i l 4 ■ ,-, .) . 1 >'.;z Milli ' 4 " . ..Ai,. 4 : • • 2 1.: • • :.• ' , `'S It=l '••,••••;:' : • • it '• !!1 ‘ • : ;',li !!': M=NM NEES :. Y ,~: ~'~.~~u~ • ,•-:-;;'4; •• .4- ..•':•.• i-. „, „ . ,:., •-. —':',•- 0 ~4; .t., • : .*:,•••• , ..:v ; •‘; ....,:::- "4, 1:::',. •?....„!! .., .1 . -, ... 4- '.' .. • • ' ~` 1 ' • : -i, • ..;•1 :4, ' : :,1:••:!=r;t-' iT , 4.1( i.: % ': 4- !., ':: 2 . - - - . ,t •;•.:.:, • • * —t: . ;', =ff=lin t !: 4i'. 4:: : ,-.• • WNW =ERZ , : '4„l • _ - • 1,1 OEMS ,~ . -..: . •. F.; i.~~. X' 7.;;•';' - 7.li';',lM . M .TO - r :E: --- ''''''ll:sAlLY -- . . 7 - PITTSBURGH:: -.:GAZETTE ESTABLISHED IN 1786 oc.rcl.ilsslo.r, a... uNnur. JS. LIGGETT dr, - 00., (successors to gen* ArOtt,) !Lova SACTAI MID Cow,. now MalciflXll.• for Umiak of MULE, SEEDS, vauss,-4moDucts,4lA., N05..76 Water mad tit Etstrt stillitsaltlataritb,DiE „... - NMIO tr.ao. lt i fer PVirY & GREGG, GENER:AL-PRo .A7JII.? MCP :Clientritmerf. XtEltelellllll ler yLOUR, arsAni. BACON. te... No. 237 Liberty street, MU SMOILIWZMACZAIrIe*.......II/1.1.11te =MART. 2, MAZKEOWN /It 'I,IIT.U.AUT, FLoint. Ofija - Irlstots, I . 2OtiVOICAND OineMILSION : - .ll4loltiartii foi this gale of Moor, GIVIO, Pork, Bo- L2oOtti' Lard, Butter, Nue, Chem, BMW, Tallow, `Adel: /withers, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl /idles, Salseratus; Linseed and Lard 0114 Dried and Green 'Wt., Timothy, Motor, Flax and Grass Seed.. ' - ',9llesti advances MU% on Consignsoants. ,4:17 • •-•. to. 297 Liberty IL, Pittsburgh. AN FIE L 1), Comae,' Atm asp Tozwii,Drag MicaciwiT wbole-I I s 1 Tiisec7in WESTERN . iiEnTrviioitixiii, BUTTER, ZARIN POP.K,BA - UON, ?LOUR, FISH ...1 POT ARD PEARL AMES, SALERATUB,'LIN SEED AND ...LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT an - Prods°. ,genersily, Noe. 141 and 143 :Front streo , - Pittsburgh; - , U:". Mt" nULP STIEPARDCommumos .11E mu= and dealers In FLOUR, ORALS D . PRODUCE, No. 243 Liberty. Meet, Pittsburgh, Pa. , Chaim brands of Flour for Bakers and Yazni p ytuie; constantry on hand. Particular attention • to , fill.. orders for Merchandise • snit . oegi . , F" VAN IiOICD.E.RiPaoDuce Comma os RD F TER, DADOcBIS, Itraculoß BREW , LA d RD, °HERM. PORK,' ' DRLYD AND GREEN PRUITS'aud '':educe gen. 'rely,' Moral cash advances made - ouconsiguiubuta.; Warehouse, No. 114,3scorki street, Pittsburgh. • OOMMISSIOIi td-ERCHANTi 'AND DEALER 114 onuDi OILS, dalLitlyd Corner Mind street anu Inagua. Way. ti&UM . - 100 A WARD AND Congitionni , IlittcaA"lui sale.,f , 013,Allii DAWN,. LADD. ,- .BUTTDI2, - EGOS, ' , and Western Produce generally, No. 10 EINITII YIELD, NTREET, corner of Ifirrt, Pittsburgh, Pa.' • alll'Ordsrs and oonahrumenui ••jaighlyd A:! Zhtt ? FORWARDING AND . ..e.oirailiaiox . lll.inceiArer, or the wile of FLOUR, .11.1111:N.BAGOS. LAID. BUTTXR,SEEDS,DILIZD •IffiGgY,Artdr - Prollce gorreenlly, No. - 151 Market vt.,. ooriiiroflflort,l'ltteburgh. . ooldly 'Q m CHOMAK DR dk LANG, 'Comit - rm. Mrsoitarts orholooolo &Lars to OROCE. RIES, IFLOUR, !RAIN, PRODUCE, Lc., No. 329 Marti streot, PlOeborgh, Pa. 1.1 OLLA.ND RIDDLE, successor to J no. & No .