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Punctual and full attendance Is requeited. • - 1 .. f mill ,The'Greitt . lisstie: r: 'SMOKE, in his late speech In the MCA the following pregnant lan- BEM guage . . , , In declaring. the slaves free, you will at 1 f7oVce do more than in any other way, whether 1 • . toloonquer;te pacify, to punish, or to bless.. 1 Yen will take from.. the rebellion its main. I eprsug of activity and strength; ypu will - ~:stOp its thief ' source of provisions and sup- 1 Vitals - yen will remove a motive and temp- 1 , tation to prolonged resistance, and riu will ' ,destroy foreter that, dieturbing influence 1 1 itich, so long as it Is allowed to exist, will k op this land a volcano ever ready to. , .'. break forth anew. ll . . , 'ere is the great issue nowbefore thecoun .: t 4 in a irut-shell. Mr:Souses, and those ' ...._Wholltink with him, whom it is the fashion neW 7 o-days to term "radicals," believe that ' e safety, peace and future welfare of the untiy:require us to go te the root of the • utter now when it is in our pewer.to do a with llio least injury to the country: Those Who - oppose . this wor, and . ho style - - Those "conservatives," are in favor of . ' 4iii th - - • 'ire ~ g every mg an , to !Olio° elide., If it can maintain its ex isteuce,:in'the midst of our:lnternal con- - vubtiefte, and remain hereat'ter tO (noble 41,;iiiii beceme as in-the past the source of ehdless jarringe and struggles, foreenting titrifesond•keeVing up had blood between %risTree and , the slave States, they are con; ent. '' . . • . . . - .:1 'Their object; as they tell us, is terestore the:Constitution and laws over the rebel.: .liOos territory, but an impartial looker-oni -vottld infer fro& theirspeeches and writ ' trigs, that slavery was the main thing that lependitution.established,,and that what was,±P*4:iyartstaining the Constitution antl.tiiiirkvvas.the conservation of slavery. . : It used to 'be the "deetrine of our people, 14 the Constitution was established in be alf of liberty, and that it merely tolerated ltiery in those- . States which desired to ale it—that it, in fact, gave it no'being, talus, or support whateier, nothing but ti 1 .0 'Aging toldiation as a State institution. a like the old-fashioned doctrine the best,' l our it.tc; be the true interpretation lof Soar ftindamental law; _and we think 'those' who are continually -pleadini the Constitution in deftest:cost slavery:do great :wrong to the.noble work of our forefathers. Slavery in`the States,Wendreit, is toler-: aB But-slavery ted. 61 : s by Te the haiConsttuatileend the ethinufe of g mo the re. 1 notioniand it has become necessary in or der to save the country, to destroy it; or at least to put it out of the power of slavery, ... over to dons harm again:"' Slivery'has impoverished the South, and is now involving it in one. general ruin. It;wiltdd be a mercy to - the-slave States to reprove. from '..theut a curse . which hes brought nothing but ignorance, vice and wietcliedtteas neon them: This the .radi - _ ce , lsseek.. -As patriots they desire to use _Lid! 176 t: Ociaitipn--,an occasion not of . ..their own seeking—to rid the country fon ! , „ever - from an' evil almost too intolerable te be borne, and whieh unwise nation ironic!. suffer , to,exist an hour.lonipn. ' than was 'pessible: ;Ibid slavery been Content with :its position In the country, it might have . lasted' for-many- years ; ,but it raised its hind in vielenteLagainst the life of the _nation, and it cannot complainif itperishes .. . _ . . j,iis an-awfulspieriel of its own seeking.. t',',Foionr. part we belleye that slavery will ,not ata li iiive the issue of the conflict, and on "that , , score we have no further anxieties, _but for the sake of the country, and its fu . ttire repose - and -prosperity we desire the 'conflict to conie-to aspeedy end. - That end . _ .. . . we have no.doubt • can be the soonest and , most effectually reachedby . assailing _the ireat nrinsinal,,and putting him bii - deith. ..,,,That criminal is slavery. MEE i, : ii,': ; : f .-.:-: . : - ..;. , .',.. f.cafEttopy in Philadelphia sends us a, copy of the Inquirer with a llng article, ~marked,protesting against, the New York icheme of getting the National goi,ernment to enlarge the Erie canal so as to permit the passage of gun-boats from the Hudson to theitakes; and invoking the of Fitte r burghln, defeating it. Philadelphia never thinks of PittAmrgh except when our help is needed-to get her"otit-of • a scrape. Tinc,Hojets'eatolltia.:i Law:-The Pins 'blast - has approved thoi Homestead bill, and it Is, therefore, " The Prussian Election. , r The electiOn for deputies to the Prussian lower iTouse tail' piece on the Bth instant.. The result is a complete triumph of the Lib erals, and a signal rebuke 'given ,to the King, ax well as the 'Von der kieydt Mitt' is ' try: The "exact 'compulsion of the new iltonSe_Was not known at-the-latest dates; but gni doubt exieted that the Opposition had 'secured an' almost overwhelming majority, obliging the Ministry to abandon its reactionary policy or reeign, unless the King is-willing to encounter the risks of a . . The number of eleeteri in Prtutisis, out ' of a'population of eighteen millions, is ninety-tune thoesand siz hundred and thirty, of which number fully.tive thousand • are in the army. The number . whe - voted ,was shoat sixty-three thousand:. - It -is be lieted those who refrained frien se, doing beloaged to the Ministerial interest, as the Progressista party were exceedingly active. Igearly all the reetebeis of — the Cabinet were: defeated. At Tilsit, You der Ileydt had only twimti r five votes against three hundred and eighty-six for his opponent: ' The nine members from Belin are off' -- A Tsar erroneous idea is indulged in by many people in relation to the largest city , in the world; many confidently , asserting that London, or, as-it is frequently . termed, -thedlreat-lietropolisris far supenon - bOth in site and the number of its inhabitants. Brit .