r -as- ...-<-' l-i * r; •- S f - a « - " .. -"|f;.' .. „ ,'. -. ' ottsbunjh tell. !§• TDEBDAY '-MOBNXNO,. .DEC: 81,1861. Difficulty. .;•■:: P 1 *?? 01 thUmorning tie entire offi eUJcOTTwpondence ia MlaUou to the' seii- W» or Jbamr and Siipm. and their See- 1 °»J*l*4 the British mail steamer . .Trent. We confess that, after a carefdl *• ? f -the arguments of lfr; Seward,. I w»ha».nplftlt that entire satisfaction that i J ,«• Mhtoi. • argument' h© could,' to } , ti *.«??7p°aotry, for doing an act which \ / T H»,g«ccanty,to jreserre usfrom a war £ [ atatlme when such a war I W 'l|S.S? Te y“ »' “rnggle for our Very h decides all the main posi- I* t ,° a f . *h* ca»« in our farpr, to-wit: That M»pmotu: seised were contraband; that - , r,raß did idwfeny atop and search '■ the Trent,for dontrahand poiibn's' and dis ; .patches.;.that he exercised that right in a Uwfal .and proper manner/ that haring Si fomifa the contraband persons and their L. odspotcheSjTie had a right to capture them. ,.ough there will be differences of , opinion as to the grounds - upon which the : is placed. We all rejoiee that Eng- is foiled’ in her object of forcing us v - ' tato war when she would hare held ns ata - the American people Will l»toembcr her. Ungenerens;treatment when : we can meet her single handed. Not that . jui wohld adrocate, as.somehaTe done, that we shonU open an old sore, mutually "healed, eren although we were badly - treatad, hut that we. will not feel bound to “ylilJhef any advantage, or extend to her ‘ wnjr i*wbearance becanse of the nnmerons ties which hare hitherto bonnd -ns to each pother. Byhershahby treatment of us, in this w *he_time of our peril, when we oughtto hare .reeeiTod from hcrihe ntthdetrsympathy and forbearance, she. has expunged all .claims Mqnn-onr-gotxi and may expect ctohaTe meted out to her what she has im ' poeed upon ns. Let her'go on her ways. ’ «We will go on ours, and hold her to astrict ■ c-acoouutability. in the day of our strength/ i/«nd to a strict: obserrance of the precedent she has enforced upon us. Of: course, our understanding of the Huestion is fouaded solely on the published '-T' t' 'doetunenta. It is reasonable, andrery - ’probable, that Mr. SrwaaD has other rea ' - sons than those which appear in print, for i JlWtbg the ground of the surrender, on the i#?* 1 * fcot of the Trent not befing brought iu. He may? haTe grounds for knowihgor. precedent for of all future eases of a sim flarcharacter If so, a great object will be the settlement of international on ft question more ‘likely thin »ny gt '-**zOfh9T to lead to nationalquarreU. ~ ?The Fluent Situation. - ft ■- Foreign affairs, spile pf.all our recent in ' . ~:&ratJn the discussion of them, ought now ' <«T>e most resolutely thrust aside, as being ... in iact as well as in name, to - v Ihe’Tduty ’of the hour. That one duty, - , WHteh exelmtos for the present erery other, Is with all diligence, undivided attention end singleness of aim, completing all our * f * propshitioßa at the earliest hoar, and haa • teplng forward, as soonas ourpreparttiens Uehfle.eompletOi to crash sot of existence lhe, araies, congresses, presidents