 'of the army here t as every thieg is kept.
ao fiery quiet.... Yon would 'camel., ' believe
there was a large army here, were It not for
'the occasional report of a rebel cannon - AO:
the bursting of a rebel shell in our . SaiPP.
etwaiis7 the rebels attempted to shell our
:amp, but fell short in all their efforts: They
evidently wish to and one the positims of (/111
leatterin, and as soon as we ore reedit they
may receive a sorrowful evidence of their
whereabouts: . • •
I must close for tbo present. Give my lovo
to our mother sod cur poople. I remain your
adeotionsto brother. W.
Joita P. lion., MaiOnie 11611, Fifth street,
hie . for sale neat and .darable photographs of
the late .1)01 Bleak. They wIU
; beeagerly
sought for. ' '
.F.LEHIOL'ASLI CX4r/Illtil /aro WHIZZ TO oat
rnars.—We would say . that .Meyers. W. 11.
.Idefitee & Co., corner of Federal street and Dis,
mond Square, hartijnetreeirired their slimmer
goods, and thedr . patterifs are all of the latest
styles. 'Any Orson deilring a well-made and
neatly Luingsuit of clothes, their establieh -
mint is the right vises.. All their clothing le
wade wader their OITII scipervlsion, and they
are always ready to sell cheap to 'cash buyers.
Voctorrseas . for the army should not leaver
the city until supplied with Holloway's. Fills
and Ointment., - For sores, starry, woruidic
small sox, fevers and bowel complaints, these
medicfnos .are the best In the world. Every
French soldier uses them. .Only 25 cents per
WW. Poitatat, Cementer and Joiner, Job
-614 Shop, Virgin alley, between Snaltbfield
street and Cbarry alley. ; AU kind, of flout
Repairing done on short notice and in work
manlike manner. • Charges moderate. LeaTM
:year orders. en orders , promptly attended
BoCoteau' Smecter. Ponce.—Do your 'duty
to yourselves, protect your health, use !folio
way's Pills and Ointment: . For wounds,
sorel,'bowel . complaint/ and torero, ibex are
perfect, safeguard. Fall directions bow to
use them with every box. Only 23 mtg. 210
- Ilorsexeloess should6Attead Cie eles - iag
,opt eate - of Cerpets Lhie morales at J.Riaoh's,
censor Of Gmnt lad Plfth streets, A large
stook extra One all woorearpets at 50 too 600,
pot 7014-Lasaarpriee 75 *to 80 cents. ,
Tiro Hownaso pieces of gray dress goods
and mosambicines, twelve yards for fl, can
now be had at J. Finch's, tomer of Grant and
Fifth streets. • ' ' ' •
_ .
OXKUstra CALLS mill be. taken at Pittoek's
Book Store, opposite Post OLses, Fifth st., and
at the Obalbos MN*, No. 405, Liberty street.
Day or night, all orders left la either the two
plan ICW be Domptly attanded to. :
Dessurrer.--Dt. C. 8111,•No. 246, Penn st.,
attends to all branches of the Dental profes
DOCTOR CL Baste, Water Core and Llama
pattlio Physician; also agent for Italabow's
celebrated Truss - OR, ,11 , uptarea.,. Cornor'of
Penn and WaYsticstreats..
WOISIDgt, aotorate.. .
Three veinier have arrived with -"candid: •
soldiers froM '&01011'11'e army, staking
about two thousand wounded already brought
bare. Thai ! ara all admirably . wad for in
the new hompital., ,
:ooi. ammisoiiit vasiitm*m.. •
0 ov. Donnlion Is hein. , Ile brings no more
ernoriuraging news about volunteering in the
West, timn We bare bad before.
, • . cantina Iraoove to 1111 1 . 1111 1 / 1 /..nD. •
Major thrueral,Lew. W.llste vurging a
- -, • -
Of Sick and V
tranifer of si poklon of tie troops from the
Welt ' to' the Els to enable =OD 111 speady
row; Tuly 'atesniter 6oin-
.sired t „„ i f iy ,-b rkis u s ,
„restimplian of aggreehlre morements.
ud ilexfrom 'James river.— Two Isr:Ti a ra Ist°44'uld to Ms Jar ( ieaaral•
Oidi,are soon esperriaL . - . -
- • :
.:,11 7 :f4i17,4 4 / I ‘l‘ ; lif ' that content& orlil'a+l.:
lid Ciinfoie 7 litibkirl4l4oll4airacillitl : lottit(blitnothir vieek. scud many atm:L
1m Pmsidait. • liars /ea going toms 'now. •• • • •
• • • • . : •. • . . • .• •
itiviitniont at the Eit,ito, to,
orrualsod dist thp &Warm
will not interrupt as ma
which horill pot in oparntion
. ing, for fully ouid prompt&
,of the State.
sp.Fc4k.ii NOTICES.
3t, Ifra. JAI*
yeu of her age:
at by reekletire
lb* atterootat
32, 111 N. 0
• of the State
.b.n thin; ci - f:
been made to
/apartment,' sod
to arrive itootedi
7sattii Co: tin: nate.
'ennaylrania, and
inliattaente, hare
the Wai Depart•
,a waver, ailing In
tin, We understand,
tante atr foimed of
company.oelosre wilt
on to the number . of
eonsldered fast and
°elem. generally should be
3ong the men now In active
kave by . expe rle oo and met
, earned Mho dlatinetlon'.
returned from New York on
1g last, and; although we are
'7.40 &marked improvement to
II smeds the farther Ammo Uon':
le engagement with whom . '
mown toAesi ;Yoik to'•
[Spada! DLrpeteh to the Pit - Wait' Gazette.
Gen. Hustler's letter about his negro 101-
dieri, brought up a Mrs], debate In the Hint,
on Saturday, to which' some very oonierv►-
tive men said some very ultra things that
mast prove sadly the Sring to southern
heart. -
Mr. Wickliffe wanted to reconsider the vole
by which Gen. Hunter's letter - win ordered
printed, and could not contain himself on In-:
suit, General 'Hunter bed offered to loyal
' people. He *barged officers of the govern
ment and of the army with having under
taken, without law and against order, and in
violation of every principle of humanity, to
assume power of enlisting slaves to serve
against their masters; Gen. Hunter's letter
was, in a manner and termsennbacomlng to a
General. He held Secretary Stanton respori
siblefor ,Gen. Hunter's conduct, and sneer
ingly said Gen. Hunter hid better been see
ing to his business, where the late disaster
in South Quoting, took place, than tinkering
with the nogroes.
• Mr. Mallory made the usual Kentucky
speech against arming blacks, and ridiculed 1
the idea of making them aotdiers, and said a
single eannon shot would put ten thomanduf
them to flight, and closed by declaring that
arming them was barbarous, inhuman, and
contrary to the practice of all civilized 'na
tions, and that - it was fast as bad at putting
the tomahawk
_lnto the hands of the savage.
