Yorktownt • ' • ...denary siege, of famous • ' riA3RDIOSON and his! French 4 Lord Coartwsztis Ito sur fine armyi and thusputian end , • *••• ) .-afeven • years' war; but the lege of . • Aims in poamasion of the rebels under ALteaverit, by Gen. MCCLELLAN, ,qoinisiading /three corps' vrannee of the r-aplentild arn,y,ef the Potomac. Xerktown Is thiisame, or nearly so, as in the days of the Revolution ; but what'a vast difference in the cirlawstanses. Then the loyalists were hemmed In by the - rebels under WASH , zaarow—now the rebels , are besieged by the a loyal. army under hicemmtas. Then the fright and the success was with the rebels, —sat► the is with the loyalists, and • the successwill be with them too. Weio•_eat,think MAGRUDER can hold out altlunio it is - said lie has thirty ',':thousand men, and will probably make a" • desperate But kfcCitatt.Am's - resistance. army yeelarge, so well appointed, and'so eager, that nothing can stand before it. If .:Yorktown, falls, it is not likely that any • '— stand will be made short of Richmond, as the enemy is not able to compete with our troops in the open field. They have neither . the nutabers nor the preparations that we have, andpur.troops aro superior in !norale, and physical strength and endurance. Great etiolate may now be daily looked for lath in the East and the West, and In , 2 • • - Ahlr, - regions farther South- The days of 'Sue: Davrs's kingdom are nearly num bered:'_ • Surrender of Island No. 10. This rebel stronghold has ftllen at last. A. soon as Gen. Pors obtained a foot-hold 411:"ildir.tainessee shore, the .intrenchments ..on the island and the main land became rudinable,- as he could take them in the dank and rear, and cut off, their supplies. : lap is disastrous to the enemy, as it is highly probable that a considerable amount of ordnance and stores have fallen into our hands. The result of the loss of No. 10, will most probably 'be the immediate fall of Memphis.", We should not be surprised to hear that Beauregard hail fallen back from Corinth, and that all Tennessee was aban doned. Beauregard cannot meet in- the open_Beld the splendid army under GRANT and Bunt, and which RALLICK will soon command in person, and he cannot venture to wait at Corinth to be outflanked and surrounded, now thatjsland No. 10 is abandoned. think it doubtful whether the rebels Ida make anOther stand on the river. Their strongholds, Columbus and Island No. 10, having fallen, they must see the futility of resisting al on the river: -- It is probable our river fleet will have an unobstructed inssues to new Orleans. Th Disaster - at theyraa, Florida. . We hive iilready published a confused ,aecount of a disaster which befell our arms at.. Smyrna, on The coast of Florida. At litayrna, a small seaport, were salt works, which it was thought best to destroy, and some live oak timber are needed to build Two vessels, the - Penguin, Acting 'dent. Commanding Budd, and the Henry An - drew', Acting Master Commanding Mather, anti ordered on this duty. „ . 1 . it, - was timid on arrival that the Pen guin could not arose the bar. The -Henry Andrews, drawing much less water, sue . "- . seeded in getting over. A boat expe dition was organised to penetrate the • --Inlets, on the banks of which were the salt - works and timer. The. Penguin sent an Armed Linn& and. two cutters; the An `draws contributed her only two boats, the _ _captain's gig and a cutter, and herself ..,,, - .• - ;;lStured up toward the town in a position of hewer support. Captain Budd went in commandofehe force, accompanying Capt. - krather in his gig, and leading the advance. • Pulling upMosquito - Lagoon ' a narrow. creak densely wooded on either bank, they found the salt works, about' ten miles from the entrance, destroyed them, and started to return. 'When about half way Dodd hoisted his sail, and with ►fiilcWind, ran ahead of the other boats, . pirliaps a mile and a half. Arriving abreast of a ennaU earthwork close to the - ,banit, he iciwered his sail and pulled in to determine the character of the work, which, `f—''lregoirsir up, had been passed without tr0u ,,..t., his. As the bows of the-boat touched the beat* from the fort to the woods on both sideei . volley of musketry was fired which - killed or wounded every man in the boat. -:Caps Budd was shot dead, at the first dis dd in the stern sheets of • thaltiak-his b eadhanging over the gun wala,•his hat, floating _down the stream). • ,Outpe, Mather, who was only wounded at !prang from the boat, and rapidly . Its revolver, attempted to ad- Saito* up e beach. He fell with twenty Idle balls in hfi - body, his face so cut up with bidleta that it could nothe recognized when his body was afterward discovered • ;wader a flag of truce and the rebel Cap tain who - surrendere d it, said that he - .“fought, like a lion; never triedto sato . liitaself at all." • rebeb came out - from the woods and toa.ponsession of the boat, in which A. slay man was now dead but one, and he a ntsgro,•wounded in the fort, and retreating ..„:.;* . r....,„again to their, .ecrier, opened fire on the see ,- undboat. rapidly. approaching. Mr. Kai of the neetY/4hdrewe, 2trho was steering this beat, was wounded • Intheitand which held the tiller, the coni - astride ball pausing' through the breadth - of 'the knuckles, and notbreaking the flesh -..:.