■ *,yi,\ #-S.£ xV''■* '. A'X «i ; BATURDAI JAN/i, 18fc; BEU6JOtV9-II|TEI>IiI(>EHGE> The /Veihytcrumof lealweok has an able ■■ editorial a£“nnemployed ministers,” which, contains Valuable suggestions rolatiTO to . theemployment of young mu. auoaaU pastors with the fathers in the ministry. Considerable feeling is manifested in regad to the effort said to be made by theological profeasorstosecore places ' for their stu dents; just entering the field, and attbe churches for looking more farorably upon youthful candidates, than .those more. ed- Tauped in Me. WitjW it is -not,likely that professorswill refuse to giro i theiroplnioh touching young teen wbo ale , i about to leave them, or that ibnnliea will not shektopleaso.themselresiin.theeelee-. - tion of a pastor, without much respect to the agff of the ptnon who Wmimends hlm-l eelf w" them as Of their Votes; * It is suggosted with .a, view, to relieve this unpleasant competition betweentheyouth fhl and the ipore advanced minister* may bo leuane<(’to wit—by the more general employment rof;,the young man aa osmatjC jxwtor»._ The benefits of this plan are pre sented With grtat clearness and force. - ——Th|»lieir .York (Srcirfels statae..ihat: the BaptistChurebiat Hatboro'i Montgom ery Qo. P^' ; tmaertl« tiat6r»l e»*r'i6f Rer.pWgeHand, at » late 'wnrouhion. seeson,-adjpitt«dtia BoT» : Mr«BelTjiie,s Presbyterian' minuter, to the Lord s table. A correspondent of that paper rebukes the charch and pastor, for according this priv- UegO,nndsays it “cotassof amisapproben sion of thebrotherhood of Christians.’' -—-Extensire - arrangements are being m»Branch Protestant missionaries »c« ora»!ned inParistecently - for the mission woji 4Al&atlieniAfrica: '• ' " M. ii. ; Charety SootlyeV TiptoiyMo.; has renijtrbcbl'lMr ifilSgUnbe'lo j theSoatheni Church, rejefittd, its seccssionpsstor,, and Is esking for. reorganisation into the M. E. Church. . • iiaryf a iej»' hare feea t*fcen; to 'New York, erecting' *■ Long Island into s separata bishopric. The Bishop of New York farors the movement, end said in'his address to (be i eonrention, “a diocese s consists of eonls, and not of squaremlleS. 1 ' —-Itisatated by an exchange that fonrteehpirishes ioLondon arc to be abol ished, and rebuil t in the suburbs. -——lt is gratifying to record the fact that the work of rarTval exists inParia, and that there are now forty-Sro meetings - for prayortwoekly, -—-From tho Christian Chronicl* ire , learhihs workdf roTiral prevails in ra riops Baptist Ch arches in Pennsylvania and New, Jersey. ~ —ThetoUowingetrSnge adrertisment appearedin adatr number of the Tnitpati ' sat:. ' ANewEngland Congregational who ..wax anl~long sfaied'.'dlamiaaed: from a pastorate or years, and who bad an unusnalamtsmt of experience in n vi-, rals amf,'special efforts, haring bad the privilege orUboHrig in more than seventy eocii'MaSdhi,'in ‘‘^Ucfi , 'S(>iab''2,fiOO :sonb havebecn’hopcMly 'eonTerted.ahdwboli now as vigorous tor labor as ever, is stands '■ ing idle in the market place because no Chnrsh baa hired hint' ‘ -X-hjiie' Chinch of Spain has commenced a erusade egalnet spirit-rapping-Booka on subject art Belted, and- burnt. - Tbe deMh of W. Tnroeiy Esq., v Derby. England, prominent end benero leat iWetleyan - iaytnan, is announced, at tbegrealage of He bid been;. .,’y tarat ; aTWesleyan at Derby„wbe£unJ»y, Jud-beardblolux. W«dqr~~V> ii —% ironlil seenj'from the Tote on bay Bepreoentation, by. direction of (he. Gen erol Oottferenoe oftho JL E. Church, in the ’ IJberly-Street .M. E. Chnrch ef this city, - ‘KeT. jA« J.'.. Bcdeley pastor,, that the pro . pobedieformia hot rory popular in thet congregation, when only ten person* were . - interested enough toStlend end vote in IreT« of the, measure. ~. , , -——The Baptist Chnrch .et Beanfort, a <£"b^»eid^J«:tl«:JtfgWt-jBhBTSh in America, , and thalnrgast Baptist Chnrch • in ti» ; -wotid: : -Soring theyear-186iVit re pofUdatotilmeinberthipaf periods. The. .proposed, reririon. of the Book ofrGemmon Prayer bee, pranked quite *' discussion among the clergy end members of the Jtetebli»W T (aa«S., ;ThejEirpjici is —Thefolloeingyegulerpreyertothe deed «u o9eredinl>yc*tun : Ben, Boston, *on Santo by l^'iduie^i* o !.* : ctbbtafai .trance lecturer. Woghrait e. . plahehiSonfctbese items,not becuaeior. it* being worthy of but simply on th* vtbef the propan of Spiritual ism may be shown up In ile true light--to onrresders: ; ; , ’ 1 Oh~bucUet> thou eon of the morning, who.] fdlftbhrTOr high esUUisnd’whito. mortal*' ere proa* 10-eeil the'embodiment ofWVil, - ws lift up our roles* onto thos. ; We know then' csnrtUat ken* ol imlels by the rrUlOfth* glalkktmedmkotpthanixtuertendrHXtionr s*diuUbb*f-»coaotny.thoupl*T*stthyp»rt; anderoeensetpreenmetoirttinjedgaentoTay •Deity. < ;Fr*tn dbe depth* of thine ipfsmy eUeemforth dittos troth*.. Why «hoold ?rs torn ftom thee t i Doee.not the eeme inreirer : tion rml* 01 »llf__l* one IntodV right better, it.ee another? Wekn'ow thoo hrt i*t to come an in hi* expended creetion.parifledby thein dUM hnn^alCTb—'ibf; hta lotre le uobyHt . - dsntfer,d«**i««» «f *** ; iWpajeflgflSftrnM of d» Aaciißt of Deyr. ,-’ ibma&rhend trith thee. A* thoa beet, been. ■ the star of the morning thou wilt again become an eorel of light. Oh,' Satan w* will tobdoe the* with oarlore, and ihonwtlt jetkned humbly trUhtu at the throne or Ood. Atrriter.in.the.JFyrnMn ndroestes. • the dedication of children to the Utfd.’He tUnke’tbat many hare the rite of-infant baptiam performed' in order to " ' aatiify Valise of daiy with'rbfewmee to ' titoircbildren, which might be appropriate^ ' ly and eoriptarally performed in the pub r lio serric* of-dedicetion. , . of» new church in Beaten ia performed. by '.water powor. Inthsinewchurehofßer.Dr. Gannett, abo in the City of Notions, there is a fine clume of bella, -nhlch ia lobe played -i. . —-rThel Abbe, Pssssgiis, whoproroked ' . the -dbpleaanre of the Fope,hsi.beem aj*. pointed Professor of Moml Philosophy at the UjuTCrsity of Turin. 'lter-Dr.: JaCobiiS .*»» 11 to Centra! Presbyterian Choreh of this city the sec- lhMn Cio«iAßCtU«zwi lfcxtouiorllrißn. ond' foiesd&y .of til? .moaULv- fie?, Drs. Loulsvilk, anired, *ll wlUigpod Tho Ara* EUibtt and Howard • and feev. Mr/ Lea -will *» /«««: Uti&'wu the ojir • truuknt ... . ~ ’ Bh»til W Ife’ffflirfit tß«’‘toaU l 'toka IHB gtliiu* Darticinate in the services... From thesame " . --.*TT ... _• _ .. . *•■■::. .number of leouis ir*s .lowed paper we th&tßer. Samuel J. Wilson, (ip co tbs. wharf ;fltx*rdaja Sfr.Sctfcji D Inin been inrited lo became; Stated inform#us tb*i rba will t*rei»jy to curmnHH-oU-l- Supply af tlie Sixth Dresbytcrian Church. log at. me totfmdncot th. work. Tta*mn^,e. p t. nil.™ w...™ Jlxrtxttaiwffi aba oominom* Joking in * .daj or Drs. Jt>«»®*niid Wilson (ire professor* in twi> _ _._ kTbl> Doooa labile epat Wtollngp the Western Theological Seminary, Alio- .uungioiVri* _Tlu>AogloJaiou,&om an gheny City. . denoti, will probably arrive toniayV -i_- Urn. »W» Whmluo Minrrra, Capn Ooidoo, i* Society ha. %**?.?*** rery, entitled “SiaTery. and Slareholding Joa Qaixnoiii-Tlic Dntlloe, Copt. Jua. Wood- In the Unitad-Statee.'- Permission eras burn, .leare*. m aaurl, fcr Gaillpolli, at 4y giTisn to the Board. aUha anniversary of Capri M.X. Cox will be lound tbo office, ready UmlSoeiety in sjrtril byttiepas,' ***■:"*+?*-”** «*• resolution,: . v f . - ion* Cracmrari- —The bUubCli •Thatjit irthe'proTinoe and dn- ; ty of this Societyjto enunciate ~the~lftwof SboakjVcn as above' ihls' evenlcg. On^lavery, 7 asvrellas upon othersVnfcr Tb„ Liuiwi,>riU'lbaow! at '•‘t’-i—-An Coinrt hot long since Th® flue riile-wb<*t^mq»erclai» r ink the -keeper of'A toll-gate :ifcWnr*- riiop,rfor colleoting toll off a .Wesleyan 1 » * .■ »■ i* v * ~ ‘———— minis decided that minis torej are exempt when they arotraTelling the circuit on the Sabbath. ; ' x German Catholic Chwh at. Al toona was dedicated on Tuesday, DCcei&ber, 18th ult.,, by the Eer. Bishop of s3xi. GitKDlie.9Ajß, the chinch is the prptcctiou of the Immacnlate Conception.*; •_ -i* -- 1 ——Ret. Waltea Wilson, who has been | officiating as Pastor of the Unitarian ! Chnrchof this city for the last eighteen -regularly installed as Bachj oniThursday oyening, Jail. 2d.' Ber. G, W/ Hosmetf D. of Buffalo, N. Y n and Bey.* theoccasion. From the Advance'in Kentucky. TbeLo’aUrille says: . By the trains up yesterday, we learn that there'll no large force on the Nashville Rail road northof Bell’s Tavern, which point is abbufc'ieventefcn miles south of Manfordsvilie. Yesterday, the rebdi-At Cave. City, five .miles northof Bell’s Tavern, In the usual'spirit of destruction, took all the foraiture from the Cave City Hotel, and' set-thr house on tire. Some Union man shot off his.gun,j*hen the rebels, believing their pickets wars' about to ! .be driven la, stood not on the order of going, but went atonce,in : great"haste, and' -with no JitUe Jconfiuion—not stopping till thsy reached Bell’s: Tavern. ’ Meantime, the ‘Union men of Cave City rallied, and snooeeded in' eztingnisbing the fire. * Whether or not ! oar advinoe had jtaken possession of CavaCity i isnofc stated, bttt-.wc Infer that a-sufficient nbmbeifqT Iwbps" willbe"Benb~dsvra 'KThoir the place'. ’ ~ ■ I \ I' I»ATrsT.*—Bj the train which' came up-last night from Jlnnfordsville, we learn that all was quiet along the lines when the train left, with no prospect of any change worth noting util ill rccnjiveiibridgoi* completed; Tfils latter event U looked for aboutthe latter end of. the present .week, Jbu t maybe delayed a day or longer* .What movement, wilt then be made we will chronicle afterlt haa actually become a fact., Meantime weave satisfied to 1 kri the matter rest with Oen. BuOti and his Oenerals, firmly believing they know more about war .than we do. or tnepublia, or even the -omniscient correspondents of the; aboHtion o rgaht—HUTTßVbrayihg o f the latter' to thecontrary notwithstanding. COMMERCIAL RECORD. piTTSßuaua *&&££¥&'■■ [BtpoTimiapeciaßffor Q» P&tmrfik DaOf G***tU.) i . .F*maT,Jai» 3d,18C2. .1' JLOUR ' remains quiet but'atea'ly, withallttlej i oimfinioM iDisteaiaalbof IBObbUstfipGO Jbr 1, •tjparfioe/and for Extra Family; <0 do 11 doU*S@Ma~- . -4- jofiOCERIES— firm bot aiehugNl; nb of ! -Cf«ai*il»}£@2oc lododo*t 20c; 25bbJ* Halaeees | do do at 49c; G fchd* Portoßko Sbgtf I *•4loc, tad odoK.o. do it 10J£c. - | BDOTOTDSAT FLOOB-duIU with a drooping! te»denc7; «lelBfkfl cwt l and In I ;btlk ( tn two iota, at sl*6o. . ■•/'••*•■ I' . With a rapjdj-iD market ample | pf-4-bblrßoflatU^et.nnd| 12>fta'dos*12?