The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, January 01, 1862, Image 3

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lU'-.-y. \/T‘ <
r*. <U*wxn,.jrt.
fag peperrof 'fnetdayeoitaiu
■ ....«* bonible iJUr oo
- taglmaat vara playing card*
sfaiset4&iftqfc&niiagf whan.
• pt* tot ihottlwTjtiir dead aad
~ utfv'bftfoaat*through'Hi* &«ek«; Tba
i (6m it wit thought woald b*eoart-m»r
ad *&4 ahoWf Wa team -tHat- both tha
fh>m 'thi’rtcinity' 'of. (dtaratend.
** ■:. . Ohio.”* >< Tluro jun -boon freanonttnort-
MU Of fobol* Inirtnt locontlyln Broftonv
Yoofcooby;OOleo/nod'lhmt bdomoleV.'irni
: aj_mMlr&fn thfii oitjr, ’piaty of
'roboUimnjiifom hod driton ■* compony of
a . Uotoown oof of Sotton.tM coontr »eot of
i* . Broxlotu" ■?
.*• oorfod,tiMO'tAit >om oHU>. OIL jßatardor.
ooiiifluto SOS »ttnd
, .-of pifM fro’m'tk* SomiTjQatMt, ud ukinf
•' iom of tkooi®ri»oi«>«. Hoy worolt brook
■ (uH''AT9*i*yife»»from'H«r ffidik'lndnjri
MommmsxVi":. w '•••; '?■?.
' 1 • ~
■ ■. vJWi.spraKitOß Bowt«Ti»(Jt. ComiiTTn
y kin noolrod obpUeotkm.&om Wuhiortoo,
■i .;£&?■- aii froootkolAJloo'Aia Booloty or St. Louio,"
, for boxoo tf elotilnrond onUblei for thoolck
. Mi n£
• . L fioy tu thot
tkoy .mil lioikfnllyxocoinOß tho
'nytofciotMnjrfin* tho ilokordood, nothey'
oM* taroiroitto lo*ot olofhlac in whleh to
i*y,o*ttbo font oad nny onmmer clothing
t» Thoybirootwoxdi of • *,W<t «io£
. ftolAimf to tho HoipitnU, mod ore- congunily
. rocolriny raort.. A*th*y hnre exhnaitcd oil
tboirJtOMeoi ot kbmdi Uoy .biyo
npponl totheir Union friend* nhrond. : Any
. - ooitribotioan of flmdi, ototMmror :«t»Moi/
• kriotkUnjo. Albroo, SonACo'/Wotjd
forpoinWvtaiiioiiiuly. Tho; SohiUuobb
:r- Oowluoo nokoowlodg* Ihd rooeipt of th* fol
•; lowUjwticiM trout Jgnob Qludtr; Goa.Ar’t:
.UMUonptf pairof: tooka; IV- eomfcMi:. I#'
: lI towdtfr Opoir of intln:B bmullwllnon, 1
otetioo, ‘3s 'do. pronto, r Alm. - uauoiu
. orQMot of clotfainiyOotnbltl. And bttbfrom
\’ ; HL.'' :.-.:. -- -'- L
"Mr. F«Uit; BuM«U,i.qf. thk cltj,
wni.toElttibarih Bolltmrtgo.BidrraUiud
; Ua*«nßrj-BMntlTii»linlittoßM*MZLt
-- roapJBPMj honttajlre. FrlU
. tfc»Ktt»6>w|li BWtn *r* ioduirinr»fUrth»
«rkMtbo«t< of Mf.. Un. 'Fdli Bik
■ MUtenowilL jaitta thl* H«r two chlt
dl*» w«T» Uk*o from h«r btoaow ihw m al
•oatwoMiaaUf drank. ■lfth* laonqr (toold
‘t^ijifrroprißtad U> tk» cUMnn'tots* food
bat Hr*. BuaaU will
anJjtipaaditfoi'.wkmiy.”, '
* ' 'AmacSiTßßli-—The" ficud of Hiupn
<if tio AilHicny IgrieoHaM Society will
i bol& r uelr rocoUrißonUUjinMtiog thli mor
i.-f ; owofc.otNo.Jiftictmt.
•- fell »tttlxUnoolr TWOMtod, »j it wflltotto
!'i ; *B»l ineetll!* bf the JlOOrd. . • " :
“ . Hit nuroWi otttc SoeietywUL meet du
rfexebenOrnisgtoeloete new Boudeud
' .- •; oßooeofer.dliß.yoEtlMS. 5. \
I f ■■■ ■ . .»n
[iv v ißßltenioonpeiioniiEaoeVlH
bo gw«q»'Btlhe4Be*t»* to-d»y, oomotcßciiiy Et
. Jo r c!o«k. l Th#propr»iasit: ii * ’VOtyintet
[■" doahtloiotio
" UUL-threo piece* tobe performed, it wilt be
X Dura or a 6oldii».— Robert UegtiUonj
'i,! .v. • MbOkie wMier, «bo .ei«* wonaded et the te
:} -• •■■■ eent<(kt At CempAUegbebp/udwu
J. •:■■ ■ 1 dleteir >emo**< toM« borne In Zeneirille,
? ’ dledoa ‘Friday :alfit lut* ' nii 'wound,m
~5 VUhjefpot, pad tie operetion of. amputating
the aunibei, iii Jtla ndnoad eoadilten, ,wee
■ 7 C'-. noreiheß heeoald beer.'-
CoaisOr—This rsnowuod
v . srathbrandleetararlaaaoounoed todeliver a
lecUeal* thia eity/on Monday araninr next.
‘S - nadaf tktraaaplna W:'tlu>;-'r<t«hg"«ttt'a'Li
bins? AesMiuida.".’.His aahfaat, “tha Ampr-
and. Politically,” la
written loaulttbotlraae.aadiasaldto bathr
fri}m hit pritife'fnu
sV;*;.; axe stifled to
vtfe«^di*tinguiib*dEdward Eir
mtfclMflmet ''*Bgkg«d bjihts ;T6ffß»Wen'*
; tad*Ui>*»etar« Ia thi«
f JitoUMjj* . Hiualtfoct
nbtUios. ■
luUw.Open, <4r«r
. xir». bat on»«at«rUili.
