"t; •-" nstein(' perclessed Jar our elm . ate .•NigAt' to , sir D! k'.. ticoonnicati and Diepeack Patent, all f . • mdecrame hare Mete paper" ted&med wens regularly .by a siegaiarly tor ovoid. Odell fart". at we whits margia a adored ”ttddrem or label, • - ratheriost appearedt, ~..:.pla in! JoUaw.l 1. • :• , ?4 , • date op to aldeit /ley Moe jar Meiriepeet-FM .. te Veitag =MM.! 114fflp Ac! ' Name. • Th. date wit! • - °tamp b. adeasced cerelta receipt of ealycriptiasemmeei la meat aecoreltutoe Vitt. we a-0..! to rectum!, and Mee an erer-ready and valid receipt secarinia entry one, • overfed lacteeW, ye of ids etestepaper .• coma, to that ./ any error it Made he au immediately • &deal it teed has eorreated—a loon alit* valuable to Yteddieket'atediat/lecether: al it need terminate allpale etimaidermaaeliays Namara Mem. remisectiay a11,0114/0, 0.14(6rd ktyterpataate their imamate! relationship. • .43 . Aar ldunn tarn LI ngmatter will be found on Our lipit and fourth pages tlds morning. . s - Confiscation ho the House. ' • ''.• On Tuesday , the lionise agreed-to aor .::Mr . , Butoual.es , lstbstitOe for the pen in, ...IL- „:„...• bill fot,the confiecation of rebel pro rty , I ~,.. ,L.,•2 byi vote .of 02 to "48.. Oar mem rt. Messrs. ltlocoansav and McKsiewr, v te, - ? - 1;,;;;,:-,' - in.the affirmative, thus showing their ad ":` ' 4 3 , 7 , .i - , initiate support some judicious m . easti o .. ....,:,- , ?c punishing rebellion by confiscatton. h ~.bill was put on its final passage, ' but th House adjourned before the vote was to on • , -:-:- -The next day,. Wednesday, when the il_ . .., . name up, it was tabled, by a ; vote of 54 to 4.9.' A. running debate followed, which . _ showed that there was a great difference of , . , opinion as to the best policy, on the subject. The .same'rovening a Republican caucus . ..: took place•on the subject, at which it was - , twine dto raise* Committee in the House to .:: take oftutge'eetlte subject and report. - ~.. ..-1 , ... - ko - qtteetipnha s arisen since, the war more difficUlt - of solution than this one of ,- .: ..zOta.fiscatiini.:s While most admit that the ~-• •rebels -ought to be puriished in some way, s yet the extent of this punishment, the sub, '- jecta, of it, and the mode of inflicting it, all require much consideration; and great . -.' 'differences 'of opinion exist in regard to :•ilt: Some humanc and just policy, we ;• . .:. trust, will be finally adopted--a policy just - --- - "!;',..t0. the loyal as well as to .the disloyaL ''' - Whaterer is done we hope will be adopted with unanimity by the Republican major ,. "::rebel We cannot expect the support of such ~r ebel sympathizers as VALLANDIGRAY, and those who agree with him, in any measure whfch inflicts any punishment on the orig . ', lattices and supporters of this unhallowed '': rebellion. L , . Con fi scation is ',a necessity, if we hope - aver to produce CleiyalTeeling in the South. The .rebels must be made to 'respect and fear the government, and the Unionist ." • Must, possess, oonfidence in its power of '.,:,protection. At present this is not the case. The question is strongly stated in the fol . • ~ , • -;:•Jiwing remarks of _the' New York Evening 'Putt _ . • ' What Congress should doimmediately is to, pass a rigid Confiscation act; applicable all who aid the rebellion; to denounce special penalties against the leaders; and to authorize the military power, as soon .110 it enters any :district, to bold, as Nalleck_ did in Missouri, the property of even the peaceable secessionists responsible for, the outrages committed on loyal per eons.. Nothing abort of this--unless it be the armed extermination of the malignants =will restrain their atrocious practices and restore a tolerable tranquility. Make the infatuated zealots aware of the dread ...penalties they incur :by their crimes, and they will begin -to reflect on the conse _ quences of their conduct. It is heart-rending to hoar the tales of ~ suffering and sorrow which these Floridian telL The lives of many of them for (. •." the Fast year have been a protracted agony. Every day exposed to insult, every night -lying down under apprehensions that their roofs might be burned over their heads. All • trade and intercourse was suspended. The mills were burned; plantations rooted up ; the barns and storehouses rifled. One year :ago the commerce of the St. John's river was worth five millions'of dollars annual .• ly; iris no* worth nothing. The supplies . of clothing were long since exhausted, and the supplies of food are drawing to a close. •," No man's life, unless he were a blatant re volutionist, was secure 'for a moment. The .able-bodied were hurried into the ranks, - the feeble and aged narrowly watched, and often without the slightest pretence de spoiled or shot. In short, the stories would ke incredible, told of any civilized comma if we did not receive them from the months of educated and respectable per eons—lawyers and merchants, who have always borne the highest character. Yet, in the face of-such facts, Congress lingers-over . bills designed and fitted to ' ' bring the miscreants who have perpetrated such outrages to condign punishment. It must be obvious to every one, that no scheme of conciliation will ever restore these misguided-'fanatics to their duty. Nothing less than gunpowder and the pen alties of the law will reach them. But while we are sending army upon army into the field, and .fleet upon fleet to their ex pqsed Cities, to administer the first remedy, a strange In - consistency induces us to with • hold the second remedy. We do not scruple to shoot down two or three thousand men V. a time, in order to teach them obedience