The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, May 08, 1862, Image 3

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    *% l" 4 q,
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TVI:IIBDAY 3 10.11N1N,G, MAY: 8.
..VITY AF17.41118
stetwokotaptitol4 Olutmednlkint • for Se
..,44iiiii, 144: - S. Rhaw, 0 1)**4.45 iifth
- s tri e tad ' .1141*i .: , ' '. -- - •
:,., • -, q ,- .... • . c- 7 ,iti , ',3 , . $ 1 ..;:... , i1 atm ta eiltia..
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;:-.... _.-!-, _,i. , 1‘.1" --. 1411E4 of " Ricidents.
~..-.: . 1 4 .' , 'kiii'tgap. named 24.00,.. 4 .k 7 .d i
lit, . ,-,, .. .. ..;:fieig. ficorik'#l#4•!'
..:-. .:440044,,0nis seriously, and
o f
'it irtatary fujilt4iPbAlitiii icabfen- 1 ,
-':struck on the forehead . whir an sae,
• .-
--l irkile engaged at work. -
,:.:George Robinson, a &Aerial man, employed.
i 4 ~. & - ,%i ie driver for
Mr. Thompson Bell, Esq., wa
!,, _ ^:. 'Hirown from Bells. buggy, yesterdy a te
.:,„,., ' ternoon, at the-corner of - Ohio street and
:• • *,..- Illation avenue.' The animal, which infieet:
..'.. " ••••••;ti Vu spirited, was. making 2:40 time--down;
ntreeti . aad not being checked vat the.
musetst„ - Itebinsoin lest , bis balance and - felt
•-. limivilfr4 n the 's treet .. Tee buggy did not
upeeti the boise continued along Ridge
iltruet ittla pid rate, until lost from view.
ta r o
/sol l l#/lOtt*lldi badly cut over the eyes, but not
datigerlintObjured, and. was assisted to a
house in the.naighborbood. - The accident re-,
- : sititat Hint rookies* driving.
, • '',.• . 4olut Jandion, teamster, of Allegheny, had.
a valuablo,berse. killed yesterday, while- de
- • inendingthe Milt= the stone quarry back:
• ' •• •of km . -taggsrVe. risidenoe, in the -Second
• ~ 1 - Wart,- 'TheAridipia very steep, and. Mt.,
- . ..Tamlion had a heavy `load of stone on - the
'wagon - . • rte forgot - to apply the lock, when
• • •- ~.••• the wagon pressed the team so bard that one
et the horses fell and was almost' instantly
- : , •• A drzyman; employed by. Henry McCul
lough, was very seriously injureda day or two
.. sines, by being Pressed against a freight , car
on Liberty street. The horn frightened, and
. - • in.entempting to hold him bi the bead, he
, . . was driven backwards against the ear '
- end of the shaft crushing - in his ' breast, and
causing internal injuries whieb may tannin
:'attain his death. His physician hen little
topes of his recovery. • 1- -, .
tihocking Adeident.
-.- -
. .
.. ' "• , An accident of a distressing nature occurred
_ Tiestarday, about noon, At
_the outer depot of
: Abe _Pittsburgh, Fort. Wayne 'end Chicago
. . .
,"...Itailway. A number pf tittle boys were play
ingabOut the. platfonn,' at, the cattle yards;
- when a train approached along the siding.
'One-Of the boys , aged about ten yearn, a. son
. ~ . .
01 7 11 tr.. Barclay, briekmaker, got between the
train. the platform' by some means, and.
.. - was eiltsbed.le a most shocking , manner. 'The
Apnea beiweeu the edge of the • platform, and
stbit tilde' Of the car, was only about nix it:ches,
and titbit; small sparse the head 'of the unfor
tunate boy was compressed.' One aide of the
face IW-terribly larcerated, and the bones
--..broken:- _One eye was also torn out, and it is
'feared that the skull is fractured. The apace
• below the floor of the platform was larger or
, liinebest would have been crushed in. ' lie'
,irseeolie7ed to his father's raaiderme, in the
,vicinity, of. Bagaleyee lane, where he now bee
fa a very critical situation. The boys are
very troublesoine in' the vicinity of the depot,
. and parents should warn them of. the danger
af Saying le that vicinity..
. , - . - ~
... - 7Nteting of the .Board of Tnt.d . e.
A s t.n.moothig of the Board of Trade, held
4irj tabZl ki evening, the following. resolu
tions ware.adopted:
- Raidostl;', - That the Subsistence Committee
of this oily be inquested to take charge of all
'aiek,woundedinidestitut e soldiers forwarded
to this eitrfrem)stherpoints, and to make the
necessary prorisioir. for forwarding them to
their homes ; : ead that the -aitisens are re
'quested to senein their contributions for the
Subsist:nice Committee to . Messrs. George Al
-91 Son;
carrying out this object,
andlthat all seldleas be directed to the Coma .
. tidtteeknamed for proper assistance and - rellef.
...44gpicitead, That7tlte.fOretoing resolution be
publislail, with the names of the satire mem
, ;Nurser the Subsistence Committee. •
The following are the names of the Stiblist
-41104 Committee: Joseph Albree, H. M. At
wood, W. P. Weyman, !Whist C. Albree, Ed
nrin M. Nevin, A. H. Lane; F. Semple, B. F.
'Vendee:sort, George Little; B. F. IVeymen,
R. Robinson' 0. 'Lemon, Thomas Carnegie,
E. Schwartz.
Explosion at the Arsenal.
yeitnnkcy afternoon an explosion of a se
lions nature, and one which might hare
peeved very , disastrous to life end property,
occurred at • the ignited States Arsenal, in
• Lawrenceville. -We learn that in one of the
rooms; where fuses for shella-were being pre
paret,'an' explosion of powder upon the door
was ocasalcnod;as is supposed, by one of the
—boys striking a spark with a,nail in the heel
of his shoe... The burning powder, which way
sprinkled over the door, ignited a number. of
-thy fuses and several of the boys were slightly
• iburni, and had their clothes scoroked. No
one.wasseriotutly injuled, brain the adjoin
ing room were a number of shells prepared
for use with fuses attached, which narrowly
eicaprel ignition. Red 3tie tire reached them,
the eXplosion would have been terribly de
struct7e, not only to the building, but to the
lives of
A stra..`na Application.
Mayor Drum was :gaited upon yesterday,
' by a_mother having in chOlia a -Pli% haPa
fal," aged live years, which aha
wished -to
Lave placed in the Rouse of 1.7 16 4 ° I be
neon' that she resided in DeclElolllo . 1 / 4 " ti g h,
but borlinsband had abandoned her. Shts",,_."
..also applied to have her son placed in
Home of the Friendless,- but failed, and would
be obliged • to - wind. him to the Refuge. The
Mayor_ looked at the little fellow, not yet out
of his pettiimats, and suggested that he was
entirely toe young to be placed in that
tutionr" -- "Oh,.yes," replied the mother, "he's
young, but he's getting pretty bad!" The
Mayor declined to take any cognizance of a
due en exceedingly "small e !!. and the "cruel
parient" left in a very desponding rimed, with
the "bad.boy" toddling at her heels.