- such is not'the case. Jeddo, the ispi- Jai of „Japan, is, without exception, ,ttie largest and most'populons city in the world. - .lt contains the 'vast vinmber of 1,500,000 "dwellings and 5,000,000 of human souls., 'any of the streets are nineteen Japanese 'ries bviength,, 4 which - equivalent to 22 Englishrat' le a. ' •The commerce - of Teddo -far exceeds that of any other bit) , in , the - world, and the sea along its coast is constantly white with the 'sails of -ships. .Their vessels sail to tie 'southern portion itthe empire,- where - they nre laden with rice, tea, sea coal, tobacco, 'silk, cotton;and tropical fruits, all of which jind a ready - market. in the north ; and then - .return freighted with salt, oil, Isinglass, - Ana WIOUS otJcer iirOdUitii9l8 7 0f the north,.. wbleb hale kulArko /4:*8011!11;'-' . . rfeeessttir, ofConfiscatioro;iNo talon I trial iiiii:,-kad i that the indictment should 1 A-Lir dprEftrisigjflENTS. Sentiment: : be gnashed for reasonithafthe whole army., ~- rt , tonC:i of the- N.Y. Trylactiel , Tote. was-,unconstitutional: This view of !' SMCD TO A BROTHER, SLATEasvitit, the case .was ,sustained Judges Td-' UISND, IN TUB ARKS. Four iiiileeltioirth:er New 'Kent C. 11.,' ' that the indictment.iquashed. t May 16, 1862. The Supreme Court sustains this decision. ONE OP THE PATENT trarritki CASES. I wish Ehrid had the privilege of shore°. . The second -Case CarMilbefere them from I back ride,before this vrarbroke out, through .Litzerne county, in which - county the can the regienlyhence the reliel army was re- 'didate for District Attorney, Mr. Chase, crated and drafted. Of their dead and who had a majority in the county but WAS I .wounded and prisoners, I !taw at William!. defeated by the army vote, tog: an appeal. burg about 2,000. . I am uncertain if the His opponent was declared elected by the. remarkable characteristics of; these men return judges, and the Judge for that diS are at all do be ascribed to their military trict sustained that decision. , The Supreme life; oe if, Unadulterated in their brutality Court, however, decides the army vote no and pure In their • savagery, they are the - -ennstitutionah , and thereby declares Mr., same now .118 when lying in their lairs un- Chase elected. der the thick shadows which landed-aril- This decision will make some important tooracy and slave-proprietorship have for- changes in several officers elected at the ever cast Upon them—lying there, glaring last election. Robert Ewing, who is now ' through their tangled frimitlets of coarse in office in Philadelphia city, as sheriff, hair, they:felt of the - edges of their bowie- will _be obliged to vacate the same for his knives as ! a pastime, and' meditated upon opponent, Mr. Thompson, who had a tna-i the throats of their enemies. The presump- jortty of several hundred in the city. It; Lion is tlit! discipline improved these men makes no changes in the result in this —that they . were more civilized as soldiers county.—Liarrisburg .Telegraph. than as recruits—for of discipline maples , - - - - - amiably their armies had more or less. The discipline of merely mounting guard l and of doing things on compulsion was an improvement to them,..and the Mississippi Tiger of gay 5, 1862, was a tamer animal than the Military rebellion caught in May, But in other respects I conclude, after muck study, that the two Tigers aro ' Citizene 'of the State of New York whose -residence; whose commercial anxieties have made them familiar with the tow paths of the Erie Canal in the last week of November, have a, general outline of the rebel soldier, in a, ragged, dirty,. defiant, '6gtire that, Slouching his old sunburnt tile against,the evening sleet, tramps throngh the mud' behind his team, and with wrath , ful face Covered with ram, hair, and bias , phemy, and with the crust of the summer's bad passions fully hardened upon it, earns money - kir the wants of the coming -night and the nett day, more painfully than any Other man in the Canal State and uniform ly leaveibehind him the impression, that he was abandoned by his parents When he was young, and has been almost abandoned by God ever since. But this man signs his name to the monthly pay roll, and this man can read. And this man takes good care Of his horses, and, has strong good sense, and is altogether a person susceptible of being indefinitely built upon by any skill ful architect of civilization. Only in his costume,: and his Novemher. dirt, and his neglect, and his- quarrel with the universe [ at the beginning! of his, night's wading upon the tow-path, does he at all drop the `level of these rebel ruffians . Ignorance, stupiditY, suspicion, hate, ferocity, laziness and twin pride, and twin servility are in effaceably stamped with the social mint machinery of the South upon the faces of all the rank and file -in her armies. We have no! such people in the North. They can be grown and ripened only under the -shadow of slavery. I should be sorry to have comm4icated the impression that the dirtiness and rag gedness! of the rebels characterize them to our troops... These may be apoidental to the best of armies, and may he - the results of povertY;- But in this ease:they We:rid/sr monies In a - whole: The Yorktown ruffians -were unshOrn, and greasy, and ragged, and =Sty, b e cause they were the "poor whites" of the ldave States, and they were repel aivelY brutal in feature, and sly and sullen, and vindictive/and mean; because they were socially oppressed and.injured by the huge system of Negro Slivery in which they had no share. A regiment of Massa chusetts troops uniformed out of rag-bags, and bedded in Broadway mud for a!vreek, would " ! inevitably be - honored everywhere from' 'the Tribune rooms to Fanenil Hill. A rebel regiment marched out a bath, and uniformed by Cullen in his best and new est, would be fallen-on by :the *hole police :force of New Fork city, and hustled off in