fHteigi! MORKINQ. JAN. 4, 1862. Hepablican city Ticket. roanATOB,- . JB»;C. ■ SAWTEr, ft.' /. ) • JOioosaouiß,. JOBlt^lleCAEGp. r' - ■’ ' ~ '/WltliUß EiCHBAUa. r Th% Mayoralty, f w ?.b*7» shown, in a pterions article, the dlainterestodand manly manner iu whWb Mr - Wf?** withdrew from Ob Mayoralty coatesbtwo years ago, i n order touts ids '•' iefc * t > we hare also. ahown tlat Ur.-Wnaru serred hie party only id J®"* wt. eotddsuokat its teste; endthst, haring ulmnitea. that sourcedf nurture: is turns WW.’sfi tigriii sgji'inii ihii Mpg" ' J?"* r^Uwiifer-^Mk- We propose W , 0 iudj Mr'faStort in the politics! caret of the latter gentleman whWt may sad wlach •erring of. more attention, now, then it re eehodthen. Iff 1860,a call eras' issued for « meeting et Lafayette Hall, on' thenight of the ixf upon whichourCounty Convention mft,to fcrmn Republican Connty Club. The hour *»d for the meeting.was7Jo'clock, and it * o“ “ announced, by lhe Chsirtnan of the ■ County Committee; in the County CouTen tton •» • Mr. Wurnn netted to t» : :He : hkdhii ; eye ®“ *&* RoefOffice or BhartffUty-dne or the - otbor, it :ti unimportant he wan tod this position to enable him to cotn- P*»sneoesi in that direction.- But appa iwatlyilu had no faith In tht honest Bepub *bat, theywould not aeeond his uptrntions; «4. to' lot them hare noriioe in the matter,hs ssntont his emissaries to dnueppsuoh ofthefalthMaaoould betn upon, who were gathered at thehall at ~**!T*Wl|&r*n'hour before/Sfpublished f- tiait-hnd then and. there; with- no one presentbuttheieloct r«w who werelet into *h» snelref of IheicOrryiirlQt the ;Clnb wad ••. tor. Hnrnr A. WnaTxswta. *cU»«I its President When, at half-past ••Ten, the unsuspecting Republicans of the ehunty gathered at Hut Hall, they were «s -teaished to And the whola work - done and the machine in operation. : ' _ it Was by such a .dirty manoeuvre as ’ . . »hU Mr. Wsmessi bad i himself placed at the head of tha party organisation in this eonnty.- ..Uteri' Were execrations and' mal edictions ennogh oTer, It, ah the/ time, by •hoes who nnderstdddthe&ctsjbnt it wa» thought best, in riew of the interest at in th% Prealdentlal-electijon; to iet it ■ taut easy to oostiuai ■ pUcoj but fotbefcrance PTorUled; and he was let alone. , Bet the piaoe thus obtained did him/ no j —. good. It brought him neither the Post . nor the Sheriffalty, nor anything •■“- . •AuiJ now, after haring hold a luera- j for three years, the gift of its after , hartng ithrnst himself i intd its lead, and claimed reward as its ao >.