ESTABLISHED-IN 1786:1' TOHNIL OANFIEID, Co.ucrui siortAxisiaiagins, as4i . AND/ WISTRIN UM% ° Mk SUrII43I,I4_I4),POIIIIALICD_R, 117.011•%/1811, I , OT ARD /WAAL ASRLBi - RALZBATII LIN MD: AND LARD OILIS; DI/IRD /1111 2 and .Pradaaa' A ii y,N05..141 sad 143 hunt Wart, ad Mg ant angraan. (110 LP &SHEPARlTyetue"iassiog AUR- A., MUM and dealers in PLOWS, GRAIN AND PRODUCT, No. 412 Marty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chola brands of Flour for Rakers and lasolly oea ccuntantly on hand. Particular attention pakt to *Mum Oar Marchandita nand! . oettaly RANK ALS GO -PRODIINEAND Common Naaciniar; damair ?MTh, BUT ZRAROOMSREKDR, LARD, ORME, PORK, DRI . LID 0 1111 FRUITS and I, ..aduca gen erally: Moral raebadeanael Enda on consignments. Warshaw*, No. 11 •• • • eared: Plltablugh. r 3.06. J. • UNI • *;-•:, fi...:S ISEg .9N XII I I -a9/ 1 , 61 , 1 7 AND DP.ALRII IN4IA:IDR 0118, de l = Owner Rand "trete - and Duquesne Way. MoVAY, FORWARDING AND jConsnanos Niouwarr, for the sale of /LOUR, GRAIN, RADON, LARD, DUMB, NOG and Western ProdotiegenstaGy, STRUT, comer of html,l Pittsburgh, Pi. SlVOrdere and cousicaments solicited. Jaithlyd In r. s = TsgwAx' GRAIN, BACON, LARD, BUTTSR, BUDS, DREW 'Burr, sod Produce pnerally, No. 16 Market et., owner of first, Pittsburgh. - orl;dly re. P. 1430. QCNikkEER I winw - 9N yatestairli 'afict wholoilaWdialni GWOC -111/16111,0U8, IN PRODE, 3 No. Mort 'street, Pittsburgh, P. • 0e.13:41 I_l-0 mRI Lei 14.341wpg por no. WGIII Sc.m Na 183 Ltberty stmt. rat s OZNICILLL PRODUCL, GRANARY AND Alfa . MUM. WHITE BROTHERS,' ' , Folivireanuft Ann Connawas Xxsznhan, and dealt= In PROVISIONS AND IMODIJON GRNICRALLY, INlte Liberty Street, Pittaletrybas. , mr27 80110 YEA _Commune ibutoairi, • dealer La ClattLEN itiroarmaczo:cmutos. OILS,;OLASB, IRON, NAILS, de., No. IBS Liberty street. . WILLLIJI 111W141, Da ilaa. a.: Comic j • Opecd. XEANS .!‘COFFIN, suoceappra, to ILL leCandless, Mesas* Co.; WIrOLVIAIS bllO • 051L2:4 cermet Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh, mu. 7J a • IL serer, M-VOIGT Caiencoeiteorto'L. 41. .14. Graf, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MER CHANT% YAT Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pe. eta Joss L XOIIIIX. JOHN L mum; & co.; •Wltoistais ihmegionriouiwitainsreorwor smittMgMtsretristo„Pitaberwriii 1,0 VDOEHTON' & BTHWAHII;-Waout -IJuss Gamin AXD COXXISUOX Hs • No, 107 Wbod street, /Utah h. '• / a. Luma'ATIOCCIIt .....l.:111101M-411f/11: itutarstaaalt. BuMsreKTßKPATßletll,lVi‘ott ialt_Gaocsia and dealer. In FLOUR AND BANDS, Doc 191 and 193 Liberty argot, Pittaburgh. lARES 1.412,81,14 it tiO_N:, COMM* J itIMCIWiTS for the inN of CRUDE AND EY MAD PARDON OILS, No, OS Fad 70 Water street, Plttabnr s:' - Adranceimade en toriekaita. , 4 • UOWEITAL - 1.1 , . QIMON JOUNSTON,, DRAutsr, .Ptras A 3 MINDS AND tarEtIOALB,IILNIVIIEBY, TAROT 000D8, BURNING FLUID, 01L8, vat- ILT 11.8DIODM, dr..,,01 atrictly prime qual ity. which ha *tiers a lowest 'prima DA-mir Smith. Geld sad Fourth straits, Pittsburgh. Pa. • Plrseri • •.• ..csia • ,00suptuattlai &Lail hours. 1./ A. k'AILN f - • ..:161.10., ^ tuna, JUN Lux Ddraern and Manutdctuar of WEITZ LXAD ANDLITLIAROX, odmorpf,Widd cod post streets, Pittab. :h. • ash? I . 11.; WaoLizamep- • to AZ DIIVI*PALSTKOILII.V/Itlimull*AND DYE STOTYIS, No. 5509 Liberty argot, Pittsburgh.— All orders will real.. • mpt attontke. mh:24 -4 A_ 7 ITElkWmouramd Anti semi DAuoiliTax-;coc*iiii.a4fit7A4....:. Clalr ttree' Pittabargh: It 111E0. IL KEY6IIIII, Dsuaourr: J 1.1140 Wood atelat,corner , 39.4 street and Virgin alley, Plttobardk. Pa. .41 . 1t111:4''101"1.; TORN - G. , MApCO AT on,g;ialiondirmtekr/ORNE:t sac. N 0.93 Diamond stneol. 77— f . "i""11 . will attend to go lettlemakt:Oottniltriii thin ot dams. bountien, &c., In . : trAgaiMICK4 I 4- 1 0114APT, ArioN ANAomily tawiatatiNtreargOotrool, Wm dam above Nttldligd:PittobsasbcPa.,v-, TOW= PVIDNIV.,APEDD9tr AND Dirsco, No:130 'holitir'itrimit;'ockokeof Merry' elle . Pa. sultdawl QAMUEL I' Ilitit:4lll.72quaT NJ LI lair Omni, Fifth street, adjoininglSlßetiOL" shall Brown, Pittsburgh, Pa. a • at M. •A • NJ* OCKritniok AT Law. has remarid to • LAW BUILDINGS. No. 12 Diamond Wee; next daar. fa AIL NI-MA •• • • 16:d1y Q . . 11)'• JR:4 ArrOliAln' AZ;LAW, 1.7. X*. Lis fourth strico 4 7 1 1 6 1,..116:0 . ! rding. Plutbumgh, —" • •• - mhl l' . .i . _',7:.:.' rilearle4l . :a la y oionsagor KLN M BZ W VXCH22IThtt MK, CO, ' 111=.16-• 1415 HELL OLIN POTS • PLAIWASHI,IIII%IMC/RhIII, , DIHRD QIT uuti-krOilf• Wray. Batt brands. /sadly flour al IniVabeliazni; • Aititatlbristlit , br gladbal OrOs bilatintod'abitgated Ltg tleausd out IHr Irkst eta, barrels - geld, Pittiburgh Pa. igghtlf VIL 014L1 !, Torwsuling and Ourainbaion Mer. chant'"ad •46Har CHINSH,AVOTTEIrLAILE Yin mad Produce'. ostralty; 1110,, ,WR9d groat, abort, wear, Pittsburgh. alt jrAlitif.B AMAMI rkt.%)., , atoßic DEAL fey itaa and &alarm to PROVIIHOHS, sorer of Mar ket and groat arms.:;.:::.:.;?, , .1143111 LM9V7R4XVI,E J 43.41-RD EttER_CO Et TN, Aosltr nos towt=oznarnot, North•oort comer Wood sod 11 7% 011111' • . a••441•14 - ,atfeirooryl•sols -NO ili•lford ra aorsac• Com • in Wider ' • " -SzoasTART; thrill= • arAll,fairg.4M(Ltin-mr°Tl'!"!t Water ' • 41.13iMissci otagralnfoli wA, • ii , r tvi "theeptitt” . isruiutiocarbilitzt,' Inhfo . " = . ,loax _WASQN). ..e±g4t-lk:Ca? !two, — PaPi a Cc 141111108 AND.XIOIB6BIO DBZ 00088, dr e. 91 Wood sung, tbiid bongo Vion. Diamond il• BarridWillCo. WSoird9 , aBotall Denim in BTAPLI - Alwriatarrwr 00088, North- r!!M• 19 1 if I • 801 7 1 Lt? rt; Lamas is Sri I.J. vas Les 'Nacre' DE CFOODS;EIem a( *be tal k tee g t . e X skir • hl4 1 ' ' i• 11.N.):7WT5ciii - i -7- 4. 4 it- 4 Digir 411 1 411 M M t4- 14 tattciAtil li n! 8 : 1 . k . le WiON: • , a Muslim nanomnassi, Tnanniunni, Norio* inn., • IT and Id Irtidlonenntaiultnnwik7 •pl 5 ijL:W 3.;21i 41.,LIMER, _l3 ' . l jl JligialamiffantiUstit ac, mew Moe rtiro* . - GROMM itig& V.R AR, %PH OLELUX GROOM oommusioN o:fmmt,ris, . . . . •, • • ,, ... NaL•rt aid SO fhaltbileld, titre* JenYd PiTTtISBYIiHi Pd.. A A • - - r JrnAg a .4,. TRIMEgiE;' . Waists:sax Oacips Ana, Coluoillok Iduatants, denims in PRODUCE, Lona,-sAcom, 14,10441911. CABBON AND LARD OIL, ISON,NAITA GLANS, COTTON TARNR,,. an4L.Pittsbargh =naiad ure4 DONCI.III'DOSALD.—.7. AIIiIICILLX..U.:...:O; aiIIICILLA. MCLIKONALP &,ARBUCKLFiWHOLS- M CSAXMAkbIin in VEritriti and .110 . 111 1 0 82112,,f, Z 11.1222424 ,ma 82712P8,11.022.1X2. 001 A 2, OVA, &A., 2 L ia. 22 Liberty' ouveU rbi • • •., ,- , . . : --. no14:1 . 11.. 1/ t 1101. 