Tbie roused up Thad. Stevens, who said how
does it come that they are so dangerous to
their muter', when a single cannon shot will
pot ten thousand to flight, or how is it that
they barn% courage enough to make soldiers,
when you call them as savage and dangerous ,
'as Indiazhz—hut the gentleman was mistaken
in his facts. Common history, he - reputed,
-proved them false. It had been the , general
practice of civilized nation, - to employ sieves
for military puposes whenever and wherever
Mr. Lovejoy here begged to interrupt, and
read from the common school history about
Jackson arming the slaves in the war of 1812,
and his promise to give their , freedom to all
who served. He then read Jackson's General
Order thanking the negroes for their gallant
services, saying that Ito had not beeb unaware
of their good :qoalities as soldiers, but that
they had far surpassed his highest expeota-
Hone, and reassuring them of emancipation
as a reward for their oondeet.
Mr, Lovejoy. concluded his stunning dem-
Castration on the negro maniacs by referees,.
to another history, showing that one-fourth
of the men who helped to win Parry's victo
ries on the Lakes wore negroes.
The effect of all this was, the eel:mations;
men, who had been 'deuonnoing Banter,
couldn't have been more astonished If one of
Banter's own bomb-shells from Port Royal
had dropped among them.
Mr. Sodgewick heightened the effect by
reading an elaborate statement : of the New
York State - Librarian, showing that nearly
every civilised nation had, at some time or
other, employed Degrees es soldiers, and
always with success, and winding up with the
example of Brasil, the largest stave-holding
empire of the world, using regiments of staves
it this very day as &along the best soldiers
they have. ,
Mr. Oliva was begging .trespass on Mr.
Stevens' time just to say that he had long
been profoundly convinced that Congress
failed in its imperative duty just so long as
it filled to provide for enlisting negro troops
to serve In unhealthy regions t. 'blob they
had become acclimated, and he now had a
bill to that end prepared and ready to offer at
the Grin opportirtilty. That resumed, Thad.
Stevens is precisely , what I'd hare done long
ago, only I wasn't a conservetive, and so
they'd have Called It an abolition scheme. Mr.
Stevens then went on with unusual earnestness
and force to nip the necessity for using ne , -
grotte to save white men, declared that all civet
his State, households were everywhere-deso.
fated to-day, because we hadn't troops enough
and now they wanted to call on them for more
to be sent into unwholesome climates, where
exposure was certain death to any white men,
I and asserting that while such a policy war
pursued, the stippressPn of the rebellion
was hopeless. The effect of the discnssinn
was seen when at the close of Mr. Stevens'
speech the House laid Mr. Wlokllffe's motion:
on the table by a vote of 74 to 29.. , We will
hive no More sneering at Hunter'. letter or
his negro brigade,
norcnias MID COX ON ?Hi 100081:10. -
Messrs. Hutehine and .Bans. Cox had the
House on Saturday, on their records of eman
cipation, unconditional Unionism, eta. ,Mr.
Hutchins was, of course, warm for emancipa
tion. Mr. Cox quoted from an old ipeech of
Mr. Hutchins, that be was for Union if it
secured liberty, and raid, that unlike Mr.
!localize, his Unionism had no ifs.
via new scassurr wore amt..
• _.
Through the non•conoarrence of the flOnse,
the hew Treuur7 Note bill goes Into the
hands of the Committee of Oonlirencirt
The Senate resolution, appointing a moiet
ies et the corporator' or the Pacide Railroad,
at Chicago, has passed the House. . ; •
The Senate 4 4 . passed the blotuie bill sbo
leg ports of eopry, ot.Chattanoop'eed te►era
other pointelkthe
lirt/0 111 0 1 1ILLII . Rii141 . 1)AD UIIDOI
Tbe bill for . the railroad bridgeat fitenben4
villa wee again in Semite, and Cowan and
Watta had another_ bout over it. 'Mr. Wido
was willing to require -a bridge With ii' than.
sell between piers forateamboate of 370 feet;
wille Mr. Cowao Wasted on 300 feet. Some
nonillot of evidetice between *neaten and
railroad men, as to the amount of obstrootlon
to navigation the bridge would make. No
further decision reached. •
Nair tiitirsoian vagina Tait 1 ,1LD..k.
New Ilampshire prey:lamp to -take the lead
in raising troops - tindsr the - President's new
cell. She already half 'regiment re•
The news from Gen. broCleitsu's army is
perfeoti,y conclusive, as to Its befog safe, so
long &sit arts on the defensive.
. •' lllll `stories about thei !rebel
.numbers at
Allehm . tind continue of enormous dimensions;
yet.others, who ought to know, hailed:MS di
main body of Beauregard's army in still in
the West. There Is an enormous amount' of
tieing done by somebody stmethere about the
rebel strength. I :
From Waehiogtom.
WAsursoyor, July 6
Wasetsavolr, July 5 .--Commodere Dupont,
under date of June : 2Btb, encloses another
Interesting report from Lient. Commanding
Bind; of farther operatiode in North Edisto,
,ey i ng:
On the 2iss instant, witb Ate Crllll3dOr and
the Planter, piloted by Robert 1;14,311; he ran
up the North Edisto river, into Wadwlllan
aound, as far /la himon's Bluff, which is on
the mainland. '1
The rebels bad a camp there ,and some ar•
til ery, bat made no tun of the latter.
few broadsides from the Crusader dim.
pi ed the enemy, and L eat. Commanding
Lii d, on landing with a company of the 53d
volunteers, under command of Capt. Bennett,
met with no resistance. ' . • -
About thirty tents and some cabins used as
quarters were fired,and• few mtukata bronght
We had no casualties. , • ' •
Col. White, of the 55th Piali lvaularegi
ment;ts commanding the poet there, and his
°glows and men co .aperniett with:the expedi
Yesterday morning, -345 *prisoners of war
were sent from the Old Capitol prison, under
a sarong guard, to Fort Delaware, Pa. The
prison now contains less than seventy.five
Secretary Seward hex latliroal to Washing.
Agreeably to • programme =Ades year ago,
tae Prinee•De Count De Paris and
Due Ile Chartres are about to leave for Eng
land, to attend the World's Pair. Hence,
their aeparstion front the army of the Poto
mac, where, as members of lien. hicOlellan's
Staff, they hare participated in artery battle
before Richmond, up to, and Including ]lon-.
day last
Col. James G. Jackson,
.4 member of the
blouse of Representatives from Kentucky, has
not been confirtned as Brigadier General, but
undoubtedly will be. Ile was Chief of the
Cavalry In Gen. Buell's Command, and • that
officer considers him one of the best cavalry
omoers in the Wes tarn army, and recommends
him as a Brigadier.
As soon as Congress adjourns, which It is
supposed will be In the mune ofd week, Col.
Jeeksonwill return to his command, whether .
it be a regiment or • brigade.