- tire manager; and alter haTing hold tho «0«f of Comiuissary in the Army, nnddr a BepnbUcanndxniniMrstidn,hobeeomcsas »«alons'. jo ;})p!ak down the -Republican PMty." he ercr affected to be/to feuild it upwind why TSimply toobtain office. jhhst /giTe way: to’ that. '®c onearticiein'hiscreed iahimselfrond it i»jnstaa»aajr,in'hini,t<)opposehaft).snp-. port the party, 1 if; by eo doing, he can take care of number one. —. ‘ ' %> Republican be misled by such d ■ •bjjiotf He hiia had more than his chare : lothimstand aside. Blem Necoi»ity~for Immediate :• ••• 'AetlOßV'--; .to"*dtett. efs*p*d;front a foreign ■ * tA.but lie would be a bold m&n who »ouU Venture any’ greatlntsrest on. tie certaintyof poxes rnlh foreign nations six bwothe lqng»t-,tml«i» ;l oin* rapid progress U made bi crashing out the rebellion. We k*T* *. : ff Taat 'n o rk to do—a work which wOI tix'kli ouf powera—and only a'ehort time to do itin. Delsys are imminently dengerane now. Unlosa our workia dona »p»*dUj| W« Bi»U nbt lb do it without foreign' interference. ■. Thle U the crilie, of our history. , s ike, Union must bo preserved. Our eupreme power.'must be acknowledged from Fassammquaddy Bsy to the Bio Grande.', To obtain 1 thisritaiobi jeet wiU'requlra herculean exertions to be 'Wfe:*wU» iounediatdr!^This sentiment is «. ; iulreirshhi Pajere "whfcfchire? heretofore' eiiuplsined bf.the hettny their-Intense anxiety. : s^^d-iA’«(K»ioi/iif»iiiyenar,soeantiottS Xt snysit U our ■ ■' ■■ bpontho gorern- elKragato, and on ItSexecullVe *™»*ee j»detti),th« mom rigorous toot •ration of the war. on'whichournxtiouil eklsteae* flspsnda, narscbaktently been met wiih reprosches thst lhay water meddling - beyond their line of dnt£ ■■vas^saasasagajfsssi. wT'spifit of WVMtt .to peedict that sis months siabe graeudatigerwthan.thersbols alonetcooid <;loMd a- SSfflftte-vaaSsSS?: t*UUnc* qf ths nation - dnmuJ^liL |fq •rtir in some reljicctsho • *■4 r V-- *- ,c ® D “ s J' slen 5 T ?* 1116 Idvocrtg* , or rautiOn Sail it; anj jo cfioke the itbel- I non to fiaatiiwithoat .hailing anjbUr.'dr ■tare it out of countenance across the Poto* mac; but if has this defect, namely. that veelauld inevitably u erwhed Jint. Sevcfe and. unpleasant as field service may be to fi rce, J h ' - armj ***“l 5Mn l«** '*')«*#» «to be saoci Eren-- hody.knows and admits this now, vet it is , ew Tork m £oe#itio J*oti argues that H® W* B?taUogeiher escaped tto danger of a war with England..:The. war party is htfflad'hy Mr. SeWard’s able diplomacy, but will return to thoir/oul work, by sei£ ing upon some other pretence. We must overthrow bur enemies thereby overthrow ing the-rebels at home. It says : - Finally, itshould : not Jbe-'forgotten -that one of the best defences we can erect against foreign interference is the rigorous prosecution'of. the war. : If. our army in Kentucky could vnthid a.week: crash the .rebel movement at the West as Halleck has crushed .it in Missouri;; if Dnpont'ahould seise upon Savannah or Charleston; if .General Phelps should . advance success -fully; against *New Orleans; if Burnside we» safely lodged in. Norfolk or Bruns *,c£ B/ rf’ernandinn? and, more than aIL if the forces onthePotomac were rapidly driving Beauregard towards we should heir much less than we how, do : of the impatience of foreign .nations to in- Ibo growl of the British,;lion !