°~` MMN _ 7 4 -sarAd Y's 4 t' ulsourg eliZettq I WAY_ moliNgio„gim. 20, 1842. ; ' 'at , 11 ' 1-'!You to r'vrAb I the` , fi+Ath ..„,, ~ vibe" Yon Conquer it - Anevtiat-1. tieing - mooted with n o . - -lit Jitrildtdefeetliagt. - .'A. letter to the New. . - . ~. /ti . A k 14.3 0i . : 114 "P 5 ; ' .ir '•.'.-. 7 .- . ,kl,l ~ .'JililWietillictof riti late news tt4: 3l .tile South' -, 4l.tle , areoitt legielatertite , planning a pr ! ' etnhient for &O.:list - Val Nutter' ta the th • I, ll , f+taff4, Tiro or Tao propottertrein the com-i i. - .,., Atiftwatottoar. ,- even Senator 'Davis, of. Ken. , 6."..:Arehy,ltAmitii thal,ifis' . l).Ulti itoesible that _;eo of ;the wors t oi:thfalirio.Htifes -kill' 7 :4fi''',llllV - 0 be lgoverned as , territories. Mr.' ,EIY Sajltplat: itAvits tale! otuattii4,- I t . ,;.-:... am . tbe- rihr:llloti is, . not2.'yet..ortishod, send' in I , 4 7:3juit itirill take a long time and much hard t .4 7 14 1 fi11__,.. itto , Rot.Alt en44 o , the: war, : . 2 • ',. -. '' .4 -44'Tlie intelligenttWatkington-rorrespond r-e,.: rut t the-Chisago...Tritune his . the folif*, "'`"ltik the same purports ' ' *. -- ' , I I "' 4 ,f. ll 9.seeartiost , tooonoeive' that the mil ,.44V,,MiCrlS‘ptriterlirf the - rebellion 'is in a, Mir '''‘ ,l, ll47:_of• being broken . :New ;Orleans' will ' `'lmUthew before the last of idarch,.Beliire. liar er,,_ .. no , Desuregard. The question ' W.::.now arises, what _ is to. be the end? ' After ' - the bel armies re dispersed or destroyed, - ,e ,what will be thecondition of these States, ....dlid What will be otire V Mill the ,:each •„,, and all, follo w . the e x ample . of North-Ms.' , „. : wmtri, and require to be conquered four "tiretta • splice end then ;held by standing armies? r ,North` Missintri contains less . .;".....,..lalarits than any other portion of rebeldoui r --.yet'it hinideireloped no ‘tUnion party” thus tqi !Ili - Capable of teetering: order or. even of : protecting therneelves: , It has' cost us 1001441tattei,' '(to say riatiditeef life,) to I‘ iu , , take and hold North Missouri, thin all the 1-, slaves held there are • wortlit_end we have I not finished paying that bill yet. • Look 'at' ~, ithe eastern *shore of Virginia I If the min i ties of. Acconuio and . Noithampton are as , , l. "loyal" sae General Dix and General Lock ,s r,;. wood tell us, why is it necessary, to keep II 'i - two :4 three regiments of troops there ? "• ' Why ill it necessary to keep a standing . 1 .; ~ army hi Baltimore, and the guns of Fort ,:-.. 1 Moßeary , pointedlandwardl. The remark is ''-' '.' attributed-to Mr: Carroll, the Clerk'of the ; ', l . Crated:State* Bdpreina Conrt, a native and 'i ' citizen of Marilaid, that our . armies can error, be withdrawn from that State till shivery Di' abolished.' _lticidenW of daily ni. - ' occurrence at Baltimere, Poolesville, Fred; :` nick, Budd's Ferry and other places occu pied by our , soldiers, fully substantiate. Mr. . --,-,, - Carroll's testimony. These.views are beginning to work their way through our rulers, bath legislative and executive, and the first movement will be to abolish slavtyy in the District of Columbia. - Charity begins at home. - Until:the institu '. tion it, swept away from - the door of the ...Capitol, the nuisance willremain, clogging ' - " the eyes, mouths and ears of the people's ''' .2 . ; representatives. When it is swept away, ''.,._ ,:;.tivey, win no longer see as through a glass' -:, + darkly.' Having accomplished the reform .. , :. , ,iAtere c they will find. how easily it may be - done, and they. ill