to-the laws and restore' prosperity and peace, but we do hesitate about those civil measures which would be quite as effective to the same end and yet spare a great deal v , of bloodshed. The rebels who meet our • soldiers find theta in earnest, but have yet to be convinced of the earnestness of our illtatesmen. Mach Work Yet To Do. The Philadelphia North American is not satisfied With the way matters are going ' , On. After speaking of our disaster at Pitts . _b irrgh Landing, it says: So it is everywhere. • We occupied Jack _ sonville, Florida, arid Indite abandon it be . , • cause we -could not spare the -troops. No • • - sooner did they leave than the rebelsre-oc - • copied the town. We cannot take Savan nah 813.ffielellt troops after.we get it. Charles ton is the same. Operations have been begnn against New Orleans with a force so totally inadequate as to render the enter prise perilous. Pensacola has been nearly abandoned by the rebels, yet we have not . . Rune enough there to go and take what lies '.awaiting: ns. Texas we have not even touched at any; point, and - the expedition destined to erate against it had to be broken .up to, furnish reinforcements for other armies in_the field. _ Fremont has been placed in command of - a - department covering an immense expanses of country, in which the main line of rail- 7 way communication between Richmond and ) Memphis lies, with an few troops that no • one can tell what leis expected to do. lie ' has driven the rebels out of north-western - : Virginia, but has not men enough to attack them in their strongly fortified position in the Shenandoah mountain; While•idsouth nraTirginia Humphrey Marshall's brigade has not even been approached, nor is it likely to be. . ' • The preparation of — iron-clad - steamers tarnishes a still more remarkable illustra tion of our neglect. The rebels - have al ready got ahead of , us in this respect; and if all we hear 'of theirfr!parotions-st Nor- ~~:: pittgbittgla ,cAnzettt. -;'FittriAY MORNING, APRIL 25 . -.'•-•• :wj,+ryti • This is rather strongly Rt. Our eotera=i: ptirary bas. too greatly magi:U . sex] the - power j- of t h e enemy, and ht . 4 . :teit much depreciated . ourevin: - . A good many of these iron-clad steamers of the enemy are myths. .The for not taking Savannah and abarles ton are not forcible. ne -- arm:y that calla take them, could at least garrison them, and if it is not thought best to lake them, why keep an.army there A few thousand men would.hold these place; by • using negroes for artillerists and for the general drudgery, as long-as the whole rebel strength is required to face our grand armies. The North American thinks two or three hundred thousand more men ought to be recruited. A few days, we trust, will she* there is no necessity for this. t THE ACT RELATING TO MILITARY CLAIMS. g —We print elsewhere, for the information of our readers, a copy of the act lately pasied by the Legislature _of Pennsylvania and d signed by the Governor, entitled "An act to provide for the adjudication and payment of .f . certaininilitary claims." Frequent enquiries e . have been made, by those interested in such . 0 claims, is to the provisions of the act afore said, and for the special benefit of such parties, no less than for the information of ilia public generally, we IlaTO concluded to copy the act in extenso. Wo understand that our frient4thellon. P. C. SnAxxoft, in whose . Committee the bill was matured and brought to its present form, gave consider able time and care_to its preparation. The Debate in Congress on Tuesday The Washington correspondent of the N V. Evening Post, has the following com meats on the debate in the noose on Tues day : The debates in' Congress, yesterday, are considered among the mostimportantof the session thus far. The concerted system of attack upon the Secretary of War culmina ted in the long, continuous and, in some re spects, able speech of McDougall. Mr. Wade's final reply was crushing. He gave sufficient facts from the official record of the doings of the Special Committee on the Conduct of the War, to prove that no injus tice had been done to Gen. Stone by the Committee, and that the responsibility for the arrest is entirely with the President. The debate was conducted with great spirit on both sides, but there seemed to be no dis position to blame the War Department, ex- °opting, of course, the California Senator. Two or three important facts were elicited by — the debate. First, that Gen. McClellan is disposed to favor Stone, or at least has urged a speedy trial; second, that he was suddenly arrested at the instance of the Sec retary of War, and with the full consent of the President; and third, that Mr. Sumner not only had nothing whatever to do with thearrest, but actually knew nothing of the affair, except what was known to all through the newspapers. The Fremont debate in the House settled one thing beyond a doubt—that the house will not permit open attacks upon one of our prominent Generals while he is serving his country in the field. Mr. Diven voted alone for his resolution; no Democrat even would vote to prosecute Gen. Fremont — for paying too high for work on the fortifica tions around St. Louis, while he is fighting the enemy. Mr. Blair, much as he dis likes Fremont, is too generous to vote for any such resolution. No one but Mr. Diven voted for the resolution. Our Army in the South-West A letter from General Curtis' headquar ters at Forsyth, Missouri, dated April 14, published in the St. Louis Republican, gives title account of our forces in the south-west: "The first division of the army, under Acting Brigadier General Osterhaus, and the second:division, under