Fooniorr.--ii &tenni into this beautiful snags
sine at once apprizes' us, that it deals with a
subject entirely beyond our — range—a pus
sling, intricate, endlesaly complicated subject, -
of whit% the first alphabetical letter wan writ
ten,. we suppose, WOOD Eve tried her yet un
practiced hand upon in apron,, . without a
needle, sts we have heardoind, vrefear though
anon this point we speak without. &timothy,
-without& thimble also; Well, this was: long,
long ago—and the subject has been _growing
ever since, and is now of such vast range and
importance, that it would be highly plenum-.
'Wool In ions novices, like ourselves, to pre
"sume even to forman opinioa about this mor
axial" or the 'subject it deals with. We there
fore-relegate the whole matter of Zeme Demo
nist andovir ledr.frionds, merely intimating
to the latter that at the stares of Mr. °nose
rxxxx end ktr. 2dlnts,Fifik street, they can
rind' the work which hoccalled forth these re
..morks,--and that it contains, besides all tho
pictorial and letter.prese cox Leolts,sundxy utga
'unions parcelsi or feseiculi, if we would
ipso* learnedly of that of which wean ig- .
noiont--which, doubtlers thei
_Rill explore
lettli treat Iptereet arid eta endeixtanding of
the Miele matter. -
tatind drama, of the " Drunkard "
. will be
produced at the Theatre to-night, for the first
time la twelve months. There is not a word
in the drama of the " Drunkard" whlolt-ean
• be objected to by the most - fastidloas. Its
teaehings virtuous, and no one
van - tidtaeis it. faithful portrayal, without
being'immlbly effected. Ykrents and guar
diansahould take their children and wards,
to Nee 'Mr. ilenderson's representation' .of Ed
wnrdlliddliten, the high toned, buttrafortu
,,:... nata.vietim of ids appetite:: Every member
of tbe " stock company. appears in the, piece,
and weirolt nor "an overflowing house., . •
WitIMISO NATCII.--Quito an interesting
enestling match took plats at Penn Station
WiiitaaoreLaid county, a few - days since, 644
tween Thomas Jackson and Wm. Mitchell icor
kb. , Jackson was deoLarisd the wtnne ha
hitting 'Aroma ,Ids opponent twice. • eon-
Waylaid* amount of money changed hands
apoa : lk. intionteseameat of Ake teeWt
, - Arrest of Suspicions Characters.
Th.. ARegheny pollee yesterday afternoon
arrested couple of Germans, under very sue
platen, circumstances. They were noticed 4b
eater Several houses in the vichfity of the
North Common, apd when mot by the inmates
-ther promied to be hunting a doctor. Tbe
reAdencons of George R. Riddle, Jas. Sholen,
John Mclntyre; J. J. Gillespie, John Brown,
Tr.,ind others, bad been entered by them.
Before they reached the residence of Mr.
Broin, the polies were on their track. Ono
of them sabred here, leaving the othar out
side: 'lle had been in over half an hoar, be
he was discovered, when he told his
"doctor!" story. Rev. Mr. Dickey, who boards
with-Mr. Brown, came out to the door with
the man, and suspecting that his intentions
were evil, although he had been discovered in ,
rather close - proximity to a wardrobe in one
of ths upper:nom& He "end his companion
4reaeliottracrested end taken tOr thislook-up.
They Ilv:Vlitill*nalnes as Charles Roth and
Henry : Heleriand stated that they had just
arrived from Cincinnati. They had a large
number of keys In their possession, but had
stoleh nothing: They were looked up for a
'At= GT TER e
• Jenne D. Bright.
, This lately notorious individual, we learn
-from the Wheeling fereitirecer, passed
through that city On Tuesday. Be scups to
be performing his present journey in a very
quiet, unobtrusive style—quite unlike his
former self. Doubtless some recent experi
ence has taught him that, when a max be
comes infamous, he may find it more comfor
table to travel—u even famous men do some
times—ia;tog. Raceme, says the ints/Zigencer,
over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and
proceeded to the steamer Bostonia, which WAS
to leave the following evening for Cincinnati.
Ills wife and four children, two of whom - arn
grown, accompanied him; they are going
home to Andiana. The Intelligewcer adds:.
Prom the fact that he preferred to proceed
quietly on board of a steamer, instead of go
tog to a hotel until the day of the departure
of the boat; and from other reasons, it is In
ferred that Mr., Bright feared some personal
violence at the•hands of our citizens, which
fears; if entertained, • are wholly and . entirely.
groundless. The late Senator was call:d upon
at the boat by ex-Judge Thompson.
On COOT TRY FRIEND/3 who desire a neat
well-tatting, city-made suit of clothes, Wade.
from the best and moat fashionable material,,
-should examine the goods to be found at the'
cash establishment of J. L. Carnaghan, Fed
eral street, near the Diamond, Alleghen
He is well known to be as expert in hi. busi
nese, and has at this time a .most des rabic'
selection of coatings, vestings and pan . loon'
stuffs of the latest and most approved s yles..
By-all means see this stook before'or.i.ring,
your dress, business or promenade nits.
Carnaghan pays especial attention to .eye'
Another Bold Robbery.
Lost night another daring robhery was per
petrated in the very heart of the city. he
tavern of Mr. T. Duffy, corner of Grant dad
Webster streets, was entered from the street,
by hreaking open the cellar door. After en
tering. the cellar, they gained SCCTIBII to the'
barroom by an inside stairway. They got
no money, but carried off a large amount. of
clothing, liquors, etc. A large demijohn of
gin, and numerous bottles of tine liquors were
taken from the cellar, In the bar room were
a 'couple of trunks, belonging to a young man
who is now absentfrom the city, and who had
received permission to store them there.
These were both taken away. One of them
, was discovered this morning, rifled of its con
tents, and lying on the pavement on Webster
street, a few recta from the corner of Grant.
The other had been carried away, probably
beanie It was difficult to force open. It is not
known What these trunks contained, but they
are supposed to have been well filled with val
uable clothing.
Th - o thieves, having secured their booty,
made off with it. how they managed to got
out the hear trunks, a fire gallon demijohn,
and dozens of bottles, without attracting the
attention of the night police, is a mystery.
They had no means Of egress. except by the
bar room door oparthisr uptin tn't iireet, andif
the watehmefi had been making hie customary
rounds he would certainly have deteated them.
The Judgments Against the City.
Thefollowing is a copy of the interroga
tinims - served upon the City Controller and
Treasurer, ,o which reference was made yes
1. Were there any moneys of the Mayor,
Aldermen and eitisens of Pittsburgh in tho
hands or control of the Treasurer of said city,
on the 23d day of November,. 1861 7 If so,
state the amount, and what disposition has
been made thereof ? And lf_paid out, annex
to answer a schedule of the warrants authori
sing such payment, showing their. dates,
amounts, by whom signed, and to whom pay
2. What moneys of said city are now in
your bands or possession, or under your con
- 3: - Why h►ve the judgments of the. Plain
tiffs not been paid either in whole or in part,
in obedience to the Mandamus executions on
writs of special FL Fa , heretofore issued ?