Mlrt hii»-*-<ntltar*i[aj«T<mlnr. Theproi
.fMHMthstlhMttiniwill be fill. 1 -
■V l»wk Note quotation*.
i florooiitf' »qpoeSißjr for . the. Oautu by
■ ltan*. T«U & Lra; of tbo Natvkal JB<i*k
SoOM+nlw. r.Katoo .aaocrUia itpbrenti
*•*Mitt* tatmu • VBieUiOmaboi^toSto'
jkw»Tortc^fW..q. w %jVjncliilA: '
1 no«Ja'
r ; l
-'‘Tfl* r ‘®“*ttFM ot tbr Mean*.- 4tlninfcr«rj
■ ■. StTciiirnUfi;
', : l| <|fA'f *BWt , «Ertfc3bl<ra» *iql|)« trfl Siihd»V
;■ ■'.■*• W*lkn»e& the
’ /“* T B *t l W*yi *W*V» *• hlnimott
'•-• ***-** m-JWTl»i*if’ii»»i>t,down.,-. Th»r
teMh,kt «hurt.-ik* ***tui jSt'.i x&>
I’j. i ijftri * ~11 ~r ,;t &]
a£*i%?U **** -ttisrtK
JUm Bmh >BloSaSl’ttttr
: of gotiUi Aif.ll* towmki*: .
' r^ry’-'
V pittowtrcjfa.
v '<fcAad«K.
. ... ~, .
/'- .:.•- :^§r'
VJ "
,P™ ita » **p>WW(ai« foUosringittUtajtini
: *Ooi > JaoiiioaV
"fimret, math •?«»*jlrabk Bestirm: ■■ i'
: 1 l»i.v;yww*or..Hii*^-oaPidt»tJ)«tT,A;^
; r Y ~ v r D»eenib«rp«tt, IMIf t J
i XW Bnxltrt Tie lUU«4*ht,witi£h tceor-J
n&' et!>rmlo«^*;^
. cWithguU# «n iatTOa^ r BabjW afTamr«m
tio*—*n4 r dttriajj'j tke*e long; loneij erenln wr
H well we‘~aaTe ; iohie subject to dfaicau
•f? 111 ® V&pJbra.?* Oar boyt think they:
«*a"do ores bctterifjinoUkerittCQ-
tauityoff^g. 1 p t , . ,
-~r Tbo latett newt -from'. Simineirple is that
ithe xebelinetereamebaek tobnry their deadl
> The Iraen wbo 3e ndghbdrbowT of 1
kte,b*ttle. l **» l ibey..baried-one handled
andtixtyef the lebelereoiLanpean we killed'
formoroofthemthanl roppoflod.'
* :The rebelt'dldnotjeofoe nearDrainesrUle
tiU Uto on Saddhy evening laaCTfcey erl- r
dentfythoughtiwwer* still-about; r I had;*
'thlk with one of : onfprUdher* ohShhdayijul,
(the prisfinerebre'to&lndd in guara;
• Abate, near % Geir.’ McCall's-Head-Quarters.)
*rho *»y *thV rigim'ent th which Wbeloiiged'
was kept Uck ata tiutyt, bft'i.tiiotbells from
jonr battery nude leapm havoc amoncatthems
He said it wa* Aordfor to be
flfhtinr emonw* t bnnelTtt, and that heSritEed’
to Q& iabCntthad nerertaken opamu aniflii
,nk. He eaidthat.wePenjuylTnniaflj’ rotibk!
etauywhip tome of iheirofficeirs
told-thwa thahtbeylwert abootto meet Penh l *'
S lonian* vho r wo*l4J!ffht end not***/ - We*
d l do > :m
bttt it wm in chiTalrrl;!-.,;-
.wWch *e«noottnt«T»d fcddtetA itW baHl#
iTU,nm th« “First Konticky/’j
Wbieh I* said to bt on« of th* ,bnt in Belnl-
'jO&#' of ow 'menfiriiom.!li in hformer
letter. mentloDodss haTing.beeriibot-’la the
ttioutli, his. tine* died.: : He mu in the net of
tM^nfULecartage when » .bd enl*r*r : his
jmouth end patted out it tho bnck of himock.~
and vu n member of company H. :
- :I ftnroor good 7crdng“fHebd/"Alt**“Smith,
i. of the Pittsburgh. euinot; lire. TiPobr
fsUow 1 he irwyibwwt.the, present 4imtu -i
U > wm. Srnettj oX onr eomp*ny,who wm shot
W the la alo ' Hlt is:
onljr aflwh wooad. v ffwrg«iß*»M*r.wms*bot
th* fbot-»th* (rifle) belipuslog along: the
•ole, merely cattfag the *kin; (i aad‘lodging in
3hs loe-of hisshbe 1 Hh/'bfbourse; trill pro-'
; c; ..'V-Sr.*. . ...
.-'Bambel Sttyut rooeiroda .slight woond on
hit left arm. He ; irae loading hie igta at
titte—whidk hrongh't hli'righ t tide towards i
, 'nail' csi .off hit >harenaiek ’ 1
madeanteen straps, the wadding of his rest—/
wounding him aughtly. in the arm. ■ « *
;LoganhadhlSoanteea shot thrbagb, and l
slightlyinthehip., John AfoEeo
had two of his fingers skinned" by a passing
ball. AH- ohrboyij withthi ezoeption'of
w# ** hbletomarch back toqaartsrs.
He {Earnest) -wgt car Tied bylelght -of vdr *ll
- way fromUminssrille trcsmp. : '7: *
'Z 4Japtain-“ Bb*nnb*-a*d< LienUsaaU Pierce
-and Kirkpatrlek aU did -their duty like bxare
and gallant r,^eh, r and‘did* all tbey postlbly
oonldto ohosr:ns on.’*’- :.7~
; iAbofe:thnVWrrlble'rfottad ofvtke bafttlbll
ochld anddidhesr!l4ent«sant^KUkpetriok < &'
Toioe caliing l to the
friendsat home, and thehonomadrepatstioiil
°fCom J MTC.” , yl4ni»n«itKv.i.>ot-oal J >-
kitld hearted but trnlybrare tnan.
Capt»toBhanntm"caanotraoalT«. too much
intiit forhu coolant aadoowragt. Ho wu
.to front. whtnwe adVanoed.hnl 'had to U.
■dawn: npoli the ground to Uias ftrv aver him.
