The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, May 08, 1862, Image 4

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REPLY 1491014 : 7411,1W1L ‘,A IBM
Not H. I._DAWES, of Maisathusetts,
narier,:kesu, Una.
' - Waslogtoo, May 1, 1812.
Aities Pitelankar..A., '
'Gan' Imam fienfraftlittid Y Philislelilhto
boat/autos the 'pooch' of Judge KAI?. mole ttpott
the Tao 'ff.yek lstrutitostkirt. Cotaaattoes..Roport,
As I hove boon mamma to so defending .tho chssootoo
of y Mood, - tht. Whole disetairofil.blit
Sakai strsco to .tho lloao. Cost think' fern tofosto
stot2lyi) 'Who tho suldect of oaimsdiaifsloss'edlini
i lttgio`7l g pi:c= th i e l- coir o 4*
t tt
itildato 1,1 rnir tiguAls PlPsf....a4th or ,orltaoat
smaita, .4 Val put lk 4 orldWar• '
-I.eloopectrally 72:0tie2.;
, - , Ar. Kelley—Mr. Speaker, , when, a few
, days; ago, the gentleman -from': Massachu
setts (Mr. :Dawes) prates tetlf 'that, he had ,
potneirit to reflect rod the Present. Seen
tar, of War, I. felt' that' in' remark, ineem
ateniilde salt might imam to oth ers,, was
*reedy true ; that it. wia,nOt , in hie na-..
WA to reflect on single; individuals.' :The,
current of all hie remarkeln...this. Houle,.
- 'elan I have had the honor- of holding a
seat, has been rather a "trail • over the fact
. Mat the . Almightr. hid'not tailed him into
. emineilzwlem He was about , to create-man
and order His provideziee„'than Wfindingof
fault with individual - members 'Or our ini
,, - *fait apnles. '-I am "glad of one thing,
lthich I; that the gentleman has discovered,
40414 iir the ; iiinirerOnf. lingered',-but fora
:nietirituktheugh , it end4red -.hut for' a brief
paroxysm. of time, . that Mien .is., value is
elniacter ter integrity_entlfferacity:--- - -
• I was - brought pp litte:State where the
-people believe, sacredly, almost -as they do
the Scriptores,„that teaching of Shakepeare
which says that: good name in man or wo
man is the immediate -jewel of - the soul.
We in that State punish slander by reale
. mations upon the estate of the slanderer,
and if that is insufficient to respond ade
quately, by_ his confinement in prison. We
regard libel as an infamous crime ; and I
have seen the libeler in the cello of the
• same corridor in the penitentiary with the
: • burglar and the horse thief. Therefore, it
may be that some of us are a little salmi
' tire when character is falsely assailed. .
So It may have_beee with Alexander
',,... Cummings., And jest-here, ltikiniaek the„
;;.gentleman from Massachusetts if he will'
be kind _enough to . furnish me with the
: - stabprein - wlikli c in' produced before the
Hoisse , leverardlyf , ago 7 In the _speech
Made- b* the gentleman, on:that. occasion,
, o , ', he"regaled . the House with the reiterated
-.--. assurance, that a subpmna had...been issued
for Mr. Blatehfoni; of New York, and that
~ in order to prevent injustice that gentle.
man had been sought through a whole day,
and fora longer period, and could not be
obtained before the making np of the report
Of the committee.; And he produced the
--- snbpene.. His speech is .on , record. It 1
fixes the date of the subpoena and the in- 1
correctness of his allegation. The subps-
as the-3 referred to in support of the slan
contained inl this . . report, as produced
by the" gentleman, bears date the 18th of
Decaliter, Irbil' e you will find, by examin
ing the-report, that it was/resented lo the
11011130 on the 17th of DedeintierTand on the
morning of the 18llt.the ;date of the sub
' pmna so generously, issued, was ordered to
be printed with all mistakes ripen its
Now, I ask . ._the (gentleman frod Massa
chymous •whether he or hie • colleagues on
the Committee - ever received from Alex
ander Cumming 'a communication, saying,
"I have retairoedksl4o,ooo ?" They never
did. - They will not not say they did. The
doge adopted by the gentleman was that
: - -the printer had made the mistake. The
, conntry, Mr. Speaker, does not hold the
printer 'responsible for the mistakes con
tained in the report, but Ceminittee
that sent them out; and if the Members of
' the Committee did not read the proof of
their report, or cause it to be read, and it
contains errors prejudicial to character
' which they fail to explain or retract, or to
accept and pablish explanations of, it will
hold - them guilty of libeL
"This," says the; gentleman—for while
.liii prstes of character :lie cannot utter a
'etinterice that does not :mail it and carp at
soinebody-r,"this,',',.aays he, "was a con
. caned , movement. The ex-Secretary of
•• .War was here to incite. my colleague to
action, and I played a lientenant'anart in
the same under his direction.". , „ I would
thank the gentleman from -.New York (Mr.
• Divert), who opened the discuasion, and in
thecae:se. of the debate told us that. his
- speech was a 'cuprite to himself as well as
• to ns, what concert of action he had.with
_IS Willa' Cameron, or with the humble indi
vidusl'wha now speaks, or with the Chair
man of the Committee.of Ways and Means,
or with the distinguished sentleman from
Indiana , (Mr. Colfax), on that oeossion ?
I wait for his answer. If be was advised
of or , engaged ; in any conspiracy, God
knows.l Ina and am ignorant of the fact.
Mr, .Dlveir-rAiI, am appealed to, till I
hank) lay* that .111 the remark . I made
en that occasion that the , calling rop of the
naelnilint wee a surprise to me, I simply
!poke the truth. : , -
. Mr. Kelley—The gentleman from Maui
chusiitts says "the galled jade winces." If
, that remark was meant to apply, to me or
cover me by innuendo, I pronounce it false.
- I never, was a political friend of Simon
-Cameron. He never npresented the State
of Pennsylvania, hy,my vote or my infin
-121106., Be did not become the Cabinet win
ister of Abrahamlincoln by my voice or by,
the withdrawal of, my protest, and I am in
debtlo him for no one act of official court
esy. Look at your army list and the luau
' once that sred appointments, and see if
there Is anyother man in this Hoes e who
can say as I can, that my influence. has
Made not an, office?. , N 0,.. sir; .
.I, am re
__ lb
epees le for the conduct of no officer
' commissioned . ' by Secretary Cameron, nor
' does one of all the number owe me grad
' • tudnfer his, appointment. As a citizen. of
my own State who, from humble orphanage
boa by Ids own labor and force of charac
ter risen to high position, I honor him,
• but - as *statesman I base not admired him.
In polities his lines and mine have run in
opposite directions, although we have twice
been members of the same party. I can,
!.however, distinguish between the politician
and the mem ; and as a man of extraordi
nary and generous traits of personal char
acter, I -know and esteem him.
The, gentlemen intimates that somebody
-, on this floor ma* suffer by the final report
of the Committee. Sir, let the final report
come! and if, in their star chamber, the
' be sconsattems Sled against me, .1. ask the
Committee to pursue them to the bitter end.
- ' If I have done aught - , to militate against
' my Government, or impair my character
• ,
is amen or a member of this House, as- - 1
certain and proclaim it, and let the 'people
of my' native city drive me from their
'Midst: "But, air, it will take more than en
venomed and -slanderous innendoes to al
lenoe my tongue when truth and justic e
are the_ theme. Go through your Depart
' - sent* said bureatte; which, with or for souse
`of my' constituents I enter almost, daily,
and find, if you can, the man :I have walla
kited to give a contract to friend or towns
-. Van. Go to my own city and pass through
Pilia.departments there ' if and see you can
' find an officer to say that I have' solicited
or been chaffering in contracts. As one of
' ' the representatives of a great manufeatur
int city, I have reminded the -Preildent
Ind the members of his Cabine4_that our
, people,' more largely than • those_rof any
.other important city, depend - on daily labor
for; 'daily bread. To these distinguished
' pettlemen 'I have spoken of the fact that
my city his done its full part in enabling
Pennsylvania to put tnenty-five Per cent: :
morethan her quota of- troops in the field,
and have urged them so to direct. the pat; ,
renege of the Government that - -the wives
and children of our poor but patriotic la
boring, men, now in - the field, should not
have want-of food, fuel; and clothing added
to -the loss M husband and father And,
sir, :with all this 1 sin willing the Commit
tee should brand me. •
I did - itat ' provoke - the In o f thegeritle.
.._. .