-OlCepkilll it entered and went out. Two. - men were killed and all the rest wounded, ..!. , onefof whom afterwards died. Mr. hielsey IMO:waded In steeringluir over to the other b. where the wounded men crawled out ' clothe marshand hid themselves . in the , stilltutder fire- The other boats were r•.. - farther astern. When ,the Lunch _came within range, her hoWitser'liperted tire on the rebels, but at the fourth discharge the Whinge broke and the gun was useless. • ' All the boats,-passing through the Murder ous Are from. the opposite bank, finally latideektheir crews in the marsh, and hay - int thrown- over the howitzer in. the mid . die of the stream and taken from the boats wounded men, the calm; arms, oars, ':•_;....,,salleverytiting that could be moved, : three sailors carried the whole of them throngk the' and a mile — and., a lett- to_ the !._L-itatore where the Henry Andrews could be , Jeludield. 2.Bhe had no' boat to send ,bat a YmaU duront, and in this the whole force taken Off to the vessel; • Of- the whole ::.!tiattraint,.ware _killed, and eleven .. • . The Wabash, the'llag-ship, arriving soon sapodillas' was fitted out which - • 'the 'river again, reoevered ';the . 'the.bodies of the killed. A vial Ilve r ok flasher was silo- - taken it' in the neighbotitoocL " - The . . —been cut, and wait stored in a Vhelitaber very Am; and itt teethed, , .The ladies of the; oiScem lieu& bow.- - • •• e . • APIL 0: The Fall of Richmond. Paws- F FLOUR fol- There is a sadness about "the following lowing front the Memphis Appeal of The artiele,from the_Richinond Examiner, which 22d of arch: shows that hope .has - nearTy' fled. That As ti icted in our last, flour advanced i paper is one of the fire-eiting kind, but it to $22 per barrel. Hatfthe time not arriv does notssay anything now about Southern Y d for our authorities to intervene ? The prowess, or dying in the igast,ditcli:", Committee of Safety might be authorized " f by General Lovell 14) take possession of the The Northern mind luik settleddOwntipon Ruu in market, and account to the owners the purpose of overrunning Virginia and thereof at a reasonable price for the same. capturing Richmond, the Confederate capi- It is supposed that $lB or $2O per barrel tat, at every cost. In this enterpise all might be considered a fair price. Flour, heartii are enlisted, and upon ft all the en- on the 17th, Monday last, was selling in orgies of their government are bent. For i Memphis at $l4 to $l5 per barrel. this purpose they have assembled an army of a hundred and eighty thousand men, in cluding that of Burnside, which they regard as one of the most formidable in machinery, discipline rind equipment that ever took the Held. Whatever be the grit and stamina of the men, there is probably no doubt of the faCt that it possesses all the advantages which wealth and pains can give to troops. It is certain that the North regard the do monstratiungainst Richmond as the grand coup of the war, and we need not conceal from ourselves that the danger is serious and formidable. It is believed. that, while heavy bodies of troops will attempt to cross the country from different points on the Potomac, in conjunction with an army marching_up the Valley from Winchester, the heaviest col umns of their forces will be landed from our river estuaries and a march attempted along our eastern peninsulas. — No doubt remains that we are approaching momentous and decisive events, and that some of the most important battles that will have a place in 'history are soon to be joined. It is not for us to speak of the heavy movements of our own troops that are con stantly going on. It is sufficient to say that our generals are cheerful and ready for the.contliet. A correspondent of the N. 0. Crescent, at Richmond, writes as follows: Our chief article of commerce now-a days is a commodity known in the markets as "substitutes." The article has risen from $lOO to $2OO, and again to $5OO, and from that to $l,OOO, and $1,500. The cheap est kind now offering commands $5OO readily. A wretch, named Rill, has been making enormous sums, as much as from $3,000 to $3,000 a day, by plundering sub stitutes, some of whom are the very scum of the earth, while others are poverty striken Marylanders of high social posi tion at home, and men of real moral worth. A friend of mine bought a substitute from Mill for $5OO. He saw Hill give the poor devil $lOO and put the remaining $4OO in hi! pocket. As my friend went out the door be met a gentleman, who told him he had just paid $1,500 for a substitute. On this sum ' it is_possible the substitute re ceived $2OO, and Hill the other $1,300. To-day he went up Main street with at least fifty men at his heels. You--may, therefore, infer lie coins money more ra pidly than the Yankee distiller, Stearns, now in jail with Botts, who used to make $4,600 a day, by furnishing his vile stuff to southern soldiers. The fact is, this busi ness of buying and selling substitutes is abominable all around. The men who come here from the country to buy them are run magi until they get them—they are abso lutely crasy with fear lest they should fail to obtain them—and seem willing to spend their last dollar in the effort. On the other hand, the exhibition of his person to which the substitute is subjected, is ridiculous and disgusting. He is stripped to the skin, percussed, ausculated, examined trol top to toe, like a horse showing off his paces. A lovely business, truly. mil A letter from Albert. S. White, mambo Congress from Indiana, published in the fayette Joanna, discusses the Tax bill ith particular reference to its application to_the rebellious states. Mr. White says My impreeeion is we shall come short of revenue from all