be prepared .to enjoy `,--' . new . luxuries in the same line'of duty. ~., .. . Secretary Sewarcli order in relaticin to the _fasitives in. Washington jail was a very hopottil vindication of the progress of ideas, ' favorable to freedom. The glacier Juts started. The negro thievea and seceeilon has, whom Marshal Lemon keeps in otce here, may gnash their teeth against it, and -,-, ,:. light and curse, but it will-go on. ' ,- If the Omitting work goes on as rapidly as ws expect, and hope for, there will then be a mighty work. to do before peace and order is completely ,restored: There:ire:n • greet many knotty questions to settle, and x';seme considerable banging to do.: • McClellan.Rot This is the defense of one of Lie defend . • ars, in, the' following , paragraph from the 5.,. -:Washington . correspondence of the New `To* Coln wirietal' • NapolecM always desired to have a piece. aL light artillery-for every two handled men--Bineral hlcelellan has not now over'. a piece for every one thousand men; we need at least twenty more light 12-pounder • •. - batteries: Ati overwhelming artillery force which can; itsa' critical moment, be' hastened- forward to a commanding posi-; don ) and can from thence open a murder-. PEOtlm, secures ,riet9rl_ . • We suppose from this'ihiesll the bat ' • teries have gone west; 'or is it. easier to • tight in the west without batteries than in the . - By they; wa * would it lie any harder to take *Lianas with our two hundred thous . t he and . metionPotointin, Pitt} e! 4 , 1 1 ; P r a T !• 11 " ion- needed, and plenty of if:dance to get ready,Tthan it - wio to' take' the entrenched camp and'Port Donelscr, ! .,• . with fifty thousand • .= soar brought up in a hum' 7. Are the in . . trinchnients at Mans:Luis stronger than those at Fort Donelson Was ther e any greater necessity for taking the oner than the.olher? • Would the loss of life be any :grentor, in fighting than, lying in camp • Would, itinot be more to. the honor of the ArierioanStrms thaithe disgrace' of the re: : :vase and rout at hianesass should be wiped ' out with a ;victory on that Spot, than to wait for the - enemy.to evacuate in come ', Anseree of Western victories? is: :the west ~ ...'.o. s arry off all the honors, and are our poor fellOws on the Potomac to oome home with out striki'nes blow? In the language of ` ; ,t4ethicritary of War, ought a General. to he to tomtit life in tamp, -while the ninnies., of their eountry'are within reach f • Siczatx, Fizz:. [ —The secesh in Baltimore are terribly downfhearted. , They itneak.abeut as if the angel of. wrath was: utter • Their friends in Cengress are ' ion& bettei._ , When the news of the Surnilde victories was read inithe Senate, saysan eye witness, the cast-it-an visage of 'Rorie; of klarylaad, ;took on a', new scowl,. and !that the sinister expresticin of s hlr. Stirk, of Qregot4 grew favored. Saulsbury, ;,of Deleviarer war. writing it his desk, and took an notice of the dispatches: Powell, - of‘X:iratucky,' 11, toned very attentively, seemed ' to think much'if Matn ' t of a shower after all. The vacant chair of Mr. , Bright spoke' volcanos: In the House, the pleasure was 'alidost univereal. • There was onlong face . on,the toor—thet ofVallandigham, and:,loraka very solout face, as if his friends were ill great trouble. • - • , . , : Wa o9 l r VII I ° 0( /A. — ThqConveatIon. has_ c. ,..dorisits very.fooliah thing. It has to4ourn ed -after adopting a' Cotititattoa,'hat: tht the' Free State meantime. tout made talon for coming together'agata,' I"Tided eozignhis rijiots, their)iiilicatum• the;say be cup - Xit'Oe.2l4stkime) rebellion - •. 