>££ ’’ 2 1 r GltS-tredefli*; o# f ty, at IScpergaH cirti? 16bbbSefi&*lb{$wi£mat] ■COBS«-dffl r bnVjQjckaagßd; saloon Trtajrfbfiioo I Ear at j)3«li. I , OATS-Bek froiqatcrg of 150 bmh at Bgcjerjjuah; I . POtfXttßT—B*l# o*7B,dreaaed Turkey* at7operß.il PLAXBEEI>r-Ann. witbasal*oriOObQBhprime; | to go Eaat, a* SI,GS per bosh!. ‘" ’ ’ " ‘1 DMED JBUXT-io JUrroqncat'and Dim; nd* to,! 't'bolots bf 40 Imsb Ptocbes «ttima-s?tos3£5 r per | la .two Jot** atfrem $1,02 to I $1,75 p*jbWk acwtdinc to quality, - f ■ jPQIIjIOM at fall price*; aaieof . GO Blows at 43c,... BO*INY-Sele briO btds Pearl at per tU, aad6doats3. GBEEft APPLES-irm, With a light supply in toarket;«aaofasbUa«t|2>74perbU. . . . 'BALT-S*taof »bbt* No l Extr»*is2perbbl, * piX pertack. ■*. ..“ r. . jPiAßLSrrWeafdtoMatd^o^Jb—4 moa* CBABBHtBIKS-SaleoflObHaprimewlldatte : toKtfgptg -’ < # _ # : Esaom or xto>-Mov »fll te foohd » ctataiettt.at Iseiettnlng; ' r .'; ? .*j' . i jp.Xsflrusif .8 dressed bogs,6\6hip eggs,.l9 bbb. #**napplee»lQQdo l rtdifcd atli 2 dabt|tter,lo sacks ryoflour, 50 baled broom ; ccnu. ‘' 5f .B*wr-4003,WJ|i3oQr, itf.ska wheat, 425 bbb l2/bbtabnl,6Rik* cdrn, J* bbb buAgfrio do np, 2* bbb, 02 sacks dry fruit, 16 hhds. 20 jxySt lso:bbl*r2s sack*. hWfiy,-20^bb ; al«hol, 80 40 iqpfopM, la beg» Aethers, 270 do oft meal, 192 bead host, 20 do. cattle* 22 akeoate, UOdygSfritei.—- 7^:t; " Import* by ''"V : ‘ ' ZAHESTOL£~na Lnxn Ma*n*-4& oU bbb. Hutchinson A eo;ia bbb oil, A Brown; HQ head hogs A 8 Picker; 111 do do, Jas Harper; 'iSTdo do, Keyttcr AFlcksnpaw.e bbl»hotter7doitggf.'JfloOrulir. 226 bgs corn, 1 bz eggs, 1 bbl butter, 1 bx pooltry, J A Fetxer, 10 bbb eggs, 6 do hotter, Adame Express bo; l 1 bbl esss,27o sks corn, 22 do oats, 1 tob batter, *tr Llxxi* Hartin; £2oil bbb, Thos Bell Aco;. 233 do do, Wm Xc&w; .44 bbb flaw, Ju A Fetar; 165 do do, 10 bUseggvlQ. do batter, 6 do iard,djhndf-to* teoco*CbrkeA co; -4000 staves, & Lovet; 225 dotes .;«ggs, W Farrar; 253 do-do, SOQ Jhs batter Isaac Brown. OALUFOLISr-ra Ux»B{?—SIC bbb floor, Clark* Aco;2do eggaTj £HLigg*tt t eo; 172 ska corn, 25 floor bbb, 1 bid eggs, Jas A Fetter? 2M floor bbb, & T Kennedy A broTufi oil Obb<4nUioooaco; 23 do do, J Jeffrey, 3&do.'d£Wmßagalry;.l&o ake.mill 'lbm, A'J BitbnOlMi floor, 73 ell bbb,.Xtioinae L, Qatbe. •> > . jPOCISTILLB—rx» Xonsxatw-150 blbbomU *ny, J B A ctr, 125 do floor, T fleUers A co; 774 do do, Jas XQM do, Xackeown A QfKr fllO do do,‘B Knox A eon; 66 Mb willows, .1 UeSvt lOriUa bat bar, lUn A dtewert)2t bbb dry mil*, fl Harbeogb A co; 42 us do, W X bonnier; 16 K hh4*tobacco,lU) bbb t al£Obol, 1424 do .floor,Clarks, •'A co.' : iCICINNNATI—r*» Ecoxbnr—loo kg«, J Holme* Acoilit ekewb*at,ft.T Kennedy A jaro; 60 bbb whisky, 30 do a ulae—, Lambert A flhipton; 60 car* b*y» vltrioL Loomed 0U.w34 Utwlton, 4 bdlMhalt* -lAg, Joom A iAalbfdtr caddies tobacco, J AMexaira; dOObbbfloar, HercerAßeblosun; 50 do whisky, X KcCailoagb; 10 bgt bat ben. Wo Noble A«*; 60 car* boy* vitriol, N A O 0 cm JQI bbb wh|*kj, Pblllijr A. XcKay; 50 F Selkia k co; 25 ak* bomloy, LHVoi«t 4 co; 60 bbb whbky, P Wallace; Lflldo do, •Wefmn * ArmatroorrHO floarhbb, * Kenno dy A too;84 do ibs X Walx; 50 bbb flosr, Tfaae Nel*, •on; I*l dodo, Jottee A LaaghUa*;! SCI pgt oU meal, ■ 450-bbfe floor, 170 bxa bacon, 220 bgt wheat, IUO bbb aloobol, 79 tse drnxe, GO bgs dry frntt, 4 bbb whbky, m do ■ajrtibdnrtiloddtplrttt, Clarice Aco. iaporfs by Kailrbad. Prmxtmaji, Fr. ■ Warx« A Cxicaoo lUn.xoaD. J»n; o.—3t«»,lbMl»Hn#,BP»l»DAco;lffrtown waehboinb, Jm hdb pepef, C: A 'Herrick:: 10eke«yefloor, WmCooper; Godot bucket*, 11 On tata,*do keelen, AtbeU,Lee,A ctr, a)do« palU, redoodoil, Jaa Da be 11* co; 1 btd, LAfl,Tfck eggs, JXeyerr.a bbb applee, Logan ACROR abbb baua , y3ikaA co;sobbb oil,Ardbcooilcu; U) bake brootneorq, IdUb ATrintib.■ - -~^ r - -- ; -• - y -.'..v. cmuifi k Fimduatai; Barttotw.—Jaa. L-* • Ibbl etgi, X Clyde;: Lear.irat on. Zxqrd A Black; 2 do do»4i A J H Bbaenbutger; Bdo do, Lrenon 1 Ffta ton Aco;»bbbollrJi«tiß»wrrn oirbeyi.Feima Balt co; fl dnaeed bopi-XcColUrngh, Smith 4 ooi; 1 * bbba^plm,jchn‘B«t4Tt;3dodo,JmAFeUttV:' * "JBTet"Kew«. Tut Bmt aim WaATVxn—AzEiraxj axd Pa^ A nninfigirriii T^‘'Tr~ L —xto—-Tha i jrtnr oontlawii point, thrar'fmt 'eaves’ or' Ctsfat" InAM» reported oo Glsar aoon.Blpfia. Tbe weather yemerday wmdoady andeoU,witfcVfa*aT7 fcß of enow ta the evening* STEAMBOATS, i < TWR LOUIS-Vj^i JJ VUXEAHDrfiT. LOUIS.—The flnedHH&K •teamer COMMERCIAL, GapL, O. WKeare, te*T«. u abore an SATURDAY, at '4 p.m." Tot freight or paanga apply bfc board or io * XT. MVIWqSTQy A 001 S f) K A» Cox,, will GSJ Flmbqis& Jar OipipulU XVKBY BATUB-' DAT;mt 4o'clockP.HL B»turntng, I*stwQsIIIpo- Ih;KTSST TUCSDATi wt-IO w. mr' Fortnight or pattase ipply oa board or !