General Asbmh, remain at ',this place, and General Curtis headquarters are still here. General Davis" division, and Acting Brigadier General Carr's, have been encamped at. a greater distance on the Cassville road. Price, with a portion of his army, is ascertained to be eighty miles south of this point, at Jack sonport, on the White river. No attack is apprehended from him. His army is de ,moralized, desertions are frequent, and he will undoubtedly keep at a safe distance. t•No movement is yet projected from this point. Thearmy will recruit itself a little, after the trying march across the moun tainsfrom Cross Timbers and — Cassville to this place. When the Mississippi river is open as far soutWas the month of the Ar kansas, it is thought we shall move down the White river, and thence down the Arkansas, till we join the grand move ment to New Orleans. "General Steele, of the regular army, is said to be on the borders of Arkansas, about sixty miles east of us, at a convenient point to move upon Pocahontas, having reached his position from Ironton, and that he is ready to join us in a combined movement, at the right time, through Arkansas. We shall undoubtedly be called upon to play our part in the general plan which General Halleck is carrying forward for the utter extermination of the rebellion in, the Mis sissippi Valley." The French Iron-Clad Navy. A Paris correspondent writes: The news of the fight between the two iron-clad steamers, the Monitor and the Merrimac, has produced a profound sensa tion both in France and England, as you will see by the papers. The English are struck "all of a heap" by it. They sud denly find the ground on which' they stood firmest taken from under their feet. They are reduced in a moment, as by some great chemical change, from the first to the third naval power. The idea that that little knight in armor, the Monitor, would have been able to demolish, one by one, their proud hearts of oak, which but yesterday lorded it over the watery main, seems to take their breath away; and they are as busy as ants whose nest has been trodden on in looking about for sonic way of adapt ing themselves to the new order of things. France has now by far the most powerful navy, since naval power .now dates from iron and not from oak. She owns a great number, of iron-plated ships, superior in construction, they say, to the English. She has four frigates—La (Moire, La Normandie, La Courone—each of nine hundred home power, mounting thirty or forty guns, with crews of five hundred and seventy men; one corvette, the Pei-ho, of fourteen guns, and two hundred and illy y men; five Boating batteries—La Devasta tion, La Lave, Lalounate, La Fondroyante, La Congreve. The frigates Magenta and Solferino could be got ready in three months. Ten other frigates are building, of one thousand horse power each, six cor vettes and sixty gun-boats, intended to cover a descent on an enemy's coast. Among them is the Plongeur, destined for the work of sinking ships, and ' armed with a wrought iron spur. TAXATION. -A cotemperary well remarks: The politician's fear of till ability and willingness ofthe people to bear taxation —severe taxotion—is ill-founded. Our.peo plc aro in a better condition to pay taxes than the same number of people in the British Islands; and of their willingness to be taxed to the extent of their ability there is no reason to doubt. The WTM General Bank : a 9 Situation Harrisonburg, - where the advance of pen. 'Banks was.yesterday,ti9 the present sont k ern terminus Of the Manassas Gap Rail road, and the county town of Buckingh a m county, Virginia. It is an old place, laid outin;.l7Bo; and had at the breaking out of the war about thirteen hundred inhabi tants. There is a turnpike road from there to Staunton, which is distant only twenty five miles. Sfaunton -- is one hundred and twenty-from Richmond by railroad, and its possession is important to our operations on the rebel capital. Suray, to which point the General says Ile pushed fortiard a force yesterday, is village, the capital of Page county, and about fifteen miles by road east from New. market, where the main body of Banks is. It lies on a branch, of the Shenandoah river, and its possession -protects two bridges, one across the branch, and one across , the main stream of the Shenandoah. —N. T. Ere: Post. Dr. Robert Hunter. We publish to-day another very recent awl remarkable testimonial to the success of Dr. Banter's treatment of the respiratory organs. The gentleman volunteering this statement is a highly respectable and well known citizen of Chicago. Such evidence as this, and many others attesting the Doctor's success in a class of diseases heretofore considered incurable, are incontrovertible, and add importance to the subject: 190 19.sa•str AVENUE, CHICAGO, April 10, 1862. Editor Chimp Tribune: I desire through your columns to state a fe facts relative to my restoration to health an.l active life, through the peculiar treatment of Dr. Hunter. My family all are of a consump tive tendency, most of them Tiering died of that disease. In the year 1856, I was myself greatly reduced with cough and expectoration, but at that time improved under the influence of a visit to the South. My heart has been diseased for many years. About the lot of Januarylast, however, ail my symptoms be come greatly aggravated, my cough was dis tressing, my breathing short and with chills and fever, entire loss of appetite, and conse quent emaciation; pulse one hundred and twenty-five beats a minute. In a word, I was in as prostrate and hopeless condition as a man could well be in. Friends had abandon ed all hope of my recovery. In this condition I was