41 , 11.411,111111M....44.a/704 D., itiTXBl - EI !if • MER- hi' , BROT#EII3B, , ettooessora rAksilwrakAtaff deelers'ln. l'OlisaG/C - PUVITs •NUTS ' AND SPICES, CON ruzioloraimuaiss., Nos. Pouf .us.wc€44o4eg,t; aboy•—virtn. Pittrlmßh; NAM . RR ; AWBiSON-&•CO Waotstais Ash cus; ankirignins MoienAnyni denim in r• 1! Wads of PROVISIONS; PROIDUOR; iod boksb. lawayeutufra, VG • I.lbtrty street. PIO& G • . ' • jtc JONES, - WHOMAim Dxsuis, NOM OAKUM, iffllifirdkrrittabarth manizhetured art:Ws% *iaterinumwore the Itadouthet4 Bridge; , . NOWT DiLULL.. Z. IZZADIXO. RiOBERT DALMILL to 00; WHULH MIWaeociu, uoitinum LID 3eIWAIOIIIO r. and dealers In PRODUCE and PIM b b manutietnins, Pitlibargh. ==;= T.IAXI BERT & SITIPTON;" WirOLE.SALE 1-IGiocisa, Pxourcx Dxstsus and (Xisuissios Meacusirrs, No. 6 Sixth moot, Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHN lIAM WAIT% WILSON;' Witotailas • I ems, Coxswains lizscnswrs, old dealers to .?reduce and Plitslmrgh manufactures, No. 168 Lib ertr street. Plrtsbuish. __• -JUANA t -Mk: inaparax elacentas, Coninsaatox iliacaura, and dealers la No. 80 Water Urea, and 08 Prone street, ,Pittatnagh. ank. W. /MAFIA.? IL S. DILWORTH & CO. Wlioucatis V• lhocals, Non 130 and 132 B ernard street, near - bmlthEeld~ P; "JONV MIA L...uutimaturtorh—....M.ll42.l3l 71/1.1)11). J_ 1011 W FLOYOI CO., WHOLESALE Giw. ' cm AID COMIUMBIOAIIIILCUAIreStii. 172 Wood • 2281 Liberty btotet,littatough...._ jolD . uni..l IA St WitT3LEseis 1711 Osocia, Na. 18 sad tII Wood street, Pitts pulet, Pa WU:a( Atr4VlfAiertatiesid. , mcxr1111.1.........N. P. HAAT. MACKINTOSH., 11LPHILL Lt Co., corner Pike and ti'Llariintreeta, near the City W{ ear M. T r O k Al P lYi s ln r i g ' ARYL n n lrl'll r OTED PATENTAISCILLATING ENGINES AND SLIDIEVAIYEirtd 11111a7osbbeet Kirk.- , Raring put up menhir:wry Orlarge capacity sod o the beet quality, we are prepare.] to du beery Job bing, and solicit work In Ibis lips, trusting that by promptness, end the clientele: olour work, to merit public patronage. • We invite special attention to our BALANCED OSCILLATING ENGINES, se combining adraignilernwtnibri imattsineo . 4s pats • dwirce; '• •• - • • .' bakird wasuoi saniutux—. x. /AVM UTILLAANt BARIQBILL. CO., No. 61 ‘ll Zinn irtroeti belowilistinry," Pittsburgh, P., EVEICAX BOILER ELAKERS AND SHEET IRON IM, RIMS; Manufacturers of BARNHILL'S PAT. ENT BOILER, 1,09) OTLYE, PLIAED and CYL INDER BOIL YS, BUZTODAW /IRE BED, ST ONDENAMISAA.LT KI PANS, GAIGIAILE N YAWLS:, lan BOATS, etc..oat.-4 AIse,,,BLACKSMITWeI-WORK, BRIDGE iIIeZDEDUDZIAIONB, done Rielliedtioit •Bl 0,46 *; A1 th10:4 1.-66 I,!*qt_Ptirag' O.IIIAB MOORE, MANUPACTURER or or COVY&R-Dl2. :TILL RE EYE - WIIISEY"and . TAMMY . WINEGAR, Noma in, 191, 193 and 195 hint street, between Smithfield and tlront silents, Pittsburgh. Rer Private orders solicited. Highest mutat prim pAhl for RYE.' , , ;far Fuel 011 and all othervleonone Ingredient. carefully extraktieg bjle4rolsee new and Improved. OSEPH F. HAMILTON & CO., OprneF 42,1%y1ret and Liberty !tracts; SUPZILIOR STEAM ENGINES, MACHINERY, Sc., , . - Q • : " • 'lib, No. Ott WITAM - MT., /We Pittsburgh, =au ..dtirer of BOILER RIVETS, MILOUGHTBRIKX3. COMMON AND RAILROAD , 2 2 I=gta , :;i.ii, siiiiiiimia nit: TS,Or ot cot1 to ;013 btn t 3 'l l A notice. s. A sot, * '") N - - • __ • r __l successor •ot it,—mtBis4ioni a r..36r HOT fRESSED NUTS AND WASHERS, CHARCOAL HORSY-SHOE IRON and NAIL RODS, BOILER IRON and RIVETS. I r8i5H1C4iti6...4.1..W4.4130471: Ca r Pa. Jyablyd Warehouse, 13 Wood H., Pittatoult;. . .16 2. . 27 WIP2LI.L. tXXF.l 4 4.l.o.rzt %yaws. Warthog*, No. 12 Wood street, corner • Yid, Pittsburgh, Pa. ses:l2d . A ittatnire PI Lkj, ' rn.6.—.....,, jiLVDIAIsI it 1. ? 1.),. No. 215 Liiivili7 4.3 btirgb, takeovers AND Ibiticriltte SWITCH• ou n i t every description of LBATBER BRAIDED 1 Vniars soliclisd it= lbe trlideeond ROW. promit y shipped as pre instr nctioni.- fistuiewlyr , ) 1 " : oft: ' FIA' I 3. ' . ' I WITHOUT PAIN. BY THE USE OF AN APPARATUS agg"ICAR,"FitiI°,4!..YACIIA/TEalr Cold weigher is the time when the apparatus can • • wed to its beet advantage. lenlififierllnd r tbuirAnaltes Jews had terrify =it xt twe by..wy precut, MN annudy to teddy as to the/misty end peduleammes of the opera tion—whatever has been said by persons interested in ametting the contra r y, haring no knowledge of my proms. sarAntin&ittain 64Midifir i 0 7 '6. E. 013 DRY, Thornort, 134 Smithfield Gt. TOSEPII A AMP% DEarrisr, .Connelly's Bulltibtg, ioiuer of Dlaisoad iuid Giant streets. Pittsburgh. Banduzioss—Dr. A. D. Pollock, Dr. Hillock, REJL ENTaIITE .461E.r711. WurtaanW TjT Dr44ll‘ IS PEON , tasowiNersa, Downs, Ifotraaoss, and all so. coultios for money. Pent= Ma procure LOANS through my agency Thom wishlnelo Wrest r Money t'good ad vantage, can always And arm and wand ohm paper at my oaks, for sale. • All conununlealnweaVeAs pickily confi dential. ' Ite St. Paul's Cettbedtal Jel:dtf rizlaPtvibrodlit•Prioli TAMES M. BALM, late assistant to CI Cbguieo Butbarger, propares EXPLICIT DRAW. INDS AND SPECIFICATIONS for all. kinds of ButleingoomOjtopo ehelsweilloet . m quo. abilotAriber“. - - Offkn on Andeteon street. between Lowe* mid Robinson strode, Allegheny City. jel2 kj. , -Await - ' -; ir. ilittr, su.e. - °. , NSAVVIPE inkrioNs! libr Buildings utonsry . . liatou; work. superior aud: 00 moderato tango my2ally. a LR DYsAEB LUMES:lbatmicrusi s r k ! AlT wa P sP O I V ANO•OSTES, and It ror tIVIIMI P an : IrA i tt i M DAVIS IF IriOk N 24 mr .up., mat 30:AmmitrADAUSCSAFralk verfeet. • se T4)82441 .44tra11' 4 -7‘' -- .oarth amid sad Dheated elkor. Pitt:o=o6 BOOIENE KAY , A .M.,BOOXISELLSRS. .AND tirki tioiress, No: 66 WOW street; nutt"door to the sores? or Third. Pittsburgh, Pe. SCHOOL and vv 2o LAW,II Wags . tige Mod, , „ .-.., 4 .ri) . i BM% & :" SiiitoNi, MIL lilJall BOOK )11/Jmnheralas, AXD JOl Possuorh,No.ll Wood moot. /Pf trobareu: -• is .• or Imieription' , r, ••-' ' - "Ko ITTA, sixualizura AND su. el • T•ctmi.ANFf AND COMMERCIAL JOURNAL. pirreavaou, iura+•CTUBZU 01 12:1102 iit.5.":7,4",(11. PLIL.rOB. If Olt 1200, OABH.—.lma awes at the new . lbws Wareroonsa, No. 4g Binh street, if OA 1 OCT. Eossw 02 1 : pith Top Moulding Carved Legs. Wont Sesmd, and "Improved Iron Frame," mad. by owl of tba best Nene York makers, nod will be sold for Sgt cash. OHABLOSTE BLUMN, Bold A gent for Masten Midi, and Ilince's Mak. dans.. ' • Rip s22s—One beauLl Z.Waltuat6X,oe't:ve CHICIIRRING PIANO, fall Iron Frame, New Sad% Mooed from $275 to Nat, Puy remind nod tor '• ' tee." 'JOHN IL ''NZLLON.; 8t Wood strut. S2L/V_ S. _ *250 .--Twodepot Baleipoma 634 'octar. PIANOS; OIIICKERING, with toB Don Frame New Scale, re duced from $290 to $260, just received and for We try 1e8; JOHN IL INELLOR, ill Wood Wean. 