~~•`~ ✓ESTABLISHED IN 1786. T COJfl.llll3BloJr,,lifc. O Hid- B. -GA NITY4-31•LI) - Com it" 13001 - 411) 70 1 1 1 rAZDUNIMiacuAre and whole *Ur &ate lu WESTICILL 11131111VZ enzesz, 1117171 M; LAND;TOILK; BACON. FLOUR, lrlBll, PDX' AND PIAUI, -A811118; SALE:RAUB, LIN SIND AND LAND OILN, DRUID MOLT and 'Produce ;rurally, N0c.„141 and 143 Prontatreet, ' MEP, &SHEPARD, eTwanasioN ME "N:.ratittre and dialing in VLOUIt, alum AND PHODUaIt, No. 213.Libertg Oren, Pittsburgh, Pa. ('bolos brands of Floor for Haan and Family use Otrastanityots hard.- Particular attention paid to QIIIto - oasis Ibr Merchandise general' . est idly • AN 1101{ .F.E4 PRODUCER AND •llutiiiWtdsYLumtL.r, dealer to FLOUR, RUT , - TER,,BROWde, SEEDS, , LARD, CHEESE, PORK, DRIED AND ULMER FRUITS and l'..odute gen erally. Liberal cash &dram* made ou consignments. Wareham*, No. 114.740r0nd street, Pitteburgh. THLK . .I. tiUNTEK, COMMISSION MERCHANT &ND,DEALER IN CRUDE OILS, de2B:l 'd :Critter Hand street and D ES . L , Ale AY; FORWARDING AND Consossion Yeacastr, fur the sale of FLOUR, ORAIN, - 8A1.10N,, LA ILD, RUM% EGIVIR, and :Western PrOdade 'generally, No. do SMYTUFIELD STE, corner of First, Pittsburgh, Pa. dar M Osliershild"cousignments whetted. jid.l2tlyd • JMIES A. -I , TrZER,.FORWARDIND AN D . 4.k91111.1141011 Mff.llCilllCT; for the sate,or FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, LARD, GUTTER, SEEDS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, No. 16 Market at., corner of First, Pittsburgh. aft:dly W. 11CliOWLICLA WU. P. LAZO. QUI:IOMAKER, Jr, LANG Commas/now MISICSIAISTS Slid Wholesale deniers 1n CiROCE KIES,'PLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, Jte.., N0.•329 Lawn stmet, Pittsburgh, Ps. seßhdly 11OMAN 1) RID LE, .successek to J no. 11%in A Son, No. IS3 Liberty Wee; PhD- C OM burgbM, ISSION MEN GENF:RAJ. PRODUCL IANT.CE, (111.0CERY AND .ClNDlgnmonto'remooMolly solicited. D2G:dly RN. guts., ~. .. WHITE BROTRERS, FORWARDING ‘ll AND Colutundon Idraanawra and dealers h. 411,OVISIONS AND PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. VIALMarls slreel, PlOsbargh,-Pa. zny27 A • %OYER, LOIMUISION . : RANT, li diAler In CIIUDE AND REFINED CARBON OILS, 0 LASS,. 16UN, NAIL/3, te., No. 163 Liberty Isibtann „ . WILT..LiIt )(SAM!, t Gen , I Ok s i p.tha nr lecax hat ok.mak, J r. IiNEANS do COFFIN, sucoeasors to - - ink Artoldo., t0...a CO., WIIOIEBALIi AJKILS, Willer of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh, Penn's. jyattlly WN. J. UITCLUNIJIK DANIILLUJWPI....:..I., U. 'UM. LH. V OI U T & (XX, igicoesebito L. G. I.l llA Graff, PRODUCE AND' 0911111881011 BIER 0 TS, 247 Liberty greet, PlOillorgb, a. ang :OHM .. ... noose. .. - I . OIIN - 1. -HOUSE Ai CO., Wuoi.Esstat filsocsus AND I.loguisstox MNICAAas, cinmer of higUithtteldund - Water streets . , PittsburghiPsi, & STEWART, Wilma ,. 1:.1 sibs tilitoessa AND Commission MriCiA llll , No. UR Wood street, Pittsburgh. -- 1,1.102:0 V.‘ APAPATAWI.-.X. RWN ,HO &,:iaIi.K.PATRICKf3;Nuoix - • SALM ^6vounas and denim in FLOUR AND n&RDS,Nos. pa and I.9.l,Liberty street, Plttsbargb. • ,/fc • SON, Comas ' •ii36llllfin4 ba2rnt tor the sale cirCILUIDI AND RE WIRED CARBON OILA-Ne.• 69 mod TO %%ter street, Pltteburgh, Achurebes made cesconsignmenta. D.4174.015T5. Q JMON JOHNSTON, Nada ix Pols kJ DRUGS AND lIHRSIDIALS, PRILFUXRRY, . . FANCY - GOODS, DORNING,YLUID, OLLSi YAM ILT.IIIIeDWINIA - .1c., Si.; a 'istrictly Flaw goal ~...,.3.o2,lodriatagostatioarat.priota. Corner' Smith -field-and Irtuarthatrasta, Pittalairgb, Pa. , Pntacri • iotut saratuity aolapocuzdod at all oars. ,-,44IiirNESTOCK-&-CO., Waouk .1.18/11 Doroourr 'and Zinthotatecol WiIITZ IdIA ,B AA2iI) LITHAILGE, tonne of Wood nod Front . .stiveoo, Pittsburgh. ' ; mta • • —SCOTT, achutume Last.= u HRUGS, PAINT', OILS, VARNISH'S AND • AWN STUVIS; No, 2515 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.— ".',r,;',Al). orders vlll receive prompt attention. •mle24 Ite.X.DIIIICR. . WHOLESALE AND StsroaL,Thwootsio,%coruer of .Liberty and St. GAT otrootk Vittab :It. 'Alt W. H. IiSHIL, II Wotid corriei. of Wood street and Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. Pa. . - ":.ItrTOAMY"ErS. .jrMAcCONNELL Arross tl 4 LAw:.atirrti, iocond .tory KGIIII . II LAW Bona ' ma. :iv- 93 Drarrond 'tart. , attend to the aottlemeo w eecatiog and collet tioitoidthas, bonnttee, orbtragunr, Marta WAN! Wt. XIILLON. t " AMOK & MELLON, Arros .-iris Lim. lie:112 Fourth street, five door. abore Smithfield, Pittsburgh, Ps. myl73ltf ,17111101d45.. Arrow:ET AND Law. No. IGO Fourth 'treat, corner of Cherry silo Pittaborgh, Pa. sull:daorlyT "iHiIIIJIIMUI Al'spec, frith otroet, odJoiolog the °Moo of Mar & Bririni, , Pittsbn h, ' joirkdly ‘ Is; SAUTE, ATTORNEY END Oocsestioa AT lAwiba• removed to KUHN% WN`DUILDINGS,•No:I9 D4mond eree Itar Iflnitpor to dt. Pet.r's Clitirch. my 1641, ". ArroßxwirlAt L. • • No. 1M Fourth street, Cowrie's I.W Balding, Pittsburgh, Pa. sea • PRODUCE. D. LIMN. SECT[ do HUTCHINSON, COYEISISION AND Fa:manning Iltacnants, deaden WEST ' • lIESERVE UREESE, FLOUR, POSH, DA-' 'BUTTER; LINSEED' OIL, 'POTS AND ',',PEARLASIIES, BENDS; ORATE, DRIED FRUIT Pnalnon generally. Beat braudn Fatally Mar 'aviayi on hand,' ,Agent ftk - the sale of Aladinotrk t 0.. ealabrated.' Patenttal' Pearl Starch. Nos. Its " ltacdnd and 146 - Tina sta., betreett" Wood and Smith .. Reid, Pitobargh 'Pa. ' ' 1 . J 11. COLLINS, Forwarding itod tkimmbeloo Me, chant .1 &der CHEESE, BUTTES, LANE .Itoduoe gen all No. 55 Wood .treat, above above Wster, Plttiburgh: • • - my 2 ' HOLMES it co., Yogic rece-• cu and 'dralece tii PROvisioN 8, corner of Mao end•S`rottt elteoH. - • - - • • jae:dly , t. c • '4OE•it7TH. . - GAIWINIZIt . .COFFIN, AwNr Fob. rmitior, PIIII4.OIMPRI/1 AKD RNLI/MCI •• IM -VOlLkill. COSININI/10,;Forth-wist esoroar,Wood and W P ~JUNE'. 5,4.0881T,.N0RT11 AXERI • ca. State at Penn*, ,and Radford In- Aannosklumpanlee, 87 Water.treet. SAMUEL, REA, BE4nOrrAlZlf •CITIZENB ' litgrwei Conant; ocrner ?if Ocet and Water -ICRETAIW. 6601111TARY ALLEOU ..111110PAINCX COMPAIR. 37 Initib /divot. DRY GOODS. _hoax vows— S was-..r.virti? . • upru,soN.,CARK 41..00 4 r?iril 0,,,) . , , ••• OIRLION , .1 ND .Doareenct VIMGOODEI, • ie. •• 94 • W'ciod tfihd. Yam plimoild , . BUttq — feWe 6so ; tO Albitialel4ND "Ls - DST go.; , • • amd e giga ika,“ stir.o rmze . „ 33 , iiist aortic of Tart timid 11~ itfiniti.' . 102 AV: BARE(illica itX).,:Dmalutnt JM :'-eil..sxmoricolollllarlotedralik,lit#lme Tbltd sod ft in ikma l ib eg a y t, ,-, 1%6 LIANSOIC LOVA ' Thatitir :OW %Jo mid= l'ami-DILIVOODBAortbe g ' • .biastbw-Efivo,Nctfilitikrigatistriei. ;TRATATemrcs , AR Aliry IN Tzuw . r'' , elllllll9.l,CNirosolosaiso Aim Briaw-Golis, No: 71 Mamba. At •.