available sources until we get nerve, virtue or experience (call it what you will) enough to levy it off of the states in revolt; at all events, off of the rebellious ele ment in those states. The tax bill will make anti-slavery men very fast, and fewer apolo gists for the miscalled constitutional claims of the rebels, or it will unmake the govern ment; for if the party in power is overthrown on that question, the succeeding party will but hurry the nation into bankruptcy, or lay hat the feet of a slave oligarchy, with every vestige of republican . government extinct. My excellent democratic colleague, Judge Law, said in some remarks the . other day If we do not pass the Tax bill, treasury notes ' will loon fall to -60 cents on the dollar. I -hope that he and Me political associates will, act on that principle, and not find any pre texts in the details of the bill for voting against It. I did not see, if we neglect an immediate step forward in the right direction, how we can ever get back again-to a cheap government and no taxes, and it immediately becomes a question between bread for our own children and mistaken mercy for those who show no mercy. There is a great deal of mound sense in this view of the question. The people of the.free states are willing, even anxious, to pay their stare of the taxes required for the summary suppression of the rebellion, but they ask in return that the government shall use the means placed at its disposal without . delay, and that Congress shall make an equitable divielon of the tax. In order to accomplish these ends, our blows at the enemy's armies must be quick and heavy, and the-tax-gath 'titer mast follow the flag in its victorious progress. Mr. White uses a significant ex pression that when be says that "the Tax bill will make anti-slavery men very fast, and fewer apologists for the [duelled constitu tional claims of the rebels." The best mis sionary for the Eouth is the tax-coileoter. When he asseses a certain BIM upon each slave bald by the traitors, and Imposes upon the rich whites of the rebel states their fair proportion of the expensee_ created by this revolt, the tide will turn and rebellion seem less lovely. Moreover, it is bat a simple act of Julies to New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and, New England, to relieve theirinduetrious and loyal population of so mush of the-com ing tax as can be assessed upon slaves, cotton, tobacco, rice and other southern "staples." Bill to Disfranchise the Rebels. A letter from Washington to the Chicago Tribune says.: One of the most important measures in troduced at this session of Congress is the disfranchising bill proposed`by Mr. Wilson, of lowa, which provides that no person shall hereafter be eligible to office who has taken up arms against the United States, itfter haling token an oatrio support the ametitution. ' The bill is intended to apply to all former Senators, Representatives, Federal and State officers, who have joined in the rebellion. The Constitution of the United States, and the Constitutions of all the States, prescribe an oath of fidelity to the former instrument, and hence every rebel who has held an office le perjured be fore God and min.' The oath of such a person on assuming ,another office under the United Stabile Constitution would be a mockery and a blasphemy. Yet I venture' to stay that the Democrats will oppose the bill *Tth as Much firmness - as though it were a'proposition to take a part of the tax burden from the shoulders of loyal oi• ens and pit it on the traitors. Col. Voor ees, Wood, and most of the Democratic le era here, long for the day when they can sp the hands of Davis, Slidell and Wigfall in the Senate Chamber, and hold sweet Com munion with - Pryor, Beitt, Barksdale and Ifindman in the Rouse. Mr. Wilson's bill cuts off all these luxuries, and hence they will be sure to oppeate.R MAGIRODPA ARD BUCHAN•AI.--1 . 110 Bos ton Travelietrecalli the singular fact that Magruder, who lies since `C o mmanded the rebels in Lower Virginia, marched up Pennsylvania Avenue, at the head of his flying:artillery, to protect President Lin coins, :inauguration; and Buchanan, the sconunanderg. the ,iron-clad frigate Merit: • magi inn also active in his serv*WastOin: "Substitutes." Taxing the Rebels. COL. CORCORAN ASSABSINATED.—The re are significant rumors, not wholly void of probability, that Col. Corcoran, 'who has been a prisoner in Richmond so long, and was to have been honorably returned for exchanges already sent hence, has been as sassinated by The rebels. It is alleged to have taken place in ItichmoniL v hIPOVERTSEILI , N y.—Th e mee sage of the GoverW` of Newfoundland represents that colony in an unenviable condition. The people were impoverished by the failure of the fisheries, and the ri valry of the French fishermen, and also by the closing of the Southern ports to their markets. Political parties quarrel over the criminal proceedings against the elec tion rioters, and sectarian bitterness pre vails to a fearful extent. The Governor recommends that the people should resort to agriculture instead of fishing; but as the island is composed of ninth rock and little earth, tho advice is hardly feasible. Tux St. Louis Demoerat says that the reason of placing Buckner in close con finement at Fort Warren is stated to be that, afteif declaring upon his honor that he bore no cncealed weapons, a loaded re volver was found upon him. Wi see it stated that Mr. Sydney Howard Gay, fornierly editor of the Anti-Slavery Standard, and lately a writer for the New York Tripune, succeeds Mr. Dana in the mauagemdnt of the latter journal. SJP*CI.II, ..roricEs - BURKE & BARNES, FIRE-PRDOF SALAMANDER SAFE, BANK YAtI.T IRON VAULT DOOR, AND STERL• , INED BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE =St;37=TE!M Stadafirldstroaa.