t vw , rlo., `4444V'''' . , .. ...,O,WWOP TYE UNITED STATikt.'!„ 4 ; ' Jitacticit A*Second Session of the Tris:*,.: tA 1 t 4 84 1 11 11 r .. ..f -- '' - r truzz.to—No. 11.] .`, , *t. • - jjjjjj AN ACT authorising an increes , eef ; ~the.. . clerical force in the War end :Stayy .. ...po r per,tmeats„ ......., „ Pelt 4ttocted hrtke' 'Saws and flon, ( Reprcualatives of the United States of .64egt ice in Marra auemhkd, That, in addition to the clerical and other force now, autlitto., lied by Jew in the War tleiii•litent and its " , iltitecerliceiy:or. ar is hereby au ed to a ppoint ; a e follows: , In the the.,Secretarj of War, tot:11-'06'1a' ~ c , et '' tiriii,..'iirthe office of the Adjate4 It r ~.....,,.. n '''' , lisigliieen clerks of class onatt4 ; two messenattl : itinihelnffithr t atAte QUer-, termaster General, Ann Alarka.pf cleat:noe l . and one.„ . „ox9sentzir . ,,- ;in, the office , °Lib, Surgeonlitimetill;tifro Clerks tireless oheiithd. one labinitiiiiktWildice of the Payinaster. Genaelkolght blerka of class one, smote :c id' the office of the Chief, of. . - ' 4 lll l 7l‘orke clerk of s cless one; itijitk office thr= , et - Olden tift 2 Oilthili,, 'three' clerkn: lit chili . - tottitl7 itr:lsFoffice : of Ota, Commissary Generel,Shree clerks °fel.* one, and one 4 ,laliiiier: - Ind the. Adjutant, Genertriii':eiithirrited to employ in-his: ,_,,,.- . . , i- : - tf-t' , ;:::: ,- 3terutow.aar.Intattoer, not exceeding ten, , of . • -01:4 4 fiallt;Connaiiiaioned officers, to be selected by hililiiiiiillie army la addijiou to his prim.' ._ • cut clerical foree:" ~ • . Geo. 2. And = IttiElt.„ftiiihilr"ertocted,' That' this Secretaryief4herliery be anthorol4et ;: ,.Ar i cstplis7-.l4Aastaditional clerks of.'clastr, . *lke' ter Alia. DepariMent. ' ,'''..; -" Aiiiitiirkid, , latil?ry 27, 1862. • . : ;7%8. .1.-4;......:.1 ,- : - ' -:- -f, • .....; 7:.....s :'42:...';'L1 . /. 1 . tF l itAo.. - ii 2 -] . `'-'"" ' ~. Its '. ....ttA.C,cso....pravide i for the protection of overland emigrantsto California,Arti-'' on, and Washington Territory. - - ... 1 i ..t.AOkr) sit ift t nfll d ,, , lPeitfigaa,i l Hin"l'e f 40 6-,.....1 „. ...... ~...dA.ii. . 4 8,.P.; .4mer7 , •-• ."-(f i* P 5 . !CA, ..: •JT., - ,..:::, ,..:::, . ).Pr the;, ' . ' Protecuon of a gralltkort . ovcrlantil routes between the Atlantic - Stites -and ','.• . ' .California, Oregon, and Washington Teri, . ' tory, the sum - of twenty-free thousand lars be anti the same is hereby appropriated; • out of. iwycaosia r y In , the grreasury''ficrt. otherwise appropriated, to be expeadjal l - 7 ' under the direction of the Secretary of, . ... , . 'A; 44.4 4;:. hie , 4t id gel* tt t+ the ea lee4 ll 3!ti.. , . J:7, , , -.4tPPFO . ~,•11,Ittntry-20.802. 1... t.: •; , pca q”itze9U l llfoo:-blo. , A , ItESOLUTION. , for,-psyntent of the ex Tenser off:the.-Joist.Committes• otCol o , : 1 to' appointed , - to inquire 4nto , thi'eii duet ate° Besoiwai by , the-snwtte 4sur wow* Ototatatives of the United 'Sidles-he Amerien *twin -aneetbkd, That-the sum of 'ten : 13, thriusumidollars i somuoh thereof as Met, t 3 : - ...l* , nettateary; arid the ume , is hereby , rei ,,, l , upprspriatedi- to pay, the expenses of :the, Jolnt Committee of Cimgrees appointed to 4 , laquire . into- , the . -eimdireVot the present J,war• arid that Sum :shill' be druwti ,,,,, r orderof ^ the Sec ;rotary of the ' , Senate, us the n:lse shall ber :required from time to - time JO:the tee-having such 4uvestigistioit In obarge,., ‘,. .Approved, January 27 1862.' •-n-• - • . Thel:telllsioreett the The followintextraci of litter from an ' = officer on tchiti the Milted 'Strile)i sldp Sato; dated Ship . lsland,TenenibeillsVoi..' 