:■• Lite tenant George, -Pitre. - showed gtomt 1
coMpett ud tnier brarery. Ho hat 1 won for
himsclftht confidence of .the tatlro company,
and whlrtht'sitj' U, willinrto'leadire are
toady to follow. eren doing »o -we should
And onr train. /, -.t
y Colcmol jsckaon acted well hlspart sndgove
eridepetof his fitness forhis office.
: ---pi tat fight Eitattnant Colonel Bobtrt An- :
denoa’a-bpm .became-unmanageable and
threwhlm, i ln thefia he: lpat bit hat.'.; Hf
•ponrecortred kii fMt.and.banheattod, cam*
,^>blp ) fn^^lafoatto|thtl , oTtto« t P’ into
of Colonsls Jackson and Anderson.
'. Hot a rebel ball toothed onr fiat, although'
ItappaandtalnA. nark at,which they, took
aim. .The enemy aimcdlowandshot at oar’
left! bat we aimed higher—apmfcoatthe head
and braeet, wherethey live. Kearly all their
killed pierf tb»t to th. head and breast Oho
noo/foll6v «boal'tttr VH'vbahded on tho
top of the head. ' Hit kcalp'waseutcleanoff.
Ht was litttog pith hlsbsekagainsta tret,
ana wai.trldtntly out of hti mind. Ht had
• pitot of a itickin.hU hande whlehhe.can
tiuntd to look at and roll between hie Ancon.
We talked to- him bat ooold not draw his at
.'tentiOn frontthe ittok.' died in the eren
ing befora we left. : ;
» mast tome to a close, as my relief has te be
potted. > I am -ont on pieket daty; and write
-thUnpoataykato. Ve left
ing, and will rttarp ld-morrowmorhing atthe
•amt boar. Olto but lore tiraother and all
Onr friands. . ■ - ■ - 1 " - - • ■ ■ JJ. 1
From Col. Black’*'Beglmeot.
UcaUk of ti* Sas*er»r-A',GlriMtmQ* JH***r*-
A Forward Uopement Expected—Tke 2fn>
• Zauata £7*(/W—TA* Slau Colon,-&9.
- ' Nku S’ilcs CsutCßr 1
pol. Buck's Kegimtnt, I>i&r26, 2861. j
•„ Editor* GastturAtUt » serere sickness of
. ebout eight week* eon'iinuinpej sndlmTlug
beat again restOshd tohealth/I think it ay
doty to write a/Jew* wpird* to' yqwonee more'
concerning the sate ofeflalrs in our regiment.
The gpagjpl:jrt*te of,he*lth;»tst hr. present'
,tin» is exceedingly geod, in ooaparison with
rWhat it wessix^reeluegc—therebeing if
■ the; present time only fourteen patients in the
regimental hospital,'and bat are
c taking .uj -medicine/ nr I was informed’by
the; worthy Surgeon, Dr. James Kerr; and
■only..wngt, Jhet number; of % the-regiment: in
the, brigade .hospital, where J. E.'Waters/
*hei Brigade SvtZfpVb ens, P; Webb,.'
Airistint.' B^G.'Krefcah/the
worthy .hospital steward, spare no pains to 1
renderings aid-and oomibri to-th* patients
emyi-ingr poisible; On XHHstmes/ the id*:
mates of the hospital were giren a spleadfd
.Christmas dinnerbyJ* 7 B.’Watari, the BrU
: It it generally sappoied thatihehs win toon,
be * forward moremuntby ottrditiaibn of the
army,a*Jt to luporMltin camp eayesttr
duy (end ,I. belieye trjUyyoportsd) that Ocn.
Hank’s dlrlaloo had crossed tjjo Potomao, and
was adrancing, and alto that tba left trios °f
thearmywat'adraectng. ‘6o<h beiugtho
feet, it i. altogether proeehl* that the main
will follow, or rather adraoea, shortly.
Ourregimont, Init splendid new
Freneh Zontf* uniform,- and those .of. our
Pittsburgh fHaads.whp.aaw the regiment pru
riently, would not now. knowjt nt.ailr-thu
uniform asking tachu change- .
. Cot Blank's 82<fregiment, and tho 83d, CoL.
IftlfUtei weib presohted with . Stale dags at
the rerUw,.by it, Hoa.-Bdgar£owan f of
Pennt7lranU,.tn behalf onjnrworthyjßtaie
Sqprarnor, who made: aeeaqc etegant and ap
ropriate speech ,oa prerenttng thent.ani Col.
lank, la-behalf of hisowri andCofk'l/knVt'
regiments, raadt.a rnyjwlriotihnndbeoatl
moremedt, X shall tiflrtiyb AoftbesaaiA. ::i
- ‘ : -J. . T-ffk
DsrflooM. wKatopttallhistosyjSpeHmpi; I
has there bean know* se rnid a rUf in prices,
at.dtriagdfct part *sww»i*»r«rid the-boes-'
Coaisashed. bj anikru».tb«omo!ts, win it
ooaUna*J,.tye answnr.we belisyeit-will, that
priest far souls hipdt will adrasee.tedouhle
the naStt'elew W this we
■•druse l *oAr nadarf to •apply’their peasant
at ones, and alsothose'ofthefmttediate
tfatttm' The btot'WWoe; enowsUemably, t<r
a« this hi toßsrfcte* 80-'.TsJi JfartoK .Met.