Upon the call of the President for 300,000
additional troops, Vol. Frank P. Blair, Chair , ',
man of the Military Committee of the House'
of Representatives, was to-day requested by
the Government to proceed, at one. to Mts.
sonri and raise a brigade. The reqeest was
promptly responded to, and Vol. Blair leaves
(or Bt. Louis so soon as he can close up itn
portent baainess now before hM Committee.
La the meaotinie, Col. Blair bad telegraphed
.to officers at Bt. Loafs, whom he is authorised
to select to raise companies and' regiments. ,
Col. Blair offers toi raise two brigades, the
command of one to be teadeted to Gen. Jams' •
Jackson, 'el Kentucky. . .
Important from .Fortketaa Monroe.'
Formant Mouses,. July 41.•;-;•The steamer
State of Maine, with'3o9 wounded soldiers on
board, and the Kennebec wish .250; brave
Fortress Moorde this morning for New York.
They arrived hero last night from Harrison's
Landing. Many of them are Teri slightly .
wounded-.-a finger, a band; orals arm. While
endeavoring to obtain their names the boat,
ordered to Isar.. ; -
Colonels C. E. Pratt and A. W.' Lewis. Cap
tains J. G. Wilson, Job, Knoblack; 11. 11.
Remliton and Daniel Parkes; are In the State
of Maine.
The 11 th Regiment of Pennsylvania Re
serves were in tbe first battle of the extreme
right wing, and sabered severely:
Col, Gallagher was wounded an taken pris
oner, Lieut. Cal. Jackson was killed, Major
Johns is missing, Adj't McCoy is missing, and
Capt. Brady was killed. Ati the other *Moors
were misting, except Capt. Porterind his two
Lionteonate, who were detailed upon other
business at. the time of the engagement.
Parties on board the steamer Commodore, '
from Rarviron's Lending, report that they
heard eannenading until Y o'clock In the afr
tenon.. Others say it continued snail 6
o'clock, the time : , of the deputes" of , tha
steamer from Ilarrisou's Landing. 'Rho
brings down 476 soldiers,
.mostly wounded.
Among them is Wm. Raytisond Lao, - Ot ;the
20th Musathissetts, who is:ertite debilitated,
brit not materially iojered., o.3 . e
, Oen. McClellan sent down 3 rebel prig;
oners to-city, who were marehod Into Fortreii
Monroe in single filo, and &snore unique spec;
taste never could to dreamed of. .They wore
ail sorts of dress, many dT which ' bad un: •
dentin:4ly been taken fermi our soldiers. No
two ware alike, and that - ma dirty, dingy,
and worn out.
The rear was brought .up by about twenty ,
contrabands, who, as they stepped ashore,
grinned ghastly .grin,, and followed their
Mgssu' into the Fort. The prlietters were
seta here in charge of Lieut. C. D. Mahaffey;
of the staff of Oen. Andrew Porter, Prevost
Marshal of the Army of the Potomac.
Among them are fifty olliceri—two Colonels,
three Lieut.. Colonels, and three Majors. The
(allowing are included in the number;
Major John Link, 7th Louisiana; Captain
Cornelius Page, ditto; Burgeon Norton, South'
Carolina; Captain J. W. Roger,, Ist South
Carolina Rifles; Capt. Kirby, 17th Virginia;'
'Capt. Granbety, Ist Virginia; Capt. John R.
Towers, ditto; Augustus thaw, Adjutant 36th.
Georgia; Col. R. it Applewhite,l2th Mills.;'
Capt. S. D. McChesney, 12th Miss.; Col. Ed
ward Pendleton, Loaloiana; . Chaplain
Martin, ditto; Capt. Jonathan Riven, ditto;
Oar. A. V. Jones, 17th Virginia; Cot. Mar-
Ma Mara, and Capt. Robert nimpson, ditto.
It is stated -that the rebels were driven
back and retreated ma miles yesterday (Thurs •
day, July 3d,) with groat 'loss 01' men 'end
, ..
The Fourth was celebrated by the Bring of
ra salute from the forrand navy at 12 o'clock,
and an Roglish (Hist° lying in the Roads
abreast the fort, chimed In the salute.
F 011711139 idollllolli July 2.—A boat arrived
at Fortress Monroe fait night, which left
'ardy's Landing yesterday at I o'clock p. 01.,
op to that hour there had bean no fighting for
the day, in sight or in hearing of the gun-'
boats, or the landing. • • % ,
Poring* Moores, July 2.-9 o'clock, yi. en.—
Col. O. Ross Smith, who is connected with the
!toners° Cavalry, informs . me that their force,
numbering over 1,000, have all arrived here
this evening. This command, with the flying
artillery,- end , about 1,500 infantry, ware
• placed under command'of Oen. Eitoneman, to
,attend to the removal of the government pro.
'petty at the White Rouse. They saw it all
:safely removed, and the building destroyed,
And on datardey evening they left the White
',House after slapping .all the goods. Their
infantry, 1,500, retreated
,to Williameburg,
arriving et that place early on flooday morn
tog; from thence they went to. Yorktown,
'where they shipped their artillery. Their
men are all in good health and spirits,' and
hare only lost two of their number, who were
taken while on picket. duty. • ••. • . • •
' They represent the expedition as admlrablz
planned and managed by Gen. Stoneman:
The cavalry contisted of-the 6th United
States, two sclasdrans of the old drat - mni or
let cavalry, and ! two, e quafirons of 'the 6th` Peonsylainlalanein. ne amtilri,lofentry,
Med 'artillery,' in all, numbered about 3,000
n, and many of them have been erroneous.
ly reported captured. It was believed to be •
lo In the male army. - -••-• . ,' ,
W 4213 1 .1111 1. y.
03 11 ,11. 7 • The rebel gunboat
miser wu capture in . shbttpd . of , the James
Meer, on the 4th ot"lttly—rsiri - irnportan't
papers were found on tier. , •
The 00111011U1:11 on the conduct of war her.
ing made a thorough Investigation -of the
cue of Dr. Hayes, lately. dropped ._front the
army by order of the titeritarp of =War, for
' neglect of duty while engaged In trisimportsi-'
ion of sick and wounded soldiere 'to Wash
ington, are folly esti/died of the Jistlee
of nis dismissal. .• :
' Maier Patterson, 62d Pa.,. and Col.
litb, and Col. Van W,*ok; .N. r.;
heretofore reported titled, are, it. Is said by
4entletnen who arrived here from
James enter, Ciro.
,Anital cif Rebel rllllOllOlll.
• . ,
NNW You, Jay B.—The steamer hero Ima
arrived tram' Fortren Monroe witb 530 rebel
/ 140 berbe !bp ii•re lsodad . - ,fferproo - n .
11.41=110/ Da 1J bei arrived
with • Islip number et el.:laud lummlact obi -
any from Llonban Bar, Jomos Moor:
O. s'clumtax's imarr.
List of IheSlct and Wounded:
H T .:9•15000N July s.—Th - Collo Wing •
.„ • .
lilt of the won•dikl And sick thst, sr:leather*
yesterday bY the steamers Vanderbilt and
Lonisana from the 14114 of the Psitomaa
Lleut..l." H. Winans, 91h Pa., shoulder aflght
Mai. John N 10th , am severe. •
Cup. .W. J. Huston.lll lOtp. thigh : •
Fissest Goodspeed, 1121d..houlhr aware.
