-'■■yi&fc* I*VR¥“ STABLISHED - • COMMISSION, tse. . ~ ■ ' ’‘^ffißsaraßs UlSSfia ' ' 4 ■*JjHJSPAkD I~Coiniisnoif 1 ~Coiniisnoif Mee- WeflP l in rLOUB, GRAIK ASD jL— ,S*aiabf rt r*. Ttu yturifcfc SJout' Cut Bakan *p4 .RumijY tha #k»Ufl*iu*-K l * a ®* P*rtlcoUr k attention paid to ' .?T. generally, ocfcdly . • Cf'UM 9tk olW%t*ciUfcT, dMier in FLOCB, BUT tiiMifcar/*li*££ i!Kl,s » I‘AKin CUKKSB, VOKK, • • Oftll{4lklf'MtfKaliadT»aoe» madacu louaignaeiits. v . *tW*t,PUuVargH.'." ■ • B j|BraA^l^ri*Kit.Jb , oßWAkouto ah d •"sjß)ii*iMtojrM»^caiL , jrt, iiir tbibaU ' JfLOUIL ÜBAIN, PBODCUE, 4c., No. 203 Elbertyatirct, Plttibnrgb; Pa. ae!3:dlj to Jno, XX JfGftl-4 Boh, “No/18.1 fcflwrtj itroct," Ptl& lartb. GENEBAL PRODUCE, GUOCKBY AND CUUKIBdjON UKBCUANT*.. - WM. WHITE... WUiTI. ASTUITK JJKOTUKKS, Pobwakdiso II jro.&kxiMios JlEßciLLirrs jusd detlocs in, VfiUVI.SIONSAKD i>nODLCE GENERALLY, No. 2*j PUotwrgb.Pa. -xajTJ ■' A SOUO VEK-OoxiiJission Merchan?: loU&imE AKP'BSFIKEO CARBON OILS, GLASS, IKON, NAILS, Ac., No. 163 Liberty «wt mh27tdly VILLIAM BOX*, l,;,. n «ip a rlV , i BA * lu M-flAßltWaj n»». *. o.mxJ' , ' 1 * lr ? rl, -t apnrtol rinufTl MEANS ir* COFFIN, successors to M’CmmUcm, MeamACrt.,'-\VUOLEaALE 0110- CEIuJ, corner of Wood and Water Btreeu,-Plu»bdtgb. *»«»%..... - - ■•: . . JjMl s- . 1 ? H.‘VOIOT.& CO., successor to L. O. JU. Greff, PBODUCE AND COMMISSION MEIi - CIIA NTS,rn7<,lbcrtl< itrret, Plmlmriih.lre. _»US joiut ju M . v .... M .^ m . M KUWaKb house. TOIDT.r. HOUSE. &; Whois*** V OlttiCfcEi AXB CMdtlEUbX' KiuciLAjrnL coroor of BaiUbßaM tod Watyrimeta, PlttrtMirthr Pa: Jy7' iitlMiKU’i'ON' i. SXEWAKi'. Whole- U BALK OBOCZOS ABO OolUtttfiOS jHKBCRABT*, tiau IU7 N\. .... ■ » •‘••i v -.••• TAMES OALZiLL & SOS, Common «f mtaUltßCttjurrs forth* sale of CnUDHANDRE- C9andTO,W*tea-Jtr^t T Pittsburgh/ Adimf atib «m . 'DhfffniMstß.':. T-: OUdON ra p£^ O DKCGS AND ffUBMICALa. PEHFUMEKT, BANcr oooi'a.BosaiNoj’i.uiD.oiLs.rAM lLY MEDICINES,Acm Ac., of ptrictlr priipe gtmji Ity, which bee O'er* atlcnnst price*. Corner Smith* "Bold and JTcarth streets, Pittsburgh, Pm.. • yrMcrfptlotM cmrgfhllyßomtKmDded atallhours. •* 1 VtiSm cornerofJfoHiet U c »troi!t Bad th 6 DUcmozid ( ltocps'unixaaitly o& Load m IBli Mtwrtmeat of.- DRUG*,-* ttSDKSKESJ MEDICINE CHESTS, P£&ni2(E&Y.«t*l aU orU-. det pertaining to hli bnslnssa.-. .. Physicians piescrti'tfcmi carefaltjr* compounded at aUEocr*. - - ■ jafciyd B i FAHNKS'i'OCK.A CO., Whole • taiVZhttMDT and Manofactom of WHITE LEAD AJUfI-LITHABCS. corner Of WoodandYront Streets, Pittsburgh. >* , ; Itth7 . el w DEOGB, PAINTS, OILS, YARN ISHE3 AND DYE STUPES, No. Liberty stt«t, All order* ujll rood re prompt attention. 4 ISE2I • tBBPKBICB BUT KB. XIRAUN.& ; JV role&als and jLJ Retail Deoooists, corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets. Pitabnrgb. ’ AAB. 4«SUCJU... K.EYSKK, Deoooist, U 14btugh t P*.- : - -r ; : jTTOBJTBtra. JOHN •'- Omcs, Ho. 1M Fourth street, comer of Cherry Pa.- - 1 : *uTI-d*wlyT gAAUJKL A. .PUKViAA'CiS, Attoknkt .. Omct, Fifth street, adjoining the office of Mar shall A Brpe-n. PUtatmrgb. Pa. y , jc29:fly (1 . 11 At SMITH, Attorns? and J» .CorossioonaT La#, has teawTed to KXJUN'3 ‘LAW. BUILDINGS, Nou IS Diamond - street,' nest dearth gt.Pgtfcr'i Church; •' " ' ~ ' 'mylGdly ‘ B P. LDUAJrf, Attobhbt at JLaw>- • OvnrT Nn mys r’- ; --• JjCATTOBKEr AtlaAW. JyaJfab t39fburth street, Lowris'iLamEoJldiug,' fo.V- -/rnf', mhy^i PRODUCE. a : j. irtco. T EECH:& HVI'CHIKSON, Commission U, a*d Poavaaonro Utamaro, ilealon in WEST EKJf-WBEttyE'CttBJeS*r»LUUIt,-TISH, BA*. CON; - BUTTER, - LINSEED OIL, POTS" AND PSABL ASHES, SE£I)fi«ORAIN, DBIEDFRUIT* and Produce gvnrnalljr. -Beet brands Family 1 Flour ; ol#m ou, hand; '• Agent- for the tale of Uadhon A PsifhTed PearlMtarcb. - Noe." 116 Second a&dl&Plrstst*.-, bettreraWbodandSmitb ftrbbPUtsburgh Pa, ~ "■■apfcdly • EL COllISi) FAtlp •‘cAxaixas. IX/11-SON, CARE'S Ctt, /, ” {jtAta'WaumiPtpvt&J EOUXffif AVI> fiollEfillQMT GOODS. ■SOm' M Wflod kw(> third kooN ibofl DUsund —- ! -rl r 'Wrrnaama:-.- :wtw«f.-. if * •>,£• -Mr* bURUhiy , Mwseeuot to w " ,, , Tnitrtsaaie end Brnfl ilMlm tavBTARLE ANDFANCY, DR* GOoSSiKSfa* hot oornercfFourthaad Market ■tccßtstr?,%aga,:/ AP* Obdbd, fib. 6B Mirkst'etreetUe}w*e* Third and Fourth,Pittsburgh... <■• .'?