They bare the Uigtrt stock, tho gnaisst ra-:
>i*W» t4 *^?*?i >
tojagattheolipn^s., , ,„ ,
7J "■
. 06 aaU
Nl Juntl of>
»}tfr,»|Kmly pWpOTUWßMlY^fof
I'.Nwjji ..iiT' ijirf; >
ff !SK!S
’< *tto*
*:, i- AniralofUe SteMsUp
rr&nf. Your/Liee.'Sl.—Thestemmer Einhar-
Hf#d st 8 o’clockthis meriting, with dates by
'telegraph from London to tbelSthi'V, r * l
The stsamer Bohemian arriredon thrlfth. i
.•, The message of President Lincoln claimed
jmbHe feeling was. diefrplj. engrossed
PHnoe AlbertJ ■* *-m .. _
‘i ■:' TKshiUenee 'of; the, President's Messageosu
.the Trent affmr was the of tsneh
jeotiire and '-comment*? v lt war generally re~
igarded m* loop-hole for escape, and gare rise
to some hopes: or; p**de, altbotigh *b * g*neral
'Mnstrwttba'wai warlike.- ii'\ z ',-^^ ir .yV'.^^
TWarsaTsvQxai hothlngxari
bemore ungracious than the President's treat
jheatof the ForelgnPdWJfsfoYiheir forbear*
A oourt*busaeknowledg
- rwas'das. : ■•; *„ 5., -
- j The Timt* alsodevotCs an-article Jo the rt>
: port of, the.Be«e.tai7ibttbvNary, which,it:
paralleled crime*; the: project of blocking hp
warlike, . endj.nUhOogh' remarking/orrOhe •
silence relatirrtO'tiurTTcnt afikir;siys it*ai
seareely'wtthlh^hd^idid^aeoMj;ota:ae ; i* (
; gratitude In .dealing, with tho maritime pow
; In the, jame; article;it,eays, .that the
dlspatoh•to.Lord'LyoDs wm simple'
lit usb ultimatum, in itself.*^. f .--V
h i The XkM7jr\ftTsiM Conaidfltt the sfleneeonth*
Tirent afiair anindieation'of- pnadentte iHd
Testation; and favorableaojx-Sce. t It Iswlesled'
4b believe that'the TresUlent‘desiredto hold
ihtinselffrestoi speakat Auapfirdptiete thne.
of the President’s
reticence,'kud'of ? the l little credit' be giWs 4cr
ffflreign.feveminents.'• > ,y »v- * -••«
•iTnt && jastiflesthesilene* relative toihe-
the clearness,-force and
ablUty v of the „u. 3
( i; The i/eraZd takea ; a,' contrary Tiew,
aodfeart that pVaoeir alnfoSthopclest.' The ;
;TOte of thanks by pongrai it regards as an
' "V* ' : .
jllit wtHike’prcpusUoßg anmaUnud;
'The P«r*ia -lookout nearlj 1,200 troopi.
Tpo-Grenadier : ';iud;BcoH:Puiileetrauaidi
.mold embark immediately.
" lAUthediipofabloTCMeli-intbe
i nika -Wert' aWembliofc* it'Gibraltar,' to *»
|irt»dy forimmediate departs re.
i? Admiral Dacreshas teen appointed second
lin command-tb'Admlrtl f Miine;' ,l •*' -*■
l The war risks at Lloyd?*., were aqtire and <
advancing. "’v '
V Parliament meet* about themiddle of Jan
**rj. :••••• •;//*■ •■••■•••" '
Thr ' -<.b
je d<jath of *Priiiee'' Albert ) had c&oWd i
mpst projoahdeensitjibn; There U greaterm-*
£>athyfor, the,.Queen, who- bor*rthe beware w.
iiniht. with.much 'fortitnde. ’ The : vnnnesi'
culogiamsarepasjedapoh thb Prince. Bttotog
tok«na; bf;*yiap»thy, arotendered. froa’the?
French and other continental Claris/ inanyof
which -waatimmedintolyfntoninfaiHg^
. I*o rd Palmentonhod been ill firoa gout, bat
wa* better.':.’- /
•j, Sh. Asia’. news was - generally ruuMlt
at Unferorable for pcaos. Ths leading
/journals continnt to adrocata Frt&ck neutral
ttj-. - ... „ . . ...
Jspxnoir.JPoe. IV.—Ajumor was currant-at
Paris, yesterday, that Ilia Fiansh Government
bad sent ancte to Kasiia, PniSS)a and■ Aus
tria, snggostinga commanuaediation of the
great powe ti between’England and. America,
loe .BsroWVcorrcsMndent observao.thatia.
tender of sueba mediation wo&ld be a menace,
.and be rejected on that varyground.
■ ,n t* “* 4,r P>; * ,, d tower;
rents, C7f 20c. . ~ . .
Garibaldi baa Writtenooiettor to theGanva
Cammittfee.whieh indicates an- approaching
morament.'; Other continental inUlligenea is
unimportant. •
The English fundewera duUand loWar/un
dcr tha-AsUibntharo partially recovered.
- Admiral,Decree will holst-hia flag’ on- the
•Edgar ae aottmd in command of. tbw Ffottb'
American squadron./'; :£ ’IX"
iA* pbition '.of tbe ' Mediterranean float' is
gradually accaranlaUsgf at Gibraltario be
! ready, if necessary, to'cross tbs Atlanta.
E- Yesterday iadditibsal:~~ihipwrighte - were
tnbgn on at the Portamoath dockyards, toget
-rpTrsriii miiiii *■
i ship ordered for sen;.'.
; Tha battalion* of guards, ordered toNorth
America, left thii moroibg'for Southampton,
‘where they will embnrlt tb-dny.V ”
. , hivispcoi,. Fee. 19.—Pending • the news
from America,in. reepontetothe demands tn
. the Trent»flair, the English paper* bar# littl*
•to say. The lima has f*svere artiofc on ike
brataUitecclgne>h^e^ril < |i^riiprodaciagV
and denounces ynnoas Northern measures.
_ Sarerxl French ‘‘journals maintalntbat
Fc|nee ehoald giro moral sappdrt to ‘England
by-recognlsingthe jnstioe of.oer demandi, and
the independence of the&ooth.
Th ® (tb e :org»anf Princo
Jiapolcod) says that' Franco has no Other
enemy, bat England, and ehoald tfot-treakes
the United States. *
' lUdud, Dm. Tho Anwrlran Hinlifor
h*j left Madrid on leave of ftbitnee.
Pißta, Bee. Poßdmlli, tb«.Bai
4U& Minister, $s deed.
■ ’ Anint) of &e' Sicqaiifcip ■
• Dm, 3L—The itcunorAiiA, from
Liverpool for. New ; York, has -attired; hero
with Liverpool dales to the 21st,;and by tale*
graph Tie Queenstown to the 22<L She has
500 troops. j "• *■
The Canada arrivedat Queenstown, on -'ihe
21st fast.
v political Sows is without importance.
