• • • • • ?- • • - • - ••• - r ir;ll= :. "- ' r•-•00=0%43•12. ,••••7,:r •' • ;- , • . . • . joining *lions of 'Baltimore county, is - - . - .efie - or Albert S. White's Emancipation Committee:. His origin and antecedents -'eterall on the side or free labor against labor, for he catee up from the work - - . •". , : , ,'‘ntrenks, and he has . It now in his power 7 ..1 make s nenie for himself that will stand '4o.tairsidp of Wilberforce's...lie is a timid ~,ant 2 'aturally, but the cause of - freedom ought to nerve his heart and arm for 'knit :. 'thgs blow in behalf 'of the down-trodden `' , ; slave; anal think it will. One of the recently intercepted letters from Jeffdom says that the writer was at church tile previous Sunday, and saw Jeff. • there. She says that he lied a shock _ ' - .lag bad hat on, and looked in wretched _ '4" bealthi his face being more like a corpses tharitvliving'organism. ‘:. - - , ~..-„,-, ''. The Great ' Cause in Maryland. i .. -A - - .:7-7... - 1 114 trzaiii vLit.i - •. " ; A 0111-:0/CONVZIESION.' BAiTIYOI.It, April 19, 1842.—A clear case of conversion from the iniquity of this: • ago to Republican righteousness has just ~ ' . come to my knowledge. •It appears that a ' gentleman of the interior of the Slate has . been for some years. deeply concerned for I his political salvation. He had been brought 1 up in the Democratic_ party fold, but i , not . . liking its course in IMO upon the 'slavery ' question, left it and went over to the Know I ( Nothings„ He found just as little comfort - ' in his new associations as in his old'vines; - mid which Douglas, in , his non-interven-. (ion doctrines, arose , above the horizon, he went after his new rising sun. - But he was - not happy in kin,new .relations. The - war mune; and his unhappiness grow apaci; i but When Mr. Lineal(' signed the District 1 . ..,: - .4lcolumbin abolithen bill his ,wretchedtress i Wlll ..,,,Itii,:bei height Nothing could console( him..ls - itenvi was, against,slavery imall ' __ its fo rs, and yet - he ' hid - been 'led to.be . Hevi that the emancipition"of the slaves would, involve :the. country in ruin; but -.- ' - here Was the ;President actually signing a _.' bill for that vierY pterpose.. He gave up all . .-..- business, -- ind Wrestled for more than a day" - : . i - with ills prejudices, and at lait came Off ''the vietor , by embracing Republicanism," , and fromthat - moment he has been as hap-. ~- py narlas has' before' been unhappy. Ile .. - says now that .no..mareii patriotism and loyalty aratcrbe trusted who is not a Re-• . -.. publican.. Ifs is new' hard at work preach-. • ' - ~ .int the( good tidings of Repulican freedoni ....": , .lii'tlie western part of the State. A TIIIOISTA :11fItECUANT:. 'A London county, merehant came to town this week, sold his 7Bouth Carolina bank notes at forty per cont. discount, and -his Viiglidnitiank.nofei at twenty per cent. ditenunt,paididis merchant a bill of over a year's standing, and paid. the cash down' for a new. bilLef goods ,to the amount of . $400:, - ... This incidentis a gratifying evi . dineetliet the rebellion has not utterly ei- - - . tinguished all sense of honor in Virginia ; l ' but the Merchant is a Union man, not of the ii and but order. OPINION' Or A SlarElloLDEE. slavebelder of Prince George, county; . 1 . la . this State, - who has some forty slaves, expresses himself in favor of the immediate . - abolition of slavery throughout the whole . 1 ' country since the signature of the District h Abolition act by the President. lie says this measure is the death-blow to slavery in all the slave States, end he is persuaded Congress will pass a law at once provid - 'ing for compensation to loyal slaveholders, upon the principle of the District act, that __every slave &stir:will speedily accept it —and abolish slavery. • Stn. LEART • 31r.'Leary, the representative 'from the - Third , Distriet of our State, comprising the Z.eight eastern wards off - Baltimore and ad • . ' A Good Story, by the President. WzNerta. Putturs has got home to 800, , • ton; pod luis made a speech there, telling •• -.his neighbors what he beard and saw - during his late trip, Ile tells the follow ' lint characteristic -and good story of the Piesident: • • But yet I do not think the act abolishing slavery in the District,' broad"and marked u it is,eo significant as the message of the :President_ After all, the • President is ..ahead. of the manifestations of the opinion :• - of.. the people. -, lle holds out his hands to .• ~ - the 'millions and - Stye, "Support me !" We - •• have not yet answered him officially. That ~:message. of his •is the boldest voice yet *.• heard over the continent- It means more than men accord to it. May I tell you a • •• story I—he always tali' one. [Laughter.] Noticing some criticisms upon his message, -- 'be said, "There is more in it than peeple • see. Did you eveehear of the story of the Irishman who went down to the Staie of Maine, in Maine - Liquor-Law times, and Tasked for a glass of soda water, adding, 'Couldn't you put a:drop of the crather is it unbeknown to myself?' So I have pule tarp drop of the crather in it unbeknown '•. to them.".- [Applause.] • _ - • . - Mr. Pirmurs comments on the anecdote as fo l lows: That, Message says this,. substantially : • mGentlemen, now is your time torn. If you don't seize it, and another twelve • months - sweeps what you. call .property _ 21!torit year_grasp, without compensation, ' - Serer esy I did not give you fair notice." [Applause.] That is one half the Message; the half Is an arrow's flight beyond ' even' hat, forit pays this: "Gentlemen, if • . • you will sell, I will buy.' That means that - rebellion has given him the right to buy, and he time on to say "If the abolition of gaiety 'bean efficient means of ending this war; if r fin - Ccennoi unsuccessful, I shall effiMent means. - In other words: ' .I,lentlenten, I will buy if you will trade. If you won't trade, remember that I have the right to take.',. Pregnant 'words Be / happy that you li ve to bear theta from the . . head of the Government. Fol. tho first time ist/he history of the Government„ it has -done an anti-slavery act; it his spoken' an • ' intt-slaiery 'word. ' [Appliuso.] Enough to to gained in twelve months. ' • The masses are to settle this queston, not -- .'ther, statesmen: They stand, ,to-day, doubt .. Int and .incretinlous of the porpose and _ intelligence of the ingests. . The. President a - leading Republican pelitician of 1 New York, "Why don't you hold conven tions often, and let me feel the mind of the nation? • You cannot - tilt - d unti 1e as much islaverir feeling as we shall need before we get 'through 'this war." [Applause.] In other words, the President holds out his ' halide to'. the peeple, and says: "Am 'I right? How far may I go ?' AAnswer him-,- - Tell him the ice is thick, thus far, . , .and will be thicker an arrow'sffight ahead. Tell him that it his message to the Border Stass leads you to - say Amen, a message to • *COWL States that says Liberty will have a tan-fold Amen. [Loud applause.] The Merrimac Onee'Moie. The Fortress hictriroe .correvondent. of _the Baltimoie:American makes the follow ing explanitietuicencerning the Merrimac : "Whataiii. het. porpoie was, it was un doubtedly imat'sf the arrangements that the Yorktown. and Jaineetown should Sc- Company her and assist in hair -easing the enemy. It iaitherefere;sitggeeted that the kcagyange of the gun of the Naugatuck rendered the near Approach of the two peiacipal coaeorte of. the Merriman a, dun geions_ex:pieunent, Atallence 'the Pluton arida they left Norfolk was diacarafT4 Roads are cut up' by the most intricate channels, and that had ourlirge vessels gone up4hey woul•1 ,havelitidifififlbisilld matueuvre, and. would,most likely Imve got aground. They offered fight in a position that would have 'enablad them to fall back under their own b.atteries, and which would 'have pre:eluded our vessels from co•operating together. l'siangatuek got ngrOund s which Prevented her from inter feting with the .31orktoset — f in time to pre vent her froMseizing — the three schooners.". 'LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS [FROM DUft : EVENING EDITION.] Proposals for. Carrying Alnils--Re. turn of the Freitch-Itlinister, Wastustoron, April 24.—At noon to-day . teas Commence& the announcement of the de— cisions on . the proposals for conveying the mails on. the Pacific coast, and in the West and North-west, • etc. Large numbers' of bidders are in -attendance at . the: Post _Office Department. The hproposals for the Pacific are 'very - much. igher, than-formerly. Those for Kentucky rind-.filiaeottri,. have considerably advanced, . 0 Aim, doubtless, to the military disturbances 'in:those States, while in Illinois, Indiana and iither States the rates are lower.• Irsill, the . .ti wisher Of routes, is about 2500, averaging' ten. 6ias for eci2h. The BUM. total of the offers for" the entire letting, ie_aboutequal to that inade feurcars ago for the same aervice. .. ' A tench war eteamer arrived off the iyash 7 t high, navy-yard this morning, having on board M. Mercier, the French-Minister, who has iecurnedfrom his visit to Richmond. The Fight at Elizabeth City: It's.vrtuons,,April 24.—The. Old Point boat bit:arrived but brings no news of importance from Fortress Monroe or YOrktown. CoL gptitmers and Lient. Carnet estop up, Ibis morning in the Old. Point boat, hating arrived there about an boor before the boat left. : In the steamer Cossack, from Newborn, they report that a fight occurred on Tuesday, of lait week, near the canal locks at Elisa beth City, between Cal: Hawkins's regiment and a toren of rebels. The litter were repuls ed, wStkoonsiderable logs. •. Car loss was esti mated at 50 killed and-wounded. Col. Hawk ins was wounded in the right breast, and hie Adjutant' killed. This fight is said to hero taken place on Tuesday, bat it is no doubt the one alluded to . Afore Railroad Seized by General .Mitchell's' Division:-Large , Rein .foreements at Pittetiorgb i Landing. -CHICAGO; April .24.--2 A special oorresion dear° of the 2Vmes,,dited Pittsbnrgb, Tenn., - Gen. Mitchell's Division arrived at Tus .cumbla, Ala., and has now possession of 200 'miles,of the Memphis and Charleston Road. Large reinforcements arrived at Pittiburgli on . the 22d. C . oln. Footers. Wife Serenaded.. Pr oposals to Surrender North Carolina. Itskrinoett, April 24.—The hand of the Third New Yort regiment, last night, sere naded the lady of - Commodore Foote, who is , stopping in this city. The music wee very fine, and attracted a largo crowd of listeners. It is reported by passengers by the boat frtim• Fertilise Monroe, that Clem. Burnside has received proFiosals - from the Governor of North Carolina, to surrender the State. Arrival from Havana Nnw You, Alvil 24.—The Spanish steam frigate Isabel Ca[alias, from Haulm, with dates to the . 18th, has wired. She brings the mails. , _ Arrivals at (he r rincipal Hotels, UP TO 8 O'CLO I MANSION lIOUSB—LI crown 1 CAST NIGHT. rty et.erreer'R. R. Depot . raoratribit. T K.ltabcock, Juhustowu J J Atithouy .eapt J Young, J Le*lay, Knox J Stawn,at, Wallachia k3ti.VettS, 311sa - Brnitla, td'Keeaport D Findley, Soclarater,N Y Nina Fuller, Connellarlll. R- Graham and lady Dall,l3rancilla; Wt' ' kt • Danlal, Cations- 11 Miter, klarrisbarK C Snyder, Carlisle - Jur Aaron; Philadelphia C liemtbeni h lady, Eng J Crosson, Cincinnati -- 1 Geo L Plitt, narri n burg A J Wolhlll, Lewistown R !hips, YL Louis T K Mantling, Pa 31 lleclunyer, Now work T Sturp, Kochveter R R Brown,, do burg: .11 Kittle, Indiana to Burk; Philadelphia T K Manning, N Y D Alen. Chißeeville B 'Kidd. Ohio Jno W Walker,.Erte, Pa ]flamer, Philadelphia mauva ROTEL—Li J Donnell, Wheeling F Bulge, Revene,lohie J C MZEZI y ■treef, foot of rillb 'sorsa-rot. BANCLL HAIL J A Morrow, New Lisbon Rfontgrimedy, .I,aototer W Kidd, Wash co • jobs Ranooneint A 0 liollaton, Nobleatown gtatidinli, Freeman's - 'Landing J Brush; Felicity, J Lei• Mcßride, Contretown A Branson, Brllvernan A T Bala„ do IL McPherson, Mansfield J EJlarry, Upper TtClair A Bonner, Wash co • jracroc'HOTEL—•Litte Rum, IV A guri oil, ioderal Spr W B Sanford. Latrobe is Helmes. Weak' co A Baker'a lady, Zelltiopl• I K B.ltomel, BArtbri McPbarlyo, Cannour busy B F Blum, acebeeter .1 Mcßride, Ed&land nos Jane*, Hickory J 2 Campbell, - du J Dlack, Dirliogtou my street, below deronth. PROPirdt. B Copse, WiratmorePd co; Tbos King, Unity, Ohio, J Walker, Armstrong co, P Waucmaker, Industry, TM'Aisatens, Turtle Cek J.Brinker, Latrobe, C C Buasell , • DM Marshill,lndiana,Pa 13 Beck, 3k Gibson ik family, Ctn., S llM'Ohemey, Cinclnati Si Crawford, Joffarson co. No. 6 Bt. Clair street. M KittCita. Fornako, J 8 Taylor, Jefferson co, £T Taylor, do • JohtiPabl, do 8 Stewart, Clarion, .D Campbell, Aiklrowl, E P.Daryar, Chicago, G Bend, H Indiana, Pa., UI, do Milady, Latrobe, • W Stintlon, Weatm'd co EEO LION ROTE J Schaal:l3z, Harmony W Crawford, Oil City H Ayling, P Hurting, Saxonburg .liQultriistti Door Creak Mcßride, Harlarnaburgl W Clark; Butler co 'W Hanna, Mon. city , 04104 Oil Cieek • 7 Ault, Pa J King, Franklin - G tatty, -do .J Knead, Freallaca NATIONAL HOTEL—No; 137 Water atrxt. PROPIIII7OII. J Hunter, Clarion J Hupenera, do a Barton, do P Binh; do M Naughton. do H Frank, do P Etyd, do G Cooper, Butler co C Leger, Yenaugo co IR At areli,lVash. D C G Kier, N Y B McVey, Nobleatoorn W'Scott; Bakendasru ,W Salem, city .T•Boley, Beihrreruou B CUMMIII - do - do A'Brunell, B B Bmlth, Welt .Newton N Uoeliw, Btmrnsrillo N Neleop, 11th 8 Int. .J-Reese,Thus Caddltigtou & eon,Ps Theo Stump, do W - Nook, - Fayette city Clendenoing,do It Coulter, Roo. city SErri.rG WITE:tLER& WILSON'B Sewing Machines, NO. 27 FIFTH STEER; PITTSBUJIGH, PA At:order" 1.14 Fint. £remiism at 1)4 UNITED STAVES FAIR -For the Years 1858, 1858 and 1860 „UPWARDS OF FOAM MACHINES lOLD IN VIZ • UNITED SzeTp. MORZ TI!AN W . ,IX/0 SOLD THE . PART. YEAR Wa odor kith. public' WHEELER k. WILSON'S INPROVED SEWING . HAOIIIIiII, at 112DINIED PRIM; with Increaned conSdarito of its media ma the•beeti and mold Tallablo.ritudly.Liinthtit Idashine Doi - hi' ban It don equally wall; on ths Nankai: and thhinatt'i Maid, *Askew the lockatitth'lntStaßatL4 unravel rnillre on both bides; la allapie La eanstrtia. Ron, units speed) , In. movement, and. morn darablii than any other machine. oirciOrs, pricei.and deocriptkur or Ma tchbiesaninblea graUN, on application to person or !by - . Eirprildscldoeyorrantlid for three year.. spSning WIL SUBINZB. & CO. (ZREAT ity,DucTioN - Ili . TUE PRICrOP SEWING "MACHINES. [EQUALED DOUBLE ING MACLIINEkL , No. 12 liftlt Street. _.lu use four years. and . They will rue, gash roller, and will do .11 do. AD Nashlnes war. .e year without charge, rchasers. Oaten,- Silk, uII and /1..45 Agents Ibr Western corner of. I,l4ffitot, Pitta. Mannacturas and have U, all kinds of 19;WING. ~i •6T8&1N 4 & - 00:' K', oorne'r.ofHarbt- Important Military Bill AN ACT t ';'"'' l 4 . l/9r.