* V’’ "- 111 UAMjOitrljuVk okuim is Sr*:, fcui fla. .i Market ijrr*<( Ktabargh. i Txrjgjtnjraa, ttc. TQBKPHiIfIOBX^-Hkiym.: fw : Tbq^ t iIttiUJJS .uii*njsivi»ea£sb' w I>bt flttolub.,- ~ , „ ■ ,; •-. ' • .;■•• - ’ ]AATON ( MAL!KIIM& Odu Uuunuut CiJUuMiiiuu*. tnntnoa, Kt.r.lr™i l «bovo th. Mouoiig»hel» Bridge Pittsburgh, Pa. . •ytSMT lIAMELL..... X. SrUJLUIBO, O & CO., Whole- Xvmc a*d Fsawaabreo Msst-uAjm, Ami* deafer* - lu-PBODUCB AndPitt*. burgh manufrctorw»fltU6urgh. , • ~ T; AIIBEKT & SHUTON, wSoleSo? JUGaoccas. Pbodock Dcalks* and ConntMiox SICRCHAKTB, No. <1 Sixth street, Pittsburgh. Pa. noH;ly . . «U« jUI U( vjJjST WATT & WILSON j Wholesale Uro cus, Coxxustos Mcecoakts, aud dealers in •? nxiuce and[Pittsburgh manufactures, No. 15a Lib- Arty street, Pittsburgh. •' . .. „oa | 4jg (4MkWm°ue|al*. ***auHW, and daafcrita FfttODUCE, No. «J Water street, and n.M H ..ucuu> vmro eiLtus noirs JOHN FJLOYD&CO., WuolS^eU^ O cxas a»d Coioussiox Mkbcoakts, No. 17* Wood aud **S Liberty street, Pittsburgh. , joie , WfWit rJiAU , WTOtmu:; Gaocaa, N<*. 1* and *0 Wood street, Pitts ibygh, Pa. lu2tidtf MjUrVS'ACTUSLERS. Wi*. KACUBTOSH J. HaWFMU* JC. T. HAST. A/fACKINTOSH, HEMPHIM. & CO., -rf A co , l ?* r J ,i, ““ l 4 O’Hara streets, near the City Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa., Manufacturers H» g *£«» by -promptness, and the character of onr work, to-"»—■<* : Pfblic patronage. )We invito special attention.to onr BALANCED VALVE OSCILLATING iBNQINES, as combining : wantages heretofore snattained in this class of £****»*• - J«2fclyd ; VXIAIAX XiKWTLI.—-—ustn M »»w« WILLIAM BARNHILL & CO., No. 61 " P«nn street, below Marbury, Pittsburgh. Pa.. STEAM BOILER -MAKKftS AAD-'SHKETiBON WORKERS ; Manufacturers of BARNHILL'S PAT ENT BOILER, LOCOMOTIVE, FLUKD aud CYL INDER BOILERS, CHIMNEYS, BBETCHEN, iUBE BED. STEAM PIPSS,CONDENSEBS, SALT -PANS, SUGAR PANB, IKON YAWLS/ LITE BOATS,etc, etc. Also, BLACKSMITH’S WORK. BRIDGE and YIADQCT IRONS, don**t theabSS e*t notice. Ail nrdwpi.from a promstiv at tsndedto. / ■> y ' rtTHOMAfi MOORE, Manufacturer op . X AXP DKAAXa J* ALL »i«M or CCF?£B-DIJ£ TILLED PUKE BYEiWHISKY and family VINEGAR, Not.. I 9 191, l»J aud 195 First street, between Smlthfield and Grant streets, Pittsburgh. - ! AH" Private orders solicited.market nrios piid tor BYE. .:. li#* Fustl.{Hl And all other poisonous Ingredients k>T99*»'ntw and. Unproved. JOSEPH Fj HAMUiTOS A 00., ■ 1 ■ - J . Corner.otJiort.'4ad.litaffQr streets, ■ 7 V:.~ Pa., HAKoraciruiiKuor •. . ' : supimoß stsAH'isows. No,i 215 tf T Liberty atreet, oppoaito Sixth, PJttaborrb. ttuuttUcturera of WHIPS, LASHES ANDSWITCXi- ES,aud ercry description of LEATHER DBAIDED .Work. . : Orden aollcited from tba trade, and foods prompt -1 yshipped m |»r juatroetjona. ; fe6uU»lrF a. a. woLfK...— f. t. cajiruLL. i ifji XCELSIOB GLAi«i.WoltKjt^ ! JU WOLFE, PLUNKETT A CO., Giasa Uaxvrac- Tuaxaa. • > Warahbtue, Ifoi Wood atraot, corner Pa-. . v_-' . ■ ; aes;lyd COAIJs. New- Brighton. Pa., Manufacturer of BUCKETS, TUBS, ZINC Washboards, fruit boxes and labels. . t JalLlyd . • -.r - r : - l2 * xUi- V/ TWT, ? OBU*,ItRON :BANK BLOCK, Fifth ANBAND SPECIFICATIONS • mroiuflaioge of anvy- dacription; works superior and os stodentfotenna. - _ • my^dly aOOEi&EEEERS, ««. KAY 4t .C 0.,. Bookbeixeu Aso Sia- X3UTloXtM,.a6;ss.\Ff)od.lXrt*l, Dfjt door t6l!i« PlihSibi- PA.': :SCHOOL W I*AW BOOKS gotauhllt on hjuld. ‘ ‘ : * il/M. (i. JUHNH'iON Boo, -KAMurAcmxMs. aep Ao» tJlHlwyaSTWood street, Pittsburgh. ’ k'W • 'if: i'i* 'HISAO, 'ItoOKHEtLEB XKD ‘ SIA- V « TIOCTE. Mo. n Mirth UtnU AdoUoßolMuq. =-'?V’ v "iU and commercial journal. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3, 1862 BiMJntS. COLLAR SAVINGS IBANK, No. 65 JLf FocbthStmxt.vv ,j-: ~/L^, CHARTERED IH USS. Open daily from Sto 2 o’clock, also on Wednesday! and Saturday- srealngs. from May Ist to Norunber Ist, from , to 9 b’clock. aadJromNoTemberlst to May Ist from oto 8 o’clock. • • • .Deposits recelred of all sums nut Jess than One Dollar, and a dlrldend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and. Deoember. Interest has been de clared sc ml-annually, in June and. December, since the Bank-was‘organised, at the nleof six perceni. a year. • Interest, if oot drawn out; is-daced to tlm credit of the depositor as principal, and bean the —in. terest from the flrst days of June and Pecwnber, ittbi pottndlng twice a year without troubling the deposi tor to call, or efen to {ausenthispam book.: ~A| this rate, money will double in lees than twelve yean, making in the aggregate kigbt abd omc-balt m CgST. A YKJLK. -. Books, oootainlng the Charter; By-Laws, Rolee and Regulations, furnished gratis, on at tbooffice.