fortunately induced to call in the aid of Dr. Hinter, and woe placed under his treatment early In January. In the course of the first month I began to show evidence of decided improvement. The cough which had resisted all the ordinary means in use, and which was very violent in its character, gave way gradually in the must singular manner to the use of tho Inhaler. My night sweats stopped soon after, all the unfavorable symptoms disappeared one after another. My appetite returned, strength in oreasisd, countenance before deathly pale, and emaciated, has become full and healthy; and my weight in three months has increased twenty pounds. So that friends who meet me on the street, never expecting to see me abroad again, can hardly believe it is myself. At the termi nation of three months from the time of plac ing myself under Dr. Hunter's care, I find myself enjoying such health as I have no had for years, and never expected to enjoy again in this world. And feeling that I owe it all to the attention and skill of Dr. Hunter, I make this public avowal of the facts as due to him and his remarkable practice in the treatment of cobsumption, Your obedient servant, PUBLIC wro TICE.S. - - - Li— TRAIN, April 2.5t1i. et" For the benefit of perilous wishing to lat end the performaneva,of Al. nert7061.111.1.1 Senorita Cuba.. a SPECIAL TEA lat run on the Mitcham!, Ft. Wayne& Chlma„o Railroad from ALLEGHENY TO ECONOMY, ou FIII DAY EVENING, April 'lit ly leaving Allegheny nation at 11 p. m. All ticket* good on .commodation trains nut be received on this train. WM. I'. SHINN, BO4:1U. General Pateienger Agent. 7-;-=DISTRICT ATTORNEY.-W. SL blorrrre will be n cantibiate for nominating o the °Mee of Eillitrict Attorney, Pllbiet3 to t he dn. ision of the - Republieun County Cenventiuu. apinitc t - :1.116'1'E.1 UT A yr° .—A L. xx. u. Wkreoer, of Alloglwory city, will br candidate for nomtnalloo to the shorn °lbw, Is t Cunvotalota to be, .11.41 by the nmpubllowo rtes. the 1/0012111 tee. rola:Ow' ATTORN un der•lgaod vlll be • candidate fee the al,.rc office Uvrore the limpnblicatt Nominating 00eveeti o e. MAKSII4LL SIVAILTZW):LaEIt. ml.l3:d•retoF A. I I.JRNEY.--JNo. M. KIRKPATRICK will be a candidate (or nomina tion to the thorn office, before the next Nominating Republican County Convention. apilbilawtc C E1 ) 1 11 - o l f Lo. iiS *!l. ° KER NEEL'i, r St . CIWr, will be auppuTtod Sr County Commiasioncr beiare tbo Republican County Convention.telLulawter SENATE.—E. liAzzim iv. candidate for 16s Republican nomination in ilia State Senato. ata:tc fr AD IrER TISE.IIE.MTS NOTICE.-THEGEN'I'LEII EN Willi were opt/Muted it Committee to contd. buttons to toy the PILWIMON of transportetion and attendance of the wounded at the battle of Pius_ burgh, Trutt., will pimuse give It immediate attention, the 60441 with the wounded &reexported to girdle ou Saturday morning, when ell the funds will be re quired to meet the expenses. The Commit tee wilt please snake immediate report. It. BULLIES, Ja., ap2s Chairman of Pittance Committee. SEND TO A BROTHER, OR, FRIEND, IN TUE ARMY, ONE OF THE PATENT WRITING CAEFI For solo by W. S. HAVEN, WOOD AND THIRD STREETS. It contains Pen, Ink, Paper, Pencil, Envel nn Checkers and Checkerboard, and yet meseuree on ss Inches by 2 (oche, j apl I BoNDs AND moItTGAGEIS wiviE U. 1 for $3,000, a years, on city pr.iperty; 1 for 4,200, 2% years on city property; I for 3,600, 3 years, on city prop .rty; I (or 2 3,100, 2 years, on city or wunty property; 2 (or ,oto oath, 2 years, on . rounly ProPurll: 3 for Lim, 2 years, on good property; 4 for I,oon, 3 years,. city 41 0 ' 0,34 1 0 - 010.012; 0 fur WO, 2 years, on city Improved property; 4 for 400, 1 year, on city improved property; 3 for 300, owl', on city improved_propertx : Apply to lap24) *y H. ItieLAIN,2O2 Fourth pH BATTLE Al' PITTSBURGH LANDIAIC TAKING OF ISLAND NO 10. And all the other recent engagements. MASIBIOTII PICTURES trill ho found in the NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED NEWS, LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, AND HARPED'S WEEK Ll For saki by the sin-le ropy, subscriptions receive. and Dealers supplied; by JOHN P. HUNT, glasonic Hall, Fifth at.; PlOshiargh, and N. E. corm, South Common and Vederntut., Allegheny City . . ~ir22 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, ,)tfl SECOND BOOR ABOVE A RINI, UP STAIRS, LADIES' DRENg TRIMMINGS, d-c. The Copartnership herstof,,,,, etasti a , h e s worn KAUFMAN d LONNICRSTADTER Raring been die °bed by mutual consent, the under. signed respectfully informs the patrons nod friVilda of the old firm, and the trade In general, that he has token all the ape:Main rooms of No. 103 North Eighth street, above Arch street. Pliihnielphla. to matinee the mminfacturlng of ail kinds of DRESS, CLoA K, and MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. FRINGES, BU r. TON/I, TASSELS, CORD, IfEAD-NETS, of all de. scriptions, an., do. And will - liner inducements In price and quality, on well as prompt attendance to orders, in °rosy article appertaining to his WM. LONNEILSTA DT ER, No. 109 North Eighth sL, shone Arch et., ` nplDftm . Philadelphia. SALE F OR SALE AT A BARGAIN.—An ORGAN MELODEON, with lour stops and two banks of key. of 6 °aerie. Ilas beau to age lu o, pri vate family lea than two years, and la to excellent order In every respect. The style of furniture to very handsome, and equal to the beet made Piano Vole. Manufacturer's prlde 1200 In Baton. For sale now for 5125, cub, by 4,23 JOHN H. MELLOR, 8I Wood et. lOTS AND SHOES AT S 8 Mdg_ STREET.—LOOK AT TOE PIM:U.