- 187 Liberty street, boro, SINNED:AL P/tODUOS,' GEOCNItY AND COMMISSION lIIIIRCHANT. Court • moots rtspectfally solicited. Is2Oully 111n1. - 1111111111..... ... . . . 1•1911 TI. W11.12L. ' .BROXEEERS Fourouts• DING NT Coimiatoslacn.urta and d. era in 'PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE GENERAL V. No. 255 Liberty Anat. POtaho b, Pa. • Oa A. sc • 0 L 3 Comtism. ,' • el:teeter in CRUDE AND ENYANED /LISBON - 01143;GLASS, LIION,.NAILS, Zio.l Liberty • etblN:dly ' TITLUAA. SAM G en .i p a w n. ) DAVID secaneuras, INAIL. -A. . ratr.r. MEANS & COFFIN, successors 10 1.T.1114•0ut diem , Mamma Go.. WHOLESALE GRO. 06145. camera Wood and Water streettylltteburgh, Penn's. I. Iy3olly EL VOIGT & QO, euoceeeorto L. G. pkontlex COMMISSION MEN CU ANTS, 1.17341Pect /Mat; Pittsburgh, P.. aus 14111/I_,F. TORN L • HOUSE. &t co., Witocirsoux V thIPCIMIS sun Commazox Mzeznitcrs, comer of &nit ht 1414 and - Water atreasts, Pittsburgh, Ps. Jy7 Xi• • 61 '1 T, WHOLE Xi &Ai.% GaOarEs CommuiswE MLACNANTd, No 11.17.W0ud Arcot, Ploiburgb. J. 111/47•111.105.....11. B. [Mar,/ DROWN 4t . KIRKPATRICKS, Wag, -LP sax Gamma and 'dealers in FLOW A BEEDS, No.. 191 and 191 'Liberty street, I..ittebur . " 1.1.1 ELL k SON, YYI 7 isottitt theeal^ of cy.u.ur AND R ynianswines.PLlA.: Nu.'W lad 70 Wart' Pittsburgh,:r"-Adenucoe made onownsigrananta DRUGGISTS. • SIMON 'JOHNSTON, Ilenn, isr Priz ' AND CHEMICALS, I'fiIIFUMERT, . . . . . . -- -TANGY GOUPS, BURNING YLUID, 01.18, FAM ILY' MEDICINES, Sc., Sc.., of utrtotly prime quid - 'lt'', which tut effort at lowest itriot•-. Corm Smith field And Fourth sirtets; Pltudiurgh, - Proactiptions coitefully compounded at all hours., p FAtiIiESTOCKA ~ "HOLE . Darocureiunt ihninfactiner of VIIIITE liFeill;Ann L11111219E1 corner of Wood and Front • [mete, Pittabo b. ruh7 Tio • fi HOLISALS DEmair. U u DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VAIIDUSIESS AaD .DYi STUFFS, No. = Liberty etteeß•Plttibhigk. All Olden will maim prompt attention. mh24 & REITER, WitOLESALE AND B ZMII; D11:4675711, -Corner: or Liberty otot-fit. Qldr otnata, Pitubo UEU. • 7' YbISK , Ibutoein, 1/d Wood street; corner of Wood Ward nod Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. Pa- ATTOILIrEYS. - TOliN G. ' MacCONNELL, Arroexicv Lor.: Ors* second story 'Kusio's Lew Boaz. rso, No. 93 D 1 and street. Will attend to the sett •—tit,sectuing and collec tion ofrimlme, bounties, de. in Wastdtiton, District of Ildumbta. I nol9:6maL JOIN •. 11-11IPATILICIL WilitICPA/R/CK MEILLI:IN,Arros: ix. *Et: AT Fourth - skeet, Outdoors above Smithtleld r Pittalm Ps. m 17:dtt riga MAS . li t Arrosapay 'Lan) Ooosatt.ioa ar•LAw,Amt. • ' - t r . _ • Oinairtio.• Po#rth , comer 'Chary Pittoborgb. Pa. - soll-dawlyT 'WM I3I4 /k 1 44V11144, 249Eagr 41Yifb 1- : : : "t 'r gtheehtte°thiet ;hairlPtttsburt, . .fr2lolly IL; 61.1/111, -Arromay AND Ca 0017111W111. Ar _LAW, ban 111113011r0d to tames 1.41,W BUILDINGS, No. 1.2.. Diamond - :street, nest door M Bt. Potor's Chan*: ISCELOYER., Jir,, Arrow/fa dr Law, teisb N o4l .l , 9 l °art . I.?"'