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',. 1 1 MIS ; sr • 4, ' 31 . ..75FLTi---,-. VittsbutO Onzette,. MONDAY MORNING, JULY 7 • 1 • The Aclministration. Yle see that some:of our eotemporaries. are 'disposed to fled fault with the Admin .:. titration, and especially with Mr. STAXTON, for the reverses on the Peninsula. This is Most unjust, and is 'calculated to provoke` That there have been grave errors,, - there is no donbt—errorti which hiva caused the nation to mourn, and fiaye sent a pang to every patriotic heart. .The friendis of the :Administration are not . . averse to a discrusston wh i ch will trace these errors to their proper source, and to author, or nuthere, to a just iv ; but is this.ate - proper time for " - ' . ."tini'discussion T ;If it can be deferred with safety to the country, it should be, until we • Tare once more ready to meet the enemy. . Mr. &rumor! le_ especially assailed, anti we think 'most . unjustly. There is not a: More devoted, earnest patriot in Washing ten, tier' one whit more clearly sees all the 'terrible ',exigencies of the occasion, or is • more willing to meet them in the only way they can be met for the safety of the coati ' .try 7 - In assailing . him, ther aim is at the President, whom they dare not more openly attack; and the assaults come only from one quarter - from the fri Gen ends of one • eral, who is, more open to_ criticism than ant 'ether public man.ie the country, but who has, for the sake of the great, cause, been borne With, with a . patience and for iairance as.remarkable as the provocation litts been great. - All this has been for the eake of the country If the Administra ",--. Oon hoWevat, to be assailed, and made the scape-goat of sine not its own, duty and `justice will. compel its friends to defend it ' writing up some, past history. I. tJ AT TUB submission meeting in New York, which passed- with cheers, laudations of .14001015 n ata Halleck, several attempts were made to' get np cheers for the Preall dent, but every : attempt failed.. This is the highest praise the President could have re- Ceived. , Cheera-frOM Such a qutyler would have been contaminating. The great body that meeting were intensely hostile to the. Pieis.iderit--haii voted against him, and Meant to vote against him every chance they - could get--stui disdained to utter traudulankand„ hypocritical cheers. They hate him with a perfect hatred,., They *ill In= . , laver and flatter, as long as they think • they. can irelate him to put their friendsin ' effiew;but, bad as they are, they were not hypocrites enough to cheer a man they 71tnow to ye, itt.rne Itepubliemapatriot. i}k.., . ' ATurtble Bien& A correepondint' the New York : :Trib: who , •in the retreat to the 4ames River 'gives. the following descrig .fion of.the; state of affairs; on a part of - _ From 10 o'clock until 5, the front of the r eolurinaltalted. Gene. _McClellan, Beyee, Porter, Peck, Morrell; Butterfield, and others, were in al:tibias consultation. Had the gamily penetrated our design in season to intercept with any' considerable force? was close and strong upon our rear: was he . close and strong in: front? Would the rear guard fight him back? We could ;hear thigh old Heintrelman at work. Hod give :him ;victory l • was the spoken or un -spoken prayer of all hearts. Were Heint trelnutn beaten it was 'utter ruin; if there' were (masons Betel Division in front, the :march to_the Jamas would be disputed and !delayed. 1 It Was an absolute necessity 'that the way be unimpeded, — there were i twenty-five:', miles .of trains cooped up ';between the advance, and rear guards. ; Huddled tuning the wagons were 10,000 stragglers-for the credit of ' the nation. be ;it Said that four-fifths of them were wound.' [tai, :sick, or iittarly exhausted, and' could :not havektirred but for dread of the to bsacovarehouses of the .Bouth. The Con -1 fusion of this herd 'of Tien gnd nudes, wagons and'wounded, men on hose, men on foot, men IT the roadside, men perch 4 en wagons, men searching for water men i famishn. g for food, men lame and bleeding, men with ghostly eyes, looking out tween bloody bandages, that hid the faco— tura to some :vivid account -of the most part.pitiful of Napoleon's retreat from Rus sia, and =Bll out the picture—the grimy gaunt, bloody picture of war in its most 'terrible featinett. The Governors' Letter-to tke Pres, dent. ... , • : Some inquiry is naturally excited by the ~. : . absence of - the signseuree of GOv. Andrew ." -.. and Gov. Sprague to the offer of troops to • ihe President: With 'reference to this die • Boston Trrimiript says;: ... : . •We are`authorized to stile that Goy. An * -: drew•received a telegraph asking his sig, nature to a letter respecting ; the raising of "-.: '..'•-• a large additional number of troope. His reply p y to the request was that he would be happytosign such a document ,' after he ::--,,.. • _b i x nede aware of its contents. Sub " a .Kuently,' Secretary Stanton telegraphed the, form in. which the letter had been t• '-. couthed, and ' - Governor Andrew immedi ately-replied, _ taut it. met, his heartyanden tire approval The question now necessarily recurred • upon - the bait; method to obtain the desired number of recruits. It. is apparpnt, that . -, - with no other inducements _.. a are _ -.* offered, therewould be haralYPro now babilt . ty that the .requisite • enlistments would take piece. , _ _, Gov Andrew ' s plan to recruit ingencoarsgeo ..' *; •:- was for the Government to ~pay 'on e• ituarter elite bounty, $lOO, due at the end " • of the war, in advance., This the Govern. ...:'':anent had agreed to" do, and in obedience to -'Gov. 'Andrew's repeated solicitation; $26 - .?" • ,bounty - Will be offered for recruits, in ad, .'