'plains the Southein'story tunl'iis. phi.relative to Fritsch ::triatliif-of ing iittioked by one - of Lineolh'eships:"; " • "On the ere Made a sail off shore • run for her; and - ftiundlerliti be'tlie United Stela iclinoneefigin Winston; 'bound • ap Southwest As we 'had to 'go after • ' `we - toblie florin IOW; and the port day the riier;and - wits • " filling 'erkter`mitil! ten o'elock at night. 'Shortly ifter, saw a light"off shore,• and at 12"'Veloelr' got 'orders to gird - Shame, it blueing - strong - front t u northeist at the bad weather. 'wo ileared the deck for action;' ' and balled all hindo to quarters,tualul they , we were going ter-iisee ac we had to' fie; 0.. - steenter.:.". It' was 311 4tbf:threc 0.00 4 -l UPlCMortiitig . befere _ We'estdre,up with ' her,'stippoilng ler Jo he enerity, as she did not answer our" sig nets. We sheered_ alongside, and if .siair had been an enemy we would not hays been iz• , long taken her; but justbefore — striking, the stranger hailed us, saying that be French man-of-war.. Our, wheals caught -together, taking hie niarly out and'dant= aging our own badly. We lay bY until morning, and then took him in tow • Southireat Peas, and then'ise had orders tOthlehiln to this Mind and report to.the Conutiodoronf Ihe -- fenadroti2 We arrived 'The Trench 'Ship tidal hint to be slairesit- to -Rivals for 'rephirs "'Wo obliged to repair some where, per. st - Havens: 'The MiSsieretittliefrench whip' hire is'-to - take'ittiay i rkizite - French -s- • fatuities 'who ireltdfithrent NC* tirleins.". "'- 'The Prenchlhip'eirethe'"ldilati." ' She ijoxityi.ieeM Sill! Island, and proceeded ibitani *here sheltie t in nafetYltndr'reP6iti Value 'for the' doilieloit The:guribolit"lK 1 •4 - Waterieltelt wereilso at Wars,* I " • 1 at-the ot.-e.tlpro so , _Ateirszox your— . . „.,....', , - I Iktickler, Cloclanatl co .I.Wouvear rLV/Sblo L 14000,00 , N J - ,Thils •,-.,_ , . 4=,.:Twy, Id it .. ... _ 4 7=bo La irkootocky - ' - L .-4.1.• ...* -. imicionew writ co - ' #......, . it. gainlitiVairA 14!... , .IMA i J - ..51 lAl * * %904, 8 1 1 41A 411 .1 rtr.g CV ..*'4 l,* U 4Cibilii ,11jit.!: . 411 X. 4,..li't3'ilx .. 464, 4*(PL-4 Phlk, ;4" - k bat -, • ...I ....0 ,„ ;:Fe411;;41900.,. 1 =7 7, 0 ,1 , --:.-.: , " ~nu' f 4*ll'4 4l . ot4t7iliiiti l ifilifi 4 . 1...kr.A. , ,.-4/,; n. 111•4141,1 Is .''i,t+ v . . 0 . 0 4 0 11. , ,ofkiji .14^ --, 0 mon M• oo , Norptq Mansiold. - . Q • Pollock. Thompo'viU I) Z.MeNfaz. Vosb ' do . -',, • '; 0 illonott, do ' ' - IrWilson. 134.11•111, ..... „T • VP, 40 4 .,, , , P.G. , l . -- -, , ..ll,llatatb, Willa" " r r--"ir... . 0, k.' -ItalsOctokk ' a... ' ~, 4,,,X •,_ v x , ' • ..•-, 11,1104 ," • :-: • l , ! . M ,, : , J a = w 4, 4 .s.: i , .. o, llo.4l&.lll=WritinCTMAlrOlißirtitiel ek i- t a illitigiriVrlo4 ' ,f " 1 t.. : : `' '"-- Wileisitrif4 hod** 30314 i t .1 Wow Noriavii ,k Onott. Citp a il4 al iliorlitlerti 110matesiv /i 1 4-t LIAIO ~ 2 . , iiimm , optriallikleacb, N r' __ Tivm ' - rielknyo now ~,. lir sawbaiiimbe equip", pm Bar :'a z- 74 ' 4 ,..410,. , Ftar00k. , *4* - 1-, tog ' , .N A:UM 1., MINWI '',. , , l-0.