4. What, warrants were certified by the
Comptroller, and eountersigned by the Mayor
sinclt-the date specified in the first interroga
tory 7 Annex to your answer a schedule
showing theiidates, anionnts, and to whom
These questions are inquired to be answered
under oath, within ten days, in the 'United
States District Court,
The Expenses efthe Sanitary Expe
The entire cost of the expedition to Tennes
see, for the relief of sick and wounded sol
diers, with the subsequent expenditures, will
probably reach os6,ooo—a very low figure, in
deed, compared with the extent and character
of the expedition, and particularly trifling
when weighed against the misery relieved, the valuable lives which have been saved
,w say saved, because all agree, that scores
of the men taken away by our boats would
have died bad it sift - been for the timely suc
cor .euti,do to them. Of thc , arnourit re
abo.7t, $4,000 have been paid in,
and disbursed 5i1,650 of which was from the
Board of Trade, 5i r 0 ,, 00 ,, , co ll ec t ing
fmathe'citize "
of th e s econ d W ar d .
committees were t pointed *Li the - wards
of the two cities, r,
ports have "t " v 's'
from only three wards in this city, two
in Allegheny. This is not as it shoe. . ~.
and if.the gentlemen appointed in the delin
quent wards cannot Act, others should be ap
pointed. We know that many would con
tribute to this fundliberally and cheerfully if
Called upon to do so. The fault doos not lie
with the people, but with the Committees.
drawing crowded houses nightly, at McClel
land's Auction room, Oh Fifth street, and - well
he might, as we noticed knocking down
some of our oldest and best standard authors
last night at less than half what it would cost
to get them up. lie will have another "bat
tle with the books" to-night, and if you want
some pleasant companions, for the approach
ing long summerafternoons, don't fail to at
tend the Bales. '
Tna Csusnon Itoczanu MILL.—The new
rolling mill at Hollidaysburg is nearly com
pleted, and will soon bo in full operations. It
was started on trial a day or two since, and
good judges say they never saw machinery
work better. The large fly wheel, weighing
25 tons, runs ,as accurately as the' balance
:wheel - of a watch. Owing to some dereet in
one of the boilers, the mill has been stopped
;until it is properly repaired. '
DARN Buserao..!—The barn of Major James
P. Wick, of MOrth.BuMtio township, Arm-
Irons county, :was totally consumed by fire
Thursday afternoon last: The barn con
tained a large venality or oats, corn, hay, do.,
all of which was 4XiSIIIWZIIid, together with two
valuable horses and I calves. The fire
Is supposed to be 'the 'work of an incendiary.
The toss is estineada et . at upon which
there is no insurance.
Biaunarr . Davits lawin, of Reldsburg,
Ciarioh county, a member or Cot. Hays' 83d
Regiment, waa..killed on the 9th ult., near
°Yorktown, while on; a reconnoissance with
his corop.iny. He wns shdt-isethe neck, the
ball penetrating • the windpipe and coming ,
out under the right Cu. died almost in
tr.t.iatin Our 'readers
who buy dilliantMli ci.. -ake intimated to read
the advertisinient of ' J. Sharp, of New
/Corns in another 901 m1 19 'lab ?war. _
Air Ayala at the Pi
.MANSION 110178E—Llbec
020 1011A7113111
II Wood., Livingston co
K W Wilson, Marion '
Time Findley, Salem. Ky
11 Smith, LowellrDle, Ky
B 0 Ward, Nashville
W T Banlbonse, .
dale 0
G A dew, Hopedale, 0
Isaac Fox, Altoona
John Allingham, Elders
Title, Pa
11 Kline, Greensburg
J Wardell, New Fork
J Kerr, Emit Liberty
Alex Miller, Ohio
T C Clark, Sharon
W Fitzgerald, &Bynum
W Mclbireine, do
8 C Huyett, Carliale
J McGratigle, Cambria on
II SI Curry, Ligonier
A Nichol, &Hair,
HARE'S 110TEL—Liba
11141110 LL BAHL
W M'Cleatt,Thompsonvlle
H C Heinenum, Butler '
J W Burt, Van Buren
W Renshaw, Station 15, 0 ,
G•ltenshaw, Warthington
11 Mend., Cannormburg
A Henderson, do • :
',it 8 Kirk, to
T Hart, a.
.1 31 Thompson, Wash co.
L B Giddies A sou, do
Miss 3lotes,Westmereland
W 11 Kerlin, Steubenville
J Wails co
It Caldwell, do
J Moore, do
8M Olymoads,Portersville
J - Motes,Wcatmorcland co
J Teich, McKeeeport
11 Perri., Butler co
A J flicker.-
A 1' Kelso, Oaken];
F , Kerr, PFWACR 191
8 ecoult, N Lisbon, 0
J Arnold, Washingten,ra
& P. 0011 DON.
Jaz Oil Creek
A Philips, Jefferson to
J Phillips, do
G 8 Davis, Warren co
D Crain, do
W Rosa, lVestmoreland
Lupkens, Oil City
T Kelso, Xoblestown
John Frick, McKeesport
T Gregory,
Welsh, 011 City
G WOW:man; do -
D 8 Gibson, Yeungstown
8 PIO, Oil Creek
W Hunter, do
.1 A Connwell, Greensburg
John Mortimer, do
EAGLE HOTEL—Liberty street, below Seventh.
JOIEII roan , PE011111702,
Hugh Doming, Jeff. co Blt William,, Jeff. Co
W P Alcoma.. lady, Ewen T M William,, do
Volley Westutore-
W P Brioton, Greenwalt land co
A Barnhart, Butler co Geo Reynolds, Sittaning
J 31 cLaughlineArtnstr'ng 1' .1 Whitaere, Alexanria
I , Howell, U 8 A T J Freeport.
Utica, Ind Jno Hawkey, do
S Nuff, !!!.hoeing G. A Green, Larill/P1 . 21
Jl.lO Short, do Station
Curry, Adamsville D Harshy, Latrobe
J B littler, Jett Cu J Turner, Indian, Pa
J Vauderrert, do S A Batchelogit do
Jno Weaver, Bearer, co 0 W Rameey, New Calle
C Carter Dearer on
J Franke
I) ZdoLooghlin, Rochostor
AI Camps, do
Jao Warh co
IL Lemons, city
111 , 3111A3 Lardy, Penn
NV S Rimmos, ic,mh co
J Aflame, Wash.
A Grabb d. Wire,
J Torrend,,Normgetown
3lise R Grinst, Brown/rile
J Fleming, Blainrrillo
E G Fleming, do
Regiment, Col. Rowley, has been paid two
months' wages, and Rev. A. M. Stewart,
Chaplain of the Regiment, is Impacted herein
a few days, with packages of money for the
families of those serving In this Regiment.
letter writer in Flag °Meer Foote's Flotilla,
now in Plumb Point Bend, above Fort Pillow,
states that John Murray, of Pittsburgh, ar
rived there on the Jut inst., to take the posi
tion of pilot of one Of the gunboats. ,
STRUCK WITH PAsitmos.—Rev. J. H. Kerr,
pastor of the Filth strsetlfothodiet Protestant
Church, was a fow days since stricken with
paralysis. Ho is, we learn, in a quite critical
- F6E4Yi&ON—Ektia 4 ijrthe eth fast.
by the Rev. Afr.lteek, Mr. FERGUSONand
albs BECCA EARLEY, both
of Allegheny Cl,y.