squads-to Blackwell's Island. And in this difference between the twohreeds of men lies .e.ho-terra of a political, trotible 'Which hadlbetter receive present consideration in Washington. The confiscation of the soil of the; rebel 'States will be found to be a necessity, as well As an ad, of justice. And a i provision for the utter eitinction of slavery must precede any scheme of:civil ization or political concordance, which will enable us to live in peace and quiet with the soldier material of the Southern States. An Important Jury Trial. A.trial, involving over a million of dol. tars, has just taken place before a jury a Kingston, C. W. The tuition was brought by; the „Commercial Bank of that city agairietthe Great Western Railway Com pany to recover $04.2,000 (with interest) lent to the Managers of the latter at TR. rious dates during 1858' and 1859. The eircnoistances are brimtly. these: An ac tive competition has lag existed between the Great Western and the Grand Trunk lines, the termini of both being nearly op posiM tDetroit. In 1857 the - Detroit. and Milwankie Railroad, then in course of con struction, became involved, and the manag ers of the Great Western conceived the idea of assisting it in order ,to draw traffic' to their own line. Messrs. Brydges & Reyn olds, the managing and financial directors of the; Great Western, were elected Presi dent and Vice President respectively of the Detroit and Milwaukie road. Application was made to the English - shareholders of the Great Western, who voted ono loan of .8190,890 to complete the road in„Michigan. Mi. Reynolds, subsequently, had an in terview with the managers of the Bank to obtain en advance or the money, which : , was to be repaid by December, 1858. There wan some disputing about the form in which the credit should be eitcaded. Mr. Ross, of the'Commereial Bank; refused to lend the money to , the Detroit and Milwaukie road, on account of its alleged insolvency; Mr.Roynolds objected to. opr_ing • an ac count !styled ' , Great Wester 4 No. 2," as pro - poied by Mr. Ross. It was finally ar ranged that it should take the 'firm of neresit Western; Detridt and Milwankie." .Btit thb agreement made was merely Ter .sal, and so continued until nearly three quarters, of a. million Itltd been drawn. Suspiclen began to be entertained at the Bank that everything was not going right, and some correspondence had with Mr. Reynolds, who assured them that the Great Westeriunterest would.be responsible. On the faith of this $200,000 more were lent, during; 1858 and the • early part of 1859. Since then, neither principal nor interest having_been - p•tidi an , action was' brought to nearer the money:- .! . On -behalf pf the defendants, it -was maintained that they had no •right, as Acme of the Great Western, to contract stall s'loan to 'be expended nu another road; that. the letters; Re., - addressed to them- hy.thn bank officers were as inanageis of the Detroit -and 'Milwaukee, not the Great ; Western - Railwaythat, therefore, the insoltent) should be held answerable, not thelatter which is in' a flourishing • condition: .'fbe jury thought differently and rendered a verdict in favor of thel3ank., The case has since been ap pealed., - - linpoktant Deelsion.'..The Ainty - Vote Declared Unconstitutional. I. Judge Woodward, of the Supreme Court, .rendered an important decision this morn ing, in declitzing the entire army vote cast at the last election .unconstitutional. The following cases were before the Court, on which decipions were rendered, The Crminzonwealth oit,.l,eseph..ssa4mars. EiTor;to Phiradelphis vs..opinionby Wood- Waid„ l concurring opinion by Read, Judg ment affirmed. ' In ',the nee of Chase, from Luzern Oonnty, the "army yobs" is pronounced un ionstitutional—and 'a decree made - giving to Chase the office of ,Disixict Attorney. Opinion by liroodtrtud, Thompso diszent- In,ihe first' agle above quoted, in.whicla thiciefon is giyen, a person was - prosecuted in ;"Philadelphia ray for illegal voting at the late •eleetieri;'whilelte was in the eer-. lbw ,jit the , attunrji,sali' . :privatieotiller. This defindant's iswinSal - ,l4ard before the The Woman Ilinjor--' rouble in the Camp 1 , The Pittsburgh Land ng correspondent of the Cincinnati Times writes; • I am sorry to inform you that there is at present some apprehension. of a domestic difficulty, originating out of the late com mission of a female to the rank of Major in the United States army. This worthy lady, whose bravery and'Samsvitan kindness to our wounded soldiers on the battle_ field of Shiloh has won her the love and esteem . of an appreciating public - , and who. has ben p r omoted to rank by a grntefurgovernment, is, I fear, about to fall al victim to..that most dreaded of delusioas—jealouty. This 1 lady is at presebt holding her headquarters on board of one of the hospital. steamers now lying at Pittsburgh Landing, anxious ly awaiting the expected battle, to again render that comfort and aid known only to. exist in thepresence or angels and the at tentions of lovely woman. But vrhat is mit unhappy in the ease of this lady-Major is that her once adoring and loving husband, who now holds the rank of lieutenant, insists .on being made a Colonel, and gites as a reason that his wife now commands him, from the virtue of her rank—being a Major—andlhat this is directly contrary to the 'original under standing existing between Them !Witte day of their nuptials. From this protest of the lieutenant I fear that till law-abiding wives will hold up their handsand exclaim, "Oh. the brute." PUBLIC JrOTICES i rez - LECTURE AT THE. IRON CITY CY COLLEGE, corner of Fenn and St. Colr .t.. 3IONDAY IDANING, at U o'clock: THE_ SCIENCE OF DOUBLE ENTRY. HAMBRIGHT RIFLES.