Atm. : or. his_: Committed: raahly.-.-4,nuulei'
when - 1. - frst called attention thi - tkiTajits:
Dee' of the repOrt, tie. itssault tqicta either.
Duty to an ahnsed-man required me to do
what ' , lid.. Jtj was because I saw that the
Committee were not_acting as I thought in
ti spirit Of candor and justice that I pre
seated to the* llouse;a letter from a con.
stituent;calliag‘ the attention of the coun
try to a mistake which members of the
Committee, as..ilividuals, had refused to
correct. I did eep that commnnication
.for. daYs, as th gentlemun suggested in
his former speech,. and I, meanwhile, sug
gested - the mistake to members of the
Committee, attd asked them to correct it on
'their'own motion that I hould not hare to
do it' publicly , for Idi not want to
into . collisiopi With in gentleman upon
this floor. I '
No .
w,eir, ir'word to the present Chairman
of that Committee. I tisk the gentleman
as, if I Incorrectly informed, others have
-done, to
~name the 'friend of Alexander
Cummings who, during that, man's long,
painful and dangerous illness, while his
'family 'were - concealing from him the
ilinderis :originating in, this report, with
'which "the papers teemed, came and in
formed him that, '!npon Mr. Cummings's
recovery he would make a clean breast
of it." When that gentleman made the
assertion he was interrupted and asked to
nine the author of that' statement, and if
1 have not been misinformed he has been
solicited *serially and in writing to name
his -authority, but has been unwilling or
unable .to respond. Unwilling, sir. Ohl
cruel the ght—or unable. I ask him now
.who we the men whom he pronounced
the.frien II of-" Alexander Cummings who
told him at Mr. Cummings would be pre
pared." make a clean breast of it" as soon
.ati be sufficiently recovered.
Mi.-. wei—The -gentleman addresses
me as tit chairman , of the committee. The
gentlem a n from Illinois (Mr. Wrishburne)
is Ohainan of the committee. I will state
to, the gentlemen, however, that I did re
ceive'suCh anapplication ' and responded to
it in writing.-The
• gentleman may , pro
direci tuy letter.
.. Mr. Kelley—Show it to me.
Mr. Dawes—The gentleman from Penn
sylitania was the chosen friend of Mr.
Cummings to presenthii accusations to the
House. •Another gentleman froin' Penn-
Oltenia, however, with considerablefor
'reality; served upon me 'a letter from Mr.
'Cummings; to which I took the opportu
eitY te reply.. That is ' all -I have to say
neon this occasion. -
Mr. 'Kelley—l would ask still another
question. I have not had- the advantage
of. seeing that letter; and do not knoir its
contents. -Will the gentleman have the
kindness to-inform me whether it names
the persons I ' _
'' MeTDawes--Tiie gentleman who was the
chosen friend of Alexander Cummings for
that 'plirpose c and who conducted the cor
respondence between him and myself, can
answer. for himself. The papers are out of
.my possession y and I am not at.liberty to
expose their contents.
:Mr. Holley—ls thin the representative of
the jounce and candor of a committee of the
Ainerican Congress, who gives the world
assurance that a., man's friends have pro-
clahned him Criminal, and yet withholds
the' names of the alleged friends when tie-
Mended that the truth of the assertion may
be tested? Is this, I ask, the justice of the
'American Congress, as represented by one
of its committees?
_Sir; in the preience of such a spectacle,
AD you wonder that the report of this com
mittee has been assailed?
Mr. Dawes--Does the gentleman accuse
of,me . nywant of candor when I say that
hisletter is in the Possession of one of his
Mr. Kelle,yWhat colleague?' •
Mr. Dawes—Whoever has got the letter.
Mr. Kelley—Has any gentleman a letter
from the' gentleman from Massachusetts on
the subject in question ? If an member
has such a letter, I would be glad if he
wild produce it. I will be glad to know
whi titer the gentleman from Massachusetts
ha the name of any friend or pretended
frie d of Alexander Cummings who called
upo him, and, told him _ that Mr. Cummings
was sorry, and that when his health would
pe . t.,_ he would - make , a'clean breast, or
the' Lang. friend Of Mr. Cummings used
ri:t ,
thos words, or any other words implying
that he lad • a knowledge of the accusation
whi h was made against him. We
to-d y - that the brilliant young soldier
upo Frei:lines staff, Sacchi, was not ea.
flag 4n A horse-contract.. We learn it
to-d y - through • the committee, whose re
port is flying wide-spread , and we also
lea that the informatton upon which the
assn - on that he had is founded, was de
rist from a newspaper. Have Congress
and ti country been at the heavy expense
of a wandering committee to announce
nude Its sanction ., newspaper reports and
wend I? We sent • them out to collectevi
den: 1' 'ritneases, and not to tell us what
new - persteiy.: ;;,He can read them. , •
4-God:knows, there was much to need in.
vestigation. My complaint is not that in-,
vostigation has been made, but that th 4
committee, for some reason Or other', or by
reason of some factor other, has made a
report so sweeping in its statements that
the Goverritrient and Congress shrink from
taking any action on it. Punish the men
whd,have.detraided the Treasury. 'Gather
yOui - evidence,ehow. that they.are ,guiltY,
and .then,• under the• law of the land pun
ish them. But do not imitate theouttle
fish,. which, though it, elearcely • rises above
—the level of a reptile, pours forth a juice so
venomous-that-it-stains, blackens and be
fouls the broad' and free-rolling waves of
the ocean. Do not fling your vile odors
arend 'eferYbody, and:make the names of
' contractor and agent - So odious that honest
men will, shrink . treat dealing With the
Goternment, and force it into, the hands of
sharks and sharpers. - - , •
Mr. Hickman—l wish to say a word, and
that is this: if there be such a letter in the
possession - of any member of the Pennsyl ,
yards delegation in this House is he has
been referred to by the member of the
committee recently upon '.: the , flair, I trust
- he will produce _it, and. relieve the other
mettiberaofthe delegation, from impu
_tatted-Of having such a; letier-,in their pos
Mr. Moorhead-4 endeavored to get the
floor some - time ago, but I failed to do so.
;I - hare:a - letter. from the gentleman from
:Massichusetta (Mr. Dawes) but, as it is at
my rote, r oannot- produce, it. ' I did not
expect' Ills matter would "have. come up
thM . Moriting, ors would .luive brought it
:with me. • Bat in that letter the gentleman
frin..frialaiehusetts, gives no: name:- and
iturtnien,to .OTO thcname - of the friend of •
Mr.i Cummings, -who'inade the statement.
to which he referred., :He refuses to tell
wholt was that add him that , when Mr.
'Cunnings had recovered' his health; he
would_. appear before:the committee and
make a 'clean briast of
.the matter., I
slated. that it' Aras a slander opine; Mr..
Cummings,. and that none ~ of. his , friends - ,
had ever said so. Yet thegentlemanimm
Massachusetts has refused to give the name
of his informant, - ; . , • • , , . ...:,- 1.: -..;
Mir. Kelley—lt my colleague will furnish
1210'With a copy of that letter of the gentle
min from' Massachusetts, 'I will inCerpoL,
rate it in my printed remarhs." ' ... - -
• Mr. Moorhead—l' will furnish to_ray
Mr. Dawes-That to ailTialt:
' Mr: Kellep--The gentleman . spoke of,
those. An had, made: their business to
sitek.,.ont the mistakes of.the Cominittee. -, I
mish I...coubi . get time to load. the 'papers
and reports with which my desk , is filled:
I cannot fled time to read the least 0100-
rate : of them, - much less . such ;ponderous
_volumes &II this''report, - covering over
eleven hundred , pages. , I am a widely
known member of a community' number—
ing Mere. ; thrus six hundred thonsand peo
ple. 'lO constininti :. 44 tornstuan can
take t , tin.144P.1 7 . 1 4 0 :in , theovening and have
their breakfsetin Waithington; or they can •
attend to the bank business of the morning
end-takstitairl-ted in --ylisitingtotti-so`that
lain-nireltirernitirentitOf thite; presence of
my • esnedtbsida -Atte firiblifiritill:%';treifii;
pily, - c-ant not: itiTe:6l7.'siMiner s oite With of
; ~154:."..!.
. .
... .. ~:Y.r.... ... ..
- Y_ , :-X 1 .