> would dwindle toa rery small wqueak, Mid; the discontent of the continent would be turned into admiration and applause. Tke New-York. JWjuas has been greatly,' and. we think myustly, blamedfor its per sistent recommendation of / hastening the i to a close. - It will be listened to how,' | when the necessity formore vigorous notion | ataiesurery body -in the face;. That piper I now makes the /ollowihg.«arnest sid touch-1 ing appeal: : r : - -Tr ******* of’tkeAmerichniPeoplei we-tell l you that this war cannot ba protracted without extreme periL, Buropb. knows our weakness—will soon learn that we also are J? 4 ?. 0 * I *:’ «ger for Cotton and, Markets; she wxUfcrce them if sho despairs o f t «»n obtaining them by fair means. Our. sole choice lies between a speedy triumph and an inglorious and fatal defat - It is sneer absurdity : to . taijjt at this day of making war on any Oreat Power ahonld that , Power acknowledge the Independence ofthe Confederates? it is barking at thoss who are s ware that we art temporarily out of tojtk* We musterosh the rebellion soon, or the Cotton-spinning nations will ac knowledge its 'independence? a'-sense of decency, alpne restrains -them = thus far. let the Spring open before any important success has crowned our exertions, and thy will bo recognized by France* England a ®7, , Men and brethren!' work while it Is called To-Day. A • Rebel Secret Society.;. - A step "iccnt political ; «oeie'ty’has : bben discovered in Miesburi, which hu ramified through tho. State. .It would acorn that the obligation! taken open themselves when entering into tie secret society of the Knighta of tho Golden Circle, a year ago, hare notprovkdsuifidenVaud hew and more damnable' oaths', mtist' be found. At the first meeting of the legislature after Jackson's election, a misaionary from Mis sissippi ins tailed a liodge of .these /Golden Knighta at Jefferson City, with treason to the Union rankling in their hearts, and a large number of tho members of the legis lature were; initiated intd- ! its. mysteries. Beon.it become evident that legislation .was controlled by iL The infoction spread,nad similar organisations took place dll orcr the State, and to its secret workings .may traced much of the dcaporation which' has marked the conduct of tho secessionists in Missouri.' But the secret oaths then ad ministered h«o ntieriyTailcd or their pur pb?e, and JSmma naht Society—with newoatiis and impieca* tiohs and hypecriticili appeals to God to aid them in their unholy work!' We take the following description of the Society from the St. Louis papers: The first article gives tho name of the br ganizaUon, the Isecond the list of officers, and says,there shall', be /■•three consul*/ elected fiy thil Patrician Lodge, one of whom/ shmUvho Consol Goneral/ ous Pro-Consul/ ono Vies Pro-Consul, and one Assistant Pro-Consul for each county- -Each Lodge has one Centurion, (hree.Prcfects, ono Lie ; tor, as many Cureors, Maniplaris and Cus todes *s the ledge -.may deem, necessary, and one Catechist, and