LEIIIMON—In New Brighton, on th
7th instant, of consumption, AGNES kL. dtughte
of W. B. and Jane LCILIEnOrk, in the 19th year of he
8111TH—int fitoith's Ferry, on the 6th natant
at 6 o'clock p.m., Capt. 13 Ahill.F.L nlitlTH, in th
67th year of him age.
[Cincinnati papers please copy
Ittmovan.—Satonel Graham, Merchant
Tailor, has removed to No. 54 Market street,
one door from Third street, and has just re
ceived his second supply of Spring and Sum
mer Goode, consisting of the latest styles of
cloths, cassimeres and vestings, selected from
the latest importations. Gentlemen desiring
their clothing made up to at them, and at 20
ler cent. less than at any other Merchant Tai
or store in the city, would do well to give
him an early call, as his motto is "quick sale.
and small profits."
McGee & Co., corner of Federal street and Di
amond square,
Allegheny, have truly earned
tho name of fashionable clothiers. Their
supply of Spring and Bummer goods are of
the latest styles. All.their clothing is made
up under their own direction, and is war
ranted to fit their customers. In prices they
are bound not to be undersold by any other
establishment. Give them a call and judge
for; yourself. We guarantee for you a good
' , sere roe Socoixas...—Throughout the Di
dier; and Crimean Campaigns, the only medi
cines which proved
.themselves able to cure
the worst cases of Dysentery, Scurvy and Fe
ver, were Holloway's Pahl and Ointment.
Therefore let every volunteer see that he is
supplied with them. Only 25 cents per pot er
Wu. POZZILBT, Carpenter in Joiner, Job
bing Shop Virgin alley, between Smithfield
street and Cherry alley. All kinds of House
Repairing done on short notice and In work
manlike manner, Charges moderate. Leave
your orders. All ordere promptly attended
LAnon assortment of Bag and Llst Car
pets will be opened this morning a 1.,. Finch's,
corner of Grant ard_Fifth streets, all of which
will bp sold at extremely low prices.
IZARKER Co., 59 Market strecd, offer
another opportunity for bargains in Silks and
general D re o 00.111. (lo and Nee thorn, and
go early.
Owniscs Csti.e will bs taken at Ilunt's
Book Store, Masonic Hall, Piftii street, and
at the Omnibus office, N 0.405, Liberty street•
Day or night, all orders left in either the two
places will be promptly attended to.
DOCTOR C. DIALS, Water Care and Homeo
pathic Physician ; also agent for Rainbow's
celebrated Truss for Ruptures. 'Corner of
Penn and Wayne streets.
Derrierwr.—Dr. C. Bill, Ifo. 2481'enn it.,
attends to an branches of the DentaL profes
Markets by Telegraph.
CINCINNATI. May 7 .--Evattlni.e-llour lw active
and prices• are nominal; eupertine aella $4 2054
35. Wheat is to good demand from millers and from
- the interior; the market 11 firm at 112 E 407 c for red,
and !LW 03 for white, Corn is In active demand,
and ear hate *Warmed hi 36g shelled is In goodxle.
eland at this rale.- Whisky has advanced to 20e Und
onri little is offering. Provhdons are golet and on.
changed. Maas pork sells at 811. Lard brings No.
Bulk heat firm at 3go and 5,10., Thera Is nothing
In groceries. Linseed oil dull at 114.555 c.
Exchange he premium. Gold dull at 2%c.
Nem Yong, May 7.—Evenlng.—Cotton In doll
at 27c. Flour declined Sc; sales el' 14,069 bbls at
$4 9565 for State; $5 2405 for Ohio, and $3 25.46
for Southern. Wheat 5410 c lower- 7.10) huh sold;
Milwaukee Cub In hold at 5115. -Corn dull; 33,000
bush sold at 55(355e. 'Reef firm. Pork .firsn; 1,600
LW/ sold atsls. Lard firm. Whisky lino; 7,000
bleis sold at 255fAT5c. Rice firm. Sugar erns; Coffee
'quiet; Woaol t ihc. ••
Stocks aro excited and higher; Chicago and Ronk
Island 62y,; Illinois Central 62X; Michigan South
ern 49%; Virginia 51;.mhisordi
Orrice or me Aux.:cum ficis Clostrunr.l
r D '
IV '
D.— T M y
.President and. d,
Directors of the Alleghsoy this C7oninany have
nth day declared is dividend Cl lititill - Prift CZNT
out of iho'prodta Dribs last nix .inontlu r yayabla to
i tbastockholdses littlish', item rflyeaintativOion iind
alter the Idth inst., .--- , ii. C.' rOßrint. - ;
~,,.t , .. -. . - ... z. C • , - , -'f .', .. Ilvaiiinsr,
i glia.airisbOlf oz. P. ft .W..11,f0r sale
..., -. by Lcarn • • -B. Ac rAgliiiiioo4 dk CO.
.''', . ',7:.t3-'-.410%:'7,111,144Z--4-1..,'•.-7":P.Ali;^-_=
~= ..
_ I _ ~T; s - ',~ad Y ~`~4`~~ro`-.~-x + nLL v, e~z-~,~
' i Y ~-s,~, N , A
~~ r a ~+
rincipal Hotels,
rty tar H. 11. Dejea.
B Thompson, Wilkinsb'g
T J TeMugwelf, Penns It
T S Loisenring, Philo
9 Franks, Dawson
L Cowley, Pa
E AI Betts, lowa
W C Woodward, Ipwa
SI J Stamp, Mt Vernon, 0
R Miller, do
J. Boss
Mn Williams, Chicago
L Hall, Delaware ea
Jno Goodwin
J Grant, Freeport
Mtn Nicbolle , 3tt Pleaan t
Myst Braden, do
Dr L MagtU, Freeport
W Uwe.
A Peterm., Oil City
CB_Whltsel, Titvavillo
AI Elder, Tionesta
A Benedict, Pleasanttillo
arty street, foot of nth . .
L rsorsurroa.
A Thompson, Cannonsleg
W McPherson, do
8 Hamilton,. Inuntown
J P Crawford, Yenango co
It J Crawford, do
T Grier, N Cumberland
8 IL Cook, W.hlngtortco
E V Kendry, Wastm'lttco
J W Donaldson, Wash co
C B Kerr, Noble/045*n
W Kerr, do •
nrizuting & mIS
S Harper, Butler
9 SI Wiliock, Sugar null
G If Coulter, Miller's Bun
J 8 Porter,nancock co,Va
W W Arnold, Cadiz, 0
J 8 Hoed, Servererillo
C Reed, do
J Kerr, Elizabeth
A A Appelgate, do
T J Baring - om,
IL SI Kellogg, Plilla
D Bowen, Wllkinsburg
LJ Imbrie, Pblla
-No. a St. Clair stmt.