-'! ' . l dltion to the $2 autlicrrized _by Conlirena, ..- ::This premium will, doubtless, greatly stun- mats the enrollment of men. • „ i - -! .. 21 _ ,We hivenotbeen the informedirlly_ o _p_ai:o :;^ '• of th e: - P iltri°tic *9 l c4'!lrn°l: °f t cf n i ( i l iese i !S lt t ' aL g i '. - _ ,- -1- dote not appear n the - e - ' Officials. '-.lt , ralt9 be that he is on f r n blinds; or In some . other section o tiie '.'country, where he could not, lie. ea si l y ` ,! . _,, •", 1 * - That Massachusetts ai.ta B 4' 4ll l l ,' th usu l should : have . et:M :lo ft ent. of this Sat Y., 0 `: " 1167111 eaveril alrth j e ie Eil a :lif:d ineliv" * s on lin we g at i l lr s • st ' firlit. Of f (Mot - government. law, and . em u' th e er cause good g oon none keys bftn more ---' earnest, aeltieitiriiici,ngor prompt than the ~ ...t.l i :', ; .7:: Bid Roy giste and her sist.er.Bhody. .-."....1:: - ...; ' ~... They luive‘given lavishly of their blood :4- - : , 2 .aad treasure , and are still ready 40 h onor , , 1-. ''' ;::. ; 1. ' al l drat / sup* their ; llatalOthot7. l ' h ','7 ,- - . - t,,' - 4, , ' live heads of the two States ' - have nobly '::---- ---'' : ' cull ' cloudy seconded and directed the ,'; ..". '— 4 •-- - * . ":;•: : '" ' 1 11-lidi fi u of the People ; swisr'' A. patriots p r i puszet3firagile today bona; "• * ' '.- ."''-.".- .." . I .l.ndieW end' b i -- , hav i. honored the nonstltuelices. lir 4. , . V --;"-"-; " -t the lied" bY • their • heroin endeavo r' f or; 4, ti_,:-.. ~; per4 , 4 , forotrunei -• - .- •-.- 7 tr ustw orthy friend- ' wiitee:.*. that,: . ',..,!:. „c 1,.,.. .!: '' A' y : .., ' - —.11. -- ze : ::' , * ,- . ' - gyms. of . high °tweeter known Post ' , :,2 -- r" - ..":_ , ;', - "*. writer mat:Gen . Robert Anderarlilt o f -- . T t i - --, "•• - Sumter, lame, and, in &conversation wit h '• - ' Mai concerning the war, th&Gebtral'epoke '- - - 47; "-- - o :of Primal:l4.mM, was soon to - assume acct.:. ...gi. 3 ,-- -.-: :- nand. et the 'Western Depertment; and made substantially - the following. remark: " ~:..;-, -- ~ ,' "I detest the political- principles of Fre -•....'-•:- - 2 inenev - but, as a military man; I doubt. whether he tuurlits:Aqual or superior Ile ' ''-'--`:*''' • ..: thircetzloy,'orlhe'weridr , :-- , N.:2;'Trib.. '-'. s t''', : '' :: . s ' '-- • ' '-*" -. :. --, ' : .;:-...waittAiiiiiiiL--) =MEM - 'x'~ Y^3µ M%2Mi `~' ~~ .. • - The letter of Gen.ilasvzit, in answer to Wietliffe:e r a daltition;is adinirable for its spirit, its temper, and its cogency. Its a.r gnmentS are unanswerable, and we do, not wonder that the traitorous malcontents in Congress grew wrathy over it. The trench ant pen of thd veteran soldier cuts as keenly as a, razor,. and brings down the public in a roar of laughter, at the expense of Wick liffe and his secesh friends. It is something of a feat to make a man laugh now, and pat him in:good humor, and this Gen. lioN r& has done. ?,1r Fclaass . notices this letter as follows: . Gen. Hunter's letter becomes a Stale 'paper of extraordinary importance, in view equally' of the war itself and of 'the embar rsssments of the Government. We should recollect, as we approach this grave ques tion, that. Gen. Hunter is a New Jersey man, much accustomed to Southern habits and Southern society,tind no partisan. With admirable temper and rare adroitness he turns the flank of the venerable Repre sentative from Kentucky, who was curious to know whither he had'organized, or was organizing, a regiment of fugitive slaves in his military district. - He states that. the only fugitives he knew of were "fugitive rebels—men who everywhere fly before the apPearanoe of the national flag, leaving their, servants behind them to shift. for themselves." This will be found to be tho case all over the South. The negroes are set free by the rebels, not. by the Abolition= isle or Congress. Becoming a charge upon the Government, shall they not be employed to do the . work that must otherwise be done by the unacclimated white men of the free States? They were so employed with ex cellent results at the evacuation of the White House on Thursday, the 26th of June, and CoL Ingalls, who invoked their aid and promised them protection, testifies to their promptitude and energy. Gen. Hunter de clares that his experiment in South Caro lino. "hen been a complete and even mar vellous enceese." The-negroes "are sober, docile, attentive, and enthusiastic; ' dis playing great natural -capacities for ac quiring the duties of the soldier. They are eager, beyond all things, to 'take the field and be led into action; • and it. is the unan imous opinion of the officers who have had charge of them, that in the peculiarities of this,climate and country they will prove invaluable auxiliaries, fully equal to the similar regiments so long and successfully seed by the British authorities in the West India Islands." This is powerful testimony, front a powerful quarter, and in this hour, probably the darkest of the war, it becomes our public authorities to weigh it. carefully. , A correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing froin the Peninsula, has made some moat outrageous attacks upon the Admin iatration, while eialting.the "masterly ge nius" of McClellan. The Tribune, in pub lishing the letter , says : We print;the above letter unaltered, pre suming our readers would like to judge for themselves of the views of an intelligent observer on the field of operations. But we do not - hold ourselves responsible for his epinionS, nor even agree with him in his strictures upon the Government, which we believe has done all in its power to re, inforce froin time to time, and as speedily as possible; the Aimy of the Potomac, so far as it could with safety to other exposed points. Nor