one. Interpreter ’elected' by the Lodge. The third article provides that tho’ officer* shall hold their offices for ono year. The fourth and fifth articles prescribe the duties and qualifies-- tiona of officer*. The, sixth rolitea to the powers of the Patrician,Lodge. The seventh artlclegives the test of mem bership—the candidate must be -18 years, or upwards, a free, white citireu of Mis souri, and must baliovi inn God. - i A*ti death, Hi he awear* to inflict death upon' *ll nthei* .who fail in their deTotion $o the oni*r, • He. arrears, that;'he.will, adt’bid*- t*CT*d by tat, farer, affection, to docany *ct for tiu good of the order, nor to shield eh’aila.ip y or;traitor thereto from Juitrongcance, and that ho .win-make the food ret the order,' ahd\ the trlamph of forgihich it i*W *»{*«%,• .*•/• *•** Wghert H* further .evatis that he will hold erorr other oath and-obligation, subordinate .to thi*«n*, and that he.will obey. eeory ce«a oand of hi* superiors in the order, and do anj 'lhlng tttenarj' for; that purpoae. kbld oSeef take the foliowibg' •y OATH 01 OPPICfc • r—T * ? o-tra, free will; and tfiraftafatUß wg^uWi&B2i^aSi23^l^i^ t&Jhr and-ftarlMriy.- fo ••»■ mm* sm&, ,nZ ££?£?£ »“& T or.OT.aff«sontdaliiela . SEED STORF V »nj tocar thfi.Tcngtanco of tho aw, M** l w HOBtICCLTOBAI, DEPOT, ' “ ,“»y •»' ncceuarr for ii»•*. onrrtKksrsEEDS-wtuwwuimf *„»,bmn*i numtiia *M:Ji»d3t«t»T Hoi ISspithiSS®**. '' poaeof Hw>d«ndh«art,-tliataaie fdithfaii» B«ti penalty of dantit* l£ JSftJgj*****-- I SumiD^ofijraAfSifon On A>*t#i W . tSfe inir, genttnuff . good time, ign lniaciiHrtyuilUttj' otjpowiir | wm •xpondedi-nipsclnlly' in | manta. Tho firing commenced is tho night, j i bsfh of csphon Anlsmall otms. The firing i | Ifiu.licati'djiUnjJlyiiin and iuajiy | [ ■opposed an engagement between oar troops | i and those of the enemy whs going on., Tbs } camps were illuminated by bofifires/'lt'is f said the-powder was fornUhftd by*the-sol- | diersat their own expense*; - A vast concourse was present at tho. Presi- j •hsl 1 * levee.- The - members of the Supreme, Court, the foreign mimiters, including,Lord iyoni and Mr. hfercisrs with their’ladies, the officers of the'army-andnaryf'teaded by Qen. McDowell, and -civilians in gj'eat humbers.wero protest. . The large increase, of army and navj offi ! cers gave the Presidents New Tear reception ; a . tnor * brilliant appearance than 'ever before known.- .They were Emitted at eleven/.and :civilians at r twelve; o’clock. . The 'throng at each hour* was more than could bo/opcomino-', dated without crowding. - The President was in hit happiest mood.' The army l end- navy, officers paid their respects to Secretaries Cam eron andf Welles. CUUeni called,-In largo bombers, upon, the several mombers of the Cabinet.!! • Qen. McClollan was confined to hie* home, being quite ill: • - i ... The Treasury Department is paying claims in its owif /botes,‘"furnishing only, small amounts of specie for chango. • j 1 The Situation lit Kentucky. 