T ate letters brought - me by mail, and am this letter to to the ouembinl/-YOultana , ni Ine oaths.
therefOre, able to- lake upon •
t ea ; ,, , , . 1.2 , t , t a u .., :r b.i . d, I ro , Sur r. ned , to s you
b 1,3 rear-teed
`'reading of volumes of the kind 'now before tho imputation up n tli=n h or r and tuteg-rity of a
us, and to analyze, and sift their contents: - • eeimitt.,. ~r which I wattratio.mitst,"wh,h,b; its
I am diSet4Sit3,l the report of the commit
tee, because one of my constituents called hold no ~,,,rro,potolth,,, itttlt ht..- I have only to
my attention to a flagrant error, and the add that doe-t not awaken innn i e any new re i tus i i
basing upon that error of a report des
thiret,,llThe3rrtie,et7.o",..-erTt::.:ohd'ry . r . tsTa'll , 7a ri .:la g ich "' :x " ts ' t i
tructive of his character, the result. of ~.t..reeck sour, It and no. to otthirk from me that
nearly half a century of honest and ener- `ohllh self -reetteef icWitub that l she. o . l give kie , i
getic life, and in which I invited attention, 1 rut ors, , tint-. CLlEolliale ' d
when no member of that committee, to I :tier; but ,are talc,. the liberty to ththin yours
WitOrtt I spoke on the subject, would admit which anoornputed tt, trusting th a t ‘Our own p?sonal
friends de hip will stiffer uo diminution hum ttos •ror•
that there was au error and correct it. ws.
I wish I could get time to read this re- l ram truly, sours,
port through. if it discloses that measure •ti to. J. S. stemma,
of - fraud 'which public rumor says it does,
I would favor energetie action, anti at once coMMERCqzI.I.
expose the perpetrators to the public eye
and condign punishment. cOMMITTI./E OF ARBITRAT IoN OF BOARD
•In the course of the gentleman's speech l/Y TRADE FOR FEBRUARY AND MARCIL
to which I have alluded. Mr. Cummings we. /Bolinder. V. P// J. J. Bu.d.rtro
is denounced for his contracts for linen " I. I.
pantaloons and straw hats for our trop Persroa.
Yes, sir, he did make purehase of these
articles; and the gallant men Who came
from di staht Maine, and northern Michigan,
leaving the snow under their feet at the
doors of their homes,_ were brought sud
denly under - a
summer sun, thanked God
many a time that somebody had had the
sagacity to provide them with light linen.
instead of heavy woolens, and a wide
brimmed straw bat to protect them from
the son while working no labelers in the
trenches. Gentlemen mused not tell me that
there was to be no necessity for_such arti
cles. Your Quartermaster General, I am
told; tried to buy moth articles before
learning there were some on hand, and
when he went into the market he found
that he could not obtain them except at
double the price paid by Alexander Cum
mings.' Yes, for white pantaloons he was
charged one hundred per cent. higher than
was paid by Mr. Cummings.
Mr. Steele (N. J.)—The hats and linen
pantaloons purohastol by Mr. Cummings
are now in the possession of the Quarter
masters. The pantaloons cannot be used,
because they are not half sewed, and the
hats Are too small for anybody.
Mr. Kelley—There Is a question of ve
racity between us, and I will go to the
Department with the, gentleman to settle it.
Mr-Steele (N. J.)—l am willing to ac
cept that.
Mr. Washburne—lnquire also about the
one hundred and fifty - bags of coffee pur
chased by Mr. Cummings. •
Mr. Kelley—The circumstances under
which Mr. Cummings was appointed were
hitherto . unknown. The order of 28d of
April, under Which he was appointed, an
nounces them, as follows:
"In consideration of the extraordinary
emergencies which demand immediate aiA.
decisive measures for the preservation of
the national capital and the defence of the
national Government—."
What were those extraordinary emergen
cies 1 Look at the date; 286 of April,
1861—four days after the shooting of the
Massachusetts soldiers in Baltimore; two
days after the burning of the bridges,
when the capital was invested and deprived
of intercourse with the North; when there
was only one" means of access to this
building ; when all 'other avenues to it were
surrounded; when more than half of the
men in the city were disloyal; when a little
company of less than one hundred men
from various States wire guarding the
President's House; when a loyal military
company of eighty members went to be
mustered into service, and more than forty
retused to take the oath; and when a few
companies of Pennsylvanians, unarmed as
they were, had just fought their way
through Baltimore to this capital with
olubs, and made a nucleus, which the loyal
troops Vein New York d Massachusetts
came to sustain) anti expand. And who
was to provide for them? A gentleman
who- had never been in military life was
ordered to co-operate with the officers of
the Government, and to bought coffee. But
he ought not to have given to the Seventh
and Seventy-first New York, or the Sixth ,
or Eighth Massachusetts Regiments, any
coffee. Why, Ahey had become common
soldiers, and to give them such a luxury
as coffee was to outrage the senaibilities
and tho principles of the Van Wyck Com
mittee. Yet, thank God, he provided coffee
for them; he sent to the capitaL refresh
ments for these men, who had left their
luxurious homes, and had come, with mug=
kete on their shoulders, to guard your bar
rioaded capitaL
Mr. Steele (N. 3.)—Will the gentleman
yield to me a moment ?
Mr. Kelley—Yes, air; I yield the floor,
having finished my remarks. I came not
willingly into this discussion, but I am
ready now, and it will be when the final
report comes in, to bear my part in asking
this Howe to do justice, and to correct mis
takes that strike pt the character of citi
zens, and which are persisted in by the
members of the committee....
•WagettwerroW, April S 5, 180...
Dun Sri: Herewith I sendyou the correspon
dence referred to by Mr. Dawes In the House to-day.
After reoedving the verbal reply of Mt. Moms, I
cotratini - with Mr. Otimntep, but from some
mishap or misdirection lie did set r<oelee my letter
promptly, and-1 did not lieu been him again until
tho 16th instant,whicb will wienentlor the lapse of
time between the dam of the frret and second letters.
• ResperMully yours - L. MOORHEAD.
Hon. WAVILIIL D. Kity,nr.
have marked the papers to their regular order,
I, 2,3, and S.
New Ton, March 29,188:.
Ste : In a moth delivered by you to the Rouse of
Repreeentatives on the 26th brahmat, se reported
the Deily Globe, I find thwfollowing parade:
..91r. the committee was advised through friends of
Mr, Commit:l:adoring the winter that hawse sick,
that be was very mirk, that the . treituiriny which he
had given before our committee troubled bled- and
weighed uponlie mind;. that the effort which he
bad there made . to screen and mote hp transaction.
was tithing that mated heavily oa his mind, and the
committee was amused through his friends that if
he ever recovered he would make a full and &miter.
went of the whole matter, and that-the men who
had pit him up to this and had taken the money and
expendeCtlt then:Metres, elmeld agar the'burdosi. The
committee wm . wel ties . ansloculy to know that
which theyhad failed to get from him
Sterretut—if. that statement were mode to the
committee Ws tight that the parson who mash, it
should be nained,thai the 04W:sent may be refoted
If It were Wm, ea I have no doubt It wee.
Dawsa—Aner the kind momark of the gen
tleman from Peunv_lvanbi,bui eau hardly aspect that
I should be templed to i4slrtrout him
"MmiStewens="l did . ricit'mvidith apply the word
`Wee to the MataamaltPl the mnmittee, butte that
srbleb was coovsyed to the volosOlttes..., .
me go throa with my story.
•~Mr.BtereahSYell; - I: shoed - .like to hate the
"Mr. Dawnv-1 say that through -the the friend. of
this man we bad .eastuanors.that tie Ina about to
make a full statement, a clean Loma of it, and to
Make plain' and cleat that which.was ao mystified to
Ida tealnirmy,po that the' world' might know who
expended that .menty. Bats when' he• come to get
well, tbe political tremealties of hie prandial in this
Matter happened, at the time, tglia eo priming that
It:was neisiarary that tbat - whichema early prouileed
to ben 1111 V-statement of what `bad tiered done with
that money wag tuned into' inricetnation and as
sault upon the integrity of the ritininlittsa." '
The roily 'weight Oda statement ma.haire is geared
'from the insinuatkni -that , tt beimme authority or
sanciltiti from'ine; the 'anthers of It being spoken of
:as my "friends." It is, therafen, doe torn, as well
,as to myself, to say that yon'hawe been smelly lm
4meed upon by the persons to whom you' refer. • ••
The bitterest enemy I might possibly have could
not, by any andriVencie, invent ittilthing more fal..
'and [Marione to mycboracter and monition-.
• The whole statement thus Mode to you IS eat only
sheer hibricailoi4-but - an +atrocious •caltirany..