- 1 Eng. tainting Heel Goiters 51,00, worth IDAS " Cons w 1,2.5 " 1.75 " " " " " 1,10 .4.00 Ins Tr. Norton* Reel Boots 1,37 " 1,52 " , Goat Conan. " 1,37 " 1,76 " Nora= Slippers 60 " 76 " —76 • " 1,12 MUNE GOODS IN EItOPONTION. JAMBS ROBB, NO. 89 ILLILILZT STREET: , 1ag,;,4414% , E=; X/ElrLiFt R "SEM RAMS: .41"*11r 1862. • 1862 . IKSURANCE AGENCY. CPU D STREET, .PITTSDCIERR STATaiht I.:NT OF THE cosntloN' OF "THE HOME INSUPtANCE COMPANY. OF. NEW YORE, tIN THE. FIRST DAY OF JANUARY. 180'2,1 I:Caprtal 9to •k 2 Number of Shares of Stock erabecrlbed for 3. Atoonut of Assessments or Instalments on stock paid 6t, In Coah —sl,ooo,oBq THE -- PROPERTY' int ASSETS HELD BY THE. COMPANY. 1. Th. value, or us nearly as any be, of the Beal Batiste held by-the Company 2 21.1110(11tt or Cub 00 band. 3. Amount of Cacti deposited In Banks, sioicifylne in what Banks the same k deposited - Continental boot, of bow York 4. Account of Cakh in hands of A gouts and in worm of trilltalill4Bloll. 5. Amount. of Loan...nun d by Bonds and Mortgages, eoltatltntlng the first lien on the Beal Rotate, on which thine Id less than ono year's Intereet due Bud °alms 6. Amount of Lamson which Int4roett hasnot been paid within one year ....... 7. Amount due Company on which Judgment. hare _ been 0btained_.. . ......_....N0ne. 8. Amount of Stocks owned by the Company, whether of tiny Stale or of the United States, or of any Incorporated City of Ito United. Stales, or of any other descriptfon,speclfy. lug rho number.of shores and the par and ruarkot value of the same No. of i'ar Markel Share, rater. valve. 200 Dank. of Commerce 15,630 120 Importers' A Traders' Dunk 15,010 13,200 Contineniel 7,3 tat 100 C.orn Exchange 8ank10,04.0 8.410 Hal bletropoliten 8unk...10,000 8,400 60 Park Book 5,000 4,600 ro Saint Nicholas Bank. 500 3,622 2.)X0 Peopm's hank 6,cto :1,0)5) Unltod Starr" itegie• tered Stoat, 18a1...10,000 0,800 Bolted Steuw Trees.. ry Notes 7310 per Cent Miasmal Mato bia per Coat Tot.. etato Donde, Son per Cent ...... 5,200 Soar Caroline Mato South, Six per Cent MAY) 5,830 Illinois State Bouils..lo,otio ti,taeo Ohio State Bonds 5,30 4,);11 Brooklyn City Water Bonds • 10,000 9,oth 9. Amount of Stock held by the Cott pony a. Collateral ist , eurity for Lomita with the amount loaned on each kind of Stork, its par and market Caine No. f Par lleirbeg Amour.: 66arei, rotas, value. loaned. 11l Oriental bk.. 2,000 1,000 1,081 10 State Bank, Troy 1,000 1,100 900 15 Nato. 11'k, Brooklyn 1,5001 74,0014 50 Ll:mover Bk 5,1040 3,300) 44) Ameri'n Ex• change Bank 4,000 . 3,110 2,00,0 25 Central Bank Cherry Val Autierril Es. change Irk_ 5,500 4,235 3,500 12 holtlc Sloil 1 Steam ship Company 1,000 1,1281 1 ,300 6401 s 7 1. °Treasury 1 Orf ...... 440.1 400 5 Metropolitan 11 .0 ' 50° 429 400 140 Co icecs• Bk. 2,000 1,040 1,500 Back Stsito of Ist NT Perk 2.009 25 Trail...9s'e Bank 1,100 115 Calico.. Gas Company .... 600 te)Shoe and lisectßer Bk. 5,000 4,2501 35 Bt. Nicholas 1 Back 3100 2.537 6, 00 5 Lamar In -ourancest`o... :00 425 214 Na.tu 11'k Brooklyn .... 2 , 1.1 2,001 i 10 Ocean Bank. .5000 360 300 NI 3letropoill'u 11. k ...... 6,614 4,240 3,500 109 ilarlem Bms Company 5,000 221 Broad ray 11.111 k ....... 111.1 tilliebt•ril • A Bk 5,0,53 256 Brolikl'neola I,ight.Cion'y 0,400 - 5 Bank btate 04 New York 7101 34/0 • Railroad 00. 3,040 18 hicrehants ' Kseharieoßk 4019 7;0 73 l'itoeuis Bk 1,5+0 1,3701 40 Metropolien 8ank..........4,010 3,350 43 Bulk el Le peblir 4.05491 15 leaporieni'S 11.1010 Inciters' 11k 1,3101 1,3101 10 North Rarer 1 Bonk lesi 375 I . 73 Citizens' /46 1,075 1,72.5,) Post Mors. 114.;u4,. Ituttalei,N 0. AR It. It 15i 3o° 5 Slott° jpi t boud Plirenis Ilk elo et City hank... it,lls) 57 .01.06ski,cru Exchange ... 10473 00 int•rnation. al Bank ti t ic 22 Varmereand blechs' Bank /Lochester.... 2,2,0 65 Atlantic Ilk. 5,5540 I° ['coolies Bk. 1,000 05,0741041600 Atlantis Ale find Inenr .l.l, &rip._ 5,1)70 20 Ilanovar 1514 2,00 000 Broadway 8k164,0414) 1107 Impeders' Traders' 8k.10,6451 Bonds,sl,2oo each, Find Alort, Bonds Buffalo, New York k. R. 11. 2,409 Pucatlc )Tail Steam ship C.. 16 04.7 ... o,te.) 5 540 3,:00 t Continental Bank 1 lOU 1401,- 1,00 62 Browlwft3 B 6 1.360 Wm. J. Klxv, $1 , ,5,05.0 g 153 eva Stec u.a 1 10 Amount of Aaaoremente lA/ - the (took of the Company called in due and unpaid.... None I. Amount of Premium Notm 12. Annalut 1.1 . Intern, t ou reat memomade by the Company, dun and .111101 , 1 and aretteel but not due.... .1. Due for Premium.. tincol• tamed on Pollen., issued at office G. 3 1.seellaneous Item. ladood nod ftEortien promptly toljuatrtl by IL C. LOWdIIS, Agora, No. 69 Wood lotrold. NEW Gl)01)81 NH.WOOO Ds kp.24.2.rf0., AT TII It OIL CLOTH WARICROOIIIB .• N.. 2a and 28 St. Clair Street, Pilotiirgli. • IVo are now receiving our Spring stock or FL ,OIL OIL CLOTHS, YOHNITITLI.E. OIL CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL CLOTHS, STAIR wIL CLOTHS, WINDOW EIIARES. BUFF 110 L LANDS, ENABIELEDOIL CLOTHS 11'L..1.4k1u and Lentil buyers will llud our TlithlMlN etocGk vntprletng the neweet styles and at prim.• low nett the time.. J. .1 11. PHILLIPS. OF 11. RYAN, deceased. Nu. 'l3 December Porm, My Report at Auditid is cometed and trill be filed in the Orphan.' Court, for confirmation, on May 1,1. I ' l ' 2 . it 000 be noon and examined, In the roman time, at my oilier, No. 116 Fifth sirmit. Pittsburgh. 01,24d310l A M. BROWN Auditor AA ta 001) VAS:Shat may meet with a LIBEN,AL engagement be applying at ina office of the Loudon Printing and Publishing Cu., troldneon stmet, Allegheny City. W. SM A RT, Agent. • - BAcoN-4.50,00, lbs.: Bacon Shoulders; 1&1001 do do Ham, bb,ooo do do tildes 120 tierces arid Lb!, Leaf Lard 60: kegs do • :WO Iliad Mess Pork. Ou hood ood !or sale by It. ItODINSON & CO., ap24 224 Liberty greet. APYLE BUrrEit.