1 I; There has Indeed been an advance of two or three brigade* across Green Elver, in Ken- I an4jGeni;Bqeli lias been down to the j advance . pStoST?* ' A,a “ c, “ P “ ric ' Sanaa a» : ®!«lock. -Locum »o commotio. Kt l^sr ac cuits, ®**tory. feasbeen to Active eeirica for thm totboM’talrooaor lotoinf thierrm of ,? w 7 1 f #4awtc * u * at oppwtoflity ie offered. Pay onbiitlefica from date Joue»’'BuiliiiuJ c r - JaarUi Btirtt, PitiaUaiigh* o& AiOKDAY, the* Gth *£' kT WirpwovfJiMriiig. 4 Jr SKlsr orth-'Bc^r? ■ •■i?L T. tOUAN. Wentarr. Tj'tit&x U* v • AJTUCATiONS M tUy.'db- 'AlJesboopa’ MUI.r V«lmttoc, J„ ,„li)iilb Pituburgb. • T 'iF’ . d ° '. PlniaTownridp. C wdi - 34 «*«i Alleghany. du s.hdo^PiitJbn^ ®>“2’ toting hoSM, Pitt TbwilSip. “ : *»£«*. AI.OSDAT. Juury 13tb, •SSj S^ '?.««'<“>tb* Abort«wi j«3:Sld. • . vr. A. HERKOX, CUK IBfi9 ' ALmaAAUS 01' all kinds lor aalo at nrrvT’a Aether large adppiy W been receiv itM*SßS^«OS.«WS^^» o> ' HDSTT? Bttlo Bn.L*S AKD memorandum books, pass books'teSor • HH St j ..... UfljJT’fl A7r'J2 , ¥M, i “ n iSf,?.29 K ' stahokebt,-ma'o fsßF?-’**®:PERIODICAL BIBS, u AVkotaeta *adß,hm«t. J. pThOKTsT^ -r-. v KMoolcHafl. Fmh «tmt. PORTrn?rnl?' inmi ' B 1181011 STATIONER? POBTfOLIOS li ugreat Merer. . They are tho beet i i£££J„ o .m. l ,? tt T T OQ s« Bdrt atiUonofr o7J g°°S SA«UtT thM. .In -Vur otlar imjfcKli. m ne ... I xy 2TOTICE~Tb. co-partaenhlp heretofbre WILLIAM SHACKLETt. ' i: JAMES McLAIS. i ÜBOH JOSE 3. JOHS AUDA?. > ;••• T. T. MILER. , ifjO-PARTNEBSHIP NOTICE.—The MctAIN * ADD AY, would frILLIAM BHACKLKTT, . JAMES.McLAN*. ' ' ’ "1 .< ‘ ' JOBKAUDAY- • Pittcbttrjb, Jannaryl,lBC4.i WE CHEERFOUT BECOMMEND JJnjr&stS®3?BffJZ!£lE2i •*• ofoar friend* tad tb* public mwtcUr. • J)LatiOLU'fIOK oPPM'i’NUftaHIP: sb.,Tf?~ g,T “ .*•» «bo poKwraWp gliKl. br BnHuljaant,'on th»3Utd*j ofDocoST jlitxs t^sffiitnS£iiSF' I “” , t wlu *" eoiUnmd by WoJ^i?. t, S5 B v£S’ “.'A* 0111 ittnJ. No: « T l f» oUiohidMioth. tato bm w* to bo p»ld,«ad than duo bom iu..». AUdmipd. ■•■... JAKI3 LOUGHBISjY JMUM7 I,lml WILLIAM M.MAXWXLL. toawr friend* tad coitomera of tbefirmr ' iffiU*” ; ■■ ■ maxwell. f|VU6& .J. H U }•» TiSK, having dissolved waxwcllon wltbjicob ffilw. jy , »»n# opewd •Ogmalaitaa sad gtcnge Warefaeo** on thf 2°»« of. ©*l«e«» Way «ad Baitf. «mtTfo? S 2 oiSSTSiJSE!? £!? udb and wSmcaxito- ■ AdraaoM ttsde «n ooueJrnaenu.-Ordin .promptly flUad.' (deSrflw) THol. J. hpmtbb rjinoa 3. hunter, AND DEALSttIN CBDDE OILS, Ooraw Hind street «ad pi r^tS^LU'i'iOM.—Tlie co-partnersl. i-/of DILWOBTH * BID WILL explntf by Itot Uttoi OQ the.lst In«t. The Puirder buxltm* «Ui h» .*g*iw*A.;.by,p. W. BIDWELL. liKeTrJnnS vfU wttle the firing %x' (beir offlc*. coraef.Water ctnet aadChony filer.:;, - : - JOSEPH :I>R WORTH. - -i!- • :V • w. U. BIDWILL. _ PitCTDOTtb, JaanMy g. 18g2.~ .h' JLUt* * su AS D ULASSI LL. lourth at.