-tht.atliuktiu.giou maillAymaut - 4.7 f `artsin military CiMilll4. Scerma 1. Be of mooted, That the adjutant general, the pazdermaster general, and the commissary gon er*, shall be a board, any two of whom shall tuna a quorum, to whonrall claims contracted for the mob sisten., clothing, tramportation, or orgunizallon of our voluuteers, under orders of authorized officers of this State, Shall be submitted, with power to take testimony, - alicein - report; accompanied by the evi dence, shall be returned by them to the auditor gen eral fur his approval or disapproval, whose decidon shall be final and conclusive; and the auditor genend Is hereby authorized and directed to draw his ever. root im the State' Treasurer co — r — the amount allowed In such case /Inward, That no higher price shall he allowed thou hue been paid fur like articles pro. cored onderixintract by State: Provided furrhe., That so much its may, in the judgment of said board, be doe mom any coutract made priori° the fifteenth day of May, Mane Domini, one divagated eight hundred and ;lot - pone, by any military officers of thin Stile to good faith with citisima of this State, may. le their discretion, be paid on due proof of much tract, or no much us may, In their judgment, be the true value of the mods or merchandise so purchas.l. Sec. 2. That such settlement shall embrace the claims for pay of ell 'Pennsylvania volunteer,. ; of persons acting In the capacity of officers from the time they commented to_ recruit under the authority et thaStata, and of private. irons the date o r thei r enrolment : Prorided, That no such claim shall be allowed to 'ideates, oohed - the Cl/down has bvro actually swore Into the service of the State or of the Visit e d states, by one of its own Wilma, or by a reg ular mustering offitor of the army, or by acme civil °alien duly qualified to admitdater an oath 414 .trorirted fiirthrr, That no. officTr *l.ll he entitled to the bene fi t. or prembilorts of this 'act mitt' be shall file in the office of the Adjutant General no affidavit, .tiort he has not at any then r o eived any pecuniary compensation, or proud. thereof, har the procuring ef any couindesion, or appointment of any officer, cutler, or ether appoint. connect. with the reten tion:or service, or who hue transferred any portion of the Wen that Ile recruited or &misted in' recruiting, to any. other. company, battalion, or regiment, for a peeuniery. conaideration : dad promidedjorther, That in Ihk settlemeritof claims uuder the proviriions of this section, saidlicaird shall allo' Mich damn, and so much of such ClOlllll.B May be preseuted, as in their opinion may in justice and equity be doe her the services rendered. ..Sec. 3. That any company or regiment having been ordered by the military authorities of the State of Pennsylvania or of the United States, to rendezvon. Let any point, ind having proceeded to each mode:- ions, cud shall there. or elsewhere have been Ili:Maud ed by the Governor, or other proper authority, with out having been mustered into, nervioe , deal reeeile compensation for such time; and oil claims for sub .i.denoe, clothing, and transportation of such com pany or regiment shall Ire adjusted by said board : rrovided, That no, olefin gush ollOood ruder the provisions of the hest three secticata of this net, un -It. the same be presented within ono year oft.' tire passage thereof. Sec. 4, That , when any volunteer, after baring brim enrolled and Jotoed bil campony , atoll have be come sick and shall have died, or shall hare been dis charged on account of such sickness, without having beoo regularly mustered into service, such soldier shill be entitled to the same - pay end otherprorfaions, from the time of his discharge or death, as he would Eire been...entitled to had he been regularly mastered into eorrice ; avid In mice of the death of such sol dier, hie widow and minor children, if any, ehall be entitled to the benefits neoriduti In the sixteenth 44:e -llen of the act of fifteenth day of Kay, alum Ikll3llCl one thousand eight hundrea and eistpune, for ROl diem who May die attar having been mustered Into the service of the United Status or of this State. . . Sec. S. That any giddier enlisted iu the Pen.yl - volunteers under the act of May fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixtpone, entitled ...fin act to create a Wan and provide for arming the Mate, " or who were called into such service under the requisition of the Pauddent of the United Staten, and who has °Thereafter may become insane, who has not at inch time been mustered into the service of the United States, shall be sent'by order of the Secretarytof the State to the State Lunatic Asylum, at the expellee of the State : Peoeided, His insanity be certified to by the surgeon of hie regiment, and !approved by this surgeon generator Pentmylvmia. Sec. 6. That all moneys made payable by the pro vision. of the foregoing sections of this act shall be paid oat of the war loan authorised by the act of the ' , Swab day of hay, anno Domibi one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, entitled "An act to ensue a loan and provide tor arming the Slate; 'and, iu case said funds should be insullicient to pay the same, then out, or any Motley hi the treasury not 'otherwise appropriated. T. That the mid board named in the brat ...- lion - of the act shall also examine and report to_the next Legislature in writing the result of such exam inations, all claims of the cilium, of this Common wealth who have been engaged in the recruiting and organising the volunteer force of this atatelor the war, by authority In writing from the War Depart ment of .the United States, or (rem persons thus duly authorised, amorling to their designated rank or position, for the Uses In which they were thus ac tually engaged, at the rate of persona performing similar dude. in the volunteer servire et this State, but only Inproportionto the real services rendered Provided, That no 'claim shall be considered or re ported under this motion to any officer who Las horn paid by the United States for .the entelmence of teen recruited by him, or under Lb authority, until he shall hare nibbled the board that be has paid iu fall all the debts contracted by him in the name of the Government, er In too own name, for the support of such men. 'Ste. 0, natio alt mantles of this State where lauds Or tenements were hccupied by troops, the OW.? or owner, thereof may apply by petition, set ting forth the facto, and the amount debated, with affidavit of the claimant am to the truth of they.. tition, to the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which (ha lands or tenements are situated, and upon such application the court ,hall appoint three 4 41l4111ACColitCd appralliefs, who shell, within twenty days after their appointment, having first been duly acorn or affirmed to make a Piet and true valuation of the alleged dalbage4l, proved Clew the premises and hear any teatinoony premolar' or desired by mid appraise* and dish report the sum they find to be due ' if and, With all the testimony, to the said court, the raid court may confirm mid report, or refer it back to the appralmers. or appoint new apprele • ark ea 'may beat, in the opinion of the comt, sub eurre the ends of justice; and upon the confirmation of such report, the amount therein:stated to be due shall be certified, with all the - testimony, by the pro thonotary of said court, td•the board appointed by the Ent motion of act, to be examined and-re ported upon to .the, ,liegialature t Provided further, That as soon as the 'claims panted in the seventh and eighth 'settiotitf of Mb act are properly adjusted, the -above named board eliallranamit to the War 1/e -partment, at Weshingto , al -ropy of their report upon each. J Sac. V. Nodal= shall tat pun under the provisions of ttils act uniesallui claheant shall file in writing, with the Stale Treasurer, an agreement or pledge that the ium eo paid is .accepted ea a full• release and discharge of the State and 'National Governments from another or :Ihrthar. liability for, or on account of, the 'object-matter of inch claim. Ste. 10. That the .provident of this act, so far ae applicable, shall 'be 'extended to all citizens or mai. dents of Pennsylvania who; have heretofore entered into the active. tonics of the United States, or any other Stale of this Uniont• Provided, That such per sona have not been, affd shall not be, provided for and paid by etch other Stale, or by the United Slat*. 