}f. The cotton'market closed firm on the 21st,
but , f i ßrcadituflj :Ylonr
firm,but ' . » lf i
-Loroon, Dec.2lst,—Consols 8094@90Wfor I
money; Illinois Central ~ 50f«)
•-Brio B. R. 24@25.-r ~V n ,-Y ~ /:
■>:Hai.iyAx^l)eb;3l; ondir-gbv-*
ernment orders, but will sail for New* York 1
this evening. • " - •■■/'-.*;. '.2 ' z
Canada arris'ed af ;Que«niiipWn'bn‘tho
i t Nere is no abatemant in warUke- ppepara
tipm, and additional troopsiiave boon ordered !
to be ready to embark, bbtthe
Q*utt*, 4{ tho2lst, say that. no moro aro
lutely to be piaoed under orders untiihostilJ
tiesuresctuillydeols red.r In that’event some
' 9**f° regiments now.ia.tbeJtf editeranean gar
ritotos will probably‘bb Sent Inihewar vessels
now rendexrouiing at Qibceltor< -,<i i/ •
'The Adriatic, with 1400 troops bf the Grim-'
adi« Guards, and the P4rana, -wit&abSnt 1000.
•fine Scott PasileorQuardi/leßSeathatipton’
on the 20tn for ‘’V* j ' vr '
The steamer Cleopatra .would leave" liver
pool on the 21 it for Queenttorwu, there to' em
bark the Seveutertthßogi*
jnenl r i
;?he Magdalena _iroaiilemb*tlt abectlQOQ ■
-meniatSonthampton od the 21st. -- . ...
. Theanail atearaera of tbe -Prnlnsnlarind-
Orion tal Company, numbering about SOimen,
ara to: bo armed had fUde oapahleofrtuUUnjr
-privateers in ease of war. - -}
•i. .Xbo jon-boila in' tbe aeoond claai-reacrre
af porumiraihj bare been ordered ' to-fit out
inunMlntely 1 .
A Berne telegram : aaierta that Trnnce'hnd
al»o*l» .41pl<>mario ninmlarr taking.groand'
*«*•£»» the arreit of H aeon and 81idell,and
■ lent mreMutatiToe to Washington to detar
i mine the American Gorerrfmentto iab**‘it)-
I dlnieiuibULeoapeeMont.
ahe £j/atao that: the Ametiean*
Uaonnl poulbfg; onmpUiojof ;th«»nor of tho
dindfeb to herd lyon*.
,®n* brought 60tt troope r urith lie ret and am-'
lork,»nd AMOO inipeele. .'.'"j.
#f troope aro leariag for;
-Britan North JUnefloa, ■ «•;;.! .if
I;®** ehloßon Paywnhad arrived at’Bt;
.Kaiarine from Charloelon.
i LttervoDl, Da. 20;—Thi ealei or oolton for
thaweek ware aB,o<lQ.talent thrmartat open
ed with a decline of ifd.whlch me aftarwarda
jwejy reoeroradi.'. Tha ealei
worn OjOOObalw, Cloaing-eteady. Provirlon*
are arm. ' ' 1
« Zo ndoMy&tc. 10.—Consoll-eloted on Friday
at MKBOOK for mow. •
v gto'att*Bd
a public meeting at Brighton, etrongly-advd
,*W» that tho ohjeotW all miltona! men'and'
'trip patriot* should btt toeorotaeprinciple* i
nftaedlation on .Iho goWrdhthnVon Che tame i
of »iteementipeds ntthe Bari* Congrns.-Mr..
Cobd«tt thtokrftat no rruettlon. eaubo morn
-«Uhinth* Hope of th*-P»ri» moluUan
■•hah the jngdlng-onafand thetrn* tntoftho
. b* thS
‘ japoaf* Bll yillngher* on thapart.of Bmitand
; itoirafort,irnoceimryyto
‘ OonetUttary Hep mnrt-'trfth-nO'EdH
i%f > .
t .. - ' • >
« -r-r
J tlisf or «»i
.th»rdlj' ; taiiofh *t_tbepmeAmoii«nU WluUj
f bitfrind ir-peuaotr]>tiMrpl«i imiurtliii 1
fc jwtioc, aod tirU can tatttattaj^tßrttffelr
aa impartial'arbifoUor#^.f V , .
! TV-ft—’yynry, irHfh iWrTtr4[ that
UndiriUfeajatiifladvithJttothlfffiboTt of
jfoll'BatliGtetlan fw hir Tinted frights; say*-
that it »onld obrloualy beharsbivlol«rt*nd
aqjaipto ,d«by-th».American Ctaqpninent all’
1 right of replying andposittrely rtftua to hear
what she hot to iirga on tfco logit points at
Uroe.' Shpdldtbera be; jdfry / difficulty'at
Wdshlngton',l6, 'ot bnce mooting; England's*
damands; alittie Inplt ia»*jrcouria'and expia
nation betvMxuthetwogovanmunU wonidin
- all probcbil ity wmorfr it,:and tihMrould bo'
<by far the fcwt/molt dlgcifled awL frohoribtt'
. i ;.J r *pingliylHfi,
f M U. for .Acuriea to proposearbitration, and
England would notbe JaitifindJ in roinalbr
. ; tb'a^tpnd: of tbenacolend insult
! Fbdtness T Moirao*, Dao4 30,-JXheNorfolk
2>oy. .800 by a flag of truce to-day/
acoonnt pf thi capture of
•‘Shmrood. • • •• -r ■ • y» ;
i' Atyhffothu tfeiiigi'.tt it' ithtld'tliit three'
of Mir gunboat* Were disabled ana tbe Exprei*'
■ set.on ~.
j : All ihe'daaitigedonebyouriteU* afeStwv
Point if'said to have been Ae killing of
;Vrtok6h 5 ,< f T- - ' T-«> ;
f [ PMHp-St'/ Qeorge Cooke, reoettlr appoint*'
M Brigadier.Qenenf in tbe^nnjfo* .tfc»
.PotaiaojeonimittedjuioideonTbnrfday Uft,
nt bjftesidence. He wat a graduate of VTest
Point, and estedmed n flnepffieeS ' ' 1 *’
rTbe Cociadiiary store* , u ihctnqbg a. portion
of itbeiOrdiMWe,, Department: in. tfashviUe,-
were jifstnjyedbjr flre on thehig&t of the 22d,
Tbe loss » estimated at nearlfla ndllftrirbf
.dollarf;-.' '"V: r r" i : ,
t Tfie folloiriDg are the tennueee Conneu*'
njep jUAfieW J. B. Heiekejly SdiV.GJ
Swan;.3d, J. B.iOardenihirep 4th, M. B.
Gen&yJffitlf, 'W; son« 8. Poote» !