• - - .‘„iplucleviinteseszna, ors., litiullrat, street, V.N I - vit M & w., thumuur i•LEB r111104b13111/4 T 111,1112 00 4 YOS. IT and le PHU dart. , s;iIS BOOTS .d.►'D 8110 s. 4 , !mug CAMPBEdi Mesinr - Aintrsun!' Oe __u_sooms:Aalsume airy aestript Llima 1 , 1:4 414 Bmlih6wld nowt, =rimy att itEB 6l. o / 4: i•LX)..4IIOLE. C., eonillriOUtth sad W B=Zlh, Wood ands, MG= SHRIVEN. & LAZEAR, WHOLESALE GROCERS corner Second ja9:lyd WIC U. LILLPATIIICK. ..... Y. WM. H. KIRKPATRICK WHOLMIALI Gioceas, COXMISSION MtWHtnre AND DEALIII6 Jn Cougrar Paoome. No. 253 Liberty .treat, Pittdbu ,b, Ps. • 1.7 • THOS. LITSLS, LITTLE it TRIMBLE, WHOLESALE GROCISS AND COMMISSION IlacsAFTs, deelen In PRODUCE. FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, YISII, ,CA-RBOKANDLARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, ()LASS, COTTON TAMES, and l'ltlaburgb tnanufnanres generally, 112 Second street, Pittsburgh. DUICAN M • DONALD....j. ANSUCILLL, •karCILLS. MoDONALD A. ARBUCKLE, WuoLE SALL OSOUW, rIODOCS - COMMISSION MIL.. CLAM% Jobbers In N. O. SUGARSitod ISOLASSBS, REFLNED SUGARS sod STRUTS, FLOUR, BA CON, RICE, CHEESE, SEEDS, de., No. 2.13 Liberty street, Pittabeir• h. uo14:ly P. lIMMILIt J. B. D. lan... 100. E Y.M.E.R .13ROTILERS, successors iv to itortoor t Andoseoa. Wholesale drake to FOREIGN . FRUITS, NUTS Alai 'SPLCSS, CoN. FECTIONEELY, SUGARS, FIRS WORKS; to., Nos. 126 and 120 Wood street, aloe Fifth, Pituthurgh, Penn'. 4:dl taxman a. 'olcoiton tanad.un. TT EAD & METZGAB, GRocEns AND 11 COnientelon MERCuarril, and dealers in all kinds of CoOlant Ptotu SOD Irritation Idaalt• RACTOItta No. 24k_ Liberty Aad, opposite hood of Vbatittrist,'Pittsbantb, ap:ly nos?. zoIISON, .5.111111 LL 201,303. R RosisoN & CO., WHOLESALE RO -LW acts, Commusator Blracaurra..d deniers In all kinds: Nf.PIIO,II3IOSB,'PILODUCE, end Pitts burgh nianuacturisi, No. 2.15 'Libeirty •trusi, Pitts burgh. . inv2 , A. MU A H; rioLEasur. GEocsic, tI • Coßsumos M Esau= mad dealer in FLOUR, URAIN, PRODUCE AND' PROVISIONS, No. 270 Liberty street, opposite Rand, Pittsburgh, Pa. 110714berni inlrepce• !suit ois consignments. rtat ' IEO. 13. J °NILS, WHOLESALII DKALSk 141 GROCERIES, MANILLA HOPE, OAKUM, O 1 LS, PITCH and Pittebtirgh tosArdscturod articles, So. 141 Water street, above the Mosongsbela Brlclge, l'itt4burgh, Ps. , LORCA? DALIELL. ROBERT DALZELL & CO. Wawa:- AMA Ctocuss, Coaungslog MID IfealtaaDuro Alsacagnms,. and dealers- Is PRODUCE sodPltbit burgh munufecturii,Tittliburgh: ' • [MET. .. KNIFTON. LA.III3EHT & 8111PY , ON, WeoLsums Osman, PitolitiCs DEALMMS and COMMUNION 111xscaxirre, No. 6 Sixth straot, Pittaburgh,, Po. WATT it *ILSON, WHOLESALE Gun. calm, Commission bilanantrrs, and dusters In Planar and Pittabargb inanu n stanns, la* !MO erty street., Pittsburgh. 01, I ISAIAH DWKISY , ,t• tx), wHour.sALK Choctaw, Coaauseno, flaacuawnt, and &Won. In PRODUCE, No. 80 Water Areal, Lill OS From stroet, PhObargb. OW. W- OlLWuara S. DILWO — RTHWiaoLEsami UP • Gammas., Not. DU sad mi el«..os‘a street, LICA Smithfield, Pittsburgh. uul JOHN _EOM; FEOYD di CO., WHOLESALE No u cent; AND Cerimmatos Iffsatesturrs, No. 172101 , 01;4 sud 2.4 a Liberty strvet. Pltteburgh. Jets WILLIAM BAGALEY, • Weocassus Glocsa, Nue. IV owl 2) Woad 'street, I•lcio burgh, Pa ALEaANDER .ING, ti •fibLESAI.I asocru, tm•.orter of bops Aso, No. 273 Librrty strust, Pittsburgh, Ps. - mbti 111.4.11MUFACTURERS. nANIEL Btf4Nitra' Ms," rAcroassa op WHIRR 'STONE CA IXA. AND CREAX COLORXD WARE. StOn,n IYD WJACHOUS. 44 No. 74' Forrn Sumer, PrressoscilL mh 15: ly:Le.n li. S. .... 1.1.1n111.1......--141. P. itAtT. MACKINTOSH, IiESIPILILL AXE. corner Pike and O'Hara streets, near the City Water Works, Pittsleurgh, Pa., Manuhictstrers of MACKINTOSH AND ITEMPAILL'S IhiPItOVED PATENT OSCILLATING STEAM ENGINES AN D SLI DEIr ALI:I:IL - Of all Masi and twat et yle. Haring put up machinery of large capacity and ot the beet quality, we are prepared to do heavy Job bing. and .elicit work In this Ihm, trusting that by promptness', and the character of our work, to merit public patrouagn. 3A - e Write epeeist attention to one BALANCED VALVE OSCULATING ENGINES, ma cumblidug advantages heretofore unattained In this clam ot En3inee.. • • A2eklyd WILLIAM ILARSHILL JAMAD ALUM UTILLL&M BARNHILL do CO„ No. 61 Penn ,treat, below Alarbury, Pittehttrgh, Pa., STEAM BOILER.MAKE.B.S - AND SHEET IRON WORKERS . ; Lilatinfictnrars of BARNHILL'S PAT ENT BOILER, LOCOMOTIVE, FL CED and CYL INDER BOILERS, CHIMNEYS, BRETCHEN, FIRE BED, STEAM PIPES, CONDENSERS, SA LT PANS, SUGAR PANS, IRON YAWLS, LIFE BOATS, etc., etc.. Also. BLACKSMITH'S WORK, BRIDGE and VIADUCT IRONS, done at: tbe short mt notice. All o,rdere from a distance promptly at . tended to. • T Hitsiis MOORE, MANUFACTURER . OF DLALLM it am: mass or coprza-tris• TILLED PURE RYE WHISKY sad FAMILY VINEGAR, Noe. 189, 191, tut and It* Firm street, between Smithfield and Grant streets, Pittsburgh. - •i ear Priratefiedeers soliqted:,Higheetutarltet pace pad for BYE: aor Fried Oil and all other poisonous logredienbi carefitlly extracted, by a prom.. new and improved. 0.12 JOShoP Dourer of Ping and Liberty etre.* PITTSBURGH, Pe mAxorAcrosxmor SUPERIOR STEAM KNOINF.S, MACHINERY do., An. otylso §tiE V EKANUE, Pep. .51) W Alma at:, • Pittsborgh, assimfactaresr se BOILER al VETS, BOUGHT SPIKRtii oovnitos ARO RA I 1.11.0 AD, of every dsscription. . ItarPartladar sired or shaped SPIKES and* RIV ETS, hugs or small, made to order at short notitm. . A rood - sosortment onnomativ ow hand. mySeoss 01 1 Y. Firof P. IL .01.1phAtit, )Wkaagiscturer or. NOT PILWISE.I) NUTS ; ANb WASHEW), (MAW:OAL HOELSWSHOE IRON and NAIL RODS, 'WIWI IRON and RIVET?. VAIRCIIARCE IRON WORKS, Fayette Co.t jyaltlyd Warehouse, 13 Wood et., l'ltieburxh. J. PLUM., T. L. EXCELSIOR GLASS WORKS. - WOLFE, PLUNKETT & CO., Gums M•rivrAo iroatu,____WareLouse, No. It Wood street , coroor of First, PliLiburgh, fa. , ee.slyd WELLS, K DULL ' 215 Libesty street, opposite Sixth, Pittsburgh, insnufactun,r• of WHIPS, LASHES AND SWITCH ES, and every description of LEATHER BRAIDED WORK. Tstf:lrir TEETH 'EI:TEAMED WITHOUT .PAIN, BY TEE USE OF AN APPARATUS WHERE,BY NO . DRUGS cm GA LYANIC BATTERY, ARE USED. Cold weather V the time when the apparatus can be 910 to Its beqodeeplege. Itedicat getlttetnert wad their bare had their teeth extracted by my monk, and ere reedy 'to testify ea to the/tasty and paipleenem of the opera titew,-whatewW ho teen add by persims la tenoned in smarting the contrary, bating no knowledge of my itIOSEPII ADAMS, DSNTIST, Connelly's Dalldlng, gorier . of THeateird and Grant atreeta, Mien:trek. Iticeraskomi—Dr..