-c ~,r • 1 • • ~,,, 4% 4,p r,l • 0 ... ni ; an 444- , '1931216:" OPX ( A9Vat are f::::: 001rijr; • - !'o4.3eie4iefor: Onsare. J ••.• :1••• • 1847. -, ti . Lolll4.4eicifeiiiiitlit hdt ;isiciaiiiii4;• 4114 d ad. .0? iiairwob. - o , o4.i?4.actisitz,l..s ; ,B„s;i o 4. ' 1i4605 . 14 ' 60 V4 1 4 . 40 . 1.5A5: 4c4wlthatadiiig liiitylderlsciace 14"ii111t0;10 too- 40001 Way at 21c. • Oait cooPercgc, s 4oe; and . 0/ 1 14 64 40 ak..aXeoXia , •• .; ' : ' rcDllllrl/ P11.61.1M 1 / 1 •••-8e1e ;of• 10 bulk: old crOi:eie . $1,20 per bosh,"and 17. bush clankri•netc •. 1311011 t 2 ,1 1 142 - *LOtTll l 7 •Eialci of 120i:i IDs Ire cpcke7 trwct it•il;6o Pet Celt L'"' • •-• • as-il ie a gond - Inquiry tier. pc4cee 11:ol with F silo 0f.21111G pt 14c..•.2gp atilf e ;eitiNicle { o2oo doi""iit 20C. , $4:4 4 4 at"*;)aal iqP l a• K/4 1 •9 u sl,is; 35 docataaa'ia aisLa4 1..1i55ar".1.4 37 with & tetc4er.N.lo4 la Lau. al age O ar-11 a:: • • ' BACON—ateady but inebtated; We blot* A 5,000 lb* 41 4 , 4 foe 030-fOr Ilan Ban, seal Irge for DuirCond do; 200 do WWI* • Iduas at Cc. APprtsilde tlay Drithe at 23,25 EFF—Sale 4qm scan of 95 both at 0 0z Per bash. INEN-Ban of 75 1,0x1ntr51,06 ita bun ,;: PQTATOh*- Dal. of 12 9 blab Inch Blows at 454 VNIU6O2I-8010 of /40 fba Mama at 100 per lb. CIILNBEESSES—Sate cdlPbtokos at $7,60 per box. "ALEsuroad. p alov i", Fr, W 2222 Ik °moan Bat 1.10.131. , use Unlticots a • 1:91,19 aO. bba4 J ikokery; 10 park bbh, Annual 4 09) I 1 bra ttenothegherry Arienil;lot • barditne, Bahl It Tetley; 20 bales hay. iFFIMIn; triaddo, 2 kW 193 At bean, *ant t Grind; 10 empty lathe It Fhhattinck 2, I:o222chanivon, J F. Dray; do do, Belk. rk Devine; do do.AlailatharrerZ i n; Nirdort /rickets, JO di) VrIalt10•1131, Win B ier• 10 do booketra So sun, WmOooper; 1 Ix ;19eyaria it sou; 12 bWa or. NcallutitcHitrobra re dos broome,Brovro rabid 424thit Littler tTrltuble; I bbl T tblaallattar. 12 eke dry apples,' B Floyd_k. ,etr thl Apow. Bead attgar; sack, laita,`/C - 1 Gledierail rerU /Whet, Swpro; buodies Jtalleternlte; 100 lot& Dour, D Wallas; :a do Doan/Deadly a co. _ annum a Ptrnutuan Innanor.—Set, Lair lumber, A Kellam lot ,do, do, kj3 Taylor; lot • dash Abr. NA^ I car Bon on, Loyd a ;Black; 9001hialerrhost, D Wilmarth; 1111 WA than. Sraak Wauur Nas.isedi 444,88,•50hn arcler; 12 pork • c ' ``tiopbki by River. 'tort IMYILtE-.-rra 'EC( CLIT--600 by maze, 100 ; Car bgtelkor, Clerico R or; 7 lArda wawa, riorthickl99 blab wboiter,/ do Idlest, 4d do trait, 2l ea Mow 37•14 e. fdo trait, 11 - Nils eider, I / 19 • 89 Y 2 FF9:Vtlackii 81 / 1 /3007 00; a oil bid.. LW corm Olicci/ bbletriur, R Jiniu ilkeim,loo do do Ledcli 2 - 11natIosOn;120 do do; Lindsay. 50 tiara; • lird',b oil 2elsioghlhu;'99 'Ws' olaelti Sficliao• A . .11Virry.811/281•bblii, A 0:1112.r • r WILIIIBI3II , 46-oeica Murrxio-,23oll§tarre, 53314011. 