7eoetetur not -one partials of troth—lt is lalsivfront
; .begimang end. in
,whole and-In part; in every
'Particular. •
• I sin sure you will agree with me that the authors
'of ibis frond which boa •tam impend mime yOu ance;be made known.- .And I doubt not
yon w111 ;; wit O; healtatkin, fornlati me their names.
Arid for tha purpose of aimertalping who they are,
:my Wind, General Moorhead, member of
:front PenttrYlimulti:'will yen. 'with this note
and receive your reply. • •
.'- • .
, am,!reepoetSdly; yours
nba. n.•
Me/ 4 w of c0w"64,140/4"4"al•
- - . .
Mr: Pewee - returned. the foregoing letter,
Baying rerhally, "until lir, Cummings
withdraws the charges made against the
integrity of the committee; I can bold no
correpundence with.ltim.!' • •
• Mats or BIiILICUIWASITIII, Apra 101862.
Duz fini: , lle7lngdocatted fur trilliona 4Atia*ctor7
to moveir so from, Cummings, and site him
the maim of Phia fdends" alinded to in your speech
of the 96th March: root it my- duty, u ono of hie
Maude, and bettering I do, the emphatic denial
mede to hie Jotter betowith, tO - which I refer, to uk
you to forufah moirith the Maim tlf the'perapoi who
ao bmairtzteropmeanted him before your com
, ,
-Mon. H. L. Di u/. - '
. .. - .
.. „. - ,- ..-,- - : ..- -w a imackip: .:0„ 04 Apto 18, 153.4.
'DIAZ ets: I seknow '• ADDIipl Or yours of
thli etaut, thelosin ons te IDD of /lamb 20,
/864 OVlsd. b y - . admits. ;1. - - recoinize
. ..
ell - TsuuK44ll ALARKETt4
roprcialty 5 1 tA. Piiteoury4 Daily thlrett.:.
Wra...DAY. M.) , 7. 7862
F y.) 1:Ii-0rtu but unchanged; sale of3Obbls Fans
,Y at $.5,10;30 do do, white wheat, at 5-5,55; 1 0 9 do do
. 01 $.5,19, and 40 do do at Pa 5, 1 0. Extra Is steady
It from $1,03 to $3,70.
BACON—quiet, while idiom are firm; ml,, of 2. 000
tos Plain Sugar Cured Hams at 7r, and 01)0 the clear
Country Sides at Cc.
MOLASSES—firm, with ix moderate demand; sale
of 20 bids prime N. U. at 45c, and 15 do dr... 46c. •
CORN—in light supply, Without, however, any
change In rates; sale of 102 bush Shelly,' al SW, end
WO MOM prime E. at 40r.
OATS—Io good demand.; sale of ISO bush from.
ital . ( at 29c.,
E—uncl.god; side of 70 LwL from atom. at 470
and I car from depot on private ten..
BUTTER—In good supply, and prices are lending
downward; sale ed• 2 bids prime Roil at lae, and
bhls do at W.
POTATOEB—firm, with a rift devised; sale of 100
bosh Plok Eyes at 400; 100 do Mixed at 410, and 200
Io Nesitactaocke at 47c. •
FISH—SaIo of 2il 'lbis Picklod Holt - log at f. 3, IL /111
SO half bidet White Flbh ut ;4.
at tie ptr ih; 20 do do at B%e. and 15 do prime at 90.
11F.A.5.3—.-Bala of 20 bush prim. , Whits at $1.50
per bosh. .
lIDRILD FRUIT—in good demand, mostly for
eldpment; sale of 100 bush reaches, in too iota, at
from ir.,50 to p 2,75 per bush, aa to quality; and 175 do
in iota at $1,13, $1,37 and $1,50.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
MAT s.—The offerings of Beef Cattle show n
decrease this week eyer butt, numbing some IMO bend
at Phillip's Yards, and prices art about 25C the 100
Ns better, ranging from $7 to $9% for common to
good and extra quality, meetly at from $ll to 80. the
KO lbs. The following aro the particulars of vb.
eaten made to-day at the Avenue Yard
M Lancaster county, Kimble ,k Kirk $8 @8
la do Kennedy 8%49
30 do B 0 Baldwin . 7 ©
80 do Jas ZdeFtlien,jr 8 ©VA
101 Lancaster co, P Hathaway 8 4bik
do Lancaster ea, P hicifillen......— ........ 8 $59
It Ohlu, Cochran . McCall
44 Lancaster co, J Seldomridge...
lon Ohio, Mooney h
.61 Lancaster county, McClean.....
47 do C
.0 do H. Miller.._.._
TI Berk/ co, leilhinter 6 Kirrln..
Weetern, ❑ Chain
6.3 Ohio, Anil....
.!..1 Venda,
40 Ohio, dmith a Mooney.
tat Wmtera t Storm..._
:H Ohio, (won dumb
IW d.. Kett ..... .......
ilu 171Imen, Slsanalwrg co.
1218 head.
COW. , ANI. CAL vu.--Abmt sc, were iltspood of •t
from $lB io $1 , 4 each, aa to caizettlf , db which lanhond
the wane as lAat week.
)loon—The roes Ipia cod inks riaich SOMA 4118) bead,
Including 32.iti acid At 'phial's at $446 tur itlll, and
1 34 LtYl• her and 075 at iha Avon. Yard At
toe 100 ftat on.
nittge—Ahcid 3800 we, din - awed :.fat 4.,44y her
thinrial. and s%ic Tad le for wml rib,ll*-WhiC . ti Ii a
idled aileancw.
Imports by Myer
IVILTSMOUTII—ern tdl bids, Penns
. it,..; 5 blots egg., Lambert k :Co oil kolas,
Vol s.gmley; ;.5 do do, &rd.... bd re; GO toms pig
elal, it C Loomis; 1 bbi'dry fruit, Cunblirgbamo k
WA* ao.r, ado Minh 1 Lk gins, Clarke & co; 1
04,rzy, U A Patrick; St oks pocatires, :V. A Fetur,
114,1 y Edgreti. A Stev,ait.
ANCI.IIBAII rya 31AniAir.11.-15 Idols bacon.
It liAlive.y, lot lurtiltortlo 81.1100 i Li t. bout.,
JoUn A Br.t.tettA , v; sheet lout, Dav id
5 MA, Blue Link Judi Ylettaln,r, U 1,61 s extract
code , It. Cut t.enurl , pt, carboy. vitriol, Lucre,. Oil
no; .t 1,61 a, A; IVU t. nants, F Avllers A ryk;
1,010 mune! coat, Jos Boyd, 131. B,AttlA, JBlBl
W111 , 61.1i 00 tall, Loit..ti Dickey S no; ti ck el, 3
b.. oil. B L fulatorstook S ro; Lwt 100, lead, Bake- s 00, 6 hAlzei hemp, F 13,Acrt S o.i, 101
do do, /I (lentil; Soo; 0 boo gbissaroro, Nm ktoQuily
~, to in. ura,,bl,ourd.,, Gil Jpio,.. lot coal boot ha
two, A Du word), do do, H Jonas, do do, .1 A 17Augh•
do do, W..llyers• 911 rks Lawn,tea, 881.
too 1, 47 byte oil meal. 30 bob, -park, 60 do oil, 2.5 do
'whisky, Clarke S co; 64 do do, no COOtiliprO.
imports by Railroad.
FITTSIMRON. FT. W. TNT. 1 6111C•120 Ruins
. -
Hay 7.-2 bbls batter, It Int Mall it so; lot agricultu
ral tools, Beckam it Long; 2 this whisky, 1 do Ala,.
hal, 2 kg.. liquor, 3 nu mdee,,A Tarmac.; Ir 4 tides,
.1 V. McLaughlin; B ski rivets,6 bat de, 11 pkgs stirs,
It Townsend it so 10 dot 1u4., Jae Brownie , 10 du
Irsmhboords, Wm Ilsaleg3; 23 do de, 139 pm b oon, J
Ith worth it co; 16 dos palls, W n Kirkpatrick, it no;
sdo do, W Holmes; Ihi oil Lbla, Jae McCully h CO;
101 bp barley, Rhodes l 4 Verner; 2 kp lard, hobo.
meter it Lang; 1 nOl eggs, I Lot butler, 2 log. bean.,
Brown et Kirkpatrick; Viable pearl alb, Hgos, Bich.
ards it cm, 3 cars pig metal, John Ild.rhead; 14 butes
cheese, Lambert it nblptosh 2 tube butter, Atwell,
Lee it co; 6 don brooms, H Gerolg.