—Just received a supply oomemade Apple Butter. put up lo one and two gallon mono Jam and for pale at the ramtly Grocery Plan of JOHN A. RENSHAW, ap2E Corner of Liberty and Hand Uremia. YRUY., — ao.— , /10 bbl. best brands !Imp; 120 bbl. Si. 0. Itolassos, In /tore and for sale by It. BODIMON & CO. CHEESE -120 boxes extra Cream OboogoJast,readrod aud for ode by aP 24 R. ROBINSON it 00. R. C. LOO.RIS, $1,1.04000 00 EEC= 75,00 u 73,4 U)) !!!!=:11!19 1270,300 $194,310 194,3.36 00 2.2 2,0,0 IMO 1;250 /,100 .375 COME 6..5'0 1 sri 8 wts Mrn!=l 111=E1 34.X1 Moo) EEIIMI!I 2,12.; l, ;AM, 720 M ,, 6,710 6,100 4I I i 6 ' 4") 1 . 11,mo CELEBRATED GAS BURNING COOK STOTES the merits of whirl, ham been fully tested try thous and., and the-Stove. pronounced unequaled by any In the market, together with a great many other desirable patterns. PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES, RollaAcing sown of thy BEST PATTERNS now u CD - FANCY ENAMELED ORATE FRONTS rid FENDERS, of tho now.* etyloa. car cohntoN KITCHEN POW AND JAM ORATES all of which aro offered at very low price.. war Special inducements offend to buildor• hi want of GUATIid FRONTS. pAIENTED OUT. 8, 1861 Dithridge's Patent OVAL LAMP CIIIMNIES, Theso Cl,Panics aro intendod for the gat game, which boating all parts of ti» glass equally, does not expose it to cracking E. D. DITIIRIDGE, Fort Pltt Glass Works Washington street, apl.7 Pittsburgh, F., CINCINNATI LEAD WOKISS. Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead Pig Lead, Patent Shot and NIXTU STREir,DITWLiN Uu!u AND &CAROM Beings:elusively In the Leki Trade, we can Punish the above to better sdrantage to DCALIMI, and on RiTTICI4 terms, than QM tiO had elsewhere. • apa:lhn OITICIOr TIM 13 oNy101..LUt or ALLLOILLATVO, 1 PlitabUrgh, April 23d, )02. .f SEALED PROPOSALS will bo roceiv ed at this oillee until MONDAY, Stith inst., for transcribing SIXTY-EIGHT TAX DUPLICATES for office papaw, and SIXTY-EIGHT TREASUR ER'S COLLECTING DUPLICATES. Sample. -Can be seen on applicatioa. By direction of Cotuity Commitaloners. .4r:std HENRY LAMBENT. Cordroikr.., DWI TAU . S.—A great variety for .1: sal. 03. DOWN d TETLEY, 13a Wood rt. White, Orr & Co., .SUCCES:SOILS TO - GEORGE E. WHITE & CO 25 Fifth Street. HAVING REPLENISLIED OUR ALREADY HANDSOME STOCK OP SPRING: AND SUM MER GOODS, we CAN NOW OPFER 70 TDE CURLIC ALL TIM NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON IN SILKS, DRESS GOODS, ENIBROID ERIES, HOSIERY, MO URN IN G GOODS, ETC. Tx CLOAKS AND MAN TLES OUR ASSORTMENT IS GREATER THAN AT ANY TIME THIS SEASON, AND THE PRICE IS SUCH AS TO SUIT ALL SPRING SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY; SOME ENTIRELY NEW PATTERNS JUST RE- E BEST SOUVENIR OF TUE WAR! On AI rii 2ii, 11362, will appear a Now Monthly en titled BALLADS QF THE ,WAR. Aso I of PICTORIAL LYRICS, From the well known pun of MR. A. J.. U. DUGANNE, Magnificently illustrated from original drawings, by the tart artists, end boautifally printed on hot-pressed paler. A pert will appear every month, including, among other, Mega, the FALL OF SUMTER, DEATH OF LYON, DEATH OF ELLSWORTH, NEWBERN, BALL'S BLUFF, PORT ROYAL, FORT DONELSON, PITTSBURGH LANDING, lIOANOKE, HAMPTON ROADS, PEA RIDGE, On., &t The whole forming an • ILLUSTRATED POETICAL SOUVENIR, of every event in the present moet important Meng. gle in ie history o• this geat natio. Pert tl I. entitled f t THE r BIARCH n TO THE CAP ITOL, (of the Uth Regiment of Massechusette,) will .ippeer as above. :single Party, (monthly, free by post,) 25 ctn. Otte year, (12 monthly parts,) " ..... 53 00 Liberal term. to the Trade, Oluby and Convanner Apply to JOKY ROBINS, P. 0 hot, 3,340—ap13:21n 37 Park Row, N. Y. GAS AND . STEAM Done In B enperior manner by BAILEY, BARBELL & CO NO. 120 FOURTII STREET. 'A\ T.—'Po • l'unartAseits o 1. Peens or FEWlNO — MAClMlLS.—lrresponsible and umcrupulons men, notwithstanding the uniform de cisions of the Courts sustaining and enforcing my Po eta of September 10th, 1846, which is now extended, continue in fraud of tny rights to make machines in fringing said Patent, and by means of false repre- W[1[10.16113 to bell them to the public. I therefore repeat the notice that I shall hold oil parr/niters and suers of said infringing machines per sonally respond Pie. No machines are licensed under my said Patent exctpt such as are stamped with my name, and said date, September 10th, 1046. S'My licensees and their agents are requested to collect and forward to me the names and residences of all persons purchasing or using any of said infring• fug machines. • •eTThe skeletons of the Courts upou my sant Pa tent, can be h,d on application to me. Among the parpable Infringements of my Patent, are The Tt'snioses & Orris - Machine, 60MtlitI1P, sobl under the 1311111 e of The Union Machine; Tht Ik - ea a - Mae. Mnahine, The Brahman Machine, anti all others of she some class. • . . Also all unlicensed machlute sewing with ittl eye pointed needle and thuttlo. . . Purchaa-rs sad nsera of infringing machine; who desire can nave coat by settling for their infrh•gment before cult at my olliee, 146 Brume Street. Nov T%cr., January. 