J MeClallm, McKeesport
R Greer, do
J B Snead, Freedom
B A Walker, do
J J Lover/, 011 City
P Corbett, Venango co
Gill, do
11 Woodwell, Washt'n co
J Woodwell. do
W N Lukens, Oil City ,
A McFarland, Cross Creek',
J 3lcFarlind, d
If Now York o
W Wittesadbead, do
J W Nell!, Oil Creek
W Coc7iley , Creittl .
I D.Smith, Candor.
The Slaves Leaving Their Mas
Jeff. Davis in Despaii
[Special Dispatch to the Dinette.]
PHI ral DIWPIIIA, May T.--The Tribune's cor
respondent ;utys, Judge Cooper, of Shelby vino,
Tenn., is in Washington. Be reports that the
Union cause is gaining strength there daily.
The county , officers Ire taking the oath of al
legiance, and everything begins to wear a
quiet and businese-likeaspect.
Ez-Goverbor Neil S.Brown Is advising (ha
citizens of Nashville,to;abandoe the fortunes
of Jeff. Davis and rote= to their loyalty:
The Richmond Exareiser says that (lover',
nor betcher has ordered out for service all thb
'old men between thltty-Ave and fifty-five
years of ago, who wits spared by the con
scription bill.
The Austin (Teem* Qyzetre announces the
Sava] of the body otGeueral.Bettlitoctillooh
at that place, whons* was 'itterred.
The Richmond Rottatfityr, of, the let inst.,
says the protection horded by the Unionists
to fugitive negroes is to be playing havoc
with the slaw ittltecueighborhood of Fred
ericksburg. They - gitookin s to the Union
ists by hundreds. Etglity had gone off at one
time from the river Plintittions;audit Is said
there is scarcely a 40.4aholdir Ip Frederick.
burg who has not to ouneimore of his a
We learn from h7iederickaburg that Gen.
McDowell is now oriaisisinet.he loyal blacts,
as fast as they arritre, into companies and
squads, commended* the most intelligent of
their own color, andastablishlng a line'of pro
motion by which they:May, if industrious, at- .
taro to the same . paf_ae the ordinary field
laborer. The 'price given titil32 at ~ f irst ranges
from twenty-Eve cart 4 to. folly mute per day,,
with one day's rations 'lnd clothes..
Private soldiers hereafter are not to be
ployed in rebuilding' :inroads and bridges if
black labor can be obtained. The soldiers
will hereafter carry the musket alone, and not
the pickax and shovel side.
Jeff. Davis' fugitive; coachman in a pore
African; black as midnight; he can read and
write—and talks , as well as a Member of
After examination and cross examination
by Generals McDowell and 'King, and several
newspaper correspondents, not a flaw could be
detected in his story'. Be is now employed as
a body servant te,General McDowell. He
says Jeff. Davie; since the battle of Shiloh,
has been pale apd haggard, and talks 'but
little; when ho dub open his lips, it is but to
curse and blame his Generals. He itdds that
Davis remarked' after the battle of Shiloh,
that he planned' all the advanced movements,
but that his Generals executed the retreat.
Secessionists in Fredericksburg say that the
capital of the Southern Conferdelacy has been
temporarily removed to Danville, N. C. D.
Particulars of the Capture o
Eleven Rebel Gunboats Destroyed
Four Hundred Prisoners Taken
Two Rebel Iron-Clad Vessels Sunk
tare and Stripes Wrang over New Orlean
NSW YORK, May 7.—The - stenmer Colum
bia, from Havana, with dates to the 3d inst.
has arrived.
The United States gunboat, Daniel Smith
arrived at Havana on the 30th ult., from For
Jackson, with dates to the 26th.
Tho attack on the rebel forts, below New
Orleans, commenced on the 18th ult. On tho
23d, Commander Farragut, in the United
States sloop-of-war Hartford, with thirteen
steamers, passed the forts, and Gen. Butler
lauded four thousand men above.
The rebels lost eleven gunboats, and the
Rollins Turtle, known as the Manassas Ram.
Our forces took four hundred prisoners.
We lost one hundred and fifty men and one
gunboat, the Verona, which was sunk.
On the 24th a Bag of truce was sent to Com.
Porter, asking conditions for a surrender, to.
which Coin. Porter replied, no conditions.
Our Hag now waves over the Custom Rouse.
An American war steamer reports capturing
three rebel steamers and sending them to Key
West. Another rebel steamer was chased into
Bahia Ronda.
Twenty mortar and three gunboats were
engaged against the forte, silencing them af
ter eix days incessant fighting.
The chains across the river ware removed
by our giinboats. The rebels sent fire rafts
down the river, but they did but little dam
age. One set fire to the Hartford, but was
speedily extinguished.
The United States gunboat Verona, and
the rebel iroa•cled steamer Webster had a
splendid engagemnt. The Webster run Into
the Verona and sunk her, bat before going
under the Verona's crow poured in a volley
of eight guns, so destructive and crushing,
that both the Verona and Webster went down
Igements for the surrender of Ports
Jackson and Phillip - were to be made on the
27th ult., the day after the steamer Jackson .
left Fort Jackson.
The Ram Manassas was sunk by the 11. B
steamer Misssiosippl.
Our forces Bent small boats to the Ore rafts-,
and towed them out of the way before they
wild do any berm.
The rebel lose is unknown.
Cavalry Reconnoissance.
Nnw Msaawr, May 7.—Yirsterday Att e ,
noon.—A detachment of the sth New York
Cavelliy made a reconnoissance towards Har
risonburg. When fire miles this side they
encountered upwards of 200 of Ashby's Cav-
alry. They charged on them .and pursued
them within two miles of the town.
Our lose was one killed •end one battalion
adjutant taken prisoner. •
do officer from • Monet Jackson, this
morning, says the guard at the bridge reports
that a guerrilla cavalry attempted last night
to burn the bridge; bit were repulsed.
CIXCINNATI, May 7.-oapt. Hazlett, of the
Bementlo arrived-here on a -sick furlough.
Neither hinielf, Capt.:Meginneyinor Lint
DSal were - taken primmetir at Pnlaskl;le 'im
ported from LonMvilM 'petards,. Captain
Menhitt regreheflmieffOrh#/datakinglearole.
4 . e., &St., tiv
&c., de., .tc
On Sunday afternoon, Gen. Pope by placing
a battery of artillery in the open field near
Farmington, in eight of three rebel regiments,
succeeded in luring them on to take the bat
tery, when he took the whole force, number
ing 2,000, prisoners.
Deserters report great dissatisfaction in the
rebel army, both among officers and men.
Beauregard had made a speech to the troop,
in which he said that ho would make a des
perate stand, and force the Federal army to
Orders bad been lulled to the Federal troops
to march on Sunday night, but was prevented
by the condition of the reads, which the
heavy rains rendered impassable.
Indictment for Treason Quashed.
Cinoixxert, May 7.—ln the. United States
Circuit Court, April termi 1861, the. Grand
Juty found an indictment for treason against
James W. Cheneweth, for furnishing supplies
and munitions of war to the rebels.