4 V 1.4 01 07/ 7 2 75. p01iA. libla.baute., 2 do,appico, Jai .7j, Mir; wiplle loather, 1 . bid ego. Clarke 2. cir 2C3 oil bble,qt - 8 Soilth; 194 do do,lf E. Boylan; LW, do diri, --3- av - ma r iqi - 8711c7d0, lt/ttchlown 2 aid* • doi AnlWarildl argildoarbi.,-aT Ifebriedy d bra; 6 PirittuOirsartionsi brovlia. samdtcOunotigii; Siatitia co; / skill, 2 //awn; 24 bop; 13 cattle, J la • 12 loll . saddle treco,ll 'IV Oliver, 23 tow 2.44 Henry : *.rar; 23 bdlopaperi•X' usevimge.jri 314. r• 13 0 8 - Moms • I baritraor.:PloWiner; 22 dozen / 1 / 00 rile..Edijorto• • *Silwai 7 / /A 21 3 i; Writri 2 - fierner;:oll Ig. potasom,Vrliritton; ll.do ccom,'B9 -do potitoes; 31rNoble; 59 slur Nieto* 1 do cations, LIPOLIS—ree 1• CUllsocr,,lise Door, Vocgbiley A. ,Kopp; 122 door bikli,lirre swam, 52 bide lour, J. CI fay; SO do ' do; T 25 J le . caugliey; 250 0 •• :13blii L'lroblic 1201 Ws Odor, clerics 2 ciis 133,0il • .The river continue* to moods 'lowly at this . point, with ten bet ten liarbes; bjehar mark' kit cawing. The weather yeareribit was Mir &turn:Aid andiseem-' hey - Mcopirattrety brisk at the wharf on the roMipts being- fair T.A4 6 . 14 #0 1 p 8 54 0 75rs Mreleret••••--The &rank Om Our lest report embrace the (lodine from thin , iiri*Dki DLit aid lows from Cincinnati, and Sir Fa: Winos tcout LoularLik, WI W good cargoes. liheraiseaGraham from Yanamok, and Dr. Katie from Cincinnati, medics hat nlghtand will doubt-. to. be Mod at that wharf this moniltig.. Itii_Fam -Mylircun Cincinnati 'afl roit**. strive to-night... nude LAW - for Man Poe for (MUMMA!: and Prinn . t'Desina fer St. an Sarni let evening. *PiLoMDoEllis tad suMi ealfeat cairgm Ming ispiarik of hundrod'ioneof trelilit aid COMO neMberofpesomigera. - 414 Poi had • moderate treighr-M, including sneakier : alai quantity of government goode...—The Jacob Pm came op from the Vim. on Saturday evening, when,: she 4.4„b aTu ,4pronixy. ortrhauled and resedreA- Diog- Stool*, we arlorsurnd, will comma loading ier'in a d•v or two....—Th. Bolbeand Tempt hat *r; 1 1,01 4-wat.M. of the aillabeE7 Oa Saturday orraliiiti with fair trips, incloding misnumber of oil ancoontmeda mere gale of wirefon her kai Mai - trip; duringi which" oh* loot . a ,portfotrofbitthlMitii iririmard.: 'JO 'areinquencs of tide uoaforpllll6;hilii dater clipar tiro fa &Wit oitiro:'..2.4bri'Molaraiir, Copt, tioctiniiiliniii-llti;and Dam tab,. CiPt. Sti commmica We are requested by 'Capt. Win. Built; staanshiait .agent, to elate that he will - attend hieing does', boos kir'sokUers - forwaidiej to any point siong, t h e Ohio river, - Me of charge: . Ma 'Mike it on Water ?MIS!, foray Lou!. etetasit: "TU'rirei her. has rissignir inches Mai lam emu - iciAih and the Miami out to rt - lair° Minim between . eight 'and nine Jest of water: -A dlepatch, received loot evening by' Cain- Willard time 2143Mital. Meta Mt - the river at that point to still laird and holm beer; rettiOnii priepects oft...break up." airlock tbm &Moon were the David Tatum. iron AltiMand the • Marengo from Pittsburgh, both. having tell mums. The Empire City from the Ohio and thaaatmalirOM Calru,orrived lam - The wharkbas quitika4OrzLappmanace an 4 bUilitllol - MTh, Mill Tut:brisk %Millet in cm otOaptl..llhottlaibiu Mimmiced. Meiling Mr Pittsburgh and Abe sat ,poisitai for 'charm elm will ' o .'AC,Nikriri . reir ; -•-• zindimil - Rote111; .rty , B. D•pot. - riorzurroz. ;,,' ~~'" gTI~9~IIBO.fT~9. Ttelt 1'22.421i8V411d3 c(AND . :J:. 001117. InVilx_9l4l7-1:h.;, bet, —Entfli...pprizza..m.pt. ; A-44 .4.004„. 