•> J«80 4. B. LIVINGBTON A 00., * -ri-s; PIV JBUIittHANDPOKTSM MOUTH PACKEX>-Fer lln|| ijMfilMl toff, Marietta, Perk«»barg, Poaerpy, Ironton and OLABA DEAH,CbBt..A.J. HimUUot*will.leavafor-,Port*-. ; man lb -STSSt TUESDAY, »t» o'clock" p. m.— LemTarUnoatb SYKBT: FRIDAY. at 12 o’clock. Uu J« frriffbtor |«Mff9 to ,: : - I - no&dlm . ..—r .■ JaU, JItACK, Agent,.,.■ BKUULAU JSANKdVILLE, PAOKST.-r.TbqMHSSBk sew-and tm.iitinn faesonflir steamer EMMA QM HAH, Capt. Monroe Avers, leaves Pittsburgh for Zanesville EYKKT TOnDAT.it- 4 o'clock p. m.— Bclorning, kaVes Zanesville SVKBY YBIDAY, at 8 n. m. ToT freight or pSMre apply on boerdor to ■ J.B.JJVINGSTOtf 4 OCL. Agents. Pittsburgh. >- lI.fi.PIBBCB A 00.. Agents, Zanesville. wit fIiBUtJJuAK WUIJKLiNGi - I X\) JACKET.—The olendld pamgeqlCHflb I SteemerMlNEßVA, Capt.. John Gordon, leaves tor whaling hnOBIi OF BID. : .. . Z.-Jl B, do hereby propose to dclivcr-to the Govern- Lmcnteood Be6f Cattle on the booftor «*^— dtod pounds grasweight. TboCettle to be dell ▼«?*■» |?«d at awarding to the terms of the endowed ad- I ▼eottemmtt: The Cattle to-be weighed on the scales Land lha: weight so determined to be , the purchase, [weight. I hereby agree' to give a good and sufficient I bond for the fulfilment of the and to receive iTreasuirhoted or.otherGovemmeotfttndsio pay* f.meatforth®Cattle. :: r - ' da2B*ltd . • (jwno* AeaietejnfU- XL Aj.-B.Am- l~ - Fort Monroe, Pep.g*, ISfIU/.' Eroposals for Steam fikr BN0XXB&-Med Propocab will beroodtodat tua oflim antU 12 o’clock at nooo, on the tenth day "of Jaooary aaxt, fbrfUmiahing two Steam 'IDe En slnm for ihh poet. Each to hare an *,'9 or 10 inch cfcrr*a Bcrtery Fum»,or ether pump of Oqnal capacity, 'vttn woctV” bOKOE, A.Q,M. ;. . —*■————ie——»w CsTBAJt 'WSaSKLy, BETWEEN. jpSL Shew roßicuro wviepooi, tb Bteamshlp Company-. toteM- denatchhig their all*pcnrsred Glyde*baitt Iron Sbrnnehlps a fallows: CITY Pcoaahar.SG. BPINBCBOB^.^— 4. end every Batufdsy; ir noon, from Mar 44, North Birer. ■ . ' 4 JUtxa or yasaadx:; , r^.; FIBBT CABIN^J|7S I 66jSTi:EBAOfc. r do tu 9o,oo]'* do' to London;...'. 39,00 do to um'c 'do 88,00 da to Hamburg. <65PO] de to BamborgJ 83.0 Q Bramen,.Bfit*i. tardaanAatirtfft al equaUy low rate*.. nrFersops Wishing to bring 4at their friends can: buy tickets hare at tbffclWrfig cates to^Krrlorfc 1 , From >Li*i»twl or OoaenStowntlst <3abln, $75, |M and 6X05. nteerapi. tkota .Uvcipocd 649,0 d From v . - These Steamers bars ruperiuriaccommodatknurfor nusshgers,’and cany, Surgeons. Tbsjr in v Water-tight liwh Bectkmo,’ and hsto Patent FimAnnlhibteiw on-board. : i Bjr <**+ tf ortrrqitfrrdto pnptrt Purport* btfct*jQimf i •» INDIA KU BBEKfAfci’i'K FOK BOW'S Ll AMD BHpBS, pnwrtbiJJlMjHltlWrMjMifcr tog them perfect!/ pltabte. We muattctn* onr*-l«%«ad aa wecm* 'SwtxHk to .to «U;tbat l» rcjm»«iUKl,« *to> .«*n : uuui? UutthAtenKd U, tottUifat^fafvWl^ji'^hote* da.’Ucoo wokeer-jab.. owisns. QgICOCO AMD MABTIOWOBKEB, FAPEk HABGEBAMD MiABXBBKB. r .... : MfCEHTBES'AMD OBHAMEHTSof tR kind* ilbrntitMd on -abort nock*. ; - • • All order, toft U from Wjlto. orU Paiiarr’i Wdl Fnv Store, Ha. 91 Wood «lrt«rt. wiu brprainptlyotWnoed to. -mbra - gOQUE'l'b, ! Isordait , CAMELLIA BLOWERS* *O.; MDBDODB'S aBEEKDOOSk, :■■ " DflEfedßCtf • • QAlajoro. fjUBH—7 cuka »6W OodfiAb, -i u j . £■ •i-> IX taiMO B 0 w*»4 Horttotrti •-•.-ei--- Becetred on oonij games!; «1U cbne tbralow for cwb. ; • . H. BIDDLE, MS Bo.inmnrty.tmt. LKtiJL A'OTifiES. ; I t LLBSSHENY €pUSTV, a.—|«W|| •-J\. Commonwealth of- ■ ''xVHp : Cornelius Biiah, | Drilieiatt.vllla&il baUmeDfnr D*TidH. Pnil,Ute I . crtT cr • as44Uoibebeoi>c«med. Is pammuwottbeflOcoiUß: ••etion of an Ad of ASeemhly vfMjdCaminoawtaUh. feAtlUoil “Au-Art. to create atilnkin* *Wl t aodlo l brurbl* for lb i gradual nod certniu extinmbunienv ■ of the debt of iW CftAtfftowanltfa*” pamed the 10th day of April; A.Dr; i64ir,yoo*reber*by cited to be | *&d J.itkaAßttOtf. Begister | for IhaProbete of Will* Ae.j to »ud fcr mid county, _ on or before JJOiIDAX, theCthday ot January* A - D i " indOwre to show cause why the collateral ■• Inheritancetai upon the following Bcußstato shhlb .. jun bo collected under the provUioui of said Act ol ? Amenably; herein.foil not. bald Beet Estate eoaiiita. *. of ' ■ -_ t 8 Roues and lots eo. Wood street, '-r 6 m ««• «. Hand “« . - • 1 Vacant Lot “ ** “ I '•• .- u: : • Penh ;** l House and Lo- “ *;' " *’ AHonMiend. Lots '.‘,-St,.CUix ‘‘ , . ,_ - Giron tinder toy hand anil seal of office at PUULurgb, this Sfh'day ofDfcceintiW. A. ■*:-;• *■ - ' dos:*rtd ’ WH. J. BtCHABDSOH, Eegtajcr. JJAVIS & PHILLIP*. BRASS rOBKDERs'AND BANUrACTBBtBS, ,PLUb psitfi GAS AND STEAK FITTERS, Manufacturers and Dealers in Gas fixtuhes, PUMPS AND BRASS WORK, rferezy description. OIL WXLL PUMPS, orBBASfc^CDBPEB-or IBQN, with the moat approryiChanlcia or Volina, of all kinds, and warranted to giTe eatisihction. iIANUFACTGBY, j- 110 Water and 101 Front streets, jyg2;lywr*F f|X) FAKMBKa AKDOTIIKKS rOE SALX.'OEOWEra SUPEBIOB PATENT GRAIN FAN AND SEPARATOR,' Patontod January 10, 1860. / Thesupsxioritj'ol this FAN overall others In us* consists In lti cheapness, simplicity and. durability. Second,' In cleaning Grain Cuter, bettor tod more thoroughly, with leeslabor, tb&nanyothar