'faiNtilliti lit.loJib. - ~ , . •Ilie Cythara, by J.D. Woobbury—per d02...i260 the New Lizte•of Zion by - J. WoWbnry do 860 Ite'Asapb, by Dr. Lowell Maim, do ... 860 .1 b• 7012 1D0ni 3, 7 4 11.003e Jr. acor.,. do .- 860 The Sab bat h b by George T. Boot, do -. 860 - The Jnbilee,lo , William B. Dradben7, do -. 860 , The cluietian Minetrei, by Aiken, do ... 8 50 The Sacred Star. by Leonard Marshall, do ... Er6o • • • • JUTENLI,D HINGING BOONS. • The Golden Wreath, 110th edition—per dozen-00 00 Tana Harp, by J. A. eNitse, do .- 900 The Nightingale, (new book) do ... 800 Dabbath School Hen. do -. 1 20 6 The Golden Chain , kw ilablwth &boob, do 1 60 I L •-'All the above for male in quantities or singly by j, . 60 J 0 .111711. MELLOR, No. 81 Wail it., oet . . ton Dlartioud alley and Fourth ..rE 1100/CS. ENV BOOKS NEW BOOKi The Pilgrims of. Mahlon. pre Mous, kr Jahn - Brows, i. D. Health', by 44. d. The Sutherland*, by author of Rutledge. The Cloister sad the Hearth, by Charles Read.. John Brent,Byillor Wiudowp, Ihneuse, by ' " Flange In Many Keys, by 0. W. Holmes. Revolutions. In Zuglish Mbdosy, by Vaughn. BuCkle's Hlstdry of !antis . tHo!L EmedyWlY peoige • thiiioa.r,byawww...matu.A. Hlitory of the United Stabs, by Patton. bunsetcon the Hebrew Mountains, by MeDufL Ellicott's LIB of Quirt. Muller's Lite of .Trust , • • . Lord Desam'e Bible Thoughti: The Kw- and She k l eareaky Horizons. trench's'iniciuros di We geren Eburches of Aela. 18W and Letters of John Angel James. Precticol Christianity, by Abbott. Hand Book of the Presbyteßan - Cturch, • book for Ministers and Elden. Cur Country sad the March', by M. L. Rice, D. D. • For sale by ' R. 8. DAVIS, felt. - No. W Wood street. TA. 1) Alt LI MILITARY_ ' X . l BOOKS. in - tants' Art of War- new edition. Reined U. S. Army War, inropcan Onalry. lielnellan'Ontkantioe PaL-41.*3-• klcelellasee saytent gaining. /ilanal f 4 fisMaj'lfit ll 4Cos4" Sursegge. U. S. satii6Fizfa Field Atiutun of giolgtidn'ofttle Line. Seoti:e.forastfT.TV U. S. Intitatt7..Csoi 4Stbdifintl: • Singel:lw zu:ArtUlery and intapt4: - Special orders for Multaij Work, protapPr at tended to. (felt] gill' • C0.,55 Wood et. TCARDR. T • YON AttNal.44 AND .1 4 1 /Was* in the, wart select irminibiof OENU/NE tiA %INA . MASS, and ill kinds of 1111101EIND AND CIIEWINIT TOBAC00; • MINI, irmtc7 ILEILBSUILAUM PIPES, TUBES, de., tr.", In yea variety, UNDER - THE Ir. OHADLES HOTEL. . B. Rhi Vida saziplled on liberal taring: kJT U • 11.1. 0 AN 0, STUCCO AND MAST/0 WOUILIA, PAPIN. NANCE'S-Ala. .PLAATERNN: ; • . , Ateur.,l47lliltif OitiA.MENTB at al - kinds ttiral•hed on short notice— eu oidata Mtt at No; sa Ociairriaritreat, tlx doon. tireft'Vlrylliiisost—Palskals-WalLPEpiellt4F,i No: 91 Wood atriiet. be • Ito. I stisimbili4:l AM, • CALDIINLL, Jl. rtAIDWZIA,` ociiiiii,7BOAT Furman- NJ no ANDHAINII3 xuainta, ELSALP:AND COTTON CORDAGS, PITCH:ROO. IN AND OILS, TARPAULINS, DUCH, LIMIT AND lizAvx : Ru.AS Water and TB brunt etreeta, Pitts • opSSI UrV. YOUIS ti t ' successor to Cart :teriglet t Tool:tick No. 97: Wood street, comer of Diamond Wig, desks. in all kinds of CUTLERY, EAZORS, ItrtLY.s, REVOLVERS, Kxtyss, 84a13-: SONS, GUNS, etc., 4c.' A large•easorteseout - of the above goods coostaatly on Rued.- • seht , fAuipeozi TO.W.NeRNIU, Posac CP Percale . Juin ,DZAIX1111: 11 r BACON ' BEEF, LARD. ILESl3'.n.bilk.litibtP. fourth street, near Mem, Pittsburgh. Y. - MARSHALL, lhauctrar WALL frArnis..Boxpuis ac.. $O. 41.:Wpd' Ansi. Pittsburgh._ . . • .• • R• IL •V: " OOD Dealer In BONN IS, HATO, STILIILW 111108:81ad STRAW GOODSlonerally.s • • _ afEDI4II.I6. , w fitugh„glatzoierixas co ~1" lA' •Oase. ). /2 1 '"ahich:' Might be . checked •• 42 C ( , --Ittith , •sisr,ple - remedy, id e n;i 'ita ik t 414 6 eli- 4, 4**T:'?ii4N. I . - are:•clipeme of :the - irne of i pPinq a A:4 44 ar . ‘O 7 -44i %?cld unitse7t - ockgr to a mild Avitedi; :not . 4aitivrecT,io; 'span. attacks/ the _laws: • ' ' aoca.weitaJtandiA 4 ar.Aes were first intetcluoal , eleven, years-ow - 9., It has been, proved that ; they are th. • beat article Woe the. public _lb ,- fazzfedda, 411; ow-Leh/tie, iiFeziap , sh, the Hada:2l9 Cough in Xansumplian, and numerous affiekna 9f-the o:hotted, sizing inunidiate retie. .Piablit",slol7orCer gingers wit - fr74:theys effeetuol for •cleFinit and streni/the . (airy.. the voice.- . ;7301d by hl2 (Prugesate wad g.:4aZere, iii, . . , . Xeditrine i at 35 cents, poi boa. . . - rot to:loMONJQtridirroN 6. 1.1: Kerns WA. YA,101=001( 00:,k: SEAMS &OM: B. 14: TAltif k 0041d:'11. 1 /ALNDZWYOZT sad lirldri NllOOB. - • - - Aminirtkar • it-ltDical.: Wkitl).- • " . - • . . 7 '^- ' W. SODICNHANZA M. A. ==:nm . . . . Having arrived tn"Pittehirgln • id% .. 9rtele his , esdaNreatteottoa'ta "theilgolicelamL. trestmentref Otwanta Likaitaan. Owe Hp Lower Bowel, each I.ll, 4 _ o oonsti ,-;111Male, 17= ttzaratut= one Chronic Meese. of the Womb, Kidneys, Mulder. fo. His rooms meet thillonongehata Hon" whom be may hewn einketmernlied from 9 o'clock a. w. to o'ckettV itallt.- ,, Patkette, will texteiled in say .0 the et .- &Mani .4PIIOI 4,The pailful:Um of this Inextheebil do zmatkm ablowdryi to xmadthol. iflidnett the =Whine! virtual of opium, Meal:trio Shornol7 Vied Via all the noxionsz kv alltiee of the On& i end other peltV r aectione, It will relieve pels end; Irritation, 'Any ocavaldom, meemoilte rt.%. and , morbid excitement of bowls sae mind, hrithoat cam ingettemme, cued or headache Theme whist. , rabbrquentlee sand It emendated ist the lid. Prepared end iold by it22.*D.lialins, • vni g . 1 gists 100 Initoll street, New York. Sold Inip3 by B, A. TAIDIESTOCIL CO., Fitts. baret4l.4. . • I Sole alto by iltrandele mmerelly. no4.oollw..dtT L. ALLEN; &Mgr; . • PRODUCE AND 0011178810 A mszczANT, Asd Wholas*AsAlfAll Nair WIND% BRANDT'S, LIQIIOBB AND CIOADdi ' siAo, • asorlynNo DIBTILLNIki No. a wcatatiaaa' Pares. nottatztol •• - ANC' BMA) 200 - extra irf £ owe seit re ; age if ig. , roxor a 00. Id VI pittshurgh 05azettil. S. RIDDLE & CO., EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, Publication Office No. 84 Fifth Street. MORNING AND EVENING EDITIONS, DAILY, CONTAINING THZ LATEST NZWS UP TO TUE HOUR 07 PUBLICATION. *TERMS: Plonemee Enmos--1113 per Annum in adenines, or 12 cents per week from clink.. Ifirtamo Karriow-121 per annum In advance, orb cents per week from =dere. Wizxur KnmoN—Singlis 12 per annum; llro or more, 11,15; Ton or %mar* in per annum?, .tnrarfably In adianco. ADVNILTNING AT RTASOItABLE RAM, THURSDAY ' MORNING, - FEB. , 27; 1862. lheaugttral Addrnie 6 . 