At the presen WM, ex-Seztator Pugh, coun
- lel for defendant, moved to quseb the indict
ment, on the ground that the first clause, sec
tion 3d, article third, of the Constitution,
which provides that treason shall consist only
in levying war, refers to the rebellion ; while
the second clause, or adhering to their ene
mies in giving aid and comfort, relates only
to a public war with a foreign enemy.
Jenne° Swayne gave his decision yesterday
sustaining the motion by quashing the Indict
To-morrow's/aquiver will contain the decis
ion at length.
Important from Mexico.
New Yon, May 7.--Vera Crag dates of the
24th ultimo, received via Havana by the
steamer Columbia, state that the Freneh have
opened hostilities and taken possession of
Cordova has declared for Almonte..
The British minister is said to beholding
&private interview - with Doblado at Puebla.
The Mexicans have received reinforcements
of 9,000 men, and Con. Zaragosa would dis
pute the march of the French.
The Spanish troops on' the Island+-of St.
Domingo had' attacked the Haytiarn,i .and a
force of several 'batteries and a number of
tro?ps had been sent there. The Spanish
claim the title to certain lands, which the
Ilaytians will not yield.
flouts Guards gone to Pottsville.
PILILADUPHIA, May 7.—Three companies
of Home Guards have gone to Pottsville, on
the requisition of the Governor, to prevent
the outrages by the minors, who, be ing'on a
strike, have stopped - the'pumps so that the
mines are being flooded With .water.
Grain Elevator, Destroyed , Fire.
DAVVITORT, lowa, May . 7.--The grain de
l-star in this ally, belonging to Towniend
Co., or Moetog, .was. destroyed by fire last
night Loes,sls,ooo. Eightthousandlateh
els or graia-were &strop:mi.' : The grain wail
hurtled to the antounOrt $7,000. •
Ns's"' Yosi", Mai 7. -;-The itemomhip Per
sia untwist noon to-day • . - =
&c., rEe., &c
WASHING - 1'0:r, May 7.—Dispatches received
from Gen. McClellan 'announce the evacuation
of Williamsburg by the rebels, and that our
army is following them vigorously on the road'
to Richmond:
The battle of Monday was very severe, and
the loss of the rebels proves to have been
The following has been received at the War
Williamsburg, May 6, 1862.
To Nun. E. D. Stanton, Secretary of War
Srit-I have the pleasure to announce the
occupation of this place, as the result of the
hard fought action of yesterday.
The effect of Gen. Ilancock's brilliant en
gagement yesterday afternoon was to turn the
left of their lino of works ; he was strongly
reinforced, and tho enemy abandoned the en
tire position during the night, leaving all his
sink and wounded in our hands. His loss
yesterday was very severe. ,-We have some
200 uninjured prisoners and-more than 400
wounded. Their loss in killed is heavy. I
have sent cavalry in pursuit.
The conduct of our men has been excellent
with scarcelyan etooption.
The enemy's works are very extensive, and
exceedingly strong, both'in respect to their
position, and the wain; themselves.
Our loss was neavy in Gen. Iloolter's divi
sion, but very' little on other parts of the
Geld: '
• Gen. Hancock's success was gained with a
loss of not over 20 killed and wounded.
The weather is good to-day, but there is
great difficulty in getting up food on , aceount
of the roads. Very few wagons have as yet
'COIIII3 up.
Am I. authorized to follow the example of
other Generals, and direct the names of bat be placed on the colors of regiments?
''We have other battles to fight before reach
ing Richmond.
(Bigned] G. B. MoCtEttsx,
Major General Commanding.
BALTIMORk, May 7.—Our letter by the Old
I Point boat says that the mail boat Nellie
Baker arrived just before the boat left, and
reptirts that Gen. McClellan is in Williams.
burg, having driven the enemy from their Po
sition. A few captured cannon had been re
taken, and a whole division thrown on the
rear of Williamsburg. . •
WASHINGTON, May 7.—The Fortress Mon
roe boat, which left at 8 o'clock this morning,
has arrived at Cherry Stone, bringing the
following :
Williarngury, Hay 6 To Hon. Etbain
Stanton, Seeratary of War: Every hour proves
our victory more complete. The enemy's loss
in great, especially in officers. I have. just
heard of five more .of the enemy'a guns being
captured. - Prisoners are constantly arriving.
(Signed) G. S. MceLeccatt
Major General Commanding.
Wittiomebury, ra., May GtA.,--The enemy
evacuated thin place, and their wOrks in front,
last night, the tear guard passing through
about- 6 O'clock thia morning. At 9 o'clock,
Gen. McClellan entered the town and took
possession About 150 of the enemy's sick
and wounded were left behind, without any
rations, medicines or surgeons. They also
left number ,of .their dead unburied.
All of our Wounded in yesterday's engage
ment, - 7 -ho fell in leir bandc,.xote
Col. Dwight, of the Excelsior Brigade, who
was severely wounded in the engagement of
yesterday, and . taken prisoner, was also left in
the hospital.
The enemy suffered terribly. Gen. Ricketts
wan killed.
The enemy had a force here yesterday o
fifty thoneand men, and only decided to *vac
nate after the gallant bayonet charge of Gen
The town is very pleasantly located, and
the majority of the white inhabitants are re
maining. -
The number of the enemy now in our hands
is about 1,000, including the wounded,
Strategy of Gen. Pope
&c., &c_ eke
CAIRO, May 6.—Tho steamer Ella, which
left Pittsburgh Landing at nine o'clock last
night, has arrived.
Sailing ofthelPersia.
' WASHINGTON, May 7 , IS 2.
Hersx.-31r. Eliot, of Mass., ro the
Committee•on Commerce, reported a b ilt es
tablishing a port of entry and delivery ill the
I collection district of Beaufort, S. C., at or near
' Hilton Head, to be called the port of Port
Royal, and providing for the arranging of a
collector at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars
per annum, and for weigheem guago, dm. 1. .
t Mr. Eliot remarked. that a letter from the
[ 'Secretary of the Treasdry had been sent to the . .
showing the . importance a, ULU
measure. The bill was passed.
Mr. Cox, of Ohio, sent up a copy o the WontWont Gan. I
dispatch Geri
victory at Williamsburg, which was read; and
apparently afforded muck gratification.
Mr. Crisfield caused to be read the reitolu
tiona of the Maryland Legislature appropri-.
ating $lO,OOO to those of the lifnesaohasetts,
Sixth Regiment, who suffered by the riot in;
Baltimore on the 10th of April,.and the re-'
sponse of the Massachusetts Legislature
in acknowledgement of the generous sympa
thies and kind fraternal feeling thus exhibit..
ed, which should always prevail among the
States of the Union. Mr. Crisfield said those
proceedings afforded souse sign of a restora
tion of peaceful relations, while:we were re
ceiving accounts of the glorious success of our
Tho House resumed the consideration of
the Nebraska contested election case. A de
bate ensued—Mr. Richardson and Mr. Pen
dleton advocating the , claims of the contest
ant. Mr. Morton also argued his - right to
the seat now occupied'by M.r. Daily.
Mr. Dawes replied to Mr. Voorhees'
speech yesterday.
Mr. Washburne moved that the whole sob=
jeot be tabled. Carried by 64 against 38.