are we aware that'any dis crtssion orOlte merits of different Generals has interfered with this imperative duty. We do not think the editor did his duty to his readers, or the public, by publishing such letters, but let that pass. In another place, the Tribune says: It is. natural enough, perhaps, to seek, when a disaster occurs, somebody to whom the exclusive blame may be imputed; and Hie eqUally natural that much of that blame should be altogether unreasonable. Before Wenome to any fixed opinion on this 'matter of re-inforeements on which there-is much maintelligentif not idle die- CLUIBiOII, His as well that:the public should be infonned that not much. if any, less than 40,000 men have been added to the 'Army of the Potomac within a month; that still other, and large, re-inforcementa were some time since ordered forward, and are now on thiir way, nor far off; . and that probably in the military plans of Gen. Mc- Clellart.nf which, or course, nobody but himself and the Government could know anything,' reliance for th eir accomplish ment was 'placed upon this very conjunc tion with a large naval force. Before un questioned blame is attached anywhere, let us be quite sure that we know all the facts. Ile-inforcement was to:be made, at a given time, to Ixtth sides if the enemy, in their desperation were the speedier in their ac tion—the 'speedier , because their facilities inn given case were the greater—let us 'remember that the greater haste is not al ways the most speed. It is their turn to day;-it may be ours to-morrow. War never brings unvarying success to one side only; else there ; would be no war. Geni3llttnterte Letter Let Us Know the Facts. ' Deirastation in the South, A correstendent of the New York World eaysd In conclusion, I can only add that the insight into the heart of the South is suf ficient to satisfy the most ardent secession ist of the hopelessness of the cause- of re bellion. The river banks are crowded with people - tinxious to be taken off. This state of affairs is best described as a reign of terror and a "nign of misery. The Govern ment is btirning, the cotton against the wishes of the owners, and each man stands in, fear 'of his neighbor. Union people are not many, for no man may dare say- so ; but of people who are earnestly praying for an end to the war which is parching them with the griping pangs of hunger and want, there are numbers. Fifty boats could be loaded - vrith contrabands who are anxious to escape, their masters being In the army: Cotton is being concealed, and in order to discover it the slaves are fre quently tied np and lashed until they dis close its ;' . whereabouts;. by the soldiers. Trade is a thing of the past. Madness, utter madness rules the hour:_ The sum mer heat is already playing havoc, with the Southernitroops, andby -the time we have succeeded in planting the . flag over every highway in the South we shall have a 'na tion of : pauper/0o feed after:we have spent millions to show them that they are not only the weaker ballot the, Union, but that tley'are unable to exist without the protecting hind of. the North. Tam Nashville Union copies the editorial of the. Richmond Dispatch eiulting rer and praising Ben. WOOD'S secession speech, printed as if delivered in the House, and says: The Union men of the Bonth feel the deepest anxiety that the loyal men of tho North should indignantly spurn those lead ers among them whq hay ing long associated with the Southern disunion's ta, have imbibed all their 'treasonable, corrupt and despotic feelings. The most dangerous foes the Re public has are those Northern foliticians who cloak their rebel sympathies under the specious name of conservative ' and devote themselves to warring against the Admin istration and'all its policy, and to proving that oar,armies must pay regard to the "Constitutional rights" of traitors who are in arms Against tta. We invoke the loyil. - men of the North to cast aside all ltuch leaders.' They are but waiting for an opportunity to 'sell themselveri to the enemy. Perhaps he has bought them already I • Dostrocifon of Eltpfeo. A - fetter to the New York Tram isaye: A•word sa 0: the destruction of Stools during the last two gays. Porter's entire trains. was brought over this Chickahominy before.the battle of Fri day, bende nothing was lot there. , At . . Savage's, when that, place wab abandoned, 1,700-.oolo'feet of , ammunition, and enor mous heaps of Quartermaster!! and Sut ler a stores, officers! baggage, and soldiers' .hnaracks, were destroyed, and at every halting-place since,,the fagot has been busy with whatever could: be transported no further. Lean form no estimate of the en tire 'Table; but it is immense. One thing is certain, but little haS fallen into the en emy's hands. MOVEMENTS Or SEE ORLEANS PRINCES. —The timed Orleans Princes,Prince de.loin ville, Count do Paris, and Duc 'de Chartres —arrived here to-day, en route for Boston and Europe., They return to Europe after a campaign 'of a number of months, in which they have had no oppoitunity to earn personal distinction.. Speculators' in diplomatic matters try to see special sig nificance in their Sudden departure. Some think that it was occasioned by a friendly hint from Queen Victoria, who itra stanch friend of the Orleans. family, than they ought to come houte before they become in volved in a false position,ln which threat ening events might possibly place them:- -Washington Dispatch to N. Y. Tribune. PUBLIC . ,VOTICES. 