.!l'..l3'fierg' -ID - 110IIIICE. LILCII. ' k l & EECatHUTCHINSON, Co . ohY Aro VOLIVAILDING parrs, dealers I WEST _ RESERVE HBMS, FLOUR, FISH, BA CON, BUTTER, - LINSEED OIL, POTS AND PEARL ASHES, BEEDL CHAIN, DRIED FRUIT and Ploduorgentwally. 'brands-Family Flour always on hand. =Agent nor _The sma. Sladlson A . Co.'s celebrated- Patented Pmst Starch. Wm. in &woad and 146 dint sts, between Wood and mint- Bold, Pittsburgh Ps., • •diy edEES.E WAREH9USIi-111.,.*AY N,„/ H. COLLINS, Porwardlagand Comm Won Her. chant sad dealer to CHEESE, BUTTER, LAIR FISH and Produce anomaly, No. ,M Wood street, snows Water, Plttstmrsh. m IU R , & CO, ORK facx - Aria and dealers. lu rnovistubis, corner of ' ked...4nd .TyVittistreets: . • „ /447/1 /7.114.117 CE AGEXTR. IH:.OARDINEII. COFFIN', A 6 ENT TOR PHILADZIMITA AND AILUXO3 emiugcs' Com..eiruca. North-coat comer Wood mid Third striate. J I , AQUI' /NORTH: - • itt a ea, Plate of Pennsylvania and Hartford In anus Oempantes; ST Water street. .f : 9. ,SF.izuruitr• Cream biumaxas.Commurtnere irket'ara Water - t .1r SECRETARY `JESTER *111111 . 711.131C111 OCIMPANTiId Watrr street. • 1E H • DRY GOODS. • -W1L1P01....11081/. W. CILLIL....DAVID -111.CASPLZSO CARR - 4 CO., . SuP , Wit! ,o *. Per1 4 4: , 94 , ) vcAusiaiX: • *: . „• 'SODEIGN AND DOSIDSTIO DRY GOODS, $ Wood street, third lone. itbarti,Diamond • - oiler , . Sittabrirsib.• • splo:dtf sucioedeor-. so EP . I kavidaldji . STAPLZ AND CY Dia 04X) , /forth. • tut anew& of Irbarel an Efultri mroeti. ... sell • :•.Plf4 LIEMr: Dams= to Dint .Q Saone, 80. $9 DLit t area, bonnoma MANI sod' I . 41%150N. LUNAS. Dall.lX IX. St'A': %Jo MR AID 7Alt7g DLIT GOODS, Ago of ebb ark`_- 4.0.11114.11.106:Nek..74 Slntito Piebbonft. • • ri K1 1 0:C. - hkr.ga • tiarltit.N.G6.4 aniligsfetroCrecolvedead•fair oak by • wt. Lit,w; r "Nod *mid :.. . MEM GROCERS. SHRIVER & LAZEAR, WHOLESALE GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS Hoe. 27 nod Zl Smithfield Street, Corner Second, .leS:7yd PITTSBURGH, PA. WM. EL KIIMPAIIaCA JNO. T. alaaPlralCa. - 11 7 1 h V-El l 01. 11. W K G IRKP sa,AC4OIYRXIC CO., Mr. ears AND DEALZIS to Cotorrae Paonrea, No. 253 Liberty street, Muhl:trail, Pa. op 7 THOI .TSIXIIIt. AL' TRIMBLE WHoLEIALE GROCERS . AND 00311111111011 liesacustrrs, dealers iu PRODUCR, FLOUR, BAGVN, CILEESE, FII3/1, CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pittsburgh mauutsetures SchereDY. 112 Second street, Pittsburgh. DONGN ArDONALD..-J.•asucaLs, AENUINELZ. MoDONALD ARBUCIILE, WHOLE ALL AMA GROCCIA, PIOCUCE AND COINXIMION NCR ca.mmt, Jobbers in N. 0. SUGARS and MOLASSES, REFINED SUGARS and SYRUPS, FLOUR, BA. CON, RICE, CHEESE, SEEDS, &a., No. 253 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. nol9rly P. 5. awfxra.........wm. D. airWM. 