1442. A CARD FROM ELIAS IIOWE, Ju. All Immune are cautioned not to make, deal in, or On, any Sewing Mackinac which sow from two .1..10, and task,, the stitch known ea the Gnorsa & Bone stitch, union, the sante ern purchased from the Ono ens & Rua ea Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents or Lirimmes, and stamped antler my patent of September 10, 1848. Saki Company and their Lirensect, alone, are le gally authorized under their uteri patents and my said patent, during the extended term thenaf. to make and sell the kind of Sawing Machine, and all , dhers are piraelett upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. Maw TO ELIAS 110 WE, Jo. UR —111042:3t ETNA 6TO V E NV Oltli A. BRADLEY. No. 30 Wood Street, CORNER SECOND, PITTSBURGH, Blaoutacture and wholesale and Mall dealer la kinds of COOK, 'PABLOR AND HEATING STOVES, ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS, .I.e. In our sample room may be found the EUREKA AND TROPIC, WU have also a very large :mud ment of =WE Manufactunol or XX FLINT GLASS NeCORNICK, GIBSON & CO, MANUFACTURERS. OF And Bar Lead ALSO DEALERS Di Block Tin. Nw- DRESS GOODS, YEW DlirgS GOODS, 'EW DRESS GOODS,. NEW DRESS 000DS, NEW DRESS GOODS. NEW CALICOS, NEW CALICOS, NEW CALICOS, NEW CALICOS JUST RECEIVED W. & D. HUGUS' LAST SUMMER SILK SELLING AT 75 CTS WORTH FROM $1,25 TO $1,76 PER YARD. SACQUES AND MANTLES, Au unrivalled assortment, for t. 3,50 to $5O. SILKS. TIOURED SILK COLORED, from 6234 c. to $2,10. PLAIN AND STRIPE, from $5O to SIM SOLID COLORS, at all prices. • BLACK COLORS, a superior article, la and nprards. DRESS GOODS, The most complete stock on exhibition, from 123ic to $1 per yard, Ai. • BARKER & CO.'S 59 ..Market Street. N. B.—No deviation from first .rices. a al 1100 P SKIRTS -NE WSTYL E 6 J. M. BUCRHFIELD'S' CLOSING OUT SALE. FANCY SILKS VERY t'AZAP. ENGLISH BERAGE do WHITE BRILDTANTE4 do 4-4 CHINTZES DIMITY LONG CLOTH SOFT FINISH JACONET BIUSLINS. SOFT NANSOOK 8.4 CAIIBRIO FOR LADIES' SKIRTS. WRITE SOFT FINL9II TWILLED CAMBIL IC LINEN EDGING, THREAD LACE. JACONET EDGING AND INSERTING etkrllon't fall 14 call and examine the stock, which will he kept well aoorted onill elosal ont. FROM AU4TION. MEM 500 YARDS PLAID JACONT, at 25 cents: BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS AND CHEAP at 37* Rn,l , lug and opmiugdully NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS NEW STYLE. SAQIIF.S AND CLOAKS, PERM RICA PRINTED GRENADINES, NEEDLE WORK AND_IIOSIERY, CHEAP, PRINTS AS CHEAP AS EVER, }CACHED AND UNDLEACMiD. MUSLINS C. HANSON LOVE ft CO., lILLINtatY GOODS. EGON!) LARGE ARRIVAL THIS sr.AtooN HORNE'S TRIMMING STORE Nos. 77 and 79 Market St. iolesale Rooms, Second and Third Stories Wo take pleasure In announcing to our customers that our Now Wholesale Millinery Ramo are now open, and have Just been failedvery large and chulee stock of BONNETS, of all Mods, LNFANTS' and MISSES RATS, PA Lad LEAF AND - WILLOW SUAKERS, YRENCIL FLoWEIIS AND RUCRES, BON-itET RIBBONS, from the New York Auction Sale/a—the best anortment and the cheapest we have ever offered to the trade, BONNET BILES, TAR LETAINS, ENOLISII CRAPES, BOMBAZINES, BLACK and WRITE SILK LACES, and. every other article requisite for a trot ohm millitery trade. Country Merchants and Milliners are invited to execute° our stuck befureertaking their purche JOSEPH HORNE. ap . 24 Nos. 77 and 7li Market et. HANDKER(4IIEFS, FOR LADIES, \FROM $1 TO $40,00, FOR IiENTLEMEDi, FROM 123ic TO $1,50, The largest and cheapest dock la the city, at MOUNE'S TRIMMING BTOIIE, 77 and 79 Market 'atraet CRINOLINE DRAPERIE Another 14 of thew, farorite FRESCH u thre4 mime, rooalrild by olpreas and fur sale by apl9 EATOE. MACRUM A (10.07 Fl(th st JUST IMPORTED! • flea tlful atylea Of BALIIONAL SKI TR. FOR SFR/NO WEAR. The A rat lot Just recoi this day. Lattice are In riled to call and examine the dyke, at apl9 EATON IIIACHUM & 1r Fin at H EM) DRESSES! OP ENTIRELY NEW STYLIOI, Jut received from Now York. Sold wholesale and - retail, by EATON, MAORIIM Lt CO., 17 Fin et. GitiNTI.~;~IIEN~ li l)Le. FINE SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, GLOVES, HA LW LIOSE,RDSPENDERS, RAMMER. (JULEPS, 1141:1ZZ MERINOS, BILK AND COTTON lIDERSIIINTS • AND DRAWERS. To oil of which we invite miocial sMostlos. • spIS EATON, MAORUM 3 CO., 17 rush st. W.IIA'T6. 4NTED.-1,000 barrels Crude Pe troleum 011. LF. UC 1113TCHINOON, split Ile Se , and street. MESE I WCHEM Fr: I !=jugt I.J received, in store, and for sale. 40 boxes Western Reserve Cheese. L. a. VOIGT .k CO. WSZOI DRY. GOODS. W. & D. HUGUS. JUST RECEIVED AT 74 Market Street. This Portable Roofing Is the only article ever offer ed to the - imblie, which is ready prepared to go on the root without any finishing operation. It I, ) handsome and easily applied, end can be Irately and chmply transported to any part of the world. It will not Lana or discolor water miming over, or lying on It, and In in all reepects • eery dcalrable article. Its non-conducting properties adapt It especially to does .ring manufactories of carious kinds, and It In conil. dently offered to the public after a. test of find years In all varieties of climate and temperature for tour- • tog oil Mule of tool:, Bat or, pitched, together with cars, steamboats, dc. - It la both clump and &arable. Agents Wattled, to. whom Literal inducements are .offered. head for sample, circular,' ad., with- partkuliri to "U. 8. ROOFING CO.. No. 9 Gore et., Ilaston. ap2.44lind HAIR NETBI °TICE TO PHOYEKTY - HOLD AA HES IN THE orry OF FITTSBURGIL--ia those who have neglected to gay the fourth meet of their Grading and Yawing, discontent, ars hereby notified that'll' they *lab to avoid Mall upon said asseannent, they will call inunedfataly and li— quidate all arrears that may be pending unpaidat, this date, — Apill 201, 16G& ..W111.0610/113/1114, B WAl ' Ell . ll ElaitNti:Jizat'rerceiVe, irom New a rk, afresh supply ef. eludes moons. tdoely smokednd rat up t o Wall bozos, foe gawp. ; also for sale by the dozen at the raspy Bft...- eery Store of JOIIN d 11.1115114 Nat CornarAdbortt7 and, Hand ayes*. .11. , IITISE:VEEXTS. 10. , PITTS131JRGII THEATRE. L. and Manager-- Tresaunkr.