- -. • .... Pkxahhkt—GEOßGE ALBBEE. : yicc rBKiiDXXTs. William J. Anderson,: James B. B. Ywb, • puißqigwin, ' .Ismc Mi Pnnock, L. Fahnestock, -A. M. Pollock, M. D^ HopesrelTHfepbUmrT ~Bobett-Bot>b, - - Jamoe Herdman, Junes Shtifle,' 1; 1 Janies D, Kelley, Alexander Tisdle. ynciTXKs. • Alexander Bradley, ... '. Johnß.McFadden, John G. Backofenv 1 -' - PvtßrtA. Madelzm ; George Black, John H. Mellor, . John B. Caahold, James McAuley, Atonxo'A: Gurier, John . Charles A. Coltotr, . ; - Walter P. Marshall, .. Willlun Douglas, ' JohaOiT, • THfiary Li^Jogwalt, - John Holaies, \r; John H. ghoenberc®,- miliirn K HaTcft, . apm. • PotarH.Hunkcr,.. -.WilUauE.Sdunertx. Bklufrd Hays, Isaac Whittier,.. J. -WlUhun B. La roly, Christian Yeager. 1 Skrktabi ax» TaKAsuBBB—CiIAS. A. OOLTON. - fcidawT^.. , A j. —' (fiKItilAM SAV.Uidil \X BANK, corner Sixth and Woodstneta. 1 bakK : pt Dia<:iiwrr:-ANi); DSPOSn-.;:: r BTOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. ' ADAMREiNEMAN, FretUaU. Springer Harbaugb, ' ' Augustus HueYclifr, E. H. Myers, Joveph Lang, J. F. Christian Siebertf 'r 7 AntbMry Moyer/- 7 •••> ' v A/GrOeliingof; £ I>&OOU2fT hTBST J)AT. tnylB:dly, JOHN STEWART. OaaJuer. JDduced prlcxs.^i w. wood well. Nos. 07 and 99 Third street, and 111 Fourth street, ALL VARIETIES OF STYLES AND FINISH, nOMU. Or BCrTEIS mIU ■.tor AH orders promptly attended to, and the Fur- niturojarofaUy packod and boxed. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS furnished at short: CABINET MAKERS supplied with orsry article in the line. JAMKa H. «JHILDB & d 0.,. : HOPE COJtDS MILLi iHEOHEKT, XAxnracTCuns or • SEAMLESS EAGS.AND . 32 INCHES TO 40 INCHES WIDE. o*Orderileft at H. Chflda A Co.’s, U 3 Wood ft., Pittsburgh, will receive attention. oc2s;dly ~ WH QL£SAU£ AN p Rl^Alil - PENN AND CASES BEPAISSD; - SILVER AND GOLD PLATING, Dono at the shortest ueticc, at the corner of Fourth and Market streem. second story. - Pereoiw'Uving'out.sflhfi'city torepair’ can'sond them by maU. j mh27ully , FITZPATRICK A CO. VuNE GOUite.—£x>Lu> Gold Wedding Jl: BiXBSi BiifdtJt BTo»x>s» XXgtrgWvDtafrtom Btxps, Lantxs’;Gobn'WxTcxESAKn s.hUnis. articka luxases euitabk fcr weddlnA lauiihts, SETS OF_ JEWELRY In Ooral, Jef, KtoftiQst; ; Pearl, 4kj SILVER CUPS AND GOBLETS, tor presentation: GOLD HEAD CANES, Ac.: - - - H. RICHARDSON A CO., ap!7. Corner of Fifth and. Market attests. W. A. CAJLDWeLL...^^-.^.^——JOUH CALOWELL, JR. piLDWEU. A JsBa, :B6ail^rnish- V krs and DRALRxe nv MANILLA, HEMP AND COTTON CORDAGE, OAKUM, TA R, PITCH, KU3- IN AND OILS, TARPAULINS, DUCK, LIGHT' 'AND-HEAVY DRILLINGS, Ac., No. US Water and TO Front streets, Pittsburgh. • ap&dly• W. YOUNG, Bue aen£a& - jZJhtaai , \jBpjer tuiih a simple remedy, \f neglected, eften terminates seriously. Few are awdn of the importance tf etjoppdng.^a—^dxk\gJL T ar.:g£LLaJi£- inits first stage; that kuhiaK’i in the beginning would yield to a ’ jnQd remedy, . if not. attended tp{ seen attadcs the lungs. . ' ' I&tcujLn! sJQfanjJiLaLjZFf-aches. were first introduced elevenyears.ago. It has that .they ,are the best ' drtide ' ihe' 'public , for ‘sattah£ /ZfajuJuiia./, jfaf7irna.ty@aia.tth, thoißactcing.. Cough; : numerous affections qf the fSlitcni* : giving immediate reliefs: : M*ublic !Sptmktrs S Singer* wiU find them effectual-for cle&rmg; and strengthening;.the .voice.-. ■■ Sold by and (Qedlcrs 'in ochtsper box. For sale by SIMON.JOBNSTQN. G. n. KKYSER, B. A. FAQNESTOCKArCO' VB. E. SELLERS A CO., B. L. FAHNESTOOK A CO., B. Fi TANDERTORT aodCENDEEBONBBOfI.-. -■ • dflTiwwfitnT CARD. - " . •,. w. c., or nw.YDgiciTr, Having arrived in Pittsburgh, wQI. » usual, devote bis exclusive attention to the Medical and Surgical traatmeatwf Chronic Lower Bowel, «dcb as Pn 30 do • Oats. ' •*■. 3 Urnb Boil Butter, ■*■,•• 'L^ J PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh iTxos k —s3-per ansum'iH advance, or 6 cents per week from carrier*. V'' - WcxaLT Eomo*—Siogle coplcs, ' f 2 per annum; Five or more, St, 15; Ten’ or upwards,Sl par annum, invariably In ad-rauca. j- •' -• ABVEBTISING AT REASONABLE BATES, FRIDAY MORNING, Bj 1862, tATEST FEOM WASHINGTON.: •i i WA3Bi>oiQX 1; Deo.; 31, 1861. *- S. ; . THS COaDUCT OF THS^IB. ®b«l of the War Bai again in sesilotr There' eonsidcrabte. hosLility Among toe old army offleer* toward the Committee course Jt is: panning in its searching investigations. Tfouble la brewing. : The Committec is going ahead, regardless of what the offleera may say. Thoy h&yo hAd neariy all the’ of the regtriar army and somcf of the Generals befOre lthem. One'of the fortni^lo-day^cited' wtaCEfallyaTiislorio^parallel ofjCjromwell and the- troablesomo Parliament which ho adv jjonrned rin# die at the point of tfce.bayonet. - - ’a soldicb BaanacsD to buffer death.