1 - 4 EYMER d BROTHERS, successors AAP to /leymer dc Anderson, Wholesale dealers in FOILEION •l/11111Tg, NUTS' AND SPIOLY,,CON. FECTIONERY;SUGARS, - FIRE WORKS, ie., Noe. 124 i and 128 Wood street, above Filth, Pittsburgh, Penn's. Jr29:dly GLOWS S. IItAD ...... OCOSOS airman. HEAD & METZGAR,. GROCERS AND Commission SI iscuaans, and dealers In all kinds of COUNTRY Pannrcs AND Prrgaistnan iiacrtigra,..lio. 249 Liberty _eared, oippoaita bead of Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pea. ap3ly 8011111011. RROBISON - 4f CO., Wam.r.a4u,s Gso . eau, Oestuissuori Mcadaaarra and dealers In all khids or PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, and Pitts burgh manuNcturel, No. 250 - Liberty street, Pitts burgh.to JA. lirGEAtill, WHOLESALE Catocza, . Collin/nos 3ltacn....rr and dealer in FLOUR, GRAIN. PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, No. 210 Liberty street, oppoelte Rand, Pitteburgb, Pa. 46.8'Libenil actran,vit made on consignments. ty EO. B. JUNES, WHoLEBALE DEALER NA - r GROOPIIIIES, MAXILLA no - OAKUM, OILS. MOW eadVittaborgh manufacturer! article., No. 141 Water street, above the Monongahela Bridge, Pit tsburgh, P. kOltrai 13•115,14..... ....... R OBERT DAL% R . L CQ IV Boca- Liu Gammas, COMYISSION AND rtILVAIWINO Ilicacuaa-rs, and dealers' in PIIODUOS and Pitts burgh manufactures, Pittsbn :h. HEIM, . . MILPSON. LAMBERT & WHOLESALE Gaocsss, PROMICI Dcsts.us end Coloasstos Mractrurrs, Nu. 6 Sixth street, rittaborgb;To. or,Ltly • WATT & WILSON, WnoLsau,E CIMB, COXIIIIIBBIOII Illeacuasra, and dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, No. lie Lib erty street, Pittsburgh. ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Wliinssua 011,0Ci6S, COXIXIMBION ALLICHANTS, and dealers In PRODUCE, No. nu Water Meet, and 6.6 'mut meet, Pittaburgh. 4110. R. ..... ......JO/LN 11. DILWORTH. S. DILWORTH & CO. Wiame.a.us, • Gaoczas, Noe, 130 and Litt SeCond street, near :Smithfield, Pittsburgh. 001 ittla rum. ..... WILLIAM /LOYD. JOIDT FLOYD At CO., \ Yaw 1, A , J 3 Ono- CUL' LSD Llosistsstog Nrecgsicts, No. 172 Wood sod 228 Liberty stroet,, Pittsburgh. I°l6 w • ILLIA • • 11A(.4 • ;EY, WHOLESALE Osoczn, Nos. 18 and Ou %Vocul street, Vitt. burgh, _ lull4:dri . 110LESALE la,orter of UODA Abu, No. 27,5 Liberty stmt Pittsburgh, Pu. Witt; .31.1. , VUFACTUILERS D' NIEL BENNETT & SON, .M ANll rAcruitEks or WHITE STONE CHINA AND CREAM COLORED WARE. 1:41 - 0/FICE £OO WAktll4/Crfit . /4T No. 74- /MTH Sruzcr,..Prrrs.acon, Pw. tulatnl 1.11 . W. 8. - 1L10K1NT0Rti1..«.....1. VENNI It/FACKINTOSII, ILIMPIILLL S CO., corner Pike and 011ara streets, near the City Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturers of DIACKINTOtiII AND lIEMPAILL'S IMPROVED PATENT OSCILLATING STEAM ENGINES AND SLIDE VALVES, of oil sires and beat style. Haring put up machinery of large capacity and of tho best quality, we are prepared to do heavy Job blng, and solicit work In this line, trusting that by promptness, .4 the character of our work, to merit public patronage. W. invite .Padai attention to our BALANCED VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, as combining advantages heretofore unattained in this class of Engines. WILLIAM X. MORS. WILLIAM BARNHILL & C0.,N0. 