and all: V~ ' over heads, members and appurtenances of ' * tlds foul rebcllien and ' conspiracy of the ' ' 'dttre-lords'and oligarchs of the Sooth. •, We ‘ trust that we do not misinterpret certain :Udgnawhiohsecm to ns to indicate that the .:■' of actiooia nigh.. Jl western content ' refers to the adranced state of ■:■■■■ onrpreparations, and what they portend: ‘ we are not much mistaken, it will - eodnappear thntthsre has notbecnsny in ••• • tention, on the part of our Government, of “*TaßßUtterthr»nny-to subside into Winter ,vqnsrters, : without making a genera] effort . tocraah themlUinry-powerof the enemy. The gonboat fleetj ot Ciiro,wtll soon be in .uaultte oohditlpn,' andthatan attack upon :uunnwu:win follow, is regarded u n fixed ; fret. -The bridge orer Onen river will be competed this weekpand the march of 1 ; •«* nnny of Central Fentncky, upon BewUn* Green, will certainly follow. *ww‘ li * most Mripu xnoT«ment on the Upper Potopac’. That an ad wrncb",er« ts well known. Uen. Reynolds .will id. S?SP Wb ■»»
  • ., Principal of Phillips’ Academy, AndoTer, Hasa.; A. T. Donlbett, Supt. Allegheny Co. Schools: Bar. X>n. EUioit, Page, Plnmavand Swift, Alleghany City, deaotlwwx .. * rpHOf* •>. tUJN iiSK, having dissolved hie connection with Jacob Tuter, Jr., has opened a Commlsrion and Btoran Warehouse on the corner o t Dnauecne Way and Hand stmt, fcr the purpose of dealing in CBUDKAXD LUBRICATING OILS. jAdrancce Bade on consignments. Orders promptly filled. (ds2&dlw) THOb. J; HUNTER. ijiaoa 3. hunter, COMMISSION 2CKBOHANT AND DCALSB IN CBUDE OILS, dagfclyd Corner Hand street tad-Paqneaoe Way. JgJSEVa MAtiKETIU OIL/*^ — The radical etuefer BHEUHAT2S3T, PAINS. BBCISES, Ac. J. A. Morron, iaoU ud nspoctabte'merchtnt of* Nw Lisbon, 0., la ordering a iqppjy says: ' “I htn v apv been selling U for fire or tlx jhti end dad the demand increasing, many of my customers taking as high as six bottle* at a time. In bet, we Demand «eh a remedy for the can or Rheumatism/ Son Throat, owalllngs, Bums sad Pains.” For tale by Druggists everywhere. SIMON JOHNSTON, Sole Agent, de3o corner Smtthfleld and Fourth ft*. Ti HOttsE OVWfiiW:-D*. swemV' INPAILIBLELtNIMINT POB JHOE3tS is “art’dMby w:ln dlnwof Tjmmma. irlidne (tnia Spnliu, Btnlm, or WnncUnn, iliaffoct b mu leal and osrtain.. Hiram or Saddle Galls.'Scratches. Msog«* FiUalso can speedily. spavin' Sml Blagboae may easily be prerented and cured In their **■«*■» *•* conttnaed cues are beyond the poeelbUityof a 1 radical can. Nocaseof the kind, however, it eo desperate or bopelea bot It may be alleviated by this Liniment, audits fcithftd applica tion wIU always remove the Ismenesa and. enable the horse toitnvel irtth comparativeesso. for sale by JOSEPH FLEMING, Oorner of the Diamond and Market ft reels. t Oust i aI 1 OoS!TIi—MoLiMY BOOKS at cost, at HOH!TB. P AMEB, ETC., AT COST, at " ~ . HUNT’S; DESKS, ETC., ACCOST, TSE BALANCE OF THE HOLIDAY' BTOCK will b. dtowl out .r crot. mt ' ■ HUNT’S. "DOOK, STATIONERY, MAGAZINE LV aND NSWSPAEEB UIPOBHIII, Muonic M»U. Fifth Btrut. .. jjiLouß r :i — — 'B3 bbb. Extra Family Flour, Torlorrill. MUlii Jf J •' “ Wnrblniton •• ** ' •• " Homier •• S ul “ “ -F.lrS.ld •• 17 “ SopVflM ' u -}S “ SrmrMllj ; “ ririerril. ji '■ f 8 , “ Sbelbyrille ' Instoreand for sale by • V. • ' ISAIAH PICKET 4 CO., ■pEi'KoLECk— — 1 •JL' 120 barrels 40 gravity, u 165 do 45.Td0- • - 470 -do r 44 :do For tele by . ■ SOtAE OH, -WOBKB COMPANY: A* 3 ' No. 3 St. Clnlr Btrut- ,TX)TATOiS*&r--4uo bushels prime Oerter + Beech P©moeeJ« sto&ud. ftv safe ft a*i . «SS£2&' THIMM AKlMsuua- •. • X? 4 boxoe fteeh Bell Batter,' - 3 barrels ftaelr Im, • Juki recelred aad ferMh by - ’.• £• ~ u «-• v - L ;-il- »• Jiit*B A.-Fraßi:. . ' . MastrtaiidTimstmtf. •|> ; 8,000 mJMi.v '‘.'.Lf'-i ►r ■■ • .^bub&Wbmt, la store sad Jbr eue by? . f - c ; d* 3 * ' | < ii , cßßqr 860. *3l ™«BTA'l»ttnw. Bt7 ; gOtIDAT PBESENTSf- . ~ PSOTOdJtAPH ALBUMS, I FOB SALE BY B o o S. s FANCY ARTICLES Holiday Presents, Which tor ll,le. uij chupnm .re uuur puled b. ANY I3TABLXBHMSHI 1H THE WEST, All Hew and Presh from the Eq.c ••“Amangctberappropriato articles will be found Tarlousstylee and aisas of BIBLS3, ’ PRATER IOOKS, HYMN BdbEAy ALBUBS,/ PBOTOOBjaPH At.iimr.q ANKCALA AUTOGRAPH BOOKS, TOT BOpja AND PBHIMBRS, . JUTENIIjs LIBRARIES, ALPEABtT'BLOCXS, COMPOIItION ALPHABETS ON BLOCKS. HISTORICAL BLOCKS, BUILDING BLOCKS, OAKES QN'BLOCKS, GAMES IH BOXES, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, CHBSSMKX-tBONB AND wood," 1 CHECKERS AND DOMINOES, COMBINATION CHESS AND CHECKERS CONVERSATION CARDS, ' NEW PCiZLES IN BOXES, " “ POETMOINAIES AND WALLETS, * WRITING DESKS—ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND PAPIER MACHE, 1 PAPETEES, TRAVELING CASES, WRITING CASES, PORTFOLIOS, WATER COLORS, BCRAP BOOKS. NEPLUS ULTRADESKS, SOLDIERS' CAMP .COMPOSITION YEQETABIE IV OB Y— 1 RING PIZILES, CUPS AND BALLS, HUltXnto TOPS AND DOG WHISTLES, RATTLEi, ? WHISTLES AND OTHER TOYS hatch ufes, 1 THntßlil AND THIMBLE CASES, . NEEDLE CASES, PIN CCBHONS AND SPOOL STANDS, YARD MEASURES, . . EMORY lASKETS, BRACETfra AND BOqUET HOLDERS, CHECHES AND CHESSMEN. AU ofwhldjan offered it tmprocedenUdlow price. WhqJeial*»ad Retail Soak, Station- Rtgume and' Hewipaper Emporium, Masonic Hall, FXHE STEEL EHQEAVIEOB DoKriptlra Oataloftxea now ready, fiend a on* cent rtampandyou will get on* by return mail, wlth> fall deecrl|UoDof the eagrarime and a llat of Nif c»t any of the popular Magatfnee at the poblkher'a Icrwect prlcee, and the three dollar Ham- 6 Codey’e Lady's Book, Harper’sjfagjuine, Atlantio Xtontbly, Leslie's Xagasine, Continental Kagaxine, and Blaekwood, ' ~; ?£- o®* rear, and anyone of over two hundred BPLINDU) BTKBL PLATJBBNOBA VINOS, •d at from $3 to |5 each, lor |2^o. Abo any of the popular Saltern Weeklies, such ae NewYctek Ledger, New: Yoke Wkeelt, Pbila. Satbbday Evening Post, ■Boston Tboe Flab, ... • «n4«»taeHimof inrooo of orer two •‘.'“*'•4 4t(t STEEL PLATE EHOBAVKJOB, oab- UAMU (ram t3U> tloKh.br I2.it sruTsrrs Book, Stationery, Magazine and New«- > paper. Emporium, Masonic ttall, Finn Street. J jaxntTT’s TOIOHSTATIOHSRT PORTFOLIO, ' ! '• CONTAINS Z 4 8be«l( Paper, 24£nveIopee, 0 Steel Pent, ' 1 Penholder, ;i -'* ! 1 Lead Pencil, \ ALL FOB TWENTF-FIVE CENTS. 'Tb» *n*T*Ttnf» m 411 n«v and In good order.