—A meet- LW lag mill be held Tflll3 (Saturday) EVENING, Nth lust., et 73,; o'clock, at %Vashlngtou 8011, No ',cede street to make arraogemenbato attend n Tar get 'Escurstou, on Thursday cleat. A full attend sacs Is requested. By order. my2klt JNO.V. LOGAN, 0. S. r 1 TllN FthST fJONGREGATION vv' OF, DISCIPLES moots abatedly at APOLLO HALL, Fourth stroeb hatwcau Slurket and Wood. Pnisching every' LORD'S DAY; it 10% o'clock . in., and 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Lecture at 7 o'clock. Tho public ace reopectfully invited to attend.' C CLUB.— The members of the Allegheny Hargetnub aie requested to meet at the Mat Nouse, on bATUII - EVENING, Stlay 24tb, at 7% o'clock. P.O. teal attendance is desired ___ cs)-2.1-.t4 \VM. Presidect- SPECIAL NOTICES. £'Lake Superior Copper Mill and 81LIELTING NVOILKS, PITTSBVIOIL. M ' CURBY & CO, Idaunfactnrers of SHEATHING,' 111111ZiREZP AND DOLT. COPPER, TRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER, alsolmportcrsand dealers in METALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET 1110 N, WIRE, ..tc. Constantly on hand, TINNEBBP MACHINES AND TOOLS. WALLIIOCISI, No. 149 First and 120 Second Meet., Pittsburgh, Penn's air Special orders of Coppor not to any doeirod pat. - ' mythdawlyT . ,M"ll4e.(lonfesuorus and Experience ,•111 INVALLtb. Published for the benefit and am a warning and a caution' to young men who raw from Nervous Premature Decay, &c.; sup plying. at the same time tho'mearts of Belf-Cur% ; By one who has cured himself 'sitar being Put to great expense through modicaliMposition and quack. cry. By enelesing a post-paid addressed envelops, smots corns may be had of the anther, NATIIAN -IEI. BIAYFAIIt, Esq., Bodlord, Kings Co., N. Y. mhllaydawi . ,1M - JOHN COCRltitili & , BRO., Ytanufactnrora of IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUTTERS, WILNDOW GUARDS, Ac., Non. 91 Strcond sort and 06 Third Wert, bottraon Wood and Market. Hato on hand • variety of now Patterns, fancy and plain, rntitablo for all purpose:a. Particular ottrotion paid to oncludng Oraia Lots; JohbinKdouo at dart notion. ! WITUROW voraLlea Ric/on KILLER.. 110BINSOff, 111 & Dino ises. FOIRIDILLI /W MAClllarri, WAIWZiGrOIII• WOUU, Pittsburgh. Peun'a. Orytcr.-No. 21 liluszyr SERE . Mayugnetara all UAL's of STE It . 2.1241NES AND MILL MACHINERY, CAST NCB, RAILROAD WORK, !STEAM BOILERS A D SHEET IRON WORK. . Odir.IOIIIIING AND RETAI L IND done on abort notice. mb2Saily Mlittsburgh Steel Works. 1 . JONES, BOYD jtlonufao s tureii of OAST ST PLOW AND h • B. BTEEL,S AXLES, comer of Bass and WIT,JRKPATIIIC . BURNS.? & (Baccoutro to .J. C. 6 ►rl,cl a C 0.,) Mao. +=toren owl Wholads len to LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, CH ELLEIX, ,to; Atirtybolesale Agents for it ILLUILI!LATTIVIANDLIIII' on.s. Woo EleaCie Betel, Plttettergb, PL. " s " " . . M - BURKE. & BAIL ES, : - FIRE-FR(IOF SALAMAND.R SAFE , ), BANK 'VAULT 'BON YitILT 'BOOB, i AND MOLL-LINED BURGILII.OOIr SAirt i . . - AIANUFACT t 411 RENS. . D Nog. 1 aid 131.. Third'air , benne* Woo ni."o Hata/kid strkte-4Norik side. Nl' CarBANK . I4OIIS alanyei on hand: ' thh2s ' Mid. :: &a P. D7ARICI ~ gap e r ill ?lAN OPACTURNRS and ors in BOOR. PRINT, CAP, LETTER. AND A.L 'KINDS 'OP WRAP. PING PAPER. - . , . • 1 ' INITIIare removed from Ne. ET Wood etreetto It 83 Smithfield Area, 'Pittsburgh, Pa. • OIreASII OU TRADE FOR RAGS. wy4 .1101eXES !& SONS, DeOlen' In FOILEIoN , A 751). DOMESTIC DILLS ()T . EX: CITANGE; CERTIFICATES OP DESOSIT,TILLITE' NOTES AND SPECIE, ST Market etreo4 Time burgh, Pe. . OTTCollectione made 00 all the prin•-liail cities hroughene the United Stelae. • - 4p.a M'ICENLY .11, COLLINS, iFor- WAR.ISING AND CO‘RIZSION NERCHAIVT and Whdladle dealer CH E, BUTTE% BENDS, and Prodnoe gotterailly,•Tie; 25 14/00 stmt. Pltuband,.. ...O1 hO , r 15A10.1.41 , .N V V rtom oos to three to na of lend; altb - or With out buildings. Including it. t lamina utto fur z dwell log: Thorn is'on the Malta young orchard of choice !mit treed, to battl..e: On ee; also, ferupeu anit gnat - located e Ono- netghborlicOd; awl possesses better Mama; of tranilt tu Auld trim the MOE. thou nut other point lu tho county. {Terms easy. Ingulrast tho Cite f ETTE {IFIIOB. LUST rt) ' • FAT 11,UUK.—Whild in the Adams Saproas 00hWon Tuesday aftenion, the Mit inst., flat on tha marble Amid a' lII4PUt/COO POCKET BOOK, with a Small anima of Einney. In mall bills, and one Dna Bill In favor of the tinder algae& with 4000 paper. A 'bent! reward Will be paid to any person redot log 1t to'..elthertelf or stale °Moo of the Gauttal . D. H. LE lb,': 41021m'' „Ka la Market atreet; E:no reb4sylinte -. LIGGETT A Ott,, • sot 92 Itme.„: niaLT6-4, t?tommator W. S. HAVEN WOOD AND THIRD STREETS. It contalun Ben, Ink, Pap., Penal, EUtolotwv, eb,ektur. itud ChrekerlextealottA yet tnunguree only PttL, Im h,w br Y inch... wnll OrrICK, AIeaONGOULA rs•VIGATIDe Co Pittsburgh, Ploy Is, led'. i MEETING OF Tti E BO Alt I) A of hi AN AG ELLS of dies Company, held en the lila of May, let. 2, the bellowing ...lotion. acre adopted: hero:red, That coupon Londe of Inis Compary, bearing date the first day of July next, b • muted to the amount or Two hundred Tircatund Mellen,. to sums of One Theuesnd Dr:ll.ra each, taiyable in my five years after the date thereof, bearing in terest at the ram of,als per contrite per au uurit,lay able semi annually, in the city of New York, and thst said bonds be secured by mortgage of tire works and revenues of this Company; to ho made to Thomas liehowell, as tr.tee, for, the holders of said bondx. Heo,fo d , That the Presidet of this Company be arithora-al to procure, to. be negotiated, of the mart; gage bonds of this Company, chid day ordered to 'he betted, the amount of one hundred and twenty-fivo donsand dollars, for rub, or the outstanding bowl. of this compute, maturing on the first day of Jen wiry next, sit par. lu =cordon. with the furegning resoIutiono,SUB SCILIPTIONS well be recelven.nutil three o'clock of the 21th DAY OF JUNE NEXT,; for the above loon. Information with regard to the character of the Ito. provemeet may to obtained from Joehtte Hanna, Karr., of Menne, but A Co, Pittaborgh ; Abraham Gibbon., Eaq. Coatesville, Cheetor county, Pa.; sod Messrs. Jay, book & Co., Philadelphia, who are not. thorized to receive utimcriptions for the luau. The Capital Stock of the Company is... ..... 