«h^^ E *-^' :,oh^-Wri * ht; d
BLcoontnhudi ««r* ’
'OuMgMkrStr; of
litreiihorr t v
laoertoinlr doel
V. Btrong baUeriei aro pUeed
York lirer/ind A
ia the riciaikyof Yotktoiitm. .£
I; j : .m; F.tomDUiiioariZ’ ■;'! '-.,-1.,
V Omsnus, Uo.f Vii-'nXtoir of oar
captnredby the ,ye)WU:i^Cl|nton;:knd ,
«“*!•* <a Springfield,hMljnaijßtacn*d, her
;iDg i«n th»t -ni»o* a# un
thatPrka/witK.gjlHW Bt*n>iMLtakaiLnlLt£e
hoaaeadn SprinrSeliLiiJr mittboptt tttrsUg
thajpiatp aad oUldranlMotkaotratti.'Bi
bad-unloaded >hi< Wago«e,~ai»d wait'making
pntentiou for H! long )rt*T,"'3h« : Monl« of
Stute with, niy other trooputan tbowragaii
lariy •nli«t»din..theOon£ide»»t»eer»io<lTind f
ha man enrolled fe'thitMrrlbe.
;The country, north ot Sprfpgfcld waa ihil ol
thaywwewrmUted tewtamjuktalaat.takr
with onlyhtjrwilar. Oonfcdirita trioiM, ■ I
:; SrncbQenaril
wank, than, t* parted
between tha JUaaooit andOugjt rintiJUvt
a rumor of rob«l c»nipr or eMndihar Wen 1
board of. * * v • • ’ ..*. '
The ITewa by Ike ilin. * > _
H.nirax, Doc. si,—Paiifingeroby thaAsia
npaat a moor that tha- btoakadlng np of
Chartaaton.harbor with’Mime ta likclyto’fetd
to a dilEculty.wlth EurojittaHliren.''
i - Iti. furtba rrumorodthat Hogland’a -war
like preparation, win continue, in rieir there
of,, and.that: thesurrenderof Moaan. Mason
dnd Blldoll aro not tho arbolct or Knglnnd'a
demand*/- -' -
Iho Aaia wiUsaiiaC'flp. mi forNow'iorfcf
The Paris, correspondent., -generally,- iar
that .thebeliej Utah boa tlUtie. Eag
> tha Admiralty had boon notified thsi In-'
atitiotioMhaTO t>ach loot fo protoct British
shtnplngln tha China and Indian saat.
< ana steamer. .Cleopatra and Parano aw
likely to ha at Halifax to-day. r-’ns/-k
Washington fe.
■ Waamaaros Orrr, Dee.: Sl.—The resent
» 4iyu{oj*i, *k?W tV «wmy hu »
•Inmg picket gourd beyond r DnJitesvttfc
tat no: troops ntthit place*
Saturday* oo*4anddJ»a Uio<m» fwK-uiattsoraft
bo* wa* soon thereafter obliged to return
nfaetnre nod materiaihad been practiced upon
thtf Goretnmen t* * '* r
. Gen. Stunner, whaisne lately Injured by U»
'•tumbling of Sin hone/ hnabcen brought to
ffoihioptuLforintiieoi treatment.
.Rnmore of FighUagUKeatnckr. '
Oi»ci»K*ti,rDoo. •pedal to Uw
OunU from Indianapolis, ioji that then
aronmtprs of to-day;:
Q«a. Basil ordered to. Green riirer a-regiment
of ftislleers, tad o regiment of iightartlllery,
before bo went forward. Buckner's ■ caralry
wlffi, lS _,Aort.Jf.ii ß o, 0 f
,t>nr, picks t«, and it i> supposed that ho intend
« .attacking McCook is fora, destroying
Green Bridge and retiring. All tho regoian
ware thrown across the bridge early yesterday
' : Gen. Beaham Released.
■ v-Skw You, Deo.' 31.—A prtT*t»r ilipotctf
radatved frooVaihlagton, states ibt Qtairal
«eClelUn, on inTsstigatlnff the specifications
•£*» fGeneral
jsenham, bas ordered the latter's release from
vrfatf end he Is to be ordered iat ones to
I dotj. •Thft l Wlft i hd gratefalneiis*o the na
.merou* frUads-ofthis brsT»officef^
i, •’ ' i ,t .u K> siUi
.■ i.jjqrttgU fcrTelettaphiri
d*rth* forelfa stwv tad tbs deSuid itSnk>«*MA '
*W£rfYap*r4n*, , uid?4 IfiftiSßfer
Dy.£«fc*Bt arbiter, atri cfotlnf at tß&fcfor n*r
sad 88(390o for WUte. Oats dtOl ftt 28c, ani Cont *L
800bsadT fn fpiri. itsmnlstttfe* tnjj
«t 99 fiO forth® best blinds; 16J0Q0. bblsfoJdatM.,
'ft. liKPton >«■-£?
m*nd it .OKcnmMt,4Snßat2uoudaK
feyboimanutf h»mii OrecOTWMma«SSj~SK's,
- -PmLiimißiUiliK.-ai.—Konrfrn«m-flrm!Y.-»ia'
* ‘““tj export dememli'ttk, of aowfibll*
i?sja«s»s§a?iF|| I S
Peonsjlnnl* mrf wntcrn rodsoW at n Slav 33,
I &* commaods-yoo* ■lOftoO ttk nt* jWtfir sbS*
Corn scHd at OO@01c,: Oats dulj at 38c,' Mess Perk
I ®fUsiloirtjatfitfoi3ttJ. Sacottb dtiftrSUs for
[bans, 6000 forsSwandSo for sbooUsn.TXud is
I for.OUo, tiadis6‘7BAB)foc Bovthtm
f and somloalb l@2cnJgber. Com doll ahdwmlnir
: mUod at
i sad 8809 for
j flnaatiOo. . V : • f 7 ■"■'.* -. ; • s^\
! Cotton odraiKsd inqxdiy |l
! ■
r. ;'*tooi» iw letter, fextataewif ,” "
Pom, Die. ;
““aar. 1 near «draa<w!|Mle» 18,500 Uili»i 15 7ig ;
-wwiky r ?7 >
At ah cntatUinmeotgiTin
Hjiufc, Now. York,the. oftn
t&« cffioMt. «f,fc nmljorrived’rtijtimentof
Bceclefwiftpnwmt »tetVin»d»i*«)»«fci
In>the • ootmo sfhi*irm»rk» MjMTmlr
■of irOrdnthenentwil:"''' • *J a .is ,:
■' >Mr. «afcr,OodiiJn
*—l don’t. *: *• - /
Mr; Godwin—l hftU her; ■::.*/-
Mr. tin?differtifeo I*. I
iWLMr” ■*.