• 'Chaplain Geo. Freer. ark. *
Beret. Druids Omen, 961 h. ar m Senni.
• frank Bilszard. 961 h, arm slight.
Caporal Caporal Jolut Ousoo, btk, sock metre.
John Gibbons. 71st, IM alight. • •
• 00 rPeral G. Wrelosu 12th, kot slight
Corp. J. N. Lorena, oth , shoulder meas.
Win. Calvert, leth, elbow sorer*.
Benjamin Lido,. Id rides. hip alight, ,
Homy Eels, 4th rides. slight. • ""
salt. O. 1.. Randall, 72nd, thigh seism !
Jas. KU, neck What. • -;- •
Bauer, 6th, bead severs. •
John Lightfoot. 71.1, neck severe. • •
Sergt John Wets, 91st, arm broken by a shell.
J. 11. Swearlngto , gide slight. • ! •
. John Ps Cur, Steil/Ramos.
Capt. Geo. J. Gallop., Bth tidal, lot soya%
major a. M. ken/. Bth. had alight. • .
John Cork, 96th, hip slight.
G. W. 11 cOLMIMMt.' 63J, hip severe. • •
. Peter McCreary, 6thilog aught, • ' .
Alfr.d B. Mason. 4th, shoes• were. • -
John Hanky, abouldsr. . • i •
Jamd M. Phillip., 6tb, hand, slight.
Samuel B. Ilynlnz, -- 4th, right arm; slight •
William Dougherty, 67th, arm." were.
John Gardiner, 13th; ilok.
John Brannlger, 6th Cavalry. leg, alight
rrM. Drown,Oils,th, leg
, 11
Grier, sth, 1 4;Sertl•
Hugh Fortiori. • • • •
William Taylor,. lit Artillery, kg, aught.
Chirles flailagher, l a / a t:key, arm, severe.
J. W. (Urged, gib Car , foot,
William if
Cnit,ge, ltlth; bark, alight.
K. 1). Mcßride. alit, I.g, alight.
Corp. Henry WiliMmi,..l34, bip, alight . '
William B. Houston,' 10th, molls, severs.
Frederick Lain, Pk, hack, •
Thrones Bell 631, bream, severe.
. W. H. Owitrb, 6th Rides, 9 60ger. suntitileted.
James Caskey, 6th Ride., leg, alight,
J. D. Mclntire, 4th, arm , Might-
John MrDelese, Silt s finger *Annulated.
H. Miller, 834, .honkter, slight.
James 13 th:thumb. •• •
Henry Hasher, 6111, arm 'Ugh,. ' •
T Darnels. fith, knee, maid.
James If Dups,lo2d, rheumatism.
Theo. Bodkin., 53d, side, movers, • .
Jos Pendegraat, 61st, rbemnatino. • " '
W. S. Vincent, 6th, chin tevere. • • •
F. 11. Kerr, 03.1, Ingot, alight . •
Remy Lulea:ger, 724, arm, a ve.
Corpora Lon, 12t, band
Jacob Richer'. Cud,; h seeers. severs.
Ceo. Sznedly. 4th euvoley,- hand severe • !
Jas. Hsu, musician, 96' hi hack, severe. •
A. Rosh ey, 9th, groin, Wight,
)11c0.bey, 4th, aria, slightly.
111011. H. MCCOMICJC. &Warm, slight.
Cola. 0. Ilan, 834, shoulder, areete
Jon. Admie. e 34, ani. slight: •
Jon i ink. 62d. aer6. 'Hilda • •
Rramrl, 62.1, arm, aught.
'Jun: U. Cue, nth, land. severely.
Henry Ridner, 10:h. arnLalight• •
• Piano'. Longbows. Isl.•harel—tingsr =petaled.
Jno. Fashioner, 63d, wrist, kiss's. •
Edward llcAleer,9sth. thigh, . ; .
11. M. Rutter, ,it, arm, aught . .
Sergi. Jo.eph P. Dengler. 96th. arm, slight. ; •
Henry 8. licean, 72d, hand, slight.
• .2.0. Lapp, .2d, head, slight. '• • :
Mania Murphy, 69th, sick. •
Jan. Forman; filth, thigh, 411g1.4 •••
'P. riour , 49th, band. ailed. • • • ;
?hot. IL Smith' IBM sick • • •
Th.e. H. Kineird, lit, hand. slight, • '
. tkrgt. R-B ildb,aUght
Jae. Hunt. 05th, sick. • : • "
; F sick. •
W. IL Craig, 10 th. back. ellghL
A'. L. Curly, 7th, dait,amat4 . • •
.150. Hawk, 3.1, thigh, alight.
Corp. WM. Clemens, Bth. head. slight, • •
Owen lfelland; sth, bond. slight.
Clecnelim Vas vast, 3d
Join, e. Gadd, 3d, alll2, 4,, t0
Nast liotemn, /it. lie rauaty eppendeil. •
Ralph 11512 rd, Ist, alight.
• The following Is 'a 111 t Of patients received
from the Syrtis Hospltal„at Portrait: Monroe.
The casualties am not stated;
• W. God. ZaHmene. •
James A. Thompact, Room'.
B. M. Drum, Bta.•
%Wm- H. Nkti 9th traria
J. Bore, 102,6 , left hand,.
Wm. 1 . 1 .11., 34. / 4 4 1 arty. .
• E. II Theirson,loth, above; ' •
C. W. Shotert. el, Pa. chin.
• F. H. Brow. 69, right arm. • •
Enos Bitch, 6th , rhacunathem,
• Bowman, 721, disease of lung..
J. MeAnulty, 62,1, throal. •
LieuL 0../149. /Mb. thigh .
Jacob West, 8.518, thigh. •
Maj. H. M. Robertioo, Gen. Parry's Soma, Liver.
E Car 3l E Mart A. indale,loth Aid Gen. Martindale, foyer.
p. Pier, ,
'B. Flo mega' . 2d, ann.
W. B. 12.6.011. Itith, right arm. •
J. Gould, 103 d, general
Llaut. D U. Diplome. OW, rbeunialkin;
J,./In Gunk, 9 th, (blab. •
C. 11. Beata", lei Mars, 1.144.
, John Dunberg,4tb;ehrosnattas.
l'otee Darby. t0th,111.44% ,
Wm. Arp, kJ, rheumatism. ;
Jacob Erik, 5 16, arm.
W. K. Smith, 72d. foot-
J. L. Wagnid. 77th. ano.
J. L. Metjuli at, kith, band. •
Thomas, 67tb, eya. • .
Lieu t. Ittetluliken, Bth, grail. • .
Capt. A. J. Darren, 4th Cavalry , Lig. •
John F Smith, 71st, hoer, (slum pekoe's..