3726,700 lundel debt, (bonds outstanding) 182,000 There is no tlostiog .rather debt existing. The works are in active operation and complete repair, and the receipt* justify expectation. of the usual or overage dividend for the. prevent year. The works, were so far completed, and the debts of the Comp - ny paid.mi to enable the Manager. to declare their Mot dividend, July 7th, 1853, Mute which time they hare doctored fourteen dividends up to July, 1881— eightyears—emountiog In the aggregate totifty-four and 021 e-half pee cent , or six and eighty-one hun dredths per cent. per Imam. There are no Londe in the Market hotter secured than them of this Com panyPind none that offer greater Inducements fur invest:ment as to security and prompt payment of to tercet. whichis well known . by the holder. of the pave/at outstanding bonds.. The object of this mort gage if to concentrate the bonda of the Company and secure the whole. A preference will he given to the pre s ent holders of the Londe maturing January let, 1863. The Company reserves the right to accept the whole or any portion of the amount subscribed.. My24:01 J. K. MOttall BAD. Preeident. 1.4 1 1.1.V.NE.N LLST UN' AYYLit,A• I'IONS FOIL SELLING LIQUORS, Mad in the Clerk'. Office titeto May 23d, 1012: Alto:toyer Geo., tavern, Mifflin township; 11,0 Unit.. other goals, 4th ward, Pittaburgh; Boyd James, do 4th do, co; Clayton Wm., do 3d do, do; DeVid Thomas, tavern, itichlmid township; Dumas It. A A. C., other goods. 4th w`d,Pittsb'g; Freidenrlch Pd., tavern, Sbarpsburgh; Fees Gotleib, do, Lavrroureville; Hughes John C., do, Lower bt,eltdr tp; • Hager Phitamens, eating bouse,3d ward, Pitnib'm liaelage Wm. St Co., other goods, 3.1 do, do; Hartman Msry, masers, McClure tow. ship; Flutings Thos., do, 21 ward, Pittsburgh; Mlle. James Et., du, North Fayette tp; Rump( &lease, do, 6th ward, Pittsburgh, Raines Jolts A , do, 2d do, do; Lang Michael, `do, sth do, do. Lyth John, eating house. 4th war d, Allegheny; Laverty Felix, tavern,3d ward, Pittsburgh; Ley Caesar, eating Larose, 3d ward, Allegheny; Loughran,Pat., other goods, Monongahela; • Ludwig Barbara, tavern, Manchester; gooses Dan., do, 4th ward, Pittsburgh; McCraw O. W., do, Sewickley; Morgan Edw., do, Vermillea township; Moon Joseph, du, ElcCabdlers do; Meyer Roney, other goods, Wilkins do; Biey. r Philip J., eating Louse, 6th ward, Pittab'g; Nasser Philip, tavern, Lawrenceville; Ober George, do, 4th ward, Allegheny; Plankerton Jesse, torero, Pis. town.h l P; Pattenam Thomas, doi Peebles do; Power Jolts, do, bib ward, Pittsburgh; Patton Samuel, .114 house, let ward, Allegheny; Pateliel DL, tavern. 34 ward, Pitieburg,h; Ilittstan ed., laver., Shaler tows b„is o Hugh, do, lot "nod, .Pittsburgli; Savage John, do, 3.1 to, do; ' Sweeny Wionliriod, lavers, 4th ward, Allegheny; rkhesat F. G , ,atirg house, ad do, Pittsburgh Schutt John, Son A Co., other geods, lot sod, APy Aloud Fred., other goods, Birmingham; Thomas Coo. r.; tavern, Indians township; Uhlman A., do, Pitt do; V a st's° 11., do, Tarentum; Wacker Action. eating home, InqUcMlllo. ' Tits Court will moot on MONDAY, June 2. 1501, at 10 o'clock, to sot on the above cases. ruy24:3td W. A. HERRON, Clerk.. SEWING MACHINE'S. "writt&ms & unequalled tloobin thrißd '525 TAXILLSIWING 314011115iS Soleol'olid, No. 12 FIRTH STREET 'Mete filachlues will Jo all kinds of work. and am striated and kept in repair one year without soy The fAuerlog halite apptarcallo all the evening peyoteof Bemturt„on :bode; of 'kit decision. Decent herBioOP,A . - SossmaMakutark—intportunt Lecieiou iet the Beard Wars Court— The tirover A Baker Starlet - . -Iliscitine Company, by a suit to equity, hare etnabt to obtain an lnluoctLm •agalust Williams A Orris, the mabafactrilers to Boston era Sewing Machine or great Merit, which is aimple, cheap and uoinkse, makes ithe same stitch as the Grover d Baker ma. chine, and is Its leading rival in the market. "The cacao has occupied the Court since Noremlur Sprague, on lisdurilai. delivered an opin ion in isvorof %%lithium; A Orvd., who nem ;eve ',Mediu Court by their counsel, Wm. Whiting and A. C Washburn, and the Injunction wrs Wiped." nry2l VALLIA-BLE IIIEOLOGICAL AN •. . . MINIWIEUS attrnding the tneetlng of the General Aesemttly of the U. P. Church, an, Invited to .d examine Ile large .41 valuable stock of etaud d : THEOLOGICAL, BELIGIOUS sod MISCEL LANEOTIS BOOKS, for dal° by A full syyply of all the Important now Books. my2t port.a,LE,—.uttuu• b'lYl'UKyt A' set of DRAWER% 811ELVING; CASES, COUNTERS AND BOTTLES, In the more now occupied by us on the corner of 4th and Wieel; vtreetic %Ye parpeee rctdoving, in a few doe, to bur; new Iron _Flout 13oliding, Nos.. 70 and 78 Wooil the same being fitted up with extra new inrattury ;. and having tla further no for the Astarte nod in are, we will !loathed/ at a bargain, either in pert or the wholti B. L. FAII4ESTOCK S CO., my2l.lwdaw'r cart. Wood and Fourth emetic W. /1 . C111.1..01J015. & CO., • L; also, SPRING, EL SPRINGS AND streets, Pittsburgh, ocl9 ARTIFICIAL LEGS AM) ARMS. balphia'a colebratadPilaut ANOLESEA LEO and ARTIFICIAL HANDS. ' 510 BROADWAY, (oproaitaßl. Nicholas Hotel,) Nos York: CSIFSend for a Circular. 'ER'S CELEBRATED IIC&T/NG CA)IIION oppoalto St. Chailis ja10:13,41 DIME SAVINGS INS,TITIJ"ION, No. 110 STET, Open for Dopoeleot THIS ISTENING,frorn 0 to 8 W 11ULJ.i8 Al. E'ER WA it NI- If V 'MUSE. ' LINTER PAPERS, OAP PAPERS, • ' LitiTE YAPSIII3, . DILA. PAPI.II3, WII,APPLNO PAP6.IIS, ' MANILLA PAPERS. large.'atl assorted sti‘ek of the be.t broods w, ll be sold at low prices for Each. Retallers alit foul iblo their sufseitliage to give us a WM. 0: JOIINbTON CO., my233otwood • Paper Delvers, 67 Woed street. • LITEMI JOB. I'itUNTING I:lllU*E. t.