-rat, betwum Harkat and Wood. Pmoh* lD * OAT.tt lWd o'clock tn nSdT P ; ,“v WKDSBSDAI. SVJtSLso. UwmTJ T 1“ public at* rwpactftnlj lnrllad ufit. *♦oo. ;. , U'WcSK wall. ‘ nAhS AKl>TH ** T4B >•* • ®tt#rit tflfitunletliiSTOCK AND jriX^S.fa °, r MY iIVUBY aTABtS, in Tem.' ptrancvrlUe; «!*>, lit* Subla.for rent, an noderit* terau. [ _J»3.-gyr.™- Jqo.tSi.'ciodoMiririoiApplss, ' •' ! : wS.:MS^p^: gtUdrena ”’ rttsaeksfrasbFlkt Hominy. ='T ; Alioiastota and To* sail, ’ > ’ V? fiobush.CornUaal, . ; • ,1.; .. .' -s 2tomßackwb«ttttotir,V .r. 6 troah. Pecan Mitts, r * ■ ; WbbU.CraabwrW*.: ‘■' I** ''y ■'.V-V -X.‘g. TOIQIV tl: 00,, . M*?™ received!' a Spfctf 4lldc*lM«t,r la.. balr.. IS SS^#* 4 ** 11 * ££U*V.Ui* r»milT Gro> WAoa.pf- ( JOHN A, RENaHAW ' ’ P-J** ri| || - '. lillwty fcndHtcd «tre/fci> ? U mN 4>,sUdAits:-42 bbis.atu.'iri'i tiJUCnuhed.Ct^aliisJ mu r«UuWSujij*, tor«il» wbotailemliit ritulbi' i ■ ' - A.,EI*-3JU,W, Tti« Ttdicsi car* for soitiix bT ' , s^^^nssssaSS ntlx bottlw u a gjpt. • {p act, w» tUtrfi! ’* w * : of'Bhwttuttliid t fra ftlw.” „. . . ,v :•**&»iois«oii, «o!»Ag«n 1 htHPili ' r « nit>| P«M«atfyoTOtte. •> ; XltflcksXngjliii and.AianW—p , •, .‘ l < ‘ j»?j iu2fz>j(xsctii£r sxtbaera* ■• ■ lOILW-WAIBUsJ'; ■ HAOSOLu'DAtM,--' ' . .**??*** »Ul,lEOr,‘BOBE S( >Bd , , ' s. , *“ > .*g*»»n«Wiiii<« J rniiiraw«ii-l. i'-ii ';■> .'j^iW^.VOH^X^'itj’ptCOOUT,’' 1 '. ija flmfig ia MtHkfnM. m—ta. ' , .J’JIOTOOSATH.TAjqur, . vgs rat xaqxoiu Bittr: nraden tbo •kia nftui ftwli,lmparlingloll* marfcl*purhj. w T *“». b 7ni I , UON JonNslo.v. Bnirairt, ■ A»4 DMlatto cbota, »tai|l, iftgSi . «d WbbleMlo^MJfia^fttAUKl- SSP^s toS TOW do iamomjr Mt* Slad.' n.SIS... < “w*Se? riOTK<>l Umtag, ~ -, ■ is^. t ‘MIiBFHTIi KOOML'C -dot-cad i I Wo. lt&ifanh WhMTto. fhlL’. : ■ /IRbUE OlLi- ..... ■““ b * a-. v ,'„ *mw *=*r Wi Had*. S&Bbty&lgfyv-’ jjjjj ■ #, r SILKS, * ' -rr ATonDTitlOSa & &■£&■ 'UiMU&HTi ■ ;• ••—-.CLOAKS,.... ....... 1 SHAWLS,' V; ' ■ ■’■■ W AT-'- BAIUCER'jS. 59 Market Btreat- ■ ■■■ DKESS GOODS, : u ; >,.K BARITEB’a.SfI Market fltraaL OLD WtIOEJ CALICOES, ' - iHC AII.KIHD3 Or-DET OOODS, ”v : '■: ', .t;s' ?~'X j> , A ? ■’■'■ "■ : i'V' _- BABKKBIB. S 9 Market Street: Tfto&l'lWukMjkdfs aSTEs iHoomaiDTo ■ ■■■ ■ waottutjt Bvrgea • ■ - or i DBY GOjODS, , •••; } - V'*;*7 f h*' BARKER A CO’S, 69; Jf arkot Stmt .;•■• : '■ WBfciTO sa' -, l ..lv IMMEHSE STOCK, Atf» CUT GOODS-■ ' TO ; SUtT THE TBa.bE' ' 1 — : — -No v -7S- MA^EST^ißsst^PiTTSuraaa, FDSNISHIKO GOODS mp9ctfUl7 Ja?it*d tonßudosra* Ids onritock, u wo bib ditmioetl to don out our C0J13113310N MEBCHAKT stock . . i CHEAP FOB CASH. ipL&uiiE rsm: cash buyers, t^SSZito UUBt m “”•* Clow out oar Stock of Fuuy‘ D RES SCO O DR Shawls, Cloaks; iveedee Work, &c., At a Great Eednction ia fcico.' " LAWNS, BERAGES, DUCALS& ABES C. HANSON LOVE; NO. 7A MARKET- STREET V uhhants rjuarcfl mßikosr' - KEMSASXiMOtig D? iiwis, BOCtAHTS COSUBG3. .. IMBKOIBEBm, IBAWU ÜBCEP. - . OHXi>. . . ■ szsts- «uwts. iIL WOOLDZ tAIKM ffWIl B \. „ , Wool. PS t*n» ZoMB trozjTH »i 4,00. T O TA X£ ST O CX, No. 77 Market Street' >i -/. ■ > 1 4 ■ -If!!'