!Jeep. John D. Harrington, fe•.e.
S. 11. Beaty. 416 b, righ ram.
U. IV. Baler, 9 9th, left arm.
Robert lianstelfer, Mb. head. -;
T. C. Keats.. 10th. wrist
J. U. CoroeU..Ul, hia.,L •
W. Wevitt, LAO, arm,
.1. F. Dempsey.ll46. should.r.
J. 01 ..7. 110 , 4 b, rheumatism. •
LienL Wm 64th, thigh. •••
Corp. N. B. Hay., 113.1, hip. -
Thomas Ward, RIC .botdder andel. lA.
Worse Illottn, end, thigh. ' •
It. li Mctll , 2nd. ahonlder. • • •
W. Hoffman, 13th, ben.
O. O. llolhaler, 10th, arm. '
J. H. Wagner, =.l, arm. •
Y. U Ditty, 824, hand. • .• •
A. Ryas, Soh, hand. • !
Bush 4. F. Bell, Ytitb, hand. ..
0. P. Bh, 16 2 1, left aboulder. ' •
S. Dither. lath, atm. •
W. Rum, 81L , bead.'
11. W. leth, leg.
C. Bilk, aakie.
W. Murphy, 81st, ann.
C. Wall. 81st, bremt. •
W. 11, illelnmets, 71st, thlgh.
8 . Mahe], /OH. arm..
11. Rath, Lt, head.
H. D. Ruth, lit, shoulder. •
M. Millington, Ist, tlngsr.
8. Allunby. 7lst, shoulder. •
P. llagbes, Bth, ann.
8. Donnelly, Is:, hack. •
.1. Brikeberst, 63d, h tad. •
N. A. Peddle, 63,1, hand. ,
N. Lsri, 10th arat. . •
P.S. tkancl gtillo ly. fad , side. •
E. Balkioer. Q."l. head. • • •
H. Clegg. Ist. band. • • •
. B:ltulteasted. md, thumb. . • •
J. 11. Fez. 65d, hand.
(Sop. 1.1. Belnled, 7th, shouldar.
J. Moore. lid,
.J. Bandesbneg, lith, kith. : •
G. W. B Licker,'l3ld, hand. • '
P. W. Cowan, 10th, arm. •
U. 11. Disk, 83d, mouth. ' • '
. A. 11. Aliens, did, bead.
..Thom.. /rumou r 31st, aids, • '
Kern, 9th, shoulder.
- Dada Edwards, 7th, hind.. . •
. •
W. B E l Dir.e. lit Ride*, band. ••
-J. A:lulu:man, 10th reserves, thigh .. ••
Id. A.. Nell, Ga. right hip. - •
K. 11. Little . 52d, thigh.. ,
1.1. J. Shalt,eme, let reeerveis, tu.n. •
B. 8.• Bates, 10th reserves, right arti.
• G. W. Long, 71st., thigh. .
eihnver, 9th nmeree., shoot/le and hoe.
James; Bth, shoulder and tare.
14. luntor, al. right 'arm. • • •
;••••181111atn A. Llandi.y, "Xtb, -
. an Preston. kith; right Laud;
1 111616: Delmer, MI, left baud. • ,
IP.ieheildieker, ed.' hand.
• B.l::Btlikh.rt. 165th 'loll hand. . .
J. She., Get b. left bud. - •
• 'M. askins, 62d, ark. -
Corp J. 0141. n, irk. are,. • •
.111.111 s 1,, Buck, flit, rheumatians,
• :J. Yont.r..9thrmoutb.- • •',
. 10tb, hand.
41: Hatatick, 57tb, hand Injured.
;llamas. Renee. 72d, rtscntibm. • • •
Vanes Dre.hurch.l6o. heed. ' •
['Anthony Z. Smith, Mitt, thamb. ,
'Prank Yore, 71.11, arm.
- PSiar Mcrae. 8111. •
s Corp. A V. B.balek, 67th. std.: *"
Maser_ Whitedery,ll, bock. ,
W. M. David, md.. am. . •
e 9th marvel, head.
1 John M c Dad e, mane,
f• M. M. Hattedy, Mb, hand. , ••
13. • 11ceLary. MO, inland intentilly v
.11.•Pursott, 4th, 0t boulder.
. • •
W. o.,Villsoo, 010., bald. • • •
• fl. Decider, Oth. linear. • - '
•M. Beltiertner, kW, hood. .
J. E. Wobam. tlBd, are, - • • •
J. amen, 81st, arm. „ • • .•
; J. G. Arlie, 01.1, sick.
J. Ni Vawaon, 1 it h merve....bouldsw;
P. 1688, hand.. - - •'
Robert Dell, CM. band. ". •
.." ''• •••
, A.D. Montgomery,
•••• 1 •:' •
Thom.. Matey, Of, leg.
„1, 61. Black, tat hand: , ••• •• ; '
D, Black. 10,k norm .
J. Jordoi, 62.1, . . : •
Josephßldtb.idtolgaer. • ,
114/118 Wait, 31it1. kg.'" ' • •
W. WeletL 4 tb.aoklo...-. • ; '•
lL o.7lnley. 834 toast
J. Rom, (U 411618. ,
J. W. Fry. 6th teavvei 14. 4 .
0. Morels. 81st, sou, , •
, if. L. Bitting r,
P. Feekquer, 61.1. leg. •
11. Marshall, lOth. thigh. • • •
T. Hbolt, Ist artillery, adgb.; ;
3 :13.1em. 7th, kg; - '• •
/1.- Kelly, elm, thi
sec t btk gh. • .
7; Reinder, lth, AWL. . • '
C. Otawart,lotb, kora. - ,
1 1: BoUoch. 64th, breast.' •
• ~ B otomali t M. V. ar autgamB4llt,arip,; i•
1 . 3 PPip'..:1•4'..
ousts:S. Mousey 11-alsrdriaUftdialing
sink, and. woiaidier Pinaisily*Ais , ;iire on
Z.1 1 1.kk..4 1 .. 161
~., :c_ , . _..
proeeed to Washington to•olgbt. ' Than are
4743 n aO, bat the list is inooMpleta i is
boat left too loon for thb completion of the
fall Est:
Capt. Frank S. Veit, to. IL, Liz Callibt . tda rte..
ingot, limes; Fled Lint. Thos. J. Ashton, 00. K. Ist
Controls teshaant, lout; Capt. floe. B. Conner.
co. 11, lOth 'gamut, coati:Won; B IL Rodprs. co.
IE. gad, back Lod arm; T. Myer, co. K. 61.1., bead;
nu., co. Z. 100. thlg ; Juan O'flahno, co.