mUL-' - The patentee of lbn above Fan baa been long eu* gagod in manufacturing and telling Agricultural.lnt? plomanta, and convinced of the great want of a good f>ah tot cleaning’the "diflereut kinds of Grain and. '3*jds,prmeuU this to the public, with fall confidence Ibat lrwiU mwt their wants. ‘ ;r » : - ' | The ohdentgaodt havlng purchased the sole right i tu tasnnfincture and nil the abort Grata Fan and Separator In .Western. Pennsylvania, Western Vir giula, and aU Ohio, and lhe~ right to sell In Indians' and Illinois; Is how prepared to fill aU orders, whole* aale or retail, at 31b Liberty atreet, Pittaborgb, Pa k. AMtaawtfF - W, W; WALLACE r: L.ALLKN, Agent, H , \ PBODUOE AND COMUtSSIOK MERCHANT, And Wholesale and Retail Dealer in WINES, BHANDIES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS; BEOTirYIXQ VXSTJLLEB, No, 6 Wood Stmt, Pittaborgb, Penn’a. • , •- •; ' ■ • a. *. w.taixox~.~~—— n. uim tatloe. mAYLOK A BKOTHBB, Cokmimiob JL MUCVAKTa, • No. to WALNUT STHEET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. iWPnmmal attention given to tbo purchase and aalo of PRODUCE and MERCHANDIZE generally. godente advances made on consignment a of staple art idee. ~~ Hcacn. THOMAS ABBDCKLE A CO., Pittsburgh. - - KINO, PENNOGK * CO., do. JOSEPH a BOTLER, Eeq 0 Cincinnati, Aod.Cincinnati mercltanta generally. 002:3r0d TUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLI - this day, 25 boxes canned Peaches, at (l per dozen. • 100 boa. choice halveosiswDcy-Feacbc*. 50boa.primeDriedAppJet. . “ KM bbls. St. Loots JontUfon Appßa. : 30 boxes bottled pm Wine. - I 25 bbH. Flint Hominy. - * 1 cartoad PrinonAlberi Totatocs. : l ♦». y * Peach Blowers. i 20 boxes mild Chorea. ForsalebT L. H. YUIQT A CO., 247 Liberty st. Sundries— r 500 bhls. Ex. Family Floor in atom and to arrive. 100 bushels Small White Beaus. 50 do Corn UcaL : 500 pounds frwb EoU potter. : *3)O dozen fttsh Eggs. ' •. 12 bushels Flax Dwd. . -7' • ■ £0 «lo Timothy Seed. . 6 barrels Cranberries., . ' 40 boxes new Cheese, - , . 3)0 pounds prime Goose-Feathers. For sale by H. BIDDLE, - ~ 4e28 No. .183 Liberty street. . PETROLEUM—Tl 2 - 36grayity, ICS •• ,it “ , „ Si .. : 85 . “ HI •* *0 “ «o . “ J : ■ . KSO •• „ « “ , . • 254 For ** Dooslar “ : 24 “ « «. i“- : " ;Ta « >.“ ..Valley.,,. « , !« - IS«r.mur ’•' riicrrii. “ i 5g : u «* » w listers and forsaleDj ... r . ide3l • • ISAIAH DICKEY IA-CO. J?U> UK— • *J?a BUO bUi. WbltoWbaatXx«Tm]toßi]j]*lotir, 100 «c*ft prime Backwbe*S . : do - IQOO IU. freth EoUßoUei, = 300 doi. frwb KgOT *; . FrabreetiTed mad tor Ml* b» •.;*•BIDDLI, deaO-i- g.‘. : w Mo^lPXltorty T'kANLIBLOIN tXJFJs’JtUS—Achespand A ratotltotofarßioYMfces'irovtedosd gnamdfpotßplooM'pCoiMJ received end •T“ 4 “ u ‘*' r “ arffi WsT&ittAw* deal Comer of liberty add tfmd *t recta. UTTEK AJNU EUaa—• 4. base* frcehßoli Batter, 3 barrels ftafeKggs, . -1. Hmes a: fetzkb, ; . ,de3l I' Corner Martetuid Flrdatroett. REFUSED UAtUUMf OIL, is large or ■lull ooontltW* tor anlobom’-tbit •uperlurße- Ou.it Ditto Reaerea Oil [Ootnpnay. > Abo, Bennole, •Ulw ol which tUI beaoia fa to* M. ode tod jijonj: t*enoetabto-4Bflerlntbodtj..u... M : " MAIXg WCKET’ A CO. '■■ T-v IA HI RH—lflfr2—Kwery aiia and style U trom the pblnoattotke tnoae-eleeautly bound. Tbe inoat aanptoto*aaottinent.ATer biurypit tottua *! , T-:?“Ji* I S-^ VM: ~ 0 jpaKSTOS'*.CO.'3, i '7: ’i i ’ f?. Sfltlnaij' W»mbOMpfW» ffdßdttiwt * • if tfr Mereha&fc&au taUerr irapplledat HITCUtXJCK.M'fIBKEBYnOO.' • "i, uAothor olblAirnladjxins tSywon. ft o»r oV.: " l Tdaln.. . JAUKSOW. A IQWRBUmr.: ~ TJUTA'i’OES—-400boBtiels primoJernoy -L' Pooch Hlowwai PuUlooe loatore end toraCfby: ■ • ■ COLR A SHEPABD* . 0.31 ——MorlHa-Liberty atraet. . '/'jUKAiJy . ja2 T**”:UKNKYH. COliLlNtT^' OIL BAKRfcILS—2UO empty Oil Bar rdikMcmid ]tkDd, loriMle4»y.' : -■ ' , jait- HKX&V H. COLMWB. SLTHULLUM i-UU HALL—SUO bbla. UgbtqtuUty/onooDaignineni and for into for* 'OTWttmo. --w-t-.-i 1 " KOCLAMATION.—Oitt of Pitts- p BESB * GKAKK XT.CMS,■»..-;-•> ;.. . 11 : s '' ■ \OtL uxrrßXSß* ■la with OwjproYUiun* of as Act of the aid ■axfttactwu Of., r- 7- • .. - c o Ganentt Assembly of' the Coafawintealfh of Petmryl- WHITE BURNING OIL. •TDESBiils/iSPAWitA.; D'.»lSC*:Uti.g U» *«iowOnß»nrUwuiti*i-. .. SkrcsiH Dxt.'ot tbx- Mostb, the trewmsn of each -ocUuuwr Wardof Tttfa'ciiyJ-qualified "toiViUe 6jr meiul*rt' of ib« Hbraebf tteprbuaitaUra 61. this Commonwealthi ; will meet at Sfcaatreni placet of -bolding election* la : thelr reepectiTe -ward* and precincU, and. elect, by i ballot, cnder” the proTisioh* of att Act of Axtombly, paaeod ihitttth d*y of May,Afl>.; 1857* : ; . - - 1 ■ oD»jwn6n tofcttfii Kayorof add city; -'-t-u:-'; v One person to ears aa Oontrottered *aJd cfly,and : One person lo •erTeM-XmSBWLfi/ m*ld city. Each of whom shall hold their oHJco.iar two years. ■ On the aamo day, in ' coniuttUy-tOHlre above cited aslhoriUefll and alao.to.Utt of Connell* "districting said city, the diUensbttba r , .First ward wQI elect, by ballot, r. .“Eighth Wardrobe- person to bea member of the Wlectand three peregpeto be members oftha Com mon Council.. _ ... ~ .