1" J 01:. (From th e Richmond Examiner. Extra, Feb. iSi.] Femme CITIZENS t ---On this the birthdaY Of the man most identified with the nitablish meat of Americaqndependenee, mid beneath. the monument Skated to commemorate .his heroic virtues and those of his compatriots, we have assembled to usher' Into existence the permanent government of the tkinfeder-. ate ;State's. • Through this instrumetitality,• under tho:favor 'of Divine Providence, we hope to perpetrate the prima - PIO of oar Roo luttonary fathers. The day, the memory, and . the -purposes seem fitly associated. It is with mingled feelings of humility and pride that - .I appear to take, in the presenceof the,people and before high. Heaven, {the oath preeeribed as a qualification for the'etalted station to whieb the unanimous voice of the people has called mu. Deeply.sensible.of-all that ie haploid by, this Manifestation of, the peopleVerdiddence, T km yet morepfefoluidly impressed by the vast responsibilitp of The office, and humbly feel my own unworthiness. In return for their kindness I den only' offer assurances of the gratitude with which it is received, and can but pledge it zealous devotion of every facility to the melee of those who have chosen me as their Chief Meg imitate. When a long course of class legislation, dl r.-toted not to the general welfare, bat to the aggrandizement of the Northern_ section of the Union, culminated in a warfare on the domestic institutions of the Southern States —when the dogmas of a sectional party, sub tainted for the-provident af_the constitution- al compact,' threatened to :destroy, the sever-:: eign rights•of .the States, six of those State*, withdrawing from the Union, confederated to-• gather to exercise the right and.: pin-faint file ditty: of instituting-a goverment lehiehwould better secure the libertierfor the preservation/ of which that Union' was established.: - .• • .• Whatever of hope sonic may have that a returning sense-of juitiertfauld'Aei move the danger with which our , nights:were , - .threatened, and render it possible to preserve thb . Union of the COnztibition, must' ave been dispelled by the inelfgellyaind.berbaritYef. the Northern States in the pioteeittlen. of :Abe. existing - war. The confid ence of-the most hopeful among us must hive: been ;destroyed by the disregard they have recently fur all the time honored bitiftelts.?if eiviland Tangle's', liberty. Bastiles-filliti.wlllrpriten-: ,eO, - arreeted without civil precast: or indict, input 'duly found; the Writ of. habeairoorpas Baste:aided, by: tie:Mica niandffip; - ,•5 .. State ' Legislature controlled by the impriioninentlif members whose. avowed principles, suggested, to the federal -Bamutive that there:might be duither added to, the lilt : Of - aikido& States; elections. held. andel- . threats . 4 i military: power; civil officers, peaceful-OW*4 and gen- : tip , women incarcerated, for. opinion's sake, ploclaimed the incapacity - of our late &sta dium to administer a government - 'as free, liberal-and humane as that'ettahlished for our common use. , ' . For proof of the sincerity of •oirpurpose to l it maintain - eur ancient itiatitut s, :we may - point to the ,0 0nstibilintl4 .- Vedalsei. and the Isms enieted - tinder 'i ~: wen .11:tof the feet that througtiallitie ne cessities," of an . Unequal struggle therelisis been no act on our part to hipairrsonal - liberty of the freedom. tit': speech, of thought' r of the prels:' • The Warta. have been epee, the judicial fetstiens *Sy-executed, and every right of , the . pettie; fal citizen maintained - as securely -se if:a war of invasion had not disturbed the laud. ILThe people of the. States now confederated me convinced that the governMent of the United States had fallen into the hands of a Sectional majority,: who would pervert that Most sacred of all trusts to the destruction.of the rights which it was pledged to protect. They believed that to remain longe r in the Union worild tiutjesit: them to sccontinuende of I disparaging ' discrimination, submission to ' Whieti would be inconsistent with Ttheit w.el- - fare, and letaleiabisitea.Protid people: They therefore determined 'Weever- , its, hande.iiid establish easier eonfedersej , fiirthemselims., .:. : The experiment instituted hr our-Revolu tionary fathers,of: a voluntary anion of • stri ereign Stem:a:for prirPesest specified in a: adman - compact, bad been peiverted by 'ttione:Stlio; feeling poeer and forgetting right, were tie` toiniined 'to respect no la* but their own will. The government bad ceased. to answer. the ends for . which it was ordained and establish ed. To :save ourselves-from a revolution which, in its silent. but rapid ,progress, was about to place us under the despotism of num bers, and to preserve in spirit, as well as" .in form, a mystem Cr government beilived to - be :peculiarly fitted to our oonditiOn, and'fidi s of promise to mankind, we determined to make 4 new assodatiois, composed of , Stateatomo, 4eneour in interest, in; policy and In feeling. ' True to oar traditions of peace and our love °f iiiide.e, ytklilni boinmissioners to ths poi led States to propo s e fair end addelible int rtleMent 'of all:questions of publie debtor prop :ere; which might be in dispete., But the gov !erminint-it Washington; ifehjing Mi , fight to' self-government, refused even to listen to any' I proposall for a peaceful 'separation.' • Nothing was then loafer us but to prepare for war. e. The first year in oar history has been the ' most.evomtful in the annals of this continent : : A new government has lden established, anti its machinery - put: in operation .over san area exceeding' seven 'bandied: thousand square miles. The treat principle' Upon' which- we have been willing telieses4eferYthing.thet is dear to man have made conquests foi us Which could never have been achieved. by the sword, Oar confabs/toy has gtown from six to thir teen States; ataf,filaryiesad,.,aiready seized tO WI by, Wowed :asewories sad ientemat :interests *ill, I believe, idlest able es speak .with *gill( lid voice, Mmed, her destiny; idea :the mgootis.. Our people have rallied with tOtanimi ity to the astipert, of the grist - principle's Of constitutional government,' with firm-resolve to perpetuate by arms the, rights which they could not peacefully ' - secure: ; A million 'el men, it is oath:elated, L ate ; non standing in hostile array, and waging)war along a -Ikon tisk of thousands I:ol..tailosc, Rattle, liars fought, sieges have 'been: - .conducted,: =arid alitoesdi do woke il nor sada, mid she liditir Um ainnerst is egoist& Os, 'flse.jleil• result is oar She period is nett et hand token oer../0., , n.sior SO tads!' liAirlortoelead - e - r - dokcMlh4 i iholavi io•niyi, : e debt which inliotir 'tort I to imhingiti.