0 ---ThEtrrult.e. AT TELL IRON CITY COLLEGE. corner of POEM and St. lEktr MONDAY MORNING, at II o'clock: SIMPLR EQUATIONS., TEAC:diERM—Teach . • and applicants for Schoch in the following Dintiicts will meet for examination Re follows: Seventh Ward, Pitteburgh, July 7t6, 9 o`c:ock a. tn. Fourth " " ." Sib, 9 o'clock m. Fourth and Fint Wards, Allegheny, July pill. 8 5i o'..kick a. m. Third Ward, Allegheny, July 9th, 2 o'clock p. tn. Lawrenceville, Ju y 10. h, 9 o'clock a. m. vouth Pittsburgh, July 11th, 9 o'clock a. m. Birmingham. July 12th, 9 o'clock s. m. Teachers will meet In the Public, School House, in the districts named. Diroctone are Imperially ro gues:al to be present at the ornmhintlon. By order of A. T. DOUTHETT, Jns:2t County Superintendent. UALLEGLIEN BRlllliE vl V - DEND.—The President, ILanageir and Com pany for erecting • bridge over the Allegheny River, pposite Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, lose, ibis day declare,' • Dividend of FOUR PER ulf.tiT. on the Capital S, eh of the Conipany, out oi the earnings of the hat six mo...tta, which is payable to.Slockhuidere, or their legal repreeentatives, on or alter the 11th inst. ROSEBURG, Tr.asorer. _ . let. 181.C.ju:t3tvvin MEM= * - =ELF.urioN.—ne etockholders of the Pittsburgh and. Allegheny Bridge Co., (Hand street,) are hereby notiflJd that the Mention for President and Managers, to serve for the ensuing year, will be bald at, the Company 'e Rooms. (at thq north end of the bridge,) between the hours of le a. ru. and 3 on MONDAY, July 7th, 1802. FRANK 8. BIS3RLL, Secretary and Treasurer. 1)1 VIDEND.—The btockhoulers of the Pittsburgh A Allegheny Bridgd Company (Nand street,' are hereby notified that a Dividend of NO DOLL ABS AND NIFTY CENTS 'per @tne an the Capital Stock basthis day, been declared on the profits of the lest sa month., payable fortk- Nl,h.. PEASE O. DINSELL, Treasurer. July Ist.,lBs2du2:lerd . L?E1..4E1.3.10N NOTICE.—The stook: holders 'of the LITTLE SAW lIILL RUN RAILROAD COMDANT rill' hold an ekstion at their aloe to Temperanemille . on SATURDAY. July Stith , between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock p. m., to elect one Pmaldent and six Directors to serve (Ur the ousulag par. GAIL HEALD, Prleklent. Jeikklm NORMAL INKVI wcr TUTM—Tho flnt orosion of tbo — Excolitor Normal 'lnstitut* sill commence on MONDAY, July 14th. For particulars call on Maas. A. 11. ENGLISH A Cir., No. 75 Wood street, or aAlreao W. 8. GRAY, Box 76.5;PIDebursh P. O. JoM•2lroodsz • SPECIAL JrOTICES. M - B.—T.-1860—X.—Drake's Plan- TATION BITTERS. Exhausted nature'i great restorer. They isolgorate, strengthen and purify the system, cure Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Stomach, Diarrhoea, de. A puled amaitizor and tonic. They 'invigorate the body, without stimulating the train. Theyare ,compound of pure St. Croix Hum, Boots and !Serbs, and aro recommended by all who ,use them. Adapted to old or young, bit portipalarly recommended to the weak and languid. Sold by a Grocers, Druggiats, Betels and Saloons. P. It. DILkEZ 2 CO., Broadway, Now York. m7l.3mealain £Lyon's MOgnetio Insect Pow- DAIL tested for 19 Tem and gout' tn• Was. It kilo and exterminates Beaches, Bed Bags, Ants, Pleas, Moths io glottis, fors and 11 unittare, Garden Insects, du. AU genuine bears the signature of L Lion, and is siotpoisonotts to persons or domestic oaf; mats. Beware of counterfeit, and Imitations. Lyon's Powder kills all insects Ina trice. Lyon's Pills are death to rats and mace. Sold everywhere. Li. S. BAllllgii, rnyhriosodies 202 Broadway, New York. 'Lake Superior Copper Mill and SMELTING WORKS, l'immtgan. PARK, 'URD & CO_L, Manufacturer' of SH M EA C THING, Y BRAZIEss' AND BOLT CX)PPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, EWALT= SOLDER; also Importers and &Wen fn METALS; TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, de. Constantly on band, TINNEILT MACHINES AND TOOLS. Wananatrad, Di o. 149 first and 130 deco . nd area* Plttabargh, Penn's. MlTE!pedal orders of Copper cnt - to any &mired pt•. , myTindavrlyT M"The Confessions and Experience. Or AN INVALID. Published ft,r the benefit and as a warning and a motion to young men who suffer from Herron- Debllity, 4 Premature Decay, se.; any.' plying at the nine time the means of flelf-Cure. By one who has oared himself after being put to great oxpenas through medical Imposition andquaok ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed anrelopei smote norma may be had of the author, NATHAN. tEL MAYFAIR, Esq., BedfinO, Bingo Co., N. Y. mhllaydawT. WITHROW DOOCILLII ......Wll.BOl MUTH. M . ROBEtiSON, MINIS & LEES; Yorrocas Aso MAcinsura, Waisnwroa Worn, Pitt.burgh, Nan's. Or►lcs, No. 21. Mum= SmuT. .f Maitobettlre all kind► of STEAM . ENGINES AND HILL MACHINERY, CASTINGS, RAILROAD WORK, STEAM BOILERS AND .SHEET IRON WORE. WI - JOBBING AND REPAIRING dons on short notice. rati2kndl7 jM'BUILKE & BARNES, FIRE=PROOF SALAMANDER SAFE, DANK VAULT - IRON VAULT DOOR, AND t3TERL-LINZD DURGLAR-PROOF HAVE • MANUFACTURERS. Nos. 129 nod 131 TAW atm!, between Wood ood Hosldtdeldoiredo—Nords sido, iderIIANIS LOCKS always oo hand, mhZ ,WPittsburgh Steel Works. 