- A 'general coturt-martial,pf Whtth Drigadior General J. D. thwKansnrha Brigade, .wai.Preiident, Pann,-Yfr gioia,-October 50th, by order o£vGen-:Roso*' crans; convicted Ricbaid Gatewbod, private, Company C/ lst Kentucky regimentj of de sertiofr from. Camp;..Cawley* and Viblatidn of 99th article of in nsingl abusive . threatening language to * superior officer, and nsshsltinga fellow private,and sohtenced- him to sttfTei-dcathi Geu. RoBotltTUis !raa approy«d thofMtance. / f-\' ' JT'\ XICJCKCIPATIXG THE SLAVES OF REBELS. The Senate Judiciary Committee will soon report a scheme of emancipation of ths slaves ‘of rebels, inaccordancewUh thereeomopmia tions of the -President. ;It will the. approval ofa majerity of.thafhd3y» as tho jdtra &atoret advocated by the radicals wiUbe exdadod, •. - THE STBTEXS lEOH .BATtERY* ' ' The Board appointed some tlme ago by tho Secretary of the nndw arerelution of and InmsLn, to examine andfreportw td-the-eafpediency of completing Stevens's iron-Wtery, plated thetr labors andsuhtolited their repori. to the Secretary of the N *?jj; / bay eru ported- unfavorably;., .The reaxons assigned are sn'mereus and very mnehdn details against theemployment of this immense-battery: The report will be ; immediately connaattleated to Congress--’:: . . nnELxixjor acsaLui/_^.j-. Vlh aletter toAhe American Minister at St.- Peterebßfg; forwarded by the UsL steameV PrmdoGorchakoffsoys: A Tho his Reyer censed to,avow hiahopciforthegrandcur Ofthe American Union." ! . ABREAB3 0r CLAn£3 AOAIXST TtrK to«ighty.minion dollars.: Payments-nrcr -made as rapidly aif practicable ' The ebsiges preferred.by GeriVßosocrtUß 'Benhanriuive been -- sospended - and the trial poitponed. Gen. Bcnham was: to-day from arrest. - ; THfc fetlTI&H AID AKD COJTTORt TO THE pEDCtS.< - The British authorities at Nassaudid more than refuse to let coal, vessels.land -cargoes thorp for the dee of Americansteamer».Tbey even fortode the l^ambeaytouke'coal Within a league’ of shore front ope of these- Vessels to lighten her, although it. was certified that she wasleaking badly, andthat the .Flambeau etood UL.nftJßresen> TbeLSdmteyjnd ber feilowshave permission. to ooal on .tbo. pretense that they are merchant Vessels. . C ; raOTXßiOKii.covjtßsu>STaiK:TH* aTATis ? l : Senator Harlan’s bUlto establish Provi#-. lonal Governments in the RabelvStetos, will, if passed*mak*TexH(orie« of goutb; Carolina, Uorth Carolina, Georgia, Florida, /Alabama,' Mississippi, Louisiana, .Texto, Arkansas and Tennessee, witbevery incident ofTetritbri&l condition. ;It .will 1 cut dp the • international Stalo slave trade root ahd frob'aU' slaves bereafter~burn,andwiitdevoteall rthe fubliclandainthose States bqiiptios to the soldiers, andeaitojri' shalf bo amploybd in - the suppression, of there- V - • ~ •TnSBDICIDt Or A. REBEL SIKQLEADKB. - Gear was-idoubtless the rebel ringleader of whpsodciihby-soicide l ife apprised'you; twd- dajs. ago: hadrecoiTediinfotmation.; lie'was;a“West‘ PuiDUr, andwaiesteoinpdan able oEeer.yiiq hadoommind of the Department of the Por, to mac .before,.. Beauregard assumed it, and was recently appointadaßrig. Ganera.! nnriiryTiim, ■ ' Lt(jTtTK* mciiKBoir- -'I-l ! This evenihgMr.Dlcklakonieeturcd at the Smithsonian'loftitutibnio a largiqnudicncer On the platform wore.. Vice President Hamlin, Speaker Grow, Senators King, Trumbull and. Lane, and several; Congressmen/ ' The. Rev'/ John Pierpolnt resided. l .'"_ j.yy-;" Mr.Dicsinsonfpokeof theUtiion—its perils : and hppesr'Tbr feeturertetng: in-substance; several prints in Hew England..!'*. Ilis'fretjireht thrusts at tho rebels, and his hold Intimations tbaViherwar should, bo.prosecatcd-with.the Utmost energy, elicited great applause* •••/- ' "The assertKjn that wo shonld etriko the re bellion the hardest where it was weakest,, and that ; the; rtbil property '*£oWi : he i eoi»/i»«Ued, H including ptn*9s ’held to trviee] icAo tJumld fit *mittimpbr£ a nee, and its qntimellness, bat so thorough fts to provide specula tlvelyeven for his successor. Ben. Wade of Ohio, iathCLpepnlac preference. ; Gen. McClellan, was . better this morning, but. tod.imhch.wttehUoLto tallness, paused: a. slightehaneaTor ths worse towards evening. It is hopeuj however/ that-notwithstanding the efforts of thebrassband,' whichhod* the Tolly to give film to'-ntght the only sarenndo he bad since.he felt ill/he'wUl soon be*ont« , Gen. .McClellan possesses a very - rigorous constitution, and there is reason to expeet that