- its keit already: I ,*44144 ' et 1 fearful 'dimensions as wilVsntti•ei -, than • hol intrilitine4bloh Muir eontinne teopprese them: forgerialitinni.tationiteL - . '''' " •1,...._ 1 We, .tosi, have: our trials- and i di idaultiee. i That we are to meows -them in future:lend, to: be. hoped.L It :vas!. ibli'...espected. when wee entered Upon this liar 'that it 'wo uld. expose; oar people . saciilloes end , Coat them lunch,: both et:A:an W noy. arablood,.Jietire kook . thel Wainsiof She object /or ,iihhilt ire:ettiggifil,l and understood the nature of the.wir In wh eh' we - •ere:engaged:othing could be so sad; asTailute, andany aserilloofWiadfieiclii - 41. - as the price of emcees inmuch a contest.- L, , ti_ i But-thts picture has Its lights as.well as its : shadows. ThislfeaS Wife-lac awekened - in: the people the highest emoticntisindioidalkitelef the human SOUL "Itii coltkritieg.teeringstoll patriot-Um, virtue and , '69riiPt... :laptanees! of self-saoridoe *ad ..vf B 0 401 ) 94 1- 4 'ooll an WI ls theoblswhich forwhichwe are enintanding: iiiiiiii — thr — iiiikoC;tfiefiT - 'Ker,Wrillea,a; people evinced a more deteinele . 4tibrit 'tkobj that stow , attialatias men, women and children lanitterygoeilAt. - ant eltnit Jjpon the- first , eall,thesuen,:ili.:te 4111 11 4...14W - gtis . , -- iiftl methersMend their blisbaullb-- ,434 4 01 i1rWi1:04 tle witholitltAnannult oiseveLo ~, ,:,_.,,- :-.. i . iivnedigionlitiordliatioirvtiProv4 deice: tltaVistii-trht• .- Whe--taugho-ilinSitti of • eifillfect*bythOrrOrlifolissepitjr:iiitlisinj ~ c 1.:._/.. I- .:.:... , :r.v.v?tt .4 r r • r! 1 -` .5 , :11.1. :,,r73...,.:. 1,, ;..t:,Xi:P,,,1T.Z.., 1.:' , 1t• 1 • The recollections of this great oontest, with all its common traditions of.glory, of =mike and of"blood, will be the bond of harmony and enduring affection amongst the people, pro ' diming unity in peliey, fraternity in *anti . went, and joint effort in war. Nor have the material saorifices of the past year been made without some corresponding benefits. {f the creestieseetiee of foreign satiate in a pniteided b/ockads hoe deprie . ed of ear cononerta with them, it s fast waking st a self; supportlng and an independent people. The blockade, if effectual and permanent, could only serve , to divert oar industry , from the production of artiolee for export, and employ ill supplying commodities for domestic) zse. It Is a satisfaction that we have maintained the war by our unaided exertions. We have neither asked nor received aesietanoe from any quarter. Yet the Interest involved is not wholly our own. The world at large is con cerned in opening our markets to its com merce. When the independence of the Con- federate States is recognised by the nations of the earth, and we are free to follow our inter ests and inclinations by cultivating 'foreign trade the Southern States will offer to man ufacturing nations the most favorable markets , which' ever invited their commerce. Cottony sum, rice, tobacco, provisions, timber maim* • val stones will furnish attractive exchanges. Nor would the constancy , of those supplies be likely to be dieturbed by war. Our confeder ate strength will be too great to tempt aggres sion ; and never was there a people whose peo ple, whose interests and principles committed them so fully to a peaceful policy as thise of the Confederate, States. By the character of their productions they are too deeply interes ted in foreign commerce wantonly to'disturb it. War of eompteet they cannot wage, be cause the constitution of.their eonfederacyud mite of no coerced association. Civil war there cannot be. ,between, State*, held together by their volition only. • This rule of voluntary association, which cannot Tail to be conserva tive, by securing juin indiniputial govern= went at home, does not diminish the security of the ebitgations by whieh the Cenfederite Stateimay be bound to 'foreign nations. In proof of this- it is Jobe remembered that, at the first moment of asserting tlseiroigAt of ettesseiest, them States prepared a settie;seat as the basis of commosidiaiiiity for: the obligations of the gen era! Fellow - eitheeer after the, eireffilles of;eV' hadeonsecretekthe right of thi ? togu.houn to- 1 oonstitutionarepnaentative government, ear colonial antelfarswereforeed to vindicate that birthitight' by - an "appeal to Arms. 'Success crowtied their 'efforts and they provided for theft posterity's. peaceful remedy against fu , :: tare aggression: The tyranny - of an unbridled majority, the finest odious end least resoonsilrle loran of des , potism, has. denied ua both, the right and the remedy Therefor e we , are in,atms to renew such eactitiosts as our father s made to the,holy cause of constitutional liberty. 7;M the dark= est horn of our struggle the previtionst givee -place to the permanentgoverninent:' After a aerie. of tueoattes and victories, whielticeriered I our arms ibidi skies, we have recently met with serious di.asters. - Satin the bean of a people revolved to be free these, disasters tend but to stimulate to increased resietanee. , To show ; ourselves worthy of the inheri tance bequeathed to us by the patriets of the . Revolution, we past einulate thit heroic de votion whilh made reverse to them but the crucible iu which' heir pettiothstra eras refined. Withtonfidence'lti tbe"wisdom and virtue of those who will share with`me the responzi- Witty, and aid -me in the oonductof public! • affairs; peoluoly relying on the patriotism and 'courage of the people, of which the preeent war has fmnisbsd so many examples, [deeply feel the weight of• the responsibilities I now, with unaffected difildence, am about to as sume ; and, fully realizing the inadequacy of human power I. guide aod to. sustain, my hope is reverently,fixed on Him.whose faior is ever vouchitAfed to the cattail which Is just. With humble gratitude and adoration, ao knOwledging -the Provident* which has so ,visibly protected the confederacy during Its brief but eventful career, to Thee, Oh, God, I trustingly commit myself, aid prayerfully invoke Thy blessing on my country and its Latest from Washington. WMMINGTOX, Feb. 24.182. have. . ~ ; The reports whichhh- been oireulatsd of . the evacuatien - by the : rebels- of ..Manassas is riot erodi4d. The - .ttor his. tillable izifortna: tion to tbe.gfl'soL,that noe Rennet ra e.hree t . of the'rebele have left their .position at, or in front of, Minassa& Many of their re-enlisted woo, baring been ferioughed for sixty days to enable them to visit their homes, have de parted: • : As they filled • number of trains for some dijis, the rumor that they were going away by rgimentigoCciat: Their departure does not amount to materially weakening the enemy in Our front, • though 'it Is very 'questionable' whether they will ever again join.tbeir reaped- Live regimenta r owing to the twice's.' of. the rmy of the United Stabs', the destruotlen of heir railroad connections, etc. , . . . i FURLOUGH TO THE NiTORNID PRINGNRREI. 