- A. M. Pollock, Dr. 'fiallock, Theodore Bobbles, Dowell Knelt. rey3:dly TAMES IL BALPH,-late , assistant to iry EXPLICII DItAW INCA AND , SP/101/ICATIONB .for , 11l ±kind. of eiliffilfs; and sipolfatenols tholrimtkii 011 INXISOD- Me on A11 , h10pt,10144 2 . betwicOnli.ock OMY , 3.12 'C • P1911N• • .111. un: . . ;, . rimy. Olke; ,IBON - BANE:. BLOCK, Fifth street, Aramishas PLANS AND BFKUIFICIATIONB /ot9 of iniery deiaiptkaiworks imperlor And onlaciSonftertirms. - *.; ; ntr.hdlly CIIARLAM, IMAJME io hlilttmecrus, • tit isro ma drant-trelulto- ten". aitd t r erirsitaraterinfte A l A lrict Omar& 00.11 - 0084621' PLOWS, with mod with out ZoiestrAttiedullto. 81 ?11th attest. atyB ate,.; I 1-1* 'Lows, igu =4AisWill4Me ll = etw . PL." 200""' 0') TOLEEttibr sale;by imint MIXT. lag Woca Et. ~X - sxre'.~~F,F'-'%~? „ r7csacq "e! . i .rr;-~...~a ~rr+..,: ; ;;; ~ -_ ~. _ ~ ...,~ .. :' ~`; vn"c~ 'n.~'-~ f *~'k..g'~''v u la"`my^t;"cH •. 5 .;_.~m.-fit :t."~ ~ ~'~ 't {'+ '.. AILY -- PITTSBURGH - GAZE'ii, GROCERS. Nos. 27 and 29 Smithfield StMet, PIiRt3BURGH. PA. M=!M / I) ,EXTO r• parivrtrittrAL trrrithwrta in every styl • X. OUDirlt. Lunn, I34Ymltlf Idrt. ARCIIITECTUR4II4. 41 F ,M#C, ~'t.~ , `~,' . ~. , '4at's~dXti~G.~' a-~i• N >~~m.~Y.ttz~`x~.wa~ ~~w`:«4~:i~is~uc`. , o.s`'. a~✓~+~ .Y:~ts~a"`~;"<~: AND COMMERCIAL JOURNAL. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 9, 1862. PlaeroS. NEW TIANOS.Now 7:1 wiring,. taw tropply_ot KAN I . WORTE.3, from Oblekeling & eons • I Boston; Harelton Brothers, New Yor k; ; Hallett, Os aka k , Co., Boston; George Sleek. Now York, and Heine. brothers. New York. AB of which all be sold at Eastern taebity prices. • JOHN H. )1161.1.01t,111 wood et , - , eP:I • between ,Diamond alley mid Forirtb et. A.taLICKEittNG .WOOD PIANO 61.4 oetare, in 1 ; '' - uau oix mouth., and in perfect order, I I for $1.1)0, regular price V.W. For sale by atS JOAN 11. MELLOR: Id Wood .strrt. 'COD-HAND PIANOS 825. W s Sad. 575, 5100, 0125 said 5150, for solo by y I nys.3 Jon N li. MELLOh, Sl Wood so.. QI.X.PIA/NOS TO REISI—fRVI 4...7 Al gt, $3, $4 atia $$ per morah; JOHN IL MELLOR, ffi Wood strom. by ap3 MOW ARRIVIN .131 choice supply of the nurlealled KNABE PIANOS, warrhistal forbve I jean, and pronounced to bo equal, If trot superior to any in this country. The Pianos now arriving were personally selected by the subscriber, at the new and !meet°. tottery, of Wm. Knahe h Co., Baltimore. Please call and aszansine before purchasing elsewhere. CHARLOTTE BLUIItR, 43 Filth street, mh2.5) Sole Agent for finales's unrivalled Mtn. .VEIP" BOOKS. BAYARD TAY LOWS NEW WORK, AP HOME AND ABROAD. I=El leer axle b) +93 K 4 Y t CO., M Wo4 st. Ai tri:C TO - AN lEWti. AIDS TO FAITH —A eerie,. of Theological Eauiy• by ticycral writere, being a reply to ”Emays an.l •ioica" Edited by William Thompson, D. D. RIGHT EHIEISSIISS BY FAITH. —lllaxtrated by a comfort:on of the dortrior of tho Oxford Tool.. By Bishop M.:ll,lth, /oat received and Ibr ealn by mk27 R. 8. DAVIS, 93 Wood street. 11011TaLki1) TAYLOR'S NEW L.At. liomoond Abroad, Second Soria. Awn ilouro. By John Brown. Loisuro - liouro in Town. The Young Steponother. By Mi. Youngs • Sotagain Many Kaye. By flulmo... 1.14024 In Idle. By Timothy Titcomb. The SatherJanda. The Uudercurrents of Wall Street. . Trench on The 'Epistle.; to the /invert Cloircbee of •As a. KOY & CO., to Wood turret. 11R CUWMIMI'S NEW BOOK— Teach to to Pony. The Young Stepmother. By Mini Yonge. The SutheriattMt Under Comets of Wall Street. Recreations of • Country Same, let and 2d oerivo. Soup in Many Key.. •By Holton, May'm Constitutional Iliotory of Cog Lind. The Bobellloo Record, let and 2d eerie,. \ John Brent. By Major Winthrop. mbl4 RAY A. CO., 4.5 Wood streot. LJ oous WORKS—ALDINE EDITION.- 11 The Works of Thorn. [Mod, in prove sod vet.. Edited by Et,es Sargon t, illnstrutts.l old:iron mad wood engravings, elettrutly priutod on tinted paper, rn =mil octavo. To he onsipletml in six monthly volumes. Thrtw now ready. • BA 1 AHD TAY LOWS NV ORK S—Ca toia —TIro Pro. Writings of Bayard Taylor. is Ifi mall 8 vo. rolumor, TRY. tII•IRY T OF LIEBREW POETRY, by Imaac Taylor. LEISURE HOURS IN TOWN, by Th t . Country WEDGWOOD'S DICTIONARY OF ETYSIOLO GY. a new edition. Edited by George P Blateh. For ,ale by It. S. DA VIS, too Wood et. puulis I BOOKS JLP3leilical teed of Eloctrieiiy--Gerrolt, • Recreations ors Country harem, Aineoto of Society; • • • NO . quiinutS, Ly J. Brown, Y. D , Situ, Wow ii sod ßook., toy L. 11 nal • Titentrit'a tooks; A Good Fight, by G. &lido; Personal It of Lord Beau; Life of Sir Pbilir Sidany; Soup in Many 11ey8—o. W. Holm., Poems, by 14.er.. Terry; Liberty anitSLleery—Bledeoe; ',rime* on A poonlypee--Butler, Lifo und bpeee , •te of Pougloo; IMO y of nll Rellgionn, etc., ode, nib; J. L. READ, 78 lonrt b street. 11ISCELL.I.VE0 US CARDS ANDiIkW ......... LINUACT. ACKEOWN & LINUART FLOUR GEAIN TAKORS, r/LOOCCR AND COM3II num. et. , .oe•Nra, fur the sale or Th.., Grow, Pork, Ba- Lund. , Eggs, °hems,. Barns, Tellue Oreasn, Footle:iv, Potatoes,. Put Sod, Pearl Ashes. feaberatos, Limood and Lere oils, Grind nod Omen 'Fmk , Timothy, niumr, Pia% sod Grunt [testis. Lash silsourim musts ou Putisigutosuts. st/Cly N 0.297 Liberty at., Plttnbnrith. W AilkNO, .441, FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. YARN WAGONS, OIL WAGONS and SPRING WAGONS, GARDENER'S CARTS AND COAL CA &I'd:. MOWER WIIEELS, CANAL. GARDEN ER'S, BRICK AND STONE MASON'S WHEEL BARROWS, &Law& td the lest dry timber; also all blade of repairing a t tended to Apply to RoBT. HARE, Wnoos Brws, Rorke( Fr.lernl edrett Station, Allegheny. tdal-lyd I Y Altti STI - I A' 14, iiiIPORTER AND 1.4 liz.u.su In the toot ;idea brands of GENUINE IIAVANA CIDARD, and pill kind. of S 3101: IND AND CLIEWINti TOBACCO. SNUFF, FANCY MEEBSCIIA U3l PIPES, ~PUBES, Rc., greet variety, UNDER THE Si. CIIAILLEO 110 TEL, Pittabargh, Pa. N. B.—Tte• Trade supplied-on liberal term. inyll.dly WORKER.—JAM. WEISb, kJ STUCCO AND 'ILtASTIC WORKER, PAPER LIANORR AND PLASTELIEft. fiIfirCENTIMS AND ORNAMENTS of all Mods furniehod ort abort notloo. All unlace /oft at Nu. Zl animas street, sts doors Nom Wylie; be at Palmer's Wall Paper thorn, No. 91 Wood arrest, rill bo promptly attooded to. mhlN W. 8. 14/1.0W111.1.—, CALOWLI.L, !H. driALDWEILI:dc BRO., BOAT FURNISH ‘,./ rag Ann or.ALsea in MANILLA, IIKMP AND COTTON CORDAGE, OAKUM, TAU, ROS -3N . ANWOILS, TARPAULINS, DUCK, LIGHT AND IfEANY DRILLINGS, Ae., No. ,A Water and 78 Front Weeds, Plttelatrgh. apAslly W. W W. YOati, Buccossor to cart -11 weight& Young, Ni.,. 