LEVILLAXI) S I . ..regiments lt.sictusan, May 6.-
lot stonewara, A G Cabbage; 3 bbl. butts, 8 Dll•
worth & co, 36 do soda salt, Geo A Berry; 21 boles
cheese, 4 Greale.r: 21 du du, Frank Van Gorda: 13 ski
omg, McCullough, Smith it co; 'ad bbl. scrap Iron,
it Painter.
River Naive.
The river continues to recede slowly et this point
with seism feet full by the mirk' but evening. The
sreather yeeterdsy was clear and plemunt,„„ and very
favorable for Mosinee., which appeared tolerably en
tire at.the only arrival. Once our
last report, were the &limos, Irom Gallipoli... and
Mariner, from Cincinnati. The Citizen, from Evans
ville, had nut arrived when ,we left the wharf, but
she was momentarily especti,l. The Kenton, from
Louisville and tlaattegn, frtim Cincinnati, are the
next boats due. The former boat will probably be
due today The Magengo end J. B. Ford, fur
Louisville. tool Ileifestaur IL Foul, nieond last
night with only moderate tripe The .1. 11. Done
Is down at the Marine .Ralleray, undergoing repairs.
It is thought however, that She will ho Lack et the
- levee, to-day, ready to receive freight and passengers,
fur Nashville.
anuounci the death of Capt. Samuel Smith, which
sad evtlit oectuTed at bit late residence at. Smith's
Ferry, on Tuesday °reran. The deceased was well
known as one of our oldest and mOst succeefol
boatmen, and his death will be deeply regretted by)
large circle of relativee and friends. Capt. S. was
tiny -wen year. of age,"—hts dixeses erysipelas
FOR CINCINNATI AND' LoossTims—The. Ida May,
Capt. Reno, la the nest to leave for the above point.
MI will probably got MY to-morrow. The . Marmora,
Capt. Brennan, w ii. leave at an early day next week.
Foit ST. L0t , 16--The commodious Amon , ' Otpt
Antmdt; It annoutiord to learn for St. Goias, on Kat
ins TUT UPPtit BUIPISSIPTIRIvim—Tho Arlson
Capt.-Shaman, will bare fur Ht. 'Louis end st. Po ,
tide eveolog without GILL The Argolunt, Capt.
ter, wlll•get. tot/ to•morrow..
Fos Witsettso—The biln•rva, Capt. Gordon, ie
the regular Wheeling nacho% fur A leaving at
BANK, cornet ; Sixth and Wo streets.
CAPITAL' • "1100,000.
. 'ADAM BEINEMAN, , Pro/ante. •
Springer Mirksiagts, Augustus Iloeveier,
E. Mims, Joseph Lang.
J. P. Ibieskett, ' 'ChritstiwilDebertr
Anthony Meyer, A. croetsinger.
STORAGE for Crude and Refined Oils
A...7 - and &aided. of Nerolutnalse cartbe had at
JAt4. DAVI:fiLL & SON'S,
m 2 arol 7.0. Wafer .tree
CKUDE OIL -51.16 bbls. .on.. hand, suit
able for ralhitug, and for sale by • ; •
J 13-ALZIA.V.. sti#;'•
awl 70 W latent.'
suiv 81ON barrels
. powdered
se.p woe., rrceived and for oak by
.L A"-blb" bar • •-
200 hell rel. White Vlsh,
, Lli•rring: •
'Lib'. on Barquii'esirtrtrariel
r‘ • Alt E. 1. 8 7-114 extra, Leap
73 W and Se Twat stmts.
..)Ell-2.500 • lbs.. Orobto" for 'solo
b 7 ;
.• 4143 - I s'
•. - -
151 , . , 1:& . .7.4 .1: 4 ; 27.1.
1,10 R OINCL's.;NAT.I. AND
,4 417,..4:: 4 ri ISSOLUTIOX OF PARTSER,SHIP. -1 ,
1 . tiyucsvlLEA.—like (lino nt,evr,r; ' ' &lb" MATT 1.113145 Jc J. 31. L.lll/11ER
MA PUMA, Cept.. L. pre - Wren. will leave f.r trot ha. 1.0.4 n -diger - 1144.d try mutual consent. J. /il:Lar•
4 b.s , P.intn on MOSTA 4. 11. th inAt.ou. at 4 p nr. hoer Trlll ?elan up the hroineki of the Company.
For frti e hu or Pareroge *poly on board, or to CHARLES MATTI3ERS,
unYv J. IL LIVING:MIN 41, UV, Agents. • M. LA.14111E14.
14 1 0 ii CINUENNATI, LQUI6- •
vi cue., sf LOUIS AND UOI.EII
M 1 ISelrPl lllV*:ll..—Tno mairuisl,,at
A Capt. J. W. Anaralt,allllrudoosnhnrw
SLTUILDAY, Mb lust ,at 4 O'clock p. In. ror
Ir.4ght or irisinge board or to
II1) '7 • ...101I\ FLACK. MULL
1, 1 I.) 12. T. LOU' i 6 A.NI.) Sr.'
PAUL —The elegant aleamer PA.R..—'. 4 .
'lll EN I A, Capt... Perry. Brown, will loam am above Co
SATURDAY; 10th "Milani' at 5 o'elorb p m. for
t..islit Cr passage apply on board or to
?ave. 1. - R.. LI V.INGSTON .b. CO., Avatar,.
LeOLL .6T. LU UlSi KEUKUIi,,? p' • „
tummodarcus and : fleet steamer ARGONAUT v u4P , -
J. W. Porter, will lens for,the alarm and all War.
mediatt ports,,on TM DAY. May j6th, at 4 p.m.
For frotglit or passage pply oo board - or to
nv 1 J. D. L INGSTON &CO.. Agents.
14 1 01 i. CI.M.A.Isi NATL. LOUI6- j‘ v a ,
One steamer J. H. DUNE. Capt. J. Davtosou .wall
leave for the 00000 11.1211 All intermediate porns, on
11118 DAY., May Bth. at. 4 o'clock p. m. Fur freight
or passage apply onboard or to
myl D. li. LEWIS, Agent.
tme paemmgar stoamer 4.11140N1A.
rhumim, will leave for the above porta o t TlllB
DAY, May . th, at 4 p. m. Fur freight or it/dotage
apply on board or to
myt J. 13,. LIVINCSTON At CO., Agents.
14 1 011 LOUIS- t. 4.0-4
viLLE.--The magnificent steamer.
IDA MAY, Capt. John 0. Reno, will learn as slues
on FRIDAY, Mb instant, at 6 o'clock p. m.•/ , For
freight or vumagto apply en board or to
UULAK WEER.l.ll4 : gia
sew Wild- beautiful paasengor steamer EiRMA. ORS.-
Imat, Capt. Monroe Ay leaven Pittsburgh for
Zau.4ville EVERY TULSDA ers,
Y, at 4 p.
Returning, leaves Zanesville EVERY FRIDA Y. at
l'or freight or passage apply on b.:4A ur to
J. R. LIVINGSTON & CO., Agents, Pittsburgh.
li, 41. PIERCE A CO.. Agents. ZauPerille. role
The steamer LIZZIE MAILTIN,,,.
Copt. IL T. Drown,. leaves for WHEELING, wad all
intermediate point., every MONDAY, WEDNES
DAY and FRIDAY, at 12 o'clock m., making close
counoctione with the Parkersburg packets. .Return
lug. leaves WHEELING every TUESDAY, THURS.
Y ned.SATURDAY, at 8 o'clock a. to. For freight
or poeme apply on board or to •
IL ,27 No. 115 {Valor street.
lII E PA I gE L T. A T kC he ap Vi len an did "li l i
l orarid
steamer .1111.1E1IVA, (apt. JahnGortion,learoa tor
Wheeling and all intermediate porta
OA r, TaLIBSDAY and SATOILDAY, ll o'clock
In., making close connections silk the regular
pa,:kete (or Perkeraburgh and Cincinnati. keturn•
lug, leaves Wheeling tvsny ISIONDAY, WEDXF.II
- 11 and ILLIDAY, at 8 o'cloek Paseengers
receipted through to.Clucinnati. For freight, or pea-
Mgt apply vn board or to JAS. COLLINS A CO.,
anl 113 Water great.
SE irrri-G
Sewing Machines,
7 (0
8 '1;.9
8 01 8 S
6 @,9
8 43,9
Are ' onicel thn Ara Premium et the
For the Years 1858, IASO and 1860
r e 1
• 7.).(3,8,1
We offer to the public WHEELER h WILSON'S
%ICES, with tout-need coulldetion of its med. a+
he bolt Keel meet tellel.le Engin) . Basing AlltteMut.