4 , JOHN HOWE, Speaker of Itie House of Ilepteeentativek '-L. W. HALL. - Speaker of the Sonata Approved the aixteenth day of •April, Annie Dom ird one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. - Cl, A. O. CUSTIN. COMMERCIAL RECORD COMMITTEE OF ARBITRATION OY BOARD OF TRADE FOR FEBRUARY AND MARCH. Wag. Meagan., V. P.,t T. J. Crummy 11n 3. 1. witrr, • ILIUM PARIS, Jn., B. Pihr.rrox. et eview of OIL [Reported spefigall for lAe PittslntrO acq.e. tier.] PITT6BOIIOI . I . j TH*ISDAY, April 24th, 1002. (Nora.—The quekioi2ven' in tha following Re. view, it must be and4it , are the wholasaid prices, except where oiherqvirieViroNced; and that In all cases In the filling of smalliordir to the city and =nary trade, an ulvance of i Haan to fired cent, will be charged over three qucitationa] APPLES—The supply ofrApplas is nearly exhausted and the market may int quoted firm at from 53,50 to $4 per bbl for prime free from rot. ASHES—Pearls steridy , ,iwitir a fair demand at 5% tittOic, No change in Ash or Pots. ALZ—The following are lithodcw & Vernern quota tion., corrected op to date,:{ bbla half bbl.. Common Ale 48,00 - 54,50 XX 8,00 India ........».....». • 5,50 When. rat — Craned 52,80 will be allowed for barrels and $l,OO for hall bide. 411 _ • BAGS—ateady bat unchanged. BUCKWHEAT FLOCK—but little in market and In the absence of sairWweinnit, quotations. BACON—The market hi rather dull and prices are , We quote at 43513. for Shoulder., 634fisthic for Bides; 83(.6634a for Plain Ham. 7Y,.rgi7W for Sugat Curedand. - Cantaised, Se. BUTTER. awe EGOS—There 1. Ina iritidry for But tar; prime Roil bite declined to 15(4116c per lb. Eggs steady at trom 7 to 7jric per dos. BEANS—firm at $1,60 per bush for prime and 51,26 for common. 1 BROOM COIIN--stouly, with ode* at $BO per ton. BROOMS—In fair Inquiry at $1,25410,50 Ibr Cow mom, and 12,2362.60 for Fancy. • OttOPEIGAGY,—FIoat• barrels continue very dull, with en occasional sale at 28c. Oil barrels nominal at $1,04. No change in hoop pale. CORN =Al.—dull 1 with a drooping tendency. We note a sale 0(80 bosh prime from store at lac per °NEESE—steady, with a. fats_dernand at 84300 tor prim. W. R., and l i ra for Goshen. CHANDEURIES—iuminaI at former pricea. COTTON YARNS.—Aliwing to. - the fact that the stock of cotton yarns and sheetinpie nearly run out, wo are unable to get tillable quotations. CHESTNUTS—Nonn In. market. CANDLES 80A f! following wool atione Sr. strictly correct 7 . !Casings. Mould and Dipped....!. 10 c N 16dallic 68 w 11 , 1 MT. lhaln No. 1 Paha.— 6 .......... 4 w Gamut awl (Heine.. .... c Woman's Priced, NO. —.... 7 c Woman'. rrielid, No. 6 c ..... ...... --..:10 c Toilet, No. ..... ToUet, 6 c Dli/ED IMULT.4.io good supply with a 6dr do tumid; we quote Apples at 111,'26t61,6g and. Peathe& s2.46aso6—nwetlp $1.,b0 sad VEND—dull, with no Change In- ram. Bran la Hid atathullrowt etare l itms per too, Mewls $l4, and 11168—tutcluat4aliwe quote No. OlLosplitsekoral at $6,60. N 0.2 Mackoral at $10,60, Pickled .#6 1 1 16 11' Se~„o9. and Whit, nth $4 per halt $6l. c.. - I _g •i 4 FEATHEES—V note an ci...sioital sale of lire Gem* feathers from find hands at 4dglinr,S . .i. ... . i - 'ITEM rn'n'lrillil - 4 - eieeiTtioirof aver; rill'Ohl fru prowentnut in the d viand, an Love no change to no tice In the 'flour . • rket.. The following•aro amour ' rent mks from alai Superfine, $1,10&4.1.5; Extra, I $1,ti41,73; Extra Tunatly, $2 to CO,4t—nnustly at Alliftagri.l&-nutail Ynnoy $: 1 / 2 51atsfi,74. GllOCllliTEquirt mid dull, with no mattrisl chanon in prices. Sugar is belling at from 63.-; to•liI,I, amox.iltig to quality. Molasses steady, with small sales of $. 0.. cypress viverage, at Waile s and oak amperage at 432J4.4c. coat, dull Lot tirni at 19320 c for low grads Rio, nail 'XililLordle for ptima. 'Rice nominal at 7.lic. G11..11K--.NI heat to firm Lot um:hanged, and we quote at from 9. - ic to $1,13 tar Bed and White, ac cording to quality. We note a small sale of AlLocil ad Ilk, kud Lout) bush prime Kentucky. White at $1,13. Corn la quiet , wilL email sales at from Ott to iisc—eome choice lots ofrow at 42c. tiate steady at Vic Irmo first h.d... • ark) , and Rya unchanged. GUN POWLEIS-The Flash government having I j again permitted tkineopor of oaltpetre, Om price of Powder hob been reduced. Elan Powder, $ I per krg, and liliwilug powder tal c ling, HAY—Is Belling from scale. at $l2 to $l6, per ton —the latter for prime 'filuOtliy.,No change in' baled. HOUS—Thera is Let little doing in Hogs, as .the packing Besnol.l to about over. We quote lire If ago nominally at from V to S.:Vs) per cwt. 1101IINY—cill, aid we glade at from s:Ma4a..3,2ii per Lbl. BIDES e 5 to Si z . per lb for green salted, and Itisl7c for dry Bine. LEATHER—The Leather market — is nether toilet and dell, while prices remain tenchanged. Thu fol lowing kolltat lot.n are sorreeted tip to date: Oak Sole Leather eany24. Oak kopek Leeseher i:Onate2 ifiertie” Leather i. 3424 Lipper Leathar itiarry3tt LAUD—Country u gtead,y m 1, per lb for preens. City leaf is genet at Sr. LIME ---steady, with genial sales of Lonna - 111e at Ut,25 per bbl. . . MESS PORK—We have heard of tot one ado uni og tbn week, w hich was at $10,50 per Wit Thle, however, Is considered below' the market. ONlONS—lower, having declined to ane buil. OILS—The demand for Etude Oil la very limited and the market to dull at per gall tu hulk, nnd te. In bids; valet o( 11a1 Mils in bulk at 2Y,,c; 1101 tibia, 43 gravity, at 40.11,25 allowed for bile, and 01 ibis, 4I 4.42 gravity, or 4 , per gallon—barre to be vet urned. befitted Carbon to In lair demand for export 01 Rom 20 to' 2c per gall. Lord Oil to doll , with email wiles of No. lof Clatiae. No change in ether OM. • POTATOES—in lair requent and the market firm at (nom 3.5 to lloc per bunk, as to quality. POI;LTILY--alull and pekoe moult tied. • SALT—nominal at o,au per Rd for No. I :old for No. I Extra. . SEEDS-..Clover has declined, and prim. will not command more than 51,50 per hug. Timothy dull at $1,75, and Flax $1,70. TALLOW—duII at be per 'Vier rongh, and 7i; for rendered. WHISKY-1;i gniel'lmit firm at 1* for Raw, and 21( . .i . :120 for, common Rectified. -• • . WINDOW GLASS—Thu following quotntlone Irmo been corrected up to date: fan, 709, 92; felt), :;2,2f; 9e12, 10.c12, 52,511; 9x14, 10x14, $2,75; 10,15:auxin, id,On—tusual discount for cosh, 15 per cont. - Allegheny Cattle Market. Arum 21..-There Le no now feature to notice In Beef Cattle. Tho demand gamin:Mee • fair, while prices 'are stewly and fully tuaii;tainetl,, winging front $3 to $4,t1.5 per out gnus, we to quality. • In Bogs there is but little doing, the hulk of the offerings, to the übsence of buyers, being shipped East. Priers range from iff,tr) to i 3,75 per cwt. gross —mostly at $3,50. The reeeipte of Sheep are 'lght., awl the same eau to said of the demand. Ire quote at ft 3 to $3;50. Below will be holed nu the w.k et both the Un ccurate-Ert of tiro Wen fur u and Morgan tank: Price irir cwt. gr , .. Jll Glare, 40 SIIX J 111 Kirk, 13 3,46:1, 1 4 , C C Swirlier, 2 ' 3,31 Melt d Myers, 14 3,70 J D Mery, II 4,01 Myer, .4 Oro, 30 30314, II .1 Merrick, tA) 243341 Greenawalt and Kelm, lee 11;i1131% RothehiMe, G 4 3.611 J Menders/a, 14 3,50 Mll Mier, 4O 3,75 !Caron a smith, :t3 301 t. Crouse a G00d,5U3;',,633.4 111ekeubeluler,S5 3,87 D C Junes, 15 3,37 L Doutl, = 3,37 31 nothellll4s, 51 3,78 Juo bouuelly, DI 3,87 Price her cwt. gross. Ward .k Moder -0 Butper, 9 $3,Z5 well, 104 3,75 WII Mitchell,l7o 3‘..j.4.4 H Johnston, 90 3,20 JII Cutlass, 13 2,7 n J Henderson, dry 3,75 W C lillagnr, 120 3,21. 