97 Wood ern"; corner of Dlarnond alloy, deader In All kinds of CUTLERY, RAZORS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, KNIVES, SCIS •SOILS• GUNS,Ac., dc. A. large, eaeortrnenr of the Above goods criminally on land. mhl AtIIiSII.SF & 'IVWNSEND, PORK PACiddel AND OCALICSIS DRIED BEEP; 'LAUD, MSS AND BUMP PORK, No. 12 Yount. street, TlCUTlitraity, Plttabru - gh. W.P..DLAK DEALER llf WALL • P•retrA,• Bannerol, Ac.; No. ti 7 Wood mroot, Pltteburgh. 11. PAIAINII No. WOOD LiT. • • Deal, In DONN KTS, RATS,: STR A W-TRIDI - MINOS, and sTicAlk LICSIDS generally. BOOASELIGERS, 11-c IA Y & CO., BOOK/ALLEM/1 AND STA Truants, No. 66 Wood struot o not door to th garner of Third, Dittiddirgb, Da. SCHOOL en, LAW. BOOKS constantly ou hand. ;LG.' t st STATION- W, BLUM Boos MANIITACTIIIMIII, AIM JOB Patrymts,,No..47 Wriodutru.t. Pittsburgh. anal . ,BoossELL es AND Sie mama, No. 78 Fourth otrost, Apollo Bulldinipl. MEDICAL. TAR.iiaktO.Nli;S XIROF OPIUM. —The.perfectlon of this inestimalle preparatien is a blessing to mankind: Without deteriorating the medicinal virtues of opium, the Elixir is thoroughly pinified from all the mock= qualitiess of the drug. In cane of fracture., burns, scalds, cancerous ulcers, and other painful affections, it will relieve pain and irritation,,allay convulsions,. sparmalic action, end morbid szeiternant of body and mind, without om• log sickness, contiveuem, or headache. These WWI. pada qualities most render it pre-eminent in the list of opiate.. Pretetred. and 'sold by A. B. & D. RANDS, Drug. gists, luO Fallon street, New York. • Sold also by B.•A. PANNESTOOK S (b)., Pitts burgh, Pa: - bah' also by Druggists generally. ncetbdbor.aritY p ,s .iJ: WILLIAM WARD, DEALER IN Peel!- mmy Holt', BONDS, MOPITOAGt3. Mid all so . _MOW Ibr money. Persons aan matte LOANS through my agenoy aft reasonable terms. • • Those wistdrm to Anreat tbalt money to good ad iantage do always and drat and tecond clam paper at my office, fur tale. All oommunleationa and interviews strictly confi dential. Office, Grant street, opposite lit.. Paul'. Jelaltf GAILDENaIteixidEATB. --- A LARGE AND/MUER= ASSORTMENT JUST REGRIVED: 7 IPS • • • • I.IIINOE, 203'1116.k, 'rAtill= 6 lll - colko first sorb) for o B. A. JAHN/STOCK A CO. pittsburgh 6azeffq. S. RIDDLE & CO., EDITORA AND PROPRIBTOBS. Publication Office No. 84 Fifth Street MORNING AND EVENTNG EDITIONS, DAILY, CONTAINING THE LATEST NEWS OP TO THE HOUR OF PUBLICATION. ' TEIII Sr ptIOSIONS EDITION-5S pe , annum in advance, or 12i cents per Meek from earrieM. raucun EmT.N-4.3 per SWUM In ••11•113C., ore cents per week from carriers. Wrx KKK EDITION—SingIe copkw, 52 per annum; Tire or more, 31,15; Ton or upwards, 51 par annum, invariably In advance. ADVERTISING AT REASONABLE RATES. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 9 IMPORTANT FROM PORT ROYAL Arrival of Major General Hunter. THE ATTACK ON NORTH EDISTO ISLAND By the arrival Dr the steamer Atlantic, at New Yolk, we have late and interesting. ad , - •ices from Port Royal. We select the Most important items. Brigadier General Ether man came in ter. At' Jacksonville, Florida. our forces were momentarily expecting an at taok train the rebels, consisting of two Missis sippi mile:mots and one of Florida guerillas, with a troop of horse and a battery of artil lery. Brigadier General Wright, command ing the " - Union forces plice, wad cont . deal of being able to sustain himXelf, and protect the town and the inhabithnis, the majority of whom are Nertheni.menank loyal citizens. Deserters, wise 'OOMIS rep resent the condition of the rebel forties as des perate—dxsing entirely alit of food, and relying upon foraging for. imstenatice. At the rviqueet of Flag Officer S. P. Dupont, the Atlantio, on leaving. Port Royal, !passed around the stern of the United States frigate Wabash, in order that a parting salute might be given - to Brigadier General StlerMan, which was done by the crew of the frigate, manning the rigging, and giving three hearty cheers. Froqi tho Correspondence of tho Ncisir York Tribtine we select the following interesting intelligence . . . Gil PORT R(YrAt, April 3, 1862. Through the warm mist which filled the harbor on Sunday afternoon, the steamer At lantic came almost unman into port, bringing the commander of the now Department of South, Major General David Hunter.. News of his appolutnient bad been brought us by the Oriental, and the prospect of his coming, his personaT and military reputation, and what he is likely to do, have since supplan ted the morelau3iliar subjects of discussion in camp. His llrst general order on assuming command is dated the day after his t divides the Department auto threedistricts, requires reports of thh present oondititin of all separate commands to be madohy their senior ogoeli,nu,ilves a list of OxrelTierin cbmpos ing his stall Copies of this, and of theeecond order, which is a graceful recognition of Gen. Sherman's services, are sent, herewith, no next morning, a gentleman of quiet and well-bred manner, in a eivilian'i dress which a straw bat and white Cannel seek made rather noticeable, came early on shore, and spent an hoar or two in - examination' of the fort and buildings. In the afternoon went to Beaufort on the McClellan, wbdep !ensign flying at the fore intimated that she carried the General Commanding. Returning the same evening, Gen. Ilunter, op Tuesday took command on shore, and his staff succeeded to the duties of the retiring members of Gen. tShermarCe. The mysteries and ensharraes ments of accounts and the transfer of proper ty were much simplified and relieved by the ending of the quarter and of the old admin istration together. Gen. H. W. Benham, who relieves General Sherman, also came in the Atlantic; and- is assigned to the important command of the first District and the troops constituting the First Division of the Department. This dis trict comprises the States of South Carolina and Georgia, and all that part of Florida north and east of a line extending-front Cape Canaveral northwest to th, Gulf_ coast, just north of Cedar Keys and its dependencies, and thence north to the Georgia, lirte. Its headquarters are at Port Royal, Where Gen. Hunter's are also established. leattfort, which had been suggested as their probable location, though more central in position, is far less convenient for communication, both with the North and with other-portions of the Department. Gen. Benham's staff is riot yet completed. Capt. A. B. Ely is acting Aslant an t Adjutant-Gummi. Speculations as to what Gen.Ruater will do may be profitably postponed., Possessing a thorough military education, 'of long expe rience anctitigh reputation, and distinguished by his serums and gallantry.at diantssas, it may be safe to Anticipate an earnest caiipaign. His appointment is, beyond question, popular with the 'army. Every man looked upon his arrival as if some personal good fortune had befallen him, and Gen. Hunter stands at the outset with one element of success already conceded to him—that of the eonfidenoe of his troops. In commend of a department com prising three rebellious States, hiaTuture du ties require other than military talents, and give him opportunities for public service to which no talents and no liberality of views can be more than equal. I . 