tmwirtweathefihroughrthe discase,ifhe can have the, mental quiet-essentially necessary to hls lf he realty has typhoid fever. The country will anxiously await the : result. - A Gen eral Blair is sata to he derirour of a seat on the Supreme Court Bench. If he is put there, the excellent First’ •ral, John A. Hasten/of lowa, Is not kii likely - ,? r The 1 Dreth' 1 br Priiee Albert.: -i By. the Niagara, we "reeblved w brief an noaneemdnt that Prihee Albert was. dead/ The.molaneholycventtookplaceabouteleVEn o’clock on tho night of the 14th Dreember, and eaased a most profound sensaUonthrongh out England. -The. London il7s and-onFriday.the Queen took ’a driye wlth no idea'of danger. lYhcn . sho retornod lie patlcnt's extreraities wore al ready coldj ana from that timo ho was in tho greatest danger/ Oh Friday oroning ho was' not expected to.survive' tho nighty and the Prinße of Wales;was lalcgrephed for. : “AH/bight Uie-Prince continued vory ill.’ Oh Saturday forenoon there was n rally, which so often prewdes dissolution, but it gave great hopes to tho,physicians. At four.Pr M. a ro-. lapse took place, and the Princo, who from the previous Friday-had-been-sustaincdl>y...stim 'ulahts, began toaink of, tho-tangs*- the resnltof, complete exbaus .tion > geUn. 'The PrincoV breathing.bccaine' shorter and fooßlp/hhd ho^expired wlthbut paln. at’a : fty minntCß beforo elovbii o’clock. . HewiasChsibfey tttldknew theQneon to the last. f /'-Ji'VUr v‘-'.--uy ri .y.-.’u- .c' “It most herb oheered'tireTastmomenta of ;the Jliastrioar.-patient to 'irce -bia Lwife- and; nbarly ali bis bed.: [The TjrincCfvßojM, who-isotEejlifl, was. proven-- tedbyrecont i^d\»poiUioi^frQm; : .«)lng* Erinco Alfrcd waß.oa boafi J Btip.‘ •Of'tbeTdoycitioja ariff strepgth bC.inind ftibwcd by the Princess Alice through''these' trying ‘ scenbsit is Impossible to’jpfcik', Sh'o'felt H hcr placcto'.bo'a conifdrtand rap port to her ; nldtber!n tbisulflfctldo."'*^: •v) i I TbV2Y«£f-Bay9 that 1 the • Qpeen.kaarborne Her loss -with exemplary-resignation/ondcom poinn which,.under so sudden audio terrible. . 4 bereavement, dotUdnot ©ntioipa : . When tho first passipnalQ burat of grief her. Majesty‘.called, her children' around hei7 anA With gives firoof of great natural energy, h solemn and affectionate .teuoa.;. - csty declared to* herFairiHy she ffeft'orusKod by tho'l6sa'b : r6ne't?Bs'Hiid‘betn' .heV 'cptnjpanioii’. thtotigli .lilb/BbCrhew; hawv much was 'exposed of'h?ri and'sheaccord ibgly called on her. children,to gtrelher/their assistance-in order that aho might do iter duty to them and to tho country. ..... ~ j' Bnt dne'BcctjmoDt was apparent through out of , d M P 'sympathy/for the ; Queen and regret for. the.death, of : one So uni* yeraeUy respected.- Tho : strongest euldgittms yrcre possed.upon tho deceased Prince by, the press andthepahllc.’ Great inlerestwssfeit m tho situation of. the Quean/ and bullefins wereissued from.time tp_- tithe,.showing that, ' aithoqglt.;hpf;M)aJc3ty.wa9oyenrbelmed -with - grief, she bore her. Veroare’mcn twi&‘cdmncss ? and had not suffered in ~ : heilj;h,jTh6 Queen : : and the royalohtidren.weroto leave Windsor' jostle for Osborne ontbolStn. . TheTime* says that ffom aecdunts/ tbo Princess Alice has showcd herßOlf fully equal to tho'occasi6nV.recoiying Hoi! dyihg’ bther’fl Confidence,- and..giving..hctTuotker timely eonifort and aid> - The-Prince-ofWaiea,- of Whom.we havo heard so much, yet scorn to know so little, has position and power to win* h« may be a true shadow 0 f royal- bemEdeibivveTy-hQttr. The Prince will do make a solpmnchoieb • between ft lifo.of frivolity—perhaps.Vßf trou* : pie And misery—and- a- reign* ofusefalness. kludgingby the measure of ago, bn should -jbow be as competent to assist his mother, bs tfie" Prince Consort when-.he ashamed that duty.-; •/./.; ;y‘ l /y :i j The funeral oftho Prince would tako plaee ' ph Mofiday*thc 23dJr~Ttriccordsnc while tho- King hastened to offer ;snch. conaolaiioh ; fts h© mlght >A tho Princoxs-..Hoyal, snbseqWnUy visited the. English envoy, and ordered tho court to go jmto mouraingimmedlately. [ The Trebt Affoit loathe Cabinet. I ?TCetra‘©liVßtory'oft'fiOTnjnkafCurstTfash- |inglon l«' brloßy ‘ihU ;-At tho srst Cab Wet | Muon,'.the Presjdsaiexprosaodbiineolf info • voter restoring thorn to- the protection of! the 1 British flag, if it shonld be -demanded';Ho Uaid it was doubtful if tho Captain law; and that at alt he .could not afford to b&ve two Wars upon bis hamlsa'ttho tamo time.