—N o rla IrBANK LOCKS always on hand. mh2 jm — To the Young or Old, MALE OR FEMALE, If you have been suffering from • habit Indulged in by the TORTE! or ROTH SEXES, which canon eo many alarming symptom, it unit. them for Mor nay, and la lb. greateat evil which can befall MAN OR WOMAN. See symptoms enumerated In ad , PrtiVeMetit, and if you are &sufferer, Cut out the Advertisement, And send ter It at Orion. Delays me dangerous. Ask for Helmbold'a. Take no other. tee Beware. of Cala Wel:Aire cad fraitarknuM. guar. m h2Utd . ror V. M .- MANHOOD; How Lost! How iturroszo f—Jaa Pabtilhod, ia a So.. E. lopr. Prior Sic A Lactate on the Nature, Tveatment end Etrdiml thane o Spertnatorrhcee or Seminal Weekneee, Invol untary Entiselons,Sexuel Debility, and l ropedtmente to Marriage generally, Nervoavneve, Consumption, gpllemy and TIM; Mental and Physical Incapacity, molting from Self-Abuse, do. By ROBS. J. CUL- V EBVlrlal, Y. D., Anthurof the "Green Book," A, "A ndoICTo THOUSANDS OP BUY PEELERS," Seal Miele a phdu envelope. to any addrVes, poet-paid, oil 'receipt of ilz nuts, or two poet xgn stamps, by DL CH. J. 0. ELINE, 127 Btoadway, N. T.. Pmt-Ogles Bon VW. apl:SmdeerT SSA Frien. in Need. Try it.— DE. MIST'S ALLIBLI LINIMKNT is pre pared from the recipe of Dr. amnia Swmtv, of Orr. necticut, the great Bone Setter, and bee been used in his practice Sir the tart twenty years with the 1110.1 i utoaishing somas. As en external remedy It I. 111411013 i a rival, and will alleviate pain more epeedily than any other preparation. for all Rheumatic and Herron. Dharders it is truly inedllble, and as • cure tire for Sore, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, dr.., its earthing, hosting and powerful eltrengthening proper. th4l;hcite the And wonder and utonishment of all who have ever given it • triaL Over four hundred certilicstes of remarkable coven performed by it with. In the lest two years, attest title that. B. I. SELLERS A 00., Agents, corner of Wood lend Second ameba Pltutbmwh. ap2AdesT I'Late Superior Copper Mill and gligvrnia WORKS, Pzreserses, PARK, M'CILIRDY & CO., Rialulheturaso of BREATHING, BRAZIERS' AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, /WALTER BOLDBIR shio Imparters aradoolon I o M ETALS, TIN PLATE, SKEET IRON, WIRE, Constantly on hood, TINKERS' MACHINES AND TOOLS. WASICIIPULT., No. 149 rim and 120 Second Amos, Pittsburgh, POEM'. 8 /7'BperJalardera of Copper cat to any dadred tem. U 3 ~detel M'The Confessions and Experience 01 AN INVALID. Published for the Windt and se • warning and a caution to young men who suffer from Nano= Debility, Premature Decay, dc.; sap plying at the same time the mane of Bell-Cur. By one who ha. cured himself after being put to great' expense threes!' mantel Imposition and quack ery. By warring a pat-paid ad.:hewed envelope, mute corms may be had or the author, NATHAN IEL lIATVAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings Co., N. Y. mhllaydawr WITHROW DOVIOLASA..-- ..... ........WIL6OII IMAM im-Roßrorsoir, NUB & NIL. I.NBS, rowan= AND MACEILIIINTA WASNINGION WOl[ll, Pittstough, Posn'a. Ornos, No. 81 Num= 87asor.. Hanahctore sll Ida& of STRAIN ENGINES AND MILL MACHINERY, CASTINGS, RAILROAD WORE, STEAL BOILERS AND SHEET IRON WORN. NEIPJOBDING AND REPAIRING done on short notice. mbl9hd ly M'aIRKPATRICk, BURNAP & cu., (s. to J. 0. EIALPATIIJCZ & C 0.,) orantnrera and Wholesale Dealers In LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, CHANDELIERS, Lc. Oa"'Wholesale Agents for 111Eli'S CELEBRATED ILLUMINATING AND LUBRICATING CARBON OILS, No. MO Wooo . litanzr, opposite, St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. WJOILN COME ELAN Bilutufactartaw of IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SUOTTERN, WINDOW GUARDS, de.;, No.. 91 Second stroot and ti 6 Third stroot, between Wood and Market. • - . Bare on hand a variety of new Patterns, fancy mad plain, imitable fur all purpose*. Particular attention paid to endoning Grace Lott. Jobbing done at short notice. obi) • far - Pittsburgh Steel ' orks. MAO L. 10TD.........W. IeCtILLOVOIL JONES, BOYD & CO., Manufoctoron of CAST STEEL; aloo, SERUM. PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, STEEL SERINGS AND AXLES, ooraer of Boot Rod Find (trans, Pittsburgh. Penn's. volt) "IN. HOLIES 44 SONS, Dealers Ink FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 7311.1.8 OW X. CMANON, CERTIFICATES Of DEPOSIT, DANE NOTES AND SPECIE, No. 87 Market ktreet, Nits. burgh, Pa. ME - Colloollons made on .11 tbo yOO4lll cit,. th.nnithonn the united Staten. .p 22 & C. P. MARKLE, Paper nIANDYAOTURICIIN And ded•n In BOOK, MUST, DAP, WITTER AND ALL KINDS or WRAP. PING PAPER. B'Hmr► rumoved troth No. 27 Wood street to No 32 Smithfield stoma, Pittsburgh. Pa. surcesn OR TRADR FOR RAWL ow! •'1133111.1t , 8 .COLLI/118, for ARDINO 'AND 0011XISSION MRRORANT and Nude,* *alder , ia - CILRYBR, BUTTER, film% dad Produce , No; ' Wood afloat. itt/Awl& ' ' ' ' sot • r.:*LITTLZ Ilkiro4ant Lou, N0....4,81. .ouz. Anismi, Dr.. Wah's Rola: PUBLIC wrOTICES FLINTAiI.Atig 11108VERS - Or PITTSBII Mat - AND VICINITY. will moot at the Town„11,11. Birmingham, on BATUE DA YEV itilillNO. April 12th. All Flint Blowers nro r*lnt.sted n+ ot lima, no bu , ineN. 01 ilnirrtance WM 44. transacted. By I ,nier of etl3l II ITTEE. .10.1 t NUTICK—A. Y. M.