1.1. cue. It deee..welly sell ou the llickeat and
Itletteet tabrln, en.hee the lock•elitch imposeible to
MAW Ola loth .04.41; I swie io CRIII3I,
11, more openly in
ti.n •ny othir
Cireula., giving prfoils and devcrifttic;n of Id
clonoa, fornbthed gratis, on app.ication In perm..
by lett.,
Xsolry Mar_hit,.....rritnturi fur three ynais.
11. SUMNI: K. A CO.
t.e.tis will purchuo • .null farm, routairdng 12
sera, all chianti and fenced, with • cotta(e haute,
.mill Ivies sad stable, small orchard, utd • *utal
opting at the tour, out sills sod a quarter learn
Fairview. Apply to B. 111cLAL2i •CO ,
lit 7 102 Fourth etrevt.'
situa.d to tba willao of Mani.field, tour ogles
from the city. The tot• trout on gumboil. Avenue
144.11.4 and extend Isck lltl fest to William street.
There to a tsrostory trams .dwelling—tunr rooms
hsil and kitchen goalgo. stable, oven, milk banns; goo./
'well of trater,•trnit snit Wrest trees In abundance; .11
lence4l.ln. Yor sale very cheap.
Apply to 11. Het - AIX CO,
my"! - 102 Irouitli street.
I Ea.l KABL I'ItOk . E4TY 'FUR
SALS.—Two two.story brick dwelling's,
with grater and gas ; lots each 30 by lbb feet,
situated on /oath avenue. Allegheny city.
A building partly finished, writ, large stator base
must- se acre and • emerter of ground, 'situated on
Woods' Iltur, a Shod distance from the Blanchester
Passenger and Pt. W. A C. Estiroada, being eultable•
fur manufacturing purposes.
Alto, • form of liat acres, six and a half Miles from
tho city, and one and a quarter miles from Court
dtation, P. ft. W. a C. ]LE., with • young
Or a. dof Eile trees, a water power Saw 1,1111 .two
House; and other Improvemente; fifty scree eleared,
balance timber. -
For further particulars.inquire of
bAll'lr UTAH, 61 Redreel at, Allefitte.Y ,
a 126 or 325 Liberty street, rittebnrich.
Rtignire a the
ORGAN MELODEON, with four Mops and two
banks of hoe of b Mare. Flambeau in um in • pri
vate family Imo than two yea" and la in eacelient
ardor in avory reapect. The style of furniture to vary
handsome, and equal to the boat made Piano FOG.
MauMfacturer's price SNM in Boston. rot sale now
for . 1111.8, cash, b,
apt.l TOIIN N. htieLLOR, 81 Wood et.
location bar a Physician orDruggist. The im•
provementa consist of Brick Buildings, large Lot•
with fruit of different kindr, Inconvenient to chianti,
oe, school holism met Passenger Railway. Will be
sold on reasonable terms, or exchange for improved
farming property. Poe particulars address
. • G. , T. GILLIAM,
JantLawdavrfit Blarpsburgh, All ccheny Co.. Pa.
ILO bogs prime Rio Coffee;
lra half chats Oolong Tea;
76 " Young Bycon Tea;
90 boxes Young Hysod and Imperial Teas;
60 hhds. Cabs Sugar;
SO 0 Porto Woo Sugar;
125 bkle. Mars Golden Syrup;..
150 Honey
35 On:aerie
-50 • choke Mackerel;
75 half bbia..
30 bids. herring; •
2.0 0 0 MI. Codfisb; •
25 lemca Scaled Herring;
Se and 10. Tobacco;
100 dour" Corn Brienan
• 250 kegs Halls, all slue;
12 bids. Eggs;
6 boles butter.
In more and for sale by J. A. McGEAGII,
opb:tf , 270 Liberty st.
30 Win. mammoth Oh, ese;
' 3 bbl. ptime Itoll Otittyri
3l crocks " Arpin Botlnr,
75 bbl. My* rk..l -- • • ..
25 6010 new W. 12. Cheese,
8 WA'. green -APPIM
60 Utah. prime Yewb
.. -potatoes:
100 beteg Woods'
200 dozen Broom r,
ruitx VA1:111011DE11.
114 , &mond stro
m 1 cit.
filLourt. •
500 LL's. choice Baker's Flour.
300 " St. Loots White Wbeett
-1011 " " Yalta of Ohio " - ••
1 00 " Preminm
. 100 " " Goff' Mills ."
100 ". " Little
" " kros
50 " Ptge rktur.
lasi-ore end pr miens: Ma&ELVYt GREMPS
:010 N0.267 Liberty street
YICKLEty Aoz. riokles, -in
.16=4, half and one g64IoTg ptrfy;
C 4.1 dcrEiTonnte lietchap; V- • '
60 a r Pepper'fblues •
60Unikraood's Tomatoab in:cans; •
",40a : '' a.
In More sairkand Or sale by
. - • USYMER. k BROS.
ligi#OCKA ; IIY4--75:boxes watt,
xtriesr and red ind arias Rook Candy In Vora and
to anireandlariala by , SZYMME*I3IIOS.4 •
. Inland 1211.Waodatniat:
CIO $'E 'V ' ; ' inel34 6 Ot,
A...# Jur Igo by 110W2( t ITT Y, Da Wood st.
ILf - --The Insitnershiphereioians existing betsteen
Steam 110.1er Mitkersand-Sheet Iron Worker', under
tLe name and style' WLLLIA3I
CO., wise MAN .10r.I on the .11th day o f April by the
drib of Wintain Barnlllll. All penscrns haiing ae
,extents etmettlea with said _firm - will plave emit and
Lilts them adjpsttli, with the undersigned. .0
The Maineco will be continued at Uut,old stand.
No. GI Penn street, by the 'Welting
be will ho pleased to men the titanium of - the late Br=
and ethers Laying bosinees in his line:
li tie ß la il te US ll ll rm ' td
st.2i,thni B arT i'l"l""j4tuh' : D rl f llato Barnhill IS Co.
UTICA.—Whe coparlsiership hereto
fere existing between JOHN- B. CASELILD
and D. 11. BA - 11110U% under the name and style of
J. E. CANFIELD & CO„ 14 dials:Awed by limitation.
The Lumina. of the late brio will be wattled by John
B. Canfield, who will sontinue the ProviidolL Pro
duce and Commission business, at the old stand. No.
141 and 143 First stmt. JOHN B. C&EFIELD.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1, 1861--Joiltf
-- - -
.111. O.R.' room. and cellar, together with
Tiffin AOKES OF LAND, within op,
fourth of • elite of lleyetllle Station, for 1 160 per
Alec,. A NEW HOUSE, etutelning five rooms, cel
lar and garret, on Chartleais etreet, First Ward, Alle.
ShooY. for $lO per month.
For furtb&.particulare enquire of
Capt. HAYS, •
at Hayaville Station.
LET.—A large, well tiniehed and
comfortably furniehed.dtore on Market, between
Third and Fourth streets.
A loog Daum, fitted up for aschool, and heretofore
occupied by Mr. Avery's Academy for young ladies.
Also, Ne Ambrotypo Rooms:corner of Third
sad Market streets.
Also, etworal Rama suitable fur °Mom.
Iteut very low, wisult the times.
E. D. MAZZA kf,
a .1:0 corner Third and Market streets
1 4 101 t RENT -1x ntslota.ey—A two
I dory Brick Howse, of if/von rooms, with a bean
- 1a a good location. Empire of
106 Fifth street, Pittabufftb.
p E. it ENT . —Six large and well
.L lighted SHOPS , I3OxIDO, suitable for Cabinet
Makers' or Martine Shope: will be leased to one or
illi.reot partire. _Apply at 42 Fifth ntreet. feS
1.4101 t. SA1,11; UK .11.1UST—An Oil e
eery, m corepleco order. y ',pp to
ST: l A-11211MA
rohS'uttf Att'v at: Lew. Nn. 13.5 Fourth at-
1 •
101 C KENT—A comtortable Dwelling
House; S rooms; a &table and carriage home;
scree land, well set with apple and peach trees. grape
arbor. &c. Will be leased toe good tenant for &num
ber of years. Enquire. of WATT & WILSON,
258 Liberty street.
ALo--A three story Brick Dwelling on Colwe
trod; 8 room,, to good order. Apply to
Jae:tiff WATT t WILSON, 268 Liberty et.
POONDUT. PlU.burgb, Pa.
rarT - Watittiorar, No. 301 Liberty street.