„, c.rds;:pircular.,Prico Mots, Bid llotoda, rd.doret. hills L•ding, Lsbolt fur Matioracturent, Labol., fur Itrualsto,.aud every kind' of ornamental stud Yla.th Pcinungi, ozoOwed twocly, with d spatch, by' , :.,• Wilt JOIINoTOti 110.. roy2it:ittotreoll Steam Joh Printers, 67 Wood at. CAItDS, a superior article. for.tho Isio of Pnolographorx. Fur solo by j NV61.1 . 4.4014 CaTFON dc CO.. ory24,ltftwood . tzlatitmer., 67 Wood pfIUTOURA.r.LL'ALBUItIe.--A ellopice : cock apd lwgo varleti at low prlcco. • FOr 0510),,y WM. G, JOIItiSTOAT CO • my2l:3toweol • Stationers, 87 Wood Woe. yTEEDIW; FORKS, AltlibWAlll46 AND,BROYEES, IL.ADIES'APADES. DIO gl NO FORKS. ROES; GARDEN TROWEL% BEEEIVRARES, SYRINGES. end • beeentl arrirt' tetra Etnploments, Attie. 28 ERIE street. ^ I OLDTyr.F. Al I TAL, We itave;ezi bawl a gilt:ally of old, tipz tebtcb we wilt sell low for cash. FiatUUSON it briIDKG. Gazette Job Office. '.. 200 =g..Lh. l , l cl'itl.V.r.c° l7l ',i 25 do Cabo , do; 20 d.. Now 0 'eons do; 80 WI. chola Y. IL T. 50 . /soporlil AndP. Tea; 150 blils.,varlodB brandi N. li mn p; • : 300 do Mow Orlosai Moo as' taxied angst; . Willi cotoldoti w ortmOut of IPOd! In our 1144 Jnat • • LROIITII dr. CO W.P335.P41504c0i5t1ia.: MEE i,TIDIE SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. f:Jl_./ 110 53111,111L.T. STYLI?, (opposite the Custom l• Howe ) For Bair by TZITETCIt6 Josiah King, C. Zug, C. H. Wolff, A. S. Bull IJcs. Dilworth, K. D. Cochran, S. S. Fowler, , W. A. lined, Wro. Smith, J. W. Woodwell,l B. C. S.chruertz, a. B. Jones, F. Bahm, C. W. Bicketaon, B. F. Jose% .1. M. Tiernan, S. B. tiarimu, W. H. Phelps, D. M.l,ong, R. J. Anderson, O. B..Herron, Ch, Jaa. W. Baxter, D. E. McKinley, W. 'limner, I • Secretuy and Treasurer—P. E. lil'HIN LET. 1 eh, Open dally, from 9am.to2 p. m. Also, Tuesday C7 " P KEW sTyLr ov IMMOVABLE and Pattirday evenings, from C to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of-OliE DIME and np‘vmds. Cicap CLASPED TAPE HOOP SETO. Dividends declared in December mid June of each year. •-• . .. . . • Chiop , PITTSDUROI3. Pa MIST, STRAIN & CO., Agent ll= RELIGIOUS BOOKS ROBERT 8. DAVIS, 23 Wood rot (opixatto *bo Custom Hon Chirtered by the Legislature. President—JANlS PARK, J. VICE VELISIDENTI, R. F. Rudd, A. genera., J.csbon Rhode*, Jnoob Stucknall, Aloz. Bradley, Alfred El.k. Wm: H. Smith, Jolm Y. Jamninge, Thai. D. Healer, That. S. Blair. Pram!' Sellers, Henry Lloyd. Dividends allowed to remain are placed to 'Dm rodlt of the depositor as principal, and • Dear inter- ten t. th compounding comunding it. Book containing Charter, By - Laws, &e ., furnished Cis tit that nice. his Institution pare, especially to those per- Ch, sons whose earnings are small, the opportunity to accumulatn, by small deposits, easily raved, et 61:1111 which will be a resource when needed, their money uot:ouly being safe, bat bowing interest, instead of remaining noir oductive. mvlatlynt T' BEST SOU VENlit IMMEM:II On April 26,1862, wilf=t, New Monthly ferial, BALLADS OF THE WAR &series of PICITOIIIA,L LYRICS, From the well Immo pro of J. H. DUGANNE, hiagniticently ll'mantled from original drawings, by the best ulnae, and beautifully printed on hot-premed paper. A part will appear every month, including. among other things, the FALL OF SUMTER, DEATH OF LYON, DEATH Or ELLSWORTH, NEWBERN, BALL'S BLUNT, PORT ROv AL, FORT DONELSON, PITTSBURGH LANDING, ROANOKE, HAMPTON ROADS, PEA RIDGE, AA.. An. The whole forming an ILLUSTRATED POETICAL SOUVENIR, of every oveut In the present Mostimportent strug gle in the history of this great esti II Part I. entitled: THE MARCH TO THE CAP ITOL, (of the 6th Regiment of Massachtutetts,) will appear as ahoy. Single Parts, (monthly, free by iircati,).—.—Z6 eta. One year, (14 monthly parts,) • • 00 Liberal terms to the - Trade, Clubs and Canvassers Apply to JOHN ROBINS, P. 0. box., 3,94o—aplB:am 37... Perk Row, N. Y. 103 b.V.V.'lio.'AT.lll.6"urr'BE„Er'.'! LADIES' DRESS TEIW.UISGS, da The Copartnership heretofore existing between KAUVIIA.N d LONNERSTA.DTER . . _ Having been dbeolved by mutual consent, the under signed respectfully tniernta the patrons and friends of the old firm, and the trade ict geueral, that he has taken all the up-Main:room" of No. 10a North Eighth street, above Arch street. Yhiladelphia. to .11tillUt• the manufacturing of all kinds of DIiESS,CLOAK, and MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. FRINGES, BUT TONS, TASSELS, CORD, HEAD-NETS, of all de scriptions, at., ac. And will offer loducements in prim and quality, an well as prompt attendance to orders, in evely article appertaining to his line. WM. LONNEIRST ADT ER, No. VD North Eighth a., above Arch st., apl9:lnt WM. UURAILY, . WHOLESALE GROCER No. 271 LIBEUTT STEILET, PITTSBURGH, Ps eing porchneed the Interest of hie late partnon, continue the bueinese et the old stand, and inn plemotil to melee the patronage of hie ehl friend@ ettetomera. mels-4tf 'Ll.lllll.O' -TABLES, with Sharp's rat.t 011410il, are wo I I knotro to be superior II others. Pereoted November, 18,5% • - 1112touttctory, 148 FULTON STREET Noor and second-hand BALLS, CUES, - TRIMMINGS, &c., Sc. 05ir ; Ortient by mail will receive prompt attention NO'l'lUE TO: CONTILIOIOELS.—Ihe New Castle and Beaver Valley Railroad Compa ny will rOceilo Peeled Proposals, at their office in hew Castle, Pa. till MAY 27th, at noon, for the grading and bridging on the two following railroad routes: lat. From Now Castle to Homewood Station, on the P. Ft. IV. d 0. 