- Attornpy-Qeiierii! Bates echoed' this opinion*' Ho thbught iho scisure unjustifia ble, nod yas in. favor of giving qp tho moo npo'adwhajodr * f r-.r , - * - SWeUrySewarttVaa non-committal. Tho other members;of 'tbo:.Cabinei'disagreedwith Blr. Lincoln positively,. ondSecretary Chase argued forcibiy aml -with warmthtbattho Qoprso rdeommsnded by the President wohld bo dishonorable to the GnilcdStateS as anh tion. vlhtts jnottw stood until the lint bel ligerent note from-England*- No furtherdis cußslon took placo, nor whs the question again mdotodihCabloet until Christtharddy. ‘ Tho ;d!Bpatch !fro*n; Earl ItasßeU to Lofd Lyons w«T delivered at tho Btatirßepartmont on Saturday,, as we tefograped -thoneit day, and Mr/Bewarf immediately -went to work on his reply, " JRcmqmbering tho, vioWS-of the .Cabinet, previously oxprciaQfl, Mr. Lincoln 'ti^Tmtjbq.haiti''Ui<^;themlogethqr»'V-.o'iM' moatinglwaa Jadiourncdtb/preVen t premature discussion, and another on -the regular jday did not take place.' Tho first.was on Christ man day» and after Lord Lyons hod made his communication. ' Immediately aftcrThouve- r nal’s dispatch had..been delivered, Seward's reply was read to the sessloa prd* longed for five hours.' j- Iha dispateh of Thduvenal had convincod theopponents' of the pollcy'of surrender, that the public opinion of Eofopo would. sustain England; and it was used to secure-unanimity in that policy.. * Mr. Seward's djgpateh, however/ was sub jected ; to much criticism, alterations and modifications ,wero suggested.! The negt day a revised copy itasi read to theadjourned Cabinet'meeting—further changej'wert'Sug gpatod, ftnd thVTlij'patch as a vrholb not approved and adopted:until Friday, mornine. —,V. r. Trib**e. . ■ . '■ , in Nashville; TonD;/on''tKe22fyby wblchjtbe commissary stores of th«/rebcts tbpre/aad “a portion of the ordnance 'department, .Were de stroyed- v The lois.is-«illm*ted.»t.bn6,nuUioh of doliara. ..We havo napartieubrs. negrow'Worh : as indnstrionsly and sealourij hi tho contrabands; to. wxtfqgiilsb the flamesf * . j-i - 5..-.- \J. . It is~Talher -aQ‘ r omlnous fact, these fires/ happorungljaAt;as! o\ir:iutaiea aro^ex- Ktd to advance; Then mnst ba 9 wglon-ofSeoestlawhoarenot favor. Ableto ibrrabeicauie. »v i■’ r*\ y*;. r j 7*. ** • as- ‘tilr-Zii- :■■■- ■■ ■ ,: •. '.' ...... ■' Rebel Soldiers Returning Southward. Thefollowinglatidtspatch from Washing ton eo&tains'deeply interesting Intelligence: "Government has advioes that large! num- ; bera: of South Carolina and Georgia troops taYo lately-been-transferred from the rebel army-.of thePotnmao .-to. : their.,own- States.- .The .whole, number of South-Carolina troops . In Virginia baa never exceeded thirteen thousand,.and of these about, nino thousand hare returned tO'the’PAlraetto State since' th’e advent of Gen. Shehhahat Portßoyal. -The operations of our troops on and the operations of Old Boreaa.ln Virginia,: • are aetingpowerfullyon-tbeir spiritsandon . their eouatitutiops*,/ In fact*:they ? wereso : -demoralised in : Virginia .thatlt wasimpossir. J>l« torhbldj.them.togethar. - Besides, the tima : of a large- pumber enUstedin. , South Carolina a' year.'ago jd'ou year-Slate' :trdopvts 4 h6waboatexpirih^,'’and«fheyposK ‘tiTfify to fight unylcrages fbr tho de : 'tested VbguUaa/'l Of ■ ’hote gonb = back/ four-regiments addtwbbalterieswere from Charleston,' two regimen to : fkonoi Colum bla,-about twenty lower t some from the up*country.-. Of the bp-cuuzir; : try men, however,- a good-number yet. Remain - in Virginia; : they .endure:the cold and. thefe.- homes are in ho immediate, danger of, Yankee invasion. Nearly all those who have nturned.Bonth.ward-are'how stationpd ln'tho Immedlate viciuity of CharlCstoh. Tho ! eiriali and grcht bodies Of ’ rebel troopawhom bur 1 soldiers •fton : 'get seentdf 1 in’ iheir leedhnbl* ' tcring expeditions are the militia oomp&niea of the tow.oountry'vwho have heveryot been out of their own State; . Among-the-high rebel officers who have lately .gone backtoSoutb Carolina,are Brig.