111“.0 3011C1 .300u1 L. son) n'cvuoucui. JONES, "BOYD & CO., flOntifacturoro of OAST STEEL; olio, SPiIING, PLOW AND A. B. STREL, STEEL SPRINGS AND AXLES. corner of Rao and Pint street, Pittsburgh, Perea. • 0019 I. F. 1.11/11PA2ILICIL .. .. . RIZZI MV. C. KIIIKPATRICK & CO.; 11 "uh a Orell and Wholesale Dealers In LAMPS, OH I MEETS, SHADES, CHANDELIERS, az.' Sail*bolesale Agents for EMI'S CELEBRATED ILLUMINATING AND LVDRICATINGCARBON OILS,. Be. as Wocni Snare, opposite St. Mules Hotel, Pl ttsberxh. JalS:l id MJOHN COCHRAN ar 8E.0., ontrose of 1110 N RAILING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW INIUTTERS, WINDOW GUARDS, &a., Nos. 91 Second snood and 86 Third street, between Wood and Martel Moo on hand a variety of now Patterns, Dag and tgalo, imitable for WI purposes. • Particular attention pad to ancksdng Grate Loth dons at abort oak*. nb.9 • WN. HOLIES & BONS, Dealers IZION AND DOMESTIC DILLS OP LI• CHANCE, CERTIFICATES 07 DEPOSIT, BANE NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 6T Market otteot, burgh, Po. ltirOollacttorte mods on all the sttlnulpel dike 'throughout the United Shaw •it C. P. KABELE, Zapf) URN MIADIURRID/ and deem In DOOR, PROM OAP, LETTER AND ALL RINDS 01 WRAP. PING PAPER. Norm?. removed from No. 27 Wood street to Ito. 93 Staid&old Meat, Pittabuisti, Ps. INIP - 06819 OR 'MDR TOR RAGS. mr9 MIIENBY: IL GOLLOB, 'or WANDINO AND COMMISSION MISCHANT and wholasole dealer In • CHIESN, DIIIUB, BT/IDS. TIED, and Prodog* &unsay, No. 15 Wood stroll. PlNaborich. Po. • sal DO LLA —l3• bbli. • •un J. Clay, for tale by . , Jvl • !LIMON Q. COLLINS.. . NJ SOD tOzes Weetern 'HaOm Cheese; 80 do Hananoth Ilfaintmrg Cheese; 100 do Woods` etarch; 20 seeks prime D y Apples; • . 30 bbla 10 half bbl.. Vthite Flab;; • 100 dozen FreL - i; Brooms; ,2S do fancy Her. Drama; - - 80 do Whleh do; 80 do fancy Hearth 13r-ehes; 2 Ma-prima country Soap; 18 crocks Apple Butter; Just received and for side by IILANE YAW GOHDEH:` 1 , 4 Second street 14 ARLIN A.kir, Al' AUCTIUN.--On 11 WEDNESDAY 11101IN'NO, July 9lb. at ID 0791 °A, .ill be sold, at Davis' Auction, 64 Viols at.: 8 dozen amorted Plrtuar Chisels; '' - 9 do do Conant; 1 do Tap Doren; 1 do Broad Akral 6 do Corn Rocs; 5 do usorted Bolts; 3 do Coif-. Mills , 6 do Lla,dled Illtcbels; 3 do do Axsa; ' 12 gross eaklued Lt,,Ak. er.yo..; : tjta 1 G. DAVI9, :sort. I.3o7MOLLtiell IMAM Jot Lth, tloa. CITY WEIGH SCALES.SeaIed Pro pasal., addreesed to the Finance Committee of. Councile, will be T.C.l.ed at 'lie °glee until SAT URDAY, Jtey 12th, 1.862, at 3 o'clock p. m., Weighmaebaes for the mteral City Weigh Scales. Bidden wilt elate bow much par cent. of the gross teeenoes sirloin from eaid scales they will pay the City for the sue of lame.. Da:Ds JOH' FLY PAYER.— mcOARGO, Controllpr Wightma - 28 celebrated FLY PAPER, a sover eign remedy for than, unmitigated pests—Pies aced mgottom—and flee from poison • Wholesale and Vasil by J. D. WILLIA4IB, 114 Smithfield etre.t. Sole agent of the nunufactcwor fur Plnaburgh and Allegheny. 7n7:2w EXEt;UTOICS NOTICE.-Whereas, Lettere Testamentary on the estate of Joseph Ben, decd, late of Bobbin= township, Allegheny county, bay, been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themeelyos indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. and those haring claims to present' them, properly einthenticaled, for settlement. JA S. BYLL, IL H. GIGHOIAON, I Ex°c.U... Adams' raprissa Office, corner Grant-and Seventh emote. In7:6tarT NOTICE.—AiI persons having °tiaras atalnet the estate of Francis Stevenems. deed. Ire requested to present them for settlement ; and those knowing themselves indebted velil pleae make payment to the undersleneel, at the °Mosul Mitchell, demon et Co., N 0.194 Liberty stmt. P17..2t WILLIAM STEVENSON. '14 . 01.1 /WON %V Y, TUI3 ACC , 45r, A-P SEGAII.S.—On WICDIIRSDAY MORNING', 9111 inst., at 10 o'clock, still be .old, at Dade' Ao tim, 54 liifth : S boxes superior Richmond Cavendish Tobacco; 1 box Watermaresextra do do; 15 boxes prime kagalla Sews; 3 bbl.. choice Bourbon Whisky; Also, 12 dozen Patent,Congh kledlelno. n'T 3 G. DAVIS, And. BACQN--3,000 lbs. Hanle; SOO da Edda; • Jnot SOCOITCd and for sale by HENRY H. CA...I.LINS .10110M811-6 casks just received and .1 for see by H 10711.7 H. COLLINS.. bble. fresh Lime for Bale .1-41 by IISNUY H. COLLINs. ADIAINIS'AILATUR ai SALE.4-ity vir tue of en order of the Orphan.' Court of Alle gheny, county, the undersigned, Administratrix et the estate of Frederick Klaus, dec'd, late of A lle gheny City, will, on the premises. expos* to Public Auction, on BATOR DAY, J uly 26th, 1812,5 t 3 o'clock p. m., to the highest and best bidder, the following described real estate, TM: AU that certain lot or piece of ground eituate in the Fourth Ward, Allegheny City, bounded and do scribed as follows: Commencing at the northeastern corner of East Lane and a lot of ground told by Weber's hel •; thence' running westwardly along said Weber't lot and along the lot of • certain Heil man to Vceghtloy street; thence berth sixteen feel sod six Inches alftng Voeghtloy street to a lot of gnnnd belonging to John Pilau .; thence outwardly along the line of John Klaus' lot to East Lane; thence southward!, sixteen feet and six inches, more or less, along East Lane, to the place of beginning, upon which in erected a two story frame dwelling and o her improreaerits. Cosetinomi—One.hall'cush down, balance !none and two years, with interest, secured by Judgment Bond add Mortgage the purchaser to pay expenses for drawing Deed, Band and Mortgage. ILABNA KLAUS, 'Adnex. of Fred. Maas, deemed, per' .P. Mueller, het Attorney. Allegheny City. July 4, 1862:ju1-3tda3twF IN TEM 4.:OUILT OF IAYMMON IN PLEAS. • No. 210, March Term. 1861. Voluntary Amlgnment of A. B. Curling g il t!! g l l tTnow to wit, isms . 26, 1862, The account of Amer ee prevented at chambers, and-upon eormider 'Won thereof, by the Court, It to ordered that notice of the-exhibition and Ming of the same be given by publicat on to tee Laity Garefte, serabweekl,y, fo r . three weeks, and that if no a:cepa:us to said ac count be flied before SATURDAY, the 19th of July next, the samOwill be allowed and coxfirmed ebso lutely. From the It -oord. Mind t KENNY EATON, Prothonotary. jut3weoct ALLMILLEN tX/UNTY, u. In the meter of thaTrunteahlp 0f4:1122 N. Illppel. Into otAllegbony comity, Mama, mow lee of lb* INltata of Alm 0. R."AlrOray. No. 107, Much term, 18t10; Common-Plea. And now, to wit, June 30,1802, the accord °l aid To taco, 0. /I. Eirpoy, de.'4l. premiui ! at chambers, and upon caddaation themor It Is ordered that no tics of the exhibition and Ada of the name bo Alma by publication weekly fti the Pittebusxh Daily for throe sweeka, anti that If no exoeptioos be pled to aid account Def.,* IiATITUDAT,the 19th of July nest, the same will be allowed eel confirmed aboolutely. Pens the record. Attost lIENRY EATON, Prothonotary. Patten interested will take notion. jutmawd3w UNITED STATES HOTEL, ArLaNno CM'. N. J.. I I.IIES S, 11013180 N, Soperiotecdent. This celebrated hotel will be open for the reap. Den of etas's' on SATURDAY. June 21, DM, and will continue open until September 12th. blew the la.