41 Union Goieriactiat'entah- Mist then? W e resr _ , tins - Cfotrontlon hos thrown owtribi „ loot chiiteo of liepanting: trim , tho Eoot. of Amory luio',bien tisk Tuba' tlid thoidosorri no'hotterfitto. . , , Z"'#p"ios:WeLt. Bialnirnn . -Leni. peon hie Dqp tribtooki to a enn. We like in inn mini On disk epanieta., We hare had. too many holiday goners% and we are glad now to bare loa* lightiog ten= erns. Q.D. Qatar watts eatkirrositprompAy• ~. ` _ ...••••••••••MX grits - I li r ; ' - gta, -• The Pittsburgh Poet never can arise above the low instincts of partisan fee g. in thl time of general jubliatioaArheal eva. - ita falai' of the kindliest - sympathies, when par- AMS"fulesions are hushed, f.nd - every counte nance is animtaed with Joy, the Post comes piteo s iiltire7iiiitirolniliiini' Mar •tEte_Donocratt are ,nut. 664 1 4 1 6431 .b.ft u r ti,., u 6616646 g the.'pottnaittaas ; to 4 mike, arrange. - , 0616r0r,4-ii th'e'eefehriticin 'Oir:4if.Mday; 'ned' . Alit eVe . l l .oo4;oi4l4l444:l4**l4iglif_ii,: It boats, ~ t hal -the.•Daemeralier Generals ;and ; 161dleriac therSghting. , '. This -meatiness is most contemptible- t. I ' it - 666 . 10a devilish • Welave nover,sard lA;.. livitapri, asid., do' 'net 1 knoi*,•iorhether.oni• tiglitingDicnerilsnmlin), dioriarO'cif thls - or thiCother,party. If .they , are Agining for the Union,. and, ere in down right Isarnest.in . suppressingtherreheY,t,ijini :thit'isall we tisk. z• The 'only.' political ants= 14.nitet" 4i man *Bleb relies a',Altalbt Maur .ladtp 4 i4'.k.iliti.,i;..lj,oli'44 - 0144 hstiiir bead a Breckinridge . Democrat., '', To mai44 the Demenriits 'do the 11014, when. the ameY . I / 4* 6 . dra wn t i i .84 4P.. 1 14 1 V irei l' oi . Of WilC.,Pie L i..smpobl l cao ; Pretldent'i majority - at the election; is ; a streak:el ° partisan meuda?lty we hope, for thenredit of .tbe i 'l!ii'ki;. l'i iililf*k ; 4 .. *l i riiiir°•, tVilee , I . confidant thaV.thare are. few: Dimocrati Vino' •Would•not'Yblush to' eIW such invidious distine,, ,tfons 'Midi, In i Delineintli,lMPßi -- 'is to•the neglect - complained of; it tberg lS'AlsifoStOwl , tion for it; it must have been purely sieCi#Mq - Mi. ..We dO not suppose thcquartion aito,a man's Politics aver entered the minds if those Who appointed the Committees::.lt is mit erir. prising that in a• county which give inel4, trim endow! majority for theltepublican ticket,. there.should he fetind:alirger : nninber of.ao , tire men of that party than of the oppos on; Casual the:Anl lay asiiieiisgio#6l li ng ili-, sanship, and join ' in - 'ono genuine , is arty, sympathetic sheet 'of triumph'. :Alois mush betterllais;then to'go ishont whining that the Democrats had.: mit IMMi.recognized to . the ninth part 91,5, hair. ', ''' 1 " :'': " ' ....' ' • ' ..., Billetin-ArhEate le Genera 13=21,1 ::..The President directs mi.tii:nag.thtitle has ob- , jarred with pleasure the:actirity, and .enter-. rise manifested - yoinself and •• the °lmre and soldiMi of your . eccininth . ,- - You .baf• ehoWn hOw inch may brr , denic,lii the worst , weather and worst roads, by a spirited *Mai at - the head of a 'small force of brave man, un willing to waste life ie wrap when the enonets .of their country are within reach: -..11 - otir brilliant sowers is a happy. presage of'what may beex pected when - the army Of the Potoznia Mull be led to the field by their gallant general. (Signed) . . EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary or War. TIM above is