001111 to anticipate nothing, yet 1 do not conceal my hope, that General Hunter recognises with wise states manship, accepts with generous humanity, ail the responsibilities of his position. • TOR ATTACK ON NORTH NDIRTO. An attack has been made by the rebels upon a portion of the force stationed at North Edisto. Information was conveyed to the rebels of the position occupied by three com panies of the 55th Pennsylvania, and their capture was attempted by three battalions, each five hundred strong, moving simultane ously last Saturday morning, at daybreaki• upon their ,separate positions. It happened, that two companies bad moved their camps the day before, and the two rebel battalions in search of them were obliged to retire, hav ing effeetednothing. The third was less for tunate. Thirty men of - Company F, Captain Bennett, under the command of their First Lieutenant; were at lianriaban's plantation, on Little Edisto, separated from ,the largo island and main force by a creek, the bridge l over wbioh was destroyed by the rebels,, and their retreat completely . cut off.:! This insignificant force thin 'Wicked by 500 rebels, maintained I:desperate defence for , an hour,falling back to ward the bridge,Of whose destruction they were unaware, availing them selves of the inequalities of the ground as a. cover, and partially ecreened by the thick leg, through which, however, the flashes of their guns -betrayed thorn to tho enemy. They steadily mnitained this unequal conflict, until when within a hundred yards of the bridge, their ammunition gave out, and no other de fence was possible. Still, they rwould mot surrender, but, throwing their radaketaiato. the river, sought refuge in the thickets along the banks. ' Five men escaped by swimming, and were afterward picket on by, one of the Crusader's boats. Fire are known to ha te been killed during the fight. The remaining` twenty, aorie: of ,them wounded, are missing,- and undoubtedly prisoners. . • The Rebel plans included also the capture of Col. White,of the bbth Pennsylvania. - 110: had moved his headquarters, like the two _companies, 'only the day before, and the Reb els, In their advance, passed unaware by the house in which: he ..andille adjutant—and quartermaster were sleeping. ;Attie 'other house theyloitridCaPt.:Wigartniresoommukii which had. been roused by the llct at Sian-: anima's, drawn up An line of ; battle them; and sa - they had iiinteitykitatt ettAXii: riseand re we. anti-611rt far a it ht numberedand '" e only.•'s ten - ne, they hastily withdrew. ll' di &Anaz pied by the thirty, is sick man was lett in.. en upper room, and, undiseorered by the Rebels, heard the ddrestref 11le Rebel leader to his men before the attack. The Rebel flag was after ward hoisted on the house, but remained only a few minatea, their forte withdrawing to Jehorse Island and making no effort to hold. the ground. News of another attack was received last night by express, bat there are 'no intelligible particulars. Eight of our men were killed or wounded in the skirmish, which seems to have been as usual. an affair of pickets. Whether the rebels tgaan to attack in considerable force or to Pitiliterdais as in Florida, a guerrilla warfare,seems to be uncertain. The island i* one of importance. Col. E. G. Fellows, of the 3d New Hampshire, hitherto the commandant of this poet, has been sent to supersede Col. Moore of the 47th New York, who was in command at Edifto, and is considered respen siblelor the second disaster, on account of the location of the pickets and the insufficiency of their apamunition. Col. Williams, of the let Massachusetts cavalry, an officer of very great ability, succeeds Col. Fellows as post commandant at Port Royal. LIVE TAIIEEE9 EXHIBITED AT CHARLESTON The party reeently captured by the rebels, consisting of Lieut. Col. Bennett. of the 55th Pennsylvania, Lieutenant Kirby, of the 47th New York, and Mr. Willis, were taken to Charleston. Throhgh the streets of that Christian city they were paraded in an open carriage, conspicuously labeled "Live Yan kees," and followed to prison by a derisive mob of 5,000 people. Insults like this, and barbaretia murder like that in Florida, aro the practices of men who.denounce the violation of the usages of civilised warfare on our side, lend ask to be admitted into the community of ciiiliaed nations. AN IRON-CLAD REBEL BOAT ON THE SAVANNAH. An iron-cud Rebel gunboat has made its appearance on the Savannah river, coming down last week as far as the bead of Elba where it was plainly seen on board our vessel's which lie in Mud river supporting the batteries, and a drawing of it was made. It to described as very much resembling the Merrimac in appearance, but is much smaller in size, and is considered to bo every way less formidable. From the fact that, although afloat In the river, she has made no attempt to approach the batteries, it is presumed that she either draws too much water, or is defec tive in construction and not yet wholly com pleted. No apprehension is felt of tho result of an effort if she chooses to make it. lIELDQUAVITHR DEP&RTNIENT Or VIE SOUTH, I PORT ROYAL, S. C., Marel 31, 182. _ GILMILLI. ORDER. No. illedor General tb;vid Hunter, baring arrived at this port, hereby assumes, in accordantce with the order of the War Department, the command ef the Department of the South, eon elating of the Statile of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. 11. For the convenience of military operations, and the administration of Department affairs, this In.- 1 artrucct a divided into Dore districts, to lee consti tuted as follows: I. The first, to be called the Northern District, will comprise the Staten of South Carolina, Georgia, and all that part of Florida north and east of a lino ex tending front Cape Canaveral nort h.west to the Gulf coast. Just north of Cedar Keys and its dependencies, and thence north to ohs Georgia line. The Iltadquar tors of.this Dhttrict wain° at Dort Iloyal, South Car, olina, mid I.lrigatiler General 11. W. Denham, (who will relieve Brigadier General Sherman), Js . appaint sal 10 COMM:IIW this District, and the troops therein,' ,which troops will constitute a division.: to be called the First Division of the Department of the Soo to. Gen. Denham will receive from Cam. Sherman all chart., mare', piano, reports, moneys, kr., with all of‘ tidal records, returns, kc., appertaining' to the expe ditionary command In thin District. 