Manufseturentof COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT
HOLLOW WARE, etc., Steel and Glees Moulds, &Al
ton Hill Castings, 31111 Gearing, Goo, Water and Ar-
Haan Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boa. Su
gar Kettle., Polley., Hangers, Car Wheels, Couplings'
and Coatings generally. Also, Jobbing and Machine
Casting+ wade to order. Patented Portable 21111,
with Steam or Horse Power: nollemd
..... .J. r.
mar, Liberty street, near the Outer Depot P.
R. It., Plttehargh, P., manufacture MACHINE,
OASTINGS of every deocription. ' -
COCK BOXES, hr., always on hand andfor rale low.
Orden left with W. AV. YOUNG, corner of Wood
atreet and Binuaiind alley, will receire prompt atten
NEW YOltli AND LIVEII.I4/01,. land
ing and en3l.rkin,; Par.abagore at.
(Ireland.) The laverwol, New York end
Stearathlp Company - Intend deepatchlng their
full powered elple-built Iron fideanisWpe fJ fellow=
OrrY: OF WA6III.NGTON...-..-..Utarda7, May 10.
ETNA. .... ..... Ilay
....... Ma, 21.
qt c. eiery SatardAy, at WOOF, from Pier 44. north
Inot;meut, and man. dnrr
etluir UA811:.„..575,00 , ,5T1iE11A6M —43 1 4C0
do t, t0md..... SUM do to LUttlioll.-.. :13,0l)
du to Port,-.... 6.sddi do to Patio_ 36,00
du to Homburg- &VA/ do to Idambinv.. WOO
I.OIIiMPS EXIIIIIITTITN: li,torn ticket% hurt
don and batlr.
Third Class
l'ussongers alto forwarded to Hum, Dremon Sot
terdam, Ao too•rle, ac., at equally low rates
ib‘srPers,ua weaning to bring out their Mends ate
buy tinkets here at the Liiiounug mt. to Non 'fort:
17010 LiVerptVl err Q0C.116t41 ,1 4 bd. Cabin, $76, BE6
ami Slob. Stesnigo from Llserguml $40.00- Fra..
Queenstown S:MMO.
rams bteactsru have superior accommodations ter
paswugors. and carry ealmrienced:Surimons. They
are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and hare
Patent. Firs Annibtiators o 0 hoard...
ralrl'assmOmas rim Irmitora.—By ardor oftlisSi . e.
emery of Male, ail ricomoors Zegisiii the Mailed Sidael
000 1 1 1 , 00ar, Panyworts boyars pots." orrbount
the Alitel.W.
• IF Drostlwey, Ziew Tort
4013 N TIIOASPON, Agent,
rohlii:4l.l _No. dIII Liberty +trent. l'lttebereh
Oil Cloths, &c.,
Aro. S 7 Fourth. Street,
i d . ore to iret.ont
which thu (dint nJraotege
TOR CASH. ilel2
Fifth gimlet, above Bmitb6fht
Noe. 2tl and :Alit. Clair - Street, Pittsburgh.
We are utter rocelr leg our Sprle g stock of
Wholesale slid Retail begets - Will Bed
l u trdr is es. •
H oLaLrI stock ock
to ge, t eo he p tutug the newest etz anat l vie S.
................. f 1 f 0
Jont: o. DA LE,Age!,t,
WirOrderit loft at•Tf. Childs & Co.'s; 133 Wood id.,
Pittsburgh. 'rill receive attentlim. • nand',
x oummas.—A„very large stock u choice TREES,
of selected vittetiai to chnobe from, th every pond
blo core taken to have even varlet Moe to name.
Of Apple alone we ha 4175,000-60. 000 of which
are throe year M 421,50,000 four year olds. rear, 10,-
000 two to three years old. Peach, Plum, do, a Sue
Esrsmoter,--tho Trees" fn• the Nursery. Call and
anm EVERGREENS from 1 to 5 fest, by the hundrod,
cheap also, SHADE TREES ,AND 1311EDDREET,
otholcials snd retail- ... "
BERMS, Pittsburgh, Pa.
at ad.vsT - "NOM 111NDDO011. Y..
NEW: STOPS, lilt 0 ' A
100 hlls;•falr.and 'choice -
250 •bblir: choice N. 0. Molina;
100 do 'Lovering* Spam • • ..
100 do Bone,-, do•
150 do *eructed - biande Sim;
75 do Crushed and Pulverized Suger; •
. 100 do A and .B Coffee ' do
125 do - 0 and C • ,- do
50 lamer Black TobeecT-013 •
76 chests Y. 11. YeaL
25 do Black Tea; _ .
SOO kegs English Oleshinson Soda;
7& boxes pure Grotind Paler; • ,
50,0 0 30 lee. 1 cot, llamas in awoke;
75,0001ba. do Shoulders do
500 dozen Corn Brooms .
300 bola. Bice's Fancy '
1000 do _choler Family -do , •
25 legs choice 'Havana Coffee;
150. do fair and choice Rio . ileffee;
100 beats Finicf Soap;
Earl tie Roando • • - '
7.54, do titarcb, - for farally nee; -
•in 'lore and elevate by'"• . •
' • - IdeDIENALD & AllßllCraleZa,
an2s — Nos.-212 and 244 Llberte el, near W.&
4ATER. IikAWING.—J. wit_reCeived:
. 1 NOW Turk. atteah supply el choice Bloaters.
nteelyi smoked and imt up in amen bozos. foilamtly ,
ape; also for node br . .be dozen at thel4roll79l• o 7'
eery More of ' .10/iN
ap'2l Corner Liberty and HAW streets..' .
ICio 11§11 - AND D LAO • -Al `o-
casualiDl Aucenog, NAG
and dangeraus distaste; coo • lIELIIBOLD'S EX
TRACT itUCLiti, which has received the endcese
meut of the mosrprominetyrphostclatui kithornlted
mates, Is poor panted to an aillicted haaaufty ea •
certain cure fox the followio,g,aiii.a.amAgdyggpeopo
originatiug - trom• direksroTinad - aTtuie of McMillan ,
, or Sexual Organs :•'Oemeral Debility', Mental and
Playalcai Depremien; rinbeclilty, Determinitiom of
Blood to the Head, Confttiel Ideas,bilateria, General
irritability, itesticammes and Sletplemnees at Hight,
Aimee.. of bluaculai 11111c1eatcy, .Loos of Appetite,
Dyspepsia, Emaciation; Low :Spirits, Disorgattione
Mon or Paralysis of he Orgoward Generation, Palpie
tattoo of the Heart, • • d intact all the concomitants
era norrous and de tared stainer the avatem.
To Minna the g , taultte, cut this out. 'Ask for
Heludadd's. Take • tither. Curio guaranteed.
Sweadvertleement in anothnr °clump. apPiedkwir
J./ —The perfect' gi Of this inestimable 'preparation
is a bleasing to .. Without datoxiorating the
medklual rirtuee.o opium, ghe Elixir la thoroughly
purified tee n all th. noxious qualities of the drug.
In cases of fractures, burns, scalds, cancan= ulcers,
and other painful affections, it will , yelleve pain end
irritation, allay' warrilsiow, apeomodlo actiom and
morbid excitement of„body and mind: without coo
ing sickness, CuatirenewsOr rheadacha. These what.
rable'qualitiet mat render it pre*.enalueut in the lint
of opiates.
Prepared and soil by ;8. is D. SAIiDB, Drug.
gigs, 100 Fulton street, Neri York.
Soht. also by 11, 6.*Yd..II.NUTOCK 4 CO., Pine.
burgh, Pa.
Stdd also by Drogglstajpmerall:
• L 0 ;XL:. "
.J3.L /CESTOUED Pub/iihed, in a faded 151.
of bye. .Pries Sir Cada.
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment end:See:al
Cure o. Spermatorrhaut or Pernlnsl Weakness, Inn&
rotary Endasiona,Sexual Debillty,And ImPedlments
to Atarrlags -generally, Nirvonuaas ' Consomptkm,
Epilepsy and fits; Mental and Ittivakul Incapacity,
resulting from SelEALuse, Ao. By ILOBT, J. CUL-
V EILWALL, M. D.,Authoror the "Green 800 k... Au
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope to anyaddreets,
"eau -paid, ou receipt of six ante,oryt U o postage
.tamps, CII. J. O. NE,
127 Broadway, N. Y., post-091 Box 4586.
Mpl:3mdaier . -
C .. • •-•., •••,•
~, ..