-Ninth Ward—One jtenc&' td few member 6f-the Select end .three perepos to.be members of the monCeuuuL. " Each of whom shall be qualified to serve as a mem | bdrof tbe House of Representatives of this Common'; I wealth.'. V . *,.7 \ ( At the electtim to be helii.A.npat-.lfilli, IWil, all ships I and vessels belonging in whole or in part to any citi | sen or inhabitant of sold State of ffisstelppi found in I attytnrt r of tho United Btates wtmld be forfeited to I the United Statcs, and that sold steamboat owned aa I aforeedd was so found In the port of Pittsburgh upon I sold December 3t>th, 1£61, : and that tbe sahl -vesseh 1 her tackkw apparel and Ihrniture becamo thereby Fir* r felted to (he use of tho United * States, and preying I thot tha mine may lie condemned as forfeited-as I aforesaid. • | Xow, therefore, in pursuance oftho monition under } the seal of the said Court, to me directed, and dellv | ercd*-l do hereby give public potice.to all persona | daimlng the said vbssfcl, her tacklol and-for | or aay interest therein, or lien.thereon, or in | any manner interested in the tame, that they bo and I appear bdbre the said District Court , at the city of I PUtshurgb, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of January | noxt, (1*5*2,) a t eleven c’clock, In the forenoon of that I day, II the same shall l»a-~d»y of jurisdiction, othcr- I wise on tho naxt day of jarfeniction . thereafter, then ] and there to interpose their claims and to make their ' I allegations In that belulf. A. UUBDOCH, t | U. 8-Marshal for the Wcstern District of Penn’a. I : Pittsburgh, Dec. STltti; 18C1.—de30:dtd - XTOTIOE ix> BTEAMBGATOWNERS 1 w —frhfl Insurance Companies of-this dty. tented by the nnderslghed, hereby give nottcci to oQ parties insured in (be Companies, that, .under their Policies of Insurant*, it Is reqnlred .ihat there shall be kept on board of each boat, whilst lying up, a Day WatehmanT and *: Night--Watchmah, ana also, that there shall be, on each boat, at least twenty- - four. Dockets, constantly filled with water,.b>be tributed forward and aft and upon* the soTeret decks. These are not intended as :r new regulations;'hot ah tbo proper and legal intsrpretatkgxs of douses in the , pouch* which do not appear to be perfetdlyunder •* - ' : r :■ b. huxeb,'Jm, I- President Western Insurance Company. ••••*' • SAM’tBKA,' v - ■ Secretary Citlxens Insurance Company. A- HUTCHISON, Frcstdest s “ Secretary Eureka InsuranceUonmany. - I. P. 'Ht-BOOa, - I . . - Secretary Allefiheny Insurance Company. . :v “Tip. a- bihshakivT I . Secretary PHUbnrgh Insurance Omnpaijy., |- f. A. KADEIBA, I Atreut Delaware 5L F.TnsurunCeCompany. - ( *.i- .->VA*A. CABBIE]^-': „ . PreaideatPennaylTaaia InsuranoeOampany., ; : ~ JOB SALK BY ae2ibayaw3Q QUijmmss Toim thaDE: , v-MO'Mta.&otoofeMen;'-- “ ' f 2sfrTboxea primtfWaWrn BemreOliMse; IWQ bbU.xaekoXy.'Whit«Wheat Jlour, .• v 150* -NbAlandSMockoral,.'. n : 125'" Ho. SUrra' ; j IUO batta usortod otMdi.Tobscco, GOObbU. cboioi Plantation Kolusm, - 100htufe.'N.0;Sttnr.: - - 100 bbb. snorted Bmßed.Sag*ra, ■ lCO'^-i*.*«V: Synapa, 116-do*.„ M , Cora Broo»a,. r , * 350 bbla.sHtDe to'eKblce BJo Crake, ; •* ;75 cheatoTotmgffyionand-Blackfeaa;' / IbifrreahdfoiMfetiY* '"iy T . i.v*-e*i’.4irs-s HcBOHALZ) A^BBUCXXES, ; ;delS LH0..2&3' Liberty atreei, near .Wood. nimsKat Oornon XIUK: UhIHON A*ALNT.c .r / lift beat pdrpoae* kaown foir pr*.* AND DECAY; for BRIDGES, 800 PS, BOATS, TANKS, Oil. 'FA "*??-*! , or other work exposed to jhowfsUhor. L . „ -.q* * s-.i; Aa o FIRSrPBOO% PAINT* It-i» ; li»TalMbfc, Md. to warranted asperior in body, permancocyaadcbtap? x»mtoany otharraiattawwn. •, -FAKTNkIt- +WWA WON*' CO., < Grocery; and Jk»*.*jtore ;b»K dtaolverf on the Gthday of Motewt*rr, ltk>l, bribe withdrawal of F. U. . ANIOSBBON. and the btttlne* will Im'climn ©tit by JAS.;WATBOK( of tbt firm ofU.* V WATSON,at ; their office, vhtf'aloM has authority to mttlo the bunlnew of the late firm. - • ... JAMKB WATSON, Jr Pittabuir*,' Hor.Stb, 18Gl.-nu2B-.3rad OOtfT. In the city, closing out st COST. just rac'd L UUU> X&tm,. dCltlUMO FAPISKS Tf AKDWIXDOWPAFXHSIs gntt Turirtytor »lt cbsspfcr csah,st Ho. 107 Msrtst strsst* •'•dtfTT • 408.5.8DQ88, A liABOB ABSOKTMBKT JUST ssoxsysD BAILY, VAJIRELL *OO., ifa.l29 fWBTff fiXBOT. The largest stock of* Cl O.CKB IAI ~ OJAS, ifc. PETRODELIMOIk JL Cux*if.l- Kmr- Tdrk, has established a Depot atELIZABKTHPQM, j N. 3 - J., for receiving and storing OlL'shipped by the - hailrasd.; This port, fcsrconvenhlnt to; Hew Vprk,aadaav«s cartage aad;-numh AandHug,—.- - Consignments acftldtod. ''Mark lsirr*tt .ria Jlfwii*., '*\r~ ■ "" '"'v. 1 *‘ 7 a .' BlcbeyVof the firewof Bkkey, Hartze A Co.; Rogers A Nesbitt; Eaton, Hacnm A .Co, ’tWfeUalwg SUliAtt UAli WORKS COMPANI OF penkaylvaniaV- , *• - "■’.tfmnufecturervof LUBRICATINQ AND BNriNSD^lt^T,' ' No. 3 Bt.'CUir st., noar Duquesus Way,. * Pma»ohßm‘Dwr»*a.* • This Cwnpaßy- -Is excluhraiy. engacpd'-Jn-the OU trade,and is constantly offering .PJfiTKOLJftJM.’uu oominiatioa; wholeaale. Advanoea-made on ponaigu msute. -Address ~ ;-'4. WIA.VEB, Jx, ..•■■noasatf V- -••*.. v,, awrdary.: ' oso. w. aoLnsKtv jAu. r. w i’oxwicx. /■ITTOOPyiLL?! PIL J^FINKRY. • - BOlDamP.