2. The SOCCind, to he milled the Southern District, wHI comprise all of Florida and the islands adjacent south of the line from Uipit - GaelraWeral, extending northwest to thswiceipt . au#n*th or Cedar Keys. 'Ther . heitiljuiliii,r. of this dniftlet and the troops will remain as at present, envier' inniimand of Brigadier General J. N. Branton.. 3. The thin) to he called-the Western Dinirict, will comprise that part of Florida west of the line before described.. ;sinning north from Cedar Keys to the Georgia line. The headquarter. of thin district will remain at Fort Pickens, us at present, with Brig. ,Gan. L. G. Arnold commanding. • • ILL. The usual reports, reams, .tc., will hereafter lo made to the General's commanding district., art every Senior officer of every separate command with. In the district named, whether Brigade, Regimental, or Pont, will immediately forward to district head quarters detailed reportanhowlng Gm actual condition of their command., the number of officers and men Gtr ditty, the another nick, quantity and quality of supplies, including arms, ammunition, clothing, tents, camp equipage, homes and horse equipments, mulee and tmusportation,- quartermaster and COM - mlssary stores; and will also state what impeller, of all kinds will be taiwearary to perfect their organisa tion, and place theta in a condition of full eflicleney for active service. Returns of the effective forcce prement will in all mew be rendered as soon as they can be prepared withoat being delayed for the com pletion of the other reports called for In this para graph. Theen report., when received by district command ers, will be consolidated toad transmitted to the Gen eral commanding the Department, for his Informa tion and action. • IV. Tbo atoll . of the Major Geneml commanding . the Department will coo lot of the following named officers : , • . Major Chita. G. Halpin° ' Assistant Adjutant Gen eral ; Lint . E. W. Smllh,Acting Assistant Adjutan General; Col. J. W. Shaffer, Chief Quartermaster Capt. J. W. Turner, Chief Commiseary of Subsist Major R. M. Hough, Major 'Edward Wright, Copt P. V. Thompsou, Capt. V. R. Dole, Lluut. S. NV Stockton, Lieut. Chas. E. day, Liext . A. M. Kinsis Lieut. A. O. Doolittle, Alds-do•Cainp D. HUNTER.. Major Gen. Commanding. 01licial copy. Cu.. G. Ilat.rtse, Asa't Adj. Gen. From Island No. 10--The fsland Cir -iennsnavigated”No Rebels Seen on it--Health-of the Troops, etc. ON BOARD STN. WILSON ISLAND No. 10, I April I,—(via Canto.) Yesterday the bombardment was more ac tive upon our, part than for , several days.pro !viously. At 10 o'clock the Benton crossed over to the Missouri shore, near the Point, and commenced Oring with her new Dahl gren'', at the Floating Battery. Three shots struck, 'end it was hauled off to the foot of the Island, apparently disabled. In the afternoon a reconnoissance was made by a small party . in a skiff. Alter burning the steamer Wit:heater, .which was sunk in the chute, they circumnavigated the entire island, and report that they did not see a man on the island. Tents were still standing; and while the party were in the vicinity, several shells struck in the encampment, but not a person could be seen. Nothing was seen of the floating battery. Whatever may be the condition of the island, it is evident the reb els still remain in force upon the main shore. To-day a large force of men wore observed at work, in the upper battery, - trying to unepiko the guns which Col. Roberts so effectually spiked on Wednesday night. The Benton opened upon them with her. Dahlgren rifles, and with the aid of the itmetars soon drove them 0f... Nothing late from Gen. Pope has' been ro eeived, although is can hear his cannonading Almost incessantly day and night. The health of tho fleet end land forces is ex cellent. Nearly all the newspaper corre spondents are sick, !weever. The river continues falling, and the klis semi shore is now passable. Constant recon noissances are being made, and a .plan has been submitted to the Flag-Officer for the 'oc cupation of the Island, but has notayet 'been aecepted.—Diapssick to eke the. Gazette. . THW.Washington correspondent of the Chi cago Tribune says , The retirement of Mr. Charles . A. Dana, from, the Dew' York Tribune, re was the saltOf an irreriressible conflict with Mr. Greelet,'er tending as far b e els.rißuil Run. Mr. DA4II - Reg for fighting all poltroons and blockheads, high or low, but his captain got seared on so many.ctoessions, and _'reversed the toilers" so. often,' that: eccaparation became necessary.' Whether Mr- Dana retired volintarily..or • whether the stockholders deemed it essential that he should , resign, le not Of much Conse quence to the public. Either of these reasons would have inipelled thosthange ultimately, if not now. ,_,.OFIinC74,IIKDISTILTAI BILL.-4 dispatch to the WowXPrk.lribase A foolish ,teport has ;.ohtelned.currency to the effect, that, the tax bilLoyeatwe 26,000 .. 0ff1-. Gee. Every ofthio-seeker in, the _ country. is wonting upon iewhigeidonced of these inuc'borttle. - The'fleit'ii„ as we ate authro4. that tha bat. laciiiied:Mimbers of .Cleisksitinistittuito thiNianibiiielthese titles* thaw SADO for the whoharidtia. , . . By_Tnitcheages in the Departntentant l llpr 7 , .ginia announced by the Seeretaty.orms4, zitnds.ii thin e.-.4 l fetialllueeroomtaaadrifoliC • ari - the Tiiiithistifeletifeen 4 thilinneiradtd : .York iivere:=Heietainioutotnand of three of the dreeorps d'azineelaiely belonging to the army of the Potomae.—N. Y. Tribune. VOLUME; Eva. in Seattlelty a bill i n supported by 0 large Majority, and will probably path making it a peni tentiary Mien°. to epeak in favor of emancipation of any kind, even of the Pneddent's mild remedy of compensation. What chance ie there, then, that any system of emancipation can tomato:me amonga peo ple no wed - ded to their idols ?—Pittsberph C ane4e. Tan Oazetle put forth that statement on the,lst of April, and perhaps it wlslies to to undert an having Used the peculiar privileges of the du . In any othervriew, Its conductis inexcusable. It aka of a bill as pending in our.jegislature, with a proba bility of passing, when our Legislature bai been ad journed about. three week. And noon& hill na that spoken of nor any bill akin to it even iu the ten thousandth degree Wu supported by "a large major. ity" or any “majority" in oar Legishituro during it. session, ur even 'Toted on or agitated in that body. We don't know of any bill to which the Pittsburgh Editor CAM ismibly-hars reference. And members of the byte Legislature, whom we hive consulted, know MM!