( season mazy handsome Improve ments have bee. 'made. both to the hour and grounds, adding stilt (nether to the comfort, cone.. Weston and pleases. of the guests.. Persons desiring to spend the summers& Dip see. Acre wlll And the accommodations at. the UNITED. STATES euperior to those alloy sther home on the Atlantic coast. DABBLER'S celebrated Band has been engaged (or the sewn, and 'rill be under the direct La of the Resent Healer. Dlr. TIIUIAB H. BABBATP. 'ale of Calve May , will have charge of the Billiard Boom, Ten Pin Al loys and nhoutlog Unikry The extensive improvements made two gears ago, and Moto now in contemplation by the ovum of this spleudiALwatabllshment, IJ en ample gnaranke of what tee peitrons of the house may expect coder Its presort management. lITNBT A. B. BROWN, for Proprietors. LIEULIEU. A • , SUN &► , Nto. 71, . of Wood and Tentrib streets, hare re calved a fresh supply of pilau, wares and desirable BOOTS AND SHOES, modeling of Ladles'. Mises. and Ohlidien's HEEL CONGRESS GAITERS; Children's Goat and 310. rooco sad gobo REEL BOOTS; Tooth's Patent Loathe:Orford and grouch TIES ,• Women' s extra site broad BUSKINS; Gaol's broad rowed Buckskin BOOTEES; Gent's Tr.neh CALF BOOTS; Cent's greed, Balmoral CONGRESS BOOTS, alt of whicb bars been made to ordar,vith special regard to fit end durability, and s'o warranted to give *allots*. tioo. Je3o CHEESE I -.CHEESE I I 60 boxu W.B. Chews; • - 40 do do do, small alto; 60 do larga Hamburg Caessol • 25 -do Lataystts prime. In store and for sale ba L. H VCICT d 04) ()UNS UNAINNT •Ok' ruumus, r- Vv calved this day— • " 10 MAL Stop; t do &oar • . • le w. • 011 mane% 10 Was pure Vide • • Aad far malt by ita L. Q. VOIOT t 00. To LE'f—Two three.itooms, No. Hand staiet. resamolon given immediately. jut VOIOT a CO. innBLS EXTRA. NANIIL.Y I+U/tilt; vv 100 bbls. entre roar; . • 1,000 to. Sams; . • I,too Its. Bides;. 400 MI. BbOaideri; 60 dozen Broom; • . ' In 'tors and for wale by J. C. IdoVAT, Jn2 Hp. 10 omltlifleld street. A CARD.—We would reepeothillrio . Ai form oar friends and Lb. public that ire bat, Just received, and Sr. now weans. ono of the lar4 and best selomed stocks of DRUGS. C l iCdlo ' PAINTS, OITA, trIUWII. Platt' UldEltY IrANOT AIITIOLES, to.. to., to be found In CM city, whkh we are preparod to 001 l In quantities to salt ctutomers, at low done caw entire stock balug bought for casts from Met builds. WOODSIDEA.WALLA OI , SdS Liberty street. titolias WALUCIII WOODS= ft WALLACE, .• ' • • • waoLzseis .. . No. 306 LIBUfI VMS? JN:s i r• VOUNDLUID Doti, On rum 014; breed 600 bolt trained, cheap. Inquire at EAOII.II HOME, 101 Fulton Wept, Wad.:. .Je6:lt Ilatitilf, l UB &a, I-26 • Ins. prime N./ mammoth tlairitartObrama, Just nocalTed und far as by /JUNK YAK emu:lNa, tril, 114 &mad stmt. Wu- u••• kg •fl• - • m.d,.-ohoice 1 ' 1 .' 111 . 14 `"1: Zit= 76 Water and 42 Frut otreeta. 11 bbls.bouthern /111 " 14 Id .1. B. LIGOIST CO. • ICI'ILO EU —172 bb for eale by ja2 nista U. COLLIAL. • - ,•• SEND TO A..TIOTHKR. OR ITLIZHD, IN THZ ARMY, oss or THE PATENT WRITING MULE& for sale by W. S. RAVEN, Woon Alp) THIRD, STEM% It contains Fen ' Ink. Paper, EnsalaPas. 8 % - t 01wckers and by 2 Inc Checkerbard. end yet measures only . ochea hes. - sal W AT.hIAZDi T 'AUCTIO ' rincrxsuitssoz COMPANY, OP NEW YOESC CAPITA/. STOCH-.--...V40,001 • : ASSETS, 11.1 Estate held loy the Company-. Cash on hand ..... Quit in St Nichelea 8ank.—............ Amount of Unpaid Cash' le bands of . ; Agents and L. come. of transmission ».:» r .».._..»:„..._.....» 00 00 Lo secured by li:onds and Mortsays.- 011,1133 50 Amonht do. Comp any' which Judg ments bays been 'obtained,..—....--„. .. 4,010 00 United States Stocks: .......... 2,000.00 Stocks bold by the.COmpany as oalater.l security for 10,97.5 (XI Premium Notts due and nomad 1,041 57 Prom um Notes'not due 990 04 Interest on Inseetteems dne and tumid.. 500 00 Interest on Investments accrued but not Vain. of all other property belonging to the Company-. .. . .. LIABILITIES, Losses dee emdanpaid Amount of Clams for LoslliitOD . 7l; tedly the Company . . ..-4 Loa.. during the year ;Lich ' hav47 - heen 2 ' s® °6 ..... Lo.,see during the year le h.ch here not been 4,300 00 Losses during the year not acted amt.... 8,61:0 00 Cub premiums 73,271 16 Premium Note* taken by the Company.... 1,954 54 Premium earned.;....„. .... 61,071 16 Interest retched from Inr.stment• of the gIEPIGITURILI . 3. Lome* paid durAs* the yrar_.-................5 48,147 26 Looks paid duriug the year o blob at. rued Amount paid ant owing for ninmrance promtuma . ... ..... ... 4.423 45 Return premi s nma, whether paid or unpaid 9;340 53 Moen.* paid during ti. year, ineuding - and msaionsa kees p .1d to the Ag• nt. • tinkers of the Company.— ..... 23,4532 34 Tax • I aid by the 4,903 06 The tudersigned, haring been spoLuted Agent and Attorney of the atone named Company, has ob tained license from the Auditor General, and is now ruady to Woe Pe Idea to his many friends at mode- rate rates of Premium. , . 