'a" ' * boa #44 44 ilitensiSigt . pariA t 0a DI .- qiNia *deli ak a a bard . - E44L11. AitU A I 1 t...4k 1 — '•-• - liNg abitlnillkill." - ,s .. • • " ttlil67llo7Fr • Messrs Stevan &Mtge, , Sergi 0 L Cols, 13 .1 Belles, Wellsville la BUZ% ; J Comma, Steubenville. I M:TM W Fleksad, Cistetedeti - T Tlllmea , the-l;. 24 .c.— _ Kai reitalii ___4pliiittfrieb..____ DAVOTAH, A., iliratrizesorill,lB.- - eiiieliE4. Lbiti Ma, row iht. Zraturille,,C4fro 4nd:Bwpm:lla ltilitiDAT it '4 o'cicklf.' , Foi trnietc ~ e“ , , .31 J. Ali LIN WESTON &CO" Agastf.' . - - - _ ., is PITP". 'D _GAL-l e larat =,4 4 FLT PACltrit-LTI4 besutirul m i t stoma 1711311.1314,0 h ac QslUpolis & Mil SAWS tpAIG IA sr fl 6 M. itsturniag r basas Gillis.- ils IMMIX T iSDATi 43 to a. zu. Irosirsight or , = 3 ,, , x A. &LlnliGit ON *a L..* 14. DlsoUL:tit ' - 'W.E.,€ , Y- SArlaX-Ptratne - 740 1 =4 weiunt` bacurcfrur b•••• TI A • ' Luca, qtaltellpt: Memo A Aimiiss Viibburgli An , Zialaill• WirEST DT, .t-4 ••••10•A-p. SII.,- lilaargitim ks, * lb LYRIST PHIPA Y:' at , a ra. ,, Forfiati=j~ ippltdo Wolf oVI3 L. .1 .aW WI 1 4 ,k 1,0 •1 .4.natir Pittsburgh. , • . MI& MIMI & OD./ A ta. Zitnerrill•Z sell I WW W :ltikaik 0;f:' • - A (hug!. Soyleso Ey • ... :-,•,,..,, /.! , V 3 '.4f 3 ia. 4o f Pulti:',` tr it vg b ,9l . *iidolm Q mr-atakkolietu.skr, Ci:Wifektritib IMlaves •: ~ I ir,,it a a tt Altmli'y eci. G tilt - Hera Han H 3 Agra, . Y., Ata ..d AA B 01l n, Wasb I:‘,..gti• ~,i ,t il P ..kou la:, :,....,, P Hiniii H Putnam, hareem. 6:.'- D ?tady, do . ...s. -..... I 1 " Otts' •Ai uatt,-41 . cli . 41alsessliius, ..Eagoanu...At µob., : Qatb,os4l...ausaier.. L4.11k . -tViVb :Wjliskinonorlik. lamt far; Kit*. lice. ! - tA/ViaDAIG4O-3 reckcip y. m.— Taaveli Flub, F.V04411111,11% as 12 o'ilaai in: - L - Irir i ‘ i . t 4 . p*amifapplr pit bard sir Act. , ..., ..::*:4AI . '-' : ' -', -,. "- '. "Jtif.K. "tam . A.,04 1 . atipkii.biLA.ll,4WilkELlN IAO PLCl!Y. = l'W epMydld Isfoimes.ll:lll37li Vapti../0110 -43024=M il = Whadiag =tin Intermediate Voeti EVIUtr T 17112 1, 'PAXo , TAIPAIC - Aua4 BAVINA*Xrar ii crartk fax 4 . , Mart- : ne, , i4uw,490000 /with 4ho node 5 1. 40 t., *INIQH 4. i k4l M I L A OOP AT . ' ' ' . . l7 . Nr sliabAx saL t r . p. ak. , ittert r•miPtankrousit tektl " if f ri k tot orplia 'Apr elPr) , ,.. pe ansil'ofco., ~ - ` 4131, -' •, : - •". ' ' l•- , .- '-t qv , st :::. TVA 144.4 4 1 8 . A: 1 1 1 A lantaYli ' - T.01.1041.3gt4P4.0#0,1014 PMEIIT..4 43•MlalirFAITANIXARIPAVIT0110 1 is L - •••i• •-. x.• . ..1; ..1.:••! t. 'it ....- ..p- i _.,,.. ~....,, ~.,-._. ramtudismorstiroseo.i r , . f --,..• • • ',,. tee iftpuiariv of abs.llA.N anibli atilt , " to sr. 1,...0001101 tivibi Osamu* bboglait! abt i b mi tem.; I 4/71110Z. .=mtlt6vMw , mew. th.k.tfr.. b . r uKt i „, -. ~ bibratisof•Umsbon tau tort Av r tigar l ir iTada"=cle, rat,...#l- , 0 4, - itir, dm/1w Um lialats4..4l.- -sig4, ! . Mr4 s tt=en . , b7olU r, j:9 , l 2Adonos , ' no antlantgoi4—Faideterii'ii:4•lloA ,". all & nab ban O Wittc3l. nin At sail . ANPIMIdat, . ibbileg -Ribasylb, iitw a t ALL suillittarillf •4 19 4. lower • , 18111• plerY andel b .... ynai-swit. , N i t . • 4 7.11 CM J . I I • • I ~ IWircAXATOI,I I ICOUNLP ad.oo • _ baii." . -- River sews. ,- ,7 ;7 0 . r., ?: f • • .1 . 4....1 , ~... • .';', .