11 H Fidler, 11/0 3g..) Jl7 Hamm, 135 3,41 Price per OWL. grotG. Geo If Wel,ol, VD $3,50 C Donner, 64 3,5 u C C Swisher, NV 2,62 IN Sw)ere, ISO 3,00 Imports , 1 , 1 , !liver. ZANESVILLE—con Mum; MARTIN—WO barrels floor, Blacksoont Wuhan; 241 du do, R Basun toot; 200 do do, 3lcKelvy. .0 Gregg; 50 du do, W/Iliatu !Bugbear 2 hints, 4 boa tobaccu, Jos A Banuire; bids whis ky, LI Wallow; WO do do, Jan Gordy/or; Um do do, S Lindsay; 202 do whisky, Stiller .5 Iticketson, lot coal boat limures, Gro B Jones, 5 Ms dry toot, 15 II Hays; 3 cks boo., J P .11anua; 3 Gilds bum, and eltouidere, NV bite brot; 5 K. hoots, Gottleib t'rrid; I ram tobacco,Johti 1 Bouts; 10 bids lord oil. James Ualzeli J: eon; IU dorm., John Grantor; ; 15 eke dhoti Bolt, P Back lk co; 121 ibis lard oli, B Robison, A ep, 40 carboys vitriol, B L Faintestock h co; 15 bole bisky, Joe Luduk; 25 do do, E Bryar; au du do, G II Marker A co; 44 do flour Boon 1 McKee; 42 do lard, P tiellers it co; 20 tun llama; Culp S Sheprrd; S Gbh; liquor, Jos Schmidt; 2S bbd. meat, 04 bblu rump pork, 8 eta tallow, bbl do. 20 Ithdo bulk baron, lon hue shoulders, 40 tcs hams, Clarke A co. River News The river continues to reividiateadlly al this point, with fifteen fent by the marks last evening. ) 'The weather during the day, was pleasant, and The einitlnues quite lively at the wharf. The Merle Martin, from Louisville , with a full trip, was ihe only transient arrival from below ...... ...The Adriatic cleared for St. Louis lust night, with upwards of fire hundred tons of freight. The Allegheny Belle loft for Franklin yesterday with s full cargo and crowded with paseengers ...... —.The Lavina Logan left fur Cin cinnati on Wednesday night, flying light The Diadem, from St. Louis, is doe to-day. tresses 50r.9.--The Wheeling packet John T. McCombs was sold to Capt. Donnelly, of Cincinnati , on Wed:wonky, fur $14500. It is the intention, we understand, to have her thoroughly overhauled, re paired and repainted at this place. We are not ad vised en to what dispoaltion will be made of h-r af terwards. We learn from the Cincinnati C'ommerciad that Capt. Evans hu sold the Key West No. 2 to the American For Company, of St. Louts—the old owner. to dearer her of that polt4, where she will be awed nod fitted out for a trip to the headwaters of the Yellowstone river. Sho sold for $14,000-0 pretty good price. FOR ST. Loris—The commodious Westmoreland, Capt. Evans. is annoubeed to leave for St. Louis on Saturday. The Empire City, for thweame point, will leave about the middle of next weak. fox CIRCIRMATI sets LotristruLE--The Kenton, Copt. Ebben, is the Saturday packet for Cincinnati and Louisville. Yon ins UPPER )11nouSsreei Rlvick—The Fred. Gorses, Capt. Mason, and Florence, Capt. Brickell, are announced to leave as above on Fatnnlay. The !Bedew, Cali. Roger,, is announced for next week. Xplall avIITS. PUNOS I PIANOS I—Just received from New York, one to. eerier PULL 7 OCTAVA ROSE- " '1 WOOD, richly carved. LOUIS XtV STYLE PlAtit., overserung, full Iron fame, felt' covered helium.", etc. Will be sold for $250._ CIIARLUTTE BLUME, 43 Fifth O. Solt Agent for linateN Pianos end Prince's Melo deons. urn LIJR 611.'; LOUIS AND ST. lalagPATlL.—Tbn fine steamer ICMPIIII" CITY, Copt. —, will leavo u above on W IiEt3DAY, :Mb ions. For freight or Nampo apply on board or to J. P. LIYINGOTON .ft JOIIN.FLACk, Agente. 1410 R LINUINNATI & LOU. -- .L ISVI.LLE..—The floe stew:nor KEN- "^"' • Capt In W. Ebben, will' lama for the above and all Intormodlate ports, on serunDer, April 2616, Cl 4 p. ro. For freight or vantage apply on board or to ap2.5. J. B. LIVINGSTON & CO.. Agents.. !?OE LOUISVILLE, EVANS-440 .i.: VILLE AND MT. VICIINUN—Exca- Mak Pacarr...‘The excellent steamer CS' . Vapt. N. Calhoun, will leave for the above and 011 n. termadiate ports on WEDNESDA Y, 83d Inst., and p in. Vox freight or paonge apply on board or to I ' • ele..! J. D. LIVINUtIroN 8 LYt.. Aeon's. 7140 i s CINCINNATI, LOUIS- • MLLE AND ST. LOUIIA—Tho tut sells nt sidottaboel stoatnerW ESTIMBELA ft U. Unpt. Etivrard Evans will kayo as shove on BATUMI/Ir, 20th gnat., at 4 p. to. Tor freight or passage aPply on hard or to apt t , J. B LIVING6TON A. CO., Agents. rit ST. LOUIS, ROCK - LAND. GALENA AND ST. PAUL, D I ItEUT.—The Ana steamer DIA DEN, Vaps.-- , will Ware kip the above and all Inturoodlato porta on WEDNESDAY, 30th lust. Fur. Dalight or µwage apply on hoard. ap23 Volt LoWS, KFAnkt/K, ,akl- 0 1 , I: AND ST. PAUL.—The duos teatnordaiggra T.. il i rwarNex, Capt. D. Z. Drlckrll, gkll Pam no u• nouncad on - THI3 DAT...l6th Met., nt . 4 y. to.• Vor trolled. or passage apply on board or to iL J. B. L 8 VINUSTON A CO., Agents. W. W. NIAIITLN. JAL) IS t ST. rAW4ka ir it AND MINNESOTA DIVER TH11.0130/I WITHOUT N.E41111P1•tr40.,-2ae FRED LORICNt. Capt.'2. Maws, will. intro ea, above on THIS DAT. the 25th hut.; atop; m. 79- 'freight or pourtageapply on hoent or to a. 14: • J-11. LIVINGSTON et 00:, Mem • ITTPIOR MO `UYYI PACRET.—TOR ST. LOUIS, KR. ORME, ROOK ISLAND, DORWatigAgr PAUL.—The uew, .reamer NOINITOS. CaPt:Nrot. Dean, will 'loam tor tbo Alio. and all Intermedia te port. oti 11, Inst,nt I o'clock p. For freigt or` piano apply on baud or to a SAC,"hogDnr *J. R. LIVINGSTON t UU.. Avid& 11.? LfIiULAICIV NAM LIM -ZAN MULL!! VACHET. — m now andtNsuUlolpseemgerrummerZMM A cr. HAM, Colle. Monroe. Amt. Morro , Plltrborit Mr. Zatraortflo EMT . TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock Stotiuntagi lowa Zotraotlint 113',E1411.1111.DAY, at ts.' Tor fr eight* pomp sway on board or to . LIYIMMON t Ont.i .41toilittelorro. - H. O. PLC= M 00. c ZIMOSTMea' mel4 - IZP M=l== Bar AND. 367 BROADWAY CORNER OF FRANKLIN, ST., NEW TORE This first-cless house—the mos:liner, home-like, , mid plesourt hotel to the city—offers superior in— ducements to those whiting NEW YORK for busi• I MY. or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on the EUROPEAN PLAN, In connection with TAYLOR'S SALOON, where refreshments can land at all hours, or served in their own rooms. The charges are moderate, the mars and attendance of the first order—tenths, and all the modern contai n, heilturd tencv. fttlarlied. tt t;H toN TIJA L'UROPEAN PLAN 1:=1 AINOLE ROOMS FIFTY ORNTS PER DAY City Hvil Spare. craw". Pra.kfort tOpprAlte City er4rll.le ae they may le ordered to the 4111 C fella Ref wry. Chen, tow kiorhere Shop owl Bath liccone attached tr. the Hotel , NsVitosun of 11.11N.NULU5 EiN who ". ore full. :dlyal U. FRENCH, NtorEturflm. INEMM t FOR3IERLYFABLE'S,) 11 AND 19 I'4RK.ROW, Opposite tho Astor BOIL: end Pork Puirc or Bonito sl,sn Pot DAN This long eatablished and popular notate hats re xial) lawn rebuilt stud greatly enlarged by the ad dition of over lOU rooms, and now has acconuoda tions for over Zit* Tureens. It has also been thor ouglay renovated and refurnished, find is ucianto HT area AND 1110111ILD WITH EI•eiVIDOPOHDLII, 'this Hotel has one of the lead loattiona in [Madly, it esrof accetu from all the Steamboat. and Ken net& lending to the city, and Is convenient to all the city COUTOyADCCAI. It hoe note ah the reqatisites ore • FIRST CLASS