This vote retains Daily in his seat.
The House then adjourned.
SENATX.—Tho President pro tem, Mr.
Foote, presented the petitions of citizens of
New York, in favor of a bankrupt act.
Mr. Kennedy, of Ind. or Md„ presented the
petition of citizens of Maryland, asking he
immediate and unconditional repeal of the
law abolishing slavery in the District of Co
lumbia, and the better enforcement of the fu
gitive slave law. Also, a petition fronZ.N. D.
Bowie, asking compensation for a slave Who
had been &preprinted to the military service
of the Government.
Mr. Fessenden, from the Committee on Fi
nance, reported a bill making an apprOpria
don to reimburse the sinking funds for ex
tra expenditures, and 'for the employment of
temporary clerks in the oMce of the Secretary
of the Treasury in 1863. Passed. Also, the
House bill, to provide for the payment of vol
unteers, and for the payment of the troops in
the Weston. Department. This bill appropri
&tea something over $30,000,000.
A menage was at this period receivedfrom
the House, announcing that the House had
readied that a coreraltteevof two be appointed
to pieeeed to the Senate, and In the name of
the people and the Hquse of Repreeentatives,
impeach. W. H. Humphreys, a J udge of the
District Court of Tennesiee, Am.; and - that
that the House had - appelnted. Messing. Bing
ham and Pendleton a Oninmittee from the
1101/013 to appear at the bar of the Senate, -
?sir Bingham .said, being - ordered by the
House of Representatives to appear at-the bar
of the Senate, in the name of the House of
Representatives and of all the people of the
'United States, we'd° impeach W. H. Hum
phreys; a Judge of the United States for the
several districts of Tennosse4of high crimes
and misdemeaner. The House of Repre
sentatives will, in due time, exhibit the par
ticular article of impeachment against him,
and make good the same; and we do demand
that the Senate take order for the appearance
of the said W. H. Humphreys to answer the
said impeachment.
The President, Mr. Foster in the Chair, the
Senate will take proper order in the premises.
Mr. Wilson, of Mass., introduced a bill for
the appointment of military store-keepers.
On motion of Mr. Wilson, of Mass., the bill
to limit the number of Brigadier and Major-
General was taken up, the question being on
Mr. Hale's amendment to make the number
of Brigadiers 160, instead of 200..
The President pro tern announced as the
Select Committee on the ConSseation bill,
Messrs. Clark, Chairman, Collamer, Trumbull,
Cowan, Wilson, of Mass., Harris, Sherman,
Henderson and Willey.
Mr. Trumbull wiled to be excused. He
had voted against the Committee, and thought
he could do no geed 'ripen it.
He was excused, and Mr. Harlan appointed
Atter an executive seceion the Senate ad
Arrival of the Steamer Australasian
NEW YORE, hlay 7.—The steamer /lustre-
Asian arrived with Liverpool dates of the 23d
The steamer Tubal.,Cain with arms and
ammunition, had sailed /or Nassau, but
doubtless intended for the South.
The London Star gives a report dust Arts
trio has demanded explanations relative to
Lord Palmerston's late speech on Italy, no
far as it regards the retention of Venetia.
The London Times has a sarcastic editorial
on President Lincoltesproelamation fora day
of thanksgiving, and nays that it was quite
premature, as affairs at the time were most
critical and battles wore impending. It asks
the meaning of • that-part of the proclamation
which refers to the deliverance from foreign
invasion and intervention, and scarcely thinks
that it can be for the tardy justice done in the
Mason and Slidell affair. •
NearlV all the Irish members of Parliament
bad signed a petition to the Howie of Com
mons for the restoratien of the Galway sub
sidy. •
The Russian loan of ten millions was to be
announced in London on the 2Stb, and but
for this, it was supposed that the Bank min
imum would have been reduced to two per
sent. •
Liverpool, Arpill&-Evcning.—The Ameri
can Minister has taken for a term of years a
house in upper Portland place, London whith
er the office of the United States Legationwill
be transferred.
.The Times has an editorial on the American
struggle, and sees nothing for the blacks but
slavery extermination or expulsion.
A weekly journal iota appear in London
next week, advoCating the cause of the rebels.
The Literary dasette is defunct, after an ex
istence of 45 years.
Prince Dolgoronaki has been banished for
life from the Russian Empire, for, refusing
to obey the Imperial order to return to
The treaty of comuieroe between Ruseiaand
Turkey has been ratified.
A battle between the Turks and insurgents
had taken place in Albania. The Turks loot
400 men and 4 cannon.
The Calcutta and China mails have readied
Marseilles. The American portion will be
- sent by the next steamer: •
Liverpool, April 25.—Cotten the sales dur
ing the week have been 59,000 bales, closing
buoyant and with an upward tendency; prices.
have improved %A ; . the sales to speculators
were 20,000 bales, and to exporters 5,500 bales..
The sales to-day were 7,000 hales;" prices still.
advancing; the sales to speculators and ex:
porters were 2,000 bales. '.P he closing quota
lions are: New °dean,. fair 14%. middling
13k, 'Mobiles fair 14, middlings 13%, Up
lands fair 13%, middlings 13%. .
Breadstaffi,illeasrs. Wakefield :.ft Nash
quote fionr.dull,aud 611 lower; sales at 20s®
31s. Wheat. ery dull. Mixed corn dull, at
ld@pd lower; white corn nominal, at 33a..:
' Previsions--Beef has a downward . tendert,-
cy. Pork easier but nominal. Bacon steady.
Lard quiet, at 41s@l6s. Tallow • active at
425®463. ~. •
Produce—Ashes steady, at 338. - Common
Rosin firmer, at 13s -6d@Ul4s. Spirits Tur
pentine irregular, at 685., Sugarheavy. Cod
sales: Rice still declining. Cod
Oil downward and .no i - aales. Linseed Oil
steady at 38s 6d. 7...
The Latese.Licsrpool,-Sneurday Evening,
April 28.—Cotten Aim and unchanged, sales
6,000 bales, Including 1,000 bales ;to specula,
tors and exporters. Breadsteffs quiet and
heavy, but without alteratiOn in Sales. •
• Faanca.—..Tt- is reported that the bill plan
ing at the disposal of the Emperor theamount
Intended to reward the army and. navy, will
be immediately placed before . the-- French
It is proposed , to consolidate_ the public debt
of France in one uniform security, at 3, per
The bourse was heavy and declining.
Itentes 70136 c. , • - •
ir.u.r.-4:loribildi box ronouti,wd ttio
tic% of going . to Southern Italy.
IC is reported that Viator.Roaanuil will
remain at Hopi's, and. from-thence gd- to
The Bread end Italian troops had to
an orraaPtorat for suppreestoarof the
11 1- 114101111117 2 / 1 01111111Inta oo
tiers, ind Teri acting is oonout..
~ ,.17aurs;—• Shanghai dispatch
loth , say* that At Is tumoral that the rebels
heit_awili_atkatt*Pn iNk•Chotro- .