—A Special Meeting of A Lai EGLIE&T LODGE 261, .1011 Le held on WEDIC E, DAY, the ell. their Hell, in Allegheny I9*J , o'clock. Di OF THE IV. B. 1 . :., - -?• STATE tam - Wale to for - the State Senate. 11. GAZZA3I the itepublican nomination apatte ~.FAMUNTY ConA JONATHAN NEELY, of Lower Si. time. will is . .iiliforted fur C.‘tok ty l ommiseionrr I , t•fore tin/ flerti,ll.” County ettp yew low so;:d•wieT ATToio. E Lka. M. WATSON, 14 Allegl-nq city. will lie catillidet. , for norisinivl..n to the at.ovounire..ll. 12011,z/119u In In, ..11.,1 by 11, Eseeu the enceetitiee. inll2s.te - .IS7THI ATTO it is. un, de limed will he a candidate, for iho. above shoo leeputilliwo Nominating alAlttiii•LL SW iIEiT2I% I,DEIL, mh laidAwter .VE lir .4 II PERTLSEAIR.WTB MAUVE INK, PFfOTo464ff: Atte Olifi. DIAItISS VOII INnY W. HA V P. Como, of Irne exgvi 7M.-4 Nero.. Max&gm-oh H UN T %LiUN IoN 6TATioz. 1' ILTSO LI OS. THE BERT THAT ARE MADE ANYWHERE t7outain 24 Shoot. l'Aper, 24 Y.u;ei.q.•e, CI ikon! Pena, Penholder nud All of good quality. Warranted Price 2.5 amt. and $1,41.1p, dO2Oll to thost.•ot. They o open owl enn be exornmed Lerompurcheein, MEI= =2=IIM New. beeiler, Masonic Hall, Yttll str.t, mud N. N. curia, South Common iuul - 1. ; ;;Pral nowt F . K PUBLIC AND PRI NATI ECEIOuLN, VILLAGE e/i IJ ROB ES, . THE' SCHOOL 11411.110NLP.If POWERFUL AND CIIEAP—LOUD VoieND AND LUIV PRICED. Eto). Having been repeatedly urged to device an buten meta cap:dole of greater poser of Mae than tint Me lodeom which Mudd be afforded at a Mauler cted, tie underiigned are happy •o my that they have toe ceded In the manufactursof a new style liarmoni um, 'kWh can Imailly tail to meet a very genera demand. The School flarmoutnin posses... full volume as well as a seod quality of two; is small ill all,. •orY compact, easily mind about, and of an eat.. Jingly demblo comtruction. It contains two net. of leads, and all atrevliVe ell , and Is much holder than the 000.11 posterns! "Double Reed" 3lekeleen. The cat, Is strongly built of oak or black Wotan?, MTh nisbcd. No attempt Las been made at ornament to is. rxttr• nal Anish, a chief aim in its manufacture being to furnish an inktroment poste/wring touch power and good quality ut one, for is email sum of money. Although more especially deslghed tor schsol us •, the tom Instrument la equally well wispiest to the tallaltral requirements of vestries, chapels, lecture rooms, village °nun:Mound public hallo. An examination of [kohl:11001,-11a ItIdONIUN is nwpoettully invited from Comnaltuos and Teacher. of Public and Prirato School., Academie. ausl Semi norkw, Saperiutesnlente ol Sabbath &tondo, Teachys of. Singing Schools, Pastore, tirgaulste, Choristers and all others interested in the development and movement of soundatl taste amongst • the people. II will, If permitted, prove • pcmerial auxilsary of the atiValicuttlellt of musical culture, lopeetally among chlldron. MASON A HAMLIN, Alwasfatturera, Il and Ado Cambridge at., Boston, Timis. sari hr. • of the abut, lostrumenta received to-day nod for tale by JOHN ii. DIELLOH, tli Woos. truant, Sole Agent for the rale of Mason Hash tin', Aleirde one and Harmoniums. hike TARE CARE OF YOUR REALTH OUY MULFOItirS COEA!, SALEOATUS Hada faun 01.11:0111011 salt. It fa perfectly healthy and pure, and will make better, lighter 'and mom healthy cooking than any other ttaderatue Is the world. It a perfectly tree from Imputitiew and Imparts a cresarolike dower to the food. Florae give a one trial. If your grater has ma got It tell him to get it • for you. Fur lode wholesale and retell at ItOBBRT 11. JACR'S, ap9:6mws Now 1 and It Diamond. A" "'IS WANTED • RICKARDS' Al ULTOMICRON, The crest Perstallon of the times. Surpasses all Gift. lairelopes, Packages, et, ; contain. Jewelry, EMlihnotltilacipes, Union Emblems, Unique lteslgns, for Wins and Children, and many other very useful articles. PROFIT4I To AGENTS, , ONE HUNDRED 4ND FIFTY PER BENT. Storekeepers, Notion Doak's, Agents, etc., granted in @eery thy, towel and village bo engage its thin, Nun BEST PAYING ENTSJIPIIIZE OF TUE DAY Send etampit I circnkr. S. C. RICKARDS, & CO., lin Nkomo .t., Nor York apsthrd AIiENTS, Beast tho Contents of the Wonderful DIME PANMOSPHOSIUM • Beats the world; hu an Immune ult.; large prlllta; contolne all that the 25 rout packagoe do, AND KORA:. 6 Shade Commercial Notejl Design for Buys' Gaiter, Paper, j 1 Design of Wor Basket, I llnvelopes, to match, • 'Games for the Social Circle, 1 Sheet Blotting Paper, 1 Dteign forZousse Jacket Electoral Advice to Letter 1 Deeign Ladies' Under- Writer., 26 Ways for Makingt Deep for Girl's Boson', Money, 25 Valuablo Rocipa, Advice Br Ladles' Toilet, 1 Calendar for lace.. ALSO, A PIECE OF VALUABLE JEWELRY. We only ask out visit from oar customers to sat isfy themaelrea. Send etampo fora circular. apfelord W. 11AJATELY & CO.. 122 Naroso et PPITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE L AND CHICAGO RAILWAY COIIIPANY.—CertiII. cute. of Stock of this Company will be hawed to the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wsyno and T V:we Red o I n t r h os i d Company i on a i lLftez t re i .lOtti of rioter, of e eg r ree ' n m ote w ith fur the reOrgu'uter:tglopti!"of Wd Company, to “Holders of Stock of the PITTSBURGH, FORT WA YRS AND CHICAGO RAILROAD COMPANY, upon tho amignment of such Stock to each pennme as may be designated for that purpose, by the Pm chasing Agent, may be allowed to receive an equiva lent amount of Stock In tho now Co rporition, in Shares of One Hundred Dollen ea , b, with rcrip Cer tificates for less amounts, not PC Clog the holders to dividends. The As.resmeut Book. van he opeual on the 10th APRIL. By order mh.9l:lltmyl W. H. LIAINES, Secretary. 