—8 CI MME It. ARUANCIEMEIM - and .after
MONDAY, May Ltb, 102 Waits Will tesio the Depot
of the Penney New. Ilailroad, In Pittsburgh, se
Pitiabirgh, Oolumbas „ anti Oirsciimati Short L. vie
Letwue Plttaburgb
do . Steubenville
do Newark
do Colrotabna..-
"—i. .31 s. m.
12.60 P M.
9:50 " 10:15
—....__1 -
11:10 " 11:45
do St. Louis.
No change of cars between Pittsburgh audeincinnatt,
Splendid Bleeping Can attached to all Night Trains
iPiUsburgh and Meiling Line.
Leaved Pittaborgh I liffil e, ne
I 0:10 a. ru. l
do WellavMo.l 3:00 .• • 8:14 "
do Steubeisv'el 4;00 " 1 RIO "
do Wheeling. 4:54 " • 10:2.3 "
Arrives Haar.— 5.05 " kAO
Connecting at Wheeling with Buitlmco
Railroad, and at Relish . with Central Ohl
for Zanesville, Lancaster, Circleville, Col
Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Louis.
Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line,
Leavea.Pittaburgh Ltd a. m,
do Wellsville 4:25 "
do Bayard n RIO
do Alliance 0:43 " •
do Hudson ...... 8:00 "
Azrlvea. Cleveland....._ 0:15 "
Connecting at Bayard with Tuntarawew branch for
New Philadelphia and Canal Dover; at Alliance with
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Hafiroad; at
Hudson with Cleveland, Zanesville. and Cincinnati B.
IL for Akron, Cuyahoga Falls and Millersburg, and
at Cleveland - with - C. A E. IL IL. for krie, Dtrukitt
and Ruffian with C.A: V. R. It. for Toledo,
etulChimgo, and the North-west.
Wellaville Accommodation leaves at 4:00 p. m.•
Returning train. arrive at 2:20 a. to., 9.15 a. In.,
8::15 and ibl/0 p. to.
Through Tickets to all prominent points hi the
Went or South-went, North or North-west, can be
procured at the Liberty Stmt. Depot, Pittaburgh.
JOHN STF.yII2, Tlcket Agent.
" For further information, y to
At the Company'. Office in Freight Station, Penn'iL
BANOLIIENT FOR •a - T•''_..." v
MAINS. On and after MONDAY, Hai ISM.
The MAIL TEA IN issuer Pittsburgh limn the
Pattsrager depot; at. the. Intemeetion of. Liberty and
Grant atroeut ovary morning (except Sunday) at 250
m., stopping at all the prituipal atations Wittman
'Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and making 'direct co&
neetione at Harrisburg for Daltianore
too, and for How York via Allentown route. • '
The ILXPRFP.I3 TRAIN karate the above named
station daily at 3:51 p. no., stopping only at prin
cipal Stationa,making direct connection at Hares
burg for BaltimotO, Vtlashlagtem . and lisseltork via
The PAST LlNFAsens the istrine. named Station
daily (Sundays excepted). at dtiti p. m.,,stApping -
only at pritardpal Wawa., and 'emenctingadHarrlo•
burg for Baltimore and Washington: i" - - • '
YP.BIGHT•TBSII I 4 - with Passenger-Car
.atenbed,l - sareat the Passenger Potation 'every morn
ing, (standayai . esteepted,). at 5:30 th no., running as
6r as Coneutaughaod stopping at alt stations. .
„ . iCCOItHODAT/01.1 THAIS v..
The Johnsitlwititecommodarion Train teases dally, .
(except/3=day) 5t2:45 p. stopping at al! elation"
and running as Eat so' Cermmelo
- Accommodation Train ter Well'aStation i 5.,..
daily (except Sunday) at 6,40 a. m.
Semi= Accommodation, Train for Wall's Station
learnt daily (=apt Sunday) at 11:00 a. an.
Third.' Accotaracidation Train for Wall'a Station
lama daily (except Sunday) at-S:00 p. m.
Fourth Accommodation Train For. Wail's Station •
law= daily (except Sunday) at 5:15 p. no, - -
Bestuning -Trains arrive in Pitmourgn ea Iblakrilit
lizpreea,.l2•2s p. m.; Yatl, 115.05 p. m.; Famt-Idna, •
12 55 a as.; Johnstown Assimmodation, MESA. m. •
First Wall's Station Accommodation, GM a. m.,• See!
nod. Wall's Station Accommodatlet,ll:ss an.; Third
Wall'. Station Leonnamodatlen, 1:05 p. nt..4 Fourth
Wan Station Aeouturembationi 6:10 p. ea.
Trainstromlllairavilleand ludlanasormact ntHbillo•
dile .Luterseetion, with Johnstown. Accommodation
Hart and Weet,'Expreas and hall West.
The publicwill End it greatly to their Interest, In
cuing Last or - West, to travel by Om Pennsylvania
Oentralas the wasommodationa now attend
cannot blistarptasodun any. otherroute. The Bad is
hallaatetl. with ...done, and . Is entirely.froe from dna,
Wo"onsi 'remise safety, speed and comfort to all wbo
way 'layer this Head with their patronage. '
To New Tosh_.___hia 60" To Baltiroora....-.112 60
To Philadslphia--• 10 00 TorLeacaster----- 8 156
To Harrisburg --7 LT . , -
Baggage checked to al taloa, co the Tennsyles•
al* Contra &abroad, cud to. Philadelphia, Baltimore
and New Yorle;.. , - ,'
. .
ramenimers purchasing ticiets in cars will b.
charged an nom, according to ;Bahama traveled, In
addition to the station caulk : except from nations
where the Company has no agent. .
N0T10K...-in case of loos, the Opmpany will bold
Shameless nspousible leg Tonna .agg may. end
for an amount not anis:ding 11100. .
Ottin.Was ldne his been employed to
conrep passengers sad baggage to and from tbe De
pot, eta harge net to excised 25 cents ler each pea ,
swger awl bagger,. Vow tickets, apply to •
J. STEW Alt% Agesit,
At the Pennsylvania Central Itallload Pawns,
Station, ta Liberty and Gnat etniets.
Gesel Stwertntendent, Altoona. Pa.
BOA D-4UMBIZ6 Alt ••••
BADMEN - EXT.—On and SSW 7111:11teD6T; .11ay
Ist, 1862. the arrived and &patterned Trains ~1H
alert TLIALN,-Leaves Pittsburgh at GM Its, •
arriving at Kittanning at 10.:r) a. us.' Loma Kit
pouts at,arrivesst Pittaburgh at6AO p. us.
EXPRESS TRAM—Lassen Xittannherat • WA a.
.m., arriving at. Pittsburgh at Leib a. m.•
Pittsburgh at 4:00 p. m.. arriving at Kittanning It,
at 6:00 a. as s arriving at Pittsburgh at?: O a. le.
Loam Pittsburgh at 4:50 p. ns.„ arrisrug at &Rs
Works it ALIO p.m.
At freepost; stages to Butler counsel 'davits.
Rail Train from Pittsburgh; sari Express Train
from. Kittanning. At Kittanning, Geed Inept
•Stages =nevi with nail and.Expreut Traits 'ikons
Pittsburgh. P. ,14 RIGEL% Suet.
11 PI4 ILLIPis, • • -
. . .
anew arOUNIDERs-Atin
0,511 &N 1) STEAM 11:17/lialh
Idanollmtunertav •nd Dcalaraid;
Of sies7 description
OSL WELL rtriles t ot Ear.mi, corPEl.fe:ot
IRON, with the most stpiwypel Chamber" oeVelitiii
of all kinds, and warrant." to give aattatistion;,:.•:::
U. {Vidor: and 10! Trant imitoti,
moy, Norse & Iterlin'e Patent BelbAdjalitlng
Clothes Wringer. The Great Iniprorement
over every other uringlog machine pit basentak
g!'",d/UgiNi arrangement, reitu d ing noriltars,
Um 'to wing ,atiatlterriliel or, „qui% toose..
neently -Abe - least akllifel can
. otierate Tbe
Syringer.rsinliereein in operation at Hos. WS grid ts:
Bt. Clnir strait.., a. rWILLIPS, -
Ant - . niert* for Pittsburgh.
J3AUON —150,000 link. Baton Shouldenr,
• ' ' • ' I W.
t do bide .
o tier and Lee Lied
"800 bbis ` Mes Port
Chl itata ind irr sale by it. ItOBISSEVR
*V* . , , 95
111:50 p. m.
I 3.05 "
1 4120 ".
35 u
and Ohio
lu bus mud
12.50 p.
3:0(1 "
4:14 "
4:40 "
5:42 "