* tal~fOMa»».air,rtg<* MM low U DCMibl* p«Thra» to taking our annual latontoiy on fobTlat, w« wuroostl&Bt to mpal* oar cojtoam-ulth tfc* ■' vrooixß o«D9»: .-' uioijfanslato, tit oil! nonV to!4at iwocSC tricon.. QaraaaonaaDtaf i ■ , , ,T *T*7 i JMsaqratißna ah» eace oocwte ■ ; J " l?£\ik'2&* s * dasde*scaurs,'- . / i J m VlffiO pw-dottn, *och u*« faftTtcbpvo MlUoff: «Vs •ootfmt W*,; Me;aodfl,Ctfper dman.- V*.^ eoo»aurt nctfjrteffaab Unpori&titaiof > •:•*• .i- BALTfOBAL SKIiTS,* «^£^rw£!£K , Sdi rt,ic ‘ i *• c r* ai i I3^YOK£a.PANTA I .K?M, te ron card phoiootiai s <\.. ' lOte.JnttrwlradV 3» M :■; baton,baOpit*co„ nnahrt, - JSHS AS Cbkrt*, ‘ *-‘.-ty.l i : : ; i «t r ‘ * *atos, luaitnt* co!,u tuai «**;- TO TAKE aroox. CHAEIEfI OtPHUa, U bow dotlaf ost Uf «xtoaciT« itook of £VABOID£BIZsi TBUUOHfIS QSSAXZT SEDUCED PBIQEg. GREAT. INDUCEMENTS ' 'Whbodt Reoard to Co**, i ,5 V 4 . CUBA P. SEW STIIK FBiMES r M^S*-^o- l @l«frtnShip hereto , i||iiraramr«?«s a»wn{, nwiSaltCTi;«imW i ian,lwsLTl»# JrailMHtfjUWkt* Qrta vIU l* tottkd by JOHS a; « jw ,’,T eontlmie* tb» btwtat* ittiti old So. 7U \\ utw air^ti >2 iV.i ; -1 CHAS. GIPNER’S, HO. 7A KABXST BTSEEX, it «v a ; 3;, iVrt» Bftrlac T«y r*c«tlf rotaned from tho< *“W to totona nj quUnum and tho pain *** pmmOjibUlm BOfrfnpand to oflw than tba > Handsomest and Cheapest ■l I {J. ' ■■■'•'■•.j-.-V - :, -‘ Stock of Goods IN TJHE CITY-. EIBBOIDEBEEB., Embroidered gmidinirchiftftj ■ rfiOK na cents to *5,00; Embroidered Collar*, . • > - tbom. iaj{ acme to «#». Embroidered Bets, FROM 60 CESTe TO *lO,OO. Embroidered Xonrning Handkerc’ft. Embroidered Bdgmgi and Imm-ting. EmbroideredXuilinßand*. • Embroidered Skirt*.. „ Infant*’ Emb’d Cap* and Waist*. Infant*' Embroidered Bobe*. : , ''iVltJji'l , I roOMJBJT GOODS. WOOLEH BOOBS, HtTßtia ASD SONTAG 3, ■ woouur ficA&rs,' ’WOOI.BQSUESTSS, f CHILPKCTS > HUFFAIESa, X .. j,;" ' ■•;= Qinsssus ashlets, WOOL IS COLOBS. . Gloves and Gauntlets. ta> gsons, ■aiiXQLors& LADIES' WQOLE& 0107X8, bilk tuvsntxg, ■■■ /? I JU&af-LJBpD G4DSTLBTQ L , '• -i ?°DI*S t i '■i % *W*:.***Vs ©S’.> £§■''£•* : GENTS’: FDMSHMGOOBF. . - SHIMS, COItABS, Rl'cs,rtfeS» 2" IttlUHO SfllßW ; >J; iti J . Ofe>TllB,'HOfl!KßT f ,;'' J * ■- * BAabiiHcmrirv FANCT BOXEB.BFBLIH WIBI POBTMOH - • BAIKS, LIATaXK OASAAtLFATiieB , { Baskets, iwitiM.it.. books, . .VSHBM.COHMi>O.. . - or All art mjjwUUUjr Inti tad j’to call and b» oar «todr MU« ptactobf «lirabM% •> ««1119 VftotoU r - * * CBABJtBS iGIPHBB, 1 i < 7B : tiiutsn’£irant. ’^ SAHUSL DIZ.WQBTS. - Vm.!,, ~ WAX a. CACQHXT. PmrtmitU, E»e. SI; 18ai.«*faa:imd iVro|ripE._l'i,a ;«»-MimifakißWet£ yho^nt-datfitellta 4 Vnr&Sj+rZt . toiJtotoli'ai: llio old •land; v .V ■ T^n^i^? l^ENT ANDMANAOEB3 >' >■ ?oi t r pen day ttaclarod a dlTldoDdof • PIiTTSBUfiGH. ALLEGffRKY A MIV ■ SOUCk,—Xlu • itdfbhflldftT* gf {h ft ehanlV)* •' • J**/dtoeUan;for Siva. ■ itoanußa ;tame» to .aerro. far ono jmr {tm' * ? MouUfr tbaSQthdur 0 f January,loB2, wifi. babald * L ‘ to, itot «t th» ttraal slaoto , V **“ J "*'** T >; . • &y*»dfr«f.ti»EuctiUr« Committee. ■ ; ' ' " ■ f •«»»•-- • CIIAMBEBBI Chairman. ■ .