61 F Paint weal, below Marbury, Pittsburgh, Pa., STEAM BOILER, MAKERS AND !MEET IRON WORKERS ; Manufacturers of BARNHILL'S PAT ENT BOILER, LOCOMOTIVE, FISTED and CIL /NOSE BOILERS, CHIMNEYS, BRETCHEN, FIBS DID, STEAM PIPES, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, SUGAR PANS, IRON YAWLS, LIFE BOATS, etc., etc. Also, BLACKSMITH'S WORK, BRIDGE and VIADUCT IRONS, done at the short eet notice. All orders from a distance promptly at. tendedlo. • • THOMAS MOORE I MANuncruisa. of Amp Gnu.= •to .Air, cum or COPPER-DIS TILLED. PRICE RYE WHISKY and FAMILY VINEGAR, Non. 189, 191, IDS and 19S VIM area, bottreen Smithfield and Grant Ntrooto, Pittsburgh. tar PatratoordetiooKoitode Highest maxim price paid (or RYE. •3• Fusel Oil and all oilier poiaouoms Ingredients carefully eat - rictod, by • promu noir and Improved. ocl2 JOS H HAMILTON do CO., Corner of Tint and Liberty streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa, ILUIOLI.C2IIII.II{B 01 fiCiLltloll STEAM ENGINES, DIACIIINERY, dc. mylE:tf I,t3EV.lffir., No. Al) WAITE Sr., fJe Pittsburgh, masafecturerof BOILER. DIYNTS, WILIODGIITSPINDS, - COMMON AND RAILROAD, of every desesiptiot4 itarPartieular aired or shaped SPIKES and HOZ LIN, large or .malt, made to order at abort nutlet% A tn.' neeartotent: conatantlw Inuoi. mores. J. A. WOL/2.......,./.....116131KiTT„. CULMlitit. - LixcELsidu GLASS,WORKS.- .11.2WOLVE,,PLUNKETT *CO:, OW. lileasurao rousse. Warehouse, No. 13 Wood *Meet, comer of 'First, Pittsburgh, Pa. eobtlyd rELLS, RIDDLE & CO., No.. 215 y v ittoexty xtreet, .`opposlto Sixth, PloobOrgh, toinuhuitorens of WHIPS. LAMES AND SWITOII ICS, awl every descrlptkal of LEATHER BRAIDED WORK.. Orden solicited from the trade, nod goods prompt ly 'hipped as per ihstroctions.tea:des/lir . DE.rzurwrizir. 91.E.Ent EXTRAGVED WITHOUT PAIN,, BY TEX USE Of AN — APPARATUS WHEREBYEO DE OGB oAGALYANJOBATTERY ARE USED. Cold weather. Is the time when the apparatus ceo be used to It. beat edvantsge. - , Medic Medical gentlemen mid their familia; have had al With extracted by yriaMes, and are ready to teitiryie to the safety and paltilesanees of the opera. tion,whatever has been mid by persona lotoreetod in awiertiug 7 the :contnuvbarlbg no knowledge of trij IFFEETIFICIAL TEETH Inserted in every Elle E. OUDEY, Dweller, 134 Smithfield et. JOSEPH - ADAMS, Darns; Connolly's Building, corner of—Diamond and Grant exacta, flaatairigh. Dartazacia—Dr. A. .M. Pollock.. Dr. Dallock, Theodore Robbins . , Bothell jgartt. _ ARCHITECT'UIt.II.. Ails - M. RALPH, Lite- assistant to Char — lee Bartberger, propene EXPLICIT DRAW :IEOB AND SPXCIFICATIONS for all Made of ,EilliAinge, end eoperintende their erection on remon chin terns, :OM* ,on Anderson street, between Leanne* and ;Babinec* streets, Allegheny City. Jeld • ifl Ali `A. B. ' lJ TEM. 00ce, LEON DANK BLOCH, VW Araroishes PLANS AND SPEW PICA TION 'tor Saldinem of every de,criptkrn; works superfur kIA! A . crderele fermi. myE•dly • , • .)PWSIC, Av. fiIIABLOTTE BLUME, hiAxuncrus- N." xi airn , Ditaunt tar PLASM-I'O=ES, and 'M ourner of Music iitiB Idnedad'lnstrumenta. Sole au.ut JOT thaVLIAMBHAO PIANOS, Also fur HALLE'''. .DAtiltri CO.'BI3OI3TON PIANOS, With and with out Eolean Attachment. 