Q. Ad, leg; co. B. Bnaben. 00. Gist, kg; W. H.
Mead. co. I, Ski neck; David Wetberbee, co B, fad,
hip ; Anted it Biddle. co. A. Ghrt; thigh ; Jarvaltat
Quell, co. Y.Stat. aoktt; Chat L. Voiles, co IL SU.
hip: Went McNees, to. I, Io3d regiment &bitty;
corporal John Bcaorber, co. F. o : l 2Agestatent, thigh ;
A. Kennedy, oo B,Sist, thigh; Donglat _l3oyle, ca.
I.' leg; &butt= Cook, ce. lutb, leg; WELL
J. BtLanstiln, 00. B. Slat, leg; 'Joe. Lanham. to. 0,
4th, band; Sankt Dougherty, co. A. 15th. leg; Our- ;
prat Jo.. Michel, al. B, SW, .alga; WillLuo Vitt.
y. co. B. bead; J, 0. Cavanagh,. co. 62d,
Wad; Jas , A. Herbert, at A. MA 000' .I % ,_NT.
Johason. to. H. Mkt, thigh; Henry' T. 61 0. '03 . /WI
um; Robert Boors, on, >l.l, bead; T. J. Venda.
KO, cO. O. 4.3 d. MP; J. IL. Van Giotto; to.. I, MK
ahotilder; J. Z. Park, - co. r, oth; an J. Ural* w. "
G. SOth, M. B. Slavraon, oa. R, let, leg: Oar,
?mai David Armstrong, co ann; toet
tutd.V. oc. A. 76th, cootoolon; Goo. :Steiner, no. B
i(Ph, I:mat; Henry 111.11er. ditto,
h o d; ov 0.11111,
.1 1,.. hand; Samuel Keeley. ditto. nV. Onle.
ro. D. Mid, ono; 'Fred 11. Vinnt, CO. 0.3 d. wan
Weasel, CO.!. 67th. euvo; Bichsel Kedthig........._
26tb, knee; Mal. Chas. W. fintitt!, I{o6 .;. 01e,
Lieut. C. Gray, 105th, 43'4'4107. - . •
/11111 CONGIIBBS-V1118? 'maBl &
WA3 I / 3 1131432, Jelly 5.
reopsentsas Or P2IDAT.
SIINA22.—Mr. Sumner, of Mast., presented ,
a petition asking that the President be re
quested to call on all loyal persons to return
to their allegiance, and report, thatuseiree
within the lines of the army. • .
Mr. Grimes, of Iowa:. offered a resolution
that the hecrefeiry of War be requested to
transmit to Senate the official report of Col.
Canby In regard to military operations la New
- fdextoo, and the battle of Marith4ast •
Mr. Rice, of Minn., ohleeted its present
Mr. consieeation. Laid over. .
Dowell, of - Ey., moved to take up the'
bits abo lishing, the trankingprlelle-a. •
Mr. Aloe objected to Its bang ta ken up.
On the question being taken no quorum was
Mr. Clark, of N. F., moved that the ger
gesnt-at-Arnis request the atteociabee of ab
sea tees.
Mr. Lane, organ., offered a resolution that
the President be requested to Inform the Sen
ate of the amounts doe to the State of Kansas;
from the several departments of the omen"-
meet, with the view of applying the same as
taxes due from the said State. Adopted. •
Mr. Wade, of Ohio, called up the bill pro
viding for certain post roads. It provides
for a bridge across the Ohio, at Steubenville.
Mr. Cowan, of Pa., moved to amend, so as
to maki the drew of the proposed bridge 300
feet, instead of 270 feet. This amendment
was discoseed at soma length by tkr Maser".
Wade, Cowan and Collamer..
On motion' the edjonreed, hoeing
boon in eession tOtoot an boor.,
r.soCsinixon OF TH2 2100312 ON TILIDAY.
• Mr. Mallory,of Ey., said no man condemn
ed more than he did the letter of. ten: tille. •
ter, and the system inaugurated by that Oen.
end, of arming Degrees. It was an outrage
on. humanity. lie shrunk from it. The
House ought to be forever satnemed of its oon,
duct. The other day, when Hunter's letter.
was read, the demonstrations on the part of
certain members appeared to be buffoonery,
and was diegraoefol to the 'American Con
Mr. Riddle, of Ohio, and Mr. Collins culled
the gentleman to order. • - .
The Speaker reminded the coalmen that
he was transcending the rules.
Mr. Mallory asked pardon. He differed,
from his oolleagqe, Mr. Wiekllte, as to the
Secretary of War. He had abiding ecinfideisee
in that officer, and that the conduce :of Omni
Hunter would be repudiated. • •
• Mr. Stevens, of Pa.,remarked-4W le,
agreed with ldr.lfiekligin finding fault with '
the condupt of the war.• There Wen
things which did not meet with his approtia.:
tion. .Lie could not approve of uttingrenetd.
eJs in sympathywith sleveholdare at the bead"
of armies, and of their oondnet ander eepieii
Ciders, in punning and returning tbe fee: .
tires of traitors. He could not consent to
that portion of the conduct of the war width
set our armies to watch the property _
soldiers, rathe that, allow it to be octopi'ed
by our own troops, while the sink and 11/0004
en are placed naswampellited with •dead;
ly miasma, weakening and than anhttlugthem
to meet the' ettentiit.
Mr. Reilogig, - Does the gentlemen
mike the charge shout the eel:duet of the war
against the President or thitheretery of War.
or against the generals in the held.' -
Mr. Stevens—l intend to Awe the - blame
erectly where it belongs. Imp nes sycophant
and parasite. What I think teny,',4lstbitio
things have been perpetrateiLtiver aid
again eithoqt rebok• from -the-appointing
power, I leave the Reuse and world to' . en
derstand where the responsibility rest. .
Mr. Kellogg—Does the gentleman !charger
this on the administration
Mr. Sterene—l charge it on the manage tnvut :.
of the war, and the different branches of
the administration. Ido not mean W flatter.
I believe the President honest, hut being of a
yielding disposition has fallen under the
malign influence of Scott:l*y eounsels, and
therefore has adopted the policy I rebuke.
Mr. Mallory, of Sy.—Does the gentlemen.
attempt to ridicule the genttoky delegation?
'Mr. Stevens-.I don't say so, nor do fmcan'
any gentleman of this House. Ha remarked`
that, from a communication be had with the.
Secretary of War, he (Mr. Stevens) not
think the Secretary held anteeelt doctrine as
that ittnbutei to the gentleman from Sen. -
tacky. He wished the Secretary, bad replied
by saying, "I have - sent arms and clothing,
South, with orders to supply theloyal men
there." If this answer had been 'given it
would have been In acoordanoe with. what be
supposed were the Secretary's sentiment'.
The employment of blacks was earriring out
the usage of all civilised nations. Nothing
could be produced from history to 'how .the
contrary; the usage was to liberate the glares,
and mike them into service to defeat thil ene
my. During the' Revolution the hisoks.weree
used by Wubington as soldiers in Rhode
Island. Jackson did the same thing.
On motion of Mr. - Washburn., the Hoist;
by a vote of el against 26, laid on tbetable
the motion of Mr. Wieklifeto reconsider thii
vote by which Gen. illlntnen letter was or:
dered to be printed.