•,••' •••r '' `.: ': ' ••• , , . -gtiLtD4ritop4ssAth , Atli IN VIT- ' A LLEN licpOßM ICK a i 1 . , PALED i .IRlbautU the 6,410,0 of ca.,. 1412., for fur- 1 ..taalL'itoonnav, - l'ituhtugh, P& Waiting FLOUR to the thabalsteinte Department Of 1 • WiTaiesztottes, \ No. Sul Liberty stn.,. the gal&Arstr; ..... , ~,.. • • ..4-4,.....,__.Xxsuafactorer: of COOK, PAILItOIt AN i , HEAT- Ab - thin*.b. th.;isa 0 2 . 63 1 Undo trill - Le nt- 1 LTG STOTTS; TALMO'S ANVICITCLELN tiItATES, quanta:ant bier aryls Oriratni- 'lone, An he detten-61- HOLLOW-WATT; etc., Steel entlflian t ltettio., hell ed hr washittitcca 0 thciatircid Depot e or *A, Abe, I ing Mill Casting , Alin Geanng, Gee, IA stet untILA -44/-11" wArdu..P. -in .f ls . 9 rig.WW o 2 .caZ. 4. UM! • be.. . tizesi Pipe; Bad Iron:, - - Dog haws, Vigg•Ak Dol., tit:- .tg-I,ga th e '.gth . awl LOtlCiif Yettinity, 180 L - -Teich I .gar ErsUles.Pulleyn, ganger& thir WLeeis Coutilingsi • • barreLor Flintr Ozthii biape4tinA pat - VAC& tt. In re- 1 and Ceatintmenentliy. Sint, Jobbius t ,end hischnie . ...,. _ . - •• :The !Wm' tauarbo Squat lu totality to the sulpha •tu. bo•uknotunlai the Culatol , agtert aC WAthin""? ,914, slut the Sarnia to Oa head Hash. • The customary oath O f -414404 ba required 4:1141ito be directed to ltitior .r. a. A., and realossml Oaradol ' •• " ' • "Orrice Qratimilim" :in Plttiburgh, •Fini January :27th. 18Q. DROPOSALS • FOR: TRAIISPOR A j1_,1 , 103i; OF :41.RMY , STOILEIL—Seated Freqe tith ent* wilt be aeorlvedat olUr. m.. fau thl, prosiaus,por the, transportation .during the current yrs* andlueDecauiley t. 0111; left,, of all OrtUusuce • and Aim? Store, (heavy .Ordinance porplece sud oth erwtores per VD pounds,) to- end from the 211 .22 Mil Loma{: Railroad :Bigots, Foundries sad. Wharres, • Itt oact,lteu tbu cltj. a • • • - •• ,Bidders "weir," u niform i roils to and from the 2nninal eti4..pedeits . within the Ilmite of ilactifT; 611 d 'IV like 12nitbem' rate to and from ail -point! within the limits of the' city: • • ter U. S. 4. 2 otain.vmurennitgraa.u: & A., .. • ,Plttaburgh,Ps.. slanullo 41th, ISM. DROPOBALS • .EOII , , , T.IsiSPORIA, 1.TION: OS ARMY - STORSB.,-Sealed...Proposals evillat received at :thlstata.:44o.l2 on /lON. DAVI; — WIFDISIZSDAYEF Iinti.YRIDAYS for the TRANSPORTATION BY "WATICII OF AWRY' STORES from this port to Whipelbah Pktkerehnn•P' ;Prat.Plesaartt,Onitipelis p Oßpoinunti t Ao Seville and Sabi* Lora. • • 'Freight to b iwerded to the Anima' responsible WAWA' , Preference to be Wen to Wilts according to stage of ‘witee; drattgb4...speed and In tsnoceiresistry... • . . A.,RONTOOT, / 141 4. - :; —cliwtNnsmiux &A. ALLEY,..FARRELz 1 PRACTICAL PLUMBERS QLS AND STIL'AIt UTTERS, No..- 2, FOURTH STREET. • 5p0:441 igolatiou gispp to the FITTLNO OP OF OIL REFINERIES. , A , I4IAGHENYWUNTY,43B: .C/. 'wale Court of Common. Aeon No. Ittnembet, 'farm, • 18674 Voluntary:. A/Wittman t of .James illakaly to Hto.-11,Qtanpball, Arid etiw, td,wlk . Janumj lath,"leV., Wm. H. Cainpbelt, deatignee - bolus. filed 6U final ectoest, the Denim direct. •thi , Prothonotary to give notice of .tneeihlbitiou:and-111Ing of. hL held Lao:wont' for at !gest Haig weeks ha the Pltiellurzle La & 70Ortild, :IVb ia z;h e PUtib g h . ,D . 5 AY,94 0 4t4.71 1 . 