-BBYAN * uo.; •- • K ’ • ~ murcracnrukka or . BU&KIHOOIL AHDItCBBXOATIHG OIL,, Keep constantly, on hand, tho'vary, beat quality of. iBUBNINO o£U clear and without odor; also, a good LUBRICATOR;-pure WHITE BENZOLE, and CAB •'ajtKAMfc 4 --• r*" i ' r > ir : WAftbrd4r»-left*t No. 36 Firm finxKT, Bank BlockiaeCoud be promptly artended to. .. oe&idtl;.- v.:.-...'.. .../■• - LUGIFEK Oil* WORKS* ! WILLIAM P. WOOLMDQE, -COAL AND CAJtBO N I*B, .. anddealetin.-' . .' LAMPS. OBJUNETS, Ac., Ac* ’' ~No. 88 Market street,‘ between'Second and Third, - PITTSBURGH, PA. . > •rah3o:dly AGUE Oil. WORKS.—WIGHTMAN A ANDERSON,'reflnert and dealers In-- . - PUBS CARBON guaranteed,) ‘ PmaBUBQH, PA. 1W CAB GBEA3E and BENZOLE constantly on hand. • Orders received for tho present st CHESS', SMITH A Oo.’s k Water and First streets. . . . •;' , ~ ' * riORNTLANTER OIL COMPANY. V . - •. .B. HrDAVTS, JVenifeM. JOHN IBWXa, Jr., Sk'b a*d IWaiV. ' H. Davisj/T.'. M.'Kevin, J.L. Car :naghan,*A. r Oamereb;Johhlfwln,Jr. —' of light gravity, from tbo wells el the company, on Oil Creek,la Venango county, con* stontly oU nand-and for sale. -V i ; -Office at.T. U« Kevin &:Cd.*s, No. 26 WOOD ST., * ■ . - ; my4:lydv ETKOJSA OIL WORKS.—-LONG, MILLER A CO. *■ Works -at Sharpsborg Station, Allegheny Valley Railroad. - * ■’ ' - "<• Otuca and Warehouse, 23 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. . v - r ' Mahofecinrera Of ILLUMINATING and LUBRI CATING CARBON OILS and BENZOLE. ' -•aTNoVI REFINEDOIL, warranted non-explo*: •.give,always'on-haniL, ■•■•‘-■tc-u. i odfolyd -• ÜBKICATINO ;OlL ; at -thb low nice'or 25 CENTS PEB’GALLONrconsUntly cm hand and for sale- by - BrOrA- J.-H. BA WYE R. As tu the quality, two r^&r>o annexed .certificate ‘ " , * Pittsbusoh/Not. 27,1*60. Mem*. B. : 0. A J. IT. Stwyer—Oeu»: Th» Lubri cating Oil we ore getting from you we find to bo the best for our purposes we have over hsedl' * ‘ "-* ; - ..Bt Va E3PY,iV'.■ who '' bl ' : 'tL : P6EHCKy Pnoranjoa. - gT. LOOTS HOTEL; CHBfITKUT*SraEET, P B ILA DELPBIA, In the i»pp*itt***. neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Third end - Oheetsnt streets, the Banks, Post-Office, Xer- chants' tickings, Ac., Ac. . . BOABD PEB DAY, $1,60... :. JJC-fiOPJLtff PLAN. " » Bouiria from A Cents. and upwards, per dsjr, and Xnts iT'k ftMi'tftisf BssrarnaxT aiTaosro id vas Hotn. Prices aocordlng to Bills of Paro. J * - BVTna Citt Cams'Tain pASsnosa* kaoiraar Btayiox TO oa CLOSB'TO Vb ■ Soteu HHSsglUh.Trench, German and Bptalifcspoken. ST.; NICHOLAS HOTEL,; Bkoadwat, : SBWTOttK. -.-.. V;,. 'Sines the opening of this : U\ t InliMiir htf lbAji^'tti .-proprietor* to make If~she mSi^foinpinoM,conien- Hont f6t the citiitotad ittan -gercrntWiTifiboftii AOiiitii a — ;: ' j And .white*** to#deemed UMf M *dfiilalrt«rto; tbioomfert of itorgOeetatbey' ban 'ontngsrd pnrfdc, i&d toconUnil) the. ekmcaUi of individual #nd. social modern art haaijitented’and modern iiuda bppx'OTßd} and the patronage- which it baa commanded during prooftb^enbeiref-1 fort* have been ■;-, a.i.'-ow Addraa PtXTSBCBGSABt) ■OfcdevT JOUI MtTBDOCH, I' On usd afterf XOHJIAYo V9nmtMr2ttV.ua. f Trains win leave the Depot 61 the Penneytva&iia lafl road, -..-. ;.. %j Pito&sryi, * Cbjnii&tu 'caJ Cfeetaaetf &**t Ha* *<■ •‘; ? - ■'", •/.*• •[; £MMh - ' LeaveePlttabnrgh_~ M ..... M . M .. < .. M .; a L l:Ma.mr~ \v--r I- -do 5teubenvi11e............. &2B a. m. f do ..lies p.m.- . j>- do 1:30 p. W*.‘ : ‘ * [AirivesQyijgnatl ,„„„•„ p. «*.= - *.' | do. JM5p. su ■«“S*«(U—;— ami,.- vt 6 I- ido StenbcnriSe —■--■- 1 -.-l-- I ,fcio n, m. I •do Newark, ......T.T..,.:. ,T.~.T?rQO iwMHr* l l. f Arrive* Cincinnati, m. 1 do SU „,,,,;, jyy yl. {:Ko dwhs^ff «u« betwew dodimaU. ' Splendid Sleeping can attached <-v‘- •■■ ‘ ; WTkee^ijUa**;■ --i •. ,j/ jjss #, m. I. ..do itt a u; j . do. - &» a. nu |. •do &35, a. m.. ~ V |-ArTlTeaßeUalr.u.L^Mwl^~....~4. u . M .'6;So-a. m. ' *"”* ) Laaraa Plttabniyh rl j& p. ny 1 : I. :! di}''WdlfllDa,.n H ...—Mmhto «••* [-Railroad,and at Bellair with Central Ohio -Railroad.. . Cor ZaneeviUe,- 'LanaorteiYClrdertlle, Oo)utnbue and Cincinnati. 7 -•:- --*'2 f £'-•■> :• PUt*bmrg\audCitttlond.JLim*' l p> XeaveePttisbtxrgfc 1:86 *1 m. do' Veiloiife... : AOB a. m.' !-1 do Bayard...... -. && n. m. . - . | do Ati-fanns,.. TiOSaT th.' *. du. Hudsons, -.-... i. 836'*. •£* I Arrive*Cleveland-..—.. , >. Leave* 1:65 p,'JS.’ v*' 1 .'••■ ••-do- L/drfio &*:- : ‘ do :BannLw M .^... MM .u.. MM A2A p;-W a ■- do. AUianca 6:&U,{k. m. do 4 ; .J^..;... mr ....4.. M ...1 M i t:etroU - - anUC9llc*gO..-vi::.- v * I .Mail Traln'leaves at &05 a. nu. stopping at aU ft** 1 ■ tlunc between Itocheeter and Bellair. ~. .. I WeßiTiUe Acdooimodationleave*ato:3sp.'m.. . .-.. I Be turning train* arrive in Pittsborub aa follow*: 1 UaiiTn£i.; H ».. N »..^:. ku .,..'..»M; , l:lo p, ns. 1 Fa5tLine........................ .p.'m. Bzpreas 1rai&. n e... Mw ..... M . MMM 4. M .... I'tri a. jn. Weilrrroe Accommpdatiou.....~.,~.