The House non-oonectined in the .Senate's
amendments to the United States note talc
and a Committee of Conference was ordered:.
The House pulsed the Sereatejoint, ,
Con; designating 'the first Taesday
tember as the time for (be .meeting in' Chios" - ,
.go of the , corporator" under there:Ole rail::
road act:
*Mr. Hall, of Pa., introdtwed &joint sole - -
Hon, which was passed, authorising th e Sec
retary of War to 'tarnish - - elottitn•g to the
wounded and other soldier" for that Wet by
-the casualties of war. ' •
The House passed • bill , . which was repel
:ad from • Judiciary - Committee, prohibiting
- the confinement of soldiers in the 151striet of.
Columbia, except in the ptinishinerit of certain
crimes, and discharging those now there..
• A resolution was adopted, ceiling on ,the
Secretary-of War,' to inform the MontAi whe • - ;
titer any member of Congress bee been !aide:,
'listed in oontracti slim thslst. of - Apr il - fait;
The House want into the Committee of thn .
Whole on the State of the Union. '
Mr. Hutchins, of Ohio, replied. to. the.
speeds-Of 'his - eolfeagne, Mr. Con, be - retort,*
delivered, relative to Ohio matter"; Involving
the free negro question. The Honk then :
adjourned. .
from Europa. •
CA/2 RACE, July s.—The steamship
from Liverpool on the 27th eta Lorniolli"
decry oa the 28th passed this point this mere..
int. The steamship . Bohemian. from Quebeit
arrived at Liverpool on the 11th.' - The steam:-
ship Persia arrived at Queenstown. on •
Teth ammo. , • ' •••••
Thee:des of-cotton : for Ow weelLameintint
tri 10,004 baits, The mertet/wastunnelt frit
cited and prices- have , Agennentl@lNAllms.-
49uflat • • Ar,..,,d,t;ft•it;
Coosole for teensy are quoted - AA ilIX€4l3O
American wcarlties -a Atrintiiild.
- -It Is asearted that NalWleintbint roseinetk
send silletout troop to Sdenlooloftweits...
to the eapltel Assiut ell obstealtsr-=; 1
m ~ . Cat~lforal4 +
Pisnoteco, July 1.-tTbe. steamer Pal
brollis ROW. hOin., - .Briastr Cohan:hit to'
the 21tbsnd Q t 's** , to the 25th , and shoat
$65;(100 Cui Both Cariboo: and Salina '
- Turamines appear overcrowded bp tkaepa dr
of edeentorerr, who are scattering over the
hitherto entexplond country- searobiall
new mining region* and meeting many
dottrilitairate. Much sufferiog is antleimmid.
Theemigration midrib ward is sumslearaWilt
cheek. by disconrsgingstal woutileziag: ! w
eounte. The vele considerably &nitrate elf
gold ot Portisod and Victoria, however, fur-.
nlah positive testimony of the exLitiosim of
scams gold dlgengt. .-.; '
- , •
Wesaiscruut, Jakg 4oni . .tlW. •
Artniof .tha Potontsbi cite fu1tdett,401...',..:
este thst Allis , quiet, and the arntrill *GC spirits.
. .
Hl ADQVArtitti AnAlO, .1111-VOTOSI/C.
• • . • amp sou Berrisovei Lasdmg,
J 0174,1802.
Sold e» of ticking of As../boos!ats 'You'
aehlevetemsts of the_lut tail days have ills_
Crated the - valor and endurance of:the Atlteti
eau soldier. .Attacked, bj iuperlor , forces,
and without hopes of ' re - lefercenients. you
' have occeeded Le claanglog your baso of op
erations by s'flank movement, eleaysvgard
ed as the most hatudous of.. military :•expedi-
ante. Yoe hers saved all your astaterlat,
•yout trains and al lyour'guns,ezoept a few lost
feLatt/O, taking in return guns and colors froni
the enemy', "Npen your march you'. hare
keen /smiled day, after dsy with despyrate
tory by toen of the same race, nod nation, -
skilfully- massed and led under every disad,
vantage'of numbir and necessity of positiou.
Also, yon have, in 'every coudiot; be aten back
your foot with enormous slaughter. ,Your
conduct ranks you among the otiebrated ar
mies of history. 'No ono will ntw ilaostion
'that each of you may always with pride say I =
. belong tithe army of the_ Potomac. You
hare reached this sew base „eon:piety le or
geultation end unlit:Pal/14 In .pint. • • Tho '-
enemy may at any liasii:CAtmik • Jou, we are
prepared to meet
I have persona/1y jour linu.
Let them come, and we lOU convert their re- •
pulse inta'a Anal defeat. Your, Oeirerntatat
Le 'strengthening you with the resources, of a- '
gust people. On this, oar nation's birtdeg,- , 7,
we declautto oar foes, who are against
the bast interests of mankind; Ast r al/ army
shell sates the Capital of the 'U.-called Con
federacy, that our national Conetitetion
chili prevail, and that the Uniim,' :which, can '
alone insure interne/ peace and eitisis4,ast.
carity to each Butte, moat and' 'alsillliatpre
served, cost what it may, 'in d.insdef* . ays,
sad blood. ,
(Ellgted) . Gamma }L'ltaCruiratta , , . • •
Major General Opeamaisalne .
Flom Corinth.
fOiniiir",iiipiciyee of r,
the Mobile and Chin Void,' tialupetio,atates
that' two ginhoats and one Jam . are in - the Mobile bay.
About ten thonsand tre - ons are , belim Mo
bile, on the - Shill road, and fortifications •
around Mobile were cow meaced a month ago, •
and are now
, ,oompleted.• .
• Inhabitants, sanguine, think ikal Mobile
cannot be taken• • General Bragg Is 'ln* coin - Mood at. Topelle.
with forty or fifty thousand meet. .5 '
' Breckenridge had B • reckenridge . 4 0 1 :1110SO' • . •
tboound men. . :
,' • ;.-
411 the troops are, short - , OP . eirithing ilia* • ..
prosislons—have bacon twice a day,.and no
The 'reboil Lai thit , they retake,
Corinth, 'and 'their, iMpression-.gStieteP.7 ke
that .11 majority of Our troops have , gone. asset,:
I. Ii unanimous testimony of *louts and -
deserters that no rebel troolia. exeipt traralry,
have gone 'east. - •
Mira, 401) f G.-7,. L"
Ilan. theis
Sserstarro lifer:. Oficial impo
have just boett reoetved of alf rts eir of, .
our earthy near Booneville,. Mittt.....of 'am lot
hat. Col. Sheridan of. the 24 Michigan cav
sary, with 'two regimenta of. 728 men W•te at
tacked by parts of eight regiments of nbels,
numbering some 4,700 men, which he defeated •
and drove bark after Will bonze'. fighting. ..'