1 ,It is i stated, that Pearetary, Stanton has granted a fprrobgle Of thirty diyi to"the -re turned prisoners fro& Richmond, in orderthat they May wisitlbeir families and Mends. Toe RIRION/TlCiloP'Juo.lti'R:iiiiov: , ! The rumorod tusignation of. Jidge Wilmot, 'of Pounsyliatiia;is withont any fetindation. ;The friends 'of 'Mr. 'Wilmot say that there is no danger:ebb' dying nnexpectedly,'and his 'present healtlidoes not interfere with his Ben ;scoria duties. WASHINGTON NEW 3 AND GOOD/P. . . . , It is very evident from 'circumstances that General Smith's division, to, which ttio Penn leant*. flea - oriel, snider GenbratMeCall, are attached, will soon bo enostnped at Centre ville. Petitions are being freely circulated in favor of .maklitickensral.Buroside &major general. His friends seem - to think .that he •is kat!). entitled to:promotion. . • From reconnobissinee' Suede, it is apparent that the Obeli sirs concentrating a large force on the . hilie opposite General Hooker's divir lien.: Thar. seem to anticipate that our forces will cross at this point. 'Lanes Expeiition. . The disagreement between grins. L ane and Hunter in regard to the contemplated expedi tion admits, we 'are told, of no amicable ad justment. It has been referred bieltto Weak. ington to be there decided. • Gen: Lane will leave ICansaa:thia. rick rot the capital, where his military status is to he: determined.'; Hit friends will, we undeistarid; aloha foi him `.a Major General's commission, and will labor to have hiin usigned to the !restart' Tepert- Meet. weni they have greaX confidence . in Gei:'.llinter% - 'caniestuess; - mitt:figs 'anh'ie quiromentr; they think, is we' hive no 'doubt the subject of their thoughts also thinks, that he may be profitably employed. on some field where, thej a cties and_ strategy of the schools can he krougbX more into: play ; and thit in inch an'e4peditioki as:Giat projected for "the ' Bouthwest, irherir *void' ueeessirilf ths' Ord* of revery iffy, he would' bet; though leading , S kil lfully • and gallently,f . display those - tpevollar " partisan qualities which Lan.eJa.supposed t0..1101110111. We hate little hope, however, .that the expe dition will ever set clat...7o.lqM#o.7ribmw. , . . - Our -Lori - arFort- Donehoi.L - By a dispatch from . Ceiro, we learn - that our loss during Ate. threw days . fighting at For.t Douelson,; as deriTed. from ~official sources, foots up as folloWs • • Mounded...... ....... . ....... 1,046 ; Mini ........ ......... 150 -Toter 511' ' Thengh, 'ergo, 'llt - ttonsidentidy - ender, the estimate at drat. reported. 'Some of the rebel' pathless at" Indianapolis 'pelted thee our tote not iyeleen less! than' T4ere - teems' to thianilinritabie: :tetidenoy to efitgiterateloseeibattle, active' :bniglarthins a'Anrtalitylotalli,nt! varieties with ascertained restati; !The 'hear •• lit l is eea -,l aUr - apoh'iltisChiniatierbrigade,. adititoisait brllltitobt Crimple, who held time ex trettierigh and ettististed thiground with the rebel, on 'Sgrini•diyi the 16th instant; Inch by inch. Immortal honor to the brave mten who; bite , Mellen :this bloody contest... Their friends have the.metistaation ;bnowing that victory crowned the.eiterihees inside upon that A Visit to the Battle.tield. A correspondent of the Chicago nem, writing from' Fort Donelson, Tenn., under *date of Feb. 17, says: I was invited on Sunday morning, by. Gran. McCiernand, to take a ride over the .battla field. It would be difficult to - describe, in a few 'words, the scenes 'which hare niet 'my 'view. The battle-ground was chiefly confined to the 'pace outside the- rebel fortifications, extending tip the river bank a distance of two mites,' to the' point lettere. GenerarifeChtr= nand's force rallied from the imthinient which they. were at first forced into bythe impetnona charge of the enemy. It meat be remembered. that! it was here that the . Rand sortie' was made by the rebels un tl i Zr a mie r ; bank; with the intention of martin our ht dank and cutting, their. way . out. . ,tru . or twelve thousand men competed the force sent out for this 'purpose. They advanced under cover of a deadly fire of -artillery, and steadily drove General McClernand's fore, before them a die- . tense of fifty or sixty rods. Our troops , he re made a stand, and being reinforced by one 'or two 'regiments, began the assault before which the enemy were forded to retreat.' The ground was! contacted with:' desperation, and ths slaughter: on both, sides was immense.. The whole space 'Of two Miles was strewed 'with dead, who lay in every imaginable shape and Fedenils and rebels were promiscuously mingled, sometimes grappled in the • fierce, death-dime, sometimes facing each other as they gave and received the fatal shot or thrust, sometimes lying across one another, and again heaped in 'piles which lay six or eeven deep. I could imagine nothing more terrible than the, silent indications of agony that marked the features of the pale corpses which lay at every step. Though dead, and rigid in every muscle, they still writhed and seemed to turn to cistoh the passing breale faracooling breath. Staring eyes, gaping mouthi;Clebehedliaride, and strangely contracted litnbe; seemingly drawn'into the - smallest compass; as if by a , mighty effort to rend asunder some irresistible bond which held them down to the firtups,of *blob they 'arid: One legalist a tree, and, with mouth and oyes wide open, looked tip into the aky,,as if to catch& glandeatits fleet, ing spirit. , Anotheralutcbedthebranch of An overhanging tree, and half suspended, as in ,th death pang be raised binifielf 'pertly train th grmind.. The other hand grasped his bath: fa; musket, and the compression of the mouth 'tad of, the determination, which would have ;bean fatal to albs had life ebbed a minute later. A third 'clung • with both hands' to - bayonet 'which was buried in the-ground, in the rof striking fora rebel foe. . Great numbers lay . in heap', Just as the !he ar the artillery mowed - Maui down, Mingling their fermi into areal- • meat , undlitingdishable. mass. 