1 .4 krib in hodeelleit d account 'rill wodtki the °Mitt on 'the 221iDAT or rEntfelir next, unbar aunilter shown to the ceuttelt7; '•'• • i.PROM .TRE RECORD HENRY EATON. • - 'Prothonotary R. L. ALLEN, Aesxr, . _ COMMISSION RIZECHANT. Aud WholeeaLt truA EmMl Dealer to iii 7.1511, 11BANDIES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS RECTIFYING DISTILLER, No. 6 Wood aluset, Statturgh, Penn'.. tuAtkurtlpl rillilltD. LIST; OP. APPLICATIONS lva. ssLuNG . Clerk'. -- hdhrlivpio January 31st. ISM Plunpholdlt IA tdihr, UM ward, Pittsburgh. ChirloAszwis, •do Lt du Allegheny. ragni:Janies, other goods, ..9th do . Plusturrgin. 71Itsgewsid hands do 'Meyer. John, Jr., tiler*, Indiana Township. L., do Lt wird, Allegheny. Petweyer Jcseph,estinghousu 6th do Pittsburgh. Rooth Jerre; there, lot ward,. Allegheny. Wake' ilutrY__, • melt . Yd do Tireeourt W.I. Me. GO AlONDAT,Jirdinuirj itch, UC Aata%.?Filickr hut en tha ataT. aaaa. *- ilea W: A. iIitABON, TN MATTER - OF 1.14 E WIRE:N- A. INV V/ ALLIIr tiie City of Pitts. torah. No. 40, Jamaai7 Tam, 1.01. - m AY tourerted fit tbaahoosaarfed Improo. ot, ani busby nactilad. thas-ths ileum ap polatod tiwatart alaclrth oid Palle Netting Tor,thi beiring of paUmlukcestsdOd th e ernes LL W. B.lkll, No. 103 /music anat. Pittaborgb, oa Thoradayi iftbraixyath, MCA at llO'clock •Ilfileoz- boa Num appointed s -Timor in Waco at Williatallarakfil. • tire. LYON 'ARNSTHAL; .AND ptitza in- the ntoatieieci btu& erOXNVINE, HAVANA CIGARS, and att. kin of SMOKING CHEWING .luareo), • ssurr. NAN CI 11TCB.ACH4UN UPS% TUalt.B. , he, , vmd eartety, .UNDIIB, THE BT. ,CliteitLX.B Itant. rftteburxh; Pa.' ?C . D.—The : Trade rappltedlo tams: --- 40DUCE P , it bids. ptinie fresh 801 l Butter, - its bids. fresh Egp, • • 23 itep No. 1 Lard, 200 bubble tips brisbt Dried Apples, 130 do •du bairn do iberbes, 1131. do sound liesbanuect Pannone. 30 do white - be Tup, 61 do small wh glo itirlieans rni , bble. CiK4CO Barger und Dallellover Apples. • .12 bulb Plan Seed, 3Quil Drs. prim. Dactubsat Flour, in 60 lb. aka., , 60 bush.liarn 1361bosse soft ratting Cl,,,,,Deortned bad foredo by BLDDLD, Cl.. •-• • :. 16 3 Llbert prod. I 1 (,E-- ' 1010 bounds extra Buckwheat Mat, • u5..01 • Cheese In store es and for We by.w. IL Jett Noe. VI Sad VeltlM.t '"''' ?. Qi" I; fbT. Ti A , —A free r .h,) supply, put NT iu I.n tvottypropond tor an me. or for ask, by the pentie. aka. 78011742 • • Morita - JOBN 4. SXXilil4W, ••'JIM .` Cotner 1•11” %lie nand Smts. -- A• •I ; I 618.,000 , OitTOICES du NOTS4I,AI mamma 417111144 APO to $5,000, rannint fr om inky Meths PM*: pan, Inn bot had on rikuonabi• tuna 4.7 e4D • ' •• • WY. W lb. I , rIBLB, OIL _A I 1 tfi. 7 l fis ! 11.11 PITHOLECIC for p 6 by - JAY= DALZIr.,LL 80N, . N 04,44 aiso TO Water Innen - D TN• • • 01: - .nratt• Blue Land antatdo: tiliimiirtra quality, for lob bylnd. 0. JOHNBTON & 00., f • • • Statiosmr. 87 Wood stivitt. =ma roodyo and Ibr W try.' - ' • • • Coraii Markriand Finn streets A. ' L-• b`; • I.` WI LU, in I)J'L'IiULE 11 ' 'awl tic mil 9 7 ICIOX PUtIR. 1-.41.111.)bb1a-42.gravity, A.l swat. at :13016M1,011..W0X1S co. ILLUMLNALPINII , CARON 1./IL-300 &lot& 'felt dembi or , 3 ' 4, II.I.BILPAXKICICLIBILSNAP is CU., -,1621 r !Tr .t . 39 wood stwet: E AR_ (X,IHAT-69, car Idaho to arrive per .....• eiwil4iimo.... i . 