. , -
- From' Washington:. '
WASHINGTON, 3lay. 7.—The Secretary of
War in response to a resolution of she ROLM
calling for , ' the regimental and brigade re
ports of the battle of Shiloh, eaye that that Of
Ilea. Grant is the only ono received np to the
2d inst. 1
The Speaker has appointed representatives
Bingham and Pendleton to - present to the
Senate the Humphrey's inspeaohment ques
tion, alluded to in the report of yesterday's
proceedings in the 1101216.
WASHINGTON, Iday 7.—The Senate will,
without unnecessary delay, proceed ;to the
consideration of the tax bill, and It is thought
that the report of the Committee on Finance
will be adopted without material change.
The tax of 20 cents per gallon on whiskiand
20 cents per pound on tobacco, it is estimated,
wilt yield X 4o , oo o,ooo. — Should the views of .
the Minority Cottuaittee prevall,it. is SuppOsel
She revenue from these secources -.would be
oonsiderably Increased.
The four o'clock birat, from Port:ass Mon
roe; brought no authentio" news 'from Wit
liamsburg.-' The correspondents 'are probablY
with the advanee, which is distant Nen tele
graphic oommunicatioar - •
It will be eome time before a2orrectlint.of
the casualties can be forwarded."-'
From Fortress Monroe—
FORTUAI3 .110111tOr y May 7.—The are
corvette Nepion, arrived here this
The commander visited Gen- Wogs, when - salr
Mee were exchanged.
The Merrimad came out to-dayi, bat did
A rumor brought by the - mill' ; boat:front
Yorktown, says that the enemy have 'Crossed
Chiekshoming river and destroyed the bridges
In their rear. McClellan it Still pursuing. %
Luiliszrs 111PROVL.
stoop SEARCHER..
A 811t1 CURL 1011
• .
Cancer, .
emulsions Formaq Scrofula,
Bgstpelas, Boils, s #.
Pimples oa the Facte;:-!:
,Eyes, •
. Totter .Affections,:'',!', :
Old and iltahhiris -Ulcers,
Rhemnatio Disorders, •
Jaundice. • . •
• .•• • - - •
• - aterenrial Diseases,
Liver Com
• _ •Oenerai Debility,
pimu t, • .
Lass Appetite;:„.-_ •
Low Spirits;
.1 ". •••
Female Complaints,
Paralysis or •Palsy.: , --
Epiliply or Pilo,
Syphilitic - -Diseases•aad
,Caries of the potec.
oolmrrioN or nu BLOOD; ormot-LiTo.
04.91 l OA DANIBL A. BO YD.
rirnunnuni, December SI, 1441.
Da. G. H. Exteenn—l take: phamire making
•lhb voluntary statement In-Sto( a Medkine:peri
pared by you called 4. Lnrnatiek'llugr But ttemit."
. I had neared for Aviv years '; with( Scrofula,
broke out me my bawl and Itsrekeedeo'selo ellthgurs.
me very.muth, and took off the hair when the!dig.
tame mad its ammerancii ti. aye brats oat on my;
arm above and below the elbow, and eat labi thathia
and flesh expos* a Awful pots, Mre diseise
-on my heed want so far that erviwal small Sem
bone came out. I we. very -weak -' low spirited,
and had given up all hop. of aver' getting—we% as I
had tried several skillful phfeicianiitud theyd Id In*
no good. In September lest, / 8 61; I' we. induced to
try oLneniniv's LIMY= HUM Staimatm" I
most confer I had no Stith in patent
after I had cant three bottles of Bloodthsamteer;thi
!Amnion my head and arm begth to head: 'l' hare
now taken !lighter ten bottler!, andl My head aid arm
emend:rely well except the thus reioadnthgteura'the
some. I will alee 'state 'thet I tad ttie r eletekiitie t e
vary bad in *arms and legs'.' Thilifood liwarther
abed cured the rheumatims. 'I im ntiti a well' Mole;
over forty years of 'lige, and I feel assitiole isalimedg
as I did when I wee twenty, and•titiar liMreased 13
weight twenty pounds. I woild oho state that'the
disease la my forehead was im bad that when •
stooped and lifted anything heavy, the bleed nin Mil
of the sore. Dr. Keyser had a photograph 'taken' oi
me by Mr. Cargo, the Inlet, after I begem44 got
well It, does riot elbow my appearance al bad tie if
was before I comenerioed taking the medicine.- l'ort
can see the photograph, one of which le now he ia'
possession, and also at Dr. Ileyser.e, 140 Wood antsy
I would also Mato that I took . the Blood Searchiti
which Wm made before Dr. Kamer commenced mak;
ing it. Although it helped me some, I did.-not re.
error Warmth I got the kind made by leNeyeer
himself One bottle of his did me more sad ;then
two of the old. I believe it is agreed deal
and better. I have recommended•the
or to a great sway of my friends-Mr vationii
sad! believe it bar helped the teholeet'thete:' You ,
may publish this if you wish, and Ism an:lmM thit'
W who are afflicted as I was may be cured. Braid
MU city, No. 4 Plll•strest, Mod am 'employed it Chi.,
villa d Anderson's Union Marble Werke,* Went,
street. • :DANIEL A.NOTD.
. lire In shoo, es canton /4111,.en4 hate...he • .
newly blind in both ere. for n a)4r-Yealf..l-'
canal on Dr. Keyser about done
asked him to giro me diMaiOni tol4!,lnat4g -
the mind In rbijoifolphia. 'Do fehlnee 4tarl'
need not go to hillidelpkiiiit.s4 weii;*)!..W4
medicine nett avoid. core toe, se he olds4 . (
waeli the Mow. Imes trotted' for IC two of : Ante!: -
tlmei In thi, honiltal city. end- waa mdierndo -.-
but my &awe alvoyarsturned after a month or efo
'attar I came out of the hogytta4 I. broad - toy die ;
Woo moo Morning oil I collid, by the edriaiOli
jaid Yntond of mine, on Di. Beier, WU rneiM:* - 1;
toy sight, and my oyes attkneartymro
The Doeiei Poe me "idiadeeea nieod.Peirobeei . :. and :
• - AVID ps2l9,ar.z.i.f:
Jell 6,1667:;'
.;-044544. MW., 941i9:'.?..
A 11.41) SORE LEO' CORE!;
pirsultuuu, ttootozabor 18, 1881..74.ittrtly.'
nuke' bun bud , ■o ore lig tor our a .
contred with tdo,ritlad mores op that. .s.tukk";
work fbr uteri, a par. My lag ao,;bat
ono& to do uoitbhur tbr.u. loog tiota, kg*
alz suontbs. I triettoororalAi air bout ilortott.
city, but without any boutdtpetudlgi culkod - tthB A l-- ,::35,
Esplir, a; N0..10 Wood street, whotiugeittliudidi,i`Z.;:.:;'l---,,_:_T
=facet two weeks, Ltd gave ms Oat tirolOquoit :
niod4tie;. - 1341 am low =Ur* *4 end
" 11 /bv arg-mei dbi ,
Xagle Zierse Tiogsk, Irftiltlf *trees, *km
ow can ses law tuoifas
- eras mold so OA.
atiliwarkiv s' •••-•
$ 41 141,611,
' '
=~_<: x.
~` F.