'JAMES W. AII.IIOTT. Agents Je27:2.ls2ttrlP No. 37 Irlth street, Pittsburgh tIESTRU Y Y OUR--Eata, lioaches, &C. LI Destroy yorr--Blice, Moles and Ants. Destroy yoser;—Bed 11. p. Destroy ydar—Moths in Fora, Clothes, &a. Destroy liasir-Innsquitoes and Fleas. Destroy yoscr—lnsects an Plants and Fowls. Destroy youre-Inseets on Annuals, dio. Costar's Eat, Roaah, &c., Ext,erminatar; Bed•lntq Exterminator; Electric Powder for Insects. , ONLY 11:FALLIBLE REHICDpiIi Fr.NOW2i Pm from Poisons. "Not dammrone to the Mona. Family "Rata do oot die on the premiata." "They come out of their hole. to dls." Fold ertrysche se—by all Wholewile;L'mpids in the large cit ee, and; by tavigyists, Grocer*, ;timekeepers, and Retailers generagy, in all country towns and. vil. Incas in the United States. E. eXLI,AIIB A CO. and 11. A. PAIINESTOCE. CO., principal wholesale and retail agent. in Pittsburgh, / ilarCountri Dealers can order as above, or address Mars direct, (dr . for PriaNten7llkc' to et4VAB , / risefised Depot, jeld:Srodavi : Yo 482 Broaderay,,Neer Tort. LIME ,AN I.VAL. of the bed qtuallty, at the ILS. , CELSIOTt. COAL YARD, On ilan Baflmed, at the east end of lilentinary A 11,010,8137 City.. JAM IS BRNO. rany9A GEORtiE E. ALLEN, Bales. DLtsoat, corner of Fourth Street and Chem Alley. Particular attention pald to the melting of GRATES, BANOICS, KETTLES, OVENS. 604 abet PAVING AND JOBBING GENERALLY. . . . . . . . The only parson baying the LIGHT fur constructing DODGE% PaTENT OPEN FINE kLAOES ior Allegheny manly. lf:I - Orden left at Medlin' will receive prompt at tendon. isdahilw rro miobEzvux, ()Fact', PRO DUCEA. Asp GRAIN DEA.LEES.—The adver tiser having had a large eaperienee lu the stone branches of tilde, wishes an engagement in a good house in the buying and selling department. Is ac quainted withrtnost et the retail trade to the alike and Imbue., Lid hes a g.or knowledge 01 the Mar ket. East a-41 Weer. Would accept a position in • manufacturing establishment. Plume address; "U., IluE 285. Pittsburgh. P. O." mw SPKINtis AT 11031 K—Slue J. Ltck, Peltier; liedfird, Congrem, Soratein, Im plies Kissengeu and landmills Artesian 11 atom, for sale by . SIMON JOHNSTON, • Jua corner Smithfield and fourth streets. 'JURE, HULL.A.ND tilN, direct fr om 1 shutout hopes, In storm jugs, cotitakilag over a quart each; also 60 eased of Blulnger's Celebrated Loudon Dock, Oln, for sale by SIMON JOHNSTON, juS ouster Smithfield and Fourth streets. U . QyARTEtiIIeISTERS WAIL. liAiill4, and other CLAIMS AGAINST THE GOT- EUNMENT,:Ix!ught by PITTIII3I7IIGH TWIST CONPANT, PEARLS -4 tons to arrive and for sale by LIP2I HENRY H. COLLINS. GaOVESTEEN A HALE having removed to their new wareroopts, No. 478 BROADWAY, are nevi pinated to. odor the public • magailloent Dew stale I OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, ountsintog an improvements known In this country' or Europe, over-strung bassi French grand action, harp penal, iron Mane, for • $l5O CASH. Warranted for VIVI IfitlS.9. Web mooldinieun, • . • *175 to •200, all warranted 'made of the bust seasooed Plitarial; and to nand better than any sold for $4OO lir $6OO by the old methods Of manuresture. We invite the beat, JuSsee to exatillne and try - these new instruments. and we stand ready at - al. times to test thept with any °there ntaitutachared in this cceintry. GEOVEETEEN • & BALE L $1 ry g, CHEAP PLINOS--The sub- ILP scriber would retpecthdly Inform ths pub- .110 teat ens bat again received a few of thaw Imps-. Nor _Rosewood %octave Cottage Pianos, with over. strings, made by Baines Bros., New York, which shs will sell at tbe•low price of g 176." - ;Thep ars warrant- - 0 tor rive years, - CHABLOTTS Btll.lo, 43 Flitb street,' Sole ismitt int lb. above Plartoe, and also.for Kaaba's 'FlM..)l4lg7.lfnumwymlTl iii/1113; from ilia ooleDratel rietoa OiIiZUBTA NEUMAN; Laulast be4nireciive4 and ire it*: gas bi tr:vrtanza * EITIO., i‘T Jost . Jost nvelvlosu every lane neve stock' of TORT 8, selected PelsOnell/ irsm - lbs - celebrated laentifictorles of OdkJtering italoos, Dolton; Davie I.ox, Dostott; and Haselton Now. Totk—all of new stiles, and will be sold et present manufactoress' rr demi rates fos auh of onn revisonable credit.. lOUS atzta.on; siwoda .1 /UAW? -VIOLIN till' • (18 , rorr ram. Ulf, Trobles,•or X *flint:4 lllsh.h.fkir bslh'quisliff.;o:34 &roods, or A - Fourths, or .11Argth, vire 5Ur5i.:.:...60 • Bat/qults itt strut Fris irsi ch : Or German Ist, XI, &I And • v i dity (Ram. AA. X.sirrsr.strinp; euh.ls' Brit quallti Flollnalfo, Aim; Fo li o so Bolt •“. sod 0, . ,fisted toliaT &dam. Put psld oo rscqpt pf the JOHN 10, =ion; aiviwaiienst:- torrof fresh Strhtss Jest 'rives's! t aw l vtu lue liktiagerge, rioter, Accoolectus,, ;‘ Prminraan. PL. _ils/411:14.WK0Z113,41.14 11A1 IQ. 1111Thad,- , tnnalbo eobbratsi twututoetorrof Kama Hawn Baton. - -Also.' two good - resod. band Candi CIESIN. Toe ado oat - . JOHN IL. NJILLTAOB. - Wooo . NSW FANCY GM'S, for Dress Trimmings, realised by express this trarrning, at BOWL% NARROW BLACK RIBBONS, with coloit4 aiteolcaud by ewer Mb morning, It HORNE'S GREAT CLOSING OUT BAWL of EIfirROIDISIYAI AND LINER HAND- KERCHIEFS ELM CODUIMIS. - Persons who aid' barritniihould'call at ...4 13,100 00 539 90 6:336 30 1,557 17 NEW CAMBRIC SATES, NEW-israien WORE coLiaks, Received by express this isionilegOet "I EAT INDUCEMENT TO PUB OILSEEDS OP 1:0.1r3r . Good / / - A VERY LARGE STOCK AT OLD PRICES, basing ;mirth/mad before the recent advancein prices. HOOP SKIRTS AND HOSIERY. / SHAWLS, SACQUES ADD MAKILIDA BUMMER DRESS GOODS. %/ At a great turtles to close them out. Wbolessle buyers take jot:ha—Fre aro scUias a greet malty Good e less t ‘ lia / s Eaters pica. 0-Taauta Casa. t , C./HANSON LOVE & CO. Jut / $267.917 71 549,661 90 Trns AT Barker & co.'s, 59 Market Street, GREAT BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF Dry arcocociss. linnets hr all maxima. JOAN D. SCULLY, Cubist. PlailrO& ST 1'1: slso 478 - BitOADWA4, N.Y GOODS. 