3i . '' - - ' - .7: 'B. LIGIOM a L*o.7 - ,-, DK 131 - likkuMr DiuspAlitLEs, Q.cropbbi. , 7 - 4 d: - • '•. au :P*icks,'''. JuirtiAlvall tad SbriAlaty " -, - - .., * • ~,- - .•• ' t . ''' -veirts A: YHTZIR. ' -I left -,,, ..: carper of Rtartat astirtnt trertvta." • Eti • - 'lOWbin..pritaellheixte re celysehibt hi Ws by ;,' • .' ". • ' : . ti as ; -, l' (..w. f . - 4 , :ittifrejk , a tur TZL ti,: . --, i— t teltatittrlOUit; Illiiita t a , nth 4 . ititig.NANDMltiledlr. Attt • ' )l26''',''''' . : l • ll ''''' t l l l%.ll sia"7".c.itt:. ~ IT OIL BAiiktitt4 , "Aci,,and.fe- A t "." 10 4 , - Tl 6 on gra.. Y. 0 - No ATV' - Sutitite•ld 41+,44. ..,(1 - CE-20 bide. A Foul: F/our .4AT • taS pp k l aki i,l,VM".4 1 . or/1 .7 • clo:. mosigauevaximossemea „ ("PBS J tX/RN j _CORN I-10,000 Utz; -v.,r` failriou *ins ti ids bk. , " o • - .1,11W0NA15.0 •JIN, = NadialfiddystrestOsest:Woott •%1 frt t I BA vaiknat WIWI", • t r .41 4,4 /0 Up Ifftwitt-TOftw. Iriti ts i , 4 4 6 ll ll l , lll . - g7tma tuir liii . ; l 2 , e - 1! 'AZ it , r..ilherfrVP r.Y 0 1 1 , NOM 5 -- xtrr he,tt's ti b_k oh,liatf -wq r• MO,Mf}M; .=M===M ...,,i. • eITQ~`ES,-bl'~- , to Pistentod with &OUP or abrse Power. JAXIOI r IoUSQ• . J. P. 10V314. -yguNciliEßS, DUQUESNE . , mm 'Liberty street, eau- the Outer Depot Pa. R. IL, :Pittsburgh, Pa., waeur.ture. AIACRING, ROT BLAST .AND BOLLING MILL FURNACE CASTINGS of ret•ry desriptive. DLL PIPE, BOILER EASTINGS,RE FRONTS, ORATE BAILS, WAGON BOXES, SAD AND DOO IRONS, GRATES AND GRATE VDONTS, STOP. COCH-BOXES, alwaystin band :Lai 'or sale kw. Orders Leh vigil W. W. TOTING, meter or Wood eartefar.d Diamded alley, trill mesh, 1.• u,. t atter, lkni; • altar.; ZIOVES i B7:'UVEs•I—L. DE tIA A.:7 &SON, MiviurAcrtrorsui or STO VES Waretionm, Federal at., [Mar Sompunsitak bridKe, . • i ALLEGHENY CITY. We ark the attaut/un of dealers to on' nag wort went of commtv and .HEATING STOVES, for wood and 'etwl,'whieh we are Milne of lowest -raga. -- 'Those onr city Will end it to 'their advantage to giro m a call and examine ow »tuck La teen gurcharlag elsoxhere. • CAST IRON HOUSE FRONTS, SILOS' RAILING, 'SCALES, HOLLOW wesx, 'WAGON DOSES, PLADUand FANCY ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS, etc., sad CASTINGS Mall 'inch made to ordor. ••IG:lyd I D. Da RAVEN d. •filT A STOVE WOREs.—A. tittAD ia LEY, mentifaceurer of every variety of WOE, PARLOR, AND REATINESTU Ee; GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, &c., Solo iroprietor of the celobrateil PATENT GAS BURNLEG ANDRKOKE CONSUMING .9g lIRANGE- El ENT& .3„Ornce a,ND Eaten-Room, corn. - of Wood and nakd streets, POtabargh, Pa. Jatdly EDITC..4I . IOJr.II, ORMAL 'SCHOOL. -H. WI LLIAMS N has openede NQIIMAL SCHOILiL at No. 27 qt. Clair street, Third story. 2 1 edinsony of Teachers. He is of the Teacher, the w on to whore all of as Id replaalitedi he eh* ma matkithat bosomed At: heretelbte, *sr ea* whole sale said Wan. at the 44.thilitehtelt , Depot. sa wad Si .Itt:'Otalr att.!: • . PAINED • 0.1.1..,40ii .bialsoi superior ju, N 111, Nej B .o l o l oNlreceiTlV Ibe eele.by IL et 80N, ' ' 'es 70 Vida street. OLASSE:S AND SY hi t irr n 100 ighltio:=M TltilltiLL, pv.siF,ll.Bjost met., Tt cot Kiiijaale .Ll. , 4; 'W. P. ItkitaßATZ:l7llroadstreet q" .4146hipravi r si4 0.1U.1 J-11111011., PO No; 116 .~k~ ~ .