ibnuact of aisUor&mu dfalipgnUhed Khfr
I iiabmpD # 'f»nn|^nrtf«nttorefci&iiftteftßt,*
• Sated IrOndOQy2>M.lo«- -e- ' ■;i: 1C . ■
i * iß hiHwwwpHA:'
Wbtftp pw*» of Kogland.bad'been.tam]^
• «ea f wmrby tbeitaiMdtfet oT joqj dUnnioQ
• * Hen-
i IpWWM^fht^ maj- fWtberfpeedy'r&cogftitioP
prtbnmdfpoodoaoeof tb»6oU6o Tbe v
D«Tltand ) bia 60-cPo<'
;tpicntstnj)ad .been v made i koown,'a»d’ arga
. teenta supplied
tolled witk‘
: .tbeit,brief* and tbeir . iH>
moltaneons ruJbgoftbetPree
improTuation ‘of ap immense raribiy rloTalr
, dls6oht%rfed r
1 ancej*, Manby and- theircofTutit "toou. 'aid
jaeeetaitated the adoption of n'differvftf eodraa
of aetioflt; bnt-thej- are a til! laid 'tbe f
plunder-of the Sab-Treaaunfet of Uie’ Sonth
thou , who are base enoogh to be.tbe iiiftm-
of jtbe . worat traitort and jTliestidf
. :Nadottbtthjtreiiagreat trntbmtb^oafr{
’firxnati6ns., l *We "can hardly.Sßppose.tbat in-.
fend the ' of ■tbV 'Sduthern ‘eofispiratbrs
withoutßome extraordinarj indneementa'ofa
priratenatore; '
•! Br-t BS-jteitipumj. qf-aU.refngeei whobare*
.tbe. ; bj:
; iwaaon to belitre tbat tbore it not an ineon
•iderable portion -of the Southern, people
beijctliy 1 tlelrdf ihis'rebellibbVand only wait-'
the drmy bf thel Republic to wrande;
.jipds and'cruih the mock' gbrerntneni tbat
.tjrasnixet over them. A gentleman at Wash
ington t from the fius Booth-stated thtf rthere
hare bean several attempts at iniorreetfon
among the great number; of
Se in have.suffered death. !ln one inatafiee
oat hnng in. the neighborhood of
VloUbarg:' He referred to la statement.of a.
-Sduth Carolioalady, pnbUsbed in
nati 1 {bA wtrda/y and said it was 'atrlcfly/cor-'
feet. He is satiifled that if the 1 Unibn ariay :
•we“re in , HeW;( Orleans; it"Voold^be joined by;
half.the rttfrens atlea«U--C , i»..3H6t«e.
to.bailUua f iß*rtring^o&‘
.ofitbe;pe«e i ; *.
«ienii,'ihat Sharp ..baa _
•th# constant Ixaoii of abasing hef>: andhas
rtpoaUdlythreatanad to killhor. .- . J
' ■ Doc-tg* p;, Buii, Water Cart and
* 'pathlo PliTjicUn; ‘alio agist* far Bafabow’a
v oelefctnted Iran -for—Rapturei. — Comer of
. ;jP«nn and WagngMaaM. ;« tnvtjt; ll J
attaaila to au brand™ ;of.«h» Dot tal iptofu-
U -i,
, loutqunr.-r-Sanmal B. .IfawUtk. ant od«a
thiiArcujrjofi* cup* aaafe«a4 «atf,*YAl«»<i
at '<
/ Ins'QoAi^^^MViojra^
>ifct Covrf of- Qo*rter6«BStont-bar« bees ad
•J&ttnred until Mondaytiert?- • -^ 1
t \ .3>ie m
• AfiflLlYo-InJpßjr-Atttettinfa^.lCMMugfarw
ANh, relict ol Ut( lntoHer. John (J.Aihley. and
mother ofHoa.,J.MvA*hl*yyin tlw WiVjcarof h«r
i ■ r jroTicm.
• wc " i "■- cmvhfitL laira/ 1^
£ ttarf to CoWOHIrQ*ABT>B Sw *Ear.
• fold,-rpIUUe-.'JffeJfc.'mimi'
ZwSinfci tteftindfl toflQ an thasd «k* ’
«»«s«.> i ./waT .rjr; • |.?-I•;
nl lL l ls , * " U * rt “ rf oten >* l l»Ti Ml. :
agWroß^Baßr' ot *b*araotrj, 'ntm j^-^n
:i, *2oPi*M‘* l W&« tt» *—*JF«t«c<Mii
rhst BiJLta BT*si)i»D Litsbaturkt '
;v:: w*W»'3a^.i»wp6itwot^^,tfr
- ■ ■ ■;'. ~‘:~:~r~~ *w. btixj^troc**
>**ll'~> mill ngKh«».
“? d uy
by ihwTifactcmC.-'S i S?ytv^*
. ‘ ::; f & :.i/A w][H4s(glfliUtt *oa
_4gO Agepjtfor.&f tunningCtariaallroo'irirWi
WbrtittW umL
[iMtiUtlt inallty, 05
l ewrttpQQ ttBM. -
-..v0 “IntwruUlon-
in tlw *ub-
imwtSm maHitHm
- -*lc
/iHoir XBTSf Tns to parchaio wiaUr-oloUi--
ihfr, wd to. our reader* who deiire. to'do *o,
r ;of
'vM* WQit &Qfi'i bonier of Fed
theJWeinond, AlleghenyOityv
wfdlHioerirf mdy
'“’‘‘Tie gooda,
■>*» .and,
t>< (STi
. * * If >' . -ipf
• :< ks
i±jsUA# opEßiiißmt^ctijtijisßj^,
”T**rT'T*TiY~t~* ■*-*■T -* iti'T^-TVr'l'-rtjß]* l .