noTpL, encoring the comfort of its inmates. TIM patntuago of the travelling public In rests,t fully solicited. ae - Tr.ntoi, 31,50 rml. DAL, fe273:73n. H. L. POWERS, Pruprittor. - - W — ESTEICIsi tiuThL, Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Cortlantlt N nito/10 - WST, NEw . Toni crrr Thin old. estisblbsiesil and favorite resort of the lietiuotet Community, Loss bents recently rennin!, and Is emplele in entity thing tb;it coo auluinter to the eomforte of Its patrons. Labe and fatuities are npocially and east - entity to ovided.for. t Is centrally loisited in tllo bitninens teat of the city, and incoutiations to the ph - neaps.' ;Men of Klealll - earn, oninibutien, ferries, la C011.1111.w of the prienunt caused by Oa re bellion' prime hurls been restated to toe ['WAAL AND VIIYTT CENTS .1 DAT. • The table la amply supplied with all the luxuries of the remain, and la equal to that of any usher hotel in the country. Ample accommoilattous are uttered for upward of - 40U pleat., MB - Ito not believe nuttier., hackmen, and other., tielie may ••the IVesterti hotel is D: - D. WINCH EST/i Et, Propriotqr. Mos. D. Wtlientsrr.u. AIIEI{IIJAN .1111 USE BOSTON, IS the largest and beet arranged Hotel in the New England State; Is centrally located, and nary of ac ease from ull the rostra of travel. It matelot Blithe imelern unprovemente, and every convenleuon fur the arnfort and accommodation of the traveling The sleeping reams ere Largo and Well ventilated; tbo suites of room. are wellarrunged, and completely furnished for familieaund large traveling mulles, and the bowie will continue to he kept us a tired chow Lund in every respect. prdlrlyd LEWIS RICE, Proprietor. DissoLullodrs, C. lIISSOLU'IJON OF PAItTNERSIIIP. —The partnereldp heretofore exiting between PitiLLIPS .fiIsKAY has been dissolved on April let by mutual consent. The laminae, of the late to us will be untied by either of the undersigned. It. At. PHILLIPS, XV Liberty street. `JAsIIIJ iIIcKAY, 345 Liberty street. Pittsburgh, April 14t1t, INb2~—o; 24 fwd 11S.OLUTION—The lirm of I.IOLD -1.1 81111 . ..131:I.1.N A. Co. was diesolved by mntu et o , ..tOtont On the Mal lout., bating sold lay inlornot in the Woodville Oil liefinery to GEC. T, ilicColl.• AIIGK 1111:11. W.l/OLDSH IP., they Otantning all liablittlea of Vald firm and they alone are authortsed to use the name of the late firm in liquidation. SANIUSSIL 1/ItYAN. Pittsburgh, April 23, 1862•' 11.,61ILU'11ON OF PALvt.N.6ttonie. —Tho pertuotehlp beretefurnexlethig under the name of JOUN !MAVIS h rUN9 , Is tide flay diesel, of by tooluel cement:. The bnelhots of the fete firth eltl be settled by either of the undereigoeff, at the office, No. 11 %Valor etront. J 11l WIN. JUIIN IRWIII , At. Pittsburgh, llbads 31st, 1862. apt: 'old 111 IlbSOLLVlON.—Dissolved, on March _LA , 31st, by mutual coustnt, NEhhObi JONES and W &LUAU BARNES, of the firm of Nahum Jones A lo the Pittsburgh and West Pittsburgh Perry. amhhilt N()TICK—The co-paitnerettip hereto fore existing between JOHN B. CANFIELD and D. N. BARBOUR, tinder the name and idyl. of J... 13. CANFIELD. A GO., is diasolved by limitation. The Inalneu of the Late Arm will be settled by John B. Canfield, who will continue the Provision, Pro. dam end Commission besinele, at the old stand, No. lit and 143 First street. JOlll7 B. CANFIELD. Pittsburgh, Jan. 1, 1062.-0.20 ,rllO LET.—A large, well finished and 1 comfortably furnished Store ou Market, between Third and Fourth streets. A long Gaeta, Aped up for *school, and heretofore occupied by Mr. Avery's Academy for young ladies. Also, Nelson'. Ambrotype aroma, comer of Third and Market streets. ADO, terrors) Rooms suitable for ofOces. Rent very loom, to snit the times. IC D. GAZZADI, juditf comer Third sod Market streets. 14 1 Ult .IlVflOirl.BY—A two etory Bricl House, of wen rooms, with • beau th.l lot mud In . good location. Empire of .1. W. V. WHITS, fe2qaltf 11:1i Fifth street, Pitisb •h. 14 1 t? It it EN T . —,Siz large and we 1 13.: Ilghced 8110 PS, 30x100, suitable for Cabinet Slaters' or Machine Shops, will he lowest to one or different I riles. A . •at 42 Fifth carrot. 808 WOE bALts; OK RENT—An Ull tfonry, to complete ordot:.: Apply to . _ ROBT. ABTLIBBS. Att'y at Law. N.. 135 Fourth at. It.ENT—A eomfornible Dwelling J: Nonni 8 room; a +table and carriage-hone; sena land, argil sea with apple and peach trace, grape arbor, An µ ill be leaanl toa good tniantfor a Dum ber or lawn. Enquire of WATT it WILSON, 26S Lllrcrtl street. Ateo,A three dory Brick Dwelling on Colwell street; S rooms, in good order. Apply to • Jotkiltr WATT k WILSON, 268 Llhertyd. • 14 1 0 K RENT—A two story Brick Lwoll tog Co Hai atmet. recently papered and :painted throughout. Powailon gi on Immediatory. No snare of JAS. DALZELL A 841 N, inhi4 C 9 and 70 Water street. 14 1 0,1 i .11.V....NT—A Warehouse on Water .11: street, 4$ feet frost, running through to Froot, street; Enquire of JAB. DALIELI, A SON., fel• Mt nod 70 Water street. 1.4101 t itENT—A two story Brick House ou kaplame% street, Alirgbetis City, by mhil •- • ' ALE.X. KING, 273 Liberty street. .71,1(13CELL4JMOU4'. N EW CARPETS, • Oil Cloths, &c., AT • M'CALLUM'S, .ro. 87 Fourth Street, • • nought prerioue to the late' "ammo in prioce, of which the fullest advantage le offered to purcluwers VOA CARL • dein VIM IT TREEK--INDuctarsNis to Pull ottastss.—A verj halm stock of choke 111:11Ed, of evlected.virietles to choose from, withevet7 pow& ble•cave Sakai to have every vasiety•true to tame. • Of Apple alone we have 170.000-40,000 of which are three yOisr olds, 10,1.100 four, yeas olds. Pam, 10, 1 . pq tvto to three years old. Peach; Plum, tte l , a floe. z zzzz os—the Tram la the Norway. Clan and . EVIUGILICENB from- 1 to 8 Gat, by the hundred, -cheap) olio, SUADIC TREES AND whelimile and retail. " Address PITTi46(I4OII AND OAKLAND Kn. SKULK% Pittsburgh, os.,issor ,Inmq MT1T1T4W31.314. JAMES H. elflI,DB & HOPE COTTON , NILL; ALLEGHENY XAMTACTORER4.OI , •. SEAMLESS' S'A GS AMD ' °SS A.tifisas, 32:1NC1174 .T0..40 INCHES WIDE. . . ireiorderi left 'it H. Childs .t 60. Y, IX; Wood et., Pittsburgh. will rwiled attention. • ocHedly NE. 'BBL. ROLL 131Jr.p1Sli, O tut roeoiewl sad' for sal, by - • ' spl9 CAZITHCHD, Mist 4., new Wood. =IN EMI HOTELS MEM MUM= TO LET. 810 fi n WILL PUIiCIIASK A NEAT vv renal, contadaing t 9 lima, with a good two•itory Stone Houma biro. Dant. plenty .of thaw Fruit; Mt - tutted 334 mita& from. Greemsburtr,.. Applo to ft Mahal t CO.. 102.Yourth Attll I:Lard.Oil, 1.1 receiving per itennierAigsle, and !Stink low {p Mom consignment by 1 ." - .Ygiiiirsil - n - taastt a sox, APIS. - . , • lid a nd 70 Wataratrsob, • . • . r'r OILSa .d 3 t. fuo I'FTRULI uM }iEEI,\EKE SHIPPERS OF :ME CRUDE ARTICLE. I hare establiabed in the CITY OF NEW YORK • OtiMMISSION•LIO USE, Births exclosirs .ale oryour commodities, and also to supply you will CAUSTIC SODA, SULPHURIC ACID, EMPTY BARRELS, OLUE;BUNGrk.te. I am prepared to maim liberal cash adrames on condgurneum, and to gire your busineua prompt at tention. 1141 13urreepuntkuceklrequastedaud cousigumetts :013,10.41. • JAW LINDSAY. N IJSA 1 CARBON' o«, L A 31 I' 31 A.Nuret•Tur.EL ri No. 2:: WOOD STREET, =9!M=I orth T. MT01111111,116 WOOD Y/LLE 01L REFINERY. BOLDSEXP, BRYAN & 00., MANI.TACTIMEILS Of BURNING OIL AND LUBRICATING OIL, Ktl.p vagrantly on hand tln, very beat quality of DUI:NINO OIL, clear and vigilant odor; also, a good LUBRICATOR, pure WIIITE BENZOLE and OAR IIItrIA,SR. - &SWAB orders left at No: 35' Burro - STREET, Bank Block, ,O and door, svill.Le prom pt lyattendod to. ocnoltl 110 . AGLEI OIL WORKS.