~~ 040 a. zn. Paaaengen desiring, to go to Sand oaky, Toledo, Chicago, or* point* Went, via Cleveland, mtttt be par ticular to aak for tkkem via Cleveland,'i . •> • Through Ticket* cao 'bo procured.at the Liberty• Street Depot, Pittabuxßh.. . r• , / ' JCHNSTKW'ABT, Ticket Agent: ' For (briber Information, 1 apply to > : ' s • - ■•J - WILLIAM. STEWART, Agent, ; ir At the Company** Office in Freight Station, Pennnt. v :■■ :; : oogT - ' .■ wTn t'e a - r ” ’■■"'liii'i lii nini nT> f f BAKGKMXUT fOB-EISIAgSISIMBM. ■ 18C2/—THB r P£H2OYL*SBb3Bs£^9EE ; ' VANIA CINTBAI*BATLttUAX>, J£ tU UTi»AilMAlL-i TBAIH \em Ptf tstmrgfrfttm Hte Pusvngu.depoi, at. the inUreection of I£» Pittsburgh and Altoona,..and-JlsFrisbax&ud Phßd-j-h delphla, and making dlret coanertlan'arHliTiibiirfc- - ' for.Baltimora, Washington; and Near York, via - r Af> lentown.. This train arrives in Philadelphia at 6:50- ■ p. m.»-xnakfbg’close connection for New iork,~from'* Kensington depot, at OiJU p„m; r oTar.Oandenandt- o AmboyliniA* ’ “ . Tba EXPBXSS TKAlNleawn U»Aborts named r - . station. daUy%t 4:10 a. m.,,stopping only at cJpal station*, 'making dlioct connection.at’'Harris burg for Baltimore, Washington : Allentown. -This train. arrives in -Philadelphia,at 8.05 a': m.| making*. connfectlorf for New York, frott .' Kenslugten depot* at-COOC-ia,,oref Caadshi and'•*.. Ambovjine.. A SUming Car. through from , .•„ Pitubdrgfr to'Jaraey City, Tin’ Allen town—feQ miles —attached to this train.- '- I *' r: - L '■» •'. The VAST LINS Wares the Station oan?taccspt ~ i Sunday)-at: KfcfiO pi stopping only. atpnndpaL : stations, toirfnp-.direct connection atHarrisburg i Baltimore, Washington ahdNcw York.TiaAllentown* i This train anivesta Pbiladelphtnat Idßjp. in.,-nult* • . [ tag dcreconuoetion fir New rTork,'from' Walnut 1 • I htreet-vhart at 2**>;p. m. t oTerCamden "and Amboy,' 1 line. • , WAT FREIGHT TRAIN WITH PASSENGER;- . GAR .ATTACHED, .leaves the Fasrnngar Station, every morning {Sundays’excepted) it MO wu m-, ran* . -nlng as far as Caacmaugh’ and stopping at all * ' 'ttdlUk:-- -..r.i-’-''''" •• = ACCOMMODATION-TRAINS.-- ~,s“ , r . The JohnstownAocomtnodntion Train learee daQjt- • - • (except Sunday) ax 3tfTp. stoppingat oQ lUifcys \ and tunning a* 6ir as Copemansh. 1 •*- First Accommodation Train for WalVsStai km teams daily (except Sunday) at m. ' . - * Second Accommodation .'Train foe Wall's StQttan , loaves daily (except Bunday) at 11:00 a.m. Third Aooomihodatlon' Train for Wall 1 * Station . . leaven dally (exeept Bund»y)at 4:oop. m.' *, .--w- Fourth. Accommodation. Tain • for WaH% ffratif-v-v •. _. IcSves «l*Uy (except Sunday) at ftl6 p. , Betvralnc Trafim arm* tapMslrxrghaafeDowai.. Xxpftes, I:U Mail, *3sp. su; Fast Lime, . 1:30 a.m.; Johnstown Accoimriodathm, 10:30 a. ml'; •;: Flat Wall 1 * Station Aeoomafcodatioh, a: m.;Beo- ■ - end Wall's BtatfcairAcG'inuittiiUiJon, &30 a. nu:Third •Wall's. Station. Accommodstifo,>l:o6' p.m.} I Fowthr„' .WolTs'Siatioh Accommodation, 6106 p. to. - Trains tor Blaimflfc ahdlh the aarth - I v Mi—nori Beßroed. - -‘-5 . -. cv t t«: ihrrr eetP-.aeOta 1 • HSKB.T ILJilllifOKß, Agent,, ... . A^iuSjpStnwjiitiiao^BfflSlaiL -enive'tt Plrtatrargh,{excepktiand*T.)'' " TtaQoih tnJ*iv «W^inA;*tfl«Uoß f 'lß«fe Pttt»» JrarchatSa. m.aaJ 4*>J r\m. 4 : Haltoa Accommodaliou train* mot* Pittsburgh at 9’and.Uarm«apd»l I, ft4Qp.jy : Accotampdatloa li»tin..retpmiog I te>T6.Hcitqn at . 7:40 and 10* »..'•«« 1:45, Saty&SOand .7:35 p. 14. • V-?* '* Vv\*. : V.'.. JbcMte -Kit* f Pltubmgh ftf Baltx* end ~. cent* -AU4au. QOAPi ■• SCA®I SOii*l!i—'rai.^CSao-.a JO cii.Cure Saenfa Soar, yaanfitetyedto 0. w br.tha *lta faperierHbdnnlenehn inlta ffitriafoitair ’ -eariogof labor,aadlti efflciey-itt-eeiaoTlnggmee, nainCuf -and lajuring-Ibe^tm^ of ta_ttw laaßtylie denudog ~tßo crcoode. lt r ‘can'i^mderitbiai . * . v ’" / Beftroaceft made- witir pieegdte to the- trifrdtted^ 1 certiftote, emeaetiogftwagnrtlcttientfelJkijow* ttf ' this wbo had otmt ftcilltj afforded i amiT&irkattk r ;o - ■beoaevaed ;xtx3r;aattßSiitad7s h«Te noJiM|Cm«» la that- It -KM tns&j&LC udriblT £d*pte4 v to the aao of the eoldiemyuLdecU ; dcdljrtM'ihoet Wpebisr‘Sc«>' «bidb coaliiwiTaw*'., ed for the eervlao:- *"'- : 'I /AHES Ai* ICiif,'**'-" 1 v ' . ; v;,";0 w/ Qa«rt- - . - j .'AIiEZ,-ffQBahXIV V ~; ;' -QlMlcnn^rro^rl^^^.-, t : Regiment., _ TQO YOUB OWN PBINTIIiG.- ‘ COOLWB CABINET PBINI'INU Of riCS, V - Anr Rif AIL PBIHTSBBI BTATIONKBB, dSSSsts* w»cnAjiTs, grocwu^bank- BEB, wd '»•*;. PrtMet we offer-far salo are ofa new pattern; are.tba . ■lmpfcrt and urtmgairand tart,teade bTaafclfcap'; - Proaea ercrlnTMterfi and ocenpr taw apace ; cai& b» : ‘ 'operated by any ooei-wtietberpHaterornot, andaiw told at prico* hUbcrto aabcani pf JaAo-aaynt *benVW4*rtl tbe price ot Job Preaws now fataa. - TW Oabliieta.topotr •wbfch 'tW Treaterstand,) ‘ wsupoaedof caaifrnaea.iMaiiy • and etrongiy paMo>) *' 'gettersaadwier- aoßpaet&M andioonrealcace haem two eqna]led* .Caib«a*ouuni»*»»f. bendfcf. . «^^^ coom . . JT: T. • - :vfKW"CONSIGNMENTS.' JX GO ikf. nini Hwniiiyif*»Wi. IHnt Hominy, RbbteMio. Cn&ben**, 400, 4? J3«cr Amim, ■ H d{)" 'Swg«t r Ckfcr, .. ?5 mutated s£££«,: - i ‘ « UO.CbMWnts,' ' : lWbax*»riMCb«e«,' - 300
i£&&3&£S«. * ;lnitol.M..lormtohy. ■ li.lT.TOl6i^ijrf“ T AB1) OIL in store and tor ode far XJrnm KAiAB juauxVak