* , JnsogJS. Boßivdow, SwcraurTi ' i ’MMtd , V ’- Of/icafmaiiuaog aso aTiu*Enyri4.y &, •: ■■■4- • fIIHE ANNUAL - ~ >W» Ooai«nyirtH bt hMa>L ‘ auNBATf Janu*ry.l3Lh» at. ih» Office. Zto.iltft l V®«h «t»et, totwoaa tha hroto of 10 o’clock an. - •f** m., at.which tlmi and'pldcaan ‘'&£•*/ U oa » torftoaidtmt and Director*; wilib* ■* •rrafor tin tnsuisg year.* '* . 1 •••"* • >■ ■ „. . UDSInfE, VOSBONKHOBST, !:- , Orncx CUAJilltlU VaUKT IUItOQOD Co.\ '* ‘ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE - of »tt£rlM ToortUitnit feotWOOft UlO hours of a sod i o'clock, p. El., « whioO ; fMX .«W»*EY F. VON BONNHOBST, * - > ■'•■ - toategrJ , fi^V— Tftky f, J t^*; WOTUiQa*«fth* Ac , irf ilwniT)Ti 1 I •WrsreiliUjr liteVtotltka luUUtwTw • ■- .••CTUia BurialGnmnd in £}«■».<» Jict mt QoaittoiyOonndl* o£- the atVain • 'iFP *£*& with tkV'fioMf ; raaoTaloXtbnbodfraof dead parma* bartedln Ua ... jfrw»‘*»rdaitttaiad.On tlte fffft..• s > far ti» W>-lntar>n Tl .t of th« —»»>• »»i • ihtMotlnt Union Oeoieury, in accordance irtUlte ’ - oj *ald4cl. OSOBOR LEWIS, - ftwpetty. - VmCMQX THE CoarauLl.gß of f f M?££ cr •oppu* 0f «F -2 fi*r the art cl ’AJlqgheny-Ouuiitj^irUitw *•* jttfaUoflioc. «oJ^ 7 •: * * bav« U«a •' * t* 3 ** Qroandin the"6lxth:WM>d dty, haring a front ottweatj-lbar foctomfranSS?"; street, and extending bock one hundred and.twea&* c *T fret to Decatur street. ; gold lot ifre adkstaiMt£l A W elde sf the Sixth Prwbyrarlan CburdEu - • ' ' ' l _ "_ W> °- - I "oMtlatf •» -■ >- ifp; 112 Diamdnd C «treet. * 4 l fciAlJb.-r-A.-iTdkT culhliirHliniiaftttfl.■/ «£ emtettUe - residence, in J itrtheiThlrd «rtr Aifcwheny;x«rSSeSl-. «**7 payments;- end eery tow. 3 .Ljqulivcf•T7! £]■ • * • *•* -■■■- •■ B.schqtsb, -In# **,l Attorney at Leer. 138 Yonrthit.'.> CWiUiJi. hUK BALii— XJ Hwp Pawn, la ontor, m>w B, ; fc end 80,000, on ' teuM* twu- '■ MEJtCaa w TT T«U£OJRf« GOODS! JiKW GOOJH3i;.. ; ; ■ morass i FALL *2fl> WXSUUM ..:-n >'*. V/./• * u U>-V l<”j ;; ■; \ LATEST amss I " r , , LATlBj;srpfsJ| ( ';^ At (Li fill ttui ot JAMES o. : TTAtT, .MfctjvaT' •oJJtCUliitmti. - ; ■ ■ ■■ - t-lM.’ t F 4 i;™* LMa «r Juu> C. Wi.rt,faun,. mm**! L *°ljg - i' A¥psßHsstn»ai ~ 1 - EATOS, KACBUfc : ' Big: •< \afc XV ■-.-■.■■ -■- , : "» uLorsa, -.-. v: .•.••.•*“•• * ' > » ■ rv - *.-vv' ••;'! i• : \ v .".<•• JiutUnibtQfSjTScddlttf nh? 1 ftAra J 4s»sißJPEi> " .v- ,s'.v^f^f*sJ?3gy in,m ' All mw itjrlct, jnsl roctivtffbj . : ;-u.i ■si r.ivO.M-*:: : d«Zf .«!BATO& llieitCX *Co..l?i.mk*. { 4 g'TJSV Clrctfrn; FcaMmUUSwNd;. dMcrfpttoftof Job Pristine «x%* ecttfed neatly »t abort notice, br - ' , •v-u-r-i ' * .- ■ BtO«m_JoftPrint«nE?<7't7oooaifaßL^ T-Y ctolwTirirty, aainjrte, tnm th»t it* mattalanat, t&rula Kt icnrpriaa hr ■ ■ ’. WU. O. JOtfKjtOJf t CO.. euiioMn. n wemi M rJ.v - I ' Mrwi Jttlrw;sw*;Ua4i»*, ftr** rtcmelftAxizufc ■;