'No. Er Fifth stre e t mys rfOLLN -IL—MitfiiMii - DEALEF IN Paefos, eJ triceotasiota, - No. Sl. tread stroot; 'between" pennartiviniies esid . Dhuaglietalley.,Plttphireb. Pa. `BOOTS' ;lAD SHOES. 011 N CAMPBELL, MAxtrnoicriuss of J IitIOTLAND S.IIOEB of ovary dtrocrlptiott:lio; aU3ini — ttoWd'stroot, Pittsburgh,- FL -- - Loattas - ,::: (AM AbliktEEl,S ON tt. 00. WnoW iums AND Itcuut. ftztlas tar 1100i0414r to...00ttor roatilt at* yooduoNiskrit AND COMMERCIAL JOURNAL. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1862 .4rE Ir BOOKS. WE W BOOKS t NEW'BOOKS I - -LA The Lire and Letters of Washington Irting, by Pierre M. Irving. Stronnyside edition. The Bay Path; a tale of Now England alenfal Life. - By Timothy Tbncomb. Author of Lemons in Life, Gold Foil, Sc. Beauties of De Quincy; I vol. 12 too. Annual of Scientific Discovery, for 1862. The Barone of the South. Ilargaret Howth; a story of to-day. Lehture Hoare in Town. By the author of Recrea tiona of a Country Parma, Essays and Reviews. By i.Trilneut English Clergy men. Aids to Faith ; an answer to the above: Broad Shadows on Life's Pathway, sto, Sc. For axle by ap29 It. S. DAVIS. 93 Waal at. UM/KS I BOOKS 1 .11...P.Modical lbws of Electricity--Garrett; Recreations of • Country Parson; Queens of Society; Spare flours, by J. Brown, M. D ; Men, Wom and Bootie, by L. Mont; Titcorub's ;Oohs; A Good Fight, by C. Meade; Personal History of Lord flacon; Life of-Sir Philip Sidney; Songs to Many Key•—.G. W. Dolmen; NOM, by Rowe Tony; Liberty and filave—Bkdsoe; Lectures on Apoypse—ilutler; Life and Spesc! , es of Douglas; liisto y of all Religions, etc., rig. mho J. L. READ, 78 Fourtb street IJUBLICA'I'IONS FRUIII THE .RI ERSIDE PREsS— Hallam'. Constitutioaal History, 3 vole; " Middle Agee, 3 vole; Curiosities of Literature 4 vole; Carlyle's Critical and allaceltan.us Essays, 4 vole; ' The Works of Fraud.. Bacon; Shakspeare. Richard Grant White's edition; • Shakspeare. 8 vole; Macaulay's Essays. 6 vole; Chu, Lamb's Works. 4 vole; Easaya of Ella. • 1 vol; May's Constitutional History of England, irol I; +Dickens' Works. Illustrated; Milton's Poetical Works, 2 vols. , my 6 K AY d CO.. 55 Wood !street. DECENT INQUIRIES IN TJLEULU• 1.4 gy. By eminent English Clergymen; Tracts for the Priests •nd People. By various writers. Aids to Faith ; a reply to Essays end Reviews. Alexander on Faith, Touch on the Epistles to the Seven Churches of Asia. Cummings on the Lord's Prayer. Recreations of • Country Parson, 2 vas. Leiscau flours in Town. For sale by (m 73 KAY .5 CO.. 65 Wood et. NEW LAW BOOKS.- .. !tattles Formn of Procedure; Hilliard on Torts. 2 vol.; IS'asnbtarnOlOrt 11.....1 Property, 2 col.; ..5.; ,60 Stay on les, new °damn; Parsons 01:1 arose... new edition; Cord on th Legal Eights of Marled Women; Equity Draft - man, new edition; Wright's Reports, voL 3 ruy2 l KA Y & CO., Wood street. MISCEL.L.4.4"EO US • GIRDS. DOSS FORWARD, Arrow= 131 D Comana.ol. sr Law. unam ou the tiorith-west currier of Diamond and Grant streets. Will attend to all bovines' usually intrusted to the legal profes sion. Particular attention given to the preparation and trial of eases in the several Cone. Collection* promptly made and remitted. n•1:Imd A.. L WEBB & BRO., Corner Pratt and (bmaarao Fb., thilt.u.,.. General Commission Merchants k Agents DUPONT'S GUNPOWDER. AND SAFETY FUSE Bemire. on ounalgnmeat all Muds of WESTERN PRODUCE, and make advancta thereon. 