-. Thoy woopeo for wanluallon. ThieUaa otmorto nUyMldomofltoed. . Hunt's,: Xuonio Hall, Fifth Street. r . The Paper and Knydopes are assorted Union, Oou* tlneaUl and plala. The/ are rery nsefnl to bare in tbs bouse, is they furnish writing materia} for all.— Tbs soldier* use theft, : being Of convenient slufur carrying irtfh them.and wowdprore a grateful pm. flttt to oar Igm firitfcda away fighting for the pSrpe. tuityor tba OoreroxDent their frthera fought and toilsd so haft to establish, and which they so Justly appeuiate. j * • They can os mailed to any part of the country at a Imall oast. ;If youwaat the pest, ask for- HUNT’S ' Union Stationery Portfolio, ‘ tad Ub bp MhWrTh* nurkrt Isflwtfcd with worth. '*•«» ItritftUcmt.—Xveiw PortMlo hu HURT’S UWOH BIATIOIfBBr. POXTrotIO, uSm od always op*. to that thaycui Utum. •ItPdi ■ ; F«I up «|id . JOHN P. HUNT, [. ,\ '.wiwwajtfc* ash keuh, * i Booluallsr, Bt*iioner4B«w* Dwilw, K?*4«<^|pei^jipsrS A literaldiwouaitodralera. -:> , simttii: \1 • •••/' : =• fOr .r • : \ ,>, < ■ -■-'•■ -■ - • -•-■ - -•-.: : •:.. „•• T t -* —-* ~*±~? KjJ\ x iA>A* *■ r v .*V . . '?.-'■ :■'■.•>.■••-.' ’T--■ •'•'•JT"-)i . ,';-'‘-v~"' 1 ■ - •- • * ■-'. ■' ’-1 #. jTff- - •*-r;’"‘ % 'f- ,- t JyH &;*•. ’• »■■■ - M -? '■£ JrOJErJFZMK GIFTS . Unequalled Disptay SUITABLE FOR \ fOH CASH, AT K'TTISr T'S Fifth Street. 100,000 TO BE GIVENAWAY. bsusuask Tug PLACE. -' v HOI/Bjv CIfTS. fpfpUDiSfGCTOT . •; ; .AT. : EATOW, MACRUM & CO*B, Fos. 17 and 19 Fifth Street. BEAL FRENCH AMD SCOTCH EMBROIDERIES, AMD LACE TRIMMED COLLARS AND SETS, LACE TRIMMED HEM STITCHED - -.lisps HANDK£B«nEFS, Ac., 4c., ALL SOLD AT S. TOBK COST TO CLOSS OVT. JJOIJDAY GIFTS EATON, MACaiU & CO’S, U 08.17 and 19 Fifth Street CARD PHOTOGBAPHS OF NOTABLEMEN AND WOMEN, NEW STYLE FBAMES FOB PHO TOGRAPHS, PORTMONNAIES, BATCH- •' KLB, AND MANY FANCY ABTI CLXS SUITABLE FOB GIFTS. JJ OLID AY GIFTS EATOW, iTIACRUM & CO’S, Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth Btreet. REAL SCOTCH BALHOBAL SKIRTS, ' BEST HOOP SKIRTS OP ALL SIZES, NEW STYLE GLOVES AMD GAUNTLETS, SOLPOBIKO AND BLACK AND SCARLET AND BLACK BALMORAL HOSE, Ac. JJOLIDAY GIFTS E ATO3T, MACRIJIIf Sc. CO’S, Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth Street A \'- ASSORTMENT HEAD DRESS] XUBIAS, HOOPS AND SCARFS, SONWS TALMAS, SLEEVES, MITTS, Ac,, JJOLIDAY GIFTS EATOar, ITIACRIJM Sc CO’S, Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth Street ° c'K&SKSS? „£ eck tikb, pocket iiand- K ?S2 HI SJ£?> “CAW'S, GLOVES, SUSPEND EBS AND DOSE, FINE SHIRTS AND COLLABS, FANCY OYEB-SIIIRTS, ALL KINDS OF UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWEES, At, Ac., Ac. We inti to the Attention of bajren to our snort* ment, u»ean doeing out at greatly rod need prices. EATON, MACBtJM A CO., Noe. 17 and 19 Fifth atreet. J. ». BURCHFIELD'S. CHEAP REUNANTS FRENCH MERINOS. REMNANTS MOUS DE LAINES. REMNANTS COBURGB. EMBROIDERIES, cheapest In the city. SHAWLS UHKAP. OENIB- SHAWLS. ALL WOOL HE LAINES OHEAP. \ wool he lain eobes *OB 15,00. WOBTH $14,00, nf* tl ‘ < °*« care B'HOtEs.jfjjj \ RETAIL \ ®®YERs i OF \ Q-OCXDS. Wker & co. 5 NJf " A EKE T ST BBS T, . Wn ma lnueiiai stock of ' ' '' B \il mfHSK* at op. 80 “d op. ?