—WIGHTMAAN ,t AN D i E MON, refines and llooiers lu PURE OA lIBON OIL. (quality gnarantoed,) PITTSBURGH, PA. *Br CAR GREASE end B ENZO LE cononnt ly on hate.. Orden. received for the present et •CII ESS,. SMITH utur and First emote. ea2:l:nel COHNPLA,.NTEIR OIL COAIk'AJNY. O. Li. DAVIS, Pruritic'''. JOIIN IRWIN, Jr., See, and Treirs'r. DllliClollB-K..11. Davie, T. M. Nevin, J. L. Car nughan, A. Cameron, John invlrt,,Jr. PETItOLEtiAI, of light gravity; from the wells o the company, on Oil Creek, in %atlantic, county,. con etuiti.) on hand'and for solo. Vince at T. li. Nevin A Co.'s, Na 'S.G WOOD ST. Pittsburgh. •• tlyd VIETSONA U 1 WURKS,,L-LONG .1 BULLER& CO. MM=I Office and *archon., it MARKET STREET Pittsburgh. Iduaufacturers of ILLUMINATING and LOOM qaTlNti OARBON OILS and RENZOLE. OR' No. I REPINED OIL, warranted nou•explo sire, always ou baud, oN•t:1 d I ~I,IIIII.ICATLNG OIL, AT Tat Low rates or 25 CENTS PER. GALLON, constantly on 11.4 and fur sale by it: C. BJ. H. SAWYER. Az to the quality, we rater to annexed certificate: Prrraeonou, Noe. 21, WM. Memo,. B. C. & J. H. Sawyer—Gents The Lubrl, eating Oil we are {,tutting from you we find to be the beret ter our lamas., we have aver used. Tux 1.. S. 11. R. It. R. Co.; lly Wm: ESPY, Pre.. L UCIFER. OIL WORKS. WILLIAM P. WOOLDIDGE, 11 /I.IIUFACTLIP.Caur ODAI. AND CARBON' OILS, arid dealer hi LAMPS, 0111.111.NPYS, Nu. Si .Ihaket etreat, be!creeu Sewed and Third. .PITTSNUHUN, PA. REESE & GRAFF, _ _ L lISFINBBS •NU MAA.OrACTVILICILS Or WRITE BURNING OIL, PURE DEODORIZED BENZOLE AND STEAM CLARIFIED MAI/MERRY OIL, (MUDD OIL. OF ALL GRAVITIES PURCHASED. lE/S"New Oil Burels wanted. Coruvr Otbee , 21o4ougatioa. Maw. del:2lE4loor w. Is. 1 lOLLAR. SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 FOUILTH CIiAIITERED IN I& . . . (tpoo doily trout 9 tot o'clock, oleo on Wetturatlay and Saturt4ty orating% from May let to Novecobar Id, trout 7 to 9 o'clock, mud from Novorobor let to May lot from t to tlo'clock. • I.hposita received of all mime not lees than One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice • feat, in J uno and December. Intermit hoe been de clared ertniqmuually In Jtme and December, alum the Back vraa organized. at the rate of six per cent. year. luteteat, if not drawn out, k pLioed tor the credit of the depositor ea principal, and bears the same W. forest from the fly* days of June and Eteoem hew com pounding twice e. year without troubling the. deposi tor to con, or oven to prakent his pass boob. At tide rate, money will double to let. than twelve years, making in the aggregate LIMIT AND 021i-HALP POD PANT. A Slat. Books, containing the Charter, By-La Rules and llegulatione, furnished gratis, on anpli tion at the office. Parstourr—GEOßGE L ALBBEE. vice John B. McFadden, Isaac N. Pennoc John Mohnen, John Marshall, Alexander Spear, I James B. D. AI Benj. L. Pahnestock, A. M. Pollock, M. D., James McAuley,ll.lll,Thargtrin,. Janice Bernthal,Bao, I Williath J. Anderson, TRIM Aleviniler Bradley, John G. Dockcifen, doorgo Black, Johu B. Canfield, Alaimo A. Canter, Churl. A. Colton, William Houghs., John Evans, Hopewell llepburn, William S. Haven, Prior H. Hunker, Richard Hay., William S. Laoely, T.CBSTAUT AND T4E4EVR 6..2u10wT Jambe D. Kelley, . Peter A. Madeira, John IL Mellor, James Biddle, Robert Robb, Walter P. Manillall, John Om Henry L. Itingwalt, ' John IL Shoenberger, linear E. Schmertz, Alexander Isaac Christian Yeager. za--CIIIAS. A. IJOLTON ELM/ALAN TRUST AND SAVINGS AA BANK, comer Sixth and Wood !greet.. BANK OP DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. • $lOO,OOO. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. rdaserois: ADAM REIN EMAN, Prerideet. Springer Horbough, Angumus Hoareler, E. H. Myers, Joaeph Lan, J. P. Havekotte, . Christian Sie g bert:, Ant bony Moyer, A. Oradzinger. inscoqsa 'VERY DA Y. mylSally JOHN STEWART, Coakter. STOVES, Ac. A LL EN, MoCORMICK & CO., VALLEY FOUNDRY, Pittsburgh, Pa. • sitirWansuottsc, No. 301 Liberty Area. Manufacturers of COOK, PARLOR' AND HEAT ING STOVES, PARLOR AND KITCHEN ORATES, IiOLLOW WARE, etc., Sleets:l Gist Moulds, Roll ing Mill Castings; Mill Gearing, Gast Water and Ar• then Pipe, Sad rune, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, Su gar Kettles, Pulleys, Rangers, Car Wheels, Couplings and Castings generally. Also, Jobbing and Machine Castings ' made' to order. Patented Portable Mill, with Steam or Mors Power. tiolilAnd JAY= P. J. P. TOUNGI. V 011715.T0 BEQTHE RS; Ducgarszia Font- Dal, Liberty street, seer the Oster Depot Pa. IL it, Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacture /LICIIINIC, ROT BLAST AND BOLLING MILL FURNACE CASTINGS of every description. OIL PLPE, BOILER CASTINGS, FIRE FRONTS, GRATE BAILS, WAGON BOXES, SAD AND DOG IRONS, GRATES AND' RATE FRONTS, STOP COCK BOXES, Ac., always on hand and for sale low. Orden, lett with W. W. YOUNG, corner o 4 Wood Street and Diamond alley, win receive preiript atten tion. - NAM TO FARME.RB AND OTEUERB FOR SAIIE, GEOWIT'S SUPERIOR PA GRAIN FAN. AND BEPARAT tooted January 10, 1803. The superiority of this TAN over all othe omelets in Its chispneee simplicity and ti. to Weaning Graln hater, better 11112 thoroughly, with law tabor, than ;any other.] The patentee of the above rah bas been • gagol In manufacturing and aallingAgricalt elements, and convinced of the great want of Nap for clowning the different kinds of r Seeds, presents this to the public% with hall • that It will turret their Warne. The undervlgned, having. parebarted the .j to manallacture and sell the above Grain - Separator-In Wooten) Pennsylvania, Wes . &la, laud all Obioottid, the tight ,to well in and ItltuoG , is now prepared to fill all .Orrlers,l We or retail, at nw Liberty street, Mabry ge:teartadrir • W. W. WA L • pETHULLTU OIL WOktliS.—ktassn d Gam, Proprieton;• Bethune and linotascttir ere of Pure Burning Petrollto—trade mark, Pare White Carbon Oil, • Pate Deodorized Benno* Stearn Quilled Lubricating 011, Cold Premed R. IL do do No:1, No. 2 and No. 3 Machinery Oil, Argued Oil, Dead-011, Glop on, Wagon and Mill Grease and ilplrito of Naphtha. SilfOrders filled promptly. ' •• ' Illik - Oftice, corner of Front and. Smithfield street, Mooonstahola Hues,.. Pitteburgh. P. (ILL 13 A.RRELS=-114. extni he4vy bi..n 011 Barrqs tecebred and for sale by o 10 7aai:;21a01111%;tir....: 11.1Ir7to;lnsc - , - -- ---,- '/I- 1 .-'VELAINID,-,irrii • ' ------, • 1 i' tfrirrszusan 'LAW • • ' WAY=TIME CILANGED . On and after , 240XDAY, November ,Ms Truhis vstiLleari4 the Depot if }ho p.uiringtsants Bahl: rood; in Pittsburgh, as follow • , Pat.N.Vhi Colutsbus air ai:e...',,,ers7iiit L. It. , stluvine , . 'Lentoskm a. so. do L'..2 to. 1 .4 05 p. 'do p. Arrive. Cincinnati..; • CAS p. u. do St, a. m. Loavee Pittsburgh ....... , do /Reuben,' 5:10 p. m. do Newark- ......12100 midnight. do Colamb. ' ' . 1,10 a, ca. Arrive. Cincinnati ...... 7:40 a. tri. do St. Louis 11:30 p. No change of cars between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati.' Splendid Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. Piinbarga amt Wheefieg Line. , Leaves Pittsburgh its a. M. do ..... 4:25 a. m. do Stenbenville— ..... ..... ..... 8:28 a. tn. !do Wbmling.t..._s__ Arrivesi Math. G:6O a. to. iLeavesiPittsburgh I:SS p. m. do -_. 4:00 p. m. • do ......... 610 do Wheeling Arrives . . SAO p. m. pont:welting at Wheeling with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and at ,Bellair with Central Ohio 'Railroad for Ranmville. Lancaster, Circitivills„CdluMb. and Pinstargh an d . ereerlaxei Leaves Pittsburgh ....... ......... 