truly s War Butletim.. , i4as the:ring - of oiiTfierCe•eleg* Which' noir anti mates thelVer Gepartwent, Whit,the hasWirdisrall *big, wu ienterpriie; energy,' vigor,rand they are newlabundantly gratified. Gift. LANDia wanton his. expeditioi u it, tio expected' to be; reprimanded, bet 'wee deiert . .Mined'tiS take the risk Mr: Sristros &skins to reilere him, and et the,`saarie .tars a most cutting 'rebuke to those Generals "wbo swats • life' in. easep4okee ' the wersaieof . wiry Maris the, generals mid' theeoutitry 'to Make the application. The.. closing wcirdiC Of the - b i dliethir tare' all 'the' eignitleamie an order., . .1.../104R 01114, make • a march of forty mien, through midland amen , ixteciss: raidsi 'Mere is reason wht 'array' if thP Soleinia'shoahrniit here i :success, OsWr .ato_s.44 l o; l l tb cdt' Math.':Si we - Interpret the bulletin.. How thine in etaiii*ld interpret it, we . cannot ell: TheNew . York .I%4buiii is dillghted. IL Desidedir-fghting• is getting popular - it Washington.— The Secretary. of War, instead of reprimanding Ben: Lander for his brilitint dish of Thursday bit; has thanked biz for t h in that Napoleonic style of language 'of Mr. Stanton appears to be so thorough isSitaipi ter. The country will hail this new Manifest tation of the Government with delight..' Gan: Lander is an summit Man, and not only bet Hares In fighting therebels, but knows how to do it. It is cheerineto see such men encour ThiDeath of -tong Wile The correspondent of the 'nines, epe;th ing of the death of , youniliftiO, says:, ,Ort - nlow not, In, one of the corner rooms; ttovered with a'coarsequiit, lay the quiver-, ing form of a pale young man, aptarently not over t.hirty-five , years of ' age. ,His countenance indicated great suffering, and as he taunted etmasiectidly from side to aide, he gave vent to groins which Indicated the intense pain caused by his wounds. - I had never' seen him before, but no oho who had , ever seen. the eccentric. genius • of "Ocooquon't &mid fail to recognize him'les the son of 'Henry . His haggard fact stretched .uptnithat mean not, in , this, obscure" nd tetverty-etrack dwelling; most forcibly conjuredup in my Mind the image of John Brown; as Imlay bleeding and un pitied in the court room of. Charlestown. Here died.o.2erinings Wintfthe Most chlevous and-persistent-0f,.a1l the. young men of .Virginia in fanning the 'flame Or disunion In the Old Dominion., • • The correspondent of , the Tribune says : 1 — • Captain 0.4.,Wi5e died the moMting af ter he was wounded, and thou gh'he suffered ; veriymuch, he, with his last breath, ex:.' pressed his regret,that he could not live' longer. to fight for the rebellion endegabiet' the Union. -••-• . • . , The correspondent , ofthe 'Philadelphia Inquirer says : . - • • - While standingin the room Where lay the favorite son or Henry AL' . Wise, the sur geon came ie, ind Stepping el,' fo the couch of the woun ded mari r esamined hie coun tenance ,wlth a slim scrutiny; as If 'en deavoring to fathom the , deep recesses of the heart of this enemy of _his country, wbo was about to par a debt already too long 'deferred both , for - The credit of ,itis 'cheer-land that ofe Once honorable name,. Lifting hiinselt partially on one elbow, he turned his flibe toward the Federal surged:l In"charge and mild; "when 'I are sufficiently recovered, do,you thins t will be allowed to go home on my' parole'of honor? • .The .Doctor quite - Willing to gratify, him,. replied that be had no doubt but the - Oen-, eral mould allow him, evey reasonable gratification; Poor; fellow ' , ~before - many hours had elapsed•ldeparele - was granted front a higherthau earthly' scum. , . trrh 1416. 