11rmul track in front of Warchoulaa Baca to William B. Smith & • & Ricketson, Goorge W. Smith & Co.. Pittsburgh i 4 .peneerh. Garrard, culpA Shepard, blerchants' Dank, B. De Ford & Sous, } n'atim°"' 11iit)lu'tiY do BOONS, CommissioN ALL bliacnaars, and Wholesale Dealers in MACs -1:B1:L, SALMON, SHAD, LINIUNBG, CODYLSII, Xl'o. 140 North Wharroe,.betwersi Baca arul Arch streets,' Bitn.sularnis. 5'X barrels Mess Itselnerel—large, arid medium sire Noe. I.'l and 3, in assorted lockage.. 50 barrels prime No. I lialltat Salmon. 1000 do Ncolionly Meer Shod. 40(;) dm impeller No 1 Herring, Consisting of different brands, Labradob Halifax, Bay or island and Eastport, de. 5000 lamas Scaled and No. 1 Smoked 'Herrings, 1500 quiutails George'. and Grand Beak Codfish, Which we now oiler at the lowest cash prior, and solicit a cell botore buying. 1111.1IIBHY & BOONS, ile4Gsnni No. 146 North Wbarres; - Ptdrs. FURNITURE ISTIOLZ6A LE OR RETAIL JAS. W. WOODWELL, 97 and 99 Third Street, oppoidt• E. Edmondaou dt 'and 111 Fourth ocredf. • mhlo WAGONS, &a, FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. TABU Wj&OONS; OM WAGONS and SPRING WAGONS, CLARDENEWiI CARTS AND COAL CARTS' WADED. NIMBUS, CANAL. tiAltDEll• 888, BUICK AND WIONZ MASON'S . VillS/IL BA BROWS, all made of the beat dry timber; Lao All thole of repairlogettended to promptly. Apply to BOWL. BABA VlAeon Beek.of.Yederal street :Ration, Allegheny. LYON ARNSTIiaI, booing& AND .Dx.u.sa in the mot select brands of GENUINE HAVANA. CHARS, :and all kind.. of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, SHUT, YANG)! MEERSCHAUM PIPES, TOMES, An., As., in great variety, UNDER THIS ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Pittsburgh, Ps. hi, IL—The Trade supplied on liberal terms. . . STUCCO WORK FII.—JAS. OWEN§, eiTUIXIO AND ALUM WORKEII, .PAPSIi 11A.NUE12 AND PLAFITEREIL. .J1:0E - sums AND OUNAMIChiIIi of all kinds furnished On .dhoti notice:. - All order", left at. N 0.13 Commas street, •it doom from Wylie, or at Palmer. Wall Paper atore, No. 91 Wood street. * be promptly attended to. mh•LU wIV. YOUNG, auccossor to. Cart • might - A. Young, No. O 7 Wood street, corner of Diamond allet, dealer to Alt Itltottiot CUTLERY, RAZORS, MYLES, REVOLVERS, KNIVES, SOIB. SOUS, GUNS, lc., etc. A Lugo useortment of the above constantly_Ou hazel. " mill JA V . • .N, "0 "NIS 'NA PORK Ammo - Aup DLLUJJ te.. BACON, DlllED BREF, LARD, MESS AND RUMP PORK, No. 12 Fourth street, nest Liberty, Pittsburgh. ALAILSEALL,..IIsetER IN • WALL ir v. • PAMIR!, Bottoms, Au., No. 87 Wood strict, Pittsburgh.. hs7 ~ H PALMER, No. WOOD ST., JLIDe Dealer lu BONNTIS, LLATS,•BTIII6W Tani, DiNGS, and STRAW GOODS generally. DO - 07.1WLLElyir; gfc. o .KAY BOOKSELLER& AND STA lumens; No. 66 Wood street, next door to the