AM«)fcrt«fly OMmnt with X). J. eUD, ttl ,
Director ,
I OP«B4HO-PEBTO»3tiJ5? 'whkhwfflTffi. 1
tbSa&ca&m •>»'•;' O2;
. : >:> • msa :IfIABELt A HXBSLEY/' *'
ti»t UJattagnlahad t ASMricatf’ vi^i
of Hotlccf HwrYork, Brockton, ißaim (4 RriiaMh:
«bttSVoar:*ci. wlSS^r£3Z;.:
tVifrmaJkolMi'wbatm thb appear Ik obm»
blaasrotrtßitbkeelateited’artiata' •■■
OTKOB JBlQf{OU^tl*S«ro«MlSw,‘‘[ r ; i
tttt<di«tingßWrt Uoittactor of Hm Sim ;i
ideayaf Matte, OABL ASSCHUIZ. Al
- tfcaprogrjazainewiUcsatitt ■ j -I.'
A~:: A,:A W* Y <
; ‘ ivr PAJCtXt. £•?**’? "Wi
Th* jiecaadactof Lontattfa OatetJjrattdTnifeOltera
■ s : LU€BBTIA BOEGIA, ln ftiil
ms luben* BlnkJ*yln tWti»el» hd»'of Laa»U*
a‘--(iiii iV- •-’ px B/wg<y i‘-.- ,* u aJ
... «M^.A.. i«.i....J.^.«o«miia>
.V L PA»* UI.
' . The last art of : Loairatti’i Grand Opera - A i
MiflflnbsUft Btakley-ln ha cetelfralediule* (th* ma&
inbltluaott* rote pj.w»;.A>".tEdgatdQ«
'". Tie' ptfc* of ‘admJtiiotr * 'itilfM fixed’ka . iblloww-i'
Pftrqaatte '«d Drw Cirdb," OM DdUir/ od extra
:~Th*«« wtttcwnxaeaco
oaMuSLAY, at 10 o’clock, a. fii.,al?o£3
-'IrOBVMiikIS Store,'wHeHTMl* Canute AecaredT;'A
~ Loot*, open at 7; perfi)nnanca’tg'c<mantoed-it ; «
ydodu-Jir-^.^-•:.«.•• ;«-■:.•* •'.-•-’•,•.< vdsSMtd^
...T-H=E ' .W A-R•;
i',. ~ ‘ i.'.'... KMBBACIKO THE.** . , ‘-.J.
, : FALL OP PORT BJTkTEk,:':','
kx£ an tfrprtmlireiii Battle* «p tothtffenaenttima.'i
TlwOMMtty -will oommence od MO&DAY,Dect’l
J ii.ii’t^
Droncjeaftt 6jJio’clock. .rwonouyftfi nqv» at
' '\2s crtts; Chltdrea aodof l£jnan oftgo
will .be on exhibition NEW.TEABS
Doors open *i ls£_o*dockl: :’*•
thlblUooJ On FEIDAT'endSAT-
tor the benefit, of i Schools
r aegSidtw: •
■fILA^TERim ' » * . T
: -,,r» LxßßTTSrusT^cntetnErm,-
Prwrtolaf^.— j; s.-mS:
BU*o Joite. :
*}:■?.« happV jnjW. TfMl TO AXL'.‘
DoanojwuU.J Mo!elock ;.
;PWfera*neelocomm*nc»«t 2%. ■■■■■■;. • <,.•
|W , - THtTBapAYiTSKIHGt;-, . ;i; u
- avstbs -j
„ •>?»«■<«; *» OJS: o’clock.; JVrijtttm'oitcp tom
tac&eq«!|tf£ - ' j . :: , '
<j( Atoln_ajic« t to Ifc
QOU). MEDAtTPUKOS .: .r l .
>{roh]}nht jrozinXfjft
Mar.nfcctnral by ■'■ " ' —-^-c/
•;■■! 'v - ;.; ;;;*u .. : '. : .-7.;" > cq,:
I r nn «f,
: Ha.43FlfUntn>et, *xx»d jloor aixjTQ'o,'oo<L7
1 •’
NB WhaNOH,-* n
■*«?»» mtat-bj.tmm oftift CjiUttflrailaMWTlitr..
•JpkiS 4th it, ‘
A MV,fftUmfpfr.dMct'ftmutiSttknnbctorr
£mS?sfHsSs^“*,L oca ? H«w-Btmto .OHICB&
*<4iio Fuirasi is
AnUtonjMt WMlTrfaSd tat CS,
i ‘,l ' WUMB.lCm.Bft a »<wHtn»>. :jl
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* B&Ointm AT. mu :J>iea*BrosßTff& 140-WoiV
i jRUR t sign of UuQoUbn'XdKar; n *' "* -'/.*■.■
LfT |DS. JEEYBEB pnaaftes ia cum et. Chronic ‘
i.«•»«■»' Hid feuL Ihrtrunenta trV+lnam juad >h^—» >
: rlor Usd, wtn be wnt frwof esprac charges, "''
-4ve* aa sxprtta ron»;npana nmittezM of lto Dol*' s
; lan.- Addnaa *• 'V *|>Bi OEQ.
“ ,| !i> .. ■!. MU Wool itna, Kttjlwuh, Pt; .:. :^.,
■ COBBIAZ* : *ipmated or. loooojr ro*~ :.l
funded.' Sold at '' .’ SB. EXTSBKSi
' • Ko.l4oWoo4*lMit.'-. “>
- BED BUGS, BOACBESi. Ac. —TheHooMlreMC 1 . ;
BlUi. Bold at lilL KEYBEi'B, HOTToo^S.'
Mro AND mOE.-ein iafmcihii to Omi '* tuln* YASSKLL’S BXTBUOIAIO^'' -■
ftaentiroljr tuw-parepanUotf, ud wiatattidii Ve* >rr
more UMMpMtetksmaferjrhoawi ' BoU4k^' tv ' '-'V
. : - ' Dft/ KCTBEB% ‘ ’
, EXTRA BAZQBB.—T hsrv i trtW-ni l .* __
ZOBS, which I Will doto out at covL * .
;; ; GEO. E KEtSKB, 140 Wood jtrwt. "
[ BEADAOBS UOOSilt}im l & >*
Headache .arfllta ionatUa EgAZBR’fl ■ ■sss:-:/^.
-PELLS. Try th«m..,Prioa2&-cnits r «i l ; .■r-JcXr
MOaUwT , r XStfEB’S, 140 Wood V 1
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K.vS.£HJ,KBS * canutcflWo4.\ \
apdSwcndtrwOh.PitUbiggiu; , * >.
fty‘-Blot>dgood,-*Atteatioii it tail* J; -
.cd tatMiusitmaarkolStf »ua «citfntlflc ' .
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