4!/ 111 19011311 !ts• When tit4l'4o,i or thi.iistiorreijn the' South- West reached Washington, and. it will hu9lin , • that volunteers were wanted for senora upon the eight Iron-clad *llii!kiis Waiting at Pair°, 660 men from this 3fuiae~q.atti;and Maine reihnents hastened: to oder ihemealvei, and let oat at Onosa*Miindip:. Th.se n o t ;i i• 7 o4444libb: are probabl y esa•taringsnen at home,-passed throuji(thls 'city on Tuesday if• . , . : „-„ A Iltsa BIT OP lamer.—The • W kt, which does net often indulge in - witticism, has, on. Tuesday mosniag,atihe 'dile dame° corn-. menik,S oh -4. l3ece'etwey Sisatoes`s letter 'of, thank! to.ionnder, Of telloWleig , fine esl •todchtr tstder, raMising '4l eligteciThe4:iablifie44l 4 •ll—tsueder . , ad expression or Eitentpa'a Ape opinion ot-teen. Wiedstrcat 'Col as ibtonac ha geateroaily Amman: , 04adoitseit; ,, . All the einniat4littarleir-iiri, , *libiferiere 4 piehidePto ,- theteittees of &m. MeleleßsaltiataiMirstefiotocoluidesi*, the mala body of the' rebel army, which will be the most desperate battle and the most snag nideent victory ever fought and won. , • u, • lf„jrßictrE4R.TV er a arm r use °lsom found* ha d • got is into the wrong to tosgrett.. Th11:1 resietiozked fearfully, and•for 2.4: boars No ware briptispsed \in aurrimotion froisk theta! to iheeab4h4l4 mpoits le. A CI A4 .I 4 t- Inlay; When - I.W iilV - at• opened the . door 'on the larbeard- =aide of our rooni, aufefarkitiitidirgiths the - diortraS ktekl, ingVb s t upo n ioehotiei of this trivem.i otherehreasserrs:in.lbsdr.berths.:Jhad.l been there but a minute whei a huge ware streak the: starboard aide of, the vessel, da• daShieg withalb Its: forms against the_ 'ilia liable work' of our roosts, 'horst in door. and window..with.rs tremendous Mash, ;Tape ihe room.likeii deluging everything 10 t; and earring rue ;Fla it out •agaimit the; 'railing of the remit:. As I ',melon ding , eliughtg to Ile riggiug, and enduring (not • enJOying) thefarolottat7 bath - , tlboied bath: Anto.the room:and saw Lt. Fursyth miut;Of his - berth onihis.handeeted.,l44 drip ping MI spattering the salt' 'watei, out 'ef .110. , month; and hisvcompanione lay that bin firet exelantatiOn;ifte - the natural "Ugh 17 a as, "111mr far are we down 1" , -He felt care we. had gone under, you see, and only warited • to. be uttered; as •to the • probable depth we bid- Sptcial Coi iielice ttio Tittstair4ll tiAutte... iscrt, 1 1Vieenean.the:stibt‘nfilaa".tfillify. tekteit" must soppoted,:from th e •eae this.'l j oii*,o ? at thfWit'ellet • that daring' the inenthlt'al`ebroold: - :'int . ...• • March ih - ereis WriefatireitictiesionZiflieify shower.,:hhiala.:foll'l without a, m o m en t 's; no - . • . ~ trot.' " ?net •--befo* lase , we 'hat ft , legitlali • yhfp:i, 8. rain felt in ter not% These • thtinder itormia in this , letilettit i are **eyed- - ingly brilliant—to look it from i'ltiod stet.- , ter i hut tothosefehtare.out on guard, Oriebe !Mee tithettee.statteelbet' i k tent; the brit-. • Roney txxivallowed PP . 04 ! 9 : 86 r t '' o r the:haturylain -, Whioh , :acocimpenies • it., For- Stiintiteljit'ertht doldieei,ilia'Weithereitutluues suffer' . . lose than,,thoyi. , othensieo ;. • ' Thit'ela fiCegteei 'here. ter.that: this !it the mildest wtt,ter that bssbeen:l:xtiei:iiiiced. here for iliefi.ifes beep In fort no really 'Walther hereitindthumfer :tab _ . . 