-*. Gon. Maxcy Qregg, from Columbia, .and Cohr r .federate /^GoneraiT*,Evans.... Gregg has at way s been.conslderedone.of the chief “garni cocks** ‘ ‘ and-'arfstocnvtle bullies of. SodthCarollha, ‘and ls 'one ofthotnost solid-headed' . soldiers.! theso and the'inferibroffl dert’, attached to' I the returned regiments, a largehumher of Carbliua-officera serving iu the rogimßntsifrom other'StatciJ haTb 'pro : .njredi their; transfer-to their- .haUrQ-.r.pojL South' Carolina has furnished more to Ihe rebel army than any other two States! of . thesofopUed Southern Confederacy. .Bhohae hhd thra State Military Academics'ipopera ' tioh for' many mrmufitctnrlng trained 'officers for tbU_emer£«ncy._. ‘ ;; Tho South Carolina soldiers .on tbp.Pofomao were tho best drillotl7 best equtpp6d,,‘best offi cered,' and hot-the least daring robots in-Jeff.' 1 Davis' servico; ahdfcei bimselfcsayt that their leaving. Virginia, now greatly . depressed bis . .spirits. .I'. Others of tfcb febet troops from Georgia -and ‘ .the Gulf States hire hegiunlng tb Insist-that they too ho allowed lo return home toidefond theirbeleaugueredSUtea: andanadvance to. ' Savannah .in Georgia', to . Pbcotoligo /|h < Bo'htb' 'Carolina, GalrSitony or' Ealiso, ? won Id’- mu kw ;Bea3se giaL : wcmbla for lukwmy. which ,bos now. beguit to / tumble to Gen. Hallcck to have Coromaß4-eD i-. the- Potomac* - . Tbo CihcdnnaG Gautte has -thexfbllowitfg; Statement.• There., ft a report from Washington thit • Gen. fialleck w»u probably beor BeeraUiait otHcw. ~ j TZ" NAPE'S FttfiJJ'A.UATi'EKy, ot- ; JVMached to OLJOIIN-OEAnra SSrd'ttEOl- WANTRB—Thlrty good,' nibble “MEN ’"(Team.-; sters and Mechanic# preferred.) "to fill no thosU aecv Uoaofthb Battery; , The Battery has been sir ihrea months, and to those- dselrous of'Joining tniiami of thoeervicQ an excellent'opportunity |aofi*red.Pay and subsistence fronTdate of enrollment.' -•- : -' - ‘ Iter farther Informationenquiry«| »&«6 Wood Btredt, ViU»bansb. or at ; WaßhUutear QaU. Bebscca street, below First Ward ficbool House; Allegheny. '• • . CHAfI. A. ATWELL, let Lkot^i .) i ,dc2l:dtf ■ - :. .. ttecpflUoaiUQeer. \IAANTKI>—To : ■ complatd MiQ. Uilur- Tv penr; Twenty, men,also 4 &uMler, l ; Wegun-maker.' -T&e CCiapanytb.&owtn Csmp ZiaaoniiAlaiyland./tXiM'earoUedmembemare to report at Ueadqn*rters,Ttr PATTEBfION*B STA BLE, coroercTDlanifindsiteeramrChOTTiaieT, im. mediately. book* would confer a ,fcvor. uy.teaTing'tlwm. «t.iad Third street; lmadthga lßmry,-and w>meUUnrftp.amxW and. instroct-Oieueon oeld nights. nolfcMKtf , : LTllOßiysONviCrot. '• - JTOH MMIMJir&,TO:MBT. v ■A . XjL edit miles from tha city, near tbentevbenviUa mad, oh MonU)Qrf.ItUD-, conmlns '2oK'acTCe,€i cf which aie *“?* «•»»»« Mourn bly adapted feVA'btacksttith'or. wagmr maker;^dir a IhleklJjMtUed p«t oTi 10. minor: Will *1 * la. ocic. *OO nnouy.tufm*. -. r dta> L „, -B.M-bAUt« Ca:,U9.t<«irQ>‘tt J Id -ib.;Socoiy .Vr-Mtlof tb. ci!.omiubor*h,oa'lroahhim«t l b«*oH>«ailtk. field ctnot aad ..Chun ollsj. with til tbd OfitUddld.' i«|oMMMtitlk«|mMkr * r'Ti ■ AUp. o lx)t of: i, tb. Sixth. *Wttd of .old at;. tiflturotfoottiltwtity-tnn-lfcM otr fraoUlo itrret, *.d .xtm'da« - bxtlc m ht&dndxnd’nrii&i, Wr > ' . TPOit HILLK.—A Verj ddpfißioilioua and -J} - tbififtnatl. or,d«ixxldk.mlxldxjr. tMfrJa Joas-.*nd eujr pojnti»cj Terr low.. Iwi.-roof , - •-■‘•W- - ■■ - ■ ooiratf ■ - lfiaotaanh a. NUiNB SoUO :Mins*, l»«»dioid*r;t«nw dttoiat thi*. Jo Util t*».l dS«n for <»!>-=.so.ioinytt. asasjiß.oifKOEt - >* . K.UOAa;'TCo>;«M!Biw« jit(;^SM!uoN,*Bnjj , D^n&^S“to'D;iiu’ dc. l Xo. Tld Konlr WUm,-lia«Mit lUcOndAfcb •ttwti, Pan*t«u*u.-i!S.!;-v' >. -• -j.. - v fi() -10 M. .do ; BedaiamyJMtsimL 40«>v do jsppeiiorNo>llefring,. : „ l -,'?;; Consisting of diterent faandst TeitfrtderV gallto, Bsjr pflslimd acd'Eiurtipoit.id. f - :m, BctredarnTNoul^fli^taU’geriinA Which We now offer dfc .'{he lcmaFcMlf priaai7«n"' k Vj irjj -Vjarxp x VOLUME LXXV-—NO. 39 urstnutjrcE. TNDEMNrrt' “idAESST LOSS BV X FIRE.—FBAKKLtNTTBE IKSDHAh'CE COM PANY OF PHIIAPELPIOA. Office and 4St Cheetnut »treer; : n«ur TOthr; ; ■ v :' ‘V ; Statement of Assets,-. Jwvery lst> pubUshed - 'agreeably loan act of Assembly, being— . ■_ First SfortssxM, iuikpTy eilmred; OO '' i Meal Eatate, vaL til) cost 00 t .. Tempdmjr Imqs,'on Ample'Cottaiend . . 89AV 00 ; - j (prewnt 72)coat.-. OO ■ , ;.Notee and Bills XteewlTatlo. M ; k^j^. M M'' ; -liBStrOo V ; lO . • -;i , 9%SOBAei -68< >' * ; only iirofliefrum premiums which this -.Oompny* eSn diTlde by law ore-ftem- Hake which - . bate been determined. r .. , •' Insurance made on fctery : the 'yearlß6S:^ M J;.floti l oSfi 0T : »>: b:\t. r.i- ■ SUUCtOUt: ;>■ vi>-' Charloe N. Banckor, Isaac Lea, , Mordeeait). LewlSi'. *'• Jateb'B. Smiib, : > Tobias. Wagner, \ / r Edward C. Balo, .. David 0. Brown, • "Geo.'W. Blebards, ' . ‘ Samuel Grant,j... George Falea.* , - .a//CHABLES N. BANCEFB, /VSvUfaf, 4 SDWAIID Ow DALE;Ties' l'tmidtnL ‘ A; Start, fircrWerp jgw fam. - ■. ' J J. GABDNEa COFFIN, Jp«U;' 1 tnyfl: - Office Northeast cor. .Wood A Third ttm ? .