—... ........... BENEFIT AND LAST APFE/LBANCE BUT ONZ • .".ISCIN4TING DASITIISE SENORITA ISABEL CUBAS THREE &EAST BALLETS. I, A F• 0 I. .1 E • AIMODNESES . I7AZZIY JOS. EL OLE 1 EL OLE 1 . EL OLE! SENOR XIIIRNES ANDFO4L SPANISh BAL, Lier TROUPY APPEAR. IL - ?(JOIN IIERT HALL., Thursday Evening, April 24th, Last might but two of the GREAT PRESTIDIGITAI'EUR, IIEItRJII~l.~1:~i ENTIRE CHANCE OF PERFORMAh'CE. COMIC TIZOGE AII2IIE. NEW TRICKS! NEW. TRICKS I GRAND CONCERT By the Ce:eta atm! Trlo from the Academy of Mute, Now York. Admission 50 cents. IL:served seats ass:lra. The solo or seats will C.lll hint, ut the Music Mons of J. 11. MELLUR. • Doom open at 734. To conlillenh, at 8 o'clock, ap24:3t ORIAIItiL,UF,EBRA.TED, Woad-Renowned A inoricau Alan In lllulature, GENERAL TOM Tuunie 81IAILEST IIAN ALIVE. At MASONIC HALL, for o ebort time Only, cone. ruendit FHIUA 17, April 25th. Two brilliant enter. tainmoute each day—afternoon at 3 'o'clock, and 'evening at !I o'clock. Boom open half ntrbotir pre vious. tin_ Saturday morning, at 12, an Extra Morning Matins°. 'Pie Little Gensral will bo waisted by Mr. W. TUM /N, tho Great English Berlione and Buffo, from the Nobility's Concert, Loudon. 31r. W. LE V ERE, tho American 'Tenor, and Thu TITCuMB, Brilliant l'iatilat.. Uoneral will ride in ful Miniature Carriage, drawn by Lilliputian Ponies, sad attended by Elba Coachmen and Noma:len, from the at: Chaim *i o ta to the hall, prey : lone to each entertainment. lEEE= Lay Entertainment 2he'•Erening Elaterhidnin'Llso Children under 10.—...15‘ Children tinder School,. admitted on Itturvcd nen,' term... The PiaDO used lea “Chickeriug," kindly (amulet'sit by John ft. Mellor, 80, Wood street. apdh to A LELLED CATELY, Buainesi Agent. Cii3212111223371 STLINITAYAT AT A UCTION.. —fg) Steamboat J. T. ItlctUitillS will De adld by order of admiulatrater, on FRIDAY ADIRRING, at the foot of Wood street. T. A. al eCL E LLAND, "amt. . • . carELUAL SALE OF •DRI puu.u6, CLUTtIING, LipLk id AND fiat urdity next, at 10, 2.d 7% o'clock, at Masonic Hall Auction Howe, will no nolo a large Iplantits of sea eonable Dal( GOODS,. CLOllliNtii ',BOUTS mid 7 he attention of Dealers is invited to this sale. T. A. . 11 cCLELLAND, Auct. 14iU1tNITUItE BT. AUCTION'.—On .ii: FRIDAY AFTEKK (MN, April 2.5111. at 2 o'clock at Masonic nail Auction Holm. kill 1N sold, • quan tity or Furniture. conststiorof Mahogany Isla Beat Sony Mahogany Sofa Scut taisini,lArto Chairs, Kitch en Chairs, high post littlsteadst and 'bedsteads and Crib, /Kitchen Tables, Waiters, Atkins d Forks,. Sporms, T. A. 3lce MIZAND,:Auct. D I uki. .I.‘, CHINA, BILVZ* PLATE, au—This morning laud eroulug, (leriday) Aprli 25tb, at •10 and TX, o'clock; will be continued the sale of rich. Bohemian Fr..nch 'China, Oliver Plate, Palau Sigmas and ParlorLanips, comprising n magnificent:: assort» `fluent of the newest mints of eltgant and useful Mil. rd a, now arranged for examination.. • ap2s E. DAVIS, Anti. eEN Tur BULAI.Y AT AUCTION.. N./ —Uu SatOrdai . morning, April 26th, at 10 , o'clock, will Le sold at tho Commercial Auction, kluuse, Z.,1 b Ifth street, ono tope; for open top Buggy In good condition. J. G. DAVIS, Aust. aLERCII.I.IrIr TAILORS. NEW GOODS II N EW GOODS lIEN.BY G. HALE et CO., (Successors to Jame. C. Wott,) Are now receiving their Spring Stock, comprising every variety of goods adapted to mon and boy's wear, which, in extent, choictonste and prices will compare favorably with any In the tredo. French, American and Went of England Cloths, of the best makes, of every shade and quality~ very large assortment; Cassimeres and Doeskins; Super Black French Doeskins; Super Black French Card- Black mores; Fancy Casaimeres In every variety; Bibbed, end Fancy Cassimeres; Silk Mixed Careinteree of every shade and color. ICSTLNOS—Fancy Silk and Satin Vesting', now styles; Super Black Satin 811,1'811k Veetinge; Math= and Fancy Silk, Vmtings; White Figured Silk and Satin Veatinga - Also, every variety of goods for Boehm' Coats; likewise a very choice selection of Furnishing Goods, adapted to gentlemen's wear. • - Soliciting an early call Gram our friends and the. public, any orders entrusted to our care will meet with prompt attention and punctuality in all -cues. 11BN11.1' G. HALE /s Merchant Tailors, mhl2 Cur. Fenn and St. Clair streets. " .1 Slight cold, cia S.l3W 'Vaneth,gtazzlesencsa BRoNGHIAI, or gfe.oe which, might be checked (rok\ with a simple remedy, if neglected, often terminates seriou.*.4 Few are aware of the importance of stopping a Son_qh or Valid ,?cLd in its first stage; tl-4at which in the beginning. would yield to a mild remedy, if trot attended to, soon, attacks the /ang.s. .gtieestrest. 4/anchiaL,..9",-aches. wereffrst introduced eleven years affo. It has been proved that they are, the best article before - the public for tcau_Vut, ,PaLds,-efsancldtia, ,Pctiai-ielz, the Hacking Cough in Aanantrzjillan • and numerous aff ections of the ,OL-aai, "ivins , immediate relief Public Speakers 11 Singers. will find therm effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. Bold by al/ gh-zwgicts and Oealerc in Xedicin,e, at 25 cents per box. For. lotlo b.y RHOS JOHNSTON, G. H. KEISER B. A. YAW, &STOOK A CO., R. E. SELLERS h CO. D. L. I , AHNESTOCK A CO., B. P. VANDERVORT and 'HENDERSON BROS., doTatswemT rmrsici.s.rs. D R. CHARLES H: STOWE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, No. 36 SEDENAL.STitiIIS, Oppoetto Colonnade Row, near Suapeua low-Bri4o A TLIIGIITAT CITY DR. Al. U. JONES, 1( WYLIE ETIIEET, _ . P177811T3801f. B IOTIN A 1t .1011. E=l lI:SITED STATES DIOTINA ROOFING COUP'Y, NO. 9 GORE BLOCK, Corner of Green and Pitt streets, Boston, Ilfase . ~~V lizirDWoa.