77 sad 79 Market stmt. ROBES% 77 and 79 lrukirt (trot. Nos. 77 and 71 MOIL= EITHNIT. oledale Rooms 2d and ad do.iima NEW BLACK LAM AND swum, NSW SWISS HAMM fin Guibaldi's, HOBlirB. 7 7. ana 79 Market (treat. PREPARE FOR THE Ora OF JULY J. M. BUROHFIELD, NOETH•ZABT °maxi 70178111 am) mat- MCI STILECTO, lump on band large stock of Drees C3loocis, PLLIN want mass lama PLAIN " NULL " " WANBOOK " PLAID I:=M;MM MOZAZIMITIS, BKRLGX2, LAWNS, ORGAN DIES, sad forgo sow tousat of ILLOZ mad SILL ifARTILIA 13, HOOP sum, unnonnaums, ke. , DON'T FAIL TO CALL. THE NEW FLEXURE IKIET. EATON, MACRUM & CO ruytt. the attention of the Ladles to the PATERT FLY:KURR SKIRT =v t r . s t. gr t :hd obtpat .ct entlii Thai Dave also on Ina a supply at „that Waits 11113b0H BEM, knows u vsn?OLlN!;Dssrsml. . . , ' They oleo . invit e the attention of ViliOlifaiLZ BUYSIV3 to their stook of lower Wad SKIRTS, tesnufictunel. expleelly to theft' ardei:-lucct mold at Masten pilot& zerorhutaituir a ca. NEW BUMMERGOODS OPENED MI "CT C3r , la St Corner of Fifth and Market Ste A biatitital asiortinant cf LACE ROINTB AND 011tOCIt113, with damn, tint Wont style. 8617417113, In BIUTIMIIt Goods, $l4O to 14. CLOTS &taxis, for s3:iict Now ttyABOOP EMITS. lili ea and Claidrea'iitOOP EMT& DBMS GOODS; for 5X cads aid tumirtbh • colcos, for &X coats and irrird!. . tnnium RILBB,.In aLeots wd eiripos,irs% Jell' • • . -90113111.1!r'rralliD.MAIMIT . DESTRATIT4IIIAND ,SOLlicE.Amn, OLIN. put reoilvselt7l-Imesi_ NARROW,TRINNANG BERRONLARcokm.- NARROW BLACI:OIIIPIIRD. LADD& •J -. NARROW BLADE TRIO= LAMM' GRZNADDIR AND NIIIIIN AU coot . . ire BONNET RUM Don lea nTelttllACalli C°.. Iffif!!! RULEY, YAR,R= PLUMOZB3, GO dip ; . , . STIAA4 IfB /alma Braun, ma 8 ?owl AND ACIITATOI, Ralsatrias lined la the mad limos' tilted by with bot mast. 4a the 'jib mtdern, beveyorpouts. stAnnwoultuFmr FE=E• Lilie-0, 1 quo e n e rrv ronutiy ‘ itia,infor•szt4toritsie • - 4,34 Wsiar srrinst wow 11111111,14 455 iitth street; --.. -- 1-- 4. ff• ''''''-'., ' , ''' - ' 7, i ,- ' 77- - :;:;•-:. 4 '''. , '! 4 '.._ - -.:=.1"Z,5,,,J.,:v..'i' O*4ONVERT HALL CARNCROSS & DEICEIPS MINSTRELS. " OEM WIEICE LONGKI, nlpaitteular regust. Monday Evening, - July Change of Programme ntihtly. iitilr• SONGS. ACTS, strausquEs, sziauta*-55 owns ; cam. Is morn. Dods open air/4 o'clock--atr mace at jta TRANS_ ZDWARDS. A .. 0411TritSUM111 Leistii sad . . Late. IiONDAIIigYINISO, July tith Yatswell beneat B.OMIT, end pod• Ural} last night of the .41414) THIVQI7ICIX... 1112iDERSON. t1301141.-..7 "- ilas i18131.10R Wlll#llG. VIAGINIA_AIIMMT.' MINKS Yr. J. 7LLETZLZE :07,0p MOWS --Mr. MUDS. A. NETTS AND JENOTTE. 7. S. iir.a.orTs. .VIVANTED.—Capt. D. ht. Atom; of the lOtst Pennsylvania Volunteers. bat been de tailed for the mantling terries. and le now In the city rPr that pnrcawa. Ogles. - nth street. (op Itaire a•• ohs ran hare the cholciof attach ing themselvea to any of the Pennsylvania Bee rosnna • .107:61 11UND6 AND MONTliAlit.ti-Warr - $28,000 in Banda and Mortgages, amount) ma ibilows, to wit t • 1 for $6,000, baying .1 years to tin. 1 ler " 1 tor WO O % " " " 1 for SUMO. " " - " 1 for ••4 }4 " " Ifte•111,000,. year to ran; to be @mewed on city or connty.nroperty and drat Uso. Apply B. McLAIN • CO., Jelli wonrila sinnet. W ANlMA—information of 52. bbla. , OIL, brought from Oft City by Keelboat Writ Point, on or abort the let but. Said Oil in 4 aunt s*" ".1. tha°" 32:DALZZLI, f SOB. • I• 14 - 69 and fll ylinter agent. LINDSEY'S SLOOP SEARCHER. Tie GENUINE AILTICLE, prepusai by the-Ode nalDnrentor, Dr. J. IL LINDEINX.Irtaciti Istapraed twit tote Invaluable In the care of SCROFULA, CANCEROUS Foaxerwas, CureNzotra Ditawml/4 ExcriumAs, PLEA ON.TE FACIE, IMRE Eras, ODD AND artunttousr acims, Rionnumo Disoirms, DYIPEPRIA 7 oTAMIDIOB, SALT ME4IIIIIiI/4. ThaEuzs, AIXALII CWICPLAINTS, WTrEt-A.LL OTHER DISORDIERZ PROM AN lIIPROPEIT CONDITION OFTEN CI:MMATOILY SYSTEM Raja GENICIZAZ TOMO,. EIiTEOTA latr. MOST , . , Is Oared to the public se • medicine in every WIY Maltby of conildenoo—it htYthg now stood the test of emay seam trlth the result of a naphilz Inereur . „ 17 1111th drat. A TONIC, It hes no Kush Unlike the Unger dle mizttues ,ealledtt Matte no fan • • eirpetttA . but glees ton. is4-eiger to the eyirtcitt. trlattarly 'and permm.nUy, . N'S AM= being ttaseneirkgr„ resit dm Pia maim Gec sI7ID iurctsaiing. , tar : that prepared bb DZ. Ma"Mand tab 10 ithar• SOWN JOHNSTON, Durroom; Vgatis asad Retail Algtnt. comer aralthlteld and.lcurthatnetft _:JulAwoodaccriet, U t' -PAPER- •• • HOVEL =, r'.0119PPIT1111; ' HOTD TAP • - HILL i !IMO Penn: • oc.ritri.a6,4 stock Zama, win be Weld at law grim *a Gosh, Botollottlyill Fa& U to their tottoutogo to aq P w .y r mes a calL telrerwill EBAld. earas.tinagar.Priceusti me n slessl4l l / 4 sun* Lakin. Lobule far Kea • Labels kw and weal id anuntiattat szell•pleki•_ • r arWaliM '"7vo.. -Slum Job Prhatem B 7 Road at: TrY' • U • a superb= ardele. ISt thugs golTssispeploon. to, aft by _ JONASTON t 004. sillitunamot • Stallosinv, 67 Wood at. VILEIUTOURArIi choice: lock &scarp mut,lit low poor. atiraoita 1f11.41. JOHNSTON kCO.; oryStasconal stssinsitik 6T Va.:614110t. , w 1; : ! ~,,,,,._" 11-: - , ,.,_ 2001cliza 04: is b3„4 NI" us it 11- ou Co. . 1 5 -iix) do -142038,....,_ : 3 "_ 000 lbo• II; 1t..1..0.xi110" , ' , ..- 7 ' •,I",r :t r, 4ta ...--, "`M L, ~ 7- --::7 P;sl'.l =::rld;ii 1n5114:,-.1 ' 300 tlf,_ll4 /at BIZ kiv, I , - Rps -s t, ~,,:„11%1° ~./411, .1, trtrt JC121.44/,,.14"4. 7 — -- , Zl'.-1::::,—,-- SCALD HEAD, , Trrna G . ENEI4L D,EBILITY, Lmat CoA:rr Wit. Loss or Appirriz, Low fienos; FOUL Bloicim, Nr4nONLICT;AND CANNOT FAIL TO SICNIUMT, WHERE SHED- PEERS warstemy, Arm ,wcomnsa Driar.cmors.