'Many- of ear; min had ividently.fallditviatims :to the rebel sharpshooters, for, they were pierced, through, the head by, rifle bullets, some In hie forehead,' , acme' in' the eyes,' others on the - bridge or the' ndsic in the cheeke,sindfin -the wrOuth;; This circumstance verified a statement mad.9.o me by • rebel olScar among the prisoners, that • their men were trained to. shout lew;and aim ter the tic°, while ours, as a: general' thing, fired at random, and • shot over, their beads., The enemy, in their retreat, ca r ged. off their - wounded, and,a great many of their dead, so that ours far - outnumbered there' on' the field. The scene of action' had 'been' mostly in the woods, althoughthere. were two :open. places• of an acre or two where the tight .had raged furiously, and the ground was covered with dead: . All'the'Way up to their intienchiethits the' seine' lame of death; was , inisented. Thera were two miles - of dead strewn thlekly, mingled with firearms, artillery, dead horees, and ttie paMPliernalia . of the battle field.' It was a scene Direr - to; forgetien- r never to The BlysterloesYleg of Truce, epecial conespoudent of lie ChlsairO Tribune give/ the . .follawhig'aecouit •OT - the late expedition from Cairo to Columbus, and , On.fiaturday,z,the 22d inst., orders _sere is, Bind to the 27th Illinois Col. Bithid, - and the Bth Wiicomsli, Murphy;" numbering Mgethei 900 men; to:-report thensielrec on. hoard. he. Lampert' COtiOnsuisis,4494 + O .. 4. - Chant:eller at„siu o'clook,,the day) morning. The sane orderswere' pro Mulgated to the gunboats' Lon's, Came togs, Carondolet, Chichinatt and . Mound city; .end two of, the mortar beets., Alt c 'olock Sunday morning,. :the flag-chip Louie' steamed out.' into:the 'river "and 'signalled the feet; which-wag soon under way: The morn= Ow eat as beautiful acene: could wish; the_ air se balmy, an on a May day, and the river elite with craft of every teteription. ' The levee was thronged with civilians and 'sol dier', for the movement—or neonnoissance— had spread through the city like wildfire. The fleet seamed-slowly. down-the-Mitsiseip-. pi, amid the music of, the regimental. bands and a- gelato from the port, and was , soon lost to view behind Point. 'Whezi six mile'from the relief works;-the 'smokes,' a signal gun curled up from thskfor titications. . This gave assurance that Volum-. has was not wholly. evacuated. at, leant.,Two taloa nearer another gun was fired: S SO* ward premed the' fleet, and 'Mother mile les eened the; distance, when sv,shot• from the works ,came *kipping :tear aces:Wm*. The test kept on nntii r the gunboats, were. under the rebel hatteries and took ap their pielticine:, The transports,' lame . dietinee nem signallethandritete prepanitionaht diestebark. At this juncture' a rebel 'triesSport steamed :out under a flavor trtscsriintr came` alongsidethe tag-ship Sc. The :Libel °Mesas, among %boatel: Thorn,- went suntled .an interview. with . Commodore Boot,; ,The 'interview la some two tenni. - The result', , 'Li far se 'any One knowe,ires the signal from ,the flag ship: for thsreturn. of:the 10W transports,were soon hirmlinc,for.,ca4N. ar riving her aliautaight elockle the even:ll4. The:gunboats followed, the' last, thi Coisesto-` ga, reaching the 'levee about ten o'clock. :: The, result of that interviset , under the rebel batteries .is by no '.Encans . apparent,: farther than the probability, that :negotiations-art pending for the-c•-yo.o.tton„.. of -Ccilthabus. Multi-hued MUM* heTti,leink level uponthe mytiterieue interview, but the coundation of it is apparentthe - hope] of the reel cause: • With:Oeth Buell: in Mailiville; t ithe probably is to-day; Tennessee is caved: to the Union: and. the . Unionists of .that State eel Maintain their bold. With loyal State in their rear; 'Gen:' Grant's division _ ready to roe operate either upon' the right, or left; Genera l Pope.' division at - Commer ce, Me: - and - the gunboats Mr theritier,hluialte wee-impossible. The kilson.walls' wire - slowly' but' evidently near g each- other, threatening tcternsh. the victims. _Visit thethreat results of this move are, a few, daje,iiiit shim, and ' t hen on for Memphis and Nen Orleint. '• . . The, Prealderta , a Family. ~..., • Many a pareoes heart, will qmpethisewith President Lincoln, to whose anxiety olt :Na• tional affairs fitipw'sapaliddeti the:kriefOf i fatally bereavement ,in tha'. l 9l44;4*.paita ,on Tholi aP ie a sk4iw O*AfOt ti to4 l 4t 1 for the bur waa of 'Wag*, aiyd ad . #lll ! Itani. inch traits et seher . •*!:o -,ittUtidelati eleSililfklairsolei. - •mo - , Fteeteenve:**. tilt were 'Rebore `a n '`.. - andif-tradams: #1 170 . 1101; *lip, the dwityni#l, - . 'and.; hoiehi AS Yeklrf ."694*.:1,ik-*°ltTmt ilvni.SanOttlite ,OW ,—: - :T - -- - fii -, 14N 1 i wit, hell I pie4z ittla.olidith:gia4, , ,o4,, V /14 !ni.diA03 . - 121 ii:PtOtiAl,h 1 49*, l'Arh.ol,lif 1 I notice the w*callgtOn 21#9180:01.15.:•1004ill )34etit him Tbaddatta 7 Mini allimils#l4lo4 */1" friends of the , Linfiebi"!faatlK. Will' 'aff, Ap'' difficulty: in itoovitsine the !:firitin' Nile 1 miltake,'since ,, 74 , mbialneinfrivki ,ALts 1 father', taw'rilfag . :o4ikiiiitaa',.lli - Va o f practice in this State. • ft:itne:M4 I id, hil 411' !lac ..yaati Ifrii‘as-1 Most' to tha,aahilaitioi:oriklii;.46l4 rialza.l William; the;semind eon or ilarari`ya*a; now William' alit Or mere tbo'llevaPritti .Tf a was rboailiEtal and ita4(0014.4.0 4 a a l y•s-rc,aiia-Area.di:.iii4 '516.004:-I° 411 Mew* Way: ,2t' fel days ' diet he' hM. ts orliall'i.litalliihe 14 9 1 10.[1ii0 ,- the Oelafk:Uf t :the Nesidniton ROIMI/11111114.111;ellit*"%r insertion a - poetical lsibiite;l4, - the litncitaidi COL Maker s , whioti;iiiimitied ifll'AWfefltieltillie issue of the piper .' . fr iii4:ll;otilli as Ms own. .inituneit'and.ponmillita l ttr4 li osind, the lie,* was•morethini COM Winlite;ta4itltid feel Jai exhiatolt Is 7 illfd iof 114. MM -Vic Welts Howie for off, Brit Sufi hag bOn bimned. for a child ' s Amoral. Under memorable cii-1 - cininstaticet the , nation will 'mourn -with'ithel President's family in their bereavement, fen the mourne v r-wew seattered-thronahout the: laid, and in 'ftnanyL hinciehilds cbettaity Anil merrpsnakings f have been r. haibid .by. , the pianos of the dasiropa:.;%-: Chtoasar2l,aaa: VOLIJidE, 8-1-; URANVE. , INSUBANM BY - THE &ELI. Aso, irtrrtrim issCsAwor ooltrisri,~ - Sr nut, ADYLPIIIA, os.BUMUNGelimitailir perpetual, idiatoraores, TURN ITtlaia. th town or country. Oflice Wiklatal *eta, ; - • CAmeA4 #229.5101 Aims, /1:41,54X196-4ay . artst so mi.: Iflnt at ImprortdOtyPropor.__„_/ • - • Yoriaaga ty. worth doublo tho —3 1 0 6 , 340 aa Grousd rout, Ant 411,331 60„ , _Pena.-LB. 09.'s 6 per not .. Mortgage . - Lo a / 4 . 330 „,000' eat • 2'4130 aa Oty of.Pnuadalphla, 747 cent . -30.0111 00 I . 'Allogheay county 6 peel. Y. IL It. Loan . "lo,a)olm Odlatanl tondo: Iran asattrad—...' ' itantlegdon and, Broad , Top Mountain Baltraid Company, =Maio 4.000 30- Penuaylointla Banned , 3,000 00.. atorAt liallanoo Mutual Inman.* C 0... 