'Sery,lefdah it:bed thiteeldast - Month,i .Spring.: days you enjoy . and x.y.. With the exception of the rain, the • atildient , liii 'Uwe Ore tfeeemfortableie in tinny can Penal- Ely be. • • ILIsJ. btworot, ninch':pl oo eaa tee. hero . Wt.ffiltan Head, Although . -- sitootiel on tide water,. the islands .which..lifteriene.:Aieliveen Beaufort, eavelt froni.the: bighiwinds 'and' • heavy logs Which prevail at thee formee place. .The tierth4esters and isotith,wastars; which tender.eteriboffy cross and. ocomfortsble at. 'lllltOnileadiare.not felt heref-mlthe nasty; penetrating fogs, which, are the: Lane of one;. are tearcelyever,realised *Vibe other... The., troope'stationed here, consequently, are much `Utter off than they . were there, and there it inuelflesseickness among them.,:Besides that, - Beeitifort'lltone of the pleasantest .plaket the South'; the beauty:which delights' the eye; combined ,wllh - the balmy influence of the • climate, render stay: hate one of • the things' tante, easily endured: , „-•; .:,- • It is a remarkable fact, however, that the. troopi from the cities are much healthier then:. those tromilie country, and. those -from-the wilt healtblerthan.timee from the went.. The. 79thntegiuteati.fromIthe . city of New York, 'has lost but one mattremdlseose since iflOw :beet. here, And his DOC few on ~the sick list ; while the Bth Michigan has . lost men by the donni; and.has a largthospltal lint, although much smaller than it was at . Hilton Heist •The•New - York 4th, also, is almost tree ,- from •.'diseasei the , : nroughe...comprising that and similai regiments enduring the- ex poser. and . change: of elimatiesafely, while, regiments from..t.beconntry..count the ir. sick I not nndortolat to. account for.: this feat, bat fact itls,„:.. It is a metteref emit mallets*, at fleet, to- sec met from, the cities who Trait ably never endured: eepostue before, eleeping out . with vigor asukhriskness, while the hardy ions of farmers drag their legs afterthem with barely:vitality.enough to keep. them upright lett° it is.. The - ,, coast..fever". has' selected Abase latter -for 3ta first ,victims,: and those. it daft • not sand to the grave, linger along for week', totally unnerved and spirit- less; and apparently : indifferent whether they, live or die. Those whit beivagot Well, say that it takes from sit.weeks to three months to let thoroughly aver It;so' slow is the. pro eels-of recovery;-.:As . one of the.vliffins -told me; it commences at the top of a man's head aad:Workcout , the:soles of :his fest, leaving him,when perfectly well otherwise, with.tem pore , rily :crippled-extremities.: The many men . meet, here,.. on the.. street", hobbling :around: isoning.on.. mines and' picking ' .stelistfarefelly, are le the hunt, e tegir of eon-. Talon:once, • • Col. Christ, of the bOth Pennsylvania Hee meat, ban biendown with the fever tory** 8, and goes:ehome-With this staner, in hope' or recovering faster in' the Mountain atmosphere of pittisylvisisin.' Capt.-Dinamock; Of - hit re gimenti whom I. found, in. the first week of , Nesibir;tilick in the erst.stiges of the fever; I. just - Misr; after eight:or nine weeksr'able to do service, and Capt..DiehLkfter eiz'Weeks sicknua, is hobbling around with sore feet: Capt. Bentley' of-the Roundheads, is Oonva !ening; bat' Ileut: Col. Arm:strong .and'idsj: Lecky, of , the same regiment; are .both Under the' weather considerably. is a mercy to all who are sick that they have comfortable quar ters provided for-lhem; and 'careful nursing. To be lick away from' , home; even for a short time, Is always , falL'of. terror ; but to be sick for weeks upokweeks,-with'nothing but Utter depression ailing you r and iothing to cheer the , blankness' of -mere .existence r li much worse than the calamity , which men 'abieist from home pray so'untinually - ta•be dellierod from.