8.. R. distance being about 15 milts; '2d. From Now Casa., to the P. Ft W. ic C. It R , at or 'near the 13d mile loot, distancl, being about 10% miles. Plana and specifications of the work on both routes tan be _sosn at the Company's office, on and after May By order of the Board of Directors— A 1.. CRAINFOILD, President, N. C. A 11, V It. R. Co. 011 A 1' 1L L for Acidity of the 5...7 Stomach; Oxygenated Bitters, contain no alcohol ; : • Covers Pills ' for rheumatism; Lindsey's Illood•Searcher; genuine; Bunion and Corn Plaster., warranted; Jowl Powder, rertsin death to lioachm, Sc.; benzine, purified; remove. grease, Sc.; VowelPs Sat Paste, only 0) cents; Bed ord Water, fresh from the spring; Edinburg Ale, very superior; Elixir of Bark, a tonic and stimulant; Magnolia Balm, removes pimple., he.; Omnge Flower Water, very flue. Sold by SIMON JOIINSTON,Daroutsr, myl7 ' Corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets. WILLLAM A. Li W YEA, Commissuni mucw.um, for the isle of CRUDE PETROLEUM, REFINED OILS, KEROSENE, NAPHTEIA, Sc No, 130 WATER STREET Wit - Liberal matt sttranet;s muds oo couelgnmout .nod prompt personal attention gtrou to all busLa • m 21:3oul CWE'S PATENT STRAWBERRY BASK US. 'ire skipped Blrmvberr . l., twat season, to thd baskota,tu good =ditto°, to Chicago, Philadelph' and Now York. For udo •t No. 2 Fifth etrrot OIL 11Altlir..1. 500 good, second•6snd OIL BARRELS, WAITS lIROS..'A CO., For saao by I=l=l REDDINIi PLAINTK—A very large LP stock et OAKLAICD GREEN HOUSE. nom pralaw ROSES, VERBENAS, LANTANAS, GERA NIUMS, LIELEOTROPES, ANTIRIMNUMS, YUS UBIAS, FEVERFEW/3, WALL ' FLOWERS, PHLOX, du, wholesale and recall. at: low pion. roy6:1114, 11 Thirty PRESSES FUE. SALE. Thirty capital TOBACCO PREfiSES AND COM. rraksgs for lade luta, by CARPENTER & FORD, Cincinnati, Ohio. - - . .61 Slight Cold, VV e Ch • • - 0114--,- I caelearva BRONCHIAL or ,0../"C Ohre-CU, . s c C ;3 . which might be c/te4d,. gOer , with a simple renteciy. if, neg/eFted; Often:tenninates seriously: Feui are aware of the importance if stopping a' i ccuLak or gfliall.f. / Odd in, its jimestage ; that which in the beginning, would yield to a. mild remedy, if not attended to, soon' attacks the tangs. .4itauirea.groarichictirn . ar...he# were first introduced eleven. years a t ga IL has been, proved that they are the best article before the public for r. xdda, 41 1 saner s', the Ilackin# Cough in: Xanititmitlian., an 3• numerous ciffeci.ionsicf giving immediate - relief. Public Speakers. sr Singers will fru:lthem. effeCtw4 for clertirg, stin..T'iltrenitheiting t/i: voice.:. • gold cal prugiri., - ts and Oge.firers inXedioirte, at 25 ein,ts per ler yer,ts try sums ionanolir, a. a. it EiSII B. AsaaIiESTOCIL 00.. g. SELT.IBB a 00. B. I..YARNICSTOOK 00.. B. VANDLUVORT DERSON BROIL • dentoreakT• AMittiUN E 1 i'• CLOY • "7191;C:. ,;• •i vv jtiit - 191v1,,t 28 88.128 , 8t: Cigar' . 1 !DI E .: ! J. He. Poe? , SMMMI . gi1493 AT 373 CZNTS % yard •ida. .FTNIE LAWNS At 12% cent', fast BEAUTIFUL BUMMER DIIVN RI ' 4P GOODS, of the West ityle, Jut °pima, ria LIGHT COLORS)) BALIORA MI=MI W. & D. HUMUS NEW! NEW! NEW! JUST RECEITSD, TUOIIO Eastern Auction SaleS., BARKER & CO.'S, 59 Market Street, SILI3K.S, SOLID COLORS AV 87 c. per yard PLAID AND STRIPED at 50 to Tsc. BROCADE SOLID COLORS at Cc., and In sd the deshAble shades. INDIA MUCKS, heavy quality, .t 50c BLACK BILKS, In plain. stripes and figured—ass Immense stock at all prior.. 0-IZEN_A_IDIN - ES A large lot in black and all colon, eery cheap ORGANDIES, JACONETS & LAWNS 13ZIECE13 THE LATEST IMPORTATION—from 12.3/.e. to taw. per yard. GRE.r.iIDI.VE 8E11.4631E11. Severe' lota, edl new, at various pricaL SACQUES & MANTLES, In SILK, CLOTH, and various otber new material., In twenty diffident atyles, at all prima—from - 11 Oil to San no. ST - T A W LS, For• SPRING and SIMMER. to great satiety, Darla& tug lamasery handsome GREN ADINE and CREPE DE PARIS, at 810 OC, worth hum 815 00 to $2O 01. Otherkinds at • $1 00 and . up wards. DRESS GOODS • Oar 'lock of those, for QUANTITY, VARIETY • 01311 ICA PNEBI3, has mayor boon approached tit this cy.. Prices froro.B% to $1 per yard. 1111EUTE2 lino lot of CLIA LLIIC DELAINES at 12,Ni0. worth 8 reqte. Oni, lot BROCADE POPLINS, quite new, 12%c,. orth 2.5 c. OBEY GOODS, (rain 12%c to 25c BLACK AND WHO .E. CHECKS, from 12% cevt• • 76c, Together with siVithrnost endless variety of Trench, English, German and &mon DRESS GOOES;Sit the same rates. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, A laiga 'Lock, able% we.Aro atlllcg 1:1111FOIPILT CHEAP. BUYS' AND GENTS' WEAR; A NEW STOCK, at all prim. N. B... Positively but One Nice - myl7 On Monday, May 19th, 1 JOSEPH HORNE . WBI com mence to.tscolversolothat stock Ot mum nd HAIR BONNETS. CHILDREN'S am RIIL: DoSS, FLOWERS, SUMPS, and a toll 800 of /- . Itir.LINERY 61,300." . 1 V . , . . . . . , / „. - 400 DOZEN HOOP. ENIETE. Di....Dlaxacaut Tied, Woetm,l3ltettd, Ylexara, OrLtotbak. -Draped% Qtls. ker, Young Ladles', and all other styles, aa;ling at Eastern prices, for OAHU. / / . . . . Whoßeale beyen wfillital our itock of the above Mt„ her with HOSIERY, °LOPES, RN lZEtret lES aid HOTIONSIst such whew ea will enable them to make money, ott them. • JOSE / 'U 110ItNE, CA - helmets BOOMS 24 end Sit etolst.), ta4TON, td4,4,MUlit ,/ 'No. 17 117T11 • 't kilts th e alpa4,-of • cmalatkv Ank mut, strnme To a tho ailed /Oa of deshable goodfir MORE NEW GOODS HILL AT M. BURCHFIELD'S, North-east Cm 4th and Market its. firW CkLICOS for 12). Do. 1.101:11LIMIG,.. _12.340. SOO. 1312;i0H1218 BLACK AND WIIPfE PLAIDS. MOZAWQIIES, be.t qtat7 ENGLISH BEH3GES SACQOTS ANDiikIaLSS: NEW STYLE HOOP SHIRTS Goat, for GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR. 'BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED DUBLIN& 104, 11-4, 1^.4 fITIEinNG 9-8, 5.4 euxowltundss. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS ABD:TOWELS CR&SII, CiSTTON,-DI&PS88 ear DON'T FAIL TO CALL BEFORE PRE CRANING. ? myl7 ELEGANT ASSORTMENT NEW STYLE SLOOP SKIRTS, extra rivet WI. teniaga EATON, DIAOIOI3I Sc Co., =Bain DENIES, HOSIERY, _ SHIRTS, COLLA BM, lES, SUSPILNDENS. - BUN AND DA IN UMBISELLAtS, SILK CO MATO, RIBBONS, - }ll3utiNS. 