26,660 IV Stock Of County Iflralusunsnot, 1,050.03. Stock or Delaware. M. 6. Inainu.odo 700 00. Omani:ad Bank do , '5,7.33 91, !lee Bank = V X. Insurance Co:, 100 . 00 Blur Tab* /adonis mar.. • .., '16,267:13.3 , 'isook Acconutkicerued intar00t.'0te........, 6,2/6 711 Cash' on WO and in handl of agenta...'... 11;02 8 16 _ MAW 01 ( . TI:NuLICT, Prreitint. F:{'o Chan Tingley, H. L. Benson, . „, , , &mad BLepham, ' • Z. Lathrop. -- '' ' , Win. B. Thompson, Bohr. Tolland, . ~, 'i =teen, Chas. Leland, , i Wolin,: •' ' Tred'k. Leant', ..- " .". Win. Mimes • Jamb T. Bunting,. i- Bind. W. Thigiey, , Smith .Liowers, • - . .. . John R. Worrell, Jas. S. Woodward, ' -1 Marshall Hill, • ' John Bissiall,: P131a0114. 13. Al NC111344,N, Smnolary. , J. O. (X)1171N, Alma.' T h inl and. Woodlstreet. " ~ my . Northeort. come TNL.EMNITY AIIAINST . LOSS . 11Y 1111RE.—YRANICIni tIREINBUICANOIODOM: PANY - Or 'PHILADILPHIA. tiffice,436 mad fB7. Magma. Wad, mew Statement of Aimee% January. bit. 186 9. 16 1bt. 141 ,4,-. • agreeably Co an act of /iambi*, being— !lnnampVaietc.:—....s4BB6,393 00 Baal tatata. 11l 06,3111 61) mom Temporarylojaw on,arapy!.collateral , liecarlea. . _ _ kcal. (Wand Was 72) cat.» 10,788 Notes and Bills Beadivable.—.....«:-. • 1,821 CO *M . Th . . only profit. from premiums which coMpuly can divide by Jew are trim. Siam whieli Imve been detereilmod; ' : f Thattrance shads on Avery description Ot In town inn - country:at tattoo as haw la are co= with ssontityd .r Ith= their thoorpotta . —ton, .pick' of ildrtY they bass pardlosesif by than amnant - sxoseding t Pew ifintoss ,qlDollepi, Womb), stiordiote evidence :of tho'ildinnorof Insukandosini weans the& *MI.': 71ahrti dispoodtkOtt #nnt-wink 'PT , 1 1 4 ,13 1, 1 t, .ali . . . ' Lora pa ia.dw/ot.lh~,Tes 186.&....,..,«,1308.9 6.67, ILIKROI.II Morde cai D.Lowta, owta,Jacob. H. .' • Toland Wititar, Edwaitt C Da* Darld.S..Ervwth • . Gee, W. Aieltsabh .• : tlatanot Grant, . I George Yethat. f • • - CHARLES-R. • DANDLE CR, Porairkw, EDWARD 0. DALE, rem- risidnit. Wit. A. BsAri, fooressr, pro tees: • ,• : . • GARDNEIit 00k1 1 11N,..Agear,,, • itiya Ofilco Northeast oor. Wood th Third rts. • :UTEs'ittri y v,. . ti x.P ob : ,I7B PILVILLEIe, O. If:GORDON. Secretary. • ' oGlro t Ha.,93 Water. stmeti, Spoty.* Cu.'i home. up stairs. Pittsburgh. , issusi (iii • kifte• ifarl36•'-' Phisseliagesthis, lassuipart by Diractors'irkis. ; as mil ksoinths Apooss 4 aseittib P. Pi*. Pro *Pa': wised, Sp promptness, and Menai/if, to minutia iha" dummies solidi day bait opihyr prOedkns , te tie' • oho &Sim es be ••• A1: 3 3E13.00TO1g11 3% 1 101 , '. Stock Acconut . i, i 3033 00 Mtn44o9 . . ''" • 100 00 °Aka . . - 250.00 ..t Opela ACM/LIMB, ;PM 4 1 3 18,561"0 27,05 let 4 Notei Ind Bill. IMAM 13 •.". •' • - Andrimelcktif.t•z;. , 31 e 3 s 1 Plei 3 Pe&F,,.s . 1 Dalld .61:Lotig, Beedl3:llroduw," Bay), P. liakewall. ~ Jo!tu%. ; R. Miller, •: - James XcAukty, ,Nathaniel lel Nimlck, • :Ge arre kmnikr, ',WILIAM IL &Ifni, -41,W.Nlikekkim artramsro .1114.1tAAILr mt lNN ataxim colt 1L LAND Ibr str HOILTH ADEHIosaIuLADKAPHIA, j. tr i nct 11,5 7 t 9 :-,_._ "1 " 15 ?.r . at- AUTHIIII . O.• WIT/ Prodded. - : THOHAEUPLATZ - Beeretary:' • ," • I- • , . - -" • • ' ' • • • . TNsuBANCE — ,cO, - , • OP I'llE ST A TE' j_ OF PEHITSYLVANIA; PHILADELPHIA:" • '• . Inokporsted IHR=Oapital, :•L-• • • Mods. rabruu um. . • prigfidass: • WILLIAM HABPEB , yavatarr~ - HARTFORDFIRE.ENSUWICE CO.:. HARTFORD. , Imcorpwited - Hlitif, ESIDAut„,• - '• • Asia", Dr 2 . i. . ?MO: 0. ALL-I'Z teltked bi TWA t f Wlturaran o ce In the ebersoldi l and re' , lfab y; le:Cbto psalm can 4.. %.i• or wrrantrnan. onlot 4 coiner Marled:nd-, • bANIIN.IO,IMA. . WIC B4GAlAT..Proffiant. ... ' Itunuas - Stiaumbosta aqd sa. . - Imam iimslast ken sad damage la the marispdlon _ ot. the Bodeara sad 'Nada=Mttra /Won and Ti. and law minipill:l3 Of lb. E,,,,,,,,, /atrial aSidast law sad daidama by dm '- ' • Wm. 111.0,117:”. .. d. H. Ettar,._ ._, ,; ..., :.Jae. Pal Jr, John dhl WY G: /Shoat.* Jos. M. ..- ' ,‘ • • - BIM, Jcimegi , - • &•Har . ~ ...,..., Ji.eala Ihnes„„ maws >: J. Odd, .114. • '..,.. ..„ .110.1",,,M, maws, John N. ircirth, . , = Keaton. Moles .If. , Zu -..-, pliili'Alll LYRIA. Vilth AND'3 • INBIIRAISMS ODISPANY, Nu, 149 Chesnut a/41- . °Pinoitath• Catamajtonto. I, ~. . 04441. s 2lo , lo n — dmatt, MAL ' • ; Will *Wm, ill Idadaarltasatione, allbariatiadasi at Malted, am &Waist= at.Propetty cellar . abandob at nammald• Mat t , ilmlelo• • .:- 1 .•808 n'T P: mi NG. Piadgag. - k I : .I, , - .. AK:W. tALDWiII , Vi. p ri ,43.4 f ..- . - r. BtAMERCItyIIi, Sonatagm.' ~ . : ~, . . apwroaar Cba ' s.'Bi.fal, . , Janaaril. it. D. It= Jokui Clayton, - ',- P.n.datiml. E. WCm - daileadl ' - corner Third and Wood straida, NLIEGICENY ItiSITH:4IIO}3. and r PAN? Ot PrrrBBllB6H Moe, No. rf /Ma' Immo *salad all kli;is 0( rue aia kio*; . . . .• . • •.- • • Capt. a I)ll43,4lmardaAtistri Bu ck Nathae O. thrlstisw Alexander -Bradkry,r , ... % -liath-11% , 11raninth) h Jorur.43 ..7. 4411 4. 1 r.C.4 1 1/414. •,', ( M t i ltiZ",,, Carlos Arbuthnot, - Wfilinnt IViIERtigit,IcAVELSON'S." ,, - sic „, sewb* - )w.tw_es„ :,::,,, bn rr. PlTm APIs PAi. .1-4. -,,i, , , , !r.:x:, 0 4-VMP.. , . . .I!trii. ,; A r afiatimas4e , irtusia,,, , t-: e e't ,--•' A• •• • liiiniiistbilnid •Prika4o;:tiii<•-: , 4: iIb:ITED IFTATZBAM •ii . OH MITA= ,11413$ - naasourinc renr_i --- - . inisontrastars IPAIRTIDWat =rig NAM Sp t ECKISTAIZ FAIII, • . -- 411fit12§32Z OM% PAIR t . In . 4:STAIII /41114 ,-, , v.„-•: . , 1: Irltaltt.AWX STAYS t lrMit r t - ,;., 7,', oifOliOVlCklilla Lathe& r '." "- . -.- ` l' - '7'.' . ~ 1 .n 1 ialitTialiMilobAnkiehisidtVillq.l ,l •:- ' ' Oindanett Modulator InstitegA 41.130311111 toustsy-intrgivrrrousw wiClogyil z fairs too stnetons, nteil l, M s • o Id the 'Ohne WHITLItIt IMO SlWltia litscHlll4,o - 1111DOCIND : - MUCKS, with Ineremed confident:6lll.lM mettti pi-, , the beet and moat reliable ,Ifatettf?M•fitaol44lok , `, now In tnet -- ItnewMetoelriell - oorthwthlckeet end - thhmet , Mt*" makeelhelteloettiebk impteethte to, . -MIMS, with the eseentlet rk ud =Lane ot halm( alike on both iktee;,l6MahM Dar eidhihi de the Rude , M•l6,4ettbantetteectottuttlety.ntOTS .1, 0 4 la til ''r *. : .'. ,Noemt, mid more !lovable. num antittbee . mantdnit. - 'Wit stivieett btettattdent-to eneibtlib*paidoemir.'2,' to mw ordinary menu. 'titan he fellAtilit. &Mtn ' , m u d anti enek, MI on the wee tho, and wereigt,l - leYthme , retts, . - .1',:.". r:, 7 F.."' ~-', :' IWa .e.! , - - ..r;:. -, - 1 ' -r.aaalelniji,:=l*, alLermer4ttiktint.:44lo-:1-t.: - V l E: ll Sen,lit., )3 , t -'' 4 0 4 bin . tiatii ,: rt ' ' ildlle ; : arelnambrtYclkattL?:. -: i -, .:›-WillaUltilla '..triv?.,Tl7;,its...',. •-r- r •-• M. Obit DON, • r•