9BXB. tiI'RICTLY--FILESII ROLE DOTTER, 1 bbl strictly (reek Roll &Alert 15 bids. fresh Eggs; 20 boxes arrow Chesil; 30 bust, Clover Nook, 8. do Timothy Need; 6 do Cl/elitesis. 20 half bbl. No. 3 large Itlarkorel, ' 00 do do do mediate do Rarely.' thlidey .d for lade by arlass DL RIDDLE, tel Liberty .t.tmet. BEDFORD WATER,, BEDFORD . WATER, BERFONII IVATER FRESH PROM TEM SPRINGS, FURS!" PROM Mk SPRINGS, FRISTI FROM TILE SPRINGS, Yor We b; SIMON JOIINSTON, api Corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets. , PRINTING FOR INERRCANTILR HOOFS, RAILROADS AND. STEAMBOATS! dubs with neatness and dispatch by W. G. JOUNSTON . & CO.. awn No. 67 Wood street. RISKY BARRED.) - fil iron I)ound. Whisky Barrel. received and tar lade by A. IFICTIED. • earner Mark.t and Mat itn,ta. DRIEPEACHES=SO bbla. choice D Dried Peorbee, bairn, just received. and for mile by--JAN. A: FETZER, eye corner Merket lend Firm inmate. CIURN MI A1..--4O seeks fresh ground elnai meal Just received and for sale by JAMBS 6. 'NETZER, Corner Market and First 111P1; FISH-51.1 ha f bbls. new lb; ma. by JOHN'L. OANYIELD, Irina street. BALblit. CUPAVIA--300 lba. toeaale by • B. A. IARN6B7OOK A 00. . .CI PIP ege 'rrieste for mak by D. A. TALINESTOOK CO. AtstaßED OIL 7-200 bbla: for sale i B. A. TAIINESTOCK & L a - 10, 4=1123-21 1 b i o ust reo'd matis rrEir . 4 DPERTIELE.oIfEarTii. - 16 r HEELE & WILSON'S Sewing Machines, NO. 27 FIFTH STREW, PITTSBURGH, PA Atranted the Pirst Premium - fa the UNITED STATES FAIR For the Years 1858, 1859 and 1860 UPWARDS OF MAO MACHINES SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES. HOER THAN 80,000 BOLD THE PAST YHA& We offer to the public WHEELER & WILSON'S IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE, at REDUCED PRICKS, oth Increased confidence of It. merits as the best and meet reliable Tamp' Sowing Machin. now. in us.. It dos. equally well on the thickest and thinned fabric., makes the lockatitch Imjawsiblo to 'mussel, alike on both Ada; Is .ample in construc tion, mere speedy In movement, and—Toro duraldo than any other machine. Circulars, giving prize and description of Ma chines, furnished gratis, on application to person or by letter. . Every Machine warranted for throe yew.. "An. WILL SUNNED. CO. CINCINNATI LEAD WORK& 1331ThErri McCORMICK, GIBSON dr. CO., ■alwrrAcrracllr or IMEIMI! SHEET LEAD PIG LEAD, PATENT SHOT &ND NINTH STYLE., NATITZETI MAIN •ND SYCAMORE. Bel ug exclusively in the Lead Trade, we can hernial tho abets to better advantage to Dastaaa, and on screen terms, than on be had elsewhere. N E W GOODS MENET O. HALE k CO (Soccesoon to James C. Watt') Are new receiving their Spring Stock, comprising e very variety of goods adapted to men •Dli boy s wear, hich, In extent, choice mateand priors will compare favorably with any in the trade. French, American and Weed of England Clolks,of the hest makes, of every 'hada and quality—. very huge assortment; Cmahnerws and Doeskin.; Super Black French Doeskin% Super Black Preach Om/. we.; Fancy Cassimwes in every vatiety; Bibbed, Slac rek and Fancy Canihnerer, Silk Mixed esedmeres of every shade and color, V ESTI...NOS—Fancy Silk and Satin Pestle" new styles; Soper Black Satin and Silk Veminp; Math.. and Fancy Silk Footings; Whit. Figured Silk and Satin Vesting+, Also, every variety of goods for Badness Costa; likewise a very chola@ selection of furnishing Goods adapted to gentlemen's wear. Soliciting mt early call from oar Mends and the public. any orders entrasted to oar can will met with prompt attention and punctuality In dl cases. LIEN la G. BALE t W. Merchant, Talton, mhlY Cor. Penn anti St. Clair streets. ETNA SToVE WO A. BRADLEY. No. 30 Wood Street, CORNER SECOND, PITTBBURGEI, Manufacture and wholesale and Wall dealer In MI klridi of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS, &o. In our sample room may be Rama the CELEBRATED GAS BURNING 0001 S STOTEB EUREKA AND TROPIC, the namiteof which hare been tally tasted by thous-, ands, and the Store@ prononnoed unequaled by any In the market, together with a greet many other deairable pattern*. w. have ale° a very Italie asortzeent of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES, fthlbnicing some of the BEST PATTYRNB now of- fared to the public narresay ENAMELED GRATE YRONTS end FENDERS, of the newest styles. Or COMMON KITCHEN BOW ANIS JAM ORATES all of which ere offered at eery low prices. isarSpestal Inducements offered tot:milldam In vent of GRATE YRONTS. Inhl2-3tnd E. HIM UND.SON .t. W., .12.4 IlaveJust received an Immense stook of WALL PAPCII3, BORDERS, to. UPHOLSTERING GOODS, SATIN DE LAMS, Aud every other article to our line which we are of fering at eicesdingly low Asarco. Wilriterootabor, 98 end 98 THIRD On/ELT, oppo site J. W. WOODWILL'B. rah3l WALL PAPER-- EVLRT VAIIIITY, arrLE, QUALITY AND PRIOR HIM' PATTZENS, Prom the moat celebrated manufacturers of Phila delphia, Neer York and &. on, comprbleg a eery catenates and complete aireort-, went fords by THOMAS PALMER, NO. 91 WOOD EIT.. D T. IrOIIIITU AND 1117TH &cowl door below Diamond alley ollatbad iIROUEEIIS, JU'T ItECEI VEF. kA 160 bags prime. Rlo Coffee; 1.0 half chests Oolong Tea; 75 " Young Hymn UN • 90 boxes young Ilyson and Imperial Teas; 50 hbda. Cuba Saga; 20 .• Porto Moo Sugar; bbls. extra Golden Byrom. 60 " Honey 55 4 , Grecers. 50 •• choke Mackerel; • 75 half bbls. 30 bbla. Herring; 2,0001 a. Codfish; 25 boxer Scaled Herring; 50 be sad 101 Tobacco; 100 doien Corn Brooms; 260 kegs Nalb., all alas; 12 bbls:Eggs; 5 boxes butter. • In store and tomb by J. A. INGEAGIM, aps:tf 1170. Liberty a.- COTTON • IlutilEitY AND:uLoVES, A superior ansortment of LADIES' AND 'CHILDREN'S COTTON. ROSE, • • LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TANOT GLOVES, Alt of which we will all wholesale and retain at the lowost p,waible price.- nys • EATON. NAMUR WOO. . SHAISSIt HOODS. - 100 doze* IVTr. Jai D OOLOBLD szAkEys, For on!eby-the coma or sloes doom RATON.. MApatlll 00.,. INTN SW . FO SALE—. LW". Seed Street Potatoes, 10 01210111," 2000 pounds Ommtry Clear Shias, 10* o 0 Shoulder. . lu tierces Sugar Canal Cincinhati Hama, • 40 bush. Extra Prima Cloyer Seed, 30 Sags Chaim Mira N. Pomba; 30 hush. Timothy Seed, • 100 bush. Prins* Abort PMetom. ' • L. IL VOIGT tr. CO - 43 43T. CHARLOTTE BLUME Bole Agut for . WM. MNAMC S CO.'S; - UNRIVALLED rilizos; GEO:A. PBIIIOE 4t 00.11 ILZLODZONS so 4 .Wasranted . tirrlve Tura. pUTATOES. A. 'too beip Philos,* Potatoes, ' •.• • - - ,Nedunteck, • _ In star* ind kr ails by JAS. A.' TITZIR, Omit Man* and Flygt Atreets•-• AND DAR LEAD BLOCH TIN NEW GOODS I 1 C. HANSON LOVE & They will open on Monday, April 7th, tlsolarght end beet selected stock of • • lever brought to the city, embratiog all the latest *Oleo of SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS r• LATEST STYLES CLOAKS, direct front B oston LATEST STYLES SHAWLS, beantthil pattiorni, & 98 AND 98 THIRD STAMM", Careful examthation at our stook la solicited, as yrs Wok they cannot fall to pleats. C. 11.41150 N -LOVE , 74 Market Street ENLARGEMENT. . BARGAINS TOR Timrco NiVe.e4ls.es. Raving tossed the Stole No. 79 Mesas? STR.S.ST,- . Nun to the one we now occupy, for the purpose of throwing them into one room, we will, previa= to' making the re. palm, offer our . . WHOLE STOCK AT. BARGAINS TO GASH 81717.713; Zither at wimikasle or' reistillor the Purpose of ra diating It as low as possible, and opening ths NNW BOON with SD ENTIRE NEW STOOP. • JosEint 11011 NE, mbII 77 SUAHET STREET. CLOSING OUT SALE DAIEABID3, LACE CIIITADIB BSDDING, de. TO VONT7NUE 171117/: ENTIRE STOCK IS CLOSED OUT, J. M. BURCHFIELLYg, / 12 . 2 G 13 /OS 2 9 CUT& WORTH 40 morn 111B801.1118ID BITS j 3 00. WORTH $8 oo No. TT Fifth,otreot DRUM GOODS, Ii omit trarkly, OPT FINISH JACONVIII,NAXIO Amu, DIMITY. BUT FLING. LONG -CLOTH, DIMITY, 11.4 SKIRTING OJIM BRIO, 4.4 BLZAOIIICD MUSLIMS, Sz 1 40., DIST OALIOOII, for MO. aENTLEICEN% :"FINE • SHIRTS, 1 1,JI OOLLA18; GRANATA, TINA STOOKS, SUS ' IMINDZES; PLANDICLIWHITS, GLOVZS. HALF uotsr„ ITNIN BILK, 0 atIZZ NWRINO and °OTTO!' lINDKR and DIUMEBB amino; AHD itIMILZE " macaum a co., • • • . 11.0 LADILIP 1111BROIDMID COLLARS AND BANDS, INGato. anz:zusamvain TBIQICB LACE vms; POINT 'LAM COLLIES ARID Bl7y. D R Jr _GOODS. N Mff : DR;EfiSS GOODS, W DRESS GOODS, FEW DEESB doons NEW DRESS 000DS NEW DRESS GOODS NEW .CALICOS, SEW CALI(X)S, NEW CALICOS EMMET! NEW CALICO JUST RECEIVED w. & D. HUG;US' LAST SUMNER SILK SELLING AT 75 CTS. 'WORTH Six TO A 1,75 FER W. & D. lIIIGUS. GREAT INDUCEMENS Country Merchants, Dry Goodts, BARKER & CO.S, 59 Jlarket Street. AM IMMINSE 8100% OF NEW GOODS e11=1215 LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. GOODS CUT IN LENGTHS TO SUIT J. W. BARKER & CO.'S 59 Market Street. THIRTY NEWSTYLES OF SPRING CLOAKS AND MANTLES. AN IMMENSE STOOK OP A" E Tr 8 I )lE, K 8, AT 60 CPS. PIM TAED AND UPWARDS NEW DRESS GOODS. n. largest sad choicest selections ever offered his city, at IN OMITS PRR YARD AND lIP*ARDS, Togetber with a general amortment of NEW GOODS, WILL II ON INHIBITION TO-DAY mhII GREAT ATTRACTION 74 Market Street. DRY caoor)s DRT . , CO9DI3 ; N. E. Cor. Fourth and Iliitrket Sim 'do do ' 114 do do 25 to do 7.50,' . :d0 19 99. .4) '• do ;L ~2A.TOIGAILOZIM Cork/fixll)nttkl!t. .~r.~rvsE~r~~s. PITITSBUIMIT IHKA.TRE. A.Nirs . Lena lismzeoz. E. Lam. SECOND Sad= Or MR. C. W. COULIiOCK, Who wilt appear in LL great chamrtor of LUX FIk:LDING. _ WILLOW COPS.E.• LUKE..- (SM7LDOCK ROSE.- MRS. VANDICKSZN SIR ILICLIAR.D VAtiGILN STUABT To conclude with the LOTTERY . WORMWOOD TicKET. us 11AFFIT EDUCaTIO.II - 41. SEW ICKDE Y ACADEMY, C/amierd and Commercial Baardiieg Soioolfor Bop, on Om P., rt. W. sad C. IL IL, twCre., miles from Be.. 406.6. TRAVELLI, A. May The 5t h, l fortieth emlea eOllll.llt4CO on MONDAY, k.o r circular*, ate., inquirer of Meters. John Irwin hone, S 7 Water street, or Marra. T.. 11. Nevin A -Pat, 26 Wood street., Pittsburgh; arbt the Principal, argickleyrillo P. 0., Allegheny =ugly, Pa. ap24.."tr Ie.EXAL.N. UOLLItUIi. TILE BEST SUSTAINED FEMALE COLLEGE IN TEE STATE. The SPIIINQ VKII3I xlll commence WEDNIS. DAY, Marc! O. In addition to all the branchen malty Wight in similar nottitatlona, itonnictiona will- /mignon In Organ Atonic and Telegraphing. Thus° who take low.. in Instrumental Runic w 11l receive two lemons• eachmerk In Vocal !lush, from Prof. 11011 BOOK, free °lc/large. Swot for II .talogua. mite: :Wd I. U. Pi:kit:WM. Nut. riir f SiCia.trS. D •• , PHYSICIAN AND SDL•OEON, affico, No. 3.6 YEDENAL ST.REET, lOpp.ite Colonnade 800, near iusponalon Bridge,) )716:1y A lALNCIH ANY OITT MMI lu3 WYLIE: STILEET, UCTIO.r SALES. ELEGANT FUItNITURE AT AUG- TtON.—On THURSDAY, at 2 p. m., at. Mason to Hall Auction House, will he geld e quantity of choom furniture, Carpets, Ac., atunpriaing tine an path mahogany bedstead, two marble top mahogany tirteuinit bureaus, ono inebogsny Wardrobe, one wet nut beacase, walnut what -not, 2 sofa-sent rocking !chain, 12 mahogany sofa-seat parlor chairs, enclosed washamods, dialog and other tables, three-ply In grain airpote, stair carpets, Ono lioglish trapi, also one benutihd sett of !Weer Plated-Tea Ware. • Terms iremle. T. A. Blet.lhba.LAND; aPti Auctioneer. • . MEN AND .Bu 18' BOUTS AND SUOES, very cheap, et fficeblClAJ. Sirs Auction, 5.5 Fifth street. trout'ltar6 I liuln" BKllt'rB I —From 15 to 40 springs, rt W° °ALEN'S, ALESSES AND UMW DUEN'S BOOTS, sftu s AND GAITIII2I, at 66 kllth atnmt. 71_ A 1).1. E S L&SUNU Cu tix • JAI GAITERS as Masonic Hall Atictkat Home U1.)02 I Ts, of every number o _e_r_.prinp. at IicOLALLAND'S Auction. Fi".l.lrTS. Wit AI4T E D IMMEDIATELY-Six VT JOURNEYIIIEN CARPENTERS. Apply to W. FORREST, Ytrgin,Alley, Between Seuithneld street and Virgin alley. ap7:3td y,A-NM:Dr-County and City War rents, to the szobuut of 46,4/0, for which the hlgheat price will be paid. Apply to apt B. 11cLAIN .t CU.. 107 rourfh greet. WANTED—A tiraL to do general homework. Appl Tau firFfOlt. apS -.91 Slight Cold, c 4' J' cQualz., : ;..7l ,, Ateness BRONCHIAL or. „.97te-ecti, A., C C-. which might be checked' with a. simple remedy, if negZeCted, often terminates seriously. Few are aware of the importance of stopping a icau.2 4 - or dins AIM in its first stage; that which in the beginning would yield to a mt2d remedy, if not attended to, soon attacks the longs. c4anWitsquziiciL,..%-arAce. were first introduced eleven years ago. It has been. proved that theY are the best article before the public f's gabia, 4gocirrxhitil a,. Xatailch, the Hacking Cough, in Xanau r rniztlin.4 and numercrics affections of the „.9/7.Aaat, giving immediate ' Public Speakers le Stagers will find thenr effectual for clearing. and etrengthening- the voice. in ßold by, all Orugsfis and (Dealers illediairte, at 25 cents per box. For sal* by SOWN JOHNSTON, G. H. KHYBER B. A. TA UN ESTOCIE A 00., R. N. SELLERS A CO. B. L. PAILNISTOOR A CO., B. IL VANDERTORT and HENDERSON BUM • -•------ GREA REDUU'rIO,N LY 111 E PRIOR SEWING. MACHINES. WILLIAMS & °RV'S' UNEQUALED ,DOITBLE THREAD FAMILY SEWING iatainirs. Price E 23 to sso. Saleroom No. lefflftli street. These iLichinse have beau In use four yam. and have glean entire satisfaction. They will run, gath .er,fell, hem, luck and_ 'embroider, and .will do all that nay other Mrehine wilt do. All Machines war- ranted and kept in repair one year without charge. Alta instructions glean to purchaaers. ' Sewing Machine Scissors, Cotton, Silk, OR and ' Oilers kept constantly on hand. LILLEY, STRAIN & CO., Sole Agent. swirodern b Penn's; No. 12 Fifth street, corner of Market, Pitts- . 1 b iI I tiNT,STRAIN k Co:, Itiannfactu nod haet for wile, Wholesalo and Retail, all kinds of SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES. • LtILLET, STRAIN & CO., NO. 12 Fifth et., 'corner of Market: .AGENTS WANTED. • - nitOr2mend , JEOPJLE'S.LNSUICAN4JE CONLYAN i. OF PITTSBUEGII.—Notice. Is : hereby given, that lu'pnreuarice or an ACC. of Assembly Tabling thereto, and the Charter of Incorporation, approeeS March 17th, D102,•Books to %receive subscrfprlona to - • , the Capital Stock of this PEOPLE'S LESURAIICIE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, •be. opened at • the Merchants' Exchange, FourthstreeLPllMlnirgb, Pa. on TUESDAY, the VA of Apriknext, to remain open for lire days Armless the stock hee owner sub. scribed) from Ie a. m. to 4p. m. • ••• • , • George It, White, John I. Mouse, ' • John K. puts, John .PhllliPs. Edward Honed. Hanson LOT% Samuel P. Shrieer, Wm. IL Maslen, A. W. Loom* Y.rank'lrmi °order. D. Hostetter, . • Jareen Derer;• IL IL Chambers,- • Jima Crardlurx.. . W. S. Hann:.. Thou Daniel WalLice, •John S . lare. • labial Robb, • -Wtn. ll:Kirkpatrick, Wm F. Gardner • - lamer ir:Baxtor, • tatil9:6l Coninlialowerg. 11:°""* LAY --DIS*N TINIIED the dos.of •adaina• name in carrytogon the Maas Buenas, I hereby giro notice. that be is no longer authorized to contract any debts. on my amount. And also that the trade will be con ducted from Ibis date • tinder , the • name and idyl* of BIND A. CO.. at the old aloud; at the cornerof Wood and Yourthatreets. ALEXANDER LINO. Pittabu •h, A 1862—ap2ier • Wri •E 'TO PROPERTY . 0 mild Ili IEI (HMO/ PITTABIIIIGH.—AII those who hare welded to pay the foutt2finstalk want of their Grading. aad Paring Amearforzt, ars hereby notified that If they:wish toaveld coats rims odd . armament, they 'arilLeall immediately and li quidate All arrears that may be 'landing unpaid at. this data, April 2d, WK. ISICHBAUY, puloss FUR AR , ArroStmicr AND AID Commute AT LAW. .AnECO on the Senth•weet corner of Doutiood and Great tercets. ' attend to aG bind:mei nuttily Introsted to the Niel proGe /Aka. Perth:agar atteettou even to UN - preparation and trial of met in the eeterel Ocniyuk Collsetkee - newly eat* and remitted. - , N VILS, •AN V 1L13, - ..- ' , ANY 1.1.. Pe . w: ,re to repair MiletlZ, bysiauteg va. hew Bmet 5 ame Ate& Ltorati - oe. dreimang them, making theta quite am goal se am. . " BOW XAt TETLEY. ISt Wood et QTONE. WAT,EII. , IILVF.,--:mow_ yards from 3to fl inch calibre romtrottoad for Mb by LA" 146 ' 1 mi t t!' teure , .4. te rite yea. ; eiewiew tr YLO eitiLit.te. • nktlED. lf itUfrt4",eizobw , 4U - bble.;, , APO.% 4 kladuc he sate .Idir to doe coas4/4 . • Mat. • •PO •• - 151 . 1 49 011 9 r . PITTSBURG/I McCLELLANDIL