1:55 a, co, do 'Welbsvilla. kOra. do Bayard m. do' Alliance 7:05 a. m. • do Dodson 8:25 a. m. arrives Cleveland 9:85 a. m. LtaTal Pitalburet Its zn._ do Wellartilo f.OO p.!ln. dO Bayard 5:24 p. m. do Alliance . 5e p. to. ' 50 - 2:04 Arrlrts Cleve Land SAOp. to. p. 'Connecting at Bayard with Tineurawas branch for New Philadelphia and Canal Dover, at Alliance with l'ittaborgh, Fort Wayne 'and cbicago Railroad, at Hodson with Clove Lindi Sabeinilfe and Cincinnati B. R. for Akron, Cuyahoga Falls and Milletsbnrg,and at Cleveland • with C. & E. R. it.. for Erie, Dunkirk and Buffalo with C.& T. R. R. for. Tolodd, Dotridt and Chicago. • Wollarltle Accommodation Icace at 5:35 p. m. • Returning trains arrive to Pittaburgb Stall Ti d,, 4:10 'p. m. ..Exprosa Trani ....... . .. ......... 2:05 a. m. Accommodation 9:40 a, Pa...engem de,irtng to go to tlandualty, Chicago, or points West, via Cleveland, moat be par. titular to ask for tickets viaCieveland. ',Through Ticket, mu be procure"! at tbn Liberty Street Depot, Pittsburgh. JOHN STEWART, Ticket Agent. For fortimrlohrmation, apply to • , WILLIAAL•STEWART, Agent, At the Company'. Office to Freight titntion,'P e nn et. neSS ISOn. • WINTER AR - v V lIANCIZKENT FOBAAti, * tea - TUE rk:Nicss,L. ..- vA.NIA (ANTRA rRA IL ituA u:' A:um! DA ILI _ - 'rho "MAIL TRAIN leaven Pittsburgh, hom the Panenger - deptit, at the inteniection of ,Liberty and Grant street., every Morning (except Sunday) at cao a. co...topping at 'all the principal stations betweau Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Thb train arriv in Plilleidalplda at 1110 p. m. . making chew connect n Mr New York, from Kimainglon•daGoti rd I=oo algibt; over and Amboy 'line, l'he EXPRESS TRAIN leaven the above ' inamad elation daily at 4:40 p. m. , ,tapping only at lain. dial althea, snaking dims connatlion at Harris burg Br Baltimore, Wanhingtonand - Nair York via Allentown. 'This, train arrives 1e Philadelphia at 13:05 a. a., making cantina:lien for.. _New York ,frons. Kensington depot, at 9:30 a. m., Scar' Camden snit Amboy Rue. A _Sleepily; (Or Ls run' through from Pitt.burgh to Jersey City, via Allentowu—Uo Gilles —attached to Hibernia The FAST LlNElenvoi the - Wm. named Station daily (Ssindayi extipted) et 2:50 a. to., stopping only at princi pa l stations, and comiecting at Harris burg for Baltimore and •Washinghtfi. This train u rban in Philadelphia at 5:25 m. making alma con nection for New York, loon, lieruslngton depot at Gi.V/J p. at., over Caunieh and Amboy ACCO AIODAT lON TILAINe, The Johnnown Alcommodation Train 'eat.. daily, (except Sunday) at 3:00 p. m., mopping at all illation. and running as far no Conemaugh. Nnt • ACCOVlthiodatioo Train Mr weir' SUM:aslant* daily (except Sunday) at 6:40 a. to. tiomad Accommodation Train for "WisiPs Station lea.. dully (except. Sunday) at 11400 a. 'third Acootidoolation Train for Wall'. Station Fourthy (or:ceps Sunday) at 4:00 Accommodation Train for Wayi /nation leo.. daily (except Sunday) at 6:15 in. ' Returning Train. arrive, lu Pittanorgn a. follows: EXprmo, 1:15 p. m. ; Stall, 8:60 p. m . ; Vast Liu, 1:50 a. su. 1. Johnstown Accommodation : 10:30 ;- Vint Wail's Station Accommodation, 6:30a tn.; Sim ;end Wall's Station Accommodation, fi.:3o . a. m.; Third' Wall's. Station; • Accommodation, 1:06 p. Fourth. Wall'. Station Acootionifdatien, 600 P. in. Trains from BLeirwrillnand Indianaeoubsctatßlaini ollie Intemection with Johnntown Acovinmandlon Rut and Wert, Express and Alai; Weer.- • The public will find it greatly to their. interest, In gOing Beet or Weal, to travel by the Pennsylvania Central' Railroad, en the accommodations bow Whited cannot-he arapaneed on any otherivute. The Bradt ballanted with atone, and la mainly free from duet. can Fraud.. Wet)", speed and comfort to all who May favor this Reed with their patronage. •_ To New York. ...... ..101 601;o; Biltinicire.—.;4sl 50 To Philadelphia. 00 •... IQ Leincaster.........../3 56 To Harrisburg Baggage chocked to ail elnations on the Pennsylva nia Central Railroad, and tis Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. I • Pesisongers parchuing tlcksits In cars will bei abused an imam, according to dintanee travelad, In addition to She station rates, except from station. Where the Company has no Agent. • • " "... rase of loas, the Opmpany will hold 'themselves , reirPomilble . for personal baggage, only, and for an amount not exceeding ElOO, • N. .15•An'Ouredlius Idne bar been' etiiilotad to convey paahowni and l " r ewrap to nod - from 't e Be. pot; at a charge Met to exceed 26 cantata eaclipa. imager and baggage. For fichets•llPPlY A • 4, STEWART, Agana, At the Pennsylvania Central t vii Passenger Station, Liberty and Grant *ruts. ' ' : ENOCH LEWIS Jag Gaul Superintendunt, Altoon - • A L Mill EN )r. AA& PAL LEY RAIL- B. 0 A D—WINTEB AR - RANGEATICNT.--Ou and atter Wedneoldayiliotram bar 13th, 1861; the arrival' and Aeparture of TrOni Will be NI - --•' • ' MAIL TlLtlK—Leaves Pittsburgh at 7:11 a. arriving_ at Kittanning ataltla a. mi.- Lena Kit- L iming at 100p.m..arrives at Pittsburgh at TAM p. m. • ACCOMMODATION. TRAlNS—Leaves- Kittan ning at as a. m., arrives it Plttsbergh at 10:30a.m. Lame Pittsburgh at MS .ffiTha St Kittan ning at 8:00 p.m. • • At Prceport, Magee to..Butier connect with the Mail Train trvin Plitsbnigh, and Accommodation. from Kittanning: At Kittanning, Good • Intent Stages connect with Mall Train from Pittsbnigh,and Mail Train from Kittanning. • • ' Tickets sold to Butler, Mannaluttown etc. fea WitIGEIT. Supeilittende Q'i'EASI-WEEKI,Y. BETWEEN to NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, land ing and embarking Pamaingsrs at- (MEEK (Ireland.) The Liverpool, New York and Philadel phia Stec hip Company intend despatching their tull• powcand Olyds-Luilt Iron . Steamshipee sa fellow% CITY OP 'NEW 'YORK.... .. ApriLlik KANGAROO --Saturday, Aprillt6. OfTlf OP BALTIMORE. • Saturday, May. 3. nod every Saturday, an NOON, from Pier 44, ,North .. .. • : • . • fIRBT C1A81N...... Po ,00 .STEEA A G13........«.33:00 I do to London ..:. 00,00 do to London.— 33,00 do to Porte 85,00 do td. Part0......_33,00. do to Elatubtrg. Moo do •to tionaborg.. 35,00 LONDON EXIIIIIITION: 'Return tickets, ,kon don and beck. • , • .... .... ............... Third- Passengers also . fralward. to liar., uot terdam, dotweep, az" at aquelly,kror nava. Itar?Astons retailingto bring .tat tbeir Woods can boy Oda. Ears at Um folloriug rat. to Now .York: 'from Liverpool or .Queenotovru; let Cohta, V.% jigi anti tioN Stamp from Liverpool tiO,C43.'l'rom Those Bummers have srimiteexcariunodetioas parerogere, and carry experienced Surgeons. .They ere built in carry experienced Iron Sections, and hare Patmt Fire Annlhllaton on board.' earTABIB2IIIII2I3 4ort 1111103.11...Dierdor 0,100142. moy cif &ore. peraccirxr kiwis/ the Viand Sake oro tor/sired to Moore .Poerperie Were point on board Agent,JOHN 16 itroadwayi'Neer York. - ' JOHN .T.EIQIITSON,-.l4ent, ratite:di, No. 410 Liberivorniet. Pitteherch. FAA & EIItABS L'OUNIMILS AIM I.tANVirACTIIIII9/1. PLIIMHZES, CAS /LAD 4TKA . g, WITTERNI. Maxildscturerew Ilitaria . In GAS FIXTURES; PUMPS AND BRASS WORK Of arra desclipiton OIL 1 . 0111113 1/1103, 7 90ppla 1101.4 with dm moot approved Obi bo» ot7 of all kinds, and worroniOd intfoliOt ion. • " SIANUTACTOFT,' 114 Water and 104 Irront atreot4, • - 4r42:1114r4T PITTSBURGH., n JOIPOI'A'II/E. ~1 ?p l z. P./talc:es, - - ' ,6o insons and ,431. rale by /AIL *PT ' Corner Market ind First ninety.. - „store mad, fqr -1 2talo'hy' - ' - N. 27 and 29 Smithfield otreot, tor... Second.. 1) bbla.,, fresh , : . 1 3pllAtuttAir revelind ttits qi3 , by,el 7,n, and Int ask 'CopArrlakt4 nAntA . Trirr.- H ollll NY' 2o .litilLs.avliite-Flint • 11:19!,"4/Lti7