-j THKE INSURANCE. KV TUB.UKLL, . J? ANCE MUTUAL IiJBUBANCE'OUHPAR?, J Of PHIL A££LFHlJt,dflßUlLDlHQBilimtt*d or > perpetuaI,MBBOHASIOSB, FUBNITUjIR, to, »»*. town or.coootry. Office No. 308 Walnut street, „y. ; First Mortgage on Improved City Proper-- -v'-A’ 1 ty, worth.doable the «UHnmt4..**M.M~«;BlS6 t 6oQ 00 ~ Gfoand rent, first clju}a.-.- 2,4G2 AO . • Penha.'R. tt. : Co.Vd percehC-Hdrtaun'- - Lptn,' $30,000,..3TJC0 00 >■ City Of PblfcitlclpbU.e'per cent."Laan:— AllpgucnywnatyCper.cUp. R-itjLoftii loioqout i, .Collateral wul) &ecnrcd 2£w 00 . ‘ Uuotine>ion : Top- Mountain *- c~ iZvZ.' t ; . 4,0U0.tJ0„ -Peuitaylranfa'BtiUn&l ■ • Stocfenf HeUance.UnuuUilnspimqtf %3fiO >r Stock of Coonty Fire Insnranc*'Co....,l,U&o 00*" Stock of Dtslakijo “■; •; WQ : Commercial Bank. . do. .-5*136 81 ... Mechanics’ Bank- ’’do* ->2,012' W TJbkmil. Iremnuico CV» c t^dr Bills Brccfrable, tmsinesi ffi&OT- IB ' Book Accounts,accrued interest, Cash.cm handand in hands ofagents. uiBBs'j|s'v ' • CLEM TIHOMYiIhSSS* . . i ■•*■••■*••> smsCTDsfs - •.■•i-ii'* ?. r r» ■ ■ * Clem Tlngley,: .. IL L. Guson, •. \ . * - • Sanmel Bupnom, • •• 'Z. Lotmop, . * - Wimfi.Tfco»p*oj>* .- BpU.Tolacul* . - k*', A--—-- '■ Bobert Bteen, - Chaa. Belaud, • “ . Frederick Brows*; ' • r#ed-ic. Lohsin,^*-- r .Wjn. Mnieer, ~ Jacob T. Banting* .i ergtetiuofi, C.'B.'Wood," - ■; D*m*i% Tingierr r i :H Smjth v■ -« ■ •«*.:. - “ Jobs 8.-Worrell,- Ja*. S. Woodwind' *% fv Harebell HUE, John BtaMlVPttteh'th,' B. 21USCUUtA2i« Ssoptfsrv. *0 •' ‘-" r J.G.COFriHiiJp«4 f . my C .- HAilhfitft corner Third and Woodatreeu i mazASG TV HYOF.pirtaßtmam*-- . ' --j B." HILLEB,“JrI,': a.*fc:GOEDOSV«tort»r. • ■ MW, 1 : OSes, Ho, 92 Water itnat, Bmdm 4 Co. 1 * Win? hone* up'stain* iPUtaborgh; . . . JViU iiwars opgku*_oß tind* oj Fire and Marina ' Bulx.' * ‘A Homs 'lnstitstiom, tnanogad by • Djrec&fre irio ertvrO kwteaia tSi qmmntUg t mnd:wk* ar*.6iitf ..: muted, bgvronptaeu md 'lxberaWg, to'' tnai»Ul» Pta- ' ,ef>anaia whi^tkay’iMt*tamiauid t ,a*:<{feriug tl^lart : >■ pretetionto theaa pho jlctiri to b*<*taf*L. • " ' ASfIETSj OOTOBEB' ao, 1850 l : -—*• Stock - •CT t npQ-«y>'^ 3,1 CO 00 V Office -:•...; jjo'jj, ; Opun.Afewmnta, *«■<.• —, v ;>, „, , ■ J.BOB 00' : Cash.—lW W * Pmniom r 37,606 : Kotepand BUI* Piaootmted 114,075 13 f. ~ niBCCTOBST" • ' ; * 4 *■ J- t-df -AnaitfWiAckty^.{.v' t '? • Alexander Speer*.. [- BstMM. 1 Long■»* - .. IteoaJ. Thomas, J Boo). P.'Bakewell, r 'Jnfan'B;HHhU>«% - m.gobdoh; - i It Mftlir, Jr. t ' Juste* HcAul«j« - 'KftUtabiel.HolmeSf Ate*. Nimiek, - Geottt* Dante, WillSffl HTBaUtH,' C. W. lutketaoo. - : myoo , „ P, WlltE, iUBISK AND UiLAND IS-. J? wmANCs.a-issraA-KOB’ compact -dr - bOKTO AUKKIOA,PIULADKtPUIA. .. iDCorpontfdlfdjirCu.lul,/OO.OOOJ , Am.U. Jxnnir; ,1M3)2l gl ; AETHTOOicorns. traSal. . • - '—• t , TSSUgiitCB c5/Og THE \ PEiraStEVAStA,PniI.ADELPniA.- . ~.vlnodrporatodl7M-■Capital, . -a- 4 - v Aseeta. FeUrwT 1, ‘ ..__.._441A808 00 J. HmBTD. SUER&EIU), u . \ n ABPEBj Betrttorg* , I XT ABTTORDFIEE INSURANCE C Os- XJ. QABTFOBD. . , . Incorporated 1810—Capllil, “ \ V . > ; Ameta, May p&JXtl - . , . - tIMO. O. AtiliTN, tUcretarg:- - 1 ■• .:• - Insurance io tha&bovoold'kDinVUabUi Coa*'-' poutaßofcnbeobUlned byapplt/atlofllO'', - ' . felStdly.. .-ST V • fxmZBNaINaaRAJs T CEW4a*ANV‘ V/ OF.PfTTSßC^OH^'iOfhCD.aorner,Market and. ■... - n ater streets, second, floor. BAOAtKY, entUrnL ' SAMUEL BEA, flaareaww. < vlnsores.&teambootamid vkrgope. ' > - / lusnwe agtlnst jose and damage la Uu MTlntlos - oT Jhe»BCiUtherU and We*tcrn -HlTcrs, :L*kM *n4' Ihmitß, , andttMbavigatlouoftbefieia.-r--v . > v - insures against loss and damage by Urn.* . ' ■ -•'i!-.t ; -/.sniscTOßa:. u'w?; , Wm. iWaley.V * S. Sf. Klcr, ; - JaA Parkf ar.; .'Jehshhlpien. ‘ ■ W,0.-Johaafoo,•■••'■• ~V„ -' rß, k r.a«fefc-B.Hariwm£ - .... , J. CaldvaUTdr., -. JohnS.Difewibr -Berdlay Fr«ataa. -, ;v -. i Charles 0. Zog, r •rfloerg» < f , deaiklyd »■ /PHILADELPHIA KIRS AND LIPS* ' A lHfflnttJtCßOMpASy: 80. l4ftta»tort«Lr 4 t • H. W.SAJt,pWXMTrfc«MM ' ' jFi-Bl>4yKßUmBf {SeerMMrgr ’ s * *"1. ; 7- vunonu: * " - -‘ ’ . ChaLfiafra? r* Joarnk 6.1*02; ; -7 ‘‘wfr'iSV./ C.sGimb*-:*, 1 .! I ,K. i B.JSbgU9b,, ~ . - John Qtytad, j^--’ 0«o. W.‘fiTOwn,'-- • I.B.Snro* . - t. J. •'• teftfly cornet TUrdeD** XnasuiIESTTIKSOK .£I.PAHYOIP *Ur»Vßfmlc.,Bk>cJu - liirmsagatintaKfcm&of^ -r.,'* -IfJAAOUOHJJ JOBB P.-110 D.M;,BOOEt Beerita*fc*l ' n,r '-iHftPM&k • •.■.. .'• . Hliutn >?» • -■* ;fcv4 , C.G.Hune j> q V , rT«B8■ nnwtfriritlMto toWmllhl ■TmifiJß«rtrt»Enygad f sfdcrrta BimpM In tit Sore* fi .WntornfattAtittnatotoaottaEto .l fc> - Had an* nrrtyrV it itwahhi^ Xw* ciC-$ Tf - COHPA*