Ger loss small, killed, wounded and mining . . •
That of the enemy must have keen Nary great,
They left 65 dead on the geld...
ports will be
.torwarded,by .I,vespect•;
folly recommend Col. Sheridan for protnatioci....'
for gallant condoct in battle.—
(Sigted) . HAL/Lica, - - •
~,.; • :".,f4ilajor Genets!.
roittier Porticolitre ofithe &loin bard.
• meat of .Vicksburt.t,..,
CAIZO, July 5 —The ram brings
Jams from , Vieltsbarg to the 28th tilt:. Porter's
,gset commemeed to shall the upper -Unary - •
the town, • This &attuned all'
:ins shelling was: renewed on Fricley, aid in
' F a, afternoon was dinoted on the town over
tif Web the shells, were plainly Sean to- bunt. •
eoatitiied wail -1 p. at, whai it otaitisa.
- the. blimbirdaien t the roEet bits tiiry
tepUed .feebly,,-firing Inaeegrate. - lialrau
hoax after cosmition, the bosibirdoioii t
rebel waist battery openeiPidi thi'mortar
sleet, 'shied rsplicit until - thsrliatteij Cakstai , . ---
firing. At &o'clock - in tbeiiicentobthe .
opened from theantire
tinning an h0ur,:::....: s
The nextmortiing at 4
moat. was. reneito, Ontittitsitliteleileatok
iarrarat's vas/tile passed the battabbe
out serious (Wawa.. - ' - -
. The city mast have bccti ditmegairA4*,' • ••,
: will* conflagration •Aru seen'ay'riticiiiiena
no informed upon indisptable'
lay 0044,000 aearoes bete Won ritiited , ky
Gient-BatJez to work en the canal , acrOskoifis
bend on which Vreksburg or its raufaiht r ise
The channel of the Mississippi will thide7lbe
changed and Vicksburg will
Seven hundred More shells 'hare titiis4if...":,
dazed from New Orleans to tedium thertiritilis
of the piece to ashes. • • ••• cicer : ,
From Memphis.
, .
Hameln - 4 July s.—At - Relenti; Arkasas,
there is a baud of guenillair, 2,000 strong,
who are threatening the people with cotton.
burning and general devastation ofpropirty.
In considerattoo of this feet, Oen. Bract lea
issued - orders that, Whatever loss Is miteined
by the Oovtinnatent, eoliectlorui shall be. made
by the seizure of eulllclent amount of per
sonal property from persoue of the immediete
vbainity sympathiaing with rebellion, to 're
munerate the Government for all focus. ,
Persona sating am verities wiU - not bet:Auk.
ad as prisoners of war: ':..'''''''' „ '
The Mississippi riveViteeitilerVielm*g, --
hi reported lined with mit trYing 4 IMIOP•
the oonseription... .Tbe - ledeeenioata ire e 01):
tintially kaikd by persons weithig to belakiiii
aboard with their when. - "..... - . 4.... k -
The people witeryartierak.dtrideat gisiafir-,.
faring and tudships. ' -': . , „."1„,;,' , -,
On en Island below Wititirrivirr 2,50 a *pie p
have ded into the tiontoription, and artinglOnli . .•
against their oppreilors for protection.
The At:closets /watered . this morning e t la ~. -..,•
bulletin. - ' : , • •'•-
AffITOI Of 614 sung Wouiuded 'Sok.' •
Worn at. Washington City. '• - '
WAssisoToir, July S.—The summers iii s-
_,, '
lAA s. sad Vendetta/ t arrived "Si Ohl Enos Po
oilda.V. bringing thirteen buudned-akdA Ain&
wounded soldan from James river -t ..,Z , r 45.71 '•" •
Arobatenou were employed till alafeibleik . '" • .
lest night conveyisg them to ttuitur '
bospitur in Washington sod violin" :Anil! •
rem ail a to walk te laud from the :
Our eit.irea I readily assisted la this .
„leilitiNC. -
removal. These p et lentaarvette - radjaliarteM . .
good We and kind attentions, auditavistesf -;.•.--..`•
have eotered into larrume serligie oltb ail: i. '. r .: . ':";l;
roak„fig.W..Vork. . ... •
Rs, Toss, July I . — Thejtaamer &nigh, '' •,, -
from Port Royal so the 28th, arrived :at uds, .e• , .7 . ./
port this evenioig. - She has SO wounded Geis; , :': •-.:, -;.:.
the battle at James Is and, inclodinrshe - f6l-• ~ ~
lowing: Park& Eeraturdy; C. Re 4 Pia2;;Pe. f. f . r . ' '
JAMS* MOOlain, Oa. If, 4Sti rl'i l ii'PooLTl-' - -
one, both pa.; Corp. H. B = Diobareiii• Ok ,'z' •
f 44 Pia;
Rot&S Otr - P - 1,;, - .
a -low'rriv's ''' •
100th .Pee, and pintas 13 , . • , i ~. • -
Chu,. Bhutan:ray CO. -B, eatilit'regtial4o9 4 '
Lieut. J. R. Wetrbsr,„ • ; I . ::
1 , ',The 'tauter lalugovin'ealled t*'Afitir”' .'
44809,014 in epode.. .', JE •l''''''t'w -,,
~. The eked= Vebairbs;arritidlieireleiyaec
1 ootaiza
th.- e "
."-5...h.1 e b1; . —. .. A .. e . Ip . ..•1.. -t . P. ` r . A . ' r li i,.li "'•'.'
"eitnACo; ; -44eZ.q ".1.
l." etsei a t i'Alm'Jely.s.AAre.thig etetA4
v insdestro y atileck . I .ealdsheatkie'' ' ,
~ 'heirs- e nilior. The tintutaimeasur skeet*, ~
- t
SIQD,000: Alvin/ Itre tiensieetialwes-are ft1Fx......•.f.A.•
D. Core,tani ware , reenbao4....C. Or 041^41.:::If:14e
Benson, druggists ; Oatikena MeV 4.-li":1:.
BulidLogri Dna* & lillothar.• W.V. 40114 rt.
wan. 'Pori ; Brothers Fez, 4 Tremet,-.D.-1...--,,,,.-,„.,F;
Rome, leek; Yale & Co, ti. O. Wititatl.vant, - - :'..,1
tla. B. Friend, il a champ , Hod, a t ,e4 tkik t
itip a hho o s chine.. The
ap• re'
...4na ,
r..sesuw.. U
stela. d .
Mire litilfr'4lvo4"
eue.loorjely, 5.- aea 8.u47
.'tl-uni.plurn kwig,
. 'llotLrr r 1 4i Ilrili l t&
4 t t :A mtast', ... , :
-::.•--: -
~ ;-••.
'- ,_ .:=-7
.I ti rokektwo-Aka.: ,:ohio#01)-. -,:-.
, ,
~,i...a.. ~,...i.,.., 9:
I. ` tplcsb I Onr-Pussestkien.
--"" - -Vf , . yk,k j i w . - • / . • , A
„„ArittelAtitOeind- •,1 , .. .-;,_(4 '''
.---r- ~$446:6i-'4l„ii.::,g,:it..w-,,,t,