=2E==s=!l The bill we referred to was the following, introduced in the House on the 12th of March, by Mr. Martin, who moved a sus- • pension of the rules to enable him to intro duce it, to wit: : Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That any person or persons who have or may advo cate the doctrine of the Abolition or Eman• cipation of Slavery in the State of Ken tucky, either directly or indirectly, or who sympathize with the same be, and are hereby disfranchised for life. That all per Sons so offending shall take no part in the elections either as Judgei, Clerks, or Sheriffe of the same and be re quested to leave the State within ten days. 3. This act shall take effect ten days after its passage. There were 48 yeas in favor of suspend ing the rules to enable Mr. Martin to get in his bill, to 29 nays, but not being two thirds, the motion did not pretail. We were not aware the Legislature had ad- journed, and it was presumable that where there woe so large a majority in favor of introducing such a nefarious bill, that a way would be found to effect the purpose: We wrote the above noticed paragraph from recollection of the circumstances, and were in error in saying that the bill made it a penitentiary offence. The penalty was dis franchisement and deportation, but enough in all conscience for the crime of advoCat ing the doctrine of erahnelpiktin. The bill is certainly within the "ten-thouSaridtb" degree of our statement. • We have'been glad to hear since that there is a strong emancipation feeling in Kentucky, and we shall rejoice ,if thb peo ple of that State shall wisely- embrace LIM opportunity presented by' the President's emancipation measure,- Important from General IlleClellan's Private intelligence from General McClel lan's army, at seten o'clock on Saturday night, announces his advance to Yorktown, with three divisions, and his attack on that fo7lion:, The bombardment of Magruder's tifications was progressing well, wit h very few casualties, on our side: The anal result will probably be known there to-daY,—No tionoi, Intelligence? of Monday. We have been aware for some days that Gen. McCtett:AN had left the neighborhood of Washington with a large part of the army of the Potomao, for Fortress Monroe, and that he bad landed on the Peninsula, between the James and York rivers, and was advancing on Yorktown, but we never felt at liberty to say so definitely. The Notisoot intellignictr hav ing made the above statement, under tile eyes of the Government, we'presame it is no long er improper to say, what we merely , hinted at before, that Gen. McCtettse has taken the field with a splendid army,,and that he is pressing the rebels between' the York and: James rivers, and is on his. march to Rich mond by that direction. It is thus seen that he has outflanked the rebel army which fell back from Manassas to the Rappahannock, and his rendered that position untenable. Re is now approaching Richmond from a' south-east direction, marching north-west, in stead of marching south by the lino through Mantissas. If Gen. BANICS forces his way to Stanton, he can advance on Richmond by' the Virginia Central Railroad, thus outflanking the rebels on both sides. It is not probable that Richmond will bo defended: ' .MtiCtst.bax may have a battle on the Peninsula, and BANES may hare a contest in. the valley, when, if the enemy is defeated, as be undoubtedly wilt be, Richmond will be abandoned. EMANCIIUSION IN TIM DIBTEIC2:-A Waah ington dispatch to the New York. Tr:ibup says : The Abolition in the District of Columbia bill passed by the Senate, has not yet- howl sent down to the House: It will probably be reconsidered by the Senate for the purpose of Wilting out the appropriation for colonisa tion, in ordor to,facilitate its passage through the Rouse, whicliniust otherwise consider it in Committee, of the Whole. - A doer majori ty bill oft to ho assured.membo of the lower branch" for , Ammo'Ous Liant.—We regret to see that two of the most respectable journals in New York baveheen grossly and most inexcusably imposed on, itrwertain charges to which they have given currency—as • groundless as they c ! are In& ous—against the honor and integrity of one the most estimable 'members of the Exeenti e Government; we mean . the diitin znished the of the Interior. As there may possibly be aMore formal notice of the scandalous injustice alluded tO, we will, at present, forbear from further remark.—Nci;. giona Intelligencer. • ' TIRE Notional Repo/dials forcibly so giants that those wheeze now sovaalons for gradual emancipation in the District efCalmnbia barn bad fifty years in which to inaugurate their system, yet have never taken the Brat step. Had' they initiated their seheree iri• due •ses son, it would have been perfected come ago. JOHN P. KELLOGG. G CO., Ho. 14 Wider &met, Her .Fork, °iris. won axtawrson .onirzn RAM aosplo mans nonans, or 111010 OWN 1701:7•11IIN, COGNAC BRANDISt-Otavaahltm.rt C 0.,, Pinot cantina a Co., and oilarilanelso viarions vintage*, Anrt an4 .. pale,inhalter,'*gaOns end „, liutalELLY BEANDizs—FeUmbfin, A. Salk Deco;,orni other broads, dark nt Path ins itoininni ' Pneka Ca 01144 P. KelloggaCO 134' ND • • **Pt 'and Wee Drop, x pips*, three-qr. pfpniand C&Set. • Ulat—at, Croix and, jillialM-Wect,ed Wanda. • WlLlCkYS—Mahaea Irian and tawny!. Boott,ri ININEB-4brei Sherry, Iffatlelra;Sardeaux, pock, and others, of 'aria= grades: Bqedaanx .T*loll, in caws Ana tailisti. UNV • PES I 11 —N the .I.Ttioei of aim BUUES to a loporloe lot Of LErrEa'sw MOPES, Wit; tisie fOr ale wt . .. LOW TRIUMS. oirodars gni trim _ • MUSLIN 411 (X3 O , mbl3:lmd 46 Bookman moat, Now York: BE'TUN4UI rl6 - boxes Sugar oseyazostxsaines.recelest on consignment, per ntbamor Bunny WWII, Inv Isle by . , IS9nn • • FSV BrAUTIYUL .1165ZW0QD,.,3200 uirrAvz PrAxp, fidt iron Mune add itarrintO •forilt4 youi.., • . , DLUBLXV. • apt , . 43 Fifth amt. SP D EW tiTOCK-.0 1.1. . CielabigedGald Itedillikailtitu.PlANOSesciin qa by Wit. KNABX CO.i but negdroo... COARLOTY2'BI.AI3III. 43" 46.4414; . • *.PORK; EMMA'^U tt Itlf, 13J 11A.118; SUGAR OtTAX.DAMIRD - A 11 1 117 0 1611 spie by' ,apG . . 3211.11,418 CO. • ViNlO W/Lbli PA.PEII. tirriti4ll4-jor ego by eahl W. P. =NI /..riivure4Jl cst. • iNKROICE, BYLi in& • A NOE MITTLIA INBlrlanflr PHIL ADELPB,IA. crsalaLPlßGe) Alocate:f : A. P.r.tual, 7117JICHANDISE.11MOTUBZ, to. tc,,el,c town or country. OlOce SO. UM would oh.t. . Garnet, YE.NritOi•AddonsiMi444 "It.d as follow*: First Yortgage on Improvedoßpirroplil ty, worth double the aut05tet,..,....r...8 . 