- Stiliksueli a calamity has , Its' =Rip lions ; and everything Islam; hen,' that can be done, to render the condition of the sick is endurable', possible. ." • • Of news there to but little to .relate. Con. Sheri= hisi about'one-Card of his forces be tween,Sayannah and Port Pulaski, and , is:de, tersaied to 'WVe both pieces. lie Is now removing the obstriiatlons to the navigetio" Of the Water approaches to Ssiannalli . ind as loon a. they _am, oat, the on-huts—the dread Of"heSouthrime in all this' go Up end 6-operste'Wlth the fOreer that will be' sent ashore fort hind attack. lie .hypes- to isumeed in Rite Ultima home- word by this . steamer; ttruit Cott. you will..hear, by this arrival,' hat Savannah is In our, posses . . • No movement lime been made from here slice the .Ist of January. `Caen. Stevens is waiting peGently;with his bilged°, for a for- Ward movement, and theta .11 a general ex— pectation that ono. will' take . place soon. A. Anti battery ' afield a rtillery froinConneatientt, IfaiJust been beided.hera, and theta is also' a hattallori of the lit Massaithusetts Cevalry here. We havi now;therofore, section -07 flamil ton's Battery, the Coinitittiot a battalion of the let hassichusetta ,CaValry and four regiments of Infantry`; aid the; on,. ce ntration of cavalry ; and 'artillery, at this point, points, ai,an all think; to cady much on to the Male bind. ".The' enemy are posted' beyond: Port 'Royal Ferty, about ten miles, from hale- :but their fora' is not sope7, ripe to, otire,inelleti.'Stevons, li exceedingly anxious for a ;lttice to Cope With them. And so are his men. . - .• The 79th N. Y. and the Ilitlablichigan were. • paid a last . week: .The 'ltormiiheads will he paid on. TueidaY„ the 50th Pal on Wednesday, and all the at Hilton - Head, incited ing the 45th,•55th and 97th 'Fa., will; e be. during thin week. The payments this time are altogether in Treasuly nobs,thii goiviamint furnishing bendy coin emor4lll. to make up the odd'ahang Wider flip dollars. There is,„oonsequendy,, less opportulify te'spend m one y e than. hereto : , fore, owing to te inability of the tradentand outlets Waitaki, Change land much the hugest :portioti - 7tir the money will thereforeillom sheer inability to iperid, it, la mast. case', be sent koala r . . • :There Its a chronio ., unwlllinglievV, on' the part of a - gooi'many soldiers to 'load their money home,. They prefer ipetidlt; and growl at the mina' in Treasury , toteo, , be outsell deprives them of that pleasure: ?hire de;no-''change" here, you. mast . underhandi• but such as they government has sent here by ats disbursing agents, and that is totally lead , egtutte to :the wants- of so many men in that line. we manage to , getaiongstanehoW ; and I am Inclined:to think that many feta -lles at, home will be *lithe better ;1 :i HUGUe• CELLRLE9 01PNEE, Market st ree t, • i.,•••• - • t • ; t caw closing out Wit satin Stook of • ruBitorDE LD miammoimit. ittrANTlr ROIJULD3I , I2", IYBBpID EXIIILOIDERID - VELVET ILIISONK ." : nzro • LA.plir 81031101DIVARD 1121221, XXBROIDMDLnfOUNCITIGB, - 44001111? LIM awns ZDOLNIIB, : • . Laol.ool.llA=2 . luns, wisin X*, YALICNCIA..:4O___2IIII/lAff /1.4;11, , .111101111.111 ANDA, *1111110.4=1111TIL.; . • 1/0171722"IIItal, I • • „.. ‘jisf.*lA.P Vat ASH. ) ::..-_.ads .~ bl 9