110018, and all kinds of WANOY ANTIOLIDIA NOTIONS. sir WIIOLIZALit BU TNIIS supplied 011 the beet terms. eras ~lL.:'® . _ Noe. Iliad 711 MAIIIEET RTRICIT ni....... ' • _ DR GOODS. du, male toorder NEW DRY GOODS, JUST OPENED DRESS GOODS, SACQUES, ac HOSIERY AND SUN UMBRELLAS ROOSEEZEPING GOODS GOODS FOR OMITS AND BOYS' WEAN. PRINTS. HINGHAMS, CHECKS. Ac TKRAIS—CAsst, itimrs emus cow C. HANSON LOVE At COOS, 74 Market Street. • NO. 17 1 11 maim• Jobbers and Retailers EW GOODz EATON, Atittaiint etiCo:B. , Tim 17And 19 Fifth it. XiirWholediala and It.tatt at loatast.pricei. ap96 .1U6'770.1 - SwILES. SOUTH PITTsI3Uxo LOTS AT ll AIIOTIO.N.—On 21.i1SDA Y EVBSIBO: XIV x7,h, et 21 ..dock, will 1.0 sold, ih the aocond floor salve room of Davie' Auction, Li Pifth street, Thir teen large Building Loll In the Botough of Bouth • Pittabitrgh, each Itontiog an average of sixty.ftve • loot oar Gray' s road, and extending Lack 300 feet' to •- property of hire. Bailey, being loss numbered 2 toll . • dicloolve, to subdivision of lot X. • The lois are a couveginnt walking distance from the bionougshela bridge, and well suited for Wove who wish to sem& to themselves a home at low price. _Plans of the lota' map be had at Davis' unction. TIMIS ordots—Ten Dollars cash, and live Dol lars per month until all in paid, without Interest. my'24 J.'G. DAVIS, Ate. D ESIRABLE DWELLING. ROUSE AND. LOT AT AULTIOIL—On TUESDAY kirErilliG, Nay 27th, at 8 o'clock, sill be sold, in the second door salesroom O'Day's' Auction, 2i0.154 .‘ .'Fifth Street. That certain lot or ground (being part of lot Do. 272 .n Wood. ..plena animus on t•si east side of - &wad siren, tetecon ;Market and Flury streets, haring a front of nineteen /00t on Becond street, and estending.back eighty feet.--on which ls erected the modern style, well finished; three story dtrehing house Do. US, containing hall, double parlors, dinhig-room, kitchen, wash-house, mx ; bed room and bath-room , gad and water. Has been ; lMo ly,tipaluted and gaiered,' and is in good order ; throughout. A good cellar tinder the unite bottle. • Any one oestrous of examining the property:Previous to sale, can dew by calling at the auction IWOI6. 'Mum or date—One-fourth cash ; raid= in area equal' annual payments, with interest, aenned by bond and mortgage on tho premien. cot= J:G;;DAVIS, Auct. VADJAIILE STOCKS AT MICT 1()N . TUDSDAY YVFMINU, May-27th, itt o'clock,-will be acid, in the Second IFIPOI" bales R 060.1 dt the Commercial Auction Hume, 64 Plith, the following Ust uf Stocks: • bD Shaine Bank of Pittsburgh Stock; 60: do • Allegheny Suspension Pridge Co.;klOclif 60 do Pains. Railroad Co. Stock; 63 •do Pittsburgh, Sort Wayne amt, Chicago ItAilway Co. (new stock;) . • do llorwngshola insurance Co. Stock.' I.2Pittsbcrgh Insurance Co.; ' • 6' do Penns. •co -do. isy22 J. 6. DAVIS, Acct. WISH, TOBACCO, • BEGARS,. &e. --43 n WC/1111Dga MOUSING, hbei 24, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at • the Commercial Auctitu Haute, 64. fifth Street.. _ 6 barrels Sanduiky Sim; • 10 do Bleeeieee Herring; 3 boxer Virginia Cerentinh •Tobatim; 6,000 Llama began; 1 box .Indigo; 6 boxes tiround DID Colhie. mj-23 ItMM= CONGRESS GAITER TOPS AT AUG TION.—Iur MONDAY at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at tbo Commercial,Atto• Uon Jlouse, M Fifth avant, 8 dozen Ehith, lah and Patent Loather tatter Top➢a,, for men's wear; whirs can wow he examined at the Auction Room. The ILLWItiOLI Cr the trade is Invited. inl24 J. 41. DAVIS.. Anat. f, 4 1 I rEaCIUK 13Utiti AND 114.1.11P. , 1; P. 7 AT AUCTION.--On bATITRDAY Ref 24th, atil o clue/L.l , th C=ler` .dal Auction liouse,6l.leinn street, Inci erior Top Buggy, Weat'e mete, nearly new; One bCOl[ll Mare, works in single or double lumen. • - in LI • •J. G. DAN IN, Auct.„ fluuLrAnavr LEVAIIC -WATCH. Ax Auerzox.--cin seTtruDAY tVS2n3OI MAY 24th, at 8 o'elockorill be eold, at the Oossznat nial Auction Ileum, 64 Stith streer.l.ree evertor Jo eeptt Joheaoit. Patent lArell . Watch, gold bunttu tase.lB carat« • : J. PAY'S, Anet. ' r . . I):tiIiTtIRDAY ~.110/alLNCi‘litai.24th, *0 .19 o'clock, will be sold, at the Commercial Auctic }louse, 04 Filth street. . ; . ....- :... Ci f ... _.1,00m /bs.-tist.Steel. 1 incb square. '. . - [....- • . J. 0.. I , A V 10, Axiit. P_AHOUCHE ANI) .RANNENS JUPAUOrION.—On SATIIIIDAY dWUNW% Nor 'kith, as u. cecloa; rail be odd, el' the Couuneretel . Audio. Bowe, Flab Wee!: One single-hope Be oucho in seed conditine, au..bcne eat eteigle nem, e leer mounted J. G. Cuu TERs. AND , btirdaiNG .AT AUCTION:Oa trATURDNY NOUNING.Mai . 21t14 at 10 o'clock, sold, et the Comm :tali Auction none, 51 Fifth street, wood Mote Coastam,l,.... ebelrlog,,Drawang_lca. • J. O. , P1.1.1r0. — NE;PIANOSc $2OO F iQantitnire.ec • .rancul =nerd, lull iron fresun, event:any, 7cc , ciPlANOS;inscle In Hew Tork,'can bs ban for low pins They u9otully,waerentod. • mu. Agents for lhe cclulT ?lexica, QQ .L* ll ' : 8. '380 A tkart oupply of thoat,elenat. usofol ana cheap ILARAIONMIti rocoivod tiodas.. Tatham, Ithaca ors of Schools, Sittgion: Masters, Leadora of Cnotrs, . 0 4 tn. public goaeral!y, an reopectroll7 • Invited to COL and otamlna - thew . , at dm moods nantroono of ituakiton. Wood at. . TIN IZELTON "MOT/WHS . NEW YOUICRIANOSe—Anothor supply Odle larga Boron Oman, Softwood ?bums ' from jlaseltoa prOthers, Now York, jut recelvedand fordo by mye ' JOHN H. MEMOS, 81 Wood 0f... DULL% 0$ FOR T Wt./11U Al OBELI DOI,. LAR121. , -liednali Brothers 'elegant pdssweist.7 pi.d1103, - wlttreareed - tavvrotm4. - pornete." - Adl loon hams,- Rosewood to and rich nentaitiop h , foe TWO RONDRZO DOLLARS: For sale )OHS 11. MELIA% a wood frIWO eir.A.X)I4IMIAND, - FIVE 00. • 1: TAT! POBTABIJI, .11ELODICObli. of Gorkarf I Ifeedboarand Ihrou I Ibunlin. ,lror WI by myS JOHN IL lIIILLOII, St Wood stmt. VNAB C 3 .PlANl.lB.—Bplendui new . .I.litoth of the celebrated' Geld Medal Premium PIANO P 011,113, matturartured b b i e lLsu Lute 41 Co: They bare been awarded the tor eieellemee' our all colupelision, auriiirr=sno tratooset by RIOLIMUND XISALBSBG, XL =AO., BATTER; tied other diatiogsalled,Plut• iste;t4 beialtill, oot irtmeriorith any Able woo: try:. CUAIILOSTX LObill. 43 MI kistree4, • bole Agent tor the Maouraetpters, for Pittsburg% Rd Westerufemmylrarda. • toyal . . . .