•* a * 80 and upward*; •\ ALSO, TICKI ■'i>EL AINES, CHECKS, *Tc, - thg inw rat—. ■fr sauc; — TO L J £ S T O CX, AIWO pravlout wo will c umuajtll' Our i toe) U very com) price*, f* HOllPb DBEBSEB, i3Ks io y fry PIECES PAP’ GINGHAMS, SIIIBTIN< At Wbotwb only. BI PLAIN ANB.fiT&IPEI) > VJ Alt saw ttjrlwijait recall IATOH, MAI AU3)xffl}t Colon.. - v 4igo) nW&BUt ifIUU MIX BHtr] v VOLVEBB.-A ftidi stock Jutnciti — s fsr“ R OR YGOODsi QBE AT ATTKACTHH? CU/VS. GIMER’S, NO. 78 MABEET SXBEET. Hitlh* nrj «ownljrr.tnnie4 from to. Etot, I “ now Imppj to infant my cirtonSto »nd th« jrab- Bo generally tbatX am now prepared to ofbrttmß too Handsomest and Cheapest took of Goods IN THE CITY. ENBROIDEBIES. obroidered Handkerchiefs, *»OM S7X OESTSTO |i,co. ibroidered Collars, raOM 13)< CENTS TO $O,OO. ibroidered Sets, ;WM M OENW TO |lO,oa imbroideredNonrningHandkero’fi. pnbiroidered Edging* and Inserting*. /Embroidered Knilin Bands. [Embroidered Skirts. Infants' Emb'd Caps and Waists. " Infents' EmbroideredHobes, i j H'oolejt goods. WOOIIS HOOBS, 2TOBIAS AND BOftYAGA, VOOLBN fiCAßys, WOOllH^Lims, CHILDBIKS' GAITEBSiro'ABKLXT*, WOOLIH YABBS—ALL COLOBS. Gloves and Gauntlets, ilB OLOVtS, BILK GLOVES, . / wooisir aions, Bn* OAVSTLBTS, FLKKCY.LINED QAUSTLETS. WOOLEN a A OUTLETS. no siee r. Whitt VTooten note, _ ®w* miolm BoK, Black Woolen Bate, Fieeeed mate Cotton Bote, fleece* Drab Cotta* Bote, Fleeced Black Cotton Bote. Silk and JBerino Bogiery. Dress Trimmings, SILK TRIMHIHGBI encpfi, TXLVES bibbonb. SII»K /BUTTONS, t*iv*t buttons, buttons. FBSNGH 00B8XT8 FOB C2J* OTB., WOHAKIC OOBiSTB, UQKNIB BODIOKb, BALMOBAL BUBTS, I TS* FURNISHING GOODS. uxck.tub. IHMSO gflltTa OLOTEB, HOOIIBT, BANDKISOBIIrS, - : Ac* Ae* Ae. NCY GOODS. wiu rofttKon ISJHB, JHSDM-. ’ BOOM, MULL COBBS, Be. 'MpoetfbUj lavlted tocaO ttd mud. Wftc* porcjhaslßf •lmrh«n l iin u» 'toteoßteaoU. CHABLES CIPHER, 78 Maui* Stur. IMfjnl mucgmi :• jjOUJJAY SALE.. * MARKET street. h»T« £temineil 0 10^ klhB ' etrr lnrentoty wa dress goods, needle work, Ac,- At a Great Eednction in Price. ' " LAWNS, BEBAGES;DDCALS& HOBES domestic goods Hnslins, Printi, Gingham*, Cheeks, ii Ticking*, Table Diaper, Canton ; • and Wool Flannels, Tweed*, ‘ f Jean*, Satinett*, Caisi- | mere*; Cloth*, 40. ?’ 3S=sbsssS 4 .^ u !r“" ,nprto -- GOODS IfJTE WUt ** TE •‘OSET BY MAKING ,Hni wi. ‘ , OlTA*** EAlttT, AS MAirr riND* GOODS ABB ADVANCING IN PKK}» JN TH* EAST JLLMO3T DAU.T. A m*« JVwml to .nd ,«», iy,-** fa \ Fancy dress SfcLKS *8 r OnSAMB THAS KVKH. Gooa Bargain* in • q-ooids, ODIKBI LACK, Holiday -Presents. . ; 4.. > . Heavy Sack, for Wagon Coven and Steamboat ’ Deck*, 4 rEW BAL£a Ti BU WIDE omitACBXD M U S L INS, at nvjßsn fir Vabp. At, Atf It, * WIVO** GQIQMXP -i ■ Oamtorio*. A* DQHI CTSM m YARD. GOOD CAHaLBiy. c. HANSOtf LOVE, • j NO. 74 MARKET STREET | 4«o4nnatf4<«\|aix a T^ma^Bomos. S'® great INDUCEMENTS i ™ CASH B U YEES, 7777177777777 - UU m .? « « II . W 44 21 *t 44 ■ ■■ 777 ■ 44 44*'- - L : I rif BW4UIHH • '■ 777 • S 7777., « Close ont our Stock ofFanoy: Sha-wls", Cloaks* Without Beqaed to Cost. odb stocx or. , >*w»r*on»a4 ' : V;' m