14 3 , 00 Ground rent, first elaYi 8 % 460 n' POILLI. B. Li. Go.'• 6 pot rent, Hortgage. $30.000, *ID:IVO City of Thiladelpbia, 6. pert cero.7.lstmuLL. , " aopoo Cou Allodbeny connty per ct. Loan .10,600 (bilateral bonds, wellSecnied.l.„4 Apo OD Huntingdon end, Elroe4. TOP- • 100 W 1 4 0 -- • Redoubt Gatopany,"inorbpso• ban— : 4,000 00 Pnsuulvania. lieUnsed.Do.'s Stocit4..,u.„:; opal cio Stock of Reliance Alpinist InsurencstEct.e• 0 4 300 . 00 Stock of Covuitk . Zile Inisnenstrl3o: 1,06000 Stock of Delaware 11. 8. lestributti,9o,..,, , .100 . 00 Conintercial Badk ' do" " ` - `6,136: 0 / Rechaniusl Rank, '...5.,..aw - ..:;t2,012 60 . Unjortli. Ineurance Co.'s 160 00 Bill, Receivable, 16,297 18 Book les:punts, accrued iaserest,eta.— • 6 , 21412 Raab . ou hand and In handset 11,38$ lb 8306,6L8 00 OLIN TINGLEY, Prierident. R. L. Canoe,_ Lothrop, Robt..Tlgaad, Obis. Leland, . :Yretilk: Linn*, Jacob T. DultitoB, C:11. Rood, . ititanetree,•. las. 8: Woodward, `Jobit IliweLL Matt' b. 14113 LAN, &marry. • 7.'0. 001fRIIA Northeast corner Third and Woodland& Clect Tingley, Samuel 'Clapham, N'or.E.. Thompson, Hobert Steen, Yrederkk grown, limner, C. Steeenson Boin, .4. W W. Wit 4 j 101. R. orrell, Mantuan Hill, L.'S 1 P2z,ALARM. AND:INLAND IN SURANCE.-INBURANCE cour4Ar or NORTH AhLERWA, PHILADHLEIII&:: Incorpontedl794—pliPMaltrn Amu, Juuuatrt i ltr o. lo, l24 " rrine ra'' TROJKA&PLATT,MmmMtiv , TI. TNSUROCE co: OP PIX STATE OP PPMNBITIVANIAVPMICIDEPEILL I . oo 9Prag , Amu, tsbrokry USW,— Vol 00 marstta. 11=11113M1DaritrWeet. WtkitPiAaVlAßA.V'ty3‘. HARTFORD ME aIiSURANOR COI T3.34IITPOILD. ' • -- Incorporated Ino 7 evlt. 4 " parpoo. .1..«...--$406.754 33 H. 1175:17121UD0MP1P31•34 TIMO. O. ALLYN, &aviary. i>i' Insurance in ire eboie 4t . a rell ch... pentagrams I*mM:slued bfatv . UMtu reikaii ;oat water stn.; Lijimen dit •• - 'STERN 'lti small/tit IVMPA • v brit' or prstastractzt • " I L 3411 44% Jr , Rtid'lng• O. M. GORDON, "- (Mira. to 92 n •Wator street, Opium Oo.'s Won. boil., up si, PlUsbargh. Witt imam. uguitti oir kfadi As, Markt Rik. A !!mwlhatftagiqi4 owacse 151,0444, who nee thert kuoiak fif W ixtheniwiity, aid ithoi are dethr. .4441..4tf ynimper.O. ad iikrabits • 111101Istals *trader which they here 04444 04 d'erthg the toe P ,4 . 6 . 1104 t 0 thefts whip deg.., got/44 • ASSETS, 00TOBEE.se,5sail Stock Account!' .-........- 63,000 00 Blortmes ........ • • '"! 2,10000 Orlice 23000 Otteti Act:innate, ..... .... 7,909 00 Cash.— ..... 99 Pirenduat Noah ttillii.Dhiciun 27,605 14 • • • 174,075 12 Andrew _ActJay, Alectiader Spar, David M. Long, 4 0 1ta.it. rOaaa. It. Millor, Jr., James llcAilley, Nut6rwiel-1101..r llande Villiamall.blith b „ C. W. Ifticketson. CI IT IZEICS INSURANGEOOMPANY NJ 01 'IT 1741111Ataff.f•*pee ‘ tAptritet and Witer streoa, amend dim% tEAGAtitic. REA. . TIMM' titilximboatif Oargoot.•• tneuree against brand damage 14410xynytp.tfon of the Southern and Western Elven.., Lake. and dayone, anitbe wvigintlort 'of th•Siair.l loerAuul damap aOrchts.: • Winalagaley„! . , , 1 ,-- '... S. NU Kier,7 , , f. I t u .. r..O P . ' Ai Jr., , ' . . • trAt n** . ' Week, Otreus, . J: COI ' li on. T. M. Hoirk ' ' ' 'John 81 ' h, Goor B n gb , .. „ „ ,ijd fIiORILADELFILLi FIRE 'AND LIFE ~ L INSUHANON COMPANY, rigo-IM-Clionlot it., oppodto,che CWOOM HOW". ..• g., -0 - o+6ltal, $21.0,1,1:6-kipa, Wt. - 0. Will make AI kintia aT Itiatirmiee,'Olth' A... Debut or limited, mik every tleamipilott oT, Property or Me , 7 kuuvbse. at remultalde mom ciattatoly., ' NOSENT .r, __..m.nm, ..piyikk.a. . • •, , • If. Va3A:LDWIIN; neeProrktoof. F. BLAOSBItRINE, Beendyil,. . ..:!), pn110201111:: , : -1-'' , .%. , 1. , • 41.t . 1 i . O = th UNINO , ..... . . John (AsOort; : : : : L I. ii- NgSVNer - t . ' N:l4ller. .y , T.GF:iamirrer;4 o .s, :Third said Wrotatasta.. Lbw.. Barmy , 11. Cope, ' 11. , Englirb !leo. W...i1r0a44, r. li. Slirpiy; '"' ".t .daCtdly, cornar. INDESINTIT .AitibiSr,'.ooB BY :I;Vlkt.-S7ulutral; rmanksus i tmm cos • PANY Or -PHILADELPRIA:.• 'Oelkib, 485 and WI .Gbastaut stmt. nen Fifth: • Oia:tonient Maas; Tonna,,, -robildrod • • ignmibly ' to on ad of Aliosablyi Kuntldortgagmounply • • OD 14 , 1 3 4 . 043 117: 3 14 4‘ 3 . 313 P 313 ;:)° 41 .! 65 ( le • renipbrirj on onop oCo nok z &curie.' • • -4 . "US 03 Notes and Atocka, (preneniZaTififZOO7 - 714an . t0.7,40 saps coo Bal 3 33 eff# 3 t. 1 .•••;r-r-r•roCin 1421 OD CAA 7419 OD Stir The only prate from: prendasitiwblob Ibis Company r , 11, W Ain Itist,ffifiki which here been itermlneo. inanzance boadicon everi preferfy. In teen and comtryot rams sekiwi with ee2nrlty. Stab. their litiotiobritiOni peas yam, flow hare paid loose by fire WAX iximedt 'exceeding few, dalliers i qf DOW* thinbra seldom of the advanUger of ,Ineftranohattrodteg ty end dbrpoeltion to elect trith, groxiyerieet ail lbbilltieai" • " Loassisx Loom pets darktirebs year , PAW In Immymigr: • Diaries N. Dancier. , Isssa•Dss.,,; Vordecid D.' Lard., ", laic& S. Totem Wagner, • Idwar&O.lNds • Devitt B. Drorn!., YrV rfitek ISWAsziA, • Assisi,' , Gramme sits, • DHARLIDIC•BANDEZIkrretifiIest. . 1. IDWAILD4I.'.DADD: , I ‘l.A ATitay#3=fit . Narthesst ear: 'Woad' fits. -•AOBG" -- 1148C.PAN — Cir; .com • ANY OVOlV4l4,ifoi sr Mb etreet;.Bsar Bk.*: hum. whin sdlidndirt(lle lN sisal Milne Wats „ ../se.s.rompi„,Ngokisk , „, • ' JOHN . oto:;to00140. Yiea: Jr: It. 1100b i , arert4. 7 . - Ovt. WI& DWI; fireaWal ,1 • s IaItECIIMISZ A • r• - % - . A.". 40 ) 1 1;;PLOCOnit kaa4,6 ! 'll.ll:lltertlng., -- . tOapt. , Wisfribsta, ' ,; 8..14 Jegesi -. • C. 0:71oaley, Harvey*Mtie; MT. 0, : 1;04.0. JAN :8c 80N, lA * l7 ! 44 # l 9'* • 0110/4..l4llTiOlLiurp,HlATiliallTQlrgav • z; " 11e ioni(limilTelms sad * th us 0 oprAple , ainidntaant of CO M O ARD it! ANAXNJAW.,IIII4II/ .IPEONTS,. ItEND 4120 1 WALL' Pew POOKINO ,14.1giarost#4,1whaPr Just brodsht Which' iviSitigli,tsmejupnm. Solmd Ilk allyothielfitni* - • CAST =ON 80138 Z 111011214,11/O.IIMAILINO. and all tlnda 0 594k 1 49P ma 4e t l i Zt "86 OR' IrIIFAT %l , 'Tax ticerflion.Tho ProprienimpfAettata. ULAN CABIN= 0 1,1 VONDIVISaarAWNI Ma' FLED 101118" hays detorzolned, of sr. pen" to Igoe tine (Mr the botontt. or saffoting by tooolty) Spinier, thetrtioiettoeknodatoiA loam- Or, lootoren on 21strbe8r and Ate id" Norms' Pontattro Derlther= n.. 10 4 1 . 10/ Or Pompeian: ISOM' ilaigth r weer. the °rent Podia Xy&nnd thaw natation whintt result trio* TotkildWL . ...TAMP! /Po' see